#like come watch rosemary’s baby w/ me and i will play with your hair while we watch
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gazpacho-deluxe · 5 months ago
god i want to like, ruffle someone’s hair real bad. gotta be short, but like. why is it such an appealing thought
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cristinablackthornkingson · 6 years ago
Shadowhunters Short Story #50 KitTy as parents.
It is a cool March morning in 2020 when 23 year old Kit Herondale-Blackthorn is pulled from his sleep by the sharp ringing of his phone. Wincing at the loud noise, Kit desperately scrambles for his phone on the bedside table. Eventually he feels his hand come into contact with the phone and he quickly swipes across the screen to answer it. 
“Hello?” He asks in a hoarse, groggy voice, rolling onto his back and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“Christopher is now a good time to talk?” The familiar voice of he and Ty’s adoption agent Angela comes down the line. About 2 years ago he and Ty decided they wanted to be parents, they had thought long and hard about it and in the end came to the conclusion that having a baby is something they both very much want, so they decided to go the route of adoption instead of surrogacy, and began their adoption journey. It didn’t take them long to complete their home study and such and be approved as adoptive parents, however it has taken quiet a while for them to be matched with an expectant mother or a baby, it has been a difficult two years for them but with so much love, support and encouragement from all their friends and family, they never gave up.
“Angela, hi yeah, sorry I’m just awake, Ty and I had a late night last night, we were watching my sisters while my brother was being born.” Kit explains, getting out of bed and slipping outside into the hallway of the apartment, so as not to wake Ty or the girls. In early July Tessa had found out she was pregnant with her and Jem’s third child, and had gone into labor just last night, Kit and Ty had previously agreed to watch the girls, so they had to wake up in the middle of the night, portal to Devon to collect the girls, portal back home and get the girls settled in the spare room.
“No need for apologies, congratulations on the birth of your brother. So Christopher I have good news, last night twin girls were born at the local hospital, they’re Shadowhunters and the mother placed them for adoption immediately after birth, she left it in our hands to find adoptive parents. We’ve contacted a few other couples but we’re having a hard time finding someone who is willing to take both girls, we’re very reluctant to separate them. Would you and Tiberius be interested in adopting them?” Kit almost drops the phone in shock when he hears this information. He and Ty had waited two long years for just one baby, and now they are being offered the chance to adopt two babies. 
“Y-yes of course we are!” Kit stammers, feeling as though he is in a dream.
“Wonderful, why don’t you two come down as soon as you can and meet the babies and we can get started on the paperwork too? It shouldn’t take long at all, you should be able to take them home by the end of the day.” Angela informs him. 
“Yeah, yeah okay w-we’ll be there as soon as we can.” Kit says, barely acknowledging Angela’s goodbye, before he hangs the phone up and rushes back into his and Ty’s room, where Ty is just waking up.
“Morning.” Ty greets him, stretching his arms above his head and arching his back. 
“Morning, Ty I just got a call from Angela, last night twin girls were born and placed for adoption and they’re offering us the chance to adopt them.” Kit says in a tone of joy and excitement, sitting beside Ty and grasping his hand. Ty’s gray eyes widen in amazement and his grip on Kit’s hand tightens. 
“Really? We’re going to be parents?” He softly asks, feeling like he is about to cry with joy and relief. 
“Yeah we are, I’m going to text Magnus and see if we can leave the girls with him and Alec and then we can go the hospital, meet the babies and fill out the paperwork.” Kit says in a giddy tone, grabbing his phone and quickly typing out a text to Magnus. 
“I’ll get started on breakfast for the girls.” Ty says, leaning in to kiss Kit’s cheek before getting out of bed and walking toward the kitchen.
After texting Magnus, Kit wakes his sisters and explains that they’re going to stay with their Uncle Magnus and Alec until Jem comes to pick them up later, and explains that he and Ty are about to become parents so now the girls are not only big sisters but aunties too, which they are very excited about. 
An hour and a half later, Mina and Charlotte are up, washed, fed, dressed and dropped at Magnus and Alec’s, and Kit and Ty are walking through the hospital corridors to meet their daughters. 
When they arrive in the nursery they are lead to the back row and stop at two plastic cots which each contain a tiny baby girl dressed in a tiny white onesie. One baby has a mop of pitch black hair and the other has thinner, lighter black hair. They also both have beautiful big blue eyes and are simply the most beautiful things Kit and Ty have ever seen.
“This is baby A.” The nurse says, laying a hand on the cot on the right. “And this is baby B.”She adds, resting her other hand on the other cot. “They’re both perfectly healthy, they were born at 37 weeks so just a little bit early. Baby A here weighs 7 pounds 2 ounces, and Baby B weights 7 pounds 6 ounces. Their mother didn’t give them names at all so you don’t have to worry about changing their names or anything.” 
“Can we hold them?” Kit hopefully asks, unable to take his eyes off the babies. 
“Of course, you can go ahead and pick them up.” The nurse says. Kit is the first to step forward and tentatively gather baby B into his arms, holding her close to his chest and looking down at her in awe. Seconds later Ty steps up and cautiously lifts baby A up. Ty has always been very cautious and weary when holding a baby, since he has dyspraxia (which usually comes hand in hand with autism.) and therefore he can be very clumsy at times and drop things out of nowhere.
“Hello little Livvy, you are so perfect.” Ty whispers, tracing the baby’s little features softly.
“Livvy, that’s a nice name, short for Olivia?” The nurse asks in a curious tone. Ty shakes his head and says
“No, short for Livia, it was my twin sister’s name, she was killed when we were 15.” 
“Oh I’m so sorry. I’ll give the four of you some time alone.” The nurse kindly says, before turning and walking out of the nursery. 
“Livia Julia Herondale-Blackthorn for this little one, what do you think Kit?” Ty asks his husband, looking from the baby to Kit. 
“I love it but where’s the name Julia coming from? You never mentioned it before.” Kit asks. 
“I thought of it a few weeks ago, it’s a feminine version of Julian, all my siblings are amazing and I love them all but Livvy was my twin and Julian practically raised me so I want to name one of the girls after both of them, and this little one looks like a Livvy to me, don’t you think?” Ty quietly says. Kit smiles and nods.
“Yes I certainly do, and I think I have a name for her sister.” 
“What is it?” Ty asks. 
“Rosemary, Rosemary Teresa, after my moms.” Kit quietly says. Rosemary gave Kit life, and gave up so much for him and did everything she could for him, and Tessa raised him and loved him from the time he was only 15, and in desperate need of a stable permanent parent. 
“I love it, Livia and Rosemary Herondale-Blackthorn, it sounds perfect.” Ty says.
“I can’t believe we’re finally parents.” Kit quietly says, looking from Ty to little Rosemary, his heart swelling with joy and love, these last two years of waiting and waiting were more than worth it, now they have their beautiful twin daughters. 
