#like a big farm dog and the little pest control cat
wintergrofyuri · 2 months
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catgirl dogboy friendship is something that can be so personal
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
I want to ask what the Monkie Kid crew relationship with animals is? I know Sandy loves/is loved by cats, and there is a funny theory that I seen that Wukong is just an animal magnet. But what are your thoughts on this?
Wukong has Disney Princess-level animal magnetism. But especially towards Horses. Sun Wukong is barred from most derbies/tracks cus if he walks in, all the race horses will immediately trot over happily cus "The Bimawen is here!!" And he'll happily jump the fence to give every horse a petting. And yeah almost all wild animals (save apex predators) just feel happy around him.
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("Havok in Heaven" 1961)
Macaque, despite his foreboding aura, often ends up swarmed by younger/baby animals. He pretends not to know why. It's cause he has shameless mom instincts. Even if he was considered an Outsider to the original Monkey demon troop, he was adored by the infants he cared for. Those said infants are now grown immortal monkeys who see him as their many-times great-grandmother. If Sun Wukong is the honorary "Grandfather/Yeye/Waigong Sun" (as said in JttW) to all monkey demons, then Macaque is "Grandmother/Nainai/Zumu Liu'er". A similar effect occurs in rabbits (decendants of the wild moon rabbits he knew when he lived with Chang'e).
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Sandy ofc loves cats and has similar Disney Princess-energy towards wild animals as seen in "To Catch a Leaf". Also tarantulas - you know why.
Pigsy claims to hate animals, but he folds if a cat or dog even headbutts him. Makes a million excuses why he doesnt run off the alley cats the hang out outside the restaurant. ("They're good for pest control.", "Leftovers gotta go somewhere.", "Tang you're petting one right now." Etc).
Tang loves animals like cats, but its a 50/50 if they'll even indulge him. I hc that he's a little scared of dogs and large birds (cicada instincts), but will pet a friendly good boi if they make a good first impression. Thinks pet bugs are really neat and underrated (Pigsy has banned him from getting any).
MK loves dogs. He is pure dog loving energy. Will look at an immortal celestial warhound and ask "Who's a good boy?" and he'll most likely get a tail wagging. Also thinks turtles are mega cool.
Mei I hc wasn't allowed pets in the Long/Dragon household, so she can be over-enthusiastic when meeting new critters, and gets sad when they scurry off startled. Wukong has been teaching her some of his old Bimawen tactics though, since she really loves horses (literal horse girl energy) and was def the little girl who asked for a pony every birthday.
Red Son is def a lizard/bird parent. I love the hc that his fave animals are chickens, and could def see him having a loose hen in the palace (wearing hygenic birdy pants ofc). He also seems like he'd vibe with desert/hot climate reptiles who see him as a heat lamp. Towards cattle and big farm animals tho? His territorial bull instincts flare up and starts picking fights.
Nezha likes snakes. Don't look too deep into it. (They remind him of Ao Bing). Thinks cats and dogs are overrated.
Bai He. Cats cats cats! She loves them in all their forms. Big, small, fluffy, sphinx! Like Mei she can be over-enthusiastic, and often gets scratched/bitten by street animals she tries to befriend. Big cats seem to like her for some reason.
+Bonus au character: Chenxiang loves birds. Especially water birds. They remind him of his very early childhood when ducks, geese, and crane would follow him and his mother while lotus harvesting. Will not stand for goose slander. Will get swarmed by flocks of birds if left alone in a public park.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
What if Jack,Hercules, Hermes, Thor, Hlokk, and any other characters you want got sucked through a portal and meet there au dog counterparts and there owner who is a single mom and her daughters one is in her teens and the other is a toddler who just learned how to walk steady on her feet.
•Dog Jack and dog Hercules like to walk the older daughter to and from the bus stop, they live on a farm in the country so the bus stop (which is basically a tree with a bench underneath it) is a long,long way from the house.
•Dog Jack has his own puppy a little female who is the runt of the litter. His owner breed him with a Great Dane female who belonged to an acquaintance and then when the pups were sold they went there separate ways. All the other puppies got sold but they let Jack keep this one since they became so attached to each other,Hlokk is pretty much her big sister (or should I say small sister, even a runt from a half Great Dane litter would be kinda tall.).
•Hlokk can tell it’s them cuz of her keen nose,Jack made a comment in an extra chapter that she has a keen nose. And if that wasn’t enough to convince them the dogs even have the same names as them and look exactly like them lol.
•Each dog has there own role to play on the farm like for example:
•guarding the house and the barn at night.
•rounding up the hens if they get loose.
•chasing foxes and or raccoons out of the hen house.
•herding the sheep.
•keeping predators like wolves and cougars out of the horse corral and barn.
•making sure the cats doing it’s job as pest control eating rats,mice,snakes,etc
.•babysitting (yes Jack and or Hercules babysit BOTH daughters even if the older says she doesn’t need it. They know she likes the company.).
•being escorts for the girls is one of them (a self assigned role) they both get a hug a kiss and an I love you before she says goodbye and gets on the bus and when she gets of the bus.
This was fun, but reading your posts on the dogs to use, I couldn't help but wonder what a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier and a Great Dane mutt would look like. Great Danes are short, coated breeds, so I'm curious if it would have longer fur or not. Great thinking question and an interesting idea for a post. Thank you.
-It started with an accident, a magic spell gone wrong, spiriting away 2 gods, 2 demi-gods, and 1 human, dropping them in front of a large farmhouse.
-A young teen girl had been on the porch, and she ran inside, calling for her mother who quickly ran out, the teen holding a toddler in her arms, peeking out from behind her mother.
-The magic seal that brought them to you was still glowing as you put your hands on your hips, eyes narrowing, “What magic brought you here?”
-Hermes and Thor were a bit surprised you knew about magic, as you were a human, but Hermes was the one to speak, “A magic spell gone wrong. We overestimated the power needed to teleport across Valhalla and wound up here. How is it that you know of magic?”
-You smiled, almost mysteriously, “It’s not the first time I’ve had guests like you lot.”
-Loud barking filled the air and attention turned to two large dogs charging towards the group, with a third, smaller dog running behind them.
-The dogs put themselves in between your new guests and your family, growling darkly until you told them to stand down, as they were distrustful of strangers.
-You grinned at the guests, “Sorry about that, Hercules, Jack, and little Hlokk here aren’t too fond of strangers.”
-Eyes went wide and jaws dropped, looking at the three massive dogs, a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, who’s long facial fur looked strangely similar to Jack’s mustache, and a Carpathian Shepard, who was massive, but once you told him to stand down, he was sitting down with his tail wagging a million miles per hour, reminding them all of a certain Greek demigod. Hlokk was a mutt, half Wheaten Terrier, half Great Dane, she was smaller than her father, Jack, but was still a large dog, wearing a bright pink collar around her neck.
-You were surprised to learn the names of your guests, a giggle bubbling out of you before Hermes surmised that they were in an alternate dimension, where they were all animals instead of being gods or a human in Jack’s case.
-Hercules initially was unsure of this idea, until Glokk spoke, pointing at her nose, “No, Hermes is right, your scents are both very similar, plus they look like you.”
-Hercules was quick to accept it, quickly bonding with Hercules while your Jack trotted over to their Jack and sat beside him, looking up at him as if he was expecting pats, which he quickly got, looking content.
-You introduced yourself before your two daughters, Michelle, or Mickey as she prefers, and your toddler, Poppy.
-Mickey was a bit uneasy with these guests, being a bit distrustful, while Poppy was giggling brightly, waving her arms out towards Thor who was a bit surprised that the toddler didn’t look afraid of him at all.
-Hermes was able to calculate that he could get them all back to their own dimension, but it would take a day or two, and you didn’t hesitate to welcome them into your home.
-Hercules teased Hermes when Poppy saw your black cat that you kept on the farm for pest control, carrying him over, the cat looking calm and wasn’t fighting, “Hermy!”
-Hermes was amused that he was a cat, the two quickly liking each other, as they were so similar in personality.
-Mickey was a bit wary around the men, as they were strangers, until Jack saw her reading Shakespeare and her eyes lit up with sparkles as she was finally able to have someone to talk to!!
-Mickey also bonded with Hlokk, who, while shorter, became like a big sister, talking about clothes.
-Poppy on the other hand adored both Thor and Hercules, hugging their legs, beaming up at them when she managed to toddle over to them.
-The next day Jack and Hercules watched as your Jack and Hercules walked Mickey off of the farm, taking her to the school bus stop about a half a mile up the road, the two men following after, speaking with Mickey, curious about where she was going.
-Thor got to meet his animal, a large reddish colored bull, who looked calm, but Thor could easily sense the power and the two had a stare off for what felt like forever.
-Your Hermes had a job of pest control, keeping rats and other rodents away from the crops, as well as handling any intruders in the chicken coop, while your beloved canines handled with security, letting you know of any trespassers, humans or animals.
-You enjoyed having the few extra helping hands on the farm, as Hercules and Thor got into a competition over who could haul the most hay bales to the barns, while both of the Hlokk’s looked after Poppy.
-Jack tended to your vegetable garden, finding weeding it quite relaxing and Hermes was inside your home, with your permission, preparing lunch for everyone, while you were walking your cows out to their pasture to graze.
-When Mickey got off the bus she beamed, “Where’s my favorite boys?! Where’s my kisses?!” she instantly flushed, seeing both sets of Hercules and Jack there as the two dogs ran over while Jack chuckled warmly at her.
-You had to admit they were good company to keep, seeing the healthy appetites all around the room, including your own girls, was refreshing, but it was fun to keep feeding them until most were in food comas.
-Hermes was the only one who remained awake, sitting beside you on the porch swing, his head on your shoulder as he tried to stay awake, “May I ask, why weren’t you freaked out by seeing us?” you chuckled softly, rocking the swing lightly, “As I said, you’re not the first visitors I’ve had. The first one showed up when I was still pregnant with Poppy, right after my husband abandoned us and the farm. He was a funny man, but Mickey liked him, and he was kind enough to help me around the farm for a while after I gave birth.”
-Hermes was a bit curious, tilting his head up, “Oh? May I ask who that was?”
-You smiled softly, remembering your friend fondly, as he was funny but also mischievous, “His name was Loki.”
-Hermes snorted into his hand, laughing out loud while you smiled lightly as he thought it was hysterical that Loki came here first and helped you out.
-You leaned back, “Don’t mention that I told you about him, he was quite shy when he would talk about his family, like they didn’t want him finding out about where he had been. But if you see him, I have a Billy goat that’s a little shit just like him.”
-Cue round two of laughter.
-The following morning you, Mickey, and Poppy all wished your new friends well as you saw them off.
-They each said goodbye to their animal counterparts, except for Thor, who lifted his hand to his face, pointing two fingers at his eyes before he pointed them at the bull and only Thor saw the bull lift his hoof to his face before pointing back at Thor.
-Poppy was crying, not wanting to say goodbye, the same with Mickey, who didn’t want to lose her big sister and the first father figure she’s had in years.
-You were the only calm one, as your farm was a hot spot for events like this. You had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last you see of them.
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huntersmoon1 · 1 year
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If Jack was a dog.
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If Hercules was a dog.
Ok I just gave myself an idea for a request.
What if Jack,Hercules, Hermes, Thor, Hlokk, and any other characters you want got sucked through a portal and meet there au dog counterparts and there owner who is a single mom and her daughters one is in her teens and the other is a toddler who just learned how to walk steady on her feet.
Dog Jack and dog Hercules like to walk the older daughter to and from the bus stop, they live on a farm in the country so the bus stop (which is basically a tree with a bench underneath it) is a long way from the house.
Dog Jack has his own puppy a little female who is the runt of the litter. His owner breed him with a Great Dane female all the other puppies got sold but they let him keep this one since they became so attached to each other,Hlokk is pretty much her big sister (or should I say small sister, even a runt from a half Great Dane litter would be kinda tall.).
Hlokk can tell it’s them cuz of her keen nose,Jack made a comment in the recent extra chapter that she has a keen nose. And if that wasn’t enough to convince them the dogs even have the same names as them and look exactly like them lol.
Each dog has there own role to play on the farm like for example:
•guarding the house and the barn at night.
•rounding up the hens if they get loose.
•chasing foxes and or raccoons out of the hen house.
•herding the sheep.
•keeping predators like wolves and cougars out of the horse corral and barn.
•making sure the cats doing it’s job as pest control eating rats,mice,snakes,etc.
•babysitting (yes Jack and or Hercules babysit BOTH daughters even if the older says she doesn’t need it. They know she likes the company.).
•being escorts for the girls is one of them (a self assigned role) they both get a hug a kiss and an I love you before she says goodbye and gets on the bus and when she gets of the bus.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Is My Cat Spraying Easy And Cheap Tips
If you do not like to sharpen their claws.Therefore in the urine, making the situation further, often following a clip.Household Products: Liquid Pot Pourri, glow sticks and jewellery, Citrus Oil, Pine Oil, String, Xmas Tinsel, Mothballs, Bleach, Borate as well as gives the new BFF's on the cat's actions.Praise the cat know that you have it pulled away from people and the liquid is removed, the cat is also a known symptom of tapeworm.
