#like dean could put a gun in sam's mouth and sam would be like :)
according2thelore · 10 months
this gif always makes me laugh so hard bc….dean literally walks up and puts this knife on sam’s chest and sam DOES NOT REACT or flinch or anything until dean actually pushes forward
like yes he CAN put a knife on my chest tip first and hold it there and i trust him not to press in…like…okay gayboy…
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my-proof-is-you · 6 months
We Can’t Be Friends
Sam x Reader One Shot based on this request!
Summary: You can’t be around someone who broke your heart. You just can’t be friends.
A/N: This is a super long one shot. Sorry, not sorry :)
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Your lips were inches from each other. You could feel Sam’s breath on your face, Your eyes were closed, the anticipation of the moment you’d dreamed of for so long killing you.
Suddenly, you felt his presence gone. You opened your eyes, Sam had stepped back, his hand running through his hair. 
“We can’t do this, Y/N,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut.
”W-What?” You questioned. 
“We can’t be together. It would never work—it’s too risky. You know that.”
You opened your mouth to argue but no words came out. He wasn’t wrong. Hunters dating each other was rough. There was always something out there that could use you against each other. There was always the threat of losing the other person on a hunt. Young death was common. Getting involved with each other would just make it more painful.
You wanted to scream at him that you could make it work. You wanted to beg him to give it a try. 
But all you did was nod. You swallowed, willing the tears stinging at your eyes to go away.
Sam nodded back, also at a loss for words. He turned, heading down the hallway to his room. When you heard his door close, you finally let the tears fall. 
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Three Weeks Later
Your sharp hearing alerted you to someone other than Sam or Dean entering the kitchen. Your back was to the entryway as you had been filling your coffee mug. It was six in the morning, and even Sam who was an early riser was never up that early. 
Besides, you knew what the boys sounded like. They had very distinct sounds to their steps—individual ways of breathing that you knew like the back of your hand. 
This person was not Sam or Dean.
You pulled your gun from your waistband and spun around instantly, training your firearm on the intruder. 
The woman raised her hands in surrender instantly, a look of confusion on her face. She looked to be about your age. She had long, straight blonde hair, and doe-like eyes that were a bright shade of blue. Her long legs seemed to stretch on forever in the pair of boxer shorts she wore that were rolled up at the waist. She had a white ribbed tank top on with a flannel thrown over it. 
“There is no good way to enter a room that contains a hunter when they’re not expecting you,” she said, her hands still raised and a small smile on her face. 
“Who are you?” You demanded, unflinching.
”I’m Danielle. I guess Sam didn’t warn you I was here.”
”You expect me to believe you were invited here?” You had a hard time believing Sam had just “forgotten” to tell you about a guest.
”Well, it was kinda last minute…” she trailed off. You studied her awkward expression before realization hit you. She wasn’t just wearing a flannel and boxers. She was wearing one of Sam’s flannels. You weren’t sure about the boxers, but you had a pretty good guess as to who they belonged to. 
A sharp pain shot straight through you as you realized what that meant. This woman had spent the night.
”Oh,” you said lamely. You lowered your gun. 
“Whoa, Y/N, what’s goin’ on?” Dean asked, coming into the kitchen behind Danielle. “We don’t wanna scare off any chicks that actually like my brother,” he joked. 
Dean hadn’t known about what happened between you and Sam a few weeks before. You were pretty sure he knew about your feelings for his brother, but you hadn’t told him about your near-relationship. So to Dean, Sam having a girl stay overnight was just business as usual. 
He didn’t know it was making you bite the inside of your cheek so hard it bled. 
“Sorry about that,” you mumbled. She put her hands down as you put your gun back in your waistband. You turned to Dean. ”You knew she was here?”
”Yeah, Sammy texted me last night. He didn’t tell you?” Dean asked, confused. 
You feigned nonchalance. “Must’ve forgot,” you shrugged. 
“Huh. Well, Y/N, Danielle’s here,” he said, giving your shoulder a small shove as he went to get himself a cup of coffee. 
You realized that regardless of your feelings for Sam, you were being rude. 
“I’m sorry. I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, Danielle,” you said, striding over to her and reaching out a hand. She shook it, smiling.
”It’s no problem, Y/N. I would have done the same thing,” she said with a chuckle.
”You’re a hunter too, I take it?” You asked, handing her the mug meant for you and going back to get coffee for yourself again. She sat down at the table and you sat across from her, trying your best to hide your shock at her mere presence. 
One-night-stands weren’t new to you. All three of you had them now and again. You just weren’t expecting Sam to have one so soon after your…incident. 
“Yeah, I met Sam at a shifter case nearby. We got a drink to celebrate when it was over and…well, here I am.”
You smiled lightly as Dean came to sit next to you. You could feel how forced it was, and by the way you could feel his eyes on you, Dean knew, too. 
You spent the next ten minutes getting to know Danielle with Dean before Sam finally stumbled into the kitchen. 
“Well, look who decided to show up,” Dean said. Sam didn’t seem that surprised that Danielle was still there. You watched him as he walked in and came to the table, leaning down and giving her a quick kiss. He turned and walked to the coffee pot, not once making eye contact with you.
”So what’s on the docket today?” Dean asked after taking a sip of his coffee. You were about to respond when Danielle spoke up.
”Well, Sammy and I are going to head up to Colorado for a werewolf case. Then we thought we’d rent a place up there, have a little mini ski vacation.”
Realization smacked you in the face. Danielle wasn’t a one-night-stand. 
Sam was dating her. 
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Sam dared a glance at you from behind his mug when Danielle finished speaking. 
He saw realization, shock, and anger flit across your face at an amazing speed before it turned to a blank mask. 
He was a dick, he knew that. He should have told you he was seeing someone. 
He didn’t even really mean to be seeing someone. He’d met Danielle and had a great night of distraction with her. But when morning came, the gaping hole in his heart returned, and he couldn’t stand it. He needed more distraction. 
Danielle was there. Danielle was sweet and beautiful. Danielle was interested in him.
Danielle wasn’t you, though. 
Before he knew it, a couple of weeks had gone by and he had been calling her up fairly often. He couldn’t find it in himself to tell you, and it hadn’t mattered. But Danielle eventually wanted to see the infamous bunker. So he brought her home. Before telling you.
He knew you’d be pissed. You couldn’t hold it against him forever, though, could you? After all, you’d both agreed it was for the best that you don’t pursue a relationship.
As he watched your face return from blank to your normal easy-going one, he felt a little relief. Maybe you had moved on. Maybe it didn’t bother you that much. 
Sam shook his head a little to clear it, listening back in on the conversation. He needed to focus on the upcoming hunt.
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Your phone went to voicemail for the second time. Sam hung up, trying his brother instead.
”Yello?” Dean answered on the second ring.
”Is everything okay?” Sam asked.
”Where’s Y/N?”
”She’s right here, watching Dr. Sexy with me.”
Sam clenched his teeth and felt his jaw tick. You’d ignored his calls. 
“Sammy?” Dean asked after Sam neglected to respond. 
“Yeah, uh, nevermind. I was just checking in. Danielle and I finished the hunt. We’re gonna spend a couple days up here and then I’ll be home.”
”Alright, brother. Enjoy,” Dean said. Sam could almost hear his eyebrows wiggling. He rolled his eyes and hung up without responding. 
“Everything okay?” Danielle asked, putting her arms around Sam’s neck from behind and placing her face against his. He swallowed, pushing aside his annoyance. 
“Yep, all good.” 
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Dean hung up the phone and turned to look at you. 
“What?” You asked, feigning innocence. 
“You wanna tell me what that was about?” He asked, eyeing you. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you huffed, turning back to the TV.
Dean snatched the remote from next to you, turning it off. “Bullshit. You’ve been weird the last two days. What is going on? Did you and Sam have a fight or something?”
“Or something,” you muttered. 
“Y/N,” he said, staring you down. 
“You know how I feel about him, right?” You asked with a sigh. 
“Yeah,” he replied with a shrug.
”Well, that just makes it…hard to be around him right now. Or talk to him.”
Dean nodded slowly. “But, Y/N, this isn’t anything really new, is it?”
You let out a dry chuckle. “Well, it turns out my feelings aren’t so one-sided.”
”Well I coulda told you that,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Sam’s always been crazy about you.”
You nodded, pursing your lips. You gave him a minute to let what he was saying sink in. 
“Wait, if you know you like each other, why aren’t you together?”
”Because dating when you’re a hunter is a bad idea,” you said flatly.
”But…Danielle’s a…” he trailed off. “Oh.”
”Yeah. Oh.”
”I’m so sorry, Y/N/N. I wouldn’t have been so easy-going about her being here if I’d known,” he said, his eyes shining with regret.
”Don’t worry about it, De. I just…I need some space from him. I don’t think I can be his friend right now.” You felt your face crumple a bit as the words left your mouth. You sniffled, and you saw Dean’s eyes flash with a protective anger.
”I’ll knock some sense into him,” he said, his jaw ticking. 
“Dean, no. I’m a big girl. I don’t need you to beat up your brother for me,” you said with a chuckle. Dean really was your best friend outside of Sam, and you felt your heart swell a little at the thought of him siding with you over his own brother.
”Fine,” he sighed. “But Y/N, you say the word, and his ass is grass.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes, Dean’s antics cheering you up a little. “Got it.”
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It was a little harder to avoid Sam when he got back from his “mini-vacation.” He had clearly caught on to the fact that you didn’t want to hang out with him. Not that you were subtle. 
Whenever Sam walked into a room you were in, you mumbled some excuse and left. You could see that it was bothering him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. It’s not like he didn’t deserve it. 
He’d tried to talk to you about it a couple of times. You’d been able to avoid the conversation. 
Until now, that is.
”Y/N, stop.” He grasped your arm as you turned to leave the library. You’d come in from the kitchen and seen him there and immediately tried to escape. He was fast, though, and pulled you to a bookshelf, effectively cornering you.
You pulled your arm away from his hand as if he’d burned you. 
“What, Sam?” You asked with very little patience.
”What do you mean, ‘what’? You’ve been avoiding me for the better part of a month,” he replied, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Yeah, well, you’ve been busy,” you said, emphasizing the last word. 
“I’ve been here almost every day,” he said, clearly not getting what you were saying. “Why don’t you want to hang out with me? I miss you.”
You almost softened your resolve when he said that. But the pain that creeped in when you remembered Danielle put the wall right back up. If he couldn’t see what he’d done, you weren’t going to explain it to him.
”It’s nothing, Sam. I’ve just been busy, too.” You met his eyes but made sure to keep yours blank. He searched them for a moment. “Can I go now?” You asked. 
He nodded, a look of sadness on his face. You slipped past him and out of the library before you could change your mind. 
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A few more weeks went by and you could feel yourself becoming less and less like yourself. You continued to give Sam the cold shoulder, and it seemed he had given up trying to get you to talk, too. You spoke with him when it was essential for hunts, but rarely outside of that. 
Danielle had been joining many of your hunts and hanging around the bunker a lot. It was painful to see them together, but she really was a nice girl and a great hunter. It wasn’t her fault you were heartbroken. 
You breathed a sigh of relief when you heard Danielle wouldn’t be coming on the afternoon’s hunt. You were going to the next town over to take care of a vamp nest, which should have been quick and easy.
It wasn’t.
There were more vampires than any of you had thought. The three you killed easily were only a third of what the nest actually was. You each took on two more when they appeared. You could hear the sounds of Sam and Dean fighting theirs off as you lopped off the head of one of yours. The other one, though, got the jump on you. He threw you against the wall with unbelievable force, knocking the wind out of you. 
You laid crumpled on the floor, trying to get your bearings. You had hit your head, and you reached back to feel the bump, your hand coming back red with blood. Your back was screaming, and you could tell you’d at least bruised a few ribs. 
“Stupid girl,” the vampire said, closing in on you slowly. “You killed my family. That cannot stand.”
Your vision was becoming fuzzy around the edges, unconsciousness pulling at you. As the vamp leaned in, fangs bared, his eyes went wide just before his head was gone. It rolled to the floor and his body fell back with a loud thump on the floor. 
“Y/N! Y/N, are you okay?” Sam shouted. He was kneeling down in front of you where the vampire had just been. He held your shoulders and you blinked hard, trying to get your vision to clear. It was useless, though, and you felt yourself go limp before darkness took over.
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“Y/N. Y/N,” you heard as you opened your eyes. You blinked against the harsh light of the bunker’s kitchen. You were sat in a chair, Dean holding you up by your shoulders and lightly tapping your face.
”Y-Yeah,” you said, your head pounding. “I’m okay.”
”I’ll be the judge of that,” he replied. He checked you over and when you both agreed that you’d just been knocked out and probably had some bruised ribs, he gave you a glass of water and left to go shower. You were still sitting, and realized that Sam was leaning against the counter, staring at you.
“You scared me,” he said quietly.
You pursed your lips, shrugging. “I’m fine.”
”You’re not fine. We’re not fine,” he said, looking away and shaking his head. 
“Sam, don’t,” you said. You stood up and took a moment to steady yourself. 
“Just talk to me, Y/N!” He said, suddenly walking toward you.
”Why don’t you talk to your girlfriend, Sam?” You said, unable to hide the hurt from your voice. 
Sam’s eye met yours, a look of regret taking over.
“I made a mistake,” he said quietly. 
“You—you made a mistake.” You stated sarcastically. 
“Yeah, Y/N. I made a mistake starting a relationship with Danielle. I still have feelings for you,” he said. He lifted a hand like he wanted to touch you, but dropped it when he saw the look on your face.
You felt the rage bubbling up inside as you held back the tears forming the best you could.
”What do you want me to say, Sam?” You said through gritted teeth. “I’m not going to feel sorry for you.”
He swallowed, his soulful eyes meeting yours. 
“You did this to us, Sam. You chose to date her. You chose this.”
”We both agreed it was better not to try!” He argued. 
“No, Sam. You said it was better. I only went along with it because it was what you wanted! And then you decided to try with her!” You sucked in a breath as the tears fell in an attempt to calm yourself. “She is a good person, Sam. She doesn’t deserve less than one-hundred percent of you.”
You stepped forward, gripping his hand. You brought your eyes up to his. “Be the good man I know you are. Be with her.” You squeezed his hand once before dropping it. You brushed past him and down the hall to your room. Closing the door, you collapsed onto your bed and let the sobs escape. Some time later, you felt the bed dip behind you. You hadn’t even heard anyone come in over your sobs. So much for your hunter ears. 
You knew from the scent of whiskey, cologne, and motor oil that it was Dean, though. He put a hand on your shoulder and pulled you toward him, and you let him. You rested your head on his chest and gripped his shirt as you cried. He kept his arms around you and let you, shushing you and kissing the top of your head. After what felt like hours, you fell asleep surrounded by the comfort of your best friend.
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It had been a few hours since he’d seen you or Dean, so Sam decided to go looking for you. After looking in all the common areas of the bunker, he carefully opened the door to your room.
Dean met his eyes from his spot leaning against the headboard of your bed and Sam slid his gaze down, taking in your sleeping form. He could see that the space around your eyes was puffy from crying. He took a deep breath in, letting it out in a pained sigh. 
“She been asleep long?” He asked his brother.
Dean just shook his head. “She’s really out, though.”
”Sam, I don’t want to hear it,” Dean said, cutting him off. “Whatever bullshit reason you have for doing what you did—for doing this,” he said, nodding toward you with his head, “I don’t want to hear it.”
Sam bit the inside of his cheek and looked away, feeling the tears stinging the back of his eyes.
”What am I supposed to do, man?” He asked his big brother, his voice breaking slightly. “I love her.”
Dean’s eyes softened. “You do what’s right. You do what you always should have.”
”I can’t lose her,” Sam said quietly. He worried for a second that Dean wouldn’t know if he meant Danielle or you. 
“I get it,” Dean replied, and Sam wasn’t worried anymore. “But you have to decide what that means for you. Cause you can’t have it both ways.” He looked down at you again, effectively telling Sam that he was done talking. 
Sam left your room, closing the door quietly behind him. 
The right thing. He’d always tried to do the right thing. And look where it’d gotten him.
He knew what he was going to do, right or wrong be damned.
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You’d woken at some point to Dean sliding out from under you and covering you with your comforter. You were already falling back asleep as he kissed your head and said, “Sleep, sweetheart.”
Now you woke again. Your phone on your nightstand told you it was 11 AM. You’d slept for twelve hours. 
Everything from the night before came rushing back to you. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to calm yourself. Your head throbbed and your ribs ached as you got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom. You showered, the hot water stinging your head wound but soothing your sore muscles. You dressed in your leggings and a t-shirt before throwing one of Sam’s flannels over it. You may not have been his girlfriend—or even speaking to him—but you would be damned if you were going to give up the comfiest piece of clothing you’d stolen from him.
You padded down the hall to the kitchen, noticing how quiet the bunker was. You didn’t know where the brothers were, but decided not to worry about it before you’d even had some coffee. 
You walked into the library, intent on sitting in one of the overstuffed leather chairs by the bookshelves. You stopped, though, when you saw Sam sitting at one of the tables. He wasn’t pouring over any old tomes or looking at his laptop like usual. He was just sitting there, staring at his hands. He looked up then, and you knew he’d been waiting for you.
”Sam, please, I can’t do this again,” you said, not wanting to argue with him.
He stood, walking to you in two long strides and taking your mug, setting it down on the table nearest to you. You watched him in confusion as he came back to stand in front of you. 
“You said I was a good man, Y/N.” He grabbed each of your hands with his, his eyes never leaving yours. “But a good man wouldn’t have broken your heart.”
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes. “Sam—“
”Let me just say this, Y/N/N,” he said softly. You nodded for him to continue. 
“I was trying to do the right thing when I said we shouldn’t be together. I thought it would just be too hard, and I didn’t want to lose you. But being without you created this—this hole in me. So I tried to fill it. I distracted myself with Danielle. I didn’t even really want to be in a relationship with her. It’s not like I forgot what I had just said about dating as hunters. But it was different with her. The stakes weren’t as high.”
You watched him as he continued, his grip on your hands staying firm.
”She only eased the ache for a little bit, though. It always came back. It came back because you are what I need.
”When you got hurt on the hunt yesterday, my heart nearly stopped. It didn’t matter that we aren’t together. Losing you would ruin me, whether we’re together or not. 
“I broke up with Danielle this morning. Maybe that makes me a bad person. I don’t know. I don’t care, though. I’m so in love with you, Y/N. And I can’t go another minute without you in my life.”
Your heart thudded in your chest, and you could feel the tears leaking out of your eyes and down your cheeks. Sam lifted his hands to your face, his thumbs wiping the tears away. 
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he said when it was clear you were speechless. You nodded, finding it was the only thing you could manage at the moment. 
Sam smiled lightly and leaned in, bringing his lips to yours. In that moment it was like you had found everything that had ever been missing in your life. You were whole again. You brought your hands up around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair. He moaned, wrapping one arm around your back and pulling you flush to him. 
After a few moments he pulled away, his eyes searching yours. You realized you still hadn’t spoken. 
You smiled. “You are a good person, Sam. And I love you, too.”
His face lit up and he pulled you back in for another kiss. 
“Thank God,” you heard from the bottom of the stairs. Dean stood there holding a few takeout bags. “I couldn’t take any more of y’all’s drama.”
You rolled your eyes at your friend before turning back to Sam. “So, do you want to try this?” You asked cautiously.
”Try? No,” he replied. Your heart sank for a moment before he continued. “We’re doing this. You’re it for me, Y/N,” he said, placing a finger under your chin before bringing his lips to yours again. 
You smiled as he pulled away. “Guess we’re friends again,” you joked. 
“Nuh uh,” he said, pulling you close again. “You’re mine,” he whispered in your ear. It sent a shiver down your spine. 
“Then show me,” you whispered back. Next thing you knew, Sam had thrown you over his shoulder and was marching down the hall. 
“Guess I’ll see you guys later,” you heard Dean call with a chuckle. 
And as Sam tossed you gently on his bed and crawled up, hovering over you, you knew that he finally got it.