“Me neither, I never thought I’d be this happy again, not since Livvy died, but I’m happier than I’ve ever been before, you know Julian always says that Ellie was a gift from Livvy, since Emma got pregnant just a few months after Livvy died, I never believed it really until now, I feel like our babies are a gift from Livvy, I can’t explain it, but I feel it.” Ty quietly says, lowering himself onto a sofa that has been pushed against the back wall of the nursery. Kit takes a seat next to his husband, cradles Rosemary with one arm and puts the other around Ty and Livvy. 
“I understand, I feel like that too.” Kit softly says.
*1 week later*
It has been a week since Ty and Kit adopted little Rosemary (Nicknamed Rosie) and Livvy. They’ve spent the last week settling into life as parents and bonding with the twins. They have asked their friends and family to hold back from visiting for the first week, which they did and today Jem, Tessa, Mina, Charlotte and little Will are coming to visit.
Today little Livvy has been extremely fussy and cranky and Kit and Ty are having a hard time getting her settled. She had just spent the past half hour or so crying on and off. Kit has just managed to calm her down and get her to stop crying and has laid her in her bassinet in the hopes that she will sleep for a while. However just as he steps back from the bassinet, the doorbell sounds and Livvy starts screaming again. 
“Let me try and settle her, you get the door.” Ty calmly says, coming up next to Kit and holding his arms out for the baby. Kit carefully passes Livvy to her papa and makes his way to the front door, smiling as he passes Rosemary lying on her playmatt and watching her surroundings with wide blue eyes. 
When Kit opens the door all his anger and frustration melts when sees Tessa and Jem standing on the front step, beaming at him. 
“Did we wake one of the girls?” Jem asks in a tone tinged with guilt, able to hear the screaming baby even louder now that the door has been opened. 
“Yeah Livvy’s been really fussy all day for some reason, where are the girls and Will?” Kit asks, looking around for his siblings, thinking that perhaps the girls are playing in the garden and Will is tucked into a sling inside Tessa’s coat.
“Oh Lottie woke up with a cold this morning, we didn’t want to take her around the babies while they’re still so young and she’s a bit sick so Magnus and Alec are keeping an eye on her for us, Mina is a bit sniffley too and she wanted to go to Clary and Jace’s so they’re keeping an eye on her for a few hours and Will is with Magnus and Alec too, we figured that since the girls weren’t going to be here we might as well take the chance to get to meet our first grandchildren properly, without Will needing our attention too.” Tessa explains, eager to meet her granddaughters but simultaneously missing her little girls and baby boy.
“Come in, while we get Livvy settled you can meet Rosemary, did we tell you her full name mum?” Kit asks, ushering his parents in and glancing over his shoulder at Tessa. 
“No you didn’t, what is it?” Tessa curiously asks. Kit grins and says
“I’ll tell you when you hold her, it’s special.” Kit scoops the youngest of the twins up and gently passes her to Tessa as Ty approaches them with a now calm  Livvy. 
“Oh hello beautiful, you are so cute! What’s her full name Kit?” Tessa coos to the baby, then looking up at her eldest son, wondering what could be so special about this little one’s name. Kit once again grins knowingly, takes Livvy from Ty and carefully passes her to Jem before stepping back. 
“Mom, dad, meet your granddaughters. Dad, you have Livia Julia Herondale-Blackthorn and mom you have Rosemary Teresa Herondale-Blackthorn. Livia is named after her Aunt Livvy and Uncle Julian and Rosie is named after her grandmas on my side.” Kit proudly announces, slipping his hand into Ty’s as he waits for his mother’s reaction.
Tears of joy well up in Tessa’s eyes and she smiles softly at Kit. 
“Oh Christopher, come here.” She softly says, expertly holding Rosemary with one arm and pulling her son into an embrace with the other.  “Thank you sweetheart, that means so much to me.” She adds, before placing a kiss on Kit’s cheek.
“Love you mum.” Kit softly says as Tessa pulls back from their embrace. 
“I love you too Kit.” Tessa says, squeezing his hand affectionately, feeling pride swell in her chest as she thinks about the amazing young man her son has grown up to be, she could no be more proud to be his mother and could not feel more blessed to have been able to raise him and love him for 8 wonderful years, and hopefully many more to come. 
“If we had of had a boy we were going to name him JJ, short for James Julian, after you dad, and Jules.” Kit tells his father. “Would you have minded? I know you felt really conflicted when mum and Will named Jamie after you.” He adds, his tone cautious and nervous. 
“Of course I wouldn’t have minded son, I would have been absolutely honored. Yes I was somewhat conflicted when your older brother was named but that was because I was a Silent Brother then and I knew I could not show Tessa and Will the love they showed me, I was afraid that them naming their son after me would only cause them pain later on, but things are much different now, I never thought I would have an eldest son who would want to name his son after me, I never thought I would have any children, just being you and your brother and sisters’ dad is an honor.” By the time Jem has finished his explanation, he too is welling up with tears of joy, but firmly wipes them away and calms himself down. “Anyway, no need to get into all that morbid stuff from the past, today is about my granddaughters, who I might add are beautiful and perfect.”  
Tessa and Jem spend the next hour or so fussing and cooing over their sweet grandbabies and bonding with them, as well as giving Kit and Ty all the tips they have for raising babies.
Right now Tessa and Jem are gone and Ty and Kit are taking a few hours out to relax and bond with the girls.
“You know sometimes I really wish my parents were still around so they could help us with the twins, no one else in my family or that we know had twins, although Helen does think she’s having twins, but my mom and dad raised me and Livvy, they could help us a lot.” Ty quietly tells Kit as they sit side by side on the sofa, feeding the babies their afternoon bottles. 
Kit gently squeezes his husband’s hand and says
“I understand, sometimes I still miss my birth father, even though he was no real dad, not compared to Jem anyway, but we’re going to cope just fine and be the best parents to our girls and they are going to grow up surrounded by love and joy and they will always be taken care of, when I realized I’m not straight, I was terrified to tell my dad, but that will not happen with these two, they will always know how much we love them and that we will always support them.” Ty’s heart feels like it could explode with love for Kit and their daughters at this moment, he could not love them more.
“I love you, all three of you.” Ty softly says, laying his head on Kit’s shoulder, smiling down at Rosemary who is happily taking her bottle and taking in all her soundings. She has one small hand wrapped tightly around Kit’s thumb and the other resting on the side of the bottle.
Kit kisses the top of Ty’s head and quietly says “I love you too.”
Later that night, in the nursery, little Livvy wakes up and begins to fuss and cry, immediately waking her sister who also begins to fuss and cry. 
Suddenly the transparent figure of a tall willowy woman with flowing dark brown hair and sea blue/green eyes appears by the babies cribs. 
“Shhh Livvy, Rosie, you’re going to wake your dads, it’s okay Aunty Livia’s here.” Livvy’s spirit coos to her nieces. Unbeknownst to Ty and Kit, every night since the babies were adopted, Livvy has watched over them at night, found them their pacifiers and and tucked them up when they fuss in the middle of the night, sometimes even being able to conjure up and heat up bottles of formula, thanks to her special powers from The Mortal Sword. 
