#like at least with altitude you know they watch them all the time and they care about them to some degree
lenacopperleaf · 1 year
I’m feeling very Roy Kent about these announcers
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hedgehog-moss · 11 months
Last Sunday in October, a story in five parts :)
i. The guy who owns the pasture next to mine took his cows back to their winter lodgings the other day, and told me I could let my llamas eat what was left of the grass if I wanted. That was sweet of him but his pasture's fence is cow-proof, not llama-proof, so I had to wait for a sunny day, so I could sit with a book nearby and keep an eye on the llamas Pampe. Today was the day!
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Pampy looked happy about this unexpected change of scenery and started grazing peacefully, meanwhile Pampe started with exploring the whole pasture, including the patch of woods at the back, hoping to find a flaw in the fence.
(Note Poldine below, desperately running after her mum so she won't be left behind if Pampe does find an opportunity to escape)
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ii. I found some impressive coulemelles in this new pasture (I don't know any mushroom names in English sorry.) I cut one to take to the pharmacy and ask if they're the good kind (here with my hand for scale)
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They're also known as nez de chat, cat's nose mushrooms, in some regions...
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I found some girolles nearby last year, but not this time. The llamas seemed to be on their best behaviour so I thought after lunch I'd go look for mushrooms farther away in the woods, down by the torrent, instead of watching them all day.
Poldine, watch your mother.
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I asked Merricat if she was volunteering her services as a llama-sitter (it looked like it)
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—but she suspected I was going home where the fire is, so she followed me. (I don't make a fire on sunny afternoons, though... she had to nap in my cardigan instead. Not as good, but a tolerated second-best option.)
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iii. I took Pan with me after lunch so he wouldn't encourage Pampe in mischief, and he was uncharacteristically audacious in his frolicking! He doesn't like water and he's usually quite prudent when we're near the torrent, even scolding me if I climb on mossy rocks, but today he was jumping from one slippery rock to the other very boldly.
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As I was taking this nice waterfall photo, I heard a very dramatic high-pitched squeal followed by a dramatic splashing sound, and when I turned around Pandolf was dragging himself out of the torrent, looking, as we say in french, honteux et confus.
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I'm sorry that his bout of audacious frolicking had to end this way :( Back to frolicking gingerly for at least a couple of years... (His fur is magical though, he looks like a drowned rat at first but then shakes himself twice and is immediately back to a normal volume of floof. So his dignity doesn't suffer for long, at least.)
iv. I found no mushrooms but something even better!
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I love chestnuts so much, I've been hoping to find chestnut trees for years but was starting to think they just don't grow at this altitude... But I suck at identifying trees so it's very possible I walked past them dozens of times and never recognised them when it wasn't chestnut season.
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You really have to earn every chestnut, even with the crushing-under-your-boot method to squeeze them out you still have to extricate them from their burr going ow ow ow the whole time. The worst thing is when you kill your fingers opening a reticent burr and it resentfully spits out a bunch of sad deflated worthless chestnuts.
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Still, I ended up going home with chestnuts in every single one of my pockets. When we got out of the woods and back on the road Pandolf and I ran into a woman we don't know (so, not a close neighbour) and we started talking about foraging and I wondered if I should tell her about the nearby chestnut spot. But those things are private. No one told me about the chestnut spot even after I made increasingly heavy casual hints about how much I love chestnuts. After a while though I started suspecting this lady knew about the spot and was on her way there. Or on her way back, through a different path. She looked shifty. So did I. It's very possible that we were both standing there in the middle of the road with our coat pockets crammed with chestnuts, making pointedly non-chestnut-related small talk.
v. I went home and started making chestnut-pumpkin soup while dodging constant coordinated chicken attacks. At first they act like they're napping on a conveniently-nearby chair, or looking the other way, and as soon as you stop distrusting their intentions, they pounce, often from two different directions.
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Side plot: Pandolf spent this whole time desperately trying to catch a cat, to restore his self-confidence after falling in the torrent.
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Morille went from strolling casually on top of the fence to lounging casually in the hazel tree above my head, making it look like she hadn't even noticed she was being chased, which was very frustrating for Pandolf. Nothing wounds a dog like going unnoticed.
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I told Morille it would make him happy if she let him catch her, and she was like eh, fine, and elegantly jumped from the hazel tree to the top of the stone wall.
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Pandolf immediately followed, poked her a bit brutally with his big nose, and then he didn't know what else to do with her once he caught her so he just wagged his tail like "Well played, cat!! It was nice chasing you" and left.
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v. bis (or ter) I want to reassure Pirlouit fans (who might have noticed that he wasn't allowed to graze in the neighbour's pasture with the llamas) that he knows he's entitled to fair compensation as a donkey, and he stood behind the fence the whole time I was preparing my soup, patiently waiting for his pumpkin benefits. Which he did get.
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I found some leftover chestnuts in my trouser pocket tonight, that I'd forgotten about, so I'm having stove-roasted chestnuts for dessert after the chestnut soup! Chestnuts were 90% of my dinner and were also the reason Pandolf got dinner. I ran out of dog kibble and I was thinking of giving him a hard-boiled egg and some rice tonight, and go buy kibble tomorrow, but on our way back this afternoon we stopped by our closest neighbour's house and I humbly offered a handful of chestnuts in exchange for one serving of kibble. The neighbour's dog didn't look enchanted with our offer but his human agreed. I usually trade with my chicken's eggs but this woman has hens so I'm glad chestnuts are also accepted as valid currency.
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simping-overload · 2 months
hi how are you? If requests are still open can I request headcanon for Transformers Prime? (predaking, shockwave and megatron) with a reader who is literally a dragon? The reader has kept a Cybertronian relic for a long time.
Megatron, Shockwave, and Predaking with a Dragon! S/O
a/n: sorry for taking an ungodly amount of time to get to this, hope you like it!
wanna support me? donate to kofi!
tags: GN reader, dragon reader, robot x monster/dragon relationship, reader isn't suggest to be a human at all. reader isn't described to be verbal but assume they have a way to communicate, dragon hoards, fighting, mention of blood and animal death(just hinted), romance!!!!
ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem, she/her, she/they please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning ゛
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Megatron —
finds you fascinating, often he can find himself just staring. taking in your beauty and the power the radiates off of you.
of course, he'd like to have you fight for his cause. an advantage for one, and he simply loves seeing you fight.
he'd love to have you train with him. That would depend on your size, though. he knows better than to try to fight. that would be roughly the same size as his ship. (He's a sore loser when he loses btw.)
beware, he might treat you like a pet if he had you at his feet while he pet the rough skin and scales alongside your body. he may accidently go onto a power trip with you
however, feel more than free to put him back in his place. you're much stronger than him at the end of the day
When you show him your hoard, he's intrigued. He views it as a trophy room, like the one he once had from his gladiator days.
If the relic isn't useful to him, he'd let you keep it, but if it is, he will take it from you, regardless of your protest.
Shockwave —
of course, he takes a scientific interest in you. collects your scales you shed, examines your claws, and likes to scale just how strong your fire is and a lot of other things.
His sharp claws are perfect for preening, especially in the stubborn hard to reach places. while he doesn't admit it and claims he only does it to collect them, shockwave finds it very relaxing.
he wouldn't bother trying to fight you, he'd however would like to fly with you. moslty flying out to places that have predacon fossils or lost Cybertronian relics.
he likes to observe how you fly with or against the winds, taking down notes as your body adjusts to flying in high or low altitudes.
When you showed him your hoard, he was indifferent. he saw no point in hoarding objects that wouldn't benefit you.
as he looked around your domain, he picked up and fiddled with some items that he was interested in.
upon finding the relic he asks to take it, if you say no, he'll simply scan the core things he needs from it and leave it there, but if you say yes, he'll have a ball. he might give it back to you once it served it's purpose.
Predaking —
at first, he'd thought of you as a threat. somone who would take his place as a king. it wasn't until he, of course, grew closer and got to know you were he dropped these thoughts.
if your size is similar or doesn't have a very drastic difference, he'd love to spar or play fight with you.
he has no way to consume animals, but he'd love to go hunting with you or watch you hunt, to say the least. finds the way you move with such grace and precision is simply amazing to him.
he likes the difference between his metal and your scales. Feeling your body up against his is an odd sensation but very much welcomed. he's godly at preening your scales and would do anytime anywhere.
flying with you is one of his favorite pastimes with you. he most definitely tries to show off his flight capability as well, doing a wide variety of tricks and flips.
courting dancing/flights are a must. he's unfamiliar with his, but they're so engraved into his(the former kings)muscle memory that he'd remember as he went on with the courting.
when you respond with a dance of your own, he's smitten 10x again. Likes to learn your dance if you'd teach him.
also during courting and even after or before he likes bringing you gifts. Random trinkets he thinks you'd find joy in having.
upon being introduced into your hoard his is amazed. It was one of the most beautiful places he has seen.
unless the relic relates to him, he wouldn't bother doing anything with it, simply leaving it there alone unless shockwave may request it.
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bekolxeram · 5 days
I swear this is the last time I bring up that air tanker in 2x14 voluntarily. The bottom line is, if you believe Tommy did fly that plane, that makes him not even superhero level cool, but Jonny Kim level cool. If you believe he didn't, then he's just as cool, always knowing a guy from all walks of line, ready to help out with whatever resource on hand the second Chimney says the word. At the end of the day, he saved the 118 and a bunch of civilians either way, and he did it again in S7 flying to that cruise ship. He'll always be our cool heroic pilot no matter what.
With that being said, I have some thoughts about the CAL FIRE line from the news reporter in that episode. If you're not interested, please read no further. And if you don't want to see this kind of posts at all but still want to read my other content, please block the tag #aviation realism.
I know Bobby said "217 incoming" when he saw that C-130, only the news reporter mentioned it was with CAL FIRE. That's why I suspect the CAL FIRE line was shoved in after the actual scenes were filmed, because they realized or someone explained to them how impractical and dangerous for an urban fire department to own a giant air tanker and just dump tons of water all over the city.
I saw the same technique utilized for the tsunami arc in S3. Anyone who has taken geography in high school can tell that in reality, there is no megathrust fault capable of generating Indian Ocean 2004 or Japan 2011 scale tsunami off the coast of SoCal. So where did the tsunami come from? In 3x02, before Sue asks Maddie to "triage" the dispatchers, you can hear once again a news reporter saying the tsunami is triggered by an earthquake off the coast of Alaska. This takes the fictional tsunami scenario from having zero basis in real life, to possible in extreme cases and greatly exaggerated for dramatic effect.
I thank whatever divine intervention or persistent technical advisor that made the CAL FIRE line possible.
2x14 was first aired on April 15, 2019. What you might not remember or realize is that something notable happened across the Atlantic on the very same day: the Notre-Dame fire. The entire world watched the cathedral burned for hours while over 400 firefighters all over Paris tried to contain the flame. A certain f...... former US president then suggested on Twitter that "perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out."
The French immediately responded by pointing out that dumping large amount of water from an aircraft at low altitude could "weaken the structure of Notre-Dame and result in collateral damage to the buildings in the vicinity." A retired FDNY battalion chief also told the media that water bombing would likely make the situation more dangerous, as civilians on the street might be hit if you miss the target.
The entire internet was clowning on that stable genius for such an innovative idea all afternoon. Imagine if 2x14 aired later that evening with not even a smaller single engine one, but a large 4 engine airtanker somehow belonging to the LAFD, that would come off extra stupid, even meme inspiring. But with the CAL FIRE line, they could at least claim that it was the extreme and rare circumstances requiring additional assistance from other agencies in the area, and it was not part of 911-verse LAFD's normal operation.
If the writers had done their homework beforehand and the CAL FIRE thing was always part of the script, good for them. If it was indeed shoved into the scene last minute, then they should thank their lucky stars.
I can already imagine the headache Bobby is going to have working on Hotshots as a consultant.
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thanksjro · 5 months
More Than Meets the Eye #52 — The DJD Once Again Prove to Be an HR Nightmare
Ratchet and Drift, looking fresh as hell in their matching paint jobs, stand on the cliff they made their cool entrance on last issue, as they snipe at each other over whether or not Drift personally knows the DJD. Considering how Tarn and Friends had a space-cocaine induced freakout over seeing Drift on the quantum duplicate Lost Light, they may want to talk a little quieter, especially with the face Helex is making.
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You better watch out, Ratchet— this man's going to do Sakamoto-got-all-the-way-to-pencils shit to you!
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The Pet takes the opportunity presented by our recently returned newlyweds being too busy flirting to pay attention to the fight at hand, leaping to chew on Ratchet's head. Luckily, Ten is an ally, even when he’s been beat to shit, and punches the shitty little Pomeranian into the air. Kaon, card-carrying freak and dog dad, takes this abject display of animal abuse about as well as he can.
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Ratchet, having his gun eaten by the mouth pervert, is beginning to worry that he, his rich boytoy, and a mostly out of commission Ten might be sliiiiiiiiightly outnumbered against a dozen Decepticons, two of whom belong to the Super Murder Death Squad. Drift, after a bit of needling, heelies a dude’s face off, jumps into the air, does a bunch of sick flips, blocks a laser with a sword in such a way that it looks like he got shot in the dick, and then lands, like, 70 feet away to scoop up the Pet and threaten to chop its head off if Helex doesn’t stop trying to vore his boyfriend.
Kaon, #1 dog dad, orders everyone to fall back. Helex, who has Ratchet like 70% inside his smelting chamber by this point, can’t believe that Kaon’s ruining the fun. Helex releases Ratchet, letting him crowd onto Drama Point with Drift and most of Ten, as the Decepticons circle them. Drift, unfortunately, didn’t think past doing sweet flips to show off after his sabbatical from the comic run, and they’re back in the same situation they arrived to, but now one of them is holding a crusty little dog.
Then a platform descends from the sky, and we see what Ravage has been up to.
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Grand theft auto!
Yes, it turns out that this cat can drive, and well enough to get the boys up and out of danger, though Ten’s size means that the lovebirds have to dangle off of his remaining arm. Drift still hasn’t put down the Pet. Sure hope that thing’s been socialized to cats.
Oh, who am I kidding? Kaon wouldn’t have bothered.
Speaking of Kaon, he looks like he’s about to cry, because someone’s kidnapped his princess baby angel, and Helex doesn’t even CARE, the heartless bastard, as he orders the other Decepticons to fire on the shuttle. They, of course, hit it, as there’s at least ten of these guys firing, and they’re all decently tall. The shuttle begins to lose altitude, and Ravage, who does not have traditional hands and is currently using his tail to man the control stick, attempts to crash as close to the “fortress” as possible.
Meanwhile, over at Megatron’s plinth, we get back to that whole thing where he surrendered himself to Tarn. Tarn, feeling an excuse to monologue coming on, says that he’s well aware of Megatron’s new schtick, and he’s not a huge fan of it. Megatron clarifies that he wishes to give himself up so that the rest of the Lost Light crew stranded on this planet might live, because this is his fault to begin with. Tarn agrees, reminding him that he paid for Tarn’s plastic surgery. Megatron states that he only brought Tarn to his side to hurt “someone”.
Three guesses who Megatron could have possibly hurting by bringing Tarn over to the Decepticons, and the first two don’t count.
Megatron thinks that by bumming around space on a borderline vacation, he’s returned to who he used to be (maybe he got his teaching license, who knows) and that the war was a waste of time. Tarn gets kind of intense here, because if Megatron wasted his life, what does that make Tarn? Tarn, who has decorated his home with nothing but Decepticon symbols? Tarn, who has had corpses nailed to his wall for the last couple million years? Tarn, who wears a fuckoff stupid mask every single day of his life, even while eating and trying to kill himself with space meth cut with time travel and gas station dick pills? Also, what about all the other guys who died trying to realize Megatron's ideals? What about the little guys, the cogs that made the machine run? What about Steve from accounting, whose husband left him, because he was too busy trying to balance the budget on Megatron's body remodels and Optimus Prime punching bags that also doubled as body pillows to come home? What about Steve, huh?
Megatron basically regrets everything he’s ever done, not that Tarn cares. Megatron then reveals that whole thing where Rewind tried to retroactively kill him as an infant, and how he sort of wished it had worked.
Tarn starts beating the shit out of Megatron before the guy can start going on about how his parents are Brainstorm and Whirl, though Tarn promises that this is just a healthy dose of tough love, as surely the wimp before him isn’t actually who Megatron is. Megatron doesn’t fight back, instead just staring sadly at the Autobot badge Tarn slapped off of him. This is really starting to piss Tarn off, as he was really hoping to beat some of the fire back into his former mentor and idol. This is when he starts trying to choke Megatron, even though their species doesn’t breathe. Still, I’m sure Tarn’s stiletto nails hurt something fierce.
Megatron then recalls his conversation with Velocity, and states that if the fool’s energon DID alter his personality, it was probably for the best, and he wouldn’t want to go back. Tarn, who has based his entire selfhood on the thing that Megatron threw away to live out his probation on a cruise ship, takes this statement with all the tact and level-headedness we’ve come to know him for.
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Tarn is just one more double fusion cannon blast to the chest away from smiting Megatron utterly, and he’s fully committed to doing so. However, he gets distracted by the sound of Elton John’s “The Bitch is Back” coming from across the field.
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Anyway, it looks like Ravage can, in fact, drive pretty well, as the shuttle did crash pretty close to the “fortress”. Swerve, who still really wants to make up for his shitty boss behaviors and also accidentally dragging Ten into a microcosm of hell, lets Ten know that they saw his floor graffiti, and that it might actually work. Magnus, who still has his arm off, does his best to not kick Swerve across the room as he scurries underfoot, as he drags Ten inside the building.
Skids intercepts Ratchet to welcome him back, and also ask how the hell he knew to come to Necroworld. Apparently he and Drift had received a call from the handy dandy phone that he had given First Aid, who First Aid had then regifted to Velocity, just in case some bullshit happened. Velocity’s introduction to Ratchet is rough, as she manages to call him grumpy, old, and stubborn as a mule in the span of about fifteen seconds. Ratchet is mostly concerned with the fact that the Lost Light replaced him so soon after his return. Nobody tell him about Velocity’s track record with the medical exams, he might just shoot off into space to beat First Aid to a pulp for leaving her by herself.
Over in what might be a closet, Rodimus runs across Drift sitting in the dark and sharpening one of his swords. Drift seems to have used his exile to remember that he does, in fact, have some semblance of self-respect, as he doesn’t immediately forgive Rodimus for throwing him off the ship that he paid for, only to have given himself up as the real culprit behind the Overlordening, like, a week later, thus negating Drift’s sacrifice, and then never coming to find him, despite the fact that they’re supposedly friends, and, again, the ship is in Drift’s name, as was the crew’s allowance money. How the Lost Light has survived financially without Drift is unknown.
Rodimus knows that he sucks and is the worst, but he was really worried that Drift wouldn’t like him anymore, so he’d sort of been kicking the issue of “finding my ex-TIC to tell him he got publicly humiliated for nothing” down the road, to the point where Ratchet had gotten sick of it and went to solve the problem himself.
Of course, the meta reason for Drift not being found was so that Shane McCarthy could have his OC back, as well as Ratchet, for the miniseries Transformers: Drift— Empire of Stone, well known for being sort of silly and introducing the phrase “be shoosh” to Drift’s lexicon. In it, Ratchet found Drift traipsing around the edge of the galaxy being a neutral (in terms of war) hero to organic species affected by Decepticon aggressions, before crashing on a planet where Drift, back when he was “Deadlock”, had found a mystical stone army, one that Gigatron (a dude who totally isn’t anime Megatron) wanted to harness the power of, so that the Decepticons might claim victory over their enemies. Hellbat, Gigatron’s second in command, had gone mad doing nothing but killing over millions of years, and had been modifying the stone army in secret to do his bidding so he could "kill everything". Then the stone army woke up, Hellbat died, Gigatron died, and Ratchet went to take Drift to get detailed, because he looked like he'd been ridden hard and put away wet.
Also, if you think about it, having two former high-ranking Decepticons turning to the Autobot side being on the Lost Light’s high command might have been too many redundancies to make Megatron’s arc stand out. Perhaps, had Megatron not been added to MTMTE’s roster so late in the game, Rodimus WOULD have gone looking for Drift, finding him just in time for the DJD to catch wind that they hadn’t actually super nightmare death murdered Deadlock after all.
Drift, who can’t say no to Rodimus's puppydog face, lets Rodimus sit with him on the floor, as he apologizes for the fact that by coming here, Drift and Ratchet have unwittingly signed up for Tarn’s Political Theory and Dismemberment Slam Poetry Night, but he mega-promises that they’ll come up with something together to get through this. Drift appreciates the sentiment, but knows that Rodimus is just saying this to make him feel better.
Back at the worst fan club meetup in the galaxy, Tarn elbows Overlord in the throat and tells him to fuck off. Overlord tells him that he knows Tarn never finished his degree and only acts like an academic for the aesthetic. Tarn transforms to shoot him while reminding Overlord that at least Megatron’s spoken to him in the last few thousand years. The two duke it out with their tank modes, Overlord KRUMPing all over Tarn, before the theatre kid kicks him off and questions why exactly Overlord is even alive, given that he chainsawed his head off last year. No word on if he’s bothered to ask this same question about 75% of the people he’s here to super murder.
Overlord simply states that someone found him floating out in space and fixed him up, because it turns out that they both wanted to go after Megatron and kill his ass dead, because Overlord is sort of sick of not getting the attention he so obviously deserves. When Tarn, ever the opportunist, attempts to make a team up deal, Overlord tells him to shut up.
And then they realize they lost the old man they were fighting over.
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Great work, fellas.
Over with the Autobots (and Cyclonus), Rewind’s outside, looking at that memorial to the disappeared and trying to figure out why the Necrobot laid out the names in the way that he did. He’s currently near the top, where you can see most of Roller’s name, someone whose name ends in “gator”, and Dreamwave Production’s smoldering corpse, which makes me wonder if Alex Milne ever did get all the money he was owed from his work with them. Rewind, who last dealt with the DJD not even a year ago, is trying really, really hard to not think about how many needles they’re going to jam into Chromedome’s eyes this go around.
Of course, Nautica, who has come out to find Rewind, doesn’t give a shit about Rewind’s PTSD. She wants relationship advice! She’d ask Chromedome, but apparently he’s taking a nap, still worn out from stabbing Tailgate in the brain after he rainbow-exploded all over the ship. Which happened months ago.
You know, at the rate he’s been going, Chromedome probably wouldn’t have lived too far past sunset anyhow.
Anyway, Nautica wants to know if, on Cybertron, you have to be besties before you can get hitched, because that’s how it works on some of the other colonies. She specifies that this ISN'T how it works on Caminus, which is good, given how problematic that would be, considering you need to be best friends with someone by the time you're five weeks old, and there's no telling if they're cool with platonic polyamory. Rewind informs her that it’s either one or the other on Cybertron, no double-dipping, and god help you if it’s a situationship. Nautica is asking this because she’s realized that she can’t waffle about on committing anymore, seeing as she’s probably going to die in the next hour or so, and she’d rather use that time to enter a queer-platonic partnership than get her face fixed.
Back at the Peaceful Tyranny, Tarn has, in fact, managed to bring Overlord to reason, much to Deathsaurus’s confusion and derision, if his squiggle face is anything to go by. Overlord, smug as fuck, informs Deathsaurus that in exchange for his compliance, Tarn has agreed to let him personally murder Megatron while everyone watches, because surely Tarn couldn’t actually kill his idealogical idol, because he’s a pussy. Tarn is being very brave about this, only letting the spot blacking on his linework show on his face, as his fists shake with rage.
Then Kaon shows up, begging they pull back their forces until the Pet has been returned, and the spot blacking gets a little heavier.
Tarn, who has had a very long day of tactical meetings, phone calls, facing his fallen idol, having a very unsatisfying beatdown with said idol, and dealing with known freak Overlord, handles Kaon’s inability to be a big boy about misplacing his shitty little dog with all of the tact and decorum we’ve come to know him for— he gives Kaon a big, beefy hug, acknowledges just how much Kaon loves that shitty little dog, and then makes sure that Kaon never has to worry about a thing ever again.
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That’s a series wrap on Kaon! Let’s give him a hand, folks!
Tarn, who has had just about enough of Overlord in the last half hour, smashes Kaon’s head onto Overlord’s tits, covering him in viscera, as he demands he be treated with respect, because this is HIS house, where HE’S paying the bills and calling the shots, so help him god. Nickel is very displeased that Tarn’s killed one of the Twinksome Twosome. No word on how Deathsaurus feels about this, considering that a big reason he’s working with Tarn is because he refused to kill the rest of the DJD when demanded to do so, thus showing his dedication to his men. Also no word on how the rest of the DJD are going to handle Tarn decapitating their weed man.
Tarn tells everyone to pony up, as they’re about to go over and handle all the silly little bastards hiding out in the Necrobot’s “fortress”.
Speaking of which, it looks like Megatron made it home, despite Tarn blowing his tits clean off with that cannon blast. Rodimus and Ratchet carry him inside, as Magnus is probably too busy not getting his arm put back on to help, and Megatron is using the last of his energy to hold the Autobot badge Tarn slapped off his chest earlier.