Being together was worth the risk.
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Forevers:@divadinag @lynne1993 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​  @onethirstyunicorn @sammykb1994 @lilulo-12 @mellorine-paprika @tranquility-or-chaos @collette04 @hoboal87 @chevyharvelle @miraclesoflove @defenderrosetyler @babypink224221 @calaofnoldor @beatifuldisaster018 @coffeebooksandfandom @supernatural3002 @lainxcas @mylovelydame21 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @lovely-lynns-likes @ppeachygemss @screechingartisancashbailiff @metalfangirl @vicmc624 @polina-93 @hobby27 @sexyvixen7 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @lyarr24 @amelia-song-pond @donnaintx @spnbaby-67 @traceyaudette @gh0stgurl @fiftyshadesgrl @tapedeck-hearts @lacilou @foxyjwls007 @stoneyggirl2 @kr804573 @cumuluscranium
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pagannatural · 7 months
Devil’s Trap
-Dean walks away from Meg and Sam is like “are you okay?” It’s just so cute how Sam shows his care for Dean by paying close attention to him like this
-Dean says he always wanted to be a fireman when he grew up and Sam goes “you never told me that!” in this cute little brother way like he can’t believe Dean would keep something like that from him.
I feel like we as a society (by which I mean the wincest posts that show up on my dash) moved on too quickly from fireman Dean. Dean would be a fantastic fucking fireman. He could put “rescued my perfect sweet-eyed baby brother from three burning buildings” on his resume. He really sees no value in anything that he can’t relate back to Sam, does he?
-The first time Dean knowingly kills someone it’s to save Sam. A love that corrupts etc
Images that feel both illegal and religious
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The way Sam melts into Dean completely, mouth open, eyes shut.
Sam says softly “you saved my life back there” which is inherently romantic. Dean tells Sam “For you or dad the things I’m willing to do or kill…it scares me sometimes.” His love for Sam scares him sometimes. Dean also saved Sam in spite of his dad’s disapproval of him using the Colt.
-Dean to possessed John: “He wouldn’t be proud of me… you’re not my dad.” Yikes, condolences. Poor Dean
-Sam walks into the room to find Dean aiming the colt at John and goes “Dean!” right as Dean tells him to stay back. I have a feeling if it had been John aiming a gun at Dean, Sam still would’ve gone “Dean!” and Dean would’ve told him to stay back, and if it were either of them aiming a gun at Sam, Sam still would’ve gone “Dean!” and Dean would’ve told him to stay back. If something’s not right Sam’s gonna yell “Dean!” and Dean’s gonna tell Sam to stay back.
Dean tells Sam John is possessed.
Sam asks how do you know, because Sam likes to be informed, and Dean just says “he’s different.”
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That’s enough for Sam. He GETS BEHIND DEAN. This is the underrated samdean moment of all time for me. He doesn’t even hesitate. He tested John with holy water himself, but he knows that Dean knows John well, and he trusts Dean. He said last episode that Dean is the one person he can always count on. And he doesn’t just go to his side, he stands close behind him so that Dean can protect him.
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-The demon taunts Dean by saying his family doesn’t need him
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and the camera cuts to Sam who’s like. He doesn’t think I need him? 🥺
-Sam shoots their possessed dad in the thigh and immediately runs to kneel by Dean and worry over him. Dean asks Sam to go check on John, and Sam makes a face like What the fuck? I’m busy checking on you
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Sam complies and stands over John to check on him. It’s just so different from his concern for Dean. Like, that’s his dad that he just maimed, lying on the floor not moving, and 110% of Sam’s concern is directed at Dean. It’s not a competition, but if it were, Dean would win.
-John tells Sam “shoot me” but Dean tells him not to, so of course he listens to Dean.
John is disappointed in Sam because “killing this demon comes first. Before me, before everything.” Sam looks at Dean in the rearview mirror and says “no sir, not before everything.” John is the one that Sam chose not to kill when he had the chance to kill the demon, and yet it’s Dean he’s thinking about when John says this. Nothing comes before Dean. A big part of Sam’s choice not to shoot when his dad was possessed was not being able to hurt Dean like that, knowing that Dean would rather have John alive than the demon dead. I honestly think he would’ve pulled the trigger if Dean told him to.
It’s a beautiful resolution to their fight last episode when Dean told Sam that he is more important to him than killing the demon. They’re explicitly each other’s top priorities by this last scene.
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 10 - Asylum
Series Masterlist
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The boys and I were currently back at my Indiana safehouse where I dropped Quinn off. We decided to come back up north as my bike was here and to save on money for motels. Dean and I were at the dining table which was on the living room, Dean flipping through his dads journal and I was looking for new cases on my laptop.
Sam was on the couch, making calls to see if anyone heard from our dads. "No, Dad was in California last we heard from him and F/N was in Texas last Y/N heard from him" Sam says into the phone. "We just thought that they usually go to you for munitions, maybe you've seen them in the last few weeks. Just call us if you hear anything...Thanks" He finishes and hangs up.
"Caleb hasn't heard from them?" Dean asks. "Nope. Neither has Jefferson or Pastor Jim" Sam responds. "What about the journal? Any leads in there?" He asks and Dean shakes his head. "No. Same as last time I looked. Nothing I can make out" Dean says.
"Let me see" I gesture for him to give me the book and he hands me the journal. I scan a couple pages and scoff a bit, "I love your dad but I swear, he writes like frigging Yoda" I mumble and Dean chuckles, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, maybe we should call the feds. File missing persons reports" Sam suggests.
"We talked about this. Dad and F/N would be pissed if we put the feds on their tails" Dean says shaking his head and Sam scoffs. His phone starts to ring "I don't care anymore. After all that happened back in Kansas..." Sam starts and Dean gets up to grab his phone. "I mean, they should've been there. You said it so yourself, Y/N" Sam turns to look at me and I sigh.
"Dean, you tried to call him and nothing" Sam adds. "I know" Dean grunts looking for his phone that's still ringing. "Where the hell is my cell phone?" Dean grumbles. "You know, they could be dead for all we know" Sam says and Deans head snaps up. "Don't say that!" He snaps. "They're not dead, they're- they're-" Dean stutters on his words.
"They're what? They're hiding? They're busy?" Sam retorts. Dean finally finds his phone, flipping open. He looks at it stunned, "I don't believe it" He whispers shocked. "What?" I ask him confused, closing my laptop. He turns back to take a seat by the table next to me and I peer over, taking the phone from his hand. Written on the screen was coordinates.
"42, -89"
"You don't think...." I look up at him in contemplation and he nods. "What is it?" Sam asks annoyed. "It's a text message. It's coordinates" Dean tells Sam. I flip open back my laptop to look it up online. Dean comes behind me, leaning on my chair to look into the laptop and Sam stands infront of us.
"You think dad was texting us?" Sam asks Dean. "He's given us coordinates before" Dean shrugs as I type the coordinates in. "The man can barely work a toaster, Dean" Sam retorts dryly and I snicker a bit. Finding the location that points to Rockford, Illinois. So I decide to check the local papers for anything strange.
"Sam, this is good news. It means they're okay. Or alive, at least" Dean says, leaning off my chair. "Well, was there a number on the caller ID?" Sam asks, placing his hands on his hips. "No, it said unknown" I tell him. "Okay. Well where do the coordinates point?" He asks.
"That's the interesting part. Rockford, Illinois" I inform them as I pull up a very riveting article. "Okay, and that's interesting how?" Dean asks, leaning back down to look at the laptop. "I checked the local Rockford paper. Take a look at this" I turn the laptop a bit to show them.
"This cop, Walter Kelly, he comes home from his shift, shoots his wife then puts the gun in his mouth, blows his brains out" I start to explain, clicking on the picture of the cop while Sam pulls a chair and sits next to me "And earlier that night, Kelly and his partner responded to a call at the Roosevelt Asylum" I finish.
Dean goes back to his seat and grabs his dads journal. "Okay, I'm not following. What does this have to do with us?" Sam asks confused. "Dad earmarked the same asylum in the journal" Dean says, opening the journal and flipping through the pages. "Okay. Let's see..." he mutters and flips to the page next to the Wendigo drawing.
He gets up and rests the book on the table in between me and Sam, standing between us. "Here. Seven unconfirmed sightings. Two deaths....Till last week, at least. I think this is where they want us to go" Dean says, smiling a bit. Sam gets up scoffing, rubbing the back of his head with his hands. "This is a job" Sam scoffs.
"Our dads wants us to work a job" I say scoffing a bit. Of course they want us to work a job, because talking to their children is so hard. "Yeah, maybe we'll meet up with them. Maybe they're there" Dean says hopefully. "Maybe they're not. They could be sending us there by ourselves to hunt this thing" I say and Sam nods in agreement.
"Who cares? If Dad wants us there, it's good enough for me" Dean says, going over to the couch as I close the laptop shit. "This doesn't strike you as weird? The texting? The coordinates?" Sam asks. "Sam! Dads telling us to go somewhere. We're going" Dean snaps and walks upstairs.
I shake my head in annoyance. "You get where I'm coming from right?" Sam turns to me. "Yeah, it's weird to me but hey. At least we got a job" I sigh, getting up to pack my stuff up that's on the couch.
After Dean finishes packing up his stuff, Sam doing the same, we all make way to Baby and Quinn. I decide to take my bike on this hunt since I haven't ridden her for the past couple weeks. Dean hops in his Impala and I hop on my Harley, starting her engine her roar fills the empty silent night and we're off to Rockford, Illinois.
"You're Daniel Gunderson, right? You're a cop?" Dean asks the cop sitting alone having a beer at the bar, while Y/N and Sam watch from afar. "Yeah" Daniel confirms and Dean chuckles taking a seat "I'm Nigel Tufnel, with the Chicago Tribune. Mind if I ask you a couple questions about your partner?" Dean introduces himself using his an alias.
Daniel eyes him suspiciously. "Yeah I do. I'm just trying to have a beer here" He says annoyed. "It won't take that long. I just wanna hear your story. You know?" Dean presses with a smile on his face. "A week ago my partner was sitting in that chair. Now he's dead" Daniel says dryly. "You gonna ambush me here?" He asks annoyed.
"I'm sorry. I need to know what happened" Dean apologizes, pressing the topic. Me and Sam take that as our signal and go into action. Sam grabs Dean by his shirt roughly, "Hey, buddy. How about leaving the guy alone huh?!" Sam yells, pushing Dean into the pool table roughly.
"The man's an officer! Why don't you show a little respect you prick!" I yell at him, getting up in his face. He flashes me a small smirk before clearing his throat and walking off. Daniel looks at us gratefully, "You guys didn't have to do that" He tells us. "Yeah, of course we did. That guys a serious jerk" I say looking at him.
"Let me buy you a beer me and my girlfriend here, huh?" Sam says kindly, wrapping his arm around my shoulder before gesturing to the bartender. "Three" He tells him, pulling out the chair for me to sit and grabbing one of his own. "Thanks" Daniel smiles at us. "No worries sir" I respond sweetly.
"There's the happy couple" Dean says sarcastically as we walk towards the car exiting the bar, sounding a bit....jealous? "You're gross" Sam gags and so do I. "You shoved me kinda hard in there buddy boy" He says to Sam as he leans on the Impala with his hands in his jacket.
"Enjoyed getting up in my face, Princess?" He turns to me smirking and I roll my eyes. "Had to sell it, didn't we? It's method acting" I counter and Sam chuckles. "Huh?" Dean says confused. "Never mind" Sam shakes his head, going over to the passenger seat. "What'd you guys find out from Gunderson?" Dean asks us.
"So, Walter Kelly was a good cop. Head of his class, even-keeled. He had a bright future ahead of him" Sam begins to explain, clasping his hands infront of him, ontop of the Impala. "What about at home?" Dean asks. "He and his wife had a few fights, like everybody, but it was mostly smooth sailing" I say, picking up my bike helmet that's parked next to Dean's car.
"They were even talking about having kids" I add. "Alright, so either Kelly had some deep seated crazy waiting to bust out or something else did it for him" Dean suggests and we nod. "Right" Sam says. "What's Gunderson say about the asylum?" Dean asks and we lightly chuckle. "A lot" We say in unison.
Couple hours later, we made our way to the asylum and now we're all scaling the wired gate. Sam goes first, I go second and lastly, Dean. We walk up the stairs leading to the entrance on the south wing. Right infront of the stairs was a door saying "KEEP OUT. CONDEMNED BUILDING. NO ENTRY ALLOWED. VIOLATORS PROSECUTE. NO TRESPASSING. PROPERTY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS"
Sam opens the door, me and Dean walk in behind him and close it behind us. Inside the asylum was completely trashed, beer cans, graffiti, old equipment. The second we enter there, I could feel a heaviness in the place. I thought their old house was bad, but this. This was terrible. There was a lot of anger, hatred.
This was 10 times worse than what I felt back in Kansas. I could already tell a ton of people have died here. Which is expected because it was a mental institution. I cant see anything thankfully, that would've scared the crap out of me. But I could feel it on my head and heavy on my mind.
Like it was coursing through my veins. Should I tell the boys what I feel? Or will they just think I'm a freak? I know Sam would understand because he feels and sees things too but Dean might be a little on edge about it. I'll just go with the flow. I could just be paranoid.
"So apparently the cops chases the kids here....into the south wing" Sam says as we look around. "South wing, huh?" Dean says and pauses for a moment, as if he's thinking. "Wait a second..south wing, south wing.." He pulls out his dads journal that was in his jacket and flips through it while muttering.
"1972. 'Three kids broke into the south wing. Only one survived'" He reads out from a news article paper-clipped into John's journal. "Way he tells it, one of his friends went nuke and started lighting up the place" Dean tells us. "So whatever's going on, south wing seems like the heart of it" Sam says.
"Yeah but if kids are spelunking the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths?" I question. I look at the door that has some chains that was bolt cut while Dean reads his dads journal. "Looks like the doors are usually chained" Sam voices my inner thoughts. "Could've been chained up for years too" I add and he nods.
"Yeah, to keep people out....or to keep something in" Dean suggests. Sam slowly pushes the door open that leads into a dark hallway and it lets out a loud creaking sound. "Well, that's not creepy at all" I mutter sarcastically causing the boys to chuckle.
I take the lead and walk down the hall infront of the boys who follow behind me. Dean comes next to me by my side, "Let me know if you guys see any dead people, Haley Joel" Dean teases me and Sam and I roll my eyes. "Dude, enough" Sam snaps at him.
"Bite me" I retort at Dean and he smirks. "Maybe I will" He says flirtatiously. Right there I had to stop myself from letting the heat rise in my cheeks, covering it up with a scoff and he chuckles. "I'm serious. You two gotta be careful alright. Ghosts are attracted to that whole ESP thing you've got going. Especially you" He says turning to me.
"I've told you. It's not ESP. I just have strange vibes sometimes. Weird dreams. Maybe it could be ESP for Y/N but not for me." Sam defends. "Yeah, whatever. Don't ask, don't tell" Dean dismisses, looking down at his EMF meter. "You getting any reading on that thing or not?" I ask Dean.
"Nope. Of course it doesn't mean that nobody's home" Dean says. "Spirits can't appear during certain hours of the day" Sam says. "Yeah, but freaks come out at night" Dean says amused. "I could feel something" I admit to them and they turn to me. "What do you feel?" Dean asks.
"Like a shit ton of people have died here, not including the teens that didnt survive in 72. It's way more. It feels like anger, hatred." I say as we continue down the hallway. Dean smirks and then turns to Sam, "Hey Sam, who do you think is the hotter psychic? Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, you or Y/N?" Dean asks in a serious tone, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
Sam glares at him annoyed and I punch him in his shoulder angrily as he laughs hysterically.
We enter a dusty room while investigating the asylum. And let me tell you....it was a mess. Me and Sam cough from the dustiness of the room that was trashed as Dean lowly whistles at the state. There were tools that look like they used it to...experiment. Just the thought made me want to gag.
We walk around the room a bit, "Man. Electroshock, lobotomies. They did some twisted stuff to these people" Dean says as we look at the old equipment. "Kinda like my man Jack in Cuckoos Nest" He imitates Jack Nicholson and I laugh while Sam scoffs, Dean smiles at the fact I laughed at his joke.
"You sound like you belong here" I snicker and his smile drops while Sam bellows out laughing, Dean rolls his eyes in annoyance as we laugh. "So, what do you think? Ghosts are possessing people?" Dean changes the subject as we sober up from laughing. "Maybe" I say shrugging.
"Or maybe it's more like uh- Amityville or yhe Smurl Haunting" Sam suggests. "Spirits driving thing insane. Kinda like my man Jack in the shining" Dean adds with a smile and I chuckle while Sam looks at him with a serious face. "Yes, Dean. Exactly like that" I say sarcastically and he scoffs, rolling his eyes jokingly.
"Dean, Y/N. When are we gonna talk about it?"   Sam asks seriously and I giving him a knowing look. "Talk about what?" Dean asks confused. "About the fact that Dad and Mr. L/N aren't here" Sam says in a deadpan tone. "Oh..uh...Never" Dean counters snarkily and I roll my eyes.
"He's being serious, Dean" I snap at Dean, defending Sam and he sighs. "So am I, Y/N. Look Dad sent us here. He obviously want us here. We'll just have to pick up the search later" Dean says. "It doesn't matter what he want" Sam counters and I sigh. Already knowing they're gonna fight.
"See, that attitude right there?.." Dean starts. "That is why I always get the extra cookie" He finishes cheekily and my eyebrows cock up at this. I was half expecting him to punch Sam. "Look Dean, Sam has a point. Our dads could be in trouble. We should be looking for them. We deserve some answers, Dean. I mean this is our families" I try to reason with him.
"I understand that, Y/N" He raises his voice and I flinch back a bit unconsciously for some reason. Sam notices this and Dean quickly apologizes, "I'm sorry for raising my voice at you, princess" He says softly and I nod pretending it didn't affect me.
"But they've given us an order" Dean finishes. "So what? We always gotta follow Dad's and Mr. L/N's orders" Sam says frustrated. "Of course we do" Dean voice bellows, turning to Sam. He scoffs and turns around, fidgeting with the items on the tablet behind him. He picks up a board and reads off of it. "Sanford Ellicott"
"You know what we gotta do. We gotta find out more about the south wing. See what exactly happened here" Dean says, turning around back and chucking the piece of board at Sam. We look at it as he walks off, "Chief of Staff. Sanford Ellicott. M.D." written in block letters.
The next day, me and Dean are outside of a psychiatric doctors office waiting on Sam while he pretends to be a patient after making an appointment yesterday. I'm leaning against the Impala smoking a cigarette, Dean next to me fidgeting impatiently. "Goddamnit. What's taking him so long" He groans annoyed and I chuckle.
"Patience is virtue, charming" I tease him in a singsong tone and he side glares me, making me laugh. "Don't be a smartass, Princess" He snaps at me. "Don't be a impatient ass. Sam knows what he's doing." I snap back and he grumbles. I roll my eyes, while I take a drag from my cigarette.
"Here" I fish through my pocket for a candy bar I got at the Gas N Sip earlier when I was filling up my bike. His eyes light up like a kid on Christmas, taking it from me quickly. "I was saving it for the next time we got stuck in traffic to shut you up. But might as well" I chuckle as he bursts open the pack, eating it up giddily.
"Thanks, Y/N" He says gratefully, his mouth filled with chocolate. I snort at his expression, "You're welcome, Dean" I say sweetly, taking the last puff from my cigarette before flicking it away. Just as Dean finishes the candy bar, we see Sam exit the office and he lets out a sigh of relief.
"Dude, you were in there forever. What the hell were you talking about?" He asks annoyed as Sam approaches the car. "Just the hospital, you know" Sam puts it vaguely. "And?" I press. "And the south wing? It's where they housed the real hard cases. The psychotics, the criminally insane-" Sam lists off counting with his fingers.
"Sounds cozy" Dean says sarcastically. "Yeah. And one night in '64, they rioted. Attacked staff, attacked each other." Sam explains. "So what, the patients took over the asylum?" I ask. "Apparently" Sam says. "Any deaths?" Dean asks. "Some patients, some staff. I guess it was pretty gory. Some of the bodies were never even recovered, including our chief of staff, Ellicott" Sam tells us.
