#like I’d focus on shiros arc first building him up then Keith etc.
sockdooe · 2 months
i hope it's ok to ask but what changes you would have done if you were made incharge of vld's canon while it was/before it started airing?
but I shall not get to complicated and just talk about main points !!!! I apologize in advance if stuff stops making sense I’m a little shaky if that makes sense??
1, the show wouldn’t have romance. I’m not saying this to make people mad or say anything against shipping. I’m saying this because I want the focus of the show to be about the paladins relationships towards one another and I don’t want it to be romanticized. I want to represent all the different types of love within the paladins except romantic because I feel as though it’d be really important especially because I want to make them almost like soulmates.
Like yes they’re the paladins of Voltron but they’re meant to be with each other. Like they all can take care of themselves but there’s something so important to their connection to one another that no one else can really understand.
It’s kinda like that one myth that soulmates are born to one body but are separated so they have to find each other to truely be whole. But platonically. (I’m sorry if that doesn’t make sense I’m really bad at explaining)
Like example Lance has a crush on allura but it doesn’t turn into anything. Allura doesn’t feel for Lance the same way and Lance learns that there is value in just having a friend. (I love allurance and have been thinking about it non stop but I’m strong on this)
2, there will be specific episodes dedicated to different characters bonding and creating their own connections. An example is an entire episode dedicated to allura and hunk or Keith and Lance. (Or even trios ((or more)), just any and all bonding forms)
It doesn’t have to be a serious situation like a mission but something to show growth between the characters and have them bounce off each other.
3, similar to 2 but it’s like filler episodes for the WHOLE team. Maybe they do something stupid or have a beach episode. Something to showcase that they’re getting more familiar with each other.
4, having more personal silent moments to themselves. An example is maybe starting off the episode with shiro taking a shower and you see that his scars are becoming more faded and he’s healthier than the start. He has more of a routine now for taking care of himself like washing his face perhaps.
It’s more of a comparison of growth situation.
5, having the paladins visibly age. I know this is hard for animation but I’d love to see their hands get more rough and their body’s change. Maybe they get some gray hairs.
I’d especially love to see more personal changes. Like with hunk and his hair. I feel as though hunk likes to work with his hands and doing his own hair gives him some personal relief and perhaps even doing everyone else’s hair.
6, interacting with aliens more on a personal level. Like the episode with the balmera was 10/10. They got to speak with the people and actually see what they’ve been living through.
I’d even love to see their gratitude in the form of gifts or supplies. Or even teaching them how to collect certain things (clay for beads for hunks hair and such)
Essentially I want them to build community. I want them to be able to provide resources and work with the people of the planets on more personal levels other than just having Voltron show up.
7, I want their elemental power more involved. Not like avatar the last air bender where they have that power but more …. Sound design and affects wise.
Example if keith is feeling absolutely defeated and devasted and is feeling his raw emotions there will be sounds of fire and even fire around him lighting him but not actually there.
Another one is with shiro, you can hear the sounds of wind in his fighting.
And it changes depending on their emotions. If they’re feeling exhausted and just done it’s quiet.
Like lances sound is more of a water droplet dripping slowly.
8, MUSIC!!!!! Everyone has their own instruments that follow with their element (shiro would be a wind instrument like a flute) so that when forming Voltron it becomes a symphony. Or even when it’s one on one or a trio their music blends together.
9, on the topic of music there has to be a musical episode. I liked the episode where they try to gain support by doing a show but it wasn’t nearly enough for me personally.
It’d be a way for them to earn money since even though almost every planet they go to gives them some supplies it’s not enough to fully sustain themselves.
10, touching, like either having a spa day or just having a little sleep over to have some moral and bring comfort to them.
11, the paladins teaching allura and coran human customs or the alteans trying to mimic the paladins.
an example is matching each others vocal patterns (let’s say pidge always says bless me when they sneeze and Lance picks it up)
I want romelle to be included but as a “it’s been 10,000 years and generations of altean people have been mixed with other species to the point where they’re almost not even altean anymore or look anything like them besides the marks on their eyes” types of deal.
