#like fuck it's no wonder he fakes his death to go with Wilson bc like. what else does he have?
lesenbyan · 11 months
I think the Hilson is getting to me so much bc this is the first time I've watched the show since actually identifying as disabled and being in pain 24/7 and watching House get angry and fed up and selfish when he sees the people who force him to keep going and have made him quite vicodin twice do everything they can to not live a life in pain is like.
Yeah House. I get where you're coming from now. You're still an ass, but like, yeah, I would be too a little
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astranne · 4 years
A new Batmom, bc Batfam deserves this
So... while I wrote another idea of mine down, this one just hit me like a fucking truck. Ugh, I have so many ideas but not the time to write it down. Fuck my life. 
We have one random amazon and one Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke. The two of them have an affair or something like that and the amazon becomes pregnant. Slade doesn’t really loves her, just cares dearly for her, because why not. Naturally Ra’s finds out and kills the amazon, to piss Slade of. Slade still thinks she died of child birth. So, he isn’t really the best father and he has still a job. He takes his child, who is a daughter, named her Artemis and went to the league of assassins. There she grows up and becomes something like Ra’s right hand. Slade doesn’t really care, what she does, he just wants her safe. And she’s half amazon and has a meta as father, so she should be pretty safe. Anyway. Ra’s trains her personally, he wants her to make the next Lady Shiva. But the problem, the real Lady Shiva doesn’t take that well. She thinks, that Artemis is just a mindless puppy of Ra’s and kills her. Ra’s brings her back, many hate him for that because nobody really likes Artemis. She follows the orders of Ra’s and does anything for him, or so everybody tough. 
Anyway. Artemis has been killed many times, by metas, assassins or magicians or even aliens. But Ra’s always brought her back. So many times, that half of her hair became white. And then she met Bruce, who begins to train in the League. She is one of his trainers and sees great potential in him. So he becomes her ‘project’, Ra’s sees that but doesn’t say anything. When this man is worthy of Artemis time, he must be good. 
And then Bruce becomes Batman, Dick his first Robin and all the shit. Artemis is still the right hand of Ra’s but then Damian is born. For the first time she speaks against the Al Ghul family and she says, that this child is either their greatest triumph or their downfall. Talia accuses her of being jealous and Artemis snaps. Also for the first time. Ra’s sees, that Talia made a mistake, so he takes Damian from his daughter and gives him to Artemis. He tells her to train him like an assassin, but better. Artemis understands, he wants that Damian one day can take over the league, since Talia is not really suitable for this position. 
Damian still grows up as an assassin, but doesn’t cares for his mother, since she ‘raped’ his father and went against his grandfathers orders. Artemis becomes his mother figure. She realizes, that this is not really a life for him, he’s a son of a great hero, he’s more than just a puppet. Just like her. She talks with her father and Slade just grins. He’s so going to destroy Ra’s. So, over the years he gathers followers and when Damian became ten, he attacked Ra’s. Artemis told Damian to find his father and saved Talias life, but dies. Talia sees now, that Artemis is absolutly loyal to the family Al Ghul and uses the pit for the last time. She brings Damian to Bruce, who is still shocked, that he has a son. Artemis becomes the right hand of Talia, but her father rescues her and tells Talia to fuck of. Omg, this scene would be so gold. The two fighting over Artemis, who is just standing there, watching the whole scene and doesn’t seem to care. 
Slade takes his daughter back and Artemis works with him. She meets the Batfam, Damian as Robin, who recognizes her. She was fighting against Wonder Woman, when he called her ‘mother’. Almost cries. Everyone is confused. Artemis is a proud mom, tells him that. And then Bruce also recognizes her, just like everyone of the Batfam who met the league. 
“But the last time I saw you, you killed for Ra’s.”
“That’s what everyone tought. I worked together with Deathstroke to start a rebellion, this would bring enough chaos to sneak Damian away.” 
And so Artemis became part of the Batfam, is also the mom of the family. She’s sometimes Batwoman, when Kate is out of town. 
Bruce and her totally are something, but the two of them are not really good with feelings so they are together? But not official and yeah. The press/world thinks, she was the one who raised Damian, when his mother couldn’t look after him. But some of Bruce’s former lovers are jealous, like Selina Kyle. Selina tries to fight her, the video about Catwoman and Batwoman fighting goes viral. Because Catwoman yells something about stealing her man and Batwoman just stares at her and fights back, isn’t even really trying. Knocks her out and drags her to the police station. And then Robin comes, calls her mother and everyone looses their shit. They know, there are two Batwomans, the first one is surley the sister of Batman, but this one must be his lover, when Robin calls her mother. And everybody knows, that Robin is Batmans son. Honestly, how people don’t figure out their identities...
