#Changbin would be such a good girl dad
kypopkypop · 1 month
"Your so beautiful" "I know isn't she" "I was talking about you"
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Changbin fluff coming home from the hospital
Warning: Body insecurities, just gave birth, reader get really upset and doesn't feel totally better at the end (I don't know if that really a warning, mentions of nursing/breastfeeding a baby (tell me if I missed something)
She doesn't really feel that much better at the end because I think it's unrealistic for the reader to suddenly feel better after something someone else says. Sometimes your just upset and you need to be upset to make your self feel better in the future if that makes sense. Also don't mind what changbin says I'm bad at comforting people so I tried my best. I think it lacking a little something but I'll try and make it better as time goes on and I get more into writing.
You were sitting on your couch holding you 2 day old baby girl. You had just come home from the hospital a couple of hours ago.
Birth is a very painful, stressful, and interesting to say the least. Your body had changed so much during your pregnancy but it slowly changed over 9 months. Giving you some time to get used to it as your body got bigger.
Birth is nothing like that though. Even if your a little chubby everyone thinks your super cute when your pregnant. Whenever people look at a pregnant person you don't think "hmm I wonder how much weight she's gained" you usually think "aww she looks so good for being 9 months pregnant, her body's creating a life".
After birth everyone losses that mentality but your body doesn't change for at least a couple of weeks. Not to even mention all the different hormones and emotions going through your body during this time.
You think of how amazing your baby girl is and how you would go through labor a thousand time again to have her. Then you look in the mirror and see every part of your self that you liked before you got pregnant has changed.
After having your baby girl your anxiety and depression worsened. It was hard for you to think of one thing that liked about your self. Your self confidence before getting pregnant wasn't super strong or anything but you've never felt like this.
Your mama bear instincts came out. You got so anxious when ever someone else was holding your baby besides your husband Changbin of course. You loved seeing him with her. It almost felt like your only purpose in life was to take care of this baby. You know Changbin would never leave you but it scared you what he thought of you know that you thought your body was "ruined".
Looking at your wonderful baby girl as she's fast asleep in your arms your husband comes and sits next to you. He sits facing you with and arm next to your shoulders. He starts admiring you baby girl too.
Then he looks up at you. You get a little freaked out from how long he was looking at you. You were trying to figure out what would make him do that. Your scared to fully look at him. Scared he'll see how puffy your face is and your dark under eye circles.
"Your so beautiful" he says. You can really hear the emotion in his voice. It almost sounds like he could cry
"I know isn't she perfect"
"I was talking about you" even though you were scared you turned you face to see him. The love in his eyes and the smile that shows up on his face when he sees your full face
"I'm never gonna look the same though. What if my stomach always stays this big. What if....." you start tearing up and you stop talking before you fully start crying.
"Y/n I know you've changed a lot before you got pregnant vs now. But the way I see you will always be the same. I didn't fall in love with you because of your body. No physical changes would ever make me stop loving you. And I know your hormones is making things harder emotionally but I want you to know that I will always be there. And if you ever need a reminder of how gorgeous you are just tell me and I could go on and on. You think our daughter is beautiful and when I look at her I just see a mini you."
You had a lot of tears streaming down your face at this point. Everything was just so overwhelming you couldn't talk. All the emotions of how you felt about your self being contradicted by Changbins words made your head feel like it was gonna explode. But you were trying hard to not let out a sob because you didn't want to wake your daughter.
Almost as Changbin read your thoughts he picks up your baby and puts her in the baby swing. He comes back and scoots you over so your on his lap. "I know it gonna take more than just once for you to believe me but I'll say it as many times as you need." He said as he puts his head and hand on top of yours. You let out the sobs that you were holding in. You hid your face in the crook of his neck as he rocked you. It made you feel like the baby but it really did make you feel better.
After taking some deep breaths to calm down you pull away to look at your perfect husband. He wipes you tears and tells you some more how much he loves you.
He tells you to lay down and take a nap to help you calm down. And being tired wasn't helping with how stressed out you were. It scared you to leave taking care of the baby all to him but he assured you. Anytime you needed a nap during the day that he would take care of her. You have been up all night nursing her. He tries to do as much as he can during the night but when your the only one who can feed her there's not much he can do. So he wants to make it up to you.
He tucks you in on the couch. And as you almost fall asleep immediately you hear him say.
"I love you and good night beautiful"
Also this is my first time writing so don't judge me to hard 😄 also thank you for reading.
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desi2go · 5 months
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pairings: dad!Chan x mom!reader
warnings: angst, fluff
summary: Having a child with an idol isn't easy...
author's note: I'm sorry that I couldn't post anything the last two weeks. But here I am with a new one!
Marriage wasn't easy. Especially when your beloved husband was an idol. The Bang Chan, leader of Stray Kids.
Between tours and busy schedules, there was little time for your relationship. But even though it was hard and you missed him like hell when he was gone for a long time, you still didn't regret to come to your best friend Changbin's party years ago. There, you had met him.
Well, he didn't see you and accidentally poured his drink over you. When your eyes met, he was fascinated by your breathtaking beauty. Maybe it was destiny back then. It felt surreal, like he was your soulmate. The missing piece in in your heart and life.
Apologetic, he bought you a drink and after a wonderful night together, asked for your number.
Soon, he took you out on a date and there followed a second and a third, becoming a huge part in your life.
Without noticing, time passed and Chan proposed to you.
You immediately said yes and became Mrs. Bang.
The second you were married, your family asked when you both would begin to try for a baby but Chan and you wanted to wait some time before thinking about an addition to your family.
You still were young and Stray kids took much time and you understood that. Your job was also one of your top priorities and wanted to earn more money.
But it seemed that the universe had other plans with you two. Seven months after the wedding you started feeling sick. At first you brushed it off and thought that it is just a stomach bug or the stress due to work.
As the lovely but overly concerned husband that he is, Chan took you too a doctor to get a check up. Even though you found it a little bit overdramatic, he still insisted and the reason why you felt nauseous was soon found. You were indeed pregnant and already two months into pregnancy.
Sure, it wasn't planned but you and Chan felt excited to have a small addition to the family. And sooner or later it would have happend anyways.
Chan promised that when the pregnancy was farther along, he would take some time off and help you. You agreed to that and decided to work some more months too before you need to go into maternity leave.
The months passed fast and soon, you welcomed your newest family member. A girl. A sweet girl with already some black locks on her head and the same brown eyes that you fell in love with.
Chan was over the moon. Even though during labour, he was terrified. Would he be a good dad? But all these thoughts washed away when he saw the beautiful angel you both had created with your undying love.
He was the first one to hold her as her crying filled the room. Exhausted, you observed the picture in front of you. Your husband with his precious daughter that already looked like a smaller copy of him.
He was told to undress his shirt and to lay the little bundle of joy against his bare chest to help her breath and keeping her warmth while the doctor checked on you because you had lost a lot of blood during birth.
The first weeks were exhausting. Your little girl, Nari, held both of you awake most of the night. Yourself needed to heal and time to recover from the labor, so you relied mostly on your husband who took such good care for his girl. Fortunately, he got some weeks off to settle into parenthood before going back to the boys even though they nearly saw each other every day.
Since you got home from the hospital, four days after birth, they visited you to meet their 'little sister' as they called Nari. Oh lord, they were so smitten. The only one that seems not so sure about that little human was Seungmin but when he thought that nobody would watch, you catched him drawing circles over Nari's hands, smiling when she wrapped her hand around one of his fingers.
When Chan went back, the house was suddenly so empty. After weeks of being together 24/7, the sudden quiet was unfamiliar. In the mornings, Chan was already out, you loved to lay on the couch, your daughter on your chest, snuggling close to you while sleeping.
When Chan came back home in the evening, he greeted you with a kiss and immediately ran off to his daughter to tell her about his day even though she was already sleeping. You loved to observe him while cooking. You loved this little family. It was something that you ever wanted.
You really loved Nari. But after the pregnancy and early motherhood, you needed some space for yourself. You would love to spend an evening with your girls. Just making yourself look pretty and have fun without watching over a child.
Especially since you almost never leave the house except for some stroller walks and buying errands.
You asked your husband if he comes home some hours earlier so that you could enjoy your night. Immediately, he agreed and you were so grateful that he understood you.
On that day, you took your time with getting ready while your daughter slept. You hoped that Chan would be home soon so that you would be on time since you hated being late.
Minutes passed as you sat on the couch waiting for him. Minutes turned into half an hour and you wrote your girls that you would run a little late today. They were understanding.
More minutes passed and you waited already for a whole hour. You tried to call him since he was always so focused on his work so that he sometimes forgets the time.
He didn't pick up and you were already half an hour late. Your girls were already seated in your restaurant, waiting for you to show up so that they could start ordering food.
Sighing, you texted then that you couldn't make it and they shouldn't wait up on you. Frustrated, you cleared your face from the make up that was hours worth of work.
You took off the new dress that you had bought. You were so excited to wear it because it made you feel so pretty again after the pregnancy made you look bloated and your belly was still not the same then before.
You didn't know if you felt rage, sadness or disappointment that you needed to stay home because of your husband.
It wouldn't be so bad if it was the first time after he got back to work. He used to come back at a normal time to have some time with you and the baby. But as the weeks passed, he stayed later and got up earlier so that you saw him just for some minutes per day.
It was like you were all on your own here in your home. You knew from the beginning that Stray kids was really important to him but after entering parenthood you had hoped that he wouldn't stay till past midnight in the company.
You heard the key unlocking the front door and your husband finally decided to come home after he had promised you that he would be here three hours ago. He greeted you with a small peck on the forehead as you waited for him in the living room.
He looked so calm while dropping his bag to the ground and sitting down on the couch.
"Why are you standing there honey?" He asked. You crossed your arms. He didn't even remembered that this was supposed to be your night out.
"Why are you so late?" You tried to remain calm since your daughter slept in the neighbouring room.
"I was working on the newest song for stray kids" he explained.
"Oh really? Because you said you would be here hours ago" you didn't want to pick a fight. You hated fighting with him. It made your heart clench but this night was important to you.
"I'm sorry honey. But I needed to get it done"
"Well, I had plans for the night, Chan."
"Really? I'm sorry honey. I forgot and this song was important"
"The song was important? My reservation with the girls was important to me" you said and couldn't hold the calm tone that you wanted.
"I already said I'm sorry, Y/n. I got caught up in work" He grew annoyed.
"Like always. You're always so late that I wonder if you even remember that you have a family at home" You knew you were mean and unfair but all these things were twirling around your head for days.
"Of course I remember! I'm sorry that I make money for us" he exclaimed sarcastically. His voice loud, nearly shouting.
These words hurt you. He knew damn well that you aren't dependent on his money and that you make good money as well. Even though you currently took a maternity leave.
"Fuck you, Chan. You aren't the only one working. I was asking you for just one thing. Just being home a little earlier so that I could have some time for myself." You said loudly, your voice cracking in the middle as some tears stung in your eyes.
"Y/n. I-" he tried but you stopped him.
"Nari is your child too. Currently, I'm the only one she sees whether it's in the morning or in the evening. And I'm tired. Tired of being the only one raising her."
You heard cries from the other room. You must have woken up your sleeping daughter. Sighing, you excited the room and headed to Nari without waiting for an answer.
Chan knew that he went too far and that he was more away than home. And it pained him to not spend so much time with his daughter. Slowly he followed you to your daughter's room.
It was dimly lit and you sat in the rocking chair next to her crib with Nari in your arms, rocking her. He hated seeing her in distress and guilt crept up. He was a terrible father and an even more terrible husband.
You felt Chan's hot gaze on you. You knew that the guilt ate him alive right now. He couldn't fool you. Therefore you knew him too well.
After placing Nari back into her crib, giving her a light kiss on her soft skin that smelled so sweet like a baby. Your baby.
Then, you took Chan's hand and lead you outside to the kitchen, farther away from your daughter.
He just followed you, deep in thoughts.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I should have come early. And I know that parenting a child alone is difficult. I didn't want to lash out on you like that. I know that the meeting with your friends was important to you" he said and caressed your hand.
"I'm sorry too. It's obvious that you try to be around Nari as long and often as you can."
"No, you were right. I need to be here more. Especially with you both. I shouldn't let work take over so much" he said and pulled you into his arms.
His arms circled around your waist while yours travelled upwards into his fluffy locks. Exhausted he let his head fall on your shoulder, all the tension leaving his body.
"I love you Chan" you whispered.