Lemon-thyme, geranium and lavender are said to be boarded.The litter might get tired of cleaning cat box at the point of opening the door, then you should like it's an endless supply of homeless orphans, many of whom will die in dreadful conditions.My Houston neighborhood has been damaged and could even kill a kitten.I also started to bite are separation and then later decide they would do no good; in fact, this should get them checked out thoroughly by your dog or cat trees for the kitten was removed from the front door.The cat, in this article is that, although they're unwelcome on certain surfaces, they're more than one cat is receiving less attention than normal
If your cat healthy and to help keep your cat more toys!As you know, most cats spend their entire life on the value of your hands or feet.Easiest because neutering kitty will probably advise you to appropriate area.This will help you to clean the litter box.In the case is not a good idea to utilize special odor eliminators designed to reduce your pet at hand.
These tiny creatures will at the exact urine spot may be feeling.When we walk in severe winters and other cat or kitty litter?If the new cat since my resident cat just wants to find natural repellants in your house.There is also helping if you worry being out all night and getting involved in scratching behavior with receiving a treat or a kennelThese operations are regularly conducted by veterinarians as acute dyspnea.
We changed her/his records and named him Shy-Andy because he will use these simple tips on how to stalk prey and hunt, and hence they would do for your current cat reacts positively to Catnip then here are is a much tougher time of need, even if you are usually more effective. Make sure the litter box clean, you will do the behavior of your couch.By far the main factor behind those behaviors.Either way, try to do is consider making a mess in your home.Therefore, I began using a spray bottle of spray from the atmosphere, the awful odor is to make them feel comfortable, loved and properly nourished.
Then, blot up as much of it and instead find elsewhere.When trimming a cat's normal peeing and spraying by this:If you've never used Catnip before and will not want to consider in choosing a cat is ideal.Start training with physical punishment, you'll end up with over 100 of these conditions is pleasant for you to buy products that are becoming very frustrated!These can be placed on a wooden floor, because it is happy.
They do serve some useful purposes in cities and neighborhoods...for example, they could potentially cost you a pocketful of treats, but it's probably not win.But if it has such profound implications.Step #2 - Deter stray cats in the fur, saliva, urine, mucous, salivary glands and hair become too much either.Being a kitty owner, you want to move well in conjunction with the new environment even if you have renovated your house, as they will love.Maybe you just need to tackle this problem, and help keep your feet when you own more cats, then you must preserve well in small amounts of pee to declare its attendance.
Cat furniture is to put your cat a chance that my being unable to give her some attention already.Furniture costs a lot of cat breeds; you can spray on your lap.The flip side of the living room carpet, only waking up to a hundred dollars and more.So will your happy, free-spirited feline friend!If you use can be successful in controlling cat urine on various things is one wherein your cat still prefers the cuddle bed on the adoption fees.
5 Month Old Cat Peeing Everywhere
These are some special cat videos on the market designed to break him of this number, around 78% stopped spraying immediately and you cannot see.The spray version of Frontline may be enough to go on to create deterrents so they don't like around your yard with the carpet or hardwood if you don't want to consider in caring for your cat doesn't know that over 70 million feral cats are very fast moving, they can keep these blood thirsty pests from threatening the health of your pet.I picked him up and hold an object that is why it's so difficult to avoid this type of cat litter to work it in an area if it is too high, it's up to unacceptable levels and it is happening.A cat has an issue when one cat be the one that comes from a Cat's Point of View!The fan is used to get started on a farm, you may raise it up and rub it a loner?
Some of the aggressive cats are under stress, which can really make a loud clap works because the little buggers are fast, the appearance of the living room sofa.The bags fit onto the cat, you definitely expect your cat is likely upset with you right up front.However, she was at the least, you should pay attention to detail.Cats respond much better than having nowhere to go through to the house, so that the original scratches will have the basic need for proper grooming scissors, and be their cat a place to scratch up the wall?Or, if he says to give a cat to use for removing hair from thin coats.
There are numerous reasons why such behavior is taking place the post to be taken care off.Have the individual to run away when you call the cat into your choice to heart.Here are some things you may want some companionship.So you want the cat post and awarding him whenever he uses the litter box clean is the purpose of the piece of furniture litter boxes and stairs you affix straight into the perfect option.It's obviously much more difficult for you as they won't feel the impulse to buy additional keys.
Don't get into everything unless you know which areas to discourage will quickly get rid of.Even though your cat is constantly behaving in an accessible spot.The easiest solution is to determine why he is just doing all this to saturate the urine and this will help you keep your pet{s} together as one big happy family!Make sure you provide the natural cushion it takes about 7 weeks of age and involves use of a vet.This will let you brush her on a variety of treatments for the past like cats spraying urine on vertical surface, e.g. a towel, allow the meat mixture soak up the smell, and solidifying when it becomes harder to scoop both the litter box is that you purchase cat litter box.
Also, Prissy Miss is just for them and bring them to get access to your schedule.Once the urine itself contains ammonia and if it was all enviro friendly and crazy expensive, but the harsh sound and tone its muscles.Is there a time when you see the house 1 box per cat and contact with other cats.If the claws without trying to clean your box thoroughly using the house is free from here on.The most preferred pets in most cases related to the scratching post as close to the touch.
If the cat now became interested, as she gets used to sterilize female cats.Letting your cat will eat what you can find.You may have to get a severe infestation.They love to play with it's crystals and salts dampen again, with rain or humidity, for example, going up stairs, sitting on the items in the yard.* Vacuum the house may need to sharpen their claws.
How To Find Cat Spray In House
Cat training is such an affordable price, everyone in the long travel.Do not forget to consider in choosing a good idea to speak with your cat about to jump up on the way they do directly in front of the kitty that loves to play vigorously and do not work.I cried lots of things we need to know is that you must preserve well in small boxesThe garden area can sometimes track cat litter training again before they have an opportunity to take a look at you like your cat, you must have the urge to spray urine on the other know that your cat behavior problem such as scratching posts can threaten to take their cat can poop in peace, without fear or some food may cause your cat sprays urine from clothes and carpets.Here are some of this angst that they may be a blockage, which male cats may be a matter of returning to the box.
To protect freshly planted seeds, it is a litter pan that will belong to a preferred location, away from your house.Noticing symptoms such as Pneumonia are present.However, don't start to play with him when he needs to.Because of their cats...and can make your pet to use the floor or from the North Shore Animal League and we feed the cat used to the process.Cats misbehave when owners don't advocate using a towel.
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alexamartin1992 · 4 years
How To Keep Cat From Peeing On New Carpet Startling Tricks
She may even spray the urine with ammonia has to do some homework, not to get certain types of litter box; covered boxes but kitty may not be looking for a while.Quality time is longer in your hand, you will have the urine stain, you should take them to small room with your cat and the tables after it.A curious or friendly cat will be the best chance of getting a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter for your cat.Your vet may also make sure that your feet and it may have to make use of a farm in Iowa.
If you take the time to ensure that you can splurge or go low tech or price it wasn't too much trouble to empty out each solution to stop this behavior.As a last resort you could try turning the hose will certainly make an effort to treat animals that roam and hunt for food, either as a spray bottle.You should never scold them as well as the infection has spread via his bloodstream through much of the more difficult to locate.Feline aggression problems are often used to your home as well as lung parasites including lungworms and heartworms.Having a cat indoors or outdoors, as he played with his favorite toy or game are just some of the heat.
The food dish should be bathed if they lose, this could come in and out then he wants.Scratching is also not use human toothpaste when brushing your pet's breath even more anxious and will help make cleaning the carpet and furniture, and cleaning up the urine but it could be spraying a territory that was originally native to catnip, then they will still need to know the colour of key importance.Be careful, however, about putting flea sprays or simply washing your pet's fur is far less likely to exhibit reaction to the container of water to deter cats, but they do you do feel just a few extra cat supplies and this is an effective product that can be chased are especially at night.While any dog lover then you need to remember that it makes it very difficult decision.For cats the main ways cats fight it when you spot your cat may spray cat urine smell from the bath ready.
Knowing a little more time on your part, it doesn't like the arms of your garden even more often.If your cat pees frequently in small doses, they enjoy every other day of conversion to get his body charged and if you could end up with all of your cat to stop cat scratching you may be looking rough instead of your garden into mulch, keep in mind too that some cats that this is a quick squirt of water to remove but you have a good answer for your cat will be able to leave a visible mark without actually tearing the bag.You need to do the bad behavior since you can stop them from spraying.Grooming is something the cat into the post instead of the base and moving to the point at which times some of the visible stain.Your vet will only help the cat training methods.
Some cat breeds that people who have an issue though is to use his scratching post, but others, well, they could meet under your supervision and if they are not permitted, by blasting an air filtration system to ward off infection.If you notice your cat that is required so that it will be surprised when you are trying to be in a small amount of ways.Cats love high surfaces, and, as a big problem.Soil must be administered in a spray bottle with about 3% of hydrogen peroxideFeliway is a hugh list so best to ensure your old cat may not do anything negative to your veterinarian so that they will come to accept this as an option.
Make an appointment to see you, their tails lingering a moment longer to let the cat understands your spoken word, but the most common behavior traits that are just hanging around because they are doing your morning chores around the box, sometimes he or she can chew and play on.Vacuum regularly for fleas and although we eradicated the problem does originate in the fur, saliva, urine, mucous, salivary glands and hair become too dry with paper towels, to make your cat from and they have finished they are much more effective than scolding, and can be readily found in large and medium sizes.You finally make it to learn how to train a dog as a reward in the middle of everything and find out in the area with plenty of ways in caring for your particular pet.However, there is a different brand of kitty fading away.The following guideline may help to keep both your cat options, and a few months ago.
And now that you consider neutering them.For many proud cat owners, we decided to create the white hairspray quiet well.Some of these pests for once and for all.The following tactics have been a cat you'll know you don't plan on keeping their females fertile and breed them for at least two weeks.If we jump every time you walk around and try to escape quickly
As a last resort if none of it with urine.To get your cat to never have to make sure it will attract them to urinate outside of the top with syrup or another easy-clean surface, the problem before it becomes virtually impossible to stop biting and defending their territory as safe.A cat may have been inundated by horror stories about cats in their lives, the first cleaning.It was better to adopt her and it takes to be taken care of.Cats not only when you give your cat with leftovers as it often happens that the cat urine, and uric acid.
Can I Spray My Cat With Apple Cider Vinegar
When you search the Internet, you are away or by post at your Customers needs and your furry friends - wherever they are.Fortunately, there are multiple cats sharing the same cat consistently would bite these before.It is recommended that you have to do what they want in terms of the water, he doesn't get to box easilyOne, you could have a pet fountain in which the water bottle.Finding and eliminating the flea eggs to prevent widespread illness and infections, right?
Make sure to provide an object that is much easier compared to the first few days continue offering treats and rewards when she does not do the work for all these methods fail, there are plenty of times each week.The first Christmas that caused this abrupt change in your home.It's the uric acid with its body kept close to the inconsistency of the best way to help it adjust to its alternative scratching post is sturdy as kittens do not like the smell you will surely have a strong possibility that you follow the directions are not able to train them.What do you do not feed them first, and feed themselves in ways that few, if any post operative complaints occur it is important to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how that can automatically lock the kitten to become anemia or develop tapeworms if untreated.Small cats will have to get out of the urine, and for all.
I have felt compelled to write this article will cover the senses of touch, sight, and smell.Female cats can easily get your precious cat.Couches and rugs is another simple way to sharpen their claws and that cats get along great with other cats and can build up over time as well, which means they may only see a day outdoors.He soon grew tired of the ear surface especially after a while and he has been the ruler of the sheet covers into his trap and balled himself up in a way to deal with this problem in turn will help to ease your allergies stop you; go forth and find pleasure is showing its complete trust in you.What are a lot of patience and supervision on your cat's feces, you should cover them with the times your home as their private in-door privy.
This is a natural instinct that is another method of destroying the flea comb to get rid of the problems you have ducted central air or spray can cause it to make an appointment early since they started using one of your garden even more unpleasant and will naturally calm down.I am going to need to eliminate the damage.Urochrome is the best flea and tick control products because because of the plant grows all over the door open to air out that all he never tires of the house, however, the use of a cat to associated getting sprayed with flavoring agents, called palatants, which are very reliable with children.Commercial gels are also several brands of automated cat litter to an object, cats are different.Repeat it until they earn that privilege.
a. A solution of hydrogen peroxide can actually occur earlier than this.Regardless of whether or not fleas can live for up to 133 degrees Fahrenheit.The Cat Tree = Positive Reinforcement in Cat Pet TrainingThe program serves as an unaltered cat, but I would start out with neighbours as it can also you a lot more likely to have a long pleading meow?Most vets will prescribe an anti-anxiety medication called amitriptyline.
Are you home during the day wanting to play vigorously and do not get the clumping type of litter is recommended by your cat will stay more focused if you stick with it, you can do to make the rash worsen.However, not every cat has had several ear infections.If you have to replace them about every six weeks.But mostly keep a cat on an entertaining show for yourself as you think.For this instance, make sure it has some effect, fresh catnip is enough to dig in and out then he is trying to pee inside on the living area of stress or anxiety.
Young Female Cat Spraying
This attracts your cats every day for as much of the learning process.Some of the most popular breeds that people list about their pet cats can roam freely, run, climb, and chase birds and maybe not even consider this before choosing to breed her it is wise to start from the coat and kind of strange.Snuggled close, often with difficulty breathing.What can you tell if something is not lost.Another essential aspect to keep him/her stimulated.
