#like fr if i told someone this was a line from the notebook
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kweenratking · 10 months ago
"I wasn't decided when I called him. I just called him. I decided when I heard his voice"
?? Hello?? ? most underrated line in the show???
That is some romance movie shit right there I'm so serious
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seoafin · 4 years ago
DUDE,,, when i was reading the drabble i was also listening to the new ending and when the high notes came TT
AND SHIN SEKAI YORI WAS AHEAD OF ITS TIME, whole time i was like...are u fr, like that’s it? and had to read the novel to confirm
just read the follow up ask abt it, the fact that the reader never left him a “see u later/ goodbye” just “it’s nothing time can’t heal” leaving a tiny tiny expectation that mc will be by their side again and the story will continue but it ends up as a epilogue that sashisu barely get to see with their own eyes and have to hear it coming from someone else. and them finding the traces of mc in their life after they’re gone, picking it up but the owner is somewhere they can’t follow (yet)
like the crumpled post-notes it on shoko’s desk for grocery run written by mc who went to do it for her bc she was too busy in the lab, she gently smoothed out the wrinkles and kept it on her fridge, and took it with her everytime she have to go (utahime never pries when they went together and saw shoko reaching for a seasoning/ condiment that mc usually put on her food no matter how well it was seasoned and her hands faltered halfway, tucking one in her pockets to stop the slight trembles, odd considering her hands must be steady after years of handling bodies. she also has a collection of ripped paper she kept in her work desk from various notebook where there’s a ganbare/ good luck mc discretely wrote during their study session when they thought shoko wasn’t looking),,, bonus angst point if brain took control, and shoko ends up having mc’s body in her morgue twice and did the procedure in a haze with glassy eyes and (probably) end up breaking down bc of the realization that slowly lift the haze that she failed mc twice
candy wrappers hidden underneath the many piles of gojou’s book bc it was that one time mc reluctantly gave iher notes and was sitting on his floor sby the bed but along the way they end up chewing one of his sweet stash and throwing the wrappers to each other, and a small pack placed samongst the other but gojou’s ecapable of recognising that it was mc who bought it for him after her solo mission. sometimes he took 2 pieces from it, one left unopened by his side while he absentmindedly munch on one and if u took his phone, the recent app opened was his photos gallery. the first year never questioned when they were out and his eyes kept roaming whenever he stopped by in a shop, thinking that he already tried everything (and not the opposite, mc never told the brand nor did he asked for it bc he demanded that mc to buy it if they were in the same province where they found the local delicacy. sometimes, he went back to a familiar classroom where nothing has changed, sat on his previous chair and when the line of fantasy and reality blur, the faint sound of laughter rang in the room)
a scarf in suguru’s posession that mc accidentally left after their night out hunting for christmas present for gojou and shoko together, bc getou didn’t got a mission while mc just finished theirs. mc was distracted when they were in harajuku and bought 2 (an extra for shoko) matching scarfs on a whim for them (he almost went into a cardiac arrest, gojou throw a tantrum when he found out he was excluded but bought a matching couple set of winter jacket for mc, insufferable 😐). nanako and mimiko never managed to ask why he wears the same scarf on a specific day (is it the day mc d worded or is it the day they bought the scarf, hmmm) every year, they found the answer (?) to the question when cleaning geto’s room after shinjuku was over, it was a copy of a picture of mc who asked him to take on that day wearing a very similar scarf now somewhat worn out which is tucked in a box, strategically placed in the very back of his closet. (mc kept switching scarf tho so why is it worn out, how did he get his hands on it, did he put it beside his pillow everytime he woke up from his sleep when they’re alive and in reach just in his dreams? ig we’ll never know đŸ„°)
the reason it took me so long to answer this is because i have so many THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS and i didn’t want to overload this blog with too much angst but nhgnghghg
look....i love loveeee exploring grief in writing. some of the most poignant essays and poems i’ve ever read have been about grief and what death leaves behind. in my opinion grief is sadder than death and it makes me go feral!!!
stsg + shoko keeping physical reminders of things rip!mc left behind is SENDING MEEEE
rip!mc and shoko leaving each other notes in their notebooks when they study together ahhhhhdhdhdjdhdh and shoko keeping them đŸ„ș
ok but the idea of gojo and rip!mc joking around and throwing candy wrappers at each other while shoko and geto are like "...." has me 😭😁😭😁😭 and gojo eating the candy rip!mc got him and looking at pictures of her at the same time. he keeps the candy tin and carries it around in his pocket time to time. the first years are like "gojo-sensei's hiding candy!!" so they steal it only to find the tin empty???
MATCHING SCARVES MATCHING SCARVES MATCHING SCARVES!!! rip!mc and shoko with matching scarves I want to cry
mimiko and nanako asking geto where he goes every year on the same day bc he won't let them come along and that makes them đŸ€šđŸ€š so they go snooping in his room and find the picture and when geto comes back he can't even be mad when he finds nanako trying on the scarf bc he knows you'd think it was cute uhhhdhdhdbbf
anyway what i’m saying is that you did NOT have to go this hard and now i’m
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whatdoesshedotothem · 4 years ago
Wed[nesday] 8 May 1833
5 3/4
12 1/4
F[ahrenheit] 67° at 5 3/4 and ver[y] fine morn[in]g - ver[y] hot - at my desk at 7 - wr[ote] and finish[e]d
Let[ter] to M- [Mariana] - ver[y] near[l]y 3 p[ages]  somehow did not write readily - kind let[ter] of condol[en]ce
writ[in]g on the melanch[ol]y subj[ec]t ‘I can scarce[l]y wr[ite] of an[y]th[in]g else - b[u]t you will be gl[a]d to
‘hear, I like the looks of Thom[a]s, and hope and th[in]k he is ver[y] like[l]y to be the sort of serv[an]t I want
‘one for wh[o]m I shall forev[e]r rem[em]b[e]r my obligat[io]n to you - I shall be anx[iou]s for you to
‘see EugĂ©nie - She nev[e]r wore a cap in her life - I f[ou]nd it will n[o]t do to ta[ke] h[e]r to Langt[o]n
‘w[i]thout one - I am cert[ainl]y n[o]t disap[pointe]d in her so far - are n[o]t men eas[ie]r to manage th[a]n wom[e]n?
