#like I said.. I can take whatever if the result is what I cab accept as a good story
yuseirra · 10 days
**Onk spoilers**
One more thing, WHY would the guy be watching Ruby's concert so intently if he's the one who's tried to kill her? To be on watch? Has he prepared another backup just in case and planned an attack on Ruby on stage- could that be why he's watching his daughter's performance in 159 and suggesting to Aqua they watch it together? If that's what's happening, it's really twisted (you know, I DO feel like there may be someone who could make an attempt on harming Ruby during the performance with Kana trying to protect her, there's been some ominous foreshadowing that SOMETHING may happen during the B-komachi concert)
But seeing just how miserable and cursed his life is, I totally just feel like Kamiki's being a proud dad and genuinely wants to see his precious girl perform and shine to further heights. There isn't much light in his life. Nothing so much to be happy about. Maybe he wanted to see his girl perform last thing before he decides to turn himself in if THAT'S still what he wants to do(IS HE though; I think this guy plans to die from the songs)
Why do I feel like something would happen to Ruby and Kana and Aqua and him would both rush to the concert? Or Aqua be in utter shock as Kamiki shows him what's happening through his phone screen?
Mastermind or not, the fact that Kamiki has the phone and is watching Ruby's live sort of suggests that they'll be able to figure if something goes terribly wrong regarding it.
Aqua still HAS to watch that concert anyway if he DOES want to keep to his promise with Kana. How far are they from the stage? Can they actually make it there if something breaks out?; Maybe that could be how the series comes to its closure? They end up cooperating with a common goal?? Wishful thinking, isn't it?
I really don't think Kamiki wants to hurt his own daughter. I don't think he wants to hurt anyone. That's something that he blatantly just states and I'd like to just accept it because that's REALLY the way he used to be. He's the one I've analyzed the most in this series just second to Ai. I HAVE to do that in order to create fanworks and I'm very serious about it. I genuinely believe that he's never once had any malicious intent (to those he cares for, at least). If he's doing something, it was and is always for Ai. It's the one motive that would make every action he does make sense and explain just how and why he's changed. Like almost all the characters in the plot in onk, and the hoshino family in specific, his main drive is love. Love is what's been making him do things, as implied by Tsukuyomi in CH 158, and the emotions that are associated with him (desire, disappointment, despair) aren't.. Really feelings that have to be associated with aggresive tendencies. The latter two isn't, and "desire" just screams Fatal and Mephisto to me because those songs are all about desiring. I rarely get these things wrong.
I will think about this story as much as I could, and if I can don't like it, I can always move on. It'll be sad but I can accept it, I don't want it to happen, though! So I'll do my best on my end and respect what comes up in official at the same time!//
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winniethewife · 9 months
It's time that you won.
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(Llewyn Davis x OC!Rose Thorne)
Chapter 7: A reflection of the love in your eyes
Last Chapter ~ Next Chapter
Warnings: Pregnancy
Words: 905
It was a beautiful winter morning. The city was covered in glistening white snow. Llewyn was making the coffee, slightly concerned. Rose had been in the bathroom all morning, sick as a dog. Llewyn is pacing the kitchen waiting for the water to boil. The obvious answer was in front of him. He had already called to make her an appointment with the doctor like she asked. “Llewyn…” Rose said softly as she leaned on the doorframe of the kitchen looking at him with half lidded eyes. She looked exhausted. He walks over and embraces her close.
“Hey, you feeling okay? I can call us a cab for the appointment we don’t have to walk.” Llewyn speaks anxiously. Rose holds onto him, nodding.
“Probably a good idea. Feeling pretty light-headed right now.” She says as she touches her forehead, gently brushing her bangs to the side
“Alright…hey look at me” he turns her to him and looks into her eyes. He couldn’t help but feel the dread building up in his stomach. “…that’s my girl. Hey, lets sit you down, alright darling? Then I’ll go get the cab okay?” Llewyn helps her to the couch then runs downstairs to hail a cab.
Llewyn sat in the waiting room waiting, over thinking, doubting. She had to be pregnant. What was going to happen? He obviously doesn’t have the best history with pregnant women. Both of the women he’d impregnated in the past had either had an abortion or abandoned him. He wasn’t even sure he’d be a good father. He hadn’t had the chance to find out…
“Mr. Davis? Miss. Thorne requested your presence for the results.” The nurse stood in front of him a sympathetic smile on her face. He nods and stands up, following the nurse to the exam room. When they get to the room, he looks at Rose and tries to smile. She looks nervous as hell.
“Hey…” She smiles at him, but he can see the worry in her face.
“Hey.” He stands next to her and takes her hand in his. “You know…Whatever the answer. I’ll be here for you. Whatever you want to do…I know a doctor if you…”
“Llewyn! No, no, no, Darling!” Rose squeezes his hand and looked at him, her eyes looking at him sympathetically. “If I am, then I’m keeping it okay? I’m not leaving. It’s you and me, alright?” She smiles at him. Sometimes Llewyn forgets that Rose is nothing like Jean, She Genuinely wants him, and this isn’t a relationship of convenience. She loves him. Llewyn was about to say something when the doctor walks in
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Lewyn was practically glowing. Positive. The test was positive! He’d never been happy about a positive pregnancy before. It usually meant he was going to be out of money and another bump in the road along the way, this was something real. And he was happy about it. Rose swore she’s never seen Llewyn this happy. It was almost like he was a completely different person. She knew him long enough to know that this was the first time in a long time that anyone had actually stayed. She was the first to stay, not out of obligation, or guilt, or some contrived notion of friendship. She had accepted him, flaws and all. She loved him. No matter how much he sulked, or when he came home drunk after a fight, she loved him. And now they had really made something together.
As they entered the apartment Llewyn pulled Rose inside, once they rounded the corner to the kitchen he lifted her onto the counter and pressed his lips onto hers as she giggles with delight, her hand on his face, fingers running through his beard as she accepts his kisses whole heartedly.
“You and me Sunshine, we’re going to be the best parents to this little boy or girl. Fuck, Rose, I didn’t know I could be more in love with you. But you…you just go out of your way to prove me wrong. Again and again!” He laughs. He presses his forehead to hers as she holds his face.
“I love you too. Llewyn this…this is amazing…I’m…I’m speechless honestly.” Rose closes the distance and kisses him again, her teeth grazing his upper lip as they pull each other closer. Llewyn is the first to pull away.
“Rose…I can’t wait to show you that I can be a good husband, A good Father, a Good man. For the first time in my-”
“Wait, Husband?” Rose interrupts him, a look of shock on her face. Llewyn looked confused.
“Well…you’re pregnant and...You want to keep it so I assumed…Oh my god I’m an idiot.” Llewyn looks down, chuckling at himself. Rose sat looking at him still in shock. She hadn’t put it together yet, He wanted to marry her, he wanted to make an honest woman of her. There was no more intimidation of her career and success, no more stringing along until his own career launches off of hers, like so many times before.
“Yes…Yes Llewyn I’ll Marry you.” Rose says softly as a smile appears on her face, like a beautiful ray of sunshine in his dark and drab life. She shines. Llewyn looks up at her, his own smile bringing warmth to her heart.
This was everything.
They we’re really going to make this work.
For them
For this baby
This was real.
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
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The Escape Route (Yan! Don Giorno x Fem!Reader)
A request from a lovely nonnie mouse asking how the Don would handle his darling attempting to escape from his home. A bit of a drawn out scenario... I really hope you enjoy the read.
TW: Manipulative relationship dynamics, possessive behaviour, yandere behaviour
Word Count: 2.7k
Your brisk walk was slowly turning into a run as you worked your way through the busy streets of Naples. With your breathing ragged and eyes darting around to make sure nobody was on your tail, you tried to think about how best to put your escape plan back on track.
You knew that Giorno’s influence extended further than most, but you hadn’t expected him to have the power to derail every single option you had thought of to escape from his overpowering grip. You had been running around for hours now, from station to station, none would book you a ticket to anywhere, every cab ride was hastily halted after a dubious phone call… resulting in you being unwillingly ejected from the vehicle each time. So there you were, running into the more dangerous parts of Naples, frantically looking for some kind of shelter to house you while you thought of what you would do next.
Thankfully, you found a tiny inn, sparse amenities, small and far removed enough you thought, to not be on Giorno’s radar. The kindly old lady didn’t ask many questions, and you paid with the cash you had been slowly hiding away for such an event.
You couldn’t pinpoint when your relationship with Giorno had descended to this but you knew that if you stayed any longer his charming brand of captivity would best your common sense and you would be trapped forever. With Giorno, you had access to anything, no request was too demanding… in exchange though he required you to be within his confines at all times, listen to and obey his honeyed instructions with minimal fuss, and to not run off in the occasions when he did take you out of the mansion. I’m just keeping you safe he said… little did you know that the most dangerous one of all was the Don himself with his hypnotic gaze.
To give him the benefit of the doubt, it could have been much worse, he never harmed you physically, never pushed the intimacy boundaries further than you allowed… in your moments of weakness, it was you who had sought out his embrace. The absurdity of it all- vacillating between love and hate for this man, and so to protect the fraying thread that held your sanity together, you decided to make a run for it. It was not an impulsive idea, you had spent the better part of the year planning your grand escape, trying to imagine every way in which your plan could go awry and possible solutions to the problems. Ironically, this was a habit that you had picked up from Giorno himself, and should your plan actually work, it would be quiet poetic- escaping using the traits of your captor against him. You had gathered small amounts of cash here and there, not enough to rouse anyone’s suspicion, and made sure that any and all evidence of you memorizing the layout of the surrounding areas was completely erased. Perhaps the most difficult task of them all, was to lure Giorno into false sense of security regarding your disposition towards your situation. In the weeks leading up to your escape, you had flawlessly played the part of the dutiful ‘wife’, listening attentively, spoiling him with gentle touches and loving gazes, making sure to build up your affections gradually, as if they had been blooming naturally so as not to trigger any suspicion.
Finally, you saw your opportunity to make your move that morning. Giorno had to leave early to meet with a few associates from Japan, so you rose with him, and watched as he got ready, helping him with his hair and doing up his tie. Looking up to meet his crystalline eyes, you noticed he considered you with an expression you haven’t seen on him before.
“What is it tesoro? Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked in a gentle tone.
“You’re… just so beautiful… would you like to come with me today? I’m sure they would love to meet you… I call them associates but in actual fact one of them is a relative of mine. You’ll only be bored for a little while; after that we can do whatever you would like to,” he asked with a gentle smile. You thought about how you were going to answer, ultimately you knew you didn’t want to go, favoring your grand escape instead, but denying him that quickly would definitely set off alarm bells in his mind.
“Ah! Perhaps next time my love, I’m not going to be good company today, I woke up with a bit of a headache… I’ll probably go back to bed and sleep it off after you leave,”
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to make you feel any better bella, I hate the fact that you’re hurting,” Giorno cupped your face in his hands and gently stroked your cheeks with his thumbs, “get some rest bella mio, I’ll be back to check on you as soon as I can,” kissing you on the forehead he left without another word. Waiting for him to be completely out of the villa, you watched as his car exited the driveway before quietly packing what you could, mentally going over your checklist more times than you cared to count. Since your change in attitude, the staff at the villa were more accepting of your whims, partly to do with the fact that Giorno had instructed them to do so - within reason, but also, because you had won over their trust and if you had to be honest with yourself, there was nothing you could fault them for. The dynamic Giorno had with them was not ruled by fear, but rather by admiration… all of them being drawn in by his charisma. Managing to maneuver your way through the mansion and out an exit that saw you climbing over a hidden portion of the eastern wall surrounding the villa, you had finally been outside the confines of the villa on your own for the first time in well over a year.
In the car on the way to meet with his guests Giorno was preoccupied. He had noticed the gradual change in your behavior and as much as he would have loved to give you the benefit of the doubt, a nagging inclination that you might be lying always clouded his thoughts. He loved you- entirely- even though there were days in which you rejected his affections, he was patient with you… eventually you’d understand, the dangers that lurked in every corner made your captivity, as you so unceremoniously called it, a necessity. He had grown so accustomed to making decisions with little to no advice, he had adopted that stance in his personal life as well. He rationalized that once you had accepted the fact that his actions were all borne from his desire to protect you, your lives would be peaceful, until then, he would be patient, enduring your tantrums and snide remarks with the grace of an aristocrat… which only upset you further. To Giorno, you were to be looked after, protected- treasured, and so no matter how much you had tested his patience in the beginning, not once were you ever hurt or taken advantage of. Violence and shackles were much too unrefined for a gem like you, so to correct your behavior, the young don resorted to other, less threatening means of discipline.
“Don Giovanna? We have arrived,” shaken out of his musings by his consigliere, his attention was drawn to the fact that they had arrived at their destination ready to discuss the matters at hand.
“Thank you Lorenzo, would you check if the staff has everything ready while I greet our guests?”
“Of course, excuse me,” with that, Lorenzo had left, hastily attending to a call as he walked.
“Ah, welcome to Italy, I take it you and your associates have settled in well?” said Giorno with a polite bow, being mindful of the cultural conventions of his esteemed guests. Drinks were ordered and everyone present had settled down in the private lounge, except for Lorenzo who had been animatedly conversing on the phone for enough time to make his absence felt. Frustrated by what he was tasked to do, he abruptly ended his conversation and sought out Giorno to give him the news, finally, the staff at villa Giovanna had realized you were gone.
“The expression on your face can only mean one thing… when did they notice?”
“A few minutes ago, she couldn’t have gotten too gar given the timeframe… what would you like me to do?”
“You stay here and keep our guests company, I’ll handle this…” not even bothering to alert the driver, Giorno collected the keys from the valet and zoomed off. Making a short drive even shorter, he arrived home in foul mood, although he did assign some of the blame to himself, recognizing his fatal error when he ignored his gut feeling, he was disappointed at how easily you had managed to slip from his grasp and wondered if his staff had been plotting with you all along. He would have to address that later on though, his primary concern now was to locate you and bring you back home.
“Mista, I have a special request to make, please come to the villa, bring Fugo with you,” said Giorno in a quick call, there were few who he trusted more than his underbosses, and this task was something that required only the most competent people. After a short explanation of the situation at hand, both men had already started making calls to the relevant people in an attempt to thwart your plans.
You would think the most frightening thing about Giorno would be his god-like requiem ability. But over and above the raw power he possessed was his reach, the world seemed so small, as if it had rested comfortably in his elegant hands- and you had been getting reminders of this inescapable fate over and over again. By the time you had given up on the idea of escaping through any traditional means of transportation, you must have tried fifty different avenues, each attempt failing more spectacularly than the last. Having had enough, you resigned yourself to the fact that you would not be leaving Naples immediately, and found refuge in the outskirts of the city. You climbed the rickety staircase behind the lady as she prattled on about her day.
“Shall I get you something to eat dolcezza? You look like you could use something warm and comforting in your system. In fact, let me do just that, you get settled in so long,” said the innkeeper before you had a chance to interject. Deciding to take a shower to wash off the day, you took comfort in the fact that this place was so remote, you were almost certain you were safe for the meantime. The tiny bathroom was a far cry from the palatial one you had grown accustomed to while being in Giorno’s villa, but it served the same purpose, only this time, you had your freedom. The place was peaceful though aside from the sound of what must have been a car backfiring and the small creaks from the natural expansion and contraction of the dwelling, it was quiet enough for you to calm down and organize your thoughts. Now that you were comparatively more at ease than before, you felt the strain of the day in your body, aching muscles, sore feet and cuts and scrapes that began to smart affixed a slight grimace to your face as you rummaged through your belongings to find some sort of pain relief.
A sharp knock on the door disrupted your search. You stayed silent for a moment, contemplating if you should ignore it or answer.
“Dolcezza, I’ve brought you a small snack, you’re going to enjoy it,” you just wanted to crawl into bed and forget the day you had, but you also didn’t want to snub her kindness, you reached out to unlock and open the door.
“Buongiorno tesoro… enjoying your little excursion? Marina here was kind enough to show me to your room so I could surprise you… seems like it worked, look at this charming expression,” turning to the smiling woman, Giorno nodded for her to leave. Your heartbeat thundered in your ears, you wanted to cry, to run, to jump right out through the hazy window but your feet were rooted to the ground.
“Well (y/n) … you’ve been running around Naples for the entire day, have you found what you’re looking for?” his usual honeyed tone was laced with derision as he critically eyed your surroundings. “is this what you were so desperate to escape to? Look at this place… look at the condition you’re in… how is any of this better than everything I’ve given you?”
“I have my freedom here…” was all you could muster as your mind raced thinking of how he had still managed to find you despite all the precautions you had taken. “Giorno, how…”
“How did I find you? I always have my ways…” he said, sauntering over to the window, opening it just enough to make eye contact with whoever was outside, dismissing them with a nonchalant wave of his gloved hand. Pulling out his cellphone, he showed you the opened application, explaining that he had been using it to track your location, following the signal from the diamond earrings he gifted you on your birthday, carelessly left on when you had made your hasty escape. In all fairness, you hadn’t considered that the dainty gems were anything more than that. Feeling your legs starting to give out under you at the revelation that you were the cause of your own undoing, you sat on the bed hanging your head in defeat.
“Freedom, you say? Tell me how has that worked for you?”
“That’s not fair! You’ve basically controlled every single encounter I’ve had, and even when I thought I had escaped you by coming here, you still somehow managed to manipulate the situation…” you shouted, tears of frustration running feely down your face.
“Stop being dramatic, the world is full of horrible people, everyone is looking out for themselves, I wish you would realize that… tell me tesoro, how many people turned you away? Threw you out of their cars, made up excuses to deny your requests? Not one of those people looked into those pleading eyes and thought you were worth helping. Why? Because people are selfish…”
“You… you threatened them all, you…”
“You give me too much credit, it’s not like I was going to kill them, I hate violence, despite your disappointingly low opinion of me, even you have to admit that I’ve never done anything to physically harm you… all I want is to protect you, you don’t understand how things work out there,”
“It’s not like you’ve ever given me the opportunity to find out how things are… I”
“Some people are just meant to be loved and protected tesoro, isn’t that enough? Why would you want to risk being hurt to get a taste of something that’s actually not even worth it… you’re not cut out for this life… I’ve been here so I know this isn’t what you deserve. You’re coming back home with me,”
“But, I- “ you attempted to interject but his intense glare halted you.
“(y/n), I’m very patient under most circumstances, but please don’t test me now, I won’t say it twice…” said Giorno with a slight bite to his voice, it was clear he was growing tired of this conversation, and you were losing your will to fight back. With a quivering lip and misty eyes, you moved to gather your belongings but was stopped by the young don, arguing that he can replace whatever is there, wanting no other reminders of this transgression to follow you both back. Resigning yourself to this fate, realizing there was nowhere beyond his reach, you grasped his outstretched arm and followed him to the car to return to your life of opulent captivity. Months and months of planning all resulting in nothing, it became glaringly obvious to you that escaping was futile…
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valwentinefics · 4 years
I loved your Edward Cullen piece! I feel that that he would have a constant sexual urge brimming underneath and you accurately portrayed it boiling over. May i request another piece on how the MC and Esward met?
A/N: Sorry this took a bit, writers block + still being in school was tough but I managed, even If i’m not all that happy with the result! Prob will do a part 2 sorry the dialogue is awkward. I imagined like a scenario like the cannon universe where edward is into her but also scared of harming her but hes also just a teen boy with his first crush, both Y/n and edward arent sure how to act with it.
Tw: Being scared to walk alone at night?? Idk just put that just in case!! 
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The midnight wind blew through Y/n’s hair, a chill running up her spine not just from the cold, but with every set of glowing headlights that passed her by. Y/n was never one to walk around at night, the fear of what may lurk had been pushed upon her since she was a child, and now as she wandered the dim streets her chest felt so tight with fear she wasn’t sure if she could breathe.  Y/n wished she had accepted Dr. Cullens offer of a ride home, but she didn’t want to inconvenience the man and instead lied about taking a taxi. Her and Dr. Cullen had become close over the past few weeks that she had been volunteering at the hospital, hoping to gain experience when she applied to universities to be a doctor. The two were inseparable there, Y/n watching with wide eyes and bated breath whatever the doctor did, and Carlisle carefully walking her through step by step the process of what he was doing. 
She pulled her sweater tighter around her body as she rounded the corner into an alleyway her e/c coloured eyes darting around. She could see her breath as she tried to calm her breathing, but that was proved futile when she stepped on a can, the loud crunch startling a scream out of her. “Get it together Y/n.” She muttered, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, trying to regain composure as she heard distant voices approaching. Her hand, stiff from cold, dug into her pocket, grabbing her keys and sticking them through the paces between her fingers. Feeling a little better, Y/n continued her walk.
Y/n had to admit, despite her terror, the night time in forks was beautiful. The way the streets were illuminated by the passing headlights of cars, and the occasional coloured lights of stores reflected through the puddles that seemed to forever be there in the rainy city had the ability to take her breath away despite how small they were. The awe of the neon painted town distracted her from the silent footsteps coming behind her.
“Y/n?” Spoke a familiar voice. She spun around at the sound of her name, her grip on her keys tightened, only to loosen a bit when she recognized the man in front of her. Edward Cullen. “It’s late, why are you out here alone? You must be cold.” Y/n hadn't talked to the Cullen boy before, or really any Cullen other than Carlisle. At school the Cullen kids seemed like an untouchable group, but seeing him now, soaking wet, she felt as if he wasn't so high above the rest as everyone thought.
“I-I’m fine. Just a little chilly.” She lied, feeling the chill seep past the wet sweater she wore and into her body. The Cullen boy seemed to notice it was a lie, taking off his jacket and placing it over her shoulders in a fluid movement. “But won’t you get--”
“I don’t get cold easily.” Edward cut off her question, “Besides, my car is nearby. It’ll be warm in there.”
“No no it’s fine I’ll just take a cab.” Y/n said quickly, though the feeling of being in a warm car filled her thoughts she didn’t want to inconvenience anyone and much preferred to do things on her own despite her empty wallet disagreeing.
“It’ll be no inconvenience, besides It’ll save you money.” He replied as if he read her mind. Y/n opened her mouth to come up with a reason to not go with him but all that came out was a sneeze.
“See, you’re already catching a cold. Lets go.” Edward put his hand on the small of her back and began to lead Y/n to a Volvo parked on the side of the road. Y/n felt bad for bothering him but she could feel herself getting sicker with every sniffle, and her body was ice cold. She really wished she had initially accepted Dr. Cullen’s offer for a ride, fear dawning on her as she realized she would have to call in sick. If Edward noticed how she was feeling, he didn’t show it, staying silent as he ushered her into the car and passed her a blanket he had stored inside.
The car ride was quiet, the air between the two thick and awkward as they both figured out what to say. Y/n wished she could read minds, know what he was thinking. She hoped he wouldn’t tell Dr.Cullen about the meeting between the two, not wanting to appear like she rejected his car ride for any reason other than her own stupid independence. Y/n was about to say something, a question about how he found the weather, anything to make the ride less awkward, when he pulled up to her house. Quick pleasantries were exchanged between the two and Y/n headed inside, only realizing she had Edwards' coat once he had pulled away.
For the next few days the Cullen's were no shows at school. Y/n had the coat stashed in her locker to give to him, and yet she couldn’t find him. It drove Y/n insane. Every day she would walk into the cafeteria ready to finally get rid of this coat whose presence was weighing heavy on her subconscious, only to face disappointment when he wasn’t there. She knew a jacket wasn’t all that important in the long term, but it smelled so much like Edward’s car and reminded her of him and his stupidly attractive face, Y/n wanted to rid herself of it before her budding crush blossomed into a full blown one. It took a few days for Y/n to muster up the courage to talk to Dr.Cullen about it. Worries filled the back of her mind that he would think her to be stupid or weird, but as the were cleaning up for the night Y/n decided to bite the bullet.
Y/n sprayed the sharp smelling sanitizer on the table, wiping it down with a cloth and repeating on the next, her lips pursed as she thought of how to bring up the situation to the doctor across the room from her, who was busy looking over papers. Luckily the blonde seemed to notice first, standing up from his seat and walking over.
“Y/n, what’s on your mind?” He asked casually yet looking at her with the look of concern only a father could give.
“Well a while ago, when you offered me a ride home because my car was in the shop and I said no and I would take a taxi, I actually decided to walk home because I didn’t want to bother you and then I ran into your son Edward and he gave me a ride home, but then I forgot to give it back to him, so could you?” Y/n asked, her words spilling out of her mouth quickly, glad she could finally get the situation off her chest.
Carlisle chuckled, grabbing a sticky note and writing on it, handing it to Y/n. “I have got to stay late but here’s my address. You can go give him it now or later.” 
Y/n nodded, giddy with the excitement of finally getting away from the burden of having to return the coat. “You’ll be fine here without me?” she asked cautiously before she got too excited.
Carlisle nodded. “Yes, go give my son his coat. And tell him he needs to wear it more often.”
The Cullen’s house was beautiful at night. A mansion buried in the woods, it seemed so serene. Y/n wished she lived there so she could gaze out of the many lit up windows and into the forest. But there was no time for daydreaming about the lush scenery, Y/n was on a mission. She held the grey fabric tightly as she stepped out of the car, nervously approaching the door. She hadn’t heard of anyone going to the Cullen’s house, was she the first from her school? She was nervous as she approached the door, about to knock when the door opened, revealing a small teen with a dark pixie cut. Was it Alexa Cullen? Y/n wasn’t too sure on their names.
“Edward, a cute girl is here for you!” The girl, possibly named Alexa, shouted into the house. “You are here for Edward right?”
“Uh, yeah…” Y/n said awkwardly, looking to the ground and tightening her grasp on the jacket, looking at the pavement that was illuminated by the open door. After a few moments of silence the light disappeared and she looked up, her eyes meeting Edward’s piercing amber ones that seemed to know her deepest secrets.
“I’ll leave you two lovebirds at it” the girl chimed, closing the door and locking Edward outside.
“Sorry about my sister Alice, she’s a little…odd” Edward trailed off, looking to the side. Y/n was glad to know the name of the girl before, but also happy to just look at Edward, as creepy as it sounded. He looked perfect as always, hardly a strawberry blonde hair out of place, and those that were just made him look more perfect. Y/n could feel herself falling hard. Ever since the night he helped her out he seemed irresistible.
“It’s fine…” Y/n replied, the two sitting in silence for a while before Y/n remembered her task. “Oh here, I came to bring you your coat. So, uh, yeah..” She pressed the balled up grey coat into his hands. “Carlisle said you need to wear it more.”
Edward let out a chuckle. “I guess I’ll have to…” he stared at the grey fabric as if it would tell him what to say next.
“So I’ll go then?” Y/n said, though it sounded like a question. She didn’t want to bother him more than needed and began so walk away, pausing only when she heard his voice.
“Wait, before you go. Dinner, Friday, at eight? To make up for the effort you put in giving me my jacket back.” Y/n felt butterflies fly through her stomach, wondering if he possibly liked her back.
“Dinner… sounds good…” Y/n blushed with a smile to the ground, waiting for him to go back inside before giddily running back to her car. “I got a date with Edward Cullen!” She sang to herself as she pulled out of the driveway, oblivious to her crush smiling inside the house at her thoughts.
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jikooksgirl19 · 4 years
My Soulmates I 2
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Genre: Soulmate AU, fluff,angst,eventual smut
Pairing: Idol Jimin x Lawyer Reader x Idol Jungkook
Warnings: mentions of death and abortion
AN: Thank you for your patience with this chapter. Not only did I delete it prior not once but twice, I had a personal loss happen that caused me to take some time away from writing. But I’m back on track and writing this story again. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It’s short but I have some big stuff coming in chapter 3. Please let me know your thoughts and give feedback. I love talking to y’all.
The three of you found yourself on the Top floor in Bang SiHyuks office. He sat across from you, hands clasped tightly just staring at you all. He hadn’t said anything in the last 15 minutes after you and the boys explained what happened, except to call on his personal secretary. The silence was deafening and you were so so tempted to tell a joke just to break the silence. Just as you were about to open your mouth his secretary Kim Hyunjae came into to office with a stack of papers with all the information about poly soulmates. He began to explain in detail about how the bond between you three is deeper than a normal soulmates, and it plays a huge part in the emotional side of things. Not only do multiple partners have a stronger connection to each other but their emotions, feelings, even moods can be affected by the other people in the relationship. It had been documented that on some occasions each party could physically feel what his or her mates were going through during moments of heightened situations. For example if one party had a headache or got hurt or even was sexually active the others could feel this both physically and emotionally. They also could not be parted from each other for long periods of time without it causing harm to themselves. Though extremely rare the pull of the bond would act as a tether and bring all participants back to each other, or risk crippling illness and the eventual death from the one that left or was left in the relationship. Unlike a normal Soulmate bond it could not be broken except through death as the universe had decided that these were the most sacred of bonded mates hence why they were so rare.
Only one case with no death of the separated mate has ever been documented, and that is in the case of Korean Soulmates Song Jungman, Jong Ara, and Im Jinna . The group had decided they wanted children so both Jong Ara and Im Jinna had tried to conceive but only Ara was able to do so. In a jealous fit Jinna claimed that Ara somehow caused her infertility and wanted to break the three apart. She played the victim so well and convinced Song Jungmin to leave Ara. Together they would start a new life with just the two of them leaving Ara behind. Ara was devistated as she was expecting their child and knew if they left her with the intention to not come back she could get sick, lose their child or even die. She pleaded with them both claiming her innocence but unfortunately Jungmin did not believe her and they left her to move to Japan. Ara waited to fall ill knowing that the separation would be too much but her overwhelming love for her child triggered a new bond that allowed her to survive the loss of both soulmates. After several years it was discovered by Jungmin that Jinna had once had an abortion before meeting her soulmates and as a result she became infertile. He was destroyed by this information because he didn’t try to listen to Ara and wholeheartedly believed only Jinna. He threw away part of his heart because he believed the other so willingly knowing that it would lead to the death of Ara. He believed Ara to have passed away after they abandoned her all those years ago. He left Jinna to go home to Korea and accept his fate wishing to be buried next to Ara and their unborn child only to discover that Ara not only survived but had twins, a son and daughter and was married to a man that had lost his soulmate years earlier. Though he tried to make amends with Ara it was difficult for her to forgive him as their bond had been broken beyond repair. They were both still connected but since they had been separated for over fifteen years it wasn’t as strong, in fact it was like meeting an old acquaintance instead of a lover. Unfortunately his separation from Jinna became too much and he succumbed to debilitating illness and died only three months after reconnecting with Ara and his children. It was later found out that Jinna died the same day in a hospital in Japan. Ara was of course sad at this news, but the love of her children allowed her to continue living and she was able to find peace.
