#like I can actually go out and do stuff now
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Yes obviously use up what you already have, but please do not order online unless you absolutely have to, heres what happened to me:
I heard they were closing and went "i need craft shit might as well get it for cheap." I put two things in my cart, used one of the sale promo codes, checked out and got an order confirmation email. I then got an order cancellation email saying just "you did not pass our "order verification" process." Ive never had that problem in my life even tho I entered the exact same information I always do. Weird. So I contact the customer service it directs me to in that very same email, and wait for a response. When I finally get one, the guy does not explain at all even tho I asked, he just repeats the only information I already have and then says "actually Customer Service cant help you with this, you need to go through refunds" even tho I already got a refund. So I then have to write a completely separate email to them clarifying that I dont need a refund but was specifically told to go to them anyway, as well as giving them all the information so far. They finally get back to me and say "ok we put your information into our system so that it will verify you now and not cancel your order. You can go ahead and retry the purchase." I go to order the exact same items. Theyve raised the price on me. I double, triple checked they were they exact same. But I go "well at least I have a coupon" and try to check out anyway. Coupon (exact same one as before) now refuses to work. Its saying "can only be applied to one item" so I remove one item from my cart, even tho it worked with two items in my cart before. Still doesnt work. So with both items my order is too much money but like I said at the beginning I need this stuff anyway, so I just order the most important one, no coupon. And then?
Order cancelled, again.
I emailed back about all this to no response. So yeah save yourself the fucking trouble please, dont buy from Joann online.
If you haven't already heard the sad news, ALL JoAnn stores are closing (it was previously reported that only some stores would be closed).
Important: JOANN GIFT CARDS WILL ONLY BE HONORED THROUGH FEBRUARY 28. If you don't have time to get to the store, use them on the website.
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Yandere Seasons of the Year
Autumn is the nerdy girl in your book club. Pigtails, pleated skirts, too thick glasses. Whenever she's forced to speak up in class, she almost always stutters. Getting softer with each word until the teacher finally has mercy on her and let's her trail off. She has few friends, mostly other slightly dorky kids who band together because otherwise they'd all be stuck eating alone. You don't really notice her at first.
But then you read Jane Eyre and for once she isn't shy at all. She tells your whole book club all about the symbolism, the themes, how she doesn't fully consider it a gothic novel but that it definitely has gothic elements. Her cheeks are just a little flushed, her hands darting around when she talks. She's pretty, you realise slowly. When she isn't folded over herself or scurrying through the hall like she doesn't want to be caught.
Afterwards, you strike up a conversation with her. She's all shy again, not really meeting your eyes.
"My dad's got a whole collection of classics. Special edition prints, with these hand painted edges," you tell her. "Why don't you stop by and you can borrow some?"
She narrows her eyes at you like she thinks you're making fun of her. "Maybe. If I have time."
She doesn't drop by. When you see her in the halls after that, you always stop to greet her. But she looks so uncomfortable that you never get to have a conversation. Always running off with her head bent so far down that you wonder how she sees anything past the tips of her shoes.
After a few weeks of half finished sentences and always keeping her books clutched to her chest, you're about ready to give up. To take the hint that she doesn't want to be your friend.
But then... she starts seeking you out. Tentative at first. Waiting outside your class and only saying hello if you're alone. Changing her route so that it takes her past your locker. Sitting just a little closer to you at lunch, almost always two tables away so you're in her line of sight.
Maybe she realises you aren't setting up some elaborate prank by talking to her. Your hurried hellos become actual conversations. She starts walking you to class every morning. When you again invite her over to borrow some books, she actually shows up.
Standing on your doorstep with the trees flaring yellow and orange behind her, her hair pushed out of her face with a red Alice band.
You lead her up to your room and she perches on the edge of your bed like she's scared to touch it. Scared to be in your space.
You were in the middle of sorting through your makeup before she showed up and now you look over at her with a twinkle in your eye.
"Will you let me do your makeup? Please?"
Her eyes go all wide behind her glasses. "Uh I don't know...I don't really wear that stuff..."
You sit in front of her, your kit spread on your lap. "Come on! You'll look so good. You've got such a great bone structure, it's practically a crime to not try some bronzer."
"I guess..."
You carefully reach up and take off her glasses. She flinches. "Shh, relax. It doesn't hurt."
You tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and tilt her chin up with your finger. When you smooth primer over her skin, she subconsciously tilts her face into your palm.
"That feels nice..."
Her eye makeup is the trickiest part. She flinches every time you bring the eyeliner even close to her. Eventually, you slip your free hand around the nape of her neck. She freezes just long enough for you to add some wings. Her ears turn a bright red and she ducks away from you, stuttering.
"Ah sorry. Were my hands too cold?"
"N-no. No, your hands are...perfect."
You end up so close to her face that when she finally opens her eyes after mascara and lashes, she gasps. You run your thumb across her cheekbone to clear away a little spilled eye shadow.
"All done."
Even after you step away, it's takes her a few seconds to move.
"Do you like it?"
"I look so different."
You stand behind her in front of the mirror and rest your chin on her shoulder. "That's the magic of makeup! It's a good different. And besides, we're matching."
"Oh." She touches her fingers to her lips and looks down at the lipstick smeared on her fingertips. "I didn't notice. I...I really like it."
You pull away and grin at her. "Aren't you glad you let me do it?"
"Yeah," she says, still staring at her fingers. "Really glad."
When your lipstick and then your lip balm go missing, you don't even notice. What was it the kids used to say back in elementary? That if your lips touch where someone else's did, it counts as a kiss?
Autumn walks home through the falling leaves and wonders if you realise you're her first kiss.
Winter is the student council president. Confident, clever, a guy everyone says is going to be a great leader someday.
Oh, but he's cold too. Doesn't have any real friends, only achievements. Everyone knows him. Everyone respects him. But being respected and being liked are not at all the same thing.
You wonder if he ever gets lonely. You walk past the student council office during lunch one day and see him at his computer, a half eaten apple forgotten at his elbow. You shouldn't feel sorry for him. He's on the fast track to an ivy league and a career in finance. In a few years, he's going to be richer than you could ever hope to be. He takes home every performance award in every subject.
You shouldn't feel sorry for him. But you do.
"Hey, you got a minute?" You lightly rap on the doorframe and he turns to face you, not at all ruffled by your sudden appearance.
