#like damn we haven't even interacted and you're telling me I fucking suck
divinelyrancid · 23 days
i don't have the time to write about it fully rn but OH. mY. gOD 😩
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official-megumin · 8 days
ngl being both a trans woman and intersex kinda fucking sucks.
Because you end in this intersection of both transmisogyny and heavy intersexism.
I can't really look to either the wider transfem community because intersexism is rampant there, but at the same time in intersex communities, AFAB intersex voices just seem so much loud and for AMAB intersex voices to be ignored.
I have come across two other AMAB intersex people on here, and both of them are very quiet about it, I haven't asked why. But I would guess it's because of how we're generally treated.
So even with the prominent intersex voices on here, you'll see the terms TME and TMA be condemned without nuance.
Because yea obviously they don't cover the wide spectrum that is human sex, but proveably it still is very very useful, because even in intersex spaces, transfems are smothered and not given space to talk. I have come across a lot of AFAB intersex people very in favor of AFAB people to be able to use trans fem as a label, and when it's used by specifically intersex AFAB people, I very much do not mind.
But where my opinion tends to differ, is that I do not think perisex AFAB people should use it.
I have only met one outspoken intersex woman on here, and still due to being afab. She was not barred needed access to gynocological care like I have been. So the clearly there are still differences in how we experience and interact with the world, because the world does not accept that sex isn't binary. It will latch on to the most minute differences to label us.
So with me being outwardly male, despite likely having full internal female sex organs, and developing classically female. I was still denied womanhood in ways that AFAB intersex people despite still very much being denied womanhood, don't experience.
I have many times trying to voice my opinions and feelings of overreach as an intersex trans woman, and I've always been ignored in favor of intersex people who haven't experienced being expected to be male.
And for those experiences I have been labelled a transmedicalist. Despite making it very clear that I don't care at all how you transition.
I simply want people to understand that some words have long histories that can't and shouldn't just be waved away. It can't be right that us telling you that you're overstepping boundaries and disrespecting us, is met with accusations of hate.
Just please give us space to voice our frustrations and let us talk about being stepped over, listen to us.
I just want one damn space I can feel understood and listened to in. Is that too much to ask for?
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
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What tf is it?
Hoe-vember is basically my excuse to write endless amounts of shameless Eddie Munson and/or Joseph Quinn smut blurbs throughout November! They'll be relatively short but if there is demand for longer or continued fics, I may consider it!
How do I get involved?
Simply send me a number from the prompt list below and specify whether you want it written about our boy Eds, or Mr JQ himself! I have anon turned on so if you're shy, it's totally fine!
The rules
Firstly, absolutely NO MINORS are to interact with this event. This will be smut smut smut and nobody under the age of 18 should be reading.
If you don't like, don't read. I know the subject of smut regarding a real life person is a sensitive one, so if you don't agree with my writing, please don't send me hate as it will be ignored. I've given you adequate warning.
I won't write for Eddie AND JQ in a single request. This means your request should be for Eddie OR Joe, not both. These are also reader inserts, so nothing like "prompt 4 for Eddie with Joe" or anything like that, sorry!
Once a prompt has been requested, it will be taken off the list! But you are more than welcome to resubmit a request for a different prompt if yours has already been taken.
Before anyone says it, yes these are the same (or pretty much the same) prompts from my @choke-me-levi 1k event...I'm unoriginal and there's so much potential for some GOOD EM and JQ smut here, so soz.
Have fun! And if you have any questions please just message me!
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The prompts - all are now taken!!
1. Fuck a baby into me/I'm gonna fuck a baby into you.
2. It's not gonna suck itself.
3. Shit, I've never come so hard in my life!
4. You're so tight, fuck!
5. You wanna come on my fingers, my tongue, or my cock? How about all of them?
6. Ride me baby, make me come for you.
7. Open your mouth.
8. This pussy belongs to me.
9. Keep going and I'll fuck that shitty/bratty/fucking attitude right out of you.
10. Beg for me.
11. Look how well you're taking me.
12. Suck.
13. Make a mess on me.
14. Let me ruin that pretty face with my cum.
15. Sit on my face.
16. Touch yourself.
17. You feel that? I'm so hard for you.
18. I love you, fuck, I'm so close!
19. Mm, you're so wet. Did I do this to you, baby? Is this all for me?
20. You taste so good.
21. Do you want my cock? Tell me.
22. Fuck, stop teasing me!
23. I'm gonna fuck you so good the whole damn neighbourhood will know my name by the time I'm done with you.
24. You're close aren't you? I can feel it, your pussy is gripping my cock.
25. You're so sexy, but you'd look even better with your mouth around my dick.
26. Keep those eyes on me, beautiful.
27. I'm going to fucking ruin you.
28. I want to watch you/I want you to watch me
29. Bend over, baby.
30. We have to be quiet, can you do that for me, princess?
31. That's so fucking hot, say it again.
32. Guess I'll just have to do it myself.
33. Fuck, I'm gonna come baby, tell me where you want it.
34. Push that ass up for me.
35. You want my attention? Better earn it, baby.
36. You want me to fuck you?
37. Look at yourself, you're so fucking nasty.
38. Let me show you how a real man does it.
39. Get over here.
40. Good girl. Good fucking girl.
41. Fuck, please!
42. I wanna taste you.
43. You've missed me, haven't you? Pretty little pussy is sucking me in.
44. Just shut up and fuck me.
45. I need you so bad, I can't wait, I've gotta have you now.
46. There's no better way to wake up than with your mouth on me.
47. Make me.
48. Spread your legs and let me see that pretty little pussy.
49. Wanna fuck?
50. Are you sure? If we do this, I won't be able to control myself
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eremiie · 3 years
hbd cornelius springer <3
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❥ nsfw | 3.2k words | connie x fem!reader
❥ content - blowjob
❥ the birthday boy deserves some birthday head!!!
happy birthday connie springer, and happy belated birthday @arlerted ily both a whole lot <3... i started this at like 4am so pls bare with this
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"you enjoying your birthday?"
connie turns around at the sound of your voice, soda can in hand while he closes the fridge door.
the way his face lights up when he connects your voice to your face makes you beam. his eyes get wide, eyebrows rise up, and a crooked smile graces his features as you walk forth, your hand trailing against the kitchen counter.
it makes you smile, the ways he's immediately stoked to see you. it's endearing if anything and your heart flutters at the excitement that twinkles in his eyes at your appearance.
"duh... yeah of course i like it."
"duh... yeah of course i like it."
"duh... yeah of course i like it."
his stupid smile shifts into a small smirk and he picks up his drink to take another sip. "what're you lookin' at?"
seriously? were you that obvious?
he leans back against the corner of the kitchen counter, twirling the soda can in his hand to shake his drink up while steadying himself with his elbows. you can tell the question was one he was genuinely waiting on an answer for— it was to just rile you up and one for him to shrug off with a 'just messin'.
you roll your eyes. there was no reason to give him an ego. "your ugly party hat." your tone is snarky, and a breathy laugh leaves connie's throat as he shakes his head at you. he beckons with two slender fingers.