"What do you mean every recovered?" I ask. "Cops scoured every inch of the place, I guess the patients must've...stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden" He tells us with a disgusted face and I gag. "That's grim. I guess you were right" Dean says turning to me and I sigh nodding. "Yeah. So they transferred all the surviving patients and shut down the hospital for good" Sam finishes.
"Alright so to sum it up. We've got a bunch of violent deaths and a bunch of unrecovered bodies" Dean says. "Which confirms my suspicions about a bunch of angry spirits" I say. "Good times. Let's check out the hospital tonight" Dean says dryly and we head to our vehicles.
Later that night, we're back at the hospital. Sam pushes open the creaky door to the hallway we were in earlier and I flash my light down the vacant hallway. The heaviness of the place taking me over again. Dean pulls out his EMF reader, powering it up and Sam pulls out a video camera. The EMF meter goes off instantly, we all share a look and slowly trudge down the hallway.
"Getting reading?" Sam asks Dean while he holds up the camera scanning the place. "Yeah, big time" Dean nods. "This place is orbing like crazy" Sam says. "It's probably multiple spirits out and about" I say. "If these unrecovered bodies are causing the haunting-" I begin to add, "We gotta find them and burn them" Dean finishes my thought.
"But you be careful though, the only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed of spirit....is the pissed off spirit of a psycho killer" Dean says grimly as we continue down the hall. Suddenly I feel chills at the back of my neck, like a presence behind me. I spin around quickly, flashing the light behind me and the boys turn around too.
Indicating they felt it too. We don't see anything so we just turn back around and continue in the direction we were in. Some time in, we come up to some empty rooms, Sam scans the room with his camera while I flash the light in the direction he's pointing his camera.
We walk into a joining room that connects to the one we were in and it looks like an old kitchen. Probably an old staff room, we slowly peer around the room. Looking for any images or spirits. Suddenly a woman comes into the view on Sam's camera, she has what looks like glass in her eye and her face is rotten, pale with blood dripping down her face.
We scream in surprise and fear. "Dean! Dean!" We yell out to draw Deans attention as the woman moves closer to us, but not to attack, almost as if she's asking for help?. "Shotgun!" I yell. Dean quickly grabs the rocksalt gun, "Sam! Y/N! Get down!" He yells and we duck down, throwing ourselves to the ground.
Dean shoots the spirit point blank in her head and she disintegrates. Me and Sam quickly get up, gasping for air. "That was weird" Sam says. "Yeah, you're telling me" Dean responds turning to walk out the door. "No, Dean, I think he means it's weird that she didn't attack us" I say as we follow him down the hall.
"Looked pretty Agro from where I was standing" Dean retorts. "She didn't hurt us. She didn't even try" Sam defends. "So did she didn't want do hurt us, then what did she want?" I ask them. We come up to a room where the beds are turnt over and we all share a look. I flash my light through the room while Dean holds up his gun and Sam holds us his camera.
We see what looks like the top of someone's head that's behind the bed that's turnt to the side, we slowly approach it and Sam quickly pulls it away. Revealing a young blonde girl, no more than 16, screaming in fear. "It's alright hun, we're not gonna hurt you. It's okay" I assure her gently, holding at my hand for her to take. She accepts it and I help her off of the floor.
"What's your name?" Dean asks. "Katherine...Kat" She responds shakily. "Okay. I'm Dean. This is Sam and this is Y/N" Dean quickly introduces us. "What're you doing here?" Sam asks her quickly and she sniffles. "Um, my boyfriend, Gavin—" She goes to explain but I cut her off. "If he here?" I ask.
"Somewhere. He thought it would be fun and try and see some ghosts" She tells us fearfully and the boys and I share exasperated looks. Fucking teenagers man. "I thought it was all just...you know, pretend" She cries, clutching her coat to her body. Her breathing quickens.
"I've seen things. I heard Gavin scream and..." She explains but Dean takes her hand. "Alright, Kat. Come one. Sam and Y/N's gonna get you out of here and then we're gonna find your boyfriend" Dean says, leading her out. "No, no. I'm not gonna leave without Gavin. I'm coming with you" She argues and insists.
"It's no joke around here, it's dangerous" I try to reason with her, shaking my head. "That's why I've gotta find him." She breaths out. We all look at each other and just nod. "Alright, I guess we're gonna split up, then. Let's go" Dean says obliging.
Me and Sam stick together while Dean sticks with Kat. We take one side and they took another. "Gavin!" Me and Sam yell, hoping to get a response as we flash our lights around the abandoned hospital. "Gavin?" I bellow. We come up to another room, Sam behind me. When I walk, there was the body of a teenage body, lying in the middle of it. This has to be Gavin.
"Sam!" I call out for Sam and he comes rushing in. We kneel next to the boy, shaking him awake. "Gavin" We call for him as we shake and he jumps awake, fear etched on his face, eyes wide. "Hey, Gavin. Hey. It's okay. It's okay, we're here to help" I assure him. "Who are you?" He asks us fearfully.
"My name is Sam and this is Y/N" Sam quickly responds. "We found your girlfriend" I tell him, extending my hand to him to help him up. Sam takes his other hand and we pull him up from the ground. "Kat?" He asks us shakily. "Yeah" Sam confirms. "Is she alright?" He asks concerned. "She's worried about you. Are you okay?" I ask him and he holds his head, groaning in pain.
"I was running. I- uh- I think I fell" He explains. "You were running from what?" Sam asks and he looks at us panicked. "There was- There was this girl. Her-her-her face-... It was all messed up" He stutters, his voice cracking as he explains. "Okay, okay. Listen, listen. This girl, did she try to hurt you?" I ask him calmly and he shakes his head stuttering.
"What? No. She...uh...." He trails off. "She what?" Sam asks gently while Gavin looks down guiltily. "She kissed me" He says lowly and our eyebrows shoot up at this. "Uh- I'm....But- But she didn't hurt you physically?" Sam asks, stuttering in shock.
"Dude, she kissed me. I'm scarred for life" Gavin says again exasperated and I hold back a chuckle. Not the time, Y/N. "Well, trust me, it could've been worse. Now, do you remember anything else?" I ask him. "She..uh...actually. She tried to whisper something in my ear" He thinks back and remembers this.
"What?" Sam asked. "I don't know. I ran like hell" He tells us. Kat's ear piercing scream breaks us out of our conversation. "Kat!?" Gavin yells as we run down the hall to meet Dean trying to pry open a door. "What's going on?!" Sam asks him. "She's inside with one of them!" He tells us.
"Help me!" Kat screams, banging on the door. "Kat!" Gavin shouts. "Get me out of here!" Kat pleads. "Kat! It's not gonna hurt you. Just listen to me. You have to face it!" I yell through the door, trying to calm her down as she cries. "She's gotta what?" Dean asks baffled.
"I have to what?" Kat screams bewildered. "The spirits. They're not trying to hurt us. They're trying to communicate. Listen to Y/N. You have to face it" Sam pleads with her, having my back. "You face it!" She yells shakily. "No. It's the only way out" I say through the door.
"No!" She opposes. "Look at it, that's all. Come one, you can do it!" Sam urges her. We don't hear anything for a couple seconds. "Kat?" Gavin calls for her. "I hope you two are right about this" Dean looks at us. "Yeah me too" I say as we wait. The door clicks right after, opening.
"Kat" Gavin breaths out relieved. I let Kat come out, who has a traumatized look on her face. The boys and I go into the room, only to find it empty. "One thirty seven" She tells us when we walk back out. "Sorry?" Dean asks puzzled. She takes a deep breath and says, "It's whispered in my ear. 137".
The boys and I share a look, "Room number" we all say in unison. Dean stoops down to go through his bag, looking for something. Sam and I stoop next to him. "Alright, so if these spirits aren't trying to hurt anyone-" Sam starts. "Then what are they trying to do?" Dean finishes. "Maybe that's what they've been trying to tell us" I say and Dean looks up at me.
"I guess we'll find out...Alright" He says, standing back up, Sam and I follow. "So, now you guys ready to leave this place?" He asks, turning to Gavin and Kat, "That's an understatement" Kat breathes out. "Okay, you two get them outta here. I'm gonna find room 137" Dean says clicking his flashlight on and walking off.
I contemplate going with him, something in the back of my mind tells me to but I ignore it. Summing it up to paranoia. "Hey" I call out to him and he turns to look at me. "Be careful" I tell him softly and he smiles, flashing me a wink. "Ditto" He responds and turns back around to walk off. Sam, Gavin, Kat and I walk down the hall, looking for the exit.
"So how do you guys know about all this ghost stuff?" Kat asks us curiously. "It's kind of our job" Sam says vaguely as we flash our lights down the dark hall. "Why would anyone want a job like that?" She asks us a bit confused and I chuckle. "We had a crappy guidance counselor" I say ironically and Sam chuckles.
"And Dean? He's your boyfriend?" She asks me and I'm taken back by this, my heart lightly skips at the assumption. "No" I tell her shaking my head. I notice Sam with a sly smirk on his face. He opens his mouth to say something but I snap at him quickly. "Shut your pie-hole little Winchester" I warn him and he chuckles, putting his hands up in mock surrender.
"I never said anything, crackhead" He says snickering. "Dipshit" I retort, rolling my eyes. We come up to a door, Sam tries opening it but it's locked. I try banging on the door next to it but it won't budge. "God dammit" I grumble in annoyance. "Alright. I think we have a small problem" Sam says turning to them.
"Let's break it down" Gavin suggests and I shake my head. "I don't think thats gonna work" I sigh. "Then a window" Gavin presses. "They're barred" Kat tells him. "Well, howre we supposed to get out of here?" He asks frustrated. And something clicks in my head. "That's the point. We're not" I say.
"You're right. There's something in here that doesn't want us to leave" Sam agrees. Kat looks down thinking, "Those patients" She says and we shake our heads. "No. Something else" Sam says sighing and I give him a look.
We spent about fifteen minutes looking for another way out but we came up empty. "Alright, we've looked everywhere. There's no other way out" Me and Sam tell them. "So what the hell are we gonna do?" Gavin asks frustrated and panicked. "Well for starters. We're not gonna panic" I tell him plainly.
"Why the hell not?" He says exasperated looking in-between us. Suddenly my phone rings, I look at the contact quickly and put it to my ear. "Hey" I say into the phone. "Y/N, it's me. I see it. It's coming at me" I hear Dean over the phone, sounding panicked but there's a static noise from my phone. I'm too worried to take on the static noise so I ask.
"Where are you?" I ask concerned. "I'm in the basement. Hurry!" He urges me. "I'm on my way" I say quickly before hanging up. "Sam, we need to go. Deans in trouble in the basement" I tell him panicked and he nods. "Alright. Can either of you handle a shotgun?" Sam asks them.
"What? No!" Gavin responds exasperated. "I can" Kat says and Gavin looks at her stunned. "My dad took me skeet shooting a couple times" She says to him shrugging. "Alright here. It's loaded with rock salt" Sam tells her, handing her his gun. "Now it might not kill a spirit but it'll repel it. So if you see something, shoot" I order her. "Okay" She says giving me a curt nod. "Okay" I respond.
Me and Sam make our way to the basement, "Dean!" Sam calls out to his brother, flashing the light around the basement while I aim the gun infront of me. My heart is beating out of my chest, chills running up the back of my neck. We open a door that says, 'CAUTION'. And I aim my gun in as Sam flashes his light.
"Dean!" I call out for him. I swear if somethings happened to him I don't know what I'll do. I should've gone with him. I should've gone with my gut dammit. Sam scans the room with his light up and down. And I feel the chilly feeling at the back of my neck again.
Realization dawns on me. The static noises on the phone when Dean called. It wasn't Dean. Oh my god, I'm an idiot! "Sam we need to get out of here" I tell him quickly, pulling him by his hand to get out and he looks at me confused. "We're not leaving Dean, Y/N!" He raises his voice at me, snatching his hand away. "It wasn't Dean!" I snap back and his face drops.
The light in his flashlight starts to go out, flickering. He looks down confused, trying to hit against his hand it to work. We take that as a sign to cut and run. Suddenly something knocks me off my feet and I fall back, hitting my head hard. My gun knocks out of my hand and Sam goes flying to the wall, a force pinning him.
He groans in pain and my vision gets a bit blurry, "Sam!" I scream. "Y/N! Look out!" He shouts, trying to pry himself off the wall. The last thing I see is butt of my gun, knocking me in my face and my vision goes black.
Third Person POV
Meanwhile all this is going on, Kat and Gavin are in the same spot where Sam and Y/N left them. Kat is stooping to the ground, clutching Sam's gun to her chest as Gavin paces the room. "Hey Gavin?" She draws her boyfriends attention to her.
"Yeah?" He says gently, stooping next to her and she takes a deep breath. "If we make it out of here alive....we are so breaking up" She says bluntly and Gavin looks down ashamed. They hear footsteps and clattering down the hall, their heads snap in the direction of the noise. "Did you hear that?" Kat asks Gavin
"Something's coming" Gavin panics and they both stand up, Kat aiming the gun in the direction of the sound. Dean comes into view but before she could realize it's him, she shoots, hitting the wall and Dean ducks out of the way behind the wall, just in the nick of time.
"Damn it, damn it! Don't shoot it's me!" He yells, groaning in pain from his back hitting the wall. "Sorry, sorry!" Kat quickly apologizes. "Son of a..." Dean growls in annoyance, getting up from the floor. He looks at the wall where Kat shot and back to them. "What're you still doing here? Where's Sam and Y/N?" He asks them confused.
"They went to the basement. You called Y/N" Gavin explains and Dean looks at them more confused. "I didn't call her" Dean says. "Her cellphone rang. She said it was you and you were in trouble" Kat tells him. Dean thinks for a second, "Basement, huh?" He asks and they nod.
He sticks him gun in his waist and tells them, "Alright. Watch yourselves...and watch out for me" He tells them before going down to the basement.
Dean's POV (surprise surprise)
I make my way to the basement, praying nothing happened to them. If something happens to Y/N, I don't know what I'll do. F/N is gonna kill me, and dad would let him. My heart is pounding through my chest at the thought of them hurt. Relax Dean, they're trained hunters. I try to convince myself.
As I bend the corner leading to the basement, I call out for them. "Sammy! Y/N/N!" I peer around the room with my flashlight. "You guys down here? Guys!" I bellow through the empty basement. Suddenly Sam comes into view when I bend the corner, scaring the crap outta me.
"Man, answer me when I'm calling you!" I snap at him, I see Y/N on the floor passed out next to him and rush to her side. "What the hell happened?!" I growl at Sam. "Something attacked us and knocked her out, I just woke up" He says casually and I huff, shaking her awake.
"Where'd he go?" I ask Sam and he just shrugs nonchalantly. "Hey princess, wake up hey" I whisper gently and she jumps awake, gasping for air. "What what- Dean!" She was confused at first but breathes out in relief when she sees me, hugging me tightly. My heart skips a beat at this, relieved to see she's okay.
I chuckle a bit and pat her on her head, pulling her up. "You alright sweetheart?" I ask her gently and she nods as I tuck a lock of her (h/c) hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?" She groans, holding her head. "Sam said something attacked but vanished" I tell her and she raises her eyebrow at this. "You know that wasn't me who called your cell, right?" I tell her.
"Yeah I know" She nods. "Y/N realized something lured us down here" Sam says, Y/N eyes him up and down suspiciously. "I think I know who, Dr. Ellicott. That's what the other spirits have been trying to tell us. You haven't seen him, have you?" I explain to them, making sure they haven't seen him.
"No. How do you know it was him?" Sam asks curiously shaking his head but Y/N still seems on edge. "Cuz I found his log book. Apparently he was experimenting on his patients. Some awful stuff. Makes lobotomies look like aspirin" I groan at the thought.. "But it was the patients who rioted" Sam says.
"Yeah, they were rioting against Dr. Ellicott. Dr. Feel good was working son some sort of, like, extreme rage therapy. He thought that if he could get his patients to vent their anger, they'd be cured of it. Instead it only made them worse and worse and angrier and angrier." I explain to them.
"So you're thinking that his spirit is doing the same thing. I mean it makes sense, the cop, the kids in the '70s. Making them so angry, they become homicidal" Y/N agrees with my idea. "Yeah, basically" I nod. "You okay, Sammy?" Y/N asks Sam concerned. He just nods with a small smile on his face.
"Come on. We gotta go find his bones and torch them." I tell them, walking past Sam and Y/N follows behind. "How? The police never found his body" Sam says. "Well the log book said he had some sort of hidden procedure room down here somewhere where he'd work on his patients" I say, turning around.
"I mean, if I was a patient. I'd drag his ass down here, do a little work on myself" Y/N adds and I snicker. "I don't know. It sounds kind of-" Sam starts. "Crazy?" I cut him off, finishing his though. "Yeah" He says. "Yeah, exactly" I add, opening a steel door. Me and Y/N make way inside, flashing our lights.
Sam comes in behind us. "I told you. We looked everywhere. We didn't find a hidden room" Sam says annoyed. "Well, that's why they call it hidden" I say ironically. Out of no where, I hear a bit of air whistling, "You hear that?" Y/N asks us and I nod.
"What?" Sam asks. I see a little wooden chafe board that seems to be blocking a hole in the ground. Y/N puts her hand above it to feel the air, "There's a door here" She says and I nod. "Dean, Y/N" Sam calls us and we snap our heads in his direction to see him aiming his gun at us.
Sam wipes blood dripping from his nose. "Step back from the door" He says grimly, cocking the gun. We get up slowly, "Sam, put the gun down" I say lowly. "Is that an order?" He snaps a bit...amused?. "Come on, Sam. Just listen to us" Y/N pleads.
"No, it's more of a friendly request" I say sarcastically. "Because I'm getting pretty tired of taking your orders" He says angrily, raising the gun higher at me. "Goddamit, I knew it" Y/N grumbles. "Ellicott did something to you, didn't he?" I press. "For once in your life, just shut your mouth" He orders me and I chuckle.
"Sam, come on. What're you gonna do, Sam. The guns filled with rocksalt. It's not gonna kill us" Y/N points out calmly and he shoots her, point blank in her chest. Knocking her through a wooden door and she crashed through it.
"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!" I scream, pure anger pumping through my veins at the sight of Y/N getting shot. I jump him, wrestling him for the gun. But he's stronger than usual and right hooks me across the face, knocking me next to Y/N.
He walks up closer to us as we groan in pains. "Sam!" I yell. "We gotta burn Ellicotts bones and this'll all be over. You'll be back to normal. Please just listen to us" Y/N pleads with him calmly, holding her chest in pain. "I am normal. I'm just telling the truth for the first time" He says lowly, blood dripping down his nose.
"I mean, why are we even here!?! Because you're following Dad and F/N's orders like a good little solider? Because you always do what he says without question? Are you that desperate for their approval?" He taunts me. "This isn't you talking, Sam" I groan. "That's the difference between you and me" He says, pointing the gun to himself.
"I have a mind of my own. Hell, even Y/N has a mind of her own. I'm not pathetic like you." He says, mockingly. "So, what're you gonna do, huh? You gonna kill us?!" I retort back. "You know what? I am sick of doing what you tell me to do. We're not closer to finding Dad and Mr. L/N today than we were six months ago" He puts it bluntly.
"Well, then here. Let me make it easier for you" I reach into my jacket and pull out my pistol. I can see Y/N at the corner of my eye with a 'WHAT THE FUCK?!' look on her face. I give her a look and she catches my drift. I hand it to him, "Come on, take it" I urge him as Y/N watching the interaction intently.
"Real bullets are gonna work a hell of a lot better than rock salt" Y/N groans, gasping for air. "Take it!" I tell and he snatches the pistol from my hand, dropping the shotgun. He holds the gun up to my face and my heart pounds out of my chest. "Sam please!" Y/N pleads once more.