"Sure. You're y/n, right? I think we had algebra together a few years ago."
"Yep. Before you started taking AP classes and leaving all us peasants in the dust."
You're not surprised he knows you, despite never being introduced or even having a conversation before.
You grin at him. "Is an apple really the only lunch you're having? You've got to keep your energy up if you want to protect your title as smartest guy in school."
He frowns at his apple. The parts he's bitten are already starting to brown.
"I'm not that hungry."
You lean in the door frame and cross your arms. "I'm supposed to let our student present starve? If I let that happen, who's going to be around to defend our debate title? Stand up to the tyranny of the chess club?"
He scoffs and uses the tip of his pen to nudge the apple into the waste paper basket.
"Come eat lunch with me. I've been wanting to join some clubs and you can tell me what looks best on a college application. You can call it community service if you want," you offer.
That gets you a slightly raised brow. The most expressive you've seen him yet.
"What are they even offering today? I don't really stop at the cafeteria."
"Oh, you're in luck," you say. "Mashed potatoes and gravy. And it's only slightly congealed this time."
"Yum." Still, he stands up to follow you. He's much taller than you realised, and when he picks up his backpack his muscles flex in a way that tells you he isn't afraid of hitting the gym. Again, unsurprising. Except for his lunch, he seems the type to have his life in perfect balance.
When you finally sit down in the cafeteria, it isn't long before the other kids notice him. You're scarcely two bites into your lunch when the student magazine editor starts asking him about the budget for next semester. When that's settled, the chess team are next in line to complain about the state of their boards and to ask pretty please for some new pieces. It's only when the bell rings that they finally leave him alone. His lunch sits untouched in front of him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realise."
He shrugs and shoots you a half smile. "Thanks anyway. This was...nice."
It's only when he's gone that you start to wonder if anyone else has ever seen him smile.
You start taking him lunch in the office a few days a week. Mostly sandwiches and chocolate milk. Not exactly the pinnacle of good eating, but anything is better than nothing, right?
You always end up on his desk, ankles crossed while he reclines in his computer chair, chin tilted up slightly to meet your eyes. It's casual, easy. He's funny, in a deadpan kind of way. You end up learning a ton about college admissions, about extra credit, about Ivy League rankings.
When applications open, he's the first person you go to when you need help. Eventually, he just sighs and plucks your half finished essay from your backpack.
"Just let me handle it, jeez."
"Really? Oh my god, thank you!" You stand on your toes and pull him into a hug. "You have no idea how stressed I've been."
He freezes. And then slowly wraps his arms around your waist.
" 'Course," he mutters into the crown of your head. "I'd be happy to."
The thing about Winter as a season is that it can be so insidiously misleading. You assume the greatest danger is the ice, the cold. You don't realise that most deaths are from broken gas lines, from excess alcohol, from persistent coughs. You prepare yourself for all the wrong dangers.
You assume that if Winter wants something, he'll pursue it outright. You don't notice that your college applications are only being sent to places he's applied to as well. You don't notice the way he sneaks your name into the records for the debate team, the chess club, volunteering hours - a blatant forgery just so you have a better chance of being accepted at the institutions where he wants you.
You don't notice the way he always comes up to you when other guys are talking to you, dragging you away with a tight smile and an excuse about scheduling issues or needing your help with the budget.
You don't notice him falling for you until it's far, far too late.
Spring is the ultra cool, earthy girl in your art class. Always sporting a full afro or long goddess braids. Effortlessly chic, with gold jewellery in her hair no matter how busy school seems to get.
She moves through everything at her own pace. Not part of a clique but never alone either.
You've always known each other a little. Had a few classes together over the years, shared lunch once or twice. But life is hectic and your paths don't always cross as much as you'd like. So when you end up in art class hoping for extra credits, you're more than a little glad to see her.
She's talented. Her portfolio has art schools all across the country drooling, practically on their knees to offer her a full ride.
It would be easy to get jealous, and you have no doubt that more than a few of your classmates are. But you? You're just glad to see talent being appreciated.
It's a beautiful spring day when she comes up behind you and offers to give you some private lessons. Your hands are covered in charcoal, there's streaks of black on your cheeks and despite your efforts, your canvas is an unartistic mess.
You smile at her like she's heaven sent.
"Would you really? I know art is subjective and all, but I'm afraid everyone thinks I'm objectively bad."
She tilts your head at your canvas, beads in her braids clinking.
"Not as bad you think. I can see what you're trying to do. You just don't have enough technique yet."
When you meet her after school, the classroom is gold and hazy with the late afternoon sun. She makes you sit at her easel and leans on the back of your chair.
"Draw some perspective lines for me."
You try to, but by the third line her hands are already coming up to guide yours.
"No. Always try and stick to your vanishing point. Like this."
Her voice is low in your ear and you can smell her perfume, something sweet and flowery that makes you want to bury your face in her hair.
"Mm-hmm. Easier when it's so direct."
She stays right by your chair for the rest of the lesson, occasionally leaning down to adjust your grip. When the day is done, your hair smells like her perfume and your fingers ache from work well done.
She doesn't seem like the type to have a boyfriend. Maybe you're being unfair, but you just can't see it. She's so nonchalant, so very much herself, that the antics of teenage boys seem so very beneath her. She must like someone though, because a few weeks after she starts tutoring you, you get a glimpse of her latest piece. A sketch of her leaning down to kiss someone, their face obscured by the fall of her hair.
If it were anyone else, you would tease them relentlessly about it. Who do you got a crush on so bad that you want to draw them?
Not her though. You respect her art too much to make light of it like that. And when her portfolio starts filling up with love poems, with tributes, with re-interpretations of Le Printemps and Le Sommeil... Well, you pretend not to notice.
It's only at the very end of the year that you start to really wonder who it's all about. When you finish your final piece - the best canvas to date, the one you and her poured hours of work into - she leans down and presses her lips against your signature. It leaves behind a lipstick print in a deep, gorgeous red. Somehow brings the whole piece together.
"I love it," you tell her, eyes on your art.
"So do I," she says, eyes on you.
Summer is the tanned, laughing jock who's always filling up the hall with his voice. Friendly, likeable. Just about everyone has a crush on him.
Not a bully, though he has the size and strength for it. Helpful, in his big, well meaning way.