"I love you too. You and Nari are the most important things in my life"
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masterlist and important info
here we are, folks. 💕
hyunjins-orange-slice 2.0! i was forced to make a new blog, so i will be reposting all of my works from the original hyunjins-orange-slice here. and some new things im working on!
ageless and blank blogs will be blocked, no questions asked. (if you have fixed the issue, or feel you have been blocked unfairly, send a DM to @secret-orange-slice )
everything posted here is fiction and in no way represents stray kids in reality
my requests are open- the only rules i have are: i only write for skz, no noncon and no pregnancy, and nothing illegal. i reserve the right to deny any request for any reason. if i don’t answer your request, it means im not comfortable with it or i just haven’t got to it yet. feel free to send me a message for clarification. :)
im not on a posting schedule, i just post when it feels right.
please be kind and respectful. 💕
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Regally Smitten Masterlist
domestic drabble
thank you (another domestic drabble)
am i even your bias? (3racha drabble)
his princess (my first ever tumblr post)
confessions (fake text)
random texts with bf chan
asking bf chan if he would save you from zombies (texts, request)
when a song makes him think of you (texts)
reacting to jjam mv (texts)
random texts with daddy chan (ddlg, princess)
'connected' (chan series)
chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
when changbin misses you (texts)
fake texts noona request
the color? he’s lame (texts, minho confession, request)
random texts with bf felix
do you still love me? (text)
more jeongin and seungmin texts
minho drabble (idk if this is “angst” it’s just sad) hyunjin drunk argument hyunjin drunk argument part2
i’m not your fucking dad (fake texts, chan breakup)
toxic chan being jealous (texts)
jisung when he’s distant because of work (texts, happy ending, request)
stop banging on the door (chan, texts)
chan confesses after you get caught with changbin (texts)
han confesses after catching you with minho (texts, request)
jeongin confesses and hyunjin confesses (texts, request)
stop hanging out with my family (hyung line, texts, request)
baby you’re a blessing (texts, jeongin angst)
jealous skz when someone pays for your food (texts, request)
jealous skz from above part 2 (texts)
jealous changbin texts (request)
i can’t stand to see you cry
texts when you’re anxious about a date
texts bsf chan (who may be in love with you) when your boyfriend isnt being a good boyfriend
what daddy chan says to comfort you
when you cancel plans because you’re feeling insecure (texts)
when your period is close (texts)
if you’re feeling it, then it’s valid (texts, request)
here’s the plan (period request)
untitled (eating disorder comfort)
my wittle pookie wookie bear
texts when you injure yourself at the gym (request)
changbin confesses after you’re stood up (texts, request)
texts bsf seungmin when you have a bad breakup
when you tell him you have anxiety
SMUT 18+
his good girl, always (my favorite piece i’ve done) safe word (hard dom chan)
sleepy morning drabble
kissing (short oral drabble)
untitled (oral backstage at music core)
reacting to his insta (fake text)
untitled (soft dom chan, somnophilia)
i said, sit (daddy chan, face riding)
karma in the shape of a god
all the things chan would whisper in your ear
kneeling on the floor (chan version)
adrenaline rush (lolla chicago suggestive drabble)
so is it true? (texts)
reacting to dominATE seoul photos (texts, daddy chan)
is this what you had in mind, baby? (daddy chan)
untitled (dom minho, bondage, etc)
i like your panties
i like your cock (i like your panties part 2)
Daddy, let me help
Daddy, let me help part 2
sleepy morning drabble
untitled (soft dom hyunjin punishment)
is the door even locked? (soft dom daddy hyunjin, public sex)
wash it first (phone sex)
kneeling on the floor (han version)
skz catching you reading fan fiction
skz when you say ily in bed
when you’re too shy to send a spicy picture (texts- hyung line)
when you’re too shy to send a spicy picture (texts- maknae line)
skz when you text “you can come now, they’re gone.”
the one where chan teaches minho to share
if you like that, what if i did this? (minsung x reader)
calling them by their name request (texts)
best friend skz catching you masturbating (texts hyung line)
best friend skz catching you masturbating (texts maknae line)
flirting with bsf skz (texts, request) hyung line
flirting with bsf skz (texts, maknae line)
fuck the sadness out of me (3racha, texts, request)
well it worked (fuck the sadness out of me, 3racha, written part 2)
now you don’t have to choose (texts, jeongin and seungmin)
skz helping you shave (texts)
daddy!chan helping you shave
541 notes · View notes
hyunjinsjeans · 1 month
He Knows (Changbin ver.)
Chan ver. | Lee Know ver. | Hyunjin ver.
Synopsis: you already have a baby, but maybe you are ready for baby number two… it might be that your husband is not as ready.
Type: Fluff 🧸, a little bit of angst at the end if you squint ❤️‍🩹, SFW 👍
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy
Word Count: 2110
AN: this one is a little more on the angsty side. I hope it is cool with y’all! It seems the word count keeps coming up, so uh, sorry about that. I hope you enjoy!
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You knew Changbin was not one to make rash decisions. In fact, it took you almost two years to start dating officially, and it was in part because you warned him either he gave you a label or he could lose your number. 
He did not like the idea of losing you for a second. Which is how he learned to pay a little less attention to his rational side and allowed himself to go by feelings when it came to the two of you. He was smart anyway, there was no need to overthink things. 
To everyone’s surprise you were the first couple in his group to get engaged, then married and a little under 2 years ago welcomed a baby girl who stole the show anywhere she went. Hajoon, was the name you came to pick together, meaning summer, she was your little ray of sunshine from the moment you first knew of her existence when you were only 6 months into married life. Changbin had gone into a short panic at first but he recovered quite smoothly and in true Seo Changbin fashion he stepped into his role as if he had been doing it all his life. You had been scared all throughout the pregnancy, not having planned for it and finding yourself struggling with morning sickness while he was away in America promoting with the boys. Giving birth made you anxious enough you actually started working out more than your husband, taking all the yoga classes you could handle and signing up for as many pre-natal pilates as possible. One would think you were never going to want to have a baby again. 
And one would be wrong. 
You were at peace with your small family of three until you started taking Hajoon to daycare. She was a happy little girl, knowing little more than her family and uncles. Following her father around as much as possible, she started dancing almost as quickly as she started walking and her speaking was coming along better than expected according to your in-laws. Most likely thanks to Changbin’s silly rap battles with his baby girl. No one year old could compete with his speed, but Hajoon would be damned if she didn’t try.
“No, no; she has a good rhythm!” Changbin always defended his daughter. 
And the fact was, Hajoon loved to play with her daddy, with her uncles… but most of all she loved playing with her daycare buddies. You could see how happy she was in the morning when you went to wake her up, get her dressed and bring her to the kitchen to have breakfast with Changbin. Yes, she was a daddy’s girl through and through (and Changbin was lost in that girl dad daze, wrapped around her miniscule finger from day one). But she would let go of her appa the instant you mentioned daycare. And upon seeing her little friends, she would forget all about how comfortable and warm your embrace was. 
Sometimes you stayed long enough to watch her find her friends, a couple of boys around her same age and a girl a little bit older. 
You couldn’t help it, in your heart you craved to give her the possibility of a friend to play with at all times. Someone to share all those toys you asked the boys not to get her but somehow still made it into Hajoon’s tiny backpack whenever you would hang out.  You wanted her to have what Changbin had with his sister. And your husband’s behavior upon finishing promotions for the last mini album did not do anything other than add fuel to the fire. 
Changin was not stupid (no matter what Seungmin’s opinion on the matter could be), he could tell when something was going on around him. He knew you were being “strange”. Quiet. 
If he knew one thing about you, it was that you were never quiet. Even when you were thinking things over, you reasoned out loud with yourself. You were never one to stay still for too long either. You were more obvious than you would ever like to admit. 
Chanbin was absolutely in love with you before Hajoon, but after she was born it was like the entire world revolved around the two of you, himself included. Which is why he was so aware of every detail in your life. How you still laid your hand in the middle of the bed between the two of you, as if your baby girl was still sleeping there as she had the first few months of her life. He knew you still used those baby oils on your daughter, refusing to move on from the baby scent. Changbin could also see how your eyes lit up at the sight of your daughter pressing her ear to Lee Know’s wife’s growing belly. 
Oh, if he could he would give you a baby right there and then. But he was so busy with work these days. 
Changbin arrived home under a light rain, his feet causing the water on the ground to fly around in small drops. He looked up under his umbrella to see you through the window, most likely making cookies in the kitchen with Hajoon as your helper. You two loved to play cooks. He loved to play the faithful customer. 
A smile spread across his face when he heard the loud giggles erupt from the home, you yelled in surprise while a joyful high pitched voice announced “more choco-ate!” 
Changbin knew your little one was a chocolate enthusiast. On that note he decided to come in, leaving his dirty boots on the entryway before calling for his family. 
“I’m home!” He put his jacket away. 
“Now, don’t run Joonie!” You advised from the kitchen. 
The sound of light feet quickly tapping on the floor was a clear indication that your advice was not taken. 
Changbin knelt to catch the fast approaching girl, her pigtails flying in the air while she ran with her arms open wide. She had no doubt he would catch her so she threw herself at him and got held against her dad’s strong chest, her cheek pressed happily onto his shirt. 
“There’s my princess!” He kissed the top of her head repeatedly as she giggled in his arms. “Where’s your mother, huh?”
As if you heard him, you stepped out of the kitchen. He lifted his gaze before picking up his daughter and going up to you, giving your cheek a gentle kiss. 
“What are you two up to?” He looked you up and down. 
You tilted your head to the side with a small smile on your face, you fixed Hajoon’s shirt that had ridden up her back and let your daughter explain. 
“Cookies”, she whispered into his ear. 
Changbin didn’t even flinch at the warm air his daughter blew straight into his ear. 
You asked him how things had gone at the studio and he sighed in response, not wanting to say too much. He had been working on a few songs with Chan and Han for over a week, some were good and ready to go. Others were still works in progress. It seemed like they would have more than enough material for their next album, but he knew it was all a lot more work to get done. And just before his baby girl’s second birthday. 
Although Changbin was keeping it to himself, he was overwhelmed. Still, you could tell. 
The sweet smell of the cookies flooded the house even a few hours after you had all eaten dinner. Giving Changbin the chance to unwind, you let him and Hajoon play in the living room while you cleaned up the kitchen. The sound of the tv and some of the girl’s toys resonated through the house along with their loud laughter.
Soon enough you walked into the living room to find Changbin snoozing on the sofa with Hajoon cuddled up to his chest, head nestled in the space between his neck and shoulder. You knew you already had many photos like this, but still pulled your phone out of your pant’s pocket and took the picture. 
“I’m not really asleep, you know?” Your husband’s voice startled you. 
“Oh,” you jumped to put your phone away. “Do you need help with the little one?”
He shook his head slowly, pointing for you to sit next to him.
You turned the tv down as you went to take a seat next to him, his free arm reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers. 
“We need to talk,” he mumbled. 
You looked back into his eyes. He was tired from the long day at work, you sighed and wondered what he wanted to talk about so you nodded and watched your daughter’s peaceful face. She was sound asleep, exhausted by the afternoon walk and the subsequent baking session. 
“What is it?” You turned in your seat to face him more. 
Changbin let out a heavy sigh, he did not like that he needed to bring it up but he could not have you hoping he would catch on to you and go along with it. 
“You know I love you,” he wasn’t asking but you nodded at his words, “and I love Joonie, you two mean so much to me…” 
He closed his eyes and you tugged on his hand, speaking as well. Encouraging your husband. Maybe the two of you knew where this conversation was going, reading each other in a heartbeat. 
“Oh, Binnie, we love you too. What do you need to say?”
Here came the difficult words: “Next year is going to be busy. I won’t be home a lot.” He opened his eyes and searched your face for a reaction. 
You opened your mouth to speak a couple of times but weren’t able to say anything. To be honest, you saw this coming. It did not make it any easier to accept what was being said between the lines. 
Changbin felt guilty when you looked away, there was a smile on your lips that was unable to reach any other feature on your face. 
“It’s only a year,” he tugged at your hand. 
You blinked at that and took in a deep breath. “Is there another world tour?”
“Yeah, we’re so excited but… I wouldn’t be able to leave you with this little monkey and another one on the way.”
There it was. Your head snapped in his direction, unable to play fool and tiptoe around the topic any longer. 
“I’m not saying I want one right now. You are busy, you’re tired. I just think we should plan it soon. I don’t want Hajoon to have a big age gap with her siblings.”
You leaned back on the sofa and put your head on his shoulder, watching your daughter sleep. Allowing Changbin’s warmth to comfort you from the disappointment of hearing him put your wish to have another baby on the waiting list.
Changbin let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around you. At least you were on the same page. “We can try for next year. With luck I won’t get completely outnumbered by girls.”
You bit back your laughter as you rested your hand on his stomach. “Oh, but you’re such a good girl dad!” 
“It’s only easy because Hajoon is a mini-you. And a rockstar really… more than me.” 
You giggled. 
“She is a mini-you, what are you talking about?” You caressed your little girl’s chubby cheek. 
She has the same face shape as her dad, her cheeks round and pink, her lips small and heart shaped.