Rosie and Livvy look up at their aunt, and Rosie immediately stops crying and reaches for her. Livia smiles softly at her niece and reaches down to stroke her cheek, remembering back to when she met Dru and Tavvy after they were born all those years ago, and how utterly in love she was with her siblings and how much she loved cuddling them and holding them. It doesn’t take long for Rosie to fall back asleep, but Livvy remains wide awake, fussing the whole time. 
“Livvy baby what’s wrong?” Livia coos, furrowing her brow in confusion, trying to work out why her niece is so fussy.
A few minutes later when Livvy does not stop crying, the door to the nursery creaks open and Ty walks in holding a witch light, he turns up the dimmer switch by the door and pads across the floor to his youngest daughter’s crib, never once noticing or sensing his twin’s presence. 
“Livvy I love you but you are so loud, what’s got you so upset huh?” Ty coos, pocketing the witchlight and bending down to scoop his daughter up. The minute she is in her papa’s arms, Livvy’s cries die down and soon stop all together. She snuggles into Ty and grips tightly onto the front of his t-shirt. A wave of love washes over Ty and a smile spreads across his face as he watches his daughter settle in his arms. “You missed me huh? I missed you too, lets go sit down and try and get you back to sleep so your daddy and sister can at least get a full night’s sleep.” He coos, walking across to the rocking chair by the window and settling into the chair before placing Livvy on his chest and covering them both with a blanket.
40 minutes later both baby and father are sound asleep, Ty’s hand resting on his daughter’s back and Livvy still clutching onto his shirt. Livia stands a few feet away, watching her brother and niece, delighted to see her brother so happy after so long. She walks over and adjusts the blanket around Ty and Livvy, before softly kissing them both on the forehead and stepping back. 
“I love you Ty-Ty, I am so glad you’re happy.” Livia whispers, before disappearing and leaving Ty asleep in the nursery with the babies, happier than has ever been in all his life.
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submissivekpop · 6 years ago
morrigan; lee seokmin
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Requested: yes Words: 1800+ Warnings: smut, reincarnation!au, modern day!au but there’s magic u.u, Seokmin as king Arthur, Y/N as Morgana, not that much plot but I tried, pretty vanilla actually, very soft love making (?), sub!Seokmin, dom!reader A/N: one day I’ll write a proper ending, but not today >_<
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White smoke fills the air as you add a pinch of crushed dried leaves in the boiling water. The heavy scent of rosemary fills your nostrils, soft whispers of a magic spell leaving your lips as you stir the potion inside the cauldron. You can already feel its healing proprieties having effect on yourself, and you know that it won't be long before he can feel it too. After giving a quick glance at the man laying behind you, sound asleep, you carefully add a couple of drops of what seems to be dragon's blood – which was said capable of healing any wound, even the most deadly one. Then, after allowing it to simmer for a couple of seconds and mixing every ingredient together in the most perfect way, you fill a small ampoule to the brim, leaving it to cool down for a while. Then, as you wait, you sit next to the sleeping man, clean bandages in your hand, ready to change the old ones. Careful not to accidentally hurt him, you slowly start peeling the blood-caked bandages off, doing your best so that the wounds won't start bleeding once again. To clean them with some fresh moon water – the one you charged during the recent eclipse – you gently dab a cotton cloth across his naked chest, before getting up and taking the potion, now cold enough to be used, and dropping a small amount of it onto your hand. Putting your fingers onto the wound, you gently apply the lotion, rubbing it on his skin in circular motions, rejoicing as you see the edges stitching back together on their own, despite the man moving uncomfortably under your touch. It must be slightly hurting him, you know that, but there's no other way you could have ever healed it. The only possible alternative was... well, death.
«Stay still, love» you murmur, hoping he could hear you. «I'm almost done.»
His eyes flutter open as you're putting the bandages on and, startled, he winces, almost hitting the wooden wall behind him.
«W-What is this?» he asks, looking around as he tries to figure out where he is.
«It's fine, you're safe» you say, trying to reassure him. «It's my house.»
At your words, he seems to calm down a bit, but it doesn't last long.
«What happened? Why am I here? Why are you here?»
His questions are more than understandable to you, and you know that, no matter what, you owe him an explanation.
«You killed Mordred, but he managed to wound you before you did» you explain, pointing at the healing wound on his chest. «Merlin is probably still figuring out how to defeat Morgana once and for all.»
«So you... saved me?»
You nod, helping him to sit comfortably, his back leaning against the feather pillow.
«That means I won, right?»
Sighing, you shake your head “no”.
«Mordred killed Arthur, but it's you that didn't die.»
«I-I... I don't understand.»
A sad smile crosses your face as you watch his expression go from hopeful to resigned and, later, to gloomy.
«As fate predicted, King Arthur is dead» you say, gently raising his chin so that he's now looking into your eyes. «You survived, but you're only Seokmin now.»
«What about you? Are you still...» His voice gets lower as he speaks, as if he was scared of someone listening to his words. «Morgana?»
Once again, you nod.
«When the time comes, Merlin will defeat Morgana» you say, your hand gently caressing his arm, trying to assuage him. Instead, the only effect your words have is to worry him even more.
«D-Does that mean you'll die?»
Shaking your head, you scoot closer to him.
«Morgana will. I, Y/N, will not.»
He frowns, still unable to understand what you're talking about. It must sound crazy to him, you know that, but there's no other way you could explain this. It's not like you were expecting this whole reincarnation thing to happen either, it just crept upon you and, one day, you found yourself on the opposite side from him, your sole purpose being to kill him, your boyfriend, the man you've loved for what seemed like ages.
«C-Can I...?»
He doesn't finish his question, but you know exactly what he's trying to ask. Leaning over him, you place a soft kiss onto his lips, loving the way his mouth feels against yours, his chapped lips lightly scratching yours, but you don't really care. In that moment, the only thing you care about is to feel him as close to you as possible.
«Seokmin...» you whisper against his lips, pulling away from him for a few seconds. «You still haven't recovered.»
«I'm fine» he says, his hand between your hair as he leans his forehead against yours. «You won't hurt me.»
A part of you is fighting to keep you from touching him – his wound hasn't completely healed yet, and Morgana is still inside of you, you have no idea of what could happen – but the other one, the most persuading one, is begging you to just give into him and his desires.
«Y/N, please» he begs, and you can't help but find his desperation adorable.
Maybe, you think, maybe nothing bad will happen. After all, Arthur, Morgana's enemy, is technically dead, and the potion you slathered onto his body is working its magic. Everything should be fine.
With those thoughts in mind, you help him to lay down on the mattress once again, straddling his lap as soon as he does.
«Tell me if I hurt you even a little bit, alright?»
He nods, his eyes darkening, eager for what is about to come.
«Are you going to be good for me, love?»
