#like I'm not freaked out about it but I do wonder what the future holds
anarkhebringer · 1 year
Good god I just woke up, checked to see a rare ping in the XIV Tools server, and it's like that GIF of the dude coming home with the pizza and seeing everything on fire and everyone dead because the Anamnesis devs completely ghosted, and deliberately gave admin rights to someone who hasn't been active since 2022 instead of the Asgard and Chirp, who are actively working with the project and helping keep it stable.
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How to manifest your desired body:
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So i noticed that this topic which everyone struggle with, so i'm gonna talk about it here in this post.
!! Note !!: Okay first of all, please After this post don't send me Asks or questions, get it together and apply the Law and you'll thank me later.
Okay let's start!
Firstly let's simplify the Law of assumption :
Deciding and assuming that you have your desires + knowing it yours and that creation is finished + not Caring about the 3d and persisting in your assumption + Moving on with your life with the knowing feeling that you have your desires.
Done, that it, it is easy right?
And just let the work to your subconscious.
Let clear some limiting beliefs you have, shall we?
Is it possible to change my bone structure? YES.
Is it possible to go from fat to skinny overnight? YES.
Is it possible to have the exact same body of my visual board from Pinterest? YES.
Is it possible to have those anime/manhwa body? YES.
Is it possible to have a thigh gap and a hourglass body? YES.
Is it possibl-? SHHH, you Heard me, yes, the answer would Always be yes, why? As long you Can see it in your mind then it is possible.
Now to the important part.
How to deal with the 3d?
Hold up- first of all, why do you need to check the 3d when you already affirmed a minute Ago that you already have your desired Body? Seriously? Pull yourself together 🗣️👏🏻
YOU ALREADY HAVE YOUR DREAM BODY! done, that it, no question, no when or how, no but, no anything.
When i tell you that creation is finished, i really mean it.
I mean Come on! Manifestation is instant, the moment you affirm you have your desired body which mean it is NOW, not in the future or in the past, you have it in your imagination NOW, and that what matters, you just need to keep persisting and let the work to your subconscious, just don't freak out or start checking the Time and yada yada.
Just know that the 3d will change and will adapt to your 4d.
Seeing yourself in the mirror and nothing changed? Nope i already have it.
Your family or your mutuals pointing out at your appearance? Nope, i already have my desired body, i'm beautiful.
Time is running out? I have my desired body NOW.
Always flip your thought when seeing the opposite in the 3d, well that because the subconscious mind doesn't know what happening around you, it only hear your thought, so when for example your mother saying to you that you look fat or skinny well in your mind just flip your thought saying "oh yeah, i already have my desired body, i mean i'm very sexy", you know where i'm going with this?
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That all you need to do.
Accept that it is done, and move on with your life, you know you already have your desired body like you know you have the phone in your hand, you are not going to Wonder where it is when it is obviously in your imagination, you see it in your mind? Then you have it now! Congratulations! You have such an incredible body!
You Can Do whatever you want in the 3d, you Can eat whatever you want and with the knowing that you're skinny or lean.
Stop complaining, stop asking, stop Being in the state of lack, stop Being Desperate, stop dreaming, stop wishing, stop making excuses, just STOP AND START APPLYING THE LAW!
It is very easy, you're just making it more complicated.
Remember: Everything Comes from you.
Now get your ass up and start manifesting.
If you want to loss weight read my post if you want ➜ (click here!).
Also if you have any struggle with your manifestation or the 3d i advice you to visit the page of @shradsmanifestt
Xoxo, Eli
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smallmightsupremacy · 6 months
Izuku isn't losing his arms and here's why:
Okay so I know that we're all freaking out over that one manga panel, but we really shouldn't be.
Deku isn't going to lose his arms. It's all in his head.
Just stay with me.
First and foremost, look at the reactions from the characters when they join the battlefield. Specifically Aizawa:
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What about this screams 'one of my students just lost both of his arms and may not end up having a future as a hero anymore?'
You would think that if Hori were to really go through with Izuku losing his arms, he would put more emphasis on the characters' reactions to make it more impactful, right?
To further reinforce this idea, we also need to consider the significance of Izuku's hands in Katsuki's arc. Whether you view their relationship as romantic or not, you can't deny that Izuku's hands holds significance to Katsuki. It represents the time when their relationship first fell apart, and I think in order to call their relationship fully 'healed' and complete Katsuki's growth, he's going to need to accept Izuku's hand again.
I mean, look at how foreshadowed the handhold is. There's no way they're not going to be holding hands by the end of the series. It's a necessity at this point.
And yes, you can argue that they already did hold hands, but to me that handhold didn't seem like the official one. It wasn't as impactful as it could've been. Now, while I'm not saying that the handhold didn't have any emotion to it, I feel like it's impact got a little diluted by Katsuki's revival. It wasn't the main focus. I think that the proper handhold is going to come later and be in it's own moment.
And, I mean, Izuku kind of needs his hands for that to happen.
So now you may be wondering, if Izuku hasn't lost his arms, then how do you explain what's happening to him right now?
Well, like I said earlier, it's all in his head. I think it's AFO fucking around with his mind.
I think AFO is somehow manipulating the vestige world and OFA mental connection he was with Izuku to make him hallucinate that he's lost his arms. He wants Izuku to crumble, and what better way to do that than to convince him that his dream is over and that there's nothing he can do?
I feel like this has also been foreshadowed in a way too. Take a look at this picture:
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This image already foreshadowed Ochako getting stabbed in the chest, so perhaps it's also foreshadowing Izuku's fate?
The knife is in his head, so perhaps it's hinting at him being affected psychologically?
Also, the idea that it's only those that are connected to the vestige realm that can see the illusions that AFO is planting would be a great way to get Katsuki to be a part of the final fight too.
We already know that's he's going to be involved somehow. Hori himself said that the ending for mha was going to be better than the ending for Hero's Rising (the one Kats and Izu share OFA), and what better way to improve that than have Katsuki come save him from the mind fuckery?
I also think that finally having Izuku and Katsuki fight side by side has been foreshadowed for a long time, and if that really were to happen, then there's no better time for that than the final fight.
Also, Katsuki's really the only one that can save Izuku right now if my theory were to be true. He's the only character that fits the very specific requirements that Izuku needs (being connected to the vestige realm, and also having a willingness to save/help Izuku).
Speaking of, Katsuki being connected to the vestige realm was a shock for us all, and it doesn't make sense for why Horikoshi would show us such ground-breaking information if he didn't plan on using it later. This has to be the later. There's no other case where I can see Katsuki's connection to the vestige realm being implemented into the story again other than this.
So here's the TL;DR:
Izuku is being mindfucked by AFO and Katsuki is going to be the one that brings him back to reality
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midniiights-garden · 9 months
Mizu realising she's in love/a lesbian [Headcanons!!]
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(A/N: I feel like this is like... already a given but please remember that these are HEADCANONS!! She does not have a canon sexuality. And I know it's mostly the lesbians who haven taken over the show but my content is available for everyone to see and I wanted to remind everyone that I am not going to tolerate slander or trash talking because of a personal opinion. You are entitled to your thoughts and I am entitled to mine.)
Possible TWs!!: Mentions of sex and sexual encounters, M*kio (you cannot stop me from putting this man as a warning I hate him sm), Canon typical violence, Racisim, Homophobia, Mysogyny (did I spell that right??)
Firstly I wanna address her relationship with Mikio in order to fully understand my headcanons.
Personally I do not believe that Mizu actually "loved" Mikio in the romantic sense. She thought she was in love, but in the end it wasn't.
Speaking as someone with a lot of personal trauma regarding relationships myself I realised that I couldn't differentiate between romantic and platonic love. Basically, for me, all I saw was that someone was treating me nicely for once and now I'm attached to them. And for the longest time I thought that was what love was.
And I think Mizu experienced something similar.
Basically, when Mikio treated her like a fucking human being she was like "oh, hey this is nice. This is weird, but it's nice. So I guess I'm in love, right?"
Like, no, baby. You aren't. That's just called emotional trauma.
That's also why she thought she was straight for the longest time because she genuinely cannot tell when she likes someone romantically.
As I often restate it'll take a while for her to fully understand the extent of her emotions, but she'll get there.
Now onto the fluffier stuff :))
How does she realise she's in love? What's her reaction to it?
I think she gets hit with the realisation as if it were a train crashing into her.
It's just a normal evening, she's probably at a ramen shop with her future S/O with her and then as she's taking a bite of her ramen she looks over at you and thinks: "Huh... I wonder what it would be like if I got to hold them?"
And then it's just a record scratch moment for her where she's like wtf where did that come from.
It's either just normal domestic moment like I mentioned or her future S/O sparring with her (which may or not freak her out bc of the fucking Mikio incident).
But when Mizu successfully pins her S/O down they just laugh and smile, knowing Mizu would never hurt them on purpose.
That made Mizu's heart flutter more than anything Mikio had ever done for her.
She's going to be in denial about it for a long time. Like... a really, really long time. Cue the "but we're just friends"!
How does she react when she realises she's into girls?
Due to the internalized homophobia instilled within her as a child and other such thoughts she starts to think she may be going crazy.
She'll start to pull away out of fear, not truly understanding her emotions.
Which, of course, will hurt her future S/O and cause them to worry.
Seeing her future S/O so distraught kind of triggers something in her. She realises that there's nothing inherently wrong with her, that she's still a person and the person she likes is still a person and that there shouldn't be anything wrong with liking her S/O. She also just didn't like seeing you worry over her, it hurt her more than any blade that she's been stabbed with.
Now onto her actual physical attraction.
Once the whole emotional side of it is somewhat sorted in her mind she finds herself not so subtly staring at her S/O's tatas.
She doesn't strike me as someone with high libido or anything despite what I've seen a lot of headcanons say. But I think shes the kind of lover to enjoy getting her S/O off a lottttt
I don't believe she was ever really attracted to Mikio sexually but seeing her S/O's kimono slip off their shoulder to reveal some titty has her red and hot.
She likes that it's soft. She really likes the softness of her S/O's body.
(A/N: That's all!! I feel like I was terribly self-indulgent with this one but there are a lot of aspects in which I relate to Mizu with. Which is probably why I care a lot about representing her correctly. As usual, feel free to comment or send asks to my inbox!! I hope y'all enjoyed <33)
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kypopkypop · 2 months
"Your so beautiful" "I know isn't she" "I was talking about you"
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Changbin fluff coming home from the hospital
Warning: Body insecurities, just gave birth, reader get really upset and doesn't feel totally better at the end (I don't know if that really a warning, mentions of nursing/breastfeeding a baby (tell me if I missed something)
She doesn't really feel that much better at the end because I think it's unrealistic for the reader to suddenly feel better after something someone else says. Sometimes your just upset and you need to be upset to make your self feel better in the future if that makes sense. Also don't mind what changbin says I'm bad at comforting people so I tried my best. I think it lacking a little something but I'll try and make it better as time goes on and I get more into writing.
You were sitting on your couch holding you 2 day old baby girl. You had just come home from the hospital a couple of hours ago.
Birth is a very painful, stressful, and interesting to say the least. Your body had changed so much during your pregnancy but it slowly changed over 9 months. Giving you some time to get used to it as your body got bigger.
Birth is nothing like that though. Even if your a little chubby everyone thinks your super cute when your pregnant. Whenever people look at a pregnant person you don't think "hmm I wonder how much weight she's gained" you usually think "aww she looks so good for being 9 months pregnant, her body's creating a life".
After birth everyone losses that mentality but your body doesn't change for at least a couple of weeks. Not to even mention all the different hormones and emotions going through your body during this time.
You think of how amazing your baby girl is and how you would go through labor a thousand time again to have her. Then you look in the mirror and see every part of your self that you liked before you got pregnant has changed.
After having your baby girl your anxiety and depression worsened. It was hard for you to think of one thing that liked about your self. Your self confidence before getting pregnant wasn't super strong or anything but you've never felt like this.
Your mama bear instincts came out. You got so anxious when ever someone else was holding your baby besides your husband Changbin of course. You loved seeing him with her. It almost felt like your only purpose in life was to take care of this baby. You know Changbin would never leave you but it scared you what he thought of you know that you thought your body was "ruined".
Looking at your wonderful baby girl as she's fast asleep in your arms your husband comes and sits next to you. He sits facing you with and arm next to your shoulders. He starts admiring you baby girl too.
Then he looks up at you. You get a little freaked out from how long he was looking at you. You were trying to figure out what would make him do that. Your scared to fully look at him. Scared he'll see how puffy your face is and your dark under eye circles.
"Your so beautiful" he says. You can really hear the emotion in his voice. It almost sounds like he could cry
"I know isn't she perfect"
"I was talking about you" even though you were scared you turned you face to see him. The love in his eyes and the smile that shows up on his face when he sees your full face
"I'm never gonna look the same though. What if my stomach always stays this big. What if....." you start tearing up and you stop talking before you fully start crying.
"Y/n I know you've changed a lot before you got pregnant vs now. But the way I see you will always be the same. I didn't fall in love with you because of your body. No physical changes would ever make me stop loving you. And I know your hormones is making things harder emotionally but I want you to know that I will always be there. And if you ever need a reminder of how gorgeous you are just tell me and I could go on and on. You think our daughter is beautiful and when I look at her I just see a mini you."
You had a lot of tears streaming down your face at this point. Everything was just so overwhelming you couldn't talk. All the emotions of how you felt about your self being contradicted by Changbins words made your head feel like it was gonna explode. But you were trying hard to not let out a sob because you didn't want to wake your daughter.