“Actually, maybe I want an army of mini-you’s…” he let his fingers run along your shoulder.
You rolled your eyes, “I can’t make any promises about gender, but I definitely want to have another one.”
Changbin agreed and kissed your hair, “I’m sorry it’s not what you wanted. I would love to do it right now, but I would feel like crap knocking you up and then leaving the country. I will be here with you when we do it again.” He pressed his cheek to the top of your head. “I promise.” 
You tilted your head back and kissed his jaw, then his cheek and when he turned to you, you pressed a short kiss to his lips. 
“I’m not mad. You don’t have to explain anything to me, I get it. And you’re right, this is the best way to do it. Together.”
“Since you like the idea, you could kiss me again, you know?” He proposed, bringing up the mood again.
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chvnnie · 1 year
just some dad!skz thoughts for y’all
a little suggestive here and there, and because of that, MINORS DNI
bang chan - first daughter only
Definitely was the first to have a kid in the group. Spoiled is not a good enough word — his eldest daughter is like royalty in the group. If they know the baby is going to be around, somebody has something to give her.
Religiously watches hair tutorials (one screen has his mixing board, while the other is playing YouTube videos on loop) so he’s ready when she asks him to braid her hair. Has practice on you, Hyunjin, himself. They’re going to be perfect, because she deserves nothing less. The first braid is a little sloppy, but no one has the heart the tell him.
Travel crib folded up in his office, tucked behind the couch just in case. Everyone has used it.
If his little family goes on tour with them, or even just the local shows, he’ll make sure she has a set of headphones. Walks around to check mics with her in his arms.
It took him six weeks to find the perfect car seat for her. No, he’s not being picky. He’s being safe.
Keeps a mini diaper bag on him at all times. You’ll never catch him slacking.
When it comes to you, he’s the most devoted husband. Helps you postpartum, continually encourages to take days off. Reminds you daily how much he loves you, cherishes you, and always takes time to make you feel beautiful. (People sex after child is nearly impossible, but Chan is determined to make it possible.)
Very hesitant about co-sleeping until she’s old enough. Would even say he’s almost anti. But when she falls asleep on his bare chest, and the tv is playing at a low volume, and he’s just really, really tired. Your heart beams at the sight of them, matching expressions, snores coming from the both. You snap a bunch of pictures — it’s his favorite set.
lee minho
Protective? Please. Don’t offend him with that word — it’s not strong enough. If someone even breathes the wrong way in her direction, he’s ready to take measures to insure it will never happen again.
No. He won’t tell you what kind of measures.
He loves bath time. The little sink seat, the bubbles. When his daughter gets good motor skills, he loves the way she always reaches for the duck. Clutching it in her little fist, giggling with her father puts bubbles on its head.
Makes his own baby food. Why would he waste money on that canned stuff when he has fresh vegetables at home? Tsk. His blender is his best friend.
Has a whiteboard on the fridge with a list of what she likes (BIG YES for strawberries, or any berry mix, squash, sweet potatoes. HARD NO when it comes to bananas and anything green). Likes to introduce her early to foods, letting her explore.
Has taken Doongie out of her crib more than once. Caught her trying to feed Dori once. Always reaches for Soonie when she sees him past. Minho’s heart warms at his first babies loving on his new baby (even though she cried the first time Dori licked her cheek).
Daily family walks. It’s important to make sure she gets sunshine, and the fresh air is good for everyone. Always wants to push the stroller, but doesn’t complain when you reach for it.
Shower sex has become a habit, but he won’t complain about it. When you have a clingy baby, you take any opportunity you get. So pinning you the glass door happens more than it did before.
Fondly refers to you as “his girls”. It brings him so much pride that this is his family.
seo changbin — twins only
When the ultrasound showed two babies, he’s surprised he didn’t pass out. He got close though; the cold sweats, ringing in his ears, chills. Two babies? At once? Is it possible to be shaking with excitement but also absolute terror at the same time?
Your pregnancy wasn’t easy. The boys were heavy, and you found yourself on bed rest more often than not. Changbin wouldn’t tell you, but he was on edge the entire time. Seeing you so exhausted, so ready to get out of bed but unable to — he felt so useless. Even though he never left your side, making sure you had everything you could want and were as comfortable as possible, he hated himself for doing this to you.
And to top it all off, they were late. Of course they were. “They just love you so much, they don’t want to leave.” He tried to make you feel better, kissing your stomach, wiping your tears. Held your hand during the c-section, nose pressed to your forehead. Whispering every encouraging word he could think of to ease your fear, like he wasn’t drowning in his own.
When they finally arrive earth side? Oh, you both agree. It was all worth it.
They’re identical. The only difference are their eyes — one has yours, the other his. It was your idea to assign them colors (one is yellow, two is grey). Thank God for it too, because when they’re sleeping, he has no option but to guess.
Not a single second is taken for granted, but Changbin won’t lie and say the first year was his favorite. No, it’s when their personalities start to develop that he loved the most.
One really, really loves trucks. Is loud, runs through the apartment without a care. When he inevitably crashes into something, he bounces back up. Tiny feet carrying him away from the injury, like there isn’t a scrap on his forehead (isn’t a fan when Changbin chases him down to clean the wound).
Two prefers a quieter day. Sitting on the couch, eating yogurt bites as he watches his twin hit the wall. He’s low maintenance, most of the time, but when he gets upset? Oh, how the world is ending. Clings to Mama as he sobs. It’s so hard to be him.
Both, though, love musical instruments. Changbin’s favorite purchase (much to your dismay) is the tiny drum set he got them for their first birthday. One is a big fan of that, while Two stays on the toy piano. Their room filled with music all the time.
Has taken them to the studio a few times. Lets them watch as he and Chan work on songs, plays with Jisung when they’re getting a little rowdy. Eventually, they crash on the couch (along with Uncle Ji) before they can even record vocals.
Two is better than one. Whoever said that wasn’t lying.
hwang hyunjin — youngest daughter only
There’s no doubt. She is Hyunjin’s child.
Copy and paste. Down to the freckle under the eye, she literally looks just like him. Put their baby pictures side to side and have fun trying to figure out which is which.
She learned his scowl within the first year, when you tried to get her to try applesauce. The side eye was intense as she pushed the cup off her tray and called “Pup Pup” for Kkami to clean the mess.
Hyunjin thinks it’s hilarious. Until you give him the same side eye, then his lips are sealed.
For both children, he got custom made rings. Birth stone pressed into a thin gold band, engraved with their birth flowers. Both children have one just the same, but adjustable, so they don’t grow out of it. He wears hers on his right middle finger — and what mini Hyunjin sees, mini Hyunjin does.
Once, when she was still small enough to fit perfectly in a body carrier, her daycare was closed for the day. Water leak. Her brother was sick with the flu, and didn’t want you to leave his side. So Hyunjin took the youngest to work with him that day, completely forgetting that it was a dance practice day. Chan told him it was fine to push it a day, but they were already behind. Besides, the carrier is tight. One hand on her tiny body, he keeps her firm against his chest so she doesn’t bounce much.
After that, bringing her to practice became a habit. Especially after she started taking dance lessons.
What mini Hyunjin sees, mini Hyunjin does. Down to the movement of her feet, trying to keep up with even the most intense choreos.
When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, she always says Papa.
Bonus: you’re swimming in crafts. The two of them always up to something in Hyunjin’s home studio, painting and crafting the most beautiful art pieces you’ve ever been gifted.
han jisung
Oh. Oh, how do you begin to try to put a love like this into words?
Smothered. Smothered in kisses and snuggles all day long — and not just from him. Not to be biased or anything, but you’re both convinced she’s the best baby in the entire world. Look at those cheeks and try to convince you two otherwise.
Oh, you can’t.
And she’s the happiest little thing. Always giggling, so friendly, chatting up a storm with her babble. That baby doesn’t know a stranger; she’ll smile and wave at everyone.
Out of all the Kids’ kids, she’s at the company the most. Waltzing down the halls with her sippy like she owns the place, right behind her father. Naps on the practice room couch. Steals snacks from the cafeteria. Cut her a check, she’s put in some hard fucking work.
Speaking of naps — when Jisung is home, he’s always napping with her. When the clock strikes 12:45 in the afternoon, they’re both changing into nap time clothes and crawling in the giant bed. Soft music lulling them to sleep until his alarm goes off.
Has almost too many Quokkas. Which is ironic considering her skzoo bias is Leebit (Minho has been working on this since he was made aware of her existence, seeing his hard work pay off is delightful — until his daughter starts to grow a little too fond of her Quokka).
Mirror selfies. So. Many. Mirror selfies. He takes one monthly, saving them on his computer to document growth. Cries as he sorts through them every birthday.
She’s a heavy sleeper. Even as a newborn, she slept through the night with ease. Rarely does she wake up, and if she does, she can typically put herself back to sleep. Which is great, considering the second Bluey is off, so are your pants.
The dilf energy >>> something about becoming a father has made your husband even hotter. More intense in the bedroom, devoting time he doesn’t have to making sure you feel worshipped. Once he spent two hours between your legs — safe to say walking was difficult the next day.
Jisung desperately wants another baby. But that thought is always overpowered when she looks at him — why would you want more when she’s already perfect?
lee felix
House is literally never tidy. Organized chaos at best, but two kids under three make it impossible to keep up with chores. Felix tries — wakes up before you to wash the dishes, gets the majority of the mess cleaned before the little monsters wake up. But in a flash, it’s messy again.
Not that he minds. Or you. As long as the kids are happy and healthy, you can live with papers on the table or toys scattered across the house (except for that morning Felix tripped over one on the way downstairs. He’s doesn’t think that scar will ever fade).
Started prep on a Mother’s Day present MONTHS ago and is incredibly serious about it. The moment he has the kids alone, he’s scrambling. Color this, glue that, just like chill out for 30 second — he knows the paint is cold but the handprints are an essential part of this craft.
He’s had to redo the handprints seven times. But who’s counting?
It’s a recipe book, all the treats thought of by the oldest. Felix helped her write it, the youngest scribbled on some paper, and ta-da! Is it barely holding together? Sure, but you don’t care. Your heart is swelling, tears forming at the care that’s been put into it.
When you mentioned putting the kids in swim lessons, he was almost offended. “We bought this house specifically for the pool. No, I can teach them.” And, true to his word, as soon as the weather is warm, all three are out there daily. Sunscreen from head to toe, new freckles forming on all their faces. Sometimes you join them, but most of the time you just watch them fall deeper in love with each other.
Don’t ask me to explain this — but he SCREAMS airport dad.
Always there way too early, the oldest strapped to his back. Rushes your family through security — “How many times have we done this?” He’s gentle, but the annoyance is obvious to everyone but his daughter, who is grinning up at him. “Shoes off.” — stands in front of the giant screens with arrivals/departures. Hands on his hips, squinting slightly.
“Well it’s a good thing we didn’t book at 9:00 AM, aye, babe?” He shakes his head. “Definitely would have missed that one!”
Tracks the flight on his phone. Knows about delays before the pilots even do
at this point I’m just describing my own father
Is a PRO at soothing the baby on the plane. Standing out of the aisle, tucked in the back as he bounces him. Shushing him as he slides a pacifier in. Soothed and sleeping in under five minutes.
Honestly the most stereotypical dad of the group, and he fucking loves it.
kim seungmin
Last of the group to marry, last to have kids. By the time his son is born, Chan and Changbin already have three. Seungmin doesn’t really see the rush — good things take times.
And oh, is he the best thing.
The most organized nursery you’ve ever seen; all the baby hangers match, clothes sorted by season, then by color. Dresser drawers labeled so everything goes back where it belongs.
Prefers cloth diapers to disposable. Sure, the water bill is high, but do you know how long diapers take to breakdown? No thanks. Cloth works fine.
No, hand sanitizer doesn’t “do the same thing”. If you want to hold the baby, wash your damn hands. If he even lets you hold him. Fucking hand sanitizer, the audacity—
Every time he speaks to his son, he signs what he is saying. Getting him familiar with the hand motions, so when his motor skills develop, he can copy.
Has a good grip in sign language, and Korean, and English by age four.
But honestly, he doesn’t care about any of that. Good skills to have, but Seungmin is endlessly proud of his son. Found a smooth rock and gave it to him? Best gift ever. Messed up a word in Korean because he confused it with the English equivalent? That’s okay, it’s hard sometimes!
Everything his son does deserves to be recognized.
Lets him check his mic. Little fists wrapped around it, the five year old beaming as running over to Jisung’s daughter. Who is doing the exact same thing.
Intentionally involves him in every aspect of his life. Just because he has a time consuming job, doesn’t mean he’ll lose out on time with him.
Thinks you’re the reason the word milf exists. Because damn. Seungmin already found it hard to keep his hands off you, but something about watching you be a mom? Oof.