"come 'ere."
your stomach turns at the gesture— no at the sentence and you curse the slight stubbornness that keeps you standing where you stood with your arms crossed. "what?"
connie holds your gaze easily, and instead of giving you an answer his hand reaches out to pull you towards him by your forearm.
you stumble forward until you were situated between his feet, a strong hand encasing your wrists and his breath fanning across your face from the proximity of you and connie.
his eyes look more hazel up close, green and yellow dancing like a fiery bright fire. you can feel the denim of his jeans rub against the fat flesh of your thighs from where you stand, and connie makes no effort to move back.
it's a clear invasion of your space but neither you or him seem to mind— and you hope connie didn't take the way your heart jumps in your chest and your suddenly uneven breathing as a sign that you did mind. no, it was the exact opposite of that if anything.
"are you enjoying the party?" his voice comes out a little too smooth for your liking. where was the slight cracks in his voice as he spoke or the lilts in his tone as he tried his best to be a flirt?
the way he looks at you doesn't help. his eyes are low lying, having trouble staying focused on only just yours. you notice them flit a little lower every now and then before popping back up to match your gaze.
you hoped you came off as unbothered— stable and unfazed by his sudden demeanor. if it wasn't obvious by now your slight attraction to connie was something that you couldn't seem to let go of ever since you had first met him.
you hated how goofy he was and how the lame jokes he'd crack would always make you laugh regardless of how stupid. you hated how  somehow he'd always coerce you to do the handy work when it came to class projects because he was too lazy to get up off his own ass and help you. you hated how even through all these little silly quirks of his if he really wanted to with a few slip ups here and there he could make the hairs on your arms stand and have you stop breathing just from a slick look and slick sentence.
you hated all these things because they all made you feel gushy inside no matter how dumb it was. they made your body warm and gave you this comforting feeling that you couldn't get from anyone else.
so when connie repeats another "hm?" catching you off guard for the second time, that warm feeling returns because this time the pads of his fingers drum against your shoulder, a little to close to the junction near your neck.
"as long as ymir and sash keep me entertained, then yeah. this little 'party' isn't that bad." your quick with your response this time once he sets you back on track and you calm a bit.
"so ymir 'n sash are the life of the party for ya?" he pouts, and you scrunch your nose up when he leans in a little more, a mock pitiful expression on his face. "damn, 'n i'm supposed to be the birthday boy... that's crazy."
you can tell he's a little under the influence. despite it being his birthday he was actual one out of a few to keep their drinking at a light tonight. you couldn't say the same for armin who was currently passed out and curled up at the safety of mikasa's side on the large sofa, or for reiner who was last crying to ymir before she managed to 'shut the fuck up jockey' him as you walked pass.
you liked it like this though, liked to know that the interactions between you and connie weren't entirely the alcohol talking.
but it wasn't like it was ever really anything but him talking when he got more than comfortable with you.
light touches up the soft skin of your thighs, moving you around by placing his hands on your waist (where you must say they fit like a puzzle), or attacking you in tickles when he decided to crash at you and sasha's place and you wouldn't pass up the remote.
those were all connie, but it was nice to know that the person in front of you was mostly connie as well.
"you are... you just haven't been keeping me company as you should have." you lift up a hand right in front of his face and pretend to inspect your nails before dropping four fingers down to your palm and turning your nails to you once again.
connie let's out a low laugh at the gesture before using his own palm to cup the top of your hand. you expect him to push it down and let go but he only holds it in his grip with that same dumb smile plastered on his face as he doesn't fail to keep eye contact with you.
"ha-ha, so funny. you act like we didn't dance together," you recall the memory of connie hoisting you up from the couch and spinning you around until your backside was pressed against him, asking you to 'dance'. if anything that encounter is probably what encouraged the tingle between your legs and pushed you to follow connie into the kitchen. "sit together for like a good ass while, and play cards together— cheating together i might add."
you giggle, "did eren not realize that practically half the deck was under my ass and in your pockets?" connie reciprocates your giggle in his cheery tone and he raises the soda can to his lips again to empty it out inside his mouth.
"nah, but for real, what more company do you need?"
in the back of your head you had a solid idea of the kind of company you needed from connie, but you weren't even sure if your mind was quick enough to formulate it into a sentence that sounded appealing to the ears, enticing even.
a dramatic sigh leaves your lips and your hands come up to connie's head, one index plucking at the thin string below his chin and the other one holding the loud party hat until you were pulling it off and fiddling with it in your hand.
connie's hand automatically comes to rub at the short grey strands with a small frown at the absence of his hat. he stands up straight so he's peering down at you and his arm swings over your shoulder as he begins walking the two of you towards the exit to the kitchen abandoning his empty can of soda. "what?"
you slow down your pace so that he slows down and pull his arm from around you just as quickly as he placed it there massaging his knuckles in the process.
the eagerness to stay alone with him and not go back out where the chatters of all your friends would become tenfold is what makes you more bold, is what makes you back connie up towards the kitchen island until your practically leaning on him with doe eyes, fluttering your lashes and saying, "just wanna be alone with you for a minute..." you hesitate for a moment before beginning to speak again, "i gotta present for you, but we gotta go upstairs."
it's like your words alone manage to somewhat crack the demeanor he had going on. how his mouth slightly parts and how his body tenses up slightly tells you. you're thankful for the small adrenaline rush a measly walk to the archway gave you.
"shit, what's upstairs?" you relish in how he feeds into your words instead of stuttering under pressure and his hand moves to the small of your back pulling you even closer.
it's noticeable that he likes to feel your skin on his, and his hands are warm against the skin of your hip, practically singeing it with just his touch. it sends a hot feeling throughout your body and you indulge in him some more, fully enveloping your hand with his free one and giving a nice smile.
"if you come with me then it'll be me and you," and he lets you pull him along like a dog on a leash, sticking as close to its owner as possible as he's so close behind you that you can feel him up against your back as you begin to nonchalantly walk past your group of friends conversing in the living room.
for you it's easy to ignore their remarks and looks of 'finally'. after all, you knew they were coming. but connie couldn't, shooting silly faces to his audience as he lets you pull him along.
"they're finally fucking."
"go, birthday boy!"
"gettin' some birthday pussy!"