Almost as Changbin read your thoughts he picks up your baby and puts her in the baby swing. He comes back and scoots you over so your on his lap. "I know it gonna take more than just once for you to believe me but I'll say it as many times as you need." He said as he puts his head and hand on top of yours. You let out the sobs that you were holding in. You hid your face in the crook of his neck as he rocked you. It made you feel like the baby but it really did make you feel better.
After taking some deep breaths to calm down you pull away to look at your perfect husband. He wipes you tears and tells you some more how much he loves you.
He tells you to lay down and take a nap to help you calm down. And being tired wasn't helping with how stressed out you were. It scared you to leave taking care of the baby all to him but he assured you. Anytime you needed a nap during the day that he would take care of her. You have been up all night nursing her. He tries to do as much as he can during the night but when your the only one who can feed her there's not much he can do. So he wants to make it up to you.
He tucks you in on the couch. And as you almost fall asleep immediately you hear him say.
"I love you and good night beautiful"
Also this is my first time writing so don't judge me to hard 😄 also thank you for reading.
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skullvgirl · 3 months
acting like they forgot yall had plans together
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incl ;; isagi, bachira, barou, kunigami, shidou
warnings ;; fem reader
an's ;; was gonna make this a samu version but I got lazy uh, here hc's
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you text him on friday, a day before your supposed plans and let me tell you he's freaking OUT. he doesn't want to tell you he forgot, and now your asking him what to wear and man could it get any worse?
apparently it could because now your asking him who he should bring and telling him how excited you are and much you've been lookikg forward to it.
he feel like the worst boyfriend on earth and is wondering if he should ask one of the friends that your bringing ( apparently ) and so he devises a plan.
"YN, you said you were bringing [ Friends Name ] Right?" And you can't help but continue the joke and accusingly say, "What?! No, was that supposed to be some sort of joke?"
Now, he feels like shit for even suggesting and is also concerned about what [ Friends Name ] did. He couldn't have forgot that too could he?
"Y-yeah, no I just...yeah."
You burst out laughing and he realizes this is probably another one of your "ticktack trends"
You hold his face softly, "Oh poor baby, it was just a joke we dont have any plans."
His face is hot and he moves your hands away to go pout on the couch. "Stop doing that..you were scaring me..."
"Aw was I? Don't worry, It was fun watching you question your sanity."
"And that's supposed to make me feel better..."
"We had plans!?" Immediately, without a second thought. And you can't contain your laughter, his hands wete placed comically on the sides of his head, his mouth wide open from shock and confusion.
"Dude, no."
"Oh thank God." He places a hand over his heart.
"Really? You werent even gonna try and play along? What if it was for real and I got mad"
He paused for a moment, thinking over the idea seriously.
"I guess you could put me in NTT for a bit maybe.." he side eyed you breasts and now you were even more confused.
"No titty timeout"
You burst out laughing and Bachira couldn't help but grin at your reaction. He loved making you laugh.
"Sure, I guess I could. Probably make sure you'd remember next time huh?"
"100% !"
"no we don't. now sit down, I wanna feel my girlfriend."
You roll your eyes and didn't bother fighting his party pooping attitude. You sat down and cuddled up next to his warm body.
"How do you know, you could have forgot..."
"It's not marked on my calendar, and even if it wasn't I'd never forget"
You glanced at the calendar, everything Barou needed to do in the future was meticulously marked on that damned stupid calender.
Should've wrote a fake date there...
"Who do you take me for seriously? Even if you wrote a fake date I would've known."
Oop! Did you say that out loud? No, it was just Barou and his stupidly good sense of you. Weirdo.
"Ugh, you suck, lets just watch" You were frowning but snuggles closer too him.
"Says the one latched to my chest..."
"Shhhh, the show..."
He knows you guys don't actually have plans but he plays along anyways. "Uh huh, and did you still wanna go at 6?"
Somehow gaslights you into thinking that you forgot yall had plans. But you should've known otherwise from the way he was smiling. A cheshire grin spread across his face agreeing with everything you say in full confidence, untill finally you break.
"Im lying! We don't have plans, also a Mega Hotel? What are you talking about?"
He's laughing in your face and your cheeks light up.
"Hey! Get your own joke meanie!"
you continue playing the act. "yes? you didn't forget did you?"
"say you swear." he's done a full 180° too see you now, staring incredulously into your eyes, waiting for a response.
"I swear—why would I be lying?"
"No way.." he holds his hands on his head. "No fucking way..." he was breathless, like it was impossible for him to believe what you were saying was true.
"YN, I'm gonna be so serious. I think i must be high, cause I cannot remember a single discussion of planning anything right now."
"Really dude?" You asked, unimpressed. He cocked his head adorably. "It was a joke.
"Oh shit, thank God. I thought I was a goner." he turns back around, relief filling his voice.
"Seriously? What if it wasn't a joke?"
"You'd forgive me"
You gaped at his answer, "And what makes you sure of that?" you asked sassily.
"You love me." he said confidently.
"I do, what's your point?"
"You love me, that is the point." He said, nodding his head sure of himself.
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an's ;; guys, i think tumblr is deleting my rq's wtf 🤒
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
Saw your birthday post and I’m here to say dad!daryl especially during pregnancy would be act like a caveman. You’re growing his child? He’s hunting for a mounting of food (more specifically animals especially deer) and presenting them to you like he’s at an altar. You want something. He’s already got it. Craving something that’s lots to the old world? Don’t worry he’ll do his best and if not he’ll find a suitable replacement. Dad!daryl would do anything for you already, and now you’re with his child… you really get to see how far he’d go.
Let’s not mention if you were ever in a position where he thinks you’d be in danger because he’s animalistic ensuring that you and his baby are okay.
Thank you for listening to my ted talk
Also happy early birthday!!
No because I think about this on a daily basis. You'd think I'm lying but I'm not. The amount of times I think of Daryl as a dad should be illegal lol. My own thoughts under the cut. (Sorry this isn't a proper fic. I didn't know how to write this in a way that would be in a way you deserve, but I loved this so much and didn't want this to go to waste, so I'm doing this. Hope it's okay!)
Basically everything you said is so freaking true. As far as I'm aware, aka on what I've seen in movies and what my mom has told me, the correct meat is an essential part to a pregnant woman's diet. Oh, boy, once you're pregnant and the doctor says that you need protein? You be rest assured that Daryl is not resting until he finds you the best goddamn venison he can. No rabbit or squirrel meat for the love of his life and his unborn baby. Y'all deserve only the best. He'd even fight tooth and nail if he could only find a small deer and there wouldn't be enough venison for everyone in the community and everyone wanted some. You needed it more than they did, and he'd hold someone at gunpoint if he needed to.
I've also wondered a lot about Daryl finding whatever you're craving. A few nights ago, I was really craving chips (fries) but I couldn't go buy any, so I had to make my own. While making it (at 3am if I may add) I thought about Daryl making you what you're craving during your pregnancy. If he can't find what you're craving outside the walls, he's gonna try his damn best to make it. Fries? He's picking potatoes out of the community's garden to make you that. You want a sandwich? He's gonna make you a sandwich. You want some crisps (chips)? He can't make it, but he's not gonna rest until he finds you some. It may be stale, but he doesn't care. Anything for you.
I've seen a couple of videos where the guy stands behind his pregnant partner and raises their belly to relieve some pressure. Daryl would do that! I read it in my favourite dad!Daryl series (Blood Ties by @celtic-crossbow. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it!) and I was like “yes, he would totally do that!” Anything that would help make you even the slightest bit more comfortable, he'd do it. Also, I feel like it would bring a sense of comfort to him when he does that. It'd make him feel more connected with his baby before they're born, y'know?
Don't even get me started on Daryl being extremely overprotective of you. He doesn't want you to be in any sort of danger in general, but the need to keep you safe when you're carrying his baby increases by a tenfold. Your escapades beyond the walls are put on a hold for the foreseeable future. Anything you need beyond the walls, he'll get it for you. And if you don't want him to leave you, he'll get someone else to do it for him. He wouldn't ever let you willingly put yourself in danger, and if you ever were in danger, the people responsible for it would pay dearly.
I have a lot of thoughts on this but my brain isn't working with me right now. Thank you so much for sending this in! I really loved this so much.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
What Do the guys do if they learn their crush has some incredibly minor beef with them? Like they know him as "that guy who somehow always buys up all the good snacks at lunch" or "that guy who took the last limited edition X i waited an hour and a half in line for" or "that guy who's always hogging the Y"
I went with the snack one but here's how I think they would all react to you only knowing them as the guy who always buys the last of your favourite snack!
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Mikey- Stares at you thoughtfully after finding this out, before holding out a half eaten taiyaki for you to take. (It's his way of trying to make it up to you). Frowns if you don't take it and figures he needs to do something else instead.
Takemichi- He's having a mini breakdown with this info, can't believe he never noticed he was doing this to you. His face flashes through the five stages of grief before giving you a very nervous smile and saying he'll make it up to you.
Draken- "huh?" He's mainly confused as to why you know him as that and not by his reputation. Decides to cut you a break though by not taking the thing you want in the future.
Baji- Is confused for a second but then frowns. He didn't mean to do that so why do you only see him that guy? Doesn't say anything about it to you but the next day you find the snack he took from you waiting for you.
Chifuyu- He immediately makes a plan to buy the snack again but this time break it in half and share it with you. Thinks this will be romantic and get the two of you talking. But on the day his hands are shaking so badly that he just quickly gives you the whole thing and hurries off.
Mitsuya- Frowns at you, feeling bad for always taking the snack you wanted. Goes very overboard in making it up to you though by inviting you round to his house for dinner.
Hakkai- Says absolutely nothing and doesn't even look at you but you find a whole pile of those snacks waiting for you later that day (rich kid privileges)
Pah- Feels guilty and goes out of his way to bring you snack each day as a way of making it up to you, always with a blush on his face.
Peh- "HAH!?" Freaks out a bit because he's so surprised.
Smiley- "I'm gonna kill that store for not stocking enough snacks" He ends up not buying them for awhile but he still goes to the store to kinda watch out for them??? Like if sees any other guys picking them up instead, he'll slap them out of their hands or threaten them.
Angry- Straight up apologises to you and offers to buy you some of the snack to make it up to you.
Mucho- He's pretty confused as to why you would be upset over just some snacks. Assumes you may not be aware of better places to go and thinks about inviting you to go with him to a cafe.
Sanzu- Smiles, his plan is working perfectly. Of course he already knows these are your favourites and by taking them he's made you notice him. Bad attention is still better then no attention.
Kisaki- Starts scheming away on how he can use this info. Probably pretends to not know you even like them and then offer you some as a way to get to know you more.
Hanma- Laughs, this is very funny to him. Will tease you about it, then offer to share with you but there's a catch. If he shares then you'll "owe him". You're not sure if it's a good idea to accept or not.
Kazutora- Frowns a lot and wonders what he should do. Ends up switching snacks so you can always have the one you want but never mentions it to you.
Inui- Shrugs at this information, it doesn't mean that much to him since it doesn't really change anything. He hasn't tried to make a move on you yet and this problem is small enough that it probably won't be an issue when he eventually does try with you.
Koko- Definitely panics, this is not how a good potential boyfriend is supposed to be treating you!!!! Buys you lots of little things in return, including snacks. He wants to spoil you not take from you!
Taiju- Oh he's definitely interested now, interested in what you're going to do about it. Continues buying the snack, hoping that you'll confront him over it. If you do eventually then he's willing to give you some, he's just interested in your response to this whole thing.
Izana- Thinks this is perfect, it gives the two of you a common like which he definitely plans on using to his advantage.
Kakucho- Looks horrified, this is not the impression he wanted to make with you. Comes up to you one day with a casual "hey" (he's freaking out inside) and asks if you want his snack.
Ran- Beckons you over with a sly grin, telling you to "come get your snack". You know straight away that he's referring to himself and teasing you.
Rindou- "what the hell?" After everything he's done this is the thing you know him for??? He's at least glad it's an easy enough fix, he just stops buying that snack so that you can enjoy it instead. Decides he'll have to do something else to capture your attention though.
Shion- He's nearly offended by this, can't believe this is how you remember him! Starts trying to name drop other things he's done in front of you.
Mochi- Just shrugs and passes the snack to you, it's not that deep to him.
South- Offers to arm wrestle you for the snack (he's actually both intrigued about your strength and wants an excuse to hold your hand, so uses the snack as the perfect facade).
Wakasa- Looks around for a minute trying to figure out if this is some kind of joke. When he realises it's not, he approaches you and says you could've just asked. Splits the snack in half with you.
Shinichiro- He's on the verge of banning his head against the wall, just can't believe he would overlook something so obvious. Of course buys the snack for you and hands it over as a new way of flirting with you.
Benkei- Is a bit embarrassed about not noticing sooner but decides to make up for it by buying the snacks for you.
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ftrcountry · 11 months
The One With The Test
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I just want to say rip to a one of a kind actor, Matthew Perry. I still can't believe it :( May he finally rest in peace.
Summary: I watched Fools Rush In Today and this sparked the idea for this fic. I hope you enjoy!
It was New Year's Eve in New York City. People were out partying and hanging out with their family and friends. Snow was slowly falling down in the cold crisp air. This was yet another New Years eve party without a date. You weren't particularly upset as you grown used to this. You were currently standing outside on the balcony watching the snowflakes fall all around. "somebody kiss me at midnight!" You heard Chandler go around asking each one of your friends in the apartment. You let out a small laugh. Oh sweet Chandler. You haven't told no one but you were starting to develop feelings for your best friend. You were just afraid to say anything in fear it might ruin the relationship the two of you have. You bit your lip, an idea popping into your mind. You had a lot to drink tonight so you had more courage than usual. You were going to catch Chandler off guard and kiss him at midnight.