Literally could be just packing your son’s lunch after he’s gone to bed and he’s standing at the kitchen entrance. Wide eyes and mouth dry.
“What’s that look for?”
And then you’re bent over the counter with your panties stuffed in your mouth.
Kinda has a breeding kink now?
But, fuck, have you seen you? Can you blame him?
Never really thought he wanted more than one kid, but with you? Oh, he wants a million more.
yang jeongin
Goes without saying, but. Matching outfits.
Started with just shoes, but over time, the collection has grown. Sometimes they match on accident even — there’s so much crossover in their closets.
When you feel left out, Jeongin takes his son to pick out an outfit special for the three of you. Wraps it up, has the little boy excitedly wake you up with the present.
Speaking of present, this kid has the most elaborate birthday parties. Jeongin does NOT play around; planning starts about six months out, and even then it’s a rush to get everything ready.
Your son looks forward to it more than any other holiday. And can you blame him? When it seems like the entire world is celebrating him?
Since the party is big, the presents are modest. If he gets too many, they go in a special closet. He’ll get to open one a week, not wanting him to get too entitled when it comes to gifts.
Always, always wants to sleep in bed with the two of you.
He’s a little snuggle bug, getting right in between you and Jeongin, desperate to be close at times. Not that either of you mind, for the most part.
But damn, have you guys become skilled when it comes to quickies. In the shower, in the car before heading to pick up, in an empty practice room while Hyunjin teaches a mini dance camp to the Kids’ kids.
Probably the biggest airplane parent, but only when it comes to safety. He’s so worried about his son getting injured, sometimes he has to remind himself that it’s okay for kids to push boundary.
That doesn’t mean his heart doesn’t drop when he asks if he can sign up for soccer.
dad!skz really is my fucking weakness—
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gamerwoo · 3 months
Hyunjin: Age-Restricted (Epilogue)
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Characters: Hyunjin x female reader (ft other skz members)
Genre/warnings: nanny!reader, ex-porn star/neighbor!hyunjin, fluff, humor, alcohol consumption, implied smut but nothing explicitly happens, if i missed anything lmk!!! (minors dni!!!)
Word count: 4,370
Summary: You think it’s luck when the new family you nanny for is so stupid rich that they rent you a fancy new apartment just so you can live closer to them. You think it’s luck when the guy across the hall is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your entire life and makes an effort to talk to you. But that’s just about where your luck runs out, because Hyunjin is more out of your league than you could ever imagine, and you’re just some hopeless virgin who never had good luck in the first place.
a/n: we finally reached the end!!! i will be revisiting this bc i just love the characters and universe so much so there will be little spin-offs and such here and there. thank you sm for all the love this series received :') <3
Previous | Series Masterlist
Out of all the outfits you’d seen Hyunjin wear, this was definitely the most handsome he’d ever looked. Even if it wasn’t as intricate as some of the other suits he’d worn, this was by far the best he’d looked. Standing in his all-black suit, he smiled at you across the aisle, absolutely beaming as he took in all the work on your hair, makeup, and perfectly-tailored dress. The song that the small orchestra played was a love song you were somewhat familiar with but you couldn’t put a name on – you didn’t have a say in the music and nobody told you what it was called. But the band put a twist on it to sound more like a wedding song since it was, in fact, a wedding.
All you could see was Hyunjin. Felix and Jeongin standing behind him as groomsmen were basically just blurs to you. All the flowers, the small audience, the officiate – everything had faded out of view. You had Hyunjin tunnel vision.
Unfortunately, Kit’s head was now eye-level with you because of the heels she wore, and it mildly destructed your view of your boyfriend. The white veil pinned above her perfect curls didn’t help, either.
You were a bit shocked that Kit had asked you to be her maid of honor. You thought she must’ve had other friends or family that she had known longer or were closer with. She did have a friend from the industry in her bridal party, as well as Changbin’s sister, but that was really it. She claimed you were her favorite girl in her life and she wanted you to be the maid of honor, and really, who were you to say no? You loved Kit and felt honored that you meant that much to her.
Of course, Hyunjin was Changbin’s best man. You remembered how he was beaming when Changbin had asked him. He had come back from a night out with Changbin, Felix, and Jeongin, and he squealed about how all of them were in the wedding party but he was the best man. It was really sweet how much Changbin and Hyunjin cared about and supported each other.
The wedding was big and extravagant like you thought it would be since it involved Kit. While you knew she wasn’t the one who found marriage to be completely necessary, you knew that if she were going to have a wedding to make Changbin happy that she would want to go all out. And as anybody could guess, Changbin would never tell Kit no. The wedding looked like if the Twilight wedding was held in a warm, sunny field outside of a large venue. The venue itself just looked like someone’s large palace. It made you wonder just how much money Changbin and Kit were making, but that wasn’t any of your business. You just had to sit back and enjoy the wedding.
Well, after the ceremony, of course.
The crowd consisted of Kit’s dad’s side of the family, as well as Changbin’s entire family, your old roommates who had integrated into the friend group, and some of Changbin and Kit’s own friends that you’d either met a couple of times or had never seen before. You were actually a bit surprised – and intimidated as you stood in front of the crowd – by how many people they’d invited to this wedding.
The ceremony was short, but sweet. They each prepared vows, and that was honestly the longest part of the whole ceremony, but it was the most entertaining as well as the sweetest. They both put little jokes here and there in their vows to tease the other, which made everyone laugh. But in the end, they were both sniffling with eyes filled with tears of happiness. They kissed, were dubbed married, and walked back up the aisle as they smiled and held hands. 
Leaving you back to grinning like a goofball at your boyfriend across the aisle, who tried to hold in a laugh as he shook his head back at you.
The justice of the peace gestured for you and Hyunjin to come together, so you both walked forward to meet in the middle. You hooked your arm through his, carrying your bouquet as you walked back up the aisle.
You felt Hyunjin lean into you before you felt his warm breath fanning your ear as he said quietly, “This’ll be us someday.”
You tried to contain your eyeroll – you didn’t because you still couldn’t control your facial expressions and had started to believe you never would – since you knew pictures were being taken as you replied, “Probably soon since you have to rush straight into everything.”
Hyunjin scoffed, “Angel, you already know it’s the drama gene. I thought we were passed this.”
“So I block her number, but then Jeongin also has to block her number because she started calling him,” Felix explained, talking about a development in the story of him and a girl he started going on dates with from a dating app. 
The short of it was that he matched with this cute brunette girl with freckles, they went on three dates, and she slowly started revealing more red flags throughout each date until the third and final date where Felix broke it off. Now, she was stalking him.
“Ew,” Minho showed a look of disgust, holding a beer bottle in his hand as he leaned against the bar and listened to Felix’s story. 
He was sitting in a stood between the two of you, pulled out just enough that he could look at you both comfortably. You were sitting in a stool on his other side, turned sideways to face your two friends while your arm rested on the cool countertop and your hand wrapped around your mixed drink. You were currently drinking Changbin’s signature drink, which was a whiskey sour. You decided you like it better than Kit’s spicy strawberry daiquiri.
“Yeah, I know!” he agreed, eyes wide. “So we both have her blocked, but then she starts showing up at work!”
“Dude, what?” you laugh, unable to believe what you were hearing. “How did she find out where you work? Did you tell her?”
“No! Never!” he insisted. “I was always sober for my dates and I was so sure to be careful with giving out information too personal on the first date. I just said I worked at a hotel which is…almost true. It’s not a hotel but it’s, like, the same sort of job, right? Anyway, after the end of the first date, I knew I wasn’t gonna trust her with anything personal yet, and the dates kept getting worse and worse, so I never said anything.”
“Yeah, she’s just a certified psycho,” Minho nodded before taking a sip of his beer. It was a bit weird seeing Minho all cleaned up, but you had to admit he looked nice. Perfectly combed brown hair, the jacket of his tux left at his table draped across the back of his chair, and the sleeves of his white button-up were rolled up his forearms. You’d known Minho a long time but never knew he could look this handsome. 
So the reason he’s single has nothing to do with his looks, you thought to yourself. Got it.
“Crazy people will find out anything,” he continued once he had swallowed. “Take Jisung for instance. He knows everything. …And somehow still nothing at all.”
You shrugged with a slight nod. Jisung was definitely the dumbest smart person you knew.
“Okay, but Jisung isn’t stalking people,” Felix stated.
“Okay, but she found out where you work,” you interrupted, trying to get the story back on track. You were very invested. “Then what happened?”
“Yeah, so she showed up during the day before mine or Jeongin’s shifts started but she was asking for me, right? Well, I go in for my shift and Hannie was leaving and mentioned how this girl came in asking for me and she described her. So obviously, I’m like, we need to ban this girl from coming back here. Well she put in an application to live there!”
Your eyes went wide and so did Minho’s. This girl was straight-up insane.
“Does she realize how much that place costs?” you asked.
“Possible sugar mommy,” Minho suggested.
“Oh, shut up,” you told him, rolling your eyes. “So what’re you gonna do?”
“So, what I’m thinking I should do–”
You suddenly saw an arm swing between you and Felix, slapping the counter. You first looked to see it was Kit in her smaller white dress for the reception. It had sheer long sleeves like her actual wedding dress, but the rest of the dress was a plain ivory that was form-fitting and went down to her mid thigh.
“Speaking of psycho sugar mommies…” Minho mumbled before sipping his beer like he didn’t say a word.
Then you followed her tattooed arm down to her hand and saw she slapped cash on the counter. Twenty to be exact.
Felix’s eyebrows were furrowed, “What’s that for?”
Behind Kit was Changbin still in his suit, but without the jacket. You thought the suspenders might make him look silly, but you had to admit, he looked pretty good with them. His hands were in his pocket, but instead of looking disappointed like you thought he might, he was smirking.
Instead of waiting for Kit to answer Felix’s question, your head was whipping around, eyes darting to find your target.
“_____ wins,” Kit sighed. “Unfortunately, we didn’t count on the weird one having just natural weird-kid rizz.”
Finally, you spotted him. Through the crowd, diagonally across the room from you, was Jisung standing there beside a girl with beach blonde hair, and wearing heels that made Jisung perfectly eye-level with her very large breasts – even you were staring and you were shocked to see Jisung was looking straight up into her eyes the entire conversation. You could tell that he was a little nervous but was trying to play it off – the beer in his hand was probably helping – but also that she was very blatantly hitting on him. Touching his shoulder, biting her lip, and twirling a strand of hair around her finger.
Yeah, Jisung may be weird, but he had an undeniable draw to him because he was weird. That’s why you bet your twenty bucks on him.
The other two at the counter began looking around to see why you were smiling and laughing like a maniac. When they spotted Jisung with someone who was obviously one of Kit’s friends, they turned back to you.
“Hang on, what’s happening?” Minho asked.
“Us and Hyunjin made a bet on who would pull a pornstar first,” Changbin clarified with a chuckle as he pulled one hand from his pocket and handed you a twenty himself between his forefinger and middle. “_____ made a brave choice and put her money on Jisung.”
“But it’s always the weird ones…” Kit sighed heavily, shaking her head like the loss of fourty bucks between her and her new husband was the worst thing to happen to her.
Changbin smirked and gently elbowed her, “You of all people should’ve known that.”
Now, the two men you had been having a conversation with were staring at you. Minho looked angry, and Felix just looked offended.
“Jisung?!” Minho demanded. “You picked that freak over me?!”
“Well clearly for good reason,” you laughed, gesturing over to Jisung who was still having a conversation with the blonde girl. “How many pornstars have you talked to besides these two and Hyun?”
“What’s going on?” Jeongin waltzed up with a drink in his hand, and Seungmin and Chan behind him with drinks of their own. “We saw Minho looks pissed.”
“Did you know about this bet?” Felix asked them.
“What bet?” Seungmin asked.
“The four chuckleheads made a bet on which one of us would pull a pornstar first, and the traitor didn’t choose any of us!” Minho exclaimed.
None of them seemed to care, and Chan was the one shrug and ask, “Who’d you choose.”
“The winner,” you grinned widely, pointing over at Jisung.
The small crowd turned their heads. That was when they started to care.
Well, except for Chan who just smiled and nodded and said, “Damn, good for him.”
“Jisung?!” Seungmin shouted, whipping back to you. “You picked that weirdo over your best friend?!”
“Hey!” Minho scowled.
“Clearly it was the right decision,” you shrugged. “Don’t be mad that I was right.”
“It’s not about being right, it’s that you didn’t have faith in us but you did in him,” Jeongin frowned, also clearly very butthurt about the situation.
“For good reason!” you insisted.
As the group began attacking you for your choice, Jisung suddenly walked up and let out a breathy, “Hey…”
Everyone looked at him. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were wide. But more perplexing, he had a napkin stuffed into the pocket of his unbuttoned suit jacket.