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Sure hope Ratchet didn’t forget to tell Drift about his old boss being co-captain of the ship, or else this is going to be a very nasty surprise for both of them— we've already seen that Drift loves to freak out and kill sick people.
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fourthwingfan · 6 months
Madness - Chapter 15
Hello there. I'm here with the new chapter. Enjoy :)
Just because you survive Threshing doesn’t mean you’ll survive the ride to the flight field. Being chosen isn’t the only test, and if you can’t hold your seat, then you’ll fly straight into the ground.
—Page fifty, the Book of Brennan
Air rushes past us and I sit higher in the seat and look out over the landscape, wind ripping tears from the corners of my eyes. No wonder most riders choose to wear goggles. There are at least a dozen dragons in the air, each putting their rider through a trial of dips and turns. Reds, oranges, greens, browns, the sky is speckled with color.
My heart lurches as I see a rider fall from the back of a Red Swordtail and the dragon doesn’t dip to catch the first-year. I look away before the body hits the ground.
It’s not anyone you know. That’s what I tell myself. Violet, Liam, Ethan… They’re all probably safely bonded and already waiting at the field.
“We’re going to have to put on a show.”
“Awesome.” The idea is exciting, but I don’t know if I can hold on correctly.
“You will not fall. And you will trust me.”
Not a question. An order.
“I trust you with my life, Aon!” I shout and grip tighter the pommels and I tighten my legs.
“There’s no need to shout. I can hear you just fine. The entire mountain can probably hear you.”
Oh, yes. He can hear my thoughts.
His wings give a mighty beat, and we lurch upward in what feels like a ninety-degree climb, leaving my stomach back at the lower altitude. He crests the top of the snow-dusted peaks, and we hang there for a breath of a second before he twists, diving back down at the same terrifying angle.
It’s the most exhilarating moment of my life.
Then he twists again, sending us into a spiral.
My body is wrenched this way and that as I hold on as hard as I can when he completes turn after turn, pulling us out of the dive only to bank so hard, I swear the land becomes the sky, then repeats it all until my face splits into a grin, and I laugh out loud in joy.
There is nothing like this.
It’s pure freedom.
In the sky there’s no fear, no hatred, no duty.
It’s just Aon and I.
I have never felt so free in my life.
„I think we made our point.” He pulls us level, then banks right, starting up the valley that leads to the box canyon of the training fields. The sun is close to setting behind the peaks, but there’s still enough to see Tairn and the little golden dragon with him. They stand in the middle of the field. I’m really happy Tairn chose Violet.
„Why did you choose me?” I have to know, because as soon as we land, there are going to be questions. “Professor Kaori showed us the dragons who was willing to bond this year and you weren’t among them.”
“As I said I won’t choose someone who is not worth my time. I watched, then decided. You’re smart. And you’re willing to protect the weaker. Let this be enough for now. You have to gain knowledge about what is beyond the walls of this school.”
Beyond this school? Are they witholding information from us?
Memories flash before my eyes.
The General wants me to observe the marked-ones, as if he can’t ‘see’ them with his signet. This is already suspicious.
Then he shows me a strange dagger and wants me to report him if I see even one. When I asked about it, he became irritated.
“Don’t think about it now, golden one. You have to learn how to shield your mind from others.” He says as we pass over the Gauntlet and crest the narrow entrance to the training fields.
I suck in a sharp breath at the sight of so many dragons. There are hundreds gathered along the rocky edges of the mountain slopes behind the bleachers that were erected overnight. Spectators. And at the bottom of the valley, in the same field I’d walked only a couple of days before, are two lines of dragons facing each other.
“They are divided between those still in the quadrant who chose in years past and those who chose today.” Aon tells me.
The General will be here, on the dais in front of the bleachers. I hope I can avoid him tonight.
A ferocious roar of celebration goes up among the dragons as we fly in, every head swinging our way, and I know it’s in deference to Aon. So is the parting of the dragons at the very center of the field, making room for him to land beside Tairn.
And then we land in the dead center of the field. The impact jars me slightly, but I sit up tall in the seat and even let go of the pommel ridges.
Aon tucks his wings up and looks over his shoulder at me. “You need to dismount, then tell the roll-keeper—”
“I know what to do.” I pull in a shaky breath. I can do it. I just need to go there and avoid eyecontact with the General.
I step over the scales of Aon’s shoulder and, before I can lament the distance I’m about to have to jump I just do it.
I land safely on my feet, bending my knees a little to lessen the impact.
“Don’t foget that you’re mine now, little one. And nobody can harm what it’s mine!” Aon lowers his head and blows at me warm air through his nose.
I walk across the wide field, heading for the small formation directly ahead of me. Behind me, wind sporadically gusts as more dragons land and their riders dismount to have their names recorded, but it’s softer and softer as the line spreads farther down the field. Look like we weren’t that late.
Dusk falls, and a series of mage lights illuminates the crowd in the bleachers and on the dais. In the very center, right above where the redhead from Parapet is recording roll, is General Sorrengail, dressed in all her military finery, medals and all. Though there is an assortment of generals on the dais, each representing their wing, there’s only one more highly decorated than Lilith Sorrengail.
General Melgren, the commanding general of all Navarrian forces.
They stand in a tight circle and they’re shouting. What the hell happened?
I approach the roll-keeper at the base of the dais, who’s recording bonded pairs.
“Aelin Melgren.” She looks up, then writes my name in the Book of Riders. “For the record please tell me the name of the dragon who chose you.”
I lift my chin. “Aonniasach.”
“Pronunciation could use some work.” Aon’s voice rumbles through my head.
“Hey, at least I remembered,” I think back in his general direction, wondering if he’ll hear me across the field. “You said that I will forget it.”
“What is this commotion?” I lean closer and whisper to the roll-keeper.
She quickly looks at the shouting crowd then back at me. “It’s about Violet. She bonded with two dragons.”
What? How is that possible?
I walk toward Aon while I search for Violet.
There she is, between Tairn’s legs.
Should I go and talk to her?
“It’s not a good idea right now, little one.” Aon says in my head. “Come back, for now.”
I sigh and do as he say.
I’m so tiny compared to him. He’s smaller than Tairn, but bigger than anyone else on this field.
I stand in front of his left leg and look around. I hope to spot my friends. I need to know they’re all right.
“Look left.”
I turn in that direction and I see a grinning Liam. He’s in front of a rather big red daggertail.
I step closer to him but still maintain a safe distance. Dragons only allows their rider to approach them.
He too walks closer and hugs me tightly.
“Aelin, I’m so glad you’re here!” He whispers. “I was worried that something happened to you.”
“Well, I ran into a little trouble, but nothing I can’t handle.” I say and pull back to look into his eyes. “And you? Are you all right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He looks me over. “Is that your blood?” He asks in a concerned voice.
“No. It’s the ‘troubles’ blood.” I shake my head grinning.
“You have to tell me later.” He sighs then looks up at Aon. “And your dragon is…”
“He’s Aon, a blue morningstartail.” I grin proudly at Aon. “He’s a little bit grumpy but deep down he’s a cutie.”
He looks at me with an expression that’s probably the dragon’s version of an eye roll.
„I’m not a ’cutie’, little one. I am a dragon.” Aon says in my head.
„Grumpy.” reply in my mind.
“See? I told you.” I laugh at Liam.
“Is it just me or he looks a bit like Sgaeyl?” He leans closer and whispers. “I mean it’s not just because he’s a blue dragon. His horns and… I don’t know, maybe I’m mistaken.”
“Hm. I don’t know, I haven’t seen another blue.” I shrug. “What about your dragon?”
“He’s Deigh, a red daggertail.” He stands straighter and looks so proud, I can’t help and smile at him.
“He looks pretty badass.” I say.
“Yes, he…” Liam turns around and looks at Deigh with wide eyes. Then he laughs.
“What did he say?” I ask curiously.
“He saw you.” He says still laughing. “He…saw you in the woods.”
“What? When?” I raise my eybrows.
“You were near to a clearing, and he said you were frozen like a sheep when you saw him, only you didn’t look so edible.”
“A sheep?” I look at Deigh and start laughing. “Yeah, maybe I was intimidated by an unbonded dragon. But thank him for me that he didn’t eat me.” So he was the red I saw. Good to know.
“Stay here, little one. The Empyrean will decide your friend’s fate.”
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 2 months
Rayllum Month 2024! (13/13)
even after all this, you’re still everything to me
July 25th - You’re the Moon In My Sky
Holy moly, I can't believe it's over! S6 is TOMORROW. HOW ARE WE FEELING?!?!
Tonight, I'll be blocking the tags because I won't be able to watch it until tomorrow afternoon- either that, or I'll wake up at like 3am to binge the whole thing. Probably the latter lol.
Rayla was many things, and irrational was not one of them. Everything about her was completely founded, thanks very much. She was a master of logic.
About most things. Callum was an exception.
Fear of water? She’d nearly drowned at eight. Wanting to kill Aaravos? He’d possessed her ex-boyfriend-turned-situationship and caused a war. Leaving Callum? Perhaps not the most logical thing to do, but it’d made sense at the time, and he’d been safe. At least part of her mission had been a success. So she remained undefeated as a logic champion. Pragmatic, if nothing else.
So it was completely logical to be shaking in her boots, tentatively peeking over the side of the Starscraper. A much farther fall than the Storm Spire- she couldn’t even see the ground, just fluffy clouds.
Even with the bracelets she’d been told would give her wings, Rayla wasn’t convinced. It was new technology, as far as she was concerned, and technology was notoriously unreliable. She wasn’t exactly eager to be a guinea pig, even if she wouldn’t be alone for a second. She’d never be alone again, Callum’d promised, and he always kept his promises.
“I’m…” Rayla trailed off, grasping for his ever-patient hand next to her. Astrid and Azhar stood giggling behind them, talking about something or the other Rayla couldn’t hear through the ringing in her ears.
Callum tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, gazing at her with the intensity of a thousand burning suns, the light in his eyes soft and rose-golden. “You won’t fall,” he promised gravely, and Rayla thanked her lucky stars that he was the only one (that she knew of, at least) who knew about her relatively new fear of heights, one that had only developed when she’d first been back.
Nights spent lying awake, wondering if he’d redo it. If he’d jump after her again, knowing what she’d do to him.
“And if you do…” he continued, hands finding her upper arms and grasping there, firm but not uncomfortably tight. Just right, just like all of him. “I’ll catch you. I’ll always catch you. I promise.”
Rayla stared at him for a good while longer, dumbstruck, just because she could. With a suddenly dry throat, she made herself nod. “Okay,” she breathed through a shudder. “Can you… make sure they’re on tight enough?”
A soft smile gracing his unfairly handsome features, Callum nodded and took her wrists. “Is this an excuse to get me to hold your hand?” he murmured, fingers checking the clasps of the gold bracelets and dancing along hers in a way that suggested he didn’t care in the slightest– appreciated it, rather.
“Maybe?” Rayla said, suddenly breathless and choosing to blame it on the high altitude.
“You can just ask me, you know.” Satisfied the bracelets were secure, Callum slid his hand up to her jaw, cupping it lightly. “They’re…”
Rayla shifted on her feet, getting closer. “They’re…?”
He stroked along her cheek, eyes softening. “Beautiful.”
“The bracelets?” she asked through a giggle, unable to help it. She’d never been good at serious time.
His dextrous fingers moved to hold her chin so she couldn’t look away. Rayla wasn’t sure she’d have been able to even if she’d had the mobility. “No,” he said softly, slowly, watching her earnestly.
Getting to her tiptoes, Rayla moved up against him until barely a centimeter separated their chests, his perfect lips all she could see. A centimeter far too much. “The opals?”
Read more on AO3!
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gaykamenriderdreams · 9 months
Ok so like. Everyone and their grandmother who watches Gotchard knows that Kurogane Spanner thinks Chemies are "just tools". Like, he just straight up says it, here it is, badda bing
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But like. And hear me out on this one. I think this is more complicated than just "oh the rival character is a bastard who thinks puppies don't have feelings and therefore it's okay to go around kicking them all day"
Because I think Spanner thinks of himself as "just a tool" too.
(I am physically incapable of writing a post that doesn't get long so the rest of this is going under the cut. Spoilers up to episode 14)
I mean, just from a design standpoint, the guy has a wrench for a face half the time. There's definitely something to be said for Valvarad's mask being representative of how Spanner presents himself, or even thinks about himself (especially since Spanner created the Valvarad suit single-handedly, apparently????)
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Also just like. The guy's first name. Is freaking Spanner.
Like, one of these??? And that's just his name???
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Like I mean a bit on the nose but alright. Also, if he picked that name himself (and with a name like that, it seems likely). What motivated that. I simply must know.
(Diversity win! Local Trans Man absolutely hated by Every Area Teen because he's just such a bastard at all times!)
Also, for all his talk about Chemies being tools, he really doesn't treat them poorly. Like he DOES say that he really doesn't care about collecting them, he's just doing his job (performing his function, you could say)--
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But like, this is also the same guy that has three Vehicle Chemies that are just his that he does not like being apart from even for less than two minutes
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Like we all done been knew that Sabimaru has a special interest in Occult-type Chemies, you can just SAY you're only interested in Vehicle Chemies.
Or he could just, y'know. Have three Chemies that he really cares about and be content with that. Like those pokemon NPCs with six Magikarp and no interest in getting anything else.
And it's extra odd because we've been told that higher number Chemies are just plain stronger than the others (at least when used by regular alchemists for combat), but none of Spanner's Chemies are level 9. And he doesn't need to use number combos like Ichinose does- so why doesn't he just have three 9s and call it a day? Even IF Valvarad only works with Vehicle Chemies, why doesn't he have Golddash and Steamliner (7 and 9) instead of Gekiocopter and Madwheel (4 and 6)? We just don't know. But it could be because he cares about His Three Chemies Specifically, as much as he verbally denies it.
And another thing. Even when things go wrong, he doesn't take it out on his Chemies!
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When Gekiocopter hits their altitude limit and can't take Valvarad any higher, he doesn't express any frustration towards his Chemy. I feel like if he really hated Chemies in general, he'd get mad at Gekiocopter and replace them with a higher-flying Chemy as soon as possible. But he doesn't.
Sure, Gekiocopter is "a tool"... but you don't get angry at a tool for asking it to perform past its specs. It's your fault in the first place for not respecting its limitations when you chose to use it. All the pressure and vitriol in the world won't suddenly make the impossible possible. (I wonder, is this empathy? An understanding of what it's like to be pressed to the breaking point? From one alchemist's tool to another? Surely not.)
And with episode 14 hinting that some things previously assumed to be part of his personality may be "just following orders..." And with how useless he's got to be feeling, losing over and over again despite having spent so much time and effort forging himself into a weapon for the alchemists to use as they see fit... aghhhhh I'm soooo curious where they're going with all this. THERE'S POTENTIAL.
Anyway. All this is not to get anyone to like the guy (though as you can tell, I'm a big fan). I just really wanted to express my thoughts about how there could be more than just "generic jerk" going on under the hood for this car crash of a human being.
TLDR: Kurogane Spanner is a massive tool (derogatory) (complimentary)
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what-the-flux · 2 months
Commander Week Day 2: Profession
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(once again, typed much of this up after a work day so I apologize again if it reads rough around the edges)
There was a deafening bang somewhere behind them, followed by the shriek of tearing metal as the entire airship started to list port-side as the massive undead dragon strafed beyond Vireskk's field of vision. He got his armored feet under him as he looked outside at the gunners stationed along the modified bowsprit from his vantage in the covered cockpit. One of the Pact officers posted on the airship with him, warmaster Oort, barreled inside covered in Risen gore. His deep voice was thick with adrenaline as he said, “In the clear, but only just. There’s more of the bastards closing in.” Before he could form a reply one of the ship’s ensigns, a young human of barely over twenty, ran in and stopped short in front of him, “Commander! Warmast—Sirs!” “Get on with it!” Oort growled. Vireskk nodded at the ensign, signaling him to continue. The man, already flushed from the continuous fighting, went scarlet as he said hastily, “Sir! We took a hit in the stern and we’re losing altitude, we got a transport that’s lining up to take the crew away, but the dragon might be back any minute! Visibility is poor and we’re dropping ballast as fast as we can.” The commander’s expression was grimly set as he weathered the news. “That dragon needs to be taken down, otherwise whatever ship we jump to is just going to be another fresh kill. Warmaster,” He leveled a steady gaze at Oort, “Take what supplies and crew you can and get off this ship, now. I will help them with the dragon.” The Vigil officer didn’t budge, ready to argue as he watched Vireskk go to a weapon rack and take a sizeable longbow from it. Oort gave him a look of open incredulity as he said, “You even know how to use that thing?” The commander smiled, a wan expression as he tried to pull a pleasant memory that at this point felt like a distant, faraway thing that happened to someone else in a different time, “I had archery lessons during my aptitude exams, I was a pretty decent shot at least. We shall see how true my aim has remained.” The big asura stared at his distinctly striped face and replied, a snarl in his voice, “Do you really think this is going to do us any good? Better to take it down once stationed on a fresh ship instead.” Vir returned the gaze with a stoic one of his own. He understood the officer’s penchant for rankling at following orders sometimes so he was careful with explaining the objective. “I acknowledge the merit in your words, however you and the rest of the crew are going to need cover fire and for the Risen to be occupied while you evacuate, they might try to capitalize on your vulnerable position otherwise.” The warmaster frowned and shot back, “You need more backup on here in that case. You, those guild members and a handful of gunners providing cover?” Vireskk’s mien became intense. Though Oort was much greater in stature and build, the gravitas of the commander’s whole demeanor and voice seemed to close the gap in physical disparity entirely. “We all knew and accepted the risks the very second of the Pact’s inception. You are to oversee the immediate evacuation of this ship and to rendezvous if our task is successful, or to press on if it isn’t. You have your orders.” Every word of his command rang like a gavel, decisive and brooking no argument. The Vigil warrior went silent and appraised him with an unreadable expression for a few heartbeats before nodding curtly, pushing past the dumbfounded ensign before the latter followed him out so they could proceed with offboarding.
Wind was howling in Vireskk’s ears as he briefly conferred with the crew that remained outside on the deck of the ship. They were still losing altitude but slower now since the power backups were still operational. The evacuation was not a moment too soon as they saw the hideous forms of multiple dragons dive towards them. The gunners in position once again with the members of Destiny’s Edge keeping an eye on the deck, the commander held up his fist and began chanting a litany that grew in power, cadence and volume, preternaturally loud and strident so that to the crew even the dragons’ roaring seemed muffled. Silvery blue flames wreathed him and all on deck, his promise to them that as long as he stood, so would they. As the on-board magitech cannons powered up he nocked an arrow, sighting down it as he pulled back. The muscle memory from his lessons was still there, but there was still a spark of uncertainty within him and he worried if he really would be of much use with it as the chaos of battle started to surround him. Magic flames came to life once more as he narrowed his focus and slipped into a meditative state, the fire dancing and coruscating around his arms in eldritch patterns until it set the arrow on fire. There! Something clicked in his mind just as a Risen dragon wheeled around in full view of himself and the broadsides.
Onboard the airship nearby that was pulling into a strafing run to assist, Oort and the others saw along with the pulses of cannon fire streaks of fiery arrows collide with and ignite the corrupted, rotting flesh of the dragons that burned pieces away like scraps of parchment thrown onto a bonfire. The monsters shrieked in rage and agony and it wasn’t long until one by one they were routed and torn apart by the collective barrage from both ships.
Later on back in Fort Trinity after the fall of Zhaitan during all of the spontaneous revelry that had gripped the Pact collectively, the commander found himself with a short-lived breather away from the nexus of it all. Warmaster Oort, also inclined to stick outside the orbit of everything, approached him and greeted him by way of a slap on the shoulder. Vireskk smiled and hid a wince as he held a bandaged arm. The larger asura wasted no preamble and said directly, “I glitched up, doubting you back there at The Humble. I admit I’ve been carrying around misgivings about you and all this in general for some time. I think you’ve proven me wrong on multiple counts now.” Vir looked out into the sizeable group of jubilant Pact soldiers before looking back at the warmaster, “Apology accepted, that’s quite a rare and precious thing coming from you.” He chuckled lightly before adding, “I do not blame you for your misgivings though. I did have to prove myself and show just how willing I was to not simply speak of virtue and sacrifice but to put it into practice. It is individuals like you that help shake me out of habits of wanting to observe and be reactive instead of proactive. So I encourage you to continue to speak openly.” Oort grunted a sound of affirmation, the most response he’d get out of the taciturn officer. The commander gave one of his uncommon playful smiles and added, “That still doesn’t give you free pass to argue with direct orders when we’re in the middle of a combat zone, however.” He turned to Vireskk and smirked lopsidedly, the closest thing he’d come to a proper smile and replied back, “Noted, I’ll work on that. But only if you say you’ll work on your terrible aim.” They both laughed together as they returned to the celebration.
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sweet-honey-tears · 2 years
💝Gifts To and From 💝
Hawks x Gender Neutral Reader
💝Part Two💝 FLUFF
Thought I’d continue this but it’s also head cannons for Hawks in general lol. If you want to read part 1, go here! And click here for part 3! And I hope you all enjoy, feel free to leave request or questions. Thank you all for the support. Love you all! 🤍🌸
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You’re kept far out of public eye, out of hero life
Hawks is not supposed to really be with you, your a ‘distraction’ or a ‘liability’
“Ya hear that chickadee, the commission says you're a distraction to my work. Well, one hell of a distraction!” Picks you up and just started to twirl you with him when he says it. He fucking loves you.
You're spoiled, whether you want it or not. Man buys you fluffy coats because he thinks it's adorable to watch you drown in the fake fur lining. No animal credulity- you made that quite clear and he doesn’t really like the thought either. Plus they're so big that they can completely cover you from cameras when you’re with him in an outing. The coats are huge, long, and huge. You're completely hidden from everything.
The best shot they(the paparazzi )got of you is a strand of hair peaking from the big hood and the corner of a shoe.
You greet him every time he comes home from a patrol. Arms slug around his neck as he pretty much lifts you up. His wing flutter in happiness, lifting you slightly with him. “There's my chickadee!”
Because no one knows what you look like, you can walk around without any coats or covers when you head off alone. A red health chilling inside your coat pocket, or in a necklace or weaved into your hair. He's always with him and protecting.
Has a thing for coats.
You(i.e. You reading) already know about them as a protector from the media. But they also protect you from the cold.
He likes to pick you up and fly with you and admittedly the altitude makes you shiver intensely. Yeah that’s not gonna fly-(PUN HA)
His Home screen is of you in his hero coat, the long sleeves pooled at your elbow due to the pose you're in. Your hands holding a stuffed animal chicken he got you. Your adorable face peeking out from behind it. A large and bright smile on your face. The crinkle in your eyes makes his heart melt every time he sees it.
If you’re wondering, his lock screen is of a chicken. No-he doesn't love them more then you- but he doesn't want the media getting a glance at his lock screen and seeing you.
Hawks melt everytime he finds you mending his coat. Needles and threads spread over the counters as you try your damn hardest to match the thread color to his jacket.
What do you get a man who can buy everything? The answer is simple. Nothing. You make him something instead.
Hawks comes home to a giant wrapped box. A pink bow on the top. And you, sitting on the table with a excited grin.
“I got you a congratulations gift.”
“For what?” he muses, a bit concerned, confused and hesitate. He just got off a very uneasy meeting with the commission and to say the least, he's on edge- no more like about to fall over the edge. And you noticed.
“Honestly- I just couldn't wait till your birthday, or our anniversary, or whatever else. I'm just- just too excited,” you say calmly, giving him a sweet and reassuring smile. It eases him.
He opens the box and there sits a quilt. A beautiful one. Hand stitched. Home made. Made out of:
Fabric patches of chickens
Fabric Patches of blues, yellows, pinks,orange
There are patches of his old shirts sown into. Ones he wasn't allowed to be seen in anymore(commissions words) due to the worn down look. It made him not look... Not fully Perfect. He liked those shirts but parted with them. Or so he thought. He could see patches of some of the old shirts, the logos or prints, stitched in with other color patches.
He pretty much breaks down.
He loves it. It’s not perfect. There’s messed up stitches and uneven patches. It’s human,it’s flawed. It’s something not perfect in his forced perfect world. He loves it. He fucking adore it so much.
His new Lock Screen is a close up of the quilt. Patch works of chickens running on it are mid screen.
Your Home Screen is of him and you. You’re both hidden in the blanket. It’s like a cave around the two of you, and Keigo looks calm and happy.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Elastic Heart Ch 5 (Linked Universe story)
Summary: When Sky goes missing, the Chain scrambles to figure out where he is and what happened before it's too late.
AO3 link
First chapter
<<Previous // Next>>
Chapter 5: Arbiter's Grounds
Link’s patience was at its limit as he stared dully at the two soldiers in front of him. “Let. Me. Through.”
“We were specifically notified that the queen would be sending a Hero with her guards,” one of the soldiers said, though with less hostility than before as Link glared at him. “T-that’s the order.”
“I made my own way here,” Link explained curtly. He was far too exhausted for this nonsense. Just how idiotic were the knights in this land? It was no wonder Twilight held them in such low regard.