‘at all rates, I am forev[e]r oblig[e]d to you for all the troub[le] you ha[ve] tak[e]n for me - adieu -
‘God bless you, my d[eare]st Mary! Ev[e]r ver[y] espec[iall]y and ent[irel]y y[ou]rs AL- [Anne Lister]’ h[a]d EugĂ©nie at 9 -
and young Parsons to cut and dress my h[ai]r - d[o]wnst[ai]rs at 11 - Mrs. Ch[arle]s Robins[o]n and lit[tle] Hugh h[a]d just call[e]d
for 10 min[ute]s - br[eak]f[a]st - wr[ote] 2 p[ages] and end to my a[un]t and th[e]n Steph. D[octo]r B- [Belcombe] call[e]d for
1/2 h[ou]r - th[in]ks he c[oul]d manage ab[ou]t Miss W- [Walker] - could have her at Thorparch very comforta
bly fortnight and then see how she was   told him all about the business between π- [Mariana] and me
very good friends   but our ever living together at an end  explained   feared there
might be some pique in her feeling at my three several and serious times preventing her
leaving Ύ- [Charles Lawton] and some fancies about my better circumstances and society?  he seemed sur
prised and sorry but behaved remarkably well   told him it was all her own doing and how much
I had g[r]ived over it but Charlotte Norcliffe had done me much good she and my aunt the only peop
le besides himself who knew of it  said I should not have thought of this experiment
with Miss W- [Walker] had π- [Mariana] and I been as formerly but no pique certainly on my part but I was dull without
having some interest if Miss W- [Walker] married I would take care she did it nicely and her children
would interest  mentioned π-‘s [Mariana] having asked me to live at Speake  he asked if I
might not sell Shibden if factories increased   No said I not for millions I have
much family pride and sense of duty to my uncle said I should [have] provided more than amply for
π- [Mariana] yes left her a life estate in all I had had she been settled with me but two days  but now as I
could not name her in my will as I should have done formerly I should probably not do it at
all I said she had been more worldly than I ever was in my life and less constant too said I would
rather have Miss W- [Walker]  than someone of higher rank and more worldly if I did not take her might
do worse   he laughed and said you are an odd person too and took his leave th[e]n finish[e]d
the 3[r]d p[age] and wr[ote] one long and finish[e]d my let[ter] to my a[un]t - told h[e]r so th[a]t she, b[u]t nobod[y]else
w[oul]d und[er]st[a]nd, wh[a]t I h[a]d communicat[e]d to D[octo]r B- [Belcombe] on the subj[ec]t of M- [Mariana] b[u]t n[o]t a word of wh[a]t
pass[e]d ab[ou]t Miss W- [Walker]   announc[e]d my agreeab[le] journ[e]y und[e]r 6 h[ou]rs - and ask[e]d for Simmens[o]ns
and col[ou]r of draw[in]g r[oo]m curt[ai]ns to s[e]nd to Kendell for the chiffonier - then wrote to Miss W- [Walker] copied
yesterday from my notebook and wr[ote] so far of today - ‘York. Wed[nesday] 8 May 1833. Th[an]k you ver[y]
‘m[u]ch for y[ou]r let[ter] w[hi]ch I can on[l]y regret w[a]s n[o]t writt[en] in bet[ter] sp[iri]ts - I ha[ve] th[ou]ght oft[e]n, and m[u]ch
‘and anx[iousl]y ab[ou]t you - you told me my last let[ter] w[a]s like a sunbeam - may th[i]s let[ter] be like
‘anoth[e]r sunbeam, and a bright[e]r!  I determ[ine]d n[o]t to wr[ite] till I w[a]s off fr[om] Shibd[e]n, and am now writ[in]g
‘in the ver[y] r[oo]m where you and I were so comf[ortabl]y togeth[e]r in Oct[obe]r - If you c[oul]d recall th[a]t ti[me], w[oul]d you?
 swore Doctor B- [Belcombe] to secrecy both about Miss W- [Walker] and π- [Mariana]
‘Consid[e]r four-and-twenty h[ou]rs - judge for yours[self], if you can; if n[o]t, ask y[ou]r sist[e]rs’ adv[i]ce,
‘and ta[ke] it - I still th[in]k th[a]t health and happ[ine]ss are w[i]thin y[ou]r reach, and, as I trust, by mo[re] ways
‘th[a]n one - I ha[ve] seen m[u]ch of y[ou]r a[un]t; and we are s[u]ch good fr[ie]nds, I do n[o]t fancy h[e]r opin[ion]s w[oul]d oppose
‘my own - I go to Langt[o]n tomor[row] (direct to me at Mrs. Norcliffes’, Langton hall, n[ea]r Malt[o]n,
‘Yorksh[i]re) and intend stay[in]g a fortnight; aft[e]r th[a]t, I m[u]st ret[ur]n to Shibd[e]n for 2 or 3 days, and shall
‘th[e]n ma[ke] the best of my way to the cont[inen]t - b[u]t, in the meanti[me], you may accomod[ate] y[ou]r plans to
‘mine, or mine to yours, if you please - I told you at part[in]g, th[a]t I w[oul]d meet you
‘on y[ou]r ret[ur]n, if you wish[e]d it - If you ha[ve] energy en[ou]gh to determ[ine], I will ta[ke] you up
‘at y[ou]r sist[e]rs’ own door at Udale ; and, as, dur[in]g the pres[en]t build[in]g operat[io]ns, it is
‘imposs[ible] to accom[oda]te extra peop[le], I c[oul]d, or, rath[er] I mean we c[oul]d, sleep at Inverness - I
‘th[in]k you w[oul]d like EugĂ©nie, and f[ou]nd my man-serv[an]t all we want[e]d - If you dare gi[ve] a
‘fair trail, I am sanguine as ev[e]r ab[ou]t y[ou]r entire recov[er]y - wr[ite] in ans[we]r wh[a]tev[e]r
‘you th[in]k best; b[u]t wr[ite] it soon - Rouse yours[elf] whi[le] there is yet ti[me] - rememb[e]r th[a]t the
‘sun is ris[in]g so[me]whi[le] bef[ore] we see h[i]m, and th[a]t when hum[a]n ills seem w[i]thout remedy,
‘it is n[o]t bec[ause] th[a]t remedy really fails to exist, b[u]t simp[l]y bec[ause] we kno[w] n[o]t how to f[i]nd it -
‘my k[i]nd reg[ar]ds to y[ou]r sist[e]r, and Capt[ai]n Suth[erlan]d; and, be y[ou]r ans[we]r to my let[ter] wh[a]t it may. bel[ieve]
‘me ev[e]r sincere[l]y interest[e]d in y[ou]r welfare, and ev[e]r faith[full]y and affect[ionatel]y y[ou]rs AL- [Anne Lister]
‘am I n[o]t to ha[ve] the kneecaps?’ at 3 55/.. s[e]nt off my let[ter]s to my a[un]t Shibd[e]n, and to M- [Mariana] Lawt[o]n
hall, Lawt[o]n, Cheshire’ and to ‘Miss Walker, at Capt[ai]n Sutherlands’ of Udale Fortrose Ross-shire’
out at 4 5/.. - took EugĂ©nie and b[ou]ght slippers, and silk for dress at Hudsons’, etc and th[e]n took h[e]r to Mrs. Belcombe’s
for Mrs. Milne and Charlotte to see - 1/2 h[ou]r in the minst[e]r court - th[e]n across the wat[e]r to the Duffins’ - 3/4 h[ou]r
and d[i]d n[o]t vent[u]re to go and see her - call[e]d on Mrs. Anne and Miss Gage - at din[ner] so ca[me] away - din[ner] at the hot[e]l
at 6 1/4 in 1/2 h[ou]r - at the Belcombe’s at 7 20/.. to go w[i]th Mrs. Milne to the amateur concert - tremend[ousl]y hot -
Miss Belco[mbe] and Miss Greenup and Miss Bagshaw and Hamlyn and Ch[arle]s Milne of the p[ar]ty - Mrs. Milne and I left th[e]m and walk[e]d
1/2 h[ou]r tow[ar]ds Monk bar - tea and sp[en]t the ev[enin]g at Mrs. Belco[mbe]s’ and ho[me] at 11 10/.. -wr[ote] the last 9 lines  ver[y] fine
day - ver[y] m[u]ch cool[e]r th[i]s ev[enin]g F[ahrenheit] 66 1/2° at 11 1/4 p.m.