Chan reached over and plucked the flimsy paper out and saw that there was a number written down on it in red pen. He was grinning and giggling, but everyone else – other than you and the happy couple – seemed annoyed and began groaning and huffing.
With fearful eyes, he looked across the group at Kit, “I don’t know how I’m supposed to do anything with her. I’m just a guy.”
“Truthfully, Aliyah is never like that,” Kit laughed. “She’s actually painfully shy unless she turns the persona on. She was really trying to impress you.”
“And for what!” Minho shouted, gesturing very sharply at the flustered boy.
“Porn stars are also very well aware that sex isn’t like in porn,” Changbin told him matter-of-factly with a chuckle. “We’re…still people, dude.”
“That’s not a person, that’s a goddess,” he said, pointing back to where Aliyah once stood but was now off giggling with some friends like a middle-schooler who just got asked out by her crush by her locker.
It was actually really cute.
“_____,” Changbin spoke up while the group was either trying to give Jisung a pep talk – that was mostly just Kit and Chan – or were complaining how it shouldn’t have been him, “Hyunjin still owes you money. I think he’s outside.”
He ended the statement with a wink and gestured for you to leave the group as he stepped aside to make room for you. You weren’t entirely sure what the wink was for, but you got up and slid between him and Kit to go outside, leaving your drink at the bar. Either it would get drunk by one of your friends, or it would be there when you returned. You didn’t care either way.
The outside back garden of the venue looked like something out of a fairytale. There were bushes that went up to your hip that were perfectly trimmed, and flower bushes scattered about. The bushes were spread out and separated between pathways with benches scattered throughout the garden. And in the center of it all was a beautiful fountain surrounded by four benches that were spaced out with a few feet in between them.
You found your boyfriend sitting on one of the benches by the fountain, but he was facing away from the fountain and the building, staring up at the night sky. Surprisingly, you could still see a decent amount of stars since the lighting was so warm and dim outside. Wordlessly, you went over and sat down beside him, the bottom of your dress hitting the ground. You were too tipsy at that point to care about it getting dirty, though.
“Wish I brought my pad now,” he mused quietly. “I didn’t think the sky would be so pretty. Watercolors would capture this pretty well.”
All you did was hum and nod in agreement, your eyes also on the stars.
You felt Hyunjin’s head turn, his gaze now on you. He studied your profile like he wanted it to burn into his memory – if it already wasn’t. 
“I was serious before,” he told you.
You turned to look back at him, “What?”
“When I said that would be us someday. And sooner rather than later.”
Once again, you scoffed and rolled your eyes playfully, “Yeah, babe, I know.”
“Oh, do you think I’m bluffing?” he asked with raised eyebrows. “Do you really think my dramatic ass wouldn’t go out the morning after we first had sex to buy you a ring?”
That caught you off guard. Your eyes were locked on him again, searching for any hint of him kidding around or just saying that to get your attention. You wanted to call him crazy. What kind of incel would go out and get an engagement ring after one night of intimacy?
But you had to remember this was Hyunjin, and he was as dramatic as they come. But he always was sure of his decisions before he made them. And he was sure of you from the start.
However, this was a huge deal, and you had to call him on his bluff. He must’ve been exaggerating. Who the hell in their right mind would go out and buy a ring immediately after some probably-decent-at-best sex?
So your eyes narrowed, “Hwang Hyunjin, there’s no fucking way you did that.”
The look he gave you said, ‘Oh really?’ as he immediately leaned toward you and began digging in his right pocket. 
Oh god, was he serious? Did he actually have a ring? And he could see the panic replace the smugness on your face because his smirk only widened.
If he was serious, you couldn’t let this happen now. And maybe he was just fucking with you, but this wasn’t a chance you could take anymore.
“No, no, no!” you rushed to get the word out as you scrambled to reach over and grab his arm, stopping his actions. “It’s literally your best friends’ wedding! You can’t propose at a wedding! Stop it!”
With loud laughter, Hyunjin pulls his hand out of his pocket, pulling the inside of it out with his index and thumb. You could see there was nothing there, and Hyunjin had, in fact, played you. You did find it funny, but you scowled at him anyway. He could still see in your eyes how amusing it was, so he only laughed harder.
“I’d never do that. I’m not that dramatic that I’d take the spotlight like that,” he promised, still laughing. But then he stopped, leaning into you. “But, tomorrow is completely on limits.”
As he gave you a sweet smile and batted his eyelashes, you pushed his head away and rolled your eyes, “Yeah, okay, just give me my twenty bucks.”
His eyebrows raised as he sat back again, “Oh, Jisung won?”
You nodded.
He let out a deep sigh as he went into his other pocket where he was keeping his wallet, mumbling, “I really thought it was gonna be Felix…”
“No, you just have a crush on Felix,” you reminded him as he slid a twenty out and you snatched it up.
“But nothing compared to what I feel for you, my love,” he cooed, and you could tell he was trying to be overly-sweet, but also that he meant it. So when he puckered his lips, you sighed and gave him a chaste kiss. He hummed and smiled. “Thank you.”
“Oh!” you suddenly had a thought that you had wanted to bring up to Hyunjin. “Changbin’s sister told me I don’t need to babysit anymore because their parents want to bring them to the zoo tomorrow, so I’m free to, like, rot in bed or whatever you wanna do tomorrow.”
Word had gotten to Changbin’s older sister, who had a son, that you used to be a nanny and you had been a free agent. He got the two of you in contact, and she offered you a job. And she was a great boss with an easy kid to take care of, so you’d been working for her for the last almost year.
“Ugh, thank god,” he sighed as he leaned into you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “It would feel so awful to go home, celebrate our friends’ marriage, and then wake up to an empty bed.”
Your eyebrows raised as you looked down at him where he had his head rested on your shoulder, “Oh, you had plans tonight?”
He rolled his eyes, “Come on, _____. We both know I have plans for us almost every night.”
“Baby?” Hyunjin’s soft voice was breaking through your sleep as he gently shook your shoulder. “_____, my love.”
You got home at about 11:30. There was no after party since Kit and Changbin had a few friends who were either sober or had substance addictions, and the pair didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. So while you had expected for some sort of celebration to continue after the venue had shut down, you were a little relieved to know you could go home and go to sleep.
Despite Hyunjin’s words, he had rolled over and was seemingly out before you even got out of the bathroom after taking off your makeup. But you were fine with that. You had all day the next day to do whatever the two of you wanted anyway, so you laid down beside him and fell asleep.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed between then and now.
You hummed in response, rubbing your eyes.
“It’s 12:01,” he whispered in your ear, his breath fanning your hair. “It’s tomorrow.”
“Mm…so?” you asked groggily, trying to roll over with your eyes still closed. You were now on your back, arms sprawled out but legs still in the same curled-up position.
He chuckled, “Open your eyes.”
You blinked them open. You were pretty sure one actually opened before the other one like a lizard. And you had to blink a few times to focus on anything. But when you did, you shot straight up.
Hyunjin was sitting up in bed, facing you with a fond smile, and a small box held open with a dainty but absolutely sparkling and stunning ring in it.
“But, tomorrow is completely on limits.”
He really wasn’t bluffing.
“I could spend hours talking about how much I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I already do that every other night,” he laughed softly. His cheeks were flushed pink, and you were sure this was maybe the fifth time you’d seen Hyunjin flustered to any capacity. “So, for once, instead of doing all the dramatics, I want to keep it simple. Just like that first night. Simple, yet romantic.
“So, ______,” he was giggling, and you were giggling. And you were both leaning in closer and closer. “Will you marry me?”
Your heart was fluttering in your chest and you had that weird cold/hot feeling you got in your stomach when you were about to have an anxiety attack. But this time, it was a good feeling. It made your smile widen and your giggle go higher because you were just so excited and happy and every good feeling you could possibly have even if you felt like you might throw up.
And it was a good thing Hyunjin did this all sitting in bed because you were sure your legs would give out if he did this all traditionally.
You wanted to ramble out something like “a million times yes” or “i’d say yes in every universe” or something to really get the point across, but that felt too cheesy and insincere. But just “yes” felt like it wasn’t enough. So instead, you just sat there nodding furiously with a smile so wide you thought your face would split into two.
“Don’t know how to reply?” he guessed because he knew to this day you still overthought sometimes.
You nodded again.
But he knew you so well and knew you didn’t have to say anything. So he sealed it with a kiss so you didn’t have to worry about saying anything at all. When he pulled away, his forehead stayed on yours as he looked down and slid the ring on your finger.
He smiled, “Perfect fit.
“And speaking of perfect fits…” he chuckled evilly while he grabbed your waist and rolled you over so you were laying down again on your back and he was above you, “we never got to our plans after the wedding.”
Your eyebrows furrowed and your head cocked to the side as you looked up at him, “I don’t ge–... Hyunjin!” your cheeks heated as you got what he meant, and he just laughed.
“Good thing you’re not working tomorrow. Would hate to have Eunwoo ask why you’re walking funny.”
“Yeah, don’t get me fired from a second job,” you joked.
“I’m always more than willing to be the sole provider,” he reminded you with a playful grin as he nudged his nose against your jaw.
“Save your money, Hwang. We have a wedding to plan now,” you told him as he left soft kisses along your neck.
“Are you sure you don’t want to elope?”
“Really? You want to miss out on the one time you can be as big and dramatic and romantic as you want?” you laughed.
“Oh, we can still have a giant party. But I want to be married to you now,” he pulled away to grin down at you, his forehead resting against yours. “But if it’s what you want, I can wait.”
“I love you,” you told him sweetly.
“God, I never get sick of hearing that,” he chuckled as he pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. “I love you more. Can’t wait for you to be mine.”
“I’m always yours. Ring or no ring.”
“Now who’s the dramatic one?” he asked teasingly, his tongue poking out playfully between his teeth.
“What can I say, you’ve rubbed off on me.”
“Oh, I’ve done a lot more than that.”
“Hwang Hyunjin!”
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hyunsvngs · 2 months
juno my mind has been plagued with dilf!skz brainrot and I must share
Dilf!Chan who is your best friend's single dad. Chris, who invites you over when his daughter isn't even home. Chan, who is the person who picks you up after your stupid boyfriend dumps you. Chan, who takes you back to his house that night, helping you fall asleep by fucking your cunt until you're too tired to care about your stupid ex.
Dilf!Lee Know who is your rich boss. He has the strictest dress code for you, only letting you wear short skirts that show your panties if you bend over and tight tops that always give away when your nipples get hard. If you're lucky, he'll inspect your hole while in his private office at work, just to make sure you're "keeping your pretty cunt nice and tight just for him"
Dilf!Changbin who is freshly divorced and has full custody of his young daughter. He hires you as a babysitter to watch over his daughter during the day, and he can't help but love how motherly you are to his daughter. He fists his cock to the thought of you carrying his baby almost every night. Changbin who eventually, after a year or so of dating you, does fuck a baby into you.
Dilf!Hyunjin who got you pregnant on accident during a one night stand and is proposing to you soon after he sees those two faint lines on the pregnancy test. Hyunjin who falls in love with you more and more throughout your pregnancy, and you who reciprocates his feelings. When you get pregnant with your second child it is no accident, Hyunjin was fully determined to fuck a baby into you that time.
Dilf!Jisung who has been your father's best friend since college who has a son of his own from his previous marriage. Jisung, who moved back into town when you were in your second year of college. Jisung who gets hard when he meets you for the first time, your tits practically overflowing in your cute little top had him drooling and ogling at your cute body. Jisung who fucks you on the couch while your dad is downstairs, clamping his hand over your mouth to makes sure your dad doesn't hear the two of you.
Dilf!Felix who is the single father to one of your kindergarten students. Felix who brings in his homemade brownies to you and always asks about how you've been. Felix who signed up to be on the PTA when he found out you were the chairman. Felix who finally asks you out to coffee. Felix who is eager to eat you out while you grade papers, his daughter at his ex girlfriend's house. Felix who eventually gets you pregnant after being married to him for a few years.
Dilf!Seungmin who is the last man you'd expect to have a child, he was open about it though, talking about his son on the date he took you on. His son being a product of his last failed relationship. It took him a long time for him to be comfortable with you being around his son, he loves his son more than anything, after all. Seungmin who finds it so attractive when you act motherly to a child that isn't even your own, just simple things like packing his son's lunch or tying his son's shoes or taking his son to his doctor's appointments. He wants to give you a baby in a few years, but he fucks you like he is planning on giving you one every other night.
Dilf!Jeongin who has full custody of his twins, one boy and one girl. Jeongin who takes his twins to the pediatrician's office you practice medicine at. Jeongin who can't help but fall for the cute doctor who takes such good care of his babies when they catch a stomach virus. Jeongin who falls even harder when you call to check up on his twins a few days after you sent them home with antibiotics and bed rest. Jeongin who eventually gets the courage to ask you out, an offer you would never in a million years deny. Jeongin who loves you more than most things but whom also fucks you like he hates your guts. Jeongin who asks you to marry him only after a year of dating, which you obviously accept. Jeongin who gets you pregnant on your honeymoon.