You had tears in your eyes and noticed that you were holding on to both Jimin and Jungkooks hands during the story. You were so wrapped up in this that you didn’t even realize you three had unknowingly gravitated towards each other for comfort. They were both choked up as well. Someone cleared their throat causing you to refocus on the gentlemen in front of you. You sat up straight and decided to get straight to the point.
“So where do we go from here? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be feeling at the moment, and now you’re telling me I have this life altering, can’t change a thing, you now have not one but TWO soulmates, and oh yeah, you will feel all their emotions and feelings and you can’t even be away from them for too long or you might just up and kick the freaking bucket situation going on...this is what you are saying to us right now?” You couldn’t help the panic rising in your voice. Your professionalism was flying right out of the proverbial window. Jungkook just looked at you, and then Bang PD and said “What she said.” You couldn’t help it you started to giggle at his brief statement then the boys started giggling with you.
Bang SiHyuk cleared his throat and got right to the point. “First we get you moved into the boys complex. You will have an apartment on the floor below the dorm along next to Jins soulmate Yuna. This will allow visits between you three without risk for now. Only essential staff will be told about this arrangement. Y/N you will be hired on as a permanent staff member within our own legal team. Also because you are also multilingual you will assist with our translation team while the boys are traveling, as well as help teach English to to boys. This will help with the questions the public might have about you being around the boys all the time. This is going to take some preparation before we can put this information out to the public. We are also going to have to get you started on the path to Citizenship here in Korea.” Said Bang SiHyuk loudly while clapping his hands together as though he just solved all the problems in front of him. “Now I suggest that you three get to know each other and settle anything else you might need to attend to quickly. Y/N I will have your apartment ready in two days. Is that enough time to get you packed up and ready to move?”
You sat there with your mouth open like a fish trying to digest everything that was being said. This was going too fast and you needed to pump the brakes on whatever this was that was happening. Realizing you needed to answer you opened your mouth to vehemently deny any of his requests and spoke up with a resounding. “Yes Sir.” It came out of your mouth like it was nothing. You immediately slapped your hand over your mouth and thought what on Gods green earth is wrong with me? I have lost my ever loving mind. While you and your inner bitch-demon continued to argue in your mind, the others started making arrangements for you.
You noticed that Kim Hyunjae didn’t seem as though he was fond of you or this situation you had found yourself in. He didn’t out and out say anything rude or with tone but your gut told you he was not happy with this relationship between you, Jimin and Jungkook. You chalked it up to the amount of paperwork this was going to cause him so you tried your best to let him know you would be as much help as you could and you would do your best for the boys and the company. At this point you were giving Jimin and Jungkook your current address and contact information so you could meet tomorrow morning for a “ Get to know you meal”. You excused yourself and prepared to go home when Jungkook caught up to you. “ I know this is a lot Noona and we are all a bit overwhelmed and know absolutely nothing about each other, but please know that I am so blessed to call you my soulmate. You seem very kind and you are beautiful and smart and amazingly funny even when you don’t mean to be.” He smiled at you and your heartstrings tugged in the most peculiar way. You were already becoming attached as you could feel a pull towards the younger man. He took your hand and shook it in a very businesslike manner and said “Till tomorrow malady” and bowed in a funny way causing you to laugh again. Jimin came out and grabbed your other hand and said he was looking forward to breakfast and getting to know more about you as well. You said your goodbyes and turned and left the building hailing a cab to take you home so you could process the events of today. You had not been prepared for the absolute crazy that happened today but deep down you were getting excited at the prospect of having and loving two adorable soulmates.
As Jungkook and Jimin were getting ready to leave Jungkook looked at Jimin and asked “What are you going to tell Somi?” Jimin just looked back at Jungkook with sadness in his eyes and shrugged his shoulders and replied “I have no idea.”
To Be Continued...
Taglist: @mrcleanheichou @itsminniekat @dreamescapeswriting @seaoffangirling @4evahevah @sonderkook @bisexualmess007 @chxustuff @aviwasabi21 @skyys-universe @ally22042000 @ramblingsofawolfgirl @eunoiavante @angelic-lawyer @purpleheartsfortae @the-obsessive-fangirl
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sirowsky · 4 years
The Flowers Always Know
Description: When a mad scientist uses you as an experiment while you’re on holiday, the Heroics only just manage to save you. And in your recovery you become very close to the leader of the group. (Slow burn)
Warnings: Language
Link to Masterlist
Comment: Hint to what the title is all about, and plenty of Máma Moreno.
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Chapter 6
  The house was a mess, to say the least. You had left in a hurry that evening, after things had taken a very sharp turn towards very bad, shortly after your dinner. You’d been glad that you had only eaten a light pea soup, when it came back up again some ten minutes later. You’d only just made it to the bathroom, but after the food had been coughed up, a large amount of fresh blood had followed, and you knew you were in trouble.   Why you hadn’t called for that ambulance was anyone’s guess, but then, you had never liked being a bother, and you had been perfectly capable of walking out to the cab.    It was just that, in the twenty minutes that the drive had taken, you’d gotten significantly worse. Your whole body had started hurting, you’d begun bleeding from the nose and ears, and just as you got to the hospital, you had begun to get spasms and cramps in your spine and legs.   When you staggered into that emergency-room, you did it truly convinced that you’d leave it in a coffin.
  You shuddered slightly with the memory, as you walked through the house, opening all the blinds and pulling all of the curtains back again. It was already late, and thus dark outside, but you wanted to wake up to a house that bathed in sunlight in the morning.   The kitchen was probably the worst, in terms of the amount of cleaning that would need to be done. The remnants of your cooking that evening where still on the counter and in the dishes, and the amount of mold that was growing in there was somewhat disturbing.   You couldn’t leave that for the morning, you’d lose every ounce of appetite waking up to that crap. So, you set about throwing away everything that had been left out on the counters and in the sink, and quickly scrubbed all the open surfaces clean, before handwashing some of the glasses, plates, mugs and cutlery, that had gotten dusty even sitting in the cabinets, in the four months you’d been gone.   Once the kitchen felt usable again, you went to the bathroom to check what state that was in. It wasn’t too bad. You flushed all the pipes and let the water run in the sink and the shower for a good half-hour to clean them out, and begin to work away the smell of stagnated water. The toilet needed a decent scrub too, but it could wait until morning.   It was after midnight when you’d finally changed the sheaths in the bed and settled in for the night.
  A sharp rapping on your door woke you after what seemed like mere seconds. But the sun was up, so you looked at your wrist-watch – 06:15 – and sighed. Who the fuck would be there at that hour?   Grumbling into your pillow, you turned over and decided that whoever it was would have to come back at a more decent hour.
  “Come on now, mujer, I don’t have all day.”
  You physically jumped at the sound of Anita Moreno raising her voice behind your front door. She wasn’t shouting, just applying a good amount of force to her voice. Just enough to make you feel a size smaller than usual.   You scrambled out of bed and grabbed a robe which you put on whilst walking towards the door. You had no idea what you looked like, but you hoped there was an air of scarecrow to you. You’d found her intriguing when you first met her the day before, but she was little more than a damned annoyance right now. You were not a morning person, and especially not today when your body was tired and sore from the tests.
  “I’m not gonna ask if you know what time it is, because you obviously do, and you obviously don’t care, so don’t beat around the bush and just tell me what the hell you want so I can go back to bed and finish waking up.”
  “You always this cheerful in the morning?”
  “I’ll be sure to let Marcus know.”
  “What does my morning mood have to do with Marcus?”
  “Nothing. Yet…”
  What? No, no, don’t let her distract you, idiot.
  “What do you want, Mrs. Moreno?”
  “Tell me, what kind of flowers do you like?”
  Nope. You’re not doing this, whatever it is, you’re not doing it at 6 fucking 15 in the morning.
  “Have a nice day, Mrs. Moreno.”
  As you went to close the door, she simply barged right in, straight past you, and completely unbothered walked into your kitchen while you scrambled after her, shocked and abruptly furious.
  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
  “Don’t you cuss at me, mujer.”
  “If you want me to treat you politely, then don’t fucking barge into my house uninvited.”
  “Calm down, I’m not staying for breakfast. I just want you to answer a few questions.”
  “You’ve got some nerve.”
  “I’m old, mujer, I don’t have time for intermissions. Now, tell me, what kind of flowers do you like?”
  You were fuming, but this woman was a super. She wasn’t leaving until she decided to leave. So, you took a breath.
  “Interesting choice. Why?”
  “What does it matter? What do you want from me?”
  “Do you know the origin of Dahlias?”
  “Why? Am I to expect a pop-quiz banging on my door tomorrow?”
  “The Dahlia came from my ancestors, the Aztecs, they called it The War Flower. Nowadays, it’s known as the King of summer flowers, because of its wide range of shapes, sizes and colours. It has something of a demanding presence, you never walk past a Dahlia without seeing it. And yet, it doesn’t ask you for much.”
  “Do you have a point, or is this becoming a lecture on the mythology of flora? Because I will go back to bed and ignore you until you leave.”
  “It’s an observation. What’s your opinion on supers?”
  “Are you serious? Ugh, forget it, of course you are. Fine. I have nothing against them, but I don’t adore or idolize them. They’re flawed just like the rest of us.”
  “What’s Marcus’ flaws?”
  “He’s… too kind for his own good sometimes. He let’s people walk all over him if he thinks that it’ll keep the peace. And he… tries to carry the whole world by himself if you let him.”
  She smiled.
  “Good. You’re hired. I expect you at Heroics HQ at 7 am tomorrow morning.”
  …what THE FUCK…?!
  She walked back towards the door, while you stood dumbstruck just staring after her. She had reached the door by the time you unfroze and ran out to the hallway.
  “Wait, what the hell are you talking about? Hired for what? I didn’t ask you for a job.”
  “No, you didn’t. But you need one, and I’ve got one. Take it or leave it, if you’re not there by 7, I’ll know what you chose.”
  You stood in the door, watching her disappear into a black SUV, and drive off.
  Did that actually just happen? It must have, there was no way in hell you’d ever even dream something like that. You shook your head, and decided that there was no point in going back to bed now, your head was buzzing, so you might as well have breakfast and get the cleaning going.   As you went to the bathroom you caught your reflection in the mirror, and smiled to yourself. There was definitely an air of scarecrow.   You turned the TV on while you made tea, and tried not to think about what had just transpired in your kitchen.   You had always loved coffee before, never started the day without it ever since you were 16. But your body seemed to have become oversensitive to it after your cellular breakdown. You’d had your first cup about a month ago, and it had really done a number on you. You’d been hyperactive for hours with uncontrollable twitches and insistent trembling in your hands.   You’d given it a second try a week later, but even just half of a small cup had resulted in the same outcome, so you had accepted that your coffee-days were over. You were actually really starting to like tea, especially the spicier types.
  The news showed a highlight reel from the Heroics latest outing, and you found yourself glancing at the footage, looking for a glimpse of Marcus. You saw him flash by as he fought someone, or something, you weren’t sure, and then again when the fighting was over. He looked confident and strong when he was out there. When he had an enemy in front of him, and a clear task.   It was enticing to watch. Oh, who were you kidding – it was fucking hot!   You shook your head and turned the TV off as you finished your breakfast. There was a lot to do to get the house in order, and you had a plan to get it all done. The problem was that a certain uninvited guest kept popping into your head, distracting you with thoughts about flowers and what the hell that job was all about?   So, by lunchtime, you weren’t anywhere close to where you’d hoped to be. You’d managed to wipe down all the surfaces where dust accumulated, and the vacuuming was done. But you’d hoped to have washed the floors and beaten the carpets and cleaned the refrigerator and freezer by then. 
  Oh, well. Rome and all that. 
  You decided to have pizza for lunch and called in an order.   But later, as you were eating said pizza, you had something of a lightning moment. You didn’t need to sit there and just fidget and wonder and worry about what you were gonna do tomorrow. You could just go back to HQ and talk to Marcus. He’d only be happy to see you, he’d said as much when you went to find him to say goodbye.   It hadn’t been a very long exchange, since you’d been eager to get going, knowing there’d be things you’d have to do before going to bed. But he had said that he’d miss you and that you’d always be welcome to visit them.   So, why not? If anyone could tell you what Máma Moreno was up to, it’d be her son.
Authors’ Note: I love criticism, don’t be shy to let me know if there’s anything you like/don’t like/have questions about.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 13 - Sketch/Ache
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, so close yet so far, 3k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
WARNINGS: death mention
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
October already? Looking at the work schedule posted on the wall, Willie ran a hand through his hair. The time really was just passing him by, huh? Another day over, he grabbed his skateboard and strapped on his helmet.
“Hey, Willie?” His manager, Kyle, called after him before he got through the back door.
“Yeah, man?” Willie turned to answer him.
“This Saturday we need some extra hands while we’ve got a group performing. Could you be there?”
“Totally, man,” he said, smiling with assurance before heading out into the street. Los Angeles was fresher than Vegas, at least for him. He loved the breeze from the ocean that swept in every evening and being near the water in general. There was so much more to do, as well, and he didn’t think he’d ever exhaust that list. Just the number of places to skate was constantly growing, without mentioning the rest. Of course, he had been hoping to do some of them with Alex by now, but that was easier said than done. Sunset Curve didn’t seem to be doing too many shows at the moment, and that was all he really had to track him with.
Stopping at an antiquated apartment building, he headed down a stairway into the basement and burst through the door.
“Guess who’s home!” he cried. Sheldon came pattering over with his ever-cheerful prrrp and rubbed against his leg. Kneeling to pet him, Willie chuckled. “Aww, I’m happy to see you, too.”
He immediately went over to the cat’s bowl and poured some food in, listening to Sheldon purr loudly as he ate his dinner. Willie grabbed some food for himself to snack on as he sat at his desk and looked at the unfinished drawing that had been left there early that morning. He’d begun covering his walls in sketches again, and this time he didn’t have to be afraid of everything being torn away. In fact, Willie couldn’t even believe he had convinced himself that his life was fine when staying with Caleb.
Things had changed entirely. Since his brief adventure out in the desert, Willie was fully independent. He owed most of it to Bessie, still, and he thought of that woman every day. She hadn’t left him any way to contact her, otherwise he’d want to send her a thank you card at least once a week. It even overshadowed the fact that he’d actually ridden in a plane with Harrison Ford.
Willie remembered how incredibly short the flight had been in comparison to the rest of his journey. Bessie had donated an old cat carrier that they strapped into the cabin for Sheldon while Willie joined Harrison in the cockpit. It was nothing like watching the man fly the Millenium Falcon, except that it felt like they had gone into lightspeed and landed not too long after taking off. 
“You should be proud,” Harrison had told him. “You didn’t get sick.”
It had taken Willie until after they landed at the Santa Monica Airport to realize that he’d hardly spoken a word because he kept looking at him in pure shock at the reality of the man. His embarrassment must have appeared obvious, because Harrison Ford leaned down to look him in the eye.
“I’ve seen it a million times, don’t worry about it.” There was something sage about the resting expression on his face.
Chuckling in a flustered manner, Willie tried to think of the best way to thank him.
“Well, that was...that was really amazing, Mr., um...Mr. Ford. Thank you.”
The old actor smirked a little. Willie had seen a handful of actors come through the diner in Vegas before (at least, he’d been told they were famous, since he didn’t recognize most of them), and none of them were nearly as friendly.
“Willie, right?” Harrison had asked. It was enough to get him starstruck all over again, but he managed to nod. “Well, since I’ll never see you again, I’ll give you some advice.”
Willie listened intently.
“If you believe something is worth it, don’t quit. From what I already know about you, it doesn’t look like you do, so I have an extra piece of advice for you: planning and preparation is everything.”
Thinking back to when Bessie had scolded him about not riding the bus, Willie cowered inwardly. He couldn’t imagine how stupid he had sounded then.
“Do you know where you’re headed, kid? I can call a cab to take you anywhere you need.”
“How come you’re so nice?” Willie blurted. He hadn’t meant to.
Harrison Ford bowed his head, still smirking, and looked back up.
“I was twice your age before I really got anywhere. Now I’m just an old man who still does the job. Doesn’t mean I’m always nice, but sometimes….” He shrugged and gave him a wink.
Nodding, Willie had thanked him again. Harrison Ford held out a hand, which he shook with great enthusiasm before accepting the offer for the cab and saying goodbye. When he’d asked to go to the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the cab driver had looked at him in confusion.
“You do?” the guy asked. Seeing the definitive nod from Willie in the back seat, he just looked resigned. “Okay.”
Shortly after being dropped off, Willie had realized why the cab driver had responded that way. Standing before Grauman’s Chinese Theater, the street was just another place covered in gum, surrounded by people dressed as other celebrities. He saw other people taking pictures with them, and saw that the ones all dressed up were being paid. Some young woman dressed as Marilyn Monroe was doing her best to catch his interest with a flirty pose and a wink. Awkwardly smiling, Willie turned away and went to explore that area of the city. It was a good thing he hadn’t owned a camera then.
Now, he had decided to get a cheap one, just to capture anything he found interesting when he saw it. He’d accumulated a handful of things in the past few months: the basement apartment, a mattress, his writing desk and chair, and his job at the record-store-slash-cafe, among other things. The fridge had already been in the room, which was a nice perk. It was cool enough that the owner of the building had been willing to rent to him even though he was still underage. Working at the record store was much better than both the diner and the hotel, although his hopes of having Alex or his friends chance to stop in were dwindling some.
For now, it was much like before he’d left Vegas, only without Caleb’s dark shadow constantly looming over him and a few more memories restored. And, of course, he could keep Sheldon with him. It was strange how meeting Alex and being at the Pearl already felt like a dream. Willie often had the thought that maybe he should move on and start planning out whatever he wanted now. Maybe Alex had just been the catalyst to get him out of a bad position and help him move forward.
Staring down presently at the drawing on his desk, Willie sighed. Alex’s smiling face (what he could remember of it) beamed up from the page. Sure, he could tell himself to be over it, but was he really? Sheldon began running about the apartment like he was being chased by an invisible foe, creating a distraction from Willie’s thoughts. After a while, he went to bed and lay awake replaying in his mind the last few moments he’d actually seen Alex. It was still so vivid. If it was no longer important, why could he recall it so well?
He watched as Alex stood up and held out a hand toward him. Taking it, he was impressed by the strength with which he was lifted off the surface of the observation deck. His mind returned to earlier that day when the situation had been reversed, and he wondered if Alex had felt the same exhilaration from that moment of closeness. He already missed the feeling of Alex’s fingers through his hair. Gaining his balance, he let go of Alex’s hand and a nervous giggle escaped as a bout of giddiness came over him. 
“You alright there?” Alex teased, grinning.
Shaking his head, almost to clear it like an Etch-A-Sketch, Willie grinned back.
“I’m having a good time,” he told him.
The warm smile that spread across Alex’s face and the way his eyes lit up deserved to be captured forever. Willie was sure he could fill a thousand pages of sketches, even if they were all of that one expression.
“Me, too,” Alex said, eyes wandering all over Willie’s face.
Before Willie could blush too hard, he picked up his skateboard.
“I know some shortcuts that’ll get us back to the hotel pretty quickly,” he started, pressing the button for the elevator. He didn’t want to go back so fast, but he had to remember his early work day in the morning. Caleb always had some sort of laundry list on the days he didn’t immediately go in to work at the diner.
“You’ve been a good tour guide so far,” Alex said as they stepped into the elevator.
Casting a wistful look back at the splendid view of Las Vegas, Willie watched the doors shut. Once they got out to the street again, Willie looked up at the hat sitting on Alex’s head. Impulsively, he lifted it up and put it on backwards, grinning at Alex.
“How does it look?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
Alex’s jaw hung open for a moment, his nervous smile betraying him.
“It looks good,” he said in a breathless manner. It was such a cute expression, Willie wished he could make it happen again.
Alex was wishing right then that he could keep a picture of Willie with the hat on. He usually didn’t let people just steal it off his head, but when the result was that handsome he wasn’t going to complain. He’d wait until they had reached the hotel to ask for it back.
“So,” Willie started saying. “Back to L.A. in the morning, huh?”
Ah yes, the feeling of being crushed by reality. Alex bowed his head. He wasn’t excited to address it.
“Uh, yeah,” he sighed. “You know, when I got here I was hoping to just get the gig over with and leave, but that...I kind of forgot about that.”
He glanced up at Willie, not sure how much he should go into detail about why he changed his tune.
“But then you met Sheldon and he was the coolest cat ever, right?” Willie teased.
A chuckle of genuine entertainment escaped his throat. Did Willie know how charming he was? Alex wished he knew how to tell him.
“Yep, it was definitely the cat,” he responded. “Although the owner isn’t too bad, either.”
He got a casual shrug in return.
“Well, I know I’m busy, but I could call you,” Willie offered.
Fear pinched everything in Alex’s chest. It almost made him stop in his tracks.
“God, I - ” he started awkwardly, forcing his body to keep moving. “I can’t. I seriously wish I could, but that’s just...not possible.”
He already hated the words the moment they’d been spoken. His parents suspected enough things about him and his activity with the guys in his band, but they would make his reality pure hell if they ever picked up the phone from a guy they’d never met who had shown as much interest in him as Willie. While he felt fine being open just about anywhere else, at home was where he remained most guarded.
Willie was looking at him with slight disappointment.
“That’s too bad, I guess,” he said. “At least I know I won’t be going anywhere for a while, so you know where to find me.”
It was the only consolation they could afford. Alex wanted to make plans right then and there.
“And what would we do if I did find you?” he asked, knowing he was prodding for signs that he wasn’t the only one with hopes. He tried to relax his stride to appear more casual.
“Lots of possibilities,” Willie told him. “I haven’t shown you my favorite museum, or seen you skate - ”
“Just putting it out there,” Alex interrupted, raising a hand. “I cannot skate.”
Willie blew a raspberry. “Maybe not now, man, but you will by the time I’m finished with you.”
The way he wiggled his eyebrows made Alex think of something much different than riding a skateboard. He cleared his throat nervously as he looked up at the street they were on. The hotel was already a block away.
“Whoa, how’d we get here so fast?” he wondered.
“I know my shortcuts,” Willie said proudly.
Unfortunately, he did. Alex wanted more time to figure out a way to see Willie in the future. There had to be a possibility in the future. His long legs could only go so slowly, however, and soon they were stopped outside the hotel doors.
“Are you gonna make it home okay?” Alex asked. “Wherever that is?”
“I’ll be fine,” Willie shrugged plainly. “It’s not too far.”
For a minute, they stood in awkward silence. Alex could feel his entire body burning to make some gesture that left Willie with the right impression. What would be too forward? A hug? A kiss on the cheek? He’d already checked off holding him and running his hand through Willie’s hair, so he wasn’t going to simply send him off with a hand wave or something.
“Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow before you guys go?” Willie said, smirking optimistically.
“Yeah, maybe,” Alex said, trying to return a smile with the same optimism.
“Oh,” Willie sputtered. He took off the hat and tried to place it back onto Alex’s head properly. It didn’t work, but Alex simply adjusted it into its comfortable backward position. His fingers twitched under the temptation to touch Willie’s hair again.
“One of these days…” he muttered.
“Hm?” Willie perked up curiously.
Oh, no, he’d said it out loud. Damn. There was no way he couldn’t follow up.
“Uh...one of these days I’ll be around here again,” he said, nodding to reassure himself. “I’ll come looking for you.”
Willie could only look up at him and smile.
“I…” Alex began to scratch the back of his neck, but forced his hand down into his pocket. It had to be said. “I definitely like you.”
He watched Willie’s face morph from surprise into a smile, and finally his trademark eyebrow raise.
“So do I,” Willie said, biting his lip.
They both giggled, now that their feelings were out there in the open. It only made Alex ache more to stay. Willie placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You take care, Alex,” he told him.
He nodded. “And you be safe, Willie.”
He got one more glance into those gorgeous brown eyes, longing to toss in a line and anchor himself in them. The dim lights from the street played off of the natural glimmer that was always present.
Feeling Willie’s hand slide off his shoulder and down his arm, Alex could’ve sworn there was a tiny squeeze he received at the end of his fingers before Willie let go and got onto his skateboard. He watched him leave until eventually he was staring out into the darkness all alone. Reluctantly, he headed back up to the hotel room.
Alex was lying awake in his bed, silent tears falling down his cheeks at the bitter memory. His last words to Willie had been powerless to protect him. What sort of sick and twisted universe would let that happen? He knew he had no control over those circumstances, but he still felt that if anyone died in a fire, it should be him. Willie had been too wonderful to deserve it.
Turning to his side, he still hated the sobs that wracked through his whole body months later. Most people would deem it pathetic to hurt this much over someone he’d barely known. It was strange, but it felt almost undeserved, like mourning as he did wasn’t allowed. What about the people that Willie had spent time with every day? How could Alex begin to fathom their pain? To them, his sorrow would appear as empty as if he were crying over Freddie Mercury. This hurt far more than when he’d cried over Freddie.
It didn’t help that he couldn’t tell his family. The guys had been okay at letting Alex have his space, but his parents kept making comments about his sudden upset over everything. They would only see death as something bittersweet, a “better place” to go for people who were doing the right things. Of course he was terrified of death - he wasn’t exactly considered worthy of anything good, by their standards. That only made the loss of Willie that much worse. He hadn’t bothered to explain himself to Abbey. He couldn’t put that emotional burden on her.
Before he could let his mind wander further into the dark, Alex tried to find something else for his brain to put on cycle. Oddly enough, it went back to singing for Julie’s mom at the hospital. The words immediately began to repeat in his mind: we all live in a yellow submarine…. It wasn’t a song that he truly loved, but it was catchy. It was the one Willie had suggested they do. Alex remembered how he’d imagined everyone in that room in their own world together, safe and free from worldly cares. Somewhere full of color and warmth and people could be happy as they were.
That’s all he truly wanted. Maybe he would have that with the band, and maybe he’d get away from his parents and finally be free from all of their pressure, and maybe one day he’d recover and find a guy like Willie again. He wasn’t sure what he really believed just yet, but there had to be something good worth holding onto. If it was just some stupid world where he and his friends lived in a yellow submarine, so be it.
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jiminrings · 4 years
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pairing: yoongi x y/n
glimpse: race car driver!yoongi is a tiny bit fond of pit stop crew!y/n, grumpy crew chief!jimin will be the bANE of your existence, and jungkook is ur saving grace for bumper stickers whenever u wanna surprise yoongi :D
wordcount: 21k
notes: ok if u know charlie leclerc from F1, he was the inital reason why i wanted to write this au with yoongi!! think of this as an au with a mix of F1-level type of class and racing, but with a NASCAR type of pit crew that only has five members instead of formula one’s twenty!! i also asked my close friend for info since she’s an avid f1 fan to add on to my prior knowledge!! this is a work of fiction and accuracy does nOt always result to fun so pls just enjoy this!!! i also made a poll to what i should write next and this was one of the options and tHEN d-2 dropped and i was !!! ok it’s settled then // pic is from pinterest but i just edited it since it looked like it was shot with a 3210 hihi
also: you can talk to my characters!!! send in an ask anytime :D
jungkook, as a person, is an excellent one
he’s talented, he’s kind, he’s driven, he’s gonna buy you your meal when you don’t have enough cash on you and would say “yA PAY ME BACK LATER” but in the end, he’ll just wave it off and say “nah i was kidding it’s my treat :D”
he’s also h*ndsome but you won’t say that again and again because his ego?? his bragging rights?? what then
jungkook, as a friend, is a fun, attentive, food-inhaling and money-draining carebear that can be pERSUASIVE if he needs to be
he lets u have the last slice of pizza!! or the last pringle or the last pearl in the massive cup of milktea you split with two straws and a giant butter croissant
he holds the umbrella up for the two of you when it’s raining and you’re sharing it
if he feels extra kind then he’ll be in the side in which there are more splatters and puddles to go through
if he feels like a sAINT then yes he may piggyback u but only if u hold up the umbrella because he’s a saint not four-arms from ben ten
7/10 times that he screenshots what’s in his cart but wouldn’t checkout, he genuinely just wants to show you because he’s excited and when you dO decide to get it for him, whether it was an actual shock or he just kept sending you screenshots until you got the hint, he makes sure to hug you until you physically can’t breathe anymore
he once saw this you liked that didn’t become your boyfriend because it turns out you were just a bet and you’re only worth a month of fucking gatorade
you’re not the most confident person ever in the worls but you’re sURE
you are worth more than month’s supply of glacier freeze for a no thoughts, head empty football jock senior
jungkook was sure too
if ur gonna be an asshat that he’s gonna hate anyway, aTLEAST make it cool blue because that belongs to top tier
he made sure he went to TOWN on that punching bag while looking at that dude
whatever he did, jungkook did with much more power and intensity and he is still maintaning eye contact after the airhead caught on and recognized him
jungkook, as an athlete, is a beast and u gotta admit that
he played basketball in college while u played softball!!!
you were handpicked by your coach if you wanna try out for this once in a lifetime career opportunity aND it was sketchy at first
u kept asking on what was it about but all she said was “that’s for you to know.,.,., if you wanna accept the offer :))” and you were eventually driven to the edge because you wanted to know so badly
and then it turns out u were the ONLY one in your softball team to be handpicked as she said and then u were instructed to go to the gym in which there were chairs lined up
oh god is this a cult
there were a couple other people too and you could recognize some of them from the swimming team and this girl from weighlifting and that dude from football
they too did not have any idea at aLL
you just decided to sit by the last row... y’know... just in case....
and then jungkook strolls in confused as fUCK but in the same time excited and he sits beside you because he’s thinking the same thing of what if this was sketchy shit!!
you just knew him then because he looked familiar and you may have seen him asleep in your calc class a couple of times
and also because his hair was peach
how could u possibly forget that aha
“oH i like your uniform!!”
jungkook immediately spoke what was on his mind and pointed to your softball uniform u were still in and then your response was to freeze
ok that might have been too forward and-
“i know right?? oH MY GOD!! i signed up for softball in the first place because the uniform was sO COOL!!”
