#like YOU are doing NOTHING WRONG and people shouldn't feel entitled to your work like that
prouvaireafterdark · 1 year
Can we talk about how fucked up it is that writers even have to ask people not to put their work into an AI?
Like what the actual fuck is wrong with some people that they think they're entitled to steal someone else's work and then ask an AI to finish it
I don't care if your favorite fic author hasn't updated in two weeks or ten years. Those fics aren't yours and you are NOT entitled to steal them and run them through a bullshit generator
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f1orza · 3 months
Austrian GP thoughts, sorry if I'm not very articulate 🤓 just rambled really not proofread cause I'm busy
Do I think the collison was Max's fault? Yes. Do I think that the contact was inevitable and BOTH of their faults? Also yes.
Max shouldn't have moved during the breaking but they were both driving aggressive. They both wanted to be first, they both know what's it's like to be first and they won't settle for second now. I think in Lando's case he seen that if he wants to be first he has to try harder? Or that you actually have to be "agressive" to get onto that top step.
Do I think Lando was being childish? Yes. And I'm saying this as a McLaren fan.
Though I also think that any sport where you're fighting for first is inherently a bit childish. Might just be because I have siblings and we always used to fight over first place as kids 🤷🏽‍♀️idk
That doesn't justify Lando's response. Even when you're upset and running on adrenaline, you should be able to be handle your emotions I think. (I know as humans it can be hard) but if you're on live tv being broadcasted to millions of people...you should have a better handle on you're emotions; even if you feel you've been wronged, because no one will listen to you if you are acting like that. If you're levelheaded about it people are more likely to listen,(woman experience this all the time.) He needs to work on that and on taking responsibility as well, because the blame isn't 100% on Max.
That's one thing I can say about Max, I wasn't here for the "Mad Max" era but from videos and word of mouth, I can tell he's matured a lot and you can definitely see it. Max had every reason to be upset after this race (but not really), he had a good lead against Lando until RB's slow pit stop and then he went from first to fifth and some might say that's not bad, he still got points, and etc. That's not the point - his race was still affected but he did not go on live tv and speak badly on his friend.
They need to - like Max said - cool down and speak about it afterwards. I personally don't think it is worth ending a friendship with someone I considered a good friend but maybe they see it differently idk. It's something they need to talk about before the next race. And if they believe that it was worth losing a friend over, especially when they know this is situations that happen in racing then....
And I've seen a lot of people mentioning Lando still wouldn't have been first, even with the 5 sec penalty, he would'v been second with George being over 10 secs behind, I can understand why he believed Max ruined his race.
Some of y'all have a very bad habit of taking things fans do out on the drivers. If the FANS keep voting him DOTD that has nothing to do with him, if you want others to win then yall might need to vote more ig 🤷🏽‍♀️ and the chanting on the podium is again rude and nasty behavior but that again has nothing to do with Lando, I can promise you even if he would speak out it will not change anything, people will do what they want and what they feel they are entitled to do. I've seen it happen in so many fandom spaces, some people just don't care. Lewis has told people not to hate George after last race and I can guarantee that there is still people that do.
Now I've also seen people talking about Lando's attitude, I agree on some things and disagree on others. And this isn't me being a "Lando crazy fangirl" trying to justify his actions but I'm just telling it how I see it. So if you disagree okay, but do not start shit with me okay? 🙃 cause I know y'all like to fight around here 🤥
I think Lando feels stuck in that wasted potential. Where people having saying for years you have the potential to be a champion and even with all the hardwork you do, it doesn't feel like it's being shown. And especially as someone who went so long without a first win. Everyone's saying McLaren made a mistake by re-signing you or that your teammate is more deserving of the first seat. You feel like you're letting people down: you're team, family, fans and yourself. Not to mention all the hate you've been getting for NOT winning, then you'll definitely be in a bad headspace. And now that's he's won and KNOWS he can win, he'll want it all the more. He has the fastest car on the grid right now, he IS a good driver (contrary to what some of you believe), and he is a bit more optimistic than last year. Now that first is within his grasp, he's been hungry to get a second one. And I think he's been a bit overconfident about it, but that's honestly all drivers, I think if you are upset about Lando's ego but not other like Ocon than you dislike Lando for other reasons and are just finding excuses now. Even more so knowing he is second in the championship standings. Now that you know you're capable of being first you wouldn't want to settle for second, just like Max. Max constantly talks about not being there for second place but many of the other drivers feel that way, Lando is clearly one of them.
Do I think Max should have just let him go by? no. Because this IS racing and if you want to be first and become a champion you have to work for it. Max has never been the kind of guy to just let you pass him, not even for a friend. So Lando needs to understand that if he wants to keep fighting Max in the future. If you want to prove everyone right or wrong, only YOU can do that and by being overly eager and dangerous, well it clearly doesn't work in your favor 😭 (sorry lando 🤧). Only thing is you do is improve yourself and I'm not surprised that Max is a champion when he is always driving be it racing or sim. If your competitor's are doing a 100% you need to be doing 200%, that's the only way to get to the top.
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race-week · 8 months
The "innocent until proven guilty" thing wouldn't have even worked with Bianca because everyone already knew she was guilty. The evidence was right there in her twitter likes. Whether people considered her "guilty" or not really just tended to depend on their views on autistic people and if we're worthy of respect or if something we have no control over should be used to attack others.
There was also, in my opinion, no real "victim" (in the sense of an actual human being, not these people trying to act like teams/huge corporations are entitled to respect, being potentially being physically or psychologically harmed by Susie) surrounding those rumors. It sucked to see Susie, who in the end did nothing wrong, have her name and reputation smeared, but she was cleared of any wrongdoing. And most of the speculation around that, at least on Tumblr, seemed to be joking about spreading team-related information, not directly attacking Susie or hoping that someone actually had been severely hurt by something she did.
I've had to unfollow and block people both on here and on Reddit for literally hoping this Christian situation is related to sexual assault (there was one particularly gross comment hoping a prominent woman working for RBR was involved so she would quit and work for a rival team instead). People are again acting like these are "DTS characters" instead of real people just trying to do their jobs. Sexual assault has long-lasting impacts - your biggest concern, even if that is what you expect, shouldn't be "omg I hope this person leaves this team I hate for this team I love." It should be about the victim's healing and wellbeing. And frankly I think it's gross that this fanbase has stooped so low and started dehumanizing even the regular, non-famous people who work in this sport to the point they have to be reminded of that. These are real people just trying to do their jobs. Maybe fictionized media is best for some people if they can't separate their feelings from wishing actual heinous crimes and tragedies on the real people involved. There's a difference between sports-related entertainment in regards to who wins and who loses, who comes out ahead, who makes mistakes, etc. and this weird sense of wanting to see actual real life suffering that some f1 fans seem to have.