Showing the change of generations.
Also showing normal galra. Galra that have nothing to do with the empire OR the blades cause I feel as though that would be interesting.
The lions can speak (not in English more like purrs) but the paladins can understand. And they will bond with their paladins (think that episode with shiro and black)
Maybe Lance cleans blue after a battle stuff like that. ESPECIALLY THE LIONS PROTECTING THEIR PALAIDNS MMMMMM!!!!
but the thing is the lions sentience is different from Voltron.
Voltron speaks not well but they do. Their voice is Erieand glitchy.
And there’s something that ….lives in Voltron.
14, I want more mystery. Why does it take 10,000 years for Voltron to form again? Are aliens mad and even betrayed by voltrons existence for creating the galra empire? Why is Voltron sentient? What happened to zarkon? What happened to Hagar?
I want more focus on WHY Voltron exists and what it did for it to exist.
15, I want the paladins to be distraught and form trauma that shakes them to their CORE.
I want pidge to experience what it is to be a child solider to see all your friends almost DIE.
I even want them to resent being paladins as well. They deserve to feel upset and curse the universe for taking them here.
16, I do want elements of other reality but in a different way for sure. I want the universe to be sentient if that makes sense?
Once again these aren’t really explained well cause I’m going to be honest I’m not the best at doing that. I more picture things in my head than words so it’s hard to even like translate my thoughts? If that makes sense!
I apologize that this is long and confusing but I hope this gives some answers to you!! I love Voltron but I’m definitely more found family oriented in my version for sure.
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pan-xichen · 6 years
In Defense of Season Seven
This season has so many incredible things to offer; the animation, the voice acting, the writing, the character development, like... I think it's one of the best we've had so far. I love season six the most because of how heartwrenching the last few episodes are but this season was still phenomenal. This fandom likes to focus on the negative more than the positive, even if the negative is a minority, so I'm gonna give some opinions on these negative things.
- "forced relationships"
Whomst?? Do you mean Keith and Acxa? Because literally Acxa saved team voltron and Keith didn't want to leave her behind because he's honourable and he felt like they owed her. Ezor and Zethrid teased Acxa about liking Keith but neither of them responded, and in fact Keith had nothing to do with their shit. They were just trying to mess with them. Even if there is some kind of attraction there it's on Acxa's part and is definitely one-sided. I personally think they could even be related, like... I know heteronormativity has us all expecting that when a girl is teased about liking a guy the two will end up together because we've been trained to think that way but really, I know they won't do that. Keith isn't just gonna like... open up to this chick he's known for ten minutes and want to be in a relationship with her. And there's no amount of friendship bonding they could do in 13 episodes that wouldn't make their romance feel clunky and rushed in comparison to the deep and meaningful relationships I love this series for. They've been building Keith and Shiro as a relationship since season one and it's been established that they're stronger now after their battle in season six. The only logical and sensical choice for a Keith romance is Shiro and I know Acxa coming in isn't gonna change that, regardless of how she might feel. Even platonically Shiro basically owns Keith's heart, man. No one is gonna replace that.
If you mean allurance, allow me to point you to the entire fucking series because they've also been building up since season one. Lance has gone from this flirty entitled brat to a respectful and dedicated person and honestly it's one of the best character changes in the series. He's loved - not liked because she's pretty, but loved - and respected Allura since season three and Allura has been falling for him as well. She had that thing with Lotor but that doesn't mean her being with Lance would be forced. Lance didn't feel entitled to her at all, in fact he was more worried for her safety than her and Lotor getting together. He wanted her to be happy because he loves her, even if that meant not being with her. That's huge. It's a great way to have a relationship build instead of the guy getting the girl because he thinks she's hot that we always get with m/f romances.