“bro i joined basketball because i heard that tHE WARMERS WERE SO SOFT”
and then a friendship was born
the both of you were not thinking anymore about the fact that you’re both in a gym with no instructions whatsoever bc you’re too excited to be talking about what’s happening!!!
you joined a sport jUST for their uniforms?? oh my god i did that TOO
turns out that jungkook was actually great at basketball and he just knew then
also turned out that u were a gifted natural in softball even if you didn’t fully grasp the mechanics at first
“but when do i oH IS IT MY TIME TO RUN??? no?? not yet?? oh aha yeah i guess i run that fast :D”
the two of you bonded so good that it was immediately decided that u are really meant to be friends with each other
sometimes people mistake the both of you as a couple and u know what,,, sometimes the two of you take advantage of that because a fREE DESSERT?? ice cream on the house?? celebratory cake because jungkook one time jokingly went down on one knee and proposed a ring pop to you that he just saw LYING on the ground???
don’t mind if u do :)))
jungkook, as a fellow pit stop crew member, is a really comforting (and sometimes annoying) presence
he doesn’t question when you get whiney from the fatigue settling in and instead? he just whines with you!!
the impromptu meeting in the gym? it was actually an orientation and introduction to try out for a pit stop crew program for this really really popular racing organization :D
athletes were in-demand because the discipline and the speed and the skills were needed
and you were filtered furthermore and it just ended up with only the handful of you
of course you could opt out but if you do pursue to go through, and if you do exceptionally good, then you might just be one of the two people they’re gonna hire as a part of the pit stop crew after you graduate!!
god training was rigorous and the practical test was even more nerve-wracking
you were put in pairs and in groups to see how the camaraderie and teamwork would show and bEST BELIEVE THAT YOU AND JUNGKOOK.,.,.
best work
not to toot your own horn or anything ://
aha and those two positions? of course it went to the two of you!!
but jungkook, as a fellow pit stop crew member but for your oPPONENT TEAM is beyond irking
you see...
it was guaranteed that you and jungkook would be accepted into the organization
what wasn’t guaranteed, however, is that the two of you would be a member of the same pit crew
u found that hIGHLY confusing because what for... you guys saw how kook and i work together.... don’t you want that idk intact?????
“hobi-hyung’s gonna win this time. i guarantee you that. i bet you HALF of my food allowance”
hobi aka jung hoseok is a force to be reckoned with
you always see him in races and u know enough about him because jungkook just won’t shut up about how great he is!!
he’s a very giggly and joyful person and sometimes you just can’t help smiling when you see him getting interviewed over by their spot
kook’s introduced you to hobi a couple of times eagerly now and hobi does not!! forget!! names!!
it’s a lil conflict of interest for you and jungkook to be openly best friends while being in oppositing teams, but that doesn’t seem to stop heh
hoseok shook your hand firmly and eVEN added another hand so your hand is sandwiched by his and he has a permanent :D on his face
u immediately got why jungkook was so fascinated and happy to be working with him
“i mean nO offense to hobi, kook, and he’s like a rEALLY really great guy and a great driver and i have tons of respect for him also i totally get why you’re whipped for him bUT-“
“ᵒᵏ ʰᵉʳᵉ ʷᵉ ᵍᵒ ᵃᵍᵃᶦⁿ”
“he’s great, but not min yoongi great!!”
he already had that coming
how can jungkook not anticipate that when you have said that to him a million times already
that guy barely even talks to you but he’s so chatty with literally Everyone But You
he has a theory
theorieS actually
ok first one is that ur a guardian angel for yoongi
you just gravitate towards him!! you wanna be around yoongi as much as you can in non-stalker way but rATHER in guardian angel ways
you and jungkook are almost always in the same place at the same time given your jobs
also sketchy for kook because it could be seven in the evening and you’d call him using the hotel phone and go
“eY JUNGKOOK do u wanna come with me to this pub :) to celebrate yoongi’s win today :) do you :) please :) say yes pls :)”
“y/n baby hOW many time do i have to remind you that i am yOUR team’s opponent,,, jung hoseok is the OPPONENT of min yoongi,,,”
“... how many drinks do u want”
“fINE i’m gonna wear a hoodie again and i’ll get a cab to tail your team’s car and i’ll come inside the pub five minutes after again and tHEN i’ll pretend to bump into you. a g a i n”
plus you always have the heart eyes for yoongi no matter how blank he is with you or frustrated he gets after a sucky race
second theory: you’re not a guardian angel; you probably just have a crush on yoongi
wait does th is mean that lovers are like angels, and angels are like lovers?
omg he should’ve just become a poet or something
get those hands busy with typing up the same message but in different wordings and nOT lifting up cars under time pressure or change a wheel like your life depended on it
lmao maybe he should become a singer or something
“but it is true!”
“you use his name as an adjective now!!”
“lol true the sunset was yoongi today”
god jungkook’s thinking if it’s possible to drown himself in this glass of water because eW you’re so in love and for WHAT
“what’s tHAT supposed to mean??”
“beautiful!! c’mon jungkook think every now and then!!”
yoongi just isn’t a name in the game
he is the name of the game
his dad was a famous racer up until his retirement
and then his grandfather set the family name into racing because boi is he a legend too
yoongi’s been karting ever since he was like what?? six years old??
ultimately ever since he was a kid, he knew he wanted to do racing too
he just didn’t want his family’s reputation preceding him
(he was also thinking of wAIT do i actually have skills oR do i just have “skills” because it’s expected from me)
plot twist he did have skills
he tried out and just had his name as suga
and then when he knocked out those officials and got them sTANDING up from their seats because they really needed what was happening to sink in, that’s when he just dropped the truth bomb
“oh aHA actually i’m min yoongi!! nice to meet you!!”
he was just talented like that
so talented that he almost went with moto racing instead because he knew how to drive motorcyles!!
rode a bike twice and he immediately went pSH give me a motorbike nOW PLS :((
one time he fell out of balance and dislocated his shoulder and yoongi then decided that will never do that again lmao
the thing is, you haven’t had a proper lengthy conversation with yoongi that had some substance to it
it’s your default congratulations and you’re “oMG you killed it out there you were a bEAST!!” and him just going “thanks!” and then walking off
you wanna call him nicknames
if it’s not yoongi, then either it’s sir or it’s mr. min
and it’s no fun :((
how come jungkook can call hoseok HOBI
you really just wish you were as close
sometimes if you’re lucky, yoongi gets your name right!!
it’s okay!! yoongi’s just a little bit reserved with you!! that’s all!! :)
it’s a race day anyway and you all just headed out to the circuit fairly early
yoongi’s sitting by himself wearing a white shirt underneath his racing suit and uWu he looks so comfy :((
normally in practice days and practice drills, he’d be also sitting by himself as he looks wistful staring out
but no not really
he would pull out his phone a couple seconds later oR pass out and wake up when he feels like falling because one of his talents was to fall asleep sitting
sitting.,.. the seat doesn’t even need to have a backrest.,..,
the season is about to end and you dON’T want to pass another season without atleast attempting to invoke some reaction from him with how much you interact with him
you smiled at him more than a hundred times already but he just goes :] and then walks off AGAIN
you’re gonna be proactive!! you’re gonna do these moves!! yOU’RE GONNA OWN IT :D
you’re striding very confidently to where yoongi’s sat and he doesn’t take notice because his back’s turned to you and you’re walking too fast and motivated that he probably doesn’t hear you
wait maybe you need to back-track a little
“am i — am i supposed to know why you’re giving me a pill and what is this pill?”
maybe you should have done a better way to do this aHa
“w-what?? oH nO NO it’s not — it’s a caffeine pill!!”
yoongi’s mouth forms into a lil :O and he tilts his head, trying to register and find your face in the memory bank for his pit crew
“i just — i just noticed aND uh y’know it’s not only me?? it’s just that i- we know that you drink coffee a lot and you aren’t allowed to drink it when it’s an actual game and not practice, because it’s gonna make you pee-“
maybe you shouldn’t be talking about pee
this is the longest (one-sided) conversation you’ve ever had with yoongi without him walking away and you’re talking about body fluids!!!!
it’s okay it’s cool
he probably knows what you’re talking about anyway
everything he wears is heavy-duty fire-proof material from his undies to his racing suits aND so does the pit crew
it’s gonna make you sweat a lot!! it was a given
yoongi doesn’t drink much water in the first place and he only gulps down liters of it when he’s officially done with his race
he doesn’t drink coffee before an actual race either because it just does these things to him
caffeine makes him focused but the particular one that he favors makes him tOO focused
and also coffee makes you pee more than any other!!
plus yoongi swears too that he’s nEVER peed in his racing suit ever and he’s gonna stand by that no matter how much stoopid questions he gets or teases
“point is, you can be a liTTLE bit out of yourself when you don’t have your fix a-and i mean absolutely nO offense yoongi sir aha mmmmh just!! here!! a caffeine pill!!”
he’s looking down on your palm and he takes into detail that the pill was lying snugly on a bed of pREMIUM tissue paper
hmmm this looks like those soft tissues from his hotel room???? is it just him???
you put it there not oNLY for presentation, but also because giving it to him with your bare hands that are gettin sweaty with how nervous you are is unhygienic
god ur struggles
“jungkook is this tissue tOO crumpled?? like does it look intentional crumple, or like an effortless cUte crumple???”
“are u out of your fucking mind?? oh my gOD no it’s too crumpled!! let me do it”
that’s it!! that’s your name!! you’re y/n!!
yoongi can’t believe that there’s this girl from his pit crew that is giving him a caffeine pill because-
“this is nice of you. very considerate.”
did yoongi just talk to you
u have officially lowered your goals in life!! you can nOW perish peacefully knowing that yoongi has said something else to you besides “thanks” :D
he snatches your lil napkin bed and takes the pill and your other hand is a bit lonely because you’re holding a bottle of his special water and-
did he just
did he just swallow a pill dry
people who swallow their pills dry SCARE YOU
they are to be feared honestly
however there are exceptions hehe
although you really can’t
not when you can literally hear your crew chief’s footsteps towards you and you’re just smiling through :D
you don’t know a park jimin
no you don’t aha :D
sometimes denial is the key!!!
“y/n, go do some stretches with your crew.”
sometimes u really really just wanna rattle jimin back and forth
he’s a grumpy crew chief!! a strict one!! one that wouldn’t let an ice cream man give out treats, because in his words, it is completely unnecessary
vernon got assigned as ice cream man and his feelings were HURT
jimin’s exceptional, no doubt about that
his strategies coincide well with yoongi’s and it contributes to the winning formula
what you just don’t like is how he’s grumpy with almost everyone else, but he’s extra grumpy with you
you offered a piece out of your packet of gummy bear ones
jimin just stared at you up and down, eyes narrowed as he looks as if he’s been offended big-time
“are you trying to woo me with your citric acid obsession?”
woo wHAT
yOU WHAT????
and then he crossed his arms across his chest as you’re trying to reason out that you were just being considerate and nOt trying to woo him!!!
“aish. if you’re gonna woo me, atleast go for a proper attempt. a granola bar. that’s good. i’m gonna deny you anyway, but atleast that one isn’t laughable.”
you cannot
you seriously cannot comprehend wHY is jimin like this
he has this habit of clicking his tongue and shaking his head and THEN walking away
people walking away from you is a trend apparently
“but jimin i already stretched aND warmed up today”
he hums at that but you have a feeling that your words are just going through one ear and out of the other
you just love being chastised by your crew chief in front of yoongi <3
“with jungkook?”
wait who is jungkook
yoongi suddenly has more interest into this conversation because uh who is jungkook and why does the name itself kinda intimidate him
he’s kinda familiar with the name but nOT the face
is this your thing
is your thing giving out caffeine pills?? this is just a normal occurrence and he shouldn’t feel this AWED at the sentiment??
“yeah!! and we did both our warm-ups!! tWICE if i might add!!”
jimin knows about jungkook tho
he knows how you’re best friends and opponents in a technical sense
he’s a little wary of that still but he guesses that it just can’t be helped???
there’s a lot of talk on the field with how great jungkook is as a pit crew member anyway!! they were surely a bit confused too on with how the two of you were separated but it’s for the better (?) anyways considering that you’re both aces
good for hobi
good for yoongi
bAd for jimin!!! and you’re his favorite
his favorite when it comes to scolding even when you particularly haven’t done anything
tough love
“.... hmmmm”
yoongi feels like he has to add on to the conversation because he’s gotta admit that it’s somehow entertaining
he’ll ask jimin later about this jungkook guy anyway :))
“i didn’t see it though. do it again.”
smile thru da pain :)))
yoongi placed second in this race though and although that isn’t entirely bad, he is still kinda upset because that just means he’s second best :((
hobi placed first!!
he’s all cool about it and yoongi doesn’t wanna be bitter but he iS mad at himself for not getting pole position for this race
so for every race for the season, there’s three qualifying sessions to determine your position in the grid!! if it all adds up and you’re the one with the fastest times, then u become the pole-sitter
acquiring the pole position aka being the pole-sitter puts a driver at an advantage because they’re first in line!! aND they don’t have to weave in between cars at the back and fight for getting ahead
it’s cool that’s cool :))) yoongi’s got pole position more than a handful times anyway :))) he’s just giving out chances for the others :))) 
he’s kind like that :)))
[ yoongi is bURNING in the inside tho ]
there’s what?? like eight more races in this whole championship season?? yeah he could make this work no pressure
the caffeine pill,,, however.,.,.,,
“well?? how did it work out??”
jungkook is beyond impatient now because you keep getting into telling the story of how it went with yoongi but you jUST kept getting distracted
it’s only fair because yah the race just ended and you and jungkook didn’t opt to go back to the hotel with your teams so you could eat out from the stalls here after a really tiring day!! you deserve it!!
“okAy so like i was really nervous, yeah?? so i walked and then oOOOOOH CHEESY BEEF FRIES!! jungkook look omg cHEESy beef fries!! hold on lemme-”
you are aging jungkook and he swears by that
“nO no!! here!!! i already bought them!!! can you just oH my god!! y/n please stand STILL”
he’s holding you still with both of his hands grounding your shoulders wHILE his hands are still holding up his food and drinks and none of them are spilling?
that’s: talent
he’s been antsy ever since you texted him before the race started that you’re diving in head-first without a proper plan!! he was writing an elaborate plan in bullet points on his dotted notebook and tHen you’re telling him that you’re gonna dive straight in??
first of all how dare u
second of all pLEASE just tell him how it went
“five bites of fries, two minutes of telling how it went.”
ok he is a really great negotiator and also you’re already shoving like three in your mouth so this is more favorable than what he bargained for
jungkook does find you a pain in the ass sometimes like there is nO denying that absolutely
but he can attest to the fact that you are a GREAT storyteller
like damn your emotions?? hand gestures?? how you’d eVEN switch positions so he could get visuals of how it went down?? perfection like so good that jungkook feels so flustered because omg?? so tHIS is why you have a crush on yoongi aha
you’re not gonna lie,, jungkook sometimes decreases your lifespan for a solid seven months at the least
but you’re lying too when you say that he isn’t a dAMN good listener/audience
his doe eyes get even bigger and he is dang expressive and he’s never insincere and doesn’t exaggerate tOO much to the point that it’s obnoxious!!
and he doesn’t pick any story of yours!! he is vERY genuine!!!
[ sputters while drinking his iced tea ] “jimin cockblocked aGAIN???”
[ crouches to the floor when you went out to the mall alone because he didn’t want to and ended up meeting owen wilson, the guy who voiced lightning mcqueen ] “WHAT??????? YOU WHAT????? YOU’RE TELLING ME WHAT???????”
[ sobs because he didn’t meet owen wilson ] “i’m just so *wails* i’m just rEGRETTING every *heaves* single decision i made a-and *fans tears* i should’ve just went with you :(((”
[ giggles and shrieks continuously for ten minutes and keeps hugging you because you bought him those big boots that you call romper stompers for his birthday ] “you did nOT!! oh my god they’re really mine?? MINE??? you’re telling me that these are mINE now??? omg omg i could die rn y/n i swear i LOVE YOU!!! i’m not gonna step on u i swear :(( thank you thank you :(((”
yoongi couldn’t be anymore smiley
like sure enough, his mind should only stay in the game when he is in the game
he can’t think about what he wants for dinner later that night or let his thoughts drift because otherwise, hE’S the one that’s going to drift
but maybe
just maybe when he’s at the last stretch and hobi’s already crossed the finish line and the closest driver behind him is like lmao a kilometer away
he just can’t help thinking about you!! and the napkin bed you made for his caffeine pill!! and how he doesn’t get why he’s never talked to you before because like you’re cute n all :D
he’s never seen a pit crew member talk back to jimin like that before and yeah sure you’re playful but not overstepping it ya know
“so jimin,,, y/n, amirite?”
jimin’s a lil bit confused because uhhh yoongi has never talked to him
about you before but he’s not that bothered
“... yeah?”
“jimin this is the part where you tell me about y/n”
“how was i supposed to know? you only said her name!! is that like a signal or wHAT??”
“couldn’t i be anymore obvious??”
the bottom line is that yoongi got a crash course when it came to you and he couldn’t be any more grateful for jimin
he’s also confirmed that jungkook isn’t ur boyfriend but that’s kinda debatable because jimin added an “i’m not eNTIRELY sure though” and yoongi hates him for it!!
there’s just something about yoongi that you can’t shake off
and you don’t wanna fall that deep because it’s just a crush!! just a harmless crush and u know you aren’t probably gonna stand a chance :((
although you’re just gonna keep that to yourself because kook will probably lecture you for five minutes and THEN smack you in the head because you’re bringing yourself down again
jungkook knows you’re a natural ace like c’mon yoongi’s just gonna be a piece of cake!!
yeah sure yoongi doesn’t initiate conversation with your or barely holds eye contact and can barely remember your name, only recalls you as part of his team, and can be ignoring the things you’re doing for him bUT I MEAN THAT’S NOT ALWAYS THE DETERMING FACTORS, RIGHT??right??
pls say right
jungkook’s convincing himself as much as you’re convincing yourself that u have a chance with yoongi
you can’t help it :((
you love that smile!! that smile when he knows how good he’s done that he automatically could tell that he’d be getting an extra point since he’s the one who was the fastest on that lap!or that laugh when he pops out a cork of champagne once again and he’s getting the hang of it
his calm demeanor looks so cute even when he isn’t even doing anything in particular and how it could be so hot especially when his stare’s just rigid
you’ve been in celebratory going out parties in bars with your team to know that yoongi’s just boisterous and chatty when he gets drunk
he even gets cLINGY to whoever’s sitting beside him and it’s usually jimin and he can even make jimin yield to having oNE more shot with him :((
in meetings too!!!
yoongi’s personal style is just mostly black and sometimes when he’s feeling spicy, he’d add in some random pastels or perhaps even a small nEON detail
his cheeks tooyou just wanna kiss them so bad :(((
they’re so plump and full whenever he pouts and smiles and you have to gRIP your fist just to get rid of the l*nging in your system
MULTIPLE PIERCINGS!!!you’ve never seen him wear earrings tho and that’s saddening
jewelry, most especially on drivers, is just a big no-no because just in cAse the driver catches on fire or not, it’s still a big hazard
you once saw yoongi walking in the hallway just as you were about to exit the elevator to go to ur hotel room and he was wearing a wATCH
u almost went feral goddamn
you see yoongi again after your caffeine pill advance on him? a necklace, maybe? those thick chain bracelets like the ones jungkook wears? him wearing rings? it could be a blinged-out diamond band or a heart-shaped plastic ring from a kinder egg and you would sTILL GO FERAL
“i just wish — j-just wish that red string lovers exist in real life, y’know, kook?? do you get what i’m saying?”
jungkook wishes that was a real thing too
you’re just a bit vulnerable because u have some alcohol in your system
a little bit emotional
meanwhile jungkook is just straight up bland and is up for no fun
three-drink jungkook is boring
you should see five-drink jungkook!! hE’S A WILD ONE that could backflip with a 70% success rate of not throwing up after
“i do. i wish that red string lovers do exist. kind of like that movie, kimi no nawa. i love that movie.”
“... jungkook. omg a-are you saying i should like, tie a red string on my pinky and tHEN on yoongi’s pinky!! in this way, i could always be connected to him and we’re like never gonna stay away from each other!!”
“i believe that would be called stalking.”
“no i meant fIGURATIVELY”
this three-drink jungkook is no fun
what you’re gonna do is get him to drink more because the motto for pit crew members is “drink as if it’s your last because it IS!!!”
drinking kinda messes up workout routines and the semi-strict diet the members are put on to ensure you’re all strong and enduring
so drinking is just reserved for wins or when the crew chief allows it and MAYBE just maybe when you and kook decide to get a lil sip and sharing a can won’t hurt :D
“okay, okay. another one!! drink another one!!”
you have to physically make jungkook drink because he doesn’t wanna hold the shot glass claiming that it’s too dirty and before he gets iffy even more, you just bring the glass to his lips and even put a hand underneath his chin because you are tHAT great of a friend
sometimes you just need to credit yourself for being a really great best friend to jungkook
four-drink jungkook is a BUNNY
he’s starting to ascend to his five-drink state and therefore through the process, he’s crinkling his nose more
the nose crinkle and the smile that highlights his two front teeth has always been in effect but this one’s just more persistent
he doesn’t hop like a bunny tho or like even stand because that’s six-drink dance bot jungkook’s moves
he just-
jungkook’s just biting down on your shoulder SOFTLY
the same gentleness of a golden retriever with an egg on its mouth!!he’s not nibbling or biting down or anything!! he’s just oMPH :D
there’s no rhyme or reason to why he’s doing this and you’re unsure either lmao you’ve told him before what he does drunk when he’s sober and he goes?? lol what i do tHAT???
you don’t mind honestly
you’re thankful that you’re wearing a black hoodie and it’s made with a fluffy cotton material!! it’s a win-win and u can even feel jungkook smiling
the alcohol isn’t hitting you JUST yet but u. r aware that you’re getting a tad more chatty now and then suddenly you’re telling jungkook a summary of this sugar stars episode in which they were supposed to make cupcakes for this luxury jewelry brand and in oNE of the cupcakes there should be like a necklace worth thousands of dollars bUT THEY FORGOT IF THEY ALREADY PUT IT IN THE BATCH AND-
“hey, is this guy bothering you, y/n?”
you hear a velvety voice interrupting you and it’s oddly familiar
said person extends his hand to put on your shoulder and you kinda jolt at the sudden contact and it’s just goosebumps“.... yoongi?”
yoongi’s on your left side and u could clearly see him nowhE LOOKS LIKE HE’S ABOUT TO SQUARE UP
i mean truth be told he wASN’T supposed to be here because after placing 3rd he just didn’t wanna go part because for wHAT and he wanted to go to bed instead
but them jimin called him and asked if he was sure because like... the entire team is here and the owner of the bar is a FAN and all drinks are on the house so,,,
he jUST got here and while he was looking for jimin, the first thing he sees is the back of your head (he’s memorized it hehe) and a guy bITING DOWN ON YOUR SHOULDER and yours hands are gesturing and shit
and so he’s beyond confused to see you confused over seeing him all confused and perhaps protective
u practically squeal and ur not gonna hide that
although he just ignores that because he’s focused on some more pressing matters at hand
“man, seriously, what the fuck? can you just back off-“
yoongi is literally about to pull jungkook away from you because up to now this dude is NOT reading the room and the fact that he is 2 seconds away from decking him
“no nO yoongi!! it’s okay lol he’s my best friend! he’s not-“
there’s a delay on words sinking to jungkook’s ears so he’s just now reacting lmao
jungkook’s angrily lifting his eyes but not his face with it so he’s-
“this is my friend who’s kinda drunk and bITES my shoulder when he’s drunk aha jungkook!! say hi, gguk”
“hI YOOMGIIII!!! i’m jungmkook :D”
kook takes a quick second to lift himself off your shoulder to give an eager wave to yoongi
oH that face is familiar
honestly he was kinda scared because when yoongi got a closer look when he was fuming, jungkook looked like a big buff guy and he was a little scared because-oh jungkook just went back to biting your shoulder ://
“i thought you weren’t gonna come?”
“i thought i was gonna fight sOMEONE”
you can’t help but feel a lil bit happy that omg yoongi cares for u
and although he’s mistakened jungkook as a pervert whose modus operandi is to bite at shoulders, it’s still the thought that counts!!!!
your right shoulder that has kook attached to it feels indifferent and your left shoulder that yoongi touched for a second is ON FIRE
be still, be calm. be still, be calm. be still, be — OMG YOONGI IS SITTING BESIDE YOU FUCK
“it’s jungkook, right?”
he, for sure, knows that it is jungkook alright but he just wants to ask u know
just to be sure
although you’re kinda oblivious to the fact that he’s directing the question to you more than to jungkook himsELF bc you’re very much swayed by his gummy smile
“yeah!! he’s jungkook, alright :D”
“this might be a stupid question to ask but uh i’ve just never seen him oR like maybe it might just be my memory but jungkook’s in our team, right??? or like nO?”
“o-oh aHA about that yoongi,, sir,, actually jungkook isn’t in our team, ya know? but he DOES support us and is like whoosh a fAN of you :))”
he is having too much fun with this one
“really? but i saw him in the box before, with you, i think? lol u silly goose if you have a boyf-“
“jUNGKOOK ISN’T MY BOYFRIEND! he never was!! yoongi trust me i am very single right now i mean it!! 100%”
“are you sure? like-“
“he’s just my best friend ever since college and we’re not a thing i sWEAR!! you see him in the box sometimes because he just needs someone to buy him nachos from the stalls aND he’s a pit stop crew member for jung hoseok-“
you’d like to think that you are diffusing this situation very well
“-and that tOTALLY doesn’t matter because pfft?! i don’t even know jung hoseok like wHAAAAAT does he uhm race or sth?? whew am i right lmao can i get an amen? ᵖˡˢ ˢᵃʸ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ ᵖˡˢ”
yoongi already knows this bit of information and his eye does twitch at the mention of hoseok like how mr. bean is with mozambique but it’s COOL seeing you flustered is getting a really cheesy smile out of him
“do you rap?”
“no but do you want me to”
yoongi snorts and giggles at that and meanwhile you are getting THE nervous sweats because obviously you weren’t prepared for this
damn it :( you should’ve just kept jungkook sober so he could “wingman the fUCK out of you” in his own words
the only thing you could do that’s the closest to rapping is have jungkook beatbox in the background while u go bow chicka wowow bow cHICKA WOW :((
“you’re funny.”
yoongi’s still kinda dying at giggling throughout the whole interaction but he really means it sincerely ok
“thanks :))”
fUck it you should’ve just said a one-liner or something, not a timid thanks or would that be trying too hard
you are getting too panicked and nervous now and the only out you see is-
“ggukie!! you want another drink?”
bless up
bless jungkook’s soul for immediately agreeing and before you know it, you’re lifting another shot glass to his lips with a hand underneath his chin
you’re gonna help him with his hangover tomorrow because he’s saving yOUR ass by easing the tension of how pATHETICALLY nervous you are with yoongi
yoongi’s persevering too because this jungkook guy has hands.. what?? does he drink his water from a formula bottle??? DOES HE NEED MILK
chile why is he getting jealous
it’s not like he’s become fond of you nor got attached to this girl that gave him a caffeine pill placed on a napkin bed after much observation of him and the sentiment behind it just makes him mushy
couldn’t be him :))
oh god 
oh no
it’s a drunk jimin :(
a drunk, happy, gIGGLY JIMIN
you’re quite surprised at the sight because uH you’re used to jimin the grumpy crew chief
nOt jimin the giggly person who’s giggling at the little rainbows ur bracelet makes when the light hits it and who’s complimenting your hoodie sO HARD
mom come pick me up im scared
“y/n O-M-G where did you get those earrings because they r the bomb dot COM”
“jimin what did u drink because i am LOVING it”
“a pomelo gin mix or like fOUR of them.”
yoongi answers for jimin because he knows all too well
woop jimin’s hugging him now and his grip is tight o-okay i guess i’ll... keep you... still?
it’s not jimin’s fault :( he just likes pretty drink i mean could u blame him :(((
“aish those pack a punch for sure. you could barely taste the gin because of the juice-“
“-but it gets you drunk nonetheless no matter how much you drink it.”
you and yoongi are straight up CONNECTING right now vibing if u will
“yeah and some light it up on fire then take it out so it would taste smoother and seamless!!”
that’s it he’s had enough yoongi will propose to you rIGHT NOW he thought he was the only one who knew that fact
or knew the reason for it that isn’t just to make it look cool
oh man you feel so sorry for pegging yoongi as just one of those “all beers taste the same” dudes in senior year :’’’)
jimin kinda ruins the moment by opening his mouth being all excited as he points excitedly to look at who’s beside you
“oh oh! shh!!! you’re not supposed to be here but it’s ok jungkooooook!!! i’ll just close my eyes!!!”
“h-hey guys *hiccup* have you seen jimin? because i can’t see him!!”
that’s not... that’s not how it works...
jungkook is giggling so hard and jimin’s gonna roll over anytime if it isn’t for yoongi holding him
“omg jungkook’s earrings look like windchimes :D”
“y/n omg jIMIN’S RIGHT! they do look like windchimes :D”
“i bet they also sOUND LIKE WINDCHIMES :D” jimin’s leaping out of yoongi’s hold eagerly and the both of u just know that this is gonna go bad
he’s about to faceplant because he’s slipping the moment he decided to break free
it’s a good thing you’re catching him and jimin’s embracing you now while
his legs are slack on the floor and jungkook the drunk dumbass thought it was an emergency
and in times of emergency apparently, jungkook’s move is try and hop on your back for a piggyback ride“okay, okay, time to get off y/n now!!”
yoongi chuckles as he pries jimin off of you and onto himself instead
jungkook sTILL won’t give up into having a piggyback ride from you hmp
“hey, wanna split an uber?
”you like that idea very much :D“who’s gonna sit with them at the back, though?”
