#like a girl had her bed FROZEN other girls where going to a club sliding in snow RIP to all of u that looks like a nightmare
sudaca-swag · 2 years
i confess i laugh a little whenever i get a tiktok of someone in the northern hemisphere rn, im so sad you are at like -10°C, not me though, its 30°C and tomorrow is christmas <3
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
sweet disposition ; 2/? || modern!alex kerner x fem!professor!reader
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summary: in a string of odd events, you and alex grow closer - but just as you grow closer, you take two steps back.
pairing: modern!alex kerner x fem!professor!reader
warnings: drinking (alex and reader), smoking (reader)
word count: 10,952 - this one was a doozy
a/n: part two!! here is the set list playlist for the club that is in this part!! thanks everyone for reading this one and enjoying it!! :) if you'd like to be on the tag list please let me know what account to tag as well as if you'd like to be added to this tag list or another fic!!
Sleep didn’t come easy for you that night. While the first day back from break went smoothly, getting back into the routine of teaching again hit you like a wall of bricks. By the end of your second class, you were already feeling yourself begin to drift off, deciding instead of the lecture slides, you’d put on a video discussing who Mary Shelley was and her novel, Frankenstein. Your students didn’t seem to mind all that much, in fact they probably were enjoying the video instead of the slides - still, you couldn’t help but feel bad for slacking.
You were a terrible overachiever - doing your best to be the picture perfect daughter your parents raised you to be. You got high honors throughout your time in school, captain of the girl’s rugby team, a member of the debate team, and at one point you even had two part time jobs. It was incredible that you even managed to keep your grades so well with all that you did.
But that obsessive behavior you were conditioned into left you burnt out after high school. You felt lost, as if you weren’t a person and simply a robot taking orders. You had no idea what interested you or what you even wanted to do with your life. Of course, you went to college, as your parents expected it of you - that and they did oh so graciously pay for your tuition. Your father constantly wished for you to become a dentist, as that was what he did, but your mother wanted you to become a nurse, like herself. But that was just it - you didn’t want to be like them. You were already their child, looking like a spitting image of the two of them, but to live in their shadow, take the torch they passed down to you? That just wasn't you.
It wasn’t until your sophomore year of college that you finally realized what you wanted to do with your life. In your ‘Romanticism in Literature’ class, you realized your love for words. You were deeply inspired by the language of romance and the stories that were created to have you question one's own thoughts. You were especially touched by Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, which is one of the many reasons you taught an entire section dedicated to her and the novel. As a teacher, your only hope was to inspire students the same way you once were and have them discover their own passions - that to you was the greatest lesson of all.
When you told your parents what you wanted to do, how you wanted to study English and teach at the university, your parents all but bit their tongues. They weren’t fond on the idea of you studying English, as they didn’t see the full purpose of it, but when you explained your interest in teaching, that seemed to be enough for them to support you. Though, even if they didn’t, you would have still continued on. For once in your life, the first time, you finally knew what you wanted to do.
Though the constant bundle of nerves that sat in your stomach never seemed to fade away. Some days were easier than others, but other days, when you stared at the picture of you with your parents on your desk, that bundle of nerves seemed to sizzle until you were left questioning your own motives. Were you even doing a good job teaching? Was this really what you wanted to be doing? Were you making the wrong choice?
The bad nights were the ones that left you awake all night, tossing and turning until the sun came up and the birds began to chirp. The sleepless nights also welcomed your new habit of smoking terrible cheap cigarettes. On average you found yourself having maybe two or three, but that particular night, you woke up to see doubled the amount of butts in the ashtray next to your bed. It was worse than a hangover, the guilt of succumbing to such a poor habit. When you finally managed to get out of bed, you grabbed the ashtray from your nightstand and went into the bathroom, dumping them into the waste bin before setting the tray on the counter, letting out a sigh as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You would be turning thirty-three by February, and it made you sick. Thirty-three. Jesus, how did you get so old? You knew the cigarettes weren’t helping the older you got; the faint yellow coming through your teeth that was stained from the smoking and excessive coffee drinking, the stray silver slips of hair, hell, even the wrinkles you caught that morning. Pulling at your skin, you frowned seeing the crow’s feet that sat in the corners of your eyes, the lines in your forehead beginning to deepen.
“Great, this is great.”
You knew that obsessing over your age would get you nowhere. If you obsessed over it, you’d be smoking triple the amount of cigarettes and looking even worse by the end of the month. Taking the cup from the counter, you filled it with water and started lapping the water up, setting it back down while you wiped your mouth as you started to get ready for work.
The routine you had for getting ready was perfected into having you be able to get out the door within the half an hour. You were fairly good with getting most of your things around the night before, so all you truly had to do was get dressed, do your makeup, and leave. Coffee was set to be made ready by the time you were heading out the door so all you had to do was pour it and go. Today though, everything around you seemed to be falling apart.
It wasn’t until you were out of the bathroom, ready to sit at your vanity and do your makeup, that you realized you forgot to get around last night. You noticed the chair was empty, leaving you to quickly move to your closet and dig for an outfit. Unfortunately for you, laundry must have slipped your mind over the weekend, because you had no clean work clothes.
Stumbling back, your mouth fell open in shock, and disbelief, as you stared at the empty closet. It was a college, you knew the dress code wasn’t all that strict, but you still liked to keep it semi-professional. Moving back into the closet, you began to flick through the hangers, looking through your shirts, blouses, and dresses that hung up before finally finding a simple green dress in the back.
“This’ll have to do.” You mumbled, pulling it off the hanger roughly, hearing the hanger snap as it broke before hitting the floor. That was the least of your problems right now. You’d deal with it when you got home.
Turning, you pulled your pajamas off from the night and slipped the dress on over you, letting it settle over your body, clinging to your hips before stopping at your calves. You decided on your black vans that day, not wanting to even bother with the thought of heels as you were already beginning to run late. Pulling the chair out from your vanity, you sat down to do your makeup, reaching for the spot where your makeup bag usually sat only to find the space empty. What? It felt like a sick joke at this point, having your whole routine be off on a morning where you needed to be at work.
Extending your hands out, as if to stop the moment, you closed your eyes and tilted your head to the side slightly, “Take a breath, it’s fine. You’re fine. Everything is fine.”
Opening your eyes, you looked at yourself in the mirror and knew that it would just have to be a bare-faced day. The faint wrinkles on your face seemed to be more prominent today, and it would eat you alive all day. Running the brush through your hair, you tried to ignore the flicker of silver as you untangle your hair, soon pulling it back into two low pigtails. You pulled some pieces out to frame your face before realizing you had to get going for work soon.
Coffee though, that wasn’t something you could negotiate. You could deal with wearing no makeup and wearing something out of the ordinary for a day, but coffee was out of the question. It was your morning fuel to get you through the long day of teaching. It was an on-going joke within your friend group in the English department. By the time you met with them at lunch, they already had their guesses as to how many cups you’ve had. The record one day was seven, which made you realize then just how bad your addiction was. You didn’t mind though, other than the staining teeth, you never thought of it to be much of a problem - until you were needing to use the bathroom every twenty minutes.
After gathering your bags up, keys and phone in hand, you went to the kitchen to pour yourself coffee on your way out the door. It didn’t take more than one step into the kitchen when you realized something was terribly off. The smell of coffee that usually greeted you was not there.
“No...you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!”
Frozen in your spot, you saw that the coffee machine was not on, a warm pot of coffee not made for you to indulge on your way to work. You felt your eye twitch slightly, as if you were on the downhill path to cracking. You realized that though that there was nothing you could do, and you had to leave for work now or be late.
Shaking your head, you headed out of your apartment, slamming the door and locking it behind you before stomping down the steps, grumbling to yourself as you headed towards your car. “So fucking stupid, so stupid...stupid….stupid…”
Stuffing your bags in the back seat, you climbed into the driver’s seat, slamming the door behind you before letting out a frustrated scream, gripping the steering wheel in front of you. When you finally came to you, you let out a shaky breath before pulling the seat belt over you with a click. The tension in your body was oddly familiar, like how you were back in high school when things began to fall apart in your “perfect” life. This had to be the universe’s way of pulling a sick joke on you. Did you do something bad? Was karma getting back at you?
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
It didn’t take long for you to get onto campus and into your office. The parking lot was surprisingly not as packed as you had expected it to be, which felt as though at least something was turning up for you. You grabbed your things from the back of your car before rushing in the building, deciding to take the stairs this time - climbing up the three flights, soon reaching the English department.
You pushed the doors open, heading down the hallway towards your office before stopping at the one just three doors down from your own, hearing the familiar set of laughs. Standing in the doorway, you watched as your friend group gathered around, discussing something while staring at the computer that was opened.
It was Jaxon who noticed you first, the film professor that all your friends tried to set you up with. You couldn’t deny his charm and obvious handsomeness, but he wasn’t your type. You saw him as just that, a friend, and sometimes you wondered if he understood that. His expression softened slightly before leaning back in his chair, “Hey, you look like shit.” He stated, causing the others standing around him to turn and look at you.
“God, yeah you do. What the hell happened?” One of your friends, Jess, questioned, moving towards you to look at your face.
Gently pushing her hands away from you, you could only roll your eyes, “It’s called having a bad day...and me not wearing makeup. Thanks for the kind words you guys, as if I’m not already having a shitty time.”
It was Jaxon who laughed at your sarcastic comment, as he always seemed to do, standing up and handing you his cup of coffee, “Here, it looks like you need this more than I do.”
You felt bad, stealing away his precious cup of morning joe. It didn’t even look like he had gotten the chance to take a drink from it, but you were so moody and having a rough time...a cup of coffee was just what you needed. Smiling, you took the cup from him, feeling his hands rest on yours for a moment before your eyes snapped up at him, “Thanks, Jax, I appreciate it.” You mumbled, bringing the cup to your lips before taking a deep sip.
Sighing, you closed your eyes for a moment before opening them, leaning against the doorway, “Sorry, just had a rough first day I guess. I was exhausted last night and didn’t get around. This morning was rather hectic at my place,” You ran your free hand up your face before shaking your head, “Can’t get any worse though. ‘Least I hope not.”
Your other friend, Gihan, who stood beside her boyfriend, another professor within the English department and a friend, Oscar, smiled, leaning into him slightly, “You still coming out with us tonight? I’m sure letting off some steam would help.”
Ah, that. You had forgotten that it was Tuesday - meaning happy hour at the Sour Apple, a club on the other side of town. It was a regular social gathering for the five of you. Heading to Jaxon’s after work to pregame and then head to the Sour Apple until Jess passed out. You were usually always looking forward to going, but this time, you just didn’t know if you had it in you.
“I don’t know...I’m not sure if I’m in the drinking mood today.” You admitted, taking another sip of your coffee.
“Oh come on, just at least go with us. If you don’t wanna come over for pregaming, why don’t you just meet us there? Or we will pick you up on the way, yeah? You can get a nap in before we tear up the dance floor.” Oscar suggested.
Damn them. They always knew how to convince you to tag along. After a moment of silently debating, you rolled your eyes and let out a huff, “Fine, fine,” When your friends let out a cheer of victory, you could only laugh, shaking your head, “But I’m not getting fucked up! I’m not! I got classes tomorrow.”
With a deep laugh, your attention shot over to Jaxon who was back in his seat, looking up at you with a grin, “Yeah, cause we haven’t heard that one before. Wasn’t it just last semester you were showing up to teach hungover wearing the same outfi-”
“Hey! We don’t talk about that!” You couldn’t help but laugh, smiling as you tilted your head back, finishing the coffee before throwing the cup away in the waste bin beside you. When you stood back up, your attention was drawn to the hallway, seeing Alex, the student from yesterday, standing behind you, an almost embarrassed look on his face.
“Hi...sorry, am I interrupting something?” He questioned, his hands holding onto the strap of his bag, looking in the office to see the five of you. You noticed his cheeks going pink, probably feeling bad for stumbling into the office when he did.
You opened your mouth to explain that he was okay, but Jaxon beat you to it. “Alex? Hi, sorry, I’m not having office hours right now. You know that, right?” Jaxon stated, standing up from his chair to make his way to the doorway, standing beside you, almost too close.
You watched as Alex’s nose turned slightly, shifting his weight back, “Yeah...I know. I’m not here to see you.” He noted, clearing his throat awkwardly before glancing your way, as if looking for some backup with the situation.
Moving away from Jaxon and into the hall besides Alex, you looked up at your friend and smiled reassuringly, “Alex is a...semi-new student in my class, I told him he could meet with me today if he had the time to go over some things for the class,” You turned and looked at Alex, smiling sympathetically, “Sorry, Alex, I’ve been having a rough start to the day. Listen, guys, I’ll talk with you later, okay?”
You didn’t notice the look Jaxon and Alex shared between each other as you left to go down the hall to your own office. The two men, nearly standing at the same height, slightly glaring at one another, as if having a silent stand off between the two. When you unlocked your door and flipped the lights on, you turned and looked at Alex, motioning for him to come in. Hearing Alex scuff in, you set your bags on the floor before pointing to the seat at the round table in the middle of the room, “Please, have a seat. I’m just going to get some things out.”
You heard Alex sit in the chair, his bag settling down beside him while you bent over, reaching into your bag to pull out your laptop, glasses, and copy of Frankenstein, in case he had any questions over the text. You weren't entirely positive as to what he wanted to talk about, but you didn’t mind with whatever it ended up being. It was nice to have the time to get to know him. While he wasn’t properly one of your students, you would at least treat him as such.
When you stood back up, turning around to sit down, you noticed his face was rather red, his body tensed as he quickly turned his attention towards the other side of the room, desperately looking at anything else. You laughed the behavior off, sliding into the seat across from him before opening your laptop up. “You’re rather jumpy, I’ve noticed.” You pointed out, eyes scanning over the screen while you read over some of the emails that sat in your inbox.
Looking from your screen and to him, you could only smirk at his expression. It was like he was trying to be mad, but just couldn’t. “Sorry, sorry. Guess I should cool it on the teasing, huh? Second day and I’m already bullying you. I think one of the signs in the hallway would prompt you to report this behavior to the counselor’s office.” Shaking your head, you squinted over the harsh lights before picking up your glasses, sliding them up your nose, looking back up at him.
“So, is there anything specific you’d like to discuss. I know we didn’t get the chance to properly meet yesterday so if you just want to talk, I’m fine with that too. You decide though, whatever you’re comfortable with.”
Alex’s face seemed to cool off, returning to the paler complexion he had, sitting up slightly, his body relaxing, “Um, well, I read some of the book last night.” He explained, bending down to pull out his copy, putting it on the table in front of him. “It was a little hard to get into, but I think it’s just because I was reading it so late.”
You couldn’t help but smile, nodding in agreement, “Yes, I wouldn’t suggest reading this at night unless you’re trying to fall asleep. It can be incredibly dull at points.” Leaning back in your seat, you crossed your arms over your chest, “How do you know Jax- Professor Thorne, by the way?”
The question caught him off guard, not expecting to switch conversation topics so quickly. You realized this and leaned forward again, “Sorry, I just - I didn’t realize you had him for a professor. Then again, I don’t know anything about you except that your name is Alex and you are friends with Denis.” Laughing, you shook your head, closing the screen to give him your full attention, “Why don’t you tell me about yourself?”
Blinking slowly, Alex’s mouth fell open before he quickly caught up, “Oh, I’m a film student. Professor Thorne is one of my main professors. I actually have his class before your’s. He’s teaching ‘Authorship in Cinema’ this semester. I’m in my last year so I’m just finishing the last few requirements I have,” It was his turn to ask a question, “Are you friends with Professor Thorne?”
You felt your mouth turn into a smirk, “Hard to believe, huh? He’s not as bad as he likes to present himself...he can have a soft side. Film student, huh? You like to make movies?” You asked, tilting your head to the side as you waited for his response.
Alex shrugged his shoulders, “More or less...Denis is the one who is more into movies, at least making them. I’d be fine filming the news or something.” After explaining what he wanted to do, he realized how dull it sounded. He was going to school just to learn how to stand behind a camera and film reporters? His mother was probably rolling in her grave.
You recognized the expression as it faltered on his face. It was one of shame, as if his goals and dreams weren’t good enough for the stereotypical standard and admitting them meant he was no good. “You know, my parents weren’t too fond of me teaching English...couldn’t wrap their heads around why I wanted to do something so ‘pointless’. But that’s just it, it was something I wanted to do, not them. If you want to film for the news, Alex, go for it! Nobody is stopping you but yourself.”
The silence that settled in between you two felt heavy, a laugh escaping your lips to lighten the mood, “How’s that for some teacher’s advice?” You shook your head and shrugged, “You said you are a senior? You’ve obviously been doing this for a long time, if this wasn’t something you wanted to do, you would’ve got out a long time ago.”
Sitting in silence, Alex thought on what you said, bringing his fingers together, picking at the skin around his nails. “My mom died not too long ago. It’s why I started going to college actually,” He began, pulling his fingers away from each other to stop picking at the skin. His fingers began to drum lightly on his book. “My sister and her boyfriend have a baby and nobody needs me to take care of them. I think I went into film because it was something I knew how to do to an extent since I work with television satellites and stuff. It’s weird...doing stuff for my own. I guess sometimes I wonder if I’m doing the right thing, because it’s for me and not someone else.”
You listened to him carefully, hanging on every word he said. Dead mother, sister - assuming she is older than him, with a baby. You listened as he went on to explain how his mother fell into a coma and when she woke up he did everything for her - for his family. Of course he was feeling guilty about doing something he wanted to do, he hadn’t been able to put himself first for a long time.
Reaching across the table, a sad smile on your face, you gently placed your hand over his, “You know, Alex, if you ever just need to talk, I’m here. I know you probably don’t want to discuss this with Professor Thorne, but if you are ever just having a bad day, I’ll make myself free for you.”
You had to admit, you were a sucker for the sob story - the broken and troubled upbringing that left someone so fragile. Maybe it was the teacher in you, that enjoyed watching the delicate flowers bloom into something strong and beautiful. Or maybe it was just the human in you - hearing him talk about how after two decades he finally has put himself first, made you take pity on him. Either way, Alex knew how to make your heart hurt.
Pulling away, you watched as his smile turned slightly, taking his hand to move up to his nose, wiping it with the back of his sleeve before dropping his hand back down. “Thank you…” He mumbled, his eyes drawn to the blank space on the table. Alex tried his best to blink away the tears, not sure as to why he was getting so emotional suddenly.
Clearing his throat, he shook his head and looked up at you, who had been watching him carefully, ready to jump and comfort him if things went south. You had dealt with your fair share in emotional students. Typically they were girls, but you wouldn’t deny the gentle embrace for a male student. To say a boy couldn’t cry like a girl, well, that was just ridiculous.
Alex wasn’t expecting to open up so easily with you. He had whole-heartedly intended to come in to discuss the course, ask you a few basic questions about yourself, and go. Alex couldn’t lie, seeing you talking with Professor Dick made his blood boil. How could someone like him associate with someone like you? And to hear you defend him, to say he wasn’t ‘all that bad’...yeah right. It was bad enough that Alex saw him in class, but whenever he wanted to talk with you he’d see him then too.
Perhaps that was what was so wrong about it all. He knew he was jealous of him, of his friendship with you. Not because he looked better than him, no, it was because if Professor Dick wanted to, he could have you. He was your age, a colleague, and enjoyed kissing ass. He would say that he read Frankenstein to impress you, because he knew that was your favorite, but he wouldn’t really.
Alex though, Alex would read Frankenstein for you.
It didn’t cross his mind that you were older than him. He knew that most guys his age were pining after someone their own age. Someone who was still naive, perkier maybe, and would be wrapped around your arm at all times. But Alex, Alex liked that you were older. You held yourself in a different way than other girls. He liked how you had dimpled skin, wrinkles from age, and you weren’t as perky as girls his age.
Jesus, mommy issues much?
So that was it - he enjoyed having someone worry about him for once rather the other way around. When you spoke so carefully towards him, holding his hands and not questioning the tears that so obviously burned in his eyes, he felt safe.
“Thank you…” He found himself mumbling out, looking back up at you with misty eyes. He felt his smile grow as his cheeks ran pink, watching as you nod, your own smile on your face.
“Of course, Alex. I’m glad you came in today to chat, it seems like you needed it. Us teachers, it means a lot to us when our students feel comfortable enough to come and talk with us about personal issues. At least for me, it makes me feel more like a person than just someone who gives you a failing or passing grade.” You admitted, shrugging your shoulders before looking down at your watch. Technically your office hours hadn’t even begun yet, it only being 12:54. You wondered if Alex was hungry, would it be appropriate to ask a student to get lunch?
Before you could even attempt to ask Alex if he wanted to go out, you noticed someone standing in the doorway. Fixing your attention behind Alex, you smiled, seeing Lara, one of your students from your other class in the doorway.
“Oh! Hello, Lara! I’ll be with you in just a minute,” You felt bad for rushing Alex out, but it didn’t seem right to leave a student hanging, “Um, I’m sorry, Alex. I forgot that Lara had emailed me about having a meeting. I’m not sure how long we will be, but if you want to wait we can talk some more after.”
You noticed him frown, clearly not wanting to leave right away, however he gathered his things without an issue, forcing a smile on his face as he stood up, “No, don’t worry about it. Thanks for listening. I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”
Turning on his heels, Alex moved out of the office, bumping into the student, Lara, who tried to take a step in too soon, running into his chest. “Oh! I’m sorry I-'' Looking down, Alex felt his ears grow warm, watching as Lara stared at him for a moment before blushing, “Hi...I’m Lara, I’m in Professor’s class that’s held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.” She explained, taking a step back.
She was cute, Lara, there was no denying that much. But Alex didn’t feel the same spark as he did with you, so when she was painfully trying to flirt with him it just went over his head. “Alex. Nice to meet you. I’m not, I’m not really in her classes,” There was a brief, and awkward, pause, before Alex moved around her. “Uh, sorry, I gotta run.” He rushed out of the conversation and down the hall, quickly making his way out of the department and to his class.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
“I’m just confused as to why we are going.” Denis explained, taking the shot glass from Alex before ‘clinking’ it against his, tipping his head back to take. He gagged slightly at the burn, but finished it nonetheless.
When Alex stopped in earlier that day to meet with you during your office hours, he overheard you and your friends talking about going to the Sour Apple after work. You knew the club they were talking about - it was the one that he lived just down the road from. He didn’t expect you to be the type to go there, but then again, he didn’t know you at all.
But he couldn’t tell Denis that, no. He couldn’t tell Denis that he had the hots for their professor after just one day and he wanted to go and see her. He was a boy, though, so of course he had no real plan as to what he would do if he saw you there. It’s not like he could buy you a drink and ask you to dance. So what would he do? Watch you from the corner like a creep? Part of him truly just wanted to go and make sure that Professor Dick didn’t do anything stupid. It was his caretaker personality kicking in, the need to have to defend you, even though you never asked for it. So what was he going there for?
“Look, you know I’m all for your movies and drinking some beers and watching what you’ve created, but why don’t we go and do something different tonight, yeah? Let’s go down to the Sour Apple and who knows, maybe you’ll even find a girl?” Denis rolled his eyes at the comment, shaking his head before leaning against Alex’s counter.
“Plus, they got happy hour going - or so I’ve heard.”
“Yeah, but on a Tuesday?” Denis shrugged and looked at Alex, with a flicker of concern in his eyes, “No offense, Alex, but you aren’t the best sometimes when holding your liquor. It’s already bad enough when you stumble home from my place, but a bar? You think you’re gonna wake up to see tomorrow?”
Denis was right - Alex suffered under the addiction of two things: beer and cigarettes. During his time taking care of his family, he relied heavily on the two to keep him in check, give him a bit of a release. But now that he was on his own, he didn’t need to rely on them.
“I get where you’re coming from, I do, but let’s just go have some fun, okay? If things really aren’t fun for you, we can come back here and do our usual. Does that sound fair?”
For a moment Denis seriously considered just heading home then, but deep down he knew that the change would be good for them. He had a suspicion though that there was something Alex wasn’t telling him, about why he so badly wanted to go down to the Sour Apple. Finally, after what felt like forever, Denis nodded and smiled as Alex clapped down on his shoulder, shaking him.
“I know you’re gonna have fun, Denny Boy - come on! Let’s get going before all the happy hour drinks are gone.” Pulling his jean jacket over the red flannel he decided to wear that night, Alex grabbed his keys and wallet, stuffing them in his pockets before opening the door to head out, locking it once Denis made his way out. The two trekked down the steps, moving quickly to get outside. Once the two were hit by the breeze of the evening air, they began their journey down the road to the Sour Apple.
It didn’t take long to hear the music booming out onto the street, the neon lights illuminating the block while the line of club-goers waited outside to be checked in. As Alex and Denis waited in the back of the line, he anxiously looked around, seeing if he could spot you with your friends. He wondered if you were here already and inside, or if you hadn’t left yet. Maybe you decided to not come at all? Alex was so worried about searching for you that he didn’t even realize the line was moving until he felt a sudden shove to his back.
“Hey! Pay attention!”
The rough voice from behind sent an instant headache to Alex. Looking behind him, he glared slightly at the older gentleman who towered him that was just as impatient as everyone else. The gentleman had a look on his face, almost testing Alex to see if he’d say or do anything. Denis, however, was the one to pull Alex away, gripping his arm tight as they moved up even more.
“Sorry about him,” Denis quickly rushed out to the angry man behind them, looking at Alex after. “Dude, what is your deal tonight? You aren’t acting like yourself?”
Pulling his arm away, Alex shook his jacket back down as it had bunched up, shaking his head, “I’m fine, man. Let’s just hurry up and get in.”
Alex didn’t mean to snap at Denis, in fact he really didn’t know why he was in such a poor mood to begin with. Yes, there was the boyish lust for you that he had fogging his brain, but that wasn’t enough to give him any reason to snap. As the two continued their way through the line, getting up to the bouncer and showing him their ID’s, Alex let out a sigh once through the door.
“Listen, Denis, I’m really sorry man. I didn’t mean to snap at you back there, that guy just really pissed me off is all.” It wasn’t a complete lie, the guy really did piss him off, but again, it wasn’t enough of a reason to have him snap at Denis.
All Denis could do though was shrug, smiling weakly towards his friend, “It’s cool man, come on, let’s not kill the mood before we even get a drink. Make it up to me by buying the first beer, yeah?”
It was a deal that Alex couldn’t say no to and after nudging his friend, Alex and Denis made their way towards the bar, wedging themselves into a couple seats before ordering the first round.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
You could already feel the buzz settling in once the sudden rush of heat hit you as you made your way into the club. You couldn’t remember what Jax said he put in the punch, but you knew having three cups probably wasn’t the smartest move. Everyone else seemed to be doing just fine, but then again - you also were the one running off of no sleep.
When the five of you got in, Gihan and Oscar instantly took off towards the dance floor, grinding up against one another to the sound of the music. You turned your nose slightly, more so at the sight of how obscene they looked. You heard Jess yell for them to get a room in which Gihan only flipped her off as a comeback. The remaining three of you headed towards the tables that were in the back of the club, grabbing one that would fit all of you before dumping your coats down.
“I’m going to get a drink, who’s coming with me?” Jaxon asked, clasping his hands together before grinning, clapping hands with Jess who announced that she would as well. Shaking your head, you felt Jaxon and Jess grab your arms, pulling you with them.
“So it seems even if I wanted to say no, I wouldn’t have had a choice.” You laughed as you stood at the end of the bar in between the two, waiting for one of the bartenders to grab your order. As you leaned against the bar, you couldn’t help but groan, your feet already killing you in the heels that Gihan and Jess offered you. It wasn’t that your outfit was uncomfortable or you hated it, but you didn’t see why you couldn’t just wear what you were wearing early.
“And what if there is a cute guy there who wants to take you home? You’re gonna leave wearing your work clothes?” Gihan asked, digging through her closet to try and find something for you to wear.
You could only roll your eyes, sitting on her bed, playing on your phone, “Gi, who says I wanna go home with someone? I got classes tomorrow, I’m not trying to wake up at some stranger’s house and figure out where the hell I am.”
Jess could only laugh at your annoyance, flopping down on the bed beside you, “Oh come on now, lighten up a bit. We are only trying to help you. You found your makeup bag and dolled yourself up, might as well finish the look off with something cute.”
Before you could ask why what you were wearing wasn’t cute, Gihan triumphantly stood up, presented the silky white pants and brown one shoulder tank top.
“I have a belt too,” She explained, moving to lay the outfit on the bed, “Snatch that waist of your’s up a bit.” You couldn’t help but laugh, looking down at the outfit before nodding, giving in to the makeover that Gihan was having with you.
“Thanks, Gi, yeah, this is great.” You slipped your vans off first before pulling your dress off, tossing it to the side before putting the outfit on that Gihan picked out for you. It was cute, and you were glad it wasn’t some 2006 hooker look that you feared she would give you - the last thing you needed was for someone you knew to see you looking like you were trying to pick someone up.
It was Jess who wanted to do your hair, pulling it out of the pigtails you had in earlier, fluffing your hair out before pinning some of it back out of your face. “There, now you look ready to go and have some fun.”
“Is that who I think it is?”
Looking up from his drink, Alex frowned, letting the straw dangle between his lips for a moment, squinting over at the end of the bar where Denis was pointing to, seeing Professor Dick and you. He tried to hide his excitement, playing it casual before nodding, “Oh yeah, it looks like it’s Professor,” He shrugged going back down to his drink, “She looks nice.”
The casual comment sent Denis laughing, looking back at Alex who was sipping down his Jack and Coke, “Nice? Man, she looks hot! For a teacher I mean...damn.”
Alex had to fight back his eyes from rolling, the twinge of jealousy settling in him. He knew that Denis was only looking at her because she was out of her typical teaching attire, or so he assumed given he’s only seen her now in two different outfits. Denis didn’t like her the way he did. Alex tried to suck his drink down, chewing on the straw now as he avoided the thoughts that ran through his head. When he glanced back up to see what you were doing, he frowned when he didn’t see you at the end of the bar anymore.
“No way! What are you two doing here?”
Turning around, Alex was pleasantly surprised to see that you had made your way over to them. There was a grin on your face as you shook your head, hands on your hips, “Don’t you both have homework you should be doing?” You teased, laughing as both men blushed.
“Oh, I’m only kidding. I’m sure you kids like to let loose sometimes too. Weird ain’t it though, running into your professor at the club?” You lifted your glass to your lips, finishing it off before wedging between them, motioning towards the bartender for a refill. “I’m buying their next round! I’m at the end seat!” You shouted over the music, watching the bartender nod in understandment.
Alex did his best to not get too hot and bothered by how close you were, your body practically flush against him with how tight the space was as you wedged yourself in the middle. He didn’t realize he was holding his breath until you stepped back. Exhaling, Alex opened his mouth to speak before hearing Denis beat him to it.
“Hey, Professor! Now that you’re here, I actually had a question abo-”
“Oh no, no! I’m not answering any questions about the reading right now,” You let out a laugh and looked over at Alex, motioning towards Denis, “He always a goody-good?”
It was Alex’s turn to laugh, watching as Denis blushed from the teasing that came from you, “Oh yeah, can’t ever get him to loosen up.” He teased, winking at his friend who could only swat at him.
You laughed at how silly the two looked, shaking your head before taking a sip from your glass, “You boys are ridiculous. Listen, I’m going to go and have some fun with my friends...don’t, don’t be ratting me out to the board if you see us doing anything not family friendly, okay? I’ll pretend I don’t know you, if you pretend you don’t know me. Yeah?”
Before you turned to head back to your friends, you pointed at the two bottles of beer that were in front of them that you bought, “And don’t be telling anyone I’m out here buying you guys drinks.” You shot a wink their way before disappearing into the crowd.
Feeling his cheeks grow warm, Alex turned, taking the bottle into his hand before tilting his head back to drink. He typically wasn’t this flustered, but damn did you have to wink at him? Denis, on the other hand, was grinning ear to ear, nudging Alex with his elbow, “See? I told you she’s cool. What professor would buy their students booze at a club?”
Meanwhile on the other side of the club, as you returned back to your seat, you could only think about how silly it felt seeing students at the club. Of course the two of them were allowed, it’s not like they weren’t able to just because they went to school - but running into students at such a taboo place, it made you almost feel...wrong.
You slid into your seat at the table, Jess and Jaxon talking amongst themselves before they noticed you returning. Looking over at you, Jaxon’s smile faded slightly into a frown, “Where’d you go?” He asked, almost sounding possessive.
Trying not to think too much of it, you motioned at the bar, “A couple of students are here and I just went and said hi to them. Alex, a student from your film class, he was one of them. He’s here with one of his friends.”
At the mention of his name, Jaxon frowned, nodding once before glancing over at the bar, “So I see,” He picked up his drink and downed it quickly, setting the glass back on the table before glancing at you, “So what’s up with you and him?” He asked suddenly.
Taken back, you sat back a bit, not being able to help the laugh that escaped from you, “What are you talking about? Up with us? Alex? Jesus, Jax - he’s a student. What do you mean what’s going on between us?”
The way he shrugged his shoulders so carelessly made your blood boil. This wasn’t the first time he questioned our relationship with anyone of the opposite sex. Anyone who could be seen as a threat in any way towards him, he wanted out of the picture.
“He’s not the type to just go to the teacher's office hours. I just think it’s a little weird. You said you just met him yesterday? I’ve known him since he started college, okay? He’s not as nice as he likes to say he is.” Jaxon spun his finger around the rim of his glass. Jess, on the other hand, sat in awkward silence, not sure what to say while you sat on the other side, red in the face.
“Funny, I think the one who isn’t as nice as they like to say is you.” Your comment earned a jabbing glare your way from Jax, who’s own face began to turn red.
“At least I don’t play hard to get.” He mumbled, although both you and Jess very clearly caught what he said. Oh what a turn of events.
“So this is what it’s about? You’re still hung up on the fact that I turned you down?” You let out a laugh, so rocked by the disbelief that you weren’t even sure how to react, “If you weren’t such a presumptuous asshole, maybe I wouldn’t have turned you down.”
And you thought that was it. He fell silent and his drunk brain was malfunctioning, desperately trying to figure out what to say next. What came next though surprised all of you at the table.
It was almost an instinct. You caught what he said to you so quickly and then the next moment your drink was in his face. Serves him right for calling you a bitch.
Pushing yourself off the chair, you grabbed your coat and headed towards the exit, ignoring the calls from Jess and eventually Gihan and Oscar who were returning from the dance floor, confused as to what was all going on.
“Are you dense? What the fuck is your problem?” Jess demanded, shoving Jaxon’s arm as he tried to coward away in his drunk shame. She scoffed and shook her head, grabbing her own coat before beginning to chase after you, calling out your name over the music and crowd of people.
When you burst through the door, the breeze hitting your face, you quickly dug in your coat pocket for the carton of cigarettes, pulling one out before sparking a light, bringing the cigarette into your mouth and taking in a long inhale, blowing it out in a huff.
“Fucking prick.” You mumbled, moving away from the busy line and to the emptier side of the building, leaning against the wall as you smoked your cigarette, looking out at the road as cars rushed by, ignoring the people who walked by you.
You weren’t surprised to hear the sudden rush of clicks that came out of the club, your name called out as Jess rushed up to your side, “Hey, Jesus, I don’t know what that was about. You okay?”
Flicking your cigarette into the road, you exhaled your last puff before turning towards Jess, motioning towards the club, “I mean, yeah, but really what the fuck was that?” You did your best to not project your anger out onto Jess, but you couldn’t help the yelling that soon came out of you. “Who the fuck does he think he is to sit there and question anything I do? Hmm? I’m so sick of him. I’ve been playing nice for months now, defending him to everyone - and this is what I get back?” You shook your head, laughing as you fumbled into your pocket to get another cigarette, “No, I’m done. Done! I ain’t going back in there and I’m not speaking to him.”
Your hands were shaking from anger, trying to spark the lighter and light your next cigarette before Jess finally had enough of watching you struggle, stepping forward to take the lighter from your hand and lit the cigarette herself. You took a long inhale before exhaling, offering it to her, “Thanks…”
She took it without a second though, nodding once before inhaling, “Look,” She began, tilting her head back to blow the smoke out and not in your face, “I’m not saying you gotta listen to what he says, but there’s a good chance he’s not going to remember this in the morning. You gonna tell him or let him figure it out?”
You fell silent, debating with yourself on the best approach to this. “I’ll text him, tell him how it is and he can read it in the morning. Like I said though, I’m not talking with him. Not now, not ever. I’m done. I don’t care if you guys still hang out with him, that’s your choice, but don’t drag me into any group outings again if he’s going to be there.”
Nodding, Jess handed the cigarette back to you, watching as you quickly finished it off yourself, flicking it this time on the sidewalk before crushing it out. “You need a ride home? I can come back and pick you up after we drop Jax off at home.” You shook your head, declining the offer quickly.
“No, no I’ll figure something out. Thanks, though.” You smiled weakly at Jess and watched as she nodded again, reaching down to squeeze your hand. After a moment, she let go and turned, heading back inside to find the others, leaving you to your thoughts outside.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Alex had noticed your absence, or at least not seen you, for quite some time now. He knew he shouldn’t be worried, because you were a full grown adult and with friends, but what worried him was when he saw the table you were sitting at with only your friends and not you. At first he waited, hoping you were in the bathroom and coming back soon, but when you didn’t, that’s when he got nervous.
Denis seemed to be in a trance, perhaps it was the last shot he took, sending him over the edge; but whatever it was, he didn’t seem to be paying much attention to Alex fidgeting in his seat beside him.
“Hey, man, look. I don’t mean to be a buzzkill, but I think I better head home,” He hiccuped and groaned, feeling sick to his stomach, “I’m gonna catch a cab home, so don’t wait up for me, yeah? I had fun...see you tomorrow?”
Alex smiled and nodded, standing up to help Denis from slipping, grabbing his jean jacket from the stool before shaking his head, “Let me help you get a cab, okay?” Denis didn’t seem to protest, leaning into Alex’s hold as he pulled him out of the club and out onto the street, waving a cab down before helping Alex into the back.
When he told the cab driver the address, he smiled once more at Denis before patting his chest, “Take it easy, man. Call me if something happens and you need me, okay?” Denis nodded slowly, squeezing Alex’s hand before sighing, “Thanks, man. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Taking a step back, Alex watched the cab pull out, sighing as the sudden rush of cold air hit him, prompting him to pull his jean jacket around him tight. When he turned around on the sidewalk to start heading home, he wasn’t expecting to find you, standing outside, smoking a cigarette.
It took a moment for you to really process who it was, feeling a bit out of it. You had gone back in the club once after Jess left to get a couple drinks, slamming down a few shots out of anger before heading back outside, finishing the carton of cigarettes off shortly after.
Alex was the one to approach first, a worried expression on his face as he stepped closer to you, “Hey, what are you doing out here?” When he was close to your face, he noticed under the illuminated neon sign how red your eyes were, as if you were crying. You wouldn’t admit it to him, but you were, crying pathetically out on the street.
“O-Oh! Hey...Alex…” You felt yourself struggle to make a cohesive sentence, leaning against the side of the building for support. “What are you still doing here? Is Denisss here?”
When you began to slip, losing your balance, Alex was beside you in seconds, catching you and holding you in his arms, “Hey, woah, careful!” He helped you regain your balance, although his arms stayed wrapped around you, “Denis just left...I could ask you the same. Why aren’t you inside with your friends?”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you adjusted your stance, leaning your weight into him. You noticed how warm he felt, despite standing outside in the cold, and how he smelled of a mixture of liquor and cigarettes. To anyone else, you’d probably gag at the smell, but in that moment, it was comforting.
“My friends are not someone I want to see right now.” You explained, turning your head into his chest, resting your cheek against him.
Was it friends? Or someone specific? Alex of course wouldn’t push it - if you could hardly stand on your own, how did he expect you to explain something to him that obviously was a little complex.
He only nodded his head, bringing his hand to your head for a moment, hovering his palm over your head before gently resting it on top of your hair.
“Do you have a way home? Do you need a way home?” He didn’t know if he trusted you or a cab driver enough to make sure you got home safely. It wasn’t something he was too thrilled on, despite the obvious attraction for you, but he began to realize it was your only option.
“Why don’t I take you home? To my place?” He suggested, coaxing you to stand up as he began to walk you down the sidewalk carefully, back to his apartment, “I can take you home in the morning. But you should probably sleep.”
You were the one to stop, pulling yourself away from him slightly. Despite being a little too drunk for your liking, you still felt in your gut that this wasn’t right, “Alex...I don’t know if I can do that. It’s not appro-”
Alex quickly stopped you, balancing you as you began to lean too far back, “I know, but you can’t get home alone. Please, just for tonight. You can sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep on the couch. You can trust me.”
You should have turned away, asked for him to take you back inside to your friends. You would deal with Jax for the extra hour if you had to if it meant ending back up in your own bed...but for some reason, you knew that just wasn’t going to work tonight.
And in some sick way, you did trust Alex. More than perhaps anyone else in that moment. The student you just met, you trusted him more than your own friends.
Nodding your head slowly, after a moment, you sighed and leaned closer to him, “Okay...thank you.” You felt the embarrassment sinking in, the idea of a student taking care of you made your stomach twist...or was it the one too many drinks?
It didn’t take long for Alex to get you to his apartment. He only struggled when it came to the stairs, practically having to carry you as your legs began to turn into jello on the second flight of stairs. He remembered doing this for his mother’s birthday, after her coma, when she wanted an old friend to come over.
He was so drunk, Alex remembered, that he had to help him shower and dress. Thankfully for Alex now, all that was the issue was getting you up the stairs. And finally, when he did, Alex could only sigh in relief, pushing his front door open as he coaxed you onto the couch. He locked the door before returning back to you, kneeling as he pulled your heels from your feet, putting them near the door for you to find easily in the morning.
“Okay, come on, let’s get you to bed.” Bending down, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you up, tightening his grip so you wouldn’t slip, turning to his right to walk with you towards his bedroom. He did his best to not trip over the stuff on his floor, making sure to watch your feet so you wouldn’t do the same. He became almost embarrassed with how messy it was. Thankfully you were too drunk to realize the mess, and hopefully in the morning you wouldn’t pay too much attention to it.
He got you to lay back on his bed, adjusting the pillows under your head before pulling the duvet up to cover you. “Okay, you good? I’m going to be out in the living room, I’ll keep the dorm open in case you need anything. If you do, just yell and I’ll come in.”
You nodded, eyes closed as you tried to relax. Your head was spinning and your heart was racing. “Thank you, Alex.” You mumbled, body curling under the duvet.
Smiling, Alex nodded and stood up, turning the lamp off, leaving the lava lamp on, before heading out of his room and into the living room again. He let out a sigh as he picked up one of the pillows by the window, a blanket as well, before making his way to the couch, kicking his own shoes off and tugging his jacket off before laying down. Alex adjusted the blanket to cover him before staring up at the ceiling.
He waited until he heard you fall asleep, not taking too long before he heard your deep breathing, a faint snore kick in. Closing his eyes, Alex smiled to himself, soon letting sleep take him over as well.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
The next morning, Alex woke to the sound of the birds chirping from outside, the sun peeking through the curtain and hitting him in the eye. With a groan, he sat up, rubbing his eyes and processed his surroundings. He felt his eyes droop shut again, tired from the night before. Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket, he leaned to the side and pulled out his phone, looking to see that his boss had texted him, asking him where he was.
It was then that he realized that Alex had work. Muttering a string of swears, Alex quickly texted his boss, explaining that he wouldn’t be able to come in today due to him feeling under the weather. He had hoped that Denis didn’t text something similar - the last thing he wanted or needed was for his boss to call and chew their asses out.
When Alex didn’t get a text back, he assumed that his boss was pissed, but accepted the fact that he wasn’t coming in. Swinging his legs off the couch, Alex took a deep breath, letting out a yawn before pushing himself off the couch, stretching and cracking his joints.
The apartment felt particularly quiet that morning, and Alex couldn’t figure out why. That, and why he was sleeping on the couch. When he headed from the living room and to his room, seeing his bed made, a scribbled note on the pillow, he carefully made his way over, picking up the note.
Thanks for letting me stay the night. I’m going to assume that nothing happened and I don’t need to change my name and flee the country - given that we were in separate rooms and wearing our clothes.
While I appreciate the gesture, I would like to apologize for my behavior. As your professor I recognize how inappropriate it was last night and I would like for this to stay between the two of us. Along with that, I think it would be for the better if perhaps you didn’t sit in my class. Instead, go to Professor Thorne’s office hours - I’m sure he would appreciate it.
Again, thank you.
Alex had to read the letter four times before he finally really processed what it was that you wrote. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew Professor Dick must have said something to you last night, and that’s why you were acting this way. But...what if it wasn’t him at all? And this truly was your own words, how you really felt?