Everyone was gathered around the tv counting down from ten. 10 9 Rachel was with Ross. Phoebe with Mike. 8 7 Monica with Richard Joey with one of his flings. 6 5 You took a deep breath as you walked up to Chandler. 4 3 You grabbed a fist full of Chandler's shirt. 2 1 Cheers erupted, people clapped at the start of the New Year as you pulled Chandler close and pressed your lips to his. Chandler tensed for a moment before you felt his lips kissing you back. His hand fell to your waist. "You wanted someone to kiss you at midnight." You whispered breathlessly as you pulled apart from him. You were flustered as Chandler pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear. "You have no idea how long I wanted this." Chandler finally spoke, giving you one of his charming smiles.
After the party, you ended up at Chandler and Joey's. Both you and Chandler were a little more than tipsy. After a hot, passionate round of the best sex you ever had, you were cuddled up to Chandler's side. "Wow." was the only words to escape your and Chandler's mouth.
Three Months Later Since that night on New Year's, you and Chandler decided to make it official. Everything was wonderful and you were so happy until three months later you were sitting on the bathroom tiled floor holding a positive pregnancy test. You've never been this scared in your life. You knew this would freak Chandler out and run him off. This would most likely be the end of the relationship and you might be a single mom. Before you could think about the future, there was a knock on the bathroom. "Y|N, you okay?" It was Chandler. With a shaky breath, you stood up with the positive pregnancy test. With trembling hands, you opened the door revealing Chandler. Concern was written on his face as you were in the bathroom for quite a while. His eyes flickered down to the test in your hands. His eyes widen and he jumped back. "Y|N. Please don't tell me that-" He stopped speaking. A tear slipped down your face as you nodded. You couldn't look at him. "I used a condom. Lot's of them." "Well, one didn't work." "But that's its job! It's whole purpose in life is... to work!!" Chandler was freaking out at this point. He ran his hand through his hair, pacing back and worth. He went into the kitchen got a glass of water and chugged it down. You started playing with the test in your hands out of nervousness. "I'm keeping the baby" You stammered. Chandler's eyes flew up to yours. "What?" He questioned. He was not ready to be a father. You knew he was expecting the other options that you were going to do. Keeping the baby was not one of them. He looked upset and this was where the relationship would end. You dropped the test on the counter, tears falling down your face. "Goodbye Chandler." You whispered before running out of the apartment.
Rain droplets fell into the night in New York City. You were currently at Monica's, sitting on the couch with a leg pulled up to your chest. Monica, Rachel and Phoebe were all sitting around trying to comfort you. It's been a little over twenty four hours since you and Chandler had the falling out regarding the baby. "I'm sure it's a simple misunderstanding. You guys are having a baby! Chandler would never leave you alone to deal with this. He's probably just scared." Monica said, rubbing your back. "You should've seen the look on his face. It was full of fear, concern and he was just upset. He didn't have words." You cried, wiping your eyes with a tissue. Before anyone could say anything, the door opened and Chandler walked in. You looked down at your hands in your lap. He had one hand in his pocket and the other scratching the back of his neck. Monica, Phoebe and Rachel got the queue and grabbed their things and left. "Hey." Chandler spoke softly, walking over. "Hi." You sniffled. Chandler came around and sat on the coffee table right in front of you. "I'm sorry Y|N. I panicked and didn't have the words to comfort you and to be there when you needed me. This is big news." Chandler spoke up. "If you don't want to be in the baby's life, that's fine. I can do this on my own." At this point you still couldn't look at Chandler. You felt sick to your stomach, whether that was morning sickness or your nerves you weren't sure. "Just wait a minute. Look at me, Y|N." Chandler spoke, taking your hands in his. You finally looked up into his eyes. He was staring with so much adoration in his eyes at you. "This afternoon, I couldn't decide between a Texas burger and a tuna melt, but my life made sense, you know? And now I know exactly want I want, and my life doesn't make any sense. And I was doing fine this afternoon. I was doing great. That was me. It was me then. And now I'm with you and I don't know what happened between the tuna melt and the Texas burger but I WANT this with you Y|N. I never thought about my future before until we happened. I want this with our baby." By the time Chandler finished his speech, you had tears rolling down your face. Chandler slid over to the couch right next to you and pulled you close. You buried your face into his chest as he rubbed your back, kissing the top of your head. "Everything is going to be okay, Y|N. I love you so much and I already love this baby."
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anjaelle · 1 year
Could you write a fic of Dave where him and y/n are getting used to having a newborn in the house?
Pairing: Dave Lizewski x Female!Reader Warnings: Pregnancy, Parenting, Babies, Existential Crises (kinda) a/n: *Timbaland voice* It's been a long time, I shouldn't've left you...; As a childless woman (who is often expected to have kids by this current age), I don't write about this stuff often. But I like the idea of Dave and his partner being...realistic about new parenthood. All things considered.
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(gif source)
When you told Dave that you were pregnant, he had two major reactions.
First, was the excitement. It was a surprise for the both of you, but you'd been together for so long and constantly imagined what your future kids would be like. You picked out fake names and wondered who they'd take after more.
Then reality sank in along with the panic of how you'd both support a new baby. You weren't rich, nor were you sure you had the space for a baby. But you had the support of your friends and family while you figured everything out.
That didn't stop poor Dave from doting on you every single day, as your due date approached. He continued to freak out until the day you came home from the hospital with your newborn, sleeping in his car seat.
While you napped in your bedroom, he stood over the bassinet and watched his son's chest rise and fall, occasionally reaching down to stroke his little tuft of thick, dark hair.
He was so small. A healthy small, but a small nonetheless. When the nurse first put the newborn in Dave's arms, he nearly had a moment of paralyzing doubt. Would he be too rough? Would his hands be too calloused and hard? Would he accidentally drop him?
"Geez," he mumbled to himself as the baby stirred, "I can't believe you're real. We made a person."
He paused and felt the baby's tiny, rapid heartbeat.
"You're actually going to grow up and become someone someday." Dave thought aloud. The thought filled him with wonder and a bit of fear, "There's a whole wide world out there waiting to meet you, kid. And, shit--I mean, shoot, you've only been on this earth for 5 days and I don't know how I'll cope with watching you grow up and experience it."
He swallowed hard as his little face scrunched up for a moment before relaxing again.
Dave had to protect him.
After a month of chaos, you began to notice that Dave was a bit on edge. Still. You watched as he warily eyed you with the baby in your arms, and flitted around the house. What he was doing, you weren't sure. He may have been cleaning the same appliances and countertops 50 times in an effort to make sure they were "adequately disinfected" before he interacted with your little one.
"Baby," you sighed from the living room couch as David tied his hair up to wipe down the fridge again, "come sit with us. Take a breather."
"Sure, in a sec," he rapidly chattered, "let me just finish the kitchen--"
"--Dave," you cut him off, waving a hand to get his attention, "Come on. Please?"
He hesitated, then put the cleaning rag down to wash his hands (for the fourth time in under a half hour). You were positive his hands were probably dry as all hell from the constant scrubbing. Even as he made his way back to the couch, you noticed his eyes shifting around the space, looking for...something.
"Talk to me." You said, crossing your sweatpants-clad legs and readjusting the sleeping infant in your arms, "What's the matter?"
When Dave collapsed onto the couch, you noticed how exhausted he actually was. A low groan seeped out from the depths of his soul.
"I'm freaking the fuck out."
"Wanna talk about it?" You nudged, scooting closer to him. He absentmindedly wrapped his arm around your shoulder to pull you both in close
You sat in pensive silence for a moment as you waited for him to get his thoughts together. For as long as you'd known him--well over a decade by this point--he'd sometimes hold back from sharing when something was truly bothering him.
After you learned about his alter ego, he had this idea that he needed to protect you from everything. You had to break it down for him that holding back his thoughts and feelings would make you even more concerned than if he told the truth. At least then, you explained, you could work through it together. You were partners, after all.
It was a hard pill to swallow for him, but you appreciated his attempts at opening up more.
After a few minutes, he leaned down and kissed you on the forehead.
"I love you." He murmured into your hair.
"Ew, affection." You joked, playfully poking him in his side. He chuckled at your earnest attempt at levity, "I love you more. Now tell me what's up."
You heard him audibly swallow down the lump in his throat as he glanced down at your son.
"What if...like...he gets hurt? Or if he gets sick? Or if someone else hurts him? What happens then?" He furrowed his brows when his voice cracked with emotion, "I've seen so much bad shit out there. It's--I can handle it, sometimes. I know what to expect. But it's different now."
He reached out a shaking hand to gently adjust the cap on the baby's head, "He's so small. And, yeah, I know he won't be small forever. I think that's the scariest part. Someday he's going to go out into this fucked up world on his own without us, and I don't know what would happen if..."
He drifted off, not even wanting to complete the thought. As you sat quietly and listened to him, you noticed the way his knee anxiously bounced and the way his hand gripped your shoulder protectively. If it were up to him, you knew he'd build a protective dome around your tiny family and wouldn't let either of you out of his sight.
The reality of the situation was hard, but he had to hear it.
"I can't promise that bad things won't happen," you carefully told your partner, "because that would be a lie. He's going to get sick, because kids get sick. He's going to fall and scrape his knee, and hit his head, and run into things. He's going to probably trip and break something when he's a little older." You shot a knowing glance at Dave, "He is your son, after all."
Dave couldn't help the small twitch at the corner of his mouth, "Shut up."
"Someday," you continued, tenderly pushing one of his curls behind his ear, "he's going to get his heart broken. Or he'll break someone else's heart. Someday he's going to stumble and need us for support. That's just a part of growing up, baby. We both did it."
"That's what I'm kind of worried about." He admitted, "I can't--I don't know how I'd deal with--I won't be around forever. We won't be around to protect him forever."
"Unless they make a ton of affordable scientific advancements in the next 50 years or so, probably not." You semi-joked. Though you felt a pang of sadness at the thought of not being around in your son's life forever. You remembered hearing his heartbeat for the first time and decided you never wanted to be apart from him if you could help it. "We're here now to protect him, which is the most important thing. But I understand it. And I'm scared, too."
Dave seemed to look at you like you had six heads, "You're scared? You?"
"Is that really hard to believe?"
"Yeah, kinda! I dunno." You felt him fidget with the hem of your t-shirt sleeve, "I've known you since we were kids. And...like, I feel like you've always had the answers. I can't really picture you doubting yourself." He glanced down at the baby as if making an executive decision, and then gently reached out for him to hold him in his arms, "I mean...look at you and everything you've done, already. You're so amazing. He just got here and you're already the best mom in the world. Our kid is so lucky."
Between the sentimentality of Dave's words, the way he looked holding the baby, and the reassurance that you were doing a good job, you felt the dam break and the tears flowed freely down your cheeks. You didn't even realize how much fear about the situation you'd been harboring until then. The tears progressed into a deep sob that shook your whole body as you buried your head into his shoulder.
"You really mean that?" You asked, wiping the snot from your face with your sleeve. He slowly rubbed your back--up...down...up...down--and pressed his cheek to the top of your head.
"Well, yeah. We didn't even plan for any of this. We've been trying to figure this shit out. And, yeah, it's hard. But seeing you with him reminds me of why I love you so much, you know? I wouldn't want to do this with anyone but you. And I'm really, really fuckin' scared. But it's not so scary with you here. I hope you feel that way about me too. At least a little?"
His kind blue eyes stared into your soul as he gently rocked the baby. The worry seemed to disappear from his face as he held the two most important people in his life.
You tried to say something back. Something equally deep, affirming, and sentimental. You wanted to tell him that you couldn't wait to begin this future with him, that you were proud of him as a new father, that you couldn't do this without him, and that you knew he'd make an amazing parent.
Instead, you cried harder and sobbed out, "I'msogladyou'rehisdaddy."
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pleasantglitterflower · 2 months
Heart Podium (Joe Burrow x OC x Max Verstappen)
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Many times our childhood dreams cannot be realized, due to our overly fertile imagination, many times our professional childhood dreams cannot be realized either, either due to the delay in getting a place at the university we dreamed of or the lack of opportunities when it comes to working in the arts or sports. 
There's always plan b.
Kayleigh was one of those kids, it's true that dreaming of being a Backyardigan was difficult, but she was left with plan b, a plan that was broadcast every Sunday before the NFL, her father would have lunch, afternoon snack and dinner on the same channel, watching the drivers and then the Cleveland Browns, his favorite team in the state. 
That was the most exciting thing Kayleigh had in her childhood, watching Formula One followed by a good Browns game, arriving at school and eagerly wanting to talk to someone, but the girls didn't like the subject and asked to talk about something else and the boys laughed at her.
Leaving her and her mom's cookies in the stands.
Until one day she plucked up the courage and asked her father to play go-kart, finding a track in the state of Ohio in 2004, it wasn't the easiest task in the world, but he managed it and little by little, it went from being a joke to a serious thing.
Until high school came and she discovered that there were two ways to get into college: she had to be very smart or know how to play some sport, in 2011 in the United States, go-kart doesn't really mean a sport, far from it.
Not knowing what to do, she decided to confront her parents in her first year.
Not wanting to do anything, since it wouldn't help her with her possible future career was a very risky step.
For her parents, it's not even worth mentioning, they wanted to freak out, exchanging the stability of a degree for a go-kart race, for them it's crazy, especially when they've always prepared themselves financially for it, when they always prepared for her to enter university, which is not the cheapest thing,and it was in these uncertainties and in the midst of this conflict of whether or not to go to college that she tried to get interested in more conventional sports.
But when she tried out, she was terrible at soccer, average at lacrosse, slow at basketball, tough at gymnastics, shy at cheerleading, short at volleyball, afraid of water when swimming and she's a girl, she couldn't play American football.
It was during one of these that she found herself making a fuss.