“you can give me your number and i’ll volunteer tribute :))”:D
that’s good
this is good
yeah sure yoongi might’ve had to sit in the middle of jimin and jungkook that are messes
and has to endure it when young, wild and free by wiz khalifa came on aND
jimin went owo “young sound like yoongi omg”
and jungkook went and followed and the whole lyrics were yoongi wild and yoongi free
but that’s ok
that’s okay!!!
he had to say goodbye to you two floors early because that’s where jungkook’s room is and u need to tuck him in
the most he could do was walk you to the door while having a sleepy jimin use him as a crutch
all worth it though :))
“thanks for tonight, yoongi :))”
and there’s just this tentative silence because the both of you kinda felt dejected because you didn’t want tonight to end, truthfully
you press a tentative lil kiss on his cheek and
“good night.”
yoongi’s cheek is tingling aHHHHHH HE’S ABOUT TO BURST
that’s so precious
alcohol doesn’t fix everything bUT ON RARE OCCASIONS IT COULD BE A BRIDGE
jungkook woke up with a killer headache because apparently when you and yoongi weren’t looking, jimin let him have a sip of his drink and he was immediately :O
but you did lessen it to an amount!!!!!
he could barely register what happened last night but what he did remember is yOONGI
just yoongi
eventually you’d tell him but not now
jungkook’s all smiles when you were telling him on how you tucked him to bed and eVEN caved into giving him a piggyback ride
your explanation of you making him drink a full bottle of water and then some more is the reason to why he felt bloated and every time he moved in his deep sleep he was just sLOSHING around
although you didn’t get to do his skincare routine on him because he likes tapping his face
and tapping jungkook’s face while he’s drunk is like choosing death because he’d think that there were little ants on his face and he’d freak the fUck out
so you just took a makeup wipe to get the dirt off his face and put on a face mask!! minimal effort!! maximum results!! efficiency :D
yours and jimin’s dynamic is chANGING FOR THE BETTER he’s getting warmer to you now!!!
you did tease him one time about the pomelo gin drink and he glared at you
but then you whispered to his ear
“if it’s between your choice of pomelo pink gin and yoongi’s whiskey? i’d pick pink gin all the way :D”
jimin gasped out loud
friendship? bUILDING
you and yoongi??
safe to say that you’re on the closer side :D
i mean tECHNICALLY you aren’t on the commitment boat yet or like… you haven’t had a date yet…. or held hands…..
but you’re getting there!!! iT’S A PROCESS
you’ve always been his supporter in the sidelines but now u r a full-pledged cheerleader for him in the moments that you aren’t tending to his car or tending to work
practice sessions are held starting two days before the race
it’s literally just for practice and it’s for the driver to get familiar and to test out some things that may need to be tweaked furthermore
this is the only time the drivers get to drive the cars besides the actual race itself
and the race is held on sunday!!!!
two practice sessions on friday that last one and a half hours each
and a final practice session on saturday that lasts for an hour
obviously you’re there
bUT when you’re not in use, you just completely revert to cheering for yoongi by the barrier!!!“GO YOONGS!!!!!”
jimin sends you a look to keep it down because even though he has his headphones on he could sTILL hear you
you shut up of course but not without waving your hands in the air whenever yoongi’s car comes into your view :D
in qualifying sessions too!!! these are to determine the driver’s grid positions in the actual race
and eVERY driver’s goal is to earn pole position, the front-most and most advantageous position from the starting line!!!
pole position doesn’t automatically mean that you’re the winner but it does help the driver to ace at that closer!!!
you shut up in qualifying sessions because in fact, you’re nervous too there are six more races to this whole season and each one is important because yoongi and hobi?? they’re just neck-to-neck with their scores and although yoongi’s on the lead, he could nEVER BE COMPLACENT
yoongi’s pole-sitter undoubtedly with his performance and then could you breathe a sigh of relief :))
he’s stripping his racing suit slightly and by that he means taking off the velcro and getting the zipper undone and taking off his balaclava and
oBVIOUSLY his helmet
fact: race suits are extremely light but are sO HOT
yeah sure there’s been upgrades to it and that it has cooling properties now but u can’t exactly feel that when you’re gonna be in it for atleast an hour doing a proper race
his routine lately is going sTRAIGHT to you after he finishes whatever he’s doing
“you didn’t cheer me on :((“
“that’s because i was too busy rooting for you in my mind :))”
“well then root for me with your mOUTH”
yoongi’s just being a little petty and cranky, that’s all
it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t give much affection, he automatically doesn’t want to rECEIVE it :(((
admittedly, you’re kinda cutting off from the physical affection with yoongi lately because jungkook quizzed you and you’re pretty sure that you were in a default :O after
“who texts first?”
“me!! our schedules don’t exactly match up because he has a different trainer than our pit crew does but i just wanna wake up extra early to send him a text :))”
“who sleeps earlier?”
“yoongi!! lmao he loves resting whenever he can aND he even brings this diffuser with him whenever we gor from hotel to hotel!!”
“who goes to who more frequently?”
“oOoOhhh i love visiting yoongi!!! whenever i surprise him he just looks so shocked and eventually it sinks in to him”
“who exerts more effort?”
“kook i — oH.,..,.”
of course jungkook is so happy for you because look at you!! you went from admiring yoongi from afar to hanging out with him actively and even going so far as to have him kiss your cheek once!!
but no matter how supportive he is, he jus wants to be as realistic too because he doesn’t want you hurt
yes he admires how you are with him but like mAYBE you’re far in too deep and yoongi is not on the same level
and so you just came to the conclusion that maybe you were just being too enthralled in it to not see that yoongi doesn’t find the concept of you
and him together as desired as you found it to be
and so maybe you’ve been detaching yourself lately
you stay in bed sleeping for as long as you’d like, and the only alarm clock you have is jimin ringing the bell on your door to let you know that training
was to start
jimin quickly catched on to what you were doing because he’s seeing less of you around yoongi??? surprisingly???
and he just couldn’t keep it in to not know what was happening so he asked jungkook
then jungkook was positively surprised and happy because jimin???? coming to him personally to ask???? omg he is gonna spill of course and so jimin was like eh… it’s the least i could do i guess….
five rings of the doorbell to wake you up
seven rings to let you know that training’s gonna start in ten minutes
ten rings to oPEN YOUR DAMN DOOR
you didn’t linger around yoongi unnecessarily and you weren’t sending those specifically niche templates you see on instagram that make you laugh
he doesn’t receive the “you’re a daughter of an astronaut and a swimmer and you’re not sure which aesthetic to pick because you’re too dizzy from accidentally inhaling chlorine in the big-ass man-made pool since you intern at nasa and u just need to lie down” lookbooks :(
he thought of it as nothing at first because eh they’re just little things!!! he barely notices anyway
yoongi feels so devastated because why :(( won’t :(( you just :(( hUG HIM OUT OF THE BLUE LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO
these days he feels so on edge because aHa!! anytime now, y/n’s gonna hug me :D
but then you dON’T
yoongi put on extra perfume because you like burrowing your nose to his neck whenever you hug him and wHY aren’t you hugging him
wait maybe it’s the perfume that’s throwing you off??
nevermind he’s gonna buy another hundred-dollar bottle of a different perfume it’s ok nO WORRIES and sometimes you don’t join the team breakfast and yoongi’s all lost
because hMmM??? i got u these pancakes a-and i already put the butter and the syrup….. why aren’t you here…
you’re with jungkook and his team knows about your friendship and how it came to be and they’re all just eH it’s okay y/n’s cool anyways :))
hobi’s so kind
jungkook sits in the same table as hobi and therefore that means you sit beside kook and u have no choice because he WILL insist
not because you’re his friend but also because he’s too lazy to stand and get another serving so he’ll just steal some from your plate
hobi eVEN offers to refill your glass with orange juice because his is gone too and he’s gonna get more anyway :))
yoongi can’t go over it though and he’s just wallowing because first, hoseok’s aiming for his title that he wants to retain, and nOW HOSEOK’S COMING FOR HIS Y/N???
ok his might be a little bit of a reach because he hasn’t asked you out yet but he iS getting there
he swears that he feels so lost without u :((
and so yoongi’s persistent and he vouched his day-off to be aligned with your gym day aaaand he’s here now :D
he’s right behind you!!
yoongi squeezes in on the space left at your side
well you dIDN’T expect yoongi today clearly“hi pls back up a little i mAY accidentally kick you :D”
you’re doing pull-ups at the moment and you’re getting the hang of doing them!! even if this used to be the bane of your existence in your workout program and you’d sell your soul just for jungkook to call you and cry on the phone and pretend he stubbed his toe or something to get out of training
so tHAT’S yoongi’s greeting??? :((
“i haven’t seen you lately”
“hmm? i see you everyday, yoongs”
you’re only discovering now that while doing pull-ups, you can aLSO make and maintain conversation!!
yoongi’s a bit sarcastic because your full attention isn’t on him and he guesses that it’s a given when you’re working out bUt are you even hearing what he’s saying :((
“doesn’t feel like it, though.”
ok that one made you falter a little bit
“how can you say??”
he practically huffs at that and that also goes noticed
how can you not know that???
he’s a patient person but with you, he just gets sO eager and whiney and now he just can’t cope!!!
just when he thought you were finally go down because you were slowing your movements, you were oNLY doing that just to regain your momentum for another set AND!!!
fine then :))
yoongi’s jumping up and his hands wrap around the higher bar snugly, his body pressed to yours
he’s so close oh my god yOONGI’S SO CLOSE TO YOU
you’re suspended in air and a bit breathless and yoongi’s just hanging slack and he’s about to burst into a smile because uH success!!!
his lips look so kISSABLE and his cheeks are plump and his eyes are v enchanting and wHEW you’re sweating at this point and it’s nOt from working out
yoongi only tilts his head as he earns the reaction he wanted and more :D
“who’s your trainer? sehun?”
he’s not content just yet and for a split second, yoongi tilts his face to the side of yOUR face and his lip barely brush to the shell of your ear
“i’ll pull you out of this one. eat lunch with me.” the sound of yoongi dropping back down to the floor makes you jOLT because oh.,., oh that rEALLY DID JUST HAPPEN HUH
what a menace
your heart is too weak for yoongi
you are sO whipped :’’’)
so whipped that you cave into jungkook’s demands
jungkook’s aLWAYS been your sticker guy
he just has stickers… that he either makes or acquires but he isn’t telling where from… and either gives or sells them to u
he has this label maker too that could print your name on or whatever you want to put on your stuff
he would even input little stars or little hearts or even lil dinosaurs if you want him to!!!
you don’t know how and why but wHEREVER you go, jungkook always has stickers on him
you specifically told jungkook to curate like a ten-pack out of the things you told him about yoongi
he has the reigns aS LONG as he thinks (and it better be) that it screams min yoongi!!
it’s just that you wanna give gifts to yoongi and you don’t need aNY occasion just to give presents
you were deep in thought and your head blanked and then went…
stickers…. get him stickers
…. stickers ….
…. stickers dUMB BITCH i said stickers!!!! …..
lol u love ur mind
and when you said that to jungkook, he fell both honored AND pressured like what if yoongi decides not to like you anymore because of your (his) sticker choices
what then
damn ur wrong for this
jeez jungkook’s becoming the backbone of your blossoming relationship ://
sigh but it’s cool,, jungkook’s used to becoming a fundamental part to society
jungkook’s ringing your bell so early in the morning because he just got done last night with completing his collection!! and you iMMEDIATELY need to see it as per his insistence
ok they r pretty cool
there’s yoongi’s name in a really cool yet sophisticated font that just screamed yoongi to you!!
there’s Agust D in a big bold formal font!! you remember that story of how yoongi was born and raised briefly in daegu then they had to move and he misses his hometown
he was about to use Agust D as his name when he first tried out for racing but the name itself made so many heads turn so he was just,,, too spicy,,,
i’ll make it suga
jungkook’s wild for that one but omg you’re giggling because wow u like that
“clouds?? and the sky’s purple??”
“i think eVERYBODY likes clouds”
“well some pilots don’t”
“what makes them think that clouds like them back?”
“a cat??… flipping me off???”
“lol ok funny story but yoongi flipped me off once LMAOOO”
“… he did what”
“i’ll tell u the story later but this, THIS — okay i don’t know if it’s just me, but yoongi looks like a cat, y’know?? like i sWEAR i could see cats in him, and then i see him in cats. do you get me??”
“and he wears headbands, right? LOOK I EVEN DREW HIM A HEADBAND!! :D”
ok you aren’t gonna lie
this ten-pack goes pretty fucking hard if you may say so
“how much do i owe you, kook?”
“that would be fifty dollars :D”
psh atleast it was worth a shot
“fine. tHIRTY dollars.”
you know for a fact that these ten stickers aREN’T worth tHIRTY DOLLARS
the highest jungkook’s ever charged you is $10 for a pack of ninety-nine he even took one from the sticker booklet and he only said that after he sold it to u
you both know that these aren’t $30 :((
it’s always a take it or leave it situation because you know hobi is a sucker for stickers :((
“…. fine.” you pull thirty dollars from your wallet and that’s thirty dollars ur never gonna get back
jungkook’s a bit frazzled because wHAT
you actually gave him tHIRTY dollars??
they don’t even cOST _____ dollars!!!
it’s just awkward now when he tries to take back what he said
“… as a special gift.,.,. i’m gonna put them.,.,. in a nice envelope.,., that i uh doodled hearts on…”
quick if jungkook was a seller on redbubble, how many stars would you rate him
this better have a gREAT PAYOFF
spoiler alert: it did!!!
“i mean i’m not saying you should put these on your race car because i kNOW every gram matters on it and like — sTICKERS!! u can stick them anywhere am i right :D”
“do you uh,, do you like it? ˡᵃʸ ᶦᵗ ᵈᵒʷⁿ ᵍᵉⁿᵗˡʸ ᵒⁿ ᵐᵉ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ”
it went great!!!
above and beyond than what you expected
“thank you thank you dO YOU KNOW that you’re the best eVER :(((“
yoongi is so touched and awed over a pack of sTICKERS and it’s the little joys and you that make him the happiest
he’s so excited and pumped because he can’t pick on where to put them because they’re so precious and in the same time he doesn’t wanna use them because they’re tOO precious
yoongi’s about to kiss your cheek in the same time you wanna explain some of them and-
he’s kissing the corner of your mouth
he only realizes when you squeak a little and he feels just so unexplainable with pure bliss that’s going through his body omg
and then yoongi pulls away to gauge your reaction because he was iNITIALLY gonna go for a cheek kiss but now that’s out of the bank because he wants more and-
oh god his cheeks are already on fire and tHIS WAS JUST A KISS TO THE CORNER OF YOUR MOUTH ACCIDENTALLY
it’s time to clear his throat and attempt to clear his mind“is uHhH sehun? 
sehun the trainer today?”
“yeaH it’s sehun…”
yoongi please say what i want you to say
“i can — i cAN bail you out, if you want.,.. you uH ˢʰᶦᵗ do you wanna go karting with me?? like, right now??? it’s okay if you don’t wanna bUt i mean ᶠᵘᶜᵏ uhHhH-“
“yeah :)) i wanna go karting with you :))”
yoongi’s a mess and hE’S the nervous one now and he keeps scratching the back of his neck and he can’t maintain eye contact
he was about to explain that he’s not pressuring you wait dID YOU JUST SAY
“yes?? yeah?? oH that’s cool :D”
“do i need to get changed or-“
i mean you’re still in your workout leggings and a big black shirt jungkook has an aBUNDANCE of so u just stole one and tried out embroidery!!
it’s not the best aha
kinda ugly because it’s massive on you and u just take it off whenever the workout progresses to be harder
“no!! no!! don’t worry!! i’ll bring my backpack!! just take yourself, y/n, i’ll take care of you ʷᵃᶦᵗ ʷᵃᶦᵗ aHA!!! i’ll pack my shirts for you and water and like snacks omg i will be back in fIVE minutes!!!”
there’s kinda no protest since yoongi’s already dashing out of your hotel room and into his… and he’s leaving you alone and he swears that this will only take fIVE minutes
he’s a nervous wreck
but yOU are too
because wait
this is your first date!!
oh god you are gonna cOMBUST
it did take five minutes and perhaps even earlier!!
yoongi’s managed to even get a cap for you and sUNBLOCK
he has a driver hired and that’s kinda ironic because hE’S the driver but he doesn’t mind!!!
he’s sitting with you at the second row and you’ve never really properly been out the city ever since you got here because leisure trips aren’t exactly in your schedule
the buildings and the scenery are so cool and authentic and yoongi’s just staring at you as you stare out :(((
why are you so beautiful :(((
he’s envisioned taking you out for go-karting as your first date but nOT NOW
yoongi’s accidentally kissed you once on the corner of your mouth and he is now forever a changed man
his mind immediately went wOOP take y/n karting nOW
yoongi has a pinterest board with ideas for a first date
picnics are cute but there’s just so much aNTS and mosquitoes and flies would go to ur food when you turn away for a single second!!!
not to mention that he never checks the weather reports lmao
and grass with how soggy they could he eVEN if it didn’t rain???
there’s always the option of dinner dates too
but sometimes they could be just SO boring and it’s a hit or miss whether you’d like the food because you don’t like overly fancy restaurants y’know
not to mention that they r overrated and the food isn’t that good to your taste bUT maybe that’s just you
he’s searched this place up a couple days ago and look!!! they have karts that have tWO seats on them
maybe he could rent out the place or pull out the “no it’s MIN YOONGI” card and he can drive you around and stuff :D
it’s postive to say that you’re vERY excited
“last one to cross the finish line buys the winner gifts for a whole week bYEEEE”
that’s not-
apparently this is how yOU want it to go
the idea of yoongi driving you around in go-karts didn’t cross your mind once
you thought that you were gonna race against him and gOD ARE YOU SO EXCITED
you work on cars not drive in cars
the closest you’ve ever went to karting is going on bumper cars when jungkook took you to the amusement park!!!
it’s not racing because all you and kook did was bump the other as mUCH as possible to the point that the attendant was :/// are they ok
you know how to drive!!!
not to flex or anything but u dO have a professional driver’s license aha :D
although that doesn’t mean shit if ur kinda being honest
do you know how to drift a car like what they do in fast and the furious?? probably yes
jungkook was “breaking in” his car and he took you to the dealership with him and the car just felt so sTIFF and then he saw an empty parking lot….
and well you didn’t exactly STOP him because it isn’t your car
how could you stop someone from doing something that you yourself wANT to do
can you drive as fast as yoongi?? possibly yes
will it be as clean and as easy as he makes it to be?? heck no
yoongi’s chasing after you because oh you are dEDICATED now to racing against him
you’re even scrambling to put your race suit on iN FRONT OF HIM and it makes him all flustered as he tries to keep up by turning and putting on his own
“now don’t go easy on me, okay???”
yoongi’s a bit confused because what did u just say
not to fuel his ego or anything but madame he is a race car driver and it runs in his blood and the skill is in his name
he loves u (although he hasn’t said that yet) but he doesn’t want to ruin all your hopes and dreams
“just race as what you normally do and i’ll do my oWN!!! :D”
you’re fast!!!as fast as go-karts could go!!!
you even turned down yoongi’s offer of a ten-second head start because wHERE’S THE FUN IN THAT
you are as happy and as giddy as you could ever be
yoongi, on the other hand, is worried a ton
you’re still a bit cautious when it comes to curves and to turning and
yoongi’s heart physically stops whenever you go through them because now you’re starting to pick up the pace around them
you’re getting used to the curves as you go on and you’re starting to maintain speed aND go through curves smoothly
he’s happy that you’re happy but god he’s just tERRIFIED okay
the list of what could possibly go wrong is evading his mind and for god’s sake, he’s a rACE CAR DRIVER HIMSELF!!!!! with custom top-speed cars and not go-karts!!! and not once did this list cross his mind whenever he drives
it’s just now hitting him that his profession’s dangerous
but your profession tOO is dangerous!!!
you may not be the driver put you are a part of the pit stop crew that tends to the car the driver’s racing!!!!
fIRES!!! pneumatic torque guns that are sO DANGEROUS!!!! wheels!!!!! gas!!!!! the driver himself when he’s in a rush and could possibly injure people along the way!!!!!
yoongi’s going down on a spiral so harsh that he didn’t even notice that not only did you pass him, but you’re also farther away from him sIGNIFICANTLY and before he knows it, you finished first!!
“yoongs yoongs did you see me dID YOU SEE ME?????? :D”
you jump up to yoongi the moment he gets out of his kart and he instantly catches you and puts his hands underneath your thighs to secure you
your arms are even around his neck and you are incredibly close to yoongi more than you could ever wrap your head around
“mhmmmm ‘course i did!!”
he mindlessly hums and he just takes the time to see you up close like this before you realize and yelp later on because ur flustered
god yoongi’s never cared for anyone this much before
he’s falling in so hard
and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, right?
the moment you stop talking and gushing is the moment you realize that yoongi’s been awfully quiet all throughout, making you look down and-
yoongi’s kissing you
for rEAL this time
god he is putty in your hands and he’s extremely mushy
your lips are sO soft that he feels like he could die a happy man
you don’t know if your getting this adrenaline from the rush you got from winning or if it’s just the desire to kiss him for so long that’s fueling you but either way
yoongi feels a little tug on his roots and that instinctively makes him kiss you a little deeper
his kisses taste so gOOD TOO
although you DO need to breathe every once in awhile
yoongi has the biggest gummy smile on his face and his legs feel like giving out because he feels sO HAPPY
you don’t fight the grin on your face either because wow :D that was just wHoosh!!! the suspense built up to it was incomparable oh god the tENSION before
he doesn’t mind losing then :)
“one more? :D”
oh god u are rEALLY whipped for yoongi
and this puts the two of you on ANOTHER level okay
he’s gotten more affectionate and showy almost
jimin’s kinda concerned because sometimes he sees yoongi smiling out of the blue and he’s just…. what is this guy ON…..
jungkook’s so excited and happy for you!!!
he keeps pushing that this wouldn’t have happened if it isn’t for his overpriced stickers
he wants you to tell him EVERYTHING
“yeah?? and tHEN WHAT????”
he is a little jealous however because not all your time is spent on hanging out with him anymore
or how a particular someone would be joining your hangouts from time to time aka yoongi being a third wheel
…. or maybe jungkook’s the third wheel ….
lol impossible :)))))))
[ jeon jungkook continiously tries to deny the truth to himself as always ]
he could be nosy yes bUT he’s always curious
“so he’s finally your boyfriend?”
he makes sense most of the times
now that you think about it.,.,.
you aren’t sure either if there’s a label already set?????
because as far as you know, kissing someone doesn’t automatically translate to gREAT UR MY PARTNER IN LIFE NOW
oh no
it’s all good!!!
all good!!!!
you could open this up to yoongi later!!!
oh wait he’s busy
tomorrow then!!!!
uH nope he’s busy
the other day then :))
yoongi keeps getting busy and busy as he explains to the point that you’re in the same floor but you aren’t even seeing each other
he isn’t lying to you, right??
this isn’t about the kiss, right?????
goddamn you jungkook :((
the gears in your head are turning because oh god what if yoongi’s realized that he doesn’t want to commit to you
or that this is as long as a free netflix trial and your time’s up and you need to gO
it also feels oddly sketchy too because yoongi’s only become suddenly busy and almost unreachable ever since the kiss
it is, in fact, about the kiss
god yoongi himself feels that he’s an asshole
he’s suddenly second-guessing his decisions
he’s went down the rabbit hole of thinking that mAYBE you deserve better than him
his name’s kinda big and some rumors follow him too, whether it’s inside or outside the track
yoongi has a track record of ex-girlfriends as what the media wittily dubs it aND HE WON’T DENY IT OK
he does have some ex-girlfriends and his lovelife isn’t talked about within the team because they just treat rumors as rumors and it’s yoongi’s life anyway
but what if news breaks out that you and him are dating
and his track record is brought up once again
because yoongi also feels like he isn’t worthy enough for you :((
he could be bland and too blunt at some points
as opposed to you :(( who’s sometimes too kind and always tries to understand situations and won’t also take shit from anyone
he’s not as spontaneous or charismatic as jungkook
he can’t be as spontaneous as jungkook who’s willing to go to a halloween party with him as mater and you as lightning mcqueen aND PERHAPS IN THE LITERAL COSTUME KIND OR SOMEHOW CLOSE TO IT
he’s not as avid in things that you like as much as jungkook is
he’s just yoongi :((
and he feels like the whole yoongi for y/n thing isn’t enough :((
you haven’t seen yoongi though
and since today’s for the practice sessions, this is the time that you’re sURELy gonna see him!!!
that’s the problem though
because seeing someone doesn’t exactly guarantee that they’re gonna pay attention to you
in other words: you think that yoongi might be avoiding you :((
he wasn’t alone as he normally was and just when you were about to approach him, that’s when he left to go get changed
you have no choice too since he goes straight to the track and that was it!!
you’re sneaking in to reply to jungkook who’s asking for updates because he’s as committed to this scenario as much as you were
this is the last practice session anyway
you just want to get this over with so you could go confront yoongi and fix whatever is this that’s happening :((
it doesn’t help, really
doesn’t help when the practice session is over and what yoongi does the first thing when he finishes is not go back to where the team is
or perhaps just hop over the box like he usually does
he goes to kim dahyun,,
kim dahyun
she’s a heiress?? a socialite?? maybe both???
she’s someone who’s known to be always in the front seat when it comes to events
she’d be placed courtside in basketball games and in tennis tournaments and by the side of the runway when it’s fashion week
no one for sure knows why
but her most recent appearances have been banked in these racing weekends and wherever she goes is where articles follow :((
she’s just something else :((
she’s pretty and she’s rich and she’s kim dahyun 
she’s wearing your team’s novelty shirt and she has it tied up in the front 
dahyun has her hair up in a bun and she has this ribbon that corresponded with your team colors wrapped around it
she has these perfect-looking gel nails!! gel nails!!! you could see the shine all the way from here when she’s flashed at the monitor and is in fact a couple of feet away from you!!
the jewelry too :((
gel nails and jewelry are things you’ve always wanted to try out but could barely wear due to the nature of your job
and although they’re just little things, it kinda drives you crazy because you can’t help but feel like you’re having a burnout with your profession
the fact that yoongi’s going to her for reasons unbeknownst to you is enough to make your stomach drop
even puts his hand at the sMALL of her back and-
even does this lil cheek kiss and she does it back with him and they talk
they talk
min yoongi goes to talk to kim dahyun and greet her like that
when you can’t even get the bare minimum of even a glance from him
jungkook texts you and it’s the only momentary relief you get because this way, your eyes aren’t focused on them and your heart briefly stops hurting
you wanna go back to the hotel
you don’t even wanna look at yoongi
you retreat to the furthest area away and just sit there while all this fuss blows over and how there are even some cheers upon seeing yoongi and dahyun up on the monitor
that’s cool
your cheeks feel wet and you’re just wordlessly setting up and putting back the things that were needed for this session
mingyu, the fellow pit crew member who’s aloft from you and the other ones for most of the times even noticed and he was just ???
“y/n, y’okay?”
you can’t even bring yourself to be in surprise that he spoke to you because you’re too busy being sad 
“dust :)) it’s just dust :))”
but it’s not.,., it’s not even remotely windy.,..,
jungkook crashes to your room later that afternoon and stayed with you until you fell asleep
you’re not exactly cHATTY when you feel your heart breaking and kook’s well-aware
just wordlessly puts on whatever’s trending on netflix and puts it up for background noise :((
orders room service and nudges you until you agree to eat 
even strokes your hair because he could see some tears pricking at the corner of your eyes and jungkook automatically presses you to his chest
damn yoongi ://
yoongi’s kinda missing the texts and the calls you’d usually bombard with him 
but this time his phone’s silent
he knows at the back of his mind that this may be about dahyun awhile ago but at the same time, he doesn’t wanna entertain the thought because it’s harmless,,,, right??
dahyun was a friend before she became his girlfriend and tHEN his ex
and now they’re friends again
that’s not exactly harmful isn’t it
yoongi’s eyes keep going back to check his phone every two minutes just to see if there’s a notification from you
and if he gets one? he won’t ignore it he sWEARS
just atleast give him a text
even a passive-aggressive one that just has a single period on it
and hE knows that all of this is building up because of him :((
he’s not quite ready to admit that to himself though
oh my god is this the end for you and yoongi???
you haven’t even started with proper labels aND you’re already over???
this isn’t exactly the high road you always try to go through
but yoongi’s just beyond confusing and angering at this point and is being really uNFAIR
so if he won’t be open no matter how much you try to coax him at his won pace and decides to be immature about it.,.,,,
well you’re gonna stop adjusting :D
today’s the third to the last race and just like any other, it’s heated
you support yoongi the driver but you’re not in the best terms with yoongi the loVER
not a bad start honestly
yoongi didn’t get pole position but instead the third and he was a more than bummed because usually, when he didn’t get pole-sitter, he’d lean on to you for comfort and you’re gonna soothe him throughout
but no that didn’t happen yesterday
jimin just sighed and patted him on the back and said “just do good tomorrow” and how is tHAT gonna be on par with how you comfort him
he’s through about 3/4 into the race
and gOD it’s going seamless
but some things are just piling up and it’s making him completely confused
hobi’s already passed him and at this stretch, he typically wouldn’t be able to because yoongi knows hoseok’s pattern
yoongi’s only had a pit stop once and that’s the strategy that gets him winning most times
but god something just feels odd
jimin comes at the right times as he speaks through the radio and yoongi couldn’t be any more lost
“yoongi you hAVE to box now”
and box equates to him having anOther pit stop when he usually wouldn’t because this isn’t it!!
this isn’t the strategy!!!!
“jimin iF i box now then that means-”
“yoongi!! listen to me!!! jung’s gonna pass ahead wHETHER you box or not. if you wanna save face and finish this race ranking atleast within top 10, box. right. now.”
his tires are thinning and normally he could sTILL go through the final stretch without another pit stop but fuck is jimin ordering him with so much ferocity
he has no other choice
and yoongi’s angry
he’s sTILL heated up because these circumstance have never happened before
then he finished 7th in this race
and that’s the lowEST he’s ever placed this season!!!
yoongi can’t exactly control his anger when it comes to situations like these and jimin’s very well-aware
he has faith in yoongi and his driving but tHESE technical reasons are what made him to go through this last-minute strategy
jimin’s crew chief and he stands by his decisions and his strategies
there’s no denying tho that he kNOWS yoongi’s gonna be heated
yoongi marches off the moment he finishes
and he’s looking for someone
you’re there by jimin’s side
and of cOURSE you were shocked by the sudden strategy and you just can’t help going to him to discuss it
you know too that yoongi’s gonna be mAD but after analyzing the situation with jimin when he explained and when you visualized, jimin did make the right call
before you know it though
yoongi’s already there
this is the first time that yoongi’s speaking to you and you couldn’t be anymore shocked and confused at the same time
the two of you aren’t exactly alone,.,,
he’s had this sudden recollection of yoongi eating dinner with you in your hotel room and you kept asking him questions about racing and strategies and the philosophical aspect of it
and he delved into his strategies with jimin and retold them to you
you were in so much fondness too because he looks so focused and passionate when he was laying them out to you
yoongi isn’t level-headed right now and the story’s immediately flipped in his head of how this must have possibly went
jimin’s eyes are bulging at what’s unfolding, but even more so to the fact that you and yoongi aREN’T alone
and he’s here and the other crew members are here
and they can heAR YOONGI!!! loud and clear!!!