His future is clear for everyone to see. Working in his dad's construction company until its time to take over, marrying a girl just as pretty and golden as him, becoming the kind of father that other kids look at and long for. It's a good life. It suits him. Days filled with sunshine and love and laughter. He deserves it.
So when he asks you to tutor him, you assume he doesn't want anything more than a better grade. Books and calculators spread out on the bleachers after practice, the smell of fresh cut grass in the air, summer sun warm and gold over the football field. If you were more his type, you'd call it romantic.
As it is, you just appreciate the good weather and the good company. When his teammates joke that he's tanking his grades on purpose just to spend time with you, you laugh and say you're sure he's got better things to do with his time that that.
It takes a few months, but his grades do improve. And when you go through the homework together, it's clear that he understands what he's doing.
"Well champ, seems my work here is done. You're ahead of the class, you understand the methods and your papers have all come back with Bs and above."
You shrug, smile at him. "You're free to go. Have your afternoons back."
"What?" He frowns at you, water bottle halfway to his mouth. "No. The year isn't over yet."
You laugh, a little flattered that he seems so upset to see you go. "I know. But you don't need me anymore. Just practice the problems I marked out for you and you'll be just fine."
For once, he seems at a loss for words. You stand, sling your backpack over your shoulder. It's just you and him left on the bleachers, the empty football field a behemoth between you and the school building.
When you're halfway across, he catches up with you. Grabs your backpack and stops you in your tracks.
"What about English? I really need some help with the novel. And my chemistry is a mess. Seriously, we can't stop now. You can't just...leave me like that."
If you didn't know any better, you'd say he sounded almost panicked.
"I think Jackson from homeroom is your best bet with chemistry. Oh, and I'll send you my English notes. I did a whole section on themes and stuff."
He frowns again. "No. No. I don't want any of that. I want you."
The skin at the nape of your neck prickles, despite the late afternoon sun being full on your back. Was he always so much bigger than you? How didn't you notice it before?
"Hey, listen. I know you're worried. But we've put in tons of effort. You know your stuff. When exam season rolls around, you'll be just fine."
You try and walk away but he's still holding onto your bag.
"I can pay you."
"I don't want money," you say, irritated and offended both. "I never wanted to be paid for any of this. You're a great guy. I'm happy to help you out."
"Then stay."
Why is he being so persistent? His hold on your backpack tightens when you don't immediately answer.
That decides you. How can you say no when a nice guy is practically begging? You're not a monster.
You sigh. "Fine. But only until after homecoming, 'kay?"
"Sure," he says. "I'll let you go when I'm done. Promise."
In the last light of a long summer day, you make the mistake of believing him.
#yandere#yandere imagines#yandere x reader#yandere drabbles#yandere scenarios#reader insert#x reader#yandere oc#Oc x reader#tw yandere#male reader#Fem yandere#yanblr
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Hello! I want to make a request!
Imagine if reader gets stuck in game (from like this human reality) and turns into a cookie... And I don't think cookies have like fingers and stuff like that so we'd obviously struggle with that part and many more...
And how would Pure vanilla and Shadow milk cookie react to that? They don't know we're not from here because we don't say it to them, but they can clearly notice that we can't even hold a rock or walk properly and etc..
Ty if you decide to do this!
☆ Whole New Reality — Shadow Milk and Pure Vanilla (seperate) x Human!Reader HCs ☆
Genre: Fluff || they/them pronouns for reader || No warnings needed
──────.𖥔 ݁ ˖˗��ˋ ★ ˎˊ˗.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ──────
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Upon entering this new reality, you were surprised when you landed in a shadowy area where a group of three were huddled up and chatting together. The blue leader turned to you, floating over and asking how you'd stumbled in
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He found out pretty quickly that you couldn't even stand well, much less walk. He used the end of his staff to lift you into a proper stance, joking that you were acting like a Sugar Gnome after being through a salad spinner
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He introduces himself as Shadow Milk, offering outright that he could tell you were new here. You panicked a little initially, but with a deep bow he dramatically proclaims that he'll be your guide. A helping hand would be nice, yes? And who better than him!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 You stood confused while his henchmen applauded behind him, noting how noble it was of him. He soaked in your praises while pulling you close to his side, an arm wrapped firmly around your shoulders. He flashes you a wide smirk while mentioning that he thinks you're going to be very good friends
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Alternatively, you find yourself in a warm field in front of a kingdom, confusion filling you right before a blinding light of the sun burns your eyes. You cover your face, attempting to stand when suddenly feeling a supporting hand on your shoulder
ᯓᡣ𐭩 A gentle voice asks if you're alright, a large sleeve coming up to block the sun from your vision. As he holds you up, you try to play it off, but he becomes immediately concerned when you can't go two steps without stumbling and falling to the ground
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He tells you not to move, assessing your legs in his hands to see if he can sense any injuries. His staff waves over your form, and he seems confused once he pulled back. There doesn't seem to be anything physically wrong, but you seemed so disoriented
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He eventually helps you stand once more, telling you to hold tight while he begins walking you to the castle. He promises to help you in any way he can, meanwhile you're mentally trying to think how you're going to explain where you're actually from. For now, you're content to just lean against the Healer while he promises you some beverages for the trouble
#crk x gn reader#crk x y/n#crk x you#crk x reader#cookie run x y/n#cookie run x you#cookie run x reader#cookie run kingdom x y/n#cookie run kingdom x reader#cookie run kingdom x you#shadow milk x you#crk shadow milk cookie#shadow milk x reader#shadow milk crk#shadow milk cookie#cookie run shadow milk#pure vanilla x you#pure vanilla x y/n#pure vanilla x reader#crk pure vanilla cookie#pure vanilla crk#pure vanilla cookie#cookie run pure vanilla#shadow milk x y/n#crk pure vanilla x reader#crk shadow milk x reader#shadow milk x gn reader#pure vanilla x gn reader#crk headcanon#crk headcanons
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New Colors
Synopsis || A grumpy 5 yr old wanting his classmates' attention!
᧔o᧓ || katsuki bakugo x f!reader, she/her pronouns, pure fluff, short oneshot, bkg pov, kid bkg & reader, jealous bkg, deku mentioned, both in preschool, open ending, he’s just a lil guy, 488 word count
He couldn't believe what he was hearing!
An extra actually managed to take her attention away from him?! Ridiculous!
And out of all people... of course it had to be the nerd.
