#like george falling asleep on stream and dream and sapnap getting excited :') 1 of my earliest causes of dn/n brainrot fr
dreamnotnapss · 2 years
I am rewatching both Dream’s and Sapnap’s shock streams and their dynamics are amazing like Dream is soo stressed in his and the way Sapnap (and George too) are able to calm him down is perfect
and in Sapnap is so trusting with Dream, when he is not sure how to get away with the least painful way he readily gives the “control” to Dream to tell him what to do
girl the shock streams were filled to the brim with dreamnap moments! especially in Dream's stream when George went to sleep and it was just Dream and Sapnap :') they're so cozy together, you forget it's a shock stream
and in Sapnap's stream, Dream felt so bad about him not having a shield :') he couldn't say no to him. so sweet. and the beginning bit with Dream yelling whenever Sapnap fell, scaring him? sigh they love to push each other around, don't they?
sigh old dteam my beloved
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neptuneofthesky · 3 years
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I was a little bit late, I first joined Quakcity’s stream to listen to his mcc song, which was great by the way!! (go listen to it!!)
Quackity said that he is Florida, that is why he isn’t using the green screen, Dream is in the next room, and Sapnap is streaming from the bathroom.
Then I joined Dream’s stream and I was there the whole time.
1st Game, Parkour Tag
Dream was a god in parkour tag, like, it was literally a manhunt, he hunted them faster than me desperately trying to fall asleep. That's all I want to say. He popped off.
They ended up in 3rd place overall.
2nd Game, Battle Box
The pinks dunked the reds lol.
Quackity popped off in battle box.
They did really good at the beginning of the battle box but then the victory ✨ got in their head ✨ but they still won 6/9 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), they overall did really really well.
Quackity was doing really well, he was in Hall of fame at 8th place after battle box, and Sapnap was in first!
They were still in 3rd place overall.
Dream told Tubbo that he hated him, then jk<3. He also said hi to Niki.
3rd Game, Sky Battle
Dream said that his aim was very off today.
Quackity said that don’t let it get to his head.
Dream laughed and said that it's already in my head.
Dream got 3 kills.
Michael got 1 kill.
Quackity got 1 kill.
Sapnap got 2 kills.
The round ends and they got 2nd place.
Dream got 5 kills.
Michael got 1 kill.
Quackity got 2 kills.
Sapnap got 3 kills.
The round end and they end up in 3rd place.
Dream got 8 kills.
Michel got 2 kills.
Quackity got 2 kills.
Sapnap got 7 kills.
The last round ends and they end up in 2nd place in Sky Battle.
They end up in second place overall.
p.s. pink parrots did really well and ended up in the first place overall<3
4th Game, Sands Of Time
Dream had a bg of a different dteam fanart this time.
I don’t really know what to put about sands of time, because it was really fun just to watch, they had really nice communication and coordination.
And Michael popped off.
They coined 2754 coins.
And Dream threw tomatoes at Tommy and then twerked.
They end up in 2nd place overall.
Sapnap was in 2nd place, Dream was in 4th place, Quackity was in 10th place and Michael was in 13th place.
p.s. pink parrots were awesome and were in the first place then<3
5th Game, Hole In The Wall
Hbomb subbed in Pete, they were happy because of that, they were also happy because they manipulated the votes. (in this round, it was the fan voting for the game thing)
Dream privately messaged Wilbur.
Dream: ily
Dream: jk
Wilbur: I need space
Dream: wtf
Also, Sapnap went to change his pants because his balls were getting bigger.
Dream said that they were not colorblind so they won’t have any problem.
Sapnap won the first round, he did the Hbomb glitch thing, and he said he loved glitches and he loved Hbomb and he wanted him to be his cat maid.
Everyone said ranboo looks snazzy and complimented him in the chat.
Also, they had this conversation:
Sapnap: "I am so hot and sexy."
Dream agreed with him.
Quackity: "You have a hot and juicy ass."
Sapnap: "You would sure like a piece of it."
Quackity: "Oh wait, I didn't put my clothes back on."
Sapnap: "No, no, keep them off."
Dream: "Okay guys, spam space harder than Quackity spams his mother- wait I mean how hard I spam his mother."
Quackity: "That was messed up, dude."
Dream: "Spam space harder than George tries to see colors."
Quackity: "Yes, I like that. I will spam space harder than I spam George's mother."
Sapnap again won, this time it was a glitchless win.
And Quackity said that is why Sapnap has big balls.
They kept talking about how big Sapnap's balls will get when he wins this one too.
Sapna ended up in 10th place.
Dream ended up in 4th place.
Sapnap ended up 1st in top players of hole in the wall.
Their team also ended up in first place in hole in the wall.
Red rabbits ended up in first place overall.
Sapnap was in 1st place.
Dream was in 3rd place
Quackity was in 16th place.
Michael was in 20th place.
Sapnap said that he was nervous about TGTTOSAWAF, so Dream hyped him up, then Quackity and Michael followed, then they continued to talk about Sapnap’s balls.