Stuffing the letter in his jeans, Alex quickly changed his shirt, freshening himself up before grabbing his school bag and heading out of his apartment. He needed to hear from you what this meant, if you truly meant this, or just what exactly was going on.
By the time he got on his scooter and made it onto campus, it was only going on 12:30, meaning there was a good chance you weren’t there yet. When he made his way up the stairs and into the English department, down the hall to the end where your office was, he stopped short, noticing that you were at your desk, back turned towards the door.
He took a deep breath first, pushing down on the handle before opening the door quietly, knocking on the door to signal you were there before shutting it behind you. When you had turned around, you hadn’t expected to see Alex, with your letter in his hand now. It was then that you felt your face grow hot, standing up from your chair.
“Alex, good afternoon. Is there something I can do for you?” You asked casually, trying to avoid staring at the letter to make it known just how oblivious you were trying to act with the situation. Shaking his head, Alex took two steps forward, stopping when he noticed you take a step back.
“I don’t get it. What happened? I mean, I read what you wrote, but it just doesn’t make sense.”
“What don’t you get?” You felt your eyebrows furrow before looking behind him at the window, making sure nobody was listening before back at him. “Look, I appreciate what you did for me last night, but that was a mistake, okay? I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that. I’m your professor and you’re my student. What happened was incredibly inappropriate and I do not feel comfortable right now with everything going on.”
It felt so sudden. The past two days were truly a blur. One minute you were meeting a student who was eager to join your class, the next you were in his bed drunk. Maybe it was what Jaxon had told you that made your head spin so violently, lash out at Alex with your own fear - whatever it was though, you knew that as a professor, your only choice was to be professional.
“So, what? I’m just supposed to walk away from this and pretend it never happened?” Alex asked suddenly his own irritation building. He knew this wasn’t you - it didn’t take a genius to know that you weren’t the type to push a student away like this, even if you had made a mistake.
He took a step forward, his expression softening, “Did Professor Thorne say something to you last night? Did he do something?” He was taken back with just how quickly your own expression changed. Going from a rather solemn one to red, pure rage. It was as if he tripped over the wire of a ticking time bomb.
“Even if Professor Thorne were to have said something last night, that is none of your concern. I’m sorry Alex, but I believe you have overstayed your welcome. Please, leave my office.” You pointed towards the door, eyes shifted down as the tears began to build. You hated making a student feel so confused, so sad, but in this case, you knew it was only for the better.
With his mouth fallen open, Alex stared at you for another moment, almost waiting for you to tell him to stay, that you were sorry and changed your mind. But it didn’t happen, it never came. He stifled a laugh and shook his head, looking her once over before turning and leaving her office, slamming the door shut behind him as he made his way down the hall.
He was slightly disappointed to see that Professor Thorne had not been in his office that day, because if he was, Alex knew he wouldn’t have been a student for much longer.
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The Jealous Type
Part 2 of Tsukishima x Reader Pierced by Cupid
A/n: Someone asked from more, and honestly Tsukki is one of my favs so, I love him and my readers. I’m a simple being. 
Best to listen to: WTF by HUGEL
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The room was filled with gentle and calming lofi music as the two boys studied and did their homework, sitting across from each other at a table on Tsukishima’s floor. Y/n let his leg shake under the table, trying desperately to focus and Tsukishima called out answers once in a while. Because of a pretty bad storm that suddenly rolled through, all after school activities were canceled. 
Volleyball had already been canceled because both coach Ukai and Takeda were sick so Tsukishima planned to stay after with his boyfriend, Y/n. But the announcement came late and they had to run back to Tsukishima’s house since Y/n’s house was too far to walk alone, along with the wind being too fast and the rain pouring down in buckets.
It seemed Tsukishima’s mother was more excited about Y/n staying over for the night than Tsukishima was, which was embarrassing to the tall boy but Y/n said he was happy that she allowed him to stay. They had been dating now for just over a month so the Tsukishima family knew Y/n well at this point, him having stayed over many times.
Both had taken a shower and bath one they got inside, separately of course, and since Y/n had no spare clothes Tsukishima died inside while looking on at Y/n drowning in his large clothes. Tsukishima suggested studying just to get his mind off the fact that not only was his adorable boyfriend alone with him in his bedroom, but also wearing his clothes.
Tsukishima knew studying the traditional way was difficult for Y/n, but he never made fun of him for it despite Y/n himself laughing at himself. There was some teasing here and there, but Tsukishima made very sure not to push it too far.
Take this moment for instance, as they sat across from each other, Tsukishima glanced up and saw Y/n distracted. 
Y/n's eyes journeyed around Tsukishima's room, curious of every little thing despite having been in his room many times. His head booped to the music meaning he was slightly aware of his surroundings, but soon Y/n's eyes went still and his body froze. 
'Finally fully zoned out' Tsukishima thought, quietly deciding to clean his and Y/n's papers up. He knew there was no real focus after Y/n fully zoned out, as it would take him a while to get out of that head space. He did this often, but Tsukishima noticed it was only when he was completely comfortable that he fully spaced out. His eyes would dilate and his body would be still, breathing as if he was sleeping with his eyes open. These zone outs could last a minuet to 5, which at first made Tsukishima confused, but he soon came to love it as it was just another quirk of his boyfriend.
Y/n stayed frozen as Tsukishima cleaned up their studies and made his bed, since his boyfriend was sleeping over and looking at the clock, it was already pretty late. When Y/n would come over, Tsukishima never brought out a futon. Always making the excuse that it was too much work, but both boys knew it was just his way of saying he liked sleeping together.
Tsukishima just got the table put away when Y/n's eyes blinked and he took in a deep breath and looked around, Tsukishima put a hand on his hip and smirked at Y/n. 
"Welcome back."
Y/n groaned and fell back to the floor, covering his face with his hands. 
"Ugh, I did it again."
"Why didn't you wake me?" Y/n dropped his hands and looked up at his boyfriend with guilt, Tsukishima however just shrugged, taking off his glasses and laying down in his bed. 
"I needed an excuse to stop studying anyway." He said lazily, settling himself under the sheets.
"EH!?" Y/n launched himself to his feet, stomping and glaring at his boyfriend. Tsukishima laid with his back turned to Y/n to hide the smirk he had on his face, thrilled by Y/n reaction to his teasing. "Am I just an excuse to you?!" Y/n growled, knowing full well he wasn't and meant more than that to Tsukishima, but he couldn't help but take the bait. 
Tsukishima pretended to snore, ignoring Y/n, who huffed in response. For a moment he just tapped his foot on the floor like an upset rabbit, Tsukishima having to cover his mouth not to laugh. Tsukishima then felt the rustle of his blankets then a weight behind him on the bed, small hand curling up on his back while a leg was thrown over his waist. 
They stayed like this for only a moment before Tsukishima turned around and completely enveloped Y/n, one arm under his head, the other round his waist, and both his legs wrapped around him making their legs a tangled mess. 
Both quickly got settled and breathed together, Y/n's head close to Tsukishima's chest while Tsukishima settled his chin on the top of Y/n's head. 
Sleep came quickly for both. 
Tsukishima squinted a glare over his shoulder at the blinking light of his phone on his desk, curling closer around Y/n in hopes the buzzing of his phone will just stop. 
'Thank god it--'
Briiiing! Briiiing~!
Briiiing! Briiiing~!
"Ugh!!" He growled, unwillingly untangling himself from his peacefully sleeping boyfriend, sliding out of bed and going over to his desk. Picking up his glasses and putting them one, he opened his phone to see 10+ messages and 3 missed calls. "Give me a break…" He muttered, opening his messages to the Karasuno Volleyball group chat. 
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Tsukishima growled and typed out his answer. 
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Tsukishima rolled his eyes. Though this was true, glancing over his shoulder watching Y/n snuggle deeper into the covers and turning over to continue his sleep, he didn't want his team to think Y/n kept him home.
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He then silenced his phone, took off his glasses, and walked straight back over to his bed. He then basically crushed Y/n underneath him, tightly keeping him close to his chest. Y/n made a small whine but quickly adjusted and went back to sleep, Tsukishima taking in a deep breath of his scent and let out a large sigh from his nose, closely following behind his boyfriend in sleep. 
Obviously, they could not sleep all day, required school and all that. When both arrived at school it was already close to lunch, it was also clear to anyone that knew the two boys that they were somewhere together before school. The remaining classes they had before lunch went on normal, they both acted natural as if they were only acquaintances or just mediocre friends. 
Neither of them were really ready to make their relationship public, so when I came to being in public there was no PDA at all. They were both okay with this and no one was the wiser.
That was until lunch came around. 
Y/n, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi all looked over to the classroom door to see the same peppy girl who was apparently friends with Y/n. He explained they live near each other and were an unlikely pair of friends since young. 
"If you can call it that." Y/n said, scratching his head. 
"What do you mean?" Yamaguchi asked, the three of them walking home all together. Y/n let out a sigh before answering. 
"Well, in all honesty, I don't really see us as friends. She is more of a person who talks to me, or tries to, often. I don’t really make an effort to see or talk to her."
"Do you even like her?" Tsukishima questioned, knowing that his curiosity might be taken as jealousy, which it wasn't.
"... Not really?" Y/n shrugged. "I don't want to be mean to her though, she's a nice girl… I think? Either way, we just don't have that much in common so… I don't know why she still talks to me."
"Nachi-san, hello." Y/n said slowly, both Tsukishima and Yamaguchi seeing his increasing uncomfortable pose from her sudden appearance and loud voice. 
She smiled brightly at him, then pulled out her bento from behind her back. 
"Let's eat together! It's been awhile!"
Y/n looked between Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, almost in a silent cry of help before turning back to the girl without looking her in the eyes. 
"Well, um… I'm having lunch with my friends--"
The group of teens once again turned their sights to the classroom door, this time it was the archery club faculty teacher so Y/n stood up from his seat. 
"Yes, sensei?"
"Can you come with me for lunch? We have things to discuss about your club, nothing is wrong so don't worry."
The teacher's smile was far more gentle than Nachi's and Y/n took his own bento and nodded to the teacher, then looked at Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. 
"Uhm… Sorry, guys."
"No worries, N/n." Yamaguchi reassured with a smile. "Do what you need to."
With that Y/n nodded and left with the teacher, leaving an uncomfortable silence between the two boys and the girl they didn't know anything about other than what Y/n said. She turned to them both, trying (and failing) to hide the fact she was looking them up and down. She gave them both a large fake smile, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi likened it to a wild animal baring its teeth to show strength. 
"So, you two are friends with Y/n-chan?"
Both were silent, Yamaguchi was slightly scared while Tsukishima was annoyed, he could tell where this was going and certainly didn’t think he had the patience for it. 
"And?" Tsukishima snapped back, then gave his own condescending smile. "Who are you?"
Her face seemed to flush slightly in anger, seeing that her presence was only making one of the boys fearful of her. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, a stiff smile on her face now.
"I'm his best friend."
"Oh? That's odd," Tsukishima said, giving her a smug look as he smirked her way. "Usually best friends talk about each other. I've never heard of you."
She growled and slammed her free hand on the table glaring at Tsukishima, Yamaguchi jumped in his seat and shivered. He was not a fan of being in the middle of a fight between a jealous girl and Tsukishima, he knew how ruthless Tsukishima could be when he wanted to and the girl seemed just straight up crazy.
“Tsukki…” Yamaguchi whispers, but was ignored.
"Listen here, four eyes, " she sneered at Tsukishima. "Y/n and I are meant to be, and you are taking up too much of his time. Stay away from my Y/n-chan."
While raising a brow and not missing a beat, Tsukishima then stood up out of his seat, easily towering over her which made her flinch back a little but still glaring. Tsukishima's expression held only a smugness his enemies have seen, his eyes looking down on her like she was merely a stick at his feet. 
"I see. You have a pathetic crush on a boy who barely even knows you exist, and the only time he does is when you scream in his ears." Tsukishima let out a small chuckle, slightly covering his mouth while continuing. 
"Like a small Chihuahua."
Yamaguchi couldn't stop the chuckle that left his mouth in time, and the girl's face flourished into a beat red. She huffed and stormed out of the room, not before Tsukishima picked up her bento by the tie and waved it. 
"Chihuahua! You forgot your puppy chow!"
Neither Yamaguchi nor Tsukishima told Y/n about what happened with the girl, both not willing to give her any more thought than they have. They did wonder, however, if she had acted this way towards anyone else who considered themselves friends with the archer boy, wondering if that is why he had so little friends before they had met. 
Volleyball had once again been cancelled due to the coach and Takeda still being sick, so Tsukishima and Yamaguchi made plans to stay after to watch Y/n's archery practice. What they didn't expect was the volleyball team overhearing and all of them deciding to go to the archery club. 
Tsukishima just wanted time with his boyfriend but it seemed the world had other plans. When the team walked into the gym, Tsukishima held in a groan at the one person he didn't want to see again. Nachi was fixing her hair up in her phone camera and turned to the sound of the gym door opening, not holding back a groan upon seeing Tsukishima. 
"Ugh, it's you."
Tsukishima gave a fake smile. 
"It's me."
The whole team could practically feel the electric-like tension between the two, and before anyone of a more sane mind could say anything, a couple of wild second years set it off. 
"Oh~? You know our lanky middle blocker?"
Tsukishima glared at Tanaka, muttering 'I'm not lanky' and the girl scuffed and flipped her hair in the team's direction. 
"Barely, he's just a cockroach I found around Y/n-chan during lunch, him and the freckle boy over there." She smirked at the team, then turned her back to them. "And it seems the cockroach caused an infestation to appear in Y/n-chan’s club, how horrific."
"HUH?!" Both Tanaka and Nishinoya were taken back and angered by her words, the rest of the team were just surprised at her bitter attitude towards them. Yamaguchi hid more behind Tsukishima who stood tall looking down his nose at her, not at all fased by her egregious  petty behaviour. Sugawara, being the nice individual he was, chuckled and brushed the back of his head with a gentle smile. 
"Uh, well, I'm sorry for any incon-"
"I don't care what you guys do," She cut it, making the whole team feral at the mear audacity to cut off Sugawara. She turned her head over her shoulder and glared harshly at the team. 
"Just stay away from Y/n."
Before anyone could say anything more, the other gym door opened up and in walked Y/n with an arm full of bow sticks and a bag full of bow strings. Unaware of what just happened, he flinched a little at the sight of more people in the gym. 
A couple of first years came around the corner with Y/n, 2 second years, and a third year all standing behind him. 
"Am I gonna need more bows, aren't I?" Y/n sighed with a weak smile, looking to Tsukishima only to see his eyes holding pure annoyance. “Uhm, is something wrong?”
“Yes--” But Tsukishima was cut off by the shrill peppy voice of Nachi, which made him glare at the back of her head.
“Nothing at all Y/n-chan! Are we going to archery now?”
Y/n walked into the gym, setting the things he was carrying gently down on a laid out table, then turned back to Nachi with a blank face.
“Do you mean, ‘are we going to begin archery now’?”
“ Same thing!” She waved off, picking up the nearest bow, which happened to be Y/n’s personal bow. It was a shiny dark blue with specks of gold on the back of the limbs, grip was pitch black speckled with white, and the belly was a pure white while the tips were dipped in gold. The bow string was also gold and shined in the light, even those unfamiliar with a bow would stand in awe of it’s beauty.
“Wait!” Y/n then snatched it out of Nachi’s hands and slightly glared at her. “You guys are going to be setting up your own bows!”
“What kind of archery is this?” Kinoshita wondered out loud, which made Y/n smile brightly, eager to teach anyone about his beloved hobby. 
“Chinese Archery! Westerner bows, things like compound bows, aren’t allowed here unfortunately.” Y/n then looked off with a blush, scratching his head with a meek expression. “I … found that out the hard way.”
Y/n then gently set down his bow on the table, moving to the side of the table and waving an arm to it. He smiled at everyone there, excited to finally have people interested in archery, unknowing of the tension caving in the gym created by a jealous girl and an irritated boyfriend. Even the seven individuals not on the volleyball team could feel the tension, wondering if they should have all come on a different day.
“Take a bow and a string and let’s begin our lessons!” Y/n exclaimed excitedly, Nachi making an effort to be the first to grab one and stand close to him after.
“Oh boy…” Daichi sighed, beginning to walk over to the table with the rest of the team.
“This will be interesting.” Sugawara stated, not at all being genuine and also sighing at the glare the first year girl sent him.
"I still don't think I get it." Nachi said with a pout, looking at her long time crush with ‘innocent’ eyes.
"Umm… Well, that's fine… Despite me having explained it 7 times, I guess I can explain it again."
Everyone who was not  Y/n or Nachi groaned in their heads, all only thinking one thing. 
"She's so desperate."
"Pst, Tsukishima."
Tsukishima turned to Sugawara, who was waving him over and huddled with the rest of the team. He walked over, placing his bow down and joining the huddle.
"What is with that girl?" Sugawara said bluntly, giving a weak smile and tired eyes, Nishinoya next to speak. 
"Yeah, and what'd you do to make her so pissy?"
"I hate to say it," Yachi spoke up softly, nodding. "but she's really… Mean."
"That's putting it lightly." Kiyoko crossed her arms, glancing over at poor Y/n who once again went over the proper way to hold the bow and arrow and releasing said arrow. 
"Tsukishima," Asahi raised his hand, his attitude turning weary and timid. "you didn't actually do anything mean to her… Did you?"
The whole team then turned their eyes to the tall middle blocker, all knowing full well of his treatment of others, who in turn rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 
"As if I'd give someone like her the time of day."
"She has a crush on Y/n… which is obvious to anyone but him..." Yamaguchi explained. "And apparently we've been taking up too much of his time."
"I just told her that her crush on him was pathetic." Tsukishima shrugged. "It's her fault for getting pissy over the truth."
Sugawara sighed out loud while the team captain put his face into his palm, Asahi mumbling that that might be too much. The relatively quiet second years all shook their head, regretting agreeing to tagging along to this archery club. Kageyama for once nodded with Tsukishima, making Hinata back away from him in shock.
“You agree?!” Hinata exclaimed, kageyama glared at him.
“Not like I would want to, but he’s right.” He then crossed his arms. “Why go after someone who’s already in a relationship? Why would anyone want Y/n anyway?”
“Careful King,” Tsukishima glared. “You’re on thin ice.”
“No, I’m on hardwood.” Kageyama said blankly, Suga clapping a hand over his mouth to muffle his laugh while he looked at Daichi who was looking up at the ceiling like he was ready for God to take him.
"Oooooohhh!!" Tanaka exclaimed, then smirked and slapped Tsukishima on the back. "So you're just as mad she is!"
"Why would I be?" He straightened back up, readjusting his glasses as Sugawara smiled.
"You are his boyfriend after all-"
Suddenly there was the sound of an arrow meeting its target, everyone in the gym looked and saw Nachi (the girl they had been talking about) nailed a bullseye. 
"Wow, you finally got it." Y/n congratulated, too caught up in the fact that he was being a good teacher and how he really was good at archery to notice the glare she gave the volleyball team. "Good job, Nachi."
The four first years, two seconds years, and the one third year were all close to the team when they were talking, and when the team looked at all of them, they all just nod in silent agreement. 
"She's crazy."
"Sooo… How long has she been friends with you, L/n-san?"
Hinata broke the thick ice of silence that took over the group as they all walked home, the club having ended and all going home now. 
"Maybe since I was… 8?"
"Wah-!" Kageyama slapped his hand over Hinata's mouth to keep him from yelling in Y/n's ears, letting someone else finish for him. 
"That's quite a while." Daichi finished, Y/n shrugging. 
"She's really only the one talking, I never really had any other friends."
"Wonder why…" Tsukishima let out of his mouth before he could stop it, getting a punch in the shoulder from Sugawara. Y/n laughed though, thinking it was a joke, which made Tsukishima smirk at his senior. 
"Yeah, she's… Her."
"Wow," Tsukishima drawed. "What an extensive vocabulary."
Y/n bows. 
"Thank you."
"So why do you still talk to her?" Ennoshita asked, jumping as all eyes went to him. "I mean, isn't it just normal to not talk to someone you don't like?"
"I just… Don't want to be mean." Y/n said once again, making Tsukishima roll his eyes. Y/n pushed on his shoulder and shook his head with a small smile.
“Of course you wouldn’t have trouble being mean.”
“Yeah, Tsukki is always mean.” Hinata said, flinching and put up his hands to protect himself as Tsukishima turned and glared down at him.
“She’ll get the hint soon enough.” Tsukishima said, which made Asahi flinch back and look at him in fear.
“You make it sound like you’ll kill her…”
All goes silent as they continue walking, no one saying a word after, not before Y/n jumps up and smacks Tsukishima on the back of the head.
“No killing!”
“At lunch?” Y/n tilted his head in confusion. “I was going to have lunch with you anyway, but… is Yama-chan not coming?”
“No, I have to talk to you in private about something.” Tsukishima said, not hiding his voice at all. “Just meet me behind your archery gym, got it?”
Y/n, still confused, nods his head, finally going off to the group he was assigned to from a project in their class. Tsukishima looked out the corner of his eye and saw her, having known she was listening. He turned and gave her a fake smile, closing his eyes with ‘content’.
“Please don’t follow like the stalker you are making yourself out to be, it will ruin my appetite more than it already has.”
Nachi, having just been standing outside their classroom, swiveled on her feet with anger and stomped off. Both teens knew she was going to try and make it a coincidence she just ‘happened’ to be at their meeting place when they would talk, not that she was going to listen or anything.
Once lunch came around, Tsukishima made it very obvious they were going off to eat, totally aware of a jealous girl glaring daggers into his back.
Nachi had no idea what Tsukishima had been planning on talking about with Y/n, but she would not let it stand. She had said before, that these new ‘friends’ of Y/n’s were taking up her quality time with Y/n, and she didn’t like it at all. 
Nachi didn’t understand Y/n at all, one minute he’s hyper focused on something or a topic, then the next he’s spacing out or talking about something new. He was someone she couldn’t understand, but she liked it. She didn’t get why he would flinch at her voice or avoid her physical contact, but that’s what made him interesting. He wasn’t like other boys in her grade.
Now placed behind the gym, Tsukishima stood tall in front of a still very confused Y/n, all while a certain girl hid around the corner to eavesdrop.
“So… what is it you wanted to talk about?” Y/n asked, looking around and sweating a bit. “You’re making me all nervous.”
“I love you, Y/n.” Tsukishima said casually, as if it was as easy as breathing and not the first time he had ever mentioned the word love.
Y/n’s eyes went wide, mouth open and body stone still as his boyfriends words echoed in his head. It was silent between the two, before Y/n spoke in a quiet whisper.
“... What?”
“I love you,” Tsukishima said again, raising his brow. “Do I need to show you?”
Before Y/n could even begin to process what was happening, Tsukishima cupped his hands on Y/n’s face and leaned down, sweetly and gently connecting his lips to Y/n’s. Even though Y/n was still in a cloud of confusion and pure bliss, he quickly responded by holding on to Tsukishima’s uniform and returning the kiss tenfold.
With Y/n’s eyes closed, taking in the sweet romantic moment, he didn’t notice Tsukishima’s eyes were open and glazing behind Y/n at a girl who hid behind a corner. She was in shock, pure and utter shock, unable to admit this was happening.
Tsukishima then pulled apart from Y/n, looking down and seeing his flushed face, feeling the warmth of his cheeks on his hands. He smirked and raised a brow at Y/n.
“Not going to say it back?” He asked jokingly, but Y/n was far in his bliss.
“Say it again.” Y/n almosted sounded like he was begging, which made Tsukishims’s smirk wider.
“I love you, Y/n.”
Y/n’s lips formed a radiate smile as he looked up at Tsukishima.
“I love you too, Kei.” 
Y/n then leaned in and hugged Tsukishima with every bit of love in him and then some. Tsukishima hugging right back. Glazing back up at the corner, he now saw the girl no longer hiding and standing only a few feet away.
She looked angry, sad, horrified all at the same time, and Tsukishima’s response?
“How much do you love me?”
Y/m hummed into Tsukishima’s chest.
“To the moon and stars…”
“And?” Tsukishima pressed, watching as the girl began to shake in what he could only assume was anger.
“And even further beyond that,” Y/n looked up at Tsukishima, smiling when Tsukishima smiled back. “As the universe, my love is never ending.”
She was gone when Tsukishima looked back up, and he took this moment to actually soak in the embrace of his boyfriend.
“What was this all for anyway?” Y/n questioned, finally allowing them both to pull apart and begin to eat their lunch. “Not that I don’t like it, just… you aren’t like this in public.”
“Felt like it.” Tsukishima replied, beginning to eat while Y/n rolled his eyes.
“Well, if that’s all it takes,” Y/n turned and smiled at his boyfriend. “I hope you feel like it more often.”
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Authors Note: I mixed in parts of the book series for the fun of it. I hope you like it!
Request: Could you possibly write a Jace x Reader fanfiction where the reader has been through some trauma and gets triggered when making out with Jace?
Pairing: Jace Wayland x Reader
Summary: Y/N and Jace were together for quite sometime before Clary came onto the scene. It had broken Y/N beyond relief when Jace had ended the relationship upon meeting this girl. Her whole world is then turned upside down when Clary destroyed the boat and possibly her entire life.
Warnings: Swearing, some references to incestuous behaviour and physical and mental triggers.
Word Count: 6,092
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I was on the boat that day. The day where something suspicious happened with Clary and Jace while they were talking with Valentine. None of us Shadowhunters really know the true extent of what happened to shake up our entire world during that battle. No one other than those who were down in the bunker with Valentine.
It is not like I was meant to be there, on that boat. The morning of the battle, Jace had come to my room at the institute and was practically on his knees begging me not to attend. He knew something bad was going to go down and at that precise moment, I put it all down to the thought that possibly he was trying to protect me from getting caught in the crossfire. But there was something there, something unnerving niggling behind his eyes.
I had seen that look once before. The night that we broke up, when he swore to me that he had no feelings for Clary. Since that day we had remained civil to one another but things were not quite the same between us. I loved the boy but he had forgotten all about me now that he had his sister on the scene. Which is why it was so confusing when he came to my room that night to convince me to stay away from the battle. He pulled out all the stops, he even called me by the nickname he gave me when we were together, ‘Darling.’
Just like the day that I first heard the nickname, I was putty in his hands. He could manipulate me that well with one word. The worst part was, I knew it. I knew I was a pawn and yet I almost fell for it yet again. Almost.
That night I had waited until Jace and Clary had left to go and see Valentine on the ship. The inquisitor was busy talking to Maryse about what to expect tonight, which meant that I had a couple minutes to find Alec and convince him to let me join them. Everyone knew that Alec had a soft spot for me, I was like his baby sister. Isabelle was stricter with me, she always prevented me from going on the hunts mainly because she was terrified that I would either get myself hurt or her. She was not as convinced of my abilities as Alec were.
“Alec, please!” I pleaded as he tugged at the bow that was sliding down my shoulder. “Something is going on with Jace and there is a reason he is trying to keep me away tonight!” Just like me, Alec knew what Jace was really like.
“I can’t just defy the inquisitor and give her another body to protect.” The way that he said body made me shake with a small sense of irritation.
“Hey!” Smacking his shoulder with the back of my hand. “I am not just a body! I can protect myself and you know that.”
It took longer than I had imagined to get Alec on side but all my best efforts and manipulation techniques that I had picked up along the way worked a saint. “You better not make me wish I handcuffed you to the bed.” Alec huffed as he handed me back my weapon of choice with a wide range of arrows to complete the deadly device.
“Save those kinky thoughts for Magnus.” Quickly I pushed myself up onto the tips of my toes to place a soft peck on his cheek. Something I had picked up along the way while growing up with Alec. It was the kindest thing I could do after all the manipulation I had done over the years.
I had not realised how bad the battle was going to be until I was there. Dozens of Shadowhunters were slaughtered by the demons that Valentine had summoned using the Mortal Instruments. It was possibly the most haunting thing I had ever seen in my entire life. I had witnessed my friends and family die for one another while Valentine’s demons did not give a rat’s ass. They were truly monsters of Valentine’s own creation.
“Try and find Jace, Y/N!” Alec shouted over the grunts and groans on the top level of the boat. “We need to get out of here before anyone else dies! Be-” Before Alec could finish talking, he was thrown across the deck by one of the larger demons.
“Alec!” I screamed as I could no longer see him. Tears filled my eyes when I did not receive a response from him.
“Y/N do what he said. Go find the others. I will stay with him.” Isabelle was shaking my shoulder trying to get me to move from my frozen state. “Hurry!”  
I finally register and begin running for cover. There were bodies everywhere, some that I recognised and some who I had never seen before. However, that did not make me feel any less queasy than I did within that moment looking down on their lifeless bodies.
Across from me, I could see a doorway that must have led downstairs where Alec had just told me to search. Sucking in a long painful breath from the smoke above deck, I ducked my head in and began to calmly run towards the murmurs that I could hear down the other end of the ship.
“Jace, Clary, I am your father, your own flesh and blood. How could you think these dark things of me?” Valentine failed sincerity with every word that he spoke. “You should love me the way that you too love each other.”
There was a dark look in Valentine’s eyes. One of utter disgust and almost a niggle of amusement. “Although, the way that you two love one another is impure, isn’t it my children?” Valentine watched and so did I as his eyes flicked between Jace and Clary.
I should help them. Try and get them out of there alive. But what I was hearing was the one thing I felt that I needed to hear from the day that we found Clary at that club. “Any father’s dream is for his children to be full of love for the other. But I think that you two take the cake for the most devoted brother and sister that I have ever seen.”
“Shut up, Valentine!” Clary screamed as she brandished her weapon from her jeans pocket.
Clearly amused by the whole debacle, Valentine continued to torment his children as I stood by in the shadows. “It is true, isn’t it Jace. You love little Clarissa in a deeply tainted way. What would the Clave think of that?” He taunted further. “You even broke up with that feisty teen from the institute just so that you could sneak around with your sister when all the doors were closed.”
I saw that look in Jace’s eyes. The same look he gave me when I asked if there was something between the pair of them. Defeat. “Stop talking, Valentine.”
“No, I don’t think I will. I quite liked that, Y/N. She was spunky, wait what was the word I used before. Ah yes feisty. Your mother was feisty. A good quality for a successful Shadowhunter to have.” Valentine perched on the edge of a table as he continued to peruse the annoyance and irritation on his children’s faces.
“Admit your true feelings and I will let you go.” Valentine raised his hands as if he were offering a simple transaction and not one that was completely demoralising for everyone who took part. “Lie to me and I will send my demons to tear your sister apart limb from limb.”
“She is your daughter; you would not do that.” Jace screamed at his father grasping fiercely onto his Seraph blade.
Valentine sighed and all I could do was stand there and wait for the admission that I asked for months ago and failed to receive. “You are my son, and she is my daughter. But right now, both of you are in my way so do as I say or you will all die.”
Clary ran across to Jace and pulled him in for a hug. My stomach ached harder. She did the one thing that I feared. She locked her lips on top of his. That was all the confirmation that I needed before my legs gave way and I plummeted to the floor letting out a soft but vocal yelp.
All the eyes in that room darted towards my hiding place. At least my yelp had separated Jace and Clary from their make out session. It all happened so quickly. Within seconds, Valentine had grabbed me by my hair and dragged me into the room with the two incestuous love birds.
Pulling back my hair to force me to stare at the boy I had loved for years clutching the girl he only knew for a matter of months and yet somehow loved her more. “What do we have here?” Valentine mocked as he knew the agonising pain that was now soaring throughout my body. Both physical and mental.
Jace leaned towards me. For a second, I thought that he was fighting to reach me, to save me even, but then he pulled back and stood alongside Clary with what was almost regret in his eyes. Almost. “Now don’t you think that little Y/N would like a front row show of what she had just missed?” Valentine taunted digging his blade into the side of my ribs.
“Don’t hurt her!” Jace spoke through his gritted teeth. “Don’t you dare hurt her.” On the word ‘dare’ Jace’s voice broke, I could hear the pain within his voice. But it was too late. He might care for me, but not like he cared for her.
Clary had out her mother’s stele and she was leaning against the wooden floor. Valentine was too busy marvelling in the chaos that he had caused to give his daughter the slightest bit of attention.
Jace’s eyes found mine and locked onto them. I could barely see him through the tears that were pooling in my eyes. It was over. He loved her, and I was nothing more than a memory to him. She was his present, and what might be his future.
“Open!” Clary screamed which was all I heard before the whole boat began to disintegrate into shards of wood. From what I can remember from that night, I was thrown out of Valentine’s grasp where I hit a rock-hard iron anchor. The pain that I experienced was excruciating, although the mental pain was almost as strong. I have lost him.
There was a loud crash and a boisterous cry from Jace as that giant anchor dislodged itself from the wall and landed on top of me. “Y/N!” His voice was getting quieter while the world began to get darker.
That was all I could remember from that day on the boat. Clary had done something to literally break apart the chaos that was forming both up and below board and yet I was the one who ended up in the infirmary for 2 months. I sustained major injuries and a few minor ones that were quickly healed with runes. But for the most of it, I was locked to that bed just like Alec had promised. Completely and utterly bed ridden.
I am not going to lie, I had visitors now and then. Although, for the most part of it, I was desperately alone. I had not seen Jace since that night. Alec showed up every day. He was my one constant that wasn’t just the drugs and horrible food I was receiving. Isabelle would pop by to gossip about how Alec and Magnus were becoming official even though their parents were not thrilled by the idea initially.
All those days cooped up there and I had not seen Jace. The one person I may have been delighted to see 2 months ago, but now I was not too sure that he was.
“Guess what?” Alec quizzed me behind his book that was positioned just below his chin. He had made his very own home from home set up in the corner of the infirmary. “I am not going to continue until you say, ‘Oh my gosh Alec tell me, tell me, tell me!’” He feigned a girly voice as if to impersonate myself. Picking up one of the cushions from the side of the bed, I threw it directly at his face. “Hey! I come here every day to help bring you joy and this is how you repay me? A cushion to the face?”
I laughed. I could always depend on Alec. He truly was my best friend here at the institute. Some days it even feels as though he is my only friend that I have here. “One, I do not talk like that; two, you are a jerk; and three, oh my gosh tell me!” I lived up to the fake voice that Alec had prescribed me.
Holding his hands up in defeat, “Okay I will tell you! Did you know that Clary and Simon broke up?”
“Why would I know that, Alec. You and Isabelle are the only people I see and this is the first that I am hearing this.” You pause and sigh. Simon was supposed to be keeping Clary away from Jace, and now he has basically opened the door for them to be together as they clearly do not care about the brother/sister relationship that they have.
“Alec? I am feeling a little tired. Do you mind if I get some sleep?” This was always the excuse that I used for Alec to leave, which he did even if he did linger slightly longer than he would have done.
“Alright. Love you peanut.” He kissed my forehead and stroked back my hair the way a brother would do for his sister. Everyone knew that if Alec had tried to do this to Isabelle, she would have snapped his wrist for being soppy.
I cried for a couple of hours after Alec had left. No matter how mean it was of me, I wanted Clary to stay away from Jace. Every time that I saw them together after we broke up, it broke me more and more.
While I sleep, I cannot prevent my mind from going places that I did not want it to. I could hear Jace’s voice clear as day. There was a sadness to his voice. Almost as if he were fighting back the urge to cry. “I have been such a dick, Y/N. I fucked up. I fucked up bad.”
In my dream he was holding my hand and squeezing it tightly. It felt so real almost as if Jace was really in the room with me holding onto my hand and speaking directly to me.
I turned my head slowly and let my eyes flutter open. “Jace?” My voice cracked as my body began to wake up.
His head was facing down when I first saw him but as soon as I spoke, he shot up and turned his head away from me. Lifting his hands up to his own face and then quickly replacing them to his hips. “Sorry, um.” He coughed still avoiding any form of eye contact with me. “I thought you were asleep. I will go. Sorry again.”
“Jace?” I whispered.
His head turned to face me and that was when his eyes locked onto mine. Even with his badass and fearless exterior, something flipped inside of that blonde-haired assassin. Those tears that I could hear in his voice that I thought were from my dream, suddenly appeared in his eyes.
I had not seen Jace cry in a long time. It was my kryptonite. Every time that I had seen Jace cry growing up, I always folded and any disagreement we were having would become irrelevant as I hated seeing the boy become so broken.
He stood there; his eyes locked onto mine as his tears ran down his face. “This is my fault. This is all my fault. You were hurt because of me.” His voice cracked in places and it shook over every word. I wanted to hold him and to tell him it was okay, but I always wanted to scream at him and to show him how much he had hurt me.
When I did not move or say anything he reached for my hand and pulled it up to his chest. “I miss you Y/N and I hate seeing you this way. Seeing you hate me.”
“If you missed me, where have you been for the past 2 months?” I cried letting my own tears fall from my eyes. “If you really missed me, you would have come to see me every day like Alec.”
Jace fell to his knees but kept hold of my hand. “I was here every day.” He whispered back. “I couldn’t face you hating me or possibly turning me away so I only came here when you were sleeping. I was here every day and every night while you were in the coma for the first month. I didn’t want you to be alone.”
“Jace, you hurt me.” I squeaked. “More than that anchor did.”
“I know. I am sorry, really, I am. One day I hope that you can forgive me.” There was something else though. Something he was not telling me; I could feel it.
“Jace, what is going on?” I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. It was getting more and more painful with every beat and breathing was becoming more difficult.
“Clary and I. We are not actually related. Valentine lied; he is not my father.” Fear washed over me. Without Simon in the way and now without the brother and sister barrier in the way, Jace was free to be with her. They were probably together now and this was his way to break it to me. My mind started going into overdrive. Thoughts kept entering my head with same speed that my heart belted in my chest.
“Y/N?” Jace screamed as my whole body started to shake. Then similarly to the boat fiasco, everything went black.
“What happened!” I could hear all the voices in the room but I could not see anyone.
“I told her that Clary and I aren’t related.” Jace’s voice was shaky, panic was clearly rushing throughout his body.
“You did tell her everything though?” Alec’s voice was booming in my ears as his protective brotherly mode was now engaged.
“I couldn’t quite tell her everything, once I told her the first thing this started to happen.”
“You have to tell her Jace! She fucking loves you, can’t you see that!” Isabelle chimed in. Glad to know that I was not subtle enough to slide past Izzy.
“I know! I am doing my best okay.” Jace barked.
“Magnus can you fix her?” Isabelle asked as she was clearly barking orders again at her brother’s boyfriend.
“I can but I will need some space. Y/N’s body has not fully recovered from the damage that she sustained on the boat. It appears that when an intense heart rate is inflicted her body begins to fail. I can help her with this one and do my best to fix the damage, but I cannot be sure that it will minimise the risks of this happening again. It is going to be a complicated spell, and even then magic may not even be her best option.”
“Magnus please.” Jace pleaded. “Do whatever you need to. I will do anything. I cannot lose her.”
I woke up to Alec’s head leaning on my shoulder. At some point after Magnus worked his magic, Alec had worked his way into my bed. Instead of waking up in the infirmary, I woke up in the comfortable and familiar surroundings that were my bedroom. Alec was snoring away on my shoulder but it was comforting to have him here with me.
I wiggled around in my bed to find Jace protectively watching over me from his armchair that he branded his spot in my room. There were dark circles under his eyes. I could tell that he had been awake for a long time which only made me more nervous as to how long I was out for. “Jace? What happened?”
It took Jace only a second to register that I was awake and looking right at him. “Hey, shh.” He said softly as he tried to avoid waking up Alec beside me. “Are you okay?” I nodded but it hurt a little to do so. Everything in my head was buzzing since the moment that I woke up. “I need to tell you something.”
My mind flashed back to the conversation that I was able to pick up once I had passed out. Although, I was sort of hoping that I had imagined it. “Before you got sick, I was about to tell you something.” I did not want to hear it. Jace’s face was serious, he was rubbing his chest as if he had indigestion or was having some sort of irritation from his t-shirt. “I cannot help but blame myself for you getting sick earlier. The thing is, I want you to know that Clary and I are not together.” He let his hand fall from his chest so that he could fiddle with his ring. “I knew it was not the right thing to do. We got into a massive fight when she said she wanted me to move away with her. I could not leave you. When you were in that coma, all I could think about was how much I wanted you to be okay. You were on my mind constantly. After the fight, I told her I did not want to be with her so she decided to move to Idris with Luke.”
I did not know what to say. That was a lot of information to take in all at once. “I want you to know that what you did on the boat, coming when I asked you not to. You put the fear of god into me. When I saw that anchor come down on you, I thought I lost you. I ran over to you but it had already done it’s damage.” He began to tear up as he wiped a stray bit of hair away from my eyes.
“I carried you out of there like a rag doll in my arms. I did not even know if you were alive and I had never experience anything as painful as that in my whole life. Y/N I was a wreck, you were the only thing that I cared about when that boat came apart. I realised then that you are the only thing on this god forsaken earth that I give two shits about and I thought I had lost you.” A tear dropped onto my arm as he no longer fought back the tears.
“What about Clary, I thought you loved her?” I questioned as the tears ran down my face. “What about her, Jace?”
He shook his head vigorously. “No. I don’t love Clary. At the time I thought I did, but it has always been you. I love you Y/N, you are my person.” My heart melted as these were the words that I wanted to hear from the minute that I laid eyes of Jace Wayland. “If you would let me, I would like to show you that I can be the man you want me to be. If you give me the chance, I can be the type of boyfriend you want me to be.”
Of course, I love Jace. I always have. The tears soaked through the collar of his shirt which did help his cause. “Jace, that has all I have ever wanted. But you broke my heart when you ended things, how can I be sure you won’t do it again?” Throughout the whole conversation and sobbing, Alec nevertheless laid perfectly still while letting his snores reach new volumes.
“I won’t.” Jace’s beautiful eyes searched mine, “I will not do anything to hurt you ever again. I promise. Please Y/N, I need you.” Jace Wayland the mighty Shadowhunter was showing his true feelings and how could I turn him away after that. He laid one hand on my chest and the other on his own, “I love you.”
“I love you too Jace.” Jace picked himself up from kneeling beside my bed and led alongside me in the bed. His arms draped around my body as he pulled me into his chest. I have never felt as safe as I did in that moment.
I woke up during the night to find that Alec was no longer beside me. However, Jace was still cuddled up against me with his arm protectively placed over my hips. I turned to face him, my nose now up against his. “Training starts in an hour, Jace.” I whisper to him.
His body began to stir as he registered my words. Instead of opening his eyes and trying to get out of the bed, Jace grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. “No, I want to stay here.” He grumbled, nestling his head into the crook of my neck. “Plus, you will just end up kicking my ass if we go down to the combat room.”
I push him away slightly as I begin to get excited to get back into training. Magnus had told Jace that if I felt well enough, I could start training again today. The only downside was that I prohibited to go out in the field for possibly a long time yet. I am already out of bed and in the bathroom before Jace can even notice that I am no longer beside him.
“Jace come on, I need to get back into this. I have done nothing for a whole two months. I think my legs are starting to seize up from being led down all the time.” Another grumble from the bedroom. I pick up my toothbrush and begin to brush my teeth. I gazed up at the mirror to stare back at my reflection. I had not seen my own face in days, I had dark circles under my eyes regardless of the amount of sleep that I was getting.
However, that was not what caught my eyes the most. It was the mark on my chest that made me stop dead. The toothbrush that I was once holding was now lying in the sink as I leaned in closer to the mirror to examine the scar. On my chest there was a long pink scar residing between my breasts. I knew for a fact that it was not there before the accident.
“Everything okay in there?” Jace called from the bathroom after possibly hearing the toothbrush hit the porcelain. I quickly discard my clothes and jump into the shower before Jace could see me or the scar. I turned on the water and let my mind go crazy. ‘Where was it from? How did I get it? It is so fucking ugly! I can not let Jace see it, what would he think?’ I push the thoughts away as I grab the towel from the side.
Jace appeared in the doorway as I stepped out of the shower with the towel already draped around my body. His moth was left open when his eyes searched my body. I tried my best to keep the mark covered with the towel. My cheeks began to flush and I was suddenly aware that I was naked underneath the towel. “You are absolutely beautiful, Y/N.” He declared as he decreased the gap between us both.
Jace’s hands rested on my hips while his eyes locked onto mine to ensure that his actions were okay. They were. His head began to drop closer to mine and once again that morning, our noses were touching.
My head jerked back when there was a knock on the door. Alec stood in the doorway holding his seraph blade in one hand and his bow over his shoulder. “Are you coming or what Peanut?” He shouted into my room.
I wave to him and tell him that I just need to change and I will be right out. I know he saw what was happening or what was about to happen and I could not be 100% sure, but I think that he had a slight glint of a smile creeping on his lips.
I turn back to Jace to see that he is disappointed. “When we come back can I have that kiss?” He asked me. I could not help but smile in response.