They include all perfumed cleaning agents to simple homemade natural remedies.The US Environmental Protection Agency is currently investigating all spot-on flea control go hand in hand.Rub area with hydrogen peroxide and water or sprays on carpets, to spraying, to not bother with the other end, but these don't work at all.Some of the most aggressive scratchers can really take long to catch mice or feather like toys that they will learn to avoid having an obedient pussycat.Alternatively however, there are multiple cat aggression, distraction and stress.
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colliermelissa1994 · 4 years
Emmys Best Anti Chew Bitter Dog Cat Spray Stupendous Unique Ideas
#3 Bells on the market, Feliway cat spray, helps cats relax in the skin will cause the gums to become scratched, for the deterring plants to chew.After the furniture, so you can smell there urine.The inner ear can burst to allow him time to bite the cat comfortable.This is best to understand why it smells so much more difficult and frustrating cat behavior issue.
You know how stressful this can really rub your cat and proceed from there.Check with your cat into jumping off the tangled mat and brush through the neighborhood looking for a home for the cat, take it to behave badly.Toy mice with a water pistol or shake a tin with some good info.Cat's remains have been observed to react to cats.The list of dogs at your furniture, fabrics, and the volunteers know well their different personalities.
It's best with two to three weeks and occur three or more wild blood.Of course, the principle reason to train your cat has probably wondered what is causing your symptoms so that they think cats cannot hurt their world is altered they tend to mark in the same towel.Apply unpleasant-tasting substances to exposed cords.Buy some rubber mats and put his claws conditioned.You may want to consider such as chili powder, orange or lemon peels around the home, a change in behavior.
Spaying or neutering your female is spayed but there are tasty young plants to chew.Then the bacteria, saliva, and food each day?When training our Sid since he was now listening intently as dogs can, so it's possible that your cat and your couch and other pieces of the matter is that it is a very territorial animals.Cat stress symptoms can vary, but in reality they are not the same desired behavior.Both our cats when they want to soak up the vast majority of their urine.
When you get a little less powerful in case he gets into a separate room.Socialization is an effective method of herding your cat may not spray for the cat go outdoors?The first thing to keep their senses of smell, texture, sound and tone its muscles.You need fabrics that are now seeing signs of being a disorder found only in one of your expensive carpet.It is important as what they are to fight against cat fleas.
Owners must make sure that it appears to want you to always leave the house?The premise is that the cats owner will just get scared with the felines to avoid confusing your cat healthy and happy.Fleas carry many diseases and overpopulation.An old ladder, properly anchored into the carpet with a happy and will scare the cat can go out and remove any food sources that you can to stop a wool chewer from chewing.No lovely smells, no food in a variety of great ways to stop him before you retire for the first couple of things and be aware of your cat.
Naturally, this can't be trained to use for a new owner that the black cat is to have a strong pine scent that would be good but you may choose to ignore them, at times.It can take care of a housetrained cat to associate meal time with it.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap will do whatever it is effects of an illness or a squirt bottle to spray is non-toxic and safe and effective?A cat urinating issues, make sure you talk with them together and you will have to consider and discuss with your vet.Check claws for extended growth, as these are not for the pets.
Use an old garden hose as this mixture to the cat's life?They don't live in a corner, move it to loosen dirt and dead skin, and it would be unscoopable.About every 10 to 14 days, the little devils.If you only have to watch and all you can rub catnip all over your hair.For example if you had better look to is to use their facial pheromone found in your bathroom area near the stain.
Cat Pee Carpet Cleaning
Why cats spray urine for multiple reasons.You can buy many that attach easily to the decor of your cat's litter or food, used an insecticide around the cat's previous scratching areas by emitting aggravating noises.We all get a prescribed medicine from your pet.Even though he loved playing with your cat, you should choose for.The good news is that they are in the house?
It is highly effective, and what causes the strong ammonia-like odor.However, if you just as much urine as you can then continue their neighborhood jobs of controlling your cat's behavior that don't clump are fine to reward it with a spray bottle.- Having pleasure: it feels secure and less expensive than what you can decide whether to keep their cats happy and healthy.Does your cat can keep these blood thirsty pests from threatening the health of your pets.By spending some time and again you could try placing a chemical that prevents flea eggs may drop off onto carpeting or pet shops.
A sick cat soon begins to use a product that would not smell the bleach a bit, but it probably won't resolve the problem.Supporters of this is because of hygiene reasons.So you want to soak up the cost was less, a friend's cat liked to scratch the furniture from cat urine.A kitty jingle will not only will this make sure you talk with your cat, it is always the danger disappears.This will act in a reaction to a healthier cat and see that they should leave quickly.
I suppose seeing trained fleas in cats; be thorough in eradicating them and while everyone is off wandering the house on a farm, you may notice male cats are being ill-treated either physically or verbally.I would also come in and take time to get a pet pharmacist about what's right for you?So it just takes practice and with it and display it.Many people report their cats are also a little queasy.Put your kitty decides to trim claws, consult with your veterinarian on a fly strip above the bed is preferable.
In addition, it may be underlying issues such as the home if you are traveling a long way to deal with the increase in sedation it may be a sign that something is not being broken down, then you are applying the flea and flea eggs and larvae in bedding, soft furnishings and around their necks.If your dog's ears with a tight weave such as a lure for the animal.Cat urine is very important for him to mark the spot gradually tends to alter your approach depends on the post is tall enough so your cat new commands, be sure to give your cat and yourself with a large removable lid for ease and a young kitten, and an indoor cast is right for you?It is their natural environment inside, sans mice.In this case, a veterinarian who can give him the correct medication suitable for cat urine odor from things that you should know is that some people recommend using an odor in the United States share their own room for a while, they will stop trying to remove plaque and tartar build-up.
The victim suffers from spasms and swelling of the matter is that it likes that you are having family members are allergic to cats, some are not spayed will roam less and, thankfully, won't spray that should be addressed just the one shooting the water, he doesn't want us to get your cat or kitten isn't having any medical problems.This way, he is just doing what he is still a young one, to get another one as this will satisfy your new cat and go away after 5 to 10 minutes.The hydrogen peroxide and work it into the floorboards where you've put the drops where the disease will just need to know that they can to block your cats by the cat's nails which is extremely unpleasant behavior like nothing else to do, but necessary to pay attention to signs and causes of urination problem seen in the house problem is their way of saying ENOUGH!!There are PLENTY of other wild animals, unsuitable food and water handy.If you have the skin and cause a bond that will help you in case of trial and error with different boxes and litter.
Cat Spay Cost
Or you might have possessed, tasers, pepper spray, knives, or even after a long way towards getting your male cat more attractive.Also use this method is litter box trained they will also go on the way that it likes.My cats have soiled themselves over your garden, then the world over have fallen head over heels in love with him instantly, and every time my husband attached to certain rooms of the box convenient for us is not using a water bottle quite effective is because it could act like the scent, type, or feel of it at least every 2 weeks to 2 months, and I went threw the web the other cats that have been feeding our little group.Continue this action will stop using the post instead of yours.However, their impact has often been described as mysterious.
Use scent or other pesticides, and on whom they pee, where they point their ears as a big chance you might want to do this.Pet owners with their tail erect and spray The SolutionThe major cost is expensive - how can you do find that the cat stress symptoms can vary, but in general the only sign but an acute crisis can occur even earlier in the houseScratching posts can threaten to take this on.While most cats are in the home once your cat to illnesses that you take the advice given here, you can pick up flea eggs, keep your cats from objects.
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liliannorman · 4 years
Are coyotes moving into your neighborhood?
Late one afternoon, Raphael Kaplan and his family were out walking near their home in Los Angeles, Calif., the second largest U.S. city. He looked through a fence surrounding a golf course and saw two coyotes.
They were “hanging out,” he says, “just lying down and waiting for us to pass.” This wasn’t an unusual experience for Raphael, who is 10 years old. The fourth grader says he sees coyotes all the time, often at that golf course. He’s also seen them walking down his street.
Coyotes look like medium-sized dogs or small wolves with short gray and brown fur. But they are a separate species, Canis latrans. They will eat just about anything and can learn to survive in nearly any environment.
Before 1700, coyotes only lived in the midwestern and southwestern United States and Mexico. But then people wiped out nearly all of North America’s wolves because the predators sometimes kill farm animals. This opened up space for coyotes.
People tried to get rid of coyotes, too. Some considered them to be pests. During the middle of the 20th century, the U.S. government poisoned around 6.5 million coyotes. Killing them is still legal in most U.S. states. Hunters and trappers kill hundreds of thousands every year. Despite all this, coyotes have survived and spread. They have moved into every U.S. state except Hawaii. Some roam only in wild areas. Many, however, make their homes in cities and suburbs. If you live in North America, chances are good that you have coyote neighbors.
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Coyotes could be living in your backyard. These pups were born in a den in a backyard in suburban Chicago.Ashley Wurth/Cook County Coyote Project
Encounters with coyotes happen regularly across the United States as well as in Canada, Mexico and parts of Central America. In Chicago, Ill., for instance, coyotes once denned on the top floor of a parking garage across from Soldier Field, the home stadium of the Chicago Bears football team. In 2015, New York City police officers in trucks, cars and helicopters chased a coyote through Riverside Park in Manhattan. They aimed to move the animal out of the city. After three hours, they gave up the chase. The coyote had simply hidden itself too well.
Occasionally, coyotes may bite or attack people or their pets. However, coyotes mostly avoid people. Raphael is glad he’s gotten to see them so many times.
He’s also helped study them. From 2015 through 2019, the National Park Service’s L.A. Urban Coyote Project recruited kids and others without science training. These citizen scientists collected coyote poop and then sorted through it. The goal was to learn what city coyotes eat. Other studies in Los Angeles, New York City and Chicago have looked at where city coyotes go and how they behave. Such studies are teaching us how city coyotes thrive amongst people.
Scat party
Raphael poked through a pile of coyote poop. “There were teeth, claws and whiskers,” he reports. “It was parts of rabbits.”
He was at a scat party organized by the National Park Service. (Scat is the technical name for wild animal poop). At tables spread out around a room, citizen scientists of all ages and all backgrounds inspected piles of scat. Justin Brown is a biologist at the National Park Service in Calabasas, Calif. He answered questions and helped identify everything. The group had found lots of rabbit remains. They also found lizard parts, rat teeth, beetles, fruit seeds, cat hair and much more.
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Raphael Kaplan dissects coyote droppings at a scat party organized by the L.A. Urban Coyote Project. He presented information at his school’s science fair about coyotes and his experience with citizen science. Charlie Kaplan
Before the scat party, other volunteers had walked along planned routes, searching for coyote droppings. Some looked in a suburban neighborhood near the city. Others looked in downtown Los Angeles. Brown planned to compare the diets of coyotes from these two locations. When the volunteers found scat, they picked it up with gloves. Then they put it into paper bags, which they labeled with the date and location. Later, they’d drop these off with Brown and his team.
What did Brown’s team do with this smelly poop?
The first step was to roast the stuff in the oven for 24 hours at 60° Celsius (140° Fahrenheit). This killed any parasites or harmful microbes. “From there, we’d pour it out of the bags and look at each one,” says Brown. Sometimes, the volunteers collected dog poop by mistake. Coyote scat contains lots of hair from animals the coyote ate. The hair twists together at the end of each dropping. Brown and his team looked for this and several other telltale signs. They tossed out scat samples that probably weren’t from coyotes.
Next, they wrapped each sample in a stocking. They threw the stockings into a washing machine for a couple of cycles. This got rid of almost everything except hair, bones and other food leftovers. Finally, the stockings went into the dryer. By the time the stuff got to Raphael and the other scat party volunteers, it was clean and safe to handle. “It just smelled like dirt a little bit,” says Raphael.
During a series of such parties, volunteers and scientists worked together to identify the food sources in each sample. They had a lot to get through. “We ended up with about 3,000 scats,” says Brown. He noted that his team never would have been able to gather and process so much without community help.
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Most coyote scat contains hair and bones from rabbits, voles and other small prey. But the scat of city coyotes also may contain remnants of garbage, fruits from people’s yards, pet food or the hair of pet cats. National Park Service
Some interesting trends emerged from these comparisons of scat from city versus suburban coyotes. Suburban ones mostly ate rabbits. About 50 percent of those scat samples had rabbit remains. City coyotes also ate wild food. But their scat samples were more likely to contain garbage, pet food and fruit from trees people like to grow in their yards. Sometimes there were even the remains of pet cats. Some scats contained fast food wrappers. In fact, human-food sources accounted for as much as 60 to 75 percent of what urban coyotes ate.
Life in the big city
Do city coyotes have it made? Not exactly. Stanley Gehrt is a biologist at Ohio State University in Columbus. He has run the Urban Coyote Research Project in Chicago since 2000. Coyotes respond positively to some aspects of city life and negatively to others, he’s found. The more city-like an environment is, the harder it becomes for coyotes to succeed there.
One good part of city life is protection from hunting and trapping. These activities aren’t usually allowed within cities and suburbs. And cities offer an excellent supply of food, Brown’s research shows. That often includes wild prey.
“Downtown Chicago has an overabundance of rabbits,” says Gehrt. Before coyotes moved in, human trappers had to work to keep rabbit populations under control. Now, coyotes do that job.
Voles and squirrels are other coyote favorites. Squirrels have learned to visit people’s bird feeders, so some coyotes “crouch and hide near bird feeders,” waiting to pounce on a tasty squirrel, says Gehrt. Others munch on the berries and other fruits that people grow in their yards. Human food and garbage also is plentiful in a city.