Thinking about Twilight made his stomach twist. Thinking about any of them made his stomach twist.
He had to hurry up.
As the soldier came up with some other feeble excuse, there was a screech from the sky, making all three of the men turn to see a monster flying through the air. Link watched it warily, wondering if the Shadow had sent a black blooded beast there or if it was common for the area. The petrified reaction from the guards was of little help or use - he figured they’d squeal over a critter let alone a monster.
It was fairly large, though.
Glancing at his surroundings, Link saw the flying creature, the pathway ahead beyond the sealed gate, and some cliffs. With a quick fortifying breath, he pulled out his clawshots and aimed for some ivy on the cliffside, giving himself a higher vantage point as the beast swept in to dive for the ground. The soldiers squealed, abandoning their post.
That could be his opportunity, honestly. But that would leave them to fend off the beast, which was unlikely to end well in their favor.
Goddesses above, he was growing tired of having to save everyone. Couldn’t they at least handle the small matters so he could focus on Demise?
Link shook his head. Focus. You know they can’t help it.
Well. The knights should be able to help it. The longer he watched them run around the more irritated he became. He shook his head, watching the beast instead. There was a way to handle both matters and get him to his destination faster.
Waiting for the right moment as the beast flew just beneath him, ready to climb and gain altitude, Link leapt off the cliffside, angling his body so he collided right into the monster. The winged creature cried out, dipping down a little and then flailing like an enraged loftwing. Link held on tightly, his stomach somersaulting from the thrill of it.
This wasn’t his first time taming a flying beast, after all. Some loftwings when their partners died would be enraged or go insane for a few days. They were a danger to themselves and others. Link had done this song and dance before.
He wrapped his arms around the beast’s neck, twisting his shoulders so his elbows could guide it at the wing joints. The creature shrieked in protest but obeyed to ease the pressure, climbing over the sealed gate and leaving the knights far behind. The land quickly shifted from greens and blues of the field and lake to the familiar terrain of Lanayru Desert.
Wait. No. Gerudo Desert. Whatever. A desert was a desert, anyway. What mattered more was what and who he would find within it.
The creature became further enraged and began to buck wildly, sending them both careening. It was time to get off.
Releasing his grip, Link felt gravity take hold as he free fell to the ground below. The beast twisted away to reorient itself, and he untied his sailcloth to soften his landing. Turning as he heard the monster scream again, he pulled out his bow and arrow, aiming for its eyes. The beast let out a choked cry before it finally crashed into the sand, sliding to a halt in front of him and kicking up a dust cloud.
Link watched it a moment longer, a strange melancholy pulling at his exhausted heart, and then he sighed, turning to face the desert. The sun was fairly high in the sky, but it was beginning to teeter downward for the afternoon. He shielded his gaze with his hand, looking into the wavy air and seeing structures in the distance.
Monster encampments, possibly. Either way, it was a landmark. He’d take it.
Steeling himself, Link marched forward. One way or another, this should be his final battle. Zelda had indicated as such. It was the last horde in the land, after all.
I’m coming for you, Demise.
The tranquility of Hyrule Field on an overcast afternoon was shredded with the sound of hooves and snarls as a wolf led a pack of heroes riding on horseback. They were all going at a full gallop, the wolf somehow managing to stay ahead of the rest despite bearing the smallest member of the group.
A few monsters littered the area, and the troupe quickly attracted their attention. Wild grabbed an arrow and let it loose, having pulled it back so taut that he nearly snapped the bowstring. It hit a monster in midair with ease, sending it to the ground. The pronounced thud that echoed across the field gave Wild little satisfaction, but at least it gave him some assurance that the others wouldn’t be bothered. 
Wild’s deft movements weren’t the only ones as other members of the group swiftly eliminated targets without batting an eye. Warriors decapitated a bokoblin as he passed, Four shot a few with his bow and arrows before Twilight trampled right over them with a snarl. Nothing was going to slow them down at this point.
After they’d eaten, Twilight had asked his Zelda for some steeds to expedite matters (and had to finagle his way around Zelda’s idea that he’d somehow sent Sky to defeat the monsters). Wild and Wind rode Epona together, Four was with Twilight, and the rest were provided horses from the royal stables. The mood of the group had become serious the instant they’d left the tavern; Twilight had headed for the castle while others had stocked up on what supplies they could get (Legend was still seething that potions weren’t available in the city, which meant they were limited to what they already had - Twilight pointed out that they could restock in Faron Woods or Kakariko, but no one was keen on backtracking at this point).
Thankfully, according to Twilight, Lake Hylia was just to the west of the city, so it wouldn’t take them long to reach it. Wild certainly hoped that was the case; once they began to ride no one had said a word, and though Wild wasn’t the most empathetic of the group even he could sense everyone was on edge just as much as he was. Wind’s death grip on him tightened as he encouraged Epona to move faster, and he could faintly see the glistening lake in the distance. 
When they finally arrived, Time tersely divided them into pairs so they could search the perimeter.
“We know he’s heading for the desert; this is a waste of time!” Legend argued.
“We just got here within less than half the time it would take him to go on foot,” Four fired back. “He has to be somewhere close. What if we blow right by him?”
“That’s enough,” Warriors snapped. “Pair up and move out.”
Wind and Wild quietly stayed together on Epona, trotting around the lakeshore with their eyes peeled. The Champion was just as eager to push ahead, but he also didn’t want to risk overtaking Sky. Still… it should be obvious fairly quickly if Sky wasn’t here.
His mind couldn’t help but wander in a million different directions, anxiety sealing his lips and opening his thoughts. None of it made sense, and it was making even less sense now. Wild’s main suspicion had been that Sky had been tracking the enemy and accidentally fallen through the gate. He would have to fight the horde at that point, and then he would probably head for the nearest landmark, namely Castle Town and Hyrule Castle. It would then logically make sense for him to be in the city, for Telma to possibly find him and help him until he could reunite with the group.
Except he didn’t wait.
Wild didn’t understand. He just didn’t understand . It was now obvious more than ever that Sky was actively avoiding them.
The champion shook his head. We don’t know that. He may not even know we’re here. But that Telma lady wrote to Rusl, which means she must have told Sky we were looking for him, right? Right?
Wild didn’t know what was happening anymore, but a panic was seizing at his throat, goading him to move faster and find him before it was too late.
Pulling out a telescope, Wind squinted through the lens with a sigh. “Where is he? Surely he can’t be moving that fast? There were knights escorting him, weren’t there?”
Wild shook his head, unable to reply. He didn’t know anything anymore, just that he had to find him.
By the time they had even begun their search, the sun was already dipping towards the horizon. Lake Hylia reflected its bright rays, the sky stained golden and rose, a painting that was reflected with the stretches and pulls of the water’s lapping. It prevented anyone from seeing under its depths, and it made Wild shield his eyes from the glare as he paused, staring at a gateway just ahead.
There were guards flanking it.
Furrowing his brow, he tapped lightly on Epona with his heels, goading her forward.
The guards immediately crossed their spears over each other to prevent his entry. “Only those with the Queen’s permission may pass into the Gerudo Desert.”
Wind huffed. “We’re on a mission for her! Have you seen the Hero she sent this way?”
Wild bit his lip as the guards looked at each other uneasily. He wasn’t entirely sure why they hadn’t just asked them in the first place, but as he turned, he saw everyone converging on their location.
He supposed that meant they hadn’t had any luck. His heart raced in his chest, his anxiety spiking.
Twilight, who had turned back to his Hylian form upon reaching the lake since there were people around, came to the front. “My name’s Link. I have something from Her Majesty. She sent me to aid the Hero of Legend on his quest.”
The guards blubbered a second longer, awestruck, and Warriors finally snapped, “Get to it, then! Tell us what you know! What sort of pathetic excuse for soldiers are you?”
Time laid a hand on the captain’s shoulder, and Warriors’ face, already curled in a snarl, immediately tightened and settled into a dull, cold glare.
Wild shriveled further into Epona’s harness as Wind squirmed irritably behind him.
“He didn’t pass through here,” one of the guards finally remarked. “We’ve, uh–we’ve been waiting for him.”
“He—what?” Legend stammered. “That’s—we didn’t actually pass him did we?”
“What if he’s still in Castle Town?” Wind worried.
“That place is huge,” Hyrule added.
Warriors took a step towards the guards. “You’re lying. I can tell.”
The guards immediately took a hesitant step away from the captain.
“Tell us where he is,” Time intoned, crossing his arms. His voice was certainly the most even of the group’s, but his withering glare was more terrifying than any of the yelling had been.
“Or we gut you like a fish!” Wind added, pointing accusingly at them.
“Sailor,” Warriors and Twilight immediately warned together.
“What, I wasn’t actually— ”
“It was a monster!” one of the guards finally burst out. “We–we didn’t know if he had access or not, so at first we–well… we… but a flying monster came and he–he climbed the wall and jumped on it and rode it over the gate!”
“Sky flew on a monster ?” Wind repeated. “That’s freaking amazing!”
“Maybe we should try it!” Hyrule intoned thoughtfully, looking around.
“Let us through,” Warriors ground out instead.
Twilight turned sharply and walked away as the others started frantically speaking over one another. Wild dismounted Epona to follow him.
“They’re going to let us through, right?” Wild asked, wondering why Twilight was giving up on the matter already. “I can get the gate open without their permission, the slate—”
“Don’t worry about it,” Twilight interrupted as he stared at a wooden structure in the center of the lake. “I have a way that can get us in and maybe give us a head start.”
Wild watched him confusedly. “What is it?”
“Get the others,” Twilight said as he ran towards a boardwalk.
Meanwhile, over by the gate, the Hero of Warriors was steadily losing his patience. He and Time both were steadily feeling increasing dread over the situation; they could sense that time was running out to reach their friend and family, and these guards were one more obstacle and insult to everything Warriors stood for.
Despite the captain’s desire to verbally tear the pitiful excuses for knights apart, his rage was interrupted by both the objective and the champion’s frantic waving.
“What is it?” Hyrule asked before anyone else could. Time, who still had a hand on Warriors’ shoulder to keep him from completely losing it, turned to halfway face Wild.
“Rancher wants everyone,” Wild choked out, his eyes glittering with a familiar panic. Warriors had seen it on his face when Twilight had been hurt.
It wasn’t like Wild really knew how to hide it or process it, after all. The captain was waiting for the champion to finally snap and start disobeying orders like on the battlefield a month ago.
They were all beginning to fray at the seams. What had been a bizarre and unsettling search and rescue had turned into something far more involved and worrying. Sky should have been found easily, yet here they were.
At least Warriors knew he was still alive. But the true matter now was, why was he running so desperately? Was he running towards something or from it?
An old paranoia crept up from his gut into his skull, icy and chilling and terrifying, reigniting thoughts he had already dismissed yesterday.
No , he shook his head as he walked with the others to the boardwalk where Twilight awaited them. I know Sky. He wouldn’t. Something else is going on.
Originally the captain had thought Sky was simply being foolish, following his apparently-faulty intuition rather than his head. It would fit for a teenage hero to do so, even though in all their time together Sky had generally demonstrated more maturity than the others.
Well. On and off, at least. Sky’s seeming laziness had gotten Hyrule and Warriors hurt when he couldn’t keep up with them. He dozed off all the time, dragged his feet with chores… it had never particularly bothered the captain, except the one time they ran into a monster camp and could have used his help. He still held the slightest annoyance over that matter. But… none of that coalesced into a logical explanation for what was happening now. Sky was slow and steady, this panicked rush of his was completely against his nature as Warriors understood it.
Maybe you don’t understand him, then, the paranoid voice whispered.
“For Hylia’s sake,” he muttered under his breath. That’s enough. Sky isn’t a traitor, there is a rational explanation for this and I will figure it out.
At this rate he felt like he and Time were the only ones thinking rationally. Well, and perhaps Twilight.
Twilight watched their approach, arms crossed. He jerked his head behind him. “I found us a way in that’ll help us catch up quickly.”
Time raised a questioning eyebrow as he glanced beyond the Ordonian. “I’m assuming you’re going to explain, then?”
“It’s a, uh…” Twilight faltered and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. Then he sighed. “It’s a cannon.”
Legend’s eyes widened. “What?”
“You want us to blast our way through the gate?” Warriors asked confusedly. Great Farore, he didn’t hate the guards that much.
“No. Over it.” Twilight explained. “This is how I always got to the Gerudo Desert.”
Wind gasped. “Oh! I’ve done that before! Let’s go!”
Hyrule watched Wind rush ahead, bewildered. “You… were blasted out of…what??”
“Am I the only one worrying about the landing part ?” Legend threw his hands up in the air.
“No, you’re not,” Warriors remarked, raising an eyebrow at Twilight. “How did you land?”
Twilight shrugged. “Fyer knows where to aim so you land in a soft space. I swear the sand there is like a pillow, it’s like the one place where you’ll be fine. Just, uh, be sure you roll.”
Warriors cocked his head to the side as he scrutinized the Ordonian hero. “So you just got launched in the air and prayed you didn’t die.”
“Yeah, basically.”
Mentally, Warriors scratched Twilight off his still a rational member of the group list.
The captain groaned, pinching his nose. “How did anyone ever assume you were the responsible one?”
Four and Wind rushed ahead as if this were a normal occurrence, making the captain debate if Four was still rational as well. Wild was already anxiously waiting by the entrance, where a strangely dressed man was eying the group warily.
“Fyer,” Twilight greeted as he approached the man. “We need a lift to Gerudo Desert.”
“All of you?” the fellow questioned. “That’ll cost you extra, you know.”
Warriors unclasped his wallet and dropped it into the man’s hands. “Hope this suffices. Let us pass.”
Fyer stared at the pouch with surprise, stammering a response and opening the door for them. Wind easily swiped some rupees back as he passed. When Warriors raised an eyebrow in the sailor’s direction, the kid shrugged. “He doesn’t need all of them.”
“How do you keep getting so much money, anyway?” Four asked, squinting at him. “I remember when we were at that inn you couldn’t buy anything because you’d paid for our room and board.”
“The room full of pots, of course,” Warriors answered easily.
Wind gasped. “Yours had rupees?!”
“What did yours have?”
“...More arrows. A lot of them didn’t even have anything! It was so disappointing!”
“Mine had a frog in it.”
“Oh, one of mine—”
“Focus.” Time interrupted.
“Does this hurt?” Legend asked uneasily. “It usually hurts on the receiving end.”
“Protect your neck,” Twilight advised. “The whiplash isn’t fun. Beyond that… as long as you land well, it’s fine.”
“As long as you—”
The doors slammed shut, drowning them in darkness. Warriors instinctively huddled closer to his brothers, bumping shoulders with Time.
“This wasn’t exactly how I was expecting this day to go,” he said quietly.
“At this rate, is there even a point to having an expectation for any given day?” Time countered, his usual gentle mischief absent in his tone.
The captain sighed, and the cannon fired.
Four really wished he had Ezlo. It would make landings much easier.
At least, he figured that’s why he missed Ezlo. Strangely he didn’t remember landing, but he was lying in the sand nonetheless.
“Well maybe you should’ve mentioned that!” some voice over him hissed as he was slightly propped up by arms.
“I don’t think he’s ever fired that many people together…”
“That’s enough! Cut it out, all of you!”
“Hey, he’s waking up!”
Four groaned as orange light pierced into his vision when he fluttered his eyelids open. Legend was directly over him, holding him gently, eyes filled with worry. Twilight was across from him, also supporting him, and Wild was peeking over his shoulder. Wind was at his feet, expressive face pinched in concern as Time stood behind him with Hyrule. Warriors was directly over him, seemingly kneeling behind his head.
“Hey, Smithy, you with us?” Twilight asked gently.
“Mm,” Four replied, trying to figure out what in the world happened.
“Here,” Legend offered, holding a bottle to his lips. “It’ll at least make sure nothing’s broken while you get your head on straight.”
Four sipped the potion reluctantly, coughing a little at the bitterness as it went down. His world came into better clarity, aches he hadn’t noticed dissipating entirely.
“What happened?” he asked blearily, sitting up of his own volition as the other heroes hovered over him.
“A few of us crashed into each other before the landing,” Warriors noted, and Four saw that the captain was sporting a small cut by his left temple. “Nothing too terrible, but it threw you off balance and you got knocked out on impact.”
Oh. That was probably why Ezlo had come to mind. Maybe he should have shrunk down for the launch, it might have at least reduced his speed and made him less likely to hit anyone.
“How long was I out?” he continued, slowly standing and testing out his body.
“A few minutes, nothing major,” the captain answered dismissively.
“He could have died!” Legend snapped.
Another argument broke out between Legend and Warriors, with Twilight trying and failing to play mediator, garnering Wind’s ire while Wild and Hyrule watched hesitantly. Four rubbed his temples at the oncoming headache, growing steadily more irritated.
“Boys!” Time finally yelled, silencing everyone. When they all stared at him, he crossed his arms, holding their gaze. “Get yourselves together. Every second we stand here arguing, Sky gets farther away. No more talking for a while unless a pertinent question is being addressed.” Directing his attention to Four, he asked, “Smithy, are you able to walk now?”
Four nodded, grateful for the silence.
“Good. Ranch hand, you lead.”
Twilight, sufficiently schooled and looking very small under his elder’s gaze, slowly got to his feet. Four felt a little bad for his friend, who clearly felt guilty over what had happened. He would reassure him if he wasn’t convinced Time would incinerate him right there with his glare the instant he uttered a sound.
Shifting into his beast form, Twilight led the group carefully, sniffing the ground every few paces. Four could see Legend, Wild, and Hyrule all growing impatient, with Legend stiffening while Wild and Hyrule grew fidgety. Eventually, the traveler pointed ahead. “Look!”
Everyone whirled on him, ready to hiss for his silence before Time could get a hold of him. The traveler was unperturbed, huffing, “I see a trail!”
“A trail?” Four repeated, following Hyrule’s finger. Trail was a strong word for what he saw - there were divots in the sand, like a little stream had carved a path, but its lingering imprint was being quickly overrun by wind pushing sand into the crevices.
“You think Sky’s wind item could make such a trail?” Time asked the group as a whole.
“Probably,” Legend answered. “Which means he had to be here recently - the sand will cover it up soon enough.”
Four perked up. That meant Sky was very close!
The group picked up their pace, Twilight still at the lead to confirm Sky had indeed passed through. The silence gave Four time to think and center himself, which he appreciated since his mind had been whirling since this entire ordeal had started.
After all, none of it made sense. Initially, Four had assumed Sky was captured. It was what made the most sense - everyone knew that if they were on watch they were supposed to awaken the group if there were monsters. There had to be some kind of miscalculation on Sky’s part, and somehow he’d ended up in danger and unable to alert them. He’d probably gone to investigate a noise and only discovered too late that the horde was unnervingly close to camp.
At least, that had been the initial assumption. Four had seemed to be the only one thinking it, which was frustrating, but he’d kept his mouth shut. Hearing in that letter that Sky was safe and resting at that tavern had reassured him greatly, but it had also made him start to question things.
Did Sky get himself out of trouble? Was he never in trouble in the first place? If so, what in the world would compel him to do what he had done? Four still had an inkling that his dear friend was hurt somehow, maybe was addled from his experience and trying to find his way back to the others.
What if the Shadow had managed to corrupt him somehow? What if he’d tortured him during his capture? What if Sky was part of the horde now?
Four shook his head, trying to shove the terrifying thoughts out of his mind. It didn’t quite fit the objective details, at least.
That still didn’t stay the worries in his heart that Sky had been captured, though. That somehow Sky had escaped and was trying to find them as desperately as they were trying to find him. That the longer it took them to get to him the more likely he was going to get captured again.
Though the blacksmith was on the quieter side in the group, he wished they’d taken some time to discuss this issue. Outside of the initial concern when they’d found the gate, the group had been treating this situation like a regular mission when it was, in fact, so much more.
Their brother was missing.
Frustrated tears stung in his eyes, and he balled his fists tight enough to dig his nails into skin and distract himself. He absentmindedly followed his brothers, praying that Sky would be fine when they found him. Because they would find him. They were close, as Legend pointed out.
Four nearly crashed into Wolfie, yelping a little as he stopped abruptly. The shadows that encased the wolf were nearly imperceptible in the oncoming darkness as the sun finally hid its shining face behind the dunes. When Twilight emerged from the darkness, he was stiff and very closed off. Four was about to ask what was wrong when he noticed they had ended up at a structure of some sort.
“What is this place?” Wind asked quietly.
Twilight didn’t speak.
“He’s asking you, wolf brain,” Legend grumbled as he stepped forward to investigate the area. “We don’t know this land, remember?”
“Is it a Gerudo fortress?” Warriors questioned.
“N-no,” Twilight finally answered, his voice barely a whisper in the wind. “He… he’s inside.”
“Sky?” Time confirmed.
“Then what are we waiting for?” Hyrule piped up, catching everyone off guard. “Let’s go.”
The sailor and the traveler moved ahead quickly with Wild on their heels. Warriors paused for a moment and then followed alongside Four.
Twilight stood still, the long shadows of the building consuming him.
Time approached his pup slowly. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” Twilight sighed, shaking his head. “We shouldn’t let them get too far ahead, there’s a dungeon in there.”
“I figured, just based on the appearance. Where are we?”
“This… this place is called Arbiter’s Grounds,” Twilight explained as the pair walked together to catch up. “It was once a… well, I guess a prison for Hyrule. It’s been abandoned for a long time.”
Time glanced back at the building thoughtfully. A Hyrule prison in Gerudo territory? Had they formed some kind of alliance? “I suppose the Gerudo are farther into the desert.”
Twilight glanced at Time from the side of his eyes, saying nothing.
That… didn’t make the eldest Link feel pacified on the matter.
When the two reached the rest of the group at the entrance to the dilapidated building, Time glanced around at the surroundings. The architecture looked… vaguely familiar. And not in a Hylian way.
Wonderful. As if his unease at Sky’s situation wasn’t bad enough at this point.
“Be on your guard,” he advised everyone as a slight breeze blew in their faces. “This place will likely have infected beasts.”
“And Sky’s swimming in them,” Legend added worriedly. “So let’s go.”
The veteran hero was right. The longer they lingered, the more likely they were to lose him again. Time wasn’t repeating that error. Whatever was wrong with the young knight, they had to find him before it got worse.
At this point that was what he was convincing himself. Nothing else really made sense. Sky had interacted with the people of Castle Town, even the queen , and instead of hunkering down to wait for them, or even trying to return to where the dark portal had been (was it still there? Time didn’t recall seeing it when they’d passed through the field again), Sky had continued on to hunt more beasts. 
For whatever reason, the seemingly sweet and gentle knight had gone rogue.
Given Time’s understanding of the Skyloftian, it made little sense, but at this point nothing else made any sense. He knew all his boys were capable of being reckless; Sky was simply a late bloomer.
And of all the ways to bloom… Time was going to have grey hair by the time this was over. He was certainly going to demand an explanation out of the boy when he found him.
That was that. Sky was being a reckless teenager. There was no possibility that he’d decided to leave the group, to leave all of them, to leave—
Time shook his head. Projecting his old wounds onto this situation was not going to do him any favors. The longer Sky was missing, the worse it got. He felt angry at himself for even making this about himself in the first place, and it was certainly decreasing his tolerance for the others’ outbursts. They needed to find the boy. Time was growing more concerned by the moment. If his main theory was true, after all, then Sky was likely to get himself killed. 
Well, honestly, no matter the theory, Sky was likely to get himself killed. They needed to move.
“Stay together,” he advised the group as he led them into the dungeon.
The instant they walked into the entranceway, Time knew this was going to be an unpleasant dungeon. The stifling air held a stench to it that was pungent and uncomfortably familiar. Time was instantly reminded of the well in Kakariko and the Shadow Temple, the smell of brittle old bones and flesh turned to dust. Back home it had been punctuated with a moldy, earthy scent, moisture and soil trapped in a manner that made him feel like he was going through more graves. The dryness of the air here sped the rotting process, making the actual scent of decay lesser while also making the entire place far more stifling.
He couldn’t imagine any of this was pleasant on Twilight’s heightened senses.
He also could quickly figure out what might have happened here. Warriors’ grim, knowing expression implied the captain knew as well. 
Time scanned the room and quickly saw a purchase for his hookshot. Leading the group, he held on to Wind as the pair let the item pull them to nearby sturdy ground, avoiding the quick sand that was consuming flesh and bone alike. Once they passed a whirlpool of sand, they were left with what looked like the remains of a cell to the left and a sealed gate that blocked their progress.
Warriors glared at the door. “There has to be another way in. If Sky came through here it wouldn’t still be locked, unless it’s a facade. Or there’s a way to get overtop it.”
“It probably is locked,” Wind surmised, jiggling the large bars. “Just means it had time to reset. But I swear we were catching up to Sky. We’re sure he’s in here?”
“Reset?” Warriors repeated. “What are you talking about?”
“We need to find the dungeon map,” Legend interrupted. “We’ll waste less time that way.”
Four glanced at Twilight. “Where do we find it?”
The young man shifted awkwardly, rubbing his sweaty palms on his tunic. “I… don’t remember.”
Wind’s eyes widened. “How could you not remember where the map is? You’ve been through this dungeon!”