"_______, bite his dick off for me!"
the only phrase to elicit some sort of reaction from you is the mumbly one from sasha from whatever was in her mouth as she encouraged you to injure connie.
all the phrases seem to get one out of connie, from him pretending to fuck you from behind causing you to pinch the tan skin of his wrist to him making kissy faces at jean, eren, and even to ymir who further encouraged you to take a chomp out of his little friend.
you lead him through his bedroom door, immediately locking it because you know he'll forget and then turning to face him again.
when you turn back around connie's still looming over you, his hands lankily at his sides and it's as if he doesn't know what to do with them.
it makes you titter, and you take a step towards him pulling at his wrists place his hands back on your hips. "so what's my present?"
your hands come up to come his face and his skin is soft under your touch. he's warm and his breathing is unsteady as you lean forward to press your lips onto his.
he quickly returns the kiss, more fervently than you if anything. connie immediately groans as if the feeling of your lips on his was something he was craving.
connie pushes you against the door, a small thud eliciting from the way your back hits it and he lets go of your hips to cup your face and bring you deeper into the kiss.
the way he presses up so close against you makes you part your lips slightly giving him enough time to slip his tongue into your mouth until it's slotted alongside yours.
his knee parts your legs and bump against your crotch making you moan and let go of his face, holding onto his shoulders instead.
you pull back to breathe for a brief moment— and connie's eyes are overcast with lust. he doesn't have that twinkle from earlier and his grip on your hips is tighter than it was a few seconds ago.
he breathes heavily and rests his forehead against yours then dropping his knee. "that wasn't all i get for my birthday, right?"
with another roll of your eyes you shake your head. "it'd be a little rude of me to leave you like this, yeah?"
you slide down the wall until your knees hit the carpet and sit back on your shins. your delicate hands slide down connie's chest until the tips of your fingers are brushing over the buckle of his belt.
"yeah," connie's eyes flutter shut and he places a hand on the door to once again steady himself. "'d be real fuckin' rude of you."
your hands make work of his belt, unclasping the loop, unzipping the zipper and unbuttoning his pants to begin shrugging down the denim.
you had barely even started doing anything yet connie's mouth was slightly parted in anticipation. it was amusing how even the slightest touch from you could elicit a reaction out of him.
you pride yourself in this, and you take your time letting your fingertips massage the length of connie's clothed cock beneath his boxers. his body stutters overtop of you for a quick second and you move your hands to the hem of his boxers to begin pulling them down.
he's pretty; a slightly flushed tip that complimented the tan color of his skin. he's clearly already hard and you swear when your hand wraps around him his dick twitches in your touch. "god," he mumbles.
his dick is heavy in your hand, and he's thick to the touch. with a few test pumps you prop yourself up on your knees once more and place a hand over his thigh. "c'mon," his tone is encouraging yet hurrying, needy.
you click your tongue at him before using it to kitten lip his tip, like you were just trying to get a taste. connie hisses above you and drops his hand down to the top of your head.
"c'mon, we can't take too long with everyone still down there."
you know he's only saying so because he wants to feel your mouth around him. he's only being needy because it's something he'd been craving over the course of a few months. you are something he had been craving and now that you were under him he wanted all of you, starting with what you were willing to give which happened to be your pretty throat.
nevertheless, he's the birthday boy and you want to help pleasure him, making him feel a euphoric feeling that you know he's longed for.
you stick your tongue out and slap his tip against the flat of your tongue, and connie lets out another short groan, his fingers scrunching your hair.
connie shudders from above you and you almost feel bad for teasing him. you let the warmth of your mouth consume him completely— well, as far as you can while your hand works at the remainder.
"yeah, yeah..." he hums and he opens his eyes  again to look down at you.
your mouth around him felt heavenly, and the image of you sucking him off was even better; cheeks hollowed out and hand pumping his length.
you were so pretty.
connie brings the hand in your hand down to your cheek to feel himself through the skin, his tip pressed up against the inside of your cheek as he slightly rolls his hips forward to fuck in your mouth gently.
you pull off of him, pushing spit to the front of your mouth and letting your saliva drip onto his cock.
"fuck, you can't do that," he whines and rubs his tip against your lips until you open up again for him and his hand returns to your hair. "stick your tongue out."
you obey. using the leverage he has on your locks, he pushes deeper into your mouth, bobbing your head as he thrusts forward. small moans leave connie's lips. he's infatuated with the way your tongue slides against his underside as you try your best to relax your throat to let him in.
he loves it, loves how your mouth is so wet and sloppy around him, how it feels so good to be inside you— and he wants to feel every part of you, not stopping at your mouth.
saliva drips from the corner of your mouth and you try to suppress the gags that try to come up. you whimper from underneath connie, and he pulls out to give you a minute to breath.
it's funny how he's breathing harder then you his chest heaving. "that fuckin' mouth,"
you give a slight smile at the compliment, pleased to know you were pleasing him.
"i need it s'more."
what kind of person would you be if you didn't give the birthday boy what he wanted?
so you give him more, using connie's thighs to keep yourself steady, relaxing yourself and breathing through your nose as you let connie fuck your mouth.
he becomes erratic, the grip he has on your hair is slightly painful but you know he's too caught up in his lust, too caught up in the haven that was your throat.
he's so lost in the pleasure that he doesn't warn you when he's about to cum and you only know by the way his cum spills down your throat making you cough and pull off of him.
what you could only assume was a "sorry" comes from him as he calms down, pulling up his boxers and jeans but forgetting to buckle his belt. his hand reached out for you to grab it.
you take it and he pulls you up until you're almost at his height again, that same dumb smile on his face. "did you like your present?" you hum after you clear your throat.
"duh..." his thumb comes up to wipe at the saliva around your mouth before pushing the digit between your lips. you waste no time entertaining him, sucking your spit up and popping off of his thumb. "you thinkin' you could gimme something else though?"
you snort, "what happened to we couldn't take too long cause everyone's downstairs?"
"i'm still hard, it's my birthday, i really don't give a fuck who's downstairs." his words contradict his earlier statement but you brush it off, pulling him by the string of his jacket and pressing another peck to his lips.
"get in the bed birthday boy."
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butteraway · 3 years
when time runs out | ii
⋆ summary:  A young girl has fallen deeply ill with an unknown disease in her, so with all her free time spent in an empty hospital room, she spends it online playing video games. That's until she meets her cousins friends, one spiking her interest with his extremely vulgare language.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: small mentions of suicide (I’ll put a star ‘⋆’ on top and below the paragraph so you can skip over it if your uncomfortable, you won’t miss anything too important so dont worry!)
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"Bro, honestly I still can't believe that you of all people made it into the elite, number one hero school in the country."
"Waahh, I'm telling you! I'm the real deal Y/N!"
"So, how's your summer been? School's gonna be starting soon, are you excited?" Denki could only smile and sigh as his character was finally killed off.
Said girl chuckled as she heard Denki's voice rise through her headphones as they continued killing zombies in front of them. She grimaced as a zombie attacked her from behind her character. Geez, I never get a break in this game.
"Well, to be honest, nothing big really happened besides me getting my acceptance letter from U.A. Just me training and hanging with the fam." He laid back in the comfort of his bed, headphones still on in order to hear his cousin.
"Aah, already training, hero boy? That's why you haven't been visiting me lately." Y/N pouted and crossed her arms as her TV screen turned black, returning her to the main page of the game.
"Man, we suck at this game!" Denki laughed out loud as he saw how long they lasted in the last round. Y/N smiled and let out a small giggle of her own as she placed down her controller.
"Yeah, how long have we had this game for? It still feels like it's our first time playing this." Denki cracked a smile, even though Y/N couldn't see him.
"Hey, sorry for not being able to come to the hospital. Getting ready for U.A. is no joke, haha." Denki rubbed the nape of his neck, eyebrows scrunching up with regret. 
