#like I was thinking of ty lee (and everyone else back in the fn) just straight up believing mai was dead
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 9 months ago
In a scenario Atla wasn't with Y7 rating and Ty Lee & Mai seriously wounded or even killed people, don't you think it would psychologically shake them? Like I get violence is extremely normalized in FN, but I think human factor would still get to them to an extent.
The original show has already showed us that the war, sooner or later, affects everyone in a deeply negative way. Iroh's grief over losing his son and the guilt over the role he played in it, Zuko's banishment for daring to see his nations soldiers as people instead of "fresh meat" and all the inner turmoil that causes him, Azula's complete inability to bond with people her leading to her breakdown after years of repressing any doubts and anxieties about being Ozai's perfect child/weapon finally caught up with her, Jeong-Jeong's fear and resenment of his won element after years of being in the Fire Nation's army, etc.
Hell, ending of The Beach has all four Fire Nation teens basically decide to process their inner conflicts through lashing out at other people - first each other, then guests at Chan's party. They all feel trapped in their roles in one way or another, and since they don't know how to handle it, they resort to violence. It's emotional immaturity and repeating the same cicle that trapped in the first place.
Avatar might not have made the characters brutally kill or maim people left and right, but it was never shy about making it clear that war is inherently traumatizing, even for the people that are on the wrong side, winning, not having their homes destroyed, and supporting literal genocide.
And it achieved that by focusing on what was important: character work instead of spectacle.
Aang seeing ONE body, that of his father figure, and breaking down because of it, has way more emotional impact than graphic scenes of the air-nomads being killed and us seeing piles of bodies everywhere. The show cutting to a different scene before we can see Kya's body as Katara rushes back home hits so hard because the focus is on Katara's fear before the confirmation of the death, and the years of grief and trauma the followed it, instead of just "lets see a burnt corpse to show that this is a horrible tragedy."
We don't need to see Ozai burning Zuko's face, but we need to see his tears and sheer terror before it, and his anger and sadness after it. Azula's breakdown is one of the most shocking moments in the show and it is the result of EMOTIONAL abuse destroying her understanding of how relationships are supposed to work, instead of physical violence traumatizing her.
We already see the trauma all this violence is causing, we just don't see the violence itself in gory details - because we don't HAVE to. It wasn't needed, so it wasn't there. That's why the show still appeals to adults that wouldn't mind seeing said gory details: what really matters to make the story work is already there, anything else is at best a bonus and at worse a distraction.
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745voiceofthepeople · 1 year ago
Azula, Zuko, and Ty Lee all walk into the Avatar’s base in an obscure mountain top. Prepared for a… dialogue. Or a fight if nothing else. They were excited to finally be going on a mission.
Azula: Okay, let me do the talking, and whatever happens, happens to all of us.
Zuko: Okay!
Sokka (seeing the the three FN fighters walking up to their base): Heyyy! You guys know how To make whiskey on the rocks?
Azula and Zuko: *long suffering sigh
Ty Lee: You put ice in it! It’s pretty easy
Sokka: Really! Hey Katara want to do me a solid? Get it? Solid?
Azula: Oh for Fuck’s sake
Katara (yelling from the other side of the mountain base to team FN): Hey! What the hell do you think your doing?!
Ty Lee (yelling): We’re coming to investigate your base!
Azula (to Ty Lee): What don’t you understand about “let me do the talking”?!
Aang (yelling): Why did the girl with the braid put her tongue on our base before?
Azula (yelling back): It’s a long story!
Katara (yelling): We got nothing but time!
Sokka (yelling): Are you guys the test!
Azula (yelling): A what?!
Sokka (yelling in reply): A test! Were from the United Water Tribes and Earth Kingdom Alliance, and we’re waiting to find out what we’re here for.
Katara ( yelling): ex-alliance!
Katara (continued): We’re not really waiting for anything though, except maybe like a quick, merciful death.
Azula (yelling): Are you the leader?!