He nods again, his eyes fixated on you as he watches you taking your clothes off. Your shirt first, followed by your bra – and that's when he subtly licks his lips, but you notice him nonetheless – before standing up and hurriedly taking off your pants and panties, leaving you completely naked in front of him. Then, before climbing back on the bed, you swiftly take off his pants as well, followed soon after by his boxers. Much to your pleasing, he's already half-hard. It might be the adrenaline from the battle – if battle it could be called – still running inside your veins, or maybe it's just because it's been so long since the last time you've been this intimate, but neither of you really is in the mood for some teasing. That's why, when you tell him that you're planning to go straight to the point, a wide smile crosses his face.
Straddling his lap once again, you run your hands through his hair, pulling his face right in front of your chest, so close that you can already feel his warm breath against your skin. Then, before you can tell him to, his mouth latches around your nipple, sucking on it as his hand gently plays with the other one, running his thumb on it and lightly squeezing it. Murmuring words of praise, you watch as he does his best to pleasure you, occasionally looking at you with doe eyes as he switches from one nipple to the other, a satisfied smile painted across his face. Damn, you've missed it. Your entire body is longing for his touch, and you know for sure his is as well. You can feel his member twitch under you, in direct contact with your wetness. It's becoming unbearable, you need to feel him inside you. You don't even care about use protection – this time, him putting his baby inside you is the last of your problems – and he doesn't seem bothered either. Giving him a couple of pumps, you run his member alongside your labia, smearing it with your wetness and teasing the both of you at the same time.
«Ready?» you ask, and he nods, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
A guttural moan leaves his lips as you slowly slide him inside of you, allowing yourself some time to adjust before starting to move. Despite saying you have no intention of teasing him, you can't help but feel the urge of just moving so slowly that it's driving him crazy, loving the way he feels inside of you, together with the desperate sounds he's making.
«Please, Y/N, please, m-more» he begs, but you're not planning on giving in soon. Instead, you keep your slow pace steady, rocking your hips back and forth, pulling him closer with the sole intention of devouring him – unable to do that, you resort to kissing him, allowing your tongue to roam freely inside his mouth and biting his bottom lip, eliciting a string of moans from him.
«You're so good to me, Seokmin» you whisper, pulling away from him.
He frantically nods, already willing to agree with whatever you say, as long as it allows him to keep on feeling that good. He tries to raise his hips, his thrusts meeting your own pace, but a stern glance tells him that it's better if he avoids it.
Gently pushing his chest down, you make sure he's laying in a comfortable position before using his pectorals as a mean to support yourself and gradually increasing your pace.
«S-So good, Y/N...» he says, giving you an adoring look you haven't seen in a while. «I-I'm so close.»
«You're close?» you coo, caressing his face as you do so. «Are you going to cum for me? You're going to fill me up?»
He nods, his cheeks flushed and hot as he tries to hold back his orgasm long enough for you to grant it to him.
«Please, please, let me cum.»
«Then do it, cum for me.»
A deep grunt leaves his lips and, a few seconds later, you feel a warm and sticky substance inside you, slowly running down your thighs. Your hand on your clit, you keep on riding him as you try to reach your own high as well, feeling it closer and closer. He endures the overstimulation well, much to your pleasing, letting out a few cries in between sharp inhales.
«I love you» he says, using his own hand to stimulate you as well. «I-I love you s-so much.»
Moaning, you bite your lips, feeling your orgasm approaching. Moving his hands away, you rub your clit furiously and, after a few seconds, your walls clench around him.
«I love you too» you whisper, leaning down to kiss him once again.
Getting off of him, you lay next to him, resting your head onto his chest, tracing the line of the scar forming on it with your fingertips, goosebumps following your touch.
«Once all of this is over, I'll treat you real nice, I promise you.»
He hums, pleased to hear your words.
«You already did.»
A soft smile crosses his lips before he gently kisses your forehead.
«Promise me you'll never leave me» he murmurs, his lips against your skin. «Promise me you'll come back to me, no matter what.»
«I promise.»
After all, you know that's how it's supposed to be. No matter who you are – Morgana, Arthur, Guinevere or Mordred – you and Seokmin are destined to be together. That's what fate predicted, years and years ago.
Feedback is always appreciated!
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pickalilywrites · 6 years ago
I recently re-read ur Eren/Annie and Falco fics And was reminded of how much I love that AU. How about a Christmas-y continuation where E and A are watching Falco while his parents are at a company Christmas party or smth like that and they get snowed in. Maybe Annie’s also got a “special” gift for Eren regarding her feelings on having kids *wink* :D
always thankful to @arcanelucario and @ilselani for coming up w/ a beautiful au and being kind to me about writing them. i cannot thank them enough and hope the both of them (as well as you, anon) had a beautiful xmas and a wonderful new year xoxo 
A Not-Christmas At the EreAni Not-Household
EreAni. Falco Grice. Babysitting AU. 
Part i | ii | iii | iv
2057 words. 
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“Is it really alright? You don’t mind me being here?” Falco asks as he shuffles into Eren and Annie’s apartment. It doesn’t matter that Eren and Annie have agreed to look after him many times – picking him up after extracurricular activities, taking him out for short trips, or just looking after him on the weekend when the Grice parents were out – Falco always asks if he’s a bother even though he never is. “Nah,” Eren says, ruffling Falco’s blond hair. He puts a hand on Falco’s back as he leads the boy into the apartment. He guides them into the kitchen where Annie is busy making dinner. “Annie’s making our Christmas feast as we speak!” “Not a Christmas feast, a regular feast. It’s not Christmas yet. It’s only December 18th,” Annie says, wiping her hands on a towel. She looks over and smiles at Falco. “Hey, Falco. It’s good to see you again.” 
“It’s good to see you too, Miss Annie,” Falco says shyly. Even though she’s babysat him multiple times and told him to just call her “Annie,” he’s still as polite as ever. “Dinner smells delicious.” 