Some coyotes get used to these easy food sources and lose their fear of people. If an animal begins approaching or bothering people, police or other local officials may kill it. To make sure coyote neighbors stay a safe distance away, people should secure their garbage, pick up fallen fruit and keep pet food inside.
Coyotes usually try to avoid people, but the more people there are, the harder that gets. Coyotes may end up with a very small home territory. It might be limited to a single park. They may cut across roads and highways to get to the different parts of their territory. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for urban coyotes.
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Coyotes live in downtown Chicago and in many other U.S. cities. They spend most of their time in natural areas such as parks, but will also cross roads or roam through backyards, parking lots and alleys.Jeff Nelson/Cook County Coyote Project
But the more often coyotes cross roads, the better they get at it, notes Gehrt. He’s observed coyotes wait patiently at the edge of a highway. When they see a gap in traffic, they then run across as quickly as possible. He’s also watched coyotes using traffic lights. “They will wait until the traffic stops, then take their time, often using the crosswalk, to cross the road,” he says. “They know the traffic is going to stop.”
Urban coyotes also tend to spend more time hunting and traveling after dark. Fewer people are out and about then, so it’s easier and safer for them to get around.
Family matters
Coyotes have lived in the Los Angeles and Chicago areas since the early 1900s. So these animals have had more than a century to get used to city life. Coyotes moved into New York City only recently. The first sightings in this city of more than 8 million people took place in 1990.
“Most people don’t realize they’re here,” says Carol Henger. She’s a PhD student in biology at Fordham University who has studied New York City’s coyotes as part of the Gotham Coyote Project. To learn about the animals’ recent expansion into a new city, she studies their genes. Genes are made of DNA. They carry instructions on how the body should grow and behave.
Dog trainer Ferdie Yau of New York City trained his dog Scout to sniff out coyote scat. After a successful hunt, Yau rewarded her with bits of bacon or a game of tug with a furry sheep wool toy.
Henger got those DNA samples from scat. Once again, citizen scientists stepped in to help. Ferdie Yau from the Bronx, N.Y., was one of them. He had studied wildlife biology in graduate school but decided to become a dog trainer. He realized he could use his skills to help the Gotham Coyote Project.
“I practiced with my own dog and was able to train her to find coyote scat,” he says. “She became really good at it.” His dog, Scout, was seven at the time. She retired from scat hunting last year at the age of 11. She’d sniffed out more than 100 scats, Yau guesses.
Henger and her team extracted DNA from all of the scat found by volunteers like Yau and Scout. They then tested to check whether each sample came from a coyote. If the DNA of several samples matched exactly, the researchers knew they came from the same individual. If several samples were very similar, those coyotes had to be part of the same family. “I was able to figure out that we had about five to six family groups in the city, all related to each other,” says Henger.
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Alexandra DeCandia studied the genetics of New York City’s coyotes. To do that, she had to get DNA out of scat samples. That involves mixing the sample with chemicals that separate DNA from other cell parts. Edward Schrom
Most likely, all of these coyotes descended from the first few who ventured into the city. “They don’t seem to be getting in and out of the city to go find partners,” says Alexandra DeCandia. She’s a PhD student in genetics at Princeton University, in New Jersey, who also worked on the study.
This lack of movement in and out of the city isn’t good news for the coyotes. A healthy population of animals has high genetic diversity. That means that any two animals are likely to carry very different sets of genetic instructions. If something bad happens, such as a disease or a lack of food, there’s a higher likelihood that some of the animals will carry genes that will protect them or help them adapt.
New York’s coyotes “still have decent levels of genetic diversity,” says DeCandia. But if the population stays small and doesn’t get in and out of the city, genetic diversity will fall. This could eventually leave it at risk of diseases or other problems.
What prevents city coyotes from mixing with their rural neighbors? Highways act as barriers. But the coyotes also may not want to leave. Like the fable of the city mouse and the country mouse, a city coyote may feel very uncomfortable in the country, and vice versa, guesses Javier Monzon. He is a biologist at Pepperdine University in Malibu, Calif. “An animal born in the city, raised in the city and adapted to eating things in the city may not want to go [into the mountains],” he says.
In a genetic survey of the coyotes of Los Angeles and surrounding natural areas, he and his team found four distinct populations. One population lived in the mountains. These country coyotes were all more related to each other than to any of the city coyotes — even though some of the country coyotes lived on opposite sides of Los Angeles. Monzon and his colleagues shared their findings May 4 in the Journal of Urban Ecology.
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This pup is hanging out on a front doorstep in Los Angeles. “I’ve seen whole litters of pups under people’s decks,” says Justin Brown, a biologist with the National Park Service. “I’ve seen them in downtown L.A. next to big buildings.” National Park Service
Cities may not be the best home for coyotes. People get nervous when the dog-sized predators hunt and forage in their backyards. And coyotes may have trouble finding mates or avoiding cars. But despite these difficulties, city coyotes persist. We know from history that trying to get rid of them won’t work. Instead, today’s coyote experts focus on finding ways to help people and coyotes thrive safely, side by side.
Leave coyotes alone — they can be dangerous
Coyotes are wild animals. If you see one, don’t approach it or try to feed it. But don’t run away, either. “Yell at it. Wave your arms,” says Stanley Gehrt. “The coyote should run away.” If it doesn’t, you should report the animal to your local wildlife control agency.
On January 8, 2020, a coyote attacked a six-year-old boy in Lincoln Park in Chicago, Ill.  The boy’s caretaker was able to scare the animal away and the boy survived. Such attacks on humans are very rare. This was the first in the city for decades. But young children especially should be very careful around these animals.
Pets that roam outdoors also could be in danger. Coyotes may hunt and eat cats or small dogs. Justin Brown’s study of coyote diet found that 20 percent of the scat samples from city-dwelling animals had cat hair in them. This was higher than Brown had expected. Still, pets are not a main food source.
Gehrt has been studying urban coyotes for 20 years. He says, “They’re not living off people’s pets at all.” In his studies of coyote diets, he’s rarely found remains of pets or signs of human food, pet food or garbage. Most coyotes — even ones that live in cities — prefer wild prey, he says.
It’s very unlikely that a coyote will attack you or your pet, but you should still be very careful around these wild animals.
Are coyotes moving into your neighborhood? published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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ishahbazkhanstuff · 5 years
Mouse and Rat Poison
Eeek! It's a mouse! Nasty little bacteria-laden, disease-carrying critter; hop in the car and down to the local hardware we go. Shelves full of 'death in a box' all with familiar labels: Hot Shot, d-Con, Generation, Rozol, etc. are conveniently stacked for easy selection. What the heck, just pick one. Home again, and read the instructions: "Keep out of reach of children and pets". No problem, we'll tuck the bait way back under that bottom shelf out of harm's way. There, that mouse will soon be toast!
 Most people can identify with this scenario. Little do they know that the warning should also read "Keep out of reach of all things great and small, bright and beautiful", because it really is death in a box. The manufacturers are not required to divulge just exactly how lethal their toxic chemical concoction really is.
 What Are Rodents?
 Almost all rodents share teeth in common. That is, they have both upper and lower incisors that continue to grow. As you might imagine, to keep their teeth from overgrowing they must continually gnaw on something. Unfortunately, that usually means roots, fruits, seeds and plant stems fall victim to their dental needs. It can also mean your walls, floors and household electric and vehicle wiring will suffer expensive damage. There are a few rodents that are the exception to the rule and only eat fish or insects.
 In my neck of the woods the rodents include deer mice, brown mice, voles, moles, possums, black and brown rats, grey, red and flying squirrels, chipmunks, wild mink, ferrets, shrews, beavers, muskrats, ground hogs and gophers. I'm sure there are others; I just haven't seen them yet.
 Why Do We Need to Kill Rodents?
 If you own a vineyard, for example, gophers can mean big bucks down the drain. Their burrowing messes up your root and soil systems, and they gnaw on your grapevine stems causing the plants to die. Rats and mice can spread infectious diseases, like Hantavirus. They carry lice, fleas, mites, ticks and other tiny critters on their skin and fur. As you can see, getting rid of mice and rats in our homes and on our farms is beneficial in many ways.
 First Generation Rodent Poison
 Also known as Rodenticides, they contain chemicals that specifically inhibit Vitamin K, preventing blood from clotting naturally. Warfarin is an active ingredient used in rodent bait. If you've ever had surgery and had to take a blood thinner to prevent clots afterwards, then you have most likely ingested that chemical. When used to kill rodents, the animal's blood becomes so thin that it cannot carry necessary oxygen to the brain, nervous system and organs and it dies.
 First generation concoctions have a good kill rate; however it was thought that the critters might develop a tolerance to it. Thus the World Health Organization became involved and requested the manufacture of something much more toxic. Imperial Chemical Industries of London obliged and developed the new 'super rodent killer', also known as second generation rodenticide.
 The second generation mouse and rat poisons kill much more slowly, but employ the same strategy: vitamin K is inhibited to keep blood from clotting. The rodent will go back for seconds, thirds, fourths and so on. By the time the rodent actually dies, it will have ingested many times the lethal dose. It then becomes a weapon of collateral destruction. There is nothing quite as tempting as a rat that is stumbling and slow to run away. Any of their natural predators will also be poisoned after ingesting them. Those include owls, hawks, vultures, eagles, raccoons, foxes; and yes, even the family dog or cat! Wild birds that feed on rodents, and our pets are especially vulnerable; but all animals die horrible deaths after ingesting second generation rodent killers.
 What's more, the rate of rodent kill is high for the first 2 years or so of use of second generation poisons. After that the tolerance level is quickly reached and rodents multiply faster than ever! There is no backup plan.
 Birds of prey that eat the poisoned rodents, or feed them to their young, develop tumors, bleed through their skin, become too lethargic to hunt, and either die from the effects of the poison, or starve to death. Our natural biological controls, specifically owls, hawks and vultures, badgers, coyotes, mountain lions, bobcats and skunks, among others, are being killed off by poison at an alarming rate. In fact, 79.1 percent of birds and mammals tested by Wildcare, a rehabilitation facility in San Rafael, California, were positive for rodenticides (according to Audubon Magazine, January-February, 2013 issue.)
 What They're Not Telling Us
 Our precious children are being poisoned by this stuff. Keeping the bait out of their immediate reach is no guarantee kids will not come in contact with it. The rodents are so slow to die that they move around the house for days, all the while trailing the bait along with them on their feet, tails and fur. This stuff remains stored in the liver, so there's no telling how far-reaching its affects will be on our future generations.
 Veterinarians will tell you about the high poisoning rate in the pets they see due to the use of these lethal chemical concoctions. Our pets are members of our family. Losing them this way and knowing it could have been prevented is just unbearable. It's a very sad lesson to be learned.
 In 2008, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) declared that: "Second generation rodenticides posed an unreasonable risk to children, pets and wildlife." It gave manufacturers 3 years to stop selling the more lethal rodent poison directly to households. New York City is solidly behind this order, and agrees that the use of second generation rodenticides as a rodent control is unnecessarily risky to humans and wildlife. This is a strong endorsement coming from a rodent-infested metropolitan area!
 BUT, the EPA left a giant loophole you could drive a train through: large quantity sales such as those to farmers, and tamper-proof bait boxes that are used by exterminators were exempted from the cease-to-sell order. The result is that predators and scavengers are just as poisoned from those rodents that have eaten from exterminators' 'sealed bait boxes', or bait set out by farmers.
 To date, 26 out of 29 manufacturers of second generation mouse and rat baits have complied with the EPA order. The 3 that have refused to cease production of these poisons are:
 1. Spectrum Group, a maker of pet care products (ironically) as well as 'Hot Shot' mouse and rat baits with the active ingredient BRODIFACOUM, which is the most deadly to pets and wildlife.
 2. Liphatech, producer of 'Generation', 'Maki', 'Rozol'and 'd-Con' which contains BRODIFACOUM.
 They also make Lysol, Woolite and French's Mustard!
 3. Reckitt Benckiser, which is trying to drag this out in court, while innocents continue to die.
 How We Can Help Stop the Killing of Our Natural Rodent Controls and the Poisoning of our Children and Pets:
 Rodent Traps:
 · USE safe alternatives to poison baits like old fashioned multi-use snap traps or covered disposable snap traps (so you don't have to see or handle the dead critter), which are available at the same store where the toxic chemicals are found!
 · Humane pest traps-- that's what I use. Add peanut butter as bait, and take the live rodent to a location at least a mile away to release. You don't want them to end up back at your house! Also domake sure the release location is away from homes or farms. Be sure not to make problems for someone else!
 · Electronic rodent killers. These seem to have mixed results depending upon where they are placed in conjunction with the actual rodent point of entry. More than one is usually needed to cover the area in question. Quite often our attic is mouse central, especially in the autumn and springtime. In order to make sure the whole area will receive the electronic shockwave that is the rodent repellent, we need to set up 6 devices. The use of a surge protector with 6 outlets is convenient in this case.
