#like I'm sure there were other kids that got recruited full ride and stuff
Keith kogane pulling up to the garrison realizing that half the mfs there aren't from arizona, and if they are they're not from trailer parks hot dusty pickup truck interior broken window air conditioner twisted chain link fence arizona
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atlas-affogato · 1 year
I would like to know your Enforcers thoughts/hcs. My fave fact of the show is that Ratso is a legit genius - mans got a bachelors in theoretical physics. I feel like the other two were like his cheerleaders in college, and fully supported him when he chose not to persue a doctorate
Oh my god that's so cute, just so supportive <3
I have so many thoughts and headcanons and so many of them are making there way into my fics.
I love Ratso he's so much fun to think about and write, I definitely think he's autistic, just everything about him, things he says and how other characters interact with him I'm like 'wow, you are just. So fucking relatable' the obsession with baseball and turbo troll action figures, he's just such a geek and I love it. I definitely think he's super smart with math and science stuff, like top of his class sort of smart. I headcanon that he went to college for theoretical physics right after high school and got a job working as like security for a bar or club at night and he got recruited for The Dark Hand through that, working at a club The Dark Hand owns. In my long fic I'm working on he dropped out of college to work for The Dark Hand full time so he never finished his degree and still has major regrets about that.
I bet Ratso is wicked smart with math shit, like he'll just rattle off some insane mental math when the situation arises and everyone just stares at him like, how can you possibly know that?? But he does! Check it on a calculator and he's right! He might not be able to tell you what Valmont is thinking but he can tell you how long its going to take to fly from San Francisco to Chicago based off of flight patterns, the weight of the plane and their speed.
I think that Ratso and Finn and Chow all met working at The Dark Hand, that was their one connection and then they became best friends and ride or die. They've got this intense ride or day relationship, like, 'fuck the rest of the world, I'd sacrifice the entire city if it meant keeping you safe' sort of thing going on.
Ratso loves baseball so much, it's been his special interest since he was a kid, he's got memorabilia, he was on the baseball team in high school, he just loves baseball so much. In baseball its good to have a tall person on first base so they can reach up and catch stray high balls and throw it real fast to second base (yes I researched baseball just because Ratso likes it) so I hc that he was the first baseman when he played baseball.
Finn and Chow could definitely care less but they are supportive boyfriends so they both let Ratso just infodump and ramble for hours about baseball and anything else, just sat on the couch "uh huh, yeah sure" while Ratso rambles. They go to baseball games and Finn and Chow let Ratso explain all the rules and about each role of each team member and the history of the team and everything and they all have a great time.
Ratso's family stays pretty much the same in like everything I write, he's got his mom who is fucking amazing, I love his mom, super supportive, great mom, and he's got three sisters, two older and one younger. Ratso strikes me as a guy who grew up with sisters and a mother who never allowed any toxic masculinity to fester, so he's super secure in himself and his relationships and he was determined to be a good person and not be an asshole like all the guys his sisters would date and complain about. Ratso's got an absent father because I love angst because it just makes sense in my mind but he's got this really big Italian extended family who he knows well and grew up with and is really close with. His mom definitely taught him how to cook so he's a really good cook, making all these nice Italian American dishes which is good because Finn and Chow live off of take out, and Ratso likes cooking so he'll definitely be in the kitchen every night making something great 🤌
I hc Ratso as gay, I never write him as anything else. I think he probably dated some girls in high school before realizing that that wasn't really his thing and subsequently coming out to his family, who were all really nice and supportive about it which is great considering it was the 80s and when people at school found out he got kicked off the baseball team and lost a lot of friends he had made. But its okay, he keeps it trucking. Ratso's got this upbeat optimistic attitude, and it's not born from ignorance, its born from this attitude of "I'd rather hope for a better life and be let down then to give up on hope all together." He'd rather see the best in people. Which makes working for a crime syndicate...difficult, to say the least.
Finn is not the same. Finn is a cynic. He's happy with his own life, his personal life and his hobbies but he doesn't think people are inherently good or kind. He believes everyone is selfish, and he isn't going to go out of his way to not be selfish because that's just how the world works. People are shitty to each other and there's nothing you can do to stop it so there's not even a point in trying.
Finn strikes me as a man who is deeply insecure about himself, and he masks that by being the complete opposite. He is out going and loud and conceited and has so much confidence in his own skills and ability because if he doesn't put on his mask of over the top-ness then he'll start to sprial about how his life is going nowhere and 'oh god I'm 30 and I haven't done anything with my life'
My headcanons for Finn's background are much more fluid than for Ratso or Chow, and I think its because I like to see what you can do with his character. In some fics he's an only child, sometimes he has six siblings, sometimes he's got twin younger sisters. Sometimes he's close with his parents, sometimes his dad is nice, sometimes he's an asshole. Sometimes he's got this big extended family and sometimes he's functionally an orphan, it just depends on what I'm writing and what I'm trying to say with the story and his personal development.
