#like because i liked cdream. and stuff 😭😭😭
cgogs · 3 months
i remember the inniter gf. was that real. is there lore or what
she might actually be reading this rn so erm hey
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cdroloisms · 25 days
ok so one thing that always confused me was since staged finale was real, why would cdream tell csam to give him only potatoes and not use the courtyard (? sorry if this isnt fully accurate i need to rewatch the prison building stuff)? afair he came to regret this choice later right? i never really understood the starvation thought process he had
Great question!
The courtyard we actually have a very definitive answer to -- c!Dream evaluated it as a security risk during prison construction (in the very, very short clip we have of this from the failed lore video Dream was working on, it was clear that the courtyard didn't have a roof yet, so ... fair enough 😭) and the courtyard got sealed off. The potatoes likely were a means of evading suspicion with his plan--c!Dream very explicitly says "I thought [the prisoner] would be fine with potatoes," so it's very clear that he thought that the food was survivable. It's worth remembering that though raw potatoes are a shit food, the starvation isn't something he planned -- on the other hand, c!Sam is implied to be fucking with food as early as Badboyhalo's visit. In a similar vein, it seems pretty obvious he was supposed to get out much earlier than he actually did, considering how c!Punz comments he was supposed to meet up with Dream ages ago. As shit as the prison was originally planned to be, it obviously escalates pretty fast because of c!Sam and uhm others.
All that being said, yeah, the prison is kind of ridiculously, unsustainably shit. Just a hell of a torture box to put yourself in no matter how you cut it. Really makes you think about the state c!Dream was in when he decided this was the best course of action, especially when you factor things in like the throwing himself in lava on day one.
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purpleglitch · 4 months
i think there has to be a set up for that scenario, like the reaction c!dteam have over meeting each other on season 2, i think c!dream wakes up near c!clingy while c!snf wake up near each other, so they would all hide what they felt with a smile and "hi nice to meet you ^_^" but i think they feel things before progressively starting to have flashbacks of places they used to be, things they said and stuff
also this got long LMAO IM SORRY 😭 and sorry if there's parts that don't make sense i was watching sap's stream so i kinda lost track of what i was writing,,
c!dream would feel some kind of relief like he can breathe again but also be anxious like they're going to leave him again soon, with c!sapnap he feels scared of doing something that angers him and deep heartache, old memories from them being kids long forgotten. with c!george he feels like a spark of light on his life and warmth like a deep bond between them but then replaced with guilt and regret
c!sapnap would feel happiness of seeing c!dream again but a weird mix of uneasyness because he feels like he has to do something to c!dream (fulfill his promise he doesn't remember) and his hands twitch for a second but he stays still, he avoids eye contact because it makes him feel weird.... (doesn't rationalize he feels sad and guilty) also he's very close to c!george because of the weeks they spent roaming the world together after meeting when they woke up
c!george would feel like a weight got lifted off his shoulders, the first few days with c!sapnap convinced him that he's not dreaming, he doesnt know why he would think it was but by the time he meets c!dream he feels awake, and the deep longing and yearning that at some point became part of him in season 1, finally leaves and he resists the urge to hug him (dorry my cdnf demons)
so when it comes the point of c!dnf's relationship growing and with that c!dream becoming c!george's protector, i think c!sapnap would notice that closeness and feel weirded out about it, something telling him to not trust dream with george's safety, that he's putting on a facade to later betray everyone, but he tries his best to ignore those thoughts, he just met dream, why would he think that about him? but yeah i think he would try and go with them or maybe spy on them but it's all so weird for sap, he sees how protective and paranoid dream is and how his hands tremble holding the sword
it isnt until something happens that hurts dream that george and sap carry him to the main base and after taking his armor off and clothes to bandage him they see his scars and it's sickening, the jagged scars, the clean cuts, the burn marks, everything, what if they try to ask dream about it but he says he doesnt know as he starts tearing up. i think after that, sap trusts dream more but is still wary about that weird dynamic he has with george, and george tries to make dream stop acting like he's his knight. OMG WHAT IF THERE'S MISCOMMUNICATION. dorry that's another au that i have in mind LMAO.
also with c!q..... when cdream meets him there's something about his eyes, the way he looks at him and the scar over his left eye that makes his skin crawl and he feels nauseous. what if c!q has a mannerism of washing his hands constantly because he has nightmares of having them covered in blood. also what if c!q and c!sapnap are also protective over c!george when he's alone with c!dream (memories of mexican lmanberg). what if c!dream avoids being alone with c!q for too long, he doesnt want to fully assume but he knows c!q is responsible for his scars but not at what extent, and when he's around him he's trying not to have a panic attack every time he hears q laugh or move too fast near him. what if c!q without knowing much about c!dream, he knows what scars he's hiding under his clothes (which cover his entire body, only the ones on his face are visible)
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Idea: Blob!Dream AU but he loses his humanoid mental capacity whenever he transforms, as everything about him becomes simpler. He can’t think much further ahead than immediate A to B steps, he is motivated almost entirely by the immediate, he is terrible at acting in ways that he doesn’t really feel, etc. — not to mention he feels everything so much more strongly. It’s one of the reasons he hates it so much, lol: he always feels out of control when he’s like that. But it’s necessary, because he’s simply so banged up that he needs to become a simpler form for a bit while he heals.
