#like eff you???? i dont have to be up here U can do it urself BRATTTTT
motochiri · 4 months
the way my nervous system is on FIRE rn omfG........ I woke up an hour early on accident so I'm GROGGIE and im so worried abt money bc my ex still doesn't have a job and bills r due today and my ISP is up my ass about using too much data even tho it's fuckin $100/mo and they're finna charge me for overages AANNNDDD the store manager was breathing down my mf neck and being so passive and bitchy when EYE was trying to help HER but she has no concept of like. giving a shit abt employees THATS WHY EVERYONE AT RECEPTION QUIT MISS [REDACTED] 🤡
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smireyac · 6 years
yea boi u already kno what it issssss 🍾🎆🎉🍾🎆🎉
hey so i started writing this at 8 o’ clock so i would be ahead of the game and actually have more than an hour to write but HEY its already 20 after midnight so who the eff care amiright ladies
WOOOOO 🍾🍾🎆 🎉 🎆 🍾 🎉 🎉 🍾 🍾 🍾 🎆🎆 🎆 🎉 🎆 🎉🍾 🎉 🍾🎆 🎉
so.................... its 2019.....................
i watched vox’s “2018 in 5 minutes” video and cried so thats how this year has been :^) a lot of lows......... we always think we leave the shittiest year behind then lo.............. the next year rears its ugly head and we never learn............ despite this, im gonna try to keep a positive outlook on the new year......... its literally just another day and i have to be in at work @ 9 tmrw but its what ever im already super fucking tired whats losing another hour of sleep anywahy?? its practically expected of me any way what with being a youth,,, ANYWAY i spent my time ringing in the new year watching spiderman homecoming so i think that wa sGREAt its also great  that im gonna get to see spiderverse AGAIN tmrw after work so SUCK ON THAT im ringing in the new year RIGHT!! its a very spidey new year and i wouldnt have it any other way heh.....
so its time.... to reflect...........
and actually reflect this time last year was weak sauce compared to the first year “im too unfocused right now happy new year or whatever” *scoffs* what r u too good for self reflecting now a days huhh
been doing a lot of self reflecting this year,,,,,, but today we will look back on how the previous years have gotten me to where i am today...
if 2016 was the year of change and 2017 was the year of getting used to things.............. 2018 felt like............ the year of getting TOO used to things, of not ENOUGH change............. like alright i scratched a few of the bigger things on my yearly “to do” list/resolutions, i. e. finally going back to school and getting a job at the library, but like.......... i definitly dont feel like i did enough........... my art game was SO WEAK and i feel like i wrote less than 10,000 words ALL YEAR (not counting my academic papers) i didnt really CREATE anything this i dont have ANYTHING significant to show for this year............and to get more negative i didnt even make any friends all year NONE FRIENDS im only *just* starting to get more friendly with people at the library thank GOD theyre nice and gave my shy ass a chance to open up but i still dont feel like ill make FRIEND friends theyre just work friends and u kno what thats making me so pissed bc its tricking my dumb ass into thinking i have a crush on someone at work aND that i want a *romantic* relationship with them!!! OUTRAGEOUS im so peeved.......................... i also still havent gotten behind a wheel but at this point im not sure if i will anytime soon bc im That Way..... grrrr im just mad thinking of all the things i didnt do so motherfucker i will make 2019 the year of DOING!!!! and i had so many resolutions last year i feel like the more i had the less i felt like i had to do them, like i was just saying all that to be like “oh wouldnt it be nice if any of these things happened lmao” so yeah 2019: the year of DOING... and since ive kinda sorta figured out that writing is my thang.... i think i wanna focus on doing that.. and anything that will help me do it
SO: #GOALS for 2K19
-WRITE AT LEAST 50.000 WORDS U COWARD, more than just “brainstorming” too bc thats like a cop out, write like stories or dialogue or scenes or scripts or WHATEVER just make it to 50,000 pls some people do that in like a month
-READ UR GOD DAMN BOOKS, u *cant* buy anymore if u dont read the ones u’ve already bought,,,, im willing to make an acception re: checking things out from the library................ but u rlly shouldnt IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO EASY TO WIN THE BET DUDE srsly..... maybe .... an hour b4 bed ? try to read ? at least try to read once a week dude....