-You're going to regret it, you know, you're losing the best wide receiver the world has ever seen -  She yelled.
One of the guys looked at her in fright, while others wondered who she was.
-You know you were running for the cornerback spot, right? A blond guy tells her.
-Yeah, I know, that's exactly why - She sighs tiredly.
-Because you came to try for the spot right here, you know they don't choose girls easily.
-I’ve tried everywhere, I came here just to cause trouble, I had nothing to do” She confesses, leaving him confused.
-Yes-They end up laughing.
-You don’t like a specific sport, maybe if you try there you’ll do better, maybe explain to the coach that you like it and want to learn and she’ll let you stay-He suggests.
-I like watching, but not putting it into practice, I’m doing this more so my parents can see that I’m not good, I already know I’m not good-She sighs.
-I’m sorry-He gives her a half smile, until she feels a crack.
-Geez, I haven’t tried baseball yet-she remembers and gets up, leaving the equipment there.
-They don’t accept girls either-He reminds her.
-That’s exactly why-Kayleigh laughs.
-By the way, what's your name?-She stops, holding the door.
-I'm Joseph-he says shyly.
-I'm Kayleigh, see you soon, Joseph.
And yes, she tried baseball, but the first time she held the bat, it ended up between the legs of the boy next to her, who fell to the ground groaning in pain.
Kayleigh was thrown out.
Fate was cruel to her when it came to sports, but it only reinforced the idea that she had to continue in karting.
After meeting Joseph, she would see him someday, as she thought, but she would see him every day, until the prom, when after two years together, she finally realized that they would have to separate by force,and how that hurt, not only for her but for him too.
-I can’t believe you’re going to Europe, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m going to tell Ohio State to go fuck itself, I’ll go with you wherever you have to go, but I don’t want to be away from you.-His cheeks already reddened from the cold, he said.
-Stop saying that, you’ve been given an incredible opportunity, you have to take advantage of it.-She tried to convince him.
-But I can’t imagine being away from you.-Hearing that, she lay down on his lap.
-We’ll get through this, you’ll see, and we’ll be strong.
The first year away was the hardest, not only for Joseph, but for her parents too, because seeing their daughter try to make a living racing karts, traveling all over Europe, was something that made them so proud, but at the same time so apprehensive.The second year seemed to be easier. They were already well accustomed to the routine of video calls, social media, messages, letters. They sent polaroids to hang up. Once, Joseph even caught himself putting his perfume on the paper to make sure she could smell him. They exchanged gifts, everything.
Until the careers arrived on television, Joseph could sit down and look for the channel to watch her and she could pick up the phone and watch the college divisionals.The fifth year passed, the sixth too, and then the seventh, when Joe finally took off in his career in American football, being drafted by the Cincinnati Bengals.
And the following year, Kayleigh did what she never imagined she would be able to do: she reached Formula One, after almost dying waiting for this event. Of course the party was huge, she returned to her country with all possible honor, suddenly a little girl from Ohio was going to compete for a title for a team and everyone wanted to know what this little girl does and better, where are the American boys who are not having the same prominence?But she could never say that it had any real effect on the American public. Formula One is still a playboy thing for them, to the point where they even consider golf a more accessible sport.
Just as she was there for Joe's big debut, he was there for his big debut, of course,but their contracts ended up preventing more contact. They had to train, they had to focus, they couldn't travel long distances or do physical work before their work, and they also couldn't be too far away from their work.
It allowed them to spend a few moments together. She would catch his last games if he made the playoffs and he would catch her first races,so much time apart didn't make their love diminish. On the contrary, seeing each other's achievements seemed to only strengthen their love for each other.And even without knowing, there was someone who was not at all happy with this growing love.
-Joe said he'll call me soon.-She jumps around the room excitedly, waiting for someone to call her to give her the prize.
-Hmm- Max makes an annoyed face, leaving his helmet on the stand.
-That's cute, it's the middle of the night in the United States, isn't it?-Carlos asks her, all smiles.
-Yes, it's the middle of the night and he stayed up.-She doesn't hide her smile.
-Really the last of the romantics.-Max rolls his eyes.
-Stop being annoying, she's so happy.-Carlos watches her like a doting father.
Max glares at him, enough for the Spaniard to avoid him and stay quiet.
And of course, the next day, as always happens after every race, Joe sends her a huge bouquet, with a dedication and, when he is present, romantic letters.For most people around him, it is just his European or rather, Dutch humor.
But for those who actually live with him and see the mistakes he makes and notices, the way he treats her when she talks about other things and when she talks about Joe, they understand very well.
Max messed up her hair, trying to free her mind from those thoughts, from that feeling, but realized it was difficult.After another podium with her, another trip to a random bar with everyone involved, the country's biggest celebrities and everything else, he could no longer stand two things.
The first, Charles flirting even with the walls of the place.
The second, the fact that she trusted George more than him, to tell him the reason for her 37th breakup with Joe.
-I honestly don't understand you guys, one moment you say that distance is good, the next you break up because of distance, make up your mind damn it-George, tired of the situation, slammed his hand on the table.He fixed his hair, looked around and composed himself.
-Sorry man, I got carried away-He spoke like most people do sometimes, treating her like a man.
-I know it's not the most normal thing to do, but it tires me out-She said finally, she didn't want to waste her friend's night with this, much less make him occupy his mind with his problems.
She went to the bar to order another drink, without realizing who was next to her.
-Did you bump into something?-She heard someone ask and then looked to the side to see Max.
-What do you mean?-She immediately became confused.
-Your leg is kind of purple,-he says.
-Oh, let's just say I might have fallen on my suitcase- She rolls her eyes.
-It's the third time this season.-He holds back his laughter.
-She goes everywhere and sometimes it happens.-She shrugs.
-Your suitcase can make you more purple than your boyfriend, I think it's time to trade him for her.-Max takes a sip of his drink, savoring every note of it, satisfied with yet another mean comment about Joe. He knows how distance affects him and that's nothing more than a psychological game, sending indirect messages that hurt.
As always, she remained silent, discreetly observing her leg and trying to cover the bruise, with her face reddened.
-I can't blame him, he's going after his dream." She answers for the first time, even if a while later and too quietly, as if she wasn't even there anymore.
Until the girl asks herself, why is Max worried about this?
For a second, Max almost misses the destination of the glass, looking at her.
-Really, there are men whose only dream is to chase a ball, not to have trophies and a woman who loves him.-He takes the opportunity to retort.
-Thanks for ruining the rest of my night, Max, you're always so sensitive.-She answers, choked, finishes her drink and walks towards the exit with long strides.
Max remains there at the bar, staring at the various bottles, some full, others half full, thinking that once again she leaves angry with him, because he doesn't defend her dear Joe.
-You don't have to be so rude all the time, I know you're used to guys around here, but you have to realize that there are girls around here now and they deserve to be treated with kindness and affection, did you know that women are people too?Lewis appears at her side, irritated by the situation.
-Have you stopped talking, Lewis Senna Hamilton?He scoffed.
Max was already drunk enough to almost drag himself back to the hotel.
And even after spending the next few hours thinking about whether or not to knock on her door, as he always does when he’s drunk, he decided it wasn’t the right time.
When he woke up with the sun and that strange feeling, since that’s usually when he goes to sleep, thanks to the jet lag, he allowed himself the luxury of staying a few more minutes in that comfortable bed, under all those sheets, grabbing the fluffiest of his pillows to hug, trying to get it into his head that he was hugging her, trying to get it into his mind that he woke up next to her that morning, it seems he was so used to doing this every morning that with each passing day, the images became clearer in his mind and the sensations stronger.
And for the next race he had a surprise, he jumped out and took off his helmet and head protector, looking in disbelief at the smiling couple on the sidelines watching the track.
-Joe, should I congratulate you or say my condolences? Max gives his best sarcastic smile.
-I don't understand- Joe's radiant smile fades.
-What do you expect from a player? Max grumbles, he had meters around to pass and reach his destination, a screen to review his training, but he made sure to pass between the two, bumping into Joe.
He placed his helmet on the table next to him, silently completing the malicious thought, about his possible dubious qi, when he saw Joe approaching through the shadow on the ground, his smile only grew wider.
Kayleigh decided to leave, aware that they would have some kind of argument.
-I don't understand your stubbornness, Max- Joe confessed, watching Max from a few inches away.
-I say it over and over again, what can you expect from a player? Max rolls his eyes.
-And what are you, don’t you play in this?Joe retorts.
-I’m a pilot, it’s different-he says, convinced.
On the side of the track, tired and just waiting for time to pass, the topic, as always, was just one.
-Max is PMSing- Lando comments while sitting on the floor.
-We should take up a collection and pay a gynecologist, so she can prescribe some medicine, I don’t know- Hulkenberg adds.
-I think what he needs is a psychiatrist, one minute he’s calm, the next he wants to kill you, he’s crazy- Lewis concludes.
-He just needs some time to calm down, recharge his batteries and rest- George defends him.
But he ends up getting angry looks from everyone.
-For this and other reasons, I stay away from that snake pit they call Red Bull, God forbid I have to deal with that creature - Charles says, looking disdainfully at their reserved space.
-No offense, Kay- He makes his observation.
-No offense, I can't stand it anymore- She confesses.
-Not even Kayleigh throws this tantrum when she's on her period, honestly we don't even know when that happens, thanks for sparing us- Lando thanks her, making her laugh.
-I think there are certain details that aren't necessary- She comments.
Max walks past the group with firm steps.
-No one moves their ass in this place, then they complain about the podium- He sends the indirect message with his angry eyes.
Everyone there exchanges glances.
-Hold the Japanese- Ricciardo warns.
-Why? Charles finds the request strange.
-I’m warning you, hold the Japanese guy-he repeats.
And indeed, poor Tsunoda is at breaking point with Max.
Joe left, but Max’s sourness didn’t.
During breakfast at the hotel, Pierre’s strawberries were more sour than expected.
-Her boyfriend leaves and doesn’t get a bruise on his neck, he’s a real wimp- Max grumbles, savoring his waffles.
George’s eyes widen, he wipes his mouth with the napkin next to him.
-Max, how rude. He glances at Max out of the corner of his eye.
But Pierre has the most priceless face, he looks like he’s eaten something spoiled.
-Jesus, you weirdo, who says that, keeps an eye on others, has he become a tax inspector now? He left his comment.
-Watch out guys, there are people watching our necks- Lando dramatically covers his with his sweatshirt.
-I think you should start thinking about where and when you say certain things, Max- Carlos warns him, earning his laugh.
-Why? Do you know anything?” The Dutchman stared at him.
-Common sense Max, just common sense- he retorted.
-That was ridiculously sexist, Max, if that’s what you say, imagine what you think- Lewis gives him his best disapproving look.
-Have you finished your testimony Lewis?Max provokes him.
Max’s life became increasingly complicated there, with the boys and his provocations, little by little choosing to be alone, but not as much as Kayleigh's, who, in addition to having to put up with his mood swings, also has to put up with Joe's suspicions.
His jealousy used to have no name, but now it has a first and last name. Kayleigh only sees one reason for it, the fact that they work together, nothing else could make sense, andexplaining it doesn't seem to help, Joe found himself wondering why they exchanged smiling handshakes live, if she hates him so much.
-Do you really think that after the race, I'll remember how much I hate him? Of course not, Joe. I just think that I won or that I need to improve, hug everyone involved and leave. - She explains, pacing back and forth across the room.
-I don't want to be the annoying guy, but he doesn't look like he hates you, he seems to take advantage of your innocence. - Joe says almost desperately.
-What innocence, Joe? - She asks him.
-Kay, I don't want to fight over this guy. I'm just saying that this isn't something that makes me comfortable. You're walking around half the world with them in a place full of men working, next to several men, and that bothers me. Not only because of jealousy, I don't know, maybe they'll try to do something to you. -
-Jesus, Joe, don't say something like that. I understand your side, okay. I'm not saying you're wrong, but you need to trust me. I won't betray your trust. I haven't done that in all these years. Why would I do it now? - She tries to calm him down.
-Sorry for stressing you out. - He sighs heavily.
And it's been like this for a while.
Even when they're not at work, free to visit somewhere, Max seems to show up in the same place as her or simply in a place nearby, which makes Joe even more suspicious.
But Max couldn't stop there. When he saw her calmly standing there taking some notes, Max approached her with the excuse of seeing what she was writing down and it was then that he took the opportunity to bring his face too close to hers, which left her somewhat speechless. He placed his hand on her hip, giving her a discreet caress.
-Studying for the race, kitten?- He smiled at her reaction, a mix of confusion and embarrassment.
-Sorry Kay, I forget that you're sensitive to male touches. He laughed, leaving her blushing and finally going where he wanted.
She closed her eyes, not liking it at all. His provocations were getting more and more personal with Joe.
Whenever Max managed to get the slightest hint, he would walk away smiling.
But this time, George decided to confront him.
-You should be ashamed of touching women who are in a committed relationship inappropriately- he says, somewhat indignantly.
-Have you had your tea yet, dear English nobleman?" George rolls his eyes.
-Max, I'm serious, that's not cool, it could cause unnecessary confusion- he insists.
-You look so cute saying 'unnecessary'.Max laughs at the guy, who decides to get more serious.
-When Joe gets pissed off and comes to punch you in the face, don't tell me I never warned you.
-Before he punches me in the face, he'll punch you in the face, because you're the little friend who's always around, hugging and advising when they break up. Do you really think he's going to come after me, George?
-I'm in a committed relationship, I've never done this with bad intentions. He doesn't like the accusation.
-Wow, now I'm confused, is this a swing or a threesome? Max laughs to himself.
George stopped walking at the same moment, offended and even more shocked by another accusation.