Because of this, though, blob Dream acts on impulses that human Dream would squash before he was even conscious of them. He snuggles into Quackity’s tummy and tries to wriggle under his shirt for warmth. He noms at Bad’s demon tail with his little gummy mouth. Tubbo is enjoying a sandwich, so he hops up to the goat boy and gives him big old puppy dog eyes in an attempt to get some of his sandwich. (This is how Tubbo gets his turn to play Pet Owner.) He goes up to his current owner of the day and flops onto their lap, squeaking out begs for tummy tickles.
Dream remembers all of this when he eventually turns human again.
So does everyone else.
OK YES yea!!! this is exactly how i see blob dream 😭 like the line from peter pan about fairies where the narrator says that “because fairies are so small, they only really have room for one feeling at a time.” like he’s just ENTIRELY impulsive with barely any filter or thought for his actions
and yes AH!! i’m absolutely still thinking about the concept of dream transforming back and just everyone having all these super adorable stories and embarrassing facts about him. like especially with the tickle stuff :(( like they know all his melt spots and favourite spots ☹️ i LOVE hcing that cdream adores tummy tickles,, but his reactions just fluster and embarrass him so much that he always FIgHts against them… so much so that it can appear as though he despises them..
but his blob self wouldn’t be so shy about it :(( so everyone who had the pleasure of owning him briefly would then know that dream actually adores tummy tickles so much :(( and oh gosh the little teases that he’d get about it once he transforms back 😭 i adoreeee
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suenitos · 1 year
i am a lore head and i won't even apologize for it i was writting essays in my friends dms on the wholeeee thing until Um techno's passing where i lost any and all motivation to tap in (he was my favorite). idk it was so special i can atest that the reason it was sooo build up was because it worked in a way you could both take things at face value (as in, dream looking for the disc using his minecraft abilities being translated to him having those abilities in-character) and also imaginate stuff (such as burning george's house and/or the pogtopia arc could both be dramatized and downplayed). IDK IT WAS SO FUCKING SPECIAL
i do agree that q's lore being of incredible visual quality and cinematographic helped create this sense of greatness but it lacked so much succint stuff. you couldn't do anything but strong lore beats with that kind of lore, so a mixture of normal rp-ing and big lore cinematographics would've been good, but he missed the equlibrium and made a lot of people very annoying in how they reacted to the "writting" of the dsmp (like, remember those people saying that certain characters should have certain endings for how their characters had done, while the ccs were just having fun? yeah the change between dnd kind of rping to the fake idea of this being a fully scripted and narratively consistent arcs was q lolol). ANYWAY IDKKK lots of thoughts about everything always
sidenote on "is this lore" "is this canon" i also hatedddd that so much everything is canon lore. nothing is canon lore. lore doesnt even mean what you think it means 😭 you really mean plot.
like people forgot really quickly that this used to be a mishmash of breaking bad and hamilton roleplay 😭 and most of the ccs are not actors or writers but they clearly had a lot of fun with it and again the relatively unserious medium of streaming made a lot of those moments actually more epic becuase it was serious but also not. i love your persepctive on this! its kinda funny you mention the dream irl abilities a little bit because i remember a few months ago friday got slammed for that here by an insane lorehead who was very much of the Everything Must Have A Reason crowd even though that was WAYY before any actual substantative plot HAPPENED.
i agree with the balance aspect and even though a lot more interactions between LN characters happened on other peoples streams (and was relatively more chill), i think the emphasis on these huge lore streams was a detriment to the story it was trying to tell whatever that was. i was confused more than sad that slime fucking died because as a casual dsmp viewer i only tapped into the big streams and nothing about the way slime was intro'd or integrated into the story through those streams really captured me the way someone might be swept into like crimeboys for example. it just wasnt the same. and also on the point of obsessive viewers FUCK michael i wish sapnap killed his ass
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apple-but-sour · 2 years
Did you know there's still people who be like "wa wa dream apologists are infantilizing cDream" because of the "he can't read maps because of his adhd" like, I think we need to create something new so they can have new stuff to cry about, it's getting a little bit sad
The post didn't even mention ADHD 😭People decided it's "infantilizing ADHD" because OP said c!Dream "stumbles over his words and gets talked over" and dared talk about him like a human being and call him "childish" for his goal.
But fr someone needs to take one for the team and create Spoonfeeding Post 2.0, the poor c!Dream apologist haters are starving, they're gnawing on months-old bones.
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