Wild looked between the pair confusedly. “There are maps?”
Warriors glanced at Time questioningly, equally lost.
The champion then turned to Legend. “Is that why you’re always so insistent on having a map?”
Hyrule shrugged, eyes trained on the floor. “I don’t get the fuss, I get by without them.”
“The point is ,” Time interrupted before this deteriorated further. “We need to find it.”
Hyrule looked at the hero, brow furrowing in frustration. “But—”
“No , we’re not proceeding without a map. It’ll waste too much time,” their leader insisted, agreeing with the veteran.
“Can’t you just follow his scent, though?” Warriors asked, looking at Twilight.
Twilight ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. “I wish it was that simple, but these places require a certain order of events to progress. If I just follow Sky’s scent, we’ll end up in front of locked doors with no way through, like this. We have to do this the old-fashioned way.”
“I still can’t believe you don’t remember where the map is ,” Legend grumbled.
“It’s been a while, okay? A lot has happened since then, I can’t possibly remember all the details of every dungeon!” Twilight finally snapped, losing his patience.
“The good news is that the closer we get to Sky, the less likely it’ll be a problem,” Wind thought aloud, staring at the locked door. “Because if we catch up to him, he’ll still be solving things and we’ll get through them before they can reset.”
“How long is that?” the captain questioned.
“Don’t know. Never timed it.”
“Usually if you get knocked out it resets,” Time offered.
“Look, I may not be as experienced as you all,” Hyrule interrupted. “But I can still follow clues. The key to this door is over there.”
Everyone followed the traveler as he pointed towards a chain coming out of the wall with a handle attached.
Twilight blinked. “Ah. Right.”
Legend gestured dramatically towards the chain. “This is literally the only thing in this room and you didn’t even remember that?!”
“I didn’t see you noticing it, Vet!”
Wind rolled his eyes, rolling through the quicksand to get to the chain as another argument started. Just as he hit solid ground, the ground shifted, and two gibdos dragged their bony bodies out of the earth, spears at the ready. Wind yelped briefly before quickly slashing through them.
“Great,” the sailor said with a quivering tone. “This is one of those dungeons.”
Time looked back at the traveler, who still hadn’t taken his eyes off the ground aside from pointing out the pulley. When he traced the teenager’s stare, he saw what had tipped Hyrule off in the first place.
Specks of blood trailed intermittently from the gate to the pulley that Wind was desperately yanking.
There was still a touch of moisture to them, their innermost circle sitting atop the stone rather than having crusted into it.
Sky was close, but they could lose him if they stalled any longer.
Twilight quickly joined Wind and grabbed the handle, pulling the chain with a sharp jerk, and the gate split and opened, granting them access. Time didn’t comment on the blood, but it was evident who had and hadn’t noticed. Hyrule was already filling up empty bottles with lantern oil and shoving them into people’s hands, face set in determination. Twilight was a shade paler than usual, Four looked terrified, eyes frantically scouring the earth for more signs of Sky’s injuries.
Wild immediately went for the solitary treasure chest in the other corner, pulling out a key. No one needed to comment on it as there was only one locked door in the room. 
Time glanced at Twilight questioningly. This dungeon was unusually simple.
Then again, it could be because Sky was already clearing it.
Legend froze in mid-step, making Four yelp as he crashed into him. The veteran didn’t seem to notice, crouching down with his lantern in the darkness of the next room. Twilight stiffened, clearly on edge, and Time detected movement in the room.
“Vet, watch it!” Wind chided as he squinted into the darkness.
“There’s blood on the floor ,” Legend said, his voice worriedly rising in pitch. “Sky’s hurt! What if he’s dying, what if–”
Twilight and Time swung their swords in unison as otherworldly shrieks filled the air, their blades chopping through a wave of gibdos that had emerged from the quicksand. The rest of the group jumped as Warriors pulled out his borrowed fire rod, and Time and Twilight hastily ducked out of the way as he dispatched the rest and simultaneously lit the torches on the other side of the room.
The bars over the door on the far side of the room opened, and everyone tore ahead wordlessly. Legend reached the next place first, pausing in the center of the large room. Time took in the sights, seeing four stone stands around a large staircase. There were several entrances, he could tell from a swift glance and from changes in air pressure moving throughout the room. The stairs led to a closed door, and two out of the four posts had blue fires lit on them.
In the center of the room was a large cloak and hood, and a broken lantern.
“A poe,” Time surmised aloud. Larger than one he’d ever seen, but it seemed a fair guess.
“Yeah,” Twilight said slowly, looking ahead. “Of course they took the flames again.”
Time was reminded abruptly of the Forest Temple in the Lost Woods, and he looked at the two flames again.
Two flames. For four posts.
“Sky’s halfway solved it,” he whispered.
Wild, with his sharp hearing, turned to look at him. “Solved what?”
“You need the flames to open the gates,” Twilight explained. “And the poes steal the flames. If there are two lit, then he’s defeated two poes.”
Legend toed the tunic hesitantly, sword at the ready. “Uh, yeah. I can tell. But where are the others? This place just got a lot bigger.”
“I remember where the map is,” Twilight said flatly, catching everyone’s attention.
Time glanced at him, confused by his tone. “Where?”
Twilight pointed to an already open chest. Its contents had already been taken.
“Sky has it!” Wind realized.
“Great,” Legend groaned. “That just gives him the advantage.”
“Are we going to talk about why Sky’s actively going through this dungeon instead of trying to find us?” Four piped up, crossing his arms and looking ready to start another fight.
Wind whirled on him. “You want to do this now ? You think we haven’t been wondering that too? Something obviously has to be wrong!”
“Or maybe he’s on to something,” Hyrule offered. “Could be trying to puzzle something out.”
“Only you would assume it’s reasonable to just abandon the group to solve a puzzle.” Four sighed heavily.
“Look, what matters right now is that Sky’s actively hunting the poes,” Twilight said, waving his arm to get them to pay attention. “Which means all we have to do is track them . We can find him!”
“How do we track the poes?” Warriors questioned as he stared at the tattered remains of the fallen ghost.
Twilight shifted into his wolf form wordlessly, sniffing the large robe.
“Okay, but if they’re ghosts how do they even have a scent?” Wild wondered.
“The cloth should,” Four surmised with a shrug, a little put out over how quickly his discussion had been terminated.
“Do ghosts all wear the same cloth, though?”
“Is there a guide to poe fashion we need to know about?” Warriors muttered absentmindedly.
“Bet it smells like crap, though,” Wind said with a shudder. “Yuck.”
Time watched his pup sniff in circles a moment before charging through a door to the side, and everyone followed hastily.
Legend froze yet again just as he looked up at the platform ahead. Time was about to finally get on the veteran hero’s case when Legend’s entire body went rigid before he drew in a deep breath. “SKY!!”
The entire group whirled , and, sure enough, their brother-in-arms was on the platform, sword drawn and stained in black blood, ready to head to the next room. He barely moved, standing in profile to them as if he’d been in the motion of leaving when Legend had yelled at him.
Time felt the steadily growing suffocating knot in his chest loosen, though it didn’t release entirely. Sky was there, alive and within such close reach, and Time felt like he’d never had so much solace seeing one of his wayward boys.
“Sky! You’re okay!” Twilight exclaimed, relieved.
Sky swallowed thickly, his face pale and worn thin. In the lighting he looked almost gaunt, like one of the beasts crawling through this dungeon. Based on the amount of blood on his blade, it seemed Sky was the reason the others had met such little resistance so far, as Time had unfortunately suspected.
The young knight shook his head at the group, seemingly unable to speak, and just as Warriors was about to ask something, he rushed through the door.
“Wait! Sky, what are you doing?” Four called after him.
Legend was the closest and immediately pulled out his hookshot, looking for a perch since there wasn’t a clear path between the stairwell to the platform and the other side of the fallen chandelier that blocked the walkway to where Sky was. When neither the veteran nor Time could find a place for their respective hookshots to latch on, Wild ran ahead, clambering up the rock itself, though he slid quite a bit in his attempt to climb it. Legend sprang forward, using Wild as a step off to jump up to the platform, and Wild groaned, falling to the ground level just as Twilight reached out to catch him.
“Thanks, Vet!” Wild grumbled as he started to climb again.
Legend’s voice echoed from the next room. “Sky, get your sorry ass back heeeaaaaaAAAAYYYYY GIBDOS GIBDOS SHIT SHIT SHIT—”
“Come on!” Twilight called, already pulling a lever attached to yet another chain. “Let’s go!”
The group waited as Twilight hoisted the chandelier into the air, and the instant there was enough clearance they started to tear through. Wind was first, eyes fierce, and Time brought up the rear alongside Twilight. Despite their haste, the large wooden beams with spikes on them didn’t escape Time’s notice.
This place was like the Shadow Temple, then.
Pushing the thought aside, he focused on getting to Sky, and Legend’s yells were easy enough to follow. By the time they reached the veteran, the gibdos were disintegrating into ash and dust.
Legend didn’t spare them a glance, running ahead when a scream tore through the air, chilling them to their cores and making them freeze .
It wasn’t as if fear had stopped them in place. It was… well, it was fear, but a different kind, one that sank into one’s very soul and shook it with dark magic.
Wind let out a whimper, stumbling backwards when he could use his legs once more, and Warriors reached out to catch him. Twilight immediately transformed again and tore ahead on all fours, teeth bared as he leapt cleanly into the air and slammed one of the beasts (were they always that short? Or was it just that Time was taller now? They still were easily a head higher than him, but…) into the ground. Its claymore clattered on the stone and Legend sank his tempered sword into the beast’s head.
Time quickly dispatched the other ReDead with fire blessed arrows, leaving an uneasy silence in the air.
“Where the hell did he go?!” Legend snapped. “Damn it!”
“Why is he doing this? He just—did he just run through the monsters and leave them to us?” Four asked the room, eyes filled with hurt.
“I don’t understand,” Wind muttered, huddled near Warriors, who had his hands on the sailor’s shoulders. “He—this doesn’t—did he—?”
Warriors’ grip tightened on the youngest Link, knuckles white. He was looking down at the ground, his eyes dark, face stony.
The entire group felt lost, standing in a haze of confusion and pain, and Twilight looked at Time helplessly.
Time tried to organize his thoughts as best as possible. They would all be looking to him for guidance.
He didn’t have any to give.
But what he did know was that he needed answers . Sky’s behavior had gone from erratic to downright dangerous. Time tried to parse it out as best he could, but the more he examined it the more he recognized that he really didn’t understand that boy. Termina had taught him to recognize that everyone had a story of their own that guided their actions, but he was only just realizing that he truly didn’t know Sky’s story at all.
Did any of them know Sky’s story? Wild was like an open book with his wounds, Warriors’ stories and remarks were always carefully interwoven with key details missing, Twilight and Hyrule’s dismissal of the importance of their adventures often left more questions than answers, Wind’s exuberance was shadowed by his very apt ability with the sword for such a young man, Legend’s knowledge spoke for itself most of the time, Four’s face spoke more than his words yet—
Time knew so little about all his boys, but he still knew something about each of them. He had slowly become the secret keeper of the group, sharp enough to catch little hints and private matters they tried to keep to themselves, understanding enough to keep his mouth shut. Some trusted him with secrets, such as Twilight and Four, others danced around the issue but didn’t deny what he might or might not have seen and heard. A silent understanding lingered between him and his boys, an understanding that he knew more than he let on but wouldn’t approach the subject until they were ready to do so.
Well. That understanding was with almost all his boys. He’d never quite had such an understanding with Sky.
The Skyloftian knight had always been warm and welcoming, kind and empathetic. Everyone went to him with their hurts, and he always seemed to know when he was needed. He was among the first to defend those who were injured, he was the first to speak up to soothe tears and anger alike.
But Time knew next to nothing about him, except that he had made that cursed blade, he was blessed to have never dealt with Ganon, and that he was in love with his Zelda. He had made those aspects of his story known.
But that was it. A person’s story was far more than three facts.
So what was Sky hiding?
A door slammed somewhere in the far distance, echoing with a haunting reverberation around the room.
“We need to keep moving,” Time finally said.
Slowly, the group came alive again, following Time with a somberness that hung heavily in the air. Twilight quietly trotted ahead, sniffing hesitantly, when he froze and started growling.
“What is it?” Wild asked, stepping forward before yelping and ducking as a blade came out of the darkness to try and take his head off his shoulders.
A bokoblin, clearly from Wind’s world based on its attire, came screaming out of the darkness alongside a lizalfos and a wolfos. Warriors quickly went to the lizalfos while the champion began to fight the ‘blin. Twilight went toe to toe with the wolfos, both snarling at each other. Time assisted his pup, helping him corner the beast while others jumped in to assist their brothers. The beasts fell quickly enough, and Time’s trained eyes noticed more signs of battle, as if these were stragglers from another fight.
“Sky’s not in league with them,” Warriors muttered with what seemed to almost be a sigh of relief .
Legend turned slowly, eyes alight with fire and bewilderment, aghast at the implications of such a statement. Twilight barked loudly just as the veteran opened his mouth, and Wind stomped his foot.
“This is stupid!” the sailor pronounced. “This is so stupid ! Why is this happening?! What’s Sky thinking?!”
Hyrule ran ahead without a word, making everyone yell after him and hastily follow. Time felt his own control of the situation quickly slipping, and it was making him extremely agitated. One of his boys was already in danger; he didn’t need the rest of them putting themselves in perilous situations.
This group was slowly falling apart, and Time felt powerless to stop it. The soothing, quiet, constant, and gentle seam that weaved between all of them and bound them together was fraying apart and rushing ahead into danger, making the rest of them unravel.
They reentered the large chamber that held the torches and sealed gate only to find that the gate was now open, with all the torches lit brightly.
“How did he—?!”
Hyrule’s question was interrupted as enemies pulled themselves out of the quicksand flanking the staircase, and before Time knew it, they were surrounded.
Wild stared ahead at the stairs and the open gate, eyes desperate.
“Champion, no!” Time called, but it was too late. The scarred hero rushed ahead, though his progress was halted by a large moblin bringing its weapon down to bear on him. Warriors helped block the attack, knocking him off balance enough that an arrow grazed his leg. He hissed and Legend froze the moblin in place with his ice rod just as Wild shattered a blade against its legs, crippling it. Time was too preoccupied with the two lizalfos in front of him, gritting his teeth as they moved with more speed than should have been possible.
Hyrule sent a sword beam flying towards one of the lizalfos, knocking down the beast when the blow really should have gutted it.
Wind let out a battle cry as he leapt off the stone railing of the stairs, getting an aerial advantage and sinking his blade into one of the lizalfos’ heads with deadly accuracy. The beast fell, and the sailor bashed the other away with his shield. Behind him, Time heard Twilight yelp, and he whirled to see the wolf get cut deeply into his right shoulder by a stalfos. He quickly pulled out his bow and fired an arrow between the creature’s humeral head and elbow joint, temporarily pausing its attack and preventing its arm from moving, giving Twilight time to limp backwards and regroup with his ancestor. Time swept his large blade up diagonally, shattering bones and armor alike, and the stalfos clattered to the ground in pieces, giving him a moment to appraise the situation.
The group was chaotic and uncoordinated, anger evident on some faces while others continued to be distracted by the obvious path Sky had taken. Four rolled between two bokoblins to avoid an attack, slicing one of the ‘blins while doing so. Warriors had managed to get a few more cuts but was fighting well enough, back-to-back with Wild, who now seemed to be fixated on protecting the captain after getting him hurt. Though Wild’s expertise with the blade was more than proficient, archery was his main specialty, and being so close to the captain in the center of the action was wearing him down quickly. Hyrule was halfway up the stairs, watching the situation while holding his blade tightly in his hands, face focused, making Time uneasy. Legend had swapped weapons and was instead fighting with his blade once more, yelling a curse at the lizalfos that was slowly cornering him as keese began to fly over everyone. Wind was—
Wind was about to get hit .
“Sailor!” Time shouted in warning as he rushed to the boy’s aid. Wind was too busy eliminating a flock of keese to notice the bokoblin behind him, ready to strike—
Warriors yelled as Wind turned, but it was too late. The blow made contact, and Wind went flying across the room, out cold.
The room broke into pandemonium now. Hyrule cried out, his blade set ablaze with magic, and he easily felled the swarms of keese, making fire and small burnt bodies shower down on everyone. Time raised his shield to block the grisly precipitation while Legend swatted them away instead, distracted and getting punched clearly in the gut with a bokoblin club. Warriors killed the beast in retaliation, turning to run towards Wind as Wild covered the veteran while he regained his breath. Twilight was also tearing towards their youngest, his limp slowing him considerably, and Time turned to face the last large foe alongside Four, who was patting flames on his tunic and hissing.
Four dove ahead before Time, attracting the enemy moblin’s attention and giving Time an opportunity to dive in. The beast had bent downward to reach its small opponent, exposing its neck to Time’s blade. As the two leapt out of the way of the beast’s crumbling form after the blow, they saw that the others were picking off the remainders of the horde with a fair amount of ease.
Time rushed to where Twilight was guarding Wind, bending over Warriors, who was tending to the sailor. Wind’s hair and half his face were stained with blood, and despite the captain’s gentle nudges, he remained motionless. More blood stained his cheek as Warriors tapped it lightly, and Time saw that their captain had a not only acquired more injuries, some were deep enough to break his armor. He held his shield arm to his chest protectively.
“He needs a fairy,” Warriors interrupted. “We don’t have time sit around and wait for him to recover.”
“Or you,” Time added as he pulled out the last of his fairies. “Rancher, help me sit him up.”
Twilight shifted back into Hylian form, kneeling beside Wind and propping him up. The Ordonian’s own shoulder wound was far more evident now, staining his tunic red. Time uncorked the bottle with the precious healing gift, and the fairy hovered between Twilight, Warriors, and Wind before the elder heroes motioned towards the sailor. The pink light brightened around the fairy as it worked its magic around Wind’s head, and the sailor stirred.
Legend walked over, his feet shuffling as he downed half a potion and took a deep breath, the first Time had seen him take since the hit to his chest and gut. Then the veteran held out the remainder to Warriors. He gave a sharp command before the captain could even get a word in, and Time’s stern look was enough impetus to push him into compliance.
Wind groaned, rubbing his head wearily as he opened his eyes. “What happened…?”
Warriors quickly went to the boy’s side as Time replaced Twilight in supporting him. “You took a bit of a hit there, kid.”
Wind soured at the nickname, but was apparently too woozy to argue. Time gave him a reassuring smile before glancing at his descendant. “You should—”
“We need to preserve what potions we have left,” Twilight interrupted immediately, having predicted what Time was going to say. “We were already running low on supplies—”
“We just stocked up in Ordon Village,” Time reminded him.
“We stocked up on some supplies in the village,” Twilight fired back. “We don’t have potions in Ordon.”
“There’s milk.”
Twilight bit the inside of his cheek, clearly trying to come up with an argument before sighing in defeat. “Fine. I’ll drink some milk.”
“Does anybody wonder if that stuff ever goes bad…?” Four asked in the background as the Ordonian downed half a bottle.
“I wouldn’t worry about it,” Time said with a half smile.
“You drink poes. Your opinion is invalid on the matter.”
Wind giggled, still a little addled. “Why couldn’t you drink the big poes here?”
“Maybe next time,” the eldest Link replied, brushing sweaty hair out of the boy's face. “Think you can stand?”
Wind huffed proudly. “Of course I can stand! I’ve had much worse!”
To prove his point, the sailor leapt to his feet with gusto, and then hastily stumbled backwards into the wall.
“We have to go!” Legend called. “Some of us aren’t waiting!”
Time turned and saw Hyrule and Wild already running up the stairs, and he bit back a groan. There was no stopping them at this point. Warriors steadied Wind and the rest of the heroes rushed after their impatient friends.
“I remember this part,” Twilight muttered. “If Sky didn’t get too far ahead, we can—”
“Sky, wait!!” Wild cried up ahead. “Guys, help!”
Everyone doubled their speed only to find themselves caught in a new horde of monsters, with Sky in the center, bathed in black and red blood alike. The room was filled with stalfos, gibdos, keese, bokoblins, skulltullas, and lizalfos. A few were slain on the ground, but most were converging on Sky, while Wild immediately brought out three bomb arrows at once.
Time held out a hand, alarmed. “Champion—!”
Wild aimed straight for a large skulltulla, loosing the arrows. Time immediately dove for Sky, knocking the young knight to the ground just as the arrows made impact. The blast temporarily blew out his hearing, making the world seem vaguely distant while a high pitch ringing drove him insane. Time groaned, coughing and gasping when Hyrule’s boot slammed into his vision as the traveler blocked a monster attack that would have likely crippled him. Sky squirmed under him, clamoring for an escape route. Time pushed himself up, hastily moving aside as Sky shot out from underneath him. He managed to snag the boy by his sailcloth just as his hearing returned, sending him crashing back into reality.
Everyone was in the room now, fighting and pushing monsters away from the center where Time and Sky stood. Worried glances were thrown their way, but now that they had all regrouped and Sky was seemingly alive and okay, everyone was finally on their game once more.
Well, except for Sky himself.
The teenager twirled, turning himself around to face Time, knocking his hand off his sailcloth, but Time grabbed him by the wrists.
“Please,” Sky wheezed a frantic, tear filled plea. “Please, you have to leave.”
Time furrowed his brow. Of all the different scenarios running through his head, the boy begging them to get away was not the first one that had come to mind upon their reunion.
The sharp interrogation that had been brewing inside of him fizzed out like water escaping a dam, and instead his heart filled with worry. Sky’s eyes were wild, his face sweaty, his body trembling with exhaustion. Time had never seen the boy this frantic and unwell. “Sky… what’s wrong ? Let us help you.”
“You can’t help!” Sky replied, twisting his wrist so much he was likely hurting himself to get out of Time’s grip. “Please, I—”
Wind suddenly used his wind waker to blast a flock of keese into the wall, and the force of the air sent Time and Sky flying right into a half crumbled wall. The stones gave way when they slammed their shoulders into it, and Time felt pain shoot from his shoulder blade all the way into his fingertips.
It’s a good thing I wear armor , he thought dully as he groaned. His mind reoriented quickly, a frantic sense of urgency pushing him to look for Sky, who had fallen entirely into the room beyond the wall. It was a large circular area, covered in sand except for a platform in the center.
The monsters slowly seemed to be pushing the others towards the room as well, and Time hastily sprang to his feet to stop a lizalfos strike from tearing into his already injured shoulder. His body was not happy with the overhead maneuver. When he glanced back, Sky was finally pushing himself into a standing position once more.
Something dark materialized between Time and Sky, and the eldest Link felt his blood run cold.
“Sky!” he cried out in warning, garnering everyone’s attention, but the one person who needed to hear him was distracted, and the dark shadow rammed into the teenager, who stumbled right into the center platform. 
As soon as Sky fell backwards onto it, the Shadow coalesced into a figure, walking towards him slowly as the platform rose into the air.
“No!” Time yelled alongside Twilight, who tore ahead, pulling out a bizarre looking device and slamming it into some grooves in the wall. He hopped onto it, and the strange spinning top started to ascend the wall alongside a cut out path. There was the remains of a stairway jutting out in the wall, and Twilight seemed to be heading for it so he could leap off and get to the centerpiece, but skulltullas were crawling to that point as well. Time felt his heart in his throat, terrified at both what the Shadow could do to Sky and that Twilight might get injured again. He pulled out his bow and arrows to assist the rancher when a lizalfos from behind drew his attention instead. One of Wild’s bomb arrows blew by him to eliminate the skulltulla, and Twilight yelped, leaping off the spinner just as the arrows killed the skulltulla… and the platform Twilight had been heading for.
Time turned to yell at Wild (mainly for almost blowing Twilight up… a selfish part of Time was thankful his descendant couldn’t reach the Shadow alone now), but the champion was already watching sheepishly in realization. He held up an appeasing hand as he put his bomb arrows away.
“We have to find a way to get up there,” Time said loudly over the din as the champion examined the room. “The Shadow has Sky pinned down.”
“The Shadow?!” Wild repeated.
“Damn it, Champ!” Twilight swore uncharacteristically, face pale with worry. “Sky’s up there!”
“What?! Sky’s up there?” Four yelled as he leapt off a wall to give himself some extra speed and height, driving his blade through a moblin’s heart.
Legend rushed over, an unfamiliar cane in his hands. “Get me up there. I’ll protect him.”
“That’s just it , I can’t get up there with if Champion keeps blowing up the platforms— ”
“Solutions now, blaming later!” Warriors barked from the other side of the room.
The monsters all stopped fighting. Everyone froze in mid parry or attack, confused.
What were they…?
There was a harsh, dark laugh that echoed around the area, making everyone look up at the platform. Sky was barely visible, staring at something they couldn’t see.
“What’s happening?” Wind asked slowly.
Legend groaned. “Oh, no. He’s about to monologue, isn’t he?”
“Let him,” Warriors muttered. “It gives us time to find a way up there.”
“Not so loudly, though!” Wind hissed. “What if he can hear us?”
“There’s no way he can hear us all the way down here,” Wild pointed out.
“I can hear you,” a voice echoed down to them.