When he realized it, Max took a few steps back and ruffled his hair.
-Just kidding, George, you're so cute.
But even his happiest days get bad when he sees the two of them together on social media, kisses, dates, more kisses. Max is sure that if Joe knew how jealous he is of him, for being able to love the woman he loves, he would definitely dig a hole to the center of the earth and stay there, far from Max's eyes.
He has thought countless times about using Joe's number saved on his phone, to send some manipulated photo or one that would have a double meaning, but knowing the two of them, he believes that even that would be reason to break up and get back together after a few days.
But it's these photos, the flowers, the letters, her giggles in the corners of the hotel, that make him freak out when he shouldn't. After being next to her in one of the endless meetings and noticing his new gift, a ring on her finger, that was enough for Max to find any reason to start stomping his feet and shouting. And sometimes he even measures her before the race, in the best possible way, as if he were casting a curse on her. -Damn, did you two fight? The boy asks her. -Honestly, I don't know, he left the meeting shouting, now he just looks at me like that. She sighs tiredly. At one of the parties, thanks to Charlie, he can talk to her a little. -You know, girls, sometimes we reach 200 kilometers per hour.He boasts, the trio of friends start drooling in French. -You could say that I am speed. He gives her his most seductive smile.
Max denied it and snorted.
-If I say something like that, I'll get a restraining order.- He takes a good sip of his drink.
-Also, with a sensitive mood like that, you can be sure that many would be afraid. She teased.
-So I don't have a chance? He used his playful tone.
-You're quite cheeky, you know. She lightly took his hand as a quick friendly caress, more for his level of need, that wasn't just a caress.
Max took her hand, lifting it and bringing it to his lips, finally leaving a caress there.
She was embarrassed, but she couldn't see any harm in anything Max did; for her, that was just an apology for the previous treatment.
But from that day on, it could be said that Max started to look at her more, in increasingly shameless ways.
Once again, with a podium in his hands, he waited for her, making sure to catch her eyes, just so she could see him measuring her completely, and she could see that it really affected her.
Or another time, when she was already embarrassed by him staring at her, while she watched the screen with the replay of some moments of the race, he caressed her face, giving her a wink.
She certainly doesn't know what to do with that.
Joe can't dream of that, while Max seems to love it.
But what she didn't expect was for someone to tell Joe about the flirting and say that she is increasingly cornered by the situation.
Unfortunately for Joe, in the middle of his season and fortunately for Max, in the middle of Joe's season.
One day after getting out of the car, Max was waiting for her, not giving her much space to walk away, the girl took off her helmet without knowing what that was, does he want to solve something? Are they going to slap each other or something like that? She wondered.
-How are you, Max? She looked at him.
-You were amazing, you know that? He spoke softly, raising his hands again to her hips and patting them a few times.
-Thanks, I have to go - she said, without giving Max any space. He wanted to know how she was when her only option was to be ridiculously close to him.
The group was confused, to say the least, they didn't know what the hell was going on and what the atmosphere was like.
As Max walked away with firm steps, when he saw that she was far away, he decided to try to get along with the Red Bull team.
-Sometimes I forget that she's not a guy - he laughed for no reason, but he's not like the other boys, who really do forget that she's the woman there. Max remembers who she is every second.
But Joe's situation is nothing that a phone call can't solve.
-Joe, I don't understand who told you that? He asked.
-Someone I trust- Joe justifies himself.
-Joe, I'm going to be honest, if I had the chance to sleep with her, you can be sure I would have done it already, as many times as I could and you can be sure that every time I lie down in my bed, I wonder why it hasn't happened yet and guess what, it's your fault- Max decides to be honest just to hear what Joe has to say.
-You're really brave to say something like that, you know? You know what, I'm going to kill you- Joe gets upset enough for Max to have some difficulty understanding what he's saying, the Dutchman gave his best laugh.
-You know, just a simple touch on her hip makes her all embarrassed, it makes me wonder how long it's been since she's been with a real man, but apparently I don't think that's ever happened, especially since she's only been with you- He continued his provocations.
-Joe, it's really cool that you're the cute guy who gives flowers after every race, gives gifts, writes letters, but if I were you I'd start to worry, because there are a lot of people watching her and I'm one of those people- Joe snorted from the other side.
-Because you can be sure that if I were her boyfriend, her legs wouldn't need a stupid touch to go weak, a simple look would be enough to make her remember a lot of things, things like that my friend, let's be honest, we're among friends here, you don't- Max stabbed the last time, hearing a sound of something breaking and he was sure it wasn't a glass but the phone.
Kayleigh almost didn't find out anything, they both avoided the subject just waiting for the other to tell.
But as the races went by, the atmosphere between Max and her seemed increasingly confused.
With the end of another race, Max lifted her up in a hug that at the moment, out of joy, she didn't stop to think about everything that was happening, but Joe did.
-The thing is, if it were me, it wouldn't be just fucking work- Joe shouted loud enough for her to have to pull the phone away from her ear.
-It was just a hug Joe, we've been together for I don't know three, four years, we work side by side, I understand your jealousy, don't think I don't understand, I do understand and in your place I would be like that too, I'll talk to him okay, I promise I'll talk to him and we'll work this out- She tries to calm him down having this idea.
-Kayleigh Hawkins I trust you, please don't make me lose that trust in you, I love you regardless of whether we can't spend a month together without breaking up, I don't know what I would do without you- He asks sighing heavily on the other side.
-I never did anything to make you doubt me, you know that Joe, if I didn't like you, I wouldn't be with you until today, swallowing all these breakups, just promise me that you'll calm down, okay? I love you - She says finally.
She went to sleep and tried to calm her mind, she needed to be calm and talk to Max the right way, she knows how he is, even if she's a little uncomfortable with all this extra contact they're having, there's no reason to do this to Joe, to let him suffer with a situation that's already driving him crazy, he's far away and the only thing she can do is trust that they're telling him the truth.
She got ready, took pictures with everyone who asked and went into the nightclub, this time looking for Max, the first thing she thought would be that he'd be at the bar, as he always does, but nothing.
She spotted George and it doesn't hurt to try.
She nudged him lightly so that he would lean in without leaving the circle of conversation.
-Have you seen Max? She asks him.
-Thank God I haven't seen Satan today. I heard he came to Earth in the body of this Max guy, but honestly I think Max is the one possessing the devil. George turns back to the group of friends. Okay, that's not the information she wanted to hear today.
She asked Lando the question, indiscreetly interrupting him and a girl she doesn't know, earning a free kick.
-Man, I haven't seen him - Pierre says, already out of habit in the male environment.
She sighs, imagining two hypotheses: either he's hiding out with some girls or he's gone back to the hotel.
She quickly makes sure to send a message to Joe, saying that he's definitely with some woman and that she's going to wait a little longer to look for him again. She rolls her eyes at having to do that, still feeling like she's going to be really embarrassed.
She picked up her drink and decided to walk around again until she saw him walking outside with his glass and sitting alone at a table.
She hurried, she needed to be quick, she didn't want anyone to arrive in the middle of the process.
When she walked through the door, it was clear that he found it strange that she went there, he gave her a small smile that was returned.
-Can I sit here? She politely asked for one of the empty seats.
He put his hands under the armrest of his chair with a big smile.
-You can sit wherever you want.
-Okay - she mumbled tensely.
-What do you need? He asked her, making her a little embarrassed.
If he was having a bad day, it could get even worse, so she decided to be as cautious as possible.
-Joe talked to me yesterday, he was a little upset about our hug, he got jealous of you and you know, I don't want that to get in the way of anything, not you, me or him, so if you could reduce the physical contact it would be a big help. She smiles nervously.
Joe said he's jealous? he asks with the same apathetic expression.
It was then that his laughter startled her.
-Yeah, I know, it's irrational. She quickly agrees, starting to lose her voice and blush with embarrassment, she didn't need to be making such a fool of herself, she thought.
Max froze when he heard that and with his best ironic tone, asked her to continue.
-We've known each other for years, we work together on the same team, it's crazy to say this, I'm really sorry for this boring conversation, but I promised him I'd talk to you, you know- she's already preparing for the next kick, he'd probably say it's a favor not to have to hug her and that would be the kindest thing she could imagine that could come out of his mouth.
-First of all, I'm an educated man, so I wouldn't be talking nonsense, smiling, complimenting, or any of that crap to someone I'm not interested in. We both know you're smart, you don't need to force it so much. She's in a mix of understanding and not understanding.
He looks at her and realizes he's only confused her even more.
-Tell your boyfriend, if he's jealous, he'll have to have the balls to come here to solve it - Max says, enjoying the situation.
-This will create an unnecessary situation, you know, you don't need all this for a misunderstanding- she explains again.
-Let me explain something to you, since you didn't have the tact to notice, from the damn moment I met you, well before I knew that this idiot was your boyfriend, I was already in love with you and something stopped me from talking to you, my girlfriend. Now I'm single and nothing stops me from talking to you. Are you going to say you never noticed? Her feet fell, as she tried to reason, she felt a cold hand go up her thigh. She froze there, not knowing what to do, looking at Max who had the most peaceful expression in the world.
She looked down, seeing the hem of her loose black dress rising higher and higher, exposing the area. She couldn't understand how Max, who distributes rudeness, now had a hand on her thigh. She delicately brought her hand to meet his, making eye contact with him again, but when she thought she would stop her hand, she only made him squeeze the spot and get even closer to where he shouldn't.
-Max I think you- She prepares to get up, but he is faster.
-Sit down, we're not done talking - he uses his most gentle tone, but even so it's hard to say anything.
-That idiot Joe has even threatened to kill me, you know, because he knows that I like you and I made one thing clear to him and now it's going to be clear to you, the only thing I need is for you to say yes, you know where my room is, it's always next to yours, it's not hard to find, when you get tired of this idiot you can knock on my door. - He walks away.
-That's not how it works, it's not about getting tired of my boyfriend -She is cut off.
-I don't know how and what you like about him, so yes, it's a matter of getting tired of him
Even with the shock, she stayed quiet and didn't say anything to anyone, she thought that would make things easier, but everything got worse with Max.
Now besides being a sweetheart, he's simply everywhere.
This includes grabbing her hand when she is focused on the training screens, indiscreetly measuring her and, what has caught the team's attention the most, the number of times he touches her hair.
On another day, finishing some notes about the current track, she doesn't know when he appeared, but he started massaging her shoulders, slowly moving up to her neck. The first thing she did was cough to discreetly send him away, which didn't help.
-You need to relax, Kay, you're too tense - he says quietly.
One of the guys on the team walked by them.
-I'm enjoying seeing you helping each other, Red Bull spirit - the guy leaves smiling.
-Max, that's enough, you're going too far -she says through clenched teeth.
-That's my specialty. He laughed, one of his arms serving as support so he could slide his hand down her spine as far as he could reach, slowly moving up, noticing her held breath.
-You need to relax, why don't you take a deep breath and let my hands help you?He suggested.
-I need you to stop with the double-meaning jokes - She asked.
He didn't answer, he just brought his fingers to the back of her neck, massaging the tips of them and moving down a little, he got as close as the backless bench would allow, pressing her head against his torso, and finally sliding his fingers from her jaw until they almost reached her lap.
-And what kind of massage is this? Can you explain it to me? She asked reluctantly.
-A casual massage, like any other, I think that massage is more about touching someone's skin until you see relaxation appear, and that angle of you is wonderful - He teased, aware that with the force used there it would be difficult for her to move.
-Max, I didn't know you could give a massage - Lando shouts from outside.
-That's great for those who wear a helmet.
-I'll have one - Lando says, and Charles agrees next to him.
-Me too.
-Sure, boys. I'll be right there when I'm done. He smiles at the two of them, who continue on their way.
-Why aren't you writing it down? Did you forget what you wanted? He gives his most fake tone of concern.
But by giving her the massage right there, he makes it difficult for her to say anything.
He then gently lowers his fingers and finishes, bending down a little so that he's at the height of her neck.
-Stop pretending you didn't like it. Considering that you're dating Joe and how much your skin is crawling, I think you should go to the bathroom and get yourself together - he pats her shoulder.
-It's great to see how satisfying these hands are, not just on the steering wheel. He laughs, walking away and giving her another wink. Kayleigh closed the notebook, wanting to bury her face in the ground. This can't be happening. Max can't be serious. But he is very serious and to make the test complete, he decided to tease her with a little more than words. The situation has already escalated to a point where she doesn't know if she can keep denying it and, worse, what to say to Joe when he calls at the end of the day and she has the same scared expression. Suddenly, the guy who was a jerk to everyone has become an angel with her and, on top of that, says he's in love with her, to the point of making a scene. The point is, she doesn't know how far he's going with the description, but Max knows well.
Tsunoda, who is next to the two, was a bit embarrassed by his face towards her and hers towards the floor. He doesn't know if coughing would help to start a conversation or if anything else, the atmosphere around them became unpleasant and even tense. 
She was grateful when she saw Carlo approaching, smiling as always, and greeted everyone, but before they could say anything. 
-We would make a beautiful couple, wouldn't we? He points at her, who freezes in disbelief. 
-Isn't she with Joe? Carlos asks. 
-I didn't ask about him, I'm talking about us. Tsunoda and Sainz stare at each other, not knowing what to say, along with her, who has wide eyes. 
-Of course, they would be great, she's very pretty and you - Carlos is cut off. 
-Really, she's beautiful. Max gives his best smile to Kay, who pretends not to have heard anything.
-I heard Lando calling me, bye guys. He left in a hurry without looking back. It didn't matter that they must have been there for an event or something, he would arrive at the last minute and that was it.
But her destination ended up being the same as his.