Katara (yelling): We don’t exactly have a chain of command anymore! I’m mostly in charge though, because I’m not a complete fucking waste of brain cells! My names Katara! And This (gestures to Sokka) is my brother Sokka and this (gestures to Aang) is our companion Aang.
Sokka and Aang (yelling): Hi!
Azula (yelling): *Azula points to herself* Azula!, (indicates with a gesture of her head) my brother Zuko, and our (indicated with head nod) compatriot Ty Lee! Soldiers of the Fire Nation.
Katara (yelling): Let me guess? You guys got dumped here.
Azula (yelling): Wha-I… How did you know?
Katara (yelling back): Body language!
Katara (continued) That and there’s no reason to come here. For anyone, like ever!
Azula (yelling) Good eye!
Katara (yelling back): Yeah, it’s a fun party trick. Got more of you want!
Azula (yelling): Really!
Katara (yelling back): There used to be a guy interested in you, it didn’t go anywhere since you’ve accepted the fact that you like the ladies!
Azula (yelling in consternation) Wha-! Hey! How did you-?!
Katara: Come on girl, it’s obvious.
Aang (whispering): Maybe you guys can date.
Katara (yelling): *gestures to Ty Lee* and that one got messed up somehow, but she has the most upbeat attitude, so net-net I guess.
Katara (continued) Here, we’ll come over, we can compare notes.
Azula (yelling) Okay!
Katara, Sokka, and Aang walk to the other side of the mountain to base. Coming face to face with Azula, Zuko, and Ty Lee.
Katara: We were the worst soldier of our unit.
Azula: Ha! Us too.
Aang: Sokka here, he once detonated a base, trying to heat up a cup of coffee.
Sokka: Who puts the “Fire all the missiles button” right next to the microwave?
Katara: Pretty sure they were just expecting us to accidentally fall down a ravine or… blow up our base and save themselves the trouble of a coverup.
Sokka: Stone, cold, hearted, man.
Zuko (deadpan):Tell me about it.
Azula: Agni fucking damnit.
Azula (continued): Fuck my life, seriously. Our one chance at a real assignment and we meet you guys?
Katara: Oh you’re a real charmer, aren’t you?
Aang: Boss, I like her. *lowers voice* Seriously, are you gonna date?
Katara: The long and short of it is, we’re fuck ups. Like you! We’re all stranded here, we’ll all die here, and we’ll all be forgotten.
(Everyone): look down is despair
Zuko: Well, least we can do it together
Sokka: Hey, Yeah!
Ty Lee: Together!!!
Aang: Together!!!
Ty Lee: You Know, I think I just learned something. It doesn’t matter if the rest of the world wants to push you away, as long as you find friendship and-
Ty Lee (continued) Ice spider! *she starts to fire her assault rifle at the ground*
Ty Lee (continued) Oh Agni, it’s going- it’s going up your leg! *Ty Lee proceeds to shoot Aang in the leg*
Aang: Ow! She shot me!
Sokka: You bastards, I’ll kill you!
*Sokka begins firing at Ty Lee*
Zuko: Ty Lee, get under cover! *a bullet goes by Zuko’s head*
Zuko (continued): That’s not cool, man!
Zuko, Ty Lee, Sokka, and Aang proceed to begin a firefight between themselves. Katara and Azula stand in the middle of the chaos. Seemingly ignoring the fight and just staring into one another’s eyes. Blue on gold.
Azula and Katara (at the same time):*sigh deeply as their teammates exchange gunfire*
(Azula) Agni damn it.
(Katara) Tui damn it.
Katara: This happen often?
Azula: Yeah, but not as often as- * a missile flies by* Never mind.
Katara: Man, I just wanted… I just wanted a chance, you know?
Katara (continued): To be given a mission. To be given a purpose.
Azula: You want a purpose?
Katara: Yeah... I really do.
Azula (laughs incredulously): Me too!
Azula and Katara proceed to gaze into each others eyes (again)
Azula: *Proceeds to raise her gun and shoot Katara in the foot*
Katara hunches over from the blow, her hands immediately going over to her foot. Fortunately, the armor appears to have absorbed most of the damage. That doesn’t make the small pond of red any less disconcerting though.