The blonde frowns from across the classroom – practically burning holes through poor izuku's skull – his displeasure evident in the way he furiously fills his page with crayon.
For a five year old, the teachers noted that the boy had quite a temper, so they didn't think much of it when he stomped out of his seat a few minutes later.
Assuming he's simply having one of his infamous tantrums.
Instead, he marches towards her direction – right after izuku retreated to his seat – feeling like a small fireball, destined to explode but holding back his fury for her sake.
The exchange between y/n and izuku bothered him more than he liked to admit.
Her innocent gaze meets his and before she could get a word out, his hand reaches down to grab her coloring book, the other pulling her hand to follow.
Hmph, as if he'll let Izuku snag her away.
She's beyond speechless. Stumbling a bit but soon pauses as he drops her hand, watching as he places her book at the table next to his.
He doesn't wait for a response as he plops down in his own chair, going back to filling his All Might coloring sheet like nothing.
Though his pink cheeks are clearly noticeable to anyone who'd look his way.
"o-oh but my crayons-"
He nudges his own box of crayolas towards her, not making eye contact as he focuses on coloring inside the lines.
The boy can hear her sit down beside him, a small sound of awe escaping her lips as she takes a crayon for herself.
"thank you kacchan! you always got the best colors!"
A cheerful smile immediately forms on her face, her mood brightening up instantly – legs happily kicking back and forth under the table – another testimony to her increasing joy.
"hmph of course i do! the best for the best!"
The feeling of triumph fills his veins but the cocky smirk wavers from his face as he looks at you. A fluttering feeling in his chest as she giggles to his words.
He averts his gaze as his blush deepens.
"...you can borrow them too but only if you sit next to me from now on."
"ah- really?! okay i promise!"
"just don't give them to anyone else...... especially him."
He mumbles the last part to himself, waving off her oblivious expression as she asks him what he said.
Bakugo Katsuki does not share – whether it's his lunch, school supplies or toys – steal one of his valuables and it's absolute mayhem.
But to the stunned teachers who saw it all, and the shocked kids when he actually offered stuff to someone, it seemed he added another treasure to his list... you.
Poor innocent you.
✦ ⎯⎯⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨ masterlist || taglist || intro || socials ୧⋆ ˚。⋆⎯⎯ ✦
a/n ||| idk where this idea came from but here u goooo! it's rlly short bc ngl i got superrrr lazy today so enjoy this little drabble! bring back innocent fluff i say... lowkey wanna make a story of them as babies bc thats so funny to me for some reason lololol. OMG ALSO DOES ANYONE REMEMBER THE 64 PACK OF CRAYONS THAT HAD A SHARPENER INCLUDED IN THE BOX?! BRING THAT BACK!!! tags ||| @leleyro @zaiban2989 ໒꒰ྀི ´๑ ̫๑` ꒱ྀིა
#bakugou x you#bakugou x reader#bakugou katsuki x reader#bakugo katsuki x reader#bakugo x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#mha x reader#bakugo fluff#bakugo katsuki#bakugo katuski#bnha bakugo katsuki#katsuki bakugo#mha x y/n#mha x you#bakugo x you#bnha x you#bakugo x y/n#bakugou katuski x reader#bakugo x female reader#katsuki bakugou x you#bnha x fem!reader#bakugou x y/n#bnha x reader#bakugou x fem!reader#bnha x y/n#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugou fluff#bakugou katsuki#katsuki bakugou#bnha bakugou
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This isn't AI. This isn't even remotely related to AI.
External Apps means "3rd Party Bots and Activities". It means bots like Dyno and QuickVids, it means Activities like Gartic Phone and Youtube Watch Together.
Also, for what it's worth, Discord already had its brief fling with Gen AI. For like three months, in the summer of 2023, they rolled out Clyde, a GenAI chatbot to a handful of servers as a small beta.
They turned it off fairly quickly because people very much gave the feedback they didn't want Gen AI. Discord listened.
What you're attacking here is actual human made stuff. Bots (including the user-installable stuff that's most affected by this setting) are what I do for a living. And like, yes, you get to go "I'm blocking Midjourney from my server" and that's GenAI. But you're also blocking somebody's Google Translate command, or a thing that tells you what's in the Fortnite Shop right now, and a whole lot of really weird games you can play with friends in a voice channel. And none of those are GenAI. They're cool little things that a human has spent their time on to make Discord a bit more to their liking.
Discord has added generative AI features to servers.
Here are THREE THINGS you need to do today.
Go into server settings -> roles -> Default permissions
Search for "external apps" and disable it
Access Discord support -> https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Go into Help & Support > Feedback/New Feature Request
Denounce generative AI and request the feature be removed. Bring up privacy concerns for yourself, your data, and for minors.
You will get an automatic reply to this request- PLEASE REPLY TO THE EMAIL TO PUSH IT TO THE TEAM or else it will get discarded.
Access your app store
Leave a 1 star review and publicly denounce generative AI and Discord's use of it
Reblog this to spread the word, I'm tired of the enshittification of the things I use in my day to day life.
#misinformation#things being called AI when theyre clearly not#can I please have some basic reading comprehension#Have people forgotten the meaning of the word Application?
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no requests, just wanna show my appreciation for your transformers x reader stories and your writing in general. keep up the amazing work and take time for yourself when you can 🩷
also have a sillie meme cuz your starscream x reader content feeds me well lol

Thank you! 💕 I’m glad you like my nonsense!

Bottom Feeder Pt 7
TFP Starscream x Reader
• Yawning, you settle more into the crook of his arm as he strides down the hall. Almost positive that he sees you as the alien equivalent to a tiny, purse dog and you want to be offended by that, but no one’s ever fawned over you like he does before. And it’s kind of nice even as a part of you is aware that you should be trying to escape for the sake of your dignity, not playing pet to an alien. “Oh, he acts all high and mighty,” he’s saying in his raspy voice as he rubs a servo between your shoulder blades. “But everyone knows he’s fragging Breakdown.”
• “No,” you whisper, sounding absolutely scandalized as you look up at him and his wings flick. Nodding at Knockout snarling at a couple of Vehicons for getting in his way and when you make a noise. Watches you break into a grin, barring those little teeth at him. And you’re cute for a little savage. How long has it been since he’s had this? Someone to talk freely with without the fear of them running to Megatron to repeat everything he says? He’s missed this. “You know you have to explain fragging.” Wings flaring slightly, he almost stumbles. “I need context.”