I hope you enjoyed this dilf!skz brainrot xx --Calliope :33
THIS PART ESPECIALLY: “Jisung who fucks you on the couch while your dad is downstairs, clamping his hand over your mouth to makes sure your dad doesn't hear the two of you.” WHAT THE FUUUUUCK I NEED HIM SO BAD? especially if dilf sung has stubble and a happy trail… please. PLEASE
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
changbin coworker headcanons <3
a/n: i hate that it took me SO. LONG. to upload another coworker headcanons post :-((( i'm currently suffering in the office so thinking about giggly coworker!changbin is my saving grace <3 pics not mine~
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none really! some mentions of food | pairing: coworker!changbin x gn!reader | requests: open
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it’s honestly hard to remember a time at work when you and changbin weren’t friends
changbin was always known for being good-natured, friendly, and an absolute joy to be around, which you were informed of on your first day
needless to say, people were quite jealous when you became the favorite of the most well-liked person in the office
changbin would argue that you’re the most liked though because he likes you so much, with all his heart, forever and ever 
he tells you this like every day :,-( just the cutest
speaking of changbin being cute
he is determined to turn any bad day around asap
like the second he sees the hint of a frown on your face, he is going full y/n-deserves-the-best-day-ever mode
he’ll do anything from impromptu girl group dance performances every time he walks by your desk to reading dozens of dad jokes off a random website to absolutely CHEESIN’ at you until you smile back
also totally is on his rich kid behavior when it comes to buying you snacks, drinks, trinkets, or anything else he thinks you need to get through the workday
any time you offer to pay him back he looks like he’s going to cry because “i just want to treat you!! you are my friend!! i can only survive the hours of the workday because you’re here!! the least i could do is buy you this thing!!”
“this thing” is like a five course meal on a wednesday but whatever you say changbin <33
even though he feels it’s his daily responsibility to make sure you’re working in a stress-free environment, good luck doing anything in peace
his voice is on max volume 97% of the time
and the other 3% his voice is on bass boosted whisper
if you sit next to him in a meeting, he WILL get you in trouble for disrupting the presentation
if you’re not talking to him, he’d whisper “y/n!!! why are you ignoring me???” and then your boss would call you both out for being disruptive and you’re sitting there like ???? i’ve been completely silent 
before you can say anything to defend yourself, changbin is apologizing and saying “we’ll never do it again” which is a total lie lmao
he doesn't care though. he sits next to you every time and will throw a fit if you run away
you’re his buddy so it's mandatory in his mind to sit with each other at all times
changbin also gets jealous of other coworkers hanging out with you
like someone asks you how your weekend went and he is in a tiff because "i can't believe you're replacing me with them!!!!!!” and you  barely remember their name but you spend 30 minutes cheering changbin up so he stops pouting and does his work
somehow you’ve become a changbin babysitter because really he’s just a goofy little kid
sometimes coworkers will ask you for tips on working with changbin
whenever he’s collaborating with others, he ends up (unintentionally) derailing brainstorms or group meetings by telling a story or making jokes that are the slightest bit related to the conversation at hand
and people love his charm but they also need to do their work
which is why, after you pass one one successful trick, people come to you ALL the time for advice
you’re now known as the changbin expert
changbin finds this out at a company party and while he confronts you for “exposing seo changbin trade secrets” he actually is SO endeared by the fact you’re known for knowing him so well
he shares this with all of his friends because he wants to brag yet again about how you’re the coolest person ever and therefore he is the luckiest person ever
while a lot of the time with changbin is all fun and games, he knows when to take a step back and bring you calm energy or serious moral support
it may not be his default state to refrain from giggling and dancing, changbin cares deeply about your wellbeing and will switch up his vibe according to your mood/needs
absolutely the BEST listener whenever you need to rant
like he books out a (soundproof) conference room so you can talk trash about a project or a person
and the whole time he is agreeing with you wholeheartedly 
if you ask, he’ll offer you solutions, but he’s also willing to simply be a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen to whatever’s weighing on your mind
obviously, you thank him for it every time, and he reassures you that it’s just him doing his job
when you remind him of what his actual job is, he says he got promoted to “y/n’s emotional support coworker”
you laugh so hard at this that it becomes an inside joke between the two of you
for his birthday, you get him a nameplate for his desk with that job title, and he loves it so much he nearly cries :-( he shows it off to everyone for weeks and places it prominently on his desk to remind everyone who your #1 fan is :’-)
no one tells you this, but the truth is that, before you started working there, changbin never had the zoomies as often as he does now
for as much as he is known to be your support system, meeting you reinvigorated his presence in the workplace, and seeing you in the morning is enough to turn his mood completely around
that’s why, even on his worst days, changbin wants nothing more than to make you smile even if it means he has to scramble at the end of the day to finish the report that was due the next morning lol because you, without having to try, are changbin’s sunshine <3
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binsito · 1 year
pairing: changbin x fem reader
genre: fwb
word count: 2k
synopsis: after coming back home from college, changbin recalls the time you two first had sex in your childhood home while your parents were away and tempts you to do it again - except this time, they were down the hall
rating: mature, includes: unprotected sex, swearing, dirty talk (words like slut, kitten, baby and good girl are used), fingering, little bit of cumplay, changbin cums inside
note: not proofread so i apologize in advanced
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the drive back home was exhausting but you were finally pulling up to the driveway of your childhood home. changbin parked the car and got out to take out the luggage. your parents had come out to greet you both happily, embracing you and welcoming you both back home.
your mom, embarrassing as always, squished changbins cheeks. complimenting him and letting him know how handsome he’s gotten which caused him to laugh shyly and his face to flush red.
you and changbin had grown up together, two peas in a pod, virtually inseparable. your parents were very fond of him and treated him like one of their own. they were excited to know their little girl wasn’t going to be alone when moving away to a new city for college. they trusted changbin and knew he would take good care of you. your dad had helped him bring the luggage inside while you and your mother caught up. she asked your typical motherly questions: “how’s school? are you being safe? are you dating?” you reassured her that everything was fine and not to worry. she was just so glad to have you back home for some time.
they had prepared a nice dinner for all of you to share as a family, changbin had always loved your mother’s cooking. she served him a nice portion and smiled when he complimented her. he was always so vocal about food especially if he found something delicious. happy belly, happy binnie.
once dinner was over, you offered to do the dishes but your mother said she’d take care of it. she wanted you and changbin to settle in to the room upstairs and unpack your bags. you trudged upstairs tiredly and walked into your childhood room, just as you had left it. there was a mix of posters and cds as well as a teddy bear collection. you were a very nostalgic person so even as you grew up, you still kept trinkets from when you were younger - meshing your interests from when you were a child with your adolescence. “it’s almost like you never left huh?” changbin chuckled as he sat on your old full size bed.
you were kneeled in front of him, unzipping your suitcase and pulling out your pajamas. you smiled softly and nodded “yeah.. i missed being here. it’s cozy.”
he hummed in agreement and fell back into the bed, staring at the ceiling. you could hear your parents going into their room down the hall. you both knew they would be out like a light very soon.
“hey..” changbin calls out with a soft chuckle, his mind had begun to race and he remembered something. you glanced over at him and questioned him, you could tell by the stupid smirk on his face that he was up to no good. “remember the first time we fucked?” god, he better shut up before you strangle him.. “changbin.. shut the fuck up my parents are down the hall..” he whisper yelled at him.
he didn’t seem to care, however, propping up on his elbow and looking down at you.
“it was right here. on this bed. remember that, kitten? we had such a blast..” you threw a shirt at him to shut him up but he just grabbed it and laughed, finding your facial expressions amusing. you would die of embarrassment if your parents ever found out about this. “what if we did it again? you know your parents are heavy sleepers..” he suggested “yeah but the thing is.. they literally were not home when we did it..” you rolled your eyes. changbin knew that was true, but he found the element of your parents potentially hearing you or finding out making his cock swell.
he recalls the time he fucked you face down into your bed while your parents were away on a work trip. he could vividly feel how your cunt was sucking him in, how you kept trying to reach back for him, moaning so loudly he was sure the neighbors were going to call the cops. he spent the entire weekend ruining your pussy, making an absolute mess of you. 
it happened on a whim, you had invited him over like you normally did but things felt different. your playful banter quickly turned into blatant flirting which then turned to you straddling him, teasingly grinding into him. you would be lying if you said he didn’t raise the standards of sex for you. sure, you slept with other guys before him, but after that you just kept coming back to him for more. if something works, why change it? if you were guaranteed fantastic sex, why would you risk doing it with a guy you didn’t even trust? with a guy who didn’t know where to find your clit, or how you liked your tits to be played with. a guy who’s cock may not be as thick as changbin’s, a guy who may not have the stamina that he does?
it made absolutely no sense to do something that silly!
“but wouldn’t it be fun? you’d have to be super quiet for me.. and you deserve a little fun after being so uptight at school with studying”
he was tempting you and he knew you couldn’t turn him down. if there was one thing you could never turn down, it was sex with changbin. you grumbled under your breath and got up to lock the door but changbin got up to stop you. “leave it unlocked.. that way you have no choice but to shut up and be a good girl” he whispered, leading you over to the bed. 
it was moments like this that made you hate the fact that he was your best friend. why was he capable of making you feel so good? why were you both so sexually attracted to one another? the lines were starting to blur too much for your liking and it was starting to make you nervous. “hey” he grabs your face, not having a clue what you were thinking about but trying to get you to focus. you snapped out of it and tugged him into bed with you, pulling him in for a kiss and quickly deepening it, tugging on a lock of his hair to elicit a moan from him because if he wanted to play this game then so were you. and you knew how fucking whiny and loud he got during sex. he couldn’t shut up for the life of him. he slipped his hands up your shirt to cup your tits, pressing them together and then pulling your bra down to let them spill out, he’d worry about unclasping the back later.
changbin was a very patient man, he had no rush when it came to undressing you. he knew that one way or another, you’d end up naked for him. you on the other hand, needed all clothes off immediately. you needed him bare in front of you and ready to get to work. however, you had to learn to be patient because changbin didn’t like it when you would hurry him up, often denying you orgasms or making you work harder for them.
thankfully, it seemed he was feeling a bit needy today, unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants down, throwing them off the side of the bed before bringing his attention back to you. he grabbed your thighs and dragged you closer to him, you giggled and looked up at him. he was able to manhandle you so easily, he could fold you in two, your body so pliant to his touch. 
“you sure you’ll be able to stay quiet binnie?” you teased, he rolled his eyes as you lifted up your hips of the bed, allowing him access to tug your shorts down your legs.
“i have self control, unlike you.” but you knew that was a straight lie. sure he might’ve been more composed than you were, but you knew that as soon as he plunged into you, all reasoning would be tossed aside. 
and you were absolutely right.
as soon as you were both fully naked, he was struggling to restrain his moans. you having to press a hand to his mouth to quiet him down as you sunk down on his cock. he was sat on the edge of the bed, you on his lap, slowly starting to move on him. eyes rolling back, him nipping at your hand gently to help stifle any noise. you could feel him drooling a little and that made you pick up the pace. he gripped your ass tightly to slow you down, hearing the bed start to squeak. “getting nervous bin? they’re out like a light remember?” you taunted him, pulling your hand away from his mouth to tug at his hair and kiss at his neck, sucking a little too harsh and leaving a mark. you’d laugh at him trying to cover it tomorrow. and he was getting tired of you having the upper hand, making you gasp out when you feel him stand up, holding you in his arms as he rutted up into you, the sound of his skin smacking against you as you wrapped your arms around his neck. you were dying to scream out his name and he was making it hard for you not to, leaning into his ear so he could hear your pants and whimpers.
“fuck.. you drive me crazy.. letting me fuck you while your parents sleep down the hall.. you are such a slut..” he grunted, accentuating slut with a sharp thrust, one that made your toes curl.
he needed to be deeper in you, needed his cockhead to hit the very back of your pussy. as quietly as he possibly could (which wasn’t very quiet at all), he moved you both to the floor, laying you down on the rug you had by your bedside. he lifted your legs over his shoulders and hammered into you as you bit your fist. it would be a miracle if no one had heard the ruckus you had going on. “c-cunt’s gripping me so tight today.. so greedy.. don’t worry baby, it’s not going anywhere.”
he had you seeing stars, your mind completely full of him. he looked particularly handsome in this angle, hovering over you while he drilled you against the floorboards. he was getting sloppy, hips stuttering along with his breathing. your pussy pulsating and swollen, clenching on to him tightly as you felt him release inside you, the feeling of his warm cum inside you never getting old.
he pulled out carefully as to not spill any and helped you up into the bed. he laid against the headboard and pulled you into his chest. his chest against your back as he spread your legs open with his own, dipping his fingers down and pressing them into your pussy as he fucked his cum back into you. you kicked your head back on to his shoulder and breathed out in pleasure, his thick fingers always knew how to work you open. curling them as the squelch of your juices and his cum echoed softly.