Twilight and Warriors were both eying the path that his spinner had climbed. The two slowly crept towards the wall.
Footsteps bounced around the area, building a strange dread in Time’s chest as he looked up and felt his heart stop.
His own face was looking back at him, eyes red and skin grey, as if he had been rotting away in the Water Temple for years.
The Water Temple.
This shadow… was his?!
“You…” he muttered.
His Shadow smiled. “Me? Don’t make too many assumptions yet. Now excuse me. I have someone to talk to, and your noise was far too deafening for a civil conversation.”
“Just get out of here!” Sky suddenly yelled, rushing to the edge of the platform. “I’ve got this!”
“Try anything foolish and my beasts will finish you off,” the Shadow advised before swiping at Sky with his blade, making the knight disappear as he jumped back to dodge it. Time snapped back into focus, stepping forward with alarm, as the Shadow walked away.
“So, uh… should we just kill the monsters while they’re not attacking?” Wild offered.
“That doesn’t seem right…” Hyrule noted uneasily. Lowering his tone, he said, “Besides, if he thinks we’re just stuck down here, then we can sneak up. If we attack them they’ll just start fighting back, and then it’ll take longer to get to Sky.”
“He definitely can’t hear us saying that, right?” Wind whispered.
The group waited. There was silence.
Time glanced upward. At least that meant the pair wasn’t fighting yet. He didn’t know how that shadow version of himself from decades ago had managed to grow so powerful, but…
Goddesses above. It had almost killed Twilight. It was going to kill Sky.
“Whatever we’re figuring out, we need to do so quickly,” he said softly.
Hang in there, Sky. We’re coming.
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swanky-batman · 4 months
Hey, will you be posting a new part to For Narnia??
Ask and you shall receive, no matter how delayed this may be. Sorry! ♥
For Narnia Part 10
Peter Pevensie x reader, Edmund Pevensie x reader
Picking up where Ed left in the last part and the quest continues for Y/N
**Please note since it's been a while since I've consistently written I have removed all tags except people for this storyline. If you would like to be added back to my all tags please let me know thank you!**
Beginning - Previous
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Previously you and Ed had both taken turns leading but Peter seemed to be a better rider than you both so he had you hold on, at least you were able to help with the navigation and lookout aspects.
The terrain got a bit rocky nearing the end of the day however as you were going up a bit of altitude, you had to hold on greatly to Peter and you noticed you could feel him rumbling.
"Does the High King find this amusing?" You teased and giggled back.
"Perhaps." He mumbled with a chuckle, "Are you alright Princess?"
"I'll manage," You smirked, looking around. "We may need to find somewhere to stop soon."
"Agreed, I was hoping to get to that point there." He pointed, showing a point that seemed to offer a flat surface and some rocky overhang.
"Looks alright to me." You nod as you make your way there. You find an area off the exact path that should be big enough to hide your mount and both of you.
You don't go with a fire as you are worried of bringing attention to your area so cold food it was, you both sat and ate in silence.
He watched her closely throughout the day, still in shock that he had found them.
After dinner he realized it would be cold without the fire, he almost gulped to think about sleeping this close to Y/N.
For being in her current situation she seemed calm, if pondering inner monologue, he wasn't sure what to talk about with her… the last time before he found the evidence of a traitor it took everything in him not to kiss her. And now that either of them could talk without the barrier of an arranged marriage in between them it was odd.
Her eyes danced playfully, "What are you thinking of?" 
He immediately gave a small smirk back, "Thinking of how much has changed and how much has stayed the same since the castle." 
"Oh really?" She tilted her head and her hair swept with it a bit, "How so?"
"You're still resilient, brave and badass." He smirked stating it, "And more comfortable with Ed. And for different, you look more… prepared? Calm but fierce. I am very glad we are on the same side."
She giggled and it made him soar again, "I don't know how I still deserve to have you on my side but I'm glad you are as well." She paused looking out, "How strange that I was offered into an arranged marriage and ended up making the best friends I've ever had."
Peter bit his lip thinking about the situation as well, "We are ready to support you… I am ready to support you." 
She gave a small smile, before looking back and meeting his eyes, "Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you Pevensies." She finished her meal and they both agreed to try to get an early night's rest to start early in the morning.
He lay down, his back to Y/N as they found a little divot that protected them from the icy wind that now picked up around them and tried to sleep for a while, closing his eyes but alert to every noise. A long while later he heard Y/N.
"Are you asleep, High King?" Came in a whisper.
"No." He chuckled back his response, both of them turning to lay on their backs.
"It's pretty cold tonight." She spoke, shivering slightly, "I think that mixed with no extra cover from the trees is making me nervous. How about you?" She looked over to Peter.
"It's different, haven't had to sleep outdoors for a while." Peter spoke. "We could double up on blankets if you're cold."
She paused, shivering a bit more. "Would that be okay?" He nodded and they rearranged so they had one blanket under them both and extra blankets on top. He swallowed, being around her had already made him nervous but now she was even closer and butterflies were in his stomach. She rearranged for a moment and brushed against his arm which made the butterflies even more intense.
He tried to shake away the feeling, how could she think highly of him after the jump he made at the castle. It was more than enough that she seemed cordial with him. 
"That already feels warmer, thanks." She seemed content, he could sense her near him.
"Glad to be of service, Princess." He managed to get out as he was focusing on his breathing.
"I owe you Pevensies more than ever." He could feel the smirk and playful tone in her voice.
He chuckled in response and almost jolted out of his skin as his arm was resting against the side of her arm. His heartbeat was loud and fast and he was almost worried she could hear it. "Get some rest for tonight." He whispered quietly.
"Good night High King." She whispered back.
"Good night Princess."
You woke the next morning and to your surprise Peter was already up.
"Good morning High King," you mumble, "you seem to be a much earlier bird than your brother." You state with a smile as you rub your neck.
"Good morning Princess," he smiled to you, "I think I'm just more excitable outdoors." He chuckled, "although Ed can be quite harsh in the morning."
"Really?" You smirked back, "I mean sure he's a bit of a grizzly in the morning but he tried to hide it." 
You started rolling the blankets up and Peter came over to help you, packing your bags back with everything you had.
"Onwards?" He asked as you nodded, normally you and Ed ate in the mornings but this may not be the best spot to anyways.
You both pushed on for hours, trying to scope out any spots to continue your path. At one point you both got off and started walking around an area to scope out how to cross.
A gurgle in your stomach drew Peter's attention, "Right, we should eat."
"I'm fine really, let's keep pushing." You blushed slightly since he seemed like he just wanted to get on with this travel and not stop.
"Too late, Princess." He smirked, unrolling one of the bags he got off the horse. 
You sat there while he insisted on making a meal and you both ate, mostly in silence. You did catch him looking at you a few times and on the third decided to ask.
"Did I do something to offend you?"
He frowned, shaking his head. "No, why?"
"Between the silent treatment and the staring I figured I was horribly transformed from my travels or just awful company." You wagered.
"You are neither," he assured, giving a slight smirk.
You stared, prodding him for further response.
"I-" he moved his food and looked down, "I just keep thinking about how awful I was to you."
"When?" You scoffed, confused for a second before he gave you a look. "Ah. Right. Well, I don't think you were awful. You were taking precautions with the evidence you had."
"I immediately jumped to a conclusion without letting you defend yourself. I was so thrown that it was a possibility and I let my guard down around my family and myself. I'm so sorry," He stabbed at another piece of food as he frowned.
"Hey," you slowly move your hand over his, "It's okay, really. There isn't even anything to apologize for. Please," you meet his eyes, before giving a slight smirk, "make a truce with yourself, High King."
He stares into your eyes for a moment before you both hear some movements. You both quickly cover as much of your stop as you could and ducked into the pit of a larger tree nearby and covered yourselves to try and camouflage. You hear the sounds even louder and some voices, it sounded like a party of at least half a dozen. You felt Peter's hand move slightly to clasp yours and you both breathe lightly. 
You both wait for what seems like a long enough time before slowly deciding to move. 
"We need to press on a bit more and find a safe enough spot to hunker down." Peter mentioned quietly.
"Agreed," you help pack up and you both head out again pushing hard to get further for the day. 
Once it's too dark to travel, you both stop. 
"I think we're getting close." You mention as you absently start unrolling your blankets.
"I think another good day and we'll be at the first location." Peter agreed, also unrolling his blankets.
The night passes by fairly smoothly but first thing in the morning you wake with a start as you feel rain starting. Peter wakes as well and you both rush to pack up and start on the move. It starts pouring even heavier another half an hour out and you spot a rocky overhang that should be enough room to duck under for a bit and is semi covered by foliage. 
You both strip what you can off to try and put up to dry and agree as it's fairly cold to start a small hidden fire for warmth and to try to dry.
"Of course we're delayed," Peter sighs as he leans back.
"I can't say I mind too much," you speak up, looking out, "I love when it rains."
"Do you?" He smirks over to you. "Well, what shall we do while we wait?"
"Mmmm," you think, and after a moment, "I think I have some wine in my bag somewhere from Ed. Or we can play ISpy. Or we can talk tactics or sword training." You smirk. "I'll leave it up to you."
In the end, you both found some small rocks and started going over tactics. After a while you also pop open the wine and start passing it back and forth while you discuss.
Then the drawing of the weapons, training back and forth. You had almost forgotten with everything going on how much you had learned on fighting. And that he and his brother had been the ones to teach you most of what you knew. 
He went to strike and you couldn’t help but give a slight giggle when you blocked and his eyebrow raised. 
“Very good, someone has been training.”
“Much to the dismay of your brother,” You lunge and he parries, too easily for your liking.
He strikes back and you start to buckle back to avoid the swing, falling back into the open unsheltered space and towards the mud. You hear a clang of metal drop as he reaches to try and catch you. 
You both end up falling into a particularly muddy area with a weird wet plop.
You burst out laughing, rather loud before you reel it in and realize you’re still trying to be quiet. You hear Peter start laughing from next to you and you both turn to face each other and assess the amount of mud. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t have tried that one,” He looks slightly concerned.
“Peter Pevensie, don’t you dare hold back on me!” You yell and laugh at him, he softens his look and goes back to chuckling. “I wouldn’t say no to some help getting up though, I feel fairly stuck.”
He stands after a few minutes, also fairly stuck it seems. He tries and fails to clear some of the mud from himself before offering a hand to you to help you up, a strong pull finally breaks you free and you are almost thrown into him.
His heartbeat picks up immediately as he helps steady her after pulling her up. She still has remnants of a grin on her face from the fall and she is also covered head to toe in mud as the rain is still coming down but at a slightly slower pace than when they stopped.
She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen, he admits to himself at that moment. It almost startles him, the realization of how deep he feels about her as if she had just stabbed him directly in the heart.
“Well now we have to worry about getting clean and dry.” She breaks the silent moment, teasing him directly. 
He tries to think of something witty in response, anything; but his mind is blank except the praises he has for her. His thoughts of… his eyes go to her lips and he unconsciously licks his.
A snap, out of the ordinary happens not far enough off. Panic sets into her features and his as she grabs his hand and pulls him running. 20, 30, 40 feet away from the noise and she finds a tree stump with a large hollow at the bottom and she quickly pushes him in and grabs multiple surroundings, he feels himself digging his feet into the muck to blend in.
Both of their heartbeats and breath are racing as she tucks into him, trying to lay flat. Part of her is directly on top of him and he struggles to push the feeling down as they both listen.
Hooves, and a short whistle go off back the way they came. They both hold their breath as they hear another set coming from the way they had been heading.
They both wait for a few minutes, which seem impossibly long as they hear horses neighing. Some parts of mumbling break through the otherwise quiet area.
He doesn’t know how long they lay there but at some point he realizes he is no longer waiting with bated breath for them to return. His thoughts, as if a force is guiding him, focus in on her. 
Her breathing, now calm. 
Her heartbeat, still fast and alert but not as fast as it had been.
Her left hand, tucked into his arm as she had fallen into him and grabbed his arm.
Her head, on his shoulder.
Her smell, still her. Even through the mud and very musty smell of the tree hollow.
And then another thought pops into his head, not as alarming -surprisingly- as the last. He loves her.
What to do with that thought, he was unsure but they sit here and wait and he continues to study her.
Narnia tags: *some were not able to be tagged*
@ttawny, @hopebaker, @viirgobbyy, @holybatflapexpert
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pastelsandpining · 2 years
How about: “I never meant to love you.” 😎 Congrats on your milestone! 😊
AHHHH THANK YOU!!! this was supposed to be a lot shorter than it is but uhhhhh y'know things happen
enjoy :)
huge thank you to my beta @farore-or-less <3 (sorry i made you cry into your coffee)
Masterlist | 400 Requests
a confession
The air was always crisp up in the Tabantha Frontier. It always felt like he was breathing in the cleanest, purest air, the kind that burned his lungs when he took it in. It was rare that the sky was anything but clear, which made for the perfect sight to keep him company late at night, when his mind was muddled and refused to turn off. At least he could stargaze from his hammock, or watch the soft moonlight reflect off of the horizon given his altitude. There were worse places he could be to hear the words, 
“I never meant to love you.” 
They were a whisper, carried across the little inn to him on the breeze, like she was afraid of waking him. It was a silly thought; they both knew the other was awake. 
Link turned his head, though everything in him wanted to stay still and pretend to be asleep. Such lies wouldn’t be fair to her. Zelda wasn’t in her hammock anymore. She was standing near the railings, leaning against it with her face towards the sky. 
“I’m sorry,” he told her in response, his voice just as quiet. It was all he could offer. This conversation had been a long time coming; he knew as much from their brief touches of hands and longing glances that…there was a heavy decision waiting to be made. He knew from the words of others, knew from the little memories he had, that there was a history behind Hyrule’s Princess and the knight he used to be–but where they stood now, what they meant to the other after a century of separation…
Their trip to Rito Village had been meant to clear the air between them, give them a break from their house in Hateno that had started to feel so stuffy, but Link hadn’t had the strength to tell Kass no, and so he played his Champion’s Ballad for the princess. All of it. Link had already heard it before; it was not as jarring to hear as it had been the first time around, but they hadn’t spoken much the rest of the day.
It must’ve been weighing on her mind for her to speak up.
Maybe she hadn’t expected him to answer. There was no other movement her flinch could’ve been mistaken for. Zelda did not turn to face him.
“It can’t be helped,” she replied. Even in the light of the moon, he could see that she was gripping the railing tight enough for her knuckles to lose their color. “I just… Perhaps I should’ve said this sooner, but I… I don’t expect anything of you. It’s–it’s alright if you don’t…”
Her voice broke. Link wondered if she’d made a conscious choice to stop using it, or if she’d just given up. Slowly, he sat up, his heart stuttering in his chest. Her words were true; she’d never brought it up, never hinted at it, never even tried to test him to see where she lied. He hadn’t noticed it before now; maybe it was because most of their time together felt natural enough without it.
He couldn’t help himself. Tried as he might to bite his tongue and let the conversation die, there was curiosity tugging at the strings of his heart.
“When did it change?” he asked, turning his head. “I mean, when did you know that you were in love with me?”
The words didn’t scare him as much as they had months ago, when Kass had first spouted his song on Link’s unsuspecting ears. Back then, he thought he was going to pass out. Now, he was repeating those words himself to the very person that felt it for him. For once, he didn’t even flinch.
Zelda ducked her head. He couldn’t tell if she was trembling from the chill, or if she was crying.
“There was one day,” she began, her voice wavering, “I don’t know if you remember it, but there was a day where we were traveling back from a pilgrimage to a spring. You were cooking a meal for us. Did you know that you hum when you cook? I…I thought that it was adorable. I’d never noticed it before. And I started to notice other little things, too. You don’t snore, but sometimes you murmur in your sleep. You tighten your ponytail like it’s a nervous tic, whether it’s loose or not. You used to smile to yourself when you were on your horse, when you thought no one was watching. But I didn’t know that I… that I loved you until my–um, until that morning. You brought me a piece of fruitcake before our journey to the Spring of Wisdom. I thought it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.”
She’d stopped, but he knew what she meant. Her birthday; the day of the Calamity. He could remember it clearly: he’d woken up extra early and spent it amongst the royal chefs in the kitchen. While they made breakfast, Link molded flour and sugar and fruits into a dessert fit for a princess. He’d gifted Zelda her favorite thing, and mere hours later, she’d held his bleeding body to her chest and wailed. 
“I do,” he replied. “Remember, I mean.” 
Her head moved. He thought it was a nod, but she didn’t say anything else. 
The wooden floorboards felt like ice beneath his feet. The altitude of Rito Village meant that leaving the warmth of his bed rendered him defenseless against the chill of the Hebra air. His nightshirt and trousers were not enough, but Zelda’s nightgown provided even less protection. Link gathered his blanket in his arms and crossed quietly over to her. He could see her much clearer up close; she was shivering, and when she turned to look at him, the moonlight made the tear tracks on her cheeks glisten. How long had she carried the weight of this conversation, dreading its answer? 
Slowly, he put one end of the blanket around her shoulders, being careful not to startle her, then pulled the other around his own. It didn’t compare to being cocooned in his bed, but it blocked some of the wind and that was better than nothing. He didn’t want her getting sick. The proximity made their shoulders press together; he thought he heard her suck in a ragged breath. 
“How long have you been thinking about this?” he asked. Zelda turned her face away and did not answer. He took that as ‘from day one.’
Link didn’t know much about love. There hadn’t exactly been time for something like that when he was working on a clock he couldn’t see, a time limit he didn’t understand, to keep the remnant pieces of Hyrule from shattering even further. If the beast erupted from the castle, from Zelda, he knew that there would be nothing left. Ganon would not fail this time; no hero would be enshrined and no princess would contain him. If he had to guess, though, he would say that love was something seen, and felt, and heard, and known. 
He could see it in the world around him: mothers holding their children close, villages gathering together for celebrations, people venturing around Lover’s Pond in the hopes of meeting their true love—it was everywhere. He could hear it in the shrill laughter of delighted people, in stories and songs sung of loved ones, in quiet and serene tones when a couple thought everyone else in the stable wouldn’t be able to hear them. All these things he’d never gotten to partake in himself. The closest he’d gotten was Hudson and Rondson’s wedding. 
All the while, he’d thought of Zelda. 
What would she think of this? 
Oh, I bet she would love this. 
Would she want to attend a wedding? 
She’d probably say that theory about the leviathan remains is wrong. Maybe not the location, but the story of how it’d gotten there. 
Would she want to study a beetle? Should I try bringing her one? 
She’d love to see all these Silent Princesses. I wonder if she can.
He couldn’t say with any certainty that it was love. He didn’t even know if he had the capacity to love. Link was still learning and relearning so much, and one of those things was understanding, regulating, and expressing whatever it was that he was feeling. 
But he knew, when he looked at Zelda, that he felt warmth. He felt comfort, he felt peace, and he felt an immense relief that she was here. She was real. Alive. He knew that her smile was like the sun, and that her laugh could heal anything; he knew when she was sad, he ached, and when she was content, so was he. 
Link placed his hand atop hers on the railing. Her fingers felt like icicles, so he held her a little tighter. 
“I’m still learning,” he voiced to her, “what it means to live. To… to really experience life. And I don’t really know if I ever will. But I know I’d like to learn with you, if that’s okay.”
Zelda turned to look at him, her eyes glistening with fresh tears, and there was that ache in his chest. He thought about cupping her face, wiping her tears, but she’d broken before he could. A sob wrenched from her lips, her face buried in his chest, and he hugged her just as he had the day he’d gotten her back: tight, close, desperation seeping through his attempts to keep the pieces of her, of them, together. 
“Of course it’s okay,” she said, muffled though it was, and Link couldn’t help his laugh. 
“It will be,” he told her. “I can’t promise many things, but… but that, I can.”
Everything would be okay, so long as they were together. That was how he felt, without a shred of uncertainty. It would be okay. 
And it was.
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 years
Heart Of Glass-Rooster Bradshaw
Chapter Five.
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WC: 2,053.
C/W: Angst.
HOG Masterlist!
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The group sat in the classroom again Warlock standing at the front to deliver some news.
"The uranium enrichment plant that is your target will be operational earlier than expected. Raw uranium will be delivered to the plant in ten days time. As a result your mission has been moved up one week in order to avoid contaminating the target valley with radiation." He spoke. Phoenix and Storm shared a concerning look there was no way they could be ready by then they didn't even have the path and terrain figured out. Storm sighed and turned looking at Rooster.
"Sir, no one here has successfully flown a low-level course." Coyote spoke up.
"Neverthe less, you've been ordered to move on. Captain." Warlock nodded and walked back to the side letting Maverick walk to the front.
Storm sighed and crossed her arms, there was no way her father was going to let her fly this mission and she didn't want that to be true. Because he wanted to protect her but yet it was holding back Phoenix and Storm.
"We have one week left to focus on phase two. It's the most difficult stage of the mission. It's a pop-up strike with a steep dive requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles." Mav held up two fingers and Phoenix and Storm shared another look both of their eyebrows furrowed as everyone wondered how this was going to be possible.
"Two pairs of F-18s will fly in a welded wing formation. Team work, precise coordination of these aircraft is essential to both the missions success and your survival. As you know the plant rests between two mountains. On first approach you'll invert directly into a steep dive. This allows you to maintain the lowest possible altitude and the only possible attack angle. Your target is an impact angle point less than meters wide." Mav went on about this damn near impossible mission.
All of the pilots sharing worried glances with each other, who would be the ones who were able to fly this?
"Egress is a steep high-G climb out to avoid hitting this mountain." Mav clasped his hands together.
"A steep climb at that speed you're pulling at least eight G's," Storm spoke up looking at her father.
"Nine. Minimum." Mav corrected her.
"The stress limit of the F-18's airframe is 7.5." Rooster looked up at him.
"That's the accepted limit, to survive this mission you'll pull beyond that. Even if it means bending our airframe. You'll be pulling so hard you'll weigh close to 2,000 pounds. Your skull crushing your spine your lungs imploding like an elephant sitting on your chest. Fighting with everything you have just to keep from blacking out. And this is where you'll be at your most vulnerable. This is coffin corner." Mav pointed as he began going on.
Storm sighed as she bit at her knuckle a thing she did when she was nervous.
They were going to fly a model track of it after and she was scared and excited. She needed to prove herself. The plain idea of even dog fighting with SAMs seemed impossible and terrifying.
Once Mav finished Phoenix opened up.
"Sir is this even achievable?" She raised her eyebrows.
"The answer to that question will come down to the pilot in the box." Mav looked over the class of pilots. All of them turning heads and glancing at others.
    Finally they were up in the air practicing, "Talk to me Storm?" Phoenix called into the radio.
"We are 12 seconds late on target. We gotta move!" Storm replied looking at the radars and around.
"Copy! Try to stay with me!" Coyote responded.
"Huh? Wait who's that?" Storm looked at the radar as another air craft came into view.
"Blue team you've been spotted," Mav came over flying above them.
"Shit it's Maverick." Coyote sighed.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Storm raged.
"I'm a bandit on course to intercept. Blue team what are you gonna do?" Mav came into the radio.
"He's 20 miles left. Ten o'clock. 700 knots closer." Storm watched him.
"Your call. What do you wanna do?" Coyote asked Phoenix.
"Continue. We're close stay on target!" She responded.
"He’s swinging around to the north.” Storm called into the radio.
“Stand by for pop up,” Coyote called.
“Be ready on that laser, Storm.” Phoenix glanced back at her.
“Copy. I’m on it.” Storm looked down at her laser joystick pressing it.
“Blue team, bandit is still closing.” Mav flew above them.
“Popping now!” Coyote yelled pulling up.
“Talk to me Storm where’s Maverick?” Coyote asked.
“He’s five miles out. He’s coming fast.” Storm watched the radar. Storm grunted at the pressure filling her as the G’s overtook.
“Targets in sight.”
“Where’s my laser Storm?” Coyote asked a little harshly.
“Deadeye! Deadeye! It’s not good. Sorry I cant get a lock.” Storm responded.
“We’re out of time I’m dropping blind.” Coyote responded. He dropped and instantly missed it.
“Damn it,” Coyote grunted. The G force now really taking over the three as the exited the practice mountain.
“That’s tone.” Mav got a missile lock.
“Mavericks got a missile lock on us.” Storm sighed.
“Shit! We’re dead.” Phoenix groaned pulling away from the imaginary climb.
“Blue team that’s a fail.” Mav called, “Level out Coyote.”
“Coyote do you copy?” Mav called again into the radio.
“Coyote come in?” Storm called into the radio a sense of panic washing over her as his plane started making weird movements seemingly no control.
“Coyote. Level wings!” Mav yelled, “Oh god. He’s in G-LOC.”
“Coyote!” Storm called again. Phoenix glanced out the canopy as it happened.
“He’s gonna burn in!” Phoenix yelled.
“I’m going after him,” Mav pulled down, “Come on. Give me tone, give me tone, give me tone. Snap out of it Coyote come on!”
“Coyote come on!” Storm yelled as her heart began to beat faster heat washing over her face. She wasn’t very close with him but she had gotten to know him. Coyote snapped out of it last minute pulling up coming out of the canyon.
Relief washing over everyone.