“It does,” Eren agrees. He rubs his hands together, licking his lips hungrily as he looks at the chicken frying on the pan. “Do you want us to help?” “No,” Annie says when she remembers the last time Eren had tried to cook with Falco in the kitchen. It took forever to get the spaghetti of the ceiling. Once it sticks, it really sticks. She rolls her eyes when she sees Eren pout. “Go show Falco the tree we got, and we can make cookies later, alright?” “Oh, right!” Eren says, eyes lighting up when he remembers the tree they had purchased from the tree lot the other day. Excited, he starts pushing Falco towards the living room where the tiny tree sits on a stand. “Come on, come on! It’s a great tree! You’re going to love it, Falco.” Eren presents his small tree to Falco, his chest puffed out in pride. The small thing only has a few ornaments on it because any more would break its delicate branches. Little ribbons of gold and red are wrapped around it, and tiny silver orbs are placed here and there. At the very tip sits the smallest star. It’s pretty amazing that there’s a tree so small, but Falco finds it a bit…underwhelming. Still, he smiles politely and nods as Eren points out all the amazing things about the tree. “It’s really nice,” Falco says. He struggles to find a compliment that wouldn’t force him to lie outright. Finally, he says, “It’s very…fragrant for a tree its size.” “Isn’t it?” Eren says, nodding in agreement. He leans in towards Falco, a smile on his face as if he has a secret. “But do you know what the best part about this tree is, Falco?” “Eren, if you tell him it’s bigger than your future, I’m going to throw out your dinner,” Annie calls from the kitchen. “I won’t!” Eren shouts back. He frowns and whispers to Falco, “She has really good ears.” Falco nods. “Okay, but what I was going to say was that this tree right here? It’s a miracle tree, Falco?” Eren says. Falco thinks that Eren’s joking at first, but his expression is far too serious for that. Eren doesn’t seem to notice Falco’s skeptical look because he continues like he’s telling a story. “This baby was just a frail little thing when we brought it home. After nursing it for a few nights, I woke up and found it just like this! Amazing, right?” Falco looks over at Annie, but the woman only shakes her head and rolls her eyes. Eren doesn’t see it because he’s too busy admiring the tree. “Wow, that’s really great,” Falco says, hoping that Eren doesn’t notice how strained his smile is. Hoping to find a quick escape, Falco turns back to the kitchen and asks, “Miss Annie, is dinner ready yet?” “Just about,” Annie tells him. She pops her head out briefly. “Do you want to set the table, Falco?” “Sure!” Falco says, eager to get away from Eren at the moment. He scurries into the kitchen and grabs the utensils from the drying rack while Eren follows behind, opening the cupboards that Falco can’t (and that Annie can barely) reach and pulls out the plates for dinner. “Ah, what a lovely Christmas meal,” Eren says, breathing in the smell of freshly fried chicken mixed with rosemary and thyme. He scoops a heap of rice on each dish, passing them out to each person. “It’s December 18th,” Annie reminds him, but Falco can tell she isn’t really angry even when she sighs in exasperation as Eren continues to insist otherwise. He really likes spending time with them, but he likes to watch them the most. There’s something about them that makes it feel as if he’s with his own family. Hadn’t people also mistook these two as his parents at one point? Well, he wouldn’t mind if they really were. Eren’s always taking him to fun places and always has the best games to play, and Miss Annie is really nice and has good taste in food, especially sweets. As Falco munches on a piece of his chicken, he wonders if the two of them will get married sometime soon. “What a satisfying Christmas dinner,” Eren says, ignoring Annie when she grumbles about the holiday being a week away. He leans towards Falco, his elbow resting on the table. “Are you ready to make cookies, Falco?” “I’m making cookies with Falco,” Annie says, wiping her mouth delicately with a napkin. She folds it up and puts it on her plate along with the rest of her silverware. She gets up from the table, motioning for Falco to do the same. “You’re doing the dishes, Eren.” “What?” Eren says with a frown. He sits there looking betrayed as even Falco leaves him to follow Annie to the kitchen. “Why don’t I get to bake cookies?” “You lost your kitchen privileges with Falco when you stuck noodles to the ceiling,” Annie tells him without looking back. She undoes her bun, shaking out her hair only to tie it up again. “You can help us if you finish washing the dishes.” “Alright!” Eren says, rolling up his sleeves. He picks up his dirty dishes, giving Falco a grin as he makes his way to the sink. Pulling on the rubber gloves and turning on the sink, Eren says, “Just you watch, Falco! I’m going to get these done in record time!” It’s so strange how much this feels like home, Falco thinks as he helps Annie gather the ingredients. He watches as Annie teaches him how to crack the eggs, how to measure everything, and how to mix everything together but not overmix. He smiles when he hears Eren complain about missing all the fun. It’s not as if he dislikes his own family – he understands that his parents are busy with work, especially when it comes close to the holidays – but he’s always grateful that he’s able to spend time with Eren and Annie when his parents are away. Truthfully, he likes spending time with them better than Zeke, who is a great deal older than him and doesn’t always know how to spend time with a kid Falco’s age. There’s also something nice about just watching Eren and Annie together. He likes seeing Eren’s eyes light up when he sees Annie and Annie’s lips subtly turn upward when Eren reaches for her hand. They’ve been with each other for such a long time, Falco knows, but he sometimes wonders how long they’ve been together. They get along so well that it seems like they’ve known each other forever. It makes him wonder if he’ll ever be able to like someone so wholeheartedly. “Stop eating the gingerbread men,” Annie says, swatting her boyfriend’s hand away from the freshly iced cookies. “Falco needs to bring them home.”  “I’m not eating all of them,” Eren says, chomping on another cookie that he managed to snatch from the other baking pan. “Just the heads.” His grin grows wider when Annie scowls at him. “It’s okay if we don’t bring any home,” Falco tells Annie. “We have a lot of cookies already because my parents’ coworkers keep giving them to us.” And besides, being with Eren and Annie is enough for him already. “Don’t be silly,” Annie says. She whisks the pans away, but she realizes she has no place to put them. Being fairly short, wherever she places them, Eren will be sure to reach them easily and eat them. She turns back to Eren and glares at him. “Give me your word you won’t eat any more of these.” “I promise,” Eren says, but Falco notices that his fingers are crossed behind his back.“Good,” Annie says. She places the cookies onto the counter away from Eren to cool. Wiping her hands on a towel, she looks over at Eren, who is glancing hungrily at the cookies. Hurriedly, she ushers the two of them into the living room. “How about we watch a movie?” “That’s a great idea!” Eren says, forgetting the cookies entirely. He doesn’t even bother leading Falco to the TV, already sitting himself down in front of the DVDs and flipping through them. “Ah, this one is a classic, Falco!” Eren says, pulling out a copy of Gremlins.“God, I hate that stupid movie,” Annie mumbles under her breath, but she joins Eren and Falco at the couch anyway. Even though she hates the movie, she doesn’t speak. Actually, it’s Eren who won’t shut up about the movie. Even when the title credits appear on the screen, Eren can’t seem to help whisper to Falco about the ingenuity of the entire movie, the design of the gremlins, and how this movie is able to capture the spirit of Christmas while delivering some great laughs along the way. She and Falco have to tell Eren to be quiet multiple times while the movie is playing, and Annie miraculously sits through the entire movie without bursting into flames at the sight of the horrific furby-looking things. She still hates the movie – she’s sure that she’ll always hate it – but she doesn’t hate sitting there and watching it with these two. She’ll never admit it, but she could probably watch every terrible Christmas movie with Eren and Falco if they wanted to. She thinks about it at night – being with Eren and Falco and how much it feels more like home with them than it ever has when she was with her own family. She doesn’t think she would mind having something like that. “Hey, Eren,” Annie says when they’re lying in bed that night, Falco long gone after getting picked up by his parents an hour ago. She watches Eren’s silhouette stir beside her in the dark room. “Do you ever think about having kids?” “I thought you said you didn’t want kids,” Eren says groggily. He’s only been in bed for a half hour but already his hair’s a mess. He yawns, not bothering to cover his mouth. “Well, I’m thinking about it now,” Annie tells him a little defensively. “I guess it can’t be helped then,” Eren says. He shifts in bed, and Annie thinks that he’s about to get up to turn on the lights or get a glass of water before they continue the conversation any further, but he puts his weight on top of her.“What are you doing?” Annie hisses, but she melts when she feels his lips press up against her neck. She puts her hands up against his chest, about to push him back, but she forgets about it when his hand snakes its way under her shirt. “I didn’t mean now now,” she says breathlessly.“A little too late for that now,” Eren says, already having taken off his shirt. She doesn’t need the light on to know that he’s grinning. She’s about to protest some more, but he silences her with a kiss. It’s not as if it’s that time-sensitive anyway, she thinks as she fumbles with her shirt. They can talk about it tomorrow.