Very well said anon, I have nothing to add.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months
Hi! First of all kind greetings :-) I've been trying to learn about Jewish history, culture and religion for more than four years and been pretty sure I want to convert since at least three years. I've attended a service at a local (non-orthodox) Synagoge a few years ago but have not started conversion process or contacted a rabbi, at first because finding an Orthodox congregation close to me was a challenge. There is no contact info of any Rabbi online for security reasons, and I've yet to talk to any Rabbi in my city - even my last visit to the local shul was only communicated with a Gabbai. I've also studied Hebrew for quite a while now. My partner is Jewish Israeli and I've attended most holidays a few times over the last few years and also taken part (I was always invited). First of all I'm kind of scared to make the jump again and contact the congregation I've found I think would work for me because the last shul I visited rejected me three times before even attending a service as a visitor, no mention of giyur. Which each time was incredibly emotional for me. Also the security made me cry because they were so mean to me lol. I'm scared the orthodox shul would completely reject me, esp. because I know they (in my country) usually keep to themselves even more and are more wary of outsiders. I also feel guilty to "demand" to enter their space at this hard time, though I've wanted to do it long before this war. Do you (or your followers) have any tips on how to first approach the congregation at this difficult time? That congregation and their members have faced attacks several times since the war. The only way to contact anyone at that congregation is through a generic info@xxx email. I don't know why I'm so ashamed to contact them. I feel like I'm in such a weird limbo since a few years and I just want to break out of it and start the process. Should I be upfront with my intentions from the beginning or first make a more generic request? Sorry for the long ask. Any thoughts or tips are welcome 🙏🩷🌸
I want to start this by saying I'm really sorry - I can only imagine how stressful this all is. I'm also really proud of you! I can only hope that you are fulfilled when you engage with judaism <3
When I contacted my conservative shul, I emailed them and was upfront - I can't remember what I said, but I was completely open about wanting to attend services, that I had never been to shul, and that I wanted to be part of the community (I didn't outright mention conversion though). They ended up calling me directly because they didn't see the emails at first, as well. When I emailed my rabbi, I was also rather frank and upfront - I detailed how exactly I engaged with my community, what extracurricular I do (hebrew class, ITJ, and others). I would honestly consider letting them know that you've extensively engaged with the community. I think it can give them a better idea about your intentions in the sense that it's obvious that you've already done so much. It (probably) won't hasten the official conversion process, but what it will do is help you to find your footing quicker, I think.
I don't know your situation, of course, so please engage with this insofar as using this as inspiration. I would absolutely see about getting as many people involved as possible as a support system - one of the hardest things to learn (at least I think) is to not think of this as entitlement, but moreso as connection. We need each other. We can't (well, shouldn't) study Torah alone, we can't build community alone, and we can't live a full life alone. I think we (as those who've converted/are converting) get caught in our thoughts and worries, and I just want to emphasize that you have done nothing wrong by wanting to be jewish, and, indeed, while there is a process to converting, there are people who want (and maybe personally feel they need) to help - you'd truly be surprised! It's obvious that you absolutely want to be sensitive and respectful - I say use that energy as affirmation, rather than holding yourself back by it. What I mean by that is have confidence that you are doing your best - you might stumble, but with the way you're talking, I can tell where your heart is. I think people will also recognize that, and people are going to be more willing to help when they can tell that you've been trying so hard. That's been a lesson that I needed to learn, and it's one that I wanted to share with you.
Y'all have been asking some hard-hitting questions, and I want to thank you for entrusting me to type all of this out. I know how vulnerable it feels, and it fills me with warmth to know that the long-standing tradition of building jewish community is one we can participate in together. You are not an island - I want us to join together. I know this answer is not sufficient on its own, but I hope that maybe at the least, you might feel seen and cared for. I hope those who have more similar experiences could perhaps also speak to it. I wish you the best of luck, and please feel free to come back. There's no shame here, and I hope you can feel welcomed in this space
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poognthebrainbois · 8 months
Rant/vent about current denial spiral under the cut - some context first: (*extremely brief mention of abuse/SA, medical history mention)
Had a fight with my mom about why I "still think it's DID." There were a lotta layers to that conversation, including:
- My (our) experiences don't line up with all the "research" she's done about DID
- according to her, co-consciousness doesn't exist and "you would have no idea there's another person [controlling your body], you can't be 'standing behind, watching.'"
- she doesn't trust anecdotal/personal experience of actual systems because "that's just people on the internet making up whatever they want"(paraphrase)
- she had also never heard of OSDD before. Even though she claimed she knows all about the DSM-5.
(medical trauma/history mention)
- I was never *physically abused or SA'd, therefore I don't have trauma. (She doesn't believe in emotional/verbal abuse, and all my *medical trauma/history was during/right after my birth (I was born 10 weeks early, had a surgery while in the NICU) so it doesn't count [I can't disagree with that])
(Might make a separate vent post about what we consider possible trauma that she "doesn't count")
- she told me "it sounds like you found something and stuck to it" (paraphrase) (meaning I learned about DID and just decided that was my problem.)
- made the same sweeping generalizations as always about my entire generation "wanting to be different" and "wanting to have something wrong [with us]"
(Again, I could make a separate vent post about what she says during literally every argument)
- told me (us) to "stop saying 'we' for Christ's sake!" (We will not.)
- she decided I (we) need to bring her "actual sources" of why I (we) believe it's DID/OSDD.
Which meant to us that we were gonna stay up all night doing extensive research.
Or that was the plan, before the denial set in.
(Recreation of Denial spiral below, just to throw it out to the void and be able to come back to it later to disprove I guess?? Could be triggering (lots of repetitive phrases, disbelief of trauma, derealization/depersonalization, there's a lot in here.)
What if she's right and I'm not a system? What if it's not DID or OSDD and I'm just desperate to make it into something? What if I actually don't have trauma and I'm secretly an endo??? (Any headmate tries to talk to me) You're not real, shut up. Why did I do this to myself? I ruined my life over something that's not even happening! Why did I let it get this far? Why am I still perpetuating this if it's not true?? It was never a problem until I did weed and "opened doors" that was just weed! I'm making up trauma that's not real! I want so bad to be traumatized so I can feel justified to be mad at my parents when really I'm just an entitled little bitch who's never had anything happen to them and needs to pretend they're worse off than they are! She has real trauma! She's actually been through real abuse and they've never done anything to me other than yell and that doesn't mean anything and I'm just a crybaby for being scared of getting yelled at they never actually threaten me (why do you remember the "I'll give you something to cry about" threat/phrase then???) and I cried over nothing all the time for no reason and I've just always been afraid of nothing. I can't believe I'm actually sitting here thinking about doing all this research just to prove a point?? Just to prove her wrong? That doesn't mean anything! That's not a good reason! I shouldn't even bother. This is a waste of my time. I should just tell her she's right and move on. It's not DID and (Losing my train of thought trying to write this, Jesus) I've just convinced myself it is but it's not. I've made it out to be more than it is so they'll care and that didn't work anyway. I can't believe this is happening right now. There's no way I got this far. That all of this really happened over nothing. They were just characters in my head! Why did I ever start believing more than that when I don't have trauma! Nothing that bad has ever happened to me and all these thoughts that keep coming up are fake and even if some of this stuff was trauma it wasn't in my childhood so it's not relevant. I spend too much time on the internet and I shouldn't just believe all of this stuff. What do I think I'm actually "relating" too? I should've just left it at Maladaptive Daydreaming and been fine. I've made everything worse for myself. There was a reason I stopped doing research on DID years ago! 'Cause I don't have trauma and I can't sit here and pretend I do. Why am I doing this?