I find Finn compelling, and I think that's because I view him as a person who, despite all his personal development, is not sorry for the things he's done. He sees working for The Dark Hand as a means to an end, the end being his own wealth and success. Now I don't say that to mean I think he's a greedy, obsessed person like Valmont is, but I think Finn knows as well as anyone that there is truly nothing money won't buy. He wants success, in the back of his mind he still wants his name in lights as some major musical artist, but in reality he wants stability and he wants a steady life. He doesn't want to have to work for the rest of his life at some dead end job just to make ends meet, and if working for a crime syndicate has the possibility of giving him the life he wants, then he's willing to do whatever is asked of him to get that.
Finn has morals, he has lines he won't cross, but if you wanted genuine regret for his actions, apologies for the people he's hurt, then its just never going to happen. He's not sorry.
Finn is, in my mind, a bit prickly, I think is the best word for it. He doesn't open up to people, and he'll make plenty of jokes and jabs, but genuine vulnerability is hard to get to with him, he deflects and deflects and deflects. It takes time for him to trust Chow and Ratso, it takes lots of long talks and the two of them being able to see through his facades and jokes to get to the core of what he's trying to say without saying it for them to get close. The pay off being that once Finn is close with someone he is an open book. He's very affectionate, he's very sweet, it just takes some time to get there. Finn loves at 100% and he doesn't know how to turn that down, so he keeps people at arms length so they don't hurt him.
Finn is very open about his sexuality, he doesn't try and pretend he's not gay, if you don't like the fact that's gay then you can leave, but he doesn't put that part of himself in any sort of box or try to contain who he is. He's proud of his sexuality, he's proud of who he is, and he's not going to apologize for it.
Now Chow. Chow is interesting. (I love him so much its unreal) Chow has a lot of complexities and a lot of complex feelings about things, most of which he doesn't know how to say out loud. I hc that Chow grew up in Chinatown in San Francisco and he has pretty traditional immigrant parents. And while he loves his family, he doesn't have a lot of family. Most of his extended family is back in China, and while he's visited a few times he's not super close with any of his extended family, so its mostly just him and his parents as his older brother. Chow is someone who loves his family and wants so much to be close with his family, but has always felt like an outcast.
While his brother bore the brunt of the responsibility to be the perfect oldest sibling, Chow was still constantly compared to his brother and told he needed to try harder, and while his brother could fill the role of star student their parents forced on them, Chow just couldn't keep up.
He believed himself to be stupid for so many years just because he wasn't a straight A student like his brother, and it kind of did a lot of damage to his self esteem and self image.
Chow also strikes me as someone who knew he was gay from a young age, and someone who was visibly gay all growing up, he just couldn't hide it even when he tried and he was bullied pretty viciously for that all growing up.
Chow loves his family, but he's never believed they would be accepting of his sexuality, and he didn't want to cause a stir, he didn't want to be the person causing waves or breaking their family up so he just...never told them. And he just avoids questions about his love life and if he's ever going to have kids. It weighs pretty heavy on him, this feeling that he's letting his parents down by being gay.
Chow strikes me as someone who tries to act cool and does all this posturing because he was bullied so much for being gay and being a geek. He's got the leather jacket and the cool guy sunglasses and he's trying to act tough, but in reality he's as much of a geek as Ratso is. He loves video games, he was constantly at the arcade as a kid and he's always got the newest gaming systems. Finn's not one for video games but Ratso is so they will often spend hours playing Diddy Kong racing or Doom or Resident Evil or even sitting together on their gameboys playing Pokémon or Wario or Kirby.
Chow is a romantic. He loves all the cheesy stuff, the flowers and the gifts and the Valentines Day dinners. And he gets embarrassed about liking it, but Ratso and Finn are accommodating and they do the stupidly romantic things because they love him (they love it too, but the look on Chow's face is worth it everytime)
Chow I imagine has a hard time talking about his feelings, he has a hard time talking about things that really matter to him, he just didn't grow up in a household that said in words how much they loved eachother, so when he started dating Ratso who did grow up in a house like that and is very openly affectionate it was...a culture shock, to say the least. Chow gets better at talking about his feelings, but they also work around it in a lot of ways. If Chow handing Finn a stack of his favorite magazines is a declaration of love, then that's what it is, it doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.
Okay, I have even more thoughts but I've been talking for a while now and I am getting so excited thinking about them that my hands are literally shaking right now so I am going to go ahead and post this and take a break but yes! Ask me more things! Any specifics you want! I will tell you about any and all fic ideas I have/am working on, so please just let me know what you want to hear I will talk and talk and talk about these three.
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