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gottalovetheletos · 7 years ago
Love without shame. Jared Series. Ch 2.
Authors note:  Don’t judge me for this lol. This is my first ‘kink’ kind of writing I hope it’s sufficient. 
Warnings: Smut, kink, swears. 
Word Count: 1,958
Love without shame. Chapter 2.
If you haven’t read it here’s : CHAPTER 1 
It had been a whole working week since Jared and I had spent a whole day together. I spent one night as his house in the middle of the week and we just had a lovely quiet evening watching Netflix. I was once again back at my apartment after work. Exhausted as usual. I cooked some pasta with sauce and sat down. My phone buzzed, it was Jared. ‘We need to talk soon! x x x’ I read the text and began to worry. ‘Oh my god he’s breaking up with me this is the end. Right before he goes on tour too. Wow, how selfish’ I thought. I could feel the hot tears fall down my face. ‘I was starting to fall for him too’ . I texted him back after my little freak out. “Okay. I hope everything’s okay?! x x x”  I started pacing around my little apartment. ‘I’ll be over tomorrow at 5 pm, we can talk then  x x’. Great so tomorrow I get to find out I’ve been dumped, at least its my day off and I’ve got the day after to get over it before work again. ‘Maybe it’s not that’ I thought, ‘maybe he’s seeing other people’ I couldn’t keep these bad thoughts out of my head. I mean just recently he’s stopped seeing other people, he said he wanted to see how this relationship would work out and I only agreed to that if the others were dropped. I decided to have an early night, if I was unconscious then I wont have to think about it.  
*The Next Day*
8 am ugh. Well i might as well go out. I can’t stay here cooped up all day. I messaged my best friend to see if she was available to go shopping and for a coffee. Thankfully she was. I got dressed at met her at the mall. 
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“Hey babe, cute outfit” she gave me a hug. “Ha, thanks, honestly just thew it on” I replied. We began shopping. Retail therapy always helps. I needed some new  clothes anyway. “So, have you got yourself a boyfriend?” She snapped me out of my daydreaming. “Uh.... maybe” she raised one eyebrow at me looking confused. “Maybe?” she questioned. “Well I’ve been seeing someone for a couple of months but he said we need to talk, and not that I’m that experienced in dating but that’s never a good sign. Trust me I’ve seen the movies” she giggled. “You know... you’re probably overthinking this whole thing, surely if you’ve only been dating a couple of months he would do it over the phone” “Thanks for that” I said sarcastically. “You know what I mean” She put her hand over my shoulder. “Well honestly he wouldn’t do that. We’re so close and he is’t an immature little boy. He’s.. erm.. slightly older than me” my best friends head quickly turned to face me.
 “How much older?”
 “Err like a few years” I glanced at the floor.
 “ A few years as in 3,4,5?” 
 “A few more”
 “Bit more” I spoke. 
“10?” she started to look a little horrified. 
“Not exactly, double that and add 3″
“23 years between you? Is he hot?” she was intrigued. 
“Yes and yes” I got out my phone to show her a picture. 
“Erm, Y/N? Is that Jared....oh whats his last name?” 
“Leto? yes, but you need to keep it quiet.” 
We carried on talking and shopping and after found a little coffee place. 
It was around 2 pm and I needed to get home, we said goodbye and I quickly went to get some groceries so I could make us dinner. Maybe for the last time. 
Once I was home I started on dinner. I began with the vegan rosemary and sea salt focaccia bread then Tofu stir fry on a bed of rice and roasted vegetable couscous. for the side. As I  was plating everything up Jared came in “5 o’clock on the dot, hello handsome” I said without looking round. I peered down where some hands were caressing my hips then wrapped out me. “I missed you” he spoke. “can you go and wait on the balcony, I’ll bring dinner out” I  asked. He did. I took the plates outside and sat with Jared on the outside sofa I had. 
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Jared watched me intensely. I joined him on the sofa, he looked at me “What?” I wanted to know why. “Nothing you’re just beautiful”.
Half way through dinner I remembered Jared texted me saying we need to talk. I had fought with myself for a while about whether to bring it up of not. “”Hey babe” I looked at him. “Mmm?” his mouth full of food. “You sent me a text yesterday, what do we need to talk about? Are you breaking up with me?” he laughed at my question. “No princess I’m not breaking up with you. I have something and I thought you should know before we go on tour” “Right, what’s that?” I was relieved. “Well. I’m just gonna come straight out with it. I have a kink or fetish... if you will” I giggled “We all do inside” I said. “Yeah... mine is a daddy, kitten kink” I was a bit shocked. Totally not expecting it. “I understand if you don’t...” I cut him off. “Can I be your kitten daddy?” I asked. “Yes you can princess”. He smiled. Truth is I’ve never done this before. But I’m willing to try. I’ve only been with very ‘vanilla’ type guys. This relationship was exciting. We’d finished dinner and Jared washed the dishes while I sat on the couch in the living room with a glass of wine. Once he’d finished he sat on the couch and turned the volume of the TV down. “kitten, we need to talk about the rules of our relationship” I nodded as he carried on talking. “We agreed we will not see other people, but I want total obedience from my kitten do you understand?” “Yes Jared” I answered. “Na-ah-uh try again princess” “Yes daddy” “That’s better” He stroked my hair. “Second, when we are in public I shall be your King and you my Queen. We save daddy and kitten talk for when were at home” “Yes daddy” “You’re so good” he sounded like the Joker when he said that, it kind of turned me on a little. “Jared, I just want you to know, I’ve never actually ever done anything like this before” “I’ll ease you in baby girl, don’t worry”. I starred at him. “Daddy?” “Yes princess?” “I wanna play”. “I think we need to take you to the bedroom then” He picked me up and walked me into the bedroom kissing my neck. He laid me down and undressed me. I sat leaning on the pillows by the head of the bed. “Play with yourself kitten” he instructed. I started to play with myself “Spread those lips baby” I once again did as I was told. He sat on the chair opposite the bed and began palming himself through his trousers. 