“yoongi wHAT are you talking about???”
“don’t play dumb!! you told them to jungkook, didn’t you???”
for a fact, you didn’t
you didn’t tell jungkook nor aNYONE else
what would you benefit from that??
what would yOONGI benefit from that??
“shut up!! you tOld about the strategies to jungkook and he told it to hoseok and nOW look at what happened!!! all of this, all of what i did, is gonna fall through just because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut!!”
jimin’s heart is dropping at this and he can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now
he knows to his heart that you wouldn’t do such a thing
or that all of this has to do with his decision and a series of coincidences that piled up for yoongi to mindlessly think that you’re the reason for what he’s pushing to be a leak
“yoongi, i would never-”
he’s burning
actually burning
so much so that he’s walking towards you and looking down on you
“you’re fired.”
what the actual fuck
“i can.”
jimin’s about to step in as he’s standing behind you and he’s already gripping at your arm
he needs to say something
and you know your standing with jimin isn’t the best but you’re just thinking about him
you know how he’s due for a promotion and a raise
and you know yoongi’s above and beyond gonna ruin his career if jimin dared to speak and atleast attempt to defend you and pin the blame on himself
“and i’m gonna get my father involved if i have to.”
that’s it
that’s the end of your career
you didn’t wait to get fired
knowing yoongi, he means what he says and so you didn’t waste a single second in packing up your bags and rounding up your documents
you already knew enough that yoongi’s dad have connections with the association and a single phone call could flip things over
so whether yoongi’s already made the call to his dad or not, you’re gonna leave either way
you’re making calls to your manager, the same one who came to your college and recruited you and jungkook, and had to explain as much as you can while pulling at all stops
said managers was saddened at the call and then she had to make that call to the ones in the upper positions so could aLSO explain as much as she can
honestly you don’t know either what’s gonna come out of this
either your name would be defamed wrongly, or nO one’s gonna notice at all and your sudden disappearance would have 99 versions and not one confirmed
they think it’s best to respect your decision of letting go and even if you’ve signed a contract, this “firing” is as good as official
also they think it’s best to relay the statement of you making an “indefinite leave” due to a “family emergency of grave importance” which translates to no this isn’t an indefinite leave but instead you’re leaving for good
it’s both a blessing and a curse that this happened far into the season
a blessing since there’s only two races left after this and that means less adjustments with the team dynamic and the news of your departure won’t be as focused on because yeah last two races
a curse since these last two races are critical and yoongi just couldn’t wait until the last one to blame you and then fire you
no worries though
there are always replacements
aka which just points that you’re despensable and it’s nOT helping your self-esteem
backups are there in case the event a pit crew member gets injured (or worse, incapacitated; and they’re familiar with the work and the dynamic so it would be just a seamless fit
and all of that got arranged in less than two hours :)) there was even a flight you managed to book within that time
you didn’t even get to say goodbye to jungkook :((
he had to know all of it by a short n simple goodbye and see you soon text you sent before boarding and by asking jimin what happened
he was cOMPLETELY bawling his eyes out because his best friend left him :(( and he counts on you so much and you help him stay sANE
he’s beyond angry at yoongi and didn’t even bother to bat an eye when he walked past him
jimin feels so guilty and sad
he was a shitty crew chief to you for the most part and after all that, you still went through this considering hIM and his job and his dIGNITY even if it means you lose all three things and you already did
jimin cried when jungkook’s lip started trembling and he lost it completey by then
yoongi’s lost and empty and oblivious to all of this
he figures that it’s better to let some hours pass so he could cool down and reflect
that’s his second mistake however
yoongi’s complacent
and three hours have passed and he knows that at this time you’re still awake so he walked over to your room and just rang the bell
he’s rung it three times now and uSUALLY you wouldn’t even let it pass two when it’s yoongi by the door
that’s weird
yoongi’s about to pull out his phone to call you to open the door but before
he could even press at your name, the door already opens
… it’s a middle-aged man …
“wrong door, kid.”
but that’s your room
yoongi knows you’ve left the circuit earlier than everyone because of what happened
that much he knows
but not this
yoongi dials jungkook instead because for sure he’d know where you are but then another door opens and that’s jUNGKOOK!!! leaving jimin’s room that’s a couple of doors from your room
“yA. do-…”
jungkook literally just walks past him and into the elevator
what is going ON
then yoongi’s jogging to jimin’s door that’s closing then he manages to wedge into his foot before it closes
“where’s Y/N?”
little did yoongi know that the answer would make him regret even asking you don’t have the slightest clue on how could possibly bounce back from this
maybe take a break; a week perhaps
get a job that’s for sURE
ignore yoongi’s texts and calls
reply to jungkook whenever he contacts you as much as he could in free time that he gets
assure jimin that you’re okay and he has nothing to apologize for
be eternally grateful for your friends that have your back no matter what and help you stay afloat and even giving you a job
bless the kim line
jin, namjoon, and taehyung were your ultimate friends in college besides jungkook
they are the most awesome and sWEETEST friend group you’ve ever had in your life
you didn’t get to hang out with them as frequently like you did with jungkook since the three of them were in the business course and you and kook on the student athlete side
but that didn’t change the fact that you give are inseperable and wHOLESOME
you and jungkook ended up being crew members for a famous and multi-million team in formula racing but you’ve retired wAY too early lmao
the three of them
not to brag
but they’re the proud owners and the brawns and the brains of kim kradle
it’s a one-stop shop for everything that automobiles could possibly need
but why kim kradle do you ask???
well first of all,,, jin, namjoon, and taehyun have the same family name which is Kim so write that down
kradle? aha well :D
so for babies, there’s cradles, right??
they serve kinda like havens, right??
wHERE was ultron from avengers: age of ultron made??? the cradle. although their shop’s vision and mission are wAY WAY different from ultron’s
and like why name it kim cradle
when you can name it kIM KRADLE
they’ve had calls when they were starting out asking if they were selling baby cradles and the answer is N-O
it’s now a huge successful shop that’s like an open warehouse type!!
basically, the kim kradle is divided into three major operations
general services to intensive repair of parts and basically what goes on internally!! jin is in charge and heads that sector!!
he could see your car for two seconds and go “hey man, did you ever ace your karate lessons? lmao you have a broken fan belt not a black belt”
carwashes and waxing and all that good stuff!! namjoon is a beast at thus and your car could be like from 1997 and he’d clean it so good that it would look like it’s from 2030
customization!! from leather seats to metallic foils to coating!! taehyung has an instagram dedicated to his finished works and ongoing ones and like wHAT?? he has half a million followers?? no big deal
kim kradle is on the massive side and is therefore separated to three floors
namjoon and his carwashes are at the basement in which you’d still get sunlight in because there are inclined pathways on the side that lead out to an outdoor waiting area
jin is on the 2nd floor and basically in the same ground level where the civilization is because his section’s more critical and it’s the obvious option
taehyung gets the 3rd floor, and one part’s covered and the other is like a car balcony so when he finishes?? you could see that sunlight hitting the custom coat he did on your car
either kim kradle is so good, the placement and marketing are perfect, or the owners are just sO attractive and unparalled as to why so many people avail their services and most go through all three levels
maybe the formula is all three of those variables
you came home without knowing a sINGLE thing and being alone in your apartment is appreciated but it gets eerie and so isolating
and you called namjoon late into the night because he always knows what to say and you ended up having more than what you hoped for
you just wanted to have some comfort and ease because also,, namjoon’s voice is really soothing and u miss hearing it
not oNLY did you get some peace of mind
you also got a job without even actively looking for it at the moment and you couldn’t be anymore fulfilled
namjoon said that you could come in at kim kradle anytime at your own pace and they’d still welcome you with open arms
also said that jin and tae miss you sO much and it’s a good thing that namjoon is the one you called because if it’s either from the other two, you wouldn’t be able to sleep and perhaps you’d get visitors to your apartment at 2 in the morning
and this is it!!!
for once, you don’t want to confront a problem to the core
you’re just gonna distract yourself and make your way around it aha :D
two days later??? you’re working in kim kradle now!!!
and you know what??
you eVEN get the overalls
the only three people in kim kradle that wear overalls are jin, namjoon, and taehyung themselves
and it’s to kinda highlight the fact that they’re the owners and the heads of their sections
the rest wear boiler-style like suits 
all their uniforms are cute
jin is in charge of the color and there are actually multiple ones!! a pale pink to a nice lavender and a dark navy blue!! the first two are kinda impractical because it’s impossible to not get dirty in this job but they ARE adorable and stylish though
namjoon pushed for this uniform and so he really searched and handpicked fabrics that won’t be tOO hot and in which u could actively move in them
but sometimes there are tasks in which involve the straps for the overalls sliding down so tHE next big thing????
namjoon sewing but actually it became tAEHYUNG’S job because he’s gonna poke himself with the needle multiple times before even getting to put a thread in
made a lil hook by the custom shirts down to where it draped by the shoulders and it could hook the straps so like wHATEVER the four of you do, the overalls won’t slip :D
innovation amirite :D
and then it was taehyung’s job to have kim embroidered in really cute cursive by the back and the initials of their first name in a lil formal font below it
and the first names are embroidered in the front!!! 
tae was the one who wrapped the overalls into a large box and you genuinely didn’t expect that you’d be even given one
and it’s just that you’ve been so much on eDGE lately and every little thing turns you emotional these days ever since that incident with yoongi
“is she,,, she’s,,, is y/n sobbing??”
taehyung sputters because oh my god did his gift wrapping throw you off?? jeez he kinda knew at the back of his head that the bright neon green with some balloons saying “happy birthday” even if it’s nOT your birthday looks REPULSIVE and he didn’t have any other gift wrapper left but he didn’t know that it would be too repulsive to make you cry :((
“did we do something??”
jin looks worried because oh god maybe it was the joke he did awhile ago about you suddenly working here now
although namjoon eased their worries and oH you’re hugging the three of them!!!
“i-it’s just that-...”
you were only supposed to thank them for the overalls and the opportunity bUT it took some turns and it ended up with you telling them the story and namjoon having to fill in some gaps when you get too pouty and too sad to explain
it’s very easy to be thrown in the spur of things at the moment because you’re just grasping at every opportunity to distract yourself!! :D coping mechanisms!!!!
you’re with jin in his section because that’s your work!! that is your work before you got fired and you just got to continue it
but this time with all the time in the world
not really but an hour is a lifetime for you and you’re just used to repairing things in mere seconds
in mere seconds and you have to train for it like almost every second of the day sO this is a nice change :D
“a wrench?? i’m gonna replace the tires using a wrench??”
jin laughs at that because you’re holding it in disgust as you stare down the car that just got brought in
they don’t have a flat tire or anything!! they just wanna get new tires that are as exaggerated as their very-embellished and exaggerated jeep with their specs :D
“they don’t teach you that in racing school????”
you know how to replace tires with a wrench and a jack of course
but it’s just hitting you now that oh god this is very alike and different at the same time with your past job!!!
“you dON’T have pneumatic guns?? yeah sure they mAY be expensive but like work would be done quicker and you’d go through more customers?? oH my god jin??? you know what, i’m gonna call jimin right now. let me get you some things!!!”
well then,,,
jin mAY have a pneumatic gun lying around but they don’t use it because a) it’s not as fast and as efficient as what yOU use in the track b) what for honestly,,, c) this is not formula racing and most people aren’t in a rush
but you know what
this is going good for you!!!
jin’s learning new things from u and the other way around and you’re not wallowing in sadness tHAT much anymore :D
and you do feel that kim kradle is doing so much good on you!! you’re constantly with jin but sometimes you spice it up an transfer from floor to floor :))
pressure-washing with namjoon is very therapeutic and having excessive knowledge now about how to properly give your car the shiniest wax ever in your lifetime??
it’s excessive knowledge you wouldn’t trade for the world
you even go work with taehyung sometimes!!! you help him plan out color schemes and pick out fabric with him and go measure dimensions and eVEN do 3D mock-ups
watching and aLSO being able to mix custom coats to go on cars is very satisfying ok
tae even gives you the password to the instagram account :))
he gets you to do the close-ups sometimes and eVEN tells you a thing or two on how he edits these clips to be as satsfying and pleasing as possible
today’s just a slow day
only three cars have come to the shop and to your floor in the past hour nothing from the three of them needed that much TLC
two of them just needed to get their tires’ air pressure checked and have them pumped to match
the other one was just towed here because it’s the nearest shop and just has a dead battery :((
you don’t know how you and jin could pass the time because there isn’t any tv in the area since sOMEONE (jin himself) got distracted too much by watching sherlock and he jUST wanted to know how sherlock pulled off operation lazarus!!!!
it clearly wasn’t his intention to keep pumping up the jack and almost have the whOLE car tip over because he had it up all the way
that was an accident :))
he didn’t even notice that so many of his boys were dashing for the side of the car to keep it from falling and when one of them called out his name, jin had the aUDACITY to shush him because there goes the climax!!!
wOOpS aha oh no what happened to the car :D
the next big thing that jin could do? ask you and catch up about all the technical stuff in formula racing so he could learn too ya know
“what happens if a wing gets dented or like dEFORMED?? how would that be fixed that quickly??”
“ooh!! good question!! actually-...”
that sound
you miss that sound :((
someone’s driving in your floor by the sounds of it and you don’t even need to turn your head to know that it must be a rEALLY cool car :((
it reminds you of the sounds you hear on the track and it’s one that you dearly miss
the growl of whatever car this is loud but like nOT obnoxious of pricks that just wanna show off in traffic and rev up their engine, y’know??
jin could only be so happy because fINALLY
another customer and another task to do to pass this day and it’s nOT a prius!!!!!!!
fucking finally
jin stands up immediately and you immediately follow him and this car’s getting attention from the other workers at the floor because whew
they all know to back off and go back to working on previous and existing projects because aH they see jin smiling giddily and almost jogging and you’re in tow from excitement
it’s a nice car!!!
a maserati granturismo in sleek black!!! jin’s only saw one of these come in the shop driveway but only for them to pULL out and it’s just because they needed to maneuver to go back to a u-turn
what a prick ://
he was excited that day and for wHAT??? someone to use their driveway just so they could reverse their car???? that’s just rude
the owner in mystery comes out and is aLREADY TALKING and- wait
isn’t that yoongi?
“hey man, could you check on my radiator real quick? the airconditioning’s a bit wack and i’m not entirely sure if it’s the radiator but i don’t wanna tweak it, ‘cause maybe it’s the compressor too. not sure. can you-“
oh my god that’s yOU
the season’s wrapped up like a week ago and the last races were tough so tough than he could’ve ever imagined and it was even harder without you
yoongi won the season
but he lost you though :((
he was so enraged at himself the moment jimin told him about the verdict you took and how you quit before he could fire you — for good yoongi has no one to blame but himself and god he’s just so mad at himself
even up to now actually
his pride was so enormous that he didn’t even tHINK that he might be the problem as to why he placed 7th in that race
and instead, he just needed someone, anyone, for him to blame and you’re the fIRST person he sees and he immediately takes his anger and frustration out on you
you would never do such things and he’s disgusted at himself for even tHINKING that you’d ever betray him like that
he was regretting every bit of his words and actions that he said and did out of blind spite
if he could punch himself he would GLADLY do that and knock himself out yoongi was both panicked and livid
had a hard time breathing too because oh gOd he just can’t stop thinking about you and the things he’s caused that are too late to bring back and reverse :((
he kept pleading to atleast follow you home even for just some hours and he’ll immediately go back to the hotel as if he never left
but he can’t do that and he hATES it
god this wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t a big fucking aSSHOLE!!! throughout the whole week ever since you left the team, he was a gigantic mess
like he still is now
but he had dark circles under his eyes that were swollen from crying so much
his lips were set in a frown as a default
yoongi was doing well with the streak of not biting and picking at his fingernails and his cuticles but now tHAT’S broken alright
he’s tried reaching out to jungkook multiple times
he’s tried apologizing but he always gets a deadpanned response of how he isn’t the one he needs to apologize to
kook sees the sincerity of yoongi trying to apologize because he’s hurt you, his best friend, but that’s not the important issue here
you called jungkook unknowingly in the middle of his and yoongi’s conversation and the boy just almost jUMPS at jungkook to try and borrow his phone with his pleads and as much as his heart goes out (he still hATES yoongi ok), jungkook’s not gonna let him
he tries getting jimin to let him borrow his phone and call you and jimin won’t let him either because this is not his place and you’ve been through enough
the closest yoongi’s ever got to you??
jimin still feels so sorry and guilty to this day
and he’s conflicted and confused and a lil sad
but jimin did call you in front of yoongi on speaker :(((
and yoongi got to hear you answer with a chipped-out voice :(((
and he’s just so tempted to speak out loud but if he does that, then jimin will forever be mad at him too probably and he’s also promised that he’s gonna pretend he isn’t there
ask her if she already ate dinner
yoongi won’t stop typing in his notes tho and wave it frantically for jimin to ask you
and you’re responding truthfully because what’s jimin gonna do?? fLY to your home and cook you spaghetti?????
of course not
that’s what yoongi wants to do :(( if only he can :((
his win felt so empty and it just feels so dull without you here
also knowing that he’s drived out one of the only people that puts up with him and is always patient and is the reason to why he’s been so inspired lately
and one of these days
just one of these days, yoongi wants to drive to your apartment and camp out the door if he needs to just so he could redeem himself and earn forgiveness and try to mend what he’s broken
not today though
not today when the moment yoongi finally gathered the words and the courage to go to you, with the blessing of jungkook giving him his address but with a very sTRICT warning that scared the shit out of him.,.,.,
but also with his airconditioning broken and something just tells him that he needs to take it to a shop because it’s been awhile ever since he drove normal cars
and yoongi actually forgot the gravity of all this so he’s a bit nervous because maybe this is a more serious case with his car and it’s just the universe’s way of telling him to go to you tomorrow
or as soon as his car gets taken to the shop
maybe he needs to polish up some lines and try practicing them better from the heart
yoongi could go to jimin and have it fix it for him but like that’s tOO far of a drive and he just needs a quick fix
kim kradle!!! it’s the nearest shop to his place that has five stars on it
and he’s still a bit wary because his face and his name and win did land on the news and he’s been trending lately and like wHAT IF someone takes advantage of his car or scams him because they know who he is this car is his frequent and it holds a sentimental value to his heart ok
kim kradle is bigger than he’s pictured it in his mind
woah it actually looks cool and promising
christ it’s so hot inside his car god he needed to open up a little bit of his window but mosquitoes would creep in and tHEY’RE annoying and a real hazard to kill while you’re driving down the road
he wants to get this over with quickly
yoongi just needs to drive to your place and see you asap
“hey man, could you check on my radiator real quick? the airconditioning’s a bit wack and i’m not entirely sure if it’s the radiator but i don’t wanna tweak it, ‘cause maybe it’s the compressor too. not sure. can you-“
that’s you
his hands are literally shaking right now oh my god
it’s been some twenty-seven days ever since he’s last saw you and here you aRE
here you are in a place he’s least expected to see you because he’s on the way to see you but actually yOU’RE HERE
you acknowledge him back and god you don’t know what to feel
jin immediately senses what’s happening and deep-down he is pANICKING alright
he’s been in contact with jungkook and in the back of their minds, they knew that yoongi won’t let this go without his ever-present persistence
and eventually like maybe yoongi’s gonna know that you work here and the last time that he checked, yoongi doesn’t even know kim kradle
he immediately steps in and insert himself in between you and yoongi that he’s trying to close the distance to you and that surprises yoongi completely
“airconditioning, right? keys please. i’ll check it out!!”
yoongi wastes no time in shoving the keys to jin’s hand and he couldn’t be anymore desperate to talk to you
he doesn’t wanna cross boundaries obviously even if jin’s already moved out of the way
you’re still glued to your spot trying to process the situation and your fight or flight response is not exactly working right now
is there a disbelief and yearning and standing in sadness and anger option in that fight or flight choice
“i haven’t seen you in so long.”
that’s what usually happens when you become an asshole yOONGI
god how are you supposed to react
“you too.”
there’s this awkward distance in between the two of you and it’s too deep to even get between 
yoongi suddenly forgets the words that’s been in his mind for the longest time,, just brewing and evolving and always changing as he just wants to fix the damage he’s done :((
he’s about to get closer but
“the cooling fan’s just clogged. it could be finished within like fifteen minutes man :D”
jin doesn’t exactly know what he’s doing but he ‘s dOING whatever this is ok
although that is factual
the cooling fan is just a bit dirty and there’s some debris in there that could be cleared quickly
but he just needs to do it extra carefully because this is a nice car ok
i mean he sTILL cares for cars in the same way even if not every car he gets in the shop is a maserati granturismo 
he’s just a lil bit nervous even thOUGH he’s an expert at this ok
yoongi’s freaking out and he’s gripping at his hair in panic because wHAT
goddamn why does kim kradle have to be a five-star shop :((
“y-yeah.,, i can do it in ten if you’re in a hurry-”
“aha nO NO :D i’m not in a hurry at all!!! please, take your time!!”
oh god what does he do now
yoongi walks over to his car and that confuses both you and jin
because what
he has half of his body in the driver’s seat and it sEEMS that he’s fishing for something in his glovebox
it’s a lil swiss knife
he kept it in the gloveboxes of his cars because seatbelts are not exactly fool-proof and you could be stuck in them and he’s scared of that
and also if he’s gotten a takeout of a burger and it’s too big and he’s driving with one hand so he’ll just whip out his lil swiss knife and cut haphazardly
“what’s your name, man??”
“jin!! kim seokjin :D you’re-”
what the fuck is yoongi doing
did he just-
“also forgot to tell you!!! my tires are running flat and i tHINK they need to be changed!! so sorry man it just came up”
yoongi literally just slashed his four tires
and he’s looking back and forth to you and to yoongi and his car
“are you -- are you sEEING -- y/n tell me wait what the fuck iS YOONGI SLASHING HIS TIRES????”
whatever it takes
whatever to buy his time with you and so as much as he can
you’re quite taken aback because oh did yoongi just do that
jin has only known yoongi personally for like eight minutes and he could positively say that he is on aNOTHER level
yoongi’s approaching you again and it only hits you nOW
“have you eaten lunch already?”
your mouth is dry and you absolutely can’t look at yoongi because it just feels so unreal 
“no. hEy uh-...”
“no?? oh my gOD hold on just stay still, yeah? i’m gonna get lunch hOld on-”
yoongi’s immediately scarmbling for the exit
he has no concrete plan but he sure is hellbent in getting you lunch even though his car’s tires are slashed and he’s gonna be walking in an area he’s unfamiliar with
you really haven’t eaten lunch 
you were just about to say a half-assed reason of namjoon calling you just to exit this situation because you are nOT ready and yoongi’s already off before you could mutter it
jin’s gears are just on a frenzy
“oh so that’s min yoongi.,.,,. jusT slashed his own tires,.,,. that’s.... endearing.,.,,”
you’ve detached yourself from the situation and you couldn’t really stand seeing nor interacting with yoongi
you’ve cooped up yourself in jin’s office and the moment yoongi came back holding up take-out for boTH you and jin, his car’s already all-done
jin gives him a look that’s telling and yoongi gets it
“oh. that’s okay. just uh, just leave this for y/n, can you? there’s enough for the two of you. thanks, jin :))”
you need a moment
that one’s obvious
taehyung insisted that you come home early and you obliged because oh god you nEED a moment
you come into work the next day and sure enough, you’re all well-rested and this time they could ask about what happened yesterday
even hear jin’s point of view on how yoongi is just so wILD
taehyung is in alert and so in namjoon
they’re all ears ok
jin’s telling his story and tae’s nudging you discreetly and makes you look at a box!!!
a box he’s ordered online a couple days ago after he saw you breakdown and you’re looking in awe as you whisper because u don’t wanna disrupt jin
“gel nails???”
the same one you always wanted and it’s flashing back to when you saw yoongi talking to dahyun!!!
oh this is really happening???
taehyung’s grabbing your hand immediately as he opens the box and he’s sO pumped for this because he stayed up all night watching how to do gel nails yourself!!
he even bought a nice uv lamp for it!! he’s tHAT dedicated
this takes your mind off of yoongi for awhile
a car pulls up yet again and you’re getting the chills again bUt it just turned out to be jungkook
hobi finished second this season!!
they immediately flock to the lot of you and you’re not sure on who flocks who because everyone’s just genuinely happy to see each other
even the kim line meeting hobi for the first time is such a fun experience
jungkook immediately goes to you and he sEES taehyung doing something to your hand
he’s not sure what he’s doing
but he knows that he wants IN okay
he wants to these gel nails on your other hand
he doesn’t know shit on how to do them but he’s gonna learn along the way aND he is not backing down 
taehyung wasn’t aware that this is a competition now but apparently iT IS NOW :O
it’s not ensured that your two hands will look the exact same because you think they’re going for the what looks better competition and not let’S DO THIS IDENTICALLY because these are y/n’s hands y’know 
you’re about to fall asleep with how this is lowkey soothing
this is not the quickest manicure to do on anybody
especially if it’s someone’s first time and they’re really aIMING for it to be perfect
although it’s not easy because another car pulls up and you’re pANICKED that it might be yoongi 
oh nah it’s okay that’s not his car anyway!!!
you sometimes forget.... that yoongi’s a race car driver....
and there’s a possibility.... that he has multiple cars....
that’s yoongi alright
he steps down in a hurry and makes a beeline for you because he could immediately spot you!!! even in crowds!!!
you’re somehow ensured that yoongi’s gonna decide against going to you because you’re not alone
taehyung’s on your left and jungkook’s on your right and they’re not leaving your side until they finish their masterpieces for like another half hour
“y/n, hI!!”
coming in strong but that’s ok
“jungkook :]”
he acknowledges kook and you’re not exactly up-to-date with how these two stand with each other 
but kook kinda just gives him a confused glance (jIN CALLED HIM LAST NIGHT) and nods back to yoongi
taehyung has his lips parted because what,,, why.,., 
yoongi’s about to open his mouth to talk to this guy that’s holding your hAND???
oh this is the part right
“i’m,,, kim taehyung.,.,.,”
“min yoongi. nice to meet you :))”
he sticks out his hand and tae blindly reaches for it and he doesn’t know wHY he shook it and he’s still confused up to to now
what is yoongi doing
you only realize now that yoongi has something in his hands and he’s looking dead straight to you and he doesn’t falter once
(he’s nervous on the inside trUST HIM)
“i know you’re not that comfy in seeing me and that’s tOTALLY okay!! i respect that!! it’s just uH i realized that uhm,.,., do you remember that time we were karting? and you won and we ki -- when you wON?? and you said that the winner gets one week of presents,,.,, and i just want to fulfill that.”
yoongi’s voice is wavering because oh shit this iS hard to swallow down
“even if i might be a little late.”
he wordlessly sets down a wrapped present by your feet, just in the middle of a sitting jungkook and taehyung who are listening all this time and have curious eyes on the neatly-wrapped present that’s been laid down
he leaves and stalks over to jin
“what happened now yoongi.,.,.,”
“my guess is that there are some rocks stuck in the wheel bearings. maybe even in the mags. four on the left, three on the right.”
“that’s nice, man. just a hunch??”