“Coyote are you okay?” Storm and Phoenix asked at the same time.
“Are you okay?” Mav asked.
“I’m okay. I’m good.” Coyote took some deep breathes.
“Good. Good. That’s enough for today.” Mav sighed.
“That was close,” Phoenix came up next to Mav.
“Too close,” he responded. A bird hit Mavs windshield flying back.
“Bird strike! Bird strike!” Mav called panicked once again. It hit one of Phoenix and Storms jet engine a whole new thing flooding over everyone.
“Bird strike!” Phoenix yelled as they got a fire warning on the jet.
“Phoenix,” Storm called her voice full of worry, “Left engines on fire!”
“Climbing!” Phoenix pulled up trying to get the fire to go out.
Mav felt the pain and scarcity wash over him. Not this.
He couldn’t lose his own daughter the way he lost his best friend.
Bradley couldn’t lose her. What would he do without her.
“Throttling back. Shutting off fuel to left engine. Extinguishing fire.” Phoenix called as she did the tasks they were taught.
Mav watched panicking. No. No. No.
“Right engine is out!” Storm yelled.
“It’s still spinning! Trying to restart it!” Phoenix responded.
“Phoenix and Storm it’s on fire! Don’t start-“ Mav yelled.
“Throttling!” Phoenix called.
“Oh my god.” Mav panicked. No. No. No. this couldn’t this couldn’t be happening again. Not to Mazy. He needed her, Bradley needed her. She was the only family both of them had.
“We’re on fire! We’re on fire Damn it!” Storm screamed panicking lacing her voice as they began spinning down.
“Extinguishing right engine!” Phoenix yelled.
“Phoenix! Mazy you need to punch out! Punch out!” Mav yelled. He didn’t want to use her name while flying but he was not just their instructor he was Mazy’s father.
“Warning lights everywhere! Hydraulic failure!” Storm shouted. Her eyes wide her face washed over red. This couldn’t be how it ended. He had heard about the stories of her father and Goose. She couldn’t leave Bradley not like this.
“Flight controls! I cant control it!” Phoenix panicked.
“We’re going down Phoenix! We’re going in! Tell Rooster I love him!” Storm screamed panic flushing every single part of her body. Her heart ached, fuck her whole body ached as she felt tears pricking her eyes.
“You can’t save it! Eject! Eject!” Mav yelled.
“Eject! Eject!” Phoenix screamed as both her and Mazy pulled the levers ejecting themselves. Their plane burning into the side of a canyon exploding.
Bradley sat in a conference room alone. Silent.
He watched it all happen listened to it on the radio he couldn’t do anything about it. Once Phoenix and Mazy were brought into the bases hospital he couldn’t see her because he wasn’t technically family. A simple, “I’m really sorry sir you can’t go see her.”
Mav said she was going to be okay but they were keeping them both overnight. Bradley didn’t know who to be mad at. Mazy? Maverick? Himself?
He bit his lip as he kept a tight grip on his own hands. He stared down at the simple silver band he wore. It was a small gift Mazy had gotten him on their one year anniversary. Something for them to have when either one was deployed to know that they were with them even if it wasn’t physically.
He couldn’t go home.
He couldn’t go home to an empty house without the light and love of his life.
Mazy lit up the darkest of rooms for him always.
Every night of mourning. Every night of PTSD. They were there for each other. Now Bradley was alone. She wasn’t gone but they couldn’t be together on possibly the hardest moment of their lives.
The door opened and Maverick walked in taking a few steps towards him.
“Like I said they’re keeping Phoenix and Mazy overnight for observation but they’re going to be okay. I promise you that. Mazy said she wants you to not worry about her. I know that’s damn near impossible but she doesn’t want you worrying. She wants you to go home and sleep.” Mav rambled.
“That’s good. I’ve never lost a wingman. I couldn’t imagine losing her.” Bradley sighed looking down at his hands again before running them across his face, “I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
“You’re lucky. We both are. I don’t know I could never forgive myself. I want to blame myself for this but I know there’s no holding Mazy back.” Mav sighed, “If you fly long enough though it will happen.”
“Easy for you to say.” Bradley responded, “No wife, you neglect Mazy. Nobody to mourn you when you burn in.” Bradley let the harsh words flow.
“I know I wasn’t always a good father for Mazy. Bradley go home.” Mav sighed, Mav knew growing up he neglected her but he did love Mazy. He loved her so much that he couldn’t bare to look at her when he left for missions incase he didn’t come back, “You need to get some sleep you can see Mazy in the morning.”
“Why’d you pull my papers at the academy?” Bradley yelled at Mav as he was leaving, “Why did you stand in my way?”
“You weren’t ready.” Mav shook his head.
“Ready for what?” Bradley charged at him, “Huh! Ready to fly like you?”
“Ready to forget the book. Trust your instinct don’t think just do. Mazy knew how to do that you didn’t.” Mav turned stepping up to Bradley, “You think up there. You’re dead. Believe me.”
“My dad believed in you,” Rooster said above a whisper, “I’m not gonna make the same mistake.”
“Maverick.” Warlock stepped in to get the other man.
“Just go home Bradley I’ll tell them to let you go see her in the morning.” Mav turned on his heals and followed Warlock out.
Bradley stood there dumbfounded. He had just been compared to his fiancé. He had just been told the truths of his life. He just wanted to hold Mazy. Run his fingers through her soft brown hair, gaze into her green eyes.
He needed her he couldn’t just go home in a mental state like this.
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coneheda · 2 years
84 and 89 I want some angst
84 & 89"Im dying" and "I'm not leaving you"
You're falling.
Faster and closer to the ground than you should be.
You weren't at the proper altitude when you bailed. 
Not that you had much of a choice. 
The plane shrapnel took out your parachute before you even realized it had exploded.
You're high enough the reserve chute should slow you enough so impact doesn't kill you.
You hope.
You try to locate Lexa but can’t see her. She must be above you.
At least you hope that's why you can't see her.
There's no clear patch to land, all you can see are trees below you so you know it's going to be rough but knowing something and experiencing it can be two drastically- painfully- different things.
You squeeze your eyes shut, knowing you have no control over your descent and you'd really like to be able to see out of both of them if you make it to the ground and honestly if you're going to die, you'd rather not watch it happen. 
The canopy branches sting, slicing through your skin as you whip past them. You're jerked backwards as your chute tangles in the underlayer. The cords dangle you there while you catch your breath and your stomach removes itself from your throat. You can feel blood dripping over your left eye and swipe at it before opening them. Thankfully they still work. Looking down you're about 15 meters from the ground with no branches to reach for.
You still can't see or hear Lexa. 
You try to swing toward the nearest tree but can't get enough momentum. Letting out a heavy sigh, you know your only option if you don’t want to dangle there until the crows feed on you is to release your chute and fall, praying to whatever higher beings are out there that you're able to move once you get there. That or you die on impact. 
You count to three, then ten before pulling the tab. And now you're falling again with nothing to stop you.
The trees play pinball with your body and honestly you just want one of them to hit you in the head so you don't have to be conscious for this anymore. Your abdomen slams into a tree limb and then there's 4 blissful seconds of nothing before your body thumps into solid dirt. Your wrist is definitely broken. Your ribs feel like they are. Well everything does, but you can still move which is good and you know feeling pain is better than not when it comes to injuries or at least that's what you remember hearing your mom say once.
You wince as you stand. Leaning on a tree as your body tries to orient itself. Once the trees have stopped spinning and multiplying you start searching for Lexa. Calling her name as you stumble through the forest youre losing hope as the tenth one goes unanswered. 
You won’t stop until you know one way or the other. You have to know. So the calls continue. Until finally you hear something. A pained gasp of your name, followed by a stronger shout.
You try your best to control your face when you manage to get to Lexa, kneeling on the ground next to her. You're thankful you skipped breakfast since you get airsick, because if you didn't lose it in the flight you certainly would have now. There's a reason you didn't become a surgeon. Sure you like helping people and want to make them feel better, but you're not a fan of blood and seeing someone's bone sticking out of them is as nauseating as it is haunting. And bloody. So so bloody.
Her chute- the shreds that remain- is still attached to her pack and dangles on a branch above her. She has multiple abrasions visible on exposed skin and thin red lines seeping through her clothes. Above the waist she looks relatively fine and then your eyes settle on the large shard of bone jutting out from her thigh and the unnatural twist of her ankle. If you didn't think you wouldn’t wake up after, you'd faint. 
You know that if you think too long about the situation you'll spiral.
There's no time for that now. If you make it out of this alive you'll allow yourself to go into shock and cry for as long as you want. Until then you need a plan. So you put your feelings in a box and bury it as deep in your subconscious as it'll go and start compartmentalizing.
Step one. Stop or limit Lexas bleeding.
You know if you try to set the bone you could make matters infinitely worse but if she bleeds out before you can get her a doctor… you'd rather not think about that.
Step two. Find a doctor
You know you're nowhere near your destination but you remember seeing a building and a few tents right before everything literally went up in smoke. It's the best chance you have, probably the only one which leads to the next problem to solve.
Step three. Get Lexa to said doctor.
There's no way she's going to be able to walk even with assistance. Plus if she exerts energy that'll increase blood flow and with a gaping hole in her leg, well that wouldn't be the ideal scenario. Based on the blood smeared on the ground, she’s already tried to move herself.
A hand on your cheek and your name being called pulls you out of your head. The look of concern on Lexa’s face tells you she called it more than once. You don’t allow yourself time to relish the touch, standing up to survey your surroundings.
“I need you to stay still while I try to find something to wrap and stabilize your leg.” With nothing sterile to use as gauze or a tourniquet you're already at a loss for step one, but there has to be vines around here you can use or plants you can blend to make a rough poultice.
“Can't you just use one of our jackets and some sticks?” Lexa says through gritted teeth, propping herself up on her elbows..
“Sticks yes, jackets no. They're covered in dirt and blood and you'll get an infection and be dead by morning.” If she makes it that long, you think darkly.
You look around helplessly, before examining her again.
“Did you pull your reserve?”
You crouch behind her opening the pack. “It's not the best material but it's the cleanest we have and I can also use that to transport you.” You say, mind moving a mile a minute as you go through everything you need to do to get Lexa mobile.
“There's no way you're dragging me through the woods on a parachute”
“Do you have a better idea because the way I see it we're stuck here. In some foreign jungle and i can see your fucking femur. You're bleeding out and unless you think someone is magically going to appear to rescue us we have to do it ourselves and since you can't walk I have to do it and I'm not leaving you here to be food for the bears or tigers or whatever the hell animals they have here. I’m not. Okay?”
Lexa stares at you for a second and as stubborn as you usually are you can't bear to hold eye contact. 
“Okay” Lexa relents.
“Okay" you nod, swallowing the knot in your throat. "Okay let's get you out of that harness."
You opt for cutting it off instead of attempting to get it down her legs. The reserve chute is thankfully intact and free of any obvious dirt. It's the best you have and honestly as much as you don't want to admit it Lexa is looking paler than she was when you found her. You need to hurry.
“We flew over an encampment before we bailed due south west I think, we should head that direction.” You say as you secure the sticks to both sides of her leg, trying to ignore the hisses and groans of pain coming from your patient. It’s a shoddy job, but it’s better than nothing and hopefully enough to get her to help.
“You want to go toward the people that shot at us?” Lexa asks incredulously, but still obliges you by situating herself onto the remainder of the chute. Not without an audible whimper of pain.
“We don't know someone shot at us, something could have malfunctioned in the plane" you say but she still looks dubious "look it's the closest possible chance at help we have to us so we either go there and hope they don’t kill us or we stay here wandering around these godforsaken woods until we’re eaten or we die."
“What would eat us?”
“Hell if I know! You’d seriously pick that over a chance at survival?”
“If it was quick. I’d rather that than at the hands of the enemy. We know nothing, you and I both know that, but they don't. Who knows what they would do to us there. Would that truly be better?”
“Keep talking like that and I’ll kill you myself. Unfortunately for you, you don’t have much say in the matter because I’m the one dragging your useless ass through these woods and I say we’re going to take our chance with the camp.”
“I’m not useless.” 
“That’s what you take away from that?” you huff. You clip the chute to your harness and try to move. 
“You should just leave me here, you’d make it farther on your own”
“Im not leaving you!” You say, trying again.
It’s harder than you thought. Your body is so exhausted it can barely maintain enough energy to keep you moving let alone the weight of another body, but you push through. Summoning any ounce of adrenaline your body can muster.
It works. For a little while anyway.
You walk at a snail's pace, ignoring your pain and the pained noises coming from behind you. It doesn’t help your cause to dwell on it, to let it take over you, to think about the possible damage all the bumps from root and rocks are having on Lexa’s leg. Or what happens if this isn’t enough, if you can’t get the two of you to safety or you get there and it doesn’t matter. If Lexa- no, you shake your head, blinking back the traitorous tears that threaten to fall. That won’t happen. It can’t. You didn’t go through all that heartbreak years ago to have it happen again only this time there wouldn’t be a second chance. You don’t think you’d survive it. Losing her again.
A raised root catches your foot and you stumble forward. Taking a second to catch your breath you look around, hoping to see some sign that you're close or that someone is out there coming for you. But you're not and there isn’t. 
You brace yourself ready to keep going, but your body protests catching up to the toils it’s been put through. You’ve lost your momentum and try as you might, you can't get your legs to move anymore.
You don’t recognize the anguished cry that leaves your lips as your own. Collapsing on the ground next to Lexa, your chest heaves as your breathing regulates. Everything hurts. You failed and now you're going to die here.
You're both going to die in these woods and neither of you should even be here. You should be sitting on opposite ends of a couch, legs entwined together reading research articles and gossip columns, trading tired smiles and brief kisses on the nearest patch of exposed skin, but circumstances didn’t allow for that. Drove you apart. Led you both to take an opportunity you never would have thought to before. At least in your case. You’re not really sure what went through Lexa’s mind, she never gave you an explanation, at least a decent one.
You decide to start a fire. If you’re going to die you’d rather be warm. Plus it might ward off unwanted creatures, maybe even attract help. Maybe you should have thought of that sooner, but shouldn’t a plane falling out of the sky be enough to send someone?
“We need a fire to stay warm until someone comes for us.” You say and when you look at Lexa all you see is understanding and acceptance. She knows you’re going to die here too. God she's so pale, too pale, but still beautiful. You swallow down the lump in your throat. “The ground’s wet so I doubt it will be easy but-” 
"Right shin pocket.” Lexa says
“I have something we can use as kindling, in the shin pocket of my right leg.”
You pull the zipper, careful not to jostle her leg and pull out - “A tampon?”
“Great kindling.” Lexa nods “Starters in the left knee"
“Thank God for cargo pants" You shake your head fondly.
“They're practical" Lexa says with a hint of a smile
“You always were the practical one.” You mutter as you start gathering twigs and a few drier limbs you’re able to break down.
“It's not a bad thing! Look how well it turned out for us this time.” You try to joke. It falls flatter than you did. 
“Got any food stashed in there?” You ask before you have the conversation you’ve been wanting to have for years, but honestly what does it matter now?
She sighs. “Some almonds and a likely squashed granola bar.”
“A five course meal” It’s better than nothing. You’re a botanist, you know there are edible plants around you, but just because they’re edible doesn’t mean they taste good. If it comes down to it, you know starvation won’t be the cause of your death, but you don’t think you’ll have enough time to find out.
You prop Lexa against a tree as you assemble a small fire. The tampon works well, not that you doubted Lexa and soon enough it’s hot enough to catch the dampened wood.
Once you’re confident it will stay lit, you settle next to her against the trunk, your body sagging in relief. You should probably eat something to abate the dizzy feeling that’s taken over you.
As if reading your mind, Lexa holds out her hand filled with granola pieces. You thank her even though you’re not hungry and ignore the twist in your gut at how cold her hand is, knowing it’s not something you or the fire can fix.
“Well, it’s not how I thought I’d go but you can’t beat the view.” You try to joke and you think Lexa laughs.
“Can’t beat the company either” Lexa whispers. Maybe it’s all the voice she can manage, but it sounds like it means more. Everything that was never said. Apologies for what was and will never be.
“Do you remember when we went to the coast?” You ask, mostly to keep her alert, but also because you’re feeling sentimental.
“How could I forget?”
“Everything that could go wrong did and we spent the weekend laid up in bed for all the wrong reasons.” You laugh. You had never been so red before in your life and she was in jellyfish burns and sand flea bites. The carry out you ordered gave you both food poisoning and when you were both feeling better it was a monsoon outside your hotel room. “But I still would do it all over again because in between sprints to the bathroom and reapplications of solarcaine, it was just us and whatever shitty movie was on the TV that we would mute and come up with our own dialogue and those are some of my best memories.”
“Me too.” Lexa sighs, she sounds tired. You know if she wasn’t she wouldn’t agree with you. “I wish we could go back.” You think she means more than just back to that memory.
“Maybe one day.” You say softly.
“I’m dying.” she says it so matter a factly your body gets caught between a laugh and a cry, an ungodly sound coming out of your mouth
“Don’t say that, everything is going to be fine.”
“Okay, then I’m tired.”
“I know, but you can’t fall asleep okay?” You warn.
“You too.” She mutters and it already sounds like the fog is overtaking her. She never was good at keeping promises.
“Mhmm” Then again neither were you. You rest your head on her shoulder and let the sounds of the forest lull you away.
Just as the blackness overtakes you, you swear you hear footsteps.
Harsh light greets you when you open your eyes and you quickly close them. For some reason that hurts, since when does blinking hurt?
You try again, only opening them part way to take in your surroundings. White walls surround you, giving no hint as to where you are. To what happened to you. What happened to you?
Everything hurts. You can’t move. When you try, it’s like you’re willing someone else's body and it just lays there, mocking you.
A groan escapes your lips and it must have been louder than you thought because a door opens in response or maybe it was just coincidence.
It must have been a coincidence because the face that greets you looks surprised at your consciousness and quickly exits the room.
They come back a minute later with someone else and they poke and prod at you, run something sharp up one of your feet, but not the other. At least you hope they didn’t because you can’t feel it. You can see your leg under the sheet but it feels weird, wrong. You can hear them talking, asking questions, but your brain can’t focus enough to understand any of their words let alone formulate your own.
You feel a pinch and then drift back to nothingness.
The next time you wake you’re more alert. Aware that you’re hooked up to machines, laying in a makeshift ‘hospital’ bed. Someone is standing next to you replacing an IV bag. You try to say something but your throat is dry and your brain and mouth feel like they've been disconnected.
The person notices your struggles and holds a cup to your lips, telling you to take it slow. It feels like you haven’t taken a drink in years and you have to stop yourself from downing it all in one go.
“There you go, easy does it. We only took the tube out yesterday.” The person says and you make a noise of acknowledgement not taking your lips away from the cup.
“Where am I?” You ask when you finally gather your voice.
“A liminal zone, you’re safe here.” 
“What happened?”
“I don’t know the whole story, but you survived the downing of your plane. Barely, if we hadn’t found the two of you when we did I don’t know if I’d be talkin to you right now.”
“The two-” Everything comes back to you at that moment and your eyes shoot around the room looking for someone you know isn’t there. “Where is she?” You ask in a panic. She has to be okay. You have so much to tell her, she needs to be okay. She needs to be okay.
“Hey now, take it easy.” The person- doctor?- says placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“Where is she?” You ask again when your breathing evens out. You need to see her.
“She had internal bleeding in her abdomen, lot of damage from the fall, the docs did everything they could.” The tone is gentle like that somehow softens the words being spoken to you. She can’t be dead, you were going to make everything right.
“I need to see her.” You choke out and register a sigh, but you’re wheeled out of your room down the hall and into another. You don’t stop the tears from flowing when you see her. Pale and immobile. She’s always been pale, but you have never known her to stay still even when sleeping. You lost count of how many times you were woken up by an elbow to the face or a foot in your back. You tried to pretend you slept better without it when you left. You didn’t.
“Seems like she made her body do things they’re not meant to in that condition, used more energy than what she should have been able to.”
“She’s never been one to follow rules” They push you next to her and you reach out to grab her hand. Part of you breaks when she doesn’t squeeze back. “She saved my life.” You stroke your thumb along the back of her hand, your chest is tight. This isn’t right. You should be the one in that bed. She wouldn’t want you to think like that, but it’s true. If she had paid attention to her own injuries instead of tending to yours. If she hadn’t had to drag you through the woods. If she wasn’t so stubborn and caring and wonderfully her, if she was a little less selfless she would be awake, alive, and you… you wouldn’t be. You owe her everything and that was true before you fell out of the sky.
“You are going to be okay, do you hear me? Are you really going to let some silly little plane crash be the way you go? Let some dumb god you don’t believe in decide your fate?” You choke out a laugh, because you have to. You know she would hate you saying that, the idea of it all. You reach higher, stroking your fingers along her cheek, back through her blonde hair. “I’m sorry. I know you don’t want me to say it, especially like this, but I’m so so sorry. For putting what I thought was duty first, for thinking I couldn’t have both, for walking away without talking to you first, for breaking your heart. I don’t know why you didn’t just let me die. I wish you had.” 
You bring her hand into your lap, playing with her fingers like you used to do anytime you watched a movie together. “I don’t think I can live without you. I barely did before, pushing myself from one project to another, but even then I knew you were out there. Living, breathing, hopefully happy. Even if I wasn’t the one making you happy.” You sigh, kissing her palm. “But if there’s even a chance I can do that again, that we can be together, I promise I won’t make the same mistake again. We can run away, go live in that tiny house in the mountains you always talked about, see more of the world, by car. You can pick the music and I will cook every single meal and do the dishes. You just have to live okay? I need you to live. Maybe that’s selfish of me, but I love you Clarke and I- I need you.”
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warriorofdragons · 2 years
Have Chronal Accelerator Will Travel Chapter 1: Back in Blackwatch
Word Count: 11.5k
Warnings: Language, Some slight Suggestive themes.
Summary: Overwatch sends two teams of two to travel back in time on retrieval missions: one is sent to acquire a blueprint, and the other is sent to acquire military weaponry, combined these assets will help them put a stop to a destructive plot Talon intends to set loose upon the world.
Notes: Timeline: Present 7 years from current lore. Past: Precedes Retribution mission, by at least a month or two.
Abbreviations: Class C=Communications, ES=Encrypted Storage.
Your husband Cole kisses your forehead, “Be safe, Honeysuckle.” “You too,” you whisper before wrapping your arms around him. The two of you hold one another for a long moment, until eventually Lena clears her throat, “Well, we best get a move on then.” You both pull apart to look back at her and then you glance up at Cole. Cole places his hands on your arms, “Hey, we’ll be back together in no time.” You give him a half-smile, “Yeah.” You then stare into his eyes for another moment before your eyes drop to his lips and you place your hands on his cheeks and lean forward and kiss him. Cole desperately returns the kiss before the two of you break away from each other again. And as you step away from one another, Cole’s right hand trails down your arm to your hand and he grasps it until your fingertips leave his finally. Cole then heads to his own plane with Lena in tow, and you head to yours with Mei. You seat yourself in the pilot’s chair and fasten your seatbelt, and you wait for Mei to settle herself in the chair beside you before you close the ramp door. Then you start flipping switches to turn on the engine and prepare for takeoff. Nearby, Lena is preparing her own plane as you hear her engine roar to life. “Everyone strapped in and ready for takeoff?” Lena asks cheerfully over the radio. “Yep,” you answer. “Uh huh,” Mei says beside you holding tightly onto her tank. “Chronal Accelerators working?” Lena asks. You glance down at the device on your chest that is currently emitting a quiet hum before zipping up your jacket, “Yes.” “Definitely,” Cole says. You look across at Lena’s plane and see your husband seated next to her. “Everything seems in order,” Mei says. “Then we are ready for takeoff,” Lena announces. “Runways all clear, Lena,” Winston says into your earpieces. Lena maneuvers her plane out in front of you and down the runway first, since her and Cole have to travel back further than you and Mei, they need a head start. Once her plane is lined up on the runway with the only exit from the mountainous base she guns the engine and speeds down the corridor of the hanger. The wheels of the plane just start to lift up as she coasts out into open air and you watch the plane drop out of sight. It’s another moment or two of watching before her plane comes back into view in the opening of the mountain, as she gains altitude. “Lena, don’t forget to-“ Winston begins. “I know, I know ya silly goose, I’m calibrating the teleportation matrix now,” Lena interrupts, “Don’t worry, Winston, everything will be fine, you and the team did a great job with the calculations everything’s going to be fine…” she trails off in her usual chipper tone. You and Mei glance at one another and smile. Going back into the past is no easy feat and a part of you was still surprised Lena had agreed to come along on this mission. But you suppose an ace like her couldn’t leave this to anyone less skilled at flying these planes. “Calibrations complete, New Mexico here we come!” Lena shouts. It takes her another couple minutes to get up to speed before she activates the teleportation matrix and then… “Making the jump in three…two…-“ Lena says before a crackle of static from her comms being out of range is the only sound left in your ears. There’s a moment of silence as you inhale deeply. “Alright, Slipstream Three, you’re cleared for takeoff,” Winston says. You position your plane onto the runway next. “Alright, Snowball, it’s time to deactivate for a little while,” Mei says. Snowball emits a few sad, low beeps, but nonetheless locks themself into their port. “It’s only for a little while,” Mei promises her small, mechanical friend. “Hold on tight,” you tell Mei. She nods and clutches Snowball’s battery to herself as Snowball switches themself off. You gun the plane forward and hurtle down the ever decreasing runway, just as Lena had. The wheels of the plane come off the paving beneath you as the plane lunges forth into open air. Bright light fills your vision and you adjust the plane wings to generate more lift, and you soar out away from the mountain before you slowly start to climb back up through the air. Once you’ve reached the appropriate altitude you begin your own calibrations as Winston’s voice once again comes over the radio, “How are things, Slipstream Three?” “Going smoothly so far,” you say, “The gravitational field is online.” “Good, good,” Winston murmurs. You know Winston is nervous to send his friends off into the past knowing very well what might happen, and to be honest you’re nervous yourself. But you trust Winston has done his best to ensure your’s, and your team’s, and…your husband’s safe return. And that’s all anyone can ever hope for really. “You and Dr. De Kuiper have done a great job recreating and improving upon the original Slipstream’s design, I trust that the two of you will get us there and back home safely,” you say. Winston’s quiet for a moment, “Good luck out there, Overwatch.” “We’ll see you soon, Winston,” Mei says. Winston chuckles lightly, “I’m holding you to that.” You prime the teleportation matrix and then bring the plane up to speed, “Preparing to jump in three…two…one……” You’re met with a huge concussive force as you punch through time and space and alarms start blaring in your ears. Quickly, you adjust the gravitational field surrounding the plane and the levels start to dip back into the green. The plane continues to rumble around you, but you can’t inspect much of the outside what with all the light from the energy currently surrounding the three of you. You hold the plane steady as you fight against the current trying to sweep you along and then you’re hit with another wave of force and then the energy surrounding you dissipates as you soar into a cloud. It seems you’ve come out the other side and you take a deep breath to steady your nerves, it’s time to see if it worked or not. You flip through the radio channels to the one Jack gave you and chatter from the nearby mountain base fills your headset. But it’s not from your team, no the voices you hear are unfamiliar to you, and you smile and glance at Mei, who smiles back at you hearing the same thing.