(Etc etc etc. Front changed while writing this. I've been in co the whole time but Parker needed to step back for their own comfortability.)
We went back n forth for a while about a bunch of this stuff. Had a number of headmates hop in co-front just to prove a point, only for Parker to continue to tell them they're not real and it's "all me and I'm faking" bro you are at that point proving a point to yourself but okay.
Anyway, eventually Kiara took front and started on research anyway. We were up til 5am. Didn't finish but marked all our tabs so we could go back and finish it up the next day (yesterday). Did not get back to it yesterday 'Cause Parker got anxious.
We now have a deadline to present this shit. We've got a psych appointment tomorrow morning and Mom's leaving on Thursday to visit a friend. So we should get to it today. But they're really not ready for that conversation. Unfortunately we (Lio) told our psychiatrist that we might actually get to that conversation with our parents before our next appointment so now Parker feels like we have to. And if we don't then they'll be anxious about it the entire time Mom's gone which is also not productive.
There's a worry that if any of the rest of us try to explain it then it won't be taken seriously because we're not them. This whole situation is exhausting. We weren't planning on trying to have this conversation yet and now we're so rushed and there's a lot more pressure.
In any case, there's a chance we'll post an update if/when it happens.
If you've read this far, any kind of support would be appreciated. <3
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redditreceipts · 10 months
You have no idea how grateful i am for your blog. Its eye opening and i no longer feel like a hysterical bitch for worrying about what some trans movements (and im talking about those that want to police cis womens bodies too, not only theirs) was doing to feminism for past years.
Don't get me wrong... i think its fine when they do what makes them happy as long as they dont hurt other people. But more and more it feels like trans women want to dominate female spaces. And honestly, no matter how hard i try, i cant stop thinking thats its just male need to be always in the centre of attention. They come to us and instead of finding companionship and trying to fit in... they bring they own idea what a "woman" is and try to force it on every woman. Ones they dont agree with them they dubbed terfs and think that end of discussion. Another example of male entitlement if you ask me.
Im tired of bending backwards to appease them and once again ignoring womens issues as not to hurt trans womens feelings. Shouldn't they too be more empathetic towards cis women? Shouldn't they feel camaraderie with us? I'm yet to find trans woman who fights for feminist issues that dont concern her (i.e reproductive rights applicable only to bio women) with such ferocity cis women who are TRA fight for her right to be called a "woman". I'd want to be proven otherwise but more and more it seems like we're being talked over by men and male socialised people.
Sorry this came out long and probably makes no sense, but i feel like such a failure as a queer person to think like that. Maybe i am. But as a woman im tired of being silenced all over again. Now by the very people that claim sisterhood to me. But it feels like I'm the only one expected to hold my part of the bargain, they are exempt for some mysterious reasons. It's exhausting, I'm exhausted and honestly losing hope that my problems as a biological woman will ever be taken seriously.
Hey :)
I feel you in how difficult it can be to not feel like you have any people who see the same things you do. I also felt alone for so long because I had this nagging feeling about certain things, but most of the people I could find who were worried about the trans movement were conservative. 
And I also get what it feels like to force yourself into cognitive dissonance. It’s hard to try and convince yourself of things that are so blatantly untrue, and in the end, it doesn’t work. at least not if you’re a same-sex attracted woman who is a lot in LGBT spaces and can’t just “ignore” these things.
And I guess that there are some trans women who genuinely care about women’s issues, the thing is that they are not heard or uplifted because at some point they have to admit that women and trans women are different categories, and the trans activists can’t have that. So every discussion can not be about material issues, but it has to be about the use of language and pseudo-philosophical debates. Because if you look at material reality, you notice that cis women and trans women are not just different types of women, but different sexes altogether (even though trans women sometimes live their lives as though they were female and experience discrimination because of that as well). 
But most male-to-female trans activists are displaying such apparently male behaviour (sexualisation of women, talking over women, not taking women seriously, etc.) that you’d ask yourself why they don’t get dysphoria from that? I mean if I were a male who wanted to be a female, I’d at least try to appear female in some capacity lmao. I sometimes ask myself whether these people actually feel gender dysphoria or whether they have some other mental health problem that has nothing to do with being transgender. 
But you’re not a failure as a queer person. Actually, I don’t think it’s productive to use that term because being “queer” is some nebulous concept whose creation had only the goal to confuse and obscure the “oppression” of biological sex and material reality. Even a kinky straight guy is queer, a straight woman who gets off on reading Yaoi is queer, and by a strict application of the term “queer” as “people who don’t conform to cultural norms around gender and/or sexuality”, even paedophiles are queer. That’s not to say that trans activists use it that way, but the definition leaves space for all kinds of unethical paraphilias. Being queer is not an oppressed class. What is an oppressed class is being a woman, being same-sex attracted, being gender non-conforming, etc. 
You don’t owe the “queer community” anything. You owe it to people who suffer under systems of oppression like racism, capitalism, homophobia etc. to advocate for their rights and treat them as equals. You don’t owe it to some straight guy who watched too much lesbian porn to advocate for his rights. Literally nobody is oppressing him. 
I actually think that at some point, women will realise their shared interests and stand up for themselves. My only fear is that to come to that point, we will go through some sort of conservative “Dark Ages”, but maybe we can do something to prevent that by showing a third way to analyse gender on the basis of material reality. It’s cool that you’re interested in that as well :) 
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hermetiqa · 1 month
Hello! First of all thank you so much for performing the readings for me🤍 Here’s my feedback for the readings!
1- the person that it wronged me was someone from my teenage years. You got it right! Also they never apologised to me because they think they did nothing wrong to me.. even if they suddenly apologised to me which is so unlikely since I cut off contacts with them, it is too late and also not needed.
“They might have manipulated you in some way, something that's related to your emotions and maybe even something you're passionate about” yess that’s so accurate! They manipulated me emotionally and gaslighted me to do things that I must do, but actually I am free to do whatever I want, but they couldn’t accept that I didn’t have the same vision as them.
Also it is so accurate that when I have the closure I am more vocal about my boundaries! It is something that I worked out for a while. I found stability in myself and I am very patient with myself, since nobody had that patience with me then I got it from myself.
“Just because you said it doesn't mean that it was real” I like this part so much because they were projecting their life experiences to me and instead of acknowledging that my life and theirs are just different they keep pushing their ideas to me. I hated it so much.
For clarification, this person is not my ex or something, just an official stranger that I would usually talk with. We weren’t even friends so they feel entitled of having a saying over me made me so mad and frustrated.