- "we were queerbaited with sh@dam/ad@shi"
No, we weren't. Y'all if I see one more fucking person saying this season was bad solely because Adam died I'm gonna throw myself off a bridge. Lots of people died. That wall was fucking massive. That's what happens in war (real slick also @ the person who literally accused Bex of defending the decision to kill a gay character when she herself is LGBT+). We literally saw the man for like three minutes of screentime and I don't understand why people expected to see more than that. Shiro is our LGBT+ rep, not Adam. Adam was a plot device meant to deliver the reveal that Shiro is attracted to men. He was never meant to be an important character nor was he meant to get back together with Shiro. There was no queerbaiting of any sort this season.
- "Keith swooping in and saving Shiro was Keith stealing his agency, he should've killed Sendak himself"
This entire show is about togetherness; facing the abyss alongside those you love. Shiro had to face one of his biggest demons this season, and with the theme of the show I'm surprised people think he should've done it alone. He ran head first into that fight with Sendak; no holding back, no fear. That's what mattered. He fought bravely and fiercely against his greatest rival and honestly the confidence he radiated in that scene inversely paralleled season one in which he fought Sendak one on one and ultimately lost. This time he didn't lose-- he had help. A major theme of his arc is learning that he doesn't have to face his demons alone, and it's entirely poetic that it was Keith who killed Sendak, in my opinion. No one else could've done that and had it feel so right. He's always tried to look out for Shiro, and he literally brought him back from the dead. He didn't stop Shiro from going into the fight, he just came in to give him a hand when it was too much for Shiro to handle alone. It was done really well.
- "Shiro isn't the black paladin anymore"
Okay, to be fair before the season even aired I was upset as much as the next guy but my upsettedness dwindled because I knew they wouldn't be sidelining him. The directors love Shiro so much, okay? Like... yes he's suffered but everyone has. So much thought and care was poured into his character and his arc and I'm so grateful for that. Being the captain of the Atlas is an incredibly important role, and the sole reason she can even transform into a mecha is because of his arm. He's seen giving orders not only to the paladins but to literally everyone. He's still very much a leader, even without the black lion. That's what his arc is about; that he's more than just the black paladin. He's more than the burden that was placed on his shoulders. Yeah they solidified a lot that Shiro was the true black paladin but honestly passing the torch to Keith doesn't bother me one bit. Keith has grown into his position so well and he clearly excels, just like Shiro always knew he would. Shiro has outgrown the role of black paladin and has moved on to the role of Captain Shirogane. He's incredible this season and I'm so happy with what they've done with him.
- "they queerbaited k/ance"
Uh... no. They said months back that they never intended for it to be canon and the fact that people got that vibe actually surprised them. Yes Keith and Lance got along this season but that just is a testement to their growth as individuals. They've outgrown the rivalry and I'm glad to see that. Lance can be Keith's right hand man and is content in that position and Keith trusts him. That's huge. I'm so happy they ended up like that and I'd love to see more of them being friends next season.
- "the writing was bad"
Okay, that's an opinion. You're allowed to have those. Thing is though, that it really wasn't. Because we've had such short seasons getting a long one where a lot of stuff happens has overwhelmed everyone who watched it all at once. It might feel poorly written to some because the focus is heavily on plot development and not relationships between characters as in previous ones. Essentially, shit got real this season and there was no time for that kind of thing, even with 13 episodes. With the battle for Earth over, the only big bad we've got left is Honerva, who has fucked off to who knows where. They'll definitely end up fighting her in s8, but s7 really had a "final battle" feel in the finale. I feel like a lot of the last season will be dealing with the aftermath of this one, to be honest. Characters talking things out, Allura and Lance becoming official, Keith and Shiro possibly also becoming official, picking up the pieces and rebuilding Earth like we already saw them doing, etc. It's gonna be less plot heavy and more "chill", I think. An interesting choice for the final season to be sure but the battle for Earth was so fucking intense it's hard to top that. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like 7 is gonna be the most intense season of the show.