Training was my favourite part of the day. The only problem was how competitive everyone got. Jace was the worst. But today it felt as though he was going a little too easy on me and I was unsure as to why.
I pulled him aside after the third spar that we had where he clearly let me win too easily. “Jace what is going on?”
“What do you mean what is going on?” Jace was a terrible liar and he knew that I knew it. “Fine, it is quite embarrassing okay.” I raise an eyebrow as he continues to talk his way out of this one. “I keep thinking back to this morning and I, well it is quite uncomfortable to fight you when I am having to fight something else forming downstairs.”
My eyes gaze down his body and I finally twig at what he was trying to decipher to me without everyone else in the room hearing about his dilemma. “It doesn’t help that you are wearing an extremely short pair of shorts that is making your arse look desirable?”
I laugh a little at seeing him at his weakest during training. “It isn’t funny okay?”
I stop laughing when I saw that Alec had caught us no longer completing our training during our allotted time in the combat room. “Come on Alec will get annoyed if we don’t try and use this time wisely.”
Jace picked up his blade and held it out to you. “Go easy on me, would you?”
“Well you didn’t exactly go easy on me, did you?” Jace whined as he pulled his sweaty shirt off and threw it into his hamper. “If I knew any better, I would think that you knew exactly how to manipulate the situation.” He kept his back to me as he through on another clean shirt from his drawer. It was my favourite light blue shirt that he only ever wore around me when we first got together.
“Consider yourself lucky.” I protest as I discard my boots in the corner of his room. “At least I let you win once. That was generous of me.” I scrunch up my nose, the way I know he likes. Apparently, it makes me look all cute and innocent. When we first met, Jace told me that when I smile, I scrunch up my nose. He found it adorable and I caught his attention from an early age.
I felt the light touch of his hands slide around my stomach and laid delicately on top of my skin. His head rested on my shoulder. “I love you, Y/N.” He whispered into my ear. I do not think that I will ever get used to hearing him say those words to me. I turned around in his arms and hooked my own around his neck. Just like that morning, his head started to close the distance between our faces.
The feeling I got when his lips touched mine was almost as if someone had put the whole world on pause. We were the only two people in the entire universe within that moment. Do not get me wrong, Jace and I have kissed before. But this time it felt different. When our lips met I felt as though my heart was finally whole again. My whole body ached to be close to him.
It was not long before the kisses became more heated. I felt Jace’s hands become firmer on my hips as if he were holding me desperately close to him. Did he feel the exact same need that I did? I folded up in his arms and allowed him to direct me over to the bed where he gently laid me down onto the mattress without breaking the kiss once.
Between every other breathless kiss, he broke away to moan the words ‘I love you’ repeatedly as if he were trying to convince himself that this was happening. His hand locked onto the side of my face where he began to caress my cheek and his lips connected and disconnected with my own. While his other hand held onto both of my own above my head.
Jace’s kisses were smooth and tender and they were the one thing that I wanted more than anything in this entire world. His lips started to relocate down my chin and onto my neck. His sweet lips sucked at the skin just below my jaw which made my breath get caught in my throat. My heart was beating rapidly as I could not believe that Jace and I were finally in a place where this was possible.
It was not until his lips reached my chest where I started to panic. My mind flashed back to the discovery that I made that morning before the shower. My head started pounding as my heart rate started to beat faster than I thought was possible.
“Stop!” I cried as I attempted to push Jace off me. I clutched my shirt together and brought my knees up to my chest. My breathing was rapid and the world started to blur again.
Jace rushed over to my side and held onto my arms. “Breathe Y/N. Slowly, come on you can do it, copy me okay?” I watched as he tried to guide me through each breath. “Good, now slowly drop your legs for me. It will make it easier.” I did as he said and continued to mimic the breathing techniques that he was demonstrating to me.
After 5 minutes I managed to get my breathing back down and my heartbeat back to a regular rhythm. Jace was sat down beside me holding onto my right hand. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” He asked calmly.  
At first, I thought about lying to him, hiding the truth from him. But I could not do it. “I have a scar.” I manage to squeak. It sounds stupid but it really was hard for me to say. “I have a scar on my chest and I didn’t want you to see it because you might think that I am ugly.”
Jace squeezed onto my hand and pulled me into his chest to comfort me. “Don’t be silly. I think that you are beautiful and nothing is going to change that.” He moved from my side to kneel on the floor between my knees. “Will you show me?”
He raised his hands up to where I was holding my hand over the exposed area. Slowly and gently he guided my hand away from my chest. When he saw the scar, his expression did not change. Almost as if he had seen it before. His thumb stroked over the scarred tissue of skin. Tracing the line from the beginning to the end. “See it is disgusting.” I whimpered at his touch.
He slowly shook his head and placed his hand over the top of it. “No, this is a constant reminder that I can never hurt you ever again. Your heart is now protected.”
I let him hold me tight as I cried. “My heart is yours.” I sobbed into his arms.
“And so is mine.” He placed a kiss on my forehead. I never really knew how true that was until I saw that Jace had the same scar on his chest. When Jace told Magnus that he would do anything, he really did mean it. I owned half of his heart. “I told you Y/N, you are my person.” His lips connected sweetly with my forehead as he held me closer to him.
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formeandmyfics · 3 years
AT C.G.’s
sequel to ‘At The H.R.’ - Months after their sexy rendezvous at the Roosevelt Hotel, Judy and Gene reunite once again, this time at one of Cary Grant’s infamous parties up on Mulholland 
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His forehead wrinkled as he felt a tingling sensation on his skin. The comfortable, crisp air suddenly became very warm. The tingling sensation now made its way into his insides. Drifting out of sleep, Gene suddenly felt a spark hit his body and he opened his eyes with the sudden sensation.
Confused, he looked around. He was standing in a living room, one he didn’t quite recognize, but oddly felt familiar. How did he get there from his bed? He looked down and realized he was no longer wearing pajamas but a black suit. Everything felt strange but it wasn’t at all unpleasant. Actually, it was quite pleasant, but peculiar. The atmosphere was muggy and warm, a hazy red glow was in the air, feeling exotic.
Behind him, a blurry figure emerged slowly down the staircase illuminated in red. He heard the sound of familiar heels clicking on the floor in a distance behind him. He knew who it was without even turning around. He just knew. He could already smell her alluring perfume. Gene felt her hand slide along his back before she came into focus. As she slid to the front of him, her hand followed its path to his chest.
She wore a ravishing, white evening gown. The dress was long, with a slit cut way up high on her thigh, the strapless bodice accentuated her breasts beautifully. And she smiled at him, a titillating smile that expressed seduction. Her lips were redder and fuller than he ever remembered. Her eyes were dark, almost black, hypnotizing him. She ran her finger slowly down his silk tie before she turned and started to walk away from him. Her hips moved sensually as she made her way to the back hallway. It was Judy, it looked like her, smelled like her, but it she never acted this way. Where was she going?
He called out for her in his mind. Why couldn’t he speak? He followed her to where she stood in front of a door. When she turned to look at him, he opened his mouth determined to speak, but she put her finger up to her lips, smiling, shushing him.
Gene stood frozen in place as he watched her lean against the door provocatively, her leg fully visible, beckoning to be touched. The way she looked at him at that moment just screamed sex. He could feel the energy. He could taste it. Opening the door, she motioned with her finger for him to follow her inside before shutting the door behind her. Anxious arousal and confusion spread throughout his being as his hand reached for the door knob. He hesitated at first, but when he grabbed onto the handle, it took a lot of energy to open the door. It was heavy like steel, and his grasp felt very liquid, but he managed to open it.
When Gene shut the door behind him, he found himself standing in the center of an empty soundstage. Where was she? Why did she leave him? Suddenly he felt abandoned, lost. But he could still feel her energy. She was here somewhere.
"Yo, buddy."
Gene heard a harsh voice echoing in his ears. The middle of his eyes wrinkled in bafflement as he turned his head to where the voice was coming from.
"I'm sorry?"
The impatient cabbie turned to look at him over his shoulder, "You gonna pay or are we at the wrong place?"
Gene looked out the window and sure enough they were in front of Ciro's. He immediately reached into his pocket and handed the driver money, "Thanks."
Gene sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He still couldn’t stop thinking about that odd dream he had last night. As he started to walk up to the entrance of the popular watering hole on Sunset, photographers turned from Lana Turner, who just disappeared into the building, and started shouting towards him.
"Mr. Kelly, Mr. Kelly."
"Evening, Mr. Kelly. Over here."
Gene was pulling out his cigarettes as they started flashing and he put his hand up and nodded, turning away from them. He hadn't been here for a night out since the last time he was at Ciro's, months ago, and he wasn't really in the mood for all the hobglob: a term he gave to paparazzi.
After lighting his cigarette, he was about to open the doors when Dick Powell, June Allyson, Peter Lawford and some chorus-girl came charging out of them startling him a bit.
"Oh, hey, Gene," Dick said noticing him first.
Gene smiled wide and shook his hand, "Hey guys," then turned to give Junie a kiss, "Hi sweetheart."
"How are ya, bud," Peter asked placing a friendly slap on his back.
"I'm good. Finally checking out the club scene again."
"Good to see ya back out. Gene, this is Maggie, Fox contract player," Peter said smiling at the bubbly blonde.
"Nice to meet you, Maggie," Gene smiled and kissed her hand.
"Thank you. I love all your films."
"You're sweet. So, what, are you all leaving," Gene asked disappointed.
"Yeah, there's a party we're all headed to. Come on with us," Junie said linking her arm with his.
"C.G's," Rich quipped.
Gene had never been to one of Cary Grant's infamous Mulholland parties, but he had heard about them. As charming and sophisticated Mr. Grant was, his parties seemed a little nuts.
"Oh, you know, the last I heard, from up at Cary's, was that Mickey woke up ass-naked on a pool lounger," they all laughed and he went on with a chuckle, "Not sure it's my scene."
"It's all about self-control, my man," Peter said trying to urge him to come along, "which you have. Mick's got no self-control with anything...especially with legs," he said raising his eyebrows like Groucho Marx.
Maggie giggled and slapped his chest, "Stop it."
"Well, if you're all going I might swing by in a bit. I'll see whose all here first."
"Believe me, everyone you want to hang out with is already at the party," Rich went on.
"Yeah, Kay and Lucille left about 20 minutes ago. Come on, I got a car over there.  The girls are already in there waiting," Peter said as he led Maggie away.
Without another word, Junie pulled him along with her making him smile. He couldn't help but just give in. They walked up to Lawford's rented 1947 Cadillac limo and the five of them piled into the back. Gene was the last in, and the minute he shut the door, he was staring at the back of Judy. She was sitting up front laughing horribly with Lena Horne as the driver started the car.
So, those were the 'girls', he thought mischievously as he assumed would be two more chorus girls Pete picked up.
Judy hadn't noticed him as he stared at her surprised. He couldn't see all of her, as he was in the back seat, but he saw her dark lashes as she looked at Lena with wide, amused eyes at something naughty the brunette said, and then her red lips as she burst out in laughter. Her auburn hair was the last thing he saw before the overhead light went off as the driver started the car. He knew she had been in Carmel on vacation for the past 3 1/2 weeks after finishing Easter Parade, but he didn't expect her back for a few more days, and surely didn't expect her to just show up out of no where. But, alas, Ms. Judy Garland did have that way about her.
The two had seen each other and talked since their rendezvous at the Hotel Roosevelt, but they hadn't spent anytime alone. When he started working on Three Musketeers, he didn't even go out to nightclubs. He was just too damn exhausted. And her time working on Pirate and Parade simultaneously had worn her out. He was happy she was granted all that time off, but he missed the hell out of her. Now that he was in-between filming, he was very much looking forward to rekindling with her. His plan was to make up for lost time when she returned from vacation, as she would for sure be well-rested. Judging by how giddy she seemed right now, he was hopeful his plan was working out earlier than expected.
It was dark in the car, but he could see her pale, white shoulders illuminated by the moonlight and he had a sudden urge to touch them...kiss them.
"Look at us, it's like a mini Words and Music reunion in here," Junie said.
"None of us have even started filming yet, baby cakes," Lena said sarcastically over her shoulder.
"That's beside the point, you stinker."
"It's a shame that most of us won't get to film together," Judy added a little downtrodden.
Gene almost chimed in, as he was included in the upcoming film, but he quickly decided that he didn't want her to know he was back there. He wanted to see her face when she saw him. He was playing the game and she loved games.
"Your scene is with Mick, isn't it, Judes," Lena asked.
"I have a musical number with him. You know, three of my leading men are in this picture.”
“And you only get Mick,” Powell stated as he noticed Pete and Maggie huddled close whispering amongst themselves across from him.
“Yah, no, I take that back,” she quickly retorted, “Actually, I have a short scene with Drake, too. Maybe I should ask them to write in a scene with Gene, that way I can act with all three of ‘em,” she chuckled.
June turned to Gene, “That would be swell, wouldn’t it G…”Gene quickly placed his hand over her mouth. She looked at him confused as he pointed towards Judy and then leaned over to whisper, “She doesn’t even know I’m in the car, let’s see what awful things she has to say about me.”
June then reiterated to her husband in his ear and Judy spoke up, “Why’d it suddenly get so quiet,” she turned around in her seat to look at them and Gene quickly bent forward so she wouldn’t catch him.
“Mind ya own business, baby,” Rich said trying to cover up, “You got two couples back here. Sometimes it will get quiet.”
Judy laughed and turned back around in her seat and Lena smoothed her updo, “They all smooching back there?”
“All huddled together like newlyweds,” Judy teased.
“How dare they,” Lena said and she turned just as Gene sat back up straight. Her mouth opened just as surprised to see him but he quickly pointed at Judy and placed a finger on his lips as to say to not give him away. She smiled and turned back around. She, of course, was the only one in the vehicle that knew of her relationship with Gene and loved this charade of Gene’s.
“Judy,” June asked sweetly.
“Yes, darling?”
“If you had to choose, who would you rather work with more, Drake, Mickey or Gene?”
“They’re all different in their own way.”
“Whose a better kisser,” June asked winking at Gene who was smiling.
“Well, I think I have enough class not to answer that.”
“Ok, between Mickey and Gene, which one do you prefer more?”
“It’s Mickey, isn’t it, that little dog,” Rich said in a girly voice.
Judy giggled nervously and scratched her eyebrow, “Please, he’s like a brother to me.”
“Gene then?”
“I didn’t say that,” she quickly said in defense.
Lena glanced back at Gene and did a come-hither motion to get her to keep going and she did, “Gene’s like a brother to you, too, hm?”
Judy sported wide eyes at her friend’s question as she was well aware that Lena asked that on purpose knowing a good-extent of her love-affair with Gene.
“Okay,” Peter said leaning forward, “We all saw those kisses on your Pirate picture. There was no brother-sister dynamic on those takes, you know what I mean,” he laughed naughty.
Judy crossed her arms not annoyed, “I thought you were busy back there, Lawford?”
“Lawford,” he repeated, “Uh-oh, I’m-in-trou-ble.”
“Kissing on screen doesn’t mean you’re into the other actor. She is an actress, you know,” June said.
“And she is married,” Maggie said in Judy’s defense.
Judy and Lena shared mischievous glances at one another. Oh, how naïve that chorus girl was for Hollywood. Gene’s smile widened as he watched Judy smiling at Lena biting her nail like some guilty teenager.
“You must not have read Judy’s biography,” Peter joked to his date.
“You have a Biography? But you’re so young,” she quipped.
Even Gene gave a look to the blonde as Judy placed her fingers on her temple, “No, I don’t have a biog…look, can we please stop talking about me or shall I open up the can of worms that’s all of your discrepancies?” They all murmured “noooo” and she nodded, “Didn’t think so.”
“I think he’s cute,” June went on.
“Gene Kelly. Don’t you think he’s cute?”
“He’s alright,” Judy answered monotoned, forcing herself to seem like she was uninterested.
Lena glanced back at Gene who had his arms crossed and looked baffled. “Well, I for one think he’s a hunk.”
“Yah, for a dancer, I suppose,” Judy went on clearly acting her little heart out for the other’s sake but Lena could see right through. Gene, not so much this time.
Gene leaned forward about to speak when June pulled him back by the shoulder reminding him of his game. “Well, if he’s not a good kisser and not attractive, why do you spend a lot of time with him,” June went on.
“I never said he wasn’t a good kisser and I never said he wasn’t attractive,” Judy answered quite defensively, “He’s a great leading man, we have great chemistry on screen. He’s just…not my type. We’re the best of friends. And don’t you all go talking this nonsense to him, neither.”
Suddenly everyone cracked up. Gene smiled licking his bottom lip, before biting it ready for the charade to end but before anyone could spoil it, the driver stopped and announced they had arrived.
As everyone piled out of the back, Judy grabbed her purse as Lena started to scoot past her.
“Get your game face on, baby,” Lena said before she stepped out of the car.
Judy was confused by her comment, but brushed it off before grabbing the hand that was held out for her. As Judy stood up out of the car, she glanced up at whom she thought was either Richie or Peter, but instead was staring at a very amused Gene. She gasped and whisked her hand away from his clearly shocked.
“Where on earth...” she was going to ask where he came from but didn’t need to continue as the question was written all over her face. Gene just smiled wickedly and she knew.
“There,” she asked in her distinct, but meek, tone as she motioned to the backseat.
“Oh, didn’t you know,” he asked playfully.
Judy couldn’t help but smile embarrassed before she went to get back into the car but he quickly grabbed her arm, “Nah, uh-uh. We have some things to talk about, young lady.”
“Oh, don’t be boring. We’re at a party,” she said just as teasing as she squirmed away from him and caught up to Lena as they all walked towards the front door.
Inside, the party was in full swing and Gene recognized nearly everyone. To the left, in the den, Lucy and Keenan Wynn were entertaining a group with funny anecdotes, while to the right, in the living room, Peggy Lee was entertaining another group as she sang accompanied by George Shearing on the piano. All-in-all, nothing seemed bonkers, as he had heard.
“Hi, Gene,” Angela Lansbury said cheerfully as she walked up to him.
“Hello, Angie,” he said leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek.
“Since when do you crawl on top of Mulholland on a school night?”
“I didn’t crawl, I was kidnapped outside Ciro’s by Lawford’s gang.”
“Ah, on a magic carpet no less.”
“Something like that,” he teased back.
C’mere,” she giggled, “Get yourself a drink.”
Together, arm-in-arm they walked to the mini bar in the living room and Gene looked around. As quick as Judy could seemingly appear, she seemed to disappear even faster.
“What’s your poison, darling?”
“Oo, how about Bourbon and water.”
“Simple, simple,” she said as she took it upon herself to make him a cocktail.
“So, where’s your groom-to-be?”
“The last I saw him, he was hiding by a potted palm. Which reminds me, I better go find him. Here you go,” she said and handed him his fresh cocktail.
“Thank you. See you later.”
Gene wandered around and said hi to friends meanwhile looking for signs of Judy. When she didn’t seem to be around in these few rooms, he decided to explore elsewhere. As he passed the den, Lucy waved at him which he waved back before heading towards the hallway.
It was semi-dark as he passed a couple necking against the wall and soon found himself in a large, state-of-the arc library and billiard room. Ann Miller, Bob Hope and Mickey Rooney were in the middle of a pool game as Kate Hepburn chatted with Kay Thompson on the couch by the fireplace.
“Gene, Judy didn’t tell me you were coming,” Kay spoke up surprised as she stood up to walk over.
“I didn’t know he would be,” Gene heard Judy’s voice behind him before she appeared next to him.
He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked but Kay reached in for a hug.
“I’ve never seen you at C.G.’s before,” she said in her brass voice.
“I was tricked.”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I was tricked,” Judy retorted and reached her finger in for the cherry in his drink.
“Hey,” he said seeming annoyed as she plopped the maraschino in her mouth.
“You always give me the cherries that are in your drink.”
“What if I wanted that one,” he said acting sad.
“There are more at the bar.”
If they were alone right now, Gene would have taken the cherry back from her mouth...with his tongue.
His quick thought was interrupted by a loud thump followed by a rolling 8 ball that made Judy jump back.
“A little less force, Mick,” Kate called out.
“Golly, Mickey,” Judy said as she picked up the ball.
“Sorry, Judes.”
Judy handed him the ball as Bob Hope took a drag of his cigarette, “Cary will beat your little behind if you scratch his pool table, Rooney.”
Mick did a double take on the spot and licked his finger before rubbing it on the green baize making the small, white mark disappear.
“Speaking of Cary, I haven’t seen him.”
“He was out by the pool with Betsy Drake the last time I saw him,” Ann said before she leaned over and got into pose to hit her mark.
“Careful, Annie,” Kay said, “your tits are in the way.”
Ann gave Kay a smirk over her shoulder and when she turned forward again, she saw Mickey staring, “Do ya mind?”
“I beg your pardon,” he said smiling and walked out of view.
“Horndog,” Bob said.
Gene turned around to say something to Judy, but noticed she was no longer in the room, “Now, where the hell did she go?”
“Probably getting you more cherries,” Kay giggled.
“I swear, that girl is either a magician or some kind of chameleon.”
“Why are you so agitated?”
Gene didn’t answer, he just took another sip of his drink.
“Is this the first time you’re together again since her vacation,” her voice lowered.
He nodded and watched as Ann continued to hit the balls in the pockets, “Damn, Annie, I didn’t know you could play.”
“I’m a Texas-girl, Gene.”
“Aw, you two should be alone,” she continued.
“I didn’t know she’d be back already. I hopped in Lawford’s Limo and there she was. She didn’t even know I was in there until we got here.”
“Well, why don’t you go talk to her and catch up? She’s missed you.”
He smiled, “Terribly?”
“Terribly,” she breathed in exaggeration.
“Other than the cherry jar, happen to know where she went?  She never walked out the door.”
Kay nodded towards the patio door and he gulped the rest of his drink down handing her the glass, “Thanks.”
When Gene walked out onto the balcony, he made an impressed face at the beauty of the surroundings. The back part of the house he was at, he could see the entire San Fernando Valley all lit up in the night sky. Most of the cluster of lights down below were Universal and Warner Bros. studios he could make out clearly, even with the cloudy weather. As he kept walking, the veranda seemed to wrap around nearly the entire house accessorized by patio furniture & a grilling area. He could also see part of the pool area down below as well as he rounded the corner.
Looking up, he noticed Judy standing there, leaning against the railing, oblivious to his presence as she gazed at the skyline. As he got closer, she turned her head. He smiled, but she quickly nodded to look behind him. There, on the next story, was a sitting room, 90 degree walls made of glass where you could easily see people sitting there. He knew in an instant she was warning him to behave.
He stood shoulder-to-shoulder with her as they faced the view, "You are like a damn ninja, so sneaky."
"How do you mean?"
"You appear and then disappear. It's like my dream."
Judy turned more towards him curious, "What dream."
He turned towards her just the same, "I had a weird dream about you last night. Wanna hear it?"
"That depends," she giggled a bit nervous.
"Don't worry. This one isn't naughty."
"This one?"
"Mmm. It was so strange, actually. I remember being in bed and then I opened my eyes and I was in some house I didn't recognize. And then you appeared. You didn't say anything, you just made me follow you, like you were seducing me. It felt so real, I didn't realize I was dreaming."
"Then what happened," she asked as if it were the most casual thing in the world.
"You walked through a door. When I went in, I was in a dark, empty studio. You appeared, then disappeared, just like now." She looked at him with the same seductive eyes as in his dream and he continued, "What do you think it means?"
"Maybe you feel lost."
"Maybe I feel like you're drifting away."
"Maybe you're trying to find me."
His eyes sparkled, a small smile forming at the corner of his lips, "Maybe I want you."
Her eyes sparkled back, "Maybe it was just a dream."
Gene's smile turned wide in amusement as he leaned his elbows on the banister and she continued, "And I didn't mean to disappear. Cary just has the most beautiful view in all of Southern California, I think. I've only been up here a few times, but I always I always come out here when I visit."
"It is stunning, isn't it? But you said you have a great view, too."
"I do. I have a lovely view, but mines on the other side of the mountain and not as high up. It's mostly views of the hill. It's not open like this."
Down below, they noticed Cary and Betsy get up from the lounge chairs to walk in. When the host noticed them up above, he gave a smile and a wave. They both smiled and waved back. When pair were out of sight, Gene looked up at the glass-wall room and the two ladies that were in there, had vacated.
He tapped her hand before turning his palm upwards. Judy glanced down at it before nonchalantly looking around to make sure no one was watching.
She placed her hand into his, their fingers entwining and he spoke up in a lower voice, "I've missed you, sweetheart."
"I missed you, too, so much," she said placing he head against his shoulder.
For a moment, they were silent, just enjoying the view until Gene spoke up teasing her, "Not your type, huh?"
Judy laughed, lifting her head, "I had to act Blasé. What did you expect me to do?"
"Tell them how great of a kisser I am not just on screen but off screen as well," he said slowly moving his finger up her arm, creating goosebumps over her porcelain-like skin, "Tell them how much chemistry we have not only when we're acting..." he leaned into whisper in her ear, "but when we're fucking as well." He smiled when he saw her shiver, "Tell them how much I'm not your type when my head is between your legs."
Judy pulled her hand free from his and gave off a breathless giggle as she stepped away from him to create a little space, "See, you're going to get us into trouble," she pointed her finger at him, "Behave."
"Only if you promise to let me drive you home from the party."
"And, uh, darling how to you expect to do that when you didn't drive up here?"
Gene quickly remembered neither had a car, "Shit."
Suddenly his plan of them 'making up for lost time' tonight flew out the window. It's not like he could just ask Lawford to drop them off at a hotel or let them Christian the back seat.
Judy seemed to read his mind from the disappointment on his face, "We can call up Frank. I’m sure he’ll save us.”
“Out of town,” Gene murmured but then perked up, “Kay.”
Judy shook her head, “She drove up with Lucille.”
“And Lena drove up with us. Looks like we’re all out of options of the people that know about us baby cakes,” he saw the disappointment on her face as well which made him feel good that she clearly wanted to be alone with him as much as he with her, but he also didn’t want to waste a good time at the party so he lightened the mood, “We could always hop the fence and pop off behind a tree.”
“And give a chance for a rattlesnake to bite us in the ass,” she joked.
Gene chuckled and walked over to a nearby patio sofa where she followed.
“No, thank you.”
“So, how was Carmel?”
“Oh, golly...”
“You enjoyed yourself?”
“All that time away from the studio, you must be joking. Of course, I did. I just rested and spent almost every waking moment with Liza. We went to the beach and I played a little golf and I ate. Gene, I ate like a horse.”
“Good for you,” he said eyeing her frame which he noticed was just a tiny bit more meaty, in a good way, especially her tits.
“I gained 8 pounds in 3 weeks. Because I’m so little, it’s gonna show on camera. Do you think I should lose it for this collaboration,” she asked curious referring to Words and Music.
“No,” he said almost disgusted, “And fuck em’ if they say something. You look better than ever.”
“Your sweet,” she said placing her palm on his cheek, “So, you’re done with Muskateers?”
“Good. Less stress right now.”
“Much less stress, but only for a few weeks while I work on my scene for this picture. After that I start on Ballgame.”
“I’m so happy you finally got it going with Stan.”
“Me, too. But a little disappointed that we couldn’t get you as much as we both pushed for it.”
“I know but they want me for Berkley’s of Broadway with Fred,” she said shrugging her shoulders, “Did you get Charlie to direct?”
“No,” he said looking at her with raised eyebrows, “Buzz.”
Judy’s mouth opened wide in horror, “Oh, you’re kidding me.”
“It’s alright, baby. I can handle him more than you can.”
“I swear, if they ever put me in another picture with him in charge, it might be the death of me.”
“Then don’t let them,” he said taking a drag.
“Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done, Gene.”
They sat in comfortable silence, crickets and echoes of the party from inside, surrounding them.
“How are you and Vince?”
“He’s as sweet as can be. Patient,” she trailed off a moment and reached for his cigarette, “Boring.”
“So, the same?”
“The same,” she said exhaling up into the night air, “You?”
“The same. Though, I have to admit, Betsy and I have been fighting a lot more lately.”
“I was kind of taking my frustrations out on her. I would just be so damn irritable that anything she did ticked me off. I haven’t been spending a lot at home.”
“You shouldn’t take your frustrations from work home with you. If that were the case for me and Vince, especially since we’ve worked closely together, we probably would have split up before we even married,” she said as Gene’s friend, not lover.
“It wasn’t just frustration from work,” he said softly referring to their time apart, just not location-wise but intimately as well.
She looked up at him as he was staring at her intently. “We’re both to blame for that, Gene,” she said flicking ashes off the cigarette.
“You know, the more time apart we are, the more I want to toss our two-year ‘agreement’ down the drain.”
Judy nervously licked her red lips before taking another drag and pounding the cigarette out on the ashtray.
“Do you ever think about that night at the H.R.,” he asked, his voice getting husky.
Judy lifted her head, and gave a little smile, “Every day.”
Flashes of him yanking the ribbons on her corset as her hands were placed against the mirror went through their minds. His loud grunts as his hips smacked into hers, her hands grasping the hotel bed sheets, their laughter after they were both sated, their intimate talk in bed in bathrobes, her back arching as his mouth was her insatiable alarm clock also flashed through.
“C’mere,” he said motioning for her to lean into him.
Their lips met just barely when all of a sudden Gene flinched confusing her. She leaned back and he flinched again before looking up squinting one eye.
“What is it?”
“It’s raining, I think.”
One then hit Judy’s cheek and she giggled wiping it away, “I’d say so.”
“Judy, Gene...” Kay said from around the corner and whistled, “Cary wants everyone to do a toast.”
Judy patted Gene’s knee, “Rain check?”
“Funny,” he said getting up and they walked inside.
A little later, everyone was scattered in the living room as a Cole Porter tune was being played over the piano. Judy sat next to their pianist, as Gene stood at the other side of the piano, facing her.
Together they sang 'Night and Day' in a melodic and romantic tone.
Night and day, you are the one Only you beneath the moon Under the sun Whether near to me or far It's no matter, darling, where you are I think of you Night and day...
The pianist was concentrating on what his hands were doing, that he didn't even notice the way his singers were staring at one another. Judy and Gene seemed lost in each other as they sang, their eyes sparkling.
As Kay took a slow sip of her martini, she slyly glanced up at the crowd watching the pair. Judging by their relaxed expressions, mesmerized by the entertainment, no one seemed to notice the sensual chemistry radiating from the MGM pair.
As the song started to near the end, Judy broke away from Gene's stare, her eyes falling on their audience, and she smiled at Gene, darting her eyes to the side of him, non-vocally reminding him that they were being watched. He turned around and continued singing. Judy's eyes remained on the back of him, looking completely in awe, but a bit sad. His comment about tossing their '2 year agreement' down the drain was fresh in her mind. At the Roosevelt hotel that one evening, they had admitted they were in-love, but neither was ready to leave their families...yet. If, in two years, they were still unhappy in their marriages, he had said, then they would leave and finally be together. Gene was more unhappy in his marriage than ever, she knew, and she also knew he was serious about that comment. If he did leave his wife, would he expect her to leave Vince? As much as Judy was in-love with Gene, and missed him greatly, she was not ready to do that.
Her thoughts drifted away as she noticed he was currently putting his all into the song. All eyes seemed to be upon him, not only his beautiful tone, but confidence. She felt tears spring to her eyes feeling so very proud of him, how far he came, that she gradually let her singing drift away so he could shine. When the pianist hit the last key as Gene's singing faded, everyone applauded enthusiastically. Gene smiled, nodding 'thank you' before turning around. He took Judy's hand and kissed it. She gave Gene a wink in return.
For a few minutes, Gene conversed with friends as Judy conversed on the other side of the room with others. By this point, there were only about twelve remaining at the party so things were a little more quiet, and a lot more casual and intimate.
"What is that," Peter asked as he shushed some in his group.
"What is what," Lucy asked.
Sounds of hard dings one right after the other, above their heads, were heard. Then in a second, a blanket like a loud crash on the ceiling shushed the entire room. Cary walked over to the patio and ripped open the curtains revealing a torrential downpour over Los Angeles including small hail. Rain, ok, downpour and thunderstorm, rare, hail...no one there had seen in Southern California before.
"Holy camoli," June said walking over to him.
"Oh, fuck, my car," Powell said and quickly left.
"What are you doing," June called out to her husband.
"It's only light hail," Cary said opening the patio door to pick one up.
Lena shook her head as she placed a hand on her hip, "Have you ever seen this before?"
"Not in Los Angeles," Gene replied.
"And we might not ever see it again," Peter said reaching down to take off his shoes.
"What are you doing," his date squeaked.
"I'm not giving up the chance to experience this like mother nature intended," he said as he stripped down to his skivvies as everyone laughed.
There was an uproar of hilarity as he ran out onto the deck and practically danced in the rain. After he tried to persuade his date to join him, and she wouldn't, he started on Lucy and Lena and June who enjoyed the scene but also refused.
When it was Judy's turn, she looked at Kay and Gene over her shoulder, "Think I'll melt?"
She went to walk but Kay quickly grabbed her arm, "What are you doing?"
"Having fun," Judy emphasized, "Everyone thinks I'm crazy, might as well act the part!"
As Judy ran past Cary, and straight into the rain, Kay was so shocked, she took a few steps with her mouth open wide, as if to stop her, but she was already in Peter's arms laughing and getting drenched.
"Jesus," Gene replied before he placed his hands over his face and chuckled.
"Judy, you're insane," Lucy yelled.
"She must be toasted," June replied laughing.
Her wanting to have fun, and make fun of herself, was typical Judy, but her behavior right now out in the storm like that, acting as lunatic as drunk Peter, made him realize June's comment probably rang true. She must have had too much to drink.
After a few minutes of laughter where their belly's hurt, the rain died down and Peter and Judy finally bounced their way back inside. Lucy handed the both a towel and Gene pulled a giggling Judy aside. As he did so, she stumbled just a tad.
"You didn't melt."
"That's because I'm a Black Irish Witch, not the Wicked Witch of the West. Woo, you know, even after being out there, I feel so hot," she said fanning herself.
"All I saw you drink tonight was some wine. What else did you have?"
"I had some drink that the boys gave me."
"What drink?"
"Uh, it was green. They called it some type of fairy."
Gene looked at her like he didn't hear her right, "Absinthe?"
"Yes, that's it."
"Which ‘boys’ gave you that?"
"Because it has psychoactive side-effects to it. It's higher proof than whiskey. I won't even drink that shit, and neither should you."
"Well, I'm not having any hallucinogens, Gene. I knew exactly what I was doing out there."
"It was Mickey before he left, wasn't it?"
"No, it wasn't. And I'm not telling you."
"Because you're too protective and you'll have something to say and no one wants to hear what you have to say right now," she teased leaning her chin up at him with a silly grin like a child.
"Not even you," he said wanting to reach down and kiss those lips.
"How about now," he said back, his voice getting lower.
Judy's chest heaved, her smile disappearing, when she felt those certain butterflies invade her torso.
Then it went dark.
"Oh, what the hell," Cary shouted as the entire house went dark including the houses on the hills in the distance.
"What happened," they all heard Powell call out as the front door shut.
"Power's out," Peter replied.
"No shit, Sherlock."
"Oh, I'm stepping on wires or something," June's voice was heard, "Oh, what was that?"
"That's me," Lucy giggled.
"Everyone take a hand next to you and follow me into the kitchen. I have a storage of flashlights and some lanterns," Cary said.
"Oh, fun, like a human train," Lena said.
"I'll be in the den. I'm not giving any of you a chance to knock me over," her footsteps disappeared into the next room as the others footsteps disappeared down the hall.
Gene couldn't see shit, but judging by the stillness and silence, he felt he was alone. But wanted to make sure. He swung his arms around gently, to see if he could feel anything that resembled Judy Garland, but just got air in return. He was going to follow into the kitchen, when he heard a few notes play on the piano.
"Whose that," he asked walking over cautiously.
The piano slowly played the bells are ringing...
Gene instantly smiled, "So, that's how you announce yourself now."
"Only to you," she spoke.
"What are you doing over here?"
"Getting out of everyone's way."
"Not everyone," he whispered as he finally caught her.
Placing his hand on her hips, he turned her around, and pressed her body up against his, holding her tight as he felt her breath near his neck. Her fingers then touched his lips gently.
"Oh, there you are," she breathed before he bent his head and she could feel his breath against her lips.
"Here I am," he said before his lips captured hers.
Their lips smacking and sucking sounded awfully loud in the abandoned, dark room but neither cared as they finally kissed again after what seemed like an eternity. When her arms wrapped tight around his neck, Gene plunged his tongue into her mouth, her lips already parted for him. When her hand slightly grasped the back of his head as she took control, sliding her tongue into his mouth now, he felt arousal shoot down to his groin. It made him slightly groan, just a vibration enough for her to hear. He took a hold of one side of her backside as he took a step to push his body into her against the piano. But, she lost a bit of footing and completely sat on the keys in full force that the sound rattled the entire living room as deep as a thunderbolt.
"Who's fucking up my piano," they heard Cary say followed by another footstep behind him.
Then, the flashlight went on revealing Judy and Gene standing shoulder to shoulder looking like frightened deer in headlights.
“What happened,” Rich asked.
“I bumped into her and she fell on the piano keys,” Gene said squinting and held his hand up, “Get that fucking light off me, Grant.”
Carey lowered his flashlight and handed Gene of the small, electric lanterns, “Here, go give this to Kay before she knocks over one of my Tiffany lamps in there.”
Gene gave Judy a look before walking into the next room.
“Do you have any more lanterns?”
“Lena’s turning them on in the kitchen. Go grab yourself one, baby doll,” Cary answered.
“’ll be right back,” Judy giggled as she passed Cary & Richie.
Gene returned back in the living room a few minutes later, after talking to Kay once Lucy joined, and it was pitch black again.
“Anyone here,” he asked hoping Judy still was.
When there was no answer, he made his way to the kitchen. He didn’t speak, but he noticed everyone was now sitting down chatting and had also lit some candles. But Judy wasn’t there.
After making his way around the obvious places with his own flashlight, he started up the stairs. It was still pitch black.
Suddenly, a door next to him opened startling him. He pointed his flashlight and Maggie walked out of the bathroom giving him a friendly smile before heading back downstairs. So, Judy wasn’t in the bathroom, where he assumed she would be.
Where the hell was she?
He held his flashlight down, and was about turn to walk back downstairs, when he saw a faint light coming from the corner room. He carefully walked in what was the master bedroom and the orange hued light was brighter coming from the master bathroom.
Bingo, he thought, and turned his flashlight off as she came into view. The lantern was lit, resting on the large counter, and she was trying to fix her damp hair as much as she could.
“Disappearing again, I see.”
She didn’t say anything, but in the shadow of the lantern on the side of her face, he saw a little smile appear. It was simple, but had a major aphrodisiac effect on him. Without another word, he walked in and shut the door behind him.
Judy stopped fiddling with her hair when she heard him turn the lock.
“Are you sure you don’t want to drive back with me,” Lucy asked Kay as she walked her to her car with a flashlight.
“No, thanks. Lena said she was going to hitch a ride with Vivie and Nick in a few minutes so I’ll just catch a ride back in the Lawford-mobile with Judy and the gang.”
“Speaking of Judy, I wonder where she went. I would have loved to say bye to her.”
“Don’t worry, darling, I’ll tell her for you. Say hi to Desi for us, will ya?”
“You bet. Bye honey,” Lucy said as she got into her car.
Kay waved as Lucy backed down the driveway and didn’t turn until she got back on Mullholland safely.
“I bet I know where Judy went,” Lena said leaning in the doorway.
Kay nodded, “They’re both taking advantage of the blackout by necking like a couple of teenagers is my guess.”
“Good for them. If they enjoy being together that much, than have at it I say.”
The lantern lit up the bathroom with a sensual glow, reflecting back through the large, bathroom mirror as Judy whimpered sensually.
She let go of the back of Gene’s head to grasp the edge of the counter, her knuckles turning white, her back arched. She moaned louder as Gene’s mouth became more demanding between her legs. She felt a rush of moisture cascaded her lower being and her body felt heavenly.
“Oh, gosh,” she whispered as another burst of pre-climax tingled, over-stimulating her.
Gene took that cue to stop and he let her go with a loud sucking motion before standing up to undo his pants. His erection was strained, pressing against his shorts, he hadn’t felt that hard and ready since their last encounter; not even the times he had jerked off thinking about her during their mini-separation.  
Judy took it upon herself to yank down his shorts and started caressing him the way she knew he liked as their lips skimmed on another. He softly groaned from pleasure and torture. He wanted to stop her, he wanted to plunge himself into her warm, slick, pulsating center but Judy loved to please him as much as he loved to please her. So, he let her take control. He trusted her not to let him come before he was inside of her.
“I’ve missed you,” she breathed against his lips.
“I’ve missed you, baby, you feel so good,” he breathed back before capturing her mouth with another hot, open kiss.
Cary stood up from the table and grabbed a lantern, “I’m gonna try the braker again.”
“Has anyone seen Gene? He’s usually so good at fixing things,” June commented.
“I haven’t seen Kay or Lena since Lucy left, haven’t seen Judy or Gene, neither,” Peter replied getting up to assist Cary downstairs.
“Yes, what are they doing,” Cary’s girlfriend Betsy said with a casual curiosity.
Over and over, in a timeless rhythm, Gene hit the right spot with each thrust. And she held onto him tightly, her finger tips digging into his lower back to feel his movements and bring him closer.
They were both passionately, and emotionally, reveling in the feeling of being together again. They both also kept the sounds of their lovemaking to a minimum for the fear of getting caught. And it was a challenge as the rise of their impending orgasms made them both want to respond to each other vocally on how they were feeling. Fortunately, after being together since their first picture, they were very familiar with each other’s bodies and body language, so a repeated vocal response of their fuck was not necessarily needed.
Gene felt her slide her back a bit lower against the mirror for a better angle as he realized she was close. He grabbed her hips, accommodating her, and continued his thrusts, now becoming a little faster for her release as he tried to hold out.
She couldn’t hold back her cry of erotic desperation as her climax was near the edge making her toes curl and her body tense up. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and grabbed on as she rode the wave. When her orgasm burst throughout her being, Judy leaned her head back, the side of her face visible from the lantern, scrunched up as her red lips parted. A cry that she purposefully bit back escaped from her chest, filtered out from her teeth biting her bottom lip.
Gene was relieved as he thrust into her harder, feeling himself start to expand. Hearing his intense breaths start to skip, Judy leaned her head back up and grabbed the sides of his face, their noses touching as he let go.
His hand fell flat up against the mirror beside her head as his orgasm shot out inside of her. It was overwhelming, intense and seemed to keep going as he continued to thrust and softly groan over and over. When both their bodies stilled, Gene breathed heavily, almost shaking, as he leaned his head down. Judy just kissed his forehead.
Then the lights went on.
Gene lifted his head and smiled, “There you are,” he said from their earlier encounter.
“Here I am,” she whispered back and kissed him softly.
MGM was bustling and busy as a bee as Judy walked down the lot towards the small parking lot outside the south entrance. The day was so beautiful, the sun was bright and the sky was bright blue, no one would have expected that it had been storming the past few days.
When she got closer to her car, she noticed Gene leaning against the hood, his back to her, smoking a cigarette.
“Hi,” she said with a bit of surprise.
“Oh, hey,” he replied turning around and stomped out his cigarette.
“I thought you were off for a few days.”
“Had to drop off some notes to Stan. Saw your car was still here,” he reached over and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “How did it go?”
She had just finished her recording for Words and Music with Mickey and was actually quite proud at how easy things went, “It was good. We got it done. Went smoothly. Vince even brought Liza by to watch. Mickey played with her, it was all very relaxed.”
“Oh, how swell. Are you leaving the studio now?”
“Mm hm. It’s such a nice day. I was thinking of having a picnic with Liza in the backyard since I’m getting out earlier than I thought.”
“I’m sure she’ll love it. But, before you go, I have to talk to you,” he said, his voice becoming a bit serious, it made her a little nervous as he urged her to get in the car. She did and watched as he got in the passenger side.
“I’m taking residency at the Beverly Hills Hotel.”
“What do you mean you’re taking residency,” she asked her face completely confused.
“You know how unhappy my marriage has been lately...well, for a while now,” he said and Judy nodded becoming anxious, “Betsy and I talked last night and we decided to separate for...”
“Oh, Gene, are you really sure you want to do that,” she interrupted with almost an exasperation.
Gene looked at Judy in disbelief by her quick response before he even finished talking, “Am I really sure I want to do what?”
“Separate from your family. It’s just...” she looked down fiddling with her fingers, “I’m not ready to do the same.”
Gene turned to her more in his seat, a little irritated, “I’m not asking you to.”