The last part of this reading does resonate so much because I will welcome only the people that respect me and love me for who I am. I refuse to let random people in my life from now and on.
Also it is something that I am currently manifesting.
I am sure that I almost got closure and will never see my past ever again. That person taught me how I will never let anyone tell me what I can or cannot do because they wanted their version of me that is not me.
2- this confirmed what I knew! And you are absolutely correct that at that time I indeed was hopeful and curious of their answer. This is the same person that I was mentioning previously.
From their personality I was sure to receive insults from them because I was an ungrateful bitch or something but at the end of the day I am glad I never received their answer.
“You need to learn to heal without receiving anything. You shouldn't ask them for "closure" that you deserve because if they really wanted to give you this, you should've had it by now.” I actually I didn’t have any high hopes to receive anything for every connection that I ended. So this part didn’t really resonate with me. For “closure that I deserve” I mean let my past self rest for good. I was tormenting myself because of past experiences, that’s what I meant. I am sorry that I didn’t clarify that.
“I can also see here that if you received a response to your letter, there's a tendency that you won't be able to walk away from the connection.” This is true. If at that time I received their insults then I would be so mad that I would have a hard time to process everything.
“You might wait for them (again) and be patient with them. This person already betrayed you.” I am not waiting for them, heck no lol. But this person did betray my trust. I have zero patience for them and if I have them in front of me I would slap their face for manipulating a fucking teenage me and be the worst guide ever.
“This person has strong masculine energy here and you might've felt safe around them and emotionally connected at some point, but your connection was draining, whether you noticed it or not and whether you admit it or not.” They are a man yes! I did feel safe to tell some of my personal issue because I was looking up to him as a guide and teacher and not someone that would manipulate me because I was disagreeing with his points😃
I don’t remember if I put that much effort in that connection but it did drain my energies the last years that I was talking with him. It seems that I trusted the wrong person from the very beginning but whatever lol.
“Your spirit guide prevented you from receiving an answer to your letter because you've already went through a lot in this connection and you're better off without them.” Yes that’s accurate! That was what I am being told and actually what happened behind my back. I guess I am blessed for not receiving their letter.
These two readings resonated with me 80%! If you practice more I am sure that you will be a very scarily accurate reader! You most of the time did guess right! Your intuition is very good!!
Thank you for your energies and did overall enjoyed my readings🤍
Hello! Thank you so much for the feedback. I'm so sorry to hear that not everything resonated with you, I was trying out a different way of doing the readings when I did the free mini readings. But still, I'm glad you enjoyed your readings! Again, thank you for the feedback. You're such a sweetheart and I appreciate your feedback. It's so detailed!! I wish you well <3
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adonis-koo · 7 months
All of the asks that didn't get responses were from the very first few chapters. Maybe 1-5. It would have been late 2022 or early 2023 as that's when I binge read it. I looked at Wicked's masterlist, and I found the story around Chapters 14/15 I think. It was around the time of them training her to fight and the fight itself. I remember you responding to the ask that I sent in shortly after JK and OC got together (I can't remember the chapter number). I asked if the story was winding down now that the two main leads were together, and you replied no that it still had a ways to go. I don't think there is a way to see what asks I've sent in. I wish there were. Tumblr eats too many asks. It would be nice to have them saved in a place so they can be resubmitted.
I don't review anonymously. I always put as much thought as I can possibly put into my review, and I stand by everything I say in my reviews 100%. So I feel no need to review anonymously.
I don't think it's entitlement to ask for interaction with your readers. I think it's just nice to have readers that want to interact with you as a writer. That's why I said there is nothing better to me than when a writer wants to talk to me about their work. I've made a few writer friends on tumblr and they've bounced ideas for their stories off me several times. I always give my honest opinions on their ideas. I like interacting with them. But I do also agree with you on the part that you do this because you chose to. Because you like doing it. And interaction can't be demanded. Is it nice to receive it, yes. But it shouldn't be mandatory to leave a review on everything you read. Sometimes I read something that I really enjoyed, but I don't have anything to really say about it in a review. I'm not the type of reviewer to just say "oh this was really great, I loved it." You'll never see me do that type of review. lol When I review, I like to write book length reviews, and to write a book length review, I need to have a lot of thoughts and feelings on what I read. Some stories/chapters, I just don't have a lot of thoughts and feelings on, so it's hard for me to leave a lengthy review. So I just choose not to. Doesn't mean I don't like it. But I do always leave a like at the very least, and sometimes a short comment.
I always tell writers to write for themselves. I know it's an overused expression, but it's true. As long as you like what you wrote, then nothing else matters. It doesn't matter if 2 people reviewed it or 100 people. The important part is whether you like it. Some writers on tumblr are happy with 50 likes and a couple comments. Others want 2,000 likes. There's nothing wrong with either option. The writer just needs to figure out what level of interaction they're satisfied with. If they don't hit that, they shouldn't be disappointed. It doesn't mean their work isn't good.
I completely understand what you’re saying, I don’t really have much to say myself though. Other then I think I’m just in a really weird slump and already struggling with other things, writing use to come so much easier to me when I was younger, but the older I get the more it becomes a mental chore, which I hate! Because I still love witting and I always will.
I’m sure we have all read fics at some point and not left a review, I think it’s inevitable, but my vocalizing was directed at people who are avid readers, who do binge read an insane amount of fanfiction and have nothing to say, even if they thoroughly enjoyed it, I’m just venting personal frustration because at some point when you know you have thousands of people reading, it’s disheartening to see.
But I do chose to write for myself, I have been a big advocate of this advice my entire stint as a writer; but it doesn’t make taking it any easier, especially when it has been years of continually being disappointed and having to repeat it, there is no right or wrong way to want something. I guess for the longest time I just didn’t understand why writers retired from this website.
But I’m almost at that point myself now, and I fully understand the way they felt and their love of writing slowly fading, at least in this context. Anyways I do appreciate your words and your thoughts! Thanks for reading and supporting my blog because I truly do appreciate it
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terra-feminarum · 1 year
in my social groups it is considered transphobic to even posit that being a lesbian can mean being actually monosexual and not capable of attraction to trans women. i hold no animus toward them but i think this kind of attraction may be what i feel and i feel enormous guilt about it. do you have any advice.
It's unfortunately more and more common these days to insist there aren't people who are exclusively same-sex attracted. It's almost a taboo that attraction can be - and often is - based on bodies, rather than identities. And that bodily attraction can be based on sex, and not only the phenotype that is altered with medical interventions.
You don't have to feel guilty about not being attracted to trans women. Attraction or the lack of it is not discrimination. No one can choose who they are attracted to. Being violent towards trans people is transphobia. Work discrimination is transphobia. Shouting slurs to people is transphobia. Dating only female people isn't transphobia.