"You hate me that much?" I ask him. "You think you can kill your own brother and best friend?" Y/N asks him but he doesn't answer her, gritting his teeth. "Then go ahead. Pull the trigger" I say nodding my head, closing my eyes. "Do it!" I yell and he pulls the trigger, but nothing comes. He tries again but nothing.
I smirk and Y/N does a kip up, quickly jumping into her feet and tackles Sam with a spear. She straddles him, right hooking him in his face. Sam gasps for air, "Man I'm not gonna give you a loaded pistol" I say chuckling and Y/N right hooks him again, knocking him out.
She pats him on his cheek sadly, "I'm sorry Sammy" She says apologetically, leaning down to whisper in his ear. "But that's for shooting me in the boob" She says, getting up and dusting her hands off. We walk around the room, pulling curtains to see if there's any sign of the body but nothing.
"Hey Dean! Check this out!" Y/N calls out to me. I turn around to see her pointing the light at a cabinet. We walk up to it slowly, stooping down and opening it to reveal a mummified body. "Son of a bitch!" She yells, gagging and I cough in disgust at the repulsive smell. "Oh that's just gross" I groan.
Y/N grabs my bag and we rummage through it. Grabbing the salt, lighter fluid and her lighter. I salt his bones with salt. "Yeah, soak it up" I say as Y/N douses him with light fluid and we gag at the smell. "It's like I can taste it" She groans in disgust. Suddenly a old stretcher comes crashing into me, knocking me over and onto Y/N.
"Seriously!" Y/N screams in annoyance. A pale bald headed man with lesions on his face grabs mine, that I assume is Ellicott. Electricity sores through my body and I scream in pain, trembling as he says, "Don't be afraid. I'm going to help you. I'm going to make you all better" He says calmly.
"Dean!" Y/N screams and rushes over to the bag to grab the lighter. "Hey Scarface!" She yells at catch his attention before throwing the lit lighter at his mummified corpse, setting it aflame. He lets go of me and I scoot closer to Y/N and she rushes over to me. She grabs onto me and holds me in a tight hug, my back pressing against her chest.
Meanwhile, Scarface as she put it, becomes a solid black stone, toppling over and crashes into the ground. Breaking into dust. "You okay, charming?" She asks me gently, holding me in her arms. "Yeah, I'm okay princess" I assure her, giving her a small smile. I realize our position and she looks down at me, a slight blush on her face.
My breath hitches as I stare into her beautiful (e/c) eyes getting lost in them and I clear my throat. We hear movement in the background, breaking our heated gaze. We turn our heads to see Sam's now conscious. We quickly let go of each other, "You're not gonna try and kill us, are you?" I ask him sarcastically.
"No" He responds, breathing heavily and holding his sore jaw. "Good, cuz that would be awkward" Y/N says dryly.
The sun has now rise. And we're all outside the abandoned asylum with Kat and Gavin. "Thanks guys" Kat says to us gratefully. "Yeah, thanks" Gavin adds awkwardly and we nod. "No more haunted asylums, okay?" I tell them sternly and they nod, walking off, holding each other hand in hand.
We all turn to go to Baby and Quinn, "Hey Dean..Y/N. I'm sorry. I said and did some things back there" Sam sighs apologetically. "You remember all that?" Y/N asks, cocking an eyebrow. "Yeah. It's like I couldn't control it. But I didn't mean it, any of it" He assures us, sounding a bit ashamed.
"You didn't huh?" I ask ironically. "No, of course not" He tells me and I nod. "Do we need to talk about this?" He asks and I shake my head. "No, I'm not really in the sharing and caring kind of mood" I say as I toss my bag in the backseat.
"Well I wanna talk about how Sam shot me in the boob" Y/N pipes up jokingly causing us to chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry" He apologizes chuckling. "But you got me back, twice" Sam retorts and she rolls her eyes. "One for each boob, dipshit" She counters and I snort in laughter. "Crackhead" Sam chuckles as he jumps in the passenger seat.
"Damn, in the boob? That's gotta hurt like a son of a bitch." I grimace a bit, imagining how painful that might be. "You have no idea" She winces, rubbing her boob laughing and I smirk biting back my innuendo because I'm sure it'll just earn me a smack. Ah, what the hell.
"I could always help with that" I give her a cheeky grin as she gasps, her mouth agape. As I suspected she smacks me on my arm as I laugh hysterically while she gives me a playful glare. "Wipe that smirk off your face Winchester, I need sleep" She huffs, going over to her bike.
I go to shoot her back with another innuendo, but as if she read my mind. She yells, "Shut it!" Waving her hand in the air with her back to me and I laugh even harder. She straddles her bike and I jump my car only to be met with a sly smirk on Sam's face. "What?" I ask him confused as I start my ignition.
"Nothing" He says, the grin never leaving his face. I look back at him with a grimace on my face, "Man quit it Heath Ledger" I huff and he chuckles. I watch as Y/N straps on her helmet, taking the bike off it's stand and riding off. I follow behind her and we make our way to the motel.
Authors Note: Very late update but I made sure I did it lol. Once again, this chapter is unedited so feel free to point out any mistakes and I shall fix it. Also I can't wait to here your thoughts on this chapter!! I hope whoever is reading had a wonderful weekend and are looking forward to the coming week <3
(I just realized that The Dark Knight didn't come out until 2008 and this is based in 2005 so the Heath Ledger reference won't make any sense but we can pretend that they already know he's referring to Joker😂)
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Take Me Baby, or Leave Me.
SYNOPSIS: Out of nowhere Dean is taken by a Demon. Sam comes to your rescue muddling your thoughts on who you really are in love with.
PAIRING: Reader x Dean x Sam
WARNING: violence / abuse / cheating
CHARACTERS: Sam, Dean, female reader
FANDOM: Supernatural
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"no, no no no." your breath is knocked out of you as you're thrust up against the cool green stone of the bunker walls. "Dean what are you doing!" you exhale, a little light headed from hitting the wall, his hands on your throat.
"Oh no sweetheart this isn't little old loveable Dean boy, this is me!" His eyes flash black as a sickening grin comes across his face. He licks his lips, inspecting every inch of your trembling body against the wall.
How did we get here? We were just sitting on the bed watching TV minutes ago. You reach up to grab for his hand on your neck, but he's pushing too hard, this isn't Dean, he would never hurt you like this. You struggle to catch a breath. "Dean I know you're in there!" tears start streaming down your hot flushed cheeks as your other hand reaches to touch his face. "Sorry, leave a message after the tone." He barks back, grabbing your outstretched wrist and pinning it to the wall. "Now, what d'you say we remove all the unnecessaries, lover?" He looks up at you from beneath his brows, nodding down to your shirt. In any other context if he asked you to remove your shirt, you happily would have obliged, but this wasn't Dean, and he wasn't asking.
"No!" You try to squirm from him but he pins you harder against the wall, crushing your throat, and pushing his body into yours, his lips inches from yours, his panting breath creeping down your neck.
"Dean!" a booming voice echoed from down the hall, a shot was let off. A mass of black smoke exited Dean's mouth and finds it's way into the vents. Dean stumbled back, eyes flashing back to innocent green.
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"Sammy?" The anger left him, replaced by confusion. His eyes became soft as he stumbled backwards, dropping hold of you. He looked in disbelief, touching his body for where the bullet entered, wincing as he touched his right shoulder. "Ah, Sam what the hell." He grasped his shoulder tighter, breathing shakily. "What happened?" He looked back to you, examining you with questioning eyes. You had no reply. Your breath had been taken away; a lump forming in your throat. All you could do was slide down the cold wall and fall to the floor in shock. "Hey hey hey" Sam rushed to your side, throwing his gun down, and grabbing you before your head could reach the floor. His embrace was welcoming, you just wanted to be hidden from the man staring down at you. Sam's hands felt calm, safe. They were tracing your arms, your face, your head, looking for any injury while calming you. Sam put his head on yours as you finally let out a big breath, tears streaming down your face as you finally let out a unnatural scream. He grabbed you tighter pressing your head into his chest, hushing you. "Hey you're safe now it's ok."
"What the hell happened?!" Dean boomed again, getting frustrated that no one was answering him. "Demon." Sam hissed through gritted teeth. "You." Dean was taken aback. He looked up and down the hall, as if looking for another answer. "What do you mean, Demon me?"
"I don't know Dean, I come in here, you've got her against the wall, clearly not yourself ---" Dean cut Sam off "So you shot me, cause I wasn't myself?" He was being defensive. He couldn't believe he'd have ever hurt you.
"I shot you because you had her pinned up against the wall with your hands on her throat!" Sam looked down at you, doe eyed, calm. "And black smoke came out of you, so I guess my assumptions were right."
Your breath starts to calm, still shaky, but getting stronger. You pushed your head up from Sam's chest and sigh. You wipe your face trying your best to smile at Sam; to convince him you're fine.
"Yea?" Sam answers your movements, knowing you're trying to tell him you're ok. You nod. He gets up, extends a hand, while putting his other arm around your waist to help you up. Your legs are shaky but you're stable.
"Hey, are you--" Dean tries towards you, but you flinch, feeling your back against the green tiles again. An automatic response. You feel guilt sink in as you realiz what happened. Deans' our stretched hand fall beside him as his lips tighten. He nods, understanding you're scared. "Dean--" You managed to squeak his name, his shoulders fall, chin dropped to his chest. "I gotta ... take care of this." He spoke at the floor, shifting his attention back to the bullet in his shoulder.
He walks out of the hall, into the kitchen shaking his head as he goes. Sam turns his attention back to you, worried eyes but a half smile, trying to lighten the mood. Tears keep coming down your cheeks even though you aren't crying anymore. You feel exhausted standing there, Sam's hand still on your waist.
You close your eyes, and let yourself fall into Sam's chest again. Just the two of your standing embracing in the hall. He rests his chin on your head, as you feel his chest rising and fall with every breath, his heartbeat slow, his hands on your back, holding you in, silently letting you know you aren't going anywhere. For almost a moment, you feel as though you could see his eyes close in surrender of your body against his.
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It had been a few hours since the incident. You had convinced yourself you were fine, but Sam wouldn't let you out of your room. He insisted you had to stay in bed, relax and settle down.
You couldn't help but feel a little angry towards Sam. He was keeping you away from Dean, and out of anything you just wanted to see him, to hold him and tell him everything was ok. But a part of you yearned for Sam. The way he protected you, held you and kept you safe had a hold on you. A part of you wanted him to burst in the room to grab you and hold you close again. But you couldn't think of him like that. Dean had your heart; and if today's events hadn't happened you would never be thinking of Sam like this.
A knock at your door startles you out of your day dreaming. You adjusted yourself on the bed, staring at the door, hoping for Sam, but longing for Dean. "Come in" you say.
The door slowly opens. From behind it, Dean sulks in. His shoulder wrapped in cloth, head hung low. He closes the door behind him, standing tightly to the wall. "Can I come in?" He asks, faking a smile, looking at the floor, as if not wanting to scare you away with eye contact. You couldn't help yourself - you let out a choked laugh and throw yourself across the room into him.
"Ah" he groaned. You forgot about his shoulder, but he didn't seem to care. His arms grab your body in a tight embrace, burying his face into your shoulder. Your arms around his neck, hands clasped tightly not wanting to let go. "I'm so sorry" He mumbles into your neck.
You don't want to let go. Embraced, you walk backwards to the bed, where he lays you down. On his knees on the bed, you on your back, he looks into your eyes. He had been crying. His eyes were red, brows furrowed. He sunk into the bed beside you, laying his head on your stomach, with his hands over you.
He pressed his face into your stomach more, stifling a sniffle and wrapping his arms tighter around your torso, afraid to let go.
You run your fingers through his hair and watch his eyes close. Tracing his back with your finger tips, you can't help but smile; this is way of Dean's apologizing. He was never good with words but he was holding you so tightly, his body language said he would never touch you how he did before.
Just as you both started to drift off, you hear the door creak open slowly. Sam pokes his head in with a worried expression on his face. When he sees his brother, asleep, laying next to you with his head on your stomach, a pained smile washes over his face.
"Sam..." You whisper, not wanting to wake Dean, but not wanting to let Sam leave the room without explanation. He shakes his head, still with a smile and puts a finger up to his lips, shushing you to not wake Dean. It's ok he mouths.
I'm sorry you mouth back, wishing you could grab him and explain what happened in hallway.
Sam leaves, shutting the door quietly behind him. Your heart sinks as he left, but your mind was quickly distracted by Dean waking up, moving his hands down your legs and pushing himself off you. He smiles, crouching, pressing his forehead to yours and grabbing your face with his hands. "I love you." He whispers. You close your eyes, smiling. He presses his lips to yours, deeply kissing you. He lets go, and pushed his nose onto yours, grinning. "Tacos?" Dean, asks.
You nod. He grabs your hand and pulls you off the bed and out of the room.
In the kitchen you find Sam sitting at the table, engrossed in his laptop with papers strewn about. Dean lets go of your hand and wanders towards the fridge, rummaging in it.
You can't help but stare at Sam. He always seems so intense and calm when he's researching; you lose yourself, wandering in your thoughts about you and Sam and him embracing you... Your thrust out of your day dream by a kiss on your head as Dean slides by in the kitchen mindlessly getting food together.
"You good?" He asks, humming to himself, beer in hand - he takes a sip "Yep!" you reply; a little too cheery, hoping he didn't notice you staring his at brother
Sam looks up and gives you a smile, and immediately goes back to scrolling and typing on his laptop. "Sammy! Tacos?" Dean yells
"Uh - ya, sure thanks" Sam replies. Not really into the conversation he tears his eyes away from his screen gets up from the table and makes his way into the kitchen. You can't help but melt at the way he moves. He's always looked so lost, but content. But they way he came into your room while Dean was sleeping is still on your mind...The way he held you...
"Feeling better?" Sam asks you
"Uh, ya... yenno, slightly concerned over the fact that there was a demon in Dean, but other than that...Fine." You say, trying to make light of the situation. Sam's hands gripped tightly onto the back of the chair, he stares deep into your eyes with a concerned look. "Are you ok?" You ask
"Ya ya, any chance to shoot my brother yenno." He laughs. "I've been more or less concerned with how a demon got in here. I found a faulty trap...it's fixed now so hopefully that's the last of our uninvited guests."
A silence fills the air as you try to find conversation with Sam. You have so many things you want to say to him, but you can't.
"Damnit!" Dean breaks the silence and slams the fridge door shut. "We got a problem" He huffs out his chest. "We're outta sour cream, and this is the last beer." He states as he pours the final drops of beer into his mouth. You laugh awkwardly at his outburst. "I can go get some" You reply; right now you'd relish in some alone time. You go to grab the keys but Dean swipes them first. "Nah, you relax, I'll go do a quick shop." He pulls you in by your waist for a deep kiss. "I ain't makin you do anything." He laughs and bites his lip. He lets you go, and heads up the stairs out of the bunker.
The door slams shut behind him. Now you're completely alone with Sam.
You turn to find Sam heading back to the table, about to fall back into his research. You follow him, and sit down across from him.
"Hey." You start. "Hey yourself." He smiles back. "How you holding up?"
You want to cry. You want to laugh. You want to hug him you want to explain yourself. You take a deep breath and compose.
"Listen, I just wanted to thank you, for earlier today--" you start, but you stop immediately when you notice him getting up from his chair and starting towards you. "You're not ok." He says, crouching to your level. He raises his hand up, but it stops at your neck, placing his fingers on your neck gently. Goosebumps arise at his touch. "You're bruised." He looks taken aback that you didn't notice this before. You did, but didn't want to say anything for fear of making Dean even more upset.
"I'm fine," you reply, grabbing his hand. "It wasn't his fault."
Sam sighs, looking down at your hands. Grasping them both with his own. " I wouldn't ever hurt you..." His voice trails off, realizing what he said. He gets up to walk away but seems to be having a fight in his own mind. He turns around, and then around again to face you. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be saying that."
You get up to stand with him, looking up at him, silently asking him to just grab you again. "Don't apologize, you saved my life--" As soon as the words leave your lips, Sam grabs you; those familiar hands around your lower back pulling you in, but this time, his hand move to your face grabbing one side of it and holding it steady as he kisses you.
You melt into his arms, unsure if you should grab him back, but you don't. You kiss for what seems like eternity, the world fading away around you. He rests forehead on yours, breathing heavily.
"Sam---" You start to say "I'm not sorry about that." He replies with a grin. "I've wanted to do that for a long time." He pulls back, looking at you for a reply. You have to admit you enjoyed it - he is far more gentle than Dean ever is, but something feels off, and uneasy. Caught up in the moment you're speechless. Shaking your head. Sam's smile fades as he lets go of your hands, backing away more realizing you're not smiling. "I uh--" He seems to have realized what he just did. He bites his lips, looking for words, but instead, shakes his head, grabs his laptop and leaves. You stand there, in the kitchen, alone, the taste of Sam on your lips, uneasy, broken hearted and mostly confused. What the hell are you going to tell Dean?
You collect yourself, take a breath and march to Sam's room. Throwing open his door, he sits at his desk, looking at you, shocked that you're there. "What was that?!" you yell. He's taken aback. He hasn't seen you this angry at him before. "I just--" Again he's lost for words.
You feel justified in your feelings, him kissing you like that. You wanted it, but you feel if you're going to tell Dean, you need to make it real that you're angry with Sam.
"Sam, I love you, I do. And I enjoyed what just happened but - you can't just do that and leave!" You huff out. Words are spilling out of you, you're not sure if you're really angry that he kissed you, or angry that he left.
"Listen, I couldn't take watching what happened to you this morning, and your neck, it's bruised and I just felt like I needed to protect you - and I fell in ok?" He snaps back Just then you feel a looming weight behind you - Dean managed to come back, unheard by you or Sam. "Fell into what, Sam?" He asks, coolly, not touching you or making eye contact with you. He stares through you - to Sam.
"Dean, it's nothing, we're just arguing about - Don't worry about it" Sam sputters. He can't tell Dean or he is as good as dead.
Deans eyes narrow as he stares dangerously at his brother. He knows something happened, he just wants to hear it from his brother's mouth. "What did you do, Sam."
This is the fierceness you love about Dean. This is what made you fall for him.
"We kissed" You blurt out. You don't want Sam to take all the blame; after all, you didn't stop him from kissing you.
Dean stares Sam down, his body unwavering. He still refuses to look at you - to believe you. He wants Sam dead.
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The fact that Dean walked away with no scratches on him wasn't what was impressive - It was the fact that you were unscathed, and Sam was left with nothing more than a bloody nose.
Dean brushed past you, out of Sam's room and into his own, slamming the door behind him - music starts blasting, drowning out any sound of his yelling.
Sam grasps at his bloody nose, eyes wide, speechless.
You were just as shocked - not by the punch, but the lack of fight that Dean just put up.
Sam rushes past you to the bathroom to tend his wounds, while you stand in the doorway, open mouthed wondering what you need to do next.
How were you going to come back from this? How was everyone going to be ok with what just went down? All from something that no one had control over this morning.
It was late into the night before you decided to go to your room and find Dean passed out on the bed, music still blaring.
You turn off the music and assess the room. Mirror shattered. Pictures torn from the walls. Bedsheets strewn about. Dean, face down on the mattress, puffy eyes and out cold. He looked angry, even sleeping.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You have no idea how this is going to go.
You sit on the edge of the bed, and lightly place your hand on Dean's back, rubbing it in hopes of waking him gently. He snorts, struggling to open his eyes. "What Sa-" He starts, then realizes it's you, not Sam. "Oh." He finishes. He pushes himself up, and sits with you at the edge of the bed, his face in his hands. He rubs his face before taking a deep breath and looking at the ceiling. "I'm lost for words." Your heart sinks. A lump in your throat. You grit your teeth as he stares at you, puffy, innocent green eyes, asking for your help with what happened. He looks so sad.
"Dean, I didn't mean to do anything - Sam was just, confused and scared for me..." You trail off, struggling to find the words to say.