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umbralogia · 6 years ago
Any story can be happy if you end it at the right moment :o)  please enjoy this fic where magnus goes to ask maryse for her blessing so he can propose to alec
(read on ao3)
It had been heartbreaking to hear Alec so upset over the phone. He had kept his voice low and soft, most likely making the call from his office. He told her about the night before, about his attempt to propose to Magnus and how it had ended with heartbreak.
“Magnus said he had something he had to talk to you about, could you just
 ask him how he really is? He’s shut me down every time I’ve tried to ask. He insists he’s fine, but--” Alec cut himself off, a trait that Maryse had passed onto her eldest son. She wanted him to go on, but knew better than to push him to do so.
She mixed in a little more cream with her coffee than usual. “I’ll do what I can, Alec, but you have to be more receptive to how Magnus might be feeling. He loves you with all his heart, and this is a lot for him.” She felt silly for not realizing that Alec had come to her to ask for the ring because he wanted to propose literally the next day. Maryse had been a fool to think her son would wait for a better time.
Alec was more than a bull in a China shop. He was an unstoppable freight train headed straight down the tracks, incapable of avoiding or preventing whatever stood in his path.
He exhaled softly, not strong enough to be a sigh. “I know, I’m trying, it’s just
 it’s hard. He only talks to me when he’s already upset, and he doesn’t let me in enough to help him.”
“All you can do is be there for him, sweetheart, remind him that he has someone in his corner, that he’s not alone. Don’t make him feel like he’s lost more than his magic.” She thought of how all of her new freetime had helped her, how she had taken the opportunity to finally enjoy New York for what it was, how she had let herself date Lucian even when her gut instinct told her the opposite.
Alec was quiet for a moment, either too caught up in Institute work or thinking over what she had just said. She hoped for his sake that he was taking into account the few pieces of advice she could truly give him. “Thanks, mom.”
“No problem, sweetheart.”
“Magnus said he’ll stop by sometime this afternoon. I have a few meetings with the Clave because of Heavenly Fire.” He had told her some about what had gone down, and he had insisted that she didn’t worry, but she did. She had gnawed her fingernails to nubs as he had recounted all of what Isabelle and her vampire friend had done.
She spent the rest of her time working through the inventory that she had started. Maryse had yet to find a lot of things in Elliot’s little antique bookstore-- an inventory, keys to the back room, any sort of marks for wards or protective spells. She knew that they were still in place, she could feel the cool breeze of the wards when she walked up the stairs to the apartment spaces that were now hers, and sometimes in the back room where she had found a box of book repair supplies.
She had just finished rebinding a book of old French folktales when she heard the bells ring against the door. Maryse left the room to the store, finding Magnus standing there with a box in his hands.
“Magnus!” She smiled and walked over to meet him as he set the box on the table.
“Maryse, you’re looking as beautiful as ever.”
Her eyes were focused on the box, on the gold and flowery things poking out the top of it. “What is this?” She said with a small laugh, pulling out a large, heavy gold bookend.
“Some decor, I thought I’d help you a little with your store.” He smiled kindly and looked to the table that he had set the box on. “It looks like you’re doing some reorganizing.”
Maryse pulled out a bouquet of flowers, colorful and bright against the dark lighting of the shop. “These are beautiful.” She smelled them, fresh cut and sweet. “I’ll get these some water. Make yourself at home.”
She took the flowers upstairs with her, into the small apartment space above that she had started using as an office. It held a few things from home-- a handful of scarves, a jacket, some extra glasses, and a vase from the flowers that Lucian had given her to celebrate her purchase of the shop.
Carefully, Maryse filled the vase with water and recut the ends of the flowers to place them inside of it, then walked back downstairs.
Magnus already had a book in his hands and it took him a moment to realize that she had returned. He smiled. “You have quite the collection.”
Maryse laughed tiredly, “I’ve been trying to inventory them, but I can only work through the English, French, and German texts.”
He sighed, setting the book down. “Elliot had an obsession with German. He used to say that it was the only language for higher thought.” Magnus relaxed a little and Maryse was sure that it had to do with the familiarity of the store.
“Were you and Elliot friends?”
“Elliot wanted to be rivals.” Magnus explained, picking up another book and flipping through a few pages of it. “He turned to the Clave, harbored Circle members, hid their documents and correspondence.”
Maryse settled into her seat and rested her head on her hands. “You were High Warlock, why didn’t you have him exiled?”
He smiled a little, reminiscing. “Jocelyn and Dot convinced me that Elliot was a double agent, that he needed to stay in the City. Now that I’ve seen the Clave’s safe, I'm not so sure they were right.”
She turned to look at the safe that she had worked with Lucian to crack. “It had information about the Morning Star sword.”
Magnus looked a little intrigued by that.
“I do, however, need your help with these, if you’ll provide it.” She motioned to the books in front of her, scattered all over the table, some in piles, some not.
He smiled, “Of course.”
“Any language, or?” Maryse stood and moved to the side of the table to look through the piles that she had somewhat arranged on her own. “I’ve got everything from Armenian to Russian.”
Magnus looked at the piles, “I can translate anything, but Armenian.” He smiled and accepted the first book she placed into his hand, along with a notebook and pen.
She settled back into her own seat with her own notebook and pen. “I’ve been making note of the title, the author, a publishing date if there is one, the language, and what it’s about if I can figure it out.” Maryse looked at her own notes which had started off neat and slowly turned into a mess of shorthand and quick scribbles. “Anything you want is yours to keep.”