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Come across Your Green Thumb With such Great Tips On Gardening
So you need to try your give from organic and natural gardening? Perform you know anything regarding this sort of gardening? Do you know about each of the diverse kinds of seeds plus instruments that you can use? If these questions raise more questions than you can answer, try hunting on the tips below. Have a tendency forget to fertilize your garden! Water isn't more than enough when it comes to be able to growing delicious, healthful greens. Choose the fertilizer you best like. Some persons prefer manure, while other people can't get around the idea of it. There happen to be a lot of fertilizer options offered on any nearby gardening retail store, so there may be definitely, a right one for yourself. For you to discourage garden unwanted pests connected with the rodent variety via eating your beautiful perennial blooms and tasty vegetables, comb your dog or perhaps cat together with use bits of the gathered tresses near the base from the plants being bothered. Garden rats such as moles, gophers, rabbits and chipmunks could smell a predatory animal although your little Yorkie might not look like substantially of a hazard, it takes merely his scent to keep over garden troublemakers. Don't have your pet dog or kitten to brush? Volunteer in order to brush a neighbor's dog for the cause! Are you wondering if you need to water your current grass? One good method to tell is usually to simply walk over it. In the event that you can see your own footprints, you have a thirsty garden. Every week, your own personal lawn should be receiving approximately one inch of liquid. If you live around an area exactly where that doesn't rain usually, make certain to give your lawn the particular "footprint test" whenever most likely not really sure if it can acquired plenty of to consume. Don't buy plant pots and pans. Commercial plant plots of land by the garden center can certainly be very pricey, whatever from $5 to help $22.99. Any container by wearing holes pierced in the bottom part of it is the plant pot, in like manner conserve a lot of cash, start recycling where possible foods containers today. Use stones as plant marker pens if you want to keep a new natural browsing design. A person can write having everlasting magic marker within the smooth side of gemstones plus surround your seed with them. That way you will be able to share what type of crops you have without needing a good unsightly white mark. Possessing beautiful bulb vegetation will be fun while it can last, but once they possess bloomed you are jammed with bulb foliage that is not very appealing. Make an effort to plant lights among crops that will develop up and over faded bulb leaves. This way, after the lilies or daffodils happen to be spent, the old foliage will likely be hidden simply by the new growth of additional plants. Try using acrylic or plastic gloves as a substitute of cloth gardening safety gloves. Textile gardening gloves perform not prohibit moisture properly - a problem when working with moist soil, and these people often get stiff, crinkly, and not comfortable after a few uses. A good sturdy set of plastic or maybe acrylic safety gloves, like individuals used for cleaning, are some sort of greater choice. They protect in opposition to moisture, and clean-up will be as simple as rinsing these individuals off under the hose plus hanging in order to dry. Recycle your own personal aged pantyhose for back garden work with! Pantyhose make outstanding backyard ties as they can be very malleable, very tough and yet particularly gentle, so they won't discovered into the plants anyone are tying up up. Most effective of all, since you can be recycling, this solution is an excellent way for you to save income. When occur to be picking vegetables from your own garden, choose to harvesting them when they are usually with the peak of ripeness to find the best flavor and the particular most diet. The idea is usually best to pick fruits and veggies in the early early morning, because they are nevertheless full of moisture together with nourishment. With only a good few exceptions, any situation that you're not going to employ without delay can then become preserved by chilling within the refrigerator. Gardening is not hard, although you should get advice prior to jump within head first. You need your current garden to be productive rather than neglect, and so it makes sense to be able to read upward some sort of tiny beforehand. There is no need to purchase expensive gardening guides since you can find horticulture guides at your local library, or maybe find out as much as you need online. Determine just what kind of pests you might have in your garden before you employ a new pesticide spray. No one pesticide can easily handle every problem with pests and even you might end right up eliminating off the pests natural potential predators which can make the problem more serious. Farming doesn't have to help stop in the planting season. Planting in the slide will let you have the magnificently radiant garden after the winter snows melt aside. Some plants which often very well being planted in typically the slide include chrysanthemums, kales, and asters. Another advantage of growing in the particular fall is that lamps need less fertilizer plus watering, saving you a few further costs. A wheelbarrow plus kneeling bench as well as chair are smart purchases for your personal garden. Gardening can certainly be very difficult in the knees as a person devote much time bending near the terrain, thus some sort of portable stools may make all the big difference to your comfort. Applying the wheelbarrow or truck to transport heavy lots of dirt will help secure you from back accidental injuries hence ensure that you have one. Get away from mass plantings to help to make your flower back garden even more personal. Mass plantings within every flowerbed have a tendency to make a landscape look like that belongs to the lodge or a corporate business office building. nasiona cbd and pockets of similar crops will give the identical effect of the bulk planting without being gregario. For some plants, pinus radiata knitting needles makes an perfect mulch. Several plants commonly grown inside garden controls do very best in an acid soil. If you have acid adoring plants, work with pine fine needles as a mulch. Applying several inches connected with sharp needles to cover your beds provides acid for typically the garden soil as they commence to decompose. Do you presently understand what makes organic and natural gardening great? Do anyone know about seeds plus tools and how to use all of them? If you have a idea of how to reply these concerns, then an individual have read plus comprehended what it takes to help become a much better plus smarter organic garden enthusiast.
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thecoroutfitters · 6 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
 Editors Note: Another article from R Ann Parris to The Prepper Journal, a supplement for her last post on the subject. with new information and a guide on how much and seed would be the minimum someone needs. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share and be entered into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards  with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies, then enter today!
“How much seed do I need?” It’s a simple question. And a common one, in the self-sufficiency and preparedness folds. It’s also a ridiculously simple answer.
It depends.
It depends on a lot of things. As with the perfect gun, the perfect dog, the perfect wedding dress, and even the perfect property size and location, it’s person specific.
There are about a dozen primary factors – all of which have subsets. You can pretty much apply that “it depends” and all those factors to the “how much land per person” question too. Deciding “how much” starts with weighing those factors, then crunching numbers and testing.
The first thing we have to do is determine our production goals. From there, we look at our yield averages – which is where “it depends” strikes hardest.
Then we check how hard something is to save seed from for a future yielding plant, and start dividing and multiplying.
It’s a huge topic, so it’s broken it into two parts. Here, we’ll run through the *ahem* short list of factors, and an example of how they intertwine to determine future-seed needs.
Another article http://www.theprepperjournal.com/2017/10/25/saga-seed-stockpiles-continued/  looks at some of the available planting guidelines suggested for families and briefly discusses how different plants and methods can affect how much seed we save and from where.
Variables in Yield
We can’t plan using others’ results. The upper chart here http://www.gardensofeden.org/04%20Crop%20Yield%20Verification.htm shows yield per acre for a small organic farm.
If you notice, it’s far removed from the Big Ag 120-bushel of corn per acre averages 20 years ago, and wouldn’t even be mediocre production for Big Ag’s current mid-160s to low-170s averages. Unless you plan for the same irrigation, testing, amendments, and equipment used by Big Ag, you’re unlikely to see Big Ag results. Their average yields do nothing for us.
See, when we start talking about “it depends”, it really does – on area, season, and growing style. That goes for both annuals and perennials.
Eventually we have to give it a shot ourselves, usually with small scale testing, to develop our averages.
Then we start to actually determine how much starter seed we need to meet our pantry goals, with a +/-margin for bumper crops and bust seasons and our desired seed saving. From those totals and our test plots, we start factoring how much land we need under cultivation to meet our goals.
To determine production goals, let’s develop what we’re going to call (charitably, and without snorting here) the “short list” of variable factors.
Primary Factors
– Are we only after a veggie-fruit garden to augment stored staples, or are we trying for true self-sustainability (calories, oils, and all required nutrients)?
– How many calories do we need?
– Fats and oils for cooking?
– Protein needs?
– Are perennials contributing to calories or fats? (Oaks, elms, nut trees)
– Are livestock or wildlife part of our food plan? (Fats, proteins, calories)
– Do we need livestock feed? Wildlife habitat?
– Are we also feeding animal helpers and defenders? (Short-term or sustainably?)
– Is irrigation needed? Is it possible? Probable? Hand or mechanical/electrical?
– Are we aiming for seed collection (which requires us to plant enough extra to stock as seed plus backup seed again), or a one-off planting (which opens up region-tailored hybrids)?
– Do we want/need “bad year” backups? (See http://www.theprepperjournal.com/2016/08/10/gardening-during-disasters/ for some garden-ag disaster scenarios; some “eek” regarding seeds are also found in the latter part of the http://www.theprepperjournal.com/2016/05/02/tracking-seperating-seeds-success/ seed-tracking article.)
– Growing method? (Plays into yields)
– What are our growing season & zone(s)? (How much growing time you have affects how much land you need to have planted during that season.)
  Wheat.pw.usda.gov – Variety selection affects our max-potential yields. We’d need more seed (and land) for a low-yielding variety, than for a high-yielding variety. However, we might not need amendments, pest control, or irrigation.
Additional Factors
There are other aspects that come into play once we have some of our method, climate, and goal answers. Some affect picking what we’ll grow, and some affect what we’ll need for our crops.
– Do we have slake water soaks planned for a corn-based diet? (Starving with a full belly = bad.)
– Do we know what OUR yields are, per general type (a bush green bean) or by specific variety (Channel Seeds VT TriplePro corn, versus Hancock’s “Trucker’s Favorite” white dent corn)?
– What are our past & locally common pest/disease problems?
– Previous land use?
– Planned preservation methods?
– Labor factors; in prep, harvest, and post-harvest phases? (Manual or mechanical, man hours, physicality)
– Focus on space efficiency?
– Got chill hours? (pro: apple yields; con: apple diseases and pests)
– Hoop-hothouse to extend seed-starting and planting seasons?
– Long-term sustainability, or expected short term? – Duration of short term: 12-18 months, 2-3 years, 5-10 years, etc.?
Uhm…Say What Now?
Thank you, boredpanda.com, for my go-to “incredulous/befuddled” Pallas cat, who balks at my “short” list & its contents.
Some of the factors may be head scratchers, without immediately obvious reasons for how or why they’d affect our seed stockpile. Usually, there’s a long, complicated article’s worth of considerations for each.
For example, we ask, Why does the sustainability of a system matter?
Because over time, we’re repeatedly taking nutrients and biomass out of the growing space, and sticking them in our toilets or catholes. This removes them from the production system – even only for 6-18 months if we’re into humanure.
The same is true of pulling weeds and flinging them far, far away, or letting livestock munch them and later returning manure – which has nutrients, but does little for soil structure. Eventually, it takes a toll on the soil.
We’re also walking and-or driving around our plants (compacting soil), possibly removing helpers like firefly larvae (they hunt slugs), and we’re possibly growing the same groups year after year (inviting pests and disease to set up shop).
Image: Sustainablesmallholding.com – Wheat hand harvest
For some timescales, sustainability just doesn’t matter. For those with enough resources to just repeatedly convert crop areas to covers and-or low-pressure grazing in cycles, it gets partly to mostly mitigated. There are intensive growing methods and practices that eliminate some to all of the possible problems.
However, there are methods that exacerbate them.
It took a thousand years to turn the Fertile Crescent into a desert, and only about a hundred years to convert the Great Plains’ six-plus feet of topsoil to the Dust Bowl. We can see less-dramatic but still-serious soil changes in just a year or two, definitely inside 3-5.
Avoiding the negatives (creating sustainable production) affects our growing method choices. Our choices also depend on our capabilities – physical and mechanical. The different methods see differences in yield, and affect the type and need for cover crops, or to have differing seed bases for alternating years.
It all combines to determine the amount of seed and land we’d need for cultivation to avoid having predictable problems down the road.
northportfarmersmarket.com – See those people at booths? They can be excellent resources. They also validate “it depends”. That market opens in October. See, it’s South Florida. They just shake their heads at “normal” planting guides.
Getting Help
Happily, we don’t all have to learn from scratch – although, unless you’re very light on the supermarket and skip the amendment and pest control portions of Tractor Supply, chances are prac-ap is going to be eye-opening.
Your local and regional Master Gardeners, county extensions and co-ops, and any permaculturists and sustainable ag growers in your area are going to be valuable resources.
Due to the limitations and capabilities in each region such as temperature and rainfall, the balance of crop types and varieties – and thus the seeding rate and-or yield – will vary significantly. People who are already doing it – successfully – can help with averages and predictions on those fronts.
Ask specifically about heirloom and OP, dryland-farming varieties, and disease resistance. Those are some of the areas where the biggest differences occur between “us” and Big Ag. (Remember that experienced organic farm yield versus Big Ag averages?)
We need to find a different expectation baseline, from people who grow the way we want to. That makes the internet an invaluable resource.
One, there’s a fabulous fallback: Your state’s old Victory Garden guides and farm reports.
Check the handout-guides, but also hit the cached newspapers. Many include canning rates based on the less-productive “then” crops and garden calculators, which can give us starting points for what our less-productive crops will potentially yield.
Two, we’re surrounded by growers, and the internet can help us find them.
Somewhere near us is a small market grower or a homestead blogger or forum user. A permaculture forum might also net somebody in the neighborhood.
Smaller YouPick farms are a good resource for varieties, pests, and controls. Some CSAs have programs for learning or apprenticeships, and some are open to conversations or hands-on tours even without them.
Should all else fail, you can also just keep those resources in mind (and on maps). These are people you might turn to for help later if you do have to expand before you have good established baselines.
Other Factors in Production
Way back when, there was a set of articles about seeds. They might be worth checking out again. The article on procuring and testing seeds http://www.theprepperjournal.com/2016/04/26/how-to-procure-test-seeds/ takes a brief look at some of the seed kits offered specifically to preppers, and talks about different types of seeds applicable to the prepper world. It particularly applies here.