"Nah nah, it's fine! I understand that you have things to do. You have big plans for the future." Y/N brushed a strand of her hair away from her face, looking down at the needles that were plunged into her arms. Her eyes were clouded with an emotion she often felt when talking with Denki. She always felt guilty whenever the feeling came around.
"Must be nice to be able to achieve your dreams." Jealousy. She hated the feeling she got every now and then, but you couldn't really blame her. She lost everything in only a couple of months. Silence passed between the two teenagers, Y/N finally realizing what she said.
"Uh s-sorry about that! I didn't mean to say that alou-" Y/N was cut off by Denki's soft voice.
"Y/N, it's... okay to feel like that. I don't understand what you have been going through, but I know that you shouldn't bring yourself down for something you can't control. You're such an amazing person and to be honest. . ." Denki paused as Y/N's eyes began to glaze over.
"I'm doing this for me and you. You always encouraged me to take any opportunity by, as you like to say, the neck. I-I wanna make you proud, y'know? I wanna make it feel like you're a part of this crazy world, even if you're not really here, walking with me through it all."
Y/N’s lips wobbled as she let out a watery laugh. She hunched over, small tears falling down her face. To someone else, this would've boosted their ego, but to Y/N, those words meant the world to her. No one had ever said that to her before. She felt like she had a purpose in this wretched life of hers. She sniffles were heard by Denki
"H-hey! It's okay, p-please don't cry!" Y/N heard shuffling coming from Denki as he reassured her to not cry.
"I mean it. I only wish you could be there though, it would be so much cooler!" Denki smiled, trying to lighten up the mood. Y/N's sniffles slowly quieted down as she let out a soft laugh that made his heart swell with joy. At least he can make her laugh.
"I'm s-sorry, but no one has ever told me t-that." Small hiccups came from the girl as she calmed down, taking deep breaths to slow her heart rate. Won't want doctors to come rushing in just to see her crying over something so small.
"I-I'm just really happy you said that." Denki's heart clenched at those words, his chin trembling every now and then. He knew that Y/N wasn't happy with where she was. She had even admitted that she had urges to rip out the needles and slowly lose her life from there. Denki spent the rest of that night talking to her after. To say he was concerned was an understatement. He was terrified when she told him.
"I think us being able to play games together is already enough!" They both laughed and talked for a couple of minutes before deciding to to hang up. 
"Y/N, I mean it when I say I want you to be happy, okay? I hope you feel better tomorrow. Buh-bye!" Y/N said her goodbye to Denki, hanging up and closing the laptop that sat on a movable table. 
Her smile slowly left her face, leaving her staring blankly at the pure white wall and mirror in front of her. When visitors were gone, her window would turn to a mirror so no one would disturb her. Y/N took a good look at herself and only sighed. Despite being as healthy as she could get, she looked a bit on the thin side, this complimenting her skin. Running a hand through her hair, she untangled the little knots that had formed there.
"Geez, what happened to you girl? You look like a zombie." Y/N looked at the zombie game and cringed.
"Literally."  Just then the door to her room opened and shut quickly, the air filter turning on when a female doctor entered. Y/N watched her carefully as she checked the IV that connected to her arm. The protective suit never made Y/N feel better about her condition.
"Are you alright, Ms. L/N?" The light, stern voice rang through her ears as she looked at the woman in front of her. Y/N gave the doctor a grin.
"Never been better."
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It had been an hour since the doctors had turned the lights off, but Y/N didn't feel the slightest bit of exhaustion. She had been sitting in the pitch black room for the time being and was really debating on turning on the TV.
"Ahh, fudge it." Instinctively reaching out for the remote, she turned on the TV and winced as the bright light hit her.
Looking back to the screen, she chose the option of going online and waited for other players to join. While waiting, a new character popped up next to her and she could only smirk at their username. Tapping on her mic, she decided to make conversation with them to see if they also had a mic.
"Now, what to play. What to play..." Y/N had settled for playing OverWatch since she didn't feel like playing any story type games. No cliffhangers tonight, Y/N thought. As the game loaded, she laid back and began thinking about cheesecake. When was the last I ate strawberry cheesecake? Great, now I want some. Thinking about eating cheesecake made her excited about the next day.
"Well hello, dear ol' '​​​​​King Explosion Murder_1.' Nice name you got there." Y/N chuckled as she said the name out loud, seeing another player enter.
"Hello 'Tape Dispenser?' What's with the wack name?" The girl’s eyes crinkled as she smiled at their name, hearing the user chuckle through her headphones. '​​​​​​King Explosion Murder' still had yet to reply, but that didn't bother her. They're either using the bathroom or don't have a mic. 
"The name was inspired by my quirk. But what's up with '_DeathGirl_', huh? You good?"  Y/N could only laugh at what he said. She should really send him a friend request.
"I’m honestly great, a little tired, but great! I just gotta make up a name, y'know? But your quirk has to do with tape? I don't know if that's wicked or useless." The boy laughed while Y/N laughed as well, losing her grip on her controller. That was until a gruff voice interrupted their laughing session.
"Shut the fuck up, your annoying ass voices are giving me a damn headache." Finally, after being silent, 'King Explosion Murder_1' spoke up.
"Aah, so you do talk. I don't know why you didn't say anything sooner Mr. Explosion Murder." The other player could only sneer at what she said, hitting his desk with his fist. Another player had joined, Y/N only noticing.
"Ah, hello 'Sleep Deprived Controller!'" Said player made their character wave, making Y/N chuckle. While they had their interaction, 'King Explosion Murder' was shouting at her, now realizing that she wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.
"Hey! Listen to me when I'm fucking talking to you, emo bitch!" Y/N’s eyes widened, soon rolling her eyes, watching the game load as they were placed into a match. What's his damn problem?
"Hey man, no need to go calling people names now." 'Tape Dispenser' nervously chuckled as he heard the other player growl. Y/N sported a shocked face as she heard this. What is he, a dog??? 
"Outta this conversation, extra!" Tape dude could only deadpan at what he was just called. Who calls people extras?? I’m not an extra, in fact I think I’m- 'Sleep Deprived Controller' listened with an annoyed expression on their face, wishing they could shut their shouting teammate up. Damn, wish I actually had a mic.
The game began as all the players separated, going their own way to kill their enemies. Everyone was in the zone, getting items and yelping every now and then if they were attacked. The first to go down was 'Tape Dispenser', then 'Sleep Deprived Controller', leaving both Y/N and 'King Explosion Murder' left on their team. Y/N smirked at their winning team, only one player was left on the other team. Just as the game was going to end, the opposing player shot down 'Explosion Murder', killing him.
"FUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" His mic cut off, causing the two players with mics in a cackling mess. Y/N calmed down, remembering she was still playing, trying to hunt down the last player. Finally, after many curses by a certain player and cheering from another, she located her enemy. 
"You better fucking win this or I'll kill you." Knowing he didn't mean that last part, she only focused on the first part. You better win this. Those words echoed through her head as she stopped aiming for the player. She hated being told what to do.
"Ah, so you're one of those people." Not knowing what she meant, they only watched with wide eyes at what she did. Y/N jumped down next to the enemy, shooting them twice with her weakest gun, signaling them that she was there. Quickly, the other player shot her character down, killing her. They lost the game.
"THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?! WE COULD'VE FUCKING WON!" Explosion Murder wasn't taking defeat easily like the other two were. Y/N could only give a grunt of disapproval towards the loud player.
"Ha, why did you just give up right there? You could've easily killed him." Tape Dispenser was just as confused as the other two players, slightly disappointed at the loss. Y/N sighed as she rubbed her forehead.
"Sorry not sorry, but this dude really thought he could get away with telling me what to do. I'll make my move when I'm ready, sorry to disappoint you guys." She sighed as she rubbed her neck, ready to hear the disapprovals of her teammate. But what she heard and saw made her smile.
"Nah, it's fine. It can get a tiny bit annoying with Murder yelling in your ear." Tape Dispenser reassured her, with Sleep Deprived's character giving her a thumbs up. Though, the annoyed sigh caught her attention back to him. Her eyebrow twitched. What is it now?
"I'm done with this fucking sappy shit scene. I'm out." Those were Murder's last words before he disconnected, leaving them in an awkward silence before Y/N stifled a giggle.
"I have a feeling that won't be the last time I'm seeing him." Tape Dispenser chuckled while Sleep Deprived's character shook their head, making Y/N softly laugh. After sending friend requests to both people, she bid them both fair well and left.
Y/N turned off her console and tv, putting the controllers on the table near her. She laid down in the comfort of her bed, thinking about her interactions with the people she met. She smiled, closing her eyes and drifting into a dreamless slumber with only one thought in mind. 
King Explosion Murder is such a weird name.
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xxisxxisxxis · 3 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-One [PT. 2]
Words: 2.5K
Warning(s): explicit language, mentions of drug abuse, mentions of domestic abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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"Your little one is here as of right now." Dr. Telille says, pointing to a very little area to the far side of my womb and I smile before she switches the focus slightly and then looks at the screen with a slightly odd look before flipping through my chart. "At your previous Obstetrician, did they mention any abnormalities?" She asks me. 
"No." I shake my head. 
"You said in your history you've had recurrent miscarriages?" She asks next. 
"Okay, Mrs. Sixx, don't be alarmed by this because there is a solution but this," she turns the screen to me again, pointing at a shadow in the picture that looks like it's creating bunny ears or something. "Is a layer of tissue that's not supposed to be there. It halts fetal growth, and ultimately causes miscarriages, often times even before a fetus is interacting with the tissue itself, physically." She informs me and I feel like my chest is throbbing from how hard my heart is beating. "The good news is that we can fix this, I've had to do a few surgeries like this before--we can go in and cut that tissue out without disturbing your baby, but we will need to have it done within the next week--two weeks at the most." She explains and I raise my brows. 
"What's my chance of carrying out my pregnancy to term without the surgery?" I ask, trying to stay calm. 
"With a successful surgery, there is a 80% chance of you carrying it to term, and a higher chance at not facing as many pregnancy difficulties in the future like you've had previously. Without the surgery, with your history, it's very, very probable that you won't get to four months without miscarrying--if that far." She adds. 
"What's the risk of this surgery causing complications?" I ask next. 
"30%." She replies and I breathe out. "You don't have to make a decision today, you can go home and think about it and talk about it with the father but we need to get it scheduled in the next few days." 
"Um, o-okay…" I rub my lips together. 
"And if you are interested in the surgery, we can go ahead and send it in and see if insurance will cover it." She assures me. 
"I don't have maternity insurance right now." I tell her and she looks at me uneasily. 
"No worries, we can figure the costs out after you decide if you want it or not." She tells me, calmly, and I just nod. 
I numbed myself. I would've been freaking out, having a meltdown, begging God to spare my damn baby for once...but as soon as she started in on what was wrong with me, the negative outcomes...I flicked the switch in my brain and just let myself feel absolutely nothing as best as I could. My nervousness was relief compared to blatant breakdown mode that I knew would hit inevitably.
And how the hell did I tell Duff and Nikki that I was going to need surgery that could potentially terminate my pregnancy--or suffer what I'd suffered before and still lose a baby? Oh, right. I didn't. At least, not as soon as I probably should have.
When I get to my new little house I'm renting with my savings, Duff's sitting on the little porch, drinking a beer. 
"How'd it go?" He asks me, standing up as I unlock the door. 
He couldn't go with me this time because he had to go look at a couple houses with Mandy, which I understand because they had already canceled once with a real-estate agent and would get charged extra if they missed another appointment. 
"Good." I lie, clearing my throat. 
Whisky's barking at us until he realizes it's me, and then he won't get out from under my feet until I pat him on the head. 
"I need to finish unpacking." I say before Duff can ask anymore questions. 
"Well, it's your lucky day because I know how to unpack." He states, grinning. 
I go change into pajamas and when I get back, he's pulling pictures from one of the boxes, neatly placing them on the coffee table in the living room and I pick them up and start figuring out where to put them. 
"So, my family really wants me to bring you up." He says, optimistically. "I was thinking leave Sunday and come back next Saturday."
"...Duff, I can't just up and leave right now. I have to finish unpacking, and I'm gonna be meeting with Nikki once a week and then him and the guys once a week so that's two different…" I trail off as he cuts open another one of my packed boxes with his pocket knife, a look of disappointment on his face. "...It's not that I don't want to, you know. I just have a lot going on right now." 
"We'd just be gone for a week." He says, looking at me. "It's the only time off I have for a while since we're doing a few shows in New York and Europe." He adds. "And I really want my family to know you, kinda, before you have the baby." 
"I don't know." I hesitantly tell him and he licks his lips. "I don't know, Duff, okay? I just...ughhh." I groan, raking my hands through my hair. 
"If you don't want to meet my family then don't worry about it, Vivian." He says it a little passive aggressively and I raise my brows. 
"'Vivian'? Since when the hell am I 'Vivian'?" I ask, mimicking his tone. 
"That's your name isn't it?" He asks next and I cross my arms.
"You usually call me 'Viv', or...something…"
"Well, I'm not calling you, 'babe,' or, 'baby,' since we aren't dating anymore so…"
"You're being a dick." 
"I'm not being a dick. I'm just family oriented and I want my family to know you and our kid and you're making up excuses to not go and meet them."
"Excuse me for not wanting to be judged." I snap back. 
"They're not fucking judgemental." 
"Oh, so you're cussing at me now, too, huh?" 
"Quit trying to start an argument." He tells me. 
"I'm not starting an argument, I'm making a valid point." 
"You're making an assumption." He corrects me. "My family isn't judgemental. They're really not. I don't even think they're worried with the fact that you were married when we got together because they haven't said a word about it. They just want to meet you." 
"Matt didn't seem so cool about it." I mumble. 
"Matt was trying to keep both of us out of trouble." He explains. "He wasn't judging you. He just doesn't like drama and if we would've gotten caught he knew it'd just be a bunch of bullshit we'd have to get thrown at us." 
I just stare at him. 
"And I'm sorry for cussing at you, but I'm trying to be positive about all of this and I really don't want you to start bringing in your negativity." He exhales. 