You don't have to try to change who you are attracted to. It's a great skill to know who you are actually attracted to. You should never be romantically or sexually involved with anyone out of obligation or guilt. The only reason to be sexual or romantic with someone is unambiguous desire. You know when you like or desire someone. Trust yourself to know who you are attracted to. Your boundaries are always more important than validating someone else's identity. No one is entitled to your time, attention or your body.
Attraction doesn't have to be justified. No one is attracted to most people. You don't even have to know the reason why you're not attracted to someone and it's still justified to not date that person or have sex with them. You're not obligated to explain why you say "no" to someone. "I'm not feeling it" is a reason good enough. If someone tries to pressure you to explain why you're not attracted to them, you're still not obligated.
That said, it shouldn't be any kind of taboo that a lesbians are attracted to female people. It shouldn't surprise anyone that a lesbian wouldn't consider male people as potential partners. Unfortunately certain social environments are hostile at the moment to the idea that homosexuality might be based on sex and not gender.
Whether you can be honest about your sexuality or not, you don't ever have to do anything you don't want to. And you don't need to feel guilty about it. The problem is lesbophobia, not you. I wish you all the best and I hope you can let go of your guilt. There is nothing wrong with you and you're doing nothing wrong.
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rottingsunshine · 1 month
it's always your fault. for being this way. for being closed off. for being scared. for not *always* assuming the best of other people.
apparently someone who called herself your best friend never messaging you first, you being angry and upset about it, about the fact that when you stopped messaging her, she never ever tried to see what was going on. was your goddamn fault.
because it's perfectly fine on her part to just assume you're fine! to assume you just don't want to be talked to! instead of doing any fucking talking! so when you don't talk, because you were feeling awful, it's your fault. but when she doesn't talk, it's perfectly fine!
you weren't this angry before. but you are now. this is one of the few things you almost never stop being angry about and just blame yourself for! you get mad at yourself when you can't respond to people, or message them at least sometimes.
it's happened to you over and over. twice it has been resolved. and it's nice, even if you're still miserable. but only once, it went over smoothly. the other time, they said they would, but didn't. it felt like getting responses out of a brick wall. and then through so many things, eventually things resolved.
you can talk very much! but you don't appreciate no responses. it hurts.
is it so entitled to want a little bit of attention? to get responses when you talk? for people to message you first sometimes?
seemingly it is! you should just be okay with being the giver every day, every hour, every minute, every second! shouldn't you?!
but you aren't. maybe you once were! but you've changed since then. and it's not enough.
you think nothing might ever be enough anymore! how lovely is that~!
it isn't lovely. it's awful.
you're awful too, so you suppose it's fitting. you feel like you're pulling teeth.
you want someone, someone other than your sysmates, to care about your life. to put in effort, real effort. nobody will. that must mean you're an awful terrible person, that there's something wrong with you. that's how it works. because either you're driving everyone away for you, or you're expecting too much. either way you're awful!
you wish you were cared for.
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golbrocklovely · 3 months
I haven’t been keeping up with snc fandom for a time now , other than just ofc watching snc main channel videos ( cause that is a addiction actually already) and have to say that all of you are going crazy.
I had to check myself what makes all of you so heated up and I personally laughed at that vid of them “making out” cause : 1. It wasn’t even a make out session ( if that is the vid you guy talking about, but i assume it is) and 2. It looked forced / uncomfortable in a some way? And 3. Sam didn’t even look at their side, he was talking to somebody?
All of you need to take some Melisa and relax. You are making a fuss about a quick uncomfortable kiss ( i am just saying it cause it kinda looked… nothing against malia or colby. Love them together, before you will interpret it wrong ) and fighting each other over opinion about not even your intimate situation? It’s ok to have different opinions on situations , but it’s even more ok to not give a single f about them. And even if someone rants to you here, take is easy… fighting (couldn’t find a better word.. poor english skills ) those people is just a waste of time, the way they feel won’t change if you will call them jealous ( even if let’s say they are ). Colby and Malia seem happy together and people thinking them kissing eo in public place is weird, won’t make them break up with each other
personally, i don't fully agree with this.
i agree that this little, deleted video was harmless and shouldn't have been talked about really at all, minus for like an hour max just from the initial shock, so to speak.
but there is a difference between saying "i hate this video for xyz reason, omg ew this is so gross" vs "maybe you guys shouldn't be hating on two ppl kissing".
bc one of those opinions is the reason why snc don't go on twitter anymore. snc ignore twitter like the plague bc of how bad the hate has gotten. but calling out that hate and saying that's wrong is not in the same ballpark. snc don't ignore twitter bc i, or anyone like me, say "yall are annoying for badmouthing snc at every turn".
in my opinion, ignoring the hate clearly is not working. bc all it does is embolden these ppl to keep going, to push it too far, to seek attention however they can. so calling it out, letting others know that this isn't right, is better than continuing to let it fly. i try to do that on here by basically answering the asks i get and just hammering in that hating is wrong.
the ppl that don't care about this video, or this relationship for that matter, are not the ones being called out. so there's no reason for them to feel either way about this situation or about me reacting to it lol
and having different opinions is fine. everyone is allowed to feel however they want to. but you are not entitled to hurt other ppl just bc "this is how i feel". clearly, snc are hurt by what they see, so are the girls. it honestly just boils down to if you can't be nice, don't say anything at all. and i'm not saying i'm perfect or haven't ever said something that could or would hurt snc's feelings. but i do my best to not do that. but there are some in the fandom that simply don't care to check themselves anymore. and that's disheartening.
if everyone could just calm down a bit, this fandom would be in such a better place.
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drowninginredink · 8 months
Okay rant time. Because if you're following me, you at least tolerate my aro bullshit. I'm going to say things I really shouldn't say, at all, ever, because I am just done. You have been warned. If you're offended by it, that is your fault. I am going to mention specifics and let me be clear. No one has done anything wrong. But people do hurt me without meaning to and without doing anything that's objectively bad and I'm just tired of biting my tongue. I don't feel seen or heard, and I'm feeling like maybe if I just shout a little louder that will change. I'm probably wrong, but ignoring these feelings hasn't worked, so I've got to try something else.
I just. I'm sick of it. Sick of always starting out loving fics in the beginning, when we're in the friends portion of friends-to-lovers, and then inevitably, no matter how much I'm in love with the whole fic, it always turns romantic eventually and my affection diminishes. And sure, that doesn't make me not like it, or hate it, but now I'm looking at all these feelings I don't experience and feeling like an alien. Again. For the millionth time.
I'm sick of every fic that I see people cooing over being romantic. Especially when it's too romantic for me to even do my usual thing of reading it anyway and just trying to enjoy what I can. I'm just so sick of seeing everyone worship one particular person on here (and this is not to call them out. They have done nothing wrong. And if you're mutuals with me, I can promise you it isn't you) when they write stuff that's so romantic it sent me into a crisis because normally I do not think about how everyone else thinks so fundamentally differently to me. But I could not even comprehend these feelings they had a character experience and had to ask a friend if allos actually feel that way. It was a good fic, and it wasn't their fault because everyone has a right to write whatever they want, but it wrecked my shit and not in the good way. And just, seeing everyone talk about how that fic was great murders me because it is just proof that the entire world is not like me and does not understand me.