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Once he could see I had gotten myself very wet he told me “lay on daddy’s lap so I can spank you for ever thinking I was going to leave you”.  “Yes” I replied, “Yes What doll?” he asked firmly “Yes daddy”. “Good girl” I laid across his lap and and caressed my butt cheek, slowly raised his had and a slap boomed around my apartment. “uh” I screamed out in pain. He repeated that action again and again. Tears forming in my eyes “Be brave for daddy, baby girl”. I nodded my head. He once again caressed my butt cheek but there was a new sensation, a tingling sensation. I didn’t even realize but it had turned me on so much more that it was actually dripping down my legs. Jared slid his hands in between my drenched folds starting from my clit and made his way back towards my entrance. “Fuck me, you’re in a bit of a mess there baby, let me help you clean it up” He flipped me on my back and his mouth hovered above my pussy. His long tongue lay flat and swiped up. My body shivered under his touch. His hands exploring every part of my chest. While he lapped up all of me, my god he drove me crazy. Slowly he entered a finger, closely followed by another. Stroking in and out with straight fingers, then I feel him curl them upwards so they’re hitting the top wall. His mouth still on me. The combination just made me crave him even more. I could feel the knot in my stomach form. Moaning continually... He stopped. “On your knees” he said. I sat next to him on the bed. “No, make me cum first then I will” all of a sudden i feel a hand wrapped tightly around my jaw. “Listen here princess, I am your daddy, if you do not listen I will punish you” he kissed my lips. I was on my knees when he pulled out his throbbing cock. I’ve seen it quite a few times since we’ve been together but today it looked bigger and he looked hungrier for this. Maybe because he had to hide the fact he had this kink. But now it’s been unleashed. I put his cock straight in my mouth and he thrusted forwards. I put my hands up to assist because it was just too big. “Hands behind your back little one” Jared said assertively. When we first started having sex he wasn’t too dominant, I think he was just testing the waters. To be honest, I quite like him like this. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and thrusted him self all the way down my throat over and over making me gag. I could feel myself getting wetter again. He pulled out so I could have a moment to breathe. All too quickly he resumed. I had spit running down my chin and he was enjoying the view.
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 “Such a fucking good girl” He pulled me up and ever so softly kissed my forehead, nose then lips. Jared picked me up and put me on the bed. Without warning his cock is now in me “Uhh” I didn’t have time to adjust as he was pounding me. One hand holding both of mine above my head and his other ferociously rubbing my clit. He bent down to whisper in my ear “Next time we’ll be using toys”. He quickened the pace and everything got too much for me. My body erupting from the pure satisfaction he was giving me. Soon after he joined me as our hot sweaty bodies were riding together. He rolled onto the bed next to me and I turned to face him, still trying to catch my breath. “That is the best sex I’ve ever had” I got up to use the toilet and empty myself. Thank god for the pill is all I can say. As I walked towards the bathroom he giggled. I span round on my heels “What?” I wondered what there was to laugh at. “Your ass is still red and there’s a hand print still there. I’ll kiss it better” He giggled at his own sentence. “No that’s okay it’s still sore” I scuttled off to the bathroom. When I came back Jared was falling asleep, I could see he was tying to stay awake. “Time for bed daddy” I kissed him on the cheek and unpeeled the bed sheets to make myself the little spoon. “I love you” he said for the first time. I span round “I love you too” and kissed him on the nose then a sleepy kiss on the lips. 
Tags: @dance4angels
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xpwewarchive · 5 years ago
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (5-15-2020)
Episode: 426 Date: May 15th, 2020 Network: VICE Location: Los Angeles, California Building: The Barracks
Opening Segment: XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion Golden Bryce! Before he can speak into the microphone
Enters his mentor Masato Tanaka Masato: Young Man. Youth. Oh to be young. Golden Bryce. Or should I call you G-Baby? chuckles. 8 days. You have eight whole days to prepare for Ruckus on the biggest stage anyone in that locker room has competed in. I’ve had great Lockdown moments. I’ve had some I’d like to forget as well, And I know you do cause one year ago you sent me a text and 1 in the morning merely hours before your Lockdown 6 match with Jake Awesome and you asked me: What am I gonna do tomorrow? Well Bryce I don’t know and by the looks of it you didn’t either. You lost. You walked in a champion and walked out with nothing. And fast forward one year. You walk in AGAIN as world champion. Do I??? Do I think you’re gonna walk out with that same world title? I. Don’t. Know..... I don’t know if I see passion? I don’t know if I see will? Tears? Blood? Sweat? Do you know that Ruckus is 3-0 at Lockdown? Did you know that? He even beat me? So believe me! I know he’s a different breed. But Bryce you’re special too, it takes a special person to get back to that spot only one man before has done that and it was Jake Awesome. Maybe last year you just got a bad draw, you drew a bad hand. Maybe just maybe last year you fought the greatest champion in the history of this sport. But Bryce let me tell ya brother Ruckus should not be overlooked. His punches feel like kicks. His kicks feel like despair. And he isn’t looking for good sportsmanship. He’s looking to bludgeon you next Saturday... You can’t reason with Ruckus And so help me if you try to shake that god damn hand of his, like he’s got any respect for you or anybody. He doesn’t! So don’t bring that bullshit, don’t reach out your hand. Look at me! Look at me when I’m talking to you. You have to be ruthless. Ruckus is not gonna wait, he’s gonna be looking for a fair fight for God Sake’s look at the impressionable youth he surround himself with? The Set? Oh to be young again! Ruckus is starving. He’s starving emotionally. His life is a train wreck and He needs the validation of that world title. The man can’t even stay clean and out of prison long enough to have a world title feud. It’s why he’s never had one. So Bryson don’t look for a fair 50% 50% game of chess. You are playing chemical warfare in 8 days. So I don’t want no smiles and handshakes and hugs. NO MORE! Your social media? You’re making Tik Tok dance videos with your pregnant wife? You’re hiring dance crews and school marching bands to do your entrance FUCK THAT BULLSHIT. Do you know how much egg is gonna be on your face when you get all the fireworks, all the bells and whistles and you LOSE. You think Ruckus wanted this? You think he has an ounce of passion for this business. 3 months ago he was eating his meals through the slit of a metal door. He’s an animal. So you have to bring out a different version of Golden Bryce on the 23rd of May. Because if you don’t....if you.......... coughs If you bring THIS Golden Bryce to Lockdown 7. You’re gonna get your ass handed to you..... Do shape up! or ship out! And never come back because if you don’t take this advice your gonna look like the biggest bust in XPWEW history. Am I understood? Golden Bryce (looks at Tanaka in Eyes with a cold dead blank stare, then off into the stands. Bryce looks down at the title around his waist and then walks out of the ring) ((Bryce saunters up the ramp)) (((The Set runs past him: Myron, Kotto, Jordan, Chrissy, Lexoni and this Ruckus who slowly walks past Bryce making eye contact)))
The Set start to beat down Masato Tanaka but Bryce still standing at the halfway spot on the ramp just watches the beatdown of his mentor??????