“That’s very generous of you.” He clicked his pen a few times and started to write, his beautiful cursive carefully filling lines with information about the spellbook in front of him.
Maryse had to focus on her own work, on the book that was sitting in front of her, written in Latin. She had figured out that the book was about early love potions and incantations, small superstitious things that didn’t seem like true magic. She jotted it down in her notes and moved onto the next book.
They worked in silent for a few moments until Maryse couldn’t stop herself from pestering Magnus again. It was strange being able to spend so much time with a man she had heard so much about. Magnus had always been on the other end of something-- either her Clave duties, the other end of a phone call, or in the conversations she had with Alec.
She knew that Alec hadn’t proposed yet, that Magnus was struggling with life as a mundane. Maryse couldn’t really imagine what he was going through. Losing her runes had been like losing and limb, but for Magnus to lose his magic? Something so intimate and personal, something so unique to him that it couldn’t be shared; she knew that it was losing a type of identity she had never experienced.
“I know that Alec asked you to do this.” He said after a few more moments of silence. “I appreciate that you haven’t asked me how I'm doing.”
Maryse’s heart broke a little, hearing Magnus suddenly sound so dejected. “I know, on some level at least, how hard it is, and I know that working helps. If you want to talk about it, I’m here for you, but I’m not going to ask you to tell me what I want to hear because Alec wants to hear it.”
Magnus’s breathing hitched a little as he exhaled. “Does it ever go away?” He looked up from the pages in front of him to meet her eyes. “The feeling that it’s gone?”
“There will be times when you forget entirely that you had another life, and sometimes remembering will make it all seem so far and distant, like a dream.” Maryse answered. She thought about how different it was, to lose her runes, Robert, the Institute, all at the same time. It had been like having her feet taken out from underneath her, only to find her own ground.
He seemed to relax with her answer, the tension in his shoulders eased and his fingers went back to the book in front of him. “I hope I adapt to feel more like that.” He placed the book off to the side and picked up another, flipped a few pages and put it in front of himself. “Right now, it feels like all of the air has been sucked out of the world.”
Maryse let herself relax, too. She hadn’t realized just how much tension she had been carrying in her own shoulders. “I know that feeling goes away. You have to let yourself mourn. You can’t hold in that hurt; let yourself be angry, let yourself cry and be upset, because if you hold that in, it’s only going to make getting better so much harder.”
Magnus’s spirits lifted a little, a small smile on his face. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” She turned back to her work, turned a page of one of the books in front of her. “Can I ask you a silly question?”
“Was it you or Dot who had the relationship with Mark Twain?”
The hours went by quickly.
Maryse made tea, Magnus filled her afternoon with anecdotes about life in cities and countries she had never heard of with people she could have never imagined. They laughed, sometimes until they cried, chatting away through everything they could think of while working through a selection of Elliot’s old books.
“I know you know French and Isabelle knows Spanish, but Alec has never told me what languages he speaks. Is he the only non-bilingual Lightwood?” Magnus asked, his teacup in hand.
She rolled her eyes at the question. “Alec and Isabelle are both trilingual. I grew up speaking French at home and Robert grew up speaking Spanish. Izzy always took after her father. Jace knows French. Alec and Jace used to get in trouble for speaking French in front of their teachers, Izzy only wanted to communicate in Spanish, so when Alec stopped speaking both languages, they were forced to follow his lead.”
Magnus smirked a little at that. “I’ll have to use that sometime.”
Maryse snickered. “Don’t get me in trouble, please.” She begged, sipping her tea.
He shook his head and closed the book in front of him. “Do you mind if I keep this one? It’s an old Spanish herb book. I have a friend who would probably like it.”
“No problem, and let your friend know they’re welcome to the family and friends discount.
Magnus tensed a little, “Speaking of family and friends, I have something I’ve been meaning to ask you. I didn’t just come here because Alec wanted me to.”
Maryse sat up a little. “Yes?”
 I want your blessing. I want to ask Alexander to marry me.”
Her heart hit the bones of her ribs hard. She couldn’t find the words to speak, only a smile on her face.
“I know it’s soon, and sudden, but
 Alec has been there for me like no one else and I don’t know what I would do without him. I’ve never
 I’ve never loved anyone this way in all four hundred years of my life.” Magnus set down his tea. “If I had another four hundred years, or even four hundred thousand years, I’d want to spend them all with him.”
Maryse blinked through her tears. “Magnus, oh my god, of course you have my blessing.” She dabbed at her eyes with her fingertips. “You’ve had it ever since you stopped Alec’s first wedding. You’ll have a wedding to plan now, and if anyone interrupts, they can take it up with me.”
He laughed, tears of his own in his eyes. “Of course.”
“I expect it to be the biggest party New York has seen-- the party of the century.”
He laughed and took a sip of the tea she had placed in front of him. “Small wedding, but the engagement
” Magnus turned away to look at the floor, stunned by something. The mug slipped through his fingers and crashed against the floor, sending little glass shards all over the original tile.
“Magnus?” Maryse was already on her feet, she placed a hand on his arm, hoping to bring him back to the present.
He blinked twice and breathed in. “Sorry.”
“Are you okay?”
Magnus remained quiet for a second longer, his breathing still slow, eyes unfocused on the floor. “I
 it feels like,” he stopped, his fingers curled into a fist and relaxed again, just as Maryse was going to reach for her phone and call Alec. He looked up and relaxed slightly.
“Sorry, I think it’s best I head home.” He shook his head a little, standing from his chair. His foot stepped down on a shard of glass, crunching it underneath. He stepped back, “I’m so sorry.” He brushed his hand over the glass shards in front of him before he pulled on his jacket.
Maryse let go of Magnus’s arm and looked down to avoid the shard of glass around them before she went to find some napkins to mop the spilled tea, only there was no glass to be found. She frowned and looked under the end of the table.
Magnus’s teacup sat there, in one piece.
She picked it up, tea inside of it still warm, and handed it to him wordlessly.
He held it, his eyes wide, looking at the tea in his hand. “I
 I need my phone.” His hands were beginning to shake, tears flooded his eyes and before he could even realize he was crying, he was looking through the pages and books they had tried to sort through.
Maryse wanted to do something, to hold him? She wasn’t sure. Her hands went to the piles and started to sift through them.
Magnus laughed, rubbing his tears and smeared eyeliner on his face. “I don’t have to.” He murmured, and he straightened, snapped his fingers, and the device appeared in his hand. “I have to go call Alec, thank you, Maryse, thank you so much.” He said, as though she had somehow given him his powers back. “You’ll be the first person to know about the engagement party.” He said through a sniffle, and hurried out of the store, bells banged against the door behind him.