"I'm not....Mad at you." He starts; biting his lip and shaking his head. He closes his eyes, running his hands through his hair. "Listen, Sam is ... dead to me today. You are...always going to be with me." He looks back at you, putting a hand on your thigh. "Dean." You say tilting your head to the side in surprise, struggling to hold back your tears. "I get it." He continues. "I know why Sam did it; I hate it. With every fiber in my being I hate it. And he is going to be paying me back for that for a long time" He chuckles, then stops. "I'll never be able to take back what I did to you -" He says, tracing the bruises on your neck with his other hand. "But I feel like what happened with you and Sam, evens out the playing field a bit." He exhales, putting both hands on your lap, waiting for your reply.
You open your mouth to speak but can't think of the words to say. You're surprised, confused and humiliated. Dean isn't mad at you, just disappointed...which feels worse.
"I love you." You manage to get out.
The corners of his mouth twitch into a snarky smile. His face relaxes into a proud smirk as he looks into your eyes. start playing this music now "I know." He replies. He exhales again and smacks his hands on his knees getting up. "Well, this room ain't going to clean itself, and those tacos definitely aren't getting any younger." He looks down to you, grinning. You shake your head, unable to contain a smile spreading across your face. He leans down and plants a kiss on you, biting your lip as he pulls away. "Just like that, you're fine with it?" You say
"Take me baby, or leave me." He laughs himself out of the room. "Sammy!" He yells as he walks into the hall "Want a beer?"
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artyandink · 6 months
𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎!𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝟷
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Summary: Ivonne Rainer hadn’t met Dean Winchester in 2006 after he was hit by a car. No, this time, this universe, they met in 2010, when the whole Apocalypse deal started and Dean was made leader of one of the only remaining survival camps in America. Little did he know, one random raid would change everything.
A/N - I’m writing this in tandem with the main series, so by the time we get to this point, you’ve got a gist of what’s going on :)
Dean had been having what was a more than rough day. He’d lost four soldiers in the past week to the Crotes, and he had no Sammy to turn to. No Bobby either, and it killed him. His hand struck the table, a curse leaving his mouth as he did so, bent over and wondering where to hit next.
It had barely been a year since Sam had agreed to Lucifer, saying the big ‘yes’ when he realised that his brother was no longer gonna be there for him. Since then, things were spiralling. Lucifer won. The only immune people were dead and they all turned out as psychos, if you don’t count that Andy kid who didn’t deserve to go out the way he did.
None of them did.
“Damn it.” His eyebrows furrowed in concentration, trying to make heads or tails until he spotted a place they hadn’t covered yet that could be promising. He picked up a marker, circling it haphazardly as he ran a hand through his hair. “Hey, D’Marco!” He yelled out, and one of his men poked his head through.
“Yeah, boss?”
“Rally the squad. We’re hitting Jersey City.”
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I jumped over the hood of a car, taking out my machete and swinging as it caught a Croat by the neck, its head thudding to the floor. My eyes glowed red, a metal pole flying up and jabbing straight through the skull of another while I elbowed a third in the neck, going in and shooting point blank.
“God, I hate it here.” I growled, then I got clawed in the arm by one, familiar pain stinging my arm as I shot the assailant in the eye. I’d been fighting my way through this for close to a year, and I’d simply needed to raid the convenience for supplies and I got myself in this blasted mess. “This sucks ass.” I quickly disarmed an approaching Croat with a glow of my eyes and flick of my hand, taking its head and snapping its neck, an animalistic whine, almost like an injured dog, leaving it’s mouth before it flopped like a ragdoll onto the floor, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
“It’s a goddamn wasteland out here!” I heard someone yell, followed by rapid gunfire and yells of something that could be pain or stress. I got down before realising it wasn’t aimed at me, so I got back out, immediately pounced on by a Croat that I quickly put down by shooting it. I got up, replacing the clip. I needed to get back to my base and fast, otherwise whoever these guys were could be raiders.
Raiders were asses. They took what they wanted and didn’t care whose lives got lost. It sickened me. I growled under my breath, moving behind a building as I spotted the license plate of a Jeep.
“These are dead Croats, boss. Every last one of them.” A voice called out, followed by footsteps that were made more monstrous by the sound of crunching gravel. “Somebody was out here, killing ‘em.”
“Someone that good? C’mon Joey, be realistic. It has to be another team.” The group chuckled at the joke made by another member of their team, and I frowned in annoyance. I’m sorry, do they see anyone else out here? Actually, they could only see me out here, so it was a given. I peered around the corner, and saw that all of them had their backs to me. I crept up, careful not to crunch on the gravel until I reached the guy at the back, instantly hooking my arm around his neck and yanking him towards me, pressing the muzzle of my gun to his temple.
“Don’t move.” I warned, getting their attention. They spun around with weapons up, but the moment that they saw me with a gun to one of their own, they faltered slightly. “Tell me, who are you? Raiders? Those ragtag asses who think that this is a good thing? Speak up, one of you, now!”
“We’re survivors.” One of them spoke up, his voice gravelly. He looked rougher than the rest of them, his dirty blonde hair up on end in the face of danger and his green eyes stern. “Now let my man go, or I swear to God-”
“You’ll what, tough guy?” I scoffed. “You’ll what?”
“You’ll be dead before you hit the ground.”
“Try me.” I growled, pressing the muzzle tighter to my captive’s head. “I dare you.”
“Pretty thing’s got lip on her.” One man scoffed, but one glare from me shut him up.
“Pretty little thing’s got a gun and one of your men, so better keep your mouth shut.”
“Who even are you?” The gravel-voice dude spoke up, a frown creasing his forehead. I looked him in the eye, my gaze steely.
“None of your damn business.” I replied aggressively, my finger tightening on the trigger.“Who’s askin’?”
“Dean Winchester, now let my soldier go, damnit!” I put the gun down, releasing his teammate as I decided that these guys could be ok. Then his teammate spotted the claw cut on my arm, and all hell broke loose.
“SHE’S INFECTED!” He yelled, and as all of them raised their guns to shoot me, I held out my hands in surrender, panic striking me for a moment.
“WOAH, HOLD ON, I’M IMMUNE!” I shouted, panting heavily. “I’M IMMUNE, OK?! I’m… clean.”
“You’d need to be some psychic freak in order to be immune.” Dean Winchester frowned, stepping forward and raising his gun, pointing it at me. “What kind are you? Actually, I shouldn’t even be asking that, cause all the psychic jackasses turned out to be whacked out of their gourds. What says you ain’t?”
“This entire graveyard is my doin’.” I reasoned, gesturing to the Croat’s bodies. “All me. I don’t know how I got my powers and why, but I’ll tell you one thing for damn sure and it’s that it’s kept me alive out here.” I paused to chuckle nervously. “Look, restrain me if you have the stuff to, but there’s no way in hell I’m stayin’ out here.” They took a moment to think, then Winchester pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his utility belt. My eyebrows twitched, a small smirk on my face as he did so. “Damn, you have them on you, you kinky son of a-”
“Put them on.” He ordered while handing them over, his gun pointing to the cuffs then back to my face. I scoffed, laughing a bit as I clasped it over one wrist.
“Chivalry is dead, I see.” I snapped it over the other wrist, then held my bound wrists up for the other men. “Mysterious girl, bound so she can’t hurt you guys. What a relief. Now, uh, are we gonna book it or what?” I was promptly taken by the arm by Winchester, but I snatched my arm out of his grip with a grimace. “I can do it myself, we have no need for the manhandling type of chivalry.” I stepped up onto the Jeep, flopping down onto a seat as the rest of them got in. Winchester sat down in front of me, gun trained on me by chance I made a move. “Chill, Manchurian Candidate, I’m not gonna bust the spirit of Chuck Norris out and start kicking your ass on a moving car while handcuffed, I’m not stupid.”
He just stared at me.
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“Alright, we’re gonna keep doin’ this until you give me a name, you hear me?” Winchester growled, and I shrugged, leaning back against my chair.
“And I think we’ll be here a while. Screw. You.” I retorted, obviously aggravating him as he ran a hand through his hair, glaring back at me.
“I told you my name, why won’t you tell me yours?!”
“I can’t trust you!”
“I saved your ass!”
“Oh, hell no, I saved my ass.” I scoffed. “Like I have been since this thing started. You’d have blown my head off otherwise.” He opened his mouth to contradict, but I shot him a look. “Don’t lie to me, I know what people look like when they’re on the verge of killin’ someone. How do I know? I see that goddamn face every day, sometimes in the mirror. M’not that easy to fool, Winchester.” I chuckled cynically, shaking my head. “Idjit.”
The look on his face changed, and he picked up his gun and held it to my forehead. “Where did you get that?!”
“The hell is wrong with you-”
He grabbed my face with one hand, forcing it up roughly. “WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT?!”
“My uncle used to say it, goddamn it!” I snapped. “I don’t know where he is, but we were separated in Sioux Falls.”
“Bobby.” Winchester whispered, and quickly let go of my chin, swallowing and looking away. “You’re Ivonne Rainer.”
“Not even gonna apologise?” I scoffed. “Well, I figured you wouldn’t.”
“He talked about you. Bobby.” He scanned me for a moment with something close to bitterness. “My dad did too. John Winchester. Came home one day when I was fifteen talking about the daughter of his hunting partner Michael Rainer, who’d showed up on a vamp hunt to help exterminate a nest in Louisiana. Bobby said you were one of the best hunters he’d known. That you?”
“Sounds like me.” I nodded. “John Winchester, yeah, I remember him. Real pompous ass.”
“Watch what comes out of that mouth of yours.”
“No, I don’t think I will.”
“At this point, you’re askin’ to be slapped.”
“But you won’t.” I smirked, obviously provoking him further. He got up close in my face, teeth gritted.
“I will not hesitate to put a bullet through your brain, you hear me? You’re just one more arrogant dumbass, you don’t mean anything to me. Besides, how’re you planning to fight back? You ain’t in no state to fight, not cuffed, so cut the attitude.”
“Might want to rethink that last statement.” I held up my hands, showing that I was free as the cuffs dropped from my wrists. He stared at the fallen handcuffs, shocked as I sharply pushed him back, standing up and rubbing the chafed skin where the cuffs once were. “What, think I can’t handle myself?” I tilted my head, smirking a bit. Then my gaze went to his gun, and my eyes glowed blue, the clip falling out as I flicked my hand down and zooming into my hand. Winchester stared at me again, his eyes flicking back to his gun occasionally as he tried to process what I’d just done. “Look, man, I ain’t no psycho. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have, no questions asked.”
“You spared me?” He scoffed, looking disbelieving.
“Bet your ass I did.”
“I don’t trust you.”
“Then don’t.” I shrugged, looking him in the eye. “Cause I don’t give a damn whether you do or not. I care about survivin’. Actually livin’. And me being honest, I’m one of the last people left on earth who can actually protect all of you.”
“I just need you to stay out of my goddamn way.” He growled, fists clenched.
“Then… fine.” I raised my hands in mock surrender as I started retreating to the flap. “Like I said, don’t give a damn.” I dropped the clip of his gun, leaving.
Dean stared the spot where I just was, his teeth gritted before he slammed the table, yelling out.
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spnexploration · 1 year
Collared part 39
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: You have a nightmare.
Warnings: None
Word count: 2.8k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 38 <- -> Part 40
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Dean awoke to the sounds of a struggle, to occasional yelling and whimpering. His hand was on his gun before he'd even consciously woken up, but he pretty quickly recognised that the sounds were from you. He looked over and could see there was no external threat to you, you were having a nightmare. He left the gun where it was and got out of bed, quickly crossing to you.
You screamed just before he got to you. It broke his heart to see you so distressed.
He crouched down next to you and reached out to touch your shoulder. He gently shook it, trying to wake you up. When that didn't work, he started to tap your face.
You were just coming to when Sam opened the door, gun at the ready. He looked at Dean and mouthed “Nightmare?” Dean nodded. “You ok?” he mouthed again. Dean gave him the thumbs up and he backed out of the room again, closing the door behind him.
You looked up at Dean with confusion and fear written all over your face. “It's ok,” he murmured, “you were having a nightmare.”
Your breathing was heavy and your eyes darted around the room like you were scared something would jump out at you. He needed to calm you down. He sat down on the floor and gently coaxed you to come sit next to him. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and you leant into him. He could feel you shaking.
“You're ok,” he said on repeat, trying to get through to you.
You started to reach up to touch his face, as if you weren't sure he was really there. Your other hand felt across his chest. He wondered for a second what you were doing, before realising it was like you were checking he was alive. He had a sudden inkling that perhaps he had died in your dream.
“I'm ok too, I'm here,” he tried. You did seem to calm down a fraction.
“Sam?” you whispered.
“He's fine too. He came in just before after he heard you scream, when I was waking you up.”
You were still looking worried and rubbing his chest, so he thought you might need some tangible proof. He managed to reach up to his phone on his bedside table. He sent Sam a message:
📱Can you come here? I think we died or something in her nightmare, she's a bit freaked out
He put the phone down and turned back to you, rubbing your back gently. Sam opened the door shortly after, giving you a small smile.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said gently. He came over and crouched next to Dean and you. You reached out to him and he squeezed your hand. “I'm ok.”
You looked at him for a moment and nodded, then turned your attention back to Dean. You other hand came to grip his collar, like you were worried he would vanish. Your nightmare must've really affected you.
Sam gave your hand a squeeze again and said, “You ok if I go back to bed now?” You nodded and he stood up and left the room. You were looking a little less terrified now, which Dean was happy about.
What he wasn't expecting was that you would suddenly burst into tears. He gave you a squeeze with the arm that was around your back.
“Hey, hey, what's wrong, sweetheart?”
“I thought it would be over with him gone. I thought I was better,” you sobbed. Fuck, he thought.
“Maybe your subconscious still needs to process. Or maybe it’s just an asshole, stuffed if I know how it works.” His joke fell flat. He wasn't that surprised.
Your other hand came up to clutch at his top too. It was like you were trying to get closer and closer to him.
He cleared his throat. “Umm, Y/N, do you want me to put you on my lap? It helped when you were upset and you had the collar on, but umm, obviously only if you want me to.”
You bit your lip and stiffened up, even through the tears. Crap, he thought, he's scared you off. He started to apologise but you cut him off.
“Yes,” you whispered.
He looked closely at your face, trying to see if you looked like you'd said it because you were afraid of him or felt the need to appease him. He saw no evidence of that, so he slipped his hand under your knees and lifted you around to sit across his lap. You leant into his chest and wrapped your hands in the front of his shirt.
He held you firmly and let you cry.
He didn't mind holding you like this at all, but he was starting to get uncomfortable sitting against the wall on his bedroom floor, with you on his lap. It was much easier when you'd had the collar on and he’d held you while he sat on the bed.
He tried to adjust you slightly, give some relief to the leg that was losing circulation. You froze. Crap, he thought.
“I can get off,” you mumbled through tears, moving to do so before he'd even had a chance to reply.
“No, sweetheart, you're fine. I just needed to move my leg a bit.”
“No, no, I'm in the way, this can't be comfortable for you.”
“You are not in the way, Bambi. But if you want me to be more comfortable, how would you feel if I sat on the bed with you?”
You bit your lip but then nodded. “We can get off any time you need,” he reassured you.
He gently placed you on the floor next to him, then stood up. You stood up yourself and followed him over to the bed. He sat up against the headboard and held out his hands to you. You were still sniffling and your eyes were red and puffy. You tentatively took his hand and he guided you up on to the bed and over to him. You visibly relaxed once he had you on his lap again.
It killed him to think about what had happened to you to make you so terrified of being on furniture.
After a short while, you started to calm down fully, brushing away your tears.
“Sorry, Dean,” you mumbled, looking embarrassed.
“What are you sorry for?”
“I’m a grown-ass woman, I can’t believe I’ve forced my, what, housemate to let me sleep in his room and to hold me while I cry.”
“I’m your housemate?” He wasn't sure why, but he hated being called that by you.
You bit your lip, “I couldn’t think of a better word…”
“Well, anyway,” he said, returning to the topic, “I googled about healing from umm, traumatic shit. And I dunno, I reckon maybe you hadn’t actually confronted it yet. All the shit that happened. It reckoned crying was good, at least once.”
“You googled for me?”
“Uh, yeah... Sorry.”
“No, don't apologise, it's sweet.”
 “So, you know, fuck what other people do or think, they’re not living this shit.”
You smiled, “Thanks, Dean.” You looked around awkwardly, like you'd just realised you were on his lap on his bed. “I, umm, should get back to bed...” You looked at your blankets on the floor with a strange expression on your face. You shivered and he realised: you were scared.
“Do you want to watch a movie or something with me?” he asked.
“Umm, yes, please,” you mumbled. “Nothing, umm, nothing scary or violent...”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart.” He looked around to where his laptop was, and realised he couldn't reach it without getting you off him. You seemed to realise too, sliding off his lap to sit on the bed next to him. He tried not to ogle, but he was pretty sure the whole reason you'd been sitting on him was because you felt you couldn't sit on the bed. You hadn't been that upset when they'd moved off the floor, hadn't absolutely needed the comfort. And now, here you were, sitting alone on the bed.
He hastily got up to get the laptop, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. Maybe you hadn't even realised what you'd done.
He brought the laptop back and sat next to you, watching to see what you did. You leant in and looked at the list of movies, peacefully sitting next to him. He followed your lead and scrolled through them, waiting until you picked one.
He set it up, then returned to sitting next to you against the headboard. You seemed engrossed in the film, seemingly not even noticing you were sitting on the bed without even touching him.
He spent more time watching you, surreptitiously, than watching the movie.
Slowly, you started to lean on him. He got the feeling you were getting tired again, as your head lowered on to his shoulder. A minute or two later, you were asleep.
He wondered what to do. He was happy to have you sleep in his bed if it helped you sleep better, but would that freak you out when you woke in the morning? Should he put you back in your blankets on the floor? But would you feel rejected if he did that?
You'd looked afraid of going back to your blankets, where you'd had your horror nightmare, so he decided to let you stay on his bed. He’d deal with the fallout in the morning, if it came.
He carefully manoeuvred you down so you were under the covers with your head on a pillow. He felt like he was diffusing a bomb, trying not to wake you.
He put the laptop away and pulled himself under the covers too. He sent Sam a quick text:
📱She's asleep again. In my bed. If she freaks out later, show her this. Nothing happened. We watched a movie and she fell asleep. I thought she'd sleep better here.
After a moment, he sent another one:
📱I hope I haven't fucked up.
You started to wake up. You felt warm, comfortable. You could hear the comforting noises of Dean breathing in his sleep, although they sounded closer- FUCK! You opened your eyes. You were literally lying in his bed!
The man was a freaking saint, the way he let you just take all his stuff!
You took a moment to admire his sleeping face. He looked so much more peaceful and at ease. And he was gorgeous, even without being able to see his beautiful eyes.
He must be so sick of you taking up his space, demanding his time, waking him up.
You looked around. You were in a bed. It was a little unsettling. You trusted that Dean wasn’t going to hurt you – he’d had plenty of opportunities for that, and hadn’t taken them. But you couldn’t shake the feeling that bad things happened in beds.
This was absurd. Why couldn’t you just use furniture like a normal person? Why couldn’t you just leave your housemates and their personal space alone? What were you, 3?
Berating yourself, you crept out of Dean’s bed, trying not to wake him. You grabbed your pillow and blanket from the floor and eased open the door, carefully shutting it behind you.
You headed to your own room, quietly opening the door. A few clothes had been unceremoniously dumped on the floor and the bed. You took a look at the bed and all of your courage and determination evaporated.
You lay down on the floor.
Dean awoke and quickly opened his eyes. You weren’t in the bed. You weren’t on the floor. Your pillow and one of your blankets was gone.
He picked up his phone. No message from Sam. He was worried about going out there if you were upset with him. What if he’d caused you a panic attack? What if he gave you another one by surprising you somewhere?
He messaged Sam:
📱She ok?
He waited.
And waited.
It hadn’t even been read yet.
He hovered over Sam’s name then hit the dial button. This couldn’t wait. What if you’d left the bunker?
Sam answered on the second ring. “What’s wrong?” he asked blearily.
“I need you to find Y/N.”
“Shit, where have you already looked?”