• Your big turkey somehow knows all the alien gossip. And he’s too eager to share. There’s just the issue of words not translating right. Like fragging. Because it almost seems like it’s alien slang for fucking and if these guys have sex, you’re morbidly curious about it. How does that work exactly? Oh, it absolutely means sex. It has to for how flustered he looks, grimacing and looking around like he’s afraid someone will overhear. “Don’t be obscene,” he hisses and you bite into the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing. Definitely sex.
• “You can’t just leave it at that. Inquiring minds need to know,” you counter, grinning up at him. Not caring. And that’s something he’s already figured out about humans, you’re inquisitive. Constantly asking about everything. “Do you guys have stuff downstairs?” Wings tucking close to his frame, he vents. Are you really asking about spikes and valves? You really are a little savage.
• “This isn’t an appropriate conversation,” he growls, looking nervously around. And he almost looks like he might blow a gasket, wings flicking. Alien sex and alien dick? He’s not going to just pretend he didn’t bring it up. You absolutely have to know now. Fascinated as you try to imagine if it’s actual dick or if it’s some weird, sci-fi lovecraftian horror going on downstairs.
• “That’s what makes it awesome. I need details,” you insist and he swallows a groan. Why had he let that slip about Knockout? Knows you well enough by now that you’re not dropping this ever. “Can I see yours for scientific reasons?” And he almost drops you, his loud, horrified ‘no!’ drawing everyone’s attention. Heads turning to stare at him as his wings tuck close to his frame. Speed walking away and pressing a servo over your soft mouth in case you blurt out any more wholly inappropriate things, he shudders. Don’t you have any sense of propriety? You don’t just ask to see someone’s spike. Who does that? Humans apparently.
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high sex drive | poly! marauders x fem! reader
hurt/comfort + smut
TW: NSFW, piv, non-protected sex, oral (f/m receiving)
Sirius was drawing patterns on your thigh, the tips of his fingers grazing the supple skin there ever so slowly while his head rested on your belly. Your other two boyfriends were cuddling each other, they were all spent after coming many times, so why weren’t you?
You found every touch maddening, it didn’t make sense for you to be so wound up; it wasn’t like you hadn’t gotten off, because you had, and plenty of times.
The problem was your sex drive. Your desire wasn’t something that your ex boyfriends accepted, nor did they deem it normal, one of them even suggested to go see a sex therapist one time, and you did. The session failed to give you answers, and after some time you just gave up, resigning yourself to a life of not voicing your own needs.
It went good, as good as faking being satisfied would go, but it wasn’t that bad after all. With these guys, though, it was really difficult to just pretend.
You looked up, finding three pairs of eyes focused on you. “Mh?”
“Where did you go, dove? You’ve been awfully quiet. Sirius just asked you if you are hungry, we thought about ordering something, is pizza good?”
You refrained from blushing, hating the fact that you weren’t able to mask your true feelings even in a peaceful moment like that. “Sorry, I’ve just been lost in my own thoughts, I guess” You chuckled, sounding suspicious even to your own ears. “Pizza’s good, thank you”
You felt Sirius mouth closing over your inner thighs, its teeth piercing the supple skin there, making you gasp. “Come on, darling, you know you can tell us anything”
The thing was that every boyfriend you had started this conversation like this, telling you that it was okay, that he would have taken care of you, and then when they found out that they couldn’t change you, they’d start to call you a nympho, making you ashamed of yourself. So no, you weren’t sure you could tell them anything.
“You’re doing it again, love” James was looking at you through pleading eyes, it was really hard to resist him when he was acting like this, but you had to. The guys were the best thing that happened to you in a long time, and you weren’t willingly letting them go for something as stupid as your sex drive.
“Oh, uh” You blushed. “I think I’m just kind of tired, you know? Nothing crazy”
There was a moment of silence, then Remus spoke up. “This thing won’t work if you’re keeping stuff from us, dove. You have to understand the importance of trust, if you don’t want to talk about it now, fine, but at least tell us the main topic that’s bothering you so much you’re not even listening to us when we’re talking to you”
His words felt like a harsh slap to your cheek, bringing true tears to the surface, which you tried to fight against, to no avail.
“Sorry, I don’t want to bother you, I do trust you, it’s just-“
“Was sex too much? Were you unconfortable? You’ve been like this since we had sex, did we hurt you?”
Sirius sounded horrified, and you couldn’t help the words that tumbled out of your mouth, you had to fix this.
“No, no it’s quite the opposite actually” They were all looking at you expectantly, you sighed. “It’s just- I have a high sex drive, okay? And I hate it, I know it’s twisted and disgusting and not right but I need to get off multiple times a day and sometimes having sex worsens the situation because then I keep wanting more and I hate it, you evet got me off so many times I’m the worst girlfriend ever.” Now that the words were comung out of your mouth, you couldn’t seem to stop them. “And I’ve been to sex therapists but they don’t know how to turn this off and just- I’m so sorry you’re probably regretting even-“
“Do not finish that sentence for the love of God”
You furrowed your brows. “Sirius what-“
��No, I should be the one saying sorry, I’ve been torturing you for the past hour and I didn’t even notice it.”
“And you’re not disgusting” James piped in.
“Dove, it’s nothing crazy, we can just-“
“No you can’t fix it.” You couldn’t stop the words from coming out of your mouth even if you tried, years of shame weighting you down. “Every ex that I had told me that they could fix it but it just doesn’t go away and I know it’s a burden” You pressed your hands to your face, hating this situation and hating yourself even more for letting it happen.
“Dove, would you please let us finish?” You nodded, your hands firmly locked in place. “Okay, I was trying to say that you can tell us if you’re needy and we’ll be really happy to help. There’s three of us, and if we aren’t available, there are your toys, you know? I don’t know what douchebags you dated, but this would never be a burden to us” His eyes were pleading you to believe him, and you found yourself wanting to.
“I think it’s anything but a burden, darling” You blushed slightly at Sirius, who was now laying on his belly, his head hovering right above your centre. You squirmed unconfortably, he smirked at you. “I’m being mean, aren’t I? Hovering just above you, so close yet so out of touch” His lips were now grazing your earlobe, making you shiver head to toe, the movement of his hands on your inner thigh maddening. “Such a pretty little thing, so flustered, what do you want now, love?”