6th Game, Ace Race
Sapnap went to pee, they said it's a part of Strat.
Then started to diss Sylvee during their second lap.
They all did trash, except sapnap, he ended up in 12th place.
Tommy whispered to Dream, 'dumb fuck'.
They all agreed that the map was indeed pretty, but they didn't like it.
Then everyone hypes up Niki<3.
They end up in last place in Ace race.
But still, Sapnap was in 1st place overall and Dream was in 4th place overall.
They dropped to third place overall.
7th game, TGTTOSAWAF
Greens dunked pinks lol.
They ran the freaking ad everywhere, so I couldn’t see the first half.
Michael, unfortunately, couldn’t complete it, so they hyped him up.
Michael again didn’t make it, so they hyped him up, and told him and Quackity to follow Dream.
They all made it this time, and Michael ended up in 6th place!
Again, they all finished, and their team was in 4th place.
Sapnap ended in 2nd place! Unfortunately, Quackity couldn’t complete it.
Tommy was pissing off Sapnap since he also screwed him up in the 2nd round. Unfortunately, quackity couldn’t complete the race again so they hyped him up.
Then they ran ads so I don’t know what they were talking about, but according to the chat, they were still hyping each other up
Red rabbits ended up in 4th place overall.
p.s. Pink parrots ended up in first place overall<3
8th game, Survival Games
They decided to do the buddy strat, Michael will stick with Dream, Quackity will stick with Sapnap.
Quacky: "You are my side bitch Sapnap."
Sapnap: "No, YOU are my side bitch."
And Sapnap got excited so Dream told him to not be out for blood. [that is such a cool dialogue I am definitely using that in their dynamic]
They also decided to stay away from people.
Their coordination was really good, even tho someone straight-up went in, the other pointed it out. They all listened to each other.
Survival games were really really fun to watch, they freaking popped off, like actually popped off, they were in first place. I recommend watching it from their pov!
They overall got first place<3.
Also, Sapnap got 4k points and was in 1st place, Dream was in 3rd place.
The Final Showdown: Dodgebolt
Red Rabbits vs Yellow Yaks
Sapnap went to take a piss.
I myself had to take a piss, but the hype was too much. And it was 3 am then.
They all said it's a win-win situation, because if they win they will be happy, and if yellow wins, which has Captain Sparklez in it, which will break his curse, will also make them happy.
Sylvee and Quig hyped red up.
Tommy said he’ll be happy if red loses and he’ll clip it. (/j)
Sapnap got Punz and Jack.
Seapeekay got Quackity and Michael.
Dream got Captain Sparklez and Seapeekay.
Red rabbits won the 1st round.
Captain Sparklez got Michael.
Sapnap got Punz, Seapeekay and Captain Sparklez (king popped off).
Sylvee was continuously hyping them up, along with Wilbur.
Jack got Sapnap.
Dream got Jack.
Red rabbits won the 2nd round too.
Sapnap got captain sparkle
Punz shot Sapnap.
Dream shot Punz and Seapeekay and Jack.
Sapnap got 1st place AND 4k points, so close to Techno’s record! Congrats Sapnap!
It was 3:16 am, and it was worth it!
And then Dream raided Sapnap, and stayed on his stream along with Michael, Scott, Ant, Punz, Hbomb (these were the only people I could comprehend). Niki thanked Sapnap and Dream and because their chat sent support to Niki during ace race, Dream and Sapnap said thank you for acknowledging that we sent you support(/s), and Quackity was talking with the pinks and Jack.
Then they just discussed the game and a couple of other things, I wasn’t really concentrating because I was pooping. At 3:30 am.
Quackity raided sapnap and joined their call along with Jack.
And the thing I comprehended was that Sylvee was so supportive of red rabbits that she drowned all the “hate”(/j) comments. And they again talked about stuff.
They talked about who they want to team with next mcc.
And then Sylvee joined their call and talked about the game
And then they continued to talk about things, I was drunk by then. I was drunk on the fact that I am not asleep yet, and its almost 4 am.
Quackity popped off in battle box. Congrats to him for his first win ever!
Also, Michael popped off in sands of time, also congrats to him for his first win! (/j) [this is based on a joke guys made in the beginning that it's first time for Michael to play in a mcc ever]
They also made jokes about how Michael is a mcc virgin(/j) and Quackity lost his mcc virginity last time. and Sapnap also mentioned that Dream was there when Sapnap lost his mcc virginity
They fucked it up in the ace race, but their comeback in survival games was amazing and phenomenal.
And truly, survival games, ugh, they popped off my lord. and if it was build mart instead, they were fucked.
They broke a curse too, this was the first win for a red rabbits team!!
Also, pink did really well, but they screwed up in the survival games., that's why they got third place.
During the survival games, Dream said that they won’t engage on the pinks because they didn't want to mess up their first place.
Everyone had really fun, and I also had really fun watching it. I’d recommend you all to go listen to Quackity’s song if you haven’t already, and watch the survival games from different povs!
And once again, CONGRATS RED RABBITS!!!
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