“No, I mean, I need you specifically to do it.”
“Uh, what? Why?”
“Because after she had her nightmare she came and sat with me on my bed watching a movie and then she fell asleep. I didn’t move her. But now she’s gone and so is her blanket and pillow from the floor. What if I freaked her out? What if she’s terrified of me because she woke up in my bed?”
“Oh. Right. Umm, ok. So you haven’t gone looking if she’s in her room or the kitchen or anything?”
“No, what if I freak her out more?”
“Ah, ok. I’ll go have a look and I’ll let you know. But Dean, she’s probably fine.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Ok, ok, I’m going.”
Sam knocked gently on your door.
“Come in,” you called. You sounded normal, from what he could tell through the door, which was reassuring. He eased the door open and stepped inside.
You were sitting on the floor in your blanket. You smiled when you looked up at him, looking ok if a little tired after your limited sleep last night. “How are you?” he asked gently.
“I’m ok, thanks Sam. Rough nightmare but I’m fine now.”
Ordinarily, he would leave you at that, or see if you wanted to get some breakfast. But he knew Dean was currently freaking out, so he felt he needed to pursue a little more.
“I wouldn’t normally pry, but... are you upset with Dean?”
“What? No. Why?”
“He’s currently hiding in his room terrified that you’ve left the bunker for good and/or that you’ll have a panic attack at the mere sight of him.”
Your face was a picture of confusion. “Why would he think that?”
Sam dug his phone out of his pocket and opened to his text conversation with Dean. He double checked the messages above the ones from last night and then decided it was all ok for you to see. He held it out to you.
He watched your face as you read. “Oh... Oh,” you said half to yourself. “He’s woken up and I’m not there, so he thinks I freaked out when I woke up in his bed.”
Sam nodded, happy he didn’t have to explain his brother. Better if you made your own connections.
“Umm, l’ll go talk to him.”
You knocked slightly on Dean’s door and then pushed it open. He paused in what was clearly his pacing and looked to the door. A number of expressions appeared to cross his face as he looked at you, but too quickly for you to identify them all.
“H-hey,” he said, looking like he was trying to be cooler than he really felt.
“Hey, Dean. Sorry I, umm, scared you.”
“I- I wasn’t – I wasn’t scared,” he said, looking exactly how someone who was lying would look.
You lifted your eyebrow.
“Ok, ok, I was worried. I thought you might think I’d done something to you, and I know you don’t like furniture.”
“Not fragile, remember,” you said, a little sullenly.
“I’m not trying- that’s not what I- I don’t mean to-”
You felt bad, that had been a bit harsh. “Dean, it’s ok. I totally get why you thought that. I really am sorry I scared you, you were just being considerate. And you looked after me for ages in the middle of the night.” He was looking relieved. “But that’s why I left, I have to stop taking up your space, intruding on your whole life.”
He frowned, “You’re not intruding on my whole life.”
“Yes, I am. And I’m so screwed up you think that leaving me in your bed where I literally fell asleep is likely to make me terrified of you.”
“No, I think that you have a justifiable reason for jumping to conclusions. But also, you know what I really thought last night? I thought ‘Look at how much progress she’s made, she doesn’t even notice she’s sitting up here and enjoying the movie’.”
“You- really?” Your voice totally changed, surprised. “That’s what you thought?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
“I- I- I dunno,” you mumbled.
Dean looked at you for a moment, then he said gently, “I know you’re struggling to find your place in the world; believe me, I’ve been there. But you don’t have to throw everything out to prove yourself.” He took a breath, considering, then added, “I’ve said this before and it’s still true. You were entitled to comfort with the collar and you still are. And if you want it from me, well, I’m easy.”
You started to giggle. He frowned, but you could tell he was joking, “Jeez Y/N, everything’s innuendo to you.”
“I mean, I have seen your penis.”
“See, that one right there, that’s innuendo.”
@emme-looou (I'm sorry, somehow I missed your request to be tagged. Or did you change your name? Anyway, here you are now, but you probably have some chapters to catch up on!)
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zmediaoutlet · 7 months
Sam goes to the sideboard when Dean drains his beer. “How much you think it cost to bring over that Norton?” Dean says, watching Sam’s back. His shoulders, shifting under the jacket. “I mean, if he was going to keep flying the flag he could’ve at least picked a Triumph.”
“Definitely,” Sam says, in that way that means he could give a damn. Which is fine, because he turns around with two of the cut-crystal glasses gleaming amber, and comes to sit on the edge of the table just next to the initials they carved, and holds one out to Dean. Hangs onto it for a second when Dean reaches out. “How’s your head?”
“No goat-man is gonna stop me from having a double of hooch, if that’s what you’re asking,” Dean says. Sam smiles at him and lets him have the glass. They clink, and drink, and it’s neat and goes down hot but Sam’s watching him, in that steady way he gets, sometimes. Dean licks the stinging heat off the cut on his lip and sees how Sam’s eyes drop. He raises his eyebrows and Sam looks up, and there’s a beat before he smiles again. Dean’s stomach, warm. “Yeah?”
Sam lifts a shoulder. “You tired?”
Dean scoffs. “No goat-man is gonna keep me from—” he starts, and Sam rolls his eyes as he’s saying it, and leans down, and kisses him. Dean puts his glass on the table and Sam splays a careful hand over his cheek where he can feel the bruise coming up and Dean makes a dumb muffled sound but so what. Sam licks in and tastes—good. His thumb dragging gentle along Dean’s jaw. Dean grips his shirt and tips his head back and Sam kisses the corner of his mouth, the unhurt side of his jaw. He smells like the car and like the weird cracked-ozone strangeness that seeps out when the Colt fires, what would have seeped away over the long hours of driving if it were any other gun but lingers, instead, reminding. Dean breathes deep. Sam pulling him up in that meat locker with a dead god at their feet and holding Dean’s neck and looking down into his eyes, making sure, with that smell searing the air. His head hurt too much then, but now—
“That a monster-killing gun in your pocket, or—” Dean says, and Sam laughs against his throat and lifts up, dragging warm fingers down behind his ear. Looking him in the eyes. Dean feels his jaw loosen, his body tipping in, even sore and used-up. It’s too much, almost. This surety.
He takes a shower. He knows Sam doesn’t care but there are standards, he thinks, and things ought to be done right. Anyway it feels good, to stand there for five minutes pummeled under the steaming water and let that heat sink into his bones, and to know that when he’s done there’ll be, waiting—
“Thing really got you,” Sam says, behind him. Dean scrapes his wet hair back and turns and Sam’s leaning against the sink, holding a towel. Gestures at Dean’s ribs and, yeah, they hurt. So what. He flicks his fingers and Sam brings the towel over and Dean wipes his face, drags it over his hair, wraps it around his hips and then Sam takes over, holds him close, wet smearing off Dean onto Sam’s shirt and jeans and his hands holding Dean’s head in place to be kissed. His mouth tastes like mint and he shaved while Dean was cleaning up and Dean feels himself pink from ears to throat to chest, knowing. Wonders if they’ll even make it to Sam’s room.
They do. Afterward when Dean’s sore for new better reasons and Sam’s kissing him instead on the backs of his shoulders, sweeping a warm hand careful down the hurt ribs, Dean folds his arms under his head, stretches out even if Sam’s concrete mattress leaves something to be desired. “Hey,” he says. Sam hums, huge and hot along his side. “Have I mentioned how much better our family is than the Bishops?”
Sam snorts against the dip of his shoulder, and when Dean turns his head he finds Sam with his head propped on his hand, giving him a look. “Low bar,” he says.
Dean shrugs. Sam shakes his head, but mainly just to give his general disapproval of who Dean is as a person, which is fair enough. He looks over Dean’s face and Dean lets himself be looked at. Knowing, more or less, what Sam sees. Hoping against hope that Sam knows what Dean’s seeing, too, but he thinks Sam does, because Sam’s mouth tips at one side after a handful of seconds, and it’s just—the best thing Dean can or will ever have. Sam, like this, in the low light. When it’s—good, like it is now. Like he never really knew it could be. When it’s like this he doesn’t know why anyone would ever wonder about legacy, or memory, or some future that can’t be quantified. When they have this single second, seared into bone more surely than destiny.
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Wincest Unhinged #4 Bobby hadnt told Dean how bad Sam really was after the hounds. He doesn't tell Dean  Sam stayed awake for 4 days straight meticulously stitching Deans torn flesh back together, doesn't mention that he talked Sam out of going to the neighbors and asking for donations.
Thank God he asked Sam what kind of donations he was looking for, because Sam looked at him, eyes dark, cold, and so very empty that Bobby wondered if he was possessed, and said with an eerie calmness; "His organs are shredded, he needs new ones."
Bobby drugged Sam's food that night, convincing him that Dean would be upset if Sam didn't take care of himself.
Sam ate a peanut butter sandwich with one hand, and looked through one of the books he had dug up with the other, and eventually, passed out.
Bobby knew Sam was going to be pissed, and Sam could hate him for the rest of his life, but he was doing what was best. While Sam slept, Bobby prepared the funeral pyre, the salt, everything. He had to be very careful to move Dean's body, Sam had been sleeping with it, curled protectively around his brother's decomposing shell. Bobby had to hold his breath to keep from gagging.
He hoped he had given Sam enough medication to keep him asleep. He hadn't.
The moment Bobby tried to move Sam's hand away from Deans shoulder, he found himself fighting back the instinct to yell when he saw Deans skin slip off his body like a piece of dried leather and fall to the bed. He felt something press against his head, and heard the click of a gun.
"Fuck are you doing?" Sam asked as if he was inquiring about the forecast.
Bobby raised his hands in surrender; "Son, you gotta let him go, come on, you know Dean w-"
Sam pulled the trigger. Bobby felt his heart drop, unsure if the gun was empty, or if by dumb luck, had jammed.
"Dont tell me what Dean would want, he would want to be here, and no one is taking him from me."
 Bobby gave a small nod; "Okay, Sam. I'm…I'm just gonna go hit the books again, okay?"
"That's fine. Let me know if you find anything."
Sam came downstairs an hour later when Bobby called for him, telling him about a Shaman in Louisiana. Sam listened intently, taking notes.
"I'm going to take your truck." Sam told him. "I cant have Dean sitting in the backseat, too many people might see him."
No way in hell this Shaman thing was going to work, he was sending Sam on a wild goose chase and he knew it, but there was no way Bobby was going to let Sam put Dean's body in a cooler and haul it across the country.
"How about we bury his body?" Bobby suggested, and was pretty sure Sam was going to make sure the gun worked properly this time based on the look he gave.
"I can make a casket with a spell that will keep his body safe." He lied. "We just gotta get dirt from the location where he died, we can put him somewhere private where I can put up warding, then you can come back for the Impala.
Sam thought for a moment, fingers fidgeting with Deans amulet, glancing upstairs where Dean was, and then to Bobbys relief, nodded. "I'll go pack. we'll head out in the morning."
At sunrise Sam carried Dean out to the truck and gently placed Deans body in the casket Bobby had prepared, the wood littered with carved runes and different languages. Bobby pretended not to see Sam lean down and kiss his brother's lips ignoring the orange fluid leaking from his mouth, before promising; "I'm gonna come back for you."
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beansmack2021 · 1 year
Baby's First Demon
TW: threats, possession, blood, knife, demon purposely injuring a host body
"Aw! Baby's first demon!" Dean laughed from the driver's seat of his '67 Chevy Impala. He drummed on the wheel to the beat of the song playing on the radio.
"Hey! It's not my fault! You're the one who'd only let me go on a hunt if it was just gonna be a salt and burn." You pouted, crossing your arms, but that only made your brothers laugh more. "You're 14. Way too young to be hunting demons." Sam peered over his shoulder at you.
"Now hang on, Sammy. Don't go getting all hypocritical on the kid. You helped us with a couple of black-eyes when you were 9." Before you could even open your mouth to say something about what you'd just learned, Dean glanced at you in the rearview mirror. You could only see his eyes, but that told you enough about how the rest of his face would read. "You shouldn't be involved with the family business at all. Period. 'Course, you're stubborn as all hell, so it's not like we can stop you from going out and doing it on your own if we told you no."
You grinned sheepishly. You knew your brothers had your best interest at heart. You also knew that they would lose their minds if something happened to you. Even though you wanted to move on to bigger, badder things, you'd have to go the pace they'd set for you or Dean would drink away his dispair and Sammy would have an aneurysm.
"Should just be the one, but if things get sticky, get yourself out of there. Got it?" Sam asked the question, but Dean's eyes were the ones that seemed to bore into your own as he put the car in park.
"Don't try to play some sort of hero, Bug. Dean and I, we've been doing this a while. Even we don't always know what to expect." This was a plea and a warning. They couldn't guarantee that they'd be able to get you out if things went wrong. If someone was hurt (or worse), the others wouldn't be able to do much for them. If one thing could be said about the Winchesters, it'd be that they're all a bunch of self-sacrficing assholes.
You climbed out of the car, trying to close the door quietly enough so there wasn't a chance the demon would have heard you. Dean gave you one last look that said "If you die, I'll kill you" and handed you a gun and a flask of holy water.
The building was very, very old, the steps creaking as the three of you made your way to the door. Dean pushed it open slowly with his foot, both hands on his gun. You felt as though you were inhaling a cloud of dust as you followed behind him, reciting the Latin your brothers had made you memorize before you were allowed to come on this hunt to yourself.
After several minutes of searching and silence, Dean dropped his hands to his side. "I guess it's not here."
"Maybe it heard us coming and went out the back" you offered. You'd wished that was the case as something dripped onto your face from above. You slowly looked up and felt your heart plummet as you were met with a wide, toothy grin and a pair of pitch black eyes. You shrieked as it dropped, taking you to the floor and pinning you beneath itself. You struggled to keep the knife it was trying to plunge into your chest back, panicking as you tried to shout out the incantation to exorcize the demon.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus-" the demon moved one hand from the hilt of the knife it was holding and tried to cover your mouth. You heard gunshots and felt the cold and clammy host body go limp on top of you.
"Hey! Hey, kiddo! You okay?" Dean helped you push the heavy, dead body off of yourself and was relieved that you seemed alright, at least physically. Your face crumpled and you started crying as Dean pulled you to your feet and into his arms. You shook for a moment, your sobs getting louder and louder, and then suddenly becoming wicked cackling.
Dean pulled away, confusion etched into every part of his face. You were looking down at the blade in your hand, pointed at your own stomach. "Y/N?" You slowly met his gaze, your eyes completely black and your grin sinister as you titled your head to one side. Dean pointed his gun at you, or rather, the demon possessing you, but the demon just tutted. "Dean, I think you and I both know you could never shoot Bug, here."
"Exorcizamus-" Sam could barely get the word out before the demon slowly started to push the tip of the blade into your abdomen. It hissed a bit in pain. "Ah ah, Sammy. You try to get rid of me, and I kill her." His jaw clenched as he closed his mouth. He looked at Dean, waiting to see what the next move would be.
"What do you want from us?" Dean had lowered his gun, slowly twisting the cap to his own flask of holy water. "Suffering" the demon hissed out. "You Winchesters have caused a lot of problems for us down in Hell. Now it's time to even the score." The demon slowly moved the blade up to your face, running it across your cheek. You grimaced, and then the demon smirked.
"She's awake, by the way. She can feel, hear, see and even smell everything. Including this" without warning, the demon plunged the knife into your thigh. You screamed. "Dean! It hurts!" The demon forced your face into another smile, forcing you back into the recesses of your own consciousness.
"You son of a bitch! Leave her alone or I swear to God-" Dean took a step forward and the demon held up the knife again. "You swear to God what? You'll kill me? Send me straight back to Hell? I've already accepted that I'll probably be gone when this is said and done, but at least I'll be taking one of the infamous Winchesters with me. The baby, no less!"
Dean pulled the flask from his back pocket, dousing the demon in holy water as Sam restarted the incantation. It hissed in pain, but just before Sam could finish chanting, the demon slammed the knife into your abdomen. "No!"
Black smoke poured from your mouth and was sent through the floor, charring the wood, and you collapsed. Dean scooped you up into his arms almost as quickly as you hit the ground, putting pressure on the stab wound. "De" you coughed out some blood. "De, I'm scared." Dean cursed. "I know, Baby. I know you're scared, but I need you to stay with me, okay?" He silently started praying to anyone or anything. He begged Castiel to show up, to help you. Nothing.
"Alright, we need to get you out of here. Find somewhere to patch you up." Before Dean could stand up with you, Sam put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. "She's not gonna make it, Dean" he mumbled, a tear rolling down his cheek. "Don't say that. Don't fucking say that! She has to."
You coughed again, slowly raising a shaky hand. You put one hand on his cheek, the other on his chin, just as you did when you were a baby. You smiled weakly, blood dribbling down your chin. "I love you" you rasped out. Dean shook his head. "Quit acting like this is goodbye. You're gonna be fine, Squirt." You shook your head sadly, a tear dripping from his chin onto your face. "Not this time. I love you, Sammy." Sam inhaled sharply. "I love you, too, Honey." You smiled and looked Dean directly in the eyes. "I love you, Dean." Dean was silent for a three count before he let out a sob. "I love you, too, Baby." You sighed one last time, closing your eyes, and went limp in Dean's arms.
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hawkeyetrained · 1 year
You Were Dead
Sam Winchester x Fem!reader established relationship
Other Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Jack Kline, Mary Winchester, Lucifer, Rowena (mentioned), 
Warnings: canon violence, language?, guns, death, grief, mention of wounds, blood, vampires, that’s it I think?
Summary: While trying to find Jack and Mary in the Apocalypse world, Sam is attacked by vampires
Word Count: 2764
With everything in place, we were all ready to go through the rift to save Jack and Mary. Sam stood by my side; his hand held tightly in mine to help calm my nerves. Rowena had managed to subdue and restrain Lucifer in order for us to use his grace and keep the rift open as long as possible. Seeing him up close again after all these years, anger and fear coursed through me for all he had put Sam through.
Dean stood off to the side of us with Cas and Gabe, discussing a few different things before we went through. “Ready?” Sam looked down to me.
I took a deep breath and nodded at him. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
After a few hours, we were all marching through the woods of the Apocalypse World, on our way to Dayton where it was said that Mary and Jack were staying. I walked between Sam and Gabe, talking softly with the archangel about random things while keeping my eyes out for anything unusual.
Just as we were getting comfortable with our new surroundings, screams cut through the air, alerting all of us. Each of us exchanged looks before we all took off for the sound, sprinting through the woods. We rounded the corner to find a man and a woman on the ground, a large monster with sharp fangs coming out of its entire mouth. Dean yanked the monster back while Sam whipped his machete out and cut its head off. I went over to the girl and held my hands out to pull her to her feet. “You ok?”
She nodded quickly. “Yeah. Thanks.”
“The hell was that thing?” Dean asked as he helped the man stand.
“What do you mean?” The girl shrugged her bag higher up her back and looked at us like we didn’t know a thing. “A vampire.”
My face dropped and I looked over to Sam, thousands of questions in my eyes about the monster. “That’s not like any vamp we’ve ever seen.” Sam told her, joining my side.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Sam, Dean, Y/N, Gabriel, Cas.” Sam introduced each of us and pointed with his machete. “We uh…”
“We’re not from around here.” I finished for him.
“Tell me,” Dean shifted his gun in his arms. “What makes a blood sucker look like that?”
“Starvation.” The man answered. “When Michael’s armies started to wipe out the humans, they didn’t think of the monsters and what would happen to them when their food source dried out. Turns out, not eating, makes them wild. Nothing but pure, stupid appetite.”
We were all silent, taking in the information as we stared at the decapitated head on the ground. “Where you guys headed?” The girl asked.
“North.” Dean pointed in the direction.
“To Dayton.” The girl nodded in agreement. “We were going that way too. We heard that the rebels Jack and Mary set up a satellite outpost.”
I glanced back over to Sam and took a few steps closer to him. “What do you mean you were?” He asked, stepping up to my side.
