#like fr everyone read this because anon is spitting facts
huggybug · 2 years
okay, listen babe, you don’t wanna talk about this anymore and i understand. so you can simply ignore. but idc whether or not you agree with what everyone is saying. i respect your choices, your opinions, and your morals. i respect you as a person. idk why it’s so difficult for others to do the same. however, i’m not even gonna ask bcuz i honestly don’t give a fuck. i love everything about you and this blog, and those who don’t can simply leave. no one’s keeping you here…bye ❤️ but i enjoy talking with you and having something to look forward to everyday i wake up. imagine feeling so sad about yourself that you feel the need to randomly wake up one day and decide to attack someone you don’t even know, can i point out, and send them hurtful and threatening messages. you do this bcuz, apparently, you have nothing else better to do than bring someone else down in order to try and pretend that your not one of the most insecure people in this world and your life is a lot more sad and just disappointing than theirs. i can’t tell if that’s more disgusting than sad, or more sad than disgusting. OH! and then you also proceed to do it anonymously where you’re protected behind a screen bcuz you’re too scared to be real with someone. talk about embarrassing 😬 and yes, i’m aware i’m also doing it on anon, but i’m not going around to every blog saying shit to people, neither are any of the other anons defending these blogs. you wanna talk about how much you hate it here and how you want to leave, and how you much you hate this blog..then LEAVE. again, no one’s keeping you here. ooor maybe you should try going off anon and be real. but instead of being real with lex, you’re kissing lex’s ass. so why don’t you take one step back—actually no. why don’t you take 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…10 STEPS BACK and take a seat. and i’m probably gonna get attacked for this. but oh well, if that’s what i get for trying to help someone, so be it. all i’m asking is, are you’re actions really necessary? probably not. so maybe you should stop 😘 take all the time you need lex.
okay yes i don’t wanna keep talking about it but i want to post this one because !!!!
my biggest thing in life like ever is respect! i don’t care if you agree with me but respect what i’m saying. you don’t have to go around sucking up to me but don’t come at me for stating my opinion. BECAUSE ITS MY OPINION!! and yeah like i’ve said so many times before, if you don’t like me then leave, see yourself out i don’t give a fuck, follower count doesn’t matter to me and if you’re going to be rude, it’s better if you leave anyway because i don’t tolerate that shit.
also spreading love on anon is so different than spreading hate so ur fine also i love u and thank u so much for this it’s something everybody needs to hear!!!
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :)
i’m sorry i’m bad at answering these i love you guys
I just adore fics like these, outside characters seeing through yandere facades and putting the pieces together. Atsumu’s frustration at knowing something is wrong but not being able to convey it without sounding crazy or jealous (and then exactly that happens), and then his mental agony at realizing he’s right but powerless. Ugh and the piece de resistance was his own inner turmoil at his attraction, it was just *chef’s kiss*. Do you think Atsumu became a bit of a lowkey yandere in his own way just obscured with a savior complex? Poor reader if she ever ends up his clutches, swapping one crazed man for another only Atsumu will never see himself as the bad guy. Thanks for the time and effort you put into such amazing writing!!
poor atsumu, i really put him through the wringer on this one :(( he starts with good intentions, but you know what they say about those haha. i honestly think he’s kinda fucked, because on the one hand he has everybody telling him he’s being a creeper, making mountains out of molehills, because how could hinata possibly do anything like that? and on the other he’s got hinata who’s not only aware of his suspicions but kinda pushing him to snap but dangling the reader in front of him. which way he falls is kinda up to you, but i think the fact he jerked off to a blowjob she clearly didn’t want says a lot about what he’s willing to (temporarily at least) overlook.
(English is not my first language so if I make grammar mistakes i'm sorry :( )
I got chills while reading insidious! It was so amazing. I really appreciated how you wrote that in Atsumu's perspective and made him an unreliable narrator.
It reminds me of the old drabble that you did with BokuAka where they kidnapped their manager and wrote it in Konoha's perspective. In that drabble, while Konoha did act selfishly, I still felt that he was a good person overall.