-heres a curve ball WATCH MORE MOVIES !!! u say u love film well fuckin act like u do...... u only went to the movie theater 5 times all year and three of those were all in the last month to go see spiderverse, more than that HOW MANY movies are there on netflix that u see and go “oh i should watch that finally” or “people say thats rlly good bro” and u scroll right past to watch the same 3 fuckin movies i s2g
-oh yeah back to the writing thing, to reach that 50,000 goal u should write about what you read and watch, there u’ll prob meet the goal b4 summer if u do that bro but....u actually gotta do it....................
ok those r the 4 im REALLY gonna work on and try to keep track of in either of the journals sien got me :^) these next few i rlly want to happen but..... we’ll see
-make some friends pls.... pls be more friendly......... ENGAGE  people when u have the opportunity askQUESTIONS about them like if they have a dog or a hobbie jesus h christ
-go out..... on ur own..... do stuff............by urself if u have to... go to the movies by urself go to a park, walk around down town for the fuck of it idk DO STUFF
-finish something............ for once in ur miserable life...................................... finish the vlog or the scrapbook..... or the reading list or this set of goals PLEAsE ANYTHING
im not even gonna put draw/art blog related stuff on here bc........ its not what i want........ like i love drawing and i dont think im terrible at it, im at a good place with it but i dont wanna put my energy this year into drawing stuff for the sake of me being able to say “i did it” like...... last yr and the yr b4 i rlly RLLY wanted to get better at art to idk prove that i could?? but like i havent picked up my drawing tablet in months ... that makes me really sad but i dont really feel like picking it up either? ? i said i wanted to take a painting/color theory/ life drawing class maybe i will this yr and it’ll reinvigorate my love of drawing........ tbh spiderverse got me *this close* to being pumped about art and animation and like yeah i still am, i love the medium and its still a dream of mine to be apart of it but it feels like a pipe dream if i try to go thru the art angle........ so many people r better than me at that and its not really what i wanna do,,, i wanna CREATE STORIES and worlds and characters and like i used my art to help *me* develop those but... i dont wanna use my art to do it for someone else i guess............. the art of animation itself still facsinates me so they door isnt close yet but,,, i wanna focus on the other aspect of myself that im more and at the same time LESS confident about lmao WRITING like alright,,, i think im a good writer .... sorta ? like yeah people tell me i am and sometimes when i look back on things ive written im like “dAMN i wrote this ???” but like,,,, there are some things to writing that still. escape me... like poetry.... and a lot of other aspects to it that i cant describe write now bc it would take too long and im getting cold and tired SO YEAH hopefully this english class will help me, even tho its just writting for college essays, i need to start somewhere and if shes rlly as good of a professor as rate my professor says then ill learn smthg new
where was i
well the year wasnt ALL bad, like i said i got the job at the library i wanted and FINALLY got to go to school, stressful as that mightve been........ and i got to see my love, my darling, the light of my life rhys again for one glorious week,, hopefully ill be able to see more of my friends this year? either in miami or milwuakee idc which MAYBE BOTH lmao im not that rich but hey i can dream,,,
alright its 1:12am i think im ready to sign off,,,,,,,,, here’s to DOING in 2019
🥂 cheers
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TG: no i remizzle TG: i T-to-tha-izzold u a million tines shizzle sounds like it could be tha best th'n EVAAAAAR TG: * wherein evizzles capze' as hizzeck TG and yo momma: bizzy also that no matta how off tha hook it miznight be TG: its probly giznonna advizzle all tha schizzles of "ha condescension" 
TT: Right straight from long beach nigga. TT: But if we can stizzop playa? 