“Me, Floyd, the rest of our group, we were crossing north through the Morehead Tunnel. Stumbled into a whole nest of those things.” My eyes trailed down to the body on the ground as I tried to picture more of those things at once, they could certainly overwhelm us.
“Nine of us went in, only me and Maggie came out.” Floyd told.
“This tunnel, is it the only way north?”
“It’s a long way around, the tunnel is the quickest way.” Maggie adjusted her bag.
Gabriel took a step forward. “If the long way is the safe way.”
“No.” Sam immediately shot down. “We’re already two days away from Dayton as it is. We don’t have time for a detour.”
With that, Sam struck up a deal with Floyd and Maggie to get us to the tunnel and we would protect them the best we could, sending us all north for the tunnel to get us to Dayton and bring Jack and Mary home.
I trekked on, making sure my knives were still in their place, my gun on my hip, and my angel blade stuck up my jacket sleeve. Everything in this world was dark and grey, all the life and happiness that it once held was now long gone. I went to twisting the ring on my left hand, turning it around and around, a nervous habit I had picked up over the last few months.
It was beautiful, my ring. Sam gave it to me months ago, asking me to marry him, even though we wouldn’t ever have a large party. I had been in love with Sam forever, even when he was at college with Jess. I supported him through all of his decisions, even the ones that would take him out of my life.
The tunnel came into our view faster than I thought possible. We all turned our lights on and walked in, going slow as to not startle anything into jumping us. We each cracked a glowstick and let it hang around our necks, so we’d be able to find each other if we dropped the flashlight.
Just as we were surrounded by darkness and a bit of the way into the tunnel, a loud groan and then a scream came from Floyd and Maggie. I turned my light on the two, holding my gun up a bit higher in preparations for a monster. “Sorry.” Floyd muttered, heaving himself up. “Tripped.” He jumped as he got up, his light going to a torn-up backpack and bloody shoe.
We continued on slowly, watching and listening for anything that could hurt us. Dean had taken the lead, Maggie and Floyd following, with Sam, Cas, Gabe, and I at the back. Snarling caught my attention, and I flashed my light over to a vampire crouched over a body. “Wait, let me.” Sam stepped forward in front of Maggie. I followed behind, taking his light so he could kill the vamp.
I couldn’t shake the feeling of fear that filled my veins as we continued through the cold stone walls. Something jumped out in front of me, causing a loud shriek to escape my lips. Sam’s fingers wound into my jacket and he pulled me back out of the way harshly, allowing enough time for Dean to kill the vamp. “You ok?” Sam checked me over quickly, his eyes wide. I nodded, resting my head against his chest for a moment to calm my frantic heart. “Let’s keep moving.”
My feet trailed after Gabriel, walking along as I listened around me. I could faintly make out a shuffling sound in the distance of the tunnel, but I wasn’t sure if it was an issue, because we quickly came up to a small source of water dripping in from a hole in the ceiling. The space was quite large with an opening that broke off into a few different sections. Dean took the opportunity to look through the few possible exits while the rest of us stood around keeping watch and looking up through the hole that provided us a bit of natural light. “Hey.” Dean called, grabbing the attention of each of us. “We got a blocked passage, need to move some rocks.” This sent the angels to work, slowly moving the rocks out of our way.
More shuffling sounded from behind Sam and me, making him turn to face it, one hand holding his blade, and the other resting protectively on my back. Again, the sound came from another blocked entrance, making me turn my head away from Sam to follow the noise. “Guys!” Maggie alerted us to the noise.
I picked one of the archways, like everyone else, and trained my light on it, waiting for the next noise while Sam looked further into his, and Maggie hers. “Dean?” Sam was letting Dean know that he thought something was wrong.
Just as I took a deep breath, all hell broke loose. A vamp had made its way out of its hiding place and jumped Floyd, sending Maggie to help. Sam turned his back to pull the vampire off Maggie, not noticing that one came out of the hole he was watching. I jumped in to help, lifting my foot to kick the vampire in the chest and heave it away from Sam. Maggie yelled, struggling with the vamp on her, Sam telling me to go help.
I rushed over to her, getting there the same time Dean did. He quickly pulled the monster off causing Maggie to fall back. My hands were quick to lower my weapon and help catch her before she crashed to the floor. She scrambled back a bit just as another vampire fell down on top of me.
Adrenaline coursed through my veins and I let out a short yell as I pushed the creature back far enough to move my blade. My eyes barely caught sight of the vampires surrounding Sam in the background. “Sam!” I called in fear for his life. My hands pushed harder at the body on top of me, frantically trying to get up in order to help him before something horrible happened. Just as I sunk the blade into the neck of my vampire, I heard Dean call out for his brother.
“Dean!” Sam’s voice called loudly for his big brother to help him. Sliding the blade across the neck of my vampire, I could see Sam be forced down to his knees and a vampire rip into his neck, blood spewing out of the hole.
“No!” My voice shrieked before I could even think. I quickly shoved the body off me and got to my feet, completely forgetting to grab my light as I sprinted to where the two vampires dragged Sam’s body off through the tunnel. Arms wrapped around my waist and restrained me from going further into the darkness. “Let me go! Please!” Tears were streaming down my face like a waterfall and I scratched at the arms around me. “Sam!” The way I was screaming, I knew I would lose my voice and kill my throat. “Sammy!”
Cas ran around me into the tunnel as I continued to reach out. “Sam? Sam?” Cas called out for the younger Winchester to reply.
“Sammy?” Dean ran further forward than I was allowed, meeting Cas at the entrance, without Sam.
“No.” This time, my voice was barely a whisper and my body felt like it was thousands of pounds heavier. The body behind me sank to the ground with me, Gabriel’s arms coming around me tightly to help muffle my sobs. “Sam!” I cried, dropping my weapon to the floor as I nearly screamed his name.
We got moving not long after that. Dean was dying on the inside but was keeping a strong face for the rest of us as we marched on to find Mary and Jack. I had completely shut down, no weapon being held in my hands, no words coming out of my mouth, no more tears. I didn’t know what to do now. I knew we had to get Mary and Jack back to the rift before we ran out of grace from Lucifer, but I didn’t care about going back home anymore. Home meant I had to see all the Sam’s things, the room we shared, the life we had.
My head kept flashing back to the life Sam and I had.
We had met nearly twenty years ago on a hunt in which I got captured by an old school witch who was killing people all over town who got too interested in her work. Sam had been the first to find me and unhook me from the getup the witch had me in. Without him, I would have been dead. After that, I had stuck with the boys, learning more about hunting than I ever thought possible. Years after we had first met, Sam and I grew inseparable, to a point where we shared motel beds rather than me getting my own room or forcing one of the boys to sleep on the couch. We researched together, went on food runs, even did a few small cases on our own when Dean was too tired to go.
Four years ago, Sam and I had finally gotten together officially, and everyone was thrilled, even Dean. We were like lovesick children and Dean would always comment on how “we were so mushy he wanted to throw up”. That didn’t stop him from encouraging Sam to ask me to marry him. Dean was there and even helped set it up. Recently, Sam and I had been talking about a family. It may not be normal or easy in the life we have but we both considered the idea of little Winchesters running around the bunker.
As we walked, that was all I could think about, to a point where I didn’t notice we stopped. My eyes snapped back into focus to see Gabriel causing angel sigils to go out around a group of trees. People came out of the trees, holding guns that were aimed in our direction. Gabriel, Cas, and Dean all raised their weapons in defense, but I only watched on, not moving to do anything at all. “Woah, we’re not here to fight.” Cas tried to reason with the people of this world. “We’re looking for…” He trailed off, making my eyes glance up to see Mary walk towards us. “Mary.”
She acknowledged Cas before going over to Dean to wrap him in a hug. “How did you even find us?” I knew Mary was smiling even if I couldn’t see her face, but Dean only stared in front of him, sadness clouding his eyes. They exchanged a few words before Mary came over to me and quickly hugged me tightly. “I’m so sorry sweetheart.” She whispered in my ear, causing a new batch of tears to flood my vision.
I was the one to pull away from Mary and took the chance to wipe my eyes and step to Gabriel’s side, not wanting to talk about it. Gabe slid a hand across my back comfortingly and pushed me to follow the rest of the group that Mary was leading to camp.
When we got in, I took my place on the floor of a porch to a small house structure. My blade was placed on the floor beside me and I pulled my knees up to my chest. It felt like a hole was punched straight through my body. I felt like I couldn’t breathe with Sam gone, like my world was literally ripped away from me. Gabriel had been kind enough to stick by my side, even after Cas told Jack about the incident.
“What didn’t you bring him back?” Jack looked to the archangel seated beside me.
“I’m not strong enough.” Gabe was soft spoken, not wanting to set off the half-angel any further. I sat twisting my ring around my finger, thinking of the family that I, that we lost today. Tears leaked down my cheeks again, but I made no move to wipe them away, instead letting them leave trails down my skin.
Suddenly, bells sounded in the air. I raised my head and looked to Gabriel first, seeing if he could sense any danger. Instead, he was looking to the entrance that we had walked through a few hours ago. In limped a man with blood across his throat, a plaid shirt, and long brown hair, Sam. I was running the instant realization hit me. “Sam!” I screamed as I crossed the compound quickly. He reacted fast enough to open his arms as I slammed into him, my arms around his neck with his at my hips. I pressed my face into his neck and slid my fingers up through his hair, telling myself that he really was there. My tears had come faster now, this time not grieving. I pulled away for a moment, looking up into his ever-changing eyes. “You were dead.” My voice cracked loudly.
“I’m ok.” He stated, pulling me back to his chest and taking a deep breath. “I’m alright.” My chest was loosening from the knot it was in and I was finally able to breathe properly again as I clung to the man I loved.
“You’re ok.” My voice was still shaky, but it was stronger as I reassured myself that Sam was real.
@thetallassgirl @hallecarey1
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J2 JIB13 Panel
As a Måneskin fan I cannot begin to tell y'all the excitment I felt over Zitti E Buoni being their entrance song!
The panel starts with the boys playing around, and noticing the camera has them looking bright red for some reason. Also, they do kissy face at the camera which is adorable and funny.
What was their worst or most uncomfortable tied up situation on set?
For Jared it wasn't when they were actually tied up on set it was when they had to pretend, for many seasons, to be pinned in place like by a demon. He thinks at first they were just trying to act how it would feel to be supernaturally pressed against a wall and invariably you know you film an episode of tv in October and it airs in January, and you film another one in November or December and you're tied up and in January you watch what you did back in October and when the ghost pushed you against the wall, when it airs you look all smushed so you think you gotta change that; but when there were actual ropes around it felt alright, it was easy to get into character, and get into the timing of the scene and sequence.
Jensen adds that those types of scenes, it's also exhausting too cause when you're doing it yourself, you're pressing yourself against the wall and they yell action, you kinda hold your breath and tighten everything and doing that over and over again for like minutes at a time is not fun. You're hyperventilating and you're straining like you're gonna pop a blood vessel, that was not fun. He will say, aside from that which happened quite a few times on SPN, he was kind of tied down and locked down on The Boys a few times that were not fun. The one were the Russians have him in captivity and they have him tied down to a table and are trying to see what can hurt Soldier Boy- on SPN they were friends with the props department so Robin would tie them up very loosely toward they yelled cut they would just get out of their ties like if they had their ankles tied to a chair like demon!Dean they would yell cut and Jensen would just wiggle out but on the Boys he wasn't as friendly with them, they didn't really know each other that well so they really locked him into the table and they were trying different items and one of them was an AK-47 in his mouth, and even though he knew it was a fake gun that didn't feel good. And then to top that there was a skill saw that was running, they had removed the blade but he didn't like it and he couldn't move so he felt pretty vulnurable. But not as vulnerable as coming out of the cage completely naked in front of an entire new crew and new cast. x
When they were younger did they have part time jobs for extra money?
Jensen worked at his uncles small moving company during the summers in High School. He didn’t like it but it payed pretty good and gave him some pocket change, and that was about the only thing he did, he technically wasn’t an employee his uncle just payed him for helping out.
Jared worked as a ranch hand in central Texas between his junior and senior year of High School. He would fix barbed wire fences and cut down cedar forests and in Texas there's these bugs called chiggers they're like small mites and fly around, especially near cedar, and they get into your skin and they itch but if you scratch them that gives them oxygen and keeps them alive so his parents would drop him off on Sunday night, he'd work Monday to Friday, get picked up to go home Friday and he would have to stand in front of his mom in his undwear so she could put nail polish over all the chigger bites because that seals them in so your body gets rid of it. Jensen asked if he got payed extra for all the bites, he did not. He was paid like 5 dollars and 35cents an hour. x
What do they think would happen if blood junkie!Sam and demon!Dean met? Jared says his instinct is they'd go 'we’re both a little off kilter let’s go party.' That he feels like it’d be kind of the same thing as Dean befriending Benny in Purgatory, he feels like they’d get along strangely.
Jensen says they’d probably cause a lot of problems for other hunters. When demon!Dean was was left to his own devices he was causing issues so he thinks if he had a partner in crime like blood junkie!Sam he thinks it would just multiply that. x
What’s something they didn’t expect about getting older? Positive or negative.
When he was in his teens Jensen thought that by the time he reached his current age he’d have it all figured out. As a kid or somebody young he always thought people that age they have it all figure out cause they’re the adults but he still doesn’t feel like an adult. He still feels like that 20yr old is very much alive inside him just wearing an older suit.
Jared said he had a similar conversation with a buddy of his who’s 47 and they landed on life isn't one coming of age story, it’s a series of coming of age stories. When you're a teenager you think you're big but you're not, then you turn 16, in america that means you can drive and you think you can drive, you're independent, you can do your thing then you turn 18, 21 and so on - he feels like life is a series of coming of ages. Jensen says it's a journey, and Jared agrees that it's like Jensen was saying, you meet people who are older like 50 and you think they have it figured out but then you turn 50 and you realize you're still learning and the world is changing around you so you change again, same thing when you get married or have kids you think 'this is life' but it's not you keep on evolving. He says it's funny, he turned 40 last summer and he felt like forgiveness turning 40. That part of him inside always felt older psychologically that he was literally so finally at 40 he felt like it was okay to be a grown-up. He's still very much a kid but he felt like it's okay to slow down and ask for time for himself, when you're in your teens, 20's, or even 30's it's kind of assumed that you're up for anything and you're gonna take that on but when he reached 40 he was like well I'm 40, I'm married with kids I'm gonna slow down so it's been wonderful. He much prefers 40 over 30 or 20 even so he's grateful.
Jensen shares that he sat down the other day to tie his shoes and he looked at his knees and said "I'm so proud of you guys" 😂 He says he's not kidding, that he got a little emotional, that he stared at them and told them how proud of them he was and felt such pride, he told them they've hung in there and are still carrying him, and he doesn't have any knee pain. That he got some x-ray's done a while back cause he had some knee pain when they were training for a marathon so he went to Jared's brother who's an orthopedic surgeon and he told Jensen his knee was in really good shape he just had some inflammation, and his knee hasn't really bothered him since. x
Do they miss the pranks? Jared misses everything, and when the crowd goes awww he says he gets it, there’s certainly a bit of aww but in a funny way he and Jensen had some version of this conversation for years before SPN aired its finale episode. It's one of those you know absence makes the heart grow fonder and to leave something as it stood and you're so proud of and want more of there's a certain romance to it, it's like when you're a kid and you go to camp or something and it's five days but you make new friends and you're gonna be best friends forever and then you go your separate ways but you're so much better for having had it, and the idea that maybe it can happen again. He misses it all but it's not painful for him. In a strange way, because he's very nostalgic he has shit he should have thrown away years ago which Jensen can vouch for, he misses it but in a very wonderful light.
Jensen says he'll never be happy that it ended, that the show came to an end, he'll never feel 'oh, thank god that's over'. But he is very content in how it came to- that they did those 15yrs and then they ended and he's not talking about the story, he's thinking outside of the story. The way they all walked away with their heads held high and there was much love in that set, it's something he'll always be very proud of and something he'll always miss. He misses the pranks, he misses just walking around on set in the morning and saying hi to everybody, he misses getting breakfast at the green machine, and going to the hair and makeup trailer and saying hi to all the ladies, he misses it all; there's a long list of things that he misses doing that he did for many, many years. But it still makes him look back on it and it makes him that much more proud of what they did, and the time that they had together because it will always make him smile. x
Outside of their family and friends who made a big impression on them?
Jared feels like he really enjoys "accidental acquaintances" by which he means like when you come across somebody at the airport and you’re from going from terminal a to terminal c and it's 25mins and you're sitting next to somebody and strike up a conversation. That it's funny, in the world that they live in when a lot of stuff that's going on that's hey go be this guy, or that guy, or that girl or whatever meeting people who live more normal lives then they hear you're an actor- that the previous night G, who is there with him, they sat down at a little restaurant by the hotel and an american couple sat right next to them and the space was really tight so they were really close together and they started hearing them speak and struck up a conversation with them and the couple had no idea who they were and it was cool. He loves that kind of stuff, like happy accidents. So he is consistantly and constantly kind of amazed and grateful for people he meets along the journey.
Jensen says as far as work goes there's a long list like Kim Manners and Bob Singer who they worked with on SPN but before that too he got to work with a lot of great people on Days of Our Lives. That on that show there's a wide variety cast of characters of all ages and he remembers thinking 'okay well I didn't go to school for this and what I know is just instinctual' but what he doesn't know he has 20 people there who might be able to teach him, might be able to fill in those gaps and he was just a sponge for 3yrs on that show watching, seeing what worked, seeing what didn't work because you can be thought a lot by seeing things that other people don't react well to like 'okay don't do that, don't be an asshole'.
So, there's a lot of influence on how that shaped what he ended up being. There's a long list of people and he thinks this is a journey, this life of ours and it's a gift too and he thinks to close yourself off and think that you know all the answers and have it all figured out at any age is wrong, always learn, always continue learning and learn from those around you both positive and negative. And he thinks if you continue to do that, we're all constantly changing and evolving and becoming better because of what we're watching from the world around us. That the fans have thought him, he learns just from sitting there on the stage. x
The next fan is a professional mermaid, and they want to know would the boys ever consider swimming in a mermaid tail?
Jensen actually has! His daughter bought one that they thought was kid size but when they got it home realized it was way too big and was actually an adult size so Jensen put it on and jumped in the pool. God, please, let their be a picture or a video of this!
He said it was interesting, and that he had just read somewhere that there's a whole multi-million dollar industry of live merpeople. The fan said that Netflix did a documentary about it, and Jensen replied that's what the article was about and that he'd be watching the documentary. Does he have a desire to do it again? Not so much, it did feel weird but he did get across the pool really quickly.
He says you don't have to put the glittery, scaly thing on, to which Jared asks if you can just put that on and Jensen says he (Jared) can.
Jared would love to, and he's so curious because he and G took the kids to Mexico and where they stayed had a gift shop and there was a mermaid fin which Odette really wanted so they got it for her but she hasn't used it yet, he starts to say that it induced panic in him cause if you lock her feet in but Jensen starts explaining to him how they work. Jared says he'll give it a try but he feels like he'd scared like he'd feel like he's drowning, and he'll watch the documentary. 🧜‍♀️
J2 JIB13
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rottingsam · 1 year
“Then do it.”
Dean grips the gun tighter, palm sweaty and and nostrils flared. His brother challenges him, like it’s a game. He’s testing to see if Dean will do it, egging him on until he gives in.
“You think Dad was right, don’t you?”
He can feel his jaw locking, heart pound just behind his ears, his body full of adrenaline. He feels so wired and ready, and if Sam was anyone else, there would be no hesitation. But it is Sam. And the rules are always different for Sam. Regardless of what he’s become, he’s still his brother. He’ll carry this burden with Sam, for Sam if he could, but he wants it to end. Despite all that has happened between them, it’s still Dean’s job to protect Sam. No matter the costs.
“Don’t you dare bring Dad into this. You know damn well he didn’t want this.”
Sam takes a step forward.
“And that’s why he said you might have to put me down right?”
Dean cocks his gun.
His brother huffs out a humorous laugh, taking his hand to wipe the remaining blood off of his mouth. Most of it still remains when Sam gives him a crooked smile.