Max took advantage of the hotel corridor being empty, to reach her and hug her body from behind, holding her. Kay moved, trying to get out of the tight spot, and then Max decided to play it low, going up to her neck and nibbling it.
-Can't you see that it's crowded here, can't you see that this is going to hurt me? She asked him irritably, trying to stop him from continuing to caress her.
-You said that I always mistreated you, I'm just treating you the way I should, making my interests obvious to everyone. He replied.
And then only two breaths were heard in the hallway, Max continued the attack on her neck, sliding his hand until he reached the hem of the woman's pants where she quickly grabbed him.
-Are you going to run away again? You know that the more you run the better it is for me, because then I'll feel like I've won you over. He then released her, turning her to face him.
When he realized, he was against a wall in one of the many empty hallways, Max brought his hand to her face, squeezing her cheeks.
-Do you know how much it hurt me to spend four years of my life, seeing you with that clown, while you were always by my side? Do you know what it's like to see him deliver flowers, letters and then suddenly it all ends, you feel hope, then you come back and all this repeats itself over and over again, meanwhile, I'm the guy who's always here, do you know how horrible that is? He asked her somewhat irritated, not with her anymore, but with the situation.
-Not even when you were hospitalized after a crash, he showed up, like a good teammate I went there, do you understand now how much I need you to dump him and let me make you truly happy? he asked, letting his hand slip.
He steps away slightly, Kay runs her hands through her hair, messing it up, looking to one side nothing but an empty hallway, looking to the other the same and Max in front of her waiting for the answer.
-You guys break up all the damn time, break up with him, spend some time with me and then if you regret it, which I highly doubt, you go back to him. Max waits for her decision, staring at her.
-I can't... he quickly cuts her off.
-You can't throw away your childhood love, a beautiful childhood love that you see for three months and then only next year."
She swallows that.
-I may not be the nicest guy, nor as loved by everyone as he is, but I will be here and I know very well how much you want someone who is here. He gently takes her hand.
-You want someone who will hold your hand, praise you, watch you run, can do something stupid together, someone who understands you, someone who is not so fickle, someone who is here to wake up next to you, who will hug you at night, who can touch you and he can't do any of that but I can and I want to. The distance between the two became short again until the wall appeared.
Kayleigh took a deep breath and nodded slightly, she was afraid that she was under the effect of his power of persuasion and even more so of those eyes, but she couldn't deny it. She did miss Joe's presence, she loved him, not having him around was always the biggest obstacle.
And this obstacle would only have one solution, one of the two of them giving up their careers.
The fact is that once again they have been separated for a week, but as always she cries on the day and then pretends that nothing happened and they are together.
-We broke up last week - she begins, still thoughtful. -We can try, but I don't want anyone to know, because if nothing works out, I don't want it to become a mess, or for anyone to talk about it - she asks. -They'll start seeing me smile, it'll be kind of obvious - he approaches. -Are you sure?" He asks cautiously first. -Yes - he agrees. Max presses the elevator button, leaves a hand caressing her ear, preparing to finally kiss her for the first time. Max never hides his desire, much less his rush, but even so, he takes Kayleigh by surprise when he lets his hands roam guiltlessly over her body in that hallway.
He finally felt the weight, anger and hurt of all those years being thrown aside, being extracted from her body, he wouldn't say she wanted to wait so long, but being able to drive Joe crazy, just like he had been all this time was wonderful, now he finally has what he wants, her.
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poopersdoopers · 4 months
Lil Family w/ Gojo, Megumi, and Reader
A lil Gojo jojo drabble/imagine with Reader and Megumimi. No beta. No edits/proof reading either so feel free to skip or enjoy.
Imagine getting to meet Gojo and his son for the first time. He'd stand proudly side by side with his lil side kick -Megumi. Who'd pout at the "Stupid nickname", his words not mine and instantly be in a mood. While Gojo laughs at his human black cat, mussing up his hair and saying, "Alright, it's time to meet your future mama."
You would frizzle instantly --blushing at Gojo's comment. Your face matching Megumi's incredulous face. Before the kid's jaw could snap back into place, you burst out a laugh at your similarity in expression. Megumi blushes deeper, before scowling down at the ground and crossing his little arms in protest.
What a little old man? He couldn't be older than what, seven or eight?
That made you laugh harder and Gojo would go on to tease Megumi even more.
You decides to rescue the kid, "Hi Megumi-chan, I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you. Gojo-kun has told me a lot about you!"
"Don't act so familiar with me", his frown deepened and his blush deepened, "If you're friends with Gojo, you must be a freak too."
"Ahhh...Megumi....don't be so harsh", his guardian responded, "you've wanted to meet her all this time."
"No!", he looked away from the white haired-man.
"It's okay Megumi-chan, I'm the one who really wanted to meet you the most."
The little old man holds firmly in his stance. Arms hugging tighter to his 4 foots frame.
You crouched down, to look up at him, "I even wanted to meet your dogs. I heard you've been working hard to keep their coats extra luxurious."
His arms soften up slightly. Gojo pretends his heart isn't beating wildly in his chest, as he stares down as you adoringly. Secretly he was hoping his little guy could be coaxed out of his untrusting nature. Even just for a little while. It wasn't his fault that every adult the lil sea urchin met failed him. It instilled a wall, that took the white haired man, six months to begin cracking down and a year to even hear the word "Dad" from kid.
If this meeting didn't go well, there would always be more opportunities to make a good impression. But if Megumi did not like you at all, Gojo would end the relationship then and there. Nothing came between him and his son, even if the grumpy lil man didn't believe it himself. You knew it too. That's part of the reason why you fell for the white-haired man.
He seemed to be all jokes and frivolous charm but as soon as you looked in heart a little more, you saw a lonely man trying his best to connect to a world that didn't understand him. You wanted to learn more, beyond his childish nature and fowl jokes. You'd have to earn Megumi's trust and a little bit more of Gojo's heart, before you could come bursting in full speed to their little family. So, you took a deep breath and tried again.
"Gojo-kun's told me about how you incorporate dry and wet foods into their bowls. Kuro and Shiro's coats always look so nice and shiny the photo's he shows me."
Megumi's arms loosen just a little bit more.
"He actually, told me something gross too", you giggled behind your manicured nails. Gojo's eyebrows arching in surprise.
"What?", the sea urchin whips his head around fast, "That guy's always spouting out some nonsense!"
You couldn't help but agree, smiling up at your lanky lover.
"HUH?!" Gojo replies.
"He told me....he told me that you feed them raw eggs and carrots."
"HUH?!" father and son look incredulously at each other, then turn to you.
"I can't imagine that'd taste good", you pout, "Unless Gojo's lying. I'd have to see it to believe it."
"Of course he is! Gojo's always up to something", he grabs to pull you with him,"I'll show you how I do it myself".
"Okay, boss you got it," you saluted to your 4-foot general, as he slide a screen door and stepped into their backyard.
"Ch- you even say weird phrases like him, no wonder he likes you".
You laughed again at the antics between the young father and son.
That day you spent most of the afternoon playing with Shiro and Kuro. Learning about their dog breed -Akita/Husky mix. Their eating habits, Shiro loved to graze by her bowl all day and Kuro loved to eat after sniffing her food approximately 12 times -- Yes, Megumi has counted her sniffs through this process a million times. Gojo had injected to recount the lil sea urchin's scientific process: yellow stop watch and notepad in hand. His face deeply serious. You tried not to laugh for 30 seconds before giving in.
You finally found your second favorite pastime after finding things to tease Gojo about, teasing old man Megumi.
By the late afternoon, Gojo had rounded his little family up. Urging them towards dinner plans, he apparently made without telling you both. Classic, Gojo. But hey he's paying so you couldn't complain.
Throughout dinner, you'd learn more about the two. Gojo was incredibly observant towards his son and in turn your sea urchin was equally observant, whipping sauce from his silly man's face.
"Dad you should eat more vegetables, you can't just eat sweets all day and think you'll be healthy."
"Ehh...but I'll die without ice cream Megumi-chan~. Besides it's my lil treat for getting up so early", he slurped on his vanilla ice cream like a tornado. How was it possibly for someone to do something so bizarre and still be so cute?
"I told you to stop eating ice cream like that that, it's embarrassing. Besides, you woke up at 12 pm. I had to take the dogs out by myself again."
You smirked at your taller counter part, "Oh really, I thought you had to get up extra-early to make sure everything was perfect for my arrival today?" You batted your eyelashes extra hard.
"12 pm on a Sunday is early for me, you guys".
It was Megumi and your time to laugh at your overgrown baby.
He could only look down at your cute faces, and smile softly. He could finally relax. His little sea urchin actually like you.
The look of adoration towards you could not be missed by Megumi's all seeing eyes of scorn, "What's up with that freaky face you're making?"
"Oh nothing", Gojo's hums, "Just thinking to myself."
@sanjisflatass I dedicate this fluff fest to you my sweetest sweetie pie and fluffiest fluff filled friend <3 mwah
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astrologylunadream · 1 year
Your Crush's Biggest Secret?!🤫💖⁉️ (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
Hey it's Lunadream!💗 We're gonna learn your crush's biggest secret!☆ Do they have one? We're going to find out!☺ hope you find your message💌
Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of your crush, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌸💞
Pile 1🕯
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Pile 2 👁
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Pile 3 🛍
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Pile 4 🏩
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💕
Pile 1🕯
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Sign energy: Early, Foreign, Ability, Collarbone, 3rd house, Saturn, Fire, Water, 4th house, 6th house, 🌃💐🎨🧩
💞Your crush's energy: Your crush could be very young or you might know them from early years, I'm getting vibes that this is someone you knew. Your crush could be a foreigner or someone who is from a different background or culture than you are or vice versa. This person is most likely young and they have friends they really care about, you might know them from school or work. For some of you this person has a disciplined nature to them and they could be very closed off, also they are a very artistic and creative person. They can also be logical or be very good at things, they are most likely well rounded. They might be hard on themselves or others but only out of care, they might have already found out about your crush if you haven't told them yet! They are very perceptive and they pick up on social cues fast. They may live in the city or go there for work, may also have a foreign job and might speak another language.💫 Your crush is also very romantic at heart and they have a nice collarbone aswell~😊
🤯Their biggest secret: Feel, Options, Pretty, Binded, Together, Taurus, Air, 6th house, Sun, North node, 🍰🧎‍♀️💚🤯 Okay so if some of you are wondering if they have feelings for you, it's a definite yes!🎉 Your crush's biggest secret is that they've decided who they want to spend the rest of their life with oml and that someone is pile 1 my oh my🥰 They secretly think you two just go together and they don't feel complete without you, they aren't them without you🥺 Your crush may be keeping from you the fact that they have feelings (didn't I say they could be closed off?😮) so they're just like keeping that to themselves lol I don't think they're a dishonest person nah they just don't feel like the timing is right to tell you "oh hey I think we're meant to be and I wanna marry you" lol they don't wanna just tell you that so they're waiting patiently for best timing possible, I think right now a lot is happening for both of you and they don't wanna mess things up for you. Also they think you're really sweet and pretty omg, they see you both together. Lots of taurus energy so patience and loyalty in the future I can see commitment and they're keeping this a huge secret oh for some of you this person might want to propose to you or they have a huge gift for you!💐 They're keeping it a big surprise until the perfect moment~💞
💌Messages from your crush: It's no surprise, Everyone wants me, I could stare at you forever, I think I like this, You saw it coming, Please don't be jealous I'm all yours, I'm holding back, I wanna make you jealous (Okay so your crush might have been making you jealous just to see if you want them but now they're holding back on that so take what resonates but I definitely see a test has been going on here lol🤭) Extra cards: Stomache, June, Past life, Distance, Dive, Juno, Aquarius, Scorpio, Water, Vertex (This is a fated/destined connection for some of you too)
I hope you enjoyed your reading🌷 If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the candle emoji🕯~ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2👁
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Sign energy: You, Control freak, Target, Jealous admirers, Friends, Sun, 2nd house, North node, Juno, Taurus, ⚡✌😓⭐
💞Your crush's energy: so there's heavy earth/taurus vibes here even a little virgo so yeah this could be an earth sign or you could be too, maybe you guys both have a lot of earth in your chart.🗻 I sense a lot is going on around you two, and a lot of your crush's time and a lot of their energy is being spent by those who are jealous of you two. You guys have a lot of talk centered around you as a couple lol geminis are all over you two rn💬 This person is really popular I'm hearing "all eyes on them" and it's funny because this is pile 2 with the eye so yeah that makes a lot of sense now. In fact for some of you I feel like you and your crush both could have some bad rumors running around, you guys could have many haters but your crush may also have many admirers who don't like seeing you together. Your crush has a lot of people in their life but they're very picky okay so they don't want to make the wrong decision especially romantically but also who they decide to keep in their life. This might be someone who easily does things for others because theres such a chill energy to them they just don't try to start any conflict without reasoning.😇 Your crush could have many people wanting to use them for various reasons likes paying for stuff or asking for advice all the time like your person is just so patient with people in need of their help. They might have sun in the 2nd house or taurus placements, maybe leo in the 2nd house aswell so they could be a cancer rising for some of you and that makes sense why they have such an open and caring approach to others😩💖