- "the sheith was OOC"
?? This one confuses me. Maybe it's because we had so much of it last season that the general lack of interaction between them got to some people but really? Pre-Kerberos backstory? Keith begging Shiro to fight and stay alive? Keith helping Shiro defeat Sendak? That moment where Keith is holding him and that look they give each other?? Like?? We were blessed and it was perfectly in character. Next season I think we'll see what Joaquim meant more that their bond is now stronger now that all the crazy shit on Earth has gone down.
Those are the only complaints I've really seen so far, but there are probably more. These are just my opinions on these subjects and of course not liking the season for any reason is your opinion if you don't. You don't have to like all of or even some of it. This is just my input.
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sol1056 · 6 years
another round of asks: keith
This feels like one of those things where you type ‘keith is’ into google and see what comes up.
Keith is a self-insert
Keith is on his way to becoming (a) god
Keith is destined to be emperor
Keith is friends with Lance > Keith is friends with Shiro 
Keith is over Shiro [ + kills Sendak]
Behind the cut.
Keith is a self-insert
I have no proof for this but I think that a majority of VLD’s writing staff are secretly making Keith their self-insert character.
It’s an amusing idea, but it’s very hard to do that when it’s a collaborative exercise like writing for television. Ostensibly collaborative, that is, ‘cause hell if I know at this point whether anyone has say beyond the EPs, but more on that in another post. 
I’ve never heard of anyone in the deciding-level staff (the EPs or the writers) say that Keith is their favorite. JDS is clear that his personal favorite is Lance, and LM’s been known for being pro-Pidge since the beginning. Early on (like S1), Hedrick’s on record saying that it mapped nicely, since he felt the most affinity for Hunk in some ways, but that’s not what I’d call a preference in the same way as I’ve seen JDS and LM speak of their favorites. 
More likely Keith is not a self-insert so much as a kind of every-hero. It’s really quite remarkable --- given how much the EPs are so blunt about their dislike for Shiro --- how the story events, put together, could be seen as split almost evenly between them. To the point we had nearly two seasons where they were never in the same room together, never exchanged any words, nothing. Like matter and anti-matter. 
To put it bluntly: by S7, Shiro pays the price, and Keith gets the rewards. We didn’t get to this point overnight; in S1/S2, it was split a bit more evenly, and the rest of the team had some share in the prices and the rewards, too. But that concept of an ensemble cast got tossed out the window to lie dead on the highway tarmac, somewhere around S4. 
The thing is, a character needs a conflict, needs an obstacle, because failing (and suffering the consequences) and trying again (and growing from it) is the only route to character development. And that’s been almost criminally denied to Hunk, Lance, and Pidge (and since S3, Allura). Their paths have been continually softened, if not truncated outright. 
I was noodling around last night, and this quote jumped out at me: ‘Dos Santos says they did think Pidge deserved a happy ending. “We wanted Pidge to have the true reunion she deserved...”’ They did the same for Lance and Hunk, whose families also survived. But what about Allura? Is her happy ending just Getting A Nice Boyfriend? Where’s Shiro’s or Keith’s happy ending? 
The result is that the story’s necessary conflict and tension --- because it must be there, or we’re all just watching paint dry --- gets shifted to Keith and Shiro. And with the bulk of that conflict landing on Shiro to suffer all consequences while Keith gets all the hero moments... it’s no surprise Keith might feel like a self-insert, since that treatment usually correlates. 
But I think it’s less self-insert, and more that with Shiro taking on all the EPs’ dislike, there’s not much left for Keith to do. 
Keith is on his way to becoming (a) god
At this rate, Keith will turn into god by the end of the show (like madoka, space dandy, and oban star racers), with all the stuff that gets handed to him, it doesn’t seem far-fetched anymore.
Okay, that’s out of left-field, but... it might actually improve the story if he turned out to be a long-lost twin of Haruhi Suzumiya (though I would totally dig if it were Haruhara Haruko instead, but only if the Atlas turns into a giant iron). 