She picked up the book he had forgotten to take with him and placed it apart from the others, her hands shaking with the absolute miracle that had taken place before her. Maryse blinked away her own tears and turned out the lights of the store before calling Lucian.
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lokiandbuckyaremine · 7 years ago
Who Would Ever Think They Would Fall In Love? Part 5 (Series) (Bucky x Reader)
Characters: Reader, Bucky, The Avengers, and Maria Hill.
Summary: Steve brings you into the team of Avengers, and you couldn’t be more excited. The only problem is Bucky. He doesn’t seem to get along with you...that is until Steve assigns him as your trainer. Things take an amazing turn when you and Bucky are assigned on a mission.
Warnings: Angst and crying (a lot), fluff at the end, some swears
Word Count: A LOT!!!!!!! I am so sorry for how long this is, but it is so good!
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
You woke up an hour later after Nat had found you and Bucky on the couch. He was already awake but didn’t want to move you. “Good morning.” He smiled. “Good morning. What happened?” You asked groggily. He laughed at your appearance. “Well we both fell asleep. You didn’t make it to the end of the movie, but I did. It was a pretty good movie.”
You shifted to get off of him. “Well thank you for the warmth. It was much appreciated.” You smiled at him before leaving to get ready for the morning.
You were combing out your hair after getting out of the shower when Steve knocked on your door. “Come in.” Steve opened the door, “Hey y/n. Did you have a good sleep?” He winked at you and wiggled his eyebrows. You grabbed the nearest object and threw it at him. “Oh c’mon y/n. It was cute. Look at it this way, it’s better than you guys fighting all of the time.” You giggled. “Fine. I guess you’re right.” He winked at you. “There is someone downstairs who needs to see you.”
You looked confused. You weren’t expecting anyone. “Uh who is it?”. Steve looked down at the ground. “Someone from S.H.I.E.L.D.” You shifted uncomfortably. You were hoping it wasn’t what you thought it was.
You walked into the common room to find Maria Hill, your old coach, sitting on the couch. She got up and gave you a hug. “Hi y/n. Long time no see.” You hugged her tightly.
Maria was the one who helped clear your name and helped you get a new identity and life. “Maria, it’s so good to see you! What brings you here?” She looked at you nervously. “Y/N, please sit. This will be a while.” Whatever she was about to tell you wasn’t good, judging by the look on her face. 
“Y/N, I have some very bad news.” You looked at her with concern. “The man that is in Paris is trying everything in his will to overturn S.H.I.E.L.D, once again, over to Hydra.” You knew where she was going with this and started to feel tears in your eyes. “He is trying to find a weak spot so that he can use it against us, and give the power to Hydra. Well, he found one.” She looked up at you, and you started to cry uncontrollably. “Y/N he found your records. After S.H.I.E.L.D was compromised during the incident in D.C., your records and identity were sent back to Hydra. He has a hold of them now.”
You looked up a her. “Is there anything we can do? I mean I have spent years trying to clear my name. I have a home now. I have incredible friends. They can’t just take that away fr--” You began to sob. Your whole life was about to crumble right before your eyes. Maria put her hand over yours. “I’m so sorry y/n. We tried. Nick and I looked into everything. If this guy releases your information, we are both done for. We got Bucky cleared, but you are a entirely different scenario. Your background is different. Barnes was easy cause of the notebook. Plus we removed the trigger words from his brain.”
You cried even more. “Do you think it would be good to tell them now?” Maria looked up at you and half-smiled. “Yes, honey, I think so. Your friends care about you a lot. Telling them is the best thing you can do right now.” You wiped away the tears from your face. “Maria, what if they don’t take this information well? What if they send me out on the streets because of the lies I placed in their heads?” More tears were coming. Maria shook her head and laughed. “They can’t do that even if they wanted to. It isn’t your fault. You did the right thing turning yourself in all those years ago.” She sighed. “Let me know if you need anything else. You are special to me, to all of us, y/n. You are strong and can handle whatever is going to be thrown at you.” She hugged you one last time and you walked her out. 
You were scared for what was about to happen.
“Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, y/n is requesting your presence in her room.” Friday’s voice boomed over Steve’s loud speaker. Steve and Bucky were in Steve’s room playing cards. “Thank you Friday” Steve replied. ‘I wonder what the hell she wants.” Bucky told Steve. 
They both walked to your room and found you pacing back and forth in your room. “Hey, y/n, you wanted to see us?” Steve questioned you. You fumbled with your hands and walked over to the door. “Yea, uh, come in. You can sit on the bed.” You closed the door behind them as they sat cautiously on your bed.
Bucky caught on to your bloodshot eyes, which you tried to cover with makeup. “Y/N? What’s wrong? You look like you went through hell.” You brought over a chair to sit in front of them. You breathed in. “I have something to tell you both. Please no questions or anything until I’m done.” Steve and Bucky looked at you wondering what the heck was going on. “This is going to be some shocking and probably hurtful news. Please understand that I love you both and would never do anything to hurt you.”
Steve saw you starting to cry and grabbed your hand. “Y/N, we are here for you. I’m sure it’s not that bad.” Oh, but it was. You were scared out of your wits.
You breathed deeply. “I have been lying to you both.” You looked up at them, and read the confused looks on their faces. “My name isn’t y/n, it is Sinthea Schmidt.” Steve’s eyes widened. “My father was Johann Schmidt. Or better known to you guys as....The Red Skull.” Steve and Bucky sat feeling completely betrayed and confused. You saw how upset they were. Bucky started to stand up, “Please let me finish. You have no idea how hard it is.” He sat back down.
“I was born in 1920 to Johann Schmidt and Martha Schmidt. My mother died giving birth to me, so I was left under the care of my father. After he created Hydra, he dragged me along as his weapon. There was no love from him that I received....ever. I used to envy all of the girls. They had perfect lives.” You chuckled. “I wanted a soldier to come home to me and love me the way all of them did. But that never happened.” You sighed and felt tears swell in your eyes. “My father used me as a weapon for Hydra. I was on non-stop missions. Always killing and slaughtering. It was as if I had no heart or brain. He used me as his personal robot or toy. Hydra programmed me to follow their orders. I was skilled at combat fights. Hence why I told you guys that I was great at hand-to-hand.” You shuffled in your chair. “My hands were stained with blood.” You looked at Bucky. “You think you got it bad. I had it worse. I was THERE when Hydra was made. I was in the plans and everything. I hated my father so much. He was Red Skull, my master...nothing else.”
You wiped the tears that were streaming down your cheeks. “I fled the scene after my father was defeated. I went back to the scientists and they put me under ice. They hid me for quite a long time. I was their perfect girl, their perfect weapon...ugh it sickens me to think about what they did to me.” Bucky looked at you with hurt. He felt bad for you but then again was angry. “Years passed and I was still under ice. That is until the year 1990.”