You tried to tell him, but being vocal about your needs was something you weren’t used to, especially after years of slut shaming in your past relationship. You tried to avoid his question, wriggling your hips. “You know what I want”
He tsked. “No, I don’t. Do you want my mouth?” He lightly kissed you above your panties and shorts, making you grunt. “Mh, interesting. Maybe it’s my fingers that you want?” He caressed your nipples over the thin fabric of your -James’s- shirt. “My cock?”
The moment was interrupted by a pornographic grunt, coming from a very flustered James. “Fuck that’s so hot” He palmed his dick over his boxer briefs, making you blush.
“Look at him, darling, you’re making him needy. I think we should give him a show.”
You whimpered. “Sirius, please”
“I can give you everything you want, love. Just ask me”
You swallowed your pride. “I want your mouth, please”
He tutted. “Where do you want it? Here?” He grazed your forehead, the slightest touch sending you ablaze with need.
“No, Sirius, fuck, I want it on my pussy, please eat me out, I’m begging you” You couldn’t recognize your own voice, it sounded breathy, restrained, too close to begging.
“Gladly, darling” He pushed your shorts down, ripping the soft fabric of your panties in two. You didn’t have time to complain, his mouth immediately landing right on your clit.
His tongue started massaging the little bud, making you gasp as he flicked it repeatedly, moaning while doing so.
“You’re so wet, darling, I’m kind of mad, you know? You were really trying to keep this from me, from us” You shivered as you felt his index finger teasing your hole slowly, making you arch your back.
As he entered you, Remus was right above you, his dick in his hand, stroking your cheek with his free one. “Open up, dove, make me feel good”
He didn’t have to ask twice, your mouth opening right as Sirius thrusted into you with his fingers. “Fuck, she’s so wet James, fuck the show come here”
Suddenly, all three of your boyfriends were on you, James lining the crown of his cock at your entrance as Sirius lips closed right on your clit, sucking on it hardly. You felt one of Remus’s hands right over your right nipples, pinching it slightly, making you arch your back.
Your head was spinning, you felt awfully close to orgasming. “Fuck, love if you squeeze me like that I won’t last”
“That’s fine” Sirius piped in. “That’s why there’s three of us, to keep her satisfied” He tutted as you tried to close your thighs. “That isn’t nice now love, is it? Keep them open for us, stay still”
You loved when he was mean during sex, loved how he made you feel like you were at his mercy. “Sirius, close, god”
He chuckled. “You’re already coming, aren’t you? You’ve been such a good girl, telling us what you need, I think you deserve to come” You felt Remus’s cock swelling in your mouth, you rushed to swallow every drop of him, trying to focus on it, but it was difficult when you had two of the hottest guys you’ve ever seen between your thighs.
“Come now, darling. Be a good girl and come for us”
It was all it took for you to explode, your mouth wide open, eyes shut as you gripped Sirius head with all your force. He wasn’t complaining, though, still lapping at you, while James got off inside of you, his thrust loosing force and rhythm.
Just as you were coming down from your high, you felt another cock probing at your entrance.
“Hush, love, I think you got one more in you, don’t you?”
You weren’t able to respond, your long-haired boyfriend immediately started rutting into you, his hips hitting the back of your thighs at a punishing rhythm.
“You’re so hot, fuck” The sounded that came out of you were pornographic, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, you could already tell that this orgasm was going to shake you thoroughly.
All you could manage to do, to say, was chant your boyfriends’ name like a prayer.
“Come on now, dove, give us another” Remus leaned down to kiss you, his tongue caressing yours, you couldn’t help but moan in his open mouth.
You obliged, drenching Sirius’s cock as your brain completely shut down. You could feel your boyfriend coming inside of you, but you just couldn’t bring yourself down to Earth.
You found yourself in a hot tub, James massaging your shoulders behind you while Remus stood kneeling outside of it, rubbing your feet.
“How do you feel? Good?”
You hummed, looking up at your long-haired boyfriend, your hand reaching up caress his face.
“Really, love? Me and Remus are both cuddling you, and it’s him you reward?” James’s tone had no bite in it, still you reached your other hand behind his head, scratching his scalp.
“Hey, it’s me who ate her out, it’s only fair, really” He winked at you.
There was a bit of silence, then you felt Remus hands wondering up your thighs.
He smiled at you. “I think I can get another one out of you, just relax against Jamie and let me do the work”
You moaned lightly, nuzzling against your boyfriend’s toned chest, wondering what you’ve done to deserve them.
#poly!marauders fic#poly! marauders smut#poly! marauders x reader#poly!marauders smut#poly!marauders x you#poly!marauders fluff#poly!marauders imagine#poly!marauders x reader#remus lupin fluff#remus lupin x you#remus lupin fiction#remus lupin x y/n#james potter x y/n#james potter x you#sirius black x fem! reader#sirius black x y/n#sirius black x reader#sirius black smut#sirius black eating you out#smut#poly! marauders x y/n#marauders#james potter#sirius black#remus lupin
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How you match with skz…
Genre: Fluff, Imagine
Warnings: Reader is implied afab in Jisungs
Summary: Your matching things w/ skz!
Requests open
.•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•. .•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•. .•♫•♬• . •♬•♫•. .
Matching hoodies. Chan and his hoodies, but wait, what if you had one. No need to imagine because he already bought you a matching one. if he shows you one he likes, he asks if you want one, and of course you say yes. He gets so giddy when you say yes and buys them right away. When they arrive, he washes them and stands by the dryer so they’re still nice and warm when he takes them out. Literally is so sweet and hugs you after you put it on.
Matching cat beanies. This man loves his cats the way fish love water, so of course you’re getting matching cat beanies. Before he buys them he sends you a picture. “Do you want to be the orange cat or the black cat?” Which ever you choose, he’ll get the opposite, so you’re more of a pair than fully matching. Although, his cats don’t seem to like it that much. He sends you a video of Dori being scared of him while he has it on.
Matching gym bags. We all know that he loves the gym, and he loves you. So, that concluded in him buying matching gym bags for you guys. Even if you dont go to the gym, he still wants to match. If you don’t go to the gym, of course you’re still gonna use it. You’ll use it when you go on trips for your cloths. But if you don’t go to the gym. He’ll make sure that everyone sees that you have matching bags. “Oh you like my bag, me and my partner have matching ones.” He’s so proud of it. He also makes you do the heart flexing pose, iykyk.