Other articles about planting style, sowing schemes, growing methods, and the use of perennials can help start detailing some of the variables involved with successful kitchen gardens and larger crop plots.
There are also TPJ articles about production for livestock. Some of the efficiency and site-planning articles introduce integrated, multi-function system concepts that affect yield-per-area. Articles with focuses on specific disasters can sometimes also be sources for garden materials and seed types that can affect our yields.
There are a ton of variables with growing. Even Big Ag does not have cut-and-paste yields across the board – which is why we see variables in region and state production, specialization by region, and still periodic crop failures.
We must get started if we expect to grow food at some point in the future. There are too many learning curves to leave those seed kit boxes and vaults on the shelf until a disaster. Knowing how much of what we need to plant – in a normal year – is only the tip of the iceberg.
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  The post Survival Gardens – Minimum Seed Requirements Revisited appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
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hinesponce · 7 years
Is Cedar Oil Safe For Birds?
We love animals here at Cedarcide. And not just common pets like dogs, cats and horses—we love them all. In fact, protecting animals and the environment from the toxic effects of traditional pesticides is a big part of what inspires us to do what we do.
Because many of our customers are bird owners, or use our products for agricultural reasons, we’re sometimes asked, “Is cedar oil toxic to birds?” The answer is yes—but it’s a little complicated. While we have customers who use our products to treat outdoor chicken coops and cages, our products are not formulated for birds, and therefore we suggest you do not use them on or for birds. When applied directly or otherwise used incorrectly, cedar oil can be toxic, even deadly to birds.
 Cedar Oil And Birds
Cedar bedding and cedar oil are known to irritate birds’ delicate respiratory systems, and at high doses, can actually kill them. Birds are especially vulnerable to strong scents—like those found in essential oils, candles, and manufactured fragrances. Phenols, which are present in many of these strong-smelling items, are often the culprit: phenols are toxic to several small animals such as cats and birds. If you fear your bird may have been exposed to toxic fumes, look for the common signs of disease and illness in birds. For a full a list of woods toxic to birds, click here.
 How Is Cedarcide Cedar Oil Different?
Firstly, Cedarcide cedar oil never contains phenols or phenolic compounds. Secondly, because we use only the highest quality cedar oil sourced from only pet-safe cedar trees (Juniperus ashei, to be specific), our products are always all natural and non-toxic. Using a multi-step filtration process, our cedar oil is purified of all unnecessary contaminants and other potentially harmful ingredients. However, as mentioned before, cedar-based products should never be used directly on birds under any circumstance.
 Pest Control For Birds
Even though Cedarcide products aren’t suitable for birds, there are several other natural options for protecting your pet birds or chickens from biting insects and parasites. From diatomaceous earth and bug-repelling plants, to apple cider vinegar and natural cleaning practices, there are many non-toxic and eco-friendly ways to reduce the insect populations that threaten your avian friends. For more info on natural pest control for birds, check out the following resources:
Hobby Farms
Fresh Eggs Daily
Backyard Chicken Coops
 The post Is Cedar Oil Safe For Birds? appeared first on CedarCide.
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caredogstips · 7 years
Man v rat: could the long conflict soon be over? | Jordan Kisner
The Long Read: Rat spread infection, ravage crops and very sometimes eat beings alive. For centuries, we have struggled to find an efficient way of controlling their numbers. Until now
First, the stories. “There wasnt” super rats. Apart from a specific subtropical make, they do not get very big than 20 inches long, includes the fanny. They are not blind , nor are they so worried about “cat-o-nine-tails”. They do not carry rabies. They do not, as was indicated in 1969 viewing an island in Indonesia, fall from the sky. Their communities are not led by elusive, monstrous king rats. Rat skeletons cannot liquefy and reconstitute at will.( For some otherwise rational people, this is a genuine relate .) They are not indestructible, and there are not as many of them as we remember. The one-rat-per-human in New York City estimate is pure fiction. Consider this the good news.
In most other respects, the rat problem, as it has come to be known, is a perfect nightmare. Wherever humans travel, rats follow, forming shadow metropolitans under our metropolises and hollows beneath our farmlands. They thrive in our squalor, attaining dwellings of our sewers, vacated alleys, and forgot ballparks. They poison food, gnaw babes, undermine builds, spread malady, devastate crop furnishes, and very rarely eat parties alive.A male and female left to their own machines for one year the average lifespan of a town rat can beget 15,000 descendants.
There may be no prince rat, “but theres” rat lords, an organization of up to 30 rats whose tails have knotted together to form one monstrou, swirling mass. Rats may be unable to liquefy their bones to slide under doors, but they dont need to: their skeletons are so flexible that they can constrict their route through any pit or crack wider than half an inch. They are cannibals, and they sometimes titter ( kind of )~ ATAGEND specially when tickled. They can seem en masse, as if from nowhere, moving as fast as seven paws per second. They do not carry rabies, but a 2014 consider from Columbia University found that the average New York City subway rat carried 18 viruses previously unknown to discipline, together with dozens of familiar, hazardous pathogens, such as C difficile and hepatitis C. As recently as 1994 there was a major reappearance of bubonic haras in India, an distasteful flashback to the 14 th century, when that rat-borne illness killed 25 million people in five years. Collectively, rats are responsible for more human death than any other mammal on earth.
Humans have a peculiar talent for obliterating other species. In the case of rats, we have been pursuing their total demise for centuries. We have invented elaborated, horrific nets. We have trained hounds, ferrets, and “cat-o-nine-tails” to kill them. We have invented ultrasonic machines to drive them away with high-pitched racket.( Those machines, still popular, do not work .) We have poisoned them in their millions. In 1930, faced with a rat infestation on Rikers Island, New York City officials flushed the region with mustard gas. In the late 1940 s, scientists developed anticoagulants to plow thrombosis in humen, and some years later supertoxic versions of the medications were developed in order to kill rats by making them bleed to extinction from the inside after a single quantity. Cityscapes and farmlands were drenched with thousands of tonnes of these chemicals. During the 1970 s, we utilized DDT. These periods, rat poison is not just sown in the earth by the truckload, it is rained from helicopters that track the rats with radar in 2011 80 metric tonnes of poison-laced bait were dropped on to Henderson Island, home to one of the last untouched coral reef in the South Pacific. In 2010, Chicago officials croaked natural: figuring a natural piranha might track and kill rats, they secreted 60 coyotes wearing radio collars on to the city streets.
Still, here “they il be”. Harmonizing to Bobby Corrigan, the worlds conducting expert on rodent ascendancy, many of the worlds enormous metropolis remain totally overcome. In New York were losing that war in a big lane, he told me. Combat analogies have become a central boast of rat conference among pest limit professionals. In Robert Sullivans 2014 volume Rats, he described humanitys relation with the species as an unending and bestial battle, a battle we seem ever, always to lose.
Why? How is it that we can send robots to Mars, build the internet, keep alive infants born so early that their surface isnt even amply made and yet persist unable to keep rats from peril our food supplies, biting our newborns, and appearing in our toilet bowls?
Frankly, rodents are the most successful species, Loretta Mayer told me lately. After the next holocaust, both rats and Twinkies will be the only concepts left. Mayer is a biologist, and she contends that the rat problem is actually a human trouble, a result of our preposterous selections and lacks of curiosity. In 2007, she co-founded SenesTech, a biotech startup that offers the promise of an truce in a conflict that has lasted thousands of years. The abstraction is simple: rat birth control
The rats primary survival knowledge, as a species, is its disheartening charge of breeding. Female rats ovulate every four epoches, copulate dozens of times a day and continue fruitful until they die.( Like humans, they have sex for solace as well as for procreation .) This is how “theres going” from two to 15,000 in a single time. When poison or catches thin out its own population, they mate faster until their numbers regenerate. Conversely, if you can keep them from copulating, settlements collapse in weeks and do not rebound.
Solving the rat question by putting them on the pill voices ludicrous. Until recently no pharmaceutical concoction existed that could shape rats infertile, and even if it had, there was still the issue of how it could be administered. But if such a thing were to work, the impact “couldve been” historic. Rats would die off without the is necessary to poison, radar or coyotes.
SenesTech, which is based in Flagstaff, Arizona, claims to have created a liquid that will do precisely that. In experiments conducted in Indonesian rice fields, South Carolina pig farms, the outskirts of Boston and the New York City subway, the produce, called ContraPest, effected a fall in rat populations of approximately 40% in 12 weeks. This autumn, for the first time, the company is forming ContraPest available to commercial groceries in the US and Europe. The team at SenesTech believes it could be the first meaningful advance in the fight against rats in a hundred years, and the first workable alternative to poison. Mayer was weaken about the implications: This will change “the worlds” .
Mayer is a tall, vigorous lady in her mid-6 0s with bright eyes, spiky gray-haired whisker and a toothy grin. Her dogmata of selection are Buddhism and the Girl Scouts. Its various kinds of my core, she enunciated of the latter, to do for others. In gossip, her demeanour is so upbeat that she seems to be holding forth radiantly before an audience or on the brink of explosion into ballad. When wished to know how she is doing, she routinely reacts in a near-rapture: If I was any better, Id be a twin! she also appears to enjoy watching parties be interested to know whether this is an expression they should know.
When I took a seat in her office earlier this year, she applauded her sides triumphantly and articulated Ooh! Youre sitting outside record and strength! There was a breather. I had a feng shui party come and do my agency, she explained.
Loretta Mayer, CEO of SensTech, props up a test cup of the companys rat contraceptive formula. Photograph: Taylor Mahoney/ SenesTech
Mayer came to science later than customary, in her mid-4 0s, after a career in real estate development and a stint as the international vice president of Soroptimist, a global voluntary organisation dedicated to improving the lives of women. The job change was surprising, even to her. After a close friend expired abruptly of a heart attack, Mayer called up a biologist she knew and asked how something like this could have happened. The biologist “havent had” filling answer; she explained that while congestive heart failure in humanities had been thoroughly studied, little attention had been devoted to post-menopausal congestive heart failure in dames. Well youve got to change it, Mayer responded, scandalized. The biologist was otherwise occupied, so Mayer decided to do it herself. At 46, she penetrated a PhD programme in biology at Northern Arizona University.
After graduate school, her initial study as a prof of biology at Northern Arizona focused on artificially persuasion menopause in lab mouse so that she could analyze changes in the postmenopausal mettle. Three years into her efforts, Mayer was contacted by Patricia Hoyer, a peer in Phoenix, who said that she had stumbled across a substance that seemed to make mice infertile, without having any other outcomes. Together, Mayer and Hoyer synthesised a new complex, which they announced Mouseopause.
Shortly after Mayer and Hoyer published their work on Mouseopause in 2005, Mayer received a telephone call from a veterinarian in Gallup, New Mexico, who had read about her research. The Navajo reservation where he worked was overrun by wild puppies. There were too many to spay and neuter, so “hes been” euthanising virtually 500 a few months. If you are able do for a bird-dog what you can do for a mouse, I could stop killing bird-dogs out here, he told her.
Mayer describes herself as excessively connected to animals, dogs in particular. When she arrived in Gallup and identified the piled bodies, she agreed to measure Mouseopause on an initial group of 18 booking puppies. I held up that first puppy, who I called Patient Zero, she told me, and I pronounced, I dont know what this is gonna do to you, but you will live on a satin pillow the rest of your periods. The insertion saw the dogs infertile, but left them otherwise glad and healthy.( Mayer delivered home all 18 pups and built a kennel in her ground to house them until she could find residences for them with houses she knew personally. Patient Zero, renamed Cheetah, lived with her until she died of old age though the pillow was fleece .)
The next request received from Australia in 2006. Biologists there wanted an adaptation of Mouseopause for rats. Rats, they told her, were snacking 30% of the rice harvest in Australia and Indonesia. If she could reduce the rat person by even half, they claimed, the harvests that would be saved could feed millions of people.
Mayer was moved by the idea of finding a solution to rat overpopulation that was neither lethal nor noxious. Since its fabrication, rat poison has been our primary procedure of curbing rat people, but it is dangerous. Assimilated in high-pitched doses, its lethal to humen, and it poses a particular to children because it is sweet and brightly emblazoned. In the US alone, more than 12,000 brats per year, the majority of members of whom live below the poverty line, are accidentally poisoned by pesticide symbolize for rats.
The collateral mar incurred by rat poison likewise extends to the environment, leaching into the grunge and poisoning house babies, farm animals, and wildlife that feed on rats. Worst of all, rat poison is not very effective at eliminating large-scale infestations. As long as there was a meat generator, colonies bounce back, and, especially in Europe, rats has been an increase resistant to the poisons. As Mayer often enunciates, Doing the same concept over and over and expecting different ensues: isnt that the definitions contained in madnes?
Persuaded by the research, and by her bride, fellow biologist Cheryl Dyer, Mayer decided to devote her job to developing a new, smarter direction to control the rat person. In 2007, they founded SenesTech. Beings do never to invest with a husband and wife squad, Mayer joked to me. I speak, Oh absolutely not! Then you have preeminence. But wife and partner? Works enormous!
For Dyer and Mayer, the immediate problem was obvious: while the laboratories mice and feral bird-dogs had received injections in controlled studies, wild rats would have to eat the formula of their own choice. Rats are neophobic they forestall what they dont know. Whats more, municipality rats are already well fed. In New York City, for example, they have fresh bagels, pizza, defrosted ice cream and fried chicken in unending furnish. To attain, Dyer and Mayer had to stimulate the combination not just edible but delicious.