Katara: Ow, Shit! You shot me! The fuck did you do that for!
Azula: Giving us all a reason to be out here, bitch.
Katara (incredulous): What are you, crazy?!
Azula (flippant): Eh, probably. But I’m done waiting on someone to give me a purpose. I’m making one for myself.
Zuko (yelling): Azula, come on! We have to get out of here!
Katara (narrowing her eyes): You’re going down, sweet-cheeks.
Azula: Aw, that’s the spirit! It’s a shame, though. You actually seem like my type.
*Azula walks away to the now FN side of the mountain base*
*Zuko and Ty Lee are still undergoing a firefight with Aang and Sokka as this goes on*
Azula: Come on guys, let’s roll out.
*firefight has now undergone a temporary pause*
Zuko (angrily): What? What did you do?
Azula (smugly): I just gave us a purpose for being here.
Zuko: Which is?
Azula: To keep an eye on those assholes *nods towards Katara, Sokka, and Aang*
Ty Lee: All I wanted to do was kill the Ice spider.
Zuko: But…! They just said that they aren’t doing anything!
Zuko (continued): Why do we need to watch them?!
Azula: That’s where your wrong Zhu Zhu.
Azula (continued):They are doing something now. They’re watching us. Because now we’ve shot two of them.
Zuko: Seriously? You’re saying that the only reason we need to be here is because they have a base over there, and the only reason they need a base is because we’re here?
Azula (giggles): Yes! We finally have a purpose in life. Isn’t glorious?
Katara (Yelling): You guys are a bunch of psychotic assholes!
Azula (yelling back): You’ll thank me later, fuckface!
Katara (yells back): You’re super uncool! You know that right?! You’re all losers!
Azula (to Zuko and Ty Lee): Yep. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. And that Water Tribe chick? She totally wants me.
Katara (yelling): Fuck you!
Azula: See? She even wants to fuck me. My seduction plan is in full effect!
Zuko: I don’t think that’s what she meant by “fuck you” Azula.
Azula: Don’t ruin the moment Zhu Zhu.
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ash-and-starlight · 3 years ago
I LIVE for your hilarious tags. You know who'd fit right in with the pirate life, though? Ty Lee. The parrotkeets would adore her.
u think my tags are funny omg haha do u wanna kiss about it or
ANYWAY YES I’ll just leave you with @jatersade’s excellent galaxy brained tags bc they're Everything to me and must be shared
#ty lee hears may has been kidnapped and is obviously gonna go save her gf from the mean pirates #so she figures out where the pirate ship is probably gonna dock next via gossip and sweet talking some ppl and heads on over #but then when she sneaks onto the boat and into mai’s rooms (undetected of course) Mai is like what no I want to be here #and ty lee is like oh well everyone is saying you got kidnapped. Honestly I thought it seemed a little fishy #bc obviously you can protect yourself so how did they get you on here actually #and then zuko walks in and he and ty lee do the pointing spider man meme for a second but she breaks first to give him a big hug<3 #he is not prepared for it tho he probably should be and Mai is smirking at him bc SHE’D been prepared for it #and anyways they’re all bffs and ty lee is like maybe I’ll stay a while #and Mai misses her gf and Zuko knows first hand that ty lee is probably more useful than half his crew combined #(he and Mai are STILL somehow the only people that know she’s on the ship rn???hea got like 5 guys on the night watch come ON) #so of course they’re happy to have her:) #anyways.
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flerkenkiddingme · 4 years ago
Do you have more of ur OC hcs? 🥺👉🏾👈🏾
me: i talk about my ocs a lot, maybe i should focus on the other canon team avatars
exactly 2 people: spare oc headcanons please? 🥺
me: time to reopen pandora’s box, buckle up bitch
Anyway to curtail the box just a bit, i’ll give you 2 for each OC i’ve introduced, starting out with Kami, the Alex Russo to Roku’s Justin (i miss wizards of waverly place). 