🤯Their biggest secret: Hold on, Inactivity, No contact, Desert, Hater, 2nd house, Mars, 5th house, Aquarius, Uranus, 💜🌃🎡🐅 Your crush honestly could be planning to cut everyone off, like they're tired of people taking advantage of them and you so they're really discretely like, thinking about cutting off contact with those people. If you have a love hate relationship or a hostile one they *might* be wanting to cut you off but I only see that for some of you, like if it's a toxic relationship and they've stayed in it for way longer than they wanted to because I just feel like this person is so lenient and they might have realized that they haven't put up enough boundaries. Your crush's biggest secret is that they're done letting others take advantage of them, they don't want to say it publicly but that's the decision they've made so they may even try to physically distance themselves from these people for example like moving away or switching jobs whatever the case but they know they have to get away from things that aren't serving them as of now.🤚 They won't let everyone keep talking about you like this so they are stepping up and taking action. They are gonna be shifting into this sort of tiger energy so maybe they don't want to be nice to strangers or just anyone so they're putting up their boundaries they aren't letting down their guard anymore. This secret is something that they know the people around them won't like or maybe won't want to happen because it's like when you get so used to something everyone will kind of be surprised that like someone as tolerant as pile 2's crush would never feel this way but it's a huge surprise, this could even be a surprise to you as well for some of you this could be expected. Your crush is fiercely loyal to you so they aren't going to let others push you guys around or try to pry you apart anymore, they're shutting them out and taking you with them😤 I'm getting "us against the world" vibes from you guys and it's so romantic omg💗
💌Messages from your crush: There's so much to say, I can't leave you, I never realized, it's all fake, Do you want to? Don't compare yourself, You made a mistake, I'm playing with fire, Extra cards: Above, Water, Change, Throne, Couple, Uranus, Capricorn, Libra, Leo, Mars (They're rising up for a change, and they want to be a power couple omg nothing's going to stop you two👑)
I hope you enjoyed your reading⭐ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the eye emoji!👁 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3🛍
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Sign energy: Inability, Black, Singer, Subconscious, Travel, 6th house, 4th house, Virgo, 7th house, Scorpio,😫🎉😘💭
💞Your crush's energy: Okay so this person is most likely a very busy person haha they may have a busy work schedule or there's just a lot that they feel like they have to do. Your crush may have been raised in a family where they had to be responsible so like they learned from an early age things aren't easy. They could be a singer or like singing, this could be something they do as a hobby or their job. This person is very caring but a lot of it comes from loneliness so they could be clingy or touch deprived.☹ Your crush could be very unavailable and for some of you I'm getting they may already be in a committed relationship. This could be with you, they might feel alone in the relationship like you don't give back what they give. They always worry about their significant other if they have one, also this person has strong virgo energy so they could be a virgo or a scorpio with virgo in their chart aswell any of the signs above libra, cancer any of those could have significance. They could have darker skin or like to wear black clothes, I feel like it's their comfort color🖤 They might not know you like them if this is someone you aren't dating I really feel like they don't know you yet or maybe this connection isn't something they are aware of yet. Pile 3 I feel like your person thinks about you a lot subconsciously you're sitting in the corner of their mind like all the time lol😂
🤯Their biggest secret: Sweet, Drive, Out, Only time will tell, Dragon, 5th house, Chiron, Libra, Water, Earth, ✌🧤🥠💁‍♀️ Your crush's biggest secret is that for some of you they might really stuck in a big decision, I'm seeing libra and the 5th house that this could be an indecisive about their hobbies or creativity. If they are a singer or entertainer this could be affecting their relationship with you. They want you but they need to focus on their career too. So they're keeping this drama all to themselves omg🙊 Your crush is contemplating the right decision, they can't stop thinking about you and it's making it hard for them to push you away. If they're trying to commit to something that needs dedication you are definitely tempting them to quit lol. They secretly want you but they also need to work on themselves, so they don't want to tell you what's going on and it makes them feel so lonely!! If they are very busy they just want to break out of routine and visit you omg🥺💗
💌Messages from your crush: Too bad, I love you, I can't concentrate, You are my favorite song, Of course, Whatever works for you, You don't need me, I don't care what they say, Extra cards: Practical, Resist, Stomache, Karma, Chains, Water, Scorpio, 10th house, Aquarius, North node, (They're trying so hard to resist you because they want to be sensible but they can't help it😞)
I hope you enjoyed your reading~♡ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the shopping bag emoji~🛍 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💘
Pile 4🏩
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Sign energy: Event, College, Fairy, Innocence, Ending, Aries, Lilith, South node, Sagittarius, Air,👠👫🥰🐏
💞Your crush's energy: Ohh okay so one or both of you guys could be in college right now or this could be someone you met during college. Your crush is a wild adventurous person and very interesting to be around!😋 They are usually pretty direct and they may not have much of a filter lol this could be someone who curses a lot they aren't afraid to tell it like it is.😎There aren't many people who don't enjoy their company but they could be a little wild sometimes and they might cause tough situations for you guys. You might have met them at an important event in your life or like a milestone (think when you got your driver's license or turned 21, for some of you it may be when you graduated or got a job). They may have a great sense of humor and light up the room. Your crush could look like a fairy or have a pixie cut aswell. They're kind of rebellious and they don't care what people think all that much, you guys could both be very innocent but this might be the person you loose a lot of innocence with too🙊 This is definitely someone from a certain time in your life, and they may be someone very important that you look back on. This could be your first love.
🤯Their biggest secret: Addiction, Eyelashes, Feel, The one, Pessimist, 6th house, 7th house, Juno, Leo, Moon,🥊🤞❗🎢 My oh my pile 4 your crush has a big secret I mean this is something they really wanna keep hidden but they secretly want to be with you!!🤩 They might have an addiction to you omg they think you're the one!! They want a relationship with you, they see you as marriage material. They want to be the sun to your moon~🌙💞☀️ Another thing is you might have rejected this person and maybe you some of you regret that so here we are😂 I think that's only for some of you though. It could be possible that your crush is hiding violence for whatever reason it could be you, them or someone else or it could be something as simple as they're secretly into boxing or a physical sport they don't want you to know about. You make them so emotional and they don't even cry that much they're usually pretty happy but you make them feel so many new ways and feelings they never felt before💖 Your person could be really hiding their intense feelings for you, that's their biggest secret!🤭❗They have fantasies about you they keep reaaally hidden too. They may also have reoccurring concerns about this relationship and might not express that because they're afraid to be a downer, they wanna be the life of the party and so they don't openly discuss their problems or emotions they've just been ignoring them. Also this person may be very forward with you due to their excitement when they are with you, they jump into things a lot without putting much thought😅 So they might even spill to you their secrets out of no where like tomorrow or some time soon it could be so random with them lol be prepared things are gonna get unpredictable🌋
💌Messages from your crush: I want to show you off to everyone, Let me go, You're so sensitive, I can't control myself, I found the one, I could be your future ex, I wish I could stop thinking about you, I think we should meet, Extra cards: Laughter, Mad, Care-taker, Daily, Sweet, Sun, Cancer, 6th house, North node, Gemini (They really want a future with you🥰)
I hope you enjoyed your reading~!!💗 If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the pink hotel emoji~🏩 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌙
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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angelyuji · 1 year
skirts and promises
707 x reader (most (if not all) dialouge from day 9 phone call) reader wear a skirt but no gendered pronouns
hope you guys enjoy! i know not many of you follow me for mystic messenger stuff but it's summer so im back on the grind :)) no warnings! maybe a little suggestive so yk.... anyways, i'm a 707 girlie till i die thats literally my man i need him so bad it physically hurts me like omg thats my FREAKING MANNNN.... have fun reading!
you glance at seven sitting next to you on the couch, typing at lightening speed on his laptop. you quietly pull out your phone, pretending to look through the chatrooms before dialing his number on the RFA app.
“hello?” seven laughs next to you and you pout at the phone.
“why are you laughing?” you look over at him suspiciously.
“i noticed you glancing at me while pressing on the phone, so i wondered if you were trying to call me. and you really did! why are you so cute? i even love how predictable you are.” you blush at seven’s words. you jump up and run into the kitchen, giggling to yourself. “hmm? why are you running into the kitchen? i can’t see you now!” seven whines as you press yourself against the fridge and slide down to the floor.
“it feels like we’re actually talking on the phone if we can’t see each other!” you speak into the phone, smiling to yourself.
“what?” you peek your head around the corner and watch as seven tilts his head in confusion. “huh…you’re right…then i want to hide too! where should i go?” seven stands up, phone pressed to his ear. “i want to go into the kitchen too!”
“no, no! then there wouldn’t be any point in me hiding!” you whine, and you watch as seven throws his head back and laughs. he plops back onto the couch, arms spread out on the top of the couch. you bite your lip and watch as he relaxes into the couch.
seven sighs, “…i miss you when you disappear from my sight. i want to be right beside you… always.” a warm silence fills the apartment. you feel your heart beat faster. you turn your head back to face the cabinets across from you.
“i… i feel the same.” you whisper, afraid to disturb the feeling in the air.
seven’s voice quiets as he talks into the phone, “you know, it’s good to laugh. i mean, if we can manage to laugh in this situation, what other miracle can we hope for?” you hum, letting him continue. “i think this is what suits us. that no matter what happens, we can look at each other and laugh.” he stops talking and you wait. “promise me… promise me that from now on, we’ll look at each other, smile, and get through whatever comes.”
“i promise.” you smile.
seven stands up and walks towards the kitchen, stopping at the entry. “and if we get tired in the process… our robot can help us laugh.”
“i want to make you smile too.” you giggle, clutching the phone to your chest.
“then poke your head out!” you peek your head out, seven grabs your legs, and pulls. you scream and he cackles as you lay flat on the floor. he sits on his knees, clutching his sides. you raise yourself up onto your elbows and smile. “why are you smiling? you just looked into my eyes!”
“i don’t know, i guess i just like you a lot.” you lay back down, covering your face as you feel a blush creep back up your face.
seven laughs, pulling you closer. “do you like me that much?” he whispers and holds himself over you. one hand cups your face, “don’t pout, i like you too.” he moves back to his knees with a huff. “god, i like you so much… i want to tease you, i want to watch your cute little face.”
you sit up and hit his arm, feeling your face burn. “you’re so annoying.”
seven laughs harder, “i’m so happy we can manage to play in such a small apartment.”
“interesting you say that when you didn’t even want to be near me earlier.” you huff and cross your arms.
seven grabs your hand, “ahh, just forget about that now. what’s important is the present, and the future we’ll create… together.” you smile, crossing your fingers together. “oh, but there’s a problem right now.”
“huh? what problem?” your eyes widen in panic.
“you do realize that you’re pretty defenseless, right?” seven lets go of your hand to cup your face once more. “i’m not just a guy that types away at a laptop. i’m really, really trying hard to hold back right now.” his thumb brushes against your lips and you hold your breath. you watch as his eyes drift to your lips. his face gets close and you close your eyes. you feel as if time stops, but he pauses, you can feel his breath on your lips. all of a sudden, you hear a loud laugh, you open your eyes and seven’s on the floor once more.
you move closer to him and whack his arm, “you are such a jerk, seven.”
you flop back onto the floor, annoyance turning to laughter. seven sits back onto the floor, crisscross. “ahh, don’t worry, (y/n). i’m super good at holding it in. speaking of, can’t you- can’t you pull down your skirt a little. i think- i think it kind of crawled up when you were laughing.” his eyes drift to your thighs. you look down and notice that your skirt had ridden up, exposing more of your thighs.
you smile, innocently, “what if i don’t want to? what if i don’t want to listen to you?” you use a finger to slowly pull your skirt up higher. seven’s hands clasp yours, stopping you from going further.
his eyes were wide and you tilt your head, noticing how wide his pupils are. “you don’t want to? please… i feel like my nose is gonna start bleeding if you keep going like this… i’m sure of it.” you pull one side of your sweater down below your shoulder, smiling slightly. seven’s breathing gets heavy. “god… i don’t think- i can’t-” seven shoots up, surprising you. “i need to go work out a bit. i just want to work out of my body too, not just my brain all the time.” you get up with him. “maybe- maybe a cold shower too…” he mumbles, brushing his hand through his hair.
“wait- seven-” you grab his arm.
he looks back at you with a weird expression. “and uh… please be careful of your skirt. i’m sorry.” you bite your lip and pout.
“fine… i guess i should hang up then and help you.” you grab your phone and seven grabs your hand, pulling you closer to him.
“huh? help me? wait- why- why are you trying to hang up? not yet!”
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gemini-sensei · 5 months
Angsty poly!Hawk x Reader x Robby thought:
Miguel and Sam just had their son and they're so happy and excited. It's the first kid of their friend group so the little guy is just so loved and everyone makes a fuss over him. Hawk is so happy to be an uncle, whenever they go over to Miguel and Sam's place, he always wants to hangout with the infant even if it's just holding him while he naps. It isn't all that surprising since Hawk spends his days at the dojo teaching kids the basics of karate, which he secretly calls the secrets of badassery. Hawk loves kids, so this of course leads to him making little comments about how he can't wait to be a dad some day.
At the same time, Robby is so nervous about even the idea that he could be anyone's father in the future. Robby works with kids though, kids in tough situations who feel like they have no control over his life. But that's totally different, he swears up and down it's not the same as being a father. And he's right, it's not the same. But he thinks he's a subpar youth advocate when he's actually a lot of kids and teens favorite person to talk to. He's selling himself short. It's a whole thing.
But all this to say that when Hawk and Reader start talking about possibly having a baby, Robby doesn't know what to do. He's so scared but sees how happy the idea of a baby makes his partners, that he goes along with it. He thinks, "I'm not ready but they are, so why should my dumb little fears stop them?" He starts to pull back from their relationship without realizing it. He spends more time working than he is at home. He's helping kids elsewhere, which is noble of course, but he's throwing himself into finding resources and help for these kids than ever before. He's falling asleep at his office while his partners are at home wondering where he is.
He of course is home when Reader announces she's pregnant and Robby pulls on a smile because she's so happy and he's happy because he's happy. For a moment, he's not thinking about his fears but he is repressing them because this is real now. And in some twisted way knowing that the baby is Hawk's and not biologically his helps him not freak out so much when he steps out of the room for a glass of water. His heart is beating so hard in his chest that he thinks it might break free and fall on the floor. Also, he might puke.