This was the part you didn’t want Bucky to hear. “Hydra brought me back to the real world, which turned out to be Russia. They informed me that they were working on a new project called The Winter Soldier.” You looked over at Bucky who looked back at you wide-eyed. “They told me that a man by the name James Buchannan Barnes was rescued after falling from a train. They were in the process of reconstructing him when I reached Russia. Once he was done being reconstructed, Hydra had themselves The Winter Soldier. I had a front row seat to it all.” You looked up at Bucky with sad eyes. “I had competition now. The Winter Soldier would become Hydra’s new secret weapon, I guess, because I was too old and didn’t have a metal arm. They instructed me to help train this new Winter Soldier.” Bucky shook his head. “I know, Bucky, you probably don’t remember this. But I was with you every day. It was until they wiped your mind that you didn’t remember me. You actually tried to kill after being wiped one time, but I dislocated your arm before you took another shot at me.”
The tears were coming again. “I wasn’t there on December 16, 1991 as I was sent off somewhere with a new mission. I was bouncing from place to place, killing, shooting, murdering....everything. Hydra eventually found no more use for me, so I hid in the darkness. That is until I heard about the compromise in D.C. and then found out that Captain America was back from his slumber.” Steve looked up at you with hurt eyes. “I ran away finally. I could no longer stand being used and manipulated. My brain was mush. I turned myself in to S.H.I.E.L.D. That is when Maria found me. I explained everything to her. They cleared my name. I changed it to y/n. I dyed my hair and went through therapy. I even went to a speech pathologist to help remove my German accent. No longer was I Sinthea Schmidt...I was an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. I was held there for 6 years. Maria continuously helped me.”
You smiled up at Steve. “Then Steve finally found me and gave me a new hope that I could change my life around.” He smiled back at you. “But Maria just informed me that the guy in Paris found my records, which Maria thought they got rid of. My identity is on the line, along with my life. I can’t go back. I just can’t go back to that hell-hole. So please guys, I need your comfort and protection.” You were done talking because you were sobbing once again. 
Steve went over to hug you, “Y/N we had no idea. I’m sorry you went through that torture.” You pulled away from Steve. “Wait, so you’re not mad at me? After the life I lived let alone what I did to your best friend?” Steve chuckled, “Y/N, look. I never knew you existed. Bucky went through something very similar that you just explained. Only you were born into it and was apart of it. The reason why I’m not mad at you is that you turned yourself in. That took a lot of courage and strength to do. Now you are here under our protection. If you’d like, me and Bucky will not tell the others.” 
You smiled up at Steve. “Thank you Steve, but they deserve to know too. I need all the protection I can get. Hydra wants me back. I’m weak when it comes to my past. At least Bucky here got everything wiped from him, so now he’s James again.” Bucky smiled at you. 
Steve laughed. “Whatever makes you feel comfortable y/n. So Red Skull really had a daughter?” You chuckled. “Yea. Here is a picture of me with my father.” You pulled a picture out of your pocket. It was of you and your father. You looked completely different. You had red hair and were covered in makeup. It was obviously your first training looking at your outfit. Bucky looked at the picture, “Wow, you looked pretty damn hot. No wonder you are so feisty now.” You giggled. “Thank you both so much for this. The nightmares will never go away but, I have you guys now. I was so worried you wouldn’t understand.”
Steve held your hand. “But we do understand. We all have something that we are not proud about. The team accepted Bucky and gave him a chance. There is no reason why they can’t give you a chance.” 
You smiled back at Steve, but it faded quickly. “What about the mission? I am putting The Avengers at risk here. I am practically the key to Hydra’s door. I can’t allow them to take you away from me.”
Steve looked down at his lap and rubbed his eyes. “We will still carry through with the mission. But plans are going to change. You and Bucky are going to have to go undercover.” You looked at Bucky who now moved closer to you. “I’ll do anything to keep y/n safe.” He took your hand in his and kissed it. Wow, you thought to yourself. You spilling the truth took a much different turn than what you expected.
Steve snapped his finger. “I got it. A good reason for you both to be in Paris would be if it was your honeymoon. You guys are going to pretend to be a married couple.” You and Bucky laughed. “Wow from hating each other to being married. What a great turn for our relationship Buckaroo, wouldn’t you say? He squeezed your hand. “It will be a tough one. I might have to really bring out my inner actor to be your husband.” He giggled.
Steve looked at the both of you and rolled his eyes. “Alright you two. Y/N, please know that I love you as one of my closest friends. I will do anything to protect you even if it is worth me being in jail. I fought for Bucky, and I will fight for you.” He gave you one last hug before leaving to the door. “Oh and y/n.” You looked up at Steve. “Thank you for telling me the truth. You’re a great soldier.” He smiled and left the room.
Now it was just you and Bucky. “Bucky I am so sorry for lying to you this whole time. I was apart of everything Hydra did to torture you. I will never EVER forgive myself for that.” He hugged you close to him. “Y/N, that wasn’t your fault. You were raised with Hydra in your veins. You even said you were manipulated by them. One thing Steve taught me that I will teach you now is that you can’t change the past. What you did then is not who you are now. You are better than ever.” He squeezed your hand. “I’m with you til the end of the line Doll.” He pressed a kiss on your forehead. “Hey, haven’t I heard that line before?” You giggled. Bucky shot you a glare. “Shut up Doll and hug me.”
You and Bucky were left in your room, snuggled close. In a couple of days you both were going to be Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. 
To be continued........
WOW this is so long. I’m sorry but I have had this idea in my head for a while. Hope you like the little twist I added in. Part 6 tomorrow!