With the way Keith's quintessence sensing came to the forefront several times this season, I still wonder (and fear, a little) about the possibility of him being part Altean. Even if there is a slim out with learning the druids were Galra, the focus on Alteans still has me worried that the last season will overlook Allura and Romelle in favor of having Keith develop druid powers and learn his connection to the Alteans.
Thing is, we’re so far along in the story that I don’t expect any of the odd abilities to ever be explained --- anymore than we ever got an explanation as to why quintessence reveals a skin tone Keith’s never demonstrated since, at least not to the same striking degree. And truth is, I don’t think the EPs know. I have a strong suspicion there was a lot of groundwork laid in the first two seasons that have since been abandoned. So I don’t expect it to fit together, in the end, and would not be surprised if everything’s hand-waved. 
So who knows. 
Keith is destined to be emperor
People are speculating on Galra emperor Keith (partly because he’s apparently magic now). Would explain why this season pushed Keith as leader... even though he never wanted to be a leader. And the leadership arc wasn’t really natural to his character. Also, whatever happened to democracies?
Emperor? Because magic? I mean, wouldn’t that make Allura a better candidate? I know, it’s so easy to forget she exists, now, but she did have a line or two this season. (Okay okay I kid, she had maybe a half-dozen.) 
I really don’t know. When I put on my writer’s hat, Keith’s entire arc really doesn’t make much sense. He spent way too much time in S2 and S3 protesting and fighting ever being a leader, and I have no idea how he got from that point to S7′s sudden undiscussed and unquestioned acceptance of the role. If there was development there, I would’ve liked to have seen it. 
Because without that, it’s still hard to look at the character onscreen and see it as the same person. Maybe they are setting up Keith to be emperor. I have no idea how that logic even works. Of course, seems like logic left the building about four seasons back but go off I guess. 
That reminds me of the teaser version that used to be all over the place --- and now I only see on the Google results --- that closes with “to conquer the Galra Empire.” That’s a rather specific word, compared to, say, “overthrow” or “defeat” or “end.” Conquering is what you do when your plan is to take over, after all. Maybe the idea of Emperor Keith isn’t that out-there. Hell if I know. 
As for democracies... well, the EPs have never mentioned influences that’d make me think genre political savvy (ie Gundam, Code Geass, Gasaraki, etc). Probably easier to have monarchs: one Puigian leader for the entire planet. 
Earth does get to be the exception there... with a social structure that appears to rest entirely in the quasi-military hands of the Garrison. Was there even a single civilian present, as the obligatory elected spokesperson for the people?  Pretty sure there wasn’t. (This is not unique to VLD; we have the same discussion on a regular basis in the SFF community about the bizarre prevalence of monarchial systems in American-written SFF.)  
Keith is friends with Lance > Keith is friends with Shiro  
There were scenes which would be v sweet for Keith and Lance if they weren't explicitly there to prove how useless Shiro is, and many to show how useless KEITH thinks Shiro is, and that’s why Keith took [Shiro’s] place. [Before S7] ... Keith wouldn't step on Shiro like that, take Black and his place in the team and his healing away from him. But S7? Behold the new Shiro and Keith dynamic. Keith choosing Lance to lead while Shiro’s right there? Roger that team leader SHIRO’S RIGHT THERE! +Sendak thing?
@sassafrassrex did a meta on the Sendak-Shiro fight that’s a must-read, so I won’t repeat that here. As for the rest... I mentioned above that Keith felt very unlike himself this season, and his dynamic with Shiro --- or complete lack thereof --- was a big part of it. 
After all this time, we’re overdue for seeing a solid friendship between all the paladins, and that includes Keith and Lance. Most of what I saw felt... well, uneven would be the best word. S1/S2 at its best, between them, was more of a good-natured teasing. S7 felt harsher, to me, as though it was Keith’s turn to be the asshole.  
More than that, though, is that it almost feels like the writers can’t figure out how Keith could cherish Shiro and yet have other friends --- so instead they chose to highlight Lance to the near-exclusion of Shiro. And that’s no better for Lance, either, because again he’s just a substitute. 