“You’re not?”
Her response was so shocked and genuine that it made him angry. He turned forwards and pressed his palms into his knees shaking his head.
“Why are you getting upset?”
“Do you really believe that whatever I do with my personal life, I expect you to do the same?”
The hurt expression on his face cause Judy to practically sink into her seat, “Well, after what you said the other night about our ‘agreement’ I...”
“Oh, fuck the agreement,” she looked at him with wide eyes, “If you would have let me finish talking then you would have heard that my separation is only going to be for a few weeks.”
“A few weeks?”
“A break. We decided to start there and see what happens. And if we need more time or...anything else...then we’ll cross that bridge when it gets to it.”
Judy tried not to show relief on her face but he could see it in her eyes and he laughed from ridiculousness, “Why are you automatically jumping to conclusions?”
“Because you said you wanted to throw our agreement down the drain since you are so unhappy with Betsy. I assumed that meant you wanted to divorce her and that would mean I would do the same.”
“Assumptions can get you into trouble,” he replied almost amused but sounded like some strict teacher.
“I know that now,” she said irritated, her elbow leaning on the window frame, her temple leaning against her hand. She was candidly embarrassed.
“Honey, I wanted to talk to you because with me staying at the hotel for a few weeks, that would mean I would be more accessible to you, to spend more time together since that’s what we both want. I never expect you to do anything just because I do it. Your decisions about your family are yours and Vince’s only. When you get to that own bridge of yours, I’ll be on the other side of it. But I’ll never be in the middle.”
“You said ‘when’, not ‘if’. How are you so sure of yourself?”
“I don’t know,” he said his voice softening. “It just came out that way. But one thing I know for sure is that we belong together, sweetheart, in one way or another.”
Judy slightly smiled as she thought the same.
“Listen, I’m never going to ask to take time away from your husband, or you daughter, but when you do have free time, you know where I’ll be.”
He reached over and gave her a cheerful peck on the lips before getting out of the car. Judy watched him in her rearview mirror as he started to walk away.
Knowing she was watching him, Gene turned around and smiled once more.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 4 years
Miami Nights (Ethan x MC)
Warning: 18+, NSFW.
Summary: While in Miami to celebrate their upcoming wedding, Ethan and Naomi sneak away from the festivities to have their own celebration.
A/N: Like all of my NSFW fics, this was 100% self indulgent and written with only me in mind. 
Tags: @fanmantrashcan @ao719 @x-kyne-x @colourmeshy @writinghereandthere @paulfwesley @ramseyandrys @perriewinklenerdie @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @hatescapsicum @lapisreviewsstuff @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramsey @the-soot-sprite @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @my-heart-beats-for-ya @adrian-motherfucking-raines @riverrune @edith-eggs1 @thatysn @bellcat2010 @theeccentricbibliophile @cecilecontrera @junehiratas @choices-love-affair @openheart12 @kaavyaethanramsey @caseyvalentineramsey @desmaranj @mal-volaris @whatchique @nazario-sayeed @aestheticartsx @ruinedbypixels @mvalentine @nooruleman @rookie-ramsey
As always, let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged. And if your tags do not work, I’m sorry, and blame Tumblr. ~v~ In a perfect world, Ethan Ramsey would be at home, on his couch, a good book in one hand and a tumbler of scotch in the other. The last place he necessarily wants to be is in the crowded bar of a Miami hotel, sandwiched between a 21 year old girl and her friends, and some guy crying into his pint of beer.
The things Ethan does for love.
Coming to Miami was Naomi’s idea. She wanted a fun weekend away for their bachelor and bachelorette parties, and Miami was the only place she even considered going. What better way to celebrate their upcoming nuptials than to go to the city, specifically the hotel that started it all?
He hasn’t seen her all day, her friends kidnapping her as soon as their plane touched down. He misses her. They’ve been attached at the hip ever since they began dating, even more so after she moved into his condo, and being without her feels strange, even if it’s only for a night. And while he’s grown fond of Naomi’s merry band of misfits, spending the entire night with Bryce, Elijah, and Rafael requires more patience than he has.
He’s spent the entire day with them, and his capacity to be around other people has reached its limit. So while the guys were making plans of going to a strip club, Ethan left altogether, quietly slipping out of their room.
Ethan feels a tap on his shoulder. “Excuse me, is this seat taken?”
He’d recognize that voice anywhere, the slight drawl of Naomi’s accent when she has to pronounce certain words. Once he’s turned around, all thoughts of what he could possibly say are gone.
After two years together, Naomi’s beauty shouldn’t stun him anymore, but she still manages to render him speechless.
“Wow,” is the word his brain finally settles on.
Forever the drama queen, Naomi twirls around so her fiancé can get a full look at the sparkly dress she’s wearing. “I take it you like the dress?”
“You look beautiful.” 
“Thank you.” Her eyes sweep over Ethan, taking him in. He’s not doing anything in particular, but his presence is still commanding and magnetic. “You look pretty handsome yourself. Now, do you care to tell me why you’re missing your bachelor party?”
“I didn’t want to go to a strip club,” Ethan says simply. “And Lahela kept referring to us in third person, calling us ‘The Boys’ all night. It was becoming tiresome, so I left.”
“You can’t leave your own bachelor party.”
“Says the woman who ditched her bachelorette party,” Ethan shoots back.
Naomi rolls her eyes. “I only left my bachelorette party because you texted me to meet you down here.”
“I was simply over the night,” he says with a shrug. “We did a bit of gambling, we went to a cigar lounge, we got dinner. That’s more than enough entertainment for me. The other guys will be fine for the rest of the night if I’m not there.”
“Well if you’re checking out for the night, so am I.”
“No, you can still enjoy the festivities with your friends.”
Naomi shrugs. “Kyra and Sienna went too hard on the tequila shots at the club, and they’re currently passed out. Aurora, Jackie, and I were just in their room talking.”
“About anything in particular?”
“Mostly hospital gossip, nothing major.” Naomi takes a step forward and wraps her arms around Ethan’s neck. “Take me to our room, we can order room service and have our own celebration.”
One of Ethan’s eyebrows raises at the command. His hand travels to his fiancée’s hip, squeezing roughly. “Oh yeah? What kind of celebration?”
“I don’t know,” Naomi says, playing coy. “But I’m sure you can come up with something, doctor.”
They manage to get to their floor in record time, after Ethan requests that a bottle of wine get sent up to their room, which is a miracle because they spend entirely too much time stumbling through the halls, stealing kisses and touching each other.
Because they got separated early in the day, Naomi didn’t get a chance to see the room she and Ethan would be staying in for the weekend. As soon as he slides the key card through the door and pushes it open, Naomi just knows.
It’s the same suite she and Ethan shared the first time they visited The Celestial. “Ethan, this is...wow.”
“I take it you’re surprised?”
“I’m more than surprised.”
Naomi wanders around the room, her fingers lightly touching all of the fixtures. The bedding is still the same, white and lavender, the room open and light. It even smells the same, and suddenly she’s transported back in time, 3 years ago.
Leaving Ethan where he’s standing, Naomi heads to the balcony, throwing open the sliding glass door. Everything is so still, weird for a city like Miami that’s constantly buzzing with energy. She doesn’t notice Ethan step out a minute later, a chilled bottle of merlot and two glasses in his hand.
He pops open the bottle and pours them both a glass, handing one to her. “Would you like to toast?”
“Sure.” Naomi raises her glass. “Here’s to us, our upcoming nuptials, and the best marriage the world has ever seen.”
“That’s a bold toast.” Ethan gently clinks his glass against hers. “I’ll drink to that.”
Naomi takes a hearty sip, ignoring all of the tips a sommelier usually gives on how to drink, the fruitiness of the wine taking over. She watches as Ethan heads to the railing, his own glass less than full.
“I still can’t believe you managed to get this room,” she says, sighing wistfully, overlooking the ocean from her vantage point. “How did you pull it off?”
“Everyone has a price. I said money was no object, and when I told them it was a surprise for my fiancée, they were a bit more inclined to help.”
“Really?” Ethan hums and nods in response. 
“I told them the room has sentimental value to me,” he explains further. “It’s the room where I realized I was utterly helpless against your charms.”
“Ethan Ramsey, you’re truly a romantic at heart.”
He’ll never get used to hearing her praise him so openly. Ethan ducks his head down so Naomi can’t see the flush creeping up his neck at the compliment. “You bring out this romantic side of me.”
She goes to join him at the railing. He doesn’t say anything, but he slips his arm around her waist, pulling her close.
Butterflies bloom in her stomach at his words. It’s nice to know that their first trip to Miami means so much to him, because it was an absolute game changer for her.
“I remember everything about that night so vividly,” Naomi says, her voice almost a whisper.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Losing to Declan in that poker match, coming out here, sharing a bottle of pinot noir, and talking about Naveen and my dreams for the type of doctor I want to be. I remember it all.”
“And then we kissed,” Ethan adds.
“Oh yeah, we did kiss, huh? I can’t believe I almost forgot that.”
“Ha ha, Rookie.”
“You know I’m just kidding. Of course I remember that kiss. It was the start of quite the journey for us.” A pained look flashed across Ethan’s face. “What’s wrong?”
“I kissed you and then I immediately reneged. I started us on that ridiculous journey and wasted so much precious time because I didn’t want to admit that I was falling for you.”
“Hey.” Naomi grabs Ethan’s hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. “I love you, and look at where we are right now. We’re getting married next week, we’re starting the rest of our lives together. Yes, the journey took a bit longer than I had hoped, but I don’t think I’d change anything in our past. It’s led us to this moment right here.”
“How are you so much more...wise and articulate than me?”
Naomi shrugs. “It’s a gift. Not everyone is privileged to possess it.”
“You remember all of the broad strokes of that night in Miami, but I’m more fond of the tiny details.”
“Like what?”
“I remember your blue dress and how it matched my eyes,” he starts. “I remember the sweet smell of your perfume, jasmine. I remember your coconut shampoo. I remember the way your pupils dilated when you saw me step out of the shower.” Ethan pulls Naomi closer to him and one of his hands gently cups her face. “It’s the same look you gave me when you realized that I threw that poker game for Naveen’s benefit, one of pure awe.”
“Your skin was incredibly soft,” Ethan continues, his finger tracing a nonsensical pattern on her collarbone. “Like silk. And it still is. But you want to know my favorite memory of that night?”
A hand underneath her chin, Ethan tilts Naomi’s head up, their lips dangerously close. If she moves just a hair closer, they’ll be kissing. She’s tempted to just take the plunge, but she’s frozen, trapped under a spell of his.
With that, Ethan’s mouth descends on hers, pulling Naomi into a kiss with a ferocity she wasn’t expecting. She melts into it immediately, moaning, her hand flying to the back of his neck, getting tangled in the hair at the nape. She can taste the wine of him, the sweet taste of cherries as tongue slips into her mouth, deepening the kiss.
Ethan pulls away only to nip at the corner of her mouth. “That fucking moan of yours. The tiny little noise you make at the back of your throat whenever you’re aroused. It’s been playing in my head on a loop ever since.”
His beard scratches a path down Naomi’s neck and shoulder as he kisses her.
“You want to make that sound for me again?” Naomi nods frantically, desperate for whatever is about to come her way. “Good girl.”
Taking her hand, Ethan pulls her away from the railing. Instead of heading back into their suite, he presses her into the tall pillar next to them, barely giving her enough time to put down her wine glass. The exposed skin of her back collides into the pillar with a soft thud.
“Out here?” She asks with a squeak as Ethan tugs at her dress.
Ethan shrugs. “Why not?”
His lips are on her neck again in an instant, clouding her judgment and making it harder to respond. “Someone can–” she dissolved into a fit of moans at Ethan’s ministrations. “Someone can see us.”
“We’re thirty floors up,” Ethan deadpans. “And it’s pitch black out here, no one will see us.” He grabs her hips, pulling her flush against him, and Naomi gasps at how hard he is. “Now hearing you, that’s another story. You’re loud and I have every intention to make you scream.”
If he wasn’t holding onto her, Naomi is sure she would’ve fallen over at his words. Ethan’s cockiness is on full display, and arrogant Ethan was definitely one of her favorite versions of him.
Ethan pulls away, giving Naomi a bit of breathing room so she can properly think again. “Does that sound like a plan, Valentine? Me having my way with you right here on this balcony?”
“God, yes.” She ignores the way he smirks at her unbridled eagerness. Ethan has a healthy enough ego without her stroking it.
“Correct answer, Rookie.”
Ethan’s hand wraps around the silky material at the top of Naomi’s dress and yanks it down. Naomi hears the ripping of the material and her eyes fly open in shock at the cool Miami air hitting her exposed chest.
“We’re going to have to talk about the serious lack of respect you have for my clothing.”
“You told me you got this dress because someone you called a “Pictagram influencer” advertised it and had a coupon code making it 70% cheaper,” Ethan counters.
“Yes, the dress was cheap, but you have to stop ripping all of my clothes.”
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“With a new dress?”
Ethan rolls his eyes at his fiancée’s quip, but he ignores it. “Something better.” He kisses down her neck and chest, stopping to wrap his lips around her nipple, biting down gently.
It takes a second for Naomi to register that the source of the unladylike growl filling the air is her. She grips Ethan’s shoulder to steady herself, her nails digging through his shirt, and her head falls forward at the sensation.
“You’re always so responsive to me,” Ethan murmurs softly. His mouth descends on her other nipple, his tongue flattening over the pebbled bit of flesh. “And I don’t even have to do anything to you.”
“Well, can you do something to me?”
“You young people have no patience,” Ethan clicks his tongue teasingly. Slowly, he sinks down to his knees in front of Naomi, tugging her dress down with him. He’s already ripped it, there’s no use in exercising any more care. The sparkly dress pools at Naomi’s feet and she kicks it away.
“You old people move too slow–”
The words die on her throat as Ethan hooks a finger into the band of underwear and tugs them down at a frenzied pace. His calloused fingers dig into her hips, hard enough to bruise. She always calls him old, teasing him into accepting whatever challenge she’s thrown his way. “I’ll show you old, Rookie.”
Leaving her hip, one of Ethan’s hands travels to her knee, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. He hooks her leg over his shoulder, giving him more leverage.
She can feel his breath, warm and tickling on the inside of her thigh, so close, yet so far away from where she actually needs him to be. Her hips fly forward, a silent plea for him to continue this little game they’re playing. Thankfully Ethan doesn’t tease her any further as his tongue flies out, licking at her folds.
Naomi inhales sharply and she nearly hikes up the wall at the sensation. “Oh, God.”
“You’re so wet for me, Naomi,” Ethan whispers against the overly sensitive flesh.
He dives back in, moaning against her and Naomi throws her head back at the vibration. “Always for you.”
She can tell by the way his blue eyes sparkle as they lock eyes that he’s smirking. But Naomi doesn’t have time to care about that because his lips wrap around her clit and he sucks hard. Naomi cards her fingers through his hair, tugging at him roughly, like she will die if he doesn’t keep his attention right where it is. 
It doesn’t last long though, and with ridiculous strength and skill, Ethan manages to grab her wrists in one hand, and keeps her hips planted against the pole with the other. Naomi receives the message loud and clear: he’s in control here, unequivocally.
Secure in the fact that she won’t be doing too much moving, Ethan doubles down, his tongue lapping at her. The familiar scratch of his beard against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh only makes her more delirious with lust.
Molten core levels of heat prick at every bit of her skin, from the crown of her head to the tips of her toes. Her stomach tightens and there’s a tingle at the base of her spine. She’s close and it’s not fair that he can make her come this quick, and she’s not sure if she hates it or loves it. “I’m gonna–”
“I know.”
Ethan pulls away slightly, but Naomi doesn’t get the chance to whine about it. In an instant, he’s slipped a finger inside of her, earning a groan. He is just so...relentless in his goal, and Naomi barely has a chance to breathe before she’s keening (something so dramatic and unlike her. Ethan will never let her live it down). Her orgasm is swift, crashing into her like a tidal wave, knocking her off kilter almost instantly. Ethan doesn’t back away, his mouth still on her, working her through the release.
Her entire body is buzzing, still wracked with aftershocks when Ethan finally stands up. His eyes are dark, no longer the ocean blue they usually are, now taking on something closer to the midnight sky, fully dilated and hooded. His mouth is wet, slick with...well her, and Naomi has never wanted to kiss him more.
“That was a promising start,” Ethan says. “But it’s just that: a start. I’m nowhere near done with you.”
A start? If Naomi had the energy to do so, she would laugh at him, but one look in Ethan’s eyes lets her know that he’s being serious. She gulps audibly. She’s a shaky puddle of goo right now, and that was only the beginning?
“Turn around, hands against the pillar,” Ethan commands.
“You heard me loud and clear, Naomi. Hands out, ass up.”
He’s using his commanding doctor voice on her, and she loves it. Naomi does what she’s told, palms flat against the pillar holding up the balcony.
She hears rustling from behind, and she’s sure he’s undressing. Now she’s extremely aware of their power imbalance: she’s stark naked, save for a pair of high heels, while he’s still fully dressed. It’s not fair. Shifting slightly, Naomi lifts a foot and shakes it, hoping to get the shoe off in one fell swoop.
She’s stopped short of her plan as a sharp smack is delivered to her ass. She’s unable to contain the expletive in her throat, a loud, “Fuck!” drifting into the Miami air.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Ethan asks.
“Taking off these heels.”
He tsks at her, as if the answer isn’t good enough. “I don’t remember giving you permission to do so.”
The authoritative tone zips straight through her, and Naomi turns to face him, putting on her best doe eyes. “I’m sorry, sir.”
“Christ.” Naomi didn’t know it was possible, but Ethan’s eyes darken even further at the word. He doesn’t bother stripping out the rest of his clothes, just quickly undoing his belt and pushing his pants down until they pool at his ankles. Without warning, Ethan wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her flush against him. Naomi’s back collides with his chest with a hard thud. “Kiss me.”
That’s not a command that needs repeating. Naomi tilts her head back in an attempt to kiss him, but their vast height difference and Ethan’s death grip on her make it a challenge. She just barely manages to capture the corner of his mouth before Ethan growls impatiently, and grabs her neck, forcing her head back to deepen the kiss.
It’s overwhelming and heady, and she’s so caught up in it, she doesn’t even realize his cock, hard and pulsing, is poised at the entrance until he plunges into her in one smooth thrust.
If he wanted her loud, he got what he asked for, because Naomi breaks their kiss in order to scream at the welcome intrusion. The air rushes from her lungs, and she can’t even begin to breathe again before Ethan pulls out and enters her again with just as much intensity as before.
She feels delirious, and she can’t pinpoint why. Maybe it’s the fact that they’re 400 feet above solid ground, and one look down makes her head spin. Maybe it’s the fact that someone, somewhere in this hotel knows exactly what they’re doing. Maybe it’s the fact that every inch of her skin burns deliciously as Ethan has her stretched at full fucking capacity, and she has nowhere to run or hide. There’s no sheets she can pull, no pillows to muffle her moans, nothing she can grab onto to anchor herself to reality. She’s suspended in this moment, and she can’t do anything but simply take it as Ethan fucks into her like a madman.
The noises she’s making along with the sound of their skin slapping together is wildly obscene, and it only spurs Ethan on. Abandoning her throat, his hand travels down to her chest, his forefinger and thumb pinching her nipple, bringing the tiny nub to an almost painfully hard peak. He makes sure to give the same level of attention to the other nipple, torturing his fiancée until she’s whining unintelligibly.
His lips find her earlobe and he bites down. “Are you close again?”
“Yes,” Naomi answers.
Instead of speeding up, Ethan slows down, his thrusts slowing down to an agonizingly deep pace, fully pulling out of her and thrusting in again at a leisurely pace, the sole intent of driving her insane.
“Ethan,” she whines. She’s a shaking mess, unable to do much else besides cry out and occasionally moan his name. Her spine curves, back arching and her head falls against his shoulder. “Fuck! Ethan, please.”
“Please, what?”
Despite his teasing, Naomi can tell he’s just as desperate as she is. His breath is coming out in ragged and uneven pants, there’s a thin layer of sweat, slick and coating his chest, and she can feel his heartbeat, wild and erratic against her back. He’s just as tortured as she is.
In a Hail Mary attempt to get what she wants, her inner muscles clench down on him, stopping him mid-thrust. Ethan’s knees buckle, the move unexpected and throwing him off-kilter.
“Shit, Naomi,” he manages to rasp out. “You don’t play fair.”
Being fair has no place in this, she plays to win, but she has no time to throw it back in his face as he presses into her clit with the pad of his thumb, applying just enough pressure to make her yelp.
If her last climax felt like getting slammed with a tidal wave, this one feels like floating down a river: languid and unrelenting, refusing to stop. It consumes her entire body, engulfing her in pleasure so white hot and intense, she’s sure stars are popping behind her eyelids as every bit of pleasure is wrung out of her body until there’s nothing left to give.
Ethan’s thrusts speed up again, messy and spasmodic, all rhythm gone. His hips snap against hers before she feels him coming, his entire body going rigid.
Thankfully, Ethan has enough energy left to pull them into a chair because Naomi was more than willing to simply collapse onto the concrete and stay there. She curls into his side, her face finding a spot in the crook of his neck.
They don’t speak for what feels like forever, both just trying to regulate their breathing and return back to normal.
Ethan breaks the comfortable silence, but Naomi barely realizes he’s talking before it’s too late to fully listen. She tilts her head back so they can lock eyes. “What?”
“I asked if you’re okay,” Ethan says.
“I can’t feel my legs,” is all Naomi manages to say. Ethan chuckles and reaches forward, slipping Naomi’s heels off, the relief pretty much instant.
“Much.” She sighs sleepily, her eyelids growing heavy. She burrows deeper into his side, Ethan’s body heat lulling her to sleep. “This was much better than staying in the girls’ room.”
“And it was much better than going to a strip club with your friends,” Ethan adds.
“You like them. They’re your friends too, don’t deny it.” Ethan doesn’t outright confirm or deny anything, which is all the confirmation Naomi needs. “Told you so.”
“How about a shower, Miss Know-It-All?” 
“Sounds great,” Naomi huffs, but she makes no effort to move.
“This is doing more for my ego than you’ll ever know.” Ethan is careful, extracting himself from Naomi’s grip in order to get up. He then hooks his arms underneath her, lifting her up bridal style to carry her back into their suite.
Naomi might as well be unconscious because she’s dead weight in his arms as he maneuvers his way to the en-suite. Thankfully the shower isn’t complicated and all Ethan has to do is turn a few knobs for it to turn on. He waits a few seconds to make sure the water is the perfect temperature, before pulling Naomi in with him.
They don’t spend too much time in the marble and glass box, as Ethan can see Naomi is probably seconds from passing out. The shower is over almost as quickly as it began. Both wrapped in large hotel robes, Ethan nudges Naomi back to the bedroom where she collapses face down onto their bed.
Once Ethan is in bed with her, Naomi rolls over, her face firmly planted on his chest. Upon making contact, Naomi sighs.
Ethan kisses the top of her head. “I can practically hear your thoughts. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong,” Naomi assures him. “Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“It just feels...surreal, being back in Miami, being back in this room,” Naomi explains. “We’re getting married next weekend.”
Ethan lifts Naomi’s left hand, her engagement ring sparkling in the moonlight. “It does feel surreal.”
“I think we should make it a tradition, coming out here.” Ethan looks down at her, a curious eyebrow raised. Naomi feels the need to explain herself, the words rushing out of her mouth. “It doesn’t have to be annual or anything, but I want this to be our special place.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” Ethan says. The next they come to Miami, she’s going to be his wife, and the thought spends a thrill down his spine.
“And we have to have sex on the balcony. It’s tradition now.”
“I’m starting to think you only want me for my body.”
“Of course not,” Naomi argues. “I’m in it for your money, too.” Ethan pinches her leg for the teasing, and she squirms away from him, laughing.
“When I die, I’m bequeathing all of my money to Jenner.”
“He’s a good boy, he’d share with me.” 
Ethan rolls his eyes and pulls Naomi in for another kiss. They don’t make it very far though, as the sound of a cell phone pierces through the air, making them spring apart.
“Yours or mine?” Ethan asks, eyes scanning the room for the source of the noise.
Naomi bends over and sees her cell phone on the floor by their bed, and not on the nightstand. 
Weird. She picks it up, and her eyes widen at the amount of texts she’s received in the past minute, the vibration so strong, it knocked the phone off of the table. “It’s mine.”
Bryce L: DUDE!!!
Bryce L: Where the duck r u?
Bryce L: ????????????????????????????????
Bryce L: Srsly not funny, did u run away from ur own bachelor party?
Bryce L: Pick up fone. Nay will murder us for losing u. 
Bryce L: But I will murder fist, 4 running away
Bryce L: Oh shut. Naomi, ignore this!!! 
Bryce L: JK, false alarm
Bryce L: Ethan is fine, picky promise!
Between the misspelled words and strings of emojis, Naomi can tell that her surgeon friend is completely drunk, but she manages to figure out what he’s saying. “So Bryce is having a meltdown because he lost you.” Taking the phone from Naomi’s hand, Ethan holds it up to his face, squinting as he reads. “And he thinks he was texting you, when he really just texted me.”
Ethan chuckles slightly, and mere seconds later, his own cell phone rings ‘Dr. Bryce Lahela’ flashing across the screen. “He’s figured it out, and he’s calling me now. Should I answer?”
“No. Let them have their Hangover moment.”
“Their what?”
“From The Hangover. The movie with Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zack Galifiniakis where they get totally shitfaced and lose their best friend a day before his wedding,” Naomi explains. Ethan just stares at her blankly. “Oh my gosh, you’ve never seen it?”
“How does this come as a shock to you, Rookie?”
“Well, we can't get married until you’ve seen the entire trilogy.”
That makes Ethan’s brows fly up. “There’s 3 of those movies that you want me to sit through?”
“God Grandpa, you’re so lame,” Naomi groans and her hand reaches out onto the nightstand, grabbing the remote control. She points to the large flatscreen tv in front of them. “Hopefully we can order movies on this. If not, I brought my laptop so–” Ethan plucks the remote from her hand, and tosses it to the edge of the king sized bed. It lands softly. “Hey!”
“I don’t care about some stupid movie.”
“It’s not stu–” He tugs at the knot holding her robe together until it falls open. “Ethan…”
“You have options, soon to be Missus Ramsey,” Ethan starts. He rolls over until he’s on top of Naomi, his arms bracing either side of her cage, caging her underneath him. “We can watch that movie, or we can pick up where we left off on the balcony. Which choice do you prefer?”
“The movie,” Naomi quips back with a smirk.
She laughs at her own joke and Ethan’s eyes darken mischievously, taking on the challenge. “Just for that, I’m going to guarantee that you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
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lunarimagines · 4 years
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Summary: After a minor glitch you are left living with someone you never dreamed of living with. While you swear nothing will happen, a lot can change in the span of a month...
Warnings: language
A/N: This is the new series I have inspiration for right now as classes start up again soon. Does not take place in the current universe... literally no social distancing. Putting Eye on the Target on hold. If you liked Watch Me Babygirl you might like this series ;)
Starting college was stressful on its own. Beyond moving to a new school in a new state with new people, moving sucked. Moving was the worst part, in fact, you decided as you hauled up your fifth box from your car to your dorm room. It was digging into your arms and your hands as you hauled it up the four flights of stairs to your room, squishing to the side of the stairwell to allow other students moving in to squeeze by you in a hurry to unpack their own things. You decided that after you finished moving you would never use the stairs ever again. You’d had enough stairs to last you for the rest of your life.
“Woo, I think I’m going to die,” you huffed to your best friend as he followed you into your new room carrying a box filled with your clothes. He snorted as he set the box by your desk and looked around your room. Your side was empty save the boxes of your things while your roommates’ side was completely unpacked - no boxes in sight - and organized.
“The good thing is that I think your roommate has already moved in so maybe she can help you finish unpacking and get organized,” Wooyoung commented as he stared at the made bed across from you stark one. 
You nodded as you looked around the room, taking particular interest in your roommate’s decor. It was nice, you finally decided. It was not only neat and tidy - all of the posters and picture frames were hung up straight with command strips - but the colors were calming. You figured the two of you would get along just fine.
“Hey I think that was the last box by the way,” Wooyoung motioned to the stack of boxes scattered on (objectively) your half of the room. “Want to help me unpack my boxes from my car into my room?”
“I guess it’s only fair,” you joked as you followed him out of your room, closing the door soundly behind you.
“I kind of hate that we live across campus from one another,” Wooyoung remarked. “Like… it almost makes me feel lonely being so far from you.”
You simply smiled at your best friend. The thing about Wooyoung was that he easily made friends. He was positive and boisterous and seemed to just attract people. He would soon find himself surrounded by plenty of friends in his dorm. You… you were hoping to find friends in classes and school clubs where you knew you would at least have something in common with them. It wasn’t like you were sure you and Wooyoung would drift apart, but you were worried that your friendship may be tested in such a new environment. After having become friends your Junior year of high school the two of you had seemed almost inseparable, but now you weren’t so sure you were. 
Pushing all thoughts from your mind, you grabbed the first box from Wooyoung’s car and gritted your teeth as you started your ascent to his third floor dorm room.
Four exhausting hours later, you were laying in your room on your freshly made bed. Nothing other than your sheets and bathroom supplies had been unpacked. You knew you would eventually have to get up to find your pajama box, but that was a problem for future Y/N. Right now you just wanted to close your eyes and rest. Your limbs hurt and muscles you didn’t even know you had were starting to ache. Reaching over to turn off the light above the center of the room, you snuggled into your sheets and dozed. 
You didn’t even hear your roommate come back. Upon seeing your sleeping form, your roommate decided to simply leave the lights off and shower in the ensuite shower in darkness and near silence. They figured it wouldn’t be a good first impression to wake you up… They understood just how tiring moving could be. 
Here’s the thing about suddenly living in such close proximities with strangers though: you get woken up by nearly any sound they make before you know them and their routines. You weren’t fully out of your dazed state until you heard the shower shut off. Your eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness of the room but you couldn’t imagine it would be easy for your roommate to navigate the mess of boxes coming out of a brightly lit bathroom into sudden darkness. 
Sliding off of your bed, you moved to turn on the light by the dorm door to give your roommate some light.
The click of the bathroom door startled you as you turned around after having flicked the lights on.
“I figured it would be easier for you if I turne-” 
Holy shit. Holy fuck.
A boy around your age was staring back at you in shock, his grey sweatpants hanging loosely off of his hips, no shirt in sight, and his hand frozen towel-drying his hair. And he was not simply a half-naked boy around your age, but a HOT half-naked boy around your age. Your eyes seemed to move on their own as you scanned him, spending more time than necessary staring at his slightly damp abs. 
God, you felt like you were in a stupid drama. This had to be a dream. Or your roommate let her boyfriend into your room while you were asleep to shower in your room because you had a nice shower. Those were the only two options. It wasn’t as if he could have come into the wrong room… the doors locked automatically behind you and only the person with the correct key could get in. It was simple mechanics.
So why was this boy standing there staring back at you with wide eyes? And who was this boy?
“I - uh - you live here - like HERE here, like in this room… with me?” you mumbled intelligently.
“Uh, yeah,” he mumbled back, equally as intelligently. 
You noticed a slight blush rising on his neck the longer the two of you stood there. You moved to the side to let him find a shirt to put on, paying extra attention to the slight curve of his ass in his sweatpants as he bent down to find a shirt in his drawer set. Everything about this boy was attractive, you noted. 
He turned back around, no longer shirtless, and cleared his throat suddenly.
“I, uh, I guess we should probably go downstairs to the desk and see if they can assign us to different rooms,” he reasoned. “I’ll either move or help you move when they reassign us. I’m, yeah, I’m really sorry about this.”
His sudden statement wasn’t entirely surprising to you. The dorms didn’t allow co-ed roommates otherwise you and Wooyoung may have lived together. You simply nodded back, your keys already in your hand to troop down to the ground floor. You would just have to endure the stairs one more time because God forbid you get stuck in an elevator with this boy, too. 
“I’m Y/N by the way,” you said desperately to erase the awkward silence between the two of you. 
“Seonghwa,” the boy replied coolly. 
Fitting name, you thought as you pushed open the door to the ground floor. A cool and sexy name for a cool and sexy guy I guess. 
Despite move-in having finished for the day, the ground floor was in chaos. Students were complaining of beds not having been lifted, of clogged sinks, of lights not turning on, of awful roommates, of missing items. Every time you turned someone was complaining about something else. The line to the front counter snaked across the room. 
“Maybe it’s not just us,” you reasoned as the two of you got in the back of the line. You peered through the crowd but you couldn’t even catch a glimpse of the front of the line now. 
“If we can’t get up to the front before the station closes do you have somebody you can stay with tonight?” Seonghwa questioned. “I have a few friends I might be able to crash with if you don’t.”
“I don’t have any friends besides Wooyoung, and I don’t think his roommate would be too cool with me crashing there.”
In reality you had no idea if Wooyoung or his roommate would be okay with it or not. You didn’t want to move your stuff, you didn’t want to deal with any paperwork, you didn’t want to do anything. It had been an exhausting day and all you wanted to do was go back to sleep. 
“We can only take a few high priority cases before we have to close for the night. IF the issue DIRECTLY concerns your safety, please come forward. Otherwise, we apologize for any inconveniences. Thank you.”
A collective groan went up from the crowd. The surge of people to go back to their rooms pushed you and Seonghwa back against a wall. He simply sighed as he watched the organized chaos, his eyes scanning the crowd in annoyance. His jaw was tight and his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. 
“Here,” he held out his hand, “I don’t want to get separated in this crowd. I think we should go back upstairs and figure out what we’re going to do next.”
You hummed in agreement as you grabbed his hand. It was warm and surprisingly soft, and you squeezed it tightly as Seonghwa wove his way up to the stairs and to your fourth floor room. The stairwell was hell and you rammed your hip into the railing multiple times as Seonghwa led you through the crowd. The girls seemed to move out of his way without even thinking about it, pausing and stepping back enough when admiring him to let you through the gaps. You had to admit, Seonghwa did look very handsome even with his disheveled, damp hair and casual clothes. Still, there were so many people on the stairs it was impossible you wouldn’t get bumped at all. 
Arriving at your floor, you felt the rush of cool air as you stepped into the hallway. Seonghwa didn’t let go of your hand as he led you to your shared room despite the hallway being entirely empty. You chuckled at the action and squeezed his hand tightly before releasing it. You didn’t need protection anymore and your hand was starting to get clammy. The last thing you needed was to sweat on your hot roommate.
Seonghwa seemed shocked. His eyes went wide as he stopped and stared down at his hand before shoving it in the pocket of his sweatpants. 
“Sorry. I didn’t even realize,” he commented as he unlocked your door and went inside. He settled on his bed and stared blankly across the room. You followed suit to sit cross legged on your bed, staring at him expectantly.
“I guess I’ll pack a bag and go stay with my friend-”
“Just stay,” you interrupted. As the two of you had stood in line together you’d been thinking… “It’s not fair to either of us. Why should either of us move? Besides, this room is prime with a bathroom in it and it’s on the corner. Based on the amount of people downstairs and during move-in, I seriously doubt there’s any open rooms, especially in this dorm. This is the most popular dorm on campus. You’re going to give it up because someone else made a mistake?”
Seonghwa looked skeptical but he didn’t interrupt. He only nodded pensively as he stared at you, his eyes narrowed and sucking on his cheek. You had some good points. Still…
“Won’t it be uncomfortable?”
“Why? Because we’re the opposite gender means we have to have a romantic or sexual relationship? Just don’t walk around naked and we’ll be fine,” you dismissed. “It won’t be weird if we don’t make it weird.”
Seonghwa still didn’t seem convinced. 
“Look. Let’s give it a trial period, say a month. If it’s weird, we’ll tell someone and get reassigned. Win-win.”
It was silent in your room as Seonghwa pondered your offer. In some ways, it made a lot of sense. Why give up your spot, not get refunded on your rent, and have to go the process of moving again in the same week just because of a computer glitch? No, better to stay put. Even if Seonghwa moved out you would still feel obligated to help him… which would mean you were also moving in a way. Not worth it. Also, while you found him attractive it stopped there. You didn’t know him. He was interesting physically only. It wasn’t like you wanted to become intimate with him. Besides, it didn’t seem like he liked you too much anyways.
You blinked in surprise. “Yeah?”
“Yeah fine,” he sighed, “on one condition. We don’t tell anyone. Not even our friends. I don’t want to make it weird for them either. I don’t want to answer their questions. I just… don’t. Deal?”
You smirked at him, your eyes lighting up. Winking quickly, you got up to grab your shower things and a box marked “pajamas and towels.” Walking toward the shower, you dropped your stuff inside before turning and sticking your head out into the room.
With the resounding clack of the bathroom door shutting and soft click of the lock it was decided: you and Seonghwa were officially roommates. At least for the month.
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gashinabts · 4 years
The Deal
Word: 8.8k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary:  Entering your room you immediately lay on your bed sighing with exhaustion, you lift the money and start counting the money. “ 20,40,60,80...what the fuck…” you continue counting the money until it’s to five hundred dollars. “ Here I come, Jungkook.”
Warnings: Mature language
A/N: AHHH I’m soooo sorry I haven’t been posting lately due to this crazy pandemic a lot of unfortunate things have happened to me. I hope you guys like this fic, it took me awhile to plan it and write it, and I’m still disappointed in it :( I wish you all good health and please be careful!! Make sure to always wash your pretty hands!!!
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“ Her parents have been married for twenty years but she thinks her mother is having an affair. She still wants to find love like them well...at the moment when they were happy. Her favorite movie is Fight Club because she thinks it makes her have good taste in movies. She doesn’t kiss on the first date because she doesn’t want to seem too easy,” you finish your statement and hold your hand out. “ That would be a hundred dollars.”
Jimin hurriedly reaches from his back pocket and looks for cash in his wallet. He’s about to give you the money but stops himself. “ Is that all? Did Heejin say anything about me?”
“ Well I can’t just randomly say your name in our conversations. You know how long it took me to be her friend and I had to listen to her complain about everything.” Jimin gives you a sad pout and gives you an extra twenty dollars. “ Fine okay. We were playing truth or dare and she said she wouldn’t mind getting on
her knees for someone on the football team…”
“ And…”
“ It was you. Happy now?” You smile once he hands you the money. You smirk while counting the money. “ There’s also one more thing but I don’t think I should tell you.” You sigh and put the rest of the textbooks in your bag
He slides you another twenty dollars, “ Tell me.”
“ She lost her virginity in a small car and she regretted it. It was to some random guy. Well she wants her first boyfriend to think she’s a virgin so it can be special to her. She only told me since we are ‘close friends’. Now it’s your time to woo her or whatever.” You grab the cash and put it in your wallet. You quickly say bye to Jimin and walk out of the library.
You enter the classroom and take your notebook out. “ Hey. Wanna hangout afterschool? My parents aren’t home, we were thinking of throwing a kickback?,” Heejin asks you as she takes her notebook out.
“ Uhh... can’t I’m really busy with homework.” This was the hardest part of doing this ‘job’, trying to get rid of your relationship with them.
Heejin shakes you lightly, “ C’mon you can worry about your homework another time. And guess who’s going to be there?”
You look at the time on your phone wondering when the teacher is going to come. “ Who’s coming?” You fake a smile and twirl your pencil.
“Jimin’s coming. He asked me out on a date so I asked him if he wanted to chill.”
Wow he works fast. Heejin always has alcohol at her place; one drink wouldn’t hurt. “ Okay I’ll go but I can only go for an hour.” The teacher comes and class starts.
You show up to the kickback forty five minutes late. “ Y/N. Nice for you to show up,” Taehyung says while giving you a drink.
Taehyung is someone you rarely talk to, he’s the guy who just casually nods his head at you when you see each other around the hall. He’s also the guy you gave a handjob to.
“ Hey. I had to walk here. Thanks.” He looks out of place wearing oversized sweats and a hoodie. “ Where’s Heejin?” You should at least say hello to her ,stay for a while, and leave. He holds your hand and leads you upstairs to a door that is slightly ajared.
He whispers to you in your ear, “ She’s in there with Jimin.” You look in the small opening and you see her on his lap making out. So much for not kissing on the first date you think to yourself.
“ Is she drunk?” You whisper back to Taehyung.
“Most likely she had like five shots and a beer.” He opens the door slightly more, “ Aren’t you going to help your friend?”
Oh yeah she’s your friend. You opened the door more and walked into her bedroom. “ Heejin! I’m here!,” you smile at her as she turns her head at an angle to see you. Heejin smiles brightly and gets off of Jimin, and hugs you tightly.
“ You're here! I thought you weren’t going to come.” She pouts while holding your hands. Jimin coughs lightly and stands up from the bed. “ Oh this is Jimin. I don’t know if you guys like properly know each other.”  
You know Jimin quite alright, you probably know him more than she does. He’s the guy who paid over hundred dollars to get to know her more. Know her more than any instagram post. “ Hey, you're the guy that throws the football across the field and hopes that someone catches it. I’m Y/N,” you smile at him      
Jimin laughs and smiles brightly at you. You got to admit he’s an attractive guy and he’s stacked with money. Jimin and Heejin will make a good couple, they are both the same. “ Yeah that’s me. Nice meeting you.” He grabs his cup from the desk and looks into it, “I should get a refill. Anyone want more?”
Heejin is about to say something but someone interrupts her. “ No, I think they are good.” You turn to see Taehyung still waiting by the door. Jimin lets out a small okay and walks out kissing Heejin on the cheek. “ Alright, I should get home. It was nice seeing you Y/N. Thanks for the party Heejin.” With that said Taehyung leaves.
“ Are you and Taehyung something?” Heejin giggles at her own question.
“ No way. He was just talking to me.”
You ended up staying the whole time and helping Heejin clean up. Heejin knocks out the moment she lays on her bed. It’s really late, you should get home. You're about to lock Heejin’s front door until a girl yells to stop. You’ve seen her around campus. She's really pretty but you don’t know her name.
“ Hey I left my wallet in the house, I’ll be quick.” She goes into the living room and grabs her wallet. “ Hey, your Y/N, right?” You are surprised she knows your name, she’s way too popular, more popular than Heejin.
“ Yeah. That’s me...,” you say to her while walking away from Heejin’s house. “ And you are?”
She gives you a flash of surprise, “ Chaeyoung. Do you need a ride?” Chaeyoung points at her shiny black jeep.
“ Yeah, that would be great,” you smile at her. She is pretty and nice, huh.
When you enter her car it has the lingering smell of a new car. The dashboard was nice and shiny. You told her where you lived, looking outside the window you hum a familiar tune on the radio.
Chaeyoung asked softly while looking at the road,“ So Y/N how’s business these days?”
You froze at her question only a selective amount of people know about your so called business. If everyone knew of you what you do, then there would be no point in this business. You only had a few clients at school and mostly were rich boys wanting information on girls so they can date or hook up. Yeah, it sounds sleazy but it’s going to help pay for college.
“ Don’t freak out on me Y/N. It’s just a simple question,” she laughs while she looks at you at a frozen state. “ It was Hoseok who told me. I couldn’t believe that Hoseok managed to have sex with Miyeon. I know Miyeon, she’s sweet, pure, saving herself for marriage. And I asked myself how’d did Hoseok, a guy who likes to have sex with a new girl every month, have sex with her. I forced an answer out of him.”
That asshole can’t keep his mouth shut. What are you gonna do now, maybe you could try to lie and find a way to get out of this situation. You need this job.
“ I-,” you start to say.
“ I gotta admit it was pretty incredible that you managed to do that,” she lets out a whistle. “ Don’t worry Y/N, I won’t tell anyone.”
You felt a rush of a relief, “ Okay thanks.” You wipe your sweat from your hands and take out a piece of gum from your purse. You gave her a piece, she laughs while putting it in her mouth.
“ Since you're so good at your job, can I be your client,” she asked, tapping her light pink polish nails against the steering wheel.
This was the first time a girl asked you she wanted information on someone. “ It cost money,” you advise her.
“ I know a good amount of money, and I have a good amount of money,” she smiles and turns left. “ I need information about Jungkook.”
There’s no way you can do this job. First he’s a male and the chances of me trying to become him his friend would be impossible. Second he’s way too popular, he has his own group of friends that wouldn’t allow me to talk to him. Third, he's rich and powerful if he finds out that you did this to him, you don’t even know what will happen to you. Let’s try to veer her away from this person. You laugh cooly, “ Trust me you don’t need my help. You have a pretty smile, nice legs, and a new car. Plus, I see you are already close to Jungkook. You guys sit together at lunch with his other friends.”