“can’t get enough of you binnie..” you moaned out softly as his other hand came to rub your clit. scissoring you open and watching as you melted into his touch. he knew your body all too well.
he pressed soft kisses to your cheek as you reached your peak, shushing you gently so you wouldn’t wake anyone up. he pulled out his fingers and brought them to your lips, having you suck them clean before he kissed you to get a taste. “we might have some explaining to do in the morning..” he laughed softly “god i hope not.. they probably won’t bring it up even if they did hear anything”
you curled up in bed with him, not even bothering to get under the covers. you’d deal with your parents (and your possible feelings for him) later. 
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please refrain from reposting, modifying, translating, copying or stealing my work. - © binsito
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dotaeisms · 1 year
𝙨𝙠𝙯 𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 ☆ (𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘯𝘢𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦) ☆
song recommendation: ‘my universe’ (seungmin & i.n) (feat. changbin) ♪
an; omg! thank you all so much for the support on the hyung line ones !! now, prepare for the cutie maknae line <3
📂; bolds are a summary, use of pet names (sprout, sugar, puppy, peach), use of the word dada (x1), a bit of crack in seungmins, pure fluff other than that, barking at people T-T, thats all i can think of. 
𝙟𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜
< 🐿️ > HAN;
definitely makes pillow forts and has pillow fights.
‘good night sprout, i love you so much!’ 
movie night sundays :(
sits the kid on his lap and cradles them, all while watching a silly cartoon movie that both of them enjoy, probably the lego movie or something.
his child would be the brightest light of his life, enough said
constantly talks about them, nothing but praise, just thinks they are perfect in all ways.
writes every single song about them, just finds one thing to compare in every lyric.
lullaby king.
sings them to sleep every night, and will stay at their side until they fall asleep.
he always, ALWAYS, tries to see himself in the kiddo, whether it be through looks or personality, it finds comfort knowing he put effort into raising a fragile human life. 
< 🐥 > FELIX;
thinking about this makes me SO SAD.
baking cookies together :(
‘you alright sugar? good, make sure you don’t spill the milk ok? be careful.’
his mini assistant in pouring, measuring and every step in the process.
if his child had freckles, he would make sure to count them, making a note of each one as they fall asleep in his arms.
if felix is sunshine, his child is a brighter ray of sunshine.
always speaks highly of his child, nothing but endless praise, as he loves them for who they are nonetheless, and it can turn into rambles, but that’s just how much he loves them.
GIRL SCOUT DAD (if he had a daughter).
the best field trip chaperone ever, gets immersed in the experience and makes it all the better.
plays video games with the kiddo in his lap, teaching them the controls and holding their hands to play with the controller. 
the type of dad to affectionally call his kid, ‘dog’ or ‘puppy.’
‘aw yeah, i think this puppy here is ready for their nap.’
loves to play with the kids toys, like make the whole experience better for them.
‘playing pretend’ >>>> especially with seungmin.
similar to felix in the sense of a girl scout dad.
goes adventuring outside in the backyard, playing in the plants and whatnot.
after they get inside, bath-time! the lord of giving bubble baths. 
teaches his kiddo to bark at people, at first it was a joke until it got out of hand. 
‘see uncle jisung? yeah, bark at him.’ T-T
his kid would always try and run and hide from him, as if they were always playing, which makes them a handful in public spaces. 
but he plays it cool, the hide and seek king he is.
he randomly buys things because, ‘oh, this looks like them!’ and it’s literally like a plushie.
most caring dad ever.
king of playdates, he has a whole color coordinated calendar of events dedicated to his kiddo, along with sticky notes of drawings they made.
scent king, he wants his baby to smell good. 
fresh baby, lavender lotion, or the really good smelling lotion.
this whole scenario makes me have butterflies in my tummy :(
he holds them up and just tickles them with silly little kisses to their tummy, and laughs along with them.
and then they fall asleep together, the sweet smells wafting together as they doze off. 
‘goodnight my peach, dada loves you.’
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Playing roblox with Skz
i keep on seeing this on my fyp
this idea just seems right to me
He's so old 😭,he would be a bit confused on how the controls work but then get used to it,you guys would play hide and seek and when he's the seeker he would pretend he's not then start chasing you.He would start laughing uncontrollably because of how much your screaming that's when you realise he's the seeker.When your the seeker you would show no mercy on him (as you should)
Lee know
He would 100% bully children on roblox,you can not tell me otherwise.I said this in my Dating skz headcanons pt2,he would bully the other members by accident and then pretend to know nothing about it.He would call their outfits ugly and he would 100% say "I don't speak tags"when someone tries to say something mean so they look like a fool and if someone says something like,"My dad is the owner if roblox",you guys would just burst into laughter
He would play royal high,he would have girls come up to him and ask him to roleplay as his gf or something,he would obviously say no and walk away but they would follow him everywhere and try to convince him,what can i say he has game.You guys would have matching outfits in royal high,if you say no he tells you he'll trade you something but then never ends up doing it.He would do his daily log in,daily spin on the wheel gotta get those diamonds because how else would he look snacktastic
he would play speed draw games,yk those games where you have to draw something and they guess what it is,or those games where you have to draw something and vote which one is the best.He would draw something good then people would say he's hacking and report him even though it does nothing😭.he would force you to vote for him and if you don't he would isolate himself from you for a few minutes
Han would have some ugly avatar and think he's slaying,you just have to go along with it so he doesn't get hurt,everyone thinks he's a troll so when someone brings it up he would get all offended and be like"No,my avatar looks swag",He would play tycoons and obbys,he would be that person who goes into your tycoon and steals your speed coil and weapons then attack you with your own weapons.But when he leaves the tycoon they would put the lazer thing on so that he dies
he would lowkey have a cute avatar,he's the one who convinced Chan to get roblox.He would play those cooking games,he's just here for the fun.He would also play adopt me and get scammed all the time,someone would be like,"Trade me your Legendary,then i'll trade you back"then he does what they say then they leave the game,he would be so confused 😭,he would start crying in your shoulder because he lost his favourite pet
He would download it,not play it for like 5 months but then starts playing the games,he would play total roblox drama then leave the game until he get the character he wants,not realising he could just buy it.Once he finally,gets the character he wants he causes mayhem,he would win the marshmallow by completing the obbys but if he doesn't he would just say,"I'm seungmin from skz"some people won't believe him but then he'll go on live just to prove his point
he would play fashion famous,play by the rules for once(do you get it?)then get so aggravated when someone who didn't even follow the rule and just wore a big skirt wins,(me too tbh it's so annoying),he would tell you to vote him 5 stars and will watch you vote him five stars because if you don't he'll start complaining.He would try do the same thing and not follow the theme and just wear a big skirt but then lose.He would get frustrated and rage quit
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fics-lovebot · 1 year
stray kids recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
e.r means established relationship
giving them head while they are live - reaction
skz as hard subs - it´s a LOT sjsjjs
boyfriend things skz does - so fluffy
worm tales - crack, “would you love me if i was a worm?” KDAKJSD the hyunjin one lmao, felix is #stressed
sleeping on the couch after an argument - angst and then fluff, they messed up, it´s so sad :(
sitting on their lap while they’re gaming - fluff
he forgets he is the dom - blurb, smut, sub!chan, puthy whipped, braind dead by that puthy
counting thrusts - blurb, smut, fluff, they´re in luvv, chan is cute fr, sex after sex, a lil teasing here and there
jealousy is adorable - yandere, idol!chan, best friend´s little sister reader, posessive and manipulative af, gets a taste of his own medicine
pretend - yandere! chan, he a murdererrrrr but he´s so soft for his baby
lee know
jealousy is a bitch - yandere, idol lino, daycare teacher reader, stalking, manipulation, he wants you to quit ur job, he´s mean, he threatens to harm you, lotttsss of yelling, throwing and kicking things aroung, punching walls, bloody hand and everything
boyfriend texts - slice of life, crack if you squint
jealousy is beautiful - yandere, idol!han, he is obsessed, kidnapping, cheating, you´re his new fixation, they´re both CRAZY
suffocating - yandere!felix, noona!reader, toxic af, he thinks you´re trying to leave him so he chokes you,,,
game over - you´re on his lap doing the most, distracting him, so he loses the game and yk what that means, degrading dirty talk
jealousy is sin - yandere, idol!felix, fangirl reader, toxic affff
am i cute now? - smut, the way I gasped when i read the fIRST line I-, he´s sick of you looking at him like your cute lil friend
jealousy is heartbreaking - yandere, idol!binnie, doctor reader, he´s manipulative af, mentions of suicide, he´s unstable
under his spell - yandere!hyunjin, smut, clingy, obsessive, controlling, jealous, he swears at you, cray-cray, degrading talk, doesn´t let you go out by yourself, manipulation, he´s a witch fr
jealousy is sickening - yandere, idol!hyunjin, dog sitter reader, his love life depends on kkami lmao, he only lets you out of you go with him, he´s got a temper, slamming walls, yelling and all that, he´s terrified of losing you
glossy - smut, spoiled reader, he says so stufff ok?, it gets heated
morning text - so fluffy, pouty jinnie, he´s so dramatic lmao, #sulking
pretty - smut, ex bf! hyunjin, OOFF, he´s obsessed and is trying to get you back with good dicc
no nut november (loser #3) - smut, slice of life, domestic, he´s still dramatic sksksks, funny texts
dreamy - yandere, wAIT this is,,,, I was confused for a hot min, loved it
baby fever - fluff, non idol au, hubby! hyunjin, dad! hyunjin, so cute
taste so sweet - smut, he loves eating u out
when hyunjin forgets your birthday, but so do you - fluff, angst, e.r, he´s was so worried omg :( poor baby
jealousy is precious - yandere, idol!seungmin, staff member reader, he want to shape you into his perfect girl, doesn´t let you get a job, he doesn´t let you go out, like literally doesn´t let you see the outside world, cray-cray, he needs you to be dependent on him so you won´t leave him, he likes it when you act as crazy as him
jealousy is annoying - yandere, idol I.N, innie is crazy obsessed, kidnapping
love n´ devotion - smut, dark romance, yandere innie, yandere reader, toxic relationship, they´re both crazy asfffff
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The only thing I’ve been able to think recently is how much of a good girl dad Changbin would make.
Like he would spoil her rotten and he would have such a hard time saying no. And the baby talk. Oh my god.
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chvnnie · 10 months
No cause now I'm thinking about dad Chan who loves his two little girls so much but is sooooo excited when he finds out they're finally having a boy 🫠
sigh. i fucking love dad chan sm.
His girls are his world. For years he’s worn the Girl Dad hat (metaphorically and literally, it’s his favorite cap to wear) proudly. From painting nails to braiding hair, tea parties to makeovers, there’s nothing he would ever want more in his life.
In his opinion, Chan has the best life. Two perfect girls, a wonderful partner, a job that fulfills him. It doesn’t get better than this.
Head on your lap, his eyes flutter shut as your fingers work through his curls. Softly massaging them after a long day of work and recitals and dance practice. He’s leaning into his comfort, head turning just a bit to the side to kiss your swelling belly.
“I wonder what she’ll be like.” He mumbles against your skin. “There’s such a gap between her and her sisters.”
You laugh softly. “Chan, we don’t know if it’s a girl or not.”
His eyes open, widely blinking at you. Really, he never considered the possibility of a boy. Girl Dad. That’s what his title has always been. “Right, but it probably will be.”
You shrug, hands softly moving down to cup his cheeks. “Maybe. But I have a different feeling than I did with the girls.”
That makes him sit up, head almost a little dizzy. The idea of having a son — it isn’t a bad feeling. He’s watch Changbin with his twins, Jeongin with his baby. They love their boys more than anything. Chan has always wondered what it feels like. Having more than just girls.
But then there’s Jisung, who is so obsessed with his daughter that he hardly leaves the house without her strapped to his chest. And Minho, who has literally threatened to kill all of them if they even so much as think of giving her a snack that wasn’t approved by him.
And Felix, who decided two kids was plenty. Who has his girl with freckles that mirror his own and his boy with a smile that’s brighter than the sun.
What’s it like, to have both?
“A boy.” Chan mumbles, mostly to himself. Hands spreading across your belly, tracing the stretch marks gently. You need lotion before bed. He’s got to be sure he remembers that. “How do you think the girls would feel?”
You grab your husband’s hands, squeezing them tight. Worries always fade at your touch.
“I think they’d love him more than we could ever understand.”