“yup :)) just a hunch :)) aLSO: can i have a stool?? i’m just gonna wait here, y’know :))”
yoongi’s not expecting anything from you
he doesn’t mind rejection or you ignoring him all throughout because he knows that he deserves it
he deserves it for sure
sometimes he sees you in the corner of his eye
or you helping out jin on fixing yoongi’s other car
or the other one
your own pace
your pace is what matters and yoongi isn’t gonna take any shortcut or undercut
this isn’t formula racing
this is yOU and him being patient until you feel like acknowledging him
of course he still apologizes
texts you even if you’re across the room
sees you open the text and you’d send him a look and you’d be giving him the slightest smile before you occupy yourself again
yoongi’s okay with that.
he keeps coming back
this is the third car and it’s nOT EVEN HIS ANYMORE
he’s just texting friends asking “yO do u need you car washed or fixed or something??? i’ll take it to the shop for you fREE OF CHARGE!!!”
he’s that invested in this and he doesn’t see himself giving up this is good for kim kradle of course but oh god this is aMUSING TOO throughout the week, yoongi hasn’t faltered either in continuing at giving you the gifts
the first one he’s given you?? a box full of trinkets he’s been collecting for every country that he’s visited ever since you gave him that caffeine pill!!
just random things he’s seen in malls or souvenir shops or airport boutiques that reminded him of you, all in a box with a single note
i miss you. - yoongi
you’re not gonna lie
you do miss yoongi too
but the things he’s done still make you wince when you’re thinking about it and even though he’s apologized in all ways but a face-to-face one
because you’re not that lax with him, the both of you know that this isn’t just a one and done thing
things take time and yoongi’s taking it at your pace and you’re grateful for it
warming up is always relative and so is forgiveness longing’s still there but it’s just a matter of suppressing it and yeah you dO miss yoongi
you’re lost without him too although you’re not gonna make that anymore obvious because that’s just devastating to think about you think he’s about to reach the end of his rope and it throws you in the whirlwind of oH
this is the sixth consecutive day that yoongi’s been coming to kim kradle yesterday was the first bIG interaction you’ve ever done with him
because since you don’t talk to him as much, he just takes his time as he waits for the services for the cars that he brings by making conversation with the guys
he’s gotten to know jin and joon and tae aND YEAH they like him but they do grill him separately though because they’re mad at what he’s done to you
but he’s also apologized to them and made promises that he’s gonna be keeping
jin doesn’t cook by the kitchen anymore because yoongi keeps bringing takeout or sometimes hE’S THE ONE WHO COOKS in his home and brings it to u guys
is it bad that he all bought you lunchboxes
is it bad that your lunchbox is the fanciest out of all of them and you have more portions and yours are always cut up like he did with the pork.,.,..
it’s not bad as lonG as you pretend to unsee the three kims stealing food from you and just go about to eating your food
but the big interaction did happen yesterday
and it was you suddenly calling out yoongi’s name as he’s sat by the car but he sTILL heard you and he swears he’s gonna cry
because oh god it’s been a long time ever since you said his name in that tone
“you’re not gonna eat with us?”
he’s a mess
“uhm weLL do you want me too?? it’s oKAY uhm pls just-“
“don’t make me regret asking, yoongs.”
yoongi is instantly walking his ass to the little makeshift dining circle because oh my god YES
he doesn’t overstep tho and he just sits in between namjoon and
taehyung as he eats and every few minutes he sneaks a look at you and sometimes you look at him aND IT’S JUST LIKE the start all over again there’s the last piece of tteokbokki and everyone’s just feeling it out and looking at it
and yoongi
the bold man that he is
picks it up with his chopsticks aND
oh he’s putting it on your lunchbox
the night’s late and taehyung called yoongi to say that the car (it’s actually yoongi’s) he’s brought in for a ceramic coating and custom leather seats are all finished and wrapped up
and if he wants, he could go to the shop right now and pick it up since namjoon’s finishing up by the basement anyways and it would still be open then
and he does pick it up
he knows his way around the store
you could either take the stairs or the lift if you’re coming in into kim kradle without a car to go up and down the levels but he’s patient so he’ll just take the stairs
what he wasn’t expecting though
something that makes him cease his whistling as he goes up to the third floor to fetch his car
is you
rIGHT there
besides his car
and this is the only time that the both of you are alone and his throat is suddenly dry
you know this too though
you were intending to staying up late here just to finish on the car that’s been brought in two days ago with the broken engine that you think is worth salvaging
and you just wanted to see the view :((
reminisce to how you’ve been seeing yoongi in the flesh for six days straight and how you wanna tackle this conflict right to the head but you’re unsure to how :((
it doesn’t take a genius to know that yOONGI himself is right behind you
as you are aware too that this is his car that taehyung’s been working on thank u very much
“i want you to know that i’m not giving up on you.”
his words cut through the cold air and it surely gets your attention even if your back is still turned to him as you’re hunched over the balcony
“i’m running out of cars to bring, the one week of presents is ending, and
i’m so cLOSE to putting up a cot so i could sleep here.”
he’s serious about that one
seeing you just makes everything better no matter the circumstance it calms his heart and everything in him and he’s not gonna stop at nO matter what to try and make up for the things he’s done
“but you’re worth all this.”
yoongi dares to take a step closer and this time you could already see him by your peripheral vision
“you’re worth it,” and he needs a collective second to exhale the heaviness that’s sitting on his chest because oh gOd he was really an asshole huh
“i don’t know how long it’s gonna take, but i’m willing to wait.”
this is more nerve-wracking than any report card or championship results he’s been ever given and he’s not ashamed to admit that
“i love you, y’know?”
that’s the thing he’s been wanting to say for a long time he doesn’t know in the first place on wHY the hell was he scared because now that he says it to you, he feels like he’s never been more sure of anything in his life :(((
“good night, y/n.”
and the main purpose to why he’s here completely escapes his mind
he just misses you sO much that it’s so painful and all he could do is imagine scenarios and look back at all the pictures he’s taken of you half of it he’s sure that you never even noticed him taking
something that hits you with the way that his car keys have the sticker of your initials on them
or the way when taehyung asked you out to help him with the leather interior for yoongi’s car and your scrunchie that you must’ve left is wrapped snugly on his handbrake
or how in the final checking for his car did you know that your playlist that you don’t even rEMEMBER mentioning to him is the one that’s on repeat in his radio
yoongi stops the moment that you call out for his name and god he’s closing his eyes because all the worst possible scenarios of you calling for him to stop this is enough to make him cry
you’ve also never been more sure of anything in your life
your hand just barely grips yoongi’s arm, staring up at him as you get to notice the features of his that you’ve always loved and missed all this time
yoongi’s hand’s open and so is your heart for all this
it’s the same keys that he’s went here for the first place, the ones with your intials on as he only realizes now that he’s done that
“drive me home.”
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anything4our-moony · 4 years
By the Water Fountain
Pairing: Draco x Harry
Word count: 4.6k
Rating: T, mild language
Warnings: mention of excess drinking
Prompt/Summary: from @lxncelot‘s 100 dialogue prompts:
8- “Keep talking, I want to fall asleep to your voice.”
43- “Why didn’t you tell me?”
68- “But I’ve never told you that before.”
This is my first time posting a oneshot on this blog; I hope you all enjoy! <3
Harry honestly didn’t drink very often. 
He would occasionally have a beer with friends at dinner or a glass of firewhisky on special occasions. He was typically the designated sober friend when Seamus and Ron wanted to get drunk and sing karaoke in muggle bars, ensuring that they made it safely to their homes at the end of the night. He didn’t mind; he loved seeing his friends happy. 
But after the day Harry had, he welcomed the blurred around the edges effect that crept into his vision as he downed his 4th drink at a local pub, and it was all because of Draco Bloody Malfoy. 
Harry and Draco’s paths began to cross quite frequently, Harry working in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and Draco being the healer to patch up his wounds when his Gryffindor heart outweighed his rational brain and got him into dangerous situations. The fifth time Harry ended up at St. Mungo’s, Draco simply shook his head and muttered, “We have got to stop meeting like this, Potter.” 
After getting over the initial awkwardness of ‘used to be enemies but are now grown adults with bigger issues’, they started to form an almost friendship. They both frequented a small, family owned Middle Eastern restaurant on their lunch breaks that was nearby the hospital, and after running into each other one two many times, decided to start sitting and eating together. “Because there’s no need to give the staff double the work, Potter.” Draco had scoffed when Harry had raised an eyebrow at his suggested arrangement. But he never complained. 
Harry sat on the stiff, wooden barstool, stirring his drink mindlessly and staring at the glistening ice cubes, possibly hoping they had advice for him, when he heard a familiar voice behind him. 
“This seat taken?” Ron Weasley sat down next to Harry and gestured to the bartender. “Can I get a pint of whatever you have on draft?” He turned to look Harry up and down. “You look like hell.” 
Harry raised his glass a bit and mutter “Cheers, mate.” 
Ron snorted. “Who is he and what’s he done to make the great Harry Potter run away to a bar to get plastered alone?” 
When Harry first “came out” to his friends, Ron was the first to accept it. He had a conversation with all of their male friends and told them if they ever said anything cross to Harry about it, he’d hex their bollocks off. He was so grateful for Ron’s unwavering loyalty. 
“How do you know it’s a bloke that’s got me gutted?” Harry replied, still staring down at his drink. 
“Please.” Ron scoffed. “You’ve been staring at that drink like it might lay you on a couch and start giving you relationship advice.” He took a swig of his drink and added “Plus I’ve known you since you were eleven, mate. You’re not as mysterious and hard to read as you think.”
That made Harry laugh and then groan. He put his head in his hands. “Ron. I think that I might fancy someone.” 
Ron looked startled, but replied, “Harry that’s great! Anyone I know?” 
Harry moaned into his hands and hesitated but finally answered. “I think...I think I fancy Draco Malfoy.” 
Harry hadn’t come to this realization quickly. Obviously he knew he was into blokes, but he never really considered anyone he was already acquainted with as an option. His small dating pool consisted of first dates with internet matches and set ups with friends of friends whose only similarity to Harry was their mutual queerness. 
But Draco was...well, Draco. He would insult and tease you to your wits end, but was fiercely protective of the people he loved being their backs. He was outwardly cocky and arrogant, but when Draco sat next to Harry’s bed at St. Mungo’s chatting with him hours after his shift ended, he would confide in Harry all the ways he was immensely unsure of himself. He confessed how frightened he was that someday he wouldn’t be allowed to continue his work because the wrong person wouldn’t want an “Ex Death Eater” saving their life. He admitted that he had been utterly terrified during the war; that he wandered out early on, but had no idea how to get out without risking his and his parents’ lives. He even thanked Harry for the time he saved him in the room of requirement. 
“I never showed you even an ounce of kindness, yet you risked your life just to save me. I didn’t know anyone could be that selfless.” 
Even after all that, Harry still hadn’t put a name to what he was feeling for Draco. He couldn’t pinpoint what it was until that morning; the morning that caused him to end up in the pub in the first place. 
Harry met Draco for lunch at their usual spot. They were talking about the recent Quidditch match that they had both read about in the Daily Prophet. 
“I don’t know why the Harpies don’t just go ahead and make Ginevra the starting seeker. She’s not doing any good on the bench, and she can fly circles around that Malcolm chap.” He sipped his coffee and continued, “I bet she could even give you a run for your money.” 
Harry laughed and took a bite of his falafel. “She could definitely kick my arse at this stage in my life. I haven’t been on a broomstick since the last time I tried to give Rose Weasley a flying lesson, and I think even she was better than me by the end of the day.” Draco flashed an easy smile at him.
They paid for their food and began to walk towards the hospital. There had been a misfired jinx at Harry’s work, resulting in all of the plumbing pouring out fruit pastilles instead of water. It didn’t seem like that big of a deal to him, but he was glad to have the rest of the day off regardless. 
They walked in comfortable silence for a bit. The restaurant hadn’t been busy, so Draco had a few minutes to spare before he needed to return to his shift. They decided to take a seat on the edge of an old fountain in the middle of the square. 
Draco looked at the water and laughed light heartedly. “Muggles are so odd. Why would anyone throw money into the water just to watch it sink? Do they know that it’s useless down there?” 
Harry couldn’t help but smile. “It’s a superstitious tradition. You throw the money in and make a wish, and it’s supposed to come true. I’m not really sure why, though. Maybe because you made some odd kind of offering to the god of water fountains.” Draco pursed his lips and considered this. 
“Here.” Harry said and reached into his pocket and pulled out two sickles. He handed one to Draco and closed his eyes. “I wish that the pipes get filled with candy at work more often so I can spend more time with my dear friend Draco.” He threw the coin over his shoulder, and it 
splashed into the water. Draco smiled. He stared at the coin in his hand for a long moment, and just as Harry was about to open his mouth and say something, he closed his eyes and closed his hand around the coin. 
“I wish that the world will someday see me for the good things I do in the present and will do in the future rather than the bad things I did in my past.” He tossed the coin over his shoulder and opened his eyes. 
Harry stared into the grey eyes he had lately been becoming more and more familiar with. There was a hint of sadness there, but also a look of steadfast finality. He knew that Draco would continue to try and pay for his mistakes time and time again, whether through healing those who needed him or reinventing himself into the kindhearted, compassionate individual he was today. A gust of wind suddenly blew his platinum blonde hair into his face, and without thinking, Harry reached up and gently pushed it out of the way, revealing his grey eyes once again. Draco stiffened, and Harry dropped his hand and looked away. After a too long pause, Draco cleared his throat. 
“I’ll- I better go inside, then.” He stood and brushed off the back of his trousers. Harry, carefully avoiding his eyes, nodded and stood as well. They both murmured awkward goodbyes and went their separate ways. 
Harry rested his elbows on the sticky bar top and groaned again. He fancied Draco Malfoy, and now he wasn’t sure if he’d ever recover. 
Ron spluttered a bit, then finally said, “Well, it could be worse. At least he’s pretty attractive.” 
Harry shifted his gaze towards his friend, frowning. “Yes I’m quite aware of that, thanks.” He sighed. “I think I just need to have a few more drinks about it.” 
Ron smiled and patted Harry on the shoulder. Suddenly, his phone chimed, causing Ron to jump. He was still having trouble getting used to muggle technology. 
He frowned. “Uh oh. ‘Mione says baby Hugo’s got a stomach bug. I better get home and relieve her for a bit.” He stood up and said pointedly to Harry, “It’s not the end of the world, mate. If you think it’ll work, ask him out. If you don’t-“ he shrugged “I guess you’re on the right track.” He gestured towards Harry’s empty glass. “Listen, don’t try and apparate in your condition. Get a cab or something, and call me if you need anything.” Harry grunted a response, not knowing if he could say anything coherent in his state. Ron patted his shoulder again, then turned and headed out the door. 
Harry sighed, then asked the bartender for another drink. 
After a while, the crowd in the pub began to dwindle down, and Harry realized he should probably make the trek home. He stood up and saw stars and knew Ron was right; he definitely could not apparate like this, unless he wanted half of him to end up in the Pacific Ocean. But there was one problem- Harry didn’t have any muggle money for a cab, and he was too drunk to remember what to do in this situation. He remembered Ron’s offer and picked up his phone and went to his recent calls. He was about to choose Ron’s contact when he saw another name. 
‘Malfoy’ with a green snake emoji. 
Harry giggled and grinned, and thought ‘what the hell?’ He stepped outside and clicked the call button. 
It rang one and a half times, and a gravelly voice grumbled, “Potter? What the hell are you doing, do you know what time it is?” 
Harry snorted and replied, “Yes Draco, I do know how to read.” He giggled. “Just because I’m not in Ravenclaw doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” 
There was a short pause, and Draco remarked, “Are you drunk?” 
“Hmm”, Harry mused happily, and said, “Extremely.”
Draco let out an exasperated sigh, and there was a shuffle of movement on the other line. “Where are you?” He demanded. 
Harry looked and his vision swam. “Um. London?” He heard Draco inhale and start to say something, but quickly continued. “I’m just kidding, hah. There’s a street sign, but I don’t know what it says. Maybe I can’t read...” he trailed off. Then he spotted a familiar sculpture in front of a small park, and he perked up. “Oh! I see my statue!” He narrowed his eyes at the golden replica of him that had been placed there not too long ago. “It’s really embarrassing that they put that here. And I don’t think I’m actually that tall.” 
Draco sighed again, and said, “Potter. I’ll be there in approximately 4 seconds. Please try not to die.” The line went dead, and Harry heard the *crack* of someone apparating next to him. 
Put together, ready for the day Draco was already a sight to see; his pure blood upbringing instilled a need to constantly look flawless, no wrinkles or hairs out of place. He had immaculate posture, and one could tell by merely looking at him that he was someone important. But rumpled, hair perfectly messy, fresh out of bed blinking sleep from his eyes Draco? Well. 
He was so beautiful Harry could cry. 
“Hi.” Harry grinned drunkenly at him. Draco pursed his lips, looking equally amused and annoyed at the same time. 
He murmured a simple, “Hello.” 
Harry stared at his face, so gorgeously illuminated in the moonlight, sharp edges softened by the glow. Even in his drunken state, he wondered how he missed this; how he hadn’t recognized the burning need to stroke his ivory skin, run his fingers over his sharp nose, his lips... 
Harry shook his head and sighed. “I’m drunk.” 
Draco’s mouth turned up slightly at the corner, and he simply replied, “Quite.” He turned to look around. “We can side along apparate as long as you don’t try to do it yourself. Otherwise we’ll both end up splinched between here and Merlin knows where.” Draco put one arm around Harry’s waist and the other firmly on his bicep so they were chest to chest, while Harry tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. 
Draco looked at him softly, expression unreadable, and asked, “Are you ready?” Harry swallowed and nodded, trying to ignore how close their faces were. Harry closed his eyes and hoped he didn’t vomit as the familiar feeling pulled at his stomach and the air swirled around him.
Just as quickly as it had started, everything suddenly stilled. “Harry.” Draco whispered. Harry opened his eyes to see Draco staring at him intently, with the same soft and confusing look as earlier. “Come on, I’ll help you up the stairs.” 
Harry vaguely noticed that he didn’t quite recognize where they were, but he was focusing most of his attention on breathing steadily. He was extremely aware that Draco kept a firm hand on Harry’s waist as they walked up the stairs to a quaint little townhouse. Draco unlocked the door with the key and quietly let Harry inside. 
At this point, Harry could feel his eyes starting to close on their own and his legs start to grow weak from exhaustion. Luckily, Draco led Harry to a bedroom with a beautiful wooden four poster bed. He sat down on the edge and rubbed his temples while Draco rummaged through a dresser. He pulled out a shirt and a pair of sleep pants and handed them to Harry. 
“I’ll run and get you a glass of water.” He patted the top of Harry’s head before exiting the room and closing the door behind him. Harry quickly changed out of his stiff work clothes into the more comfortable ones Draco had leant him. He ran a hand through his unruly curls and moved to lay down. Draco came back with a glass of water and a small vial. 
“Take this in the morning. It’ll help a bit.” Draco smiled as he sat on the edge of the bed and shook his head. “I never thought I’d have to be the one to rescue Harry Potter from a drunken escapade.” 
Harry snorted sleepily. “I’m usually not one to drown my sorrows, but there’s a first time for everything.” 
Draco pressed his mouth into a hard line and retorted, “Who’s the lucky girl that got to break The Chosen One’s heart?” 
Harry just stared at him confused for a moment, before blurting out, “I’m gay.” Draco raised an eyebrow, and he continued, “Like, really really gay.” 
Draco once again got that unreadable expression on his face, but his shoulders relaxed a little bit. “Well, I hope whoever had you ‘drowning your sorrows’, as you so eloquently put it, is worth it.” He started to stand up, but Harry clumsily grabbed for his hand. 
“Wait no.” He frowned. “Keep talking, I want to fall asleep to the sound of your voice.” Draco’s face reddened (and Harry was way too drunk to consider what that meant), but nodded and sat back down. 
“What would you like me to talk about, then?” Harry closed his eyes and relaxed. “Tell me more about your wish. At the fountain.”
He heard Draco’s breathing, not slow and even, but not panting either. Harry was vaguely aware that he was still clutching Draco’s hand. “I know that there’s no excuse for my actions. I’m well aware that I hurt more people than I can even begin to understand,” he hesitated, “but I hope someday I’ll be remembered as someone who eventually started to help rather than hurt.” 
Harry wanted to keep listening, wanted Draco to talk to him until his voice gave out, but exhaustion was slowly taking over. He softly squeezed Draco’s hand and murmured, “I’ll always know that. I’ll remember.” 
As Harry drifted off to sleep, Draco whispered, “Thank you, Harry.” 
Harry woke up the next morning feeling as though he had been repeatedly run over by the knight bus. He groaned and sat up. With a start, he realized he was not in his bedroom. He looked around the light grey room as the events of the night before came flooding back to him. “Oh Merlin.” He moaned and put his head in his hands. 
“No, sorry, just me.��� Draco smiled as he walked through the door. He set a mug of steaming tea next to Harry and said, “Three sugars and a pinch of cinnamon.” Harry looked up at him, squinting a bit as his eyes adjusted to the light. 
“You know how I like my tea.” He stated blatantly. “But I’ve never told you that before.” Draco looked away, embarrassed. 
“I’ve eaten lunch with you almost every day for the past four months, Potter. It’s an insult to my intelligence that you think I’m that unobservant.” There was no malice in his voice, only light hearted teasing. He looked at the bedside table and handed Harry his glasses and the vial he placed there the night before. “This won’t cure a hangover, but it’ll make it a hell of a lot more bearable.” 
Harry mumbled a thanks and slid his glasses onto his face. He downed the potion in one gulp and grimaced. Draco laughed at whatever face Harry was making. He grumbled, “Remind me never to go near alcohol again.” 
“Duly noted.” Draco said with another grin. “Come one them, I’ll make breakfast.” 
Harry walked into the living room and noticed the blanket and pillow laid on the couch. “You slept on the sofa?” Harry asked. 
Draco shrugged. “My bed was a bit occupied for the night.” 
“I would have shared.” Harry replied without thinking. Draco looked away and busied himself in the kitchen.
What on Earth was wrong with him, Harry wondered idly. Draco apparently had the uncanny ability to make Harry say whatever was on his mind, both drunk and hungover it seemed. Draco started to hum to himself while he buttered bread, and Harry walked over and sat himself on the counter and allowed himself to really stare. 
Draco was in the same rumpled shirt and sleep pants he had been wearing when he rescued Harry from the streets of London the night before. His hair was a bit flattened in the back from his pillow, and he had his sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Harry let himself daydream about 
getting to witness this every morning; waking up to Draco, looking like a slightly disheveled Adonis, making Harry breakfast. His heart yearned for the domesticity of it all. 
He didn’t realize he’d been caught staring until he looked up and his eyes met Draco’s. His cheeks warmed and he but his lip, embarrassed, but didn’t look away. He tapped his fingers on the counter anxiously. Draco stared at him for a moment longer then looked away, continuing his cooking. “Are cheese toasties alright? I always like a bit of comfort food when I’m hungover.” Draco smiled at him, a small but still dazzling smile. 
“You don’t have to do that for me, I’m fine with anything, really.” He looked down at his fingers still tapping the counter. 
Suddenly Draco’s hand covered his, halting his anxious tapping. “A bit restless, are we?” he teased softly. Harry looked up, about to respond, and realized Draco’s face was mere inches away from his own. He wasn’t sure if it was the leftover alcohol in his system or if it was his stupid, reckless Gryffindor heart, but something in him made him suddenly close the distance between them to kiss him. 
As soon as he did it, he regretted it and pulled away. He leaped down from the counter and stumbled away towards the living room. 
“I’m- er, sorry, I’ll just...” he stuttered. “I’m going to go.” 
Draco reached an arm out to him. “Harry, wait-“ 
“Thank you for, um, all this. I-“, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “See you later.” 
He quickly disapparated, leaving Draco standing in the kitchen looking confused, his arm still extended towards Harry. 
Harry hadn’t moved from his spot on the couch since he had arrived in his flat 3 hours earlier. He laid on his back with his arm flung over his eyes, his head still pounding from the hangover and his mortifying actions in Draco’s kitchen. His heart sank every time he thought about it. The
truth was, even before Harry’s discovery of his more than friendly feelings towards Draco, he’d cherished their relationship. Ron and Hermione were great friends, but they were everything to each other and often were lost in their own bubble, which was something Harry couldn’t and didn’t want to compete with. His relationship with Draco was something Harry had all to himself. It was effortless and easy, and he found himself looking forward to any time they spent together. He knew he’d ruined everything, and he was already grieving the loss of their friendship. 
There was a soft knock on his door. He groaned. A local football team had been going door to door selling magazines to raise money for some kind of tournament for the past week. He got up and slowly walked to the door. As he opened it he said, “Look guys, I already bought a subscription last week, I’m really not interested in-“. He looked up. 
Draco stood in the doorway with a tentative smile plastered on his face. He held up a brown paper sack and said, “You left without your breakfast.” Harry blinked at him, not processing what was going on. “Er-“, Draco rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, “can I come in?” 
Harry blinked and nodded, stepping out of the way. Draco walked to the sofa and sat down. He looked back at Harry, who was still standing by the doorway looking flabbergasted, and gestured towards the empty seat next to him. Harry swallowed and slowly walked to the couch, sitting as far away from Draco as the tiny love seat allowed. 
They were both silent for a moment. Harry started to tap his fingers anxiously on the cushions, but he remembered what had happened the last time he had done that near Draco and decided to put his hands in his lap instead. 
Draco finally broke the silence by saying, “Do you remember Blaise Zabini?” 
Harry pursed his lips at the odd question but answered, “Of course. He works over at Gringotts now, right?” 
Draco nodded and continued, “He and I had a sort of fling in our fifth year. Very casual, very secret, but still very real.” 
Harry stared at him blankly until realization dawned on him. “So...you’re saying that you’re-“. 
“‘Like, really really gay’ as you so eloquently put it last night.” Draco smirked at him, and Harry gave him a tentative smile in return. Draco nonchalantly slid his knee closer to Harry’s and looked at him until he finally met his eyes. 
“And”, he began, ”I think that I’d like to give you a proper kiss, if that’s alright with you.” 
Harry swallowed loudly but managed to say, “I’d like that very much.” Draco smiled and slowly raised his hand to stroke Harry’s cheek. He moved towards him painfully slow, and Harry closed
his eyes and exhaled, parting his lips in a slight ‘o’ shape. Draco closed the last few inches between them and pressed their lips together. 
Draco’s lips were soft and warm as they moved slowly against his own. Harry slid a bit closer and placed one hand on Draco’s knee and the other at the nape of his neck, twisting his fingers in his hair and deepening their kiss. Draco slowly slid his tongue along Harry’s bottom lip and let out a soft moan. Harry, in a moment of blind confidence moved his hands to Draco’s thighs and pulled him onto his lap, never breaking their kiss. He felt Draco skim his teeth along Harry’s lip as Harry slid his hands underneath Draco’s shirt, resting on his hips and gently tracing circles on his bare skin. Draco moved his hands into Harry’s hair and tugged gently, making him gasp and accidentally breaking their lips’ embrace. Draco pressed their foreheads together, eyes still closed and trying to catch their breath. Harry opened his eyes and silently traced his fingers across Draco’s facial features like he had longed to do last night. Draco leaned into Harry’s palm, still straddling him with his hands tangled in Harry’s ebony hair. 
Harry was the one to eventually break their silence. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Draco quirked up an eyebrow. “You mean why didn’t I tell you that I’m gay, or why didn’t I tell you that I’ve wanted to snog the hell out of you since I was fifteen? Either way, it’s not something that just easily comes up in conversation, Potter.” He rolled his eyes but stroked his thumb against Harry’s face. 
“Well you could’ve told me either way. I-“, Harry stopped. “Wait. Did you say fifteen?” 
Draco but his lip. “I was a prat, I know. But I didn’t know how else to cope with falling for my sworn enemy. Very un-Slytherin of me.” Draco shifted so he was now sitting next to Harry with his legs stretched out across his lap. He held Harry’s hand in both of his and gently stroked his long fingers. “How long have-“, Draco stumbled, “Er-, when did you, um, realize?” 
Harry laughed quietly. “Well I’ve known I was gay since I was 17. But I only discovered my feelings for you-“, Harry put his hand under Draco’s chin and pulled his face up to look at him, “less than 24 hours ago.” Draco’s face was so comical he couldn’t help but laugh. “I knew I felt something for you; a tug in my stomach perhaps. But I only put a name to it yesterday. You know, drowning my sorrows and that whole bit.” Harry paused, watching Draco’s face, then continued, “And I think you are, by the way.” 
Draco looked at him questioningly. “Are what?” 
Harry smiled a crooked smile at him and replied, “You said you hoped whoever I was drinking about was worth it.” He pushed Draco’s hair out of his eyes like he had only yesterday at the fountain. “And I definitely think you are.”
Draco sighed. “Bloody Gryffindor’s. Ridiculous romantics, the lot of you.” But he beamed at him and pulled Harry in to kiss him again before saying, “Harry Potter, you have the most brilliant soul I have ever had the privilege of encountering.” 
Harry grinned and pushed him down on his back into the sofa and moved to hover over him. “Now who’s the romantic?” Harry stared into those granite grey eyes and smiled before kissing him once again.
If you made it this far, thank you so so much for reading my fic! Please feel free to reply or message me with what you thought, any comments of suggestions for my writing, etc.! <3
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worryinglyinnocent · 4 years
Fic: Safe and Sound
Summary: Woven Lace. Follow-up to August’s No Bat Signal, But Close. Weaver rescues his informant Lacey when she finds herself in a dangerous situation.
Written for the @a-monthly-rumbelling December non-smut prompt: “I need you.”
Rated: T
Safe and Sound
“Please come. I need you.”
They were five such small and simple words and yet they made Weaver stop dead in his tracks with fear. He’d been in a meeting with his captain when his phone had started vibrating and he’d ignored the call, but listening to the ensuing voicemail, just those five little words, he was kicking himself. He should have checked the number and taken the call. He should have… Never mind what he should have done then, he needed to do something now.
Lacey. She had sounded so scared in her message, and it was clear from the hitched and breathless tone that she had been running whilst she was calling him. Weaver took off through the station, sending other officers flying in his desperate bid to get to their rendezvous point, hoping that it wasn’t too late, hoping that whatever Lacey was running from had not caught up to her. 
She picked up on the first ring when Weaver called her back, and he didn’t think he’d ever been so relieved to hear another human being’s voice. 
“Lacey, are you ok? Are you safe? Where are you?”
He was never normally so overt when he spoke to her, not knowing who might be around and who might be listening in on the other side. If Lacey was still in danger then he wasn’t doing her any favours, but he was into desperation now, past the point of coherent thought and good police procedure. 
“I’m at the usual place. I’m ok, I think. No-one followed me here.”
Weaver kept on running through the stinging stitch in his side. “Are you hurt?”
There was a long pause on the other end of the line.
“A bit,” Lacey admitted eventually. “It’s not as bad as it could have been. I’m pretty handy when I need to be.”
Weaver didn’t doubt it, but he still wanted to see her for himself. At last, he was forced to slow down as their usual haunt came into view, his legs nearly giving out under him, and he made himself stop and do a proper sweep of the area to check for unwanted company before he made his way to the roof. 
“Lacey? Lace?”
She was huddled in one corner, her jacket pulled over her head, and he would have overlooked her completely if a pale, scared face hadn’t peeked out at the right moment. Her lip was swollen and split and her brow ridge purple with bruising; she’d been hit hard in the face but other than that she looked ok.
“Oh Lacey, I’m so sorry.”
Weaver skidded across the roof, still slick with recent rain, and he landed heavily on his knees in front of her. 
“It’s ok. It’s not like you’re the one who punched me.”
“No, but…” But he knew the precarious situation that she was in and he hadn’t pulled her out when he should have done.
Then again, Lacey wouldn’t have appreciated him doing a knight in shining armour act before she needed it. She needed him now, and he was here now, and that was all that could be said. 
“Come on, let’s get you somewhere safe.”
Lacey accepted his hand to help her to her feet, and neither of them spoke until they were back down in the street, Lacey keeping to the shadows as Weaver hailed a cab for them. She didn’t ask where the safe place was; they both knew well enough that the only safe place he had was his apartment.
Weaver glanced sideways at Lacey in the back of the cab as they drove on. She wasn’t looking at him, instead staring out of the window. The last time that they had met, she had said that she couldn’t take living this life much longer, and he had offered to save her from it. She had declined then, but they had both known that it would not be long before she ceased to be on his informant books - whether that was because she had slipped away to something better in the middle of the night without trace, or she had made it official. Weaver liked to think that she would have made it official; he could still remember the desperation in her kiss on the rooftop before she had said goodbye to him the last time. It was a goodbye kiss, but one with the fervent hope that it would not be goodbye forever.
Now things were different. She had not left her world of her own accord. She’d not had any time to prepare for this. She’d been thrust out of the underbelly that had been her existence for so long, and now she had nowhere to go, no plans. 
All she had was Weaver, and he was determined that whatever happened now, Lacey was going to be safe, and was going to be able to continue living her life with his gratitude for everything that she had done for him. 