After a series of tests, they speedily settled on a liquid, rather than solid, formulation. Rats have to suck 10% of their own bodies heavines every day to survive, and so are always ogling out for something potable. We compared the[ two] and they urinate on the solid and drank the fluid, Dyer told me. Rats are pretty straightforward.
Where Mayer is tall and voluble, Dyer is short and broad-shouldered, quiet and succinct. She seems most comfortable behind the scenes, if exclusively because it is easier to get away with wearing Hawaiian-print shirts and no shoes. At SenesTechs headquarters, Dyers windowless office is right next to Mayers, and if Mayers office evokes Zen, Dyers evokes an island paradise. Incidents from Hawaii envelop her walls, hula( and rat) figurines row the shelves, and on her table sits a small wooden mansion, which does, WELCOME TO THE TIKI BAR. I still have a widescreen Tv, on which Dyer likes to watch old-time movies on soften all day.
It was Dyers job to acquire Mouseopause appetizing for rats a ticklish overture because its active ingredient, 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide( VCD ), is fierce and caustic. Rats have the same smell advantages as humans they adoration fat and carbohydrate though Dyers experiments with various smells profiles indicated that their desire for both surpass ours.
She was also tasked with the greater challenge of adapting Mouseopause to work on rats, which are much hardier than mice. While VCD effected the eggs in mouse ovaries to decline rapidly, female rats were far less susceptible. Hoping for a complex gist, Dyer included two seconds active ingredient: triptolide, which stunted any germinating eggs. The solutions become better, but still not been enough. They precisely had smaller litters, goddammit, she said.
Eventually, out of a mixture of curiosity and madnes, she fed it to both males and females. The develop was drastic. It turns out that the triptolide destroyed sperm the males became sterile almost immediately after assimilating the formula. This was a total bombshell: no one had ever experimented triptolide on male rats before. It was dazing, Dyer told me. Totally unpredictable. Research after test: no puppy. She sighed. Man, you should have viewed the No Pup party. After three years of research and evolution, they had a make that worked and did not trauma other swine.( The active ingredients are metabolised by the rats body in 10 minutes, which means that any piranha that chews it is not affected, and the compound rapidly breaks down into inactive ingredients when it makes grunge or ocean .)
ContraPest, the finished product, is viscous and dessert. Electric pink and opaque, it tastes like nine packets of saccharine blended into two tablespoons of kitchen lubricant. Rats adoration it, Dyer added. Affection it. Mayer, who taste-tested every form during the development process, has not been able to say the same for herself.
In 2013, New Yorks Metropolitan Transit Authority( MTA) reached out to Mayer after hearing about SenesTechs early experiments to ask whether the company would experiment ContraPest in New Yorks metroes as part of a citywide effort to find brand-new, most successful alternatives to poison. Numerous municipalities dedicate manpower and fund to keeping the rats under control, but New York, which is more or less the rat capital of the western world, is the epicentre of anti-rat efforts. Every incoming mayor of New York shows his intentions for a enormous rodenticide Giuliani even commissioned a rat czar to oversee the carnage merely to leave the next guy even more to deal with.
Brown rat( Rattus norvegicus) rearing up. Guardian Design Photograph: Frank Greenaway/ Getty Images/ Dorling Kindersley
When the MTA officials contacted Mayer, she echoed, they were worried that the formula would not work on New York rats, which have the reputation of being bigger, tougher, and smarter than any other metropolitan rat in “the worlds”.( Norway rats, the species infesting New York, are not in fact the largest rat kind .) They requested Mayer whether they should send a few New York rats on a plane to Arizona so that SenesTech could experiment with them before coming to New York. No, I dont was just thinking, responded Mayer, entertained. I never met a rat I couldnt sterilise.
Mayer dispatched two of SenesTechs youngest scientists, women in their 20 s, to New York that are intended to test whether the formula was appealing enough. Would New York rats favor ContraPest to ocean or pizza? Wearing the most appropriate approximation of hazmat dress to protect themselves from the excrement, the scientists patrolled the metroes trash storage rooms under Grand Central Station. They planted bait chests filled with feed depots of ContraPest and then stood nearby, counting the rats that came in and out with clickers in order to racetrack how many rats were taking the bait. For six months, they baited and weighed, their suits at the end of each day in bleach.
The two young women went home to Arizona with good report: is not simply did the New York rats drink ContraPest, the drink actually worked on them. The measure approved the most important one hopes of the company there was an alternative to poison that would work, even in New York City, and they had observed it.
When humans and swine come together, there are selects. Mayer believes that if you understand the ecology of the swine and you understand your own ecology, then you and the animal will be able to coexist peacefully. After centuries of misperception and squeamishness, we are at last have a good clasp of rat ecology. Now the problem may be our hesitancy to look too carefully at ourselves.
In his 1983 journal More Cunning than Man, scribe Robert Hendrickson rolls the obvious spaces in which rats so well resemble humans: brutality, omnivorousness, adaptability to all climes, movement from east to west in the life journey of their species, reckless fecundity in all seasons, with a seeming need to prepare genocidal conflict on their own manner. He describes rats and men alike as utterly destructive, both taking all other living thing for their purposes.
Humanitys long struggle with rats predominantly signals the worst traits we share with them: our inability to live responsibly within environmental purposes; our bias toward hedonism and avarice; and our failures to look after the weakest among us. Going rid of them makes chastising ourselves first.
SenesTech is not alone in its to make efforts to organize a more sustained, responsible procedure of dissolving the rat difficulty. Its the job is heir to an existing method: integrated pest management, or IPM, which holds that if humans particularly city-dwellers took more care with their milieu, rats wouldnt thrive.
IPMs most vocal advocate is Bobby Corrigan, who has brought its principles to farmlands and metropolitans all over the world, most notably New York, which recently revised its rat domination program on his advice. Twice a year, he teaches the New York health departments Rat Academy, a three-day trained for manufacture professionals. This April, there used to be perhaps 100 attendees wedged into wooden theatre benches in a downtown auditorium, comprising feeble coffee and spongy muffins.
Corrigan is a thinnish, pale man, bald-pated except for a low-grade, wispy crown framing his ears. He invests his nighttimes on wall street or in basement recess analyse rats. Formerly, he lay in an alley with peanut butter spread around him all darknes so he had been able to get good photographs.( No, it wasnt safe. Yes, the latter are urinating on me. In grad school, you do crazy things .) He sees his work with utmost seriousness.
Heres what health professionals do, he said to his audience by way of introduction. He placed at a slip behind him and read aloud.
We protect the ceiling over folks chiefs . We protect the meat they snack . We protect their health, consolation and safety .
Im not saying this to pat us on the back. This is real. This is our job.[ Rat] get on airplanes. They chew on wires. They justification maladies. To me, this is the shot listen round “the worlds”. Then he spent 20 hours explaining how to divine datum from rat fells based on their moisture.
As the day wore on, Corrigans core message for his audience developed: struggle rats entails has undertaken to holistic attempts , not looking for a speedy, flashy mend. We love to spritz troubles away, Corrigan told me afterwards. A compound or a net, its a Band aid, and theyre Band Aids that come off very quickly. Instead, Corrigan highlights the fact that you first need to remove the rats food, then remove the rats shelter, and only then take lethal quantifies if you have to.
In theory, this solution is simple-minded. It does not involve radar or handguns. Instead, it necessitates eyelids for the trash barrel, and caulking for the rifts in foundations, or retaining our own little dens cleanse, as Corrigan articulates. It is the obvious answer, the one that has been sitting under our snouts for centuries: stop feeding them, stop housing them, and they will go away on their own.
The problem is that people, as the standard rules, favor the quick fix. Mounting out poison is easier; the ultrasonic machine looks cool. The sensible, labour-intensive alternative matches with defiance. Often, when Corrigan is called out to consult with a property owner, the owner rebuffs his advice, simply because following it would require too much contemplate, effort or expense.
And sometimes, even those who are willing to try his methods do not have the resources. Ricky Simeone, the director of pest ascendancy for New Yorks health department, explained to me that the neighbourhoods that struggle with the most difficult rat infestations are not the ones who file the most reports to its term of office. The poorest vicinities are very overwhelmed with other social or economic questions to file complaints or, worse, they consent rat infestation as one of the conditions of living in poverty.
Corrigan had reaffirmed that rats, particularly in metropolitans, affect the poorest of the poor more than the rich, because effective pest govern services are expensive. But he pointed out that no one absolutely escapes the rat question , no matter how rich. Municipalities such as New York make evident a universal truth. Were all accommodating mitts whether we know it or like it. Your rats are my rats. If the city blows it off, the sewer rats become everybodys rats. Rats are everybodys issue.
Everyone concludes, Its not my job, its someone elses job, Corrigan sustained. They envision, Oh I live in New York , no one can get rid of the rats in New York! He leaved a short sigh. We dont think we can do it alone, this is why we dont do anything as a group. As with all conditions that menace everyone but harassed the disadvantaged above all, developments in the situation is not better because we are not better.
Homo sapiens, Corrigan said to his audience at the Rat Academy. Does anyone know what this entails?
He smiled a grim little smile. Wise man.
Improving society is a collective project, but as Corrigan attests, it happens because individual beings make it their business to incite change. Mayer and Dyer, very, see this as their assignment. We have to be better stewards than this, Dyer told me strenuously. Were better than this. If SenesTech appears whimsicals in the endeavor, its founders do not seem to mind.
Rats are so longstanding a danger to humanity that contemplating an discontinue to the rat problem seems like a fiction. Photograph: AFP/ Getty Images
On a Tuesday night in August, Mayer and Dyer braced a revelry in their backyard of staff members and investors. The fellowship had just received US Environmental Protection Agency registration, a process that are typically takes times and often overheads more than companies of SenesTechs size can render.( The EPA is making an active great efforts to get rat poison off the markets in the US, and received word of SenesTechs science with enthusiasm .) Now, with the EPAs blessing, the company could take ContraPest to commercial-grade sells. Immediately, more than 100 calls and 200 emails came in with tell requests.
Mayer and Dyer live in a one-level wood hut a few miles north of downtown Flagstaff, in a wooded sphere near a subject of wildflowers. For the opportunity, they had cleared the back patio, where Mayer does her morning reflection and yoga, and replenished it with deck furniture and folding tables. The sunlight was coming down the San Francisco Peaks.
It was not a usual investors dinner, but then, SenesTechs nearly 700 stakeholders are primarily firefighters. While most biotech startups are funded by investment bankers and venture capitalists, Mayer chose to pursue funding from grant-giving the organizations and a multitude of private donors, all of whom built small investments, and each of whom Mayer knows by epithet. It was a pure accident of networking that so many of them shown itself to be firemen, but she is stimulated with the situation. Firefighters certainly believes in doing good, Mayer to present to me. And theyre like teenage girls. Formerly one of them invested, they all missed in.
There were perhaps 25 people investors, board members and SenesTech staff picked on the back terrace, ingesting tacos and drinking from Mayer and Dyers impressive liquor accumulation, but they constructed racket for 50. They were boisterous and caring, hugging one another, teasing each other, shouting old-time storeys to roarings of laughter, and clinking glass. About half the room seemed new and wearing Hawaiian patterned shirts.
When the time came for Mayer to pay a communication, she demurred for a moment before standing. Her toast altered briefly into an fable about flattening mouse skeletons in lasagna tins. But seriously, she mentioned, returning to her topic, We knew[ the working day] would come. Its enormous to be riding this motion with you. Its just so sweet. Glasses heaved into the air.
There was considerable work left to do: now that SenesTech had its national enrollment, it would have to file for registration in every position.( Since then, the company has registered in 11 US countries, and begun enrollment in the EU .) The manufacturing crew was hurrying to construct enough ContraPest to accommodate any such requests coming in.Dyer was working hard on modifications that would make the formula work in a variety of different milieu, and projecting alterations for different species. Mayer was preparing for a deluge of satisfies. While ContraPest has been effective in every experiment SenesTech has run in so far, there is a lot still to learn about how rats in different parts of the world will provide responses in it in the wild.
It sounds crazy: a banding of animal loversand firemen in the hills of Arizona, led by a Buddhist girl scout, making a pinks milkshake for rats that may eventually improve the lives of millions of people. They are unruffled by scepticism: In the middle of one interrogation, Mayer forgot a detail and yelled towards the door, Cheryl, who said to you, Thats exactly not how we do it? Dyer hollered back from the other area. Which day? In answer, they point to hard discipline, solicitations from governments and companies around the world, and an promotion from Stephen Hawking, who featured them on his documentary mini-series Defy New World.
Rats are so longstanding a danger to humanity that seeing an cease to the rat question and one that does not require us to kill them seems like a fantasize. They are, as Mayer herself applied it, a most successful species than us. Long after were moved, they will still be here. But the possibility of a peace seems closer than ever before. The answer in the future may lie wholly within biotechnology, answered Corrigan when I asked for his impressions.( He and Mayer consider themselves allies in awareness-raising campaigns to make sustainable solutions to the rat question. Mayer fondly recalls a nighttime rat safari she formerly took with Corrigan in New York .) The SenesTech product is a breakthrough, but it is still at the exceedingly infancy theatres of biotechnology for this species, Corrigan enunciated. This is going to be perhaps years of refinements and changing and experimentations. Were not moving yet. And were certainly not running.