“You’re scared. You’re terrified of what you don’t understand. And it drives you up the wall when you can’t understand me.”
And Sam takes another step forward, Dean’s finger finds the trigger and he doesn’t feel like he’s breathing anymore. He feels his face curl up into a nasty snarl.
“It doesn’t have to be like this, Dean.”
His grip around the gun feels so right, like he could pull his hand off of it if he tried. He can feel his his shoulders starting to quake but his hand remains tightly locked and steady around the metal in his palm.
“But you want it to be.”
Something makes Dean pull the trigger.
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deanstudies101 · 4 months
4x02, Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
Critical theory: Guilt and responsibility. Faith vs. proof.
Discussion point/question(s): The fact is the bickering and sexual tension is already there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Key quotes: Sam, "... this is becoming less and less about faith and more and more about proof." ... Dean, "Proof that there's a God out there that actually gives a crap about me personally? I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it."
Further reading:
Dean's voice in 4x01 vs. 4x02 (@sunglassesmish)
At the end of the day, there were only three people that appeared that they didn’t save (most likely scheduling/budget reasons, but still). Sumner says the reason behind Bobby’s witnesses was weak. [But they all are! Sam and Dean aren’t actually really to blame for Victor or Ronald. Maybe Meg more so? But like. They tried! I think that’s the point.] 
Sumner, do you think the ghosts are telling the truth? (ie. Victor being tortured, Meg’s sister killing herself). Were they lying? It was them, but they could lie. [I feel like it is them, but that the anger is… almost manufactured? Amplified? By being forced to rise. Bobby called them ‘rabid’, so...] 
We love Bobby. The panic room slaps. Bobby built a safe space [go with it] for him and the boys. John was all attack, Bobby is defensive. [They have a space to retreat and read and figure out their next move.] Bobby amasses information. 
We’re starting to see all these hunters who had houses to go back to… why didn’t John? He had two young sons, and he chose to be homeless. [We know that John left the boys with people, ie. Bobby or Pastor Jim, but he just… ends up fighting with them. He had no friends left. We’ll learn a bit more about this later.] The first few seasons convince you that hunters have to live like rats, can’t have a house, but now… they all have houses. Some of them live to old age. What the fuck was John’s problem? [John to Sam in 1x21 “I want you to go to school, and I want Dean to have a home.”... bro, do you?] He could’ve left them home alone and been a shitty parent in the same way that a lot of people are shitty parents, but he didn’t. At a certain point, Dean was useful. Tool in his father’s hand etc etc. 
[Daniel Elkins was so hated by the remainder of an entire species that he almost masacred that he had to drop off the map and he still had a fucking cabin.] Other hunters have a caravan. Could they not have had a caravan? Sumner, that’s why they’re so normal about the car. 
[The post about Dean and the car—I’ll find this later—it is precious to him, but he is not precious with it. They sit on the hood and stargaze. Sam puts his feet up in the back to sleep etc. It is their home.]
All these hunters had protections/precautions, did John do any of this in the motel rooms? Kai, yeah, he gave Dean a gun. No protection but a ten year old with a gun. 
Bickering + sexual tension. Dean looked at his mouth. He did this with Victor too. Dean had some realisations. He has the fanfiction oh moment. His physicality changes. Even aside from destiel, Cas is menacing. The backlighting. The shadows. Iga expected him to be goofy, but he’s a bit cosmic horror. It looks like Dean is struggling to look him dead on. Cas is the most powerful thing they’ve encountered, he burned people’s eyes out. He brought Dean out of hell, and Dean is permanently physically altered by that. Dean always has the wittiest comebacks, but he’s scared of Cas. In 4x01 they were all ~Cas is the new thing that we have to fight, but if he was, they’d be fucked. When Dean is waking up and Cas is in the background, it’s romantic framing. [And it was in a dream. Cas was inside Dean’s head. The power but the romance.]
God isn’t real, but if he is, why would he care about me? Because who does care about him? His father certainly doesn’t. King of low self-esteem. 
[In this episode we learnt that God is real, Lucifer is real, the apocalypse is coming. And we’re talking about John. Love this.] 
It’s season 4 and they’re already bringing in god and the apocalypse. Where the fuck do they do from here? [ha]
Are Lilith and Lucifer going to be a thing, or is she more like a devoted follower? Is Lucifer too up himself? 
Iga, I think Lucifer is going to be a nice guy (/gen). Kai, a man of the people, and not up himself (/hj). 
Sumner, when angels die do they come back? Do they respawn? They think angels regenerate, or respawn, or god brings them back… until they don’t want to any more? [no comment]. 
Re further reading. Kai, the in-character reading of this is that there was something questioning Dean’s masculinity, and he had to emphasise it a bit more. [He feels threatened, in more than one way.]  
Notes: Visiting student Sumner. 
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Suptober 16 Oct.: Red
"And on the side closest to that house, vermillion, perhaps?" Cas suggested.
"Ooh," Sam said, "good one."
Dean bonked his forehead against the middle of the steering wheel and the Impala's horn honked faintly. "Stop naming colors or I'm gonna blow my brains out."
deancas, new (secret?) relationship au
"That one's red," Cas said. May as well state the obvious, even if color as a concept was never simple to him; he'd experienced it in multiple dimensions, and the limits of words to describe it here on earth were sometimes frustrating.
"It's crimson," Sam said, grinning at him from the front seat.
"What's the difference?" Jack asked, before unwrapping another piece of candy corn taffy and popping it in his mouth.
"Crimson has more purple in it," Sam said.
"He means blue," Cas corrected.
"Okay, yeah." Sam pointed to the top of the huge maple tree they were observing. "Up at the top, though, the color's more madder."
"Like it's angry?" Jack squinted out the window.
Cas shook his head. "Has more brown undertones." 
"Red is definitely associated with anger, though," Sam said. 
"And communism," Dean muttered. His steering wheel drumming grew more pronounced as his patience waned. Two lane country roads with active construction jobs were, Cas knew, one of the banes of Dean’s life.
"Madder comes from the dye people produce from rubia plants," Cas said.
"Rubia like ruby," Jack put together. "Ruby like the demon?"
Cas could feel Dean's blood pressure increase immediately, but it was Sam who said, "More like the jewel." He leaned his head against the car window. "Speaking of gemstones, though, there's garnet – the leaves near the bottom might qualify."
"And on the side closest to that house, vermillion, perhaps?" Cas suggested.
"Ooh," Sam said, "good one."
Dean bonked his forehead against the middle of the steering wheel and the Impala's horn honked faintly. "Stop naming colors or I'm gonna blow my brains out."
"Blood!" Jack said with gusto. "That's gotta be its own specific shade of red, right?"
"On a paint swatch somewhere? Probably." Sam smiled at Jack before noticing Dean's dead-eyed grimace. "Now that oak over there is chartreuse."
Dean made a gun barrel out of his index and middle fingers and used them to shoot Sam in the face.
"It reads as more amber to me," Cas said. 
Sam was charitable enough to say, "Yeah, as the light shifts, I can see that."
"I think it's spicy mustard, like we had with the bratwurst at the Oktoberfest last week," Jack said. "Are we eating soon?"
Dean slumped over, gurgling.
At the farm stand, Jack and Sam went ahead to secure a picnic table beneath a shelter that somewhat broke the sharp wind whipping through the surrounding hills. 
Cas stood as near to Dean as he dared in the food line. "I didn't think it would take so long to get here," he said, an apology in his tone.
Dean closed the gap. He gave Cas an apologetic look of his own. "I didn't know you were going to invite them, is all." He jerked his head at the shelter.
A realization clicked into place for Cas. "When you asked if I wanted to go for a drive…" He looked up and noticed Dean was paying close attention, his eyes green as jade or laurels, forests or ferns. Cas felt warmer all over. "You really meant with just me."
"I should've said that more…clearly." Dean dropped his gaze. "But this is all right."
Cas glanced back at the table. To his surprise, Sam and Jack were talking to an older woman who'd sat down at the table and a six- or seven-year-old girl who may have been her granddaughter? The girl drew something on a paper tablet and then gave her fat orange pencil to Jack, who drew something else on the page. The girl giggled and grabbed her pencil back to draw more.
"Looks like they're making some friends," Dean commented. He bit his lip for a second. "Maybe we could let them fend for themselves for a while longer." 
"What did you have in mind?" Cas already liked this plan.
Dean slipped his hand into Cas's. "Wanna go for a leisurely walk and take in the fall foliage? I'll let you explain every single color, if you want."
What Cas wanted, badly, was to kiss Dean. But he'd settle for a stroll.
"Where've you guys been?" Sam asked later. He and Jack were eating cider donuts with steaming cups of coffee in a swing on the farm stand's long porch.
"Oh, just looking at some more trees," Cas said, and pulled up his collar over the delicate violet bruise on his throat. 
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blondie20000 · 8 months
Bad Lady - Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
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"Put me down Winchester!"
"Sorry sweetheart I can't do that."
Dean was out on a solo hunt. Dean was out on a solo hunt. He suspected he was being followed. He eventually confronted his stalker and discovered it was none other than Jo Harvelle.
Their meeting, well, let's just say it wasn't a pleasant greeting.
They immediately argued. Jo defended her reasons for being out on a hunt while Dean argued on why she shouldn't be here The conversation ended with Dean hoisting Jo onto his shoulder and carrying her across the car park into the motel room.
Jo demanded to put down, she banged her fists on his back and screamed out loud but Dean ignored her. Now he has found her he wasn't letting her get away.
Once they reached the motel room Dean lifts his leg and kicks the door shut.
"Alright if I put you down promise you won't run?" Dean asks.
Dean saw Jo's eye roll in the mirror.
"Promise." She said.
"Yeah I don't buy it."
"For fuck sake Dean!"
"I need you to mean it. If you try to escape I will catch you and the next time I catch you I will have no choice but to put you in cuffs."
She gaped at that.
"That's kidnapping."
"No it's actually me saving your ass."
"Saving your ass you mean."
Dean would rather avoid the older Harvelle's wraith.
Dean forces a smile.
"Our ass then."
"I don't need saving."
"Promise me you won't run."
Few moments later Jo sighs.
"Okay." She said. "I'll stay."
She nods.
"You got it."
Satisfied with the answer Dean carefully lies Jo down on the bed. Jo goes to sit up but Dean raises his hand.
Jo scowls.
"I'm not going anywhere asshole." She sits up and glares at him. "Just making myself comfortable. Is that a problem?"
"Uh no."
"You sure? You want to reconsider those cuffs? You are already treating me like a prisoner so..."
"Jo." Dean said sounding tired now.
Jo folds her arms and pouts at him. If this situation wasn't serious Dean would have found that quite adorable.
She's cute when she's mad.
The hunter then shakes his head. He gets his phone out of his pocket and begins scrolling through the contacts.
"You gonna call her?" Jo asks.
"I have to Jo."
"Damm." She laughs. "You really are scared of her."
"No." Dean quickly says. Jo raises an eyebrow. "Well..." Dean smiles sheepishly. "Your mom can be a bit um...intimidating."
"A bit?"
"Okay a lot! Jo if I don't tell your mom she is going to kill me."
"If you don't tell her she won't know."
"Oh believe me she will find out. That woman has eyes in the back of her skull."
Jo couldn't argue with him on that.
"I'm your responsibility now." Dean continued. "If anything happens to you it's on me."
"Responsibility?" Jo became enraged by those words. "The Hell? Dean I can take care of myself I'm not a child!"
"I know but..."
"You were out hunting on your own. Doesn't that class as irresponsible? Broke the most crucial golden rule."
"I have experience."
"The most experienced can still get killed. Why do you think I was following you? I wanted to be there in case you needed back up."
"That's very thoughtful of you but as you can see I'm fine. I don't need your help."
Jo mutters "Ungrateful son of a bitch." As Dean pops open a beer and takes a swig from it. He angles the bottle in her direction. Jo takes the bottle and gulps it down. She sighs and wipes her mouth before handing it back to him.
"Cheap." She pulls a face. "Don't know how you could drink that stuff."
"Not everyone gets the luxury of living in a damm bar."
Dean takes another swig and sits down in a chair.
He takes several deep breaths finding the courage to make the phone call. Dean had to admit he is nervous about talking to Ellen. He wouldn't be surprised if her shot-gun came through the phone.
"Where's Sam?" Jo asks.
Dean lowers his phone and frowns.
"Sam, where is he?"
"Oh um he is at Bobby's...I think."
"You think?"
"Yeah I'm sure he is."
Jo leans forward. Concern started to show on her face.
"Dean, are you guys okay?"
"Just peachy."
"Dean." She repeated her voice firm.
Dean gives her a look. He looks exhausted. Circles under his eyes due to lack of sleep, he is pale and lost some weight.
"Jo." Dean's eyes are wide silently pleading her to drop it. "I don't want to talk about it."
Part of Jo wanted to push him, demand for answers but another part of her felt she should give the older Winchester his space and wait until he is ready to open up. Weighing her options Jo decided to go for the latter. If she did push him he will clamp up. Jo did also feel whatever is going on with Dean it is not her business to intrude.
Jo eventually blows out a sigh and nods.
"Okay Dean, we don't have to talk about it."
Both of them didn't realize Dean had his hand on her arm. When Dean finally acknowledged what he is doing he immediately removes his hand.
Dean stands up. He laces his fingers together and places them on the back of his head. He had his back to Jo now, facing the wall lost in thought. Jo hesitates and stands up. She walks over to them.
" I meant what I said earlier I was following you in case you needed help. I don't regret my decision because I can see you are not okay Dean. "
"You don't need to tell me. We are not gonna talk about it but I just want you to know that I'm here...alright? I'm a good listener." She then smirks. "One of the skills you pick up from being a bartender."
"Good listener huh?" He turns round with his arms folded. Amusement flickers across his face. "Any other skills you picked up other than serving drinks and cleaning table tops?"
"Oh you wouldn't believe Dean."
Dean smirks.
"Then show me."
The room fell quiet. Jo looks surprised by the sudden change of events. The request, the change in tone came out of nowhere.
Dean's cheeks turn pink. Embarrassed. He looks away and scratches his head.
"Sorry um...Forget I said anything."
"Pass on the opportunity to show you my skills?" Jo tries to lighten up the mood. "Or do you fear I'm gonna beat your ass."
"Beat me?"
"I did say I can take care of myself. Remember? I can surprise you. "
The couple found themselves getting closer. Dean looks down at her and raises his eyebrow.
"Nothing surprises me sweetheart. "
"Our lives are full of surprises."
Jo presses against his body. Dean's dick twitches at the contact.
"You know." Dean said trying to regain some control. "I can't let you get away with this. Sneaking out on a hunt." He tuts at that. Jo opens her mouth. "While I understand your reasons." Dean quickly cuts her off. "It is still bad what you did. You know what happens to naughty girls?"
His arm snakes around her waist.
"They get punished." He growls in her ear.
Jo gasps as Dean smacks her ass. She looks up at him with wide eyes.
"You almost killed it." She coughs. "Almost... You ruined it at the girl part. You completely disregarded what I just said."
"My apologizes...my lady."
The smirk he gives her sends a spark through her.
It wasn't long before he smacked her ass again.
This sent Jo stumbling into his chest. She then feels his hard on against her.
Jo didn't have to look to know her panties are now soaked.
His smirk grows as if he is reading her thoughts.
"Right." He said.
Dean sits down with Jo over his lap. He pushes her jeans down. While he did that Jo kicks her boots off. He plays with the hem of her panties. Grinning when he touches her wet pussy.
"So naughty." He purrs.
"Good is boring." Jo teases feeling herself grow into this game.
"Hmm." He hums.
Once the panties are removed Dean trails his fingers along her ass. He grasps an ass cheek and squeezes it. Jo bit back a moan as the squeeze quickly turns into another slap.
"Fuck!" Jo cursed as she is met with several more slaps.
The hunter chastised her on her actions. He keeps asking for an apology but Jo wouldn't give in. She carries on teasing him, secretly enjoying this side of the older Winchester. Dean Winchester is a gentle soul always soft and caring especially around his friends and family so seeing this dominant side of him felt refreshing and thrilling!
Seeing how defeated he looked earlier Jo thought Dean needs this, he needs this sense of control in his life. His Dad's death, Sam, the hunting life it is all weighing heavily on his shoulders he looks close to breaking. If this bit of fun is going to give him a escape from reality Jo will happily give it to him.
Not only Dean needs this but Jo needs this too. Her overbearing Mom is driving her insane. Jo wants to be free, making her own choices. The real world sucks. Everyone needs that escape to the fantasy life now and then.
She arched her ass in his face and groans when he shoves his finger in immediately hitting a soft spot.
"Shh." He shakes his head. "You are still on naughty step." He nuzzles his face into her hair. "Such a bad lady."
He pulls his finger out and quickly goes in again. Another finger goes into her pussy. Jo grits her teeth to stop herself from screaming as he fucks her from both sides. She feels his erection under his belly. Her body rubs along it as he moves her with his fingers.
Fingers out, smack on the ass, fingers back in again. It soon became a repeated pattern.
"Sorry yet?" He asks.
Jo smiles. Her hair falling over her hair. The sight of it made Dean growl. He pushes her hair back and shoves a wet slicked finger inside her mouth.
She can taste herself on him. With a hum Jo bites down on his finger causing him to pull away in shock.
"Fuck you!" She grins.
"That's how you wanna play it." He says.
She smirks.
He goes faster.
He flips her on to her back and slides his tongue in between her folds. Jo cries out as his tongue goes deep inside her. He licks her up and down, hits all the sensitive spots. His other hand holds her ass giving it a squeeze now and then to remind her that their circumstances haven't changed.
Jo moans with delight. His name slips out of her mouth. She curses at that but Dean happily grins and soon gets more begs and pleas from her.
Soon Jo spills herself all over him. He licks up the cum slowly each stroke already sending her over the edge. He grips her thigh daring her to go again. A blush creeps her cheeks when she realizes another orgasm is coming.
"No." He stops her. "Sorry first."
The heat is building inside her. Worse than before.
Dean shakes his head.
"I had my taste of you." He said. "So no urgency on my part. You however..."
Her legs shake.
"Yeah." He shrugs. "Oh well."
He grasps her thigh. His eyes bore into hers. Jo is trembling now.
After several moments Jo takes a deep breath.
"What was that?"
"Sorry." She admits. A tear streaking down her cheek. Dean smirks. Victory danced in his eyes.
"Apology accepted." His finger circles her entrance. "You can go."
She did. She let it all out again. Dean smiles.
"Good girl."
The hunter then gasps as Jo wraps her legs around his head.
"Not." She laughs.
She increases her strength. Dean is surprised how someone so petite can give off so much power.
"Good...girl. Dean we just talked about this."
With a cry, Jo sends them both rolling on the bed.
Feeling dazed Dean blinks. Before he could react Jo grabs him by the collar of the shirt and pins him down on the bed.
"You bitch." Dean tries to look pissed but failed
"I do love honesty." Jo smiles as her hand goes beneath his pants.
Dean shakes his head with amazement.
"You are something else."
"Compliments only get you so far."
Her hand cups his ball.
"So far." She repeats.
She squeezes it. He bites his lip to stop himself from reacting. She pulls his jeans down followed by his jeans. Her nails dig into his ass. His face screws up at that.
"Hmm." She smiles down at him. Her eyes shine with mischief.
"You were never sorry." Dean said.
Dean smiles. A genuine smile.
"I'm glad." He replies.
As Jo starts unbuttoning his shirt Dean asks.
"So is where you are going to show me your skills?"
"Uh huh."
Dean again shakes his head.
"Always the naughty ones."
Jo leans forward and kisses his lips. She raises an eyebrow at him.
"Good is boring." She echoes her words from earlier.
Jo goes down between his legs. She licks his length with her tongue. The first stroke sent Dean's head flying back against the pillow. He grips the sheets as Jo increases her speed.
A lump forms in his throat as Jo draws him in her mouth.
Okay maybe he does fear she is going to beat his ass now.
Jo smacks him.
Dean chokes at that.
And she did.
The End
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