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meru-chanx3 · 8 years ago
THANKE @asanesana ~ =͟͟͞͞ ( ê’Șâ–œê’Ș)
Full Name: Marie Dover (from Heartstrings [dark fantasy/psychological horror/supernatural])Gender and Sexuality: straight femalePronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: EnglishPhysical appearance: shoulder-length wavy dark blond hair (falls like Maki Nishikino’s), violet eyesBirthplace and Birthdate: Dover, UK, a lovey port town by the sea. May 15th, 1819.Age: 19 at death. She’d currently be 24Guilty Pleasures: before she died, she always tried to adopt every single stray animal she sawPhobias: claustrophobia. It didn’t help that Jack locked her in a small, dark cell.What They Would Be Famous For: being a circus freak if Jack’s crimes had been found out and she was exploited even further. She’s basically a soulless living corpse infused with mannequin parts to keep her broken limbs stable. What They Would Get Arrested For: killing many people under Jack Carpenter’s command, including Joseph Cross, her fiancĂ©, although she wouldn’t understand why. She was just doing what she was told.  OC You Ship Them With: I know it seems gross to ship her with Jack, but he does change and become a better man as the story goes on. He comes to regret the deeds he’s done (killing people and reworking corpses to be his dolls and do his bidding) and treats her lovingly, working hard to give her the pleasant life she deserved. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Jack already did. Well, indirectly. Even though they had been good friends, she didn’t return his affections when he confessed, so he kidnapped her and when she refused to elope with him, he imprisoned and raped her. After about a week, she managed to escape her confinements and reached the top of Jack’s hideaway, but rather than taking the ladder down right in front of her, she leapt to her death, unable to live with what’s happened to her. Distraught, Jack tries his best to piece her body together with mannequin parts a shady street peddler had given him. He embalms her body to preserve it and after finishing the process, falls asleep, exhausted. He wakes up later at night to find Marie towering over him, waiting for him to instruct her. Ngh. Her background seems incomplete because she has more history with Jack before everything goes to shit, but the ask doesn’t ask for that soo. Favorite Movie/Book Genre: fantasy and romance novelsLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: happily ever afters I THOUGHT IT SAID FAVORITE WHOPS but nah she doesn’t really have a leastTalents and/or Powers: plays the violin and pianoWhy Someone Might Love Them: Marie had been very optimistic and supportive. She always knew how to cheer Jack up when he had family problems or was stressed with medical school and often played the violin for him to help put him at easel (They met each other when they started playing strings in an orchestra. Playing music helped Jack forget his problems.)Why Someone Might Hate Them: Jack doesn’t hate Marie, but hates himself whenever he lays his eyes on her. He’s reminded of his sins and the fact that even though she’s still around, she’s not the woman he knew. The beauty he had fallen in love with wasn’t in her looks, but in her soul, which is now long gone. How They Change: After being reworked, Marie is just a quiet, empty shell and barely reacts to anything. All she knows is that Jack is her master and she needs to protect him at all costs, or else she would perish as well since they’re linked by (figurative) puppet strings tying their souls together. As time passes, Jack suspects she isn’t totally empty, but a small remnant of her soul is still there. She solemnly tears up when Jack plays the piano piece Joseph was known for and Jack is hurt knowing she still loves him. Marie also seems to display a bit of sympathy when she stands over the corpse of Jared, a little boy who lived on the street nearby them. Jack notices her interest and he decides to rework the child to become like a son of theirs, the only doll he reworks not out of malice that he didn’t kill. (Jack plays house with the dolls he collects in a twisted, grotesque way. He was never close to his parents, so this is his way of trying to have a good family of his own.)Why You Love Them: She just. Deserved better. That is all.
I came up with Heartstrings just earlier last week dkowlsfjkdvZodiac by Uroboros inspired a LOT of it
Full Name: Alian Laniere (from Kingdoms)Gender and Sexuality: straight femalePronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: DanyllianPhysical appearance: brown hair with side braids gathered at the back, hazel eyesBirthplace and Birthdate: Port Sol, Danyllia. April 22, 1526. (seaside port towns are like my default starting towns for some reason wjofiedn)Age: 14 in Part I, 19 in Part IIGuilty Pleasures: she tends to her garden with loving care and likes to sketch landscapes in her notebook.Phobias: she wants to work as a medic, but she nearly faints at the sight of bloodWhat They Would Be Famous For: being the Almaridel florist’s number one customer. All of the allowance she saves, she spends on seeds and pots.What They Would Get Arrested For: trespassing and planting flowers in a stranger’s yard because she feels bad about how desolate it looks. Although when she would get caught, the neighbor would just sigh with a smile and let her continue (basically what she did to Rianne’s yardww).OC You Ship Them With: Sam Theorin; they’re both sweeties aaa. Also Derek, although it’s more like a sibling ship; she’s one of the few people he easily opens up to. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: D:Favorite Movie/Book Genre: adventureLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: n/aTalents and/or Powers: even though she’s a gentle person, she’s very determined to help people and get tasks done. She doesn’t rest until she’s done her best. Why Someone Might Love Them: kind and understanding, open-minded and always seeing the best in peopleWhy Someone Might Hate Them: I don’t think anyone would. I just think a negative traits if her would be being too trusting and naive. It wouldn’t be too difficult to take advantage of her.How They Change: When she was younger, she couldn’t really stand up for herself and when she met her cousin Jamie, she learned to be bolder. They look up to each other a lot. Why You Love Them: I wish I could be more like her

I need to make proper pages for all my series someday;; I have the story and characters important plot lines outlined but I don’t wanna post em until I have portraits for the main characters (Žω)
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standbyjk · 7 years ago
CHAPTER 3: Caught In A Lie
"Emily wake up!"
"What the...?"
"Where do they live?"
"What? In Seoul of course. Why do you even ask?"
"Fuck! "
"What is going on? Tell me!"
"I thought they live somewhere in America!"
"Natty, they are Korean. Since when do korean people live in America?"
"I don't know. Oh god. I didn't even think about that. What am I supposed to do Emily? I can't live in Korea. I can't even speak korean."
"You can learn. It's not that difficult. I learn korean since last year. The hardest part of it is learning their alphabet. I will learn you. Just some foundations"
"How am I supposed to finish the video and learn korean in 7 days?! Sorry, 6 days to be exact."
Emily pulled out a piece of paper from her drawer and started writing lines.
I knew it was korean symbol but I couldn't exactly tell what it meant. As soon as Emily finished writing she handed me a textbook. I took a quick look through it.
"This word means Army. It is official name of BTS's fandom." she said.
"I would never expect me to learn korean. My life has changed in just two days more than it did in 17 years."
"Me neither. I believe in you Natty and I will always support you."
I hugged her as soon as she stopped talking.
"You mean so much to me Emily, I am so lucky to have you."
"I am the lucky one. Boys will love you. I am sure about that."
"We will see. First, I have to win that competition."
"Let's get back to work then."
6 days later...
I trained really hard for the past 7 days. My whole body hurts and I can't even feel my legs. Emily helped me learn korean every day. It is impossible to learn much in a 6 days but at least I know how to write and read their letters and symbols in blocks. Actually, Emily was right (as usual). Learning korean is not hard at all.
I was really happy for these past days but it felt weird to be doing something different than laying on my bed and watching netflix.
"Deep thoughts, I see."
"Just realizing how many things has changed in these past days."
"You also changed. I see completely different person in front of me. I am so proud."
"Thank you. It means a lot. I feel so happy right now but I ma still a bit nervous." I couldn't hold it any longer and Emily has already realized something is wrong anyways.
"We have to go Natty. You will know the results in 2 hours. Stay calm."
"Let's go. I hope Melissa did her job."
"She did, don't worry about it. We are back in a few hours."