1) She was a hardcore theatre geek. Every birthday she had, she dragged her mom and brother to a show on Shuhon Island. She despised the Ember Island Players (rightfully) and had strong opinions on how different actors portrayed their parts. Rather similar to musical theatre fans in this world. 
2) Once she met Roku’s dragon, it loved her almost immediately. Fang was found as a juvenile, about the length of your average dachshund, and he would often fall asleep in her lap or curl up next to her shoulder. Everyone else he tolerated, but the firebender siblings were his two favorite people.
Next we have my iconic queen Ta Min (nika answer an oc ask without a pun challenge).
1) Some time after the events of the thing I’m making, she created a movement for equality between benders and nonbenders in Fire Nation education. Guess who was the reason Mai and Ty Lee were in the same classes as Azula at the Royal FN Academy for Girls? Sozin granted it just to shut her up, but she did not, in fact, shut up. Usually at the events she organized, Roku would just be there giving his Avatar Seal of Approval™.
2) She used to dream about meeting Kyoshi, and becoming a Kyoshi Warrior. They had personal agency, mad skills, and no one cared if you were a bender or not as long as you could kick ass and take names, all things that appealed to her. Later on, she did get to meet some Kyoshi Warriors, but declined their offer to join since now she had people that valued her as an equal and made her home worth staying in.
And now we’ve got my girl Asha, who I defo need to spend some more time on since her last section took me like an hour.
1) She lived with her dad, but is almost a permanent fixture at Kami’s place. Kami’s mother (I named her Suna) may have only birthed one child and legally adopted a second, but emotionally she ends up with five. She’s more than happy to have Asha over anytime, even if it means she has to witness Kami and Roku bitching to each other about their friends who never hang out at their own houses.
2) Her father, worried about the implications and consequences, forbade her to waterbend outside their house, but the only person he could find to teach her in secret was a healer from the NWT. She picked up healing from them very quickly, but her dad also wanted her to learn to fight, like her mother had. The healer wasn’t able to help with that, so she tried developing her own style by copying firebending moves she’d seen Kami do, and some of the moves she and Ta Min had learned in their weapons training but with blades of ice.
Now we’re zooming back to the Gangchen and starting with her brother Passang.
1) He once found an injured baby panther-bat stranded in a bush, and kept it safe to heal it with his other patients. Yangchen came to meet it and it liked her a lot. It it eventually became her animal spirit guide, and she credits Passang for helping them find each other.
2) His favorite past Avatar was Wan. Lots of information about him was lost to the past, so one day Yangchen called on him and allowed him to enter her body to speak to her brother, similar to how Aang did with Kyoshi in the Avatar Day episode. Passang was delighted, and he learned so much about Wan that was recorded in the libraries of the monasteries.
Following this up is Yangchen’s other brother, Khetsun.
1) He was the first to get a sky bison, and it did NOT like Yangchen’s panther-bat at all. The airbender siblings were constantly having to stop them from biting at each other. After a while, they settled into a truce, but always slept at least ten feet away from each other. Khetsun would often joke that it was because the animals’ souls were siblings in their past lives.
2) Yangchen apparently mishandled the spirit world a bit, and since Khetsun had tried to advise her in how spirit affairs work, he felt a little at fault. Yet all anyone ever said was “you did the best you could,” and that just made him feel worse, because the spirits were in a state no one had seen the likes of in many, many cycles, and neither Yangchen nor her teachers had any experience with it. He didn’t think she should be blamed for being taught so few things that were actually helpful.
Finally, we’re getting a little more of her friend Rianak.
1) She was a bit nervous to come out to her family, so she fake-dated Passang for a short time. He’d scripted a whole dramatic breakup for them once she was ready, but unfortunately never got to use it because Rianak’s grandmother saw her kissing the Avatar, pulled her aside to talk privately, and helped her realize they were all cool with her dating whoever she wanted.
2) She could beat all the siblings, plus their parents, in pai sho. She taught Yangchen her strategies, and the way she played eventually manifested in her reincarnation.
that took so long but damn was it fun. hit me up with more asks if you want to know more!
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