Hawk comes in and stands with him, silently, for a while. Robby smiles and Hawk sees right through it. "Stop with the bullshit."
"What do you mean?"
"You're not exactly subtle, but Reader is so excited that she can't even see you fake smile. So cut the bullshit and tell me what's really going on. Are you done with us?"
"Don't with- what are you talking about?"
"The late nights, the sleeping at the office, the few mornings you stay and eat breakfast with us, you're checked out, man. So tell me the truth, are you done with us?"
Robby can only stare for a moment, so Hawk continues.
Hes struggling to keep his voice level and low, not wanting to draw Reader's attention while she's on the phone with Sam in the other room. "Ever since we started trying for this baby, it's like you stopped caring-"
"It's not that."
"Then what is it then?"
"I'm scared!" Robby nearly shouts. He takes a deep breath but the tears prick his eyes. "I'm not ready for this."
"Then why did you agree to it?"
"Becaude you two were so happy about it and I didn't want to get I the way of that."
"We could have waited."
Robby shakes his head. "You'd be waiting a long time then because I don't know when I'll actually be ready for all of this."
"We could have talked about it."
"This is so dumb. There's nothing we can do about it now."
"Except talk about it," Hawk says so seriously that it almost chills Robby to the bone. "Why are you so scared?"
The tears have been free falling down Robbys face the whole time but he finally breaks and cries. "I don't wanna fuck this up. I mean- I mean, what if I can't do this? What if I'm just like my dad?"
Hawk doesn't say anything and just brings Robby into his arms. He holds him while he cries for a few minutes, rubbing his back but not sure of what to say. The words also have to sink in and Hawk is reminded of how hard Robby had it for so long, and it's why he does the nonprofit work with troubled kids because he was once one of them. Hawk knows that this is hard on anyone but a new baby is especially hard on people who had it rough.
"You're not your dad, Robby," he finally says. His voice is low and soft, only loud enough for Robby to hear over his muffled cries. "You're not even half as stupid as your dad."
Robby let's out a choked out laugh. He looks up at Hawk and his tears sparkle in his eyes. "Shut up. I'm serious," he says, but he's smiling through it.
Hawk shakes his head. "So am I. Your dad fucked up over and over... and over again, but you're too smart to let that happen."
"Yeah, but how do you know I'm not gonna fuck it up?"
Hawk pulls away and holds Robby by his face, making him look up and see him. He looks him in the eyes as he tells him, "Because I see the way you work with the kids at the youth center and how hard you try to get everything done for them, get then everything they need. You're already so great with those kids, so why not our kid?"
Robby doesn't know what to say. His throat is tight and hurts like he's going to start crying again. And he does, shrugging at the question because he truly doesn't know what the difference is. He just feels it and it scares him. Hawk kisses his tears away.
That's when Reader comes in and she's so confused. She looks so cute, a little lost, unaware of what's going on. It's a type of cluelessness and innocence Robby would like to keep intact because he doesn't want to bother her with his emotions and fears. He wants her to remain happy. But he can't look at her and her soft body the same now because he knows in a few months her pudgy tummy is going to round out into a prominent baby belly. And she's going to look even hotter, which he didn't think was possible because she's already so gorgeous.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" she asks.
Robby shakes his head and smiles. And it's a true smile despite his fear. "I'm just really happy... but also scared out of my mind."
There no use in hiding his fears anymore. He knows Hawk won't hide these big feelings from her, so he tells her himself. And she pouts and comes over to him, hugging him and Hawk joins it too.
"Aww, honey, we're all a little scared," she says.
He looks at her. "But you're ready for this and I'm... I don't know if I am."
"Well, just because I said I was ready doesn't mean we're truly ready," she tells him, giggling. "It's so much to do and get ready and prepare for. You have time to get ready."
He nods gently, understanding what she's trying to say: us anyone ever really ready? He doesn't know. Maybe extremely prepared people, like Miguel and Sam, who were so elated when they found out they were having a bay that they just fell right into the prepping and planning process like pros. But they're still young, young and successful and supported by so many, they were likely only half ready.
Reader kisses Robby's cheek and smiles against his skin. "It's okay to not be ready, Robby. So long as you love us and we love you, were gonna be just fine."
He nods, unable to speak because he's scared if he does, he'll start crying again for a third time. He just basks in the hug from his partners, recharging off their energy. That's all he needs is them. And their excitement rubs off on him, making him smile when he thinks about the baby, his fears slowly fading.
And when he goes with Hawk and Reader jer first scan, they're all so excited. Though he nearly faints when he learns that they're not having just one baby, but two!
But it's okay, Hawk catches him. And he knows they're ready for this.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Eddie Munson x cheerleader! Reader, she's tired of being a good girl, so she starts hanging out with Eddie, but she still wants to be part of the popular group, so she tells them that it's nothing serious with Eddie, but in reality, she's falling for Eddie, and Jason ends up telling Eddie that reader's just playing with him, and he believes Jason, and stops talking to Reader, and when she finds out why, she ends up fighting with Jason, and Eddie goes there to stop her, and she confesses everything, that she was afraid of people treating her bad,band he forgive her, bc he fell for her
I hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Popularity isn't everything
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It was Y/N's senior year and she was tired of doing the same things for four years. She got good grades, had many friends, and was the gold star student. But she was bored and hated that all her teen years were spent chasing a college application. She wanted to have fun, wanted to break rules, and just needed to feel something different. And Eddie Munson was the answer.
She heard from around the school that he does deals during the lunch period. She wasn't positive if drugs were something she wanted to dive into, but she couldn't deny that Eddie was attractive. Before she knew it, they were hanging out more and more. She lost count of the times she sat in his trailer for hours. He was nothing that she thought he would be. When she was with him she felt so free, she could be careless and just have fun.
He didn't care if she showed up in the perfect outfit, he didn't bore her talking about school, and he didn't spend all his time talking about himself. He was a good break from her friends. A breath of fresh air.
Then it got more complicated when he kissed her, and she liked it. The way he took control of the kiss, holding her on his lap as his hand dug into her hair. It was messy and hot. He left her breathless and wanting so much more. But she could not date Eddie Munson, she could not date the freak of Hawkins. So why did she want to so badly?
Her feelings got harder to deal with when they moved past kissing. The feeling of his hands touching her, his hair brushing against her thighs while his head was between her legs, the nasty names he whispered in her ear, and the feeling of his skin hitting hers. She was spiraling into him. She barely saw her friends other than at school. She showed up to practice with marks on her thighs but she didn't care.
She knew she was fucked when the feelings mixed in with the sex. It changed course and got softer and gentler. He touched her like she was made of glass and kissed her like he needed to tell her something. It's been months of talking, sex and hanging out. They spent a night at the beach, cuddling under the stars as they talked about their futures and fears. She learned everything about Eddie that night. From his family to his childhood, his dream of being a rockstar, and the pain he felt for being known as something he wasn't. She fell in love with him.
She couldn't tell her friends that, though. So when the cheer squad cornered her and asked for all the details of her and Eddie, she was quick to say it was nothing serious. Just casual sex at most.
She should have known whatever is said in high school spreads quickly. Once Jason heard the news, he couldn't wait to deliver it straight to Eddie.
"Oh Munson, Munson. I actually feel bad for you." Jason pouted, cornering Eddie in the empty hall.
Eddie rolled his eyes and tried to move past him but Jason pushed him back. "Thought she really liked you, huh?"
Eddie froze as he looked at Jason. It was obvious who he was talking about, but Eddie didn't know their relationship was news to others.
"What are you talking about?" Eddie asked, he didn't have time for Jason today.
"Girls on the cheerleading squad were talking, and I'm just wondering, are you and Y/N a thing?" Jason asked, crossing his arms as he turned his head.
Eddie was skeptical of the question, answering slowly, "Yeah, kind of. Why?" He yanked on his backpack strap as Jason faked a pout again.
"Yikes, I feel even worse now to tell you this, but," Jason dragged on, Eddie didn't like the way he began to feel nervous. "she told the squad it's just sex and that she doesn't even like you. She's playing you bro, and damn she played you for a fool " Jason laughed.
Eddie didn't like to admit that the news hurt him. He found himself falling for Y/N, he told her so much and opened up. All for it to be a game. He hated that she thought they were nothing like all their conversations didn't mean a thing when they meant everything to him.
"Fuck off," Eddie growled, pushing part of Jason successfully as he walked to class. Jason's words rang through his head. He should have known a girl like her wasn't going to like him or admit that she did. If popularity meant more to her than Eddie, then so be it.
"Hey, Eddie! Are we still on for tonight?" Y/N asked, walking behind him as he walked to his van. She waited for him to respond but he didn't say anything.
"Eddie?" She tried again, but nothing.
"YO MUNSON!" She screamed, this time she got a glare as he yanked open his door.
"Ignoring me or something?" She laughed, but it died quickly as he gave her a blank stare.
"I'm doing the best that I can." He snapped, slamming his door shut as he drove off.
She stood there confused and hurt. She blushed embarrassed at his reaction but headed to her car. She wasn't sure what was wrong, so she headed to his trailer.
She knocked and knocked but he never opened the door. She screamed his name, but he never came out. She accepted that something may have happened and he wanted to be alone.
But the next day, he ignored her again. He didn't look in her direction, not even once. He was ignoring her, and she didn't know why. She missed him, and it hurt that she couldn't talk to him anymore.
She thought maybe if she gave him some space, he'd come around. But when a week passed and they had no contact, she threw that plan out the window. She missed his voice, his touch, and his presence. She missed how good she felt with him and how happy she was. Now she's back in that boring way of life, and she didn't want that. She just wanted Eddie again.
She passed being hurt, now she was mad. He went from loving up on her to completely acting like she didn't exist. She was done with his childish games.
It killed Eddie more than he liked to admit. Acting like she didn't mean a thing to him was hard, he didn't know how she could do it so easily. Anytime she yelled his name he wanted to run to her. But he had to protect himself.
He didn't know why she was trying so hard when she supposedly didn't care about him. He didn't understand why she showed up to his trailer and begged him to talk. But he missed her, and he missed their time together. He wanted to give in, so close to not caring how bad he'd get hurt, just as long as he got her.
After another long day of ignoring Y/N, he found her standing against his van. Her arms crossed as she glared at him.
"Y/N, move." He said, sighing as he looked at her. He hated how gorgeous she looked, even in a simple pair of jeans, sunglasses on her head, and a shirt she stole from his closet.
"No. You are going to tell me why you've been ignoring me and suddenly acting like I don't exist." She demanded, her eyes in slits.
She looked scary when she was pissed.
"Jason told me everything, okay? I'm not interested in having a little fling and that being it. So please move."
"Jason told you what?" She growled. Of course, it was Jason, she should have known that.
"You told your team that you and I are just sex and that you don't even like me. Some fun game for you and the squad to laugh about. And honestly? I thought you were different. I knew you wanted to have fun and forget about your boring good girl life, but I didn't think you could be so heartless. I told you ev-"
"Please let me explain!" She pleaded, but Eddie ignored her. Getting in her face.
"I told you everything! I told you shit I never once said to anyone. And you were just a selfish bitch the whole time, huh? You never even liked me did you? You will always be the same popular, spoiled, boring slut that fucked the freak just to escape from her pathetic life." Eddie growled.
"That's not true!" She cried, Eddie felt a small amount of guilt as the water filled her eyes. "I do like you! I like you so much. I'm an idiot, okay? I made a mistake and I lied. I was scared to admit that I fell for you and that we had something real. I didn't want to hurt you and I'm sorry. But Jason is lying, there was no game. I promise!" But Eddie wasn't sure what to believe. He watched as she cried and refused to look away from him. Her eyes pleaded as he tried to think everything through.
Eddie remembered all the effort she put into trying to talk to him, she wouldn't do all that just for sex, right? But she did admit that she didn't want people to know she fell for him, and that hurt. Does he want to be with someone embarrassed to be with him in the first place?
Y/N nodded at his silence, accepting what she said hadn't changed a thing. She sobbed as she quickly ran to the school, leaving Eddie behind. She ran to the bathroom and sat on the floor. Sobbing into her hands for ruining the one good thing in her life. Eddie's words hurt, but they were all true. She wanted an escape from her boring life.
She stood up and collected herself. She took a deep breath as she walked out. Smacking right into the devil himself.
"Hey what's wrong?" Jason asked
"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" she screamed, bashing her fists against his chest. Jason tried to grab her hands to stop her, but she yanked her one arm free. She slapped him as hard as she could across the face, causing him to let her go.
Eddie came racing in to talk to her when he found her screaming and hitting Jason. As Jason brought his arm back to smack her, Eddie quickly yanked her out of his way.
"Don't. Walk away" Eddie warned. She panted behind Eddie, she was so caught up in her emotions that she didn't realize the danger she was in.
Jason huffed and went out of the building.
"Are you crazy?" Eddie said, turning around to look at Y/N.
"He deserved it for making up lies," She said, her body relaxing as she got a hold of her emotions. Eddie sighed and pulled her in for a hug. She was shocked by the action but wrapped her arms around him. Breathing in his familiar scent.
"I'm sorry for the shit I said, you didn't deserve that, and you aren't any of the nasty things I called you" He whispered.
"Thank you for apologizing." She mumbled into his chest. She didn't want to let go, she wanted to feel his arms around her forever.
He pulled back to look at her, but kept his arms around her.
"I fell for you too." She smiled at his words. Looking up into his eyes.
she felt his thumb and finger on her chin, tilting her head up as he pressed his lips against hers. She smiled into the kiss as her body melted into him.
Maybe popularity wasn't everything.
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