We got dressed because we had to do our presentation about dance group we uset to dance in. But the problem was that we had to be there at 2pm and the results of BTS's contest were supposed to be released at 3pm so it was impossible to send my video on time. We needed someone who will send video with my personal information to BTS's choreographer and check the results. Emily told me that our childhood friend Melissa could help us. We explained our situation and unaccountably she was really happy about helping us. I don't know why but I didn't really believe her. She always acted so rude towards me but she was the only option we had so I agreed.
I came home at 3:30pm. I couldn't wait any longer. I was so impatient, I wanted to know had who won. I got up from my bed as soon as I heard doorbell, knowing it was Emily. She knew the results already.
I opened the door and saw Emily standing in front of me. She looked really stressed out.
"So? Tell me!" I shouted at her.
"Let's go to your room." she said calmly while holding my hand and leading the way to my room.
I let go of her hand and looked deeply into her deep green eyes. I didn't understand anything. I was the one to break scary silence between us.
"So do you know the results?"
"I do."
"Tell me, Emily! I am really stressed out."
"I don't know how is it possible..."
"What? Emily if you won't start talking right now..."
"It is not you. We didn't make it."
"What? What are you saying? They didn't choose me? I knew I am not good enough."
"I am really sorry Natty. I just -"
"I want to be alone."
"Natty please -"
"No, Emily. Don't. Just go." I started crying as soon as she closed the door of my room.
I felt so broken. How I am I supposed to live with myself? At that moment I lost every bit of confidence I had inside of me. I am such a miserable dancer. Forget BTS, you are not good enough and you will never be good enough.
I cried and cried until I fell asleep.
I woke up early. I got out of my bed but I fell back immediately. I felt so useless. I got up again but  without falling back this time. I walked down the stairs to the living room.
"Does mum even know about what happend yesterday?" I thought. Lonely tear fell on the floor as I remembered what happened yesterday. This is real. And it hurts like hell.
"She knows. Emily told her for sure."
I opened the fridge and took out some food.I wasn't hungry, not at all. After eating breakfast I went back to my room. My mind blocked out so I can't remember what exactly happened next.
„Come one Natty, it had been 3 days. You can't be like this forever."
„Like what?"
„Is that even a question? You don't eat. Only thing you do is laying on my bed. You barely talked in past days."
„I just really thought I can make it."
„Maybe it was supposed to happened. You know, like destiny."
„I guess you are right. Maybe a car would hit me in Korea. You never know."
„Just let it go. I know it is really hard for you but there is nothing we can do."
„Let's go out."
„Finally. I was scared that you would never say that."
I laughed. Not because I felt like I had to, but because I wanted to fr the first time in past 4 days. Emily was right, it was really hard for me to accept my failure. But there was nothing I could do to make my dreams come true now.
I slept at Emily's house for past 2 weeks. We did everything together without getting on each other's nerves. We went to the park together. It was 1am already. I was holding Emily's hand since we left her house. I couldn't let her go. I needed to feel someone next to me. Emily was my only friend and that is why I appreciate her so much. We know each other for 9 years now and we got through a lot together. Maybe that's why is our friendship so special to both of us.
We sat on grass still holding each other's hand. Moments like this are really meaningful to us. We have so many memories together, similar to the one we have right now. We remained quiet for almost 10 minutes. We feel truly happy and comfortable around each other even if we are not talking at all. It's so unique. I love spending time with her. Especially moments like this one. We don't even have to talk to find out what goes on our minds. At that moment I felt like I will remember this evening forever.
It was 3 am when we finally realized that we should probably head home. We stood up and walked through empty dark street never letting go of each other's hand. We went to bed and fell asleep immediately.
„Emily shut the fuck up! It's 7 am. Someone is still trying to sleep you know."
„No, you don't understand. This is so fucking important. Read this."
„How am I supposed to read when I can't even see anything?!"
„It's about the competition. You better read it. No, no, no don't stand up. Just sit. You are gonna explode."
I sat and started reading something from Emily's computer screen. I almost fainted when I saw the title.
Daily news:
Scandal! BTS's Competition didn't end up as well as you may thought. Winner tricked all of us.
BTS had released their competition on Monday 15th. They were looking for new assistant of main choreographer (Son Sung Deuk) so they decided to make a competition for this position. Only thing you had to do was to film a video of you dancing to any BTS's choreography and send it with your personal information on intended time. Very simple, right?
BTS had chosen a winner and send announcement email to her. It's been 4 days since they made their choice and there is a big problem already. Ostensible winner – Melissa Mikeos send her personal information with her (not really) video to BTS. They contacted her and found out that a girl who was dancing in selected video wasn't her but someone esle. BTS felt really ashamed thanks to this girl's appearance so they cancelled whole competition today.
We don't have any closer information from members or their manager so we can't tell what their next step will be.
"You have to be fucking kidding me! How could she do that to me? I knew we can't believe her."
"She tricked us all. But it also means that your video won! You are the one they had chosen."
"Oh my god, they saw me dancing and they liked it, can you believe it? But...their article is saying that they cancelled whole competition. So it's still useless anyway."
"They had to be really confused. They liked your video but they are scared now since that happened. You have to understand their situation as well."
"Believe me I do. I just want answers. What are we supposed to do now?"
"Wait, I guess?"
"We did everything together without getting on each other's nerves.
"I don't like it, but there's nothing else we can do."
I had thrown myself on the bed right after realizing my current situation. My whole world changed in few minutes. It's weird. Since when do I even want to work with them? One week ago, I wasn't very happy about my mums opinion and now? I would do anything to get there. Literally, anything.
"I can't wait anymore! There has to be something."
I stood up quickly, trying to balance my body and took Emily's notebook. I started searching for new articles about BTS's updates. I had been opening and closing links one after another still not being able to find anything. I found a link to their twitter account and saw newest tweet.
"Emily, look! What does it mean?"
"I am not sure. It looks like they are looking for someone."
Emily grabbed her notebook and started typing. She opened BTS's main website and found an update. She started reading out loud:
"Good morning everyone. As you may already know pretended winner of our competition was caught in a lie. On Monday we released results and contacted winner. We had to make sure that video isn't fake so we wanted the person to start a video call with us and dance. Girl confessed to us about her not being a girl we thought she is.
We didn't know what to do at first but after long discussion and sharing our thoughts with our manager and choreographer we agreed on our final decision: We cancelled whole competition because we felt betrayed. Our priority is to find real girl from the video. Pretended winner doesn't want us to know girl's name so only thing we can do is to find her and we need help from our army to make that happened. Please use #WeNeedUGirl to help us find our real winner. Thank you so much!
BTS (Kim Nam Joon,Jung Ho Seok, Kim Seok Jin, Kim Tae Hyung, Park Ji Min, Min Yon Gi, Jeon JungKook)...
They are looking for you Natty! We have to contact them!"
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