I'm tired of people telling me that they would never write the relationships that are the ones I want. I shouldn't say that, because everyone has a right to write whatever they want, and you all are perfectly nice people who I don't want to piss off and who are my mutuals and are my friends even, but goddamn I'm sick of pretending that it doesn't absolutely fucking kill me that you all look at the kind of relationships I want to have, and the kind of life I want to live, and you cannot put yourself in my shoes for even a thousand words. You can't comprehend living like me. Do you know how much of a slap in the face that is? That you can't even try it once? Do you know how many times I've written romantic shit? But you can't even think about living like I intend to live. For my entire fucking life. I know I shouldn't feel entitled to anyone writing anything but goddamn I'm sick of swallowing my feelings when I'm expected to empathize with romance all the time, but people can say "yeah I'd never ever write that" to my face as if that's a decent thing to say and they don't expect me to be hurt and offended. And I know I'm a dick for that because it is awful to expect anyone to write anything but... The fact that people can say that to my face and expect me to be perfectly understanding. No. Actually. It hurts.
I just. I'm not going to stop doing any of what I'm doing. I still will be out here writing and reading and pushing my aro agenda. I probably should pull away from fandom if it's causing me this much grief... But to do what? Take in normal media that's also allo as fuck? Listen to all my music that's also about romance? Watch movies and TV shows with romantic subplots to ignore? Stop writing things that make me genuinely happy? Expect people to read my fics but not read anyone else's? Stick to the same 3 podcasts that used to be pretty much the only media I was taking in and maybe now I'm realizing that's because they are all very platonic in vibe?
And it also doesn't help that according to that poll this fandom is apparently 50% arospec and yet I see no one else complaining. Ever. And to be fair, I guess I didn't either before this post. I guess you all must just be biting your tongues like me. Well. For the moment I'm done. And if anyone actually read this and heard me and can relate, please do feel free to let me know I'm not alone, because I sure fucking feel it. I shouldn't feel it. I've seen the kudos numbers on my aro fics. Kudos numbers that high should prove something. But they don't apparently. Apparently I just think every one of them is an alloromantic who is glad to read about my experience for one story, but then goes back to their little lives of only thinking about romance.
I just. I'm tired of writing my own representation. I want someone else to do it too. Someone who I didn't have to ask to do it. I appreciate everyone who does encourage me or take my prompts or enthuse over my headcanons and fics but I am still very aware that I had to be the person to think of it first.
I like writing. I can't stop. I don't know what I'd do with myself if I stopped. Well, I do know. I'd go back to what I was doing before, which was mostly spending too much time playing video games on my phone. I like being creative with my time instead. I just wish I didn't feel like an outsider in my own community. I wish I didn't have to start a whole project to make space for myself. I wish I didn't feel obnoxious for talking about being aro every other word because hey, this fandom is apparently 50% aro, and all of the rest of them can shut up about it and enjoy fics like a normal person.
But how can I shut up and enjoy fics like a normal person when no matter what fandom I venture into, it's all romance and I'm not a normal person about romance at all? Some aros fucking love shipping! And I'm not even fucking romance repulsed, so I should have a better tolerance! I can deal with romance! I even like it sometimes, even if truthfully what I probably really like is the sexual and emotional connections between the characters. But it just... I guess I'm tired of tolerating it when it would be nicer if I could either like it or never read it again.
And then my friends say things like "just so you know, this fic might be too romantic for you" and I get annoyed by that, too, because I don't want to be seen as someone who can't tolerate romance like a normal adult, and because I do like a lot of things in romantic fics. They often have really good connection and sexual dynamics and emotional dynamics, even if I can't get behind the sappy stuff and that does taint it for me. I'm not just going to avoid them because then I'm missing a whole lot of good shit and there's not exactly much left when you take it all out. But then I bitch and react badly when stuff is romantic. Because apparently I can't just be fucking happy.
I don't know. We live in an alloromantic world. And I had been doing a fantastic job of really enjoying life because I just wasn't noticing that. But now I do see it. And I can't unsee it. And I wish I could. And I've been trying to vent to people, and they're nice... But I just get the feeling that none of them really feel the way I do, even when they're aro or arospec too. So I guess I decided maybe I should try shouting into tumblr instead.
And I know this post is going to bite me in the ass really hard when the people I'm ranting about read it, and I should just talk to them like an adult, but I just can't ever see those conversations ending in any way that I'm satisfied with. They end with me just having to say that I'm an asshole for being insulted by the fact that they won't write what I'd like to see. So instead I'm doing this and hoping they don't click read more. Stop being my friend for it. I don't blame you.
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flyingraijin · 3 years
MHA Boys Find Out You're Dating Someone Else
Ft. Kirishima, Bakugou, Shinso, Todoroki, Denki
Warnings: Maybe swearing, general angst
Note: So I had a shitty week...and wrote this as a result. Have fun :))
Eijirou Kirishima
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This poor baby.
He's too sweet for his own good.
Honestly, it wouldn't matter if he'd literally loved you for his entire life - the second he sees you pressed up against someone else, any will he had to fight for you is gone.
He just automatically assumes that if they're what makes you happy, he shouldn't even try.
He's heartbroken though.
Kirishima is the kind of person who falls in love with his entire being.
He spent weeks before he even admitted his feeling to himself, just admiring you and thinking how damn gorgeous you are.
He was in the midst of trying to work up the courage to tell you how he felt when he saw you kiss them in what you thought was the empty classroom.
He could literally feel his heart break as he watched.
You just look so damn happy and he knows that now, he's never going to get a chance to be the one who makes you like that.
Some people may have just gone ahead with their confession anyway and hope you picked them - not Kiri.
No matter how much he wants to, he know how stressful it would be on you, especially since you and him are such close friends - he's not going to do that to you.
So he just turns away and leaves you to your happy relationship, desperately wiping at the tears welling in his eyes.
Katsuki Bakugou
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He just... froze.
We all know it would take a lot to get Katsuki Bakugou to even admit to himself that he liked you.
And for him to be planning on confessing - he's practically in love.
He'd admit that in the midst of all that inner turmoil, he'd never once considered the possibility that you were already taken.
He'd prepared himself for rejection and he'd accepted you might not reciprocate his feelings.
What he wasn't prepared for was the violent drop of his stomach following by a stabbing pain in his chest that came with the realisation that he was too late.
He falters then, suddenly feeling completely lost .
He can't tell you now - confessing to someone who's obviously in a relationship would look so weak.
The idea of having you look at him in pity when you find out about his feelings, like he's some kind of kicked puppy, is haunting to him.
There's no way in fuck he's gonna let that happen.
So he just turns on heel and walks away.
As awful as it is, he can't help but be snappy with you during the following days.
Like, more so than usual.
And he hates himself for it.
Because seeing your hurt face whenever he tells you to fuck off with actual malice behind his words is something he'll never get used to and will never want to happen again.