"My negativity?" I raise my brows, laughing humorlessly. 
"Please, just come to Seattle with me next Sunday. I promise it'll be fun and my family's fun, they don't mean any harm by wanting you to come up and visit--they're already talking about planning a trip when it's born to be here for you and me both for a few days." He adds. 
I think about it, seeing his eyes glint a little as he slowly smiles at me like a hopeful puppy. 
"Okay." I relent and he puts his hands above his head, folding them together, letting out a loud, "Hallelujah!" and I roll my eyes, trying to hold back a chuckle. 
The truth is, I don't want to leave Nikki stewing that long after revealing to him my miscarriages. He never came back when he left the therapy session yesterday, and I was supposed to go back today but decided I needed another day to just think about everything, but because of Amber's schedule, we won't be able to get back in the same room together--aside from me just visiting him--until next Wednesday...but with Duff wanting to leave Sunday and come back that Saturday, I won't be able to meet then, either. A part of me isn't even sorry that I won't make it since the morale of Nikki's story is that he married a maestro of manipulation that can play victim like no other but is really an evil bitch who loves to make people suffer. 
I gathered that after reading: 
"I married a fucking demon."
"Vivian climbed from hell just to neuter me." 
"My wife's a fucking lunatic." 
"I sometimes think Vivian's waiting for me to die so she can get the money." 
"I hate her." 
"I don't know what's killing me faster: my looney wife, or smack. Doesn't matter--they're both my drug of choice." 
"If she didn't know how to fuck I would've already left her." 
"She flushed every bit of what Jason dropped off last night. Cost me a couple grand. I'm so pissed, if I knew she wouldn't beat the shit out of me and go batshit-ballistic, I'd lay her out on the fucking floor. I'm sure it'd be like foreplay in her sick mind, anyway." 
"I swear she cums every time she belittles me." 
And, my personal favorite: 
"Just woke up from a fucking nightmare. I was fucking around with Vivian and Vanity and once they got their satisfaction they started eating me alive while talking about their love for God. Even with them gnawing on me alive with their shark-like teeth and their completely black eyes, stripping flesh from my bone and going at it like a fucking pork chop, I was turned on. But as soon as they started about God, how good and wonderful he was, that's when I started panicking a little that I OD'd without realizing it and was in hell or some fucking incarnation of it. I see now that's how they both got me, being hot and knowing exactly what to do to get me going. And now they're both sucking the life out of me, eating me alive, while praying to their God and acting like they're blameless in my destruction. CHICKS = TROUBLE." 
At least we both agree that we married demons.
It was strange for me to realize how he saw me--well, how Sikki saw me. Once I was able to differentiate between the two of them, it hurt less reading what he'd write about me. It was just confusing. 
One page would be an entire rant (with unflattering, random song lyrics to match) about something I did that pissed him off--sometimes things I wouldn't even realize I did to make him upset and then the next page would be decently positive things about me that he'd profess after waking up sort of sober…
I knew he felt guilty about how he treated me, most of the entries from the end of '83 to '87 had "I'm an asshole" or "I really fucked up" or some version of it in them but the deeper into '87 he got, the less and less apologetic he got. Both in real time and his dairies. 
Despite the black and white of his diaries, one thing still lingered in the grey area…
I stare at the little TV on my dresser, bowl of captain crunch in hand as I stuff my face while flipping channels, Whisky gnawing on his chew toy as a flickering, fuzzy and static blaring familiar face flashes across the screen as I turn to the next channel. My heart stops for a moment, my finger immediately going back, the screen and audio clearing as I see her. 
Clear eyed and competent. A far removal from what I last saw of her with her gnashing teeth and tortured eyes, spewing at Nikki and I both before he and her got into a fight that left her dragged down the stairs of our old house...guilt tugs at me, remembering the look on her face, the pain, the hurt...perhaps she felt as bad as I did about the situation. 
He was the one telling her he was going to leave me and marry her, after all. My feury swallowed him before it ever thought about swallowing her. 
"...I'm currently looking at other scripts for other films." She replies very calm and composed to whatever question her interviewer was asking...I'm assuming this is part of her press run for her new movie coming out. 
"If you could write a ticket for yourself, Vanity, what would it be?" The woman asks next and she furrows her brows, slightly. 
"Write a ticket? To go somewhere?" 
"No, write a ticket for the rest of your life, and your career. Just everything about your life." She explains. 
"Ohhh," She thinks a moment before shaking her head slightly. "I wouldn't want to do that, actually, because, um, everytime I turn around something new's happening. I'm a very spontaneous person. I just like to get up and go, and I've been doing that since I was fifteen...so, um, I couldn't say I'd like to write that ticket." She chuckles a little, but not the crack-cackle I was used to seeing in her past interviews. 
She's actually sober here. 
"I just wanna go wherever life takes me." She continues. 
"What you're saying then, is, you couldn't write a ticket because what you would write wouldn't be as good as what could happen?" 
"No, I don't--"
"No, I don't think that, I'm not saying that at all. I feel that I have certain goals in my life. Very big, big, dreams that I set for myself. But I wouldn't wanna, um, question God's way about where he's going with me." She states. "That's just...not me." 
"If you could go back and change anything--"
"--Nothing." Vanity says, biting her lip nervously, shaking her head. 
"Any of the decisions?"
"Wouldn't change a thing?" 
"Nothing." She buckles down on it and I feel my eyes gloss over. "Wouldn't change a thing…" she trails off, thinking for a second. "...Can't say that I would." She adds, softly. "Because each time that I've done something, whether it be a mistake in my life, it's always...what you might call a mistake in my life is never a mistake to me. It was a definite meant to be and it was a definite learning process. So all the pain and all the glory...I wouldn't change a thing."
She's so unapologetically sincere. 
I cut the TV off as they start closing out the interview, and toss the remote across the room, losing my appetite and putting my bowl on my nightstand before I allow myself to replay what she just said. 
And I cry, not because she was in a relationship with him, not because she tried to steal him from me...I cry because I regret everything. I regret marrying Nikki. I regret meeting Duff. I regret getting pegnant. 
I'm not angry at her.
I envy her.