You circle the plane back around and decrease your altitude so you can land, “Mayday, mayday, requesting emergency landing!” you radio the base. You receive an immediate response, “What’s your cosign?” You give them the cosign of one of the planes you and Ana had managed to find in the old flight records, “I need to make an emergency landing!” you insist. “You’re weren’t due for another hour, what’s your emergency?” the voice asks over the radio. “Got a damaged engine, took unexpected enemy fire and I need to land ASAP, would you rather I do it in the Atlantic?!” you argue in an irritated tone. There’s a brief pause and then you’re being directed to one of the open lanes. You carefully fly the plane, making sure to shut off the gravitational field completely, before nearing the opening in the mountainside. It’s a tricky maneuver landing inside a mountain and only the best pilots can land here. The wheels of the plane touch down on the ramp that extends to just beyond the opening of the mountain base and then you begin to rapidly decrease your speed as the wings of the plane flare. You smoothly maneuver the plane once you’ve slowed down into the open bay they’ve cleared for you. As you cut off the engine and people start to approach, you notice that they’ve already realized you’re not the plane you’ve claimed to be, judging by the armed guards headed your way. You’re engine also isn’t damaged and you’d like to keep it that way, so you unfasten your seatbelt and remove your headset. “They might separate us, keep calm and remember to ask for either Commander Morrison or Blackwatch Commander Reyes,” you tell Mei. Mei nods as she unfastens her seatbelt and grabs her gear, “Alright.” You both get out of your seats and head down the ramp at the back of the plane to meet the armed agents outside. The Overwatch agents approach you cautiously and then restrain the two of you and confiscate your weapons and gear. Mei looks a little sad as they also unknowingly take Snowball with them. “Everything will be alright, Mei,” you whisper to her. “Hey! Keep quiet!” an agent yells at you. “No,” you state, “We’re here to speak with Commanders Morrison and Reyes.” “Yeah, riggghtt,” the agent says, “The two of you are going straight to a holding cell.” “I think Commander Reyes would be pretty angry if he found out you didn’t tell him we were here,” Mei says. “Is that so?” the agent replies in feigned interest. “The Commander doesn’t have time for the likes of you,” another agent says. “I don’t know…my friend here’s right, he would be mad if he found out something interesting was happening that he didn’t know about, in his own base no less. And I’d hate to think what he’d do to the person or persons who didn’t inform the Black Ops Commander of strange goings on,” you persuade. The agent glances to the other one and you can see them weighing their options. The two of you are then pulled along with them as the agents escort you to an interrogation room as opposed to a holding cell. They sit you and Mei down in the chairs in front of a table and handcuff you to it, and then one of them tries to remove Mei’s Chronal Accelerator he just now notices under her jacket. She tries to resist, but her hands are adhered to the table now. “Hey! Leave her alone! You take that off and she’ll die!!” you shout. “What the fuck are you talking about?!” the agent argues. “Ever heard of Lena Oxton?” you ask. “NO,” the agent protests. “Well, Lena Oxton, current Overwatch agent, previous RAF pilot got into an accident where she phases in and out of reality, take that off and we’re all gonna be sorry for it,” you threaten. The agent shoots a weird look down at Mei, but lets go of her. “Why do you think we want to see Reyes?” Mei adds. “Whatever,” the agent says shaking their head. “Let’s just go,” the other agent says, “The higher ups can deal with this.” Both agents leave the room finally and lock the door behind them. You glance back over to Mei, “You alright?” “Yeah, those two are assholes,” Mei says. You chuckle, “Yeah.” “Do you think Lena and Cole made it alright?” Mei asks. “Yeah, I mean if we did they had to of,” you say. You turn to stare across the room at the large glass pane, which you’re certain is a two-way mirror, as your thoughts turn to your husband. “So this is what it used to look like?” Mei muses, “I’m not impressed.” You laugh a little, “At least it’s not a decrepit concrete building.” “True,” Mei says laughing. You end up waiting for a little while in relative silence with the combined hum of the lights above you and your Chronal Accelerators, and the occasional footsteps heard from the hallway outside. Mei even starts making up a tune that she hums under her breath to the sound of both of them, when finally the door opens.
You both turn to look as none other Gabriel Reyes and Jack Morrison walk in, apparently your little stunt Had been enough to attract both of their attentions, just like Jack had said. Reyes’ eyes scan the two of you while Jack is busy studying a tablet in his hands, no doubt with a report written on the two of you. Reyes stops in front of the two of you and crosses his arms, and you notice his eyes find Mei’s Chronal Accelerator peeking out from underneath her heavy jacket. “Commander Morrison,” Reyes states. Jack continues to wander into the room and past Reyes as he continues to read. “Jack,” Reyes calls. “Huh?” Jack says as he looks up finally. And you can’t get over how much younger he looks, his blonde hair’s only just beginning to gray, there’s no scars on his face…although there are deep, dark bags under his eyes. You have no idea how much coffee he’s running on, but the lingering smell of it on his clothes, would suggest a lot. Jack looks to the two of you finally, with a tired and unfamiliar cast to his blue irises. This isn’t the same grandparental, old man whose held your’s and Cole’s child, or grilled meat at team cookouts, or fallen asleep in front of the tv on Christmas Eve. This is a tired, overworked, middle-aged man who seems to only go from one problem to the next. Jack clears his throat as he glances back down at his tablet one more time before fixing his full attention on the two of you. “You see that?” Reyes asks pointing at Mei. Jack squints, “Yeah, it looks just like it.” “I have one too,” you announce. “Really?” Reyes asks almost uninterested, but you can tell there’s more to it in his eyes. You lift up your hands, gesturing to your handcuffs and Mei jingles hers too. Jack and Reyes exchange a glance and then Jack nods back at the mirror behind them, “Alright.” Reyes steps forwards and undoes your’s and Mei’s handcuffs and then steps back. You unzip your jacket and reveal your own Chronal Accelerator. “Son of a bitch,” Jack says. “How’d you two ladies come by these devices, did you make them yourself?” Reyes asks. “No, Winston made them for us,” Mei answers. Both Jack and Reyes laugh. “It’s true!” Mei exclaims. “Yeah, right the monkey made you two Chronal Accelerators,” Reyes continues. “Scientist!” Mei insists leaning forwards. They both stop laughing and look at you and Mei seriously for a moment, and then the two exchange a glance. “How did you find this base? Where did your intel come from?” Jack asks. “Well, you, Jack,” you say. Jack shoots you a confused look before shaking his head, “Try again.” “She’s serious, you helped us with the secure radio channel, and with retrofitting the plane although that was a group effort,” Mei explains. “Look we could go around and around in circles all day, okay? So let’s just cut to the chase, we’re from the future,” you say gesturing to you and Mei. Both Reyes and Jack start laughing again. “Oh, God that’s a good one,” Reyes says wiping his eyes. “We’ve come back in time to retrieve a blueprint that was destroyed-are you even listening to me!” you shout to be heard. “From the future, huh? And here I thought I heard it all,” Reyes says. Their combined laughter finally starts to die down as you stare off at the wall annoyed. “So…you’re from the…” Jack snickers again and then controls himself, “So you’re from the future, how do we know you’re really the good guys then?” “Yeah, prove that you’re really from the future,” Reyes says and then chuckles as he looks at Jack. “Yeah, what’s something only we would know?” Jack adds. Unfortunately, you don’t know Gabriel Reyes very well, that would have been your husband Cole’s expertise considering he was taken under Gabriel’s wing for a time. Cole could have answered any questions regarding Commander Reyes easily, but he also would have encountered problems interacting with his past self, which is why you’re here instead. You glance over to Commander Morrison, Jack on the other hand… “Jack, you still like to carry around that old photo of you and Vincent,” you say. Now Your Jack has stopped in recent years, and finally left that old photo in an album and in the past along with other photos from his military career like any memory ought to be. But it was something Jack had suggested you bring up if either of you were going to be taken seriously, something about ‘having to cut through to his younger self like a knife.’ Jack’s eyes widen, “I…what? Um…No, I-You must be mistaken.” Reyes notices Jack’s sudden discomfort and studies him closely, “Wait…Do you?” Jack rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, “I…Maybe? Which one?” he asks you defensively, his face growing red. “The one from during the Omnic Crisis, right before you were shipped off to join the Soldier Enhancement Program, he’s got an arm around your shoulders and he’s wearing a blue polo…should I go on?” you ask with a raise of your brow. “No, that won’t be necessary,” Jack says quickly with a wave of his hand. Reyes gives Jack a sideways glance before turning his attention back to you,” How’d you know all that?” he accuses. You shrug, “Jack told me.” “You also sent us with one of your favorite novels,” Mei pipes up. She reaches into one of her jacket pockets and pulls out an old paperback book with yellowed pages and crinkled corners and holds it out to Jack. Jack takes it and smiles a little and then opens it up to a different old photo tucked inside it’s pages, the book is a western tale that he had lent Cole one time years ago, and the photo is an old Overwatch team photo. Jack closes the book back up and then hands it back to Mei, “I think…I’m actually starting to believe them.” Reyes furrows his brows at Jack, “You can’t be serious?! They could have been tailing you for all we know!” he exclaims and then glances back at the mirror. The anticipation swells up in your chest at who could be behind that mirror, you know who you’re hoping it is, but it could also be anybody. Reyes then tilts his head as if considering something and then motions a come here gesture at the mirror.
You feel the pressure build further in your chest as you wait with baited breath for them to appear. It’s not long before the door opens although to you it felt like an eternity and you’re not disappointed when the love of your life, Cole Cassidy walks in. He’s a lot younger than you know him to be of course, but no less handsome. He’s wearing a black t-shirt, gloves, and pants, with a black stetson to match adorning his head, but the belt buckle he’s wearing is one you’ve never seen and it bears the Deadlock gang symbol. Cole is unarmored, but he is wearing his pistol and ammo belt, it’s likely all he could grab on such short notice. The thought of him relaxing in his quarters or taking a smoke break is distracting to you, almost as distracting as his shoulders and arms… You try not to stare too much at his left arm, but you’re struggling. You instead steer yourself towards the thought of if his Blackwatch uniform would still fit him, you decide that it couldn’t possibly, the Cole you know is much bigger now. Cole moves to stand next to Reyes and he looks between the two of you. “I’m gonna need a little more proof, before I allow them to just waltz around the base,” Reyes says. “Well, I’m the Commander of Overwatch and if I say they can, they can,” Jack says. Reyes pinches his nose, “Not this again. Jack, I’m the Commander of Blackwatch and I can veto your decision.” “Like hell you can,” Jack says. You’re focused on Jack’s and Reyes’ beginning argument when you feel a pair of eyes on you, and you glance up and straight into Cole’s soft brown eyes, you smile at him and he smiles back at you. “I’m as much in charge here as you are,” Reyes says pointing a finger at Jack’s chest. “My Base, My jurisdiction,” Jack argues. “Well, why don’t we just ask Captain Amari?” Cole asks nonchalantly. Both men stop and turn to Cole. “Listen, we don’t need to get her involved,” Jack says holding his hands up. “I’m sure Captain Amari has better things to do with her time than solve another one of our arguments,” Reyes says. “I think they’re scared of her,” Mei whispers to you. You giggle a little. “Are not!” they both exclaim in unison before then looking at one another. “Mind if I try askin’ them some questions?” Cole asks, “Since you’re too busy squabbling again.” “Be my guest,” Reyes says gesturing towards you and Mei. Cole threads his thumbs through his belt loops and approaches you, all confidence and charm, something you’re so familiar with, it doesn’t even require a second thought to melt it away, “Hey-“ Cole begins. “Hey there, Cowboy,” you say lowly with a wink, “What’s a tall glass of water like you doing in a place like this?” Cole’s eyes widen in surprise and then he smiles so wide and when he tries to speak he stumbles over his own words to the point where you can’t make out anything he’s saying. You giggle lightly in amusement. Cole smiles a wide, lovesick grin and pulls his hat down low over his face as the younger version of your husband becomes downright bashful. You laugh again at how cute he’s being. You’ve had plenty of practice at making Cole flustered beyond recognition and that’s when he’s prepared for everything you could throw at him. This Cole never stood a chance against your flirting. Reyes looks at Cole disapprovingly before he looks back at you, “Alright, who exactly are you two?” he demands. You and Mei introduce yourselves. “We’re Overwatch agents, well future ones anyways,” Mei says. “What did you come all the way back in time for?” Jack asks. “A blueprint for a machine,” Mei explains. “That still doesn’t explain why you time traveled for a blueprint,” Reyes says crossing his arms again. “Yeah, if we have it now, why can’t you just get it from future Overwatch?” Jack asks. You and Mei exchange a glance. There’s a lot of reasons why, besides the original blueprint being destroyed, but it would be a lot to go into and definitely more information than they need. “It was destroyed in a fire, the original no longer exists,” Mei says simply. “We also didn’t just time travel for a blueprint, there’s another team that went on ahead to a separate time jump point,” you explain. “Who’s on that team?” Reyes asks. “Lena and Cole,” you answer. “Cole? Cole who?” Reyes asks suspiciously. “Cole…Cassidy,” you say carefully and your gaze drifts over to Cole standing next to Reyes who seems to be staring at you with a different sort of surprise on his face. “How…do you know that name?” Reyes asks. “Because I know him,” you say pointing directly at Cole. Reyes looks over at Cole and nods, “Good, I wanted to be sure we were talking about the same thing.” “How many other cowboys named Cole Cassidy do you know?” you ask in annoyance at his roundabout questioning. “Just the one,” Reyes says. “So ya’ll both know me in the future, I take it?” Cole asks. “Of course!” Mei says with a nod. “Yes,” you say softly. And Cole’s attention is drawn more to your soft spoken reply. You of course have only ever known Cole by Cole Cassidy. To the point where you could almost forget these days that he used to go by a cycling list of aliases for a long period of time. It’s especially easy to forget now that you share the same last name, you do have to write it on a lot of paperwork afterall. Your wedding ring isn’t on your finger at the moment, on missions you prefer to wear it on a chain around your neck to keep it close to your heart. “Alright, then I have a couple questions of my own,” Cole says. You have to resist the urge to fiddle with the ring now, less you call attention to it. “What’s somethin’ I’ve never told anyone?” Cole asks. Cole’s eyes fix on you as he waits for you specifically to answer him. And it’s a tough question if only for the fact that you know too many answers to that question. But a lot of them are painful, memories from his childhood he hardly talks about, his greatest fears, missions gone wrong here in Blackwatch. Many things that are hardly appropriate to bring up in mixed company, like right now. But maybe that’s what he’s hoping for, that you do truly know him well enough that you’ll be able to find something to convince him, without resurfacing buried trauma. “You still have your father’s hat…and on the inside of the brim written in your mother’s handwriting, is your father’s name,” you answer holding his gaze. Cole blinks and then inhales deeply, “Alright, one more question, is it this one?” he asks. He is of course referring to the black stetson currently adoring his head. You shake your head and smile, “No, the hat I’m talking about has a wide brim and a lot of nicks in it.” Cole smiles and takes of his hat and combs his fingers through his hair, “That’s right,” he says and then turns to Reyes and Jack and puts back on his hat, “I’m satisfied they’re telling the truth.” “Well, that’s two out of three,” Reyes says with a sigh, “Seems I’m outnumbered, I guess we’ll take them to Winston first see what he has to say about these Chronal Accelerators and then we’ll track down that blueprint.” “Perfect! The blueprint is one of Winston’s, I’m sure he’ll know where it is,” Mei says. “Well, ain’t that convenient,” Reyes says with a smirk. “Alright,” Jack says clapping his hands together, “Let’s go see our resident scientist.” Mei smiles and the two of you are lead out of the interrogation room finally.
Jack and Reyes have your gear and weapons returned to you both and as you and Mei are walking through a cargo bay stacked with crates, you spot another familiar face passing by, Captain Amari. And she stares at your group and furrows her brows, undoubtedly because she doesn’t recognize you and Mei, before she stops in her tracks. You can tell Jack and Reyes are anxious about her presence which only further seems to raise her suspicion and her brow, so she confronts them, “And what do we have here?” she asks crossing her arms. Jack tells her your’s and Mei’s names. Ana blinks and looks at both of you, “I’m unfamiliar with the two of you, what business do you have here?” “They’re here for a blueprint,” Jack answers for you. “Oh? What kind of blueprint?” Ana questions. “One of Winston’s blueprints,” Reyes says. “Oh and they’re also uh…from the…future?” Jack says with a nervous laugh while rubbing the back of his neck. Captain Amari narrows her eyes at Jack, “If I could have a word with the two of you in private,” she says sternly before turning to Cole next, “Agent, keep an eye on these two while we are gone.” “Will do, Ma’am,” Cole says with a tip of his hat. Ana walks off with Reyes and Jack in tow as you watch them try to explain to her the situation. Cole walks over to one of the nearby crates and sits down and pulls out a cigar. You sit down across from him and Mei gives you a knowing look and sits down nearby, but far enough away to give you two some space. Cole’s eyes drift towards Mei as she reactivates Snowball, and the little robot comes beeping back to life. Cole takes the still unlit cigar out of his mouth and points at Snowball with it in silent question. “This is Snowball!” Mei chimes happily. “Right,” Cole says. “He’s an old friend of hers, they’re inseparable,” you say. Cole looks to you and then back at Snowball before nodding, “Just make sure the little guy stays out of trouble.” Cole then takes his lighter out of his pocket and lights his cigar finally. You watch Mei talk to Snowball for a few moments as she explains what happened while they were asleep. You hear a low exhale from Cole as he puffs out a cloud of smoke from his cigar and look back at him, and the gaze he has fixed you with you could only describe as burning. Cole places his cigar back in his mouth and you watch the movement of his lips as he inhales another drag and then your eyes drift up to his as he watches you from underneath the brim of his stetson. He then blows out the smoke from the left corner of his mouth and closes his eyes gently, before returning to stare at you. “It’s not polite to stare,” he says softly. “You were staring first,” you retort. Cole chuckles lightly, “True, true. Maybe I’ve just got a nice view from here.” You smile, “Well, the view ain’t half bad from here either.” Cole bites his cigar a little in response. You stare at him for another moment or two, your eyes trailing over his face and all the little details, and Cole seems to enjoy your quiet appreciation of him. “Do we know each other?” Cole asks suddenly, “In the future I mean.” “Of course, Cole, remember what I said earlier?” you ask. He nods, “Yeah, but do we Know each other?” “Intimately?” you offer. Cole takes his cigar out of his mouth and gestures with it, “Yeah.” You smile and bite your lip, “You’ll have to find out, won’t you?”you ask lowly. Cole’s jaw goes slack as he stares at you with a hunger in his eyes that you’ve seen many times, and he’s about to say something else when Reyes and Jack walk back towards you. “Alright, you’re cleared with Amari but something’s come up, Cole, we’ll need you to escort them to Winston,” Reyes says. Cole stands up and drops his cigar to the concrete floor and steps on it, “On it, Boss.” “We’ll meet up with you three…four…afterwards to see you off,” Jack says staring over at Snowball now hovering near Mei. And then the two of them walk away again. “Alright, looks like I’m in charge,” Cole says looping his fingers through his belt loops and straightening his pants, “Lab’s this way.”