Chaeyoung doesn’t say anything for the next few minutes and you think that she forgot about this subject but unfortunately she doesn’t. “ You know I have been Jungkook’s friend...or whatever he claims I am for like three years?,” she asked you. You hum for her to continue on. “...I want to be his girlfriend, something official. He’s very hot and rich, and his father has his own law firm and his mother is head surgeon of that new hospital. I think we will look good together...no I know we will look good together.” Chaeyoung parks her car in front of your house. “ I know I’m all those things you described me as but the problem is...I can’t seem to get to really know him. You know after we have sex he takes a shower and he just leaves. No pillow talks and even when I try to talk to him he puts up a wall, a fucking wall I can’t get over. So that’s when you come in Y/N, you do the impossible, and I need you to do this for me.”
“ I understand but—”
Chaeyoung interrupts before you can finish,“ I’ll pay you whatever you want. Does five thousand sound okay?” This girl is really desperate and really rich.
“ Okay, it sounds like a deal,” you stick your hand out and shake her hand. You can’t believe you are taking this deal, wow money does change a person's mind.
You are about to leave until her hand gently grabs your elbow. “ Here, consider it a deposit.” Chaeyoung gives you some cash. You bid your goodbyes and enter your house.
Entering your room you immediately lay on your bed sighing with exhaustion, you lift the money and start counting the money. “ 20,40,60,80...what the fuck…” you continue counting the money until it’s to five hundred dollars.
“ Here I come, Jungkook.”
“ Wait we really did make out! I’m so stupid you think I would have known the first time I did this,” Heejin says while placing her head in disappointment.
“ Wait, you were drunk when you lost your virginity?,” you asked. Stop pretending you care Y/N, she’s not your friend, you were paid to be her friend.
Heejin gives a sad glance and nods her head. You place your hands on her back rubbing it soothingly. “ Hey, it’s okay. If you ever want to talk about it, I’m all ears,” you smile at her and she smiles back.
“ Thank you, Y/N. I never had a good friend like you.” You roll your eyes jokingly, trying not to take the compliment to heart. “ Y/N, I really mean it. I gotta go to Calculus, see you later!”  
You enter your Chemistry classroom sitting down on your assigned seat.
 “ Okay settle down class. You know what today is? It’s lab day.”
You look to your left to see that your partner isn’t here. What was his name? Jinwoo no it wasn’t that...Jinhwan—“Y/N, Sangchul transferred to another school, go find another partner,” the teacher said loudly.
Looking around you see another student with an empty seat next to him. You stood in front of him and was shocked to see him. Jungkook. How convenient for you. You never knew he was in your class. “ Can I be your partner?,” you ask him. There was no one beside him so you naturally assumed he'd say yes.
“ I have a partner already,” Jungkook says it curtly. His eyes briefly make eye contact with yours and then he looks back at the textbook.
“ My bad I didn’t see him sitting right next to you, oh wait he’s not,” you sarcastically speak. You didn’t mean for it to come out like that he was being rude first. Jungkook looks at you and rolls his eyes. Fuck, he can’t hate you, you have to get close to him. “ Sorry I didn’t mean to sound like that. But can I please be your partner. It's only for this lab day. I may be shit at chemistry but I’m good at helping…,” you timidly smile. Jungkook ignores you and you are about to leave until he sighs loudly.
“ Fine. You can be my partner,” he pushes the chair out beside him. You silently cheer in your head. Jungkook is different from all the other people you work with. He’s harder to approach almost not welcoming than the others. Placing your things beside you, you stay at a safe distance from him. The teacher hands Jungkook the lab assignment instructions and he reads it for about three minutes, then hands it to you.
You briefly scan it and look at him, only to see his side profile, and he’s writing things in his lab notebook. You don’t want to bother him since you don’t want to get on his bad side. Occasionally Jungkook would make comments related to the lab and you would quickly jot them down on your own notebook. “ Sorry, I wasn’t much help,” you tell Jungkook.
“ It’s fine,” he says and reaches for the lab assignment paper by your hands. You give it to him and he quickly says thanks, handing it to the teacher.
He takes your lab notebook along with his and turns it to the front desk. You quickly slip your history notebook in his backpack before he comes back. “ See you later,” you leave with your belongings.
Chaeyoung is smoking in the school parking, leaning against her car. “ How’d it go?,” she asked once you got closer to her.
She offers you a cigarette and you shake your head no, “ Great, Jungkook said five sentences to me,” you kick a rock that was by you.
You look at her blow out the smoke in a different direction and she laughs, “ Sounds like him. At least he said something, when we first met he was silent the whole time.” She throws the cigarette on the floor and steps on it, “ We had sex this morning.”
“ Okay…” you say awkwardly. You didn’t need to know that but okay.
“ He’s being more distant than usual. I don’t mean to rush you but I’m running out of time here.” Chaeyoung grabs the mirror from her purse and reapplies her lipstick.
How the hell are you going to make him get closer to you? Jungkook is a difficult person to talk to and now Chaeyoung is rushing you. “ Okay, I’ll work faster.”
She smiles, “ Good.”
You walk back to the cafeteria and look around for Jungkook, he’s sitting down with the rest of his friends and he’s laughing. You walk closer to the table and Jimin is the first person to greet you. “ Y/N! How’s it going?,” he swings his arm over your shoulder. Jungkook looks towards you and is surprised to see you.
“ I’m doing good, Heejin told me you looked cute today,” you come up with an excuse. Jimin blushes and scratches his head. “ By the way is it cool for us to join you guys for lunch?,” you ask curiously.
“ Yeah join us!,” he exclaimed excitedly.
Heejin is talking to one of her other friends and you interrupt them “ Hey Heejin, Jimin invited us to eat with them.” She looks at you in shock and flushes when you drag her to the table.
Jimin invites her to sit with him, you stand along the table searching where you should sit. “ You can sit here,” one of Jungkook’s friends said. You sit between Jungkook and his friend. “ What’s your name?”
“ Y/N. And yours?,” you ask politely. You feel your thighs brushing up against Jungkooks and you scoot closer to his friend.
“ Namjoon. I think you are in my AP Physics class, you beat me with the highest mark on the test,” he jokingly states.
“ Oh, that’s you! You were always a point ahead of me so I finally decided to study a little bit. Wow, it feels good to see the person I beat,” you smile. Jungkook looks invested in the conversation but doesn’t say anything.
Namjoon barks a laugh, his dimples fully on display, “ A little bit? I’m impressed, you gotta show me your ways,” he nudges his elbow against you.
“ How do you suck at chemistry but not in AP physics?,” Jungkook asked you and you turned to look at him. “—Sorry it doesn’t make sense to me, physics is way harder than chemistry.”
Finally he decides to talk to you, baby steps Y/N. “ My dad is a Physics professor,” you tell both of them. Both of their eyes widen and you laugh, “ I’m kidding. I’m not sure why I’m really good at physics. What are you good at Jungkook? You look like you're good at Literature.”
Namjoon intervens, “ He’s good at everything.” Jungkook subtly rolls his eyes but Namjoon doesn’t see it, only you.
“ Oh is that so. Must be sad to be good at everything,” you say indirectly to Jungkook.
“ How so?,” Namjoon asked, pushing his glasses up. “ Being good at everything means you can accomplish anything.”
You think thoughtfully, “ People will always have this high standard of you though. If you don’t meet their expectation won’t you be useless since you are supposedly good at everything? Even if you could accomplish anything would you be accomplishing things that you want? I wouldn’t want to be perceived as someone who is good at everything, they must be really lonely.”
You look back at Jungkook and he stares at you for a long time. “ Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.” He leaves quickly and says goodbye to the rest of his friends.
“ Wow, he’s in a rush. So Y/N about that upcoming physics test…” Namjoon scoots closer to you.
You lay your head against the table in the library listening to your music and softly hum. A blue notebook comes into your view when it’s placed on the table. You sit up and see Jungkook standing by the table, you take your earphones off, “ I found your history notebook in my backpack, I don’t know how it got there,” he gives a skeptical look.
“ I’m not sure either, thanks anyways,” you lay your head back down. Jungkook looks at you closely and you laugh, “ Need company?”
He shakes his head and is about to leave but then turns back and sits right next to you, “ What’s wrong with you?”
“ Nothing just tired. I feel like I’m always tired, I don't know of what,” you continue to lay your head.
He taps his finger against the table lightly, “ It sounds like you're depressed.”
“ Probably.” Your fingers go beside his and lightly tap with his. “ Are you good at everything Jungkook?,” his fingers stop tapping.
“ Why do you care?,” Jungkook said defensively.
“ I don’t care,” you bring your hand closer to you. Any minute he’s going to give you a tragic story but then again he’s not like the others. Jungkook is cautious of you and he should have every right to be. “ What’s your favorite color?” You switch the conversation to ease the tension between you two.
“ Black,” he says quietly. You ask him why as you close your eyes. “ Black is simple, it’s not complicated. There’s no light or dark black. It’s just black.” You hum an okay and smile when he asks you what’s your favorite color.
“ Today it’s blue. I don’t have a favorite color because it always changes when different people ask me,” you sit up and look at him. “ I have to go, it takes forever for me to walk home. It was nice talking to you Jungkook.”
You start sitting next to Jungkook more often and Chaeyoung watches from the side. It goes on for weeks and your surprise that he hasn’t pushed you away. He talks to you in short sentences, never anything deep. You both are in the library individually listening to your own music. Your head is once again against the table, you feel Jungkook tap you on the back, you take your earphones out as a sign that you are listening. “ Y/N, what’s the thing that you are most afraid of?”
Why should you tell him? Jungkook is like every other person, someone you pretend to be friends with. He shouldn’t know anything about you but you tell him anyways. “ Getting old. Seeing yourself get old and people dying around you, wondering when your time is up. What about you Jungkook?”
“ You know the first time you hangout with us at lunch, that scared me the most. I like how closed off my friend group is, it scares me when new people come into my life. I don’t know what they want...I don’t know what I’m saying,” he sighs and lays his head next to you. Both of you stare at each other and his eyes are shining, you hate how hopeful it looks so you close your eyes.
“ You fear me?,” you ask softly.
“ No,” he clarifies.
It is silent for a while and he finally speaks “ I was in middle school when my dad introduced me to one of his interns at his work. Areum, that was her name, she just got out of law school. She was nice and pretty...I saw them having sex in my dad’s office. I hated her so much I slashed her tires and broke her mirrors.” You open your eyes and his eyes are closed. “ My mom knows that my dad has affairs, she just lets it happen.”
He must be lonely at his house. “ What’s your favorite food?,” you ask Jungkook.
“ Pork belly. Yours?,” he smiles for the first time at you.
“ Today it is kimchi fried rice.”
He sighs, “ Why do you always do that Y/N?”
“ Do what?”
“ Tell me things that other people want to hear. You did it with the ‘what’s your favorite color question too’. I really want to know what you like and hate,” Jungkook says softly.
You flush a little, never ever having to tell what you want or what you like. “ I like Sundubu-jjigae. My Dad used to make it for me when I was younger,” you smile to yourself.
Jungkook chuckles, “ When you were younger, you make it sound like you're in your mid thirties. Why doesn’t he make it for you anymore?” He is disappointed to see your smile disappear when he asks this question.
“ He’s busy,” you want to tell Jungkook all your troubles but you swallow them. “ Wake me up in 15 minutes,” you close your eyes and rest on the hard table.
Chaeyoung invites you to her party and you really don’t want to go but you have to. Once you enter the party you go straight to the alcohol, taking two shots before looking for Chaeyoung. She’s smoking outside and standing beside her, she offers you a hit and you take it.
“ How’s it going with him?” she immediately asked.
You blow the smoke away from her, “Good I guess, he’s gotten closer to me.” You hand the blunt back to her.
“ I can tell. Anything important he said?”
There’s always a small part of you that feels guilty when you have to tell the clients shared secrets. “ His dad is having an affair with his interns. He hates that his mom doesn’t say anything. He’s sad that he can never love or be loved.”
“ Hm, good work. Do you think he’ll ever love me?” Chaeyoung gives a new blunt and you take it.
No Jungkook will never love Chaeyoung. “ Yes. Just give him time.”
“ Okay.” She smiles bashfully to herself. “ Keep up with the good work.” And with that she leaves you. You look at the blunt in your hands and put it in your pocket.
You walk around her house looking at her pictures that are against the wall. She looks like the only child, the house looks big and pristine despite all the people here, she must be spoiled. You go upstairs to use the bathroom and then you stay there for thirty minutes watching videos on your phone. You get a text from Namjoon to see if you were at the party, you tell him yes and go downstairs. “ Hey Y/N! Studied hard for the test tomorrow?”
“ Of course not, I’m here partying,” you smile at him giving him a drink. Namjoon laughs and goes to the dance floor.
“Hey Y/N.” Jungkook says.
“ What’s up. Wanna get high?” You take the blunt and wave it in front of his face.
He laughs and smiles at you, nodding his head yes. Jungkook leads you to a bedroom and you assume it’s Chaeyoung because there's pictures of her and her friends. You go towards her window and open, you feel a cold breeze and you shiver. “ Here,” he pulls his hoodie off and hands it to you.
“ Uh, Thanks,” you put over you and immediately feel warmth. It smells like him. You don’t know how to describe it but it’s nice. You light up the joint and inhale the smoke letting it consume your lungs. Jungkook takes the joint and does the same. He blows it out and sighs in content.
“ This is some good shit. Who did you get this from?,” Jungkook sits down on the bed.
“ Your girlfriend. The tall pretty girl who always wears red lipsticks,” you laugh and lay on the bed with your joint close by. He doesn’t say anything and you pass the joint to him. It goes on like this for a while just passing it back and forward until there wasn’t nothing left. You throw the butt in the trashcan by the bed. Jungkook lays beside you looking at the ceiling and chuckles.
“ She’s not my girlfriend. Just someone who’s using me,” he turns sideways to look at you. “ But it’s okay I’m using her too,” he says softly.
The weed makes you feel light and you are not functioning straight. And for that reason the words that came out his mouth made you laugh. They are all using each other including you. Jungkook gives you weird stares but smiles anyways asking you what’s funny. “ Nothing I’m just really fucking high and I haven’t been high in a long time,” you try to wipe the tears in your eyes but you feel his hands wiping them away. His fingers brush against your cheek and he is staring into your eyes. If this was a romantic novel both you guys would've kissed but it’s not. The warmth of his hand is gone and it feels cold, you don’t deserve to feel his warmth. “ If you don’t mind me asking how are you guys using each other?”
 Jungkook sighs, “ Chaeyoung only wants me because I come from a rich family. I would be like a prize or something to her. I only use her for sex. Just meaningless sex,” he looks at you to see if your expression has changed but it didn’t. If Jungkook can see it so easily then why doesn’t Chaeyoung see it.  “ Have you ever used anyone Y/N?”
“ You,” you say mindlessly. What if you told him the truth would Jungkook still want to be your friend? He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “ Yeah, when I asked to be your partner in chemistry.” Jungkook laughs at your statement and scoots closer to you.
“You’re so pretty,” he lets out under his breath.
Your heart skips a beat but you shouldn’t feel this way. “ And you are high.” You laugh while pushing his chest a little. Your hands feel his toned chest blushing you pull your hands away.
“ I am but you are still pretty. I thought you were pretty the first time I saw you. Also a little bit mean,” he smiles thoughtfully. His hand reaches to the fallen strands of your hair pushing it back from your face.
“ Of course you would remember being mean,” you roll your eyes.
“ Yeah you made a bad impression. It’s okay I like you.” He continues to make eye contact to see your reaction.
Fuck Jungkook likes you. Why does he have to make it so much harder than it already is? And why do you feel happiness when he confesses to you? “Why do you like me?”
“ You understand me. I could talk to you about anything and you just know how I feel.”
“Jungkook I—”
“It’s okay you don’t need to say anything,” he pinches your cheek and laughs. “God I’m so hungry we—”
“Jungkook can you kiss me?” You bite your bottom lip nervously and play with the string of his hoodie.
He doesn't say anything but leans closer, “ Are you sure?” Nodding your head and closing your eyes, you hope that this kiss doesn’t affect you in any way. His lips kiss you carefully while his hand holds your cheek. It feels nice, it’s not like that kind of kiss that makes you feel like you're in heaven or that you find the answer to every unsolvable question. But it feels like you can kiss him and you won’t have to worry about anything.
He pulls back with hazy eyes and a smile, you pull him back for a second kiss. His tongue traces your bottom lip asking for permission to enter, and you grant him. The position is uncomfortable since you are both laying on the side so he hovers over while you keep kissing him. His lips leave yours and you whine a little, and he laughs but continues his kisses to your neck. The feeling of lips on your neck makes you feel warm all over your body. He bites your skin on a sensitive part of your neck and you gasp.
“ Jungkook…” You sighed. He groans and you place your hands on his hair, tugging it lightly so he can return to your lips. One of his hands goes to rest between his hoodie you’re wearing and your shirt, caressing your stomach. The kisses become more desperate and you start to feel his hard member against your core.
He pulls back from the kiss and looks at you with a fond smile,“ Y/N, I like you a lot. I haven’t felt this way with anyone before.” He rests his head against your neck, laying completely on you.
Laughing you play with his hair, “ You’re heavy!”
“ Just let me stay here for a while,” he muffles against your neck. You turn your head to the side and see the picture of Chaeyoung and her friends. Fuck what are you doing Y/N.  
You are walking to your Literature class and feel someone pull you into a classroom. It’s the art classroom where students normally work on pieces and leave them there to be secured. Taehyung locks the door and stares at you with a deadly glare, crossing your arms. “ What the hell are you doing Y/N?”
“ What the hell am I doing? What the hell are you doing?” You try to leave but he steps in front of the door. “ Move, Taehyung.”
“ What are you planning to do with Jungkook?”
You scoff and look around the room, “ Nothing.” You weren’t surprised that Taehyung knew what was going on, he was always suspicious of you even with Jimin.
“ Y/N, don’t fucking play dumb. You especially don’t want to fuck with me,” he says sternly.
“ Why does this concern you?”
“ Because Jungkook is my friend! I don’t want him to get hurt because of this stupid game you like to play.”
You laugh bitterly, “ A game? You think this is a game?”
“ Well I’ve seen the shit you do Y/N, you’ve done with Hoseok and Jimin. And now Jungkook. Just to have fun playing with people’s feelings.  Stay the hell away from him,” he turns his back from you.
“ Wait up asshole,” you grab his wrist so he can look at you. “ You don’t have the right to talk to me like that. You think I do this for fun? Huh, you think I like fucking do this. Not everyone is as privileged as you,” you rant and there’s angry tears starting to fall out.
Taehyung’s face shows nothing but confusion, “ Y/N...why are you crying?”
You wipe the tears away, “ I don’t like it Taehyung. I really don’t. I just need the money for college.” You push him to the side so you can exit the classroom but he stops you.
“ Y/N, I can help you. My dad knows people that can give you high paying job-”
“ Stop, I don’t want your pity.”
“ Shut up and listen to me,” he says and you give him a glare. “ Sorry, but I just don’t want you to do this anymore Y/N. I can tell it’s hurting you. Please stop this and tell Jungkook the truth.”
The library is empty and it’s just the two of you silently working on school work. “ Want to play Xbox at my house?” You stop typing your essay when Jungkook asks you this.
Sighing you close the laptop, “Yeah, I’m beat with this essay.” He helps you pack up your stuff and leads you to his car. It’s your first time in his car and it suits him. As he continues driving to his home you pass through multiple affluent neighborhoods. Finally when you arrive at his place your eyes widen. It's bigger than Chaeyoung and it’s front lawn looks so green and spacious.
After silently gawking at the inside of his house he leads you to his room. You immediately are fond of the scent and the pictures of the room. A picture frame is placed on his desk, grabbing it you smile. “ That’s me and Taehyung. When we were younger.”
“Kim Taehyung?”
“ Yeah we are great friends, he doesn’t hangout with us during lunch since he is busy finishing touches on his art portfolio for college,” he says while setting the Xbox on. “ You two know each other?,” he looks back at you with a curious gaze.
“ Not really. We had art history together ,” you casually say while you sit on his bed.
Few hours passed and your multiple losses with his video games had made you upset but it was fun. You never had this much fun in a long time. He laughs when he kills in the video game and you throw a pillow at his head. “C’mon don’t be a sore loser,” he grabs your remote and places it on his console.
“ I have every right to be, you don't even give me a chance,” you pout and lay down on his bed. Your skirt rises showing more skin and Jungkook stares at it. His fingers brush your thighs carefully, you flush at the nice sensation. He looks away from your legs and throws a small blanket on them, and sits on his bed with his back against the headboard. You copy his actions and lay your head against his shoulder just looking at his black screen tv. “ Have you ever cared for someone, Jungkook?”
“ I would say no but I would be lying to myself,” he touches your hair carefully. You lean into his touch like a needy kitten. “What about you?”
“ I’m starting to care for someone but I’m scared I might hurt him—“
“Then don’t,” Jungkook said sternly. “...Don’t hurt him. Don’t hurt me,” this time he says softly. You turn to look at him and he looks beautiful with his soft features but determined eyes. He closes the gap between you two and kisses you gently. It’s warm, you feel warm like everything is perfect but it’s not.
“ Jungkook we shouldn’t,” you lightly push his chest. He looks at you with hurt and confusion but backs off.“I just...I don’t want to complicate things.”
He looks lost and searches for your eyes, “ I don’t understand… I thought you like me… I like–“
“ Please Jungkook, you don’t like me. You say you like me but your having sex with other people. You're just fascinated with me because you're lonely…you don’t like me. No one will,” you say quickly and rush to get your things.
“ What the hell are you talking about?,” he voice rises. “ Chaeyoung is nothing to me. I haven’t had sex with her since we like met. Don’t you dare call me fucking lonely when your fucking lonely yourself. You analyze people thinking you're better than everyone, guess what you're not. You're just good at lying to yourself,” he finishes and pushes his head hair back in frustration.
You don’t say anything because all of those were true and it hurts to hear him say it. “Goodbye Jungkook,” you quickly walk out of his house despite him calling your name.
It’s been a few days since the fight with Jungkook and you’ve been dreading to get up each morning. The rainy weather fits your mood and you're done with all this shit. You send Chaeyoung a text if you can talk to her and she invites you to her house.
You're in front of her house door and you open it since she said she left it open for you. Walking upstairs you hear moaning and you halt. It’s coming from her bedroom and your heart stops. “Fuck–Jungkook! Please don’t stop!” The sound of the bed frame hitting the wall is making your head hurt so you back down stairs to the living and wait there. Listening to Jungkook and Chaeyong have sex put a pang on your heart. You really thought Jungkook liked you and now you feel like a fool.
You hear them stop wiping your tears and fixing yourself up, you hear footsteps coming down stairs. Pretending to type vigorously on the keyboard on your phone you make yourself look busy. “Y/N?,” you look up to see Jungkook and it hurts even more to see him. He’s lightly shining because of the sweat and there’s red marks on his neck.
You try to smile at him but it's just filled with sadness, “ Hey. I just needed to give her something.”
“ Y/N, it’s not what you–fuck I’m stupid. Can we talk later or something? Please I want to talk to you,” Jungkook pleads as he tries to grasp your hands. “I’m sorry about everything and this meant nothing I was sad and she–
“ It’s okay. I’ll see you later,” you squeeze his hand. Jungkook gives you a hopeful look.
You walk upstairs and Chaeyoung is lying down naked on her bed with her phone in her hands. You see her clothes on the floor and you hand it to her. It hurts to see her lying in bed breathless because of Jungkook. She dresses while you talk, “ I don’t want to do this anymore. The contract is cancelled.”
Chaeyoung's eyes widened, “Why?” You don’t answer her and look away as she throws away the used condom on the floor. “You caught feelings for Jungkook, huh? I can tell the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. I didn’t pay you to fucking make him fall in love with you Y/N.”
“ It’s not that...he doesn’t like you, okay. He already knows that you want him because he’s wealthy and hot. It’s pointless to continue this”
“ And what about you Y/N? He likes you because you are not using him? Last time I checked you were getting paid to use him.”
“Whatever I’m done.”
“I’ll tell him what you do,” Chaeyoung threatens you.
“ I was going to tell him anyways. Don’t forget you are the one who paid me to do this, we are both not innocent,” you leave her house.
You lay in bed for a couple days not bothering to go to school. You tell your mom that you have bad period cramps and she doesn’t attempt to force you to go to school. Jungkook texted you multiple times but you're too scared to read his messages. After three days you decided to go to school and you dread it, you purposely walk slower as you walk there.
“ It’s lab day guys! Nice for you to come to class Y/N,” the teacher welcomes as you enter the class late. You are walking to your desk until she interrupts, “ Y/N sit by Jungkook, his partner isn’t here today.”
You walk towards the empty desk beside him and look at the lab assignment that was on the desk. “ Where were you these past days? I kept texting you but you didn’t answer. I’m sorry that you saw me at Chaeyoung’s house. I still mean what I said at the party... ” Jungkook bites his lip trying to see your face but you're staring down at the assignment. “Y/N…”
You hear every word that he says but it still hurts that he had sex with her but then it wasn’t like if you guys were together. “ The first answer has a frequency of 1.9 GHz,” you say. You did the calculations in your head. The first time you met you lied to him saying that you were bad at chemistry. “ I lied to you Jungkook, I’m good at chemistry. I’m sorry.”
He looks at you with confusion, “ It’s okay... but are you okay? You don’t look well,” he checks if you have fever by letting his hand rest on your forehead.
“ Are you really okay with me lying to you?,” you say quietly. His hands leave your forehead and look at you carefully. “ I need to tell you something.”
“ Jungkook, Y/N! Are you guys done flirting, the assignment is due after class,” the teacher yells out from the front of the class. You hear a couple students chuckling and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“ We will talk about this later, okay? He pats your thigh and continues to solve the problems.
You are both outside for lunch sitting in his car. “ You can tell me anything Y/N. I’m here for you,” Jungkook stares at you and grabs your hand.
“ I was paid to get close to you Jungkook,” you say without taking breath.
“ What?,” he laughs incredulously. You don’t laugh with him, “ Is this a joke?,” he says seriously.
“ No it’s not. I get paid by certain people you want to be with a person. I get their secrets and what’s so important to them and tell the person who’s paying.” You look at him and there’s a million questions that’s going on inside of him. “ Chaeyoung paid me, Jungkook.” He stops holding your hand and gives you a hard stare. “ I’m sorry, I am really sorry. I wish I could take it back but I can’t.”
He lets out a humourless laugh, “ Wow, and I was stupid enough to tell you everything. I told fucking things that I haven’t told anyone and you tell her. And to believe that I actually thought you liked me, cared for me--”
“ I do care! I like you so much Jungkook that for once in my life I was happy and I wasn’t tired,” you plead with tears in your eyes.
“ Get out. You used me, I don’t think I can ever so your face again. Leave.” Jungkook looks out his window not wanting to see your face as you leave his car.
“ Hey Y/N, where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere--,” Heejin says but you hug her crying into her shoulder. “ It’s okay let it all out,” she pats your back soothing your whimpers.
“ I’m so sorry Heejin. I’m sorry, thank you for being my friend but I ruined it all,” you cry out. You feel Heejin looking around the halls and she leads you to the bathroom.
“ How...what have you ruined?” Heejin softly asks while pushing your hair out of your face.
“ I do awful things. You won’t like me after I tell you.” You look at her and she looks like an angel with her white dress.
She shakes her head, “ Tell me and I will find a way to understand.”
You tell her what you do and she looks confused half the time as you explain it going through each client you had but never stating their name. You expect her to yell at you, to look at you in shame, or just to simply leave but she doesn't do either of those things. Instead she hugs you tight, “ You must have been going through a rough time being all by yourself.”
“ Heejin… Jimin paid me to do this to you. I’m sorry, I don’t deserve your--”
“ But you told me the truth right now, you understand what you did was wrong and you are apologizing for it.” You shake your head and the tears are slowing down but your heart still hurts. “ It takes two people to make a transaction, you shouldn’t be the only one hurting, Y/N.”
“ Thank you Heejin. I..I uh I want to thank you for being a good friend. If we can still be friends…”
“ Y/N stop. We are still friends. Let’s get out of the restroom, it smells like weed,” she smiles and grabs your hand. You walk together towards her car and she tells you what’s been going on with her cat. It goes silent when she mentions Jimin. “ I have to talk about this to him,” she sighs and you squeeze her hand lightly.
The weeks pass by and you’re in your AP Physics class when Namjoon decides to sit next to you. “Why haven’t you’ve been sitting with us anymore?” He whispers while the teacher is lecturing.
“I’ve been busy with college admissions,” you tune out the teacher’s voice. He does a bad job at teaching anyways.
“Something happened between you and Jungkook, right ?”
“Why would you even need to ask me if you knew it already.” You roll your eyes and solve the problems for today’s homework.
“ You know I wanted to ask you out after you started hanging out with us.” He gives you a cheeky smile and you laugh. “ I told Jungkook that I was into you this was before the Chaeyong’s party...and he told me that you’re not into people with glasses.”
“Why would I not be into people with glasses when I sometimes wear them?” You stifle laughter with your hand.
He barks out a laugh and the teacher looks at you two but continues on. “ Jungkook doesn’t think through things. But I caught on that little Jungkookie had a crush on you.”
“ Not anymore,” you sigh.
“ Talk to him please. He looks like shit, he always looks at your table at lunchtime. Contemplating how to talk to you,” he looks at your homework and checks his answer.
“ What if he doesn’t want to listen to me?” You look at his answer to see a significant difference.
“He’ll listen. If he doesn’t tell him that you are going to date me,” he says jokingly. “ Y/N please help me with this,” pointing at his obvious wrong answer.
Heejin is waiting for you in the school parking lot wanting to eat at a new ramen place. Walking to her car you hear your name being called and it’s from Chaeyoung. What does she want, walking to her you, you see her smoking. “ Make it quick.”
“What a way to greet me,” she chuckles. “ How are you?” She flicks the cigarette on the floor and steps on it.
“ Good. See you later.” You say and turn around to leave.
“ We are still having sex.”
You stop and feel anger and sadness rising within you but you put it aside, “What do you want?”
“ I heard him cry when he was in the shower after we were done. I also heard him moan your name once when we were doing it.” She rolls her eyes and sighs, “ It’s meaningless sex anyways. I’m always facing away from him so he won’t see my face.”
“ Funny how he’s still talking to you,” you scoff. Jungkook doesn’t even look your way but he’s able to have sex with Chaeyoung.
“ He’s not talking to me, he fucks and just leaves. I guess that’s my punishment,” she arches her brow and shrugs her shoulder.
“You shouldn’t be punished like that Chaeyoung. It's not healthy for you,” you tell her softly.
“ I know,” she smiles tiredly. “ I’m putting an end to it, I can’t do this to myself, to him...to you.” You nod your head and part ways until she stops you, “Here like I promised.”
“No I don’t want it,” you stop her from giving you money. “ Chaeyoung it will make me feel bad.”
“Okay. See you later,” she goes into her car and walks the opposite way.
“Finally you're here! I’m starving!” Heejin yells with excitement as you enter her car.
“ This place better be good.” You tell her and she rants on how she always picks good restaurants. Your phone lights up and you see a notification from your bank. Did you forget to pay a bill. $10,000 has been transferred to your checking account.
The next day you decide to approach Jungkook during lunch and you get very nervous, shaking your leg throughout class. You walk with Heejin to his table and Jimin greets you. “ Hey Y/N,” he nods at you and  whisk Heejin from you, greeting her with kisses all over her face. Heejin confronted Jimin that day you broke down, they were able to talk it out and now they are dating.
“ Y/N! Sit here,” Namjoon pats next to the empty space between him and Namjoon. Jungkook doesn’t look at you just staring at his phone and browsing his social media.
“ Hey guys,” you sit down trying not to bump into Jungkook. Namjoon tells you how he fell down his bike while showing you his scrape. Jungkook doesn’t join the conversation just silently watching you both talk. You catch him a few times looking at you and your heart races a little.
The bell rings indicating lunchtime is over and everyone disperses while you take your time throwing your trash. “ Hey.” Jungkook is standing beside you and throws his trash away.
“ Hey,” you say back quietly. “ How’s your day?”
“ Good.” He scratches his neck and looks around the cafeteria. “ Are you going to the library?”
“ Yeah… you want to join me?” Please say yes.
“ Yeah I’ll come.” Jungkook walks beside you whistling lightly. The library is empty and you chose a table near the back.
“ I miss you,” Jungkook speaks out and looks at you.
Your eyes widen, “ I miss you too.”  
“ Why do you do it?”
“ What?”
“ I just want to know why you do it, is it for fun or money?” Jungkook scoots closer to you wanting to hear you clearly.
“ I don’t have enough money to go to college. I don’t want my parents to worry about paying for it. They work too hard. Adding my college tuition to their bills will take a toll on them. I don’t like what I do but I do it anyway.” You cut off the eye contact, looking away in shame.
Jungkook sighs and grabs your hand, “ I’m sorry. I got hot headed and ignored you. It would’ve been easier to not get mad at you if I heard your reasoning.” You look at him and he wipes your tears. “ Y/N...I uh I had sex with Chaeyoung during our time apart. I’m sorry I was mad and I wanted to hurt the both of you. I realized how much of a dick I was…”
“It’s okay Jungkook. I’m sorry too,” you sheepishly smile.
“Can we start all over?” He gives you his signature bunny smile and the butterflies flutter in your belly.
“Yes please,” you lean forward and hug tightly. He rubs your back and your entrance with the feeling of comfort.
Do not repost, translate, or alternate my work in any way, onto any platform. I do not take plagiarism lightly.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
June Contest Submission #5: Heat Waves
Words: ca. 5,500 Setting: mAU Lemon: yes CW: drinking, irresponsible summertime behavior, Elsa x other people content (notably Hans, Honeymaren and Kristoff)
“What are you doing here?”
Her sister looks equally startled as Elsa feels. She’s leaning on a kitchen counter with a box of ice cream in one of her hands and a spoon in the other, frozen halfway to her mouth.
“Eating ice cream?” She answers with a question in her voice, offering Elsa a meek smile. “Are you gonna berate me for eating sweets so early or what? Hi, by the way.”
She puts her spoon in her mouth right after that and her smile grows bolder, smug even, almost exactly like their little brother whenever he purposely defies their mother. Elsa’s caught off guard for a moment–first by the fact that Anna is there and second by how much she has not changed at all, from the tips of her red pigtail braids to the jean shorts she’s had since she was fifteen.
“No, I mean– what are you doing here?” Elsa repeats, turning her gaze away from her sister’s thighs and to the floor, which comes to her much harder than she would like to, accompanied by a wave of embarrassment. “In the house. Weren’t you supposed to be on some,” she stops and forces herself to keep the exasperation out of her voice as best as she can, “life-changing trip?”
She fails spectacularly, but Anna either doesn’t notice or doesn’t mind.
“That was the plan, yeah,” she answers as she kicks off and starts in Elsa’s direction. Elsa has to fight the urge to take a step back. “But then they started talking about that huge heatwave coming in, so you know…”
No, Elsa doesn’t know. There’s definitely not enough information provided for her to know anything and her mind is in a haze of panic, but Anna now braces her hand on her hip and sends her this you know how it be expression. “So you’re gonna be here the whole Summer?” she blurts out instead of asking for the explanation she doesn’t truly care about.
“Well– yeah? Maybe we’re gonna go somewhere a little later, but for now it seems it’s just you and me.” Her smile and cheerful tone clearly betray that she understood Elsa’s question in a completely different light than it was meant. “And there’s no way I’d go down South with mom and Olaf.”
Elsa curses in her head. Some heads up about this whole… situation would have been nice.
“At least not when I knew that you were coming back home.”
The next day is just a blur of trying to avoid Anna and Anna actively making it harder. Elsa blames the first few hours after her arrival on ‘being tired after the flight’ (which she spent sleeping) and ‘needing to unpack’ (which she doesn’t really, but she still goes through with that in case Anna tries to factcheck her later.)
She spends most of the afternoon locked in her room, lying face down on her bed and trying to block the entire world out.
Anna is here. She can hear her going about her day downstairs, watching TV louder than necessary, playing some music that she’d never heard her play before (is a year really enough to completely shift a person’s music taste?), even going outside to water the backyard.
And knocking. She knocks on her door a few times, asking if she’s okay, if she’s hungry, thirsty, if she needs anything at all, but Elsa just refuses every time.
Just her luck that Anna has to be there.
She emerges briefly in the evening to go to the bathroom, then dodges Anna with some pizza (‘thanks, I’m not hungry,’ she saysas her stomach rumbles) and slithers off into her room for a restless night of shameful thoughts.
Anna’s thighs in those damned shorts are the star of the show.
The next day she runs out of most viable excuses to stay in her room (other than outright saying she’d rather be in her room than out where Anna is), so she ignores the kitchen radio yelling about the hot, hot weather outside and decides to go to town.
She makes a stop at the first Starbucks she sees and orders a caramel frappuccino and the biggest sandwich they offer. She’s tired as hell and starving, so both disappear within minutes and she finds herself with no real reason to stay in the air conditioned parlor. She makes a mental note to maybe bring her laptop the next day.
For a few hours she just roams around the city without any real destination, going in and out of various shops just to escape the afternoon heat.
By evening her feet are dead and she yearns for nothing else than to just go home and shower for two hours, but home was where Anna most likely is now.
As if to confirm, her phone buzzes and she takes it out to see the unread messages count jump from 53 to 54. She hits the icon and then goes to the only name with the little blue dot next to it, trying to ignore the I’m the worst sister in the world thought stabbing at the back of her mind.
‘Hey, coming back soon? I’m about to order food, any wishes?’
Shit shit shit. She clearly plans to spend the evening together, like normal siblings, and Elsa can’t have any of that.
She quickly looks around for some sort of excuse, and her eyes fall on a bright neon on the other side of the street.
For the first time in over a year, she writes an answer to her sister’s text message, trying not to think too much about the possible disappointment she’s causing her.
The club is loud. There’s a lot of people in, especially for a Monday night, but the more commotion and deep bass the better. It helps Elsa ease her shoulders a little and clear her mind as she glides across the floor straight for the bar.
She waits in line for a few minutes before she can order some basic bitch drink. There’s a free bar stool that she quickly decides to claim as her own. It’s not exactly ‘her world’. She’s not a party girl at heart, and she’s not one to dance a whole night away, but when faced with option A, dance and option B, be anywhere near Anna, the choice seems pretty obvious. The bartender hands her the drink and she sips on it slowly, swaying to the electronic music and trying to ignore her own thoughts.
She’s into her second cocktail when two girls slam into the bar to her right and start making out wildly, a blonde and a redhead around her age, just her fucking luck. She quickly downs the ridiculously sweet drink and decides it’s time to move on to hard liquor. It’s Monday, and the neon-colored chart behind the bar informs her that it’s a 4 for $5 on tequila special, so she calls the bartender over and just points to the sign. He nods, slams four shot glasses in front of her and she slides five bucks over.
She downs the first shot and tries not to make a face, then in a mix of generosity and bravery with just a hint of nihilism she pulls on the shirt of the blonde girl who’s currently invading her personal space.
They break away from each other reluctantly and the girl shoots her an almost angry, questioning glare. She has striking green eyes that switch from Elsa’s face to her hand when Elsa points to two of her remaining shots. That clicks quickly and both girls grab a glass each, the redhead grinning wildly and the blonde smiling sweetly as the three of them raise the shots in cheers.
Elsa downs her second shot and this time she can’t stop the grimace (Jesus, that has to be the worst tequila she’s ever had and she spent the past two years living on campus, for fuck’s sake) but her furrowed brows quickly shoot up in surprise when the blonde leans in to clash her lips with Elsa’s.
It’s unexpected, that’s for sure. Elsa’s frozen in her spot as the girl’s tongue splits her mouth open and slips in, uninvited but oddly welcome as it slowly slithers over her teeth. She tastes like that awful tequila with a hint of pina colada and pulls away far too soon for Elsa’s liking.
Before she can protest–either against the pulling away or the kissing her in the first place–the blonde moves aside just enough to let her redhead partner (?) through and Elsa’s taken hold of again. The redhead is rougher, more dominant, her curly hair tickles the bridge of Elsa’s nose and the force of her kiss pulls Elsa right out of her seat and against the bar.
“That’s a thanks,” the girl says when she pulls away and brushes her thumb over Elsa’s definitely bruised lips. She turns to her girlfriend (?) and does some non-verbal communication shenanigans before grabbing Elsa’s wrist. “Come with us.”
Elsa didn’t plan to dance. She didn’t exactly plan on making out with two nameless girls either. But when the blonde’s tongue dances with hers, when the redhead’s teeth nip at her lower lip–for those brief moments Elsa does not think about Anna at all.
There’s 7 new unread messages and 3 unanswered phone calls by the time she makes it home. She’s exhausted and drunk and… she doesn’t even know what to put the last thing as. Violated? She consented to everything (she thinks? She was drunk), but the entire thing was not on her agenda to begin with.
But then as soon as she opens the front door and slips in, then looks into the living room to see the TV still droning on in the background and Anna sprawled passed out on the couch in only a t-shirt and some underwear she wishes she was back with those two strange girls in the club.
She takes a cautious step inside, the cool wood a blessing against her bare feet. She makes it a whole of two paces in before it cracks, and immediately Anna stirs.
“Elsa?” she asks in a sleepy voice, sitting up to see better, but it’s lighter in the living room than it is in the corridor so she can’t see Elsa’s face (or her blush when Elsa notices Anna’s loose t-shirt slide off her shoulder.)
“It’s me,” Elsa assures her hurriedly, silently begging she stays on the couch. “I’m uh… I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Anna grumbles something in response but it’s drowned out by the TV, and Elsa doesn’t stay to talk things through. She takes the stairs in strides and dashes for her room, where she’s safe and alone.
The door to Anna’s bedroom slams shut shortly after and the mix of shame and guilt keeps Elsa up for hours.
It’s barely morning when she sneaks out again, fully intent on grabbing breakfast and coffee in the same Starbucks as before. She’s not slept much (has she even slept at all?) and the hangover is slowly starting to manifest, so her frappuccino comes with two extra shots of espresso.
The laptop idea from yesterday was abandoned when she got up and realized she’d have to haul it everywhere for the whole day. So she sits in the air conditioned parlor (it’s like 10am and outside it’s already over 30°C) browsing through YouTube videos on her phone and tuning out the rest of the world for a few hours, too tired to function beyond simple entertainment.
Anna texts her a few times and she ignores every message, but she can’t really ignore the nagging vision of her sister with messy hair and that loose t-shirt slipping off her left shoulder. No matter how many puppy and kitten videos she pretends to watch.
When the gazes of the baristas become a little too unbearable, she packs up and leaves with nowhere to go.
In the evening she finds herself wandering into a different night club with her shoulders red from the scorching sun.
She doesn’t spend much time admiring the decor; her mind is set on a simple objective–get smashed. She’s not decided on exactly which way she means it yet.
The answer clarifies itself in the form of a young man.
“Hans,” he says, even though she’s not exactly that interested in knowing his name or giving him hers. He looks at her throw another shot with a hopeful glint in his eye, not unlike a scavenger bird staring at a dying animal. “You dance?”
She’s had four shots of straight vodka by now and she does not give a single shit about dancing, really, but she takes his hand and lets herself be dragged to the floor. He attempts to beat around the bush for a grand total of half a song before he pulls her closer and hunches over her, catching her lips in a sloppy kiss.
It’s… different. Not that Elsa’s not kissed men before, no–but this time she somehow at the same time really wants this guy, this Hans person that she hopes to never see again after tonight to take his hands off her ass and to take that fire burning in her chest for the one girl she really can’t have and extinguish, if only for a few hours.
So when Hans grinds into her and she can feel just how eager he is to help her with the predicament he knows nothing about, Elsa moves along and deepens their kiss.
The club bathroom is nasty and crowded, and the stall feels like it’s about to fall apart behind her back as she holds onto his neck and digs her nails into his skin. He grunts into her ear in a borderline animalistic way and she closes her eyes as his body goes rigid against her and she fights off a wave of shame-fueled nausea with a climax.
When she opens her eyes again, his hair gripped between her fingers has the most frighteningly familiar hue.
“I was worried about you,” is the simple statement welcoming her back home. Anna is sitting cross-legged in the dark living room, the Netflix logo frozen on the tv behind her.
She’s wearing that damned loose t-shirt again and apparently made a nest of blankets and pillows on the floor. The room is filled with the soft hum of the fan blowing right onto her back.
Elsa shrugs and mumbles something that she herself doesn’t even understand. She hopes that Anna can’t see her smudged mascara, or the state of her dress.
She falls into a routine over the next few days. Wake up way too early, ignore the heatwave alert on her phone, sneak out before Anna can intercept her, have breakfast at the usual Starbucks, wander around the city until her legs can’t take it anymore and she’s exhausted most options for air conditioned cover. When evening comes and brings barely any respite from the scorching sun, find a club, bar or pub and hunt for human contact. Come back home way too late. Wake up way too early. Ignore the heatwave alert.