He can't help it - every time he looks at you know, all he can think about is watching you kiss them.
And it hurts so damn much.
Hitoshi Shinso
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Outwardly, he has no reaction.
He walks straight past you as if he was just another student going about their business.
He's completely numb on the inside.
He knows it's wrong and he can't blame you but he can't help but feel a slight sense of betrayal - you were one of the first people who welcomed him into the hero course and since he'd joined you'd become his best friend.
How the hell did you fall for someone else and why did he know nothing about it?
He pushes these angry thoughts away though because he knows no matter how close the two of you were, he's not entitled to your feelings.
That doesn't stop the pain though.
Every time he sees you two together, he's tempted to use his quirk to tell them to get their hand the fuck off your waist right now.
He also can't help but compare himself to them.
Did they have a more heroic quirk? Better fight skills? Did he not treat you as good as they did?
I feel like Shinso has pretty low self esteem in general. And this just squashes it down into almost non-existance.
Not that he blames you for anything - he's mad at himself for not working up the balls to tell you before.
Because maybe if he'd just told from the start, you wouldn't be in their arms right now, you'd be in his.
Shoto Todoroki
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He found out you were dating while in the midst of trying to confess his feelings.
He'd called you outside because he'd said there was something he needed to say.
Bit before he could open his mouth, your phone rang.
He caught a glimpse of the number of hearts around their contact name and figured out the rest.
You decline the call because you're just that nice of a freaking person.
But Shoto had already lost his nerve.
He just stood silently for a second, staring at the floor.
His mind was doing cartwheels though because, when??? How??? And why???
He ended up just asking you.
And as you talked, he could feel a strange emotion he wasn't familiar with beginning to well up inside him.
There was a deep ache in his chest and he suddenly felt a little sick.
It was only once you two had gone back inside and he was alone in his room that he figured out is was heartbreak.
I think that he's another one who isn't going to confess until he's practically in love with you.
And having that basically stomped on right in front of his eyes sent him reeling.
He tried his best to act normal around you after that but he can't help but become distant.
It's partly for you sake - he thinks that you shouldn't need to feel like you had to continue with the close friendship the pair of you had now that you're in a relationship.
It also for himself though.
Because deep down he's terrified that at some point or other you might start talking about them, and all the things you love about them, and everything they did right.
And he can't stand the idea of that because it would only rub in the fact that they took that step first and now they had you.
Denki Kaminari
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He can literally feel something inside him beginning to crack and crumble.
He's always been the kind of guy to outwardly show his affection to the people he cares about.
Although, with you there'd always been something much deeper underpinning his friendly feelings.
But after seeing you being wrapped on such a warm hug by someone else, with them kissing the top of you head, he literally feels his world stop.
In his mind, you had always been waaaay above everyone else.
He'd know since almost the moment you two became friends that he was falling for you.
He'd just always assumed that he had time.
He'd never even thought about the possibility that you'd find someone else.
He was also a little hurt you never said anything about your feelings to him.
From the way you'd acted - playfully flirting with him, matching his cheesy pick-up lines, returning all of his affection - he'd kind of just assumed that the feelings were mutual.
He can't help but run over all your shared memories in his head now, wondering if maybe he missed something.
Had he been reading far too deep into the situation? Where you actions really just friendly?
He honestly doesn't know.
What hurts even more is the way that now that you're in a relationship, you friendship with Denki stays the same but at the same time it...doesn't?
You're just as bubbly as ever, just as quick to playfully tease him or crack jokes.
And yet, the flirting is gone, the playful winks and kisses blown his way are gone.
He feels like you're several steps ahead of him now, though you're always turning back to look at him over your shoulder.
It's weird and Denki doesn't like it.
But he'll take it over not having you in his life at al.
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reginaldqueribundus · 3 years
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No. You know what's actually wrong with society today? Attitudes like this. I worked hard for everything I have, yes. But I want everyone else to have what I have too, and to have the chances I had. Is it so wrong for people to ask that life not be so goddamn hard all the time?
This Ancient Spartan philosophy of "you have to work until your hands bleed and sacrifice your physical and mental health to get nice things" is, first of all, total bullshit — people shouldn't have to struggle and sacrifice so much just to live their lives — but I digress. This philosophy might work in some pie-in-the-sky magic fairytale society where everyone has the same advantages and opportunities, but guess what? That mythical egalitarian utopia? It doesn't exist! Not everyone can live a safe, comfortable, fulfilling life through “hard work and sacrifice”, and thinking everybody can obtain a house and a car and a job that pays well enough to afford these things if they simply do more/harder work is, like many branches of theoretical physics, something that only works on paper.
Many people seem to think that “work” is this magical number like the high score in an old Super Mario game, and the more work you do makes the number keep going up until you can eventually get whatever you want. This is simply not true, and the notion of less-fortunate people being "lazy" is a poisonous, classist lie fed to us by selfish capitalist elites and repeated by people who've either a) had everything handed to them their whole lives, or b) have never once thought about the adversities other people face. To say nothing of disabled folks, who apparently have no place in this fuckhead's worldview, which is another disgusting and ugly side to the conceit he's putting forth here.
And as a side note, I'd love to meet all the legions of people these shit lickers keep mentioning who are allegedly out there demanding no work and free cars, because I've never met them, and frankly don't think they exist. They're mostly made up by people like this to justify not caring about the needs of others. It isn't a crime for people to want healthcare, or transportation, or housing, to be accessible to them when it very often isn't. And the only entitlement on display in this comment, is the writer feeling entitled to sit and enjoy the fruits of his labours while casting aspersions on everyone less privileged than him, and never spare them a second thought.
Friend, if you've read this far into my obscenely lengthy post, all I ask of you is that you be kind to one another, think about those whose needs and situations are different from your own, and don't write them off as "lazy" or "entitled". Something you take for granted may have never even been a part of someone else's life, or may not even be attainable for them. I encourage you to think of Charlie Chaplin's words in his 1940 film, The Great Dictator:
“We all want to help one another, human beings are like that. We want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. … And this world has room for everyone, and the good Earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful.
You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don't hate! Only the unloved hate — the unloved and the unnatural!
Let us fight for a new world — a decent world that will give men a chance to work — that will give youth a future and old age a security. …Let us all unite!”
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wisconsin2002 · 2 years
Okay I'm just gonna say something that should be obvious.
Everybody's take at Commander Anne and it being rushed.
Some people might feel like they shouldn't like an episode because of other peoples criticism on it or opinion.
I for one did think the episode zoomed by pretty fast but you are all within you're right to disagree or enjoy the episode. It's okay.. You form your own opinions on the show. Whether they be strong or soft opinions, It's still yours and you're very much entitled to it. Same thing with critics, yall have your opinions and whatever I'm about to say doesn't immediately mean you have to freaking agree with me or abandone your own opinion. Okay.
.. Back to the point
However I do also think a lot of people who are going around calling Sashas redemption rushed have not the slightest idea of what theyre saying. Especially when they bring up where "Anne forgave her".