You and Mei follow Cole down a series of hallways deeper into the base until he comes to a large, metal door with a keypad. Instead of using the keypad though, Cole knocks on the big, metal door, “Hey, Winston! Got a couple of visitors for you!” A small screen next to the door and above the keypad lights up and a camera of Winston soldering some parts together comes into view, “What is it, Cass? I’m in the middle of something.” “Said I got a couple visitors for you, thought you’d might like to meet ‘em,” Cole says. Winston is still focused on his task as he picks up a banana and dips it into a nearby jar of peanut butter and starts to eat it, “Tell them to come back later, I’m busy.” “Now that’s not very nice,” Cole scolds playfully, “After they came all this way to meet you,” then Cole turns to you and winks, “How far in the future did you say y’all you’re from?” “About fifteen years,” you say. Cole whistles, “So I’d be what forty three, forty four?” You hear the clattering of metal tools as Winston drops whatever he was working on and turns to face the camera finally, “Did you say you were from the future?” Winston asks in astonishment. “Finally! That get your attention did it?” Cole asks with a smile. “We are!” Mei answers. “You didn’t say they were from the future!” Winston yells at Cole. Cole weathers his shouting easily, “I said they came all this way to meet you, they’re a long way from here.” Winston glares at Cole, “I don’t understand your cowboy speak.” “Well, now are you going to stand there gawking or are you going to let us in?” Cole asks. Winston goes to open his mouth and then just sighs instead and pushes a button and you hear the door padlock click. The door then swings inwards and Cole waves his hands at the door. “Ladies first.” Mei walks in first and stares around the lab in awe. And as you pass by Cole he gives you another wink. Cole then shuts the door behind you all and you take a moment to look around as well. Winston’s workshop is huge and filled with an assortment of projects he’s working on. You step towards the center of the room where he’s seated, schematics and parts strewn across the table in front of him. “So you’re really from the future?” Winston asks. “Yes, and we came here to retrieve one of your blueprints,” Mei explains stepping towards Winston. Snowball flies around Mei and beeps in agreement. “Really? And what’s your’s and your friend here’s name?” Winston asks holding his hand out to Snowball. “I’m Mei, and this is Snowball,” Mei introduces. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Mei and Snowball, I’m Winston,” Winston says. Mei laughs, “I know.” You smile at the three of them as Cole steps beside you and clears his throat and holds his hand out to you as he introduces you as well. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” Winston greets adjusting his glasses. “They’ve got a couple of your Chronal Accelerators too,” Cole adds. “Really?! Might I see?” Winston asks. Mei unzips and removes her coat and Winston’s eyes widen as he sees the Chronal Accelerator attached to her chest. You also remove your own jacket to reveal your Chronal Accelerator. “My, my, this has been an unexpected turn of events,” Winston says as he turns off his soldering tool and sets it aside. Winston then cups his chin as he examines Mei’s Chronal Accelerator, “Hmm, it seems the design has been improved upon. No doubt it needed to emit a stronger field to shield you from a jump to the past. What did future me recommend to you with these devices?” “Not to take them off for any reason,” Mei says shaking her head. Snowball beeps again in agreement. “Interesting, Lena has always been able to remove her Chronal Accelerator as long as she remains near the active field, but since you’re in the past…you are not anchored to your own timeline,” Winston says. “Like a life vest not a life boat” Cole says. “Precisely,” Winston says, “I will defer to my future self’s expertise on this matter, surely he has information that I do not currently possess in regards to this.” “It was a precaution so we wouldn’t get Chronal Disassociation like Lena did,” you say draping your jacket over the back of a chair and sitting down at the table. “Yes…” Winston sighs looking down. “Didn’t you say Lena was on the other team?” Cole asks stepping closer to you. “Yes,” Mei says. “There’s another team?” Winston asks with raised brow. “Yeah, apparently they sent out two teams of two, one here and one…somewhere else, didn’t really specify,” Cole says. “Lena made a jump into the past?!” Winston exclaims with shock, “But the implication of-“ “It’s alright, Winston, you said yourself that there have been improvements to the device, and it’s because you made the improvements that we’re all still alright,” Mei interrupts. Winston sighs, “But still, this was a very dangerous thing to do.” “We all knew the risks when we agreed to do this mission,” you say slipping your fingers underneath your shirt to feel your wedding ring. “And Lena didn’t go alone, Cole offered to be on her team,” Mei says waving her hand at the younger Cole standing beside you. “But what if the devices are damaged?” Winston asks concerned. “You made us memorize how to make repairs to them,” you say. Winston sighs once again and nods, smiling a little, “Just like I did with Lena.” “So two teams of two so each of you has backup in case somethin’ goes wrong and each one of you has a pilot. I know Lena’s gotta be the pilot on my team, but who’s the pilot on your team?” Cole asks. “Me,” you answer tucking your ring back under your shirt. Cole’s eyes dip down for a moment to follow the movement and then his eyes meet yours, “You? You must be pretty damn good to be chosen to fly a plane like that back in time,” Cole says with a grin. You grin back at him, “Yeah, I am. Fareeha wanted to be the one to pilot the plane but then she’d have to deal with her mother in this timeline.” “Fareeha is in Overwatch?” Cole asks with his brows raised. “Yeah,” you say. “Her mother must not be too happy about that,” Cole says. “It was…let’s just say it was complicated,” you say. Cole chuckles, “It would have been easier for her to convince Gabe and Jack though but…she definitely would have had argued with her mother. Shame, I kind of would have liked to have seen that.” “Oh, don’t worry you will,” you say with a laugh. Cole blows out a breath, “Still fightin’ after all these years?” “Mostly, it’s over little stuff these days, but those two had their work cut out for them,” you say. “I’ll say,” Cole says with a smile. “So which blueprint was it that you needed from me?” Winston asks. Mei removes a piece of paper from her discarded jacket and unfolds it and hands it to Winston. Winston squints at it and then his eyes widen, “This? But it was just a prototype, it never even worked, the gravitational field alone was-“ “Let’s just say we have an expert who’s willing to help us with that,” Mei interrupts, “And please, Winston we really need that blueprint.” Winston sighs, “The blueprint on file is incomplete, I’ll need to compile some of my notes.” Winston then gets up from his spot at the table and goes to his computer desk to start retrieving the blueprint. You then hear a swift series of knocks on the metal door. “Oi, Winston! Open up!” a voice calls. “Oh! Cole, could you?” Winston asks. “On it,” Cole says and presses the button for the door. Lena speeds into the room as soon as the door opens and then stops dead in her tracks as she stares open-mouthed at you and Mei. Winston looks up from his monitor, “Oh, Lena, these three are-“ he begins. “You’re from the future!” the younger Lena exclaims now pointing at you and Mei. Cole chuckles as he closes the door again. “Yes, I do suppose it’s obvious,” Winston states taking a microfiber cloth and wiping his glasses clean. Lena starts excitedly running in place, “Ooh! I just knew it! One look at those Chronal Accelerators, and I just knew it!” “Heh heh, maybe we should have had Miss Oxton here meet the two of you first, she would have got this whole thing sorted a lot quicker,” Cole says. “What’s it like? The future I mean, do I get that tattoo I always wanted? Ooh, what about skiing in the Alps? I’ve always wanted to do that, or-“ Lena says and then gasps loudly, “No, wait! Do I ever get married?” Lena’s staring at Mei and fixing her with the biggest puppy dog eyes and pouting out her bottom lip. “Yes, no, and yes,” Mei answers. Lena excitedly squeals and jumps up and down. “Mei!” you exclaim, “You’re not supposed to tell her that!” “I’m sorry! I can’t lie to my friends, especially not Lena!” Mei defends. You sigh and drop your shoulders, “I know.” “Am I your friend?” Cole asks Mei. “Of course,” Mei answers. You stand and turn to him, “Oh no, you don’t, Cowboy,” you warn poking his chest. Cole smiles and puts his hands up, “Or you’ll what?” he teases. You narrow your eyes at him and he raises a brow. And then you flick his hat off his head. “My hat!” Cole exclaims as he quickly spins around to scoop it off the floor, “I’ll have you know this is a Stetson!” Cole complains dusting it off. “I know,” you giggle, “You’re not allowed to ask Mei questions about your future self. And, Lena, You should know better,” you say turning to her. Lena’s shoulders slump, “I know, I just couldn’t help it. I mean who wouldn’t want to know about their future self?” You smile at her, “I mean Lena you want to get married eventually, right?” “Well, of course,” Lena answers. “Then by virtue of that being something you want out of life you’re probably going to get married,” you say. “Well, now I definitely know I’m getting married,” Lena says, “What’s her name?” Lena then asks Mei. “It’s…” Mei begins and then looks over at you shaking your head, “A surprise. I really couldn’t ruin it for you especially if I want to be a bridesmaid.” Winston looks up from his monitor, “Lena, stop asking questions about the future…as tempting as it may be…” he muses staring up at the ceiling for a moment before getting back to work. It seems everyone in this room wants to know what happens, which is fair, but…there’s a lot they don’t need to know yet, both the good and the bad. And besides spoiling too much of the good might ruin it’s impact when they really need it most. “So…are you a part of future Overwatch?” Lena asks Mei. “Uh huh,” Mei nods, “We’re much newer agents compared to all of you,” she says waving her hands at Lena, Winston, and Cole. Cole sets his hat back on his head and adjusts it. Winston lets out a sigh, “I’ve compiled all of my notes into one file, but…it’s going to take a little while longer for me fill in some of the gaps I had left in my research.” “Take all the time you need, Winston, we’re not in any rush,” you say. “‘Cause I bet you got all the time in the world, huh?” Lena says with a chuckle, “A little time travel humor for you, since we’re all time travelers now.” Mei laughs and Snowball chimes happily. “But that means I get more time to chat,” Lena says taking a seat and placing her hands under her chin, “So where are you from? I’m from England obviously,” Lena says patting an English flag patch stitched to the shoulder of her Overwatch uniform. “I’m Chinese,” Mei says. “Ooh nice, and what’s your specialty?” Lena asks. “I’m a climatologist,” Mei answers. “Oh, so a scientist like Winston here,” Lena says turning in her chair to look at him. Winston smiles back at the two of them. You watch them talk for a few moments the past version of Lena already becoming fast friends with her future friend, to no one’s surprise, and that’s when you feel a tap on your shoulder. You look back at Cole behind you and he points his thumb in the direction of the door. “Mind if I have a word in private?” Cole asks quietly. You glance back over at the group with Winston busy at his computer and Lena and Mei engaged in conversation with Snowball floating nearby paying close attention. Now that Lena has focused her curiosity towards Mei instead of her future self you don’t think you’re in any more danger of big secrets getting revealed like the fall of Overwatch.
So you turn back to Cole and nod. Cole walks over to the door and opens it for you and you step through first. You walk out into the hall as Cole closes the door gently. You start to turn around when Cole suddenly throws out his right arm to and it hits the wall firmly, effectively pinning you in. He then leans closer to you so that you can now feel his hot breath on your lips and the soft fabric of his t-shirt brush against you. Staring down at his lips for a moment as they’re slightly parted you can see a smile form on his face. Your eyes slowly drift up Cole’s face as you smile back at him. His eyes regard you for another moment before he quirks a brow, “You didn’t even flinch….I’ve done this before….” he breathes, “Haven’t I?” You bite your lip, “Easy there, Cowboy,” you tease. Cole points at you with his left hand, “And that? What you just said, just now? I’m pretty sure you’ve said that before too.” You open your mouth slightly as you try to come up with a response. He’s right of course, but you can’t tell him that. Cole leans back a little, tilting his head as his brown eyes study you, “So…to pick back up where we left off on our earlier conversation…we know each other in the future and intimately from what I’ve gathered…” he trails off as his fingers lightly drift across your chin and then down your neck. You can’t help the involuntary shudder that passes through your body at his touch, and Cole seems to enjoy it, but you quickly realize it’s not what he’s after when you feel his index finger slip under your collar and give a gentle tug to your necklace. A small gasp leaves your lips as Cole carefully and slowly pulls out the chain holding your wedding ring. He’s quiet as he stares at it, turning it over in between his thumb and index finger. “Cole I-“ you begin and stop when you see him notice the engraving. A custom engraving which consists of a little lasso bordering the words, “Let’s ride off into the sunset together.” You meet Cole’s eyes as he slowly lifts them to yours, and you can see the realization wash over him. He opens his mouth and shakes his head slightly, “You’re…my wife?” he asks softly. There’s no point in hiding it now, so you simply nod, “Yeah, Cole, I am.” He drops your ring to let it fall back against your chest as he cups your face in both of his hands a huge, yet tentative smile now gracing his lips, and he laughs breathlessly, “Of course! It makes perfect sense!” A little confused you place your hands over his and shake your head a little, “What does?” Cole tilts his head and grins, “Darlin’, you do…the way you smile at me, the way you look at me, the way you talk to me I….Sweetheart, no one has ever looked at me with so much love in their eyes the way you do,” he says with a dreamy sigh, “You couldn’t have been anyone else.” “Cole…” you whisper as you look deeply into your future husband’s eyes. Cole laughs a little, “See?” he asks now caught up in how you’re looking at him. You tighten your grip on his hands and feel the fabric of his gloves against your skin and a thought occurs to you, “Can you take off your gloves?” you ask gently. “Oh, ‘course,” Cole says as his hands leave your face and he hurriedly removes them. Cole stuffs the gloves into one of his pockets haphazardly and then places his palms back against your cheeks. You smile happily and close your eyes and relish the feeling as he strokes your skin softly with his thumbs. His palms are calloused, but surprisingly gentle as he cradles your face reverently. You had met Cole after his Blackwatch days of course and after he had already lost his left arm, so you’ve never felt his left palm before. And Cole had always lamented on how he wished he could cradle your face in both of his hands, to get to feel every curve of your face at once. He’s memorized the planes of your face and your body after all your time spent together over the years, but still This was something he could never have. You don’t know if your husband will remember it or not, but at least you could give one Cole this…this moment. You open your eyes finally as you feel Cole’s forehead lean against yours and as you shift your head upwards he pulls back at the movement, seemingly also having been lost in the moment. He smiles at you and then leans forwards and presses a kiss to your forehead, before exhaling and pulling back entirely, a bright smile still plastered on his lips. “Honey, you have no idea how happy I am to meet you, I thought that…that I would never get to settle down or fall in love and…I mean especially with everything going on these days and I…” he stops to shake his head as he continues to smile at you, “You’re just that little bit of hope I was lookin’ for.” You smile at Cole as you feel your eyes start to get watery, “I can’t promise you that things won’t be tough in the future and that there won’t be bad things-“ “Shhh,” Cole soothes stroking your cheeks with his thumbs, “If you know me, then you know  that I’ve been through my fair share already, but just knowing that you’re gonna be there on the other side of all that waiting for me? That’s all I need to keep going.” You let out a wet chuckle as you try to stop the tears. Cole smiles softly at you, “C’mere, Honey.” And with that you fall forwards into his arms. Cole holds you for a little while before letting you go, albeit a little reluctantly before drying your tears, it’s then that you can see a few tears had formed in his own eyes. “You know I have half a mind not to let you go back,” Cole says jokingly. “Cole,” you scold playfully. He chuckles, “I know, I know. But I couldn’t do that to you, you belong in your future with future me, the lucky bastard.” “Hey, that’s my husband you’re talking about,” you tease. Cole laughs. You smile at him and then bite your lip, “And with little, Sweetpea, of course.” “And with little-“ Cole begins and then stares at you with wide eyes. You smile more. “We? We have a kid together?” Cole asks. You give him a small nod. Cole then scoops you up into his arms, lifting you clean off the floor in his excitement, you squeeze him back as your feet dangle in the air. He then sets you back down on your feet with a laugh and wipes at his eyes, “Future’s just lookin’ brighter and brighter, boy or girl?” You place your index finger over your lips, “I can’t tell you that.” “Aw, not even a little bit?” Cole asks. “No,” you laugh, “I’ve already said too much.” “Alright, can’t blame me for trying though,” Cole says before holding out his hand for you, “Come on, let’s see if Winston’s done with that blueprint.” You take his left hand in yours and follow him back into Winston’s lab.
Cole quietly opens the door a crack and peeks back into the room. As the sounds of Lena’s and Mei’s conversation drifts out into the hall, Cole opens the door further and creeps back into the room. He then waves at you for you to follow. You step back into Winston’s lab and Cole doubles back to shut the door again while you rejoin Mei by standing near the table. “So then I said, ‘They don’t call me an Ace for nothin’!’” Lena laughs, followed by Mei’s own giggles. Winston looks up at you and Cole, “Ah, there you two are! I’ve finished filling in my notes and I downloaded everything onto this,” he says holding up a small device, “You still use Class C, ES chips in the future, right?” Winston asks with a raised brow. You smile at him, “Of course,” you say taking the offered data chip from him and tucking it into your jacket pocket still hanging on your chair for safekeeping. “So where did you two run off to, eh?” Lena asks leaning her elbows on the table. “Just stepped outside for a minute s’all,” Cole answers for you. For which you’re grateful because you were about to lie and say the bathroom, and with Cole obviously in tow that would have sounded very awkward. “Oh? Busy flirting, Cole?” Lena accuses. Cole’s face flushes and he dips his head, “I…Mmm,” he grumbles. You smile and cover your mouth with your hand trying not to laugh. Lena continues to smile at the embarrassed cowboy and then she fixes her gaze on you, “Oh come on, it’s so obvious he’s crushing on you. And I’ve never seen him quite like this before.” “Cole was nothing but a gentleman,” you say in his defense. “Oh, I’m not saying that,” Lena says holding her hands up, “Just that he wanted a private chat with you was all. Did he strike out?” Cole clears his throat, “No, I most certainly did not! And now that the whole room knows about it, it turns out it wasn’t much of a private chat now was it?” he demands glaring accusingly at Lena. Mei covers her mouth and giggles. “Heh heh, sorry!” Lena apologizes rubbing the back of her head, “It’s just I’ve never seen you this smitten before, it’s so sweet!” You stare lovingly at Cole and are amused at how flustered he is. Lena looks over to you and gasps and then covers her mouth before she says anything else. “What?!” Cole exclaims startled by her reaction. “Nothing!” Lena claims innocently, “Just that I know something you don’t know!” Cole glances back to you and gives you a knowing smirk before shooting Lena a feigned confused look, “And what might that be?” Lena shakes her head and then mimes a zipper being closed over her mouth, “I Can’t tell you!” she sing songs. Cole shakes his head and chuckles. “Well, we’d better get going,” you announce, “We are on a mission after all,” you say retrieving your jacket and draping it back over your shoulders. “Aww!” Lena pouts. “Ah, of course! I understand, spending too much time in the past could be dangerous,” Winston says pushing up his glasses, “And future Overwatch needs this intel.” “It’s too soon! I was hoping we’d get more time to chat,” Lena says her shoulders drooping. “Don’t worry we will,” you say. “Yeah! We’ll see you soon!” Mei answers happily standing up from her chair. “Oh, true!” Lena laughs, “Although not soon enough for me! Here at least let me give you a goodbye hug?” Cole glances over to you a soft smile on his face, “Yeah, not soon enough,” Cole whispers to you. You smile back at him. Lena gets up and hugs Mei first and then you, “Since you’re my friends from the future then you Know how much of a hugger I am!” “Oh we know,” you laugh. You step towards Winston next and hug him goodbye. “Oh,” he mutters in surprise, but gladly returns the hug. Finally Mei hugs Winston and then you look to young Lena and Winston, “Thank you so much for all your help.” “Anytime,” Winston says and then his eyes widen in realization, “Haha accidental time joke?” Lena bursts out laughing, “Yeah! Anytime!” The rest of you join them in laughter before saying your final goodbyes and then Cole escorts you back down the series of hallways you came from as the door to Winston’s lab closes and then bolts shut behind you.
You continue down the halls that will lead you back to the hangar where your plane the Slipstream 3 resides, but before you can leave the lab area of the facility a door opens up in front of you to the left and a tall, lanky figure in a lab coat steps out. You still in your tracks as your blood suddenly runs cold and your heart starts pounding in your chest. You knew that there was a chance you could run into former Overwatch members on this mission, but this was one person you were hoping to avoid at all costs. Her gaze remains fixed on the paperwork in her hands as her long nails rapidly tap away at the little blue screen, a sly smile creeping it’s way onto her visage as she continues to loom in the hallway in front of you. Cole manages to take a handful of steps forward before he notices your sudden absence to his left and turns back to stare at you behind him. You can see his mouth open slightly and his eyes narrow at you before he turns his head to glance back at the scientist in front of you. Moira finishes her tapping and looks up as she closes it out to find the three of you standing there. Her dual colored eyes scan over each of you and land on the only face that This Moira should recognize, “Ah, Agent Cassidy, to what do I owe this…unexpected visit?” “Just showing these scientists around,” Cole says hooking his thumbs through his belt loops. “Oh? I would have thought that sort of thing a bit below your pay-grade, and what exactly is their field of expertise?” Moira asks her eyes scanning you and Mei and then fixing on you. You try to steel your expression as best you can, but you can still feel her icy blue eye piercing through you like a needle. Mei glances back at you, “We’re Climatologists,” she announces placing a hand on your shoulder and covering for you. Luckily you and Mei had already zipped your jackets back up to cover your Chronal Accelerators again after leaving the safety of Winston’s lab, so Mei’s lie for you isn’t as blatant and leaves no real reason to disbelieve any of you. You also only just now notice that Snowball is tucked away in Mei’s canister on her back and not free-floating like before. “Hmm,” Moira ponders removing her gaze from you finally to stare up at the ceiling. But you’re reminded that this Is Moira and she likes to poke holes in everything, Often just for the fun of it. You have to try to suppress an involuntary shiver at the thought. “Curious what Overwatch would need with a couple of glorified weather reporters,” she muses. “Now, Moira, play nice,” Cole warns taking a cigar out of one of his pockets and placing it between his teeth. Which gains Moira’s attention and ire as her lip curls up in disgust, “You’d better not be thinking of lighting that thing in here.” “What?” Cole smirks his voice muffled slightly from the cigar, “This old thing?” he asks taking it out briefly to gesture with it, “Was just headed out for my smoke break.” Moira is clearly not amused, if her pursed lips and narrowed eyes are anything to go by. Cole steps backwards to you and takes your left hand in his right and tugs you toward his right side, effectively putting himself between you and Moira. But his hand in yours actually brings her attention back to you and she arches her brow, “Is this your little girlfriend?” she asks cooly towering over you, “Didn’t think you’d ever find one of those, Cassidy, what with that empty head of yours.” Cole chews on his cigar as he repositions it to the corner of his mouth and narrows his eyes at her. You know that sometimes Cole will keep an unlit cigar in his mouth as a way to calm his nerves and keep from grinding his teeth. And you also know that no one makes him grind his teeth more than Moira. “At least I don’t drink piss and vinegar instead of coffee in the mornings like you, Moira,” Cole quips back with a smile. The immediate frown on Moira’s face is almost comical, at least it would be if you weren’t still terrified of her. “Such colorful, backwater language that I’ve come to expect from you, Cowboy,” Moira says. You know what Cole’s doing, he’s trying to keep Moira’s full attention on himself so that she won’t scrutinize or criticize you and Mei. But you also still really want to leave, being in Moira’s presence is making you sick to your stomach. And besides, from what your husband has told you he had a lot less patience in his Blackwatch days than he does now and you can tell from the glint in Moira’s eyes that she’s waiting for him to crack. You tug on Cole’s hand subtly and he squeezes back in acknowledgment. “Well, I’ll let you get back to whatever it is that you science types brew up in your little cauldrons-I mean labs,” Cole says tipping his hat down with his left hand. Moira grumbles and looks like she’s about to say something else, but Cole cuts her off, “Can’t just stand out here in the hall gawking at your colleagues, there’s work to be done around here.” Moira’s eyes dart to the floor, “Yes, there is More important work for me to be doing,” she says thoughtfully and more to herself, “Good day, Agent, and Congratulations on actually managing to fool someone into dating you. Enjoy it while it lasts,” she says walking down the hall past you. The three of you continue walking again and you carefully look over your shoulder to find that Moira is gone. You breath a small sigh of relief and try to stop the shaking in your hands. “Are you okay?” Mei asks and Snowball peeks back out of Mei’s canister with a sad beep. “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” you answer quickly. You look up to find Cole staring down at you and then you glance down at his hand to realize that he’s still holding yours. “I know Moira can be a bit much,” Cole begins, drawing your eyes back up to him, “Personally, she always gives me the creeps.” He has no idea. You huff out a quiet laugh. Cole looks back down at you, “She really spooked you though,” he whispers. You glance over to Mei and she shakes her head, but then she picks up her pace to walk a little further ahead of you two, just enough to give you both some space. You know you can’t tell Cole the real reason for why Moira scares you so much. If he knew there’s no telling what he’d do to your abductor, he’d probably try to kill her honestly. But you can’t change the past, not even yours, you can only change the future. You meet Cole’s gaze again. “You want to talk about it?” Cole asks quietly. “You know I can’t,” you admit. There’s a touch of pain behind Cole’s eyes and he bites down on the cigar still in his mouth. A moment of silence passes between you as you walk down the halls together, the only sounds the soft hum of your Chronal Accelerator, and your’s and his boots clunking against the metal floors. “Promise me that you’ll at least talk to future me about it when you get back?” Cole asks. You’re caught off guard by his request and you look back up at him in surprise. “Whatever it is that I Can’t know about, I know you wouldn’t have kept from him. And I also know that he’d do anything for you, so promise me you’ll tell him? In case…I don’t remember,” Cole continues. You nod, “I will,” you promise. Cole sighs and offers you a small smile. You smile back at him. Moira may have accused Cole of being empty headed, and while he may not be a genius scientist like many of your friends in Overwatch, he’s always been very perceptive. And for a self-proclaimed genius scientist like Moira, she continuously underestimates him and actually played right into his hands when he started throwing insults at her. So much so that she began to ignore you and Mei in favor of winning the argument And getting the last word in. Cole was even willing to let her get under his skin a little if it meant protecting you from her scrutiny.
Soon enough the three of you reach the hangar and Cole takes the cigar from his mouth and stuffs it back into his pocket. And you notice that he’s almost bitten it in half from worrying it between his teeth, and now you’re really glad you decided against telling him the truth about Moira. He can and will be rightfully angry about it later, but now’s not the time, not when he still has to work with her within Blackwatch. And some of his most dangerous missions still lie ahead of him. Cole busies himself with scanning the hangar from the sidelines, and you glance around as well, and aside from your plane the Slipstream 3 there’s only one other plane. The crew from the hangar is busy with unloading the cargo from this plane, which clearly had arrived to the base after you, and as you study it…you realize that it’s the Actual Plane who’s callsign you had co-opted. “Ah, there they are,” Cole says beside you. You follow his gaze and spot Commanders Morrison and Reyes approaching you. “Well, that was fast,” Reyes notes. And you realize that he’s staring down at your’s and Cole’s joined hands. You let go of Cole’s hand and Cole loops his thumbs through his belt loops. “Get the blueprint you needed?” Jack asks. “Yep,” you say procuring the data chip from your pocket and holding it up for him to see. “Good,” Jack says, “We’ll clear you for takeoff in just a few more minutes,” he says looking over your shoulder at the plane that’s almost finished being unloaded. You put the chip back into your pocket. While you’re waiting for the other plane Cole pipes up, “You’ll never guess what happened, Miss Oxton instantly recognized them as being from the future.” “Of course she did,” Reyes groans in annoyance, his shoulders sagging. “You know maybe we should have called Lena in when we were interrogating them, Gabe,” Jack suggests. Reyes sighs and rubs his fingers between his brows. Jack has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face and Reyes just looks like he can’t wait for this crazy day to end. You lower the ramp to the plane once everything is cleared away. “See you all soon!” Mei chimes happily waving to the group, Snowball chimes in with a few beeps as well, “Snowball also says goodbye!” “Who’s Snowball?” Reyes questions with his hand in the air as Mei boards the plane. Cole surprises you by taking one of your hands in his left, “I’ll see you soon, Sweetheart.” “See you soon, Cowboy,” you say as you step backwards onto the ramp and the two of you keep your hands outstretched until only your fingertips touch and then your hand falls limp to your side. “Good luck out there, Overwatch,” Jack says with a salute. “Thanks,” you say mimicking his salute and with that you board the plane.
“Preparing to jump in three..two…-“ she says and then the radio crackles and fills with static, and then a few moments pass where no one says anything else. “I guess it worked,” Jack says as he checks in with the radio tower operators in front of him. “So what was that all about?” Gabe asks Cole. Cole looks up at his boss, “Huh?” “You know, that whole hand holding, ‘Oh now we’re stepping apart as we stare wistfully into each other’s eyes’ bit,” Gabe explains. “Oh that?” Cole asks. “Yeah, That,” Gabe says. Cole smiles wide and looks out the window at the blue, open skies as he takes off his hat and places it over his heart, “That was My Wife.”
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