#like damn Lyla stop being relatable as fuck
shidoukanae · 2 months
there are some scenes in the light novel i really wished made it to the manhwa. of the ones i liked so far:
-Prince Tyrone trying to fight Lyla by throwing a snow storm at her and Paris stepping in to stop it sheerly because he felt like it. Which then proceeds to him learning Lyla's name and following her, freaking her the hell out as she tries to navigate not gaining his interest, and which then leads him to connecting the dots and sending her to Fian
-Paris apparently fighting off other people from approaching Fian and even going to his father and telling him not to put Fian in with the Kylon Imperial Knights bc he didn't want Fian to be swarmed by humans
-Helene telling Odelia and Tyrone to shut up when they insulted Lyla. I'm so upset these scenes aren't canon (tho obviously it's understandable why they aren't) and i hope Helene in the manhwa gets to protect Lyla like this sometime in the future
-Fian takes Lyla out for a ride during the festival in his dragon form. which was adorably cute
-Helene approaching Lyla and asking her if she was sad about her mother's passing, patting Lyla affectionately and telling her "it's okay to be sad" only to end up crying when she leaves, much to Lyla's shock
-Helene telling Paris that she wants Lyla dead because she doesn't want to look at the girl and remember things she wants to forget but can't erase herself bc apparently memory erasure isn't a thing. This is not a spoiler because it's an AU as fuck thing from the manhwa im 100% sure. but yeah Helene's fucked up as a character and she might not be telling the truth here bc so far the LN is making her feel like she could be a liar but i honestly can't get a read on her in the LN aside from the fact she's probably messed up af
-on that note, Paris kneeling to Helene and pledging loyalty to her was really neat. The actions he took before it though...well let's just say i like the manhwa's take on their talk about Daniel more :>
-Helene being unhinged. God do i enjoy her being unhinged. If you think manhwa her is at all unhinged, oh you don't know the half of it
-also Paris bickering with Helene at the hunting festival banquet by saying "at least i don't try and kill my siblings" after she snarked about how close he was to his cousin was such good use of tension. Im really enjoying that they both feel like they're on their toes around each other in the light novel and that Paris both is fascinated with Helene like in the manhwa but also he tries his best to "nope" out of helping her and her demands
-Helene watched Lyla still the Dragon's Heart Fragment from the Imperial Vault and knew she took the fake. It's all but implied she was the one watching Lyla steal it (tho not much has really come of that funnily enough)
#TME LN#The Mighty Extra#im 45 chapters in (up to the talk Paris has with Helene about Daniel awakening as a dragon) and i have some thoughts LMAO#im ngl i think i prefer the manhwa more because everything feels more cleverly written there than it does in the LN#bc the light novel feels more#disjointed?#disconnected?#something like that#i have a harder time connecting to the characters (and rely heavily on my attachment to the manhwa versions of them to carry me lol)#but i like getting more information about this world and how it operates and more about stuff the manhwa skimps on#such as OG!Helene's relationship with Paris and Fian#or how the Dragon's Heart Fragment and it's association to Helene shouldn't be overlooked whatsoever#i will say that i prefer the manhwa for its plot and character cast/development#but i think i like the light novel more in terms of world-building and how more realistic Lyla feels as a character#like no joke one of my favorite lines of hers is “while Helene and Odelia were arguing about politics i was thinking of dinner”#like damn Lyla stop being relatable as fuck#tho i wish the story would revolve a little less around her like it does in the manhwa#Paris being more interested in Lyla than Helene for example makes me D:#bc part of what makes Paris so appealing is in the manhwa is that he's the only dragon who doesn't really care about Lyla#which shows that she's not the center of the universe whereas in here that's less the case :/#also btw did you know there's like 180 chapters and each chapter correlates to roughly the same number in the manhwa#so hypothetically by the time the manhwa ends it should have about 180 episodes total#and currently it's only at 82?#wild~
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sinnamonfox · 4 years
~ Sean x Finn - Rival mechanics AU ~
Exam period’s dying down, still, I should be writing essays rn yet here I am, spewing out AUs. Oh well.
Hope you guys enjoy it too! <3
I imagined Blood Brothers Sean and Daniel cuz hot damn, plus Parting Ways Finn, his dreads in a bun. Since Daniel just turns 21 I guess Sean’s 28 and Finn’s maybe a year or two older.
Both of the boys are mechanics in Seattle. They have their own, separate business in the same area, not too far from each other. Finn has been dealing with cars all his life and Sean's watched Esteban during work, often gave him a hand too. Now, that Esteban's been gone for a few years, Sean's taking over the garage with the occasional help of his little brother, although he wasn't so little either anymore, only turning 21.
As far as Sean can remember Esteban hated the McNamara Salon. Said they were no good troublemakers, knowing the owner from when Esteban started up his business here after freshly settling down in the country. He was suspecting that him and his sons were actually living off of illegal deals. Although the other man never explicitly said so, something was just.. off. Turned out, his dad was right.
Finn's own father isn't a good man, he's far from it. He's still in jail for drug dealing, car stealing, domestic violence and putting his minor sons up to his kind of work. Finn ended up in juvie but he's out now years later and he's running the garage all alone, under legal circumstances. It's a lot of work, especially after his father put a permanent mark on the garage's reputation, but he's doing his best to get by. Being a mechanic is the only thing he knows how to do anyway.
It's a warm summer night when they accidentally meet at a bar. Sean's taking Daniel out drinking for his 21th birthday with Lyla, Chris, Noah and some of Daniel's college buddies. Sean goes up to the bar to buy the first round of shots, leaning on the counter, waiting with his fingers tapping the surface.