She wipes the sweat off her brow with the back of her hand as she sips on a slushie. It’s Saturday, and the forecasts everywhere are screaming for people to stay home unless they really need to get out. Which Elsa absolutely does, because as far as she’s aware Anna is heeding the warnings like a sane person should.
She sips the slushie again and lingers on that thought. A sane person. She definitely doesn’t qualify as one, sitting outside in what barely even counts as shade while the biggest heatwave of two decades rolls over the city. It’s so hot she can see the air move in literal waves and the streets reflect the sky like mirrors. A city-scape mirage.
Her phone beeps quietly and she swipes Anna’s message away.
She winds up at a gay club for that night, and in the rainbow-colored lights instantly finds a girl that catches her eye.
The attraction is mutual and electric, and soon she’s making out with her in the backseat of an Uber on the way to the girl’s place. It’s a nice change–she’s been hooking up with guys for the last few days, and honestly she was slowly getting fed up with rough lips and scruffed chins. The girl is soft as petals and sweet as honey.
Honeymaren happens to be her name. Fitting, Elsa’s fried mind notes as her hand travels under the girl’s shirt despite the Uber driver’s scornful gaze in the rearview mirror.
They get off in a part of the city she’s never been in before and Honeymaren (‘just Ren is fine!’) leads her into the elevator and onto the 14th floor. She slams Elsa against the door as they kiss like two bitches in heat, Ren fumbling to fit the key in the lock next to Elsa’s ass.
When she finally manages to open the door they all but fall into the apartment and they break apart for long enough for Elsa’s love of the evening to lead her into the bedroom, shushing her on the way.
“I don’t wanna wake my brother,” she whispers and Elsa’s stomach sinks, because brother is dangerously close to sister and that makes her spiral into thoughts she’s here to run away from.
As soon as they’re in Honeymaren’s bedroom Elsa reaches for her and locks their lips again, intent on focusing all of her attention on this absolutely stunning woman in front of her, and not the one on her family pictures.
They make it to the bed and clothes start flying, lips start wandering, teeth start sinking. Muffled moans fill the room when Elsa finds herself between a pair of silky thighs and a pillow finds itself on Honeymaren’s face.
One much louder moan later Elsa is flipped onto her back harshly and her mouth is filled with a foreign tongue again as Honeymaren’s fingers find purchase below her abdomen, making Elsa’s legs go numb with skilled, precise strokes.
She nears her peak as Ren starts whispering in her ear, her voice guiding her senses and hopes of maybe, finally, finding someone who she could forget about her sick desires with.
She comes with a wish for this girl to break this damned curse.
When she opens her eyes, Honeymaren’s smile is so alike Anna’s.
She’s back home in an hour.
For a moment, panic grips her chest when she doesn’t hear Anna complain about her late arrival–but she soon finds her curled up in the nest, the tv turned off for once and the AC and fan both blasting at her. She’s barely dressed at this point (if Elsa thought that loose t-shirt was bad then the tank top is just pure torture) and uncovered, but she’s sleeping soundly and Elsa has no plans whatsoever to wake her up.
She creeps over quietly and sits down on the couch just next to Anna’s nest. In the dawning light, she can barely make out the freckles on her nose, and some of those on her shoulders. They’re lightly tanned (unlike Elsa’s own aggressively red) and oh-so-inviting in that freaking tank top, but she dares not even think about touching her. Her lips are parted, hands curled up just in front of her porcelain doll face.
Elsa watches her until her vision blurs with tears before fading to black.
“You really should stay home tonight,” Anna says in the morning when Elsa wakes up to the smell of real breakfast and pain in her neck. “They’re saying today’s the worst in terms of the heat.”
Elsa looks down at the toast and eggs Anna set in front of her and feels guilt battle hunger in her gut. “I have to go,” she mumbles as she reaches for the fork, and she’s not sure Anna could even hear her.
When she looks up though, she’s met with a glistening stare.
“Do you really hate spending time with me that much?” Anna asks in a small voice, and Elsa can tell she’s been waiting to ask this question for a while.
Still, she’s taken aback for a moment. “N-no,” she manages out after a very awkward pause. “I just have a date.”
Anna huffs. “A date?”
“Yeah.” And it’s not even a lie. She does have a date, she just needs to confirm it. “I uh, I met him at a bar a few days ago.”
Anna gives her an odd look, but she doesn’t say anything else.
Kristoff is… nice.
That’s pretty much all she can say about him. He’s a nice guy, and that much was clear the moment he asked her for her number instead of fucking her in the bar bathroom.
And the place he chose for their date is nice too. The food’s nice, the decor’s nice, the music, staff, hell even the other customers are all nice.
But nice is not something her tired mind can deal with now.
“Sorry, do you think we could ask for the receipt?” she interrupts him while he’s telling her about his dog. “I think I wanna go for a walk.”
He flushes, taken off-guard. “Y-yeah, sure,” he answers, waving at the waiter. “But, a walk? In this weather?”
“Or we can go to your place,” she offers, the little bit of hope slipping into her voice because she needs him and she needs him now. “If that’s okay with you?”
He’s flushed even deeper when he nods.
His place is also fucking nice.
He’s just a normal guy, and she wonders how the hell did she managed to pick up one like that on her weird alcohol-sex bender. He offers her some wine (which she accepts gladly) and snacks (which she refuses politely), introduces her to his dog. Shows her around the place and then lets her choose the movie to watch, and when they settle down on the couch he asks her if it would be okay to put his arm around her.
She doesn’t follow the plot of the movie, instead she’s focused on the feeling of his huge hand on her sunburnt shoulder. It’s so far removed from anything Anna that the sliver of hope is back there. There is virtually nothing about Kristoff that could make her think of her sister (except for the fact that she’s now thinking about how much he isn’t like her.)
But her stomach churns. She turns in his embrace to look up at him, observes his face. He’s handsome, in a very… manly way. And he’s a good man. She’s learned that much from listening him talk, and the millions of pictures on his walls.
She puts her face on his cleanly shaven cheek to get his attention.
“What?” he asks her with genuine confusion, taking the one extra second to pause the movie before that.
That’s probably when it hits her. Or more precisely, that one freaking gesture of pausing the movie is what cements it. He’s a good, domestic man who came up to her awkwardly at a bar, introduced himself complete with a handshake and asked her for her number when she was already slammed enough that she’d jump on him with no questions asked.
He’s a long term kind of person, and that’s not what she needs.
“I’m sorry,” she says softly, and she genuinely is sorry for both him and herself. “Could you take me home?”
It’s the right thing to do, but she still turns away and closes her eyes, not wanting to look at his reaction.
“Right.” He clears his throat. “Right, um– sure. Just let me grab my keys.”
When she opens her eyes again to look at him, his eyes glisten just like Anna’s in the morning.
She’s back home much earlier than usual, and Anna is just stepping out of the bathroom.
“Elsa!” she squeaks in shock when she sees her, and fixes the towel around her chest. “I didn’t– how was your date?”
Elsa’s brain is short circuiting. “It was okay,” she answers mechanically, turning her gaze towards the floor, but the image of Anna in nothing but a pink towel is etched into her eyeballs. “W-we decided to end early.”
That’s the lamest way to say ‘it didn’t work out (because he’s a better person than I could hope to be)’ she could come up with, but she doesn’t have a single brain cell to spare on this now.
“Oh,” Anna sounds genuinely sad. Elsa’s still not looking at her, but she can hear her make her way down the stairs. “Well, um… I was just about to order some food and watch a movie, so if you wanna–”
The image of herself being as cordial as Kristoff and asking Anna if it would be okay for her to hold her while they watch a romantic comedy invades her completely out of the blue.
“No, thanks,” she blurts out and interrupts her. “I’m uh– I’m gonna go lie down.”
Anna finally makes it to the bottom and Elsa makes a move to push past her.
“Lie down?” She grabs Elsa’s wrist before she can even take one step up. “It’s 7 p.m.”
Elsa tries to softly twist out of her grip. “Well, I’m tired, so if you–”
Elsa does a double-take and finally looks at Anna’s face again. She looks angry, with a hint of accusation, and this in turn makes Elsa angry.
“Let me go, Anna.”
“Not until you talk to me,” she’s trying to sound serious, but there’s a desperate undertone in her voice.
“Please, Elsa, you’ve been acting so wei–”
“–let go.”
“Why won’t you just tell me what’s wrong?”
“Because I can’t stop thinking of you!” She yanks her wrist free and runs up the stairs, leaving Anna with what has to be the weirdest statement to analyze.
It’s only once she’s in her room, safe and alone, that she realizes what exactly she’s just said and breaks down in tears.
She doesn’t sleep at all that night.
The next day she’s out before Anna wakes up again.
She has breakfast at the Starbucks, focusing on anything that’s not the previous evening. But the weather warnings on the radio are jumping from ‘extreme heat’ to ‘massive storm coming’ like crazy, and it only serves to spike her anxiety levels further.
At around noon she has a slushie in her spot, the heat beating down on her head enough to burn away any semblance of a coherent thought.
She watches the heat waves dance over the mirror asphalt, and like a desert oasis all she can see is Anna.
She finds herself at a bar before she even knows it.
“Hey,” a soft voice says to her while she’s on her third vodka/tonic. “Come home with me?”
Bold, she has to give her that. She looks up at the girl and, unsurprisingly, all she sees is Anna.
“Are you okay?” she asks after a moment with furrowed brows, and Elsa realizes she didn’t give her any answer yet. A cool hand ends up on her forehead. “Jesus, you’re hot as hell.”
They’re walking in silence.
“Are you feeling better?” Anna asks suddenly, giving her hand a soft squeeze. She’s insisted on holding her since they left the bar, despite Elsa’s admittedly very weak protests.
“I think you might have had a mild heat stroke,” Anna muses, pushing a bottle of Sprite into Elsa’s free hand again. “Really, you should have just stayed home today.”
Elsa takes a sip, cringing at the idea. “You know I couldn’t.”
Anna huffs. “Because?”
“Because of what I said?”
“Oh, that,” Anna pretends to suddenly remember. “I’m not even sure what exactly that was supposed to mean. I mean, I have a hunch. Nothing solid though.”
If her nose and cheeks weren’t sunburnt, Elsa would definitely turn very pale now.
“But I can tell you were hurt.”
“No, wait. Let me say this.” She stops walking, so Elsa has to stop too. “I was mad at you. Well, more precisely, I thought you were mad at me cause you kept ignoring me for like a year, and then I was mad at you cause we were both here and you still kept ignoring me in person.”
Not really knowing what else to do, Elsa nodded.
“And I’m sorry I pushed you like that yesterday, I just… I was hurt and I wanted some sort of answer.”
She squeezes her hand again.
“But the way you said that… the expression on your face, Elsa, I–”
A thunder sounds in the distance, interrupting whatever Anna wants to say.
“I’m sorry,” Elsa mumbles, looking down at their interlocked hands.
When she feels Anna’s fingers at the side of her face, she fights the instinct to move away. “I’m not gonna say ‘don’t be’.” Anna smiles as she fixes Elsa’s hair out of her face. “But I think I understand.”
They stare at each other in silence until the first drop of rain falls on Anna’s forehead.
“Finally!” she groans out.
The first drop is followed by a second right on the tip of Elsa’s nose, and a third on Anna’s shoulder, fourth on Elsa’s chest and a fifth on their hands.
They make it home just before the storm breaks out for good, and a huge lightning bolt illuminates the entire hallway.
“Did you see that?” Elsa asks, then turns away from the window to look at Anna. “…what are you doing?”
“Taking my clothes off?”
She’s glad that it’s dark again, cause she’s sure that she just color-matched her entire non-burnt skin to her shoulders. “I can see that, but why?”
Instead of an answer, she receives an order. “Undress.”
“To your underwear, Elsa.”
She chances a look at Anna and yes, just as she said, she’s standing there in just a bra and panties. With her heart beating in her throat, Elsa slides the straps of her dress off her shoulders and lets it fall to the floor.
“Good. Now come with me.”
She pulls her back outside, but to the backyard this time, where they’re still safely hidden from the world. The rain is now beating down in heavy drops like a literal waterfall from the sky, with the clouds above them lighting up with distant lightning.
“God, I needed this.”
It’s dark as hell in the entire neighborhood, and Elsa has a passing thought that the power might be out– but then Anna’s hand is gripping her forearm again to pull her closer.
“What are you doing?” she asks again, louder this time to get over the sound of rain.
Anna doesn’t answer right away; instead, she moves in closer, right until their bare chests are almost touching, and at this point in the night Elsa’s brain just decides to shut down all defenses.
“Your shoulders are scorched,” is the thing Anna decides to go with. She runs her finger softly along the crook of Elsa’s neck, then down her collarbone. “Does the rain feel nice?”
It does. It’s cold, and it’s soothing, and it’s all that’s been missing for the past week and Elsa is not sure she’s thinking about the rain anymore as Anna’s cool finger continues down her chest.
“I missed you so much,” Anna whispers, and it sounds just like the rain around them. “I wish we had a chance to…”
She trails off and looks down on her hand on Elsa’s chest.
“…talk things through sooner. Would have saved your poor skin some pain.”
She leans in to place a soft kiss on Elsa’s shoulder, and it feels as soothing as the raindrops.
“I can’t stop thinking of you either.”
It’s quiet, and the rain is loud, and Anna is talking into her shoulder but Elsa can hear what she says and even though her mind is screaming at her not to interpret it in any weird way she is, so when Anna’s lips continue up her neck, then jaw, and then finally find purchase on Elsa’s own lips, her kiss is like water on her parched tongue.
And at this moment it doesn’t matter if anyone looks outside (and should they do it, why would they look at anything else than the glorious display of lights in the sky?), it doesn’t matter that they’re standing in the freezing downpour with their bare feet in the mud, it doesn’t matter that this is what Elsa’s been trying to run away from for over a year.
All that matters is Anna, all she feels is Anna, all she hears is Anna, all she sees, her eyes open or closed is Anna and all she ever wants in life is Anna.
They break away and when Elsa opens her eyes, it’s still Anna. The heat waves mirage has gone down the drains with the pouring rain but it’s still Anna.
“I–” she finds herself wanting to say four billion things at once but with no idea how to say them.
But she’s shushed and pulled in once again and all of those run-on thoughts just turn to Anna.
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edie-k · 3 years
Legally Ginger Chapter 4 (Romione, PG-13)
Title: Legal Ginger, Chapter 4 "Not Completely Unfortunate Looking"
Pairing: Romione, minor Ron/Astoria, Harry/Astoria
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ron makes his first East Coast friend
Thanks adnei for all the beta help!
Bolded dialogue plus the chapter title are verbatim or very very heavily ripped from the movie.
Thank you for all your comments last chapter! I think the fun of these RomCom inspired fics is to surprise you with what character ends up where.
And to be clear, I love Harry - not as much as Ron but I am one of these weirdos that somehow thinks the main character is underrated in his own series. But the very few times Harry was mad at Ron, he knew how to cut and I'm going to have some fun with that. I doubt you'll hate Harry when this story is complete. But you might at the end of next chapter.
Click below or follow the link to AO3!
Ron stormed back to his room, struggling with the lock as his hands shook. After finally getting the door open, he quickly grabbed for Pig’s leash. The pug has out of his bed and at Ron’s feet in a flash.
Ron, who didn’t have patience for Pig’s short legs today, scooped him up and stomped down the hall and out to the parking lot. He jerked open the door to his Escape and deposited Pig in the passenger’s seat before taking a deep breath.
Pig tilted his head quizzically.
“We need to hit something.”
After driving about 10 miles, Ron spotted it. A large building that had seen better days with steel cages and a dilapidated miniature golf course outside. The weathered sign outside it said “Hogs Head Sports Center and Pub”.
He cut through two lanes of traffic to turn into the mostly empty parking lot. After putting the car in park, he took a second to dig for quarters in his center console but came up empty. “Shit,” he sighed.
Ron grabbed Pig’s leash and the dog hopped down to follow him towards the building.
Upon entering, Ron found the inside to be about as unkempt as the outside but it was surprisingly clean. Another pleasant surprise was that there was a bar to the right with a few grizzled townies eating nachos and being served drafts by a grumpy looking bearded bartender while they watched Sportscenter on a small flat screen. In the back was a sole batting cage, a few arcade machines and a beat up door with a paper taped to it that said “Simulator in Use”. To the left, a small counter with golf clubs, colored golf balls, and tiny pencils.
Behind the counter was the biggest man Ron had ever seen in real life and he’d been lucky enough to meet three Lakers, two Warriors, and a Ram. Similar to the bartender, he had unkempt hair and a wild beard but unlike the old guy slinging drinks, he was middle aged and his face split in a big smile upon seeing Ron.
“Hello,” the giant of a man greeted him. “What’s doing?”
“I need some quarters for the cages,” Ron said, holding out a $5.
“Sure,” the man agreed and opened the cash register.
“Thanks,” Ron muttered and started to walk out the door before stopping short. “Shit.”
“Something wrong?”
“I don’t have my bat,” Ron said, shaking his head.
“Came to the cages without a bat?” the guy said, his accent so thick that Ron had to pause to process before answering.
“Uh yeah. I sort of just needed to find something to hit that wasn’t…” Ron trailed off.
“The other guy?” The giant man finished his sentence with a chuckle.
Ron laughed. “Pretty much.”
The man walked into the back room and came out with two worn bats. “I’ve been there,” he said, handing Ron one.
“You look like you could use some company,” the man said.
Ron considered for a moment. He’d been lonely as hell this week. Growing up with six siblings, living in a fraternity house… he wasn’t used to all this time to himself. And this guy was only the second genuine conversation he’d had since arriving in Boston.
“Sure,” he replied. “My name’s Ron.”
The man outstretched a giant hand. “Everyone calls me Hagrid.”
“We hooked up the night before graduation and she’s already engaged to this d-bag?”
“I don’t get it,” Hagrid said. “What’s so great about this guy?”
Ron had spent the last half hour spilling his life story while hitting balls off the fastest pitching machine in the cages. Hagrid had proved himself to be a captive and empathetic audience - almost like talking with one of his older brothers.
Ron shrugged. “He’s obviously smart.”
“Why? Cause he got into Harvard? So did you. Better looking than you?”
“I mean, he’s a little scrawny. If I’d actually been dumb enough to hit him, I’d have won before he even knew we were fighting but he’s decent looking enough. I’ve got a sister and he’s her type.”
“He seems like a total asshole so no way he’s got you beat on personality,” Hagrid said.
Ron laughed. “You’ve known me for forty minutes!”
Now Hagrid shrugged. “Lived here my whole life. Not to paint with too broad a brush but there aren’t a lot of Harvard kids kicking back with the counter guy at a rec center. You check out.”
“That’s probably true from what I’ve seen,” Ron agreed. “But I’m not really a Harvard kid. I just...I actually don’t know what I expected.”
“You expected to spend the rest of your lives together! I don’t get why it’s so hard. Isn’t that what all the TV shows tell us women want? My girl, Olympe, she dumped me a few months back. She took everything. Our home, the Dunkie’s rewards, my baby Fangs…”
“Best mutt there is,” Hagrid said. “Although this guy’s pretty great.” Hagrid leaned down to scratch the Pig’s ears.
“I'm sorry, that sucks,” Ron replied, shaking his head.
“It happens all the time,” Hagrid shrugged. “You ready for a beer?”
“Always,” agreed Ron and they walked back toward the main building.
Upon entering the building, Ron set his bat on the counter. “What’s the old man got on tap?”
When Hagrid didn’t immediately reply, Ron turned to look at him. He was standing frozen, staring across the room where an attractive middle aged brunette woman in a polo shirt and jeans was pushing an empty dolley out from behind the bar and towards them.
“Hi, Hagrid,” she said with a smile. Ron turned to grab the door and hold it open for her.
“Uh, yeah, uh hi,” stammered Hagrid. He tried to slide his bat on the counter but only succeeded in knocking the one Ron used to the floor with a loud clatter.
She waved as she left the building.
“Could I be any more goddamn spastic?” Hagrid bemoaned. Ron gave a sympathetic wince. “Now I really need that drink.”
Ron followed him over to the bar and slid onto the stool next to him.
“Abe? Can we get a couple?”
The bearded old man behind the bar grunted and poured them two drafts.
Hagrid took a sip and shook his head. “This women stuff is hard. Never thought I’d be in this position at my age. But you’re still young. Doesn’t have to be this difficult for you. Smart guy, good guy, athletic guy like you. You’d find another girl in no time.”
“I mean, maybe, but Astoria…. she’s worth fighting for, you know?”
“Well, engaged ain’t married,” said Hagrid. “Never, ever, ever give up.”
Ron burst out laughing. “That’s Michael Scott advice!”
“Eh, it worked out for Jim and Pam,” insisted Hagrid.
“Well, I’m not giving up yet, so don’t worry.”
Ron entered his first class Tuesday morning, feeling much more confident. After leaving Hogs Head with a stomach full of greasy nachos, Hagrid’s number, and an offer to text anytime, he'd returned to campus and poured over all the syllabi and orientation packets again. He felt confident that he’d done the pre-work needed to enter his Criminal Law class.
He plunked down in his seat and looked around. In front of him sat Astoria and what’s his face. Harry had his arm draped behind the back of her chair.
Engaged ain’t married. Engaged ain’t married. He repeated to himself.
In addition to his studying last night, he had tried to scour social media to see if there was a wedding date set, but the news seemed totally non-existent. On a whim, he had texted Lavender. Lavender had said she was working for LiveNation post graduation but Ron wondered if she’d actually joined the FBI - thirty minutes later, she had emailed him a whole mess of screenshots from various social media accounts, college newsletters, and local newspapers. He thought he might even have Harry’s social security number in the file. The only thing he cared about was that she had confirmed there was no date set and that they intended on a long engagement.
“Hem, hem.”
The noise came from a small woman standing at the front of the hall. She had a flat face and her style of dress was atrocious - fluffy pink cardigan over a shapeless tan shift dress. He vowed to get a discrete picture of her to throw in the group chat.
“Welcome to Criminal Law. I am Professor Dolores Umbridge. I have high expectations of how you will perform and how you will conduct yourself in my class. I expect you to push yourselves to excel and outperform your classmates and yourselves. And bear in mind, performing well this year will have you well placed for one of four highly regarded internships at my firm next year where you will be applying your skills to real world cases.”
“Now, let’s commence with our usual torture,” she said. She studied a class roster.
Please not me. But I can do it. But also, please not me.
“Mr. Weasley.”
Goddamn it.
“Would you prefer your client have committed a crime malum in se or malum prohibitum?” Professor Umbridge asked.
“Well,” he said carefully. “I prefer they not have committed the crime at all.”
The rest of the class snickered.
“That is the dream, Mr. Weasley,” she said with a wry smile. She looked down at the roster again. “What about you, Mr. Potter?”
“Malum prohibitum,” he said confidently. “I’d rather they commit a regulatory infraction as opposed to a dangerous crime.”
“Well said, Mr. Potter,” Professor Umbridge replied. “Let’s take a closer look at malum prohibitum, shall we?”
Harry shot a glance back at Ron over his shoulder and gave him a shit eating grin before running his fingers up and down Stori’s arm.
We’re in the middle of fucking class and he’s mauling her like they’re at a kegger.
Before he could think better of it, Ron raised his hand.
“Oh,” said Professor Umbridge. “You had a question Mr. Weasley?”
“No,” said Ron. “I just changed my mind. I’ll take the dangerous criminal. Unlike Potter, a challenge has never scared me.”
Harry whipped his head around to glare at Ron.
“Exactly the spirit I like to see, Mr. Weasley,” Umbridge said approvingly.
“Come on boy,” said Ron, urging Pig along down the stairs of the dorms.
The semester was now three weeks old. Ron was dutifully completing his reading each night and when McGonagall had come back at him again with a question, he had managed to piece together an answer that satisfied her.
Campus life, however, had continued to be fairly lonely for him. His debacle in McGonagall’s class had spread like wildfire and he’d been shunned from every study group he approached. He’d taken to reviewing in the bar at the Hogs Head for the company. He wasn’t sure if Hagrid liked him or Pig better but at least there was one place in town they were always welcome.
“I didn’t know pets were allowed in student housing,” he heard a voice say.
Ron glanced up to see a face that looked somewhat familiar to him. After a tick, he recognized the woman speaking as the same one who had reassured him that first day of classes.
“Service animals are,” he told her.
She looked at him skeptically, brushing her voluminous hair behind her ears. “Is he a service animal?”
“He provides services,” Ron said, giving her a cocky grin.
She pursed her lips as though she was trying not to smile. “Such as?”
“Getting the attention of beautiful women,” Ron answered.
The brunette stood up and crossed her arms against her chest but there was really no hiding her obvious amusement. “Wow.” She shook her head and started to walk away.
“Come on, that was a good line, right?” Ron called after her.
She stopped and looked back at him. “I just didn’t think that was an area that you needed assistance in,” she said slyly, before walking away.
Shit, what a response.
He grinned, watching her go. He was about to call and ask her name - after all, she was the friendliest person on the campus - when he caught a glimpse of Astoria out of the corner of his eye. She was standing about twenty feet away with fucking Harry’s arm draped around her shoulders, talking to a couple of other students. For fuck’s sake, is she full of helium now? He’s constantly got an arm around her to weigh her down. But she was watching Ron through narrowed eyes.
Ron gave a small wave and Stori blushed, clearly embarrassed that she was caught. At that moment, Harry seemed to notice his fiancée was distracted and glanced in Ron’s direction. He threw Ron one of his patented spoiled rich dick smirks. Ron smirked right back and winked.
I’m not as out of the picture as you think. We’ll see who wins this one.
Ron was just stepping out of the bathroom when he spotted his phone lighting up.
FaceTime as soon as you can!
He sighed, threw on a shirt, and dialed his brother.
Fred’s face appeared before him. Sort of. Wherever he was was dark, loud and full of strobe lights.
“What’s going on?” Ron asked.
“We’re celebrating!” shouted Fred. The camera turned and Ron suddenly saw a whole slew of his friends.
Parvati came into view. “Seamus proposed and Lav said yes!”
Over her right shoulder, Ron spotted the aforementioned couple kissing. Over Parvati’s left shoulder though, he saw…
“Are you at a strip club?” Ron asked.
“Of course!” yelled George. “It’s 6pm on a Monday. Half price drinks and free buffet at Diamond’s!”
“I just bought a ring, I gotta pay for a wedding, and student loans are coming due,” Seamus said, now closer to the camera. Lavender’s face wasn’t in view but he assumed the hand with the ring on screen belonged to her.
“Congrats buddy,” Ron said, feeling a sting.
“June 9th. I need you as one of my groomsmen, right? Lavender’s first cousin is like six two. If she wears heels, only you can match up to her.”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” Ron assured him.
“Ron! Did that stuff help? Has she dumped that douche yet?” Lavender screamed, not aware of just how close she was to the mic.
“Uh, I’m making progress,” Ron said.
“Almost October bro,” George said. “If anyone can make it work, you can.”
“Or just come home!” he heard his sister shout from far away.
“I’ll see you all soon,” Ron said. “Have fun.”
“I’ll slip Destiny a $5 and tell her it’s from you in case you change your mind,” Ginny called. Then the screen went black.
God, he missed his friends, his family. He missed having a bunch of guys at the frat to hang out with at the drop of a hat. He missed having a dozen teammates, available for a run at the drop of a hat. He missed Tim, the coffee cart guy who always knew his correct coffee/milk/syrup ratio.
He didn’t think Harvard would be easy. He didn’t think that it would be easy to get Astoria back. But he assumed making friends would be easy. He didn’t even remember how he made friends at CULA - did he even have to try? He sighed and picked up Pig’s leash, ready to take him for one last walk.
“It’s a Cambridge tradition - pass it along to everyone,” he heard someone say down the hall. “8 o’clock tomorrow at Gord’s Pub”
“What tradition?” Ron asked, coming around the corner. “Oh.”
There he was, face to face, with Harry Potter.
“Uh, sorry,” said Ron. “I heard the word pub.”
Harry looked at him and then gave a slight smile. “Yeah, man. There’s a trivia night at Gord’s Pub tomorrow night. It’s sort of a law school tradition to hit it up.”
“Trivia night, huh?” Ron asked.
“Yeah, the guy who does it prides himself on coming up with the most difficult questions he can. It’s impossible to win. Everyone completely bombs on every question so everyone just gets drunk by the second half. I hear it’s a pretty good night,” Harry said.
“Cool,” said Ron awkwardly.
“You should stop by. I’m sure there’ll be a team you can jump onto,” Harry suggested.
“Yeah, yeah, maybe I will,” Ron said.
“Cool dog,” Harry said, pointing at Pig.
“Uh, thanks. Have a good night,” Ron said, walking away.
Am I so desperate for friends that I’m hanging out with this douche? I guess so.
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softboywriting · 5 years
She’s So Particular | Shawn Mendes
Summary: When the actress hired for the video shoot for Particular Taste doesn’t show up, the director finds an alternate choice. You work on Shawn’s crew as a scheduling assistant and you and Shawn have been flirting for years, your dynamic is undeniable and the director notices right away. This steamy video shoot will be just the push you two need to fully acknowledge how you feel for each other. [teasing] [flirting]
Word Count: 2.5k
|Masterlist In Bio|
You sink into the cloth folding chair designated for Shawn as you watch him pretend to take a phone call on the bedroom set before you. You have been at this video shoot for Particular Taste for at least three hours now and you're tired. It's chilly in the studio and you didn't bring a jacket with you. You shouldn't even be there still, you should be shooting on location at the nightclub down the street but someone hasn't shown up for the shoot yet. That someone is Tessa, the actress hired to play the girl Shawn is pining after. 
"Cut!" The director yells and Shawn rolls off the bed. "That's great, you look awesome Shawn. You really sold that trip on to the bed." 
Shawn laughs. "Probably because I actually tripped." He walks around behind the camera with Chris, the director, and stands there watching the play back. The crew has just been filming solo bits of Shawn while waiting for Tessa. "Looks pretty good. Could we maybe do like, a take where someone actually calls me?" 
"Yeah? You don't think it looks like you're really on the phone?" 
Shawn shakes his head. "No, I just don't feel like I'm selling it." 
"Okay, cool. We'll reshoot and have you call someone." Chris sets the camera back up for filming and a couple set dressers go in and straighten the room. 
Shawn walks over to you and you grin up at him. "Hey you." 
"Hey yourself." You stand and he shakes his head, not wanting his seat. "What's up?" 
"Can I call you for the shot?" 
"You wanna call me?" You shiver and he shrugs his jacket off. It's a red silky one he's been wearing for the video all day and he puts it around your shoulders. 
"I think it'd be best to call a girl. More realistic?" 
You pull the jacket closed around you and smirk. "You gonna flirt with me on the phone Shawn?"
"You know it." 
"I'll call you." Shawn says with a wink as he runs back onto set and gets in position to start filming.
"Where's your jacket?" Chris asks, leaning out from behind the camera.
"I took it off. I think being home in my tank top is more relaxed, like I'm just calling this girl up, not making big plans yeah?" 
"Alright." Chris leans back. "From the top!" The song starts playing and Shawn goes into acting mode.  
You're so engrossed in the scene you almost forget to answer your phone. "Hello?" 
"Hey, it's Shawn. Remember?"
"New phone who dis?"
"Oh you shit."
You snicker. "Is this the guy from the club?"  You ask, referencing the plot that has yet to be filmed.
"Is this a booty call?" 
You chance a peek back at him. "You gotta buy me dinner first at least." 
"Cut! You missed your cue to trip." Chris laughs. "Should you not call someone?" 
"No! No, sorry." He looks over at you and you're grinning. "Let's start again." 
The scene starts again and your phone rings and Shawn answers. "Behave this time."
"You'd like that huh?" You smile at him across the way and quickly turn your back so he doesn't ruin the shot by staring over at you for the bold comment. "What's up?"
"You wanna come over?" 
"Your place or mine?" 
"My place. I know you want to see me."
"Oh I wanna see all of you. I bet you look like a snack." 
You hear him stifle a laugh as he trips and lands on the bed in time with the lyrics "try to play it cool but it never goes right" and you let out a laugh that you have to cover so you don't draw attention to yourself.
"And cut!" 
You turn around and Shawn is getting off the bed, his cheeks are scarlet and he hurries over to look at the playback. You walk over and peek between the two guys. 
"That is perfect." Shawn points to a part where he runs his hand over his hair, no doubt when you called him a snack, and then he trips. "Yes! I knew it'd be better if I was actually talking to someone." He turns and puts his arm around you. "You're the best." 
"I just answered the phone." You laugh and he walks with you over to the catering cart. 
"Yeah but, you actually made me feel like I was calling a girl." He says and you roll your eyes as he twists a stray bit of your hair around his finger. He was always playing with your hair, seemingly endlessly fascinated by it. 
"Oh, what? I'm not a girl?" 
"What? N-no I didn't mean that!" He actually looks panicked. "I mean you...you really sold the call like I was calling a girl I really was into."
"So you're into girls who call you a snack while flirting? That's what gets you hard?" 
He turns bright red. "I dont- I wasn't-"
"I'm kidding! Jeez, you're so soft."
Shawn relaxes, shoulders drooping. "I thought you were really picking on me." He chuckles. "You always keep me on my toes. I dunno what I'd do without you."
"Oh quit being all sappy!" You playfully shove his chest and he stumbles back. You turn and walk toward the drink table and he chases after you. 
"Has anyone heard from Tessa?" 
"No. I don't think she's coming." 
Shawn sighs and closes his eyes against the brick wall of the nightclub. All the actors who were hired to play extras are already there. All the scenes with Shawn alone have been filmed. If Tessa doesn't show up then it's a wrap for the day and even then there's no guarantee she'll show up tomorrow. 
"Hey," Chris says as he walks toward you and Shawn. "I have an idea." 
"What's up man?" 
"You and her do the video." Chris points at you. "Your chemistry is amazing." 
"Us?" You look at Shawn with wide eyes. "I-I don't know."
"She's our assistant. I mean, she can't?" 
"Says who?" Chris laughs and looks around. "You wanna make a video that feels good? She's the key. I'm telling you, I saw you guys talking earlier. You have chemistry through the roof!" 
"I mean...I know all of the scene plans." You bite your lip and glance up at Shawn. "I'm game if you are?" 
"Can we have a second Chris?" Shawn asks and Chris says to take your time. As soon as he's gone Shawn runs his hand over his hair and stares at you. "Are you sure? What if it's awkward?" 
"Shawn." You lay your hand on his arm and rub softly. "We mess around and tease each other all the time. I'm sure that's what Chris is seeing as chemistry, because yeah I mean it is. We'll just be acting, having fun."
"You're sure?" He holds your shoulders. "I only want to do this if you're completely sure." 
"Yes! Come on, let's go. I'm sure make up will want to do something with me before we start filming." 
After you go through makeup and wardrobe, you and Shawn get set up on the dancefloor. The extras are all around and you take a deep breath and shake out the nerves. The most acting you had done was years ago in highschool for a film project with your best friend. It was less than impressive you're sure, but you try to remember her tips from back then. 
The music starts, a quiet back track of Particular Taste, just the first few verses. You head for Shawn, dancing casually as you approach him at the bar. He smirks, taking your hand as you lead him out into the crowd. His hands find your waist and you're dancing together, eyes locked on one another's.  
"Okay, tease him a bit," Chris says over the music. 
You slide your hands up his chest and down his arms. Shawn looks like he's about to bust, his eyes are locked on you in a way you've never seen. He looks hungry and you're a four course meal. 
“You like that?” you whisper and he nods.
You place your hand in the middle of his chest, rubbing up and down, raking your nails over his skin. You close your hand around the fabric of his shirt and bring him in, hauling him close to your face as the line "she can take you one on one if she feels like". 
His breath ghosts over your lips and you smirk before you push him away and walk into the crowd, glancing back at him. He reaches for you, taking a few steps like a lost puppy and the music dies off.
"Perfect!" Chris shouts. "That was incredible!" 
You walk back over to Shawn and he wraps his arms around you in a crushing hug. "We did it!" 
"You are amazing!" He laughs and keeps his arm around your shoulder as the two of you go up to see the playback. 
"Wow." You stare at the screen when Shawn grabs your waist. The look in his eye is just...wild. "Damn Shawn."
"It's perfect." Chris points at the screen where he's frozen it on you running your hand up Shawn’s chest and then when you grabbed his shirt. "Look, look. You can see the tension!" 
Shawn chuckles softly. "It's crazy." 
"Yeah." You bite your lip and watch as you pull him in for an almost kiss before pushing him away. "Crazy."
A couple more hours pass and you guys shoot all but the final scene of the video. Your favorite part was Shawn chatting you up outside the club, trying to get your number and he accidentally burped. Like right in your face and the two of you had to take a twenty minute break because you were laughing so hard. It was so unexpected and the tension was high as ever and the burp just broke both of you. 
You're nervous as you and Shawn walk back into the studio where the bedroom set is. You know this next scene is the end and it's a summation of the whole teasing theme of the video. It's where you finally show up at his place and the two of you just go at it. 
"Ready on the set!" You take a deep breath and clear your head. "And action!" 
You knock and stand outside the door to an apartment set as Shawn answers. You grab his face and walk him back into the room as he smirks. He holds your waist and the cameras follow you close by, right by your face as he whispers the lyrics to you along with the music in the background. 
You break away from him and the two of you rush over to the bedroom set. The set dressers fix up a few things and you stand there with Shawn. 
"Nervous?" He smirks and you elbow him.
"Yeah I am." 
"Wanna shout?" 
"Can we?" 
Shawn laughs. "Fuck yeah we can." He lets out a yell, head leaned back. "Come on, do it!" 
"Ahhhh!" You yell and laugh. 
"Louder!" Shawn laughs. "Like this! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" 
You shriek, a loud blood curdling scream. It feels good. The last few hours have been building up inside you. The tension between you and Shawn was getting unbearable. 
Shawn jumps up and down shaking his hands out. "We're good. We're good." He shakes his head. "Good good good."
You giggle and he stops moving. "You sure you can handle this?" 
"Yes." He takes a deep breath. "Yesssss." 
"You're so fuckin nervous aren't you?" 
"Extremely." He does a few squats. "I wanna crawl out of my damn skin."
You grab his face and he stops moving. "It's just me Shawn. You can trust me." 
"I know. I know." He closes his eyes. "Let's do this." 
"Yeah." You press your forehead to his. "Let's do it."
Shawn stands before you, hands on your hips and you have your hands on his chest. There are two cameras zooming in on every angle as you explore each other slowly. Hands on hips, arms, back, waist. Him nosing under your jaw. You biting at his shoulder on your tiptoes. It's a back and forth of sensual exploration and you can feel yourself getting completely lost, no longer acting. 
"Ready?" He whispers and you nod, remembering he's supposed to take you to the bed. He lifts you up, walking back and sitting on the bed with you in his lap. 
You duck down, kissing up and down his neck, licking over his pulse point. He lets out a groan and you roll your hips against his lap. You let him change things up and he kisses your neck and you lift his shirt up, parting from each other just enough to get it over his head. The heat pouring off of him is too much and you run your nails down his chest. He grabs your sides and rolls you on to your back. 
Shawn hovers over you, held up by his arm and you bump your nose against his. One hand slides down your body and up your shirt. You arch up against him. 
"I'm so obsessed with her," he breathes, eyes going down your body.
You wrap your legs around his waist and you flip Shawn under you and he stares up, eyes locked on yours. You smirk and hold his wrists. 
"She...just...goes, yeah," he's breathing into the words desperately. 
You lean in and kiss him on the final line "she's got particular taste" and it's like fireworks. As cliche and cheesy as it sounds its the only way you can describe it. Shawn grabs your face, rolling you back under him and the two of you chase each other's kisses. It's like time stopped, everything ceased to be real except for this. 
"Cut! Cut!! Guys?!" 
Shawn pulls back and you're both breathing heavily. Realization floods in that you've just been making out in front of twenty or more people. You feel your cheeks burn and Shawn turns ruby red.
"Wow!" Chris starts clapping in the silent room. "That was crazy!" 
You sit up and Shawn chills on his side next to you, grinning like an idiot. "Is that a wrap, Chris?" 
"I think so. You guys wanna see it?" 
"Nah." Shawn looks at you, eyes going over every inch of your body. "I'm sure we got it." 
"It's a wrap then!" Chris calls out, clapping and the whole crew cheers. 
You fall back and Shawn leans over you. "You wanna get out of here?" 
"I thought you'd never ask. But I have one stipulation."
"Oh yeah?" 
"Mmm. Can I go right for the face?" You smirk.
"She's so particular!" He belts, full falsetto dragging out particular like he did on stage and everything. He licks his lower lip before biting it and standing up, hauling you upright and picking you up in his arms with your legs around his waist. "Let's go," he purrs, walking with you toward the exit. 
"Everyone in this room knows what we're about to go to the hotel and do." You flush, keeping your eyes on his. 
"I don't care. I've wanted you for ages and I know now that it's mutual." You nod and he kisses you, pausing his stride to press your back against the closes doors to the back lot. "Now I've got my particular taste and I'm not about to let it go."  
Thank you so much for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed the story. Shout out to shawnm521 because without her I don’t even know where I’d be with writing these days. -A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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fortheheavenssake · 4 years
April 15, 2020
Tumblr media
1. April 15
MM ANON …… doctor gone batty……… LA for dummies ……… Doctors Within Borders ……… social insistence ………… hugs not bugs……… absolutely isolated Kate. ……… “ not a whisper ma’am ……… St George’s chapel of course!!…………… with humility skippy, with humility.
Mm anon verified
MM ANON … to forgive Devine. To accept ones shortcomings is a hard pill to swallow especially if like myself your behaviour Is mired in self justification and blind contempt … it’s taken me a long time to ask forgiveness ……… and pride is a killer of the spiritual light. To those who can find forgiveness on their heart I thank them, humbly and sincerely. ……… MM ANON
3. April 30
MM ANON ……… the only virus ………… wonderful children to hug…… magnificent isolation ma’am……… dirty Megan,clean Harry ……… will never be the same ………… big things for a future princess ……… home cooking ………… “ ground control to major Tom” ………. “ and wash your bloody hands!!!……… an archificial birthday ………… trooping the colours???
Thank you! Happy to have you back!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
4. April 30
MM Anon
MM ANON …… Many thanks skippy ……… a privilege to return to you all ……… graciously thankful to pg , skippy and all anons. Callidus er populum
Welcome back….😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
5. May 1.
MM ANON … it’ll cost us thousands …… “ ‘‘tis the times’ plague , when madmen led the blind “……… 🎼 all the clubs have been closed down 🎼………… “ if you both don’t stop fighting I’ll send you to Madagascar “ ………… “ one makes ones bed”…………… “ well wash your bloody hands AGAIN!!”…………… “ there so funny on screen Philip” …… Quo victuals est super eam et irrumabo …………… next slide please.
6. May 2.
MM ANON ……… bless all who come here……… stay safe ……… not sneezing season ……… birthday girls world following ……… sitting on the toilet screaming and howling ……… Plasma fantazma?……… 🎼give a little bit 🎼……… “ I swear ,I’ll send you to bloody Madagascar “……… “another top up sir”………” leave the poor man be Philip “……… “no ma’am not yet” ……… Wilfred!!!!!………… “ Bloody Wilfred!!”……… conspirators will spread another sort of virus.
7. May 3
MM ANON ………Lucrezia Markle……… For her own well-being … she’s kicking and sedated ……… safety net for Harry ……… a very private LOCK-down ………” GATEWAY“intervention …… “NHS Catherine , Sterling work darling “ …………” yes ,I love Frozen 2” ………… PTA……… “ your experience would be valued ma’am”……… “ I myself am best when least in company “……… absque misericordia
8. May 4
MM ANON …… granny flap…… delusions of gran-tour…… “ aye, some wantid er’ but Walt dis-ney “…… a p****hub offer worth millions …… a secret return …… Lottie leaded Cambridge assault ……… “ a very prominent speech for VE DAY ma’am”. …… unlocking the unlock able ………… 🎼day by day…🎼………… pause ,pray, proceed. …… optimistic optimism???
9. May 5
MM ANON …… Thank Dear anon for interpretation …… and yes if you’re struggling dear pg … prayers and hugs
10. May 5
MM ANON ……… “ hi Kate , how wonderful to hear your voice “😂😂😂………… Archificialy archificial. ……… 🎼but sometimes,ya get what ya need🎼……… “ if you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue “……… a Duchess,a Duchess and a Duchess walked onto a bar……… tunc non transiet ……… an infectious tube……… my my margarita ……… let go let god. ……… ( and Thank skippy).