Matching necklaces. I believe that Hyunjin is definitely a jewelry giver. Like he will buy you a necklace with a heart on it. Oh and on the back of that heart are his initials because he thinks it’s sweet that wherever you go, he’s with you in some way. Of course your initials are on the back of his for the same reason. Every time he sees you he touches the necklace and turns it around to see his name. When he’s away on tour, he’ll turn his around and kiss where your initials are, subtly hoping that you’ll start thinking of him.
Matching socks. This man loves subtle romance, if you can even call matching socks that. He doesn’t buy not one, not two, but probably twelve packs of matching socks. You always tell each other when you’re wearing them so it makes it even more fun. Sometimes he will literally take his shoes off just to show you. On days he wears them, he’ll text you, “Wear the chickens today,” or “the dogs have dogs on them.” When he gets back from tour, you WILL be getting more socks from the places he’s been.
Matching phone cases. It would probably be a clear case, but you guys have matching stickers and Polaroids in them. If he’s ever overseas and needs a little pick me up, he can just look at the picture of you in the back of his phone. Sometimes he’ll even be dramatic to the other members saying, “I MISS MY WIFE!” He acts like you’re away at war or something. The other guys are so used to it by now.
Matching nothing cuz he doesn’t want to (you guys have matching note books that he picked up in japan). He usually uses his for journaling/song writing, but whenever you have yours out, he’s doodling in it. Sometimes you wonder how some of the drawings got in there cuz you didn’t see him do it. Little do you know, sometimes he takes your journal and draws and leaves little messages so you can see them on a random Tuesday.
You guys actually have a lot of matching stuff believe it or not. Whenever he buys something he thinks, “Oh Y/N would like this too.” Like that man picks up matching perfumes/colognes, hats, jackets, shoes, you name it. Whenever he posts his ootd on intsa, he makes sure he takes some pictures with you too, that’s why he has a new lock screen almost every week.
#han jisung#skz#skz fanfic#skz imagines#skz x reader#han jisung x reader#bang chan x reader#hyunjin x reader#lee know x reader#bang chan#seo changbin#lee felix#lee know#hwang hyunjin#kim seungmin#yang jeongin#changbin x reader#felix x reader#seungmin x reader#i.n x reader#skz masterlist#skz maknae line#skz hyung line#skz fluff#skz stay
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Tips from my experience (ymmv):
If you are ambulatory I absolutely second shoes with ankle support. Also get inserts. My flat feet compound my bad knees and back so even though they are the lesser of my internal evils I treat them or suffer the compounding consequences.
It may help to keep something to track your pain/context around it. I'm currently seeking a diagnosis so I started a spreadsheet to see if weather is actually a significant contributing factor. Partially for my own reference and partially for any doctor who might get involved. Can be as simple as marking an x on your day planner or as complex as tracking everything you eat. (This has the added benefit of learning what pain triggers you might have and either how to avoid them or when to brace for a bad day.)
Find a pain scale that works for you, and refer to it often. Chronic pain makes your baseline different and it helps me accurately report it when I check my experience against the chart I like.
Find medical people from either good recommendations from other patients or from good medical people you already know. I got a recommendation for a knee PT from a different PT I was working with for my back who was an angel. And I got THAT PT from my surgeon, and I got that surgeon from my regular doctor whom I love. A specialist I just went to for a second opinion was recommended to me by a friend, and I had a much better experience than the first opinion who was unrecommended.
Find a way to make sure you do your exercises. I tie mine to brushing my teeth. I don't get all of them done every night, but I get a baseline done that does happen daily.
Did you inherit your disability? That person is a great resource about what you're going to experience in the next 20-30 years. Learn from their experience and/or mistakes.
Figure out what OTC or DIY stuff works to relieve your pain. Braces, heat, cold, pressure, elevate, bath, patches, gel, etc. On days that you know are going to be bad, stay ahead of the pain if you can. And keep them where they're the most useful to you. I have several different wraps that live in my work bag because I need them there most often. K tape strips now travel with me everywhere, along with an emergency dose of painkillers. (Also wear that wrap or brace if you need it! Who cares if other people can see it.)
Critical reminders:
You are still disabled even if your disability doesn't affect you every day.
If there is something that will assist you in relieving your pain, use it. Even if it's "not for you", if it helps, it's for you.
You are worth it.
I've been disabled for almost 29 years. Here's what I've learned.
Tablets sink and capsules float. Separate out your tablets and capsules when you go to take them. Tip your head down when taking capsules and up when taking tablets. Liquigels don't matter, they kinda stay in the middle of whatever liquid is in your mouth.
If your pill tastes bad, coat it with a bit of butter or margarine. I learned this from my mom, who learned it from a pharmacist.
Being in pain every day isn't normal. Average people experience pain during exceptional moments, like when they stub their toe or jam their finger in a door, not when they sit cross-legged.
Make a medical binder. Make multiple medical binders. I have a small one that comes with me to appointments and two big ones that stay at home, one with old stuff and one with more recent stuff.
Find your icons. Some of mine include Daya Betty (drag queen with diabetes), Stef Sanjati (influencer with Waardenburg syndrome and ADHD), and Hank Green (guy with ulcerative colitis who... does a bunch of stuff). They don't have to be disabled in the same way as you. They don't even have to be real people. Put their pictures up somewhere if you want; I've been meaning to decorate my medical binders with pictures of my icons.
Take a bin, box, bag, basket, whatever and fill it with items to cope with. This can be stuff for mentally coping like colouring books or play clay or stuff for physically coping like pain medicine or physio tape.
Decorate your shit! My cane for at home has a plushie backpack clip hanging from the end of the handle and my cane for going places is covered in stickers. All of my medical binders have fun scrapbooking paper on the outside. Sometimes, I put stickers and washi tape on my inhalers and pill bottles. I used my Cricut to decorate my coping bin with quotes from my icons, like "I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se" and "I need you to be angrier with that bell".
If a flare-up is making you unable to eat or keep food down, consider going to the ER. A pharmacist once told me that since my eye flares can make me so nauseous that I cannot eat, then I need to go to the hospital when that happens.
Cola works wonders for nausea. I have mini cans of Diet Pepsi in my coping bin.
Shortbread is one of the only things I can eat when nauseous. Giant Tiger sells individually-wrapped servings of shortbread around Christmas or the British import store sells them year-round. I also keep these in my coping bin.