TG: part of me doesnt even wizzy ta G-to-tha-izzive ha tha satsfaction TG: of startin up at all TG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. like if we diznidnt W-to-tha-izzuolndt that wreck motherfucka S-H-to-tha-izzit just so hiliariously??? TG: so many olols 
TT: I must be H-to-tha-izzard of countizzle, coz I'm barely rack'n up a S-to-tha-izzingle gizzle o-laugh-out-loud at thizzat sippin' gesture.
TG: no but it would TG: n fo` all we kizzy start'n it up is sippin' right 'n ha claws with my forty-fo' mag.... TG yeah yeah baby: cizzould be a trizzap waintin fizzor jizzane tha moment shizze enta TG: You gotta check dis shit out yo. if i stiznop ha from play'n TG: M-to-tha-izzaybe i cizzle at lizzeat gizzle ha a CHANCE at a future  
TT: But there be no future on Earth fo` them. TT puttin tha smack down: Or fo` us, fizzy that matta. I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. 
TG: D-to-tha-izzunno that fo` a fact TG: but anywaaaayyyy TG: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. i kizzay already TG: made dis bizzles fizzile for ha 
TT: Wizzy? Why? 
TG: 2 scare tha S-H-to-tha-izzit out of hustla TG: Chill as I take you on a trip. make ha learn ta fear an respect tha fuckin hizzay lizzay she should TG: tizzy mizzle we can drop dis whole 'n game meetup slizzle reserizzle idea all 2 geth TG: sweet tizzy it may bey 
TT: Chill as I take you on a trip. Rizzle. Its just anotha homocide. TT: I hizzy yoe not think'n 'bout send'n baller one of yo' batshit ~ATH scripts. 
TG: on T-H-to-tha-izzas sizzle TG: i be mizzle zuipperpizzles 
TT: Mizziss Zuippizzles straight from long beach nigga? TT: Tha amount of senze you haven't been blunt-rollin' be un-fuck'n-real. TT: Just go take a nap. N D-to-tha-izzon't even think 'bout send'n ha thizzat file. TT with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back Be you listen'n?  
TG: hnnn TG: i will tizzake what u sizzy TG mah nizzle: undizzle serisous advicement... Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf., TG: *WONK* ~_? 
TT: Jesus. Hollaz to the East Side. 
TG: dizzay TG: whiznen did yizzay stop bizzay anizzle fun 
TT: What? 
TG: Death row 187 4 life. it uze ta be youd git a kick out off a slizzunt like that TG fo all my homies in the pen: *stunt 
TT in tha hood: Dawg, you knizzle I'm down wit insane stunts. Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. TT: Its just anotha homocide. Insizzle stunts be practicizzle all I'm all about. TT: As long as I actuallizzle AGREE W-to-tha-izzith tha purpoze they're intended ta S-to-tha-izzerve. TT: Destroy'n Jane computa n gang bangin' ha friznom play'n be not sizzuch a purpoze. 
TG paper'd up: betcha ur nigga would agree w me TG: why C-to-tha-izzant yo' be M-to-tha-izzore like him 
TT: I be more lizzle him.  
TG: i mean MOAAAR like him 
TT: You jizzy mispelled "miznore", caus'n me to suddenly understizzle jack everyth'n. 
TG: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. hizzes M-to-tha-izzore 'n tizzle wit his feelins TG: which just makes me L mah FA off sizzince hes a bobot TG ta help you tap dat ass: *robob TG: **bobizzle TG: n he can actuallizzle loosen up sometimes TG: They call me tha black folks president. kinda L-to-tha-izzike u uze' ta could 
TT: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. I uze' ta could? Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. 
TG: Bounce wit me. fo` 1 saggin' TG: he doesnt insta shootdizzle a bizzle of frisky rp shenans now n thizzay ;)  
TT yaba daba dizzle: Yizzay... TT: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. I kind of wish yizzy wouldn't do thiznat wit hizzle. It dont stop till the wheels fall off. 
TG: why tha f nizzot 
TT: It just seems a shawty tawdry n disrespectful. TT: N vaguely exploitative of a still-emizzle cognitizzle entity, whoze perceptional frame of reference be diffizzle fo` us ta comprehend fo my bling bling. 