Ruckus holding a steel chair as Myron and Kotto hold Tanaka up awaiting a head shot
Ruckus: Last call nigga. You gonna save him?
Bryce: just turns around and walks up the ramp
(((Ruckus hits Masato over the head with a devastating chair shot)))
Bryce doesn’t even look back
Commentary puts over the seriousness of The Set’s vicious attack on XPWEW Legend Masato Tanaka
Tag Team Match
XPWEW Women’s Champ Prisiclla Kelly enters
Doxy enters
Mandy Leon enters with The Marauder Simon Gotch
Kiera Hogan enters with 911 Brian Lee
Tag Team Match M1: Doxy Deity & Prisiclla Kelly vs Kiera Hogan & Mandy Leon w/ Simon Gotch ENDS IN NO CONTEST While Doxy and Prisiclla were scheduled to be partners tonight it didn’t stop Doxy from turning on her biggest rival to attack her from behind to the point referee Kevin Madrox had to call the match off while him and Simon Gotch separate the two from attacking each other. Even Romeo Roselli comes down to help break up the doddybrook
PROMO: Slayer vs Jake [history] Commentary breaks down what happened last week with Jake and Slayer and Rosemary [[[Jake appears with a bandage wrapped around his stomach]]]
Jake Awesome needs to rest his injured stomach but her is anyway in his first match on Friday Night Pyro since October 2019
1 on 1 M2: Jake Awesome defeats Alveno La Flare
Lotus walks down to blindside Jake but Jake is way ahead of her antics and he runs up and grabs her in a spine buster position and Rams her through the corner guardrail but then hoists her up and Oklahoma Slams her through the commentary desk. Not enough, Jake sets up a table outside. Throws Lotus in the ring and Awesome Bomb’s her over the ropes and flings her to the table he set up down below for a wicked wreck. Jake flexes hard and belts out a screech of intensifying roar. Rosemary and Slayer stand at the ramp and attempt to jump in the ring. Jake baits them into to do so. But Jake runs them down and chases them both and the camera follows Jake chasing Slayer and Rosemary to the back to the point Slayer and Rosemary jump in a vehicle and Jake is right on their heels. Jake gets on top of the hood and busts through the windshield and grabs Slayer’s hair and tries to pull him out of the car through the little hole he busted open within the windshield of the car.
Rosemary gets out of the car and beats Jake with an umbrella all the while he’s trying to pull Slayer out of the car while simultaneously getting thwacked with this umbrella. Rosemary then sprays the mist in his face and that stops Jake from his onslaught. Jake rolls backwards off the hood of the car. Half the locker room has emptied out into the parking lot at this point to try to intervene but Jake covered in mist just looks at Rosemary and says “I’m gonna knock your teeth down your fucking throat”. Rosemary is also yelling insults his way but Jake then starts to attack security and he jumps in a car also. Is he gonna chase Slayer down?
1 on 1 M3: Audrey Carbine defeats All Man via submission with The Art of Ballistics
Joe Gacy comes out grabs Audrey by the hair but in an intense friendship comeadery kind of way?? All Woman walks past them but Gacy grabs her by the hair and All Woman pleading no is able to low blow Gacy and then start punching Carbine down the ramp until All Man has the strength to get back up and hit Carbine with The Allman Joy
4 Way Dance M4: Ruckus defeats Champagne Clausen, Garrett Thompson, Leonard McGraw
(It becomes a 1 on 1 between Ruckus and Champagne essentially after GT no shows and as soon as Leonard hears that word he runs to the back)
During the match Leonard McGraw finds Ethan Bedlam and is basically just kicking his ass around the backstage/catering area. Pulling out all the spots, pouring every item of food you can find all over Bedlam. Meanwhile in the ring it’s Ruckus who secures the win over Champagne and Bryce comes down and goes punch for punch with Ruckus until Bryce clotheslines him out of the ring. Bryce even hits the 6 Rings on Champagne for good measure. Bryce amped up “Is this the Golden Bryce, Masato Tanaka said he needed time be?” - Kaitlyn Khaos “That probably didn’t include Bryce leaving his left for dead at the hands of The Set earlier tonight but...I don’t know maybe Masato is an odd guy” - Nick Simmonds
Kaitlyn Khaos and Nick Simmonds run down the match card for XPWEW Lockdown 7 __/___/ Lockdown 7 goes down May 23rd, 2020 in Rashid Stadium Slayer defends the XPWEW International Title against Jake Awesome, The Tag Team Titles are up for grabs as All Man and All Woman take on the Death Machines Audrey Carbine and Joe Gacy. The Women’s Title will be defended in a 3 Way Dance as Prisiclla Kelly puts it on the line against Doxy Deity and Kiera Hogan. Personal scores to be settled when Leonard McGraw takes on Garrett Thompson; Father vs Son. Troy Clausen wants Champagne to drop the name Clausen and if he defeats him 1 on 1 in a No Holds Barred match he’ll get his wish. Jordan Oliver puts up the XPWEW Juniorweight Title against the “original” Juniorweight himself Jacques Dudley and ultimately the XPWEW World Heavyweight Championship Title is on the line as Golden Bryce defends against Ruckus in a historic main event. Purchase Lockdown 7 on live streaming PPV on FITE TV for the low low price of $39.99 order now!
[[Jake Awesome is being followed by a camera man this whole time from the incident earlier tonight]] [Jake is walking into a Marriott hotel] Jake speaks with a Marriott employee
Jake: Hello miss, Yes is a Joseph Starven checked in? Marriott Employee: Yes, May I ask the reason. Jake : Yes I’m his brother, umm our father Marc has just passed away, I really really really need to tell him this in person. Family matter. Marriott Employee: I’m so sorry to hear that? Jake: Yep Marriott Employee: Name? Jake: Al Snow...Al Starven.. yeah Al Starven Marriott Employee: (on the phone)........Yes he’s in room 2679 he’s accepted the invite Jake: thank you so much [[Jake gets in elevator]]] commercial break [[Jake knocks on the door, Slayer opens it]] Jake attacks Slayer and throws him through the glass shower door and picks him up flings him over the bed, hits Slayer with the lamp. Then drags him to the outside balcony of his room on the 26th floor of this Marriott hotel. Jake has Slayer’s head over the railing Jake: I do not care anymore do you hear me!!!!! You got a week you fuckin slime Jake then releases Slayer Jake walks out the hotel room but before he leaves he puts the “Do Not Disturb” hanger on the doorknob.
Tag Team Match M5: Golden Bryce & Jacques Dudley defeats Jordan Oliver & Kotto Brazil (The Set)
6 Rings onto Kotto for the 630 splash and both Jacques and Bryce together pin Kotto for the 1-2-3
Golden Bryce gets on the turnbuckle and slaps his chest intensely as the show comes to an end
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