Finn.. he's fucking smitten the minute he spots Sean. There's just something about him that stands out in the crowd. He's also kind of.. familiar. Sean has a slightly rugged look with a goatee. He's all lean muscle, broad shoulders in a plain white tshirt that compliments his natural tan skin so well, a long, black wolf medallion hanging by the middle of his chest. The veins on his arms are prominent from all the smoking and heavy lifting, and his legs.. well, fuck.
Finn doesn't hesitate for a second before sliding up to him, calling him sweetheart right off the bat.
Sean's considerably less shy than he was a years ago as a teen. He's still quiet, more brooding than he used to be but definitely more upfront as well. He flirts back because Finn's very attractive and it's flattering that someone like him is showing interest in Sean. With Finn's dreads put up in a bun his sharp features are fully visible, there's a septum hanging from his nose. His face tattoos are strangely endearing, he pulls them off by being so confident in his own skin.
They banter flirtily, there's no doubt about the attraction between the two. Finn notices the Diaz tattoo on Sean's wrist and it clicks where he's seen those brown doe eyes before. They met once because of their dads. He comments something about his looks and how he’s changed. Sean's confused at first. As it dawns on him, he starts acting more reluctant, recalling Esteban's warnings about the no-good McNamara family. Finn, despite sensing the shift in his behavior, doesn't give up.
When Sean gets his shots, he excuses himself back to Daniel's, but before he could go back Finn hands over his phone number, scribbled down quickly on a scrap of paper with a goofy smiley:
"*call me, Sweetie
xoxo ~ Finn*"
Finn gets back to his own crew but all he can do through the whole night is steal glances of Sean. Sean tries to focus on Daniel, it's his birthday after all. He's giving him the keys to his old car but playfully warns him not to give it a go tonight. Daniel's ecstatic, it's the first (official) time they're getting drunk together.
Still, even after finding out about who he was, Sean's eyes can't help wandering over to Finn.. the two men's gaze occasionally meet from across the room. Turns out, both Lyla and Daniel notice, they saw the two interact at the bar and what they're doing now is obvious. They tease Sean because of it. "Think you've got some drool on your face, man." Daniel knocks his elbow against his with a cheeky grin, Lyla has a similar expression on her face as she sushes Daniel. "Sssh, careful, dude. You're interrupting the eye-fucking."
Sean decides he needs a smoke. He downs his (third) shot before grabbing the lighter and cigarette pack from his coat then heads out alone. He can't resist checking on Finn one last time despite how his head is full of warnings. Finn catches it and follows not too far behind, ignoring his friends' perverted comments.
Sean's leaning against the brickwall in the alley with his left leg bent when Finn joins him. "Ain't usually into smokers but damn, sweetheart. That's a good look on ya." Finn's accent is impossible to miss, his voice is smooth and so relaxing. The grey smoke cascades out of Sean's mouth as he exhales, disappearing into the dark night, his own cheeks slightly pink but the neon lights conceal it. His lips wrap around the cigarette one more time before they part softly, looking erotic even though it's not his intention. Finn follows the motion with his eyes, not at all hiding his interest.
At first, it's mostly Finn flirting, Sean's still undecided, his heart in a constant fight with his brain. They chat for long, their friends completely forgotten. They end up laughing together, a lot. Sean finds out Finn's got a way with words and Finn.. he learns that Sean doesn't really but it's okay because he gets him on a deeper level. Sean's eyes are more expressive than he is verbally but luckily Finn's excellent at reading people. The tan male finds himself liking this punk more and more.
The topic turns more serious. They connect. Neither of them knows how but they end up chatting about their families. Finn he reveals more than he normally would to strangers, Sean (sort of) knows his situation anyway. Sean talks about how he's alone with Daniel, the only family they have is each other and Finn can relate to that, his brothers are the only family he's got left.
As silence falls upon them once more, Sean realizes Finn's somehow drifted closer to him and he can feel Finn's breath on his face. There comes the moment which seems to be a turning point, somehow. Both of the guys are thinking the same. Finn's eyes flickering down to Sean's plump lips. Their heartbeats quickening, breathing turning faster. Finn makes the first step, bringing a calloused hand up to Sean's face, thumb swiping over his cheek, curiously awaiting his reaction.
Sean's heart wins. His lips part, he couldn't look away from Finn's piercing blue eyes and doesn't think before he closes the distance, their lips meeting in a sensual kiss that's excruciatingly slow and passionate. Sean feels like he's forgotten how to breathe, the wind's knocked right out of him. Finn's lips are massaging against Sean's for minutes, they're getting lost in the sensations. Sean's hands are now resting on Finn's hip, not wanting to pull back because it's so damn good.
When Finn goes to break away, Sean chases after him and tugs on the neck of his tshirt to pull him back which causes their bodies to collide accidentally.
Finn downright moans.
Pins Sean against the wall with his forearm by his head, which in turn makes the younger whimper into his mouth. Finn swallows up the sound, the make out session suddenly turns more heated. Sean’s long fingers slide up the front of Finn's tshirt, feeling up the flat of his stomach and it sets off something in the tattooed man, his tongue pushing into Sean's mouth to explore it eagerly. Finn grabs Sean's ass over those tight black jeans and they're both getting carried away, it's too much and Sean's stopped thinking..
Hannah interrupts, looking for Finn because Cassidy knocked herself out. They're both visibly flustered, Sean's feeling shy suddenly. "Sorry, darlin'. Duty calls but.. would love to do this again, sometime. All'uv it." Finn winks suggestively before disappearing inside, leaving Sean there alone. He brings his fingers up to his lips, the taste of Finn still lingering.
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