Point me to the exact moment Anne says she forgave Sasha. I WANT TO SEE IT!
I don't see it. What I do see is Anne and Sasha literally agreeing to each other to put their differences asside to focus on... Oh..idk..maybe.....THE WAR! MARCY in TROUBLE...you know PRIORITIES! BIG ASS BLUEBERRY NEWT KING IN THE SKY READY TO BRING UPON AN ALIEN INVASION TO AMPHIBIA!
There's a time and place for Anne and Sasha to work on their emotional baggage and past issues. The Middle of a war isn't one of em.
"But Anne hugged Sasha and didn't yell at her and told her she changed"
Anne was stating the facts. Sasha has changed whether you think it's rushed or not it's true. Still doesn't mean she's fully redeemed or forgiven or has 100% changed every bad flaw about herself. It means she's on a path to doing so.
A hug and a couple words of encouragement does not immediately mean that She's forgiven. Not even close. Sasha can have closure and support, she can have people who have her back leading her on to make a change for the better and the people leading her on can still not forgive her, they can still carry the trauma and the betrayals. Sasha did a lot of wrong that's not easily forgiven for, shes gotta earn that and the fact that shes working her way up to earn that is what Anne said herself, Proved she's changed. Big change or small change, Change is change. If Sasha is willing to put in the work to better herself, something we didn't get a sign off from past Sasha..Past Sasha was all talk no walk while this Sasha is clearly taking baby steps,.. What would you call that? I call it the beginnings of an actual change in character and the steps into redemption. Not yet redemption.
I think fandoms always get redemptions wrong or don't understand them very well.. Usually in a fandom there's. Two sides.
One side appreciating glorifying the character to the max and somewhat not taking actions and consequences into account
And then there's the other side.. THAT DOES THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE. Takes all actions into account and literally thinks of nothing else but putting the character down.
It's always too much of one or the other side
Which is why when I see critics and fans at eachothers throats I always think about how they both are two sides of the same coin with different misunderstandings of the equal and opposite argument.
Like fair play to critics right. Pointing out flaws and shit but come on. Do you pay attention to any of the conversations or Dialogues? Any time skips? Or do you just straight up look at the minute mark or the episode length and go "OH YEAH its Rushed." Amphibia looking like Mad Max, looking like Thanos home planet, and you want them to Talk about emotional baggage? Dude. And then yall say you wan't a longer episode and I know for a fact you still wouldn't be pleased because that's still not gonna solve emotional baggage at all. Do you know how long that's gonna take? How long for Anne and Sasha to talk about all their past issues and heal from them? That's not a one or two episode thing man that's months of talking to eachother, forming trust and figuring things out. That's not something we can give time to right now and clearly Amphibia is not trying to go into that yet. Let the girls fight the big fight and in the end when Amphibia is not ruled by a crazy blue bitch. Let them go back to earth, see their families and then talk about emotional baggage once they're not in danger. Let the story play👏 out👏.
Whether you think the episode is rushed or not is your own entitled opinion and thats fine but it's not opinion to say that the story still needs to play out cause it very much does.
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queerofthedagger · 2 years
You followed be back after I followed you and then unfollowed me a few days later?
I'm assuming that this is a question about why I unfollowed you again.
Short answer: come off anon, and I will tell you exactly which post it was that you put on my dash that made me decide I didn't want to see more of you.
But because this is something I have strong feelings about, because I've had a bunch of asks about this that I've ignored, and because you were only slightly rude, the longer answer is: fanfiction, and fandom as a whole, is a hobby of mine. I do this to unwind, to have fun, to enjoy myself. As such, I'm very, very particular about curating my experience on here. If someone follows me and I feel up to it, I'll check their blog to see if I might want to follow back (side note: a lot of times I won't have the time or energy and won't do this at all). I won't follow back if the initial scroll of someone's profile shows me they have a bunch of stuff I don't care about, or has takes about my favourite shows and/or characters I disagree with.
I will block someone if they have nothing on their blog, if they display antisemitism, racism, transphobia, queerphobia, etc., or if they so much as vaguely allude to buying into the belief that 'some' ships or themes in fiction are immoral. Yes, that includes the "icky stuff". Yes, this includes the stuff I personally don't want to read. If you think that there are any topics in fiction and/or fanfiction that people shouldn't write about or enjoy, I will block you on sight.
Again, this is my hobby. I do not use tumblr for politics or whatever. This doesn't mean I don't care, it simply means that I consider tumblr the worst possible medium to do anything about it. In a broader sense, beyond specific topics: you're entitled to your opinion. I'm entitled to thinking that you are mighty stupid, and to prevent myself from having to deal with your bad takes.
If I haven't blocked you but only unfollowed, you probably posted and/or reblogged takes about shows, books, or characters I care about that I don't agree with. I cannot say this often enough - I am here to have fun. I'm not here for discourse, I'm not here to see people drag things that bring me joy. I'm not saying you're wrong, even if the petty part of me thinks you are. You are here to have fun too. But I don't want to see it, plain and simple. I don't have to. If you get on my nerves through the tags or through other people's reblogs, I will block you for this too. Yes, I'm merciless about this; the number of blogs I've blocked goes far, far into the upper hundreds, and this isn't counting tags and blacklisted words.
This is called 'boundaries'. I'm an adult at the far end of my twenties. I have a work life, and an academic life, and a family life, and a social life, and a life dedicated to my hobbies and the things I care about, etc etc. There is only so much time I am able to spend on here, and I want to spend that time being happy about the stuff I enjoy. I don't care if you disagree - it is your godgiven right. Mine is not to engage with it.
Now, you might say, there is no way that none of my mutuals ever put something on my dash that I disagree with. And that's true. Sometimes, someone I've come to value as a friend puts something on my dash that makes me go 'bestie wtf is up with you.' Unfortunately for you, I guess, I'm human and there is this thing of 'stuff I will tolerate from my friends and/or people I like, but not from strangers.' I am lucky enough to have made some great friends on here. On top of that, there are some people I have rarely talked to but whom I am fond of anyway. They get some leeway, although that being said, that too has its boundaries.
If I have only followed you a few days ago, though, and you put something on my dash that makes me pull a face, I will unfollow you. Consider yourself important enough that it was so bad, I clicked on your profile to do so. Consider that it wasn't so bad that I actually blocked you.
Now, is this 'fair' in an ethical, equitable sense? No. I nowhere, ever, claimed to be that, while curating my goddamn tumblr feed. I'm not the government. I don't have to be. You don't have to be! You can unfollow, hell, even block people because they reblogged that one post that really raises your hackles. In fact, I do think you will be happier for it.
This is supposed to be fun. if anything about it isn't fun, get rid of it. It's not a debate in congress. It's a barely functioning hellsite about fictional brainrot that doesn't let any of us go, but that we love despite (or, actually, because of) that. Just block me. It's a little bit vindictive and feels great, I promise.
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