She remained silent until they reached his apartment, and it was only once they were inside with the door locked and bolted that she finally let her guard down a little, and Weaver could see tear tracks beginning to clear their way through the blood and mascara on her face. She had held herself together so well, and now that there was no need to do so anymore, she could let the sheer weight of the terror and desolation that she had no doubt been feeling for hours at this point come down on her. 
“It’s ok.” Weaver pulled her in close as she cried against his shoulder. “It’s ok, I’ve got you, you’re safe now.” He knew that she must have had one hell of a night. Lacey had always been guarded with her emotions, and she’d never really let him see her cry like this before. Her vulnerability was a liability in the life that she’d led, and it was something she had always tried to keep hidden. Now, with that life in tatters behind her, there was no need for the pretence anymore and her facade was crumbling. 
Weaver didn’t know how long they stood there in the entryway, but he knew he would have gladly stood there for hours if that was what it took. Eventually though, Lacey pulled away, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand, smarting slightly against the bruising on her face. 
“It’s fine. Come on in, let’s get you cleaned up.”
He led her through to the main room, making her comfortable on the couch whilst he went over to the little kitchen, making coffee and gathering up his first aid supplies. Lacey hissed as the hot beverage touched her cut lip and put it on one side, obediently turning her face up towards Weaver as he examined her injuries, carefully cleaning away the blood with cotton wool, water and disinfectant that brought fresh tears to her eyes. The cut on her lip was deeper than he’d thought, and he wondered if whoever had hit her hand been wearing rings. He hoped it wouldn’t need stitches, but that was a thought for the morning. Lacey probably wouldn’t take kindly to being dragged out to the hospital when he had just told her that she would be safe here. 
Weaver sat back on his heels and looked critically at the results of his limited expertise. At least there was no blood anymore, but with her face now clean of make-up, the bruising against Lacey’s pale skin now looked even more violent. 
“Thank you,” Lacey whispered. “Thank you for saving me.”
“I think you saved yourself, really.”
She shook her head. “No. That’s not what I mean. I would never have had the courage to run if I hadn’t known that I could rely on you as a safe harbour. I’d be dead in a dumpster somewhere tonight if I hadn’t known that I could run to you.”
Whatever words that Weaver had been about to say choked in his throat at that image, and he pushed it as far to the back of his mind as he could. 
“I’ll always be here for you,” he said, and Lacey nodded.
“I know. That’s what makes you special.”
He couldn’t kiss her, not whilst her face was still so beaten up and her lip was still open, but her forehead had escaped relatively unscathed, and Weaver gently cupped her face and dropped a little kiss there. Lacey caught his hands, keeping him there and nudging her forehead against his.
“What do we do now?” she murmured. “I didn’t exactly have a plan when I ran. All I have are the clothes I’m standing up in at the moment.”
There were several things to do, of course. Weaver would try and get into Lacey’s abode and rescue some of her things if she would tell him where she lived. There were reports to file, there were the people who did this to her that needed to be tracked down. All that could wait for a better time though. 
“Now we make things better,” Weaver said. “If we can.”
Lacey smiled, although it turned into a grimace. “I like to think that we can.”
Weaver liked to think so too.
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Another Place
rewatched the channel aid gig about a month and a half ago with some friends, and this little oneshot grew out of it. for maximum effect i recommend playing another place (reorchestrated version).
warnings: this piece contains brief sexual content. there’s nothing too explicit but if that’s not your thing, this is a heads-up.
Another Place
I am bound to you
With a tie that we cannot break
With a night that we can’t replace
He does not know the person who’s laced their fingers through his. It’s dark in the hallway, flashing red and blue and green lights filtering through the doorway. Out here, the bass is a gentle pulse, and his companion is a mere silhouette, their identity completely unattainable. Foreign lips gently press against his own, and the feeling catches him off guard, sending him stumbling back against the wall. His hands twist through locks of hair, soft and smooth, and he thinks they might be red. Or brown.
He shuts his eyes, accepting that he’s already tied to this person for the night, and he might as well go with it. After all, he is here to forget. He is here to erase the horrors of daylight, to banish them far, far away, to a place where the lights are meant to help you see and the noise is not so loud as to drown out reality.
“You wanna get out of here?” Their voice is low, and he breathes a “Yes” without a second thought, taking their hand again. The pair escape the hallway, escape the building, escape one step further towards somewhere else.
I'm lost but found with you
In a bed that we'll never make
It's a feeling we always chase
Someone calls an Uber. The pair does their best to keep their hands to themselves in the back, but it’s impossible to be good, not with the drinks he’s had and the joint that’s been passed around and the contact high that’s a result of being in a packed space with hundreds of people and their e-cigarettes. After a while, they give up trying to stay apart and just try to stay quiet.
He’s never been to this part of the city, he thinks vaguely as they make their way through a door and up a flight of stairs. The voice in the back of his head tells him that he needs to at least try to figure it out so he can get home, but that’s a problem for later. Oddly enough, he does not feel lost - he feels only a sense of relief. This is the last stop of the night. The road has ended. Here, he can stay for a while, wherever “here” might be.
This settled feeling isn’t one he manages to find often - he’s constantly in pursuit of it, but it slips like water through a sieve, and he swears sometimes that he’ll spend the rest of his goddamn life in pursuit of just a sliver of what having a home feels like. And no, his flat doesn’t fucking count.
I could write a book about the things that you said to me on the pillow
And the way you think, and how you make me feel
You can feel my mind and move my body with the fiction, fantasies
Just call this what it is, we don't pretend it's real
He listens to the gentle clink of keys in the lock, the sound winding around his skull. The door closes behind them, and he gets pushed against the wall, just as frantic as in the cab. It’s a battle to stay upright, what with the swirling haze in his brain from whatever cocktail of substances he’s consumed and the little sparks exploding every time their lips meet.
“Bed,” he manages, and his partner steers him to it in response. Clothes are quickly discarded, the world collapsing down to wandering hands and quiet sighs and smooth skin, and there’s not much rational thought after that. They move with each other, exploring this version of tonight until pleasure spins his head around, enough to pull them both over the edge, far away from the weight of the world.
It’s a trip of its own, surreal, to know that he is affecting them like this, that he’s the reason they keep swearing under their breath and shivering at every touch. It is real like the club was - a distorted, artificial kind of reality, the kind that separates his mind from his body and wonder how he got here, and how he’s going to go. Because surely the events preceding and following this moment could not exist.
So lie to me tonight
And pretend 'til the morning light
And imagine that you are mine
Sometime in the haunting hours between late night and early morning, they lie together, legs tangled under the sheets, the buzz of the air conditioner going in the background, endorphins still racing through his body. He lays his head on their chest for a moment, relishing in the grounding feeling of a heartbeat under his ear. The steady rise and fall of their breathing reminds him that he is not alone, at least not for now.
The alcohol, the drugs, they’ve mostly made their way out of his system. Logic is beginning to make its way back into his brain, and with it, the aching reminder that he’ll have to leave in a matter of hours. But he chooses to ignore it for now. He builds a world where the person sleeping next to him will be there the next night, and the one after that. This world has orange juice, burnt omelettes on the stove, fleeting kisses and a promise to be home for movie night. He knows better than to utter the word “forever” - even in his mind, it’s too addictive, too enticing. But he allows himself something in between “forever” and “for now”. 
'Cause when the sun will rise
With the truth coming out your eyes
We'll be good in another life
But he can’t stop the passage of time.
He blinks, and the rosy light of day filters through the room. It’s too soft and beautiful for the pain he feels as his partner stirs next to him, a sigh escaping their lips. He wants it to be harsher, more glaring. He thinks that would fit better.
The only words spoken between them come as he’s got his hand on the doorknob, and it’s a simple, if hollow, “See you around.” A smile that says it all - last night was fun, but that’s all it was. He is not stupid - he can see it in their gaze. Polite, kind, but ready for him to leave. Ready to move on.
He nods once and exits, pushing the dull ache away. They are not to blame for the pain.
He opts to walk home in hopes that the exercise will clear his mind a bit. The sun is brighter now, and he feels the beginnings of a headache coming on. But the air is clear and he inhales deeply, savoring the way it feels in his lungs after last night’s cocktail of smoke and sweat and escape.
Feels like something's special but it never felt like love
Wonder what we could be living in another life
Catch us in the mirror and it looks a lot like love
Then you stop me talking as you kiss me from above
He wonders who their best friend is, whether they call home when things go south. He wants to know if they like their coffee iced or hot, if they double-knot their shoes, whether they sleep with the windows open in the summer. He doesn’t know why this person is sticking with him - he barely saw their face, has no idea who they might be. But he wonders all the same, if perhaps in another lifetime, they might have been something more.
Last night was something. He doesn’t have a word for it in any language he knows, but it was something. The ghost of a love that might have been, had just one or two things been different. He tries to hold the idea in his mind, wonders vaguely if he should go back and beg for a change, ask to get to know them.
It’s an exercise in futility, but he seriously considers it, going so far as to walk half a block in the other direction before coming to his senses.
Some boxes are best left unopened, after all.
So don't make promises to me that you're gonna break
We only ever wanted one thing from this
Don't paint wonderful lies on me that wash away
We only ever wanted one thing from this
Oh, in another place
In another time, what could we have been?
Oh, in another place
In another time, what could we have been?
In another time
And in another place
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 years
47. “Is this what being poisoned feels like?” (from Larry)
Fall Into You || Accepting
"Yeah, well...not'ing like how it gonna feel when I shove one of dese size fours right up ya okole, Lar!" When Beth snaps back for a moment, glaring at the person behind her who has only just now set her on her feet. Her tone belies the flood of relief that courses through her veins and partially mitigates the pounding remnants of her migraine. Which she imagines is the result of whatever his goon put in her water. And that had to have happened when she'd poured herself into the back of the car at the end of her night or just before. Her normal twelve hour shift had become fourteen when the other nurse coming onto the ward had been two hours late thanks to the trains struggling to keep schedule. With Andy out of town ~Tabby in tow to some secret thing~ and Jay having accompanied her mother Donna to Chicago, Beth's options had been limited. She should have gone with a cab in hindsight. However, she'd been exhausted and hungry and therefore decided to take the rare luxury of the car service. She thought nothing of it when the black SUV pulled up with windows so darkly tinted that nothing short of a trip to the heart of the sun would allow the dimmest passage of light. She'd slipped into the buttery-soft leather seat. asked for a bottle of water. Receiving it and taking a long sip, she'd given the addresses to both her apartment and the O'Tooley's a handful of blocks away from it. She had wanted one of their double Inconceivable burgers with cheese and the largest saltiest greasy side of fries she could get her hands on before going home and hibernating for a month. Beth remembers closing her eyes for just a second.... ...And when she opened them again? She found herself being bridal-carried while inside an elevator by a man the size of a small mountain range. A quick scan of his genetics through shifted perceptions told her that despite the looks and the cheap suit he wore that this man was not a HITmark. A second later she regrets all of her life choices as a shrieking stab of pain lances through her brain. She tries to ward it off with another tug of her own thread in the Tapestry only to feel more agony. This one intense enough to draw a mewl of sound from her. "I wouldn't continue to do that, Miss Riley," the Mountain Range said. "My employer is a very cautious man." Icy fear provoked her into obedience as she tried to imagine who wanted to kidnap her, who had the resources to do so with impunity, and worse, had some way to invalidate her magick. Fortunately, the answer is now staring her in the face, quite literally. He is surrounded by a designer suit, dark woods, and an incredibly sumptuous penthouse that, if not for the current circumstances, would have taken her breath away with its ambient beauty. Instead, it turns fear to outrage. Outrage that transforms into sharp, bitter concern when she gets a good look at Lawrence Lynch. The man was perhaps the single whitest haole she's ever seen in person. If not for the piercing blue eyes that she's only ever seen in Huskies, she might have wondered if he had a touch of albinism. Blond hair this side of angels' wing white, the stereotype Irish pallor. Tall, and broad through the chest ~something she's absolutely sure has more to do with his impeccable posture than sheer muscle mass, she has to admit he's typically stunning. Especially when a hint of cruelty ices his gaze or curves his lips. He doesn't look that way now. His eyes are fever-bright and there's even less colour to him. If Glaciers could sweat she's sure he'd be doing that right now. He isn't. She jerks her shoulder out of the Mountain Range's grasp and makes the small march until she's standing toe-to-leather Oxford-toe with him and she can't help but reach out and press her wrist to his brow. No heat radiates. If anything he's colder than he ought to be. For him she risks another jolt of pain, which comes on the heel of her scanning him the way she had the goon and pairing it with a wince, courting paradox by not doing anything physical to make her exam seem coincidental. For a moment though
there's a flash of colour other than green and honey taking him in. Her brows furrow and she tilts her head to the side, lips pursing in confusion. A stunted little breath that can almost be heard as she exhales. At a loss, she reverts to the Old Ways. The hand so lately inclined to grace his brow is brought around to the back of his neck, fingers cupping him with a surprising amount of strength from one so physically smaller than he is. As she rises up on tip toes like a wave, she pulls him down until she's nose to nose with him, brow to brow. Eyes closed now, Beth breathes him in. His breath. His spirit. His own sacred mana. That is when it happens. Almost before her soft, warm, cinnamon breath can waft over him her eyes shoot open, wide and fearful. Her mouth works silently, open and closing as she lets go and backs very quickly away from him. Her teeth, always a little small and too sharp and in need of a good orthodontist, grow unmistakably pointed. There's more than should comfortably fit in her mouth as she bears something that resembles a snarl. One that appears to be completely accidental as she lifts her hands to cover them. Hands that are a little greyish in hue and don't look as satiny as they often do. The appearance of tiny micro-scales fan out from her knuckles, her wrist bones. Her voice trembles with a mixture of fear and something akin to disgust. "Oh, Larry...wha....what did you do?!"
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helloalycia · 5 years
cheater [one] | kara danvers
summary: after catching your girlfriend cheating on you, kara happens to be there for you when you've never felt more alone
warning/s: cheating I guess?
author's note: there's another two parts to this because it was pretty long and I had to split it lol soz guys
part two | part three | masterlist | wattpad
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       "I think that's a wrap," Kara said with relief, smiling as she closed her notebook. "I can begin writing this up tomorrow."
      "I can't wait to read it," I told her honestly, returning her smile. "You've got the quotes, you've got the story, you've got the pictures. It can't go wrong."
      Kara chuckled as she began to pack up. "You're right. Thank you for staying late with me to help me finish the prep. I owe you."
      "It's nothing." I waved her off as I also stood up and packed away. "You've helped me out a ton of times. It's the least I could do."
      She didn't say anything, but the appreciative smile on her lips said enough. I checked the time on one of the many clocks hung on the walls of CatCo and decided to give my girlfriend a quick call.
      "Anna, love, hey," I said, an automatic smile appearing on my lips. "What are you doing right now? I thought we could hang out tonight. I know it's late, but Kara and I finished up some work so I thought I could stop by."
      Anna sounded tired as she answered, "Aw, babe, I'm glad that you got your work done, but I'm half asleep between episodes of The Office and I don't think I can stay awake long enough to do something. I'm sorry."
      I shook my head, despite being on the phone. "Oh, no, it's okay, no need to apologise. I'll leave you to it... I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
      "See you tomorrow," she replied. "Love you."
      "I love you, too," I said, before hanging up.
      "That Anna?" Kara asked, glancing up at me as she grabbed her bag. "She doing good? I haven't seen much of her lately."
      "Yeah, she's good, she's been busy sorting out that new summer segment for the fashion section," I said, pocketing my phone and grabbing my own bag.
      "Oh, yeah, I saw, that looks pretty cool," Kara nodded as the two of us began to walk to the lift.
      "Yeah," I agreed, a little half-heartedly.
      It went quiet as the two of us rode the lift down to the lobby, until Kara suddenly spoke up.
      "Hey, erm, since you've not got plans, do you want to maybe get some ice cream?" she asked, before a confused smile appeared on her face as if she was unsure to why she was asking me in the first place.
      I smiled with amusement. "I guess, yeah. Bit random, I must admit."
      Kara rubbed the back of her neck as she glanced down at her shoes. "Yeah, well, I'm in the mood for something sweet. And it can be my treat. Y'know, for helping me."
      I shrugged, still smiling. "I won't say no to free ice cream."
      She met my eyes, a glint of excitement in her own. "Great. I know a place. It's a little out, but it's really good."
      As we walked out of the lift, I nodded. "You know your food, Danvers, you have all of my trust."
      She laughed, giving me a glance before leading me outside to hail a taxi.
      I'd hung out with Kara a handful of times – we worked together and naturally became work friends, so I was used to her random ideas and acts of kindness from her. So, allowing her to take me to get ice cream downtown at almost midnight was definitely a little out there, but nothing too unusual.
      "What d'you think?" Kara asked, a massive grin on her face that made her blue eyes sparkle.
      "This is really good," I admitted, chuckling when I saw her first pump.
      "I knew you'd love it," she said, before accepting her own ice cream cone off the salesman.
      "You know what you'd love?" I asked, a thought coming to mind. She hummed as she dove into her ice cream, unable to speak. I smiled with amusement as I continued. "Mr Whippy."
      "Mr what-y?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
      "Mr Whippy," I repeated, noting her urge to laugh. "It's an ice cream we have back in England. You get it from ice cream vans in the summer and it's basically a soft, white ice cream. They put sherbet, sprinkles and whatever sauce you want on it. Usually raspberry though. Then they add a flake and it's complete! It's the best thing ever. Immediate sugar rush. You'd love it."
      "Sounds like my kind of thing," she said, eagerly.
      "Definitely," I agreed, walking out of the ice cream shop with her.
      "Right now though, this is definitely hitting the spot..."
      I stopped listening to Kara as I looked ahead and furrowed my eyebrows. There was a restaurant opposite the ice cream shop and it looked like my girlfriend was sat inside, laughing over dinner with another girl. Huh..?
      "...and you're not listening. What's up, Y/N?"
      Kara followed my gaze and judging by the way she tensed up, my thoughts were confirmed. I wasn't imagining it – Anna was definitely sat there with another girl. Or should I say she was now kissing another girl.
      "Y/N... I don't... I..."
      Kara hesitated, unsure what to say, but I could feel her staring at me with pity.
      I reached for my phone and called Anna, waiting as it rang. I looked up and saw Anna interrupting sucking face with a girl who I didn't recognise to check her phone. I swallowed the lump in my throat as she checked the caller ID and declined the call, before getting back to the girl she was with. I chewed on the inside of my mouth as I locked my phone, forcing myself to look away.
      "Am I alright to go home?" I asked, my voice surprisingly quiet and steady.
      Kara tried to meet my eyes, but I avoided hers, embarrassed enough as it was.
      "Yeah, of course," she replied, squeezing my arm gently. "I'll get you a cab. Come on."
      I nodded and followed her, but not before glancing behind me one last time. I don't know if I expected to not see anything, but that wasn't the case. Anna was still sat there with somebody else, leaning into her and laughing at whatever.
      She was still cheating and I was still left hurting.
      My eyes were glued to my computer screen when I heard her voice, calling for me like usual. Except it wasn't like usual because now I knew the truth.
      "Babe, I thought I'd drop by your desk and see how you're doing." Anna leaned down and tried to kiss me, but I moved my head, resulting in her kissing my cheek. She frowned as she pulled away. "Hey, I'm sorry about last night..." No, you're not. "I know you wanted to hang out, but I was falling asleep." No, you weren't. "But you hung out with Kara, right? You said you got ice cream?" Yeah and I saw you cheat on me. "Sounds fun!"
      I swallowed hard and forced a small smile as I looked up to her. I tried to understand how this woman who I'd grown to love could throw it all away as if it meant nothing, so she could be with someone else? If she wanted to break up with me, she should have just done it. I would have preferred that over being cheated on and used like an accessory. I used to look at her and feel love. Now all I felt was pain.
      "It's okay, I did end up going out with Kara," I said, maintaining my voice and any stutter. "It was nice. But I was thinking that maybe we could go out for lunch today? If you're not too busy?" Too busy making out with other girls.
      "That sounds great," she agreed, a plastic smile on her face. "I'll see–"
      "Sorry to interrupt," a woman approached, and I widened my eyes when I realised it was the woman from last night. She was the new fashion intern. "Miss Fox, we need you to look at the layout for this week's issue. It's a group effort."
      I felt my mouth go dry as I looked between them both. They were smiling innocently, but their eyes spilled a million secrets. She was cheating on me with the intern?
      "How many times have I told you, Katy, you can call me Anna," Anna said, playfully. "I'm not that much older than you."
      "Right," Katy agreed, playing the part. "My apologies, Anna."
      "I should get going," Anna said, looking to me with a smile, "but I'll see you here in a few hours to get lunch."
      I nodded, unable to get words out without screaming. Anna blew a kiss towards me before following Katy out of here. My stomach turned at how many times I'd seen them together in the past and how I never knew. I didn't notice Katy much – I was a news reporter, not fashion. I rarely saw her. But she saw me evidently. Everybody at CatCo knew Anna and I were together, so she wasn't exactly in the dark. She was knowingly with my girlfriend. And knowingly playing me, just like Anna.
      I tried not to let that sour thought disrupt me from my work, but it was hard. I felt like somebody was sitting on my chest, squeezing it tighter and tighter and making me extremely uncomfortable. I just had to make it to lunch, where I would confront Anna and make her admit that she was cheating on me. That she was a horrible fucking person. That she broke my heart and that she broke me. She... she broke me.
      Lunch time rolled around soon enough and I found myself walking towards Noonan's with Anna when I stopped us from going any further. Every second more I spent pretending I didn't know felt like a disgusting coat of shame I was carrying. I didn't know how she did it – the very thought made me feel revolting. I couldn't even walk to the coffee shop with her, let alone sit through a lunch with her. I had to do it now.
      "Why did we stop?" Anna asked, confused as she turned around to look at me. "What's–"
      "You're cheating on me," I blurted out, before breathing out slowly. No going back now.
      "What?" she played dumb, raising her eyebrows. "Y/N, are you crazy?"
      I clenched my jaw, shaking my head. How could she keep pretending, even when I called her out on it?
      "I saw you last night," I said, meeting her eyes. I needed to see the realisation in hers when she knew I knew the truth. The guilt, if any. "Kara took me to an ice cream place downtown. Not somewhere I usually go. But you knew that. That's why you took Katy to dinner down there. Right?"
      Her mouth closed slowly as she stared at me with a blank expression, but I could see the desperation creeping in her eyes.
      "How– how long has this been going on for?" I asked, cursing inwardly at my stutter.
      "It's not what you think," Anna tried to amend the situation.
      "I saw you kiss her!" I shouted angrily, earning the attention of some bystanders, but I didn't care. "And you declined my call! I'm not stupid, Anna! Now, how long?"
      She looked down to her shoes, purposely avoiding my eyes. "A few months..."
      I breathed out through my nose, feeling my heart begin to ache. A few months. She was with somebody else whilst with me for a few months.
      "Are you sleeping with her?"
      "Y/N, what good will this do you?" she asked, trying to divert the question.
      "None of this is doing me any good, but I deserve to know," I told her sternly, containing my anger. And I'll know just how stupid I was to trust you.
      Anna didn't answer straight away, but eventually, I saw her nod slightly. So, that answers that then. She was sleeping with another woman whilst being in a relationship with me. Lovely.
      "I'm sorry," she muttered, finally lifting her eyes to mine. "I didn't want you to find out like this."
      "Sounds like you didn't want me to find out at all," I got out, my voice cracking.
      My eyesight was getting blurry and that's when I realised that I couldn't contain my emotions for much longer. I needed to go. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of watching me get upset.
      "I don't want you to speak to me unless it's work-related," I told her calmly.
      "Y/N, please let me explain–"
      "I mean what I said," I snapped, before turning to leave.
      I speed-walked away, hoping to God that she wasn't following me. If she was, she would have seen me wipe the stray tears from my face and suck up a deep shaky breath.
      When returning to the office, I made sure I looked presentable in the toilets before heading to my desk. On the way, I passed Kara at her desk and caught her gaze.
      After getting a taxi home last night, I never really spoke to her this morning and I felt a little guilty for just leaving so suddenly. She must have felt very awkward to be with me as I found out Anna's secret. I wanted to apologise, but I didn't trust myself right now because I was still pretty sensitive from before.
      Kara flashed me a concerned smile, to which I returned with the most convincing smile I could muster, before I headed to my desk to get on with some work.
      I didn't see Anna or Katy for the rest of the day which I was glad for – now if only that could last the rest of my life. I did see Kara however, who kindly decided to stop by my desk towards the end of the day.
      "Hey...," she greeted, hanging by my desk but not quite committing to staying.
      I appreciated her thoughtfulness and decided to give her my full attention, hoping she'd get the hint she could stay. "Hey, Kara."
      She offered a small smile as she sat at the edge of my desk. Concern flashed in her eyes though, as she asked, "How are you doing?"
      I pursed my lips, ignoring the sharp pain in my heart. "I'm fine."
      Kara nodded, and I almost thought she would accept my answer and leave it there, but then she looked back to me with a nervous look.
      "I know it's not any of my business, but did you talk to Anna about... you know?"
      I nodded slowly, eyes flickering to my desk. "Yeah. I did."
      I looked up when I felt Kara's hand rest on mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.
      "I'm sorry," she said, a frown on her lips. "About what happened."
      "You don't need to say sorry for anything," I said with a careless shrug, before adding, "but I'm sorry for letting it ruin our evening. I was having fun for what it's worth."
      Kara cracked a small sad smile. "It didn't ruin anything. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. If you wanna talk about it. Or if you just want to hang out and not talk about it at all. Either way..."
      "You're here."
      "Thanks." I looked up and met her eyes. They were kind and generous and thoughtful all at once, making me feel like I wasn't completely alone.
      She nodded, her smile still present, before standing up and saying, "I'll leave you to it then."
      "Bye, Kara."
      It hadn't even been a day when Anna tried to talk to me again. She obviously didn't respect me enough, nor feel any amount of guilt enough to leave me the hell alone like I asked.
      "Can we talk?" she asked for the millionth time, standing in front of my desk, looking down at me with pleading eyes. "Please, Y/N."
      I stayed quiet, continuing to ignore her and instead look at my computer screen. I didn't want to speak to her because I had nothing more to say, and she knew that. She broke my heart and I was just trying to forget about it. Forget about her. I couldn't do that if she wouldn't leave me alone!
      "Y/N, you have to let me say something," she tried again, making me roll my eyes. "I want to make this right. Or at least explain!"
      I gritted my teeth as I tried to keep up my act of pretending she didn't exist. It was growing increasingly difficult however.
      "Hey, guys," Kara swooped in out of nowhere, and I looked up, never more glad to see her face than I was now. She glanced between Anna and I before directing her question at me. "Everything okay?"
      I caught sight of Anna rolling her eyes in my peripheral, making me squeeze my hands together with annoyance.
      "Yes, everything's fine, Danvers," she spoke up, a hint of frustration laced in her voice. "We're just talking. Do you mind?"
      Kara pursed her lips in response, merely ignoring Anna's passive aggressiveness and instead looking to me for a response. I gave her a pleading look and she nodded subtly before smiling.
      "Y/N, you up for that coffee run yet?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
      Already locking my computer and grabbing my bag, I nodded and stood up. "Yeah, sounds good."
      Anna groaned quietly as I walked around her to stand by Kara. She tried to reach out to me, but I stepped back as if she had the plague and thankfully, Kara stepped between us, staring her down.
      I didn't know what she did, but it seemed to work as Anna backed off, letting Kara and I walk away. I breathed out with relief as we headed to the lift, feeling grateful for the blonde's presence.
       “Thanks for that," I said when we were in the lift. I looked up to meet her eyes, offering a small smile.
      She returned the smile, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Any time."
      Kara was a kind person. It was something I'd always known, I mean, we always helped each other out with our articles and she was always interested in what was new with me at work. We were good friends, but since breaking up with Anna, I truly saw how much our friendship meant to her. A lot more than I thought, apparently.
      A week had passed since I broke up with her and I was trying very hard not to concern myself with why we broke up. If I sat for too long thinking about the fact that I obviously wasn't good enough for her, or that she would have rather strung me along whilst with someone else than break up with me, or how how I was evidently a shitty girlfriend to be faithful to, then I would have broken down. And I didn't want to be one of those girls who cried her heart out because of a break up. I refused to be that girl, be that cliché.
      But sometimes clichés are clichés for a reason.
      I was signing off on a parcel at the reception on our floor when I felt Kara's presence beside me.
       “Hey," she greeted me. "How are things?"
      She'd been checking in on me whenever she saw me around the office, and even took me out for lunch and coffee when she could. I knew what she was doing and I appreciated it a lot. She truly was a blessing.
      I smiled, looking up at her. She was already staring at me with sparkling blue eyes.
      "I'm good, Kara," I assured her. "Especially since you asked me twenty minutes ago when you stopped by my desk."
      She pressed her lips together into a sheepish smile as she looked down to her shoes with embarrassment. One of the few reasons left to smile was Kara's silly antics, and I found it amusing that she felt the need to constantly make sure I was okay. It was cute.
      "Sorry, I just wanted to make sure," she said, making me chuckle.
      "It's cool," I said, accepting my parcel from the receptionist.
      I was ready to walk back to my desk, but the sight of Anna and Katy kissing behind Kara caught my attention. I forgot how to breathe for a moment, feeling like the wind had been smacked out of me, as I saw them making out. She'd moved on already, with the girl she'd cheated on me with. Because she'd done that. Cheated on me. She cheated on me.
      I noticed a few people in the hall glancing between them and I, evidently picking up on the fact that we were no longer together. It didn't take a genius to know what they were thinking – I was pathetic. I was supposed to move past all of this, but seeing Anna there, absolutely fine... I couldn't take it anymore. I was sick of bottling it up.
      Kara glanced behind her, following my gaze, and gasped a little. I felt my throat close up, my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. I felt like an idiot.
      "I'm sorry, I've gotta go," I croaked out, neglecting my parcel at the reception desk and backing up.
      Kara spun around to me again, her eyes widened with pity. I hated it, knowing she felt bad for me. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as I walked away, eventually running to the toilets so I could escape this suffocating situation.
      Fresh tears were flowing from my eyes when I reached the toilets. Thankfully, the cubicles were empty and nobody was here to see me look so pathetic. I stopped by the sinks and clutched my stomach, feeling sick.
      My hands began to shake and it was as if all the pain from the past week had reached its boiling point and was spilling over. My heart felt like it was crumbling, the image of Anna and Katy kissing playing in my mind over and over. She didn't want me anymore. She stopped wanting me a long time ago.