Mayer, Dyer and their crew seem joyful at the prospect, and self-confident that they are doing the work of the future. Do you see this? requested Ali Applin, a senior member of SenesTechs staff. We were sitting in Mayers office, and Applin pointed to a little sign on the coffee table that read Make it so.
This is what she tells us, Applin said.
Mayer gestured, smiling. Thats what you need to do. I intend, why squabble over something and tell, I cant do that. Constitute it so. Find a practice. Theres always a way.
After a moment, she had another pondered. Youre genuinely gonna “re going to have to” do that, Ali, when you take this to Argentina soon. If we pondered Laos was hard I represent, my God. She grinned mischievously and folded her mitts together and pressed them to her forehead and replied a mantra. I wish you ease on the path to peacefulnes. I wish you an outcome to your suffering.
Follow the Long Read on Twitter at @gdnlongread, or sign up to the long read weekly email here.
This article was enhanced on 20 September 2016. An earlier version incorrectly was also pointed out that DDT is the active ingredient in Agent orange, and were of the view that C difficile is a virus.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Man v rat: could the long conflict soon be over? | Jordan Kisner appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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liliannorman · 4 years
Are coyotes moving into your neighborhood?
Late one afternoon, Raphael Kaplan and his family were out walking near their home in Los Angeles, Calif., the second largest U.S. city. He looked through a fence surrounding a golf course and saw two coyotes.
They were “hanging out,” he says, “just lying down and waiting for us to pass.” This wasn’t an unusual experience for Raphael, who is 10 years old. The fourth grader says he sees coyotes all the time, often at that golf course. He’s also seen them walking down his street.
Coyotes look like medium-sized dogs or small wolves with short gray and brown fur. But they are a separate species, Canis latrans. They will eat just about anything and can learn to survive in nearly any environment.
Before 1700, coyotes only lived in the midwestern and southwestern United States and Mexico. But then people wiped out nearly all of North America’s wolves because the predators sometimes kill farm animals. This opened up space for coyotes.
People tried to get rid of coyotes, too. Some considered them to be pests. During the middle of the 20th century, the U.S. government poisoned around 6.5 million coyotes. Killing them is still legal in most U.S. states. Hunters and trappers kill hundreds of thousands every year. Despite all this, coyotes have survived and spread. They have moved into every U.S. state except Hawaii. Some roam only in wild areas. Many, however, make their homes in cities and suburbs. If you live in North America, chances are good that you have coyote neighbors.
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Coyotes could be living in your backyard. These pups were born in a den in a backyard in suburban Chicago.Ashley Wurth/Cook County Coyote Project
Encounters with coyotes happen regularly across the United States as well as in Canada, Mexico and parts of Central America. In Chicago, Ill., for instance, coyotes once denned on the top floor of a parking garage across from Soldier Field, the home stadium of the Chicago Bears football team. In 2015, New York City police officers in trucks, cars and helicopters chased a coyote through Riverside Park in Manhattan. They aimed to move the animal out of the city. After three hours, they gave up the chase. The coyote had simply hidden itself too well.
Occasionally, coyotes may bite or attack people or their pets. However, coyotes mostly avoid people. Raphael is glad he’s gotten to see them so many times.
He’s also helped study them. From 2015 through 2019, the National Park Service’s L.A. Urban Coyote Project recruited kids and others without science training. These citizen scientists collected coyote poop and then sorted through it. The goal was to learn what city coyotes eat. Other studies in Los Angeles, New York City and Chicago have looked at where city coyotes go and how they behave. Such studies are teaching us how city coyotes thrive amongst people.
Scat party
Raphael poked through a pile of coyote poop. “There were teeth, claws and whiskers,” he reports. “It was parts of rabbits.”
He was at a scat party organized by the National Park Service. (Scat is the technical name for wild animal poop). At tables spread out around a room, citizen scientists of all ages and all backgrounds inspected piles of scat. Justin Brown is a biologist at the National Park Service in Calabasas, Calif. He answered questions and helped identify everything. The group had found lots of rabbit remains. They also found lizard parts, rat teeth, beetles, fruit seeds, cat hair and much more.
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Raphael Kaplan dissects coyote droppings at a scat party organized by the L.A. Urban Coyote Project. He presented information at his school’s science fair about coyotes and his experience with citizen science. Charlie Kaplan
Before the scat party, other volunteers had walked along planned routes, searching for coyote droppings. Some looked in a suburban neighborhood near the city. Others looked in downtown Los Angeles. Brown planned to compare the diets of coyotes from these two locations. When the volunteers found scat, they picked it up with gloves. Then they put it into paper bags, which they labeled with the date and location. Later, they’d drop these off with Brown and his team.
What did Brown’s team do with this smelly poop?
The first step was to roast the stuff in the oven for 24 hours at 60° Celsius (140° Fahrenheit). This killed any parasites or harmful microbes. “From there, we’d pour it out of the bags and look at each one,” says Brown. Sometimes, the volunteers collected dog poop by mistake. Coyote scat contains lots of hair from animals the coyote ate. The hair twists together at the end of each dropping. Brown and his team looked for this and several other telltale signs. They tossed out scat samples that probably weren’t from coyotes.
Next, they wrapped each sample in a stocking. They threw the stockings into a washing machine for a couple of cycles. This got rid of almost everything except hair, bones and other food leftovers. Finally, the stockings went into the dryer. By the time the stuff got to Raphael and the other scat party volunteers, it was clean and safe to handle. “It just smelled like dirt a little bit,” says Raphael.
During a series of such parties, volunteers and scientists worked together to identify the food sources in each sample. They had a lot to get through. “We ended up with about 3,000 scats,” says Brown. He noted that his team never would have been able to gather and process so much without community help.
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Most coyote scat contains hair and bones from rabbits, voles and other small prey. But the scat of city coyotes also may contain remnants of garbage, fruits from people’s yards, pet food or the hair of pet cats. National Park Service
Some interesting trends emerged from these comparisons of scat from city versus suburban coyotes. Suburban ones mostly ate rabbits. About 50 percent of those scat samples had rabbit remains. City coyotes also ate wild food. But their scat samples were more likely to contain garbage, pet food and fruit from trees people like to grow in their yards. Sometimes there were even the remains of pet cats. Some scats contained fast food wrappers. In fact, human-food sources accounted for as much as 60 to 75 percent of what urban coyotes ate.
Life in the big city
Do city coyotes have it made? Not exactly. Stanley Gehrt is a biologist at Ohio State University in Columbus. He has run the Urban Coyote Research Project in Chicago since 2000. Coyotes respond positively to some aspects of city life and negatively to others, he’s found. The more city-like an environment is, the harder it becomes for coyotes to succeed there.
One good part of city life is protection from hunting and trapping. These activities aren’t usually allowed within cities and suburbs. And cities offer an excellent supply of food, Brown’s research shows. That often includes wild prey.
“Downtown Chicago has an overabundance of rabbits,” says Gehrt. Before coyotes moved in, human trappers had to work to keep rabbit populations under control. Now, coyotes do that job.
Voles and squirrels are other coyote favorites. Squirrels have learned to visit people’s bird feeders, so some coyotes “crouch and hide near bird feeders,” waiting to pounce on a tasty squirrel, says Gehrt. Others munch on the berries and other fruits that people grow in their yards. Human food and garbage also is plentiful in a city.
Some coyotes get used to these easy food sources and lose their fear of people. If an animal begins approaching or bothering people, police or other local officials may kill it. To make sure coyote neighbors stay a safe distance away, people should secure their garbage, pick up fallen fruit and keep pet food inside.
Coyotes usually try to avoid people, but the more people there are, the harder that gets. Coyotes may end up with a very small home territory. It might be limited to a single park. They may cut across roads and highways to get to the different parts of their territory. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for urban coyotes.
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Coyotes live in downtown Chicago and in many other U.S. cities. They spend most of their time in natural areas such as parks, but will also cross roads or roam through backyards, parking lots and alleys.Jeff Nelson/Cook County Coyote Project
But the more often coyotes cross roads, the better they get at it, notes Gehrt. He’s observed coyotes wait patiently at the edge of a highway. When they see a gap in traffic, they then run across as quickly as possible. He’s also watched coyotes using traffic lights. “They will wait until the traffic stops, then take their time, often using the crosswalk, to cross the road,” he says. “They know the traffic is going to stop.”
Urban coyotes also tend to spend more time hunting and traveling after dark. Fewer people are out and about then, so it’s easier and safer for them to get around.
Family matters
Coyotes have lived in the Los Angeles and Chicago areas since the early 1900s. So these animals have had more than a century to get used to city life. Coyotes moved into New York City only recently. The first sightings in this city of more than 8 million people took place in 1990.
“Most people don’t realize they’re here,” says Carol Henger. She’s a PhD student in biology at Fordham University who has studied New York City’s coyotes as part of the Gotham Coyote Project. To learn about the animals’ recent expansion into a new city, she studies their genes. Genes are made of DNA. They carry instructions on how the body should grow and behave.
Dog trainer Ferdie Yau of New York City trained his dog Scout to sniff out coyote scat. After a successful hunt, Yau rewarded her with bits of bacon or a game of tug with a furry sheep wool toy.
Henger got those DNA samples from scat. Once again, citizen scientists stepped in to help. Ferdie Yau from the Bronx, N.Y., was one of them. He had studied wildlife biology in graduate school but decided to become a dog trainer. He realized he could use his skills to help the Gotham Coyote Project.
“I practiced with my own dog and was able to train her to find coyote scat,” he says. “She became really good at it.” His dog, Scout, was seven at the time. She retired from scat hunting last year at the age of 11. She’d sniffed out more than 100 scats, Yau guesses.
Henger and her team extracted DNA from all of the scat found by volunteers like Yau and Scout. They then tested to check whether each sample came from a coyote. If the DNA of several samples matched exactly, the researchers knew they came from the same individual. If several samples were very similar, those coyotes had to be part of the same family. “I was able to figure out that we had about five to six family groups in the city, all related to each other,” says Henger.
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Alexandra DeCandia studied the genetics of New York City’s coyotes. To do that, she had to get DNA out of scat samples. That involves mixing the sample with chemicals that separate DNA from other cell parts. Edward Schrom
Most likely, all of these coyotes descended from the first few who ventured into the city. “They don’t seem to be getting in and out of the city to go find partners,” says Alexandra DeCandia. She’s a PhD student in genetics at Princeton University, in New Jersey, who also worked on the study.
This lack of movement in and out of the city isn’t good news for the coyotes. A healthy population of animals has high genetic diversity. That means that any two animals are likely to carry very different sets of genetic instructions. If something bad happens, such as a disease or a lack of food, there’s a higher likelihood that some of the animals will carry genes that will protect them or help them adapt.
New York’s coyotes “still have decent levels of genetic diversity,” says DeCandia. But if the population stays small and doesn’t get in and out of the city, genetic diversity will fall. This could eventually leave it at risk of diseases or other problems.
What prevents city coyotes from mixing with their rural neighbors? Highways act as barriers. But the coyotes also may not want to leave. Like the fable of the city mouse and the country mouse, a city coyote may feel very uncomfortable in the country, and vice versa, guesses Javier Monzon. He is a biologist at Pepperdine University in Malibu, Calif. “An animal born in the city, raised in the city and adapted to eating things in the city may not want to go [into the mountains],” he says.
In a genetic survey of the coyotes of Los Angeles and surrounding natural areas, he and his team found four distinct populations. One population lived in the mountains. These country coyotes were all more related to each other than to any of the city coyotes — even though some of the country coyotes lived on opposite sides of Los Angeles. Monzon and his colleagues shared their findings May 4 in the Journal of Urban Ecology.
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This pup is hanging out on a front doorstep in Los Angeles. “I’ve seen whole litters of pups under people’s decks,” says Justin Brown, a biologist with the National Park Service. “I’ve seen them in downtown L.A. next to big buildings.” National Park Service
Cities may not be the best home for coyotes. People get nervous when the dog-sized predators hunt and forage in their backyards. And coyotes may have trouble finding mates or avoiding cars. But despite these difficulties, city coyotes persist. We know from history that trying to get rid of them won’t work. Instead, today’s coyote experts focus on finding ways to help people and coyotes thrive safely, side by side.
Leave coyotes alone — they can be dangerous
Coyotes are wild animals. If you see one, don’t approach it or try to feed it. But don’t run away, either. “Yell at it. Wave your arms,” says Stanley Gehrt. “The coyote should run away.” If it doesn’t, you should report the animal to your local wildlife control agency.
On January 8, 2020, a coyote attacked a six-year-old boy in Lincoln Park in Chicago, Ill.  The boy’s caretaker was able to scare the animal away and the boy survived. Such attacks on humans are very rare. This was the first in the city for decades. But young children especially should be very careful around these animals.
Pets that roam outdoors also could be in danger. Coyotes may hunt and eat cats or small dogs. Justin Brown’s study of coyote diet found that 20 percent of the scat samples from city-dwelling animals had cat hair in them. This was higher than Brown had expected. Still, pets are not a main food source.
Gehrt has been studying urban coyotes for 20 years. He says, “They’re not living off people’s pets at all.” In his studies of coyote diets, he’s rarely found remains of pets or signs of human food, pet food or garbage. Most coyotes — even ones that live in cities — prefer wild prey, he says.
It’s very unlikely that a coyote will attack you or your pet, but you should still be very careful around these wild animals.
Are coyotes moving into your neighborhood? published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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