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petrichor-han · 3 years
the only thing i know about bahiyyih is that she's stunning 😭 hyuka's whole family is drop dead gorgeous it seems.
perfectionism is definitely a curse, because even if it makes our work higher quality... we be strugglin to write it and enjoy our own work. i'm getting better at being proud of my fics, and i hope you'll get to that point soon—especially with your feedback, that always helps reassure me that no, it's not horrible, and it's a good work.
nawt the koreaboo 😭 that's horrible. the way they type and stuff? i'm sick what the fuck is an oppar. as someone who is learning korean (but like... not well i do not be knowing anything),,, at least say the damn word right if you're gonna steal it (was going to use a different word but my head went Empty LMAOO)
short and sweet is definitely the vibe i'm going for, but we'll see if i get carried away. and i figured out how to fix the fic part i was stuck on... it was a time skip 🚶‍♀️ do i use those as a crutch? yes. am i going to stop? naur.
mmm, question for the day, because i saw your clothes tag game—if you could only have one staple item, what would it be?
and/or if you could automatically change your closet/fashion to have something in it, what would it be?
hi secret santa!! <3
for sure, the huening genes are chef's kiss everyone in their family is so beautiful!
feedback definitely helps with that curse of perfectionism, i've been getting a lot more lately and it makes me so happy!! i even got a message complimenting the length and quality of my stories from an anon and i just know that i'll be cherishing that ask forever 😭🤍 i hope we someday get to a point where we can be confident in our work with no doubts!! i know we can do it~
AND IKR LMAOOOO oh god, koreaboos scare me. i'm just glad that my family and i can make jokes out of our experiences, although it sucks that we've all had some sort of strange interaction with a koreaboo at some point. (and damn it's okay i'm "learning" too but ummm i have not made much progress!! the only reason i know anything at all is because i just know some korean from growing up around it.)
time skips are so useful ngl, i try not to use them too much though but you can definitely tell when i'm struggling to switch scenes in one of my fics 🧍‍♀️ rip
and as for your question of the dayyy i would say that a simple black turtleneck is a vital piece in my closet. in like half of the pictures of me i'm wearing mine LOL it's just so good for layering, and for wearing it on its own. it's super versatile and comfy! as for changing my closet to have something in it, i would say more pants... even though i prefer skirts and dresses. i just dislike the way i look in most pants so i feel like i just have to find the right, flattering cut on me but i haven't found a good one yet, so i'll just have to keep looking! i have really short legs so i have to buy special jeans / pants and it sucks because there usually isn't much variety then, and i want to find pants that make my legs look longer not stumpy 💀 i swear sometimes i hate my height, i get sooo jealous of idols with beautiful long legs (looking at you somi and wonyoung)!!
ty for your letter secret santa! looking forward to talking to you again soon~🤍✨
0 notes
let-them-eat-rakes · 5 years
RED REALITY (part 2)
[Dr. Scranton's voice is noticeably distorted now. Hypothesized to a combination of both him and the control panel finally showing signs of reality breakdown.]
Robert… cold. I can't… I can't feel my legs anymore. I think… I'm beginning to… Hitting that point I… talked about… Low Hume Field… Diffusion… Equilibrium… bunch of… stupid… garbage…
I don't know what's real in here any more. Hell, I'm not sure I'm real. Or… something… something close to it… If… If I really am going out like this, I… I… I don't want to die yet. I don't want to die yet. Oh, god I don't wanna die yet…
I ran up in one straight diagonal line, for six months. I went down in one… no I just went down again… for… eight. There's still no bottom, red, there's still no bottom.
What have you been up to, Red? Have you been listening for me all this time? You're a stubborn little guy, Red…
Huh, Red? Sorry, I must have fell asleep. What did you want? Oh… sorry, I-I'll try to remember…
Lucy. That's what we wanted to call our kid if we had one. Lucy Scranton, Lucy Lang, Anna and I both thought it would have a nice ring. I-I- No, Red, I… I don't remember picking out a boy's name…
"Good morning… good morni-i-ing. We've talked… the whole… through…"
Man, I really suck at tap-dancing. Can't feel my feet at all. Okay, you try then, Red.
Kejel's Law states that Hume Fields diffuse, Kejel's Law states that my balls will eventually fall off if this keeps up.
"Anna… Anna bo banna…" Heh, she hated that song, and I loved to tease her with it. "Anna… Anna bo banna banana… banana, banana canna…" It actually became a joke between us, did you know? We made it the words that turn you on. [Pause.] Come on, red, act your age, don't be immature. [Sighs.] Fine, guess you have a sense of humor after all, maybe!
Heheheh, we're gonna have to fuck with so much science when we get out, this place breaks apart rules like my hand is breaking right now.
Spiderwebs. My left hands. Spiderwebs.
There was a reality-bending spider at Site-120 once. I should crush it. Red, would you crush it for me when we get out?
Average ten, fifteen kilometers a day, plus a few breaks. Thirty, two, thirty, ten, no, eleven, no, no ten, I think. At least, three hundred left, and… and… shit no, was faster going down… Fuck it, I'm saying about six hundred kilometers down. Took a hell of a lot longer coming up.
Far down. Bottomless? Infinite? And beyond. Shut up, Robert, you're not funny.
Hume Field, boom field… breaking down at a rate of… shit, what's the constant of Modified Prommel Relations? Ten to the fourth? No, no… fifth… fifth, I think…
One year. Maybe add a few more months.
Red, how does David sound? David. You know, you asked about… yeah, yeah, that. Sorry I woke you…
My… my hands. I… my hands are going through each other… Red. Red! RED! Red, help, help, please, my hands, I can't feel my hands, they're going through each other like… like… they're like ice water, Red, I can't, oh god, oh god…
Huh… huh… huh… Red… You know… you know that… that stupid magic trick your uncle would show you where he'd pull his thumb off, but it was really just his other one tucked under?
I just did that. With my real thumb. It didn't even hurt, it just came off. I think… Oh, god I'm gonna be sick. I-I- [Sounds of retching.] I think… I think it's just floating right now, and I can't even pick it up, my hand just passes through it, oh god, oh god, I-I-
My left pinky feels like… an onion.
Yeah, it's separated.
NICE TRY HELL, ring's on the RIGHT hand, nice try left.
I can… go… right through myself… I can… feel inside me.
It feels… warm.
But also cold.
When I sleep… my hands go in my head. I'm sleeping on my back now.
Static. I'm like static on a TV.
Chhhk. Chhhhk. Chhhk.
Ha. Hahahaha. Hahahahahahaha. Well, I-I-I only need one kidney, right? RIGHT? RED, RED LOOK AT THIS! Haha. Hahahahahaha…
Let me keep my heart, just my heart, that's all I want.
Lucy. David. Are you there? I want to see you.
Lucy. David. That's not fair. Come on, hey, quit messing around, I was joking when I said that, I was joking. COME ON, THAT'S FUCKED UP, I WAS JOKING.
I'm a man, be a man, Robert, you're a man, WHAT THE FUCK.
Anna… Annaaaa…
Four years, six months, eighteen days.
I'm not… I'm not even doing it myself anymore. I can… feel it happening on its own… Finally. Finally, I can… I still can't say it… I'm… I'm still scared…
I… definitely won't eat anymore now…
Still really hungry.
That is fucking disgusting, Robert, and you know it. NO. SEE, RED THINKS SO TOO. NO.
This little piggie went to market.
This little piggie went… somewhere.
This little… foot. Foot… RED?!
Five years, 13 days.
Five years, 14 days.
Five years, 15 days.
Five years, 15 days.
Five years, 15 days.
Five years, 15 days.
Five years, 15 days.
Five years, 15 days.
Five years, 15 days.
Stop it, you're hurting me.
Five years, 19 days.
I'm feeling better now, red, sorry.