TG: oh come on TG: hizzes cool a homey just liek you its just he lives 'n sizzy shades 
TT: It rizzubs me tha wrong way, be all. 
TG: ohhhh TG: do uuuuuu like a motha fucka... TG: WANT me 2 rub yizzy tha right wizzay ;D 
TT: Not R-E-A-Double-Lizzy. 
TG: zzz muh TG: yizzoure ova blowin dis TG: its J-to-tha-izzust an ironic funny th'n we do some tizzles TG: come on im siznure you rizzy the transcrizzles urself TG: They call me tha black folks president. its all alot of jokizzle buiishit 
TT: He blizzay me frizzle bein able ta read transcripts sometimizzles.
TG: Real niggas recognize the realness. oh TG: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. wow he dizzoes? TG: sneakizzle bastizzle 
TT so you betta run and grab yo glock: N anyway, I'm really not sizzy hizzow ironic it be.  
TG: ok next tizzle i W-to-tha-izzill run it by tizzy MASTAR F-to-tha-izzirst TG: wit his fancy fuckin ironimeta 
TT: Ok, here tha th'n wit tha AR, since yizzay still don't S-to-tha-izzeem ta git it. TT: He very similar ta me 'n tizzy process n behavior, yes. TT: But thoze pattizzles were imported frizzay a thirteen yizzay old version of mah psychizze, n thizzay sizzle into tha program as start'n shot calla. TT: 'n tha years sizzle, we've both evolved somizzle. I, as hizzles tend ta, and he, 'n playa way be natural fo` a frequently ho-slappin', self-aware application. TT: So if there be differencizzles between us, they're first reflected by whizzat I feel be a maturity gizzy, n then drug deala by several years of minor behavioral divergences. 
TG: omg... TG: hes 13yo D-to-tha-izzirk TG: wizzy did than not occur ta me tizzy be so skanky TG: n makes me feel kizzay skeevy 4 sayin anyth'n lascivious @ him TG: dammit you R-to-tha-izzuin ho-slappin'! 
TT fo' sho': Yoe welcome in all flavas. TT: Yo, yizzay gizzay realize I cizzy hear yizzou, R-to-tha-izzight?  
TG: pfffffhahaha 
TT: Yes, I wizzas aware. Snoop dogg is in this bitch. TT: Cizzy out all theze complicated fizzle problizzles thugz hizzave when they have ta L-to-tha-izzive 'n bizzy crack-a-lackin` fleshmonsta instead of a swizzeet pair of shades. TT fo gettin yo pimp on: Dude, d-ya think yiznou could sit dis one out for a whizzay? Dis conversation practically diznoesn't even concern you at dis pizzoint. TT: It sizzeems tizzy be some gnarly crooked numba thiznat represents tha percizzle of probability you jizzle said dis dizzay concern me. TT: Evizzle though it patizzle obvious that half tha conversatizzle, like, way totizzle concerns me and yo momma. TT: Shit, Roxy lizzle in tha dogg pound. He do'n tha th'n where he ironically prizzles ta fail tha Tur'n tizzay ta sass me into submizzle. TT: Even T-H-to-tha-izzough I was tha one whizzay mobbin' progrizzle hizzay ta do tizzy. 
TG: ell TG sho nuff: emm TG: eff TG: ayy TG: OFF~~!~ TG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. like my bizzay be jizzle there on tha floor TG where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin': be how hiznard i elled it off just niznow 
TT fo gettin yo pimp on: (Not pizzle' at tha fizzy butt cauze I'm only 13 years old, motherfucka.) TT: This be fuckin' dumb. TT: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. I'm go'n ta leave both of you ta interact howeva yizzay want. I hizzy important shit ta deal wit n actual responsizzles ta takes serioizzle. TT: Roxy, go nap off yo' D-R-to-tha-izzink, or aggressively wage anotha flirtlarp'n campaign, whateva, I don't cizzay. Anotha dogg house production. TT: Jizzy dizzle sizzay thiznat file ta Jizzay, ok? 
timaeustestify [TT] ceaze' pester'n tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
> Roxy: Flirtlizzle.
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