11. May 6
MM ANON ………… archificial anniversary ……… “she hasn’t a bloody clue “ ………I speak for Meghan ……… 🎼he’s a real nowhere man🎼……… “ the fool doth think he is wise…… “………… 🎼come fly with me (not)🎼……… A few weeks more …………” we do the outside first Philip” ……… Bloody jigsaw………” Sydney!!!!! “……… “ Mmmmm , interesting, a virtual Balcony “ …………… “ yes , a new medal is appropriate” ………… unlockdown!!! ………… “ give us a hug”.
12. May 6
MM ANON ……… Sooooooo , where is Harry in the duck / rabbit video????????????????? An archificial attempt to ingratiate herself as a mother of a surrogate child. She looks a tad sheepish 🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑. 😂😂😂😂
13. May 7
MM ANON … Spider Sandwiches ………… the photographic phenomenon ………… “O Christ, she knows her way round a Cannon” ……… “ modest, small and incremental “ ……… “ she’s still spitting bullets over the duchesses children “ ……… “ my goodness, Charlotte trumps everyone”. ………… another modest outfit. ……… the books a flop, who would buy it? ……… “ dada duck duck”…………”ANOTHER sex tape!!!!! “…………… her irrelevant life………… desperately seeking ANYTHING………… a sad demise Rachael!!
14. May 7
MM ANON …… dear and inquisitive anons ……… THE RIDDLES ARE “ ENTERTAINMENT “ only, a parody and lightness of spirit and soul! It’s a privilege to be here , by the grace of Skippy …………… enjoy!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
15. VE Day 75, May 8
MM ANON …… My mother was a plotter at Northolt fighter base in 1943 where she met my father who was a pilot, I remember her saying that the Polish pilots were the bravest men she ever met. ………… we shall remember them 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
16. May 8
MM ANON …… The Queen, god bless her……… blackout ……… the king/ the Queen the nation ……… never give up, never despair ……… the home front……… 🎼some sunny day 🎼………… 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧………… 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸……… 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦……… and all who fought ……… a day like no other……… at the going down of the sun and in the morning ……………… ‘ we shall remember them.
17. May 9
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜MM ANON ……… Dear pg , your gracious tribute to the riddle. I Ended the post in tears ………………… respect.
18. May 9
MM ANON …… “ it’s an unlock Jim, but not as we know it “……… on yer bike……… 🎼that’s life,……🎼………… Bar Wars………… survival of the fit-test……………”a vulgar mansion “…………… Spider sandwiches……… an emotional exhibition, Bravo!! ……… now that’s TRUE grit…………… be- bop-a-loo-la RIP……… The Serenity prayer……thank you for this forum xxxxx…………… it will end ,…one day!!
19. May 10
MM ANON ……… Rachel 43………… archificial 15 months ……… hospitality will become inhospitable ………… the R factor ………… “Henry, don’t do that”. …… return to school??? …………… no guidelines …………… be alert,the country needs lerts………… risk assessment!!! ………… an issue of safety ………… it’s the economy,stupid!! ………… test, Trace and isolate. ………… a silver lining 🌈🌈
20. May 11
MM ANON …… Thrive???………… definitely Malibu ………wear a mask ………… confusing but amusing ……… a question of credibility ……… 🎼 we can be heroes ……🎼…” what ever happened to wrinkle cream?”……… love and hugs to all our anon friends ……… 🎼 now there are three steps to heaven 🎼………… Brave New World ……… a quiet Queen.
21. May 13
MM ANON …… for saving my mother ……… father ……… grandmother …… grandfather …son ……… sister……… brother……… daughter ………… thank you for saving my life nurse / doctor /……… how can I EVER thank you all ……… from the bottom of my ❣ ……… I can never find the words ……… my gratitude is unending ……… god bless you all. ……… GOD BLESS YOU ALL!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
22. May 13
MM ANON ……… “come on Kate, off to Queens”……… Charlotte goes first……… “George ‘ get your bicycle “……… 🎼bye bye miss American spy🎼……… 🎼listen , do you want to know a secret 🎼……… stay alert 🤣🤣🤣……… trains, planes and automobiles……… driving miss day-see? ……… FOUR!!!! …………… an art gallery,when??……… single prayers please.
23. May 13.
MM ANON …………… to all who visit ………… riddles are entertainment only … a parody ,a light and fluffy expression. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂Thank you all for understanding.
24. May 14
MM ANON …… school of thought ……… bulldoze in and takeover ……… Braveheart & Boris ………… dead theatre ……… GOT………… Charlotte summer ……… anticipation of antibodies ………… China???………… death of Hollywood ………… 🎼blow a little whistle 🎼………… we have no plan B……… I’m so bored ………… “ we’re gonna need a bigger fence”
25. May 15
MM ANON ……… a lovely surprise ……… sweet Charlotte ……… it’s teaching Jim, ……………”Harry, you know you’ll always have a place “……………”he’s not happy Catherine “ ……… R1………… re-train………… clubbings, clubbed…… Tea-CHING…………… “ yes, that’s a really good question”…………2 metres for ever???………… a rally in Calais. ………… GBHMTQAOGC 🇬🇧🌈🇨🇦
26. May 16
MM ANON …… “ I’m keeping my tennis shoes on”……… “I’m not getting out of bed for less than 3mill” …… cold nose undercover ………… a learning yearning ………… “friends thou hast, and there adoption tried “…… …… 🎼ya gotta give a little 🎼……………… “I’m not happy about them returning William “ …………… “ One needs ones hair attended too”………… “ I’ll bloody cut it myself !!”……… “ I know!! … SYDNEY!!”
27. May 17
MM ANON …… a Diamond evaluator ……… Of no consequence whatsoever ……… straight to credits. ………… LA Confidential ………… 🎼no sir I don’t mean maybe 🎼…………… 🎼Don’t fence me in🎼…………… “ I want Adele you a story “……………… The man from U.N.C.L.E. Harry …………… “ ones lockdown sucks” ………… “ miserable without Boddys old thing “ …………… “Sydney’s slacking “.
28. May 18
MM ANON ……… a personal loss………… the Dynamic Duo………… FPhishing……Nlcola Nike Snike ………… Hydroxy- foxy(do not do this at home)…………………” a suitable case for ( shhhhh) treatment “ ………… “ no comment “ …………… “ a game of cards old thing “…………… “patience Philip ……………” ………… ma’am , it’s Charlotte and George on tic-toc…………… “dance, gan, gan, you dance, … Sydney!! 
29. May 19
MM ANON …… Ana-adversity …… the gathering marital storm…………” first family visit will be the United States when normalisation hits ma’am” …………”life will return ma’am”……… Who is that? …………… guesting the testing ……… “ they won’t return early ma’am”…………… “one speaks to Catherine,daily , and the little ones” ……… “it’s interminable Sydney,” …” a Little top-up sir”
30. May 20
MM ANON … Regarding the gathering of unhappy people, slutmeg only invited the men she had slept with , with their +ones ……… the members of the RF who attended treating it as a pantomime and a priceless observation of side- eyes and laughter. HMTQ look at slutmeg… EPIC. 😂😂😂😂😂😱😱😱😱😱
31. May 20
MM ANON ……… 5 years old ‘ COVID security ……… transmission admission??……… 1st. June. …………… A pollution solution ………… free at last……… kiss 💋 me 😱😱😱………… another Father???…………… Spanish,French and judo 😂😂😂…………… lies,damm lies, and MM……… an expensive squat………… A Greece-y gamble. ………… “ is one sitting comfortably’ good, Once apon a time “
32. May 21
MM ANON …… “what , seen at Lympstone “………… a Diplomatic retreat ……… A-Nul-ment………… NY bio-diver-city……… facegrime ………… Charles, a man for all see-sons……… thermal Heathrow ………… 1st Solo address ………… high-end-ing ………… “ clever children, such a lovely dance”……… “ no darlings gan-pops with Sydney “………… “ yes’ we’ll all bake a cake “………… “ pretty Jim-jams Charlotte “.
33. May 22
MM ANON …… 88 two fat ladies ……… two blacked out Discovery’s in St Leonard’s ……… Priti Draconian …… pray,or else!! ………… gel my temperature ……… wash your hands then wrinkle cream ……… a memorial event ………… Hong-Gone…………” well, wake him up Sydney!!………… “bloody hell Sydney “ ………… “ sorry ma’am , Charlotte wants to play bingo”……… “ wonderful , clickerty duck”
34. May 23
MM ANON …… 44 million? ………… anons’ how much on clothes?………… “still looked trash”………… evidences of past yachting 😱😱😱😱😱………… LA EX?? ………… “ in Exeter”…………… “ Josh Stones!!“………… a second peak? ……………not in Spain 🥳🥳🥳………… meanwhile in WC. ……… “ gan gan I want a tiara “ ………… “ and one day you shall “ ……… “ is nanny back Catherine?”……… “where’s my bloody slippers “ ……” your wearing them sir”
35. May 23
ANON … As we all submit our little posts give a thought for the reason we can , it’s the ever faithful skippy and her eclectic forum ……… love, prayers, animals, history, royalty, and silliness ……… god bless you dear skippy 💜💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
36. May 24
MM ANON …… Cummings going?………Lottie nottie going ……… Harry’s 💡 idea……… “give birth? Incapable!! ……… “during yachting “………… “ I’ve seen the evidence “ ………… “ she lied to TBRF” ……… MOS knows!! …… 🎼we’re all going on a summer 🎼………… to pray or not pray………… “ Pleeeeez gan gan!! “……… “ one day you shall sweet girl” ……… “ next year , if things are admissible “ ……… “ he’s a tad grumpy ma’am”……… “ ignore him Sydney”
37. May 25
MM ANON …… Charlottes WWWeb……… Rules, What Rules. ……… in flight,flight. ………… Tinsel down……… hugs not bugs ………… non essential retailers open ………… no pubs, sport , cinemas, theatres, …………… Cummings,a shaggy dog story. ……… a very angry electorate ………… “ I want to go school gan gan”………“let’s see your dancing “………”no, school gan gan!!……… “ Oooooo, whats mummy doing “ ………… “ Sydney, refreshments ‘please.
38. May 25
MM ANON …… MEMORIAL DAY …IN HONOUR OF THEIR SERVICE ……………… 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇬🇧
39. May 26
MM ANON …… Kate re-opening high street……… “excellent, as retail ambassador “……… W&K will have the public’s ear” …………”a late family tour ma’am’……… “ that’ll put a a Kate among the pidgins” …… “ a damaging tome sir “……… “ opening book shops, how’ll that work?……… “you can’t handle books……… “ o’ Philip, a quiet night”…… “ bloody hell !! What’ no tic-toc ?……… “nanny’s organised bingo”:…… “ ahhh, ……… Sydney ‘ something strong!!
40. May 27
41. May 27
MM ANON ………”I get tired of Lottie tic-toc-ing” ………… “little Louis gets tired using the trampoline “……… “ I’m off to Queens,tennis “……… back on his Ducati……… Nanny is making 🥘 paella ………… “I’ve managed to acquire that box set ma’am” …… “ Gangs of London or The Sopranos“……… both ma’am”……… “bloody epic Sydney “……… “ is that bumbling Minister still running round the palace “……… “ tell him to piss-orf”……… “ top-ups”
42. May 28
MM ANON …… MM drone ing on…… tittle Tatler ……… lockdown tour T-shirt ………… ahhhhhhh, rate!! ……… school digital haves’ digital have nots……… rid the clap!! ………… one metre ………… “ it’s football Jim, but not as we know it “………… “To his good friends, thus wide lle ope my Armes: ……… “ look Philip,it’s Louis bouncing “ ……… “they have a new dance”……… “ return of a routine“…………” Maria and Lottie swimming “ …… “bloody hydrotherapy on Sunday “……… “ I think that’s enough Sydney “
43. May 29
MM ANON ……… looting/ shooting ………… “ tic-toc Nanny”………… “ ok! Charlotte, get Louis too” ……… “ George,do it properly “……… W&K , It’s a challenging schedule ma’am” …………” there having a bike day at Brands Hatch with Ducati “ ……… “ Nottingham cottage ma’am”………… “like old times ma’ am”……………” I’ll have a quiet word with Donald “………… “ not Philip, his diplomacy is wanting”………… “exiting times ma’am”……… “ one shall insist on compliance Christopher “
44. May 30
MM ANON …………… another billionaire friend ………… she lies on lies…………desperate for attention ……… a roadmap to nowhere ……… up up and away ……… all white on the night …………LTA talks with Kate ………… MENSA with Charlotte??………… “ bright as a button ma’am”. …… “ not this side of the family “………” there coming over next week”………” Mmmmm , live tic-toc”……… fairycakes Sydney.
45. May 31
MM ANON …… it Musk be love ……… nine elms………… agent provocateur ………… teetering on the edge………… body cams?? ………… amateur photographers unite ………… front line statue ……… 🎼I heard it on the grapevine 🎼………… “ no darling not today”……” we’re going to visit gan gan” …………”staying overnight ma’am” ………… “ a few days Sydney “………… “ tomorrow night, it’s a little concert Philip, don’t get grumpy “ ………… “bloody hell, I’m low on refreshments. “
46. June 01
MM ANON … Balmoral Fern………… plastic Nile. ………… in the Bunker ………… Autopsy …………………Truth , Justice and the American way ………… WC welcome …………… “ would one know how to barbecue Sydney??” ………… William will oblige ma’am……”one prefers coronation chicken “…………… “unicorn sausages ,Lottie George??……… “just salad ma’am. “
47. June 02
MM ANON ……… keep your distance ………” it’s a curfew Jim , but not as we know it “ …… “ A plague o’ both your houses “……… house today , gone tomorrow ………… “all lives matter “ …………… cut and roots and streaks ……… B&EC are reluctant to return ………… Minister misleads testing ……… office of national ridistics ……… 🎼I I see a bad moon rising 🎼………… blackout Tuesday ………… “ “wear a body-cam old thing, then I can pretend I’m riding “ …………… “one would look ridiculous Philip!!”……… “ Sydney, stop pouring “
48. June 03
MM ANON …… 2020 another royal baby ………… development in Portugal ……… more charges eminent Minnesota ……… a wet summer ………… ISS a strange smell? ……… … London protests …………NAACP……… size 12 , and the shoes 👠 ……………” mummy , mummy- goes viral ………” we’ll old thing, I wasn’t expecting that ending “……… “ so enjoyable Philip ‘ anymore Sydney?……… “ I think Catherine has Peaky-Blinders ma’am” …… “ is it a bit GBH ? “ ……… “ yes ma’am”……… “Ohhhh goody”.
49. June 04
MM ANON ……MM heartfelt acting……… W&K just heartfelt 💓………… the Tatler connection ………… 🎼stormy weather …………… 🎼………… MadDog…………2nd degree. X 4……………… 14 days to binge. ……… a Russian contamination …………vaccine summit ……… ”that’s a terrible selfie Philip, it’ll frighten her” ………” let Sydney do it!! “ ……… “take one together ma’am” ……… “ give me the bloody thing !! “ …… bloody tic-toc “ ………… “ one zooms” ……… “get him some refreshments Sydney”
50. June 04
MM ANON …… “ Heartfelt video “ anything heartfelt in the life of MM is self indulgent. A selfish PR attempt to seem engaged in the national conciseness Her agenda …… “how can I make this about ME!!! “ this woman is so shallow. ………… a Caucasian of infinite insults. A pitifully example of insecurity and ego. A walking talking resentment. God help her!!
51. June 5
MM ANON …… never look a gift bandwagon in the mouth…… everyone is crawling out the woodwork ……… “I’m covert 19 , fly me” ……… M&H on the March??? ………… over 40,000………… flight attendant/ ……… the dodgy R…………… mandatory masks ………… The Amazon too ??? ………… online celebrity … “ There here Philip “ …………” one has to distance darlings “ …… “ yes there lovely shoes” ……… “ look Philip, live tic-toc “………” it’s wonderful wonderful “ ………… “amazing, he’s shot up “ ………” shall we have a little refreshments?”
52. June 6
MM ANON …… the battle of Whitehall ……… agent Provocateurs………new trading …… it’s a Sunday Jim ,but not as we know it ………… social distancing got wet……… antibodies have the answer ……… R is above 1 in the SWest Of England. 😱😱😱😱……… second spike😱😱😱………🎼when I was 65 ,it was a very good year 🎼………… “ look it’s mummies wedding “ ……… “it’s mummy gan gan” ……… “ yes , so pretty the coach “ ………” I want one “ ……… “ one day sweetie, one day” ………” will you come gan gan ? “ ………… “ I’ll try darling “.
53. June 7
MM ANON …… I’d like to thank pg /LK and all the anons who attempt/ solve and interpretations of the riddles that skippy graciously lets me post 💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💓💓💓🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Many thanks to all those who partake.
54. June 7
MM ANON ……who’s her next favourite millionaire ……… Malibu?? ……… NYC??……… another sad video cry for help ……… archificial ( firsts words) 🤣🤣🤣………… mad / bad & dangerous to know ……… “ it’s me, me film me!! ………… “ turn around!! “ ……… “ he’s not letting her agenda rule” ………” this is not up for debate “………… “yes ones looking forward to traveling up there “ ………” get in touch with the Gillie” …………… “ can one travel to ones other residence?…………… “ can’t find my bloody glasses, Sydney!!
55. June 8
MM ANON ……D.O.J.……… A Stern retort. ………… the sept. Soothsayer ……… A 14 day suicide for the trade………… in court today ……… Beatrice tooo tu!! …………… wonderful Wessex……… more photos from Kate??? ……… no fuss birthday ………… “ shall one suggest a gathering of 8 .” ………” no, silly’ Balmoral?? ……… MM desperatum iri videbatur……
56. June 9
MM ANON ……… everyone and their brother,brother ……… wow!! What a photo Kate!!…………… little Louis gets a surprise …………… a well rounded future of three( four) ……… A birthday tic-toc dance………… “ do Catherine , come and bring the children “………… “maybe a change of routine “………… “ Both of you are an example hope”……… “ yes George,I’ll see if we can get to a match”
57. June 10
MM ANON … Gone……………everything is now B&W…………… “ but’ tomorrow is another day”………… “ but old thing, I look like bloody Bela Lugosi” ………… “ shutup Philip”……… “ just Take the bloody picture “.………”they’ve hardly ever been on a train William “………… “ yes , they’d be very excited 😜 “ ………… 🎼we’re all going to the zoo tomorrow 🎼…………… she lies for exposure……… yachting’ secret exposure !! …………… this time it’s explosive!! ………… “ great scoop Beth.”
58. June 11.
MM ANON …… dib dib dib……… one metre before July …………care-ing monarch online ……… 🎼What picture,what a photograph 🎼………… DOC museum of photography ? ………. Columbus falls……… “ I shall insist it’s the best TTC old thing “ …………a trace race. ………… Sunday Balmoral?? ………… “ plenty of fresh air for them” ……… “ in the lodge” ……… “C&C can stay here” ……………” your good at this zoom lark old thing “…………… “Group Of eight, a dinner party
59. June 12
MM ANON …… for the anon who thinks she has superior knowledge of the riddles and has a problem with the wonderful interpretations of LK and pg. ……… I suggest you join the other ignorant anons who pay us a fleeting visit ……………THEN DISAPPEAR!! Skippy, we’re the ones who love you 💜💜💜💜💜
60. June 12
MM ANON …… my BFF , sacked……… mr President,welcome ……… on mental health ‘ goal……… “they’ll still turn up old thing “………… “ they won’t see anything Philip “ ……… Boris,incandescent!! ……… “🍕 Pizza night children “………… “ thecrown old thing “ ……… “ NO!!” ………… “ we haven’t finished peakyblinders” ……… “ bloody brummies” ……… “ PHILIP!!………… Sydney ‘ we’re out of your refreshment sir “ ………… WHAT!!
61. June 13
MM ANON …HMTQ was social distancing ……… beautiful in blue……… “ amazing bloody parade “…… to Broach the subject …… “ you looked magnificent old thing”. ……… KHAN GET IT RIGHT …… a WEE disturbing …… hugs 🤗 not bugs……… the China syndrome ……… open market 😱😱😱………… won’t ring Beijing …………… “ Ahhh, Sydney, you refreshed the refreshments “ ………” ignore him Sydney “………… “ I found an old vidio TTC , 1975 Old thing, our favourite hits” ……… “ those were ones days” ………” we looked the mutts-nuts old thing
62. June 14
MM ANON …… Adeleville……… Westfield?? ………… Charlottes delivery …………… 🎼grab the cash with both hands🎼………… another scam charity …………… she’s a race… ist ………… she publishes the book ………………… we will destroy her, we have the tapes…… “ no more Mrs, nice ma’am!! “ ………… “ ones gloves are orf Christopher ………… “ it was a very good year,old thing “.
63. June 15.
MM ANON ……… Shetland lift-off……… LIZA with a ‘ don’t know em……………” it’s shopping Jim, but not as we show it……… “ matter of fact it’s all dark” …………… first jet easy ………… Brexit,old white guys drinking a lot. …………… a moment of reckoning ……… a virtual Wimbledon?? ………… Catherine to the rescue …… “ Ahhh , a relaxing night old thing “ …………… “Sydney’s provided a new box set” …… “Boardwalk Empire” ………“ bit violent old thing” ……… “ Epic Philip!!”…… “ones usual Sydney “………… “great!! No bloody tic toc.
64. June 16
MM ANON …… “she Ascot nothing on me” ………… para-thanks William ……… PC , LOST weight??…………Oxford,Oxford ……… STIR-oid ………U-Turn dinner …………… falling tragedy ………… the Paris peasants are revolting ……… ……… “ we can still dress-up cabbage 🥬 “ ………… “Anne, my yellow ensemble”……… “Sydney ‘ a photo”………… “that’s a keeper, old thing” ……… “ here we go , tic-toc, the three of them” ………… “O, and Catherine!!” ………… “ ehhhh, And William “ ………… “ make it a double Sydney “…… “ how entertaining Philip “
65. June 17
MM ANON … Goal no goal, offside!! …………red zone……… rear ended,whoops!! ………… saliva sample ………… another rally?? …………… a £ 900,000 paint job. ………… madam NYC incognito …………ZOOM to William ……… mutant outbreak confirmed ……………… NDA bombshell. …………joining the UN? …………… Chile lockdown ………”how many episodes old thing “ ………… “ yes , that Nucky chappie is a tad violent” ………… “ she’s meeting at Wimbledon “……………… “ Nanny’s taking them to the zoo”
66. June 18
MM ANON ……… “NEVER………… “ ………” mon dieu” …… 🎼some sunny day 🎼……… “ good to meet again Mr President “………air corridor ……… “ to be honest,he was an obnoxious old bastard” ……… world beating 🍒……… non app- licable …… “ Bolt-hole. ………… self interest ……… BOE- more money!! …………… pepper sprayed……… “ O Philip, it’s the last one “……… “Always Downton Abbey old thing”
67. June 19
MM ANON …… HMTQ boost……… cup cakes in kings-him ………… Garden-send-her ……… September kids ………… hack Australia ………… Bei-ching ………… Charlotte & George together ………… no longer alert ?? ………… “ get packed Philip we’re orf soon” ………debt, what debt? ……… slave day………… ONS………… “ bubble bubble- toil and trouble” ……… 🎼teach your children well🎼………… “Sydney ‘ don’t forget my tigger PJs”……… 🎼swing low,sweet chariot 🎼………… “ Cabbage ‘ it’s tic-toc time”.
68. June 20
MM ANON ……… Hello!! ………… “ It’s a rally Jim , ……… viva espana ………… 🎼drink, drink, drink,🎼…………… black wall……… MM , another agenda!! ………… bollotics ………… “ Kate and William,the children are with nanny “ ………… “ Dover Sole and lemon parfait old thing “………… cream caramel,and Irish coffee Sydney!! ………… “September 9th ma’am. …… “ Stay over Catherine “
69. June 21
MM ANON … give us a hug………… Duchess of Cambridge Royal collection ……… in the footsteps of lord Lichfield ………… EOS C700 Christmas present … … “ slow the testing down”…………Kung-flu…………… Size matters………… reopening NYC……… “ get ya hair 💇🏽‍♀️💇🏼‍♂️cut” …………… “ 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️🍺 “ ………… Rachel for president?? …………… archificial daddy day?? ……… spotted in St Johns Wood.
70. June 22
MM ANON ……… noose-car……… Ahhhh, Germany……… BOE-meltdown ………… free at last………… testing the TEST!! 🏏……… Terrorisk ………… ONE ,small step………”I think She’s turning Japanese”………… Saint Lennox …………… A rush of wind…………… “ well now you’re free to be reunited with the little monsters”……… “ bloody hell’ what a joy” ………… “ O Philip ‘ hugs 🤗 lots of hugs” ………… “ and live tic-toc , I can hardly wait “ ………” I’ll have to muster some liquid courage, Sydney!! “
71. June 25
MM ANON ……”they seek him there” ……… your services are no longer required ……… street rumble ……… phwew, wot a scorcher………… we’ll fight them on the beaches ………… it’s sunburn Jim , but not as we know it ………… mutation sensation ……………🎼you’ll neeeeeeever walk alone🎼……………… sign on the million dotted line ………… take the TRASH out…………… “ a letter ma’am”.
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thesculptedflower · 4 years
Blue Velvet / Chapter 5
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Chapter 5
In the following weeks, Ed kept leaving more notes for her, each of them having a closer picture of his address. They kept seeing each other in secret in the meanwhile, when ever they could, usually after her shows. But the meetings were awfully short, Victor trailing behind her like a shark whenever she performed. Y/N had almost figured out where Ed lived, when Oswald dropped the news to her. He was going to run for mayor of Gotham, and had hired Ed as his Chief of Staff. Although it meant that Ed would spend a lot of time at the manor, it made it almost unbearable to be that close to him, unable to be with him. They would steal quick kisses from each other whenever no one saw them, or find their way in one of the many closets of the house. But the fear of getting caught was always present. 
*     *     *     *     *     *
’’I’ve been thinking about buying a new club.’’ Oswald said suddenly, pulling her out of her day dreams. ’’That sounds amazing, I would love a change of scenery.’’ Y/N joked, laughing softly as she polished her violin. They were both lounging in the living room, basking in the warm glow of the fireplace, enjoying a moment together before going to bed. Oswald was going through his papers, a troubled expression on his face. ’’Can I ask you something?’’ He asked, crossing his hands on the desk. She looked up at him from the settee and nodded. ’’Anything.’’
Oswald stayed silent for a moment, figuring out how to present his problems. ’’I think I’ve fallen in love. And my mother always said, that life gives you only one true love, and when you find it, you need to keep it.’’ He started, looking at the fireplace, the glow illuminating on his face. Y/N placed the violin down next to her and focused on Oswald. ’’I think that sounds beautiful, and if they feel the same towards you, what’s keeping you from advancing?’’ She asked, feeling truly happy for him. Oswald didn’t have many friends and she hoped it would do him good to have someone he trusted on his side. He took a deep breath and moved his eyes to hers. ’’It’s Ed.’’ 
Y/N had to control herself from showing any shock that she was feeling at that moment. She had noticed that Oswald and Ed had gotten a lot closer as they worked on the campaign, but she never knew it was like this. And it broke her heart. ’’Do you know, if he feels the same?’’ She asked carefully. Oswald shook his head lightly. 
’’No, and I don’t know if I have enough courage to ask him.’’ 
’’Well, I think you should carefully test the waters.’’ Y/N proposed, trying to remain from giving too detailed advice. She didn’t know how she would tell about this to Ed, if she even should tell him. Would she need to break up with Ed and break his heart, so that Oswald wouldn’t have to watch them be happy, when what they had, was all that he had ever wanted. Or would she have to break Oswalds heart by telling him about the relationship. All this was too much, so Y/N excused herself and locked herself in a bathroom. 
She leaned on the sink and looked at herself from the mirror. She deserved to be happy, for once. But so did Oswald. How could she look or kiss Ed, knowing that Oswald - who had given her this new life, saving her from the cold streets - was craving to feel loved by Ed. The thoughts in her head were driving her closer to a panic attack, when shouting from the living room startled her. 
’’Hands up, bird!’’ Someone shouted, ’’Where’s the girl?’’ 
She covered her mouth with her hands, trying to listen. 
’’She’s not here, and I won’t tell where she’s gone.’’ Oswald argued. 
Y/N knew that Oswald had hidden guns through the house for situations like this, so there should be one in this bathroom too. Quietly, she went through the cabinets, when she finally found a small handgun. She had never shot a gun before, and had hoped that she never needed to, but the situation was looking grim for Oswald. Slowly, and very carefully, she cracked the door open just enough so she could see the intruder. He didn’t look familiar, but he had a gang jacket on. His face was covered with a thick beard and few scars here and there. Behind him she could see someone lying on the ground, probably one of Oswalds guards. Which meant that they were all most likely dead. He had managed to get in so quietly that neither of them hadn’t heard a thing. 
Y/N leaned her back against the wall, trying to calm down, taking deep breaths. She knew she’d need to shoot the intruder, and the shot would have to be perfect. ’’You can do it, it’s just selfdefense, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.’’ She thought, repeating the words in her head. 
The intruder grabbed the violin from the couch and moved it closer to the fireplace. ’’No! Put that violin down.’’ Oswald tried to say as powerfully as he could, taking a careful step towards the man, his hands still up. Y/N’s heart jumped to her throat as she returned to look through the door. ’’Not a step forward!’’ The man shouted. The smile on his face was so evil Y/N swore she’d rip that smug off his face if he did something to her violin. Her violin was so close to the fireplace it’s bottom had started to get black from the rising smoke. 
’’It would be a terrible shame if something happened to this beautiful instrument.’’ Oswald tried to say something against the man, but he was once again faced with the end of the gun aimed at his head. ’’The Street Demonz send their regards to the mayor candidate.’’ 
The violin dropped to the flames and everything seemed to be in slow motion in Y/N’s eyes. Ash from the fireplace flew up and around the room as the flames swallowed the instrument that meant the world to her. Consumed by blind rage, she kicked the door open, pointing her gun at the man’s head. She held the gun with a sudden certainty, that she would hit her target with ease. Her eyes never left the target. 
’’Well, well, well, finally she graces us with her beautiful presence. Sing a song for me will you, babe?’’ The words he let out made her feel sick, every single one making it easier to pull the trigger. 
’’Y/N, don’t do anything you’ll regret later.’’ Oswald pleaded, slowly moving closer to her, so he could get the gun. But he feared, there was no way she would let this slide.
’’Don’t be such a bitch, let’s have some fu-.’’
A gunshot echoed trough the manor. She didn’t even flinch.
*     *     *     *     *     *
All her memories and dreams were burned with the violin. It was the only thing left from her past life, and now without it, she was falling rapidly to the darker side. There was nothing keeping her from embracing the new version of herself. She lost a part of herself with that violin. And another part with the bullet that left her gun. 
The gang member laid on the floor, blood pooling around his head. The bullet hit him right in the middle of his forehead, taking him out instantly. Oswald walked next to her, carefully taking the gun from her hand and then pulling her to a hug. She returned the hug, but noticed the lack of emotion she was having. All she wanted at that moment, was to be with Ed, but now it seemed impossible. What would he think about her now? Would he want to continue with her, now that she was tainted like the others. 
Oswald tried to talk to her, but she didn’t seem to hear a word, until Victor ran in the room.
’’I got the buzzer that there was a problem, but it looks like I’m not needed anymore.’’ Victor said, eying the room and the hallways with bodies all over. ‘’Well, you’re a little late Victor!’’ Oswald nearly shouted, clearly angry about the situation. If Victor hadn’t been late, she wouldn't have had to shoot. Victor made an expression, telling that he was sorry with out words. He walked over to the body of the Street Demon. ’’Nice shot Mr. Cobblepot.’’
’’It was me.’’ Y/N said, before Oswald could lie about it. Victor lifted his eyes to hers, one eyebrow arched. She could see he wasn’t sure how to take the information. Maybe he didn’t believe it. ’’Nice shot, Miss Y/L, then.’’ He repeated, coming back over to her and Oswald. ’’I could give you some lessons, if you want. There’s clearly a lot of potential in you.’’ Victor was clearly worried about her using a gun without any practice, even if her first shot ever had been a bull’s eye. Y/N only nodded weakly. ’’I need some air.’’ She whispered, taking the gun back from Oswald. ’’And please, don’t follow me.’’ She continued, leaving through the front door. Oswald and Victor could only watch her leave, knowing better that there was nothing they could say to her, to make her feel better. 
The cool night air hit against her face, lifting goosebumps on her skin. The sky was dark from heavy clouds, and it would start to rain any minute. Her mind was almost blank, the only thing occupying her thoughts being the frozen face of the Street Demon. She pushed her hands in to her pockets and felt a note Ed had left for her. She pulled it out and opened it. ’’This is the last one.’’ Was written on the back side. The part of the map wasn’t exactly close to the Cobblepot manor, but there was no other place she’d rather be right now, than with Ed. So she followed the lead, and started walking.
*     *     *     *     *     *
When she got to Ed’s door, she was soaked. Her body was shivering from the cold, but she didn’t show any signs of it bothering her. The clock was nearly three in the morning, and Y/N wasn’t even sure if he’d be home. So she hoped for the best and knocked on the door. Lucky for her, Ed is a really light sleeper.
When the door was opened, she was met with a pair of tired brown eyes, and a gun. Ed immediately dropped the gun when his brain realized it was her. 
’’Hey, what are you doing here at this hour? Is Victor with you? You shouldn’t be alone here in the night.’’ He said, pulling her inside and making sure that no one saw them. ’’What happened? You’re freezing, let me get you something dry.’’ He kept speaking worriedly, trying to find anything that would fit her at least a little. 
’’Ed, please, stop.’’ She said quietly, keeping her eyes on the ground. He didn’t hear her. Ed came back to her, helping her out of the wet clothes and wrapping a blanket around her. ’’Are you okay? Did something happen at the club?’’ He asked, trying to get some kind of answer out of her. He helped her on the bed and sat down next to her, holding her hands in his, blowing warm air into them. She stared at his deep eyes and saw so much love in them. Love for her. She felt the pain that came from pulling the trigger finally sneaking in to her heart. She had shot a person. And there was no going back.
’’I shot someone.’’
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heathsbitch · 4 years
Treat You Better ➳ PEAKY BLINDERS
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          "Why the fuck did you do that? What were ya fucking thinking?" Alfie Solomons screamed at his daughter, Ivy. He continued to shout words of abuse at the girl and she stood there silently, heart pounding against her ribcage. Alfie had sold Ivy off to a stranger for the night because she needed to 'be taught a lesson', in his words.
But she didn't like that and she certainly didn't agree with it.
Ivy had panicked when she arrived at the man's doorstep and ended up running away without a second thought as to what her father would do when he found out." You are a fucking disappointment to this family, a huge fucking mistake." Her father finished off his soliloquy with a sentence that stabbed straight through the girl's heart. Ivy and Alfie had always clashed, ever since her mother left. But she still loved the man, and the feelings were reciprocated; until that last word came tumbling from his mouth. "I hate you!" Ivy finally replied. Alfie's hand came crashing down onto his daughter's cheek. She fell to the floor, her hand clutching the point of collision. Her cheek burned with pain and tears threatened to spill from her icy eyes. Her knees shook as she tried to drag herself back into a standing position. Alfie's chest heaved as he watched his daughter on the floor, a war of emotions plaguing his head, 'Was that necessary?'
As soon as she gained her balance back, Ivy darted off to her room. Fading streaks of light from the streetlamps outside illuminated the small room. Wallpaper had begun to peel in the corners and the desk that sat in the corner was chipped with knife marks. With haste, the girl packed essential things in her bag and slipped two flip knives into either one of her boots. A gun rested in the holster strapped to her thigh for emergencies. Ivy had always been a cautious girl. Being the daughter of the infamous Alfie Solomons was a tough profession. Usually, she handled it well. But, this was the final straw. Ivy sprinted for the door, trying as hard as she could to avoid more confrontation with her father. As she hit the threshold to their home, shouts were heard from down the hallway, "Ivy, stop. Just think about what you're doing, yeah?"
She didn't listen.
The door slammed behind her and the bitter London streets hit the girl like a frozen wall of ice. Goosebumps rose on her skin, a shiver sliding through her body. She was dressed in a simple shirt and long skirt with some flat boots. "Should've brought a jacket." She whimpered to herself. She walked and walked. Ivy's boots slapped the grey pavement underneath. London was a dangerous city in the day, but she had no idea what it was like at night. Music from various clubs boomed through the streets. They stretched high into the night sky, casting eerie shadows upon her form and the foggy London streets. Callous laughter came from behind her. Ivy spun around on her heels to search for the origin of the sound. Two figures emerged from a side alley, both armed with what looked like small knives. "Shit." She whispered although no one could hear her. They advanced on the girl. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing out here at this time?" The taller man asked, a cockney accent sending even more shivers down Ivy's spine. The other one grabbed her arms from behind her ."No!" She yelled in protest. "Get off of me!" The girl wriggled, trying to get out of his grasp. The taller man swung his knife at her. It connected with Ivy's thigh, blood seeped out of the small cut. They started to drag her into a dark alley. Fists and legs were flying everywhere. Screams erupted from the teen's throat.
But it was of no use. She had to use a slightly more violent option.
Strong arms pinned her to the dirty floor of the alley way. It scratched her once-smooth skin, more crimson liquid began to stain her arms. She felt her skirt being lifted up. Her actions became more sporadic, until she could reach her boot. A cold object touched Ivy's fingertips. She tugged at it and thrusted it into one of the men. It was her knife. Blood came spurting out of the man, a pool formed at the girl's feet, partly tainting her leather boots. She hitched her skirt up just high enough so she could reach the small revolver that rested there. Bang! Bang! The bodies slapped the floor.
Silence. Her breaths came out, short and irregular. One thought raced through her head, 'What have I done?'
The girl's body shook and quivered, this time it wasn't the cold air. She heard shouts coming from the opening of the alley way. Ivy's legs gave way underneath her and her eyes started to droop. Arms grabbed the teen again, but they were to stop her from falling. "Fuck me." A strong Birmingham accent came from above. The world was spinning. Colours were merging with each other. "What the fuck happened here?" Another man said from above her, in a similar accent to the other one. The man that cradled the girl stayed still. He didn't speak. "Tommy. Tommy!" The first man shouted. Then he spoke. "We have to get her out of here." A simple instruction. "Did she just shoot them?" The second man spoke. "Help me." The supposed 'Tommy' said. No movement was heard so the man shouted again, "John, help me with her!" Her eyes gradually closed but she could feel her body being lifted up. Darkness consumed Ivy. Her consciousness drifted further and further away from her. She desperately tried to stay awake, but the void took over. The last thing she saw was a pair of piercing blue eyes.
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"Remind me to never get on your bad side." His voice echoed throughout the empty hall. "Stop lying to me Ezekiel, I'm not that good." I complained as I gave the small revolver that once rested in my hand back to Ezekiel. The man chuckled, his voice reverberating and his smile stretched from ear to ear. He was a kind man and he never told any lies; I knew that. "I'm being serious, petal. You're incredibly talented, and lethal." With the last words falling from his thick lips, he grabbed my small frame and started to spin me around in his arms. Small squeals came from me as well as laughter from the pair of us. "Stop, I'm getting dizzy!" I warned and so the man complied, gently placing me back on my feet. I stumbled but Ezekiel kept a hold on me to support me. "Thank you, Zeke." I told him in a serious tone, His eyebrow twitched, "Why do you sound so serious? I only put you down." He chuckled. "For everything. You've always been so kind to me and you taught me how to fight. Not to mention your wife teaching me all she knew about looking after people. I'll never forget anything about you." I beamed. Tears brewed in the dark eyes of Ezekiel, his arms wrapping around me once more to pull me into a hug.
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She woke up in an unfamiliar bed. It was only a dream, a memory, a lost memento.
The bed was comfortable, but foreign. Light flooded the basic room. Curtains hung above the chipped window sill. A shirt hung from the chair that sat at the old wooden desk. A cap hung on the back of the door. Something shiny was slightly poking out from it. Strange, 'Where am I?' Panic seeped through the small girl. 'Where am I? Am I with the men that tried to rape me? Where am I?' Then she remembered. She had killed those men and three different ones found her. They were from Birmingham, she thought, one of them was called Tommy, the leader presumably. Ivy tried to sit up but pain coursed through her small frame. Her eyes drifted to her arms. Cuts and bruises lay scattered over them. But there was no blood, someone had cleaned them. The door opened and a man with dark hair stepped in. "Good. You're awake." He said. She tried to sit up again, she wanted to defend herself. She didn't know if the man was dangerous or not. "It's alright, you can relax. If I wanted to hurt you, I would've done it by now." He sat on the bed next to Ivy and grunted in the process. She could see his face clearer now. She thought that it was the man that caught her, Tommy. He had the same piercing blue eyes. His jaw was sharp and his lips were thick and pursed but chapped. "Are you alright?" The girl nodded, scared to speak. The man put his large hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her, she flinched. "I'm not going to hurt you. We want to help you," We? Who else was here? "Now, can you tell me what happened in that street? The night we found you."
The pictures came flooding back into her mind. The bodies. The blood. The barbarity. Nausea pooled in her stomach. "It's alright if you can't tell me now. We can speak later." 'Tommy' stood up and walked over to the door. "I have some business to attend to now. Get some rest." And with that, he left. Ivy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Nothing made sense.
She lied in that bed for roughly ten minutes before she got bored. So, she decided to go exploring. The man said he had business to do so he was out, that meant that she was probably home alone. Groaning in pain, Ivy managed to drag herself from the bed and to the mirror on the other side of the bleak room. "Shit," She breathed out with a laugh; a large purple bruise covered half of her right cheek. A deep gash ran along the corner of her eyebrow and her bottom lip was split. She ran her injured hands over the wounds on her face then smirked. 'At least I fought back.' She thought. The girl wore the same clothes from the day before, at least, she thought it was the day before. Her shirt was ripped at the sleeves, though, and tainted with blood. Her skirt was still fully in-tact. She no longer wore her boots which meant that she didn't have her knives to hand. She quickly lifted up her skirt to check if her holster and gun was still there. The holster was but the gun wasn't. Her eyes briefly scanned the room in search for the weapons, just in case she needed to defend herself from the strangers. They were nowhere to be found along with her bag. He must've taken them. Smart.
Curiosity got the better of the teen. She stumbled out of the room and started to explore the stranger's house. She was stood in a dark corridor with a steep staircase stretched out in front of her. She knew it was rude to go snooping around a stranger's house, but she was a very curious person. On the walls were pictures, some holding quotes from the Bible and some holding family photos. There was this one picture at the bottom of the stairs, though. Three men stood side by side, all in uniform. One of them the girl recognised to be the man that came into the room, Tommy. The other two must've been the others in the alley. She smiled at the picture. The men that were in that photo were probably completely different now. No one really came back from the war, but at least they fought for their country. Ivy moved into the kitchen. Green decor lit up the room. The smell of smoke and whiskey filled her nose.
Her ears pricked at the voices that she heard. She was alone in the room as she had been through the rest of the house. She turned around to look at the wall where the voices were coming from. A huge, velvet curtain hung there. The girl laughed at how obvious it was. Pulling it back, Ivy saw a double door hidden behind it. "Interesting." She mumbled to herself.
Taking in a deep breath, she opened the doors. Her breath hitched in her throat when she saw a very large number of men stood in the secret room. They stopped talking and all stared at the small girl. "Tommy!" A man with a wonky hat yelled "She's awake." She looked around the room. 'Is this a betting shop?' Ivy thought. A green board with multiple names and numbers scribbled on it sat at the opposite end of the room. Rooms with bars for walls were dotted around as well. There seemed to be an orange hew to the room which danced with the shadows of the workers.
A boy, similar to Ivy's age, walked in from around the corner. He had pursed lips, auburn hair and was wearing a similar cap to the one she had seen in the bedroom. His eyes immediately met hers and his lips twitched. Her heart pounded against her chest, but the world went silent. Someone was shaking her shoulders but she couldn't take her eyes off of the boy.
"Oi, are you alright?" The man with the wonky hat was the one shaking the girl. Up close, he was quite handsome. Bright eyes, although not as bright as Tommy's, and thick lips. He was one of the soldiers from the photo, the youngest of the three by the looks of it. "Tommy wants you in his office." She didn't move because she didn't know where Tommy's office was. The man in front of her realised this and shouted to the boy that had previously caught her eye. "Finn, take her to Tommy's office. He wants to speak to 'er."
The boy, Finn, came closer to Ivy and tripped in the process. His face flushed a bright shade of red. She tried to contain her giggles, but still didn't move. "Alright Finn boy, keep your cock in your pants." Finn's face turned an even darker shade of crimson at the comment and lightly took her arm in his hand. "Come on." He said timidly. He led the girl to a very well decorated room. A tall woman with short, dark hair sat at a desk, "She can go straight in." She told Finn. He very quickly let go of her and dashed back to the other room. Ivy hesitated before opening the door.