How do you do it, red? Keep it together? Spill it out, I need some help here… I need some help…
Red. Come on. Don't do that. Don't go. I know it's hard. I know it's dark. But-but- it's dark and we're together still. Come on. Red. No. No. You-you can't. RED! Come on, buddy, stay with me, Red! Come on! I can still touch you! I CAN STILL TOUCH YOU LOOK AT ME RED YOU ARE NOT DYING YET NO RED NO!
[No audio is recorded for the next 9 months.]
Five years, nine months, two days.
Five years, nine months, three days.
Five years, nine months, three days.
Five years, nine months, three days.
Five years, nine months, three days.
Five years, nine months, three days.
Five years, nine months, three days.
Five years, nine months, three days.
Five years, nine months, three days.
[Automated message repeats 97 more times.]
You little shit, I thought you left me… [Dr. Scranton's voice is barely audible/coherent, as if through a heavily distorted, muted radio.]
Sorry to say, red, but… there's not much left here… I… it's been hard. I've… 184. I've tried to kill myself 184 times. It didn't work. …None of them worked. I'm… I don't even know how much there is of me anymore. At least one foot, because I can move. Probably a few leg muscles too, but I'm wobbly. Insides are… insides are shit. Still a heart, maybe a lung. This place… really won't let me stop… Tired…
I… did die, red. Come on red, don't look at me like, I don't want your pity and I don't want shock, or anger, or fear, or, or… I can't… When… 224, I miscounted…
One, two, three, four… [Dr. Scranton counts from one to 220-245 several times over for the next 13 hours.]
I died. I died, a lot. I tried to suffocate, I tried to snap my neck, I tried to bite myself apart. And… and… This place. It's not real. I left, I saw myself, on the ground and I couldn't— I couldn't— I couldn't go anywhere. I couldn't leave. There's no way to leave, I just floated back down, and each, damn, time, there was less and less of me. I-I- oh, god, how much more can I take away and still live?
So why are… why are you back now? What do you want to tell me?
Five years, nine months, twelve days.
This place is getting smaller. Red, did you somehow do this? I… there's an end here for sure now. It's gone from… god knows how long to… There's like a veil further out and when I touched it hurt like hell. Red, what's going on?
It's… it's not dark. That border or whatever is getting brighter and, I mean, it's still fucking dark but… oh god, I can actually see something now. I…I… oh, god, what the fuck is this? I… oh, god, I didn't know I was this bad. Oh, god, oh god, oh god, there's so much gone—
Five years, ten months, ten days.
Red, you're solid. Like, no, you're really fucking solid. You're… you're real. And… and… I'm real too when… only when I touch you. But… Red, it… it really hurts when I do. I… I think that if I touch you I might fall apart…
You — really fucking hurt, Red, Jesus Christ, you hurt, what the fuck is going on?
About three kilometer in radius, and closing. Is this… is this something like Kejel's Fourth Law? But… but… what the hell is taking it? Hey! HEY! I'm in here still stop! You're causing a collapse! HEY! HEY!
Two kilometers. Oh god, what's gonna happen when it closes? DAMMIT, RED YOU HURT!
Not collapsing. Waves. They're… waves… What?
Robert, you are a goddamn genius. Not walls, windows. Open windows.
Five years, ten months, twenty-eight days.
Anna, Anna can you hear me? These waves… this place… Okay, imagine, two realities as two pieces of paper stuck together. This place is the space squished between. There should be only two realities, parallel, but this place is a tiny, but infinite third… third… in-between, like what would happen if you fell into a hole crossing a bridge from Point A to Point B! Remember Class-C Wormholes? Those theories about a wormhole that was full of goddamn holes. I think… I think this is where one of those holes leads. It doesn't lead to a different universe, it leads to nothing. A dead end. This place is a dead end. Class-C "Broken Entry".
These waves. Wherever they're coming from, they're from some parallel reality interacting with this place, displacing this in-between place every so slightly. And they're all… pushing on me and red, because since we still have some level of reality, they're pushing, or… or sucking us towards them, gradually creating a new wormhole towards… towards… home.
What's going to happen to me when I go back? When the window closes?
Think, dammit, Robert, think. You've got to think! Think harder! THINK HARDER!
Red, I'm gonna, ah, I'm gonna have to, Jesus- gah, I'm gonna have to move away from you, you, I don't know, you're sick or something, you're really messed up right now. Call me when you're feeling better.
…I can't… I can't think… right… Blood. Blood. There's… way… too much… ha…
Drip, drip, drip, where does it allllllll…. gooooooooooooo… [Retching noises.]
I haven't… [Retching noises.] tasted barf in forever. Not even when I threw up after my… my… you're a man, Robert.
Oh, god. Oh god not again, not again, not again— [Retching.]
[Voice breaks.] How…? How…? How can I be throwing up this much, red, tell me… I don't… [Retching.] I don't even have a stomach to hold it in anymore… And the bleeding never… stops… [Dr. Scranton breaks down into crying for the next two hours.]
Be- [Retching.] better… now. Thinking.. straight…
Red, I… I don't know if I'm ready to go back anywhere yet…
Five years, eleven months, three days.
No, red, I'm not being selfish, it wasn't you, it was these goddamn waves coming in. I can't be near them. Red, look, look at me. See this? Red, look at me. LOOK. I can't be near them, they'll kill me. I passed the three years quite a while back, remember?
Because, even… even after all this time… I don't want to die, red. I'm still scared. [Voice breaks.] Red, I am scared, okay? You wouldn't understand, you're not… you're not human, red.
Oh I'm sorry for offending you, red. No, red, come on, I didn't mean it like that. Red, look at me. You're my friend, do you get that? You are, my best friend. But… let's face it, you've got a much better chance of getting out of here a—…. Just leave me alone, please, red? Just for a bit… I'm sorry, okay? I really am…
Can you… hear the waves coming in, red? That little hum and shake as it hits your ears? I can. And it's getting louder every time, and it hurts so bad. [Begins to sob quietly.] It hurts so bad.(4)
No… No, no, no, no, no… NO. NO. NO. Why? Why?! Just let me go, let me go… LET ME GO DAMMIT, oh god… [Sobbing.]
[Sobbing groan.] Another five years. Five more years. If this keeps up, I'm getting re-stabilized for another FIVE FUCKING GODDAMN YEARS, RED WHAT DO I DO?!
[Over the next five days, the control panel does begin to pick up a low frequency hum that comes in pulses. The volume increases steadily, and as it does, Dr. Scranton can be heard screaming, crying, and speaking incoherently in the background.]
[Voice is noticeably shaky.] Red.
[At this point the background humming noise is picked up at a rate of 20 pulses/min.]
Five years, eleven months, nine days.
Help. [Loud splattering noise heard as something strikes what is assumed to be the control panel.]
[Complete silence for five days. Pulses increase in volume, as well as frequency to 30 per minute.]
[Loud splattering noise.]
Red. [Dr. Scranton's voice is extremely slurred, almost incomprehensible.]
Red, give me your leg, I need support.
Red, give me your lever, arm. HAND!
Red, I need to see better, give me your light, no sorry, no, no light needed, got it, sorry, something else.
I want pretty eyes. Anna, Anna, give me your eye, I only have one.
Anna, Anna, give me your lips, I want to kiss you again.
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