Anyway. Everybody knows, not to piss of the second Batwoman. She barley talks, fights better then Batman and is just scary. The dynamic duo, Batman and Robin, becomes the terrific trio. The three don’t need to talk, are ‘ruthless’ and now the most scary ones of the batfam. 
So. And then Bruce vanishes. Artemis adopts Damian and takes care of the family. Dick becomes Batman, fakes the death of Nightwing but is really stressed. A half year later there is a huge breakout from Arkham and the whole Batfam starts to fight, the whole world sees this, but doesn’t really understand. They fight over being Batman? Everyona watches, how they begin to vote, until Robin speaks up.
“Tt. You are all not worthy of fathers legacy. I am the son of Batman, so I should wear his mask.” Another discussion breaks out, but Robin speaks again. 
“But we all are trained to be worthy of the legacy of Batman. Some are fitted more than others. I think mother should be the next Batman. She trained him, she was the first of us, she was the beginning.” The Batfam just looks at each other. 
“All in favor?”, asks Red Robin. 
And this is how Artemis became Batman. The Justice League didn’t take it well, but she told them she isn’t so forgiving and patient like Bruce. If they don’t stop the drama, Batman won’t be a part of the Justice League anymore. And that would be a huge hit. 
Now Batman is even feared more, because this Batman wields many weapons and is one of the best fighters the villians ever saw. Deathstroke slips that she’s the daughter of an amazon and assassin. Now everyone loses their shit again. Because she her strenght is the one of a normal human and her refelxes are abnormal, but that could be training. James Gordon asks her, and she stares at him and sais, “My mother was an amazon, yes. But I don’t have her strength, just inherited the talent for fighting. I was raised as an assassin and I killed before, but I also trained the first Batman.”
So yeah... some time passes, until Artemis finds Bruce. He was kidnapped by some former assassins and tortured him for a long time. Everyone is glad, that Bruce is back, but what to tell the world? 
So Artemis becomes once again the partner of Deathstroke, who kidnapped Bruce Wayne and tried to find out all his secrets. Batman and Robin find him then in a locked apartement, someone of the police told that the press and the whole world watches (again) how the heroes find a tied up and unconscious Bruce Wayne, nearly bleeding out. 
And the problem with Batman? So, they teleport Bruce, in his old costume, in the middle of Gotham, fighting Artemis, who is dressed as the head of the league. Later Batman (Bruce) tells the press, he found out, that this assassin wanted to take over the world and he could only stop it, if he went to the future and defeated her. (I’m a fucking genius, this would do a creat comic)
Bruce becomes Batman again, Artemis is now finally Batwoman. And after some time, the two become officially a pair. This takes like 3 years, after their first kiss, but they’ve known each other for sooo much longer.
And Slade made a truce with Bruce, the Batfam is now under his protection. 
They could totally take over the world. 
Soo... feel free to use this idea for an oneshot or a story, just tag me so I can read and reblog it! 
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
i thought i found this one shot in your married tag but i couldnt find it again when i looked :( basically steve and bucky get married when theyre kids and everything still happens and steve tells everyone hes married and bucky gets sad that steve got married and that hedidnt even tell him and he remembers marrying steve when they were little and then steve tells bucky its him that hes married to thank you if you can find it!!!
Anon sent in  Best friends and married since childhood by StuckySituation (oneshot | 1,141 | G)
lindsey-of-north sent in  Let this be light work by caughtinanocean (oneshot | 8,628 | T)
Anon 2 said:
Hi, I am having trouble finding a fic where Bucky comes home from a bad mission (people died), rims Steve and fucks him against the sink. I’ve been looking for it for a while, it’s relatively short and afterwards Steve reassures him that he can’t save everyone. Thanks
do-and-hope said:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic where Bucky leaves the Tower to go get coffee, gets hit on by a guy at the shop, and ends up asking the Avengers (sand Steve) if sexually hitting on people is how one gets dates now and do they have advice on dating. I remember his more subtle attempts at using the Avengers' advice don't work (Steve doesn't like coffee) and some of them just straight up tell Bucky to make sexual overtures like random coffeeshop dude.
Anon sent in Learn How To Bend by nerdwegian (oneshot | 6,405 | E)
Anon 3 said:
Hi do you guys know the name of the fic where Steve and Bucky are neighbors and don’t like each other at first? I remember Natasha was the landlord and Steve smoked medical marijuana. Thanks!
hellaqueerangelofthelord said:
Hi! There was a fic I read a while ago that seemingly has vanished from the interwebs :( The basic premise was a stucky x reader fic where the reader faked her death and the boys found her again. A few specific details I remember: the chapter names were all colors (I think one was peach and another was lime green), and the reader had been pregnant and then lost the baby prior to the beginning of the story, she was also a scientist with a background secret from the boys
lesbianhozier said:
hey! i’m looking for a crack-y fic set during catws where bucky keeps trying to lean in and kiss steve mid-fight. bucky doesn’t really know what’s going on, steve doesn’t know that he’s the winter soldier is bucky yet, and natasha can’t figure out what kind of fighting technique bucky is trying to pull off when he does it. thank you so much!!