      I looked to the toilet door when I heard it open, glad to see it was just Kara, though I was still embarrassed because of what she was seeing.
      She stopped when she saw me, frowning as she took in my appearance. "Oh, Y/N."
      I shook my head, one hand still clutching my stomach tightly. "I– I don't understand h– how somebody can do that."
      She didn't know what to say, but when she stepped forward, I moved towards her, falling into her embrace. She held me close as I cried into her arms, finally letting it all out. It felt good to stop avoiding my pain. But it hurt a lot. I was convinced my heart would never recover.
      Kara simply held me, rubbing circles on my back and telling me it would be okay. I wasn't sure if I believed her, but she had a special talent of making you want to. She was warm and comforting and her voice was soft and inviting. I wanted to believe her.
      I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that, but I eventually ran out of tears, leaving only pure embarrassment as I pulled away from Kara. I avoided her eyes as she kept ahold of my hands, squeezing them comfortingly.
      "I think I'm gonna take you home, Y/N," she said quietly, and I could feel her eyes piercing through me. "Is that okay?"
      I wanted to tell her it was okay to leave me. That I'd be fine and I could get home myself. I didn't need her help. But the truth was, I didn't want her to leave. Not now. I didn't want to be alone.
      I nodded and she breathed out a little, keeping ahold of one of my hands as she held me out of the toilets. I kept my eyes glued to the floor as she told me to wait on the side as she went to grab my bag and hers. It didn't take her long to join my side again, grasping my hand in hers.
      She ended up taking me back to my flat, coming inside with me and sitting me on the couch. I was surprised that she joined me.
      "When you're ready to talk, I'll be here," she said, and I looked up to see her watching me with certainty. "Even if you don't want to talk, I'll be here."
"Thank you, Kara," I said, my voice dry, making me clear my throat.
      "Come on, we can watch some TV," she said, moving forward to grab the remote off the coffee table.
      She flicked between the channels and eventually settled on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It played for the next ten minutes or so, but I wasn't listening. I was trapped in my own thoughts, unable to stop thinking about how I ended up here. How I ended up crying over somebody who I once loved. This time last week, we were happy. And now... now I didn't know what to do.
      "Y/N," Kara said, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up and she was frowning, moving forward to wipe away some tears from my face. I didn't even realise I'd been crying again.
      "She did something wrong, yet I'm the one suffering," I said quietly, swallowing hard. "How is that fair?" I paused, my fingers fidgeting uncomfortably. "How is it fair that she's making me feel insecure about myself? I feel like... I feel like this is my fault... I know it's not, but... but it feels like it is. She... she cheated on me. It had to have been my fault. Nobody just cheats..."
      "You're not to blame, Y/N," Kara said, resting a hand on my fidgeting ones. They stopped. "You did nothing wrong, you hear me? Cheating on somebody is disgusting. There's no justification. She's the one who should feel insecure. It's all her fault and... gosh, one second."
      She let go of me and pulled her phone from her pocket, raising it to her ear. "Alex, what's up?" I watched as she seemed tense, turning around slightly. "But you can handle it, right? ...No, I'm with Y/N... I'd prefer not to... You've got this... Okay, thanks. Let me know how it goes later... Bye."
      She turned around and pocketed her phone, relaxing into her seat. "Sorry about that."
      "You can go if you need to," I said, feeling guilty for keeping her. "It sounded important."
      "No, no, it wasn't," she said, waving her hand, before peering at me with sincerity. "I'm here. And I was saying how none of this is your fault. It's hers. She should feel horrible."
      "She seems pretty happy with Katy," I pointed out, smiling sadly. "I'm the one crying on the couch."
      "Because you actually have feelings unlike some people." Kara shook her head. "This isn't your fault. I can promise you that. I know it's hurts. It will. Because you loved her. But you'll get through it. It won't hurt forever."
      "You make it sound easy."
      She cracked a small smile. "I know it's not. But you're not alone."
      "You've said."
      "Well, I mean it."
      "I know." I rested my hand on hers and met her eyes. "Thank you for being here. I don't know if it's because you feel obligated to, since you were there when I found out, but–"
      "That's not it," she cut me off.
      "Well, thank you," I finished, nodding slightly. "You're gonna get sick of my face eventually, but I'll make the most of having you around, Danvers."
      "You can't get rid of me that easily, Y/L/N," she joked, leaning forward to pull me in for a side hug. "I'm–"
      "Here, I got it."
      "Doesn't seem like it."
      I couldn't help but smile as I glanced up at the blonde, seeing the amusement dancing in her blue eyes.
      "There's that smile I missed," she pointed out, grinning down at me.
      I rolled my eyes and faced the TV again, but my smile was still present. I wasn't getting rid of Kara and I wasn't complaining. I didn't want to be alone and she was better company than I could have asked for. God bless Kara Danvers.
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atinyfeels · 5 years
All In My Head | 3
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Pairing: Reader x Jaehyun Genre: angst masterlist | part one | part two
a/n: this is a rough draft that needs to be fixed and edited
“Yuna, wait!” You called, ignoring the looks of others as you rushed out of the theatre towards her. “Yuna!”
Yuna stopped her tracks before she reached the crosswalk and turned toward you. “What? What could you possibly want from me? You think I’m just going to hang out and pretend I didn’t just see you making out with my boyfriend?”
“I can explain,” you say, breathing heavily after chasing her.
“What’s there to explain? I’ve seen it all!” She shouted her eyes filling with tears once again. People walking past stared and whispered but neither of you paid attention to them. “How long has this been going on, Y/N? Is this even the first time?”
You swallowed hard, feeling the tears build up in your eyes as well. You hated seeing her like this, but what you hated more was the fact that you were the cause of it. How were you supposed to explain everything when you knew it was going to hurt her more?
“You’re such a slut,” her words cut off your thoughts, making you look up at her surprised. “You’ve been hooking up with my boyfriend since we started dating, haven’t you? You just couldn’t accept the fact that no one wants you. You were jealous that someone like him wanted someone like me and not someone like you. You’re fucking pathetic.”
You didn’t want her words to hurt, but they did. And you knew that you deserved every word that was said. “I can explain.” Your voice was lower and weaker but that didn’t stop you.
“I don’t want your explanation! I can put two and two together,” she spat, her teary eyes sending you a sharp glare. “Stay away from me and stay the hell away from Jaehyun.”
You didn’t respond. Instead, you watched her turn away and walk the opposite direction of the theatre. The sound of thunder surrounded the city just before it began to downpour. Sighing, you turned around only to become face to face with Mark. He didn’t look angry or upset, only concerned.
“Mark, I—“ he quickly cut you off, “are you okay?”
You were surprised by his question, but instead of saying anything you broke down. Tears falling controllably with sobs leaving your mouth. You weren’t okay, your best friend wasn’t your friend anymore. She didn’t trust you, and she had every right not to. Arms wrapped around you before you were pulled into a hug, making you sob even more.
“Come on, let’s get you home,” Mark said softly before pulling away and waving for a cab.
You kept your eyes on the concrete as you heard a car pull up in front of you. Mark grabbed a hold of your wrist before helping you inside. You expected him to close the door behind you, but instead, he got in beside you and told the driver your address.
Mark turned towards you and sent you soft smile, “you can rest, we’ll be at your apartment shortly.”
You only nodded and turned toward the window, watching the rainfall. Sighing, you closed your eyes and felt yourself escape reality.
The brightness of the sun, made you open your eyes. Squinting, you looked around and found yourself in your bedroom. You furrowed your eyebrows and sat up before looking over and finding Mark asleep in the lounge chair in the corner. You couldn’t remember getting out of bed and going to your apartment. Your eyes moved down to your clothes. They weren’t the same from last night, instead, you were wearing a large sweater and shorts.
“You’re awake.” Mark’s voice startled you, making you look over at him. You weren’t sure what you wanted to ask first; did he wake you up when you reached your apartment building or did he change your clothes for you? “You were passed out in the car but you managed to walk to your apartment half-asleep. The second you reached your bed you fell asleep, so I ended up changing your clothes. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
You quickly shook your head, “no, it’s okay. I trust you. But I have to ask, aren’t you disappointed in me? You know, with what Jaehyun and I did?”
Mark sighed and leaned forward in the seat a little. “I tried my best to pretend that I didn’t know what was going on between you two. I wanted to believe that you were over him and into me. But when I saw you two kiss in the hallway, I knew the two of you weren’t finished.”
“You saw us?” You asked, surprised. Mark nodded as you ran your fingers through your hair. “Why...why didn’t you say anything?”
He shrugged, “like I said, I tried my best to pretend that I didn’t know what was going on between you too.”
You frowned, staring at the sight in front of you. Climbing out of bed, you made your way over to him before pulling him into a hug. “I’m so sorry, Mark.”
After what happened at the theatre school was different. By now, everyone knew what had happened. Yuna went around telling people she knew would tell others. You could feel people stare at you as you made your way to your classes. Jaehyun didn’t show up for a full week and Mark continued to stick by your side. You didn’t expect him to after you told him everything, but he did.
“That girl was hooking up with her friends boyfriend. The girl found out after catching them making out.” you heard one girl whisper to her friend as you made your way to the courtyard.
“What a slut,” her friend said.
You ignored their words and scanned the opened space. It didn’t take long for your eyes to land on Mark, who was smiling and waving you over. You returned the smile and walked over to him. For once he wasn’t sitting alone, instead he was seated with two other boys who were too focused on shoving their food in their mouths. You sat down beside him and opened your water before taking a drink.
“Guys,” Mark said, getting the attention of the two boys. You weren’t going to lie and say they weren’t attractive. They were, very. “This is my friend, Y/N. Y/N, these are my friends Johnny & Haechan.”
“Hi,” you say, sending them both a smile.
They both greeted you, saying hi and returning the smile. Johnny went back to eating but Haechan looked over at Mark. “Is she the one–“ Johnny stopped him by reaching up and pinching his arm.
Your smile turned into a frown as you opened your paperback and began reading. So Mark either told them or they overheard the rumors going around. You wouldn’t believe it if someone told you that Mark told them. But you hated the fact that everyone knew. Ever since the incident you continuously beat yourself up over it. You’ve tried talking to Yuna, but instead, she either pretended you didn’t exist or she scoffed at your existence. You had hoped the situation would’ve died down, but you knew it wouldn’t.
When school ended you decided to walk home instead of taking the bus. Being in crowded areas all day, made you want to do nothing but crawl into a hole and hide. You put your headphones in and pressed shuffle. The sound of ‘The Truth Untold’ filled your ears, making you stop your tracks and take deep a breath.
All you could think about Jaehyun. All the pain and hurt that you had gone through while being with him. Even when you weren’t with him, you still felt the pain. The pain that Yuna had felt and is still feeling after both of your actions. You sighed and cleared your thoughts of all the negativity. You barely walked a couple of steps before you noticed someone sitting on the bench a few feet away. He was leaning forward with his hands clasped together and his head down.
“Jae?” You asked, making him look up and meet your eyes. He didn’t look like he felt as exhausted or as defeated as you did. Instead, he looked as if nothing that was going affected him whatsoever. You took your headphones out and made your way over to him. “What are you doing here?”
At first, he didn’t respond to you, he only stared. But after a minute he spoke. “I wanted to see you.”
You frowned at his words and cursed at yourself for allowing his words make your heart skip a beat. “Jaehyun, this has to stop. All of it. You and me, whatever it is. It needs to stop. All we did was hurt people. Yuna, Mark, each other. This isn’t going to continue anymore. Besides that, Yuna doesn’t want me in her life anymore because of what we did. And neither of us should be involved with each other anymore.”
He stood up and looked down at you, “I don’t regret anything we did. Do I regret hurting Yuna? Yes, that was wrong. But I don’t regret our actions. Being with you made me happier than whenever I was with her. I was as comfortable with her then when I was with you.“
“Then why stay with her?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest. “Why did you start dating her if you were comfortable with what you and I had before? Why didn’t you just break up with her when you kissed me? Why did you treat me like trash when you started dating her? I’m so confused by your actions that I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
Jaehyun ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “I was scared of falling in love with you. I’ve never felt this way about someone before and I was scared I’d hurt you. So i pushed you away. I knew Yuna would be the easiest way to get you to stop having feelings for me so I agreed to date her.”
“So,” you took a deep breath and ran your fingers through your hair. “You decided to use my best friend, to push me away because you were scared of hurting me. Look at the results, Jaehyun! You did the one thing you didn’t want to do. You hurt me along with two other people.” It was silent for a moment before you spoke again, “I can’t do this anymore. Whatever we were doing is done. Along with any chance of us being friends. I want nothing to do with you anymore, Jaehyun.”
He stayed silent before nodding, “I understand.”
“Goodbye, Jaehyun.” You tell him.
You stared at him for one last second before moving past him and heading down the sidewalk. You were officially done with him. Neither of you were going to have anything to do with each other and you were going to make sure of that. This was the end, and now all you wanted to do was finish college and leave
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absentlyabbie · 5 years
summer fling anon here (no points to me for reading comprehension, it seems!). as for ship, dealer's choice (but always love flommy, if the muse takes you there!)
lol but you get points for getting back to me so it evens out
it happens the summer before felicity graduates from college.
she’s offered an internship over the summer from queen consolidated, a move that tells her they’re likely to offer her a job once she completes her dual degrees. there have been other companies, other offers, but queen consolidated is the only internship that pays. scholarships and her loan cover school, but off terms mean going home to vegas–to her mom–because a three month apartment lease in boston is more expensive than a part time job waiting tables would ever cover.
so she accepts the job, the company-provided studio apartment, and the plane ticket, and makes her excuses to donna that the internship is crucial to her job placement opportunities.
(it’s not. she’s going to have her pick of companies after graduation, and she knows it. but the idea of returning to the sweltering, glitzed up city of her birth, to whatever tiny little apartment donna’s in now with an a/c that probably only sometimes works, cramped together with her mom and her mom’s bad dates and long hours and brittle-bright questions and suggestions for how felicity should dress and do her make up and who she should flirt with… it’s enough that she’d probably have chosen one of the unpaid internships elsewhere and just taken on an afterhours job, if qc hadn’t offered so plumb an out.)
so to starling city she flees, ready to explore and be someone else for three months, to try on an idea of the future, of where she might work and live and who she might become.
the work is fun, if not as challenging as she might like. the internship was for their it and cyber security division, and it could be steady work, and if she chooses qc, she could probably play her cards right to secure a transition to the research and development department, where all the cool new toys and programs get made on the cutting edge of tech and science.
the downside is that her fellow interns all seem to click–but not with her. it’s a familiar problem, and felicity can’t pretend she’s surprised even if she is disappointed. she’s used to not fitting in, to not quite knowing how to connect, to making awkward or downright bad first impressions as her nerves and her mouth run away from her. now as in college, even among nerds she struggles to feel she belongs. it doesn’t help she’s younger by all of them by about two years, and only just legal to drink.
so after hours she finds herself with too much free time and no one to spend it with. she’s explored all the coffee shops and bookstores nearby, checked out the cute deli bistros and found where to get the best matzo ball soup. all alone.
she’s had about enough of it almost three weeks in, and now the work week is over and the other interns are planning an evening out clubbing and they may be talking near her but they’re not talking to her. it takes summoning all her courage to blurt out, butt in: “i love to dance. can i come?”
she of course breaks in when it’s most awkward to do so, and the conversation is stiff and uncomfortable all around–but they invite her along. it’s enough. of course it is. by the end of the night, she promises herself, they’ll all be friends.
only they’re not. she feels like a tag-along from bar to club to second club, and she knows her hair and makeup are right and her heels are high and her dress is hot–she’s not donna smoak’s daughter for nothing–but looking the part still doesn’t make her fit. she talks and no one listens, she volunteers information about herself and someone changes the subject, she asks questions, but someone else is louder.
it’s not malicious. it’s just not… right.
and then they leave without her.
she doesn’t think they did it on purpose. there’s only five of them altogether, and two were already drunk by the second club and a third was on the way. maybe they all left as a group, maybe they all went their own ways. the result is that almost an hour into the third location she’s fended off drinks from strangers and made two circuits of the dance floor and she hasn’t seen any of the other interns in at least twenty minutes.
she’s alone, she realizes. chooses to accept. goes back to the dance floor and throws herself into the music, works up a sweat. when she has to shimmy away from a second pair of aggressive hands and hips, she retires to the bar for hydration.
the guy on the stool next to the one she chooses seems to notice her when she arrives but, blessedly, doesn’t try to engage with her. the bartender serves up her water, and she finds herself in companionable silence–or the variety of that with thumping bass and periodic drunken shrieking–with the guy in the crisp blue button up that matches his eyes.
she doesn’t remember, later, how they start talking, or who said something first. it might have been her being startled by the bartender’s flirting as he pushes at her a complimentary basket of fries, or it might be him having a brief, falsely cheerful conversation on his cell phone and scowling after hanging up.
he ends up sharing her fries as she tells him about the not-friends who left her, and he tells her about the actual friends who left him to go make out somewhere else. they complain back and forth for a while and–there it is. the surprising connection, the feeling of familiarity, like he’s someone she didn’t know she knew.
it helps that he’s a little awkward, like her, cracking some jokes so bad they loop back to being funny, even sticking his foot in his mouth. (it’s charming the way his ears turn red when he blushes.)
it also helps that he is, in fact, really, really hot.
“tommy,” he tells her, offering his hand.
grinning, she takes it. “felicity.”
he doesn’t shake her hand, instead using it to pull her to her feet with him. “let’s dance.”
and they do. and he’s good at it. so is she–of course she is, she spent too much of her childhood with showgirls and casino dancers to not get some good guidance on how to move well. but his feet don’t trip or step on hers and his hips move in sync and his hands are always just the right touch, the right pressure, never roaming too much or clinging or grasping.
it’s good. it’s fun. they dance and laugh, and then they just dance. it’s strange, both unexpected and yet inevitable when the charge goes from sheer fun to sparking.
their bodies get closer, and the way they sync begins to feel like a promise of other rhythms, other friction. the heat simmers, touch lingers. the first kiss feels less like the first than one that had somehow already begun, just one of many. when it intensifies to the point they’re no longer dancing, they stop, pull back–
and she suggests calling a cab. he asks, “your place? or mine?” on the sidewalk outside the club, as the cool night’s breeze does nothing to chill their fire.
she chooses her little rented room, and they barely make it through the door before they’re pulling at clothes, tasting the salt on each other’s skin.
they set quick boundaries, laughingly ask the right questions, and tumble into bed. it’s good. better than good. 
after, they end up talking. they keep it light. she doesn’t talk about home. he doesn’t talk about that sad flash in his eyes when he mentioned his friends who left him at the club for each other. they talk about the things they like, the dumb things that annoy them, their favorite movies and tv shows and books and music.
“this was perfect,” she says quietly, in a brief lull. “i needed this.”
her embarrassment is quick. “not in a weird way! it’s just been lonely being here, not knowing anybody, and you’ve been, i mean, just really fun, and that was perfect.”
he laughs. “i know. i know what you mean. i needed this, too.” and then he pins her to the mattress again, grinning. “but this was pretty perfect too, by the way.”
a little later, in the quiet, they agree that they’d like to do this again. that this was what they needed in all the right ways. fun. light. a good connection and a good time. they exchange phone numbers but not last names, and make plans to meet up again.
over the next several weeks, felicity sees tommy many more times. she doesn’t tell him where she’s interning, or what school she’s going to, only that it’s back east. he doesn’t tell her about his family, or his friends, or what he does for work or school. they explore restaurants and take in shows, go dancing and drinking and watch movies at her little one room apartment. she likes that they keep what’s between them there, because it’s a temporary place that doesn’t say too much about her, and going to his place would say too much about him.
it’s so easy. she doesn’t know if they’re friends or just lovers, but it feels like both. a summer fling. it’s not a Thing with a capital T. they both know she’ll be leaving, and that this will end when she does. they’ve agreed to delete each other’s numbers when the time comes.
and mostly it’s just that simple. fun and connection and funny stories and good food and really great sex. every now and then, she has to stop herself from spilling something too real, too personal, too vulnerable, the warmth of his skin against hers and the beat of his heart under her cheek, the night dark and gone soft with quiet, it’s almost too tempting to whisper more, to share more and ask for more.
sometimes, the brush of his fingers down her arm before he takes her hand on the street, the fond sparkle of his eyes over a candlelit restaurant table, it makes her pulse race in a way that’s not wholly about the physical attraction. sometimes, when he looks at her and it lingers, and the smile on his lips has gone small or just gone, she thinks maybe he’s doing it too, holding back secrets behind his teeth that want out, holding back feelings that want to take root and weave the connection into deeper, more sustaining ground.
but it’s just fun.
it’s just a fling.
they manage to keep hold of the lines they drew at the start all the way to the end, no matter the close calls. it ends fondly, but it’s still an end, so there’s always a sting.
tommy walks away with his phone to his ear and the name “oliver” teasing and light and secretly weighted on his lips.
felicity gets on the plane to boston and deletes his number but not the photos they took. over the next year, through the fall and into winter and out through spring, sometimes when she gets lost in the flow and switch of the code, she finds herself with the hum of that song he liked to sing in the shower on her lips.
after she accepts the leather-bound diploma and returns the cap and gown, she opens her email to see the offer from queen consolidated. it’s still IT. the dollar figure isn’t quite as high as a couple of other offers. but, she tells herself, she still liked their research and development department better than the others. she still thinks she could make her way in IT, earn a transfer to real challenges, real excitement.
and she already knows so much about the city.
so she writes her acceptance response, opens an apartment finder website, and looks forward to the arrival of summer.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 5 years
Wonderwall Chapter 4
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  
Keanu Reeves x Reader
“By now you should have somehow realized what you’ve got to do.” - Oasis
As we stumble through the front door of Y/n’s apartment, my lips find hers and already she’s pushing of my sport coat. My hands move to clumsily undo the zipper at the back of her mini skirt and we break temporarily to remove her delicate lace blouse and my t shirt. 
When Y/n pulls away, I quickly begin to miss the feeling of her body against mine. Taking my hand in hers, she leads me to her large bedroom, expertly maneuvering through the dark. Her room is faintly illuminated by the bright digital advertisements a few buildings away and the city lights. Once, Y/n had told me that this was one of her favorite parts of living in New York, the city always felt just as alive as she did, and at night, if you lived in the right place, the bright lights weren’t off-putting, they were enchanting. Arguably, she was more enchanting, but I might be biased.
In the low lighting, I admire her, feminine curves that may have been perfectly sculpted by the gods, soft, loose curls framing her delicate face, eyes, barely visible though I’m sure I could see the world in them without trying. Beauty unmatched.
Letting my hand go, Y/n fumbles with the buckle of my belt and as a result of the drinks we’ve had, coupled with the lack of proper lighting, it eventually takes our combined efforts to undo it. As I kick off my jeans along with my shoes, I pull Y/n to me, her naked chest pressing to mine as we meet in another feverish, passionate kiss. One of her hands tangle in my hair while the other grabs my shoulder. As we continue, Y/n stumbles backwards until she’s on the bed, laying beneath me.
Slowly, our bodies become intertwined and it’s hard to find where I end and she begins. She’s everything, and I hope I can communicate that by the way I touch her. Our pace is tantalizingly slow as I let myself get lost in Y/n. Soon enough, the only sounds I can make out are the ones coming Y/n. Her quiet moans as I rock against her, her praises and pleas. It’s all consuming and I’m sure I’ve never experienced anything quite like this. She’s perfect.
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When I awake the next morning, its the start of a new year. The sunlight has filled the room, worsening the throbbing in my head. I feel terrible and even go as far as lying to myself by internally promising to never drink again.
Soft snores at my side break my thoughts. When I turn, I bring the sheets up to cover my modesty, gasping quietly as I realize that they’re coming from a very naked Keanu. So the hot sex wasn’t just a really realistic dream?
The slight throb between my legs confirms that it really wasn’t. When was the last time someone literally fucked me till it hurt? I can’t remember, not even Jacob’s that good. Curiously, I lift the sheet a little, peeking to make sure that I’ve got things right. And because, if its been in me, the least I can do is commit it to memory. Keanu’s turned on his side, and I doubt the position does him justice, but what I do see leave me muttering, “Holy fuck.”
Even though my words were barely a whisper, Keanu stirs and panic rises in my chest. What if he doesn’t remember? What if he wakes up and regrets it? God, what if I said something weird? Nope, I can’t do this. Definitely not doing this, at least not right now.
I release a sigh of relief when he settles again, turning to face the glass balcony door. As quietly, and in as little movements possible, I shuffle out of the bed, gabbing my robe from the chair at my vanity. As I tie the front, I can’ t help but admire the way the light casts a gentle glow on Keanu’s face. I can almost see the tiniest flecks of grey in his beard and I try to remember how it must have felt against my fingers and face. My eyes travel downward, the scar on his abdomen has the lightest shine and I again, the urge to touch him rises. But I know I shouldn’t, not until I figure out what I’m going to say. Just like that, he’s forbidden again. 
Coffee, you need coffee, I tell myself. Shaking myself out of distraction, I hurry to the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush. I can brush my teeth in the guest bathroom. Afterwards, I head to the kitchen, smirking at articles of clothing scattered on the living room floor on my way there.
As I sip the bitter, warm liquid, the rich taste intermingles with the minty coolness of my toothpaste, providing familiar comfort.  I’m not sure how long I spend, sitting at the kitchen island enjoying the silence, but I do know that out of no where, my cell starts ringing leaving me scrambling to find it.
“Hello?” I breathe, huffing quietly. I didn’t even check to see who it was.
“Y/n, where the fuck have you been? You left to go to the bathroom and didn’t come back!” Jacob. Fuck. He sounds angry, but beneath it, there’s worry. “What happened?”
“Sorry. I lost you in the crowd and ended up leaving,” there goes the worst lie ever. 
I hear him sigh on the other end, and for a minute I remember that even when things are terrible, underneath it all, we always cared for each other. “I was worried. How’d you get home?”
I run a hand through my hair, trying to find an acceptable version of the truth, “Keanu helped me get a cab and made sure I got back.”
The silence stretches, “Okay,” I can almost hear the anger making a reappearance. “You could have called. Sent a fucking text, anything Y/n.”
Suddenly, I feel like a child being scolded and the feeling is followed by a nagging need to make things right again, “I know....I’m sorry Jacob. I just got busy and-”
When he cuts me off, Jacob is shouting, loud enough to make me jump, “You fucked him didn’t you?”
Flustered, knowing the truth, I stammered before blurting out, “I’m so sorry. We were drunk. Jake, it was an accident. It doesn’t even mean anything.” Before I realize it, I’m rambling on, begging him to not break up with me. The night before is suddenly forgotten and I’m terrified of the idea of losing him. He’s familiar, he’s the man I’ve loved for three years, I can’t give him up for unchartered territory with my best friend. It would be stupid.
Jacob sighs over the phone, clearly still upset. “I’ll be over by lunch. We’ll talk about this.” He doesn’t even give a minute to confirm and the line clicks dead.
I breath out loudly, tossing the phone to the sofa, then running my hands through my hair, blinking back tears. What am I doing? Quickly swiping my fingers beneath my eyes, I turn, jumping when I see Keanu standing in the doorway, clad only in his jeans from last night. The look on his face is one that I’ve never seen directed to me. Anger, hurt, disappointment. I swallow thickly, testing the waters. It can’t be that bad, right? “How much of that did you hear?”
He folds his arms across his chest, his biceps swelling in the gesture, “Enough to know that this was a mistake,” he pauses, scoffing, “Or you know, an accident that doesn’t mean anything.”
He cuts me off, raising his hand for me to stop, “Don’t give me that, it’s not what it sounds like or the you didn’t mean it, because you know it’s bullshit.”
I sigh, defeated, “I don’t what to say,” although, I know that I should say something, fast, or our friendship will go up in flames, along with anything else that might be. I can’t lose him.
Keanu shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair. God, I wish I didn’t just fuck this up. Hell, I fucked this up last night. He’s my best friend and now he can barely look at me. “That’s cause there’s nothing to say Y/n.”
My mouth opens, but nothing escapes it. Shaking his head, Keanu grabs his shirt and jacket from off the hard wood floor. “Don’t go,” I finally manage to plea, even if I know it won’t make a difference. 
“Why?” He asks, his voice quiet, though I swear there’s pain behind it. I know what I said was unacceptable, but I still can’t fully comprehend why he’s so mad. I’ve never seen him this upset.
“Because....” I stammer, searching for anything that can fix this, “you're my best friend, I don't want you to leave.....” I trail of, my words dwindling to nothing. Frankly, it was probably for the better because I’m not sure if there are any words to fix this. I can’t explain what I don’t understand and right now don’t think I’m capable of understanding anything besides the plainly obvious right now. Maybe that’s why I can’t comprehend his anger. 
”No.” Keanu hits his thigh with his fist, “I mean, why do you keep going back to him? When he keeps showing you that he doesn’t give a fuck. When he treats you like shit. When you know it’s always going to end the same?” 
Deep down, I know he’s right. Jacob and I have always been.....unstable to say the least. No matter how well things are going, we always seem to be at war at some point. Accusations, threats and insults. But I can’t just let him go. Nothing worthwhile comes easy right? He’s familiar, we know each other. Even if I have feelings for Keanu, it could be nothing more than an immature crush. “Because I love him,” I breathe. “You don’t understand.”
“You’re right,” he shakes his head, his hands closing around the knob, “I don’t understand. I can’t, he doesn’t care and you’re so blind to the whole thing that you keep you keep chasing after him like some kind of broken puppy,” he spats.
I gasp, offended and even Keanu looks like he can’t believe what he’s just said. As he opens his mouth to say whatever he’s thinking, it’s my turn to cut him off. “Get out,” I point to the door, anger flaring and my voice breaking, “Get Out!”
The minute Keanu leaves, shutting the door behind him, I sink to the floor, sobbing loudly. My chest feels like the air had been siphoned out of me and I’m not sure if I should be mad or shocked. But I do know that I’m hurt. How could he say that? After everything. It felt like he was different person, one that I didn’t know. One that I don’t want to know.
Burying my face in my hands, I continue to sob, trying to come to terms with the fact that I may have just lost my best friend.
Tagging- @avxgers @sgt-morgan @coolbreezeinkeanureeves @shanjedi @doodooloo700 @i-cant-remember-my-old-login 
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