But in this fic, despite Atsumu claiming that Hinata and y/n's relationship was toxic and wrong, he still felt jealous. He wanted to be in Hinata's place. He wanted what Hinata had with y/n. I don't think his issue with them was because their relationship was toxic (maybe it was in the beginning), he just wanted it to be him who's with her. And that's the brilliance of this fic, seeing not only how unsettling Hinata's relationship was but also seeing Atsumu also slowly becoming obssessed.
first of all, never apologise for your english or any language for that matter. you’re doing great bby! but i’m glad you liked the fic!! <33 i can’t resist morally corrupting a character with good intentions. poor tsumu. poor konoha :((
Oof Hinata is terrifying and you wrote him so so so in character, like damn. He’s so happy like he’s just not a dark person which makes it so jarring bc he himself might not even register his actions as bad. I would love to see more content with him bc you got a girl scared and horny! But just wow I was on the edge of my seat!
ahh thank you my love!!
this is kinda random but i’m happy that i finally don’t have to type your full @ on the search bar to get to your blog anymore!!!!! also your new hinata ft atsumu fic literally sent chills down my spine. it kinda disturbed me how nobody (except atsumu) is questioning hinata’s character because hinata the always positive bundle of joy and sunshine can’t be capable of doing such things right? and how hinata is aware of atsumu’s suspicions ANDattraction towards his girl so he plays these little mind games with atsumu while maintaining that happy go lucky smile on his face acting like everything is normal. i just love your writing so much i literally visit your blog often for new updates😭
ahh i wished i had more updates for you haha! it’s really the worst when nobody believes something you think is painfully obvious. and hinata’s sunshine and sweet and super adoring, so why would anyone think twice about his relationship with the reader? and it doesn’t help that he’s toeing the line (before jumping right across it) between genuine concern and a little bit of attraction, but that’s half the fun haha. thanks for the ask bby!
Ok but you write Atsumu pining for the reader in a relationship so well. Inescapable Atsumu vs Oikawa is so good, the desperation, the crying *chefs kiss* Insidious is a diff Atsumu, more caring but thirsty all the same. Bokuto and co.s reaction is so funny 😭 they literally said you need to chill a little Atsumu
(Maybe we need to make this a full circle and make Atsumu pine for Osamus S.O. eye-)
i’m so mean to atsumu in both of those fics. dw i’ll make it up to him haha <33
It’s been said before but your Hinata fic was AMAZING and just so scarily in character. Hinata is definitely one of the scariest yanderes because he’s so unsuspecting and who would believe such a cheerful person is capable?!? It was just so well-written, I loved how you wrote Atsumu’s rising suspicions (especially how he can’t really prove anything bc it’s Hinata of all ppl) and his own descent into obsession and everyone’s reaction to him. It was so deliciously twisted and you can’t help but pity reader in what we can assume is her little sliver of hope that she can be saved bc someone finally noticed. Just chills.
thank you so much, bby! hinata does give off those vibes, and who would suspect him because he’s so attentive and bright and bubbly. i’m glad you liked it!! <33
Rhi RHHHHIIII Insidious was spot on. Rabid was just 👌👌 mmm and I've just realized how good you are at capturing a character's pov, like Atsumu's was on the money for capturing the confusion and unsettling feeling and it was so effective i feel like 👀😳 @ hinata now lmaoo
I WAS THE LAST ASK TALKING ABOUT POVS BUT I FORGOT SOMETHIIINGG. DAICHI'S POV. DAICHI'S POVVVV 👏👏👏 I could feel myself feeling his frustration and anger (I wanted him to whip oikawa's ass so bad fr) and his piecing together of things made me feel so awful and anxious, but like in a good way!! Writing is suppose to make you feel things and your fics always, always accomplish that 🤍
ahh nonnie, thank you so much! i like to get inside of the character’s head and fuck with their emotions and stuff, it’s super fun so i’m glad you guys enjoy it!! ily!! <3
oo Hinata as a yandere is so scary bc he's so sweet and caring. BUt he's also sincere and earnest about everything and who's to say that passion won't carry into darker activities 👀
you get it anon haha. he’s honestly a little terrifying but i still want him to spit in my mouth y’know??
i just finished reading insidiuous--it was FANTASGTIC SHDFJDSHFJ the way that atsumu crossed a line he couldn't come back from and was just,,,, rightfully consumed with shame for it?? that was great. also loved reading how hinata knew what he was doing and was doing it purposely, but poor reader. my heart goes out to reader.
thank you so much, bby!! i’m glad you liked it <33 
God, you have no idea how much I loved Rabid. I read it probably like 5 times in a row the first time. How do you imagine what happens to reader afterwards? I wonder if he’d end up taking her back to his place, or how does he interact with her afterwards? I’m sorry if this is annoying, I’m just so in love with the story 🥺💕
ahh thank you so much! as for what happens afterwards, you’re definitely kyoutani’s girl. if you think he’s just gonna let you go back to your place, keep working your job, you’ve got another thing coming. he tries to be gentle. a good boyfriend. he’ll definitely pick up on you shaking after he’s finished up; but he’ll misinterpret it as you being cold and make you wear his jacket haha.
Have u permanently closed commissions?
not necessarily, just taking a break :))
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