You always look so uncomfortable during an ultrasound. Head rolled against the exam table, eyes shut and face furrowed as the doctor squeezes the cool gel on your stomach. Without looking, your hand finds Chan’s. Squeezing it tightly.
“What have we decided?” The doctor makes light conversation, her hands working the gel across the lower part of your belly. “Do we want to know?”
This is when you look at Chan, blinking softly. You do. You don’t want to be surprised. He was the one who couldn’t decide, convinced the new baby was going to be a girl.
Girl Dad. Like he’s always been.
“Yeah.” The conversation from a few days ago is in the front of his mind. “Yeah, we want to know.”
Chan brings your hand to his lips, kissing it softly.
It’s quiet as the doctor works, the sound of the heartbeat filling the tiny room. She hums to herself, a smile spreading when she finds the tiny baby. “Looks like they’re doing alright. Developing nicely.”
Relief washes over you, shoulders relaxing on the uncomfortable table. “That’s good.”
“What are you wanting?” The doctor asks, curiously looking at the two of you.
You answer quickly. “It doesn’t matter, really. But I’d like a boy.”
She nods before looking at your husband. “And you, dad?”
Girl Dad. What he always has been, and probably always will be.
“I—“ He looks down at you. You, who always seems to have a love filled gaze when you look at him. You, the best mother for his children that he could ever ask for. You, who makes the idea of not being exclusively a Girl Dad not so intimidating. “I’m not sure.”
His ears are ringing. Skin feels tight. The longer the doctor takes, the more nervous he’s getting. Chan doesn’t think it’s a bad nervous. A nervous that makes him want to throw up, or cry, or scream.
A nervous that fills his heart. A nervous that is welcomed.
“Congratulations.” The doctor turns the screen, letting you both take a peek. “Your first boy.”
It’s a boy.
A boy.
Chan’s eyes widen, steadily filling with tears. Bottom lip trembling. On the screen is a little bitty bean, floating around in your stomach. A tiny little bean, who isn’t the girl he was expecting. The girl he was waiting on.
God, his heart feels like it could explode it’s beating so fast. “A boy?” It comes out as a horse whisper.
You look up at Chan, tears already falling down tour face. “A boy.”
He loves his girls. They’re his world, his everything. Nothing could ever compare to the unwavering, earth shattering love he feels for them.
And now. Now he has this boy, who stops time. Who he knows nothing about, but is dying to see what he’s like. His son, his little tiny, perfect son.
A boy. He sinks to his knees next to you, lips quickly finding yours. Wet cheeks pressed against each other, emotions intertwined. The love that’s in this room is overwhelming, thick.
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krisstheidiot · 6 months
1-Character Intros 1.0
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A/N:- It's a lot but I thought this would be more of an effective background and context than in pics so yeah spare me guys I wrote this with half my usual braincell lol
@series directory
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Name: Y/N Holmes
Age: 18
Year: Freshmen (Fall Sem)
Major: Double major in Computer science and Film Studies with a minor in Fashion Design.
Extracurriculars: Student Rep in the student council, Tennis, Theatre, Writing.
Vibes: Chaotic Academia, Occasionally casual chic, Smiley, Crack most of the time, Spontaneous, Very Indecisive, Sarcasm goes undetected as jokes, Every word is laced with sarcasm so good luck, history is full of how to pull off crimes but its for research nothing much.
Background: Part French(Maternal) and part British-Korean(Paternal), Skipped two years when she was a kid but then took a gap before applying for college, met Seungmin and Han in 7th grade, Mom is a famous fashion designer, Dad a surgeon, during the gap she took she had gone on a trip around Europe with her mom and made friends in France during the month she stayed there.
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Name: Kim Seungmin
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Double major in Journalism and Media Arts.
Extracurriculars: Treasurer(Student Council), Runs the campus newsletter, Photography club, Baseball.
Vibes: Smart Casual look, Citycore, Straightforward, does not believe in delulu, Sarcastic mean but funny in a way, will sassy shit on people who bother the people he cares about, pretty smile, is very sentimental inside, book boyfriend coded to the T. (*Mom I want one*)
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Name: Han Jisung
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Double major in Audio Engineering and Music Technology
Extracurriculars: Extra curriculars head(student council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks"
Vibes: Grunge, graphic tees with blazers, Beatles, Chaos, Very shinchan coded lol, Sirius black outfits, Emo boy x Indie, funny but the stupid kind, Will snort at a funeral, under the surface he is very feeling like very, likes anime, will force you to watch silent voice and then proceed to cry like a baby though ofc you would too, Taps his knee to calm his anxiety.
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Name: Bang (Christopher) Chan
Age: 22
Year: Senior
Major: Double major in Music Production and Audio Engineering.
Extracurriculars: President(student council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks".
Vibes: Black, Casual Neat, Comfort is fashion core, Protective, Nice, sweet, Caring, will smile at you for no reason at all, Cry and the person who did it will be 6 feet under, Mans is a walking green flag y'all, Father of 7, Aussie Aussie Aussie, Kangaroo, Very huggable.
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Name: Lee Minho
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Major in Dance and Minor in Culinary Arts
Extracurriculars: Vice president(School council), Dance team, Volunteers at the animal shelter.
Vibes: Casual comfortable, does not like being extravagant, add cat fur on every piece of clothing, Convenient chic fashion, Sass in a very aggressive manner, Mans has evil written all over that attractive ass smirk on his face but in a good way ofc, Will not take anyone's shit, prefers cats to humans but honestly who doesn't, Cat butler to his three fur babies(we Stan).
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Name: Seo Changbin
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Music technology and Production
Extracurriculars: Secretary(Student Council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks".
Vibes: Black again, But make it more edgy, beanies, gym buddy, will fight someone for you, Mans is strong and fit, intimidating at first look but girl don't kid me he is the sweetest when you get to know him, Badtz Maru but slay, will bring you to eat with him because why the hell not.
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Name: Hwang Hyunjin
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Fine Arts and Dance.
Extracurriculars: Arts, Dance team, Soccer team.
Vibes: Artsy light academia, Fancy, luxury, part times as a model(flex), Sassy, Judgy sometimes, Side eye 10x, Fears Minho, Sad eater, Seungmin biased, Procrastinates too much, Laughs at every thing you say, Laughing while clapping 100x.
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Name: Lee Felix (Yongbok)
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Culinary arts.
Extracurriculars: Gaming club, Dance team, E-culture club.
Vibes: Fancy, colourful, pastels, bright, Deep voice baby face, So sunshiney all the time that you might melt from the warmth he radiates, mans is fixated on levelling up in his games, will help you build your pc, rgb went brr, streams a lot on twitch, shouting ensues whenever he is playing headphones recommended to protect your eardrums.
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Name: Yang Jeongin
Age: 19
Year: Freshmen(Spring Sem)
Major: Fashion Design
Extracurriculars: Soccer team, Theatre(Costume design), Campus volunteer for extra merits.
Vibes: Modern chic, very stylish, ootd's all the time, very confident somehow and will judge people just because, Sass king, Baby bread, is very much the maknae on top even if he isn't the youngest in a setting, also models part time yay!, this guy will bully you about your height ofc in association with Seungmin.
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Name: Simon Daneu
Age: 25
Occupation: CEO of a company specialising in Games and Software called Solyx.
Background: Y/N's Cousin brother but is closer to a real one because of their bond, Part French(Paternal) and part American-Korean(Maternal).
Vibes: Formal casual, Polo shirts, Button ups, corduroy pants, very chic, very overprotective as well, will spoil with no hesitation, still will bully as well with no hesitation whatsoever, likes mocking his younger sisters and brother, will pull out his card even you need the most trivial things because with him no one pays.
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Name: Noelle Daneu
Age: 20
Occupation: Famous chef/baker, Owns a line of cafes and bakery/patisseries called 'The Dusk' around that are viral for their desserts and specials, also a model.
Background: Simon's younger sister, Y/N's cousin sister but is closer to a real one because of their bond, Part French(Paternal) and part American-Korean(Maternal).
Vibes: Light academia, Boss girl look, Is very funny, will spoil her younger sibs, Y/N is her baby sister and will be spoiled to bits, besties, Is very sassy which is very much a family trait honestly.
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Name: Theo Holmes
Age: 9
Background: Y/N's lil brother, is a elementary student, lives in Seoul, very much rich kid but the good kind.
Vibes: Whatever mom buys lol, acts way too smug for his won good, will get bonked if he doesn't behave, finds it funny when y/n is annoyed and it makes his life a bit better to see her irritated, will tease y/n and then will whine when faced with retaliation, fights like they were enemies and then the very next minute will be giggling around like idiots.
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Name: Amelia Wallis
Age: 19
Background: Y/N's bestie from Paris(met when y/n was on the Europe trip)
Vibes: Confident, cool, fashionable, always looking out for y/n, will hit someone for her.
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Name: Mattheo Grey
Age: 20
Background: Y/N's bestie from Paris(met when y/n was on the Europe trip)
Vibes: Dark academia, poems, research papers, theatre kid, Hamilton.
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Name: Elliot Wesley
Age: 19
Background: Y/N's bestie from London(met when y/n was on the Europe trip and then proceeded to become friends with Mattheo and Amelia)
Vibes: Smug, confident, bold, proud, country club fashion, tennis partners with y/n when she was in London, is very annoying when he wants to be.
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Series Taglist:- @hyunverse , @nujeskz , @queen-in-the-shadows , @phtogravi , @authentic-65 , @rylea08 ,......
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hyunsvngs · 1 year
what do we think ab dad!skz
i think im extremely hormonal
chan: cutest dad like he’s just made for it!! the type to take them to the beach! i think you’d defo end up having multiple kids with him but he’d LOVE to have a kid he can play sports with. and he’d be so sweet on sports day!! shouting and embarrassing the kid LMFAO but hes just so so soft. christmas day waking up to the kids bouncing on your bed so excited and channie just scoops em up n cuddles them :(( oh my god
minho: the type to plot your downfall with your own child. definitely would be ever so soft if he had a little girl. i think he’d only want 1 or 2 but he’d be absolutely so cute with them!! he’d dress them up in dumb little cat costumes lmfao. also the type to take ur kid out for the day and they’d come back with 2 new cats and ur like ??? but minho’s like our baby wanted more :) when in reality it was him who convinced your child fml
changbin: oh god. those two would be like BALLS of energy!!!! the child would be doing gg dances as soon as it was able to walk ngl. and imagiiine binnie napping on the sofa with the baby curled up on his chest all cute :( he’d be so cuddly with his baby thats HIS baby and you two made that??? fuck?!?!? would luv if the baby looked like you too :(( so fucking cute. i think he’d maybe want a boy & a girl just like him n his sister bc they’re so close :))
hyunjin: finger painting. absolutely finger painting. you would have so many paintings of your baby’s hand next to hyunjin’s, getting bigger and bigger as it grows but never as big as hyune’s :(( andddd definitely cuddles and films in bed with the baby. endless selfies with the baby. the baby in versace clothes. all of these things would happen. annddd imagine he does a huge mural on your baby’s nursery wall :(( fuck. i think he’d want an army of little baby girls that he can dress up tbh
jisung: god i’m going insane so imagine him playing guitar with ur baby on his lap. he’s so the type to have the baby wear a matching bucket hat to him. also the type to text you when you’re out like “babe… so small… the baby’s so small…” and you’d just be like well yeah sungie? that tends to be the case? LMFAO. the baby would be so well dressed too. i also think jisung’s the type of dad to carry the baby around in a baby carrier on his back LMFOAHDJG. he’d def def want a kid he can teach guitar too and is interested in music but also imagine sungie as a dad and his baby painting his nails when it’s old enough:(( he’d LOVE that
felix: y’all already knew i was gonna say this: baking dates with the baby. baking with your lil toddler. ur little bean. they bake u a cake and when u get it there’s loads of little finger marks and ur like ?? and felix is just like well the baby wanted to try… LMFAOJDDJ definitely the type to take your baby to the playground CONSTNATLY and he’d take a million pics of the baby too. sending them to stays on bbl fr. they’d just be spammed with the baby wearing a massive pair of sunglasses or smth
seungmin: says to the baby “go and tell mommy she stinks” and the baby does it. partners in crime. i think he’d want a little boy but also imagine him with an evil little girl fml. his disciple. he’d have the baby in pochacco pyjamas and little bear onesies with the tails. just a little fucking bean. tbh u’d not be able to get a word in to ur baby bc the baby would be SUCHHH a daddy’s boy/girl. worships the fucking ground they walk on fr
jeongin: ohhhhh god. i think jeongin would be SUCH a good dad. i’ve briefly spoken about this before like how i think he’d be absolutely amazing bc he has a younger brother, he just has the natural abilities. carrying the child on his hip 24/7, singing the baby to sleep with a lullaby. cute mirror selfies maybe with the baby wearing innie’s massive shoes :( i KNOW he’d be a good dad.
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