Frankly, I’m tired of Lance always ending up with someone else’s leftovers. 
Keith is over Shiro
They really had Keith kill a version of his most important person in the world (who he thought was Shiro) so he can rise as BP, then toss Shiro aside as broken, even choosing Lance as right hand over him. *And* to pick the one who abandoned him twice -- and at the end were [framed as a] “family" with Kolivan -- over Shiro who never gave up on him. Krolia even got an I-love-you *and* got called Mom for leaving. What fucked-up messages, lemme tell you, as someone who relates to Keith.
Put like that, it is pretty brutal. Not sure how else to read how completely Shiro is excluded from the narrative for the first 3/4s of the season, down to being literally frozen out --- and it’s most striking of all considering this is Keith we’re talking about. The one even the EPs describe as being so devoted to Shiro that he’d never dream --- let alone be capable of --- walking away (though the co-dependent note in that description skeeves me out some)... and then S7 starts and after the first episode, the two barely exchange any words. 
This was the one person Shiro was always vulnerable with, and Shiro was the one person Keith relaxed around. While yes, the team is way way overdue for doing that with each other beyond their original dynamics (and what I wouldn’t give for some real friendship-bonding between Allura and Keith, damn it), the complete absence made the season feel hollow. 
Just as Lance’s and Hunk’s friendship provided heart in the early seasons, so did Shiro’s and Keith’s. The absence of that, in S7, was nearly palpable. And it did make Keith look like someone who’d taken a long hard look at his best friend and decided Shiro was no longer worth it. This is the character who’d go back for a colleague even when the clock is ticking, who didn’t want to see Thace sacrifice himself, or see Regris killed, and went to the ends of the universe for Shiro? What wouldn’t he do for a friend? Unless, of course, that friend was killed, cloned, and brought back broken.
It comes down to two possible explanations: one is that the writers genuinely don’t know how to balance Keith’s devotion to Shiro while also letting Keith connect to the rest of the team. I’m having trouble believing they’d be that clueless about how friendships work, though. 
The other possibility is that we didn’t quite get the entire story when JDS said there’d been two versions of S6. I think what we’re seeing is the original script and storyboards for S7, leftover from when the EPs pitched a version where Shiro died at the end of S2 and never returned. 
The reason might’ve gone like this: we need N hours to sit down and write S7 with Shiro as Black Paladin (as they would for any other season). But if we just re-use the original storyboards with Keith as Black Paladin, we’ll save X dollars. Just edit a little to add Shiro, plus we’ll have the cash freed up to do [some set piece] so it’s really cool. 
JDS pitched the Atlas as the awesome and amazing consolation prize for Shiro, according to recent interviews. He might’ve argued the cost-cutting step would also let them expand Shiro’s role in the finale. 
My guess for the reason why Keith was the one to kill Sendak (besides the writers hating shiro and Keith needing to resolve every plotline himself now) is that Shiro killed Zarkon, the first major villain, so maybe that was one of their reasons to give that kill to Keith.
I was pondering that until I got to thinking about why the execs would reverse course and allow the EPs to shelve Shiro. I think that’s the reason Keith kills Sendak: it remained from the original storyline, where Keith took revenge on the person who’d tortured Keith’s best friend. Which in Shiro’s absence would’ve been powerful. In Shiro’s presence it’s... demoralizing. 
Bottom line: execs love cost reductions above all else. (Newsflash: DW is a business.) Given how the execs have consistently been described as pro-Shiro, cost is the only thing I can see convincing them otherwise. Especially if the series has already hit budget overruns from rewrites and redoes in previous seasons --- and if they’ve done this before to save money, by pasting Kuron where Keith would’ve been for most of S3-S6. 
That would explain why Keith doesn’t seem to even notice Shiro for most of S7. Because when the script was written, Shiro wasn’t there. 
note: it might also explain the EPs’ hints at a spoiler, but I’ll leave that wild speculation to @ptw30 to explain.
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