Anon 4 said:
hey could you help me find the fic where its modern bucky and cap steve and bucky is at the bar with the howlies and steve is with the avengers and the howlies dare bucky (who is drunk) to go ask steve for a piggy back ride. steve has a moment of discomfort that someone comes up to him but likes that bucky respects his space even though he's drunk. i think he ends up piggy backing bucky home jsdkjhdk it was really cute 
princessniitza sent in  Save a Horse, Ride a Captain by galwednesday (oneshot |  2,708 | T)
Anon 5 said:
hi! i'm so desperate to find this fic and i'm not sure if i've sent this ask in before but if i have i apologise! it's one where bucky worked for pierce (some sort of legal profession). pierce owned an apartment building which nat + steve lived in and they used one of the rooms as a ballet studio. bucky was told that he had to to shut it down. bucky obviously falls in love with steve and they get into a fight bc bucky's unhappy w his job but won't quit (for becca). it had a happy ending!!
Anon 6 said:
I was hoping you might be able to help me find a Shrunkyclunks fic where Bucky is a musician who is performing in a bar when Steve walks in. I'm pretty sure Bucky is singing Jackie & Wilson by Hozier and he only has one arm, which Steve only notices after a while because he's so captivated by Bucky's performance. Does anyone happen to know which fic this is? Thank you!
ekeshet sent in His Arms Held All the Songs I Needed by The_She_Devil (oneshot | 40,181 | E)
ummvengers said:
hey I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. It's a highschool au and steve and bucky hate each other and i think tony makes a time travel machine and steve and bucky get sent to the future? They find out that in the future bucky loses his arm and steve gets big (in hs he was small) and they're married in the future and they have to figure out how to get back to the present.
lindsey-of-north sent in It’s All Tony’s Fault by Anxiety_Baker02 (complete | 38,245 | T)
atgirlstwobirds said:
Hi there! I was wondering if anyone knew of a preWW2 get together fic where Bucky asks relationship/sex advice from a gay guy he knows at the docks, maybe called Jack? It might’ve been called something like the sexuality crisis of 1930 but I might be getting two separate fics confused. Any help would be great!!
princessniitza sent in Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen by Laura JV (jacquez) (oneshot | 7,533 | E) - bucky/ofc
Anon 7 said:
I'm looking for two fics about Steve and Bucky but can't remember the titles! One is an modern AU where Steve is a comic book writer and Bucky is a vet with PTSD that moves downstairs. The second an AU set in the last where Steve draws naughty cartoons for money and he meets Bucky who lost his arm in the war. They move in together as roommates and slowly fall for one another.
therandomravenclw sent in To Be Vulnerable Is Needed Most Of All by perfect_plan (complete | 118,363 | M)
miraishu sent in  Through The Open Window by 74days (complete | 28,661 | E)
mischiefs-hawk said:
Hi, looking for a fic for a friend. It's modern-setting, with Peter as Steve's son. Bruce is the science teacher at Peter's school. Hope you can help!
Anon 8 said:
Um, hi? I really appreciate what you guys do, and want to say thanks for that. Ummm, I've been looking for this fic, and can't find it anywhere! It's about how the serum has... Unexpected side effects and it makes Steve really horny??? He tries to hide it, and when Bucky finds out, he's 'angry'. Uhhh, it's really good and I want to reread it. THANKS! (If you don't find it, don't worry about it, have a good day!) ((sorry if I was to vague))
dolphinqueen10 sent in Six or Seven by 13Queen (oneshot | 4,175 | E)
therandomravenclw sent in you know I'd quench that thirst by napricot (complete | 38,027 | E) - bucky/steve/peggy, steve/others
Anon 9 said:
Hi! I'm looking for a fic and it's canon-divergent TFA. Bucky falls and loses his arm but he gets found by Steve. Peggy is disappointed by how dedicated Steve is to Bucky and they kinda fall out? Bucky and Steve move back to Brooklyn. Bucky has to adjust to having one arm and both to civilian life. They get a flat together and realise they aren't happy there so they then move to California. Steve becomes an artist and they end up admitting their feelings to each other. Thank you!!!!!
Anon sent in  Malibu by glitteratiglue (oneshot | 13,065 | M)
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