The room was fairly large. Golden decorations scattered the rim of it. A small table lay in the centre, three chairs sat neatly underneath it. This room was nicer than the entirety of the house. If he could afford a room like this, why couldn't he get a better house? With caution, the teenager walked up the steps that led to his desk. "I see you're up and about. Sit down," She looked at the plush chair in front of her before sitting down. She winced in pain; her injuries crippled her small body. His gaze bore through the girl. Tommy scared her in a way. He had a very dominant air about him. He reminded Ivy of her own father, in a strange way.
"What's your name?" Tommy asked, leaning onto his desk. "Ivy, sir. Ivy Solomons." His eyebrow twitched at her last name. Clearly he recognised it. "Any relation to Alfie Solomons?" His brow furrowed as he intently listened for an answer. "Yes, he's my father." Panic began to seep through the girl, how did he know her father? Who was this man? "Why aren't you with him?" Tommy lent back in his chair but his ears were still pricked, keen to hear what the Solomons girl had to say. "I-I ran away." The girl stuttered as her heart slammed against her chest. Tommy pulled a small, silver tin from his pocket as he processed her words. "Why?" A cigarette was pulled from the case, a lighter then held up to its end. The man's eyes met the girl again as he slipped it into his mouth. Ivy tried to think of something to say, 'He can't know the truth, I can't go back to Alfie.'
"Why did you run away, Ivy?"
"H-he used to beat me and we got into another argument. I-I just couldn't take it anymore." Tears began to slip from her eyes, tiny sobs slipping from her lips. She cast her eyes to the floor, her hands coming to wipe the tears from her eyes. Tommy's brows furrowed again before he spoke, "Ivy, look at me," She complied, their eyes meeting once more. "It's alright, Alfie can't hurt you here."
"You can't protect me, no one can." More sobs racked the girl's body. "We can. You're in Birmingham. We're the Peaky Blinders. And I'm Thomas Shelby. No one can touch you here."
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A/N: This is a Finn Shelby x OC x Michael Gray love triangle, NOT a Finn x Michael fanfic. There will be smut in later chapters, it will be clearly marked so if you’re not comfortable with that then you can skip over it. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
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soobiniebaby · 4 years
Angels & Devils Part V: Just Jump
Tomorrow x Together Fanfiction
~ p a r t s : main post || prologue || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5 || part 6 || part 7 || part 8 || part 9 || part 10 || part 11 || part 12 || part 13 || part 14 || part 15 || part 16 || part 17 ~ p a i r i n g : love triangle involving choi soobin and choi yeonjun ~ g e n r e : high school au | some social media au | some fluff & angst | childhood friends | love triangle ~ l a n g u a g e : English ~ w a r n i n g : contains swearing, alcohol, kissing (?) and may contain mature themes (angst, etc.) ~ a / n : This will be my first fanfic (go easy on me pls) and i’m just writing this as I go along, so bear with me juseyo The setting (place/country) of the story is up to the reader’s interpretation ~ s u m m a r y : What should she choose? Han Baby: the new girl with a troubled past MO Academy: her new high school Choi Soobin: student council president, member of the Ecosave club, volunteer at the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of the Honor Society, a vocalist in the Jazzed club, the school’s all around golden boy Choi Yeonjun: leader of the Dance club, star of the Jazzed club, the school’s it boy with a bad rep 5 best friends, 1 new girl, 1 childhood friendship, 1 epic love triangle? What will this school year bring?
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B jumps from the couch, willing herself not to panic.
How long had they been asleep?
She reads Soobin’s messages and calls him up, walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind her so her sleeping best friend wouldn’t hear her. Soobin picks up on the first ring.
“B! I was getting worried, what’s going on there? Are you on the way?” Soobin says, his voice full of concern, though he had to speak louder to be heard above the noise of music blasting and people chatting in the background.
“Soobin, I’m so so sorry, we fell asleep and I just woke up. Kai’s still asleep, and wow sounds like the party’s in full swing already.” she says.
“Nah, it’s still pretty early, and a lot of people are still coming in. Get your asses here now!” he says, sounding excited.
“Alright alright, I’ll wake him up, get changed, and we’ll be on our way.” she says.
“Yay, you better hurry! See you soon, B.” Soobin says, and B hears people greeting Soobin with ‘Hey!’s in the background before hanging up the call.
B steps out of the bathroom and is surprised to see Kai awake and sitting up on the couch, arms stretched out. He stops mid-yawn when he sees her exiting the bathroom.
“Hey Baba, were you talking to someone just now? I woke up cause I heard voices and I got a bit freaked out.” Kai says, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“Oh yeah, Soobin just called. He’s asking me if I can drop by his place to pick something up for our project.” she says casually. “Do you wanna come with me? I’m sure Soobin wouldn’t mind.” 
Kai shrugs. “Sure, why not? I was gonna ask him and the boys if they wanted to have dinner together for my birthday anyway. What time is it?”
B checks her phone. “Oh wow, it’s already 7! Gotta hurry if we’re making dinner plans. I’ll call for a cab, get changed, and then we can go.” 
“Alrighty, I’ll freshen up a bit too.” Kai says, standing up and walking to the bathroom. “Why do you need to get changed, though? You look fine.”
B definitely did not look fine. Not for a party, at least. For her first wash day at MOA, she opted to wear an oversized hoodie with leggings and sneakers.
“Nah, I’ve been wearing these clothes all day, I wanna wear something a bit nicer if we’re going out for your birthday dinner.” she says, mentally patting herself on the back for coming up with a good excuse.
“I’ve been wearing these clothes all day too, but fine. It’s not like we’re going anywhere fancy or anything.” he says, trying to straighten out his sweatshirt.
“You look good, though. I’m just gonna touch up my makeup and change my clothes. Be ready in a minute.” she says, before walking into her bedroom and closing the door behind her.
She quickly rushes to her dresser and brushes through her hair, which fortunately didn’t get too disheveled throughout the day. Then, she carefully yet hurriedly worked on her makeup, doing black winged eyeliner, red lips, peach blush and golden highlight knowing that it was foolproof for any occasion.
Next, she throws the doors of her wardrobe open, mentally going through the possible outfit combinations she could put together in her head. She pulls out a few tops and bottoms from the cabinet and lays them on her bed, trying to decide what to wear. She wanted to look appropriately dressed for a party without raising suspicion from her best friend. 
She whips out her phone and sends out a quick message for help.
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She follows the girls’ advice and puts on a skirt, deciding that it did look a lot more suitable for the occasion. She puts on a pair of black sneakers and grabs a small black sling bag before exiting her bedroom, only to be greeted by Kai leaning against the backrest of the couch.
“Baba, wow! You look great, wow, I’m actually surprised you didn’t take longer.” he says as he looks her up and down. “I feel way underdressed now. Whoa, you even did your makeup all nice too.” he says, raising a brow. “Perhaps a bit too nice?”
Well, damn she thinks to herself. “It’s not too nice, I just wanted to look good for my best friend’s birthday dinner, that’s all.” she says, waving him off. 
“We’re just going to Soobin’s house though… is there something you’re not telling me?” he persists, resting a hand under his chin.
“Of course not! You’re being silly. Come on, we have to hurry, the cab’s a minute away.” she says, trying to stir away from the topic.
Kai grabs her arm as she tries to run for the door.
“Nuh-huh! Baba! I can’t believe you’re hiding something from me! Tell me, come on please?” Kai says, holding her in place and giving her puppy-dog eyes.
B sighs in defeat. “Alright, Ninging. What do you want me to say?” she says, desperate to get it over with so they wouldn’t be any later to the party than they already were.
“Just admit it!” he says, throwing his hands in the air. “It’s simple. Just say that you…”
“I…” she follows him.
“…have a crush…”
“…Have a crush…” she repeats.
“…on Soobin!” he finishes.
“…on Soobin…?” she repeats, letting the words sink in. “Wait, what?”
Hueningkai screeches as he laughs out loud, holding his stomach. “Ha! I knew it! No wonder you’re all dressed and made up! It’s cause we’re going to Soobin’s house and you like him.” he says teasingly.
B was about to deny it, but decided to just let it slide, knowing that her best friend wouldn’t let her leave without getting something out of her. “Whatever you say, now come on, let’s go.” she says, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the front door of her apartment.
“I knew you like him, I can see the way you two look at each other.” Kai continues as B fumbles with her keys to lock the front door. “Look, you’re even blushing!”
“Oh, shut up, no I’m not. We gotta run, the cab driver’s waiting downstairs.” she says dismissively. And with that, the two of them make their way to Soobin’s house.
Ding dong.
“Soobin! It’s me Hyuka, and Baba’s here with me! Hello?” Kai says, pounding on the front doors after ringing the doorbell for the third time. B had never been to Soobin’s house before, but to say it was huge was an understatement. It was even bigger than B’s family home, the driveway leading up to the double front doors of the house itself was pretty breathtaking already.
“Baba, can you text Soobin to let him know we’re here? All the lights are off, so it doesn’t look like anyone’s home.” Kai says, looking up at the house. The driveway had lights along the path, but the house itself was pitch black. B had already sent Soobin 5 messages since they left her place, but since he hasn’t responded, she wasn’t sure what the next part of the plan was.
“I already texted him, Ningning. He hasn’t replied yet.” she says, biting her lip. What was she supposed to do now?
Right on cue, her phone starts to ring, making the two of them jump in surprise.
“Oh, it’s Soobin, finally.” B says, but before she could answer the call, Kai grabs her phone and answers it himself.
“Soobin, we’re here! Where are you?” he asks. B doesn’t hear the other boy’s reply, but Kai continues. “Ah I see I see, you want us to go in through the back? Like, where the pool is? Why, are you too lazy to walk all the way to the front door again?”
Kai starts to walk towards the side of the house, into the garden and motions B over to follow him. “You’re getting your foyer renovated? Alright, we’re in the garden now, just a few more steps and—”
Just then, the two of them are blinded and deafened by a sudden flashing of bright lights, the blaring of upbeat music, and the collective chorus of about 200 people shouting “Surprise!”
Kai nearly drops B’s phone as she grabs her by the shoulder and shields himself with her body, while B covers her eyes with her hands.
“Wha—” Kai begins, until he sees Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Taehyun standing a few steps away from where he and B were frozen. Behind them, a couple hundred people were standing around in anticipation, most of them holding balloons and glow sticks.
“Happy birthday, Hyuka!” the 4 boys in front of them cheer. Kai steps away from B sheepishly with a wide grin on his face. “Wow, you guys really planned all this for me?”
“And you really used me as a human shield?” B says teasingly, punching him on the arm.
“And yes, indeed, we did.” Taehyun says, holding his arms out for a hug. “Happy birthday, Hyuka!”Kai laughs gleefully as he runs into Taehyun’s arms, and soon all 4 boys envelope him in a hug as everyone around them starts to cheer.
“You know, this wouldn’t have been possible without your best friend.” Soobin says, taking a step back and holding out an arm towards her. “Come here, B!”
Kai gives his best friend a knowing smile, and she rolls her eyes at him before smiling warmly at Soobin and walking towards him. He wraps an arm around her and thanks her before proclaiming “Now, let’s party!” which is met with cheers from everyone.
Yeonjun nurses the red cup in his hand, swirling the yellowish liquid around as he sits on a cooler by the patio and looks on at everyone around him, the party going into full swing. He liked to play a little game with himself wherein he observed people in groups and tried to figure out who was drunker than who.
Soobin had his arm around Hyuka’s shoulders as the 2 boys walked around the crowded back yard, with the older boy forcing the birthday boy to take a sip out of his red cup every time he was greeted with a “Happy birthday” as they walked through the crowd. He noticed now that Hyuka was also wearing a plastic crown on his head and was starting to wobble as he walked, and Soobin had to pull him to his side before the birthday boy lost his footing and nearly fell into the pool. The younger boy was clearly much drunker than the older boy.
Beomgyu and Taehyun were seated together around the fire pit with a group of Sophomores and Juniors from MOA. They seemed to be bickering as Beomgyu was loudly telling an over-exaggerated story to the crowd, waving his arms in the air for added effect, while Taehyun would interject every other sentence, and the people around them laughed and stared at the 2 boys. The older boy was definitely drunker than the younger boy, that is if Taehyun had had anything to drink at all.
Yeonjun let his eyes scan through the crowd again until they landed on B.
On Baby, who was dancing her heart out with a red cup in her hand, swaying her body alongside 2 sophomore girls, one of which Yeonjun recognized as Beomgyu’s ex, Ryujin. He watched them dance for a bit, trying to decipher who was drunker than who, when suddenly the 3 girls scream and cheer as Fancy by Twice starts to blare through the speakers. The other girl, the one he didn’t recognize, tilts her head back as Ryujin grabs the girls by the waist and starts jumping to the beat. He was ready to bet that the third girl was the drunkest one among the 3, until he sees Baby start to jump to the beat as well, the liquid spilling from her red cup.
He took a sip out of his own cup as he watched her, transfixed by her dancing. She wasn’t the best dancer by any means, heck she wasn’t a very good dancer at all, but he could tell she had rhythm since she was able to jump and spin and shake her hips right on beat every time, her short skirt dangerously swinging along as she did so.
Just then, the other girl whispers something into Baby’s ear, and her face lights up as she nods and her eyes scan the crowd. When she spots him, she screams out “Ningning!” so loud that almost everyone on the dance floor looks in her direction. She continues to scream his name, jumping up and down and waving her arms in the air, until Soobin sees her and starts guiding Hyuka towards her.
Yeonjun watches on as the 2 groups meet, and Hyuka throws himself from Soobin’s arms to Baby’s arms, who stumbles as she struggles to steady the drunk boy who was over a foot taller than her. Once she gets him to stand upright, she then introduces Hyuka to the third girl, who smiles brightly and giggles when Hyuka drunkenly says something to her as they start to talk. Ryujin briefly says hi to Soobin before turning to Baby as the two of them start to chat as well. The whole time, Yeonjun notices that Soobin had his eyes fixed on her. On the very same girl he had been watching for the past 10 minutes now.
Yeonjun couldn’t tell how drunk Soobin was, but the way he was staring at Baby made him wonder if it was because he was intoxicated or if it was something else. But how would he find out?
He sees Baby take her phone out and start taking selfies with the group. He sees her try to scream something into Soobin’s ear, then the two of them take selfies together, and he hears Hyuka’s dolphin-like squeals cheering them on as they do so.
Just then, Hyuka claps and starts to jump up and down with a mischievous grin on his face. From where he was standing, Yeonjun could hear Hyuka scream “Truth or Dare, now!” as he drags Baby and their group towards where Taehyun and Beomgyu were seated.
Beomgyu claps Hyuka on the back and urges him to take a seat, and they get the group to form a small circle for the game. As Taehyun procures an empty beer bottle and puts it in the middle, Soobin stops him from spinning it.
Yeonjun watches as Soobin’s eyes scan the crowd until they meet his. His face lights up as he shouts “Yeonjunie!” and motions for him to come over. Yeonjun can’t stop the smile from creeping up on his face as he nods, downs his cup and refills it before making his way through the crowd to join the circle.
“Hey, YJ!” Beomgyu cheers as Yeonjun approaches. He gives him a one-armed hug before offering him a seat, between Taehyun and Soobin, who puts an arm around his shoulders and rests his cheek on his shoulder.
Yeonjun laughs as Soobin rubs his cheek against Yeonjun’s shirt. “How drunk are you?” the blue-haired boy asks.
“Just the right amount.” Soobin responds vaguely.
Taehyun leans forward as he prepares to spin the bottle. “Alright, round 1, here we go.” he announces before letting it spin. It makes 3 spins around the circle before landing on Hyuka, who was seated between Baby and the other girl she was with.
Hyuka screams as the bottle stops, and everyone laughs at his reaction. 
“Alright Hyuka, truth or dare?” Taehyun asks.
Before Hyuka could answer, Baby screams out “Dare!”
“Baba! You can’t—” Hyuka begins, but Baby just cuts him off.
“I dare you to… ask for a girl’s number! Any girl within the circle.” she says, smiling devilishly.
Hyuka lets out a huff and mutters “Fine!” before making a quick scan around the circle, then he turns away from Baby and comes face to face with the other girl.
“Oh, Yuna! Um, do you mind, if…?” Hyuka asks, fumbling to pull his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. The girl, Yuna, nods and blushes profusely as Hyuka hands her his phone and she puts in her number. As she hands the phone back to him, he says “Oh wait, we need to put in a contact picture. Quick, say kimchi!” as he leans in closer to her and they take a selfie together.
Yeonjun didn’t know if it was cause of the alcohol or not, but he could see that the girl, Yuna’s face was fully flushed now. As Hyuka finishes adding her number to his phone, Yeonjun sees Baby wink at Yuna and mouth the words “you’re welcome” at her. Now, Yeonjun was certain that Yuna’s red cheeks were definitely not just a drunk blush.
Taehyun once again spins the bottle as he proclaims “Round 2!” and everyone watches as the bottle stops and points to Ryujin.
“Ah… Ryujin. Truth or Dare?” Taehyun asks, his excitement visibly waning when their eyes meet. It was then when Yeonjun remembered that Taehyun had never really liked Ryujin, even back when she and Beomgyu were still dating, though he didn’t really know why. The 2 of them just naturally seemed to not like each other. There was just this unspoken agreement that while they both respected each other as individuals, it was clear that they weren’t friendly at all.
“Dare.” Ryujin says, as brave as ever.
“I dare you to kiss any guy in this circle.” Yuna suggests, which everyone nods in agreement to. All eyes go back and forth between Ryujin and Beomgyu then, everyone anticipating something between the friends-turned-exes-turned-friends. Even Yeonjun was watching the pair intently, waiting to see what Ryujin would do.
She stands up then, and walks over to where Beomgyu and Taehyun were sitting. Everyone starts howling and saying “Pucker up, Choi!” which Beomgyu just waves off. When she reaches the pair, she looks between the two of them, and smirks before she leans in between the two boys and whispers “You don’t mind, do you?” before planting a kiss on Taehyun’s cheek, leaving everyone shocked yet cheering in amusement.
Beomgyu bursts with laughter clapping his hands “Damn, Ryu! Nicely played!” he laughs as he gives Ryujin a salute before clapping Taehyun on the back and saying “I did not see that coming. How was it, Tyunie?”
“It wasn’t too bad, I guess? Not that I’d want a repeat.” Taehyun clarifies, which is met with giggles from the girls.
“Actually, if I’m not mistaken, wasn’t that your first kiss?” Beomgyu asks, mouth wide with shock.
“You’ll have to get the bottle to point to me if you really wanna know the answer to that.” Taehyun says suavely, grabbing the bottle and letting it spin once again. Luckily, it didn’t land on him and instead landed on the boy next to him.
“Gyu, truth or dare?” Taehyun asks smugly.
Beomgyu taps a finger on his chin as he decides “Truth?”
“Alright, is there anyone else in this circle who you’ve had feelings for?” Ryujin asks, which everyone reacts to with “Ooh”s and whispers.
“You, duh.” Beomgyu scoffs, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Ryujin smirks as she says “I said anyone else, other than myself.”
Everyone in the circle goes quiet for a moment, and once again Yeonjun finds himself staring back and forth between Beomgyu and Ryujin.
Finally, Beomgyu lets out a sigh as he says “Alright alright, yes, there is someone else in this very circle whom I have feelings for.” 
“Have? As in present tense?” Ryujin asks innocently as everyone watches on.
“If you really wanna know, the bottle has to point to me before you get another truth out of me.” Beomgyu says slyly. Yeonjun was amused to see how friendly Beomgyu and Ryujin still were with each other.
The game got a little more heated as the night went on. Kisses were exchanged between some Sophomores and Seniors, drinks were downed, vomit was spewed out and confessions came to light. The bottle even landed on Yeonjun once, and since everyone knew he was the best dancer at MOA, he was dared to give a short lap dance to anyone in the circle, which he gamely gave to Soobin, who shyly covered his face with his hands the whole time. 
Yeonjun watched in amusement most of the time, and it was all fun and games until the bottle finally landed on—
“B! Truth or dare?” Taehyun declares, and everyone lets out an “ooh” as she says “Dare.”
Hyuka laughs out loud, clapping his hands gleefully. “Finally! I’ve been waiting all night for this!” he says. With an evil glint in his eyes, he continues “Since you’re the new girl, and I’m the birthday boy, and you’re my best friend, this one has to be big, and you can’t say no. Anyone got any suggestions?” he says, standing up and waving his hands as he spins around in the middle of the circle. Yeonjun laughed a bit at how wasted Hyuka was, but he was also anticipating what wild dare they could possibly come up with.
“Ooh ooh, I’ve got one!” Yuna says, excitedly raising her hand in the air as if she were in class. Everyone expectedly looks at her then.
Hyuka motions her to stand up and she does so, as she faces Baby says “I dare you to spend 7 minutes in heaven with…” Yuna trails off, her eyes scanning through the circle. “With whoever the bottle lands on next!” she finishes, unable to decide on a specific person.
Everyone nods in agreement, and now all eyes shift to Taehyun as he holds up the empty beer bottle and dramatically says “Now, let us decide the fate of B’s 7 minutes in heaven! Who will the universe deem worthy?”
All eyes are focused on the bottle as it spins once, twice, and three times before finally stopping.
Yeonjun lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding as he feels all eyes on him. He hears Hyuka laughing manically like a dolphin as Taehyun says “Congrats, Yeonjunie! Looks like the universe chooses you.”
Yeonjun looks up then. First at Baby, who was still laughing along as people in the circle teasingly cheered on. Then at the boy on his right, Soobin, who was looking at him in a way he had never seen before. He was smiling lightly, yet it was like he was trying to communicate something to him without using any words. Yeonjun himself couldn’t explain what he was feeling at that very moment, as Baby holds her hand out to him and says “What do you say, Yeonjun? 7 minutes?”
Whoops and cheers are heard from all around the circle as Yeonjun carefully takes her hand and stands up as he says “Why the hell not?”
When B woke up on the day of Kai’s birthday, she never would have thought that she’d be sitting on the floor in the garden shed of Soobin’s house, surrounded by various rakes and lawnmowers and other gardening tools, squished next to Yeonjun.
Yet there they were, sitting on the floor side by side, phones confiscated by the birthday boy, the surprisingly thick walls of the shed muffling the sound of the party to a low murmur of background noise.
She didn’t know why, maybe it was cause she was a little bit drunk, but she didn’t know what to say or how to act now that she was alone with the blue-haired boy. She thought 7 minutes would fly by quickly just like the night so far, but she checks her watch, the tiny screen briefly lighting up the shed, and sees that only 2 minutes had passed since they were shoved into the dark shed.
She was sorting through her thoughts trying to think or something, anything to say, until Yeonjun broke the silence.
“It’s nice to get a moment of quiet, isn’t it?” he says, resting his palms on the floor as he attempts to get into a more comfortable position, nearly hitting her arm with his elbow as he does so. “Ah, sorry, that was close.” he says, mindful of keeping a small gap between them.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. And yeah, a little quiet in the midst of a raging party is kind of nice.” she says, slowly starting to relax as well. She didn’t understand why she was so nervous, anyway. It was just Yeonjun.
“So, watcha wanna do for 7 minutes? Wanna play a game?” he asks at an attempt to ease out the awkward silence.
B nods, though she wasn’t sure if he could see it through the dark. “Alright, what game? Like 20 questions or something?”
“Yeah, alright, I’ll start.” he says, going quiet for a moment to think about a question before asking “How was your first week at MOA?”
That was an easy one. “It was really fun, the school’s great and the students are nice. Everyone seems to get along really well with each other. The only thing that I’ve struggled with so far is the adjusting to living alone, but that’s not a bad thing either.” she says. 
“Oh, really? What are the struggles of living alone, then?” Yeonjun asks.
“I mean it’s not too bad. It’s just that, all my life, I’ve had—Hey, wait a minute, it’s my turn to ask a question!” she exclaims as she realizes that he asked 2 consecutive questions already.
“Alright, you got me. What’s your first question?” Yeonjun asks. “And no, this doesn’t count as another question.” he adds teasingly.
She laughs for a bit before responding, “Um, let’s see… if you were stuck on a deserted island and could only choose 1 person to have as company, who among your friends would you pick?”
Yeonjun laughs, taken back by the question. “Baby, what the heck? That’s your question? That’s so random!” 
She smiles in the darkness upon hearing him laugh, feeling the warm buzz from the alcohol kicking in again. “It may be random, but it’s my question, and you have to answer it.” she huffs.
“That’s a such a safe question though. I thought you were the kind of person who’d dig deep to get answers, too.” Yeonjun says. “By the way, I’d probably pick Tyun cause he’s the smartest guy in the group and he’ll probably be able to keep me alive while being good company as well.”
“What do you mean by safe question?” she asks, before he interrupts.
“Nuh-uh, it’s my turn to ask. If I didn’t have to skip classes on the first day of school, would you have picked me as your partner for the creative writing project?” he asks suddenly.
“Hm, I’m not sure. If you were there and you had asked me, I would have said yes. Though honestly, you and Soobin probably would have ended up partnering up anyway.” she shrugs, though he probably couldn’t see it. “My turn. Why did you have to skip classes that day?”
He sighs before answering. “You see, my dad is a powerful businessman. All my life, I feel like I’ve been groomed and trained to one day take over the company, though the burden on my has gotten heavier ever since I turned 18. He takes me to observe important business meetings and drags me into company events so that I can familiarize myself with the family business and everyone involved in it. Last Monday, he pulled me out of class so I could be by his side at another boring board meeting. Nothing new, he usually gets me excused from classes anyway.”
“Oh wow, is that related to the reason why you had to repeat your senior year at MOA?” B asks suddenly, then she shuts her mouth once she realizes that she just said it out loud.“Tsk tsk tsk, it’s my turn to ask.” Yeonjun simply says, though B gets the feeling that from here on out, he would avoid that topic. “Have you ever had a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend? I mean, no judgement or anything, just didn’t want you to think that I’d assume all people are just straight.”
B laughs at his defensiveness. “That’s sweet and very openminded of you, but as far as I can tell, I’m straight. And yes, I’ve had 1 but that was a long time ago. What about you, have you ever had a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend? No judgement or anything.” she says, teasingly imitating him.
He laughs too. “Fair enough. Yeah, I’ve had a few girlfriends, but nothing serious or anything, more like flirting and casual dating. Not that I haven’t tried to be serious, I’d be open to getting serious with someone, I just haven’t dated anyone I wanted to get serious with…?”
“Wow, no need to be defensive. Again, no judgement or anything. This surprisingly soundproof shed is a safe space. Whatever happens in this shed stays in this shed.” she says reassuringly, trying to keep the mood light. “So what kind of person would you consider worth getting serious with?”
“I don’t really know. I wouldn’t say I have a type. It would be more like a feeling? All the girls I’ve dated so far have all felt the same, like there’s a blueprint for every date, a pattern for every conversation, it all just feels the same. I just haven’t met anyone who made me feel any different than all those other girls, though I mean no offense to any of those girls. They’re all great and everything, they’re just not for me.” Yeonjun says, speaking with ease.
“May I ask, just how many girls have you gone out with?” B wonders.
“No you may not, because I’ve just not realized that you just asked me 2 consecutive questions, so now you owe me 2 answers.” Yeonjun laughs at his sudden realization.
B laughs too. “Damn it, I thought you wouldn’t notice!” 
Yeonjun gasps. “You did that on purpose?”
“That depends, is that one of your 2 questions?” B asks.
“Psh, no way. I won’t let these questions go to waste.”
“Alright then, go ahead. What do you want to know?” B says gamely.
“First, are you seeing anyone?”
B pauses, thinking the question over. “Seeing anyone? Like dating? Nah, I’ve been too preoccupied with transferring schools and moving into the apartment and the start of classes and stuff to even think about dating anyone.” she says matter-of-factly. “What’s your second question?”
Yeonjun lets out a deep breath before asking “Baby, will you go out with me?”
There’s a moment of silence as B lets his question sink in. She could hear nothing but her heartbeat pounding through her ears and her breathing start to quicken. 
“Yeonjun, I—” she begins.
Just then, the shed is suddenly flooded with light and the blaring sound of party music fills the shed as the doors are thrown open by Kai and Taehyun. 
 Taehyun holds up his phone, showing that the 7-minute timer he set had gone off. Kai cups his hands around his mouth as he yells:
“Time’s up!” 
22 notes · View notes
talesofstyles · 6 years
Half A Heart
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You couldn’t ask for a better father to your children.
It didn’t matter how tight Harry’s schedules were and how much work he had to do, he always made time for his babies. Harry was a family man (still is and will forever be) and it never failed to warm your heart seeing how much he loved your not-so-little family. You knew it wasn’t easy for him but he always made sure that you and your babies know that you were his number one priority. He always works things around so that his tour schedules match the school holidays, allowing you and the kids to tag along with him wherever he goes. He spent so much more time in London rather than LA after you got married and especially after you had your first baby so that your family didn’t have to go back and forth between the two cities every few weeks.
Work had settled down for a little bit for Harry. He didn’t have to hop on a plane and travel across the globe away for one interview or two as much as he used to. Jeff didn’t require him to make as many appearances on events and he didn’t even think twice before turning down invitations from shows like The Late Late Show or Saturday Night Live. Of course, he still made a new album at least every two years. But the whole process always took place in London now rather than LA, and he was forever grateful for the opportunity to still be able to do what he loves from home.
His new album was due in just six short months and he was still short on songs, which brought a lot of pressure on him. He had got writer’s block for two months which was the longest he had been from not writing a single word on one of his journals that he kept just for song lyrics. You and all three of your children were his muses, but after countless songs about you and the kids he had got to the point where he felt the need to write about something else, which turned out was so much harder than he thought.
Harry was sat on the chair in his study. In front of him, scattered on his desk were his laptop, the said journal with a blank page wide open, his go-to black pen that you always teased about for at least the first six months of your relationship (because who the hell in their right mind spend no less than seven hundred quids on a sodding ball pen?), his laptop opened, showing endless lists of e-mails from everyone at work about his coming up album.
It was Saturday, so it was rare for the kids to see their daddy in his study. You and Harry always try not to do any work-related stuff during the weekend and give your whole attention to your offsprings, so clearly, the kids were not pleased to see their daddy locking himself up in the room all day and not giving them any attention that they deserve.
Although to be honest, he hadn’t been giving you and the kids much attention for the past two weeks. Which of course you understand that he had to work but it was harder for the kids. He didn’t even take George for his football practice on Thursday. He was the one who usually takes him unless he had a really important meeting that he just couldn’t reschedule. Didn’t matter how busy he was, he would make the time for the five years old, determined to make it as their thing. He hoped George would always remember and cherish that because he knew he would. The football club meets at Holland Park, west of Kensington Garden, which was only a stone throw’s away from their home, taking ten minutes maximum of a walk. They always left fifteen minutes before four and not once they ever skipped a little father and son date before they went home. There were a lot of coffee shop and ice cream and milkshake and frozen yoghurt place around the park and on the way home for them to choose. They would sit there for about an hour before they head home. It was the time of the week where Harry could focus his whole attention on his first baby who was growing way too fast for his liking. The thought of his babies growing up made him felt like there was a lump in the back of his throat. It was the time during the week where Harry made sure he was fully present for his little lad.
You tried to keep the kids from bugging their daddy as much as you could. Knowing that he needs to focus on his work but most importantly, you knew for sure that his patience had been running a little thin. He had been a little snappish lately because he had a lot on his plate and you knew it wouldn’t take a lot for him to explode.
When the kids were napping, you thought it was the perfect time for you to went shopping for the week. They were sleeping anyway so you didn’t have to worry about them bothering Harry whilst he worked. You were a little nervous, but you decided to stop by his study before you left to let him know you were going out.
You opened the door a little before peeking inside. “H, m’going to Whole Foods. D’you need anythin’?”
Harry didn’t even look up from his laptop as he shook his head and mumbled “no.”
“Alright.” You commented. Just when you were about to close the door, he cleared his throat. “Are yeh takin’ the kids?”
“No, they’re napping.” You were a little annoyed at the fact that he didn’t even look at you but you ignored it. He just nodded and mumbled “alright” as you closed the door behind you before you went out.
You hadn’t returned home yet when your three years old woke up from her nap. She rubbed her eyes as she trailed down the hall looking for you. She had the little giraffe that she got from her Nana Anne clutched in her hand whilst her other hand held the rails tightly as she went down the stairs.
“Mummy?” She called out to you but she got no response. When she reached downstairs, she went straight to the sitting room and she found it empty. Then she went to the kitchen but nobody was there as well.
It was around half past three and her tummy was rumbling because it was the time you usually feed your kids some biscuits and make them some tea. She remembered vividly when you told her to steer clear of her daddy because he needed to work, but she was a little bit peckish so she braced herself and went to her daddy’s study.
She stood on her tiptoes so she could reach the door’s handle and she opened the door slightly. “Daddy!” She beamed as she saw her dad.
Harry mumbled a little “hi”, but his eyes were glued on his laptop as he continued typing. Eleanor walked closer to where Harry was sat, trying to get his attention because clearly, she was having none.
“Daddy, can I get some cuppa and biscuits please?” The little three years old asked. Her eyes looking up at Harry, waiting for him to look at her. Harry glanced at her for a second, literally, before looking back at his laptop.
“M’busy, poppet.” Harry sighed. “Wait for mummy, alright? She’ll be back in a tick.”
The three years old wasn’t pleased. Her brows knitted and she tried to convince him to give her what she wanted. “But daddy, m’hungry!”
“No yer not,” Harry went on. “Y’had lunch earlier so surely you can wait for snacks.”
Both you and Harry were stubborn and it seemed that your three years old got that gene. She sighed heavily and tugged on the hem of Harry’s shirt to get his attention. “But, dad-”
She stopped mid-sentence because Harry startled her. He huffed loudly in annoyance and turned to her. His face was stern and it might be the first time in her three years of life that the little girl was scared of her daddy. “Eleanor, what did I say?!” Harry questioned her, not even bothering to use a term of endearment which was strange for him.
Her lips started to tremble and she was fighting back her tears. She whispered repeatedly “don’t cry, don’t cry” to herself and Harry heard it, but he chose to ignore it. On any other occasion, his heart would drop at the sight of his little girl trying to keep herself from crying. He remembered just a few hours after she was born, he cradled her in his arms as he sat down on the window seat, eyes fixed on the sleeping baby girl. His sleeping baby girl. He tried to memorise her little details. From that wisp of hair to those long eyelashes that most girls would surely be jealous of. To that little button nose and the tiny lips that matched yours. He wondered what had he done in the past to deserve her, and in that moment he promised he would always be there for her. And that he would try harder to be the best father for her and his little boy back home who was no doubt having a blast with his nana and his auntie Gem. He promised to kiss every scraped knee and to be there for her at the end of the slide in the playground to catch her whenever he can. And one of the promises he made for her was that he promised to wipe every tear that would roll down her cheeks because he knew that as much as he hated the thought of his baby girl crying, she would. But he was too caught up with all the things that he needed to do to care at that moment. He was too caught up to realise his baby girl was about to cry because of him. The Harry in that hospital room would probably whack him in the dick for that. “Quit it, please! I need t’work. Just... get out!”
Eleanor ran out of the room without looking back. She was absolutely terrified of her daddy’s harsh tones. Not once Harry had ever talked at the kids in that way and neither had you. Eleanor went upstairs to her shared nursery with her big brother and found him sat on his big boy bed, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes as he let out a yawn.
“Daddy is mean.” She grumbled as she climbed up on her own bed. She pouted, sadness in her features was replaced by anger.
George’s forehead furrowed. Now fully awake and he turned at his little sister. “Wha’ ‘appened?”
“I couldn’t find mummy so I went t’daddy an’ asked ‘im for a biscuit. But daddy yelled very loud.” She went on. “I don’t like it when daddy yells, it makes my chest hurts.”
“Y’want me t’give you a hug?” George offered, opening his arms wide for his little sister. Eleanor nodded and immediately jumped off her bed and ran to him. “Better now?”
She hummed in response. “Mhmm. But m’hungry.”
“Come,” George said as he jumped off his bed. “M’hungry too. Let’s find the biscuits.”
They went down the stairs straight to the kitchen, not daring to even stop for a second outside of Harry’s study. Eleanor trailing behind George like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs, one of her hand still clutching the giraffe.
The biscuit tin is in the cupboard that was reserved just for snacks. George took the step stool from near the kitchen island and put it in front of the counter that he needed to climb in order to open the cupboard full of goodies. When he managed to open the cupboard, he took the turquoise tin carefully and placed it on the counter. Eleanor cheered at the sight of the biscuit tin.
“Want a cuppa?” He looked over his shoulder at his little sister. The three year old nodded vigorously. “Alright, I’ll make us some.”
He popped the kettle on before climbing the counter again to get some mugs for Eleanor and himself. He put a lump of sugar on each mug before reaching for the tea bag. The five year old was proud of himself.
He picked up the kettle when the water boiled. He didn’t realise how heavy it was and when he wanted to pour the hot water into the mug, he ended up knocking both of the mugs down, causing the broken pieces to shatter all over the floor with a loud crash. The hot water was spilling all over the counter too and he threw the kettle away in panic because the water was hot.
The loud crash and Eleanor’s scream coming from the kitchen made Harry jumped off his chair and rushed to the kitchen, muttering “for fuck’s sake!” under his breath and groaning in frustration.
“Bloody’ell!” He yelled at the sight of the kitchen in shambles. There were broken pieces of glass all over the floor, water all over the counter and dripping to the floor. The two lumps of sugar and a tea bag made Harry realise that they were trying to make a cuppa.
He acknowledged the mess, but he failed to acknowledge the trembling three and five year olds of his standing in the middle, petrified. He disappeared to get a broom before he reappeared in the kitchen a few seconds later. His brows snapped together and his jaw tightened.
“I told yeh to wait f’mummy!” His voice booming through the kitchen as he swept the broken glass. “So bloody stubborn!”
George tightened his grip on his little sister’s hand. Her body was trembling and from the corner of his eyes, he could see her lower lip quivered. He was scared too, but the five year old knew he needed to act tough for his sister.
“Oh, fuck!” Harry cursed as he wiped the water with the tea towel, not realising the water was hot. “Can you bloody move please, you’re not a sodding sculpture.” He snapped at the kids again as he continued to sweep the remaining of the broken glass.
Harry angrily put the broom against the kitchen island before he bent down to pick the dustpan. The broom fell down to the floor with a loud thump, startling the kids and himself too. A few seconds later, the sound of a wailing baby came from upstairs, indicating that the noises from the kitchen were too much for the baby and it woke her up.
As soon as Harry went upstairs to get the baby, George and Eleanor ran away from the kitchen and to the entry and wait for you there. They sat down on the floor, their backs leaning against the wall and their arms wrapped around their own legs.
“Mummy,” the three year old whimpered, calling out for you. Her eyes were glossy.
“She’ll be back soon.” George soothed her.
The kids sighed in relief at the sound of your car pulling into the drive about five minutes later. They stood up and walked closer to the door, waiting for you to appear. Harry was still upstairs with the baby who was still crying.
You startled as you saw your children’s figures appeared as soon as you opened the front door. You looked at them in confusion because of how upset they seemed. Eleanor reached her arms out for you and you dropped your groceries to the floor without hesitation before you bent down to pick your little girl up. “Wha’s the matter, poppet? Hmm?”
She broke down at your soft tone. “Daddy,” she said between her sobs.
Your brows knitted as you looked at her big and round green eyes that match a certain someone. “Are you looking for daddy? He’s in the st-”
“No, mummy, daddy’s being mean.” Your eldest cut you off.
“What?” You looked down at him before pulling him close to you so you could give him a hug as well.
“He yelled at us and he said bad words too.” He went on. “Daddy scared us, mummy.”
“Oh, no. I’m sure daddy didn’t mean to yell. He loves you two so very much, yeah? You know that.” You consoled your babies as you walked to the sitting room, abandoning your groceries by the front door. You sat down on the sofa and cuddled Eleanor on your lap and George climbed up to sat down next to you before snuggling closer.
Eleanor shook her head. Her bottom lip jutting out and you tried your best not to laugh at her angry expression. “No, he doesn’t.”
“Eleanor, don’t say that.” You knew Harry had been acting like a sodding plonker who needed to be whacked in the dick but he was a good father. He still is a good father. He loved his babies dearly and he would do anything for them. “Look at mummy,”
She looked up at you. A scowl still plastered across her face at first but her expression softened as she saw you.
“Daddy loves you, sweet girl. And you too, George. Daddy loves you two so very much and just because he was being mean once doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you anymore. Sometimes, we get mean when we’re tired.”
“But, but, but-” she stuttered before she continued. “Daddy scared me, mummy. It made my chest hurts.”
“Yeah, mummy, he was really scary. I’ve never seen daddy like that before.” Your eldest piped in and you pulled him closer to you. As much as you wanted to snuggle your babies on the sofa, you couldn’t ignore the sound of the wailing baby from upstairs that hadn’t died down from the second you came in. 
“He’s just tired, my love. I promise.” You smiled at both of your kids. “Mummy’s gonna check on your sister, can you play a bit in the playroom? It’s quite sunny outside, we can go to the park later if you want?”
Both of their little faces beamed instantly at the mention of the park. “But mummy, can we have some biscuits please?” Eleanor asked you.
“Daddy didn’t give you your goûter yet?” The kids shook their head. “I asked daddy but daddy yelled at me, mummy,” Eleanor answered.
George chimed in. “I wanted to make a cuppa for E and I and get some biscuits too, but the kettle was really heavy. I ended up breaking the mugs. M’sorry, mummy.”
“Is that why daddy yelled?” You asked your littles and both of them nodded. “Then maybe daddy yelled because he was scared you’d get hurt. You can make your own cuppa but mummy or daddy has to be there incase you need help. Can you two promise me that won’t happen again?”
“Promise, mummy.” They repeated their action and mumbled the words in unison.
You made them their tea, fed them some biscuits and set aside some fruit pouches for you to take to the park later before you went upstairs to your littlest baby’s nursery. You opened the door slowly and you found your baby trying to wiggle out of her daddy’s arms as she continued to let out an ear-piercing scream. She reached out to you as soon as she spotted you and your heart was breaking at the sight. Harry glanced over his shoulder at you and he handed the baby to you straight away before leaving the room without a word.
As soon as you calmed the baby down, you brought her downstairs and put her in the playpen before you head to Harry’s study in hope that you could knock some sense into that pretty head of his.
You walked in straight away and didn’t even bother to knock because you were fuming. Normally, you would wait until the kids were asleep before you started a fight but you had it up here with that bawbag of a husband of yours and you just couldn’t wait anymore. You knew he’d got a lot on his plate and he was overwhelmed with work but that didn’t give him a dick pass. You could take it when he was being a dick to you, but when it came to your children, that’s a whole nother story.
Harry was sitting on the chair, jaw clenched and brows knitted, staring intensely at the screen of his computer. You knew that wouldn’t end well, but you also knew that you needed to confront him.
“Harry, did you yell at the kids?” You asked right away. There was no point of beating around the bush. Your arms folded across your chest as you gave him a dirty look.
Your voice was tight and he looked up at you instantly. “Yeah, they were-” He cut himself because he knew if he said something about the kids, that wouldn’t help to calm your rage. “I’ll, uh, I’ll apologise later.”
“Did you know they were crying by the front door?” You continued.
He replied but he didn’t look at you, staring at the wall behind you instead. “No, I thought they were in the playroom.”
“They weren’t.” You shook your head. “They were crying quietly by the front door because they were terrified of you. They told me you were being loud and that you cursed in front of them.”
Harry let out a huff and shifted his gaze back to the screen in front of him as if his eyes were glued to it.
You’ve always hated confrontation. In seven years of marriage and eight years of being together, you could count with your fingers on how many times you yelled at your husband. It was rare for you to raise your voice and you tried not to unless necessary. Clearly, this time it was necessary.
"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" You snapped. You could tell that he was surprised but he kept his cool.
“Can we talk later? I really need t’get things done. I-” he was in mid-sentence when you turned your back and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind you.
You were only a couple steps away from the door when you heard heavy footsteps coming closer towards the door. Immediately regretting your previous action, you walked faster towards the kitchen but before you could disappear behind the walls, the door was opened. You could feel him staring at your back.
“Wha’ was all that about?!” he seethed. 
“Why are you talking to me? Weren’t you the one who asked if we could talk later? Didn’t you have to get things done?” You mocked him out of spite. You knew you were basically adding fuel to the fire but you couldn’t think clearly.
(ooooh everyone’s pissed 👀)
Part two
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