Unless it violates a pain contract or something, don't be afraid to go behind your doctor's back to get something they are refusing you. I got my cardiologist referral by getting in with a different NP at my primary care clinic than who I usually saw. I switched from Seroquel to Abilify by visiting a walk-in.
If you have a condition affecting your abdomen in some way (GI issues, reproductive problems, y'know) then invest in track pants that are too big. I bought some for my laparoscopy over a year ago and they've been handy for pelvic pain days, too. I've also heard loose pants are good for after colonoscopies.
Do whatever works, even if it's weird. I've sat on the floor of the Eaton Centre to take my pills. I've shoved heating pads down my front waistband to reach my uterus.
High-top Converse are good for weak ankles. I almost exclusively wear them.
You can reuse your pill bottles for stuff. I use my jumbo ones to store makeup sponges and my long skinny ones to hold a travel-size amount of Q-Tips.
Just because your diagnostics come back with nothing, it doesn't mean nothing is wrong. Maybe you were checking the wrong thing, or the diagnostic tool wasn't sensitive enough. I have bradycardia episodes even though multiple cardiac tests caught nothing. I probably have endometriosis even though my gynecologist didn't see anything.
You can bring your comfort item to appointments, and it's generally a green flag when someone talks to you about it. I brought a Squishmallow turkey (named Ulana) to my laparoscopy and they had her wearing my mask when I woke up. I brought a Build-A-Bear cat (named Blinx) to another procedure and a nurse told me that everyone in the hall on the way to the procedure room saw him and were talking about how cute he was. Both of those ended up being positive experiences and every person who talked to me about my plushies was nice to me. If you don't feel comfortable having it visible to your provider during the appointment, you can hide it in your bag and just know it's there, or if you're in a video appointment, you can hold it below frame in your lap.
Get a small bucket, fill it with stuff, and stick it in your bed (if you have room for it). I filled a bucket with Ensure, juice boxes, oatmeal bars, lotion, my rescue inhaler, etc. in October 2023 in anticipation of my laparoscopy and I still have it in my bed as of January 2025.
If your disability impacts your impulse control (e.g. ADHD, bipolar disorder), you should consider setting limits around your spending -- no more than X dollars at a time, nothing online unless it's absolutely necessary, and so on. Or, run these purchases by someone you trust before committing to them; I use my BFF groupchat to help talk sense into myself when I buy stuff.
Feel free to add on what you've learned about disability!
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hi hi! can i request a fic where the reader and jake are childhood best friends (joined at the hip, did everything together), and one day when they’re in high school/college he suddenly realizes he likes her and starts acting awkward around her and stuff and the reader’s just like ??? fluff with a tiny bit of angst please!! 🫶🏼
Sure honey, I'll make this one shot 🤍
More Than Best Friends

Pairing: Jake × Reader
Genre: Childhood Friends-to-Lovers, Fluff, Slight Angst
Synopsis: You and Jake have been inseparable since childhood, always side by side, always just friends. At least, that's what you thought—until he starts acting strange. Avoiding your touch, dodging eye contact, getting awkward around you. Something's wrong, and when you finally confront him, he blurts out the one thing that could change everything.
Jake had always been by your side.
From the moment you scraped your knee in kindergarten and he dramatically declared himself your "lifelong protector," to the time he snuck out of his house at midnight just to bring you ice cream after a bad day—he was always there.
People called you two inseparable, and it was true. Where there was you, there was Jake, and vice versa.
But lately… something was off.
Jake wasn’t acting like himself.
It started small—he’d randomly get quiet in the middle of a conversation, like he forgot how to speak. His usual teasing remarks were cut short, replaced with nervous laughter. And the worst part? He had started avoiding eye contact, which was just weird because Jake had never been shy a day in his life.
At first, you thought maybe he was going through something. You tried asking, but he just brushed it off with a lame excuse.
Then came the physical distance.
Jake, your Jake, who had never hesitated to throw an arm over your shoulder or dramatically collapse onto you like you were a human pillow, suddenly stiffened whenever you got too close.
It was driving you insane.
So, naturally, you confronted him.
"Okay, spill it," you said, standing in front of him as he sat on the edge of your bed, fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie.
He looked up, eyes wide. "Spill what?"
"You! Acting weird. Acting like I suddenly have cooties or something. If I did something, tell me."
His ears turned red. That was new.
"You didn’t do anything," he mumbled, voice barely above a whisper.
You crossed your arms. "Then what is it?"
He swallowed hard. You saw his fingers dig into the fabric of his hoodie like he was holding onto it for dear life.
He exhaled sharply, finally meeting your eyes. And for the first time in weeks, you saw something raw there—something vulnerable.
"I like you."
The words hung between you like a held breath.
Your heart stuttered. "...What?"
"I like you," he repeated, a little firmer this time. "Like, not in a best friend way. In a—" He groaned, running a hand through his hair. "God, I don’t know. I just—one day I looked at you and realized I wanted to hold your hand for real. Not in a joking way. Not because we’re messing around. Because I actually want to. And it freaked me out, okay?"
You blinked.
Then blinked again.
Jake… liked you?
Your Jake?
Your brain was short-circuiting.
Meanwhile, he was growing more and more restless, clearly taking your silence as rejection.
"Look, just—forget I said anything, alright? It’s fine. We can pretend it didn’t—"
"Shut up, Jake."
He blinked, stunned. "Huh?"
Your face was burning, but you forced yourself to meet his gaze. "I didn’t say I don’t like you back."
The sheer hope that flooded his expression nearly knocked the wind out of you.
"Wait. Are you serious?"
You rolled your eyes, but you were smiling. "I mean, yeah, you idiot. Did you really think you could confess and I’d just be like, ‘Okay, thanks for sharing, let’s go back to being normal’?"
His mouth opened and closed, as if he hadn’t considered that possibility.
Then, after a beat—
"Can I hold your hand now?"
Your chest tightened, and you huffed out a laugh. "You’re ridiculous."
But you took his hand anyway.
#enhypen au#enhypen scenarios#enhypen#kpop#kpop au#enhypen fluff#enhypen x reader#kpop fanfic#enhypen imagines#enhypen fic#jake fluff#jake angst#jake x reader#jake smut#jake sim#enhypen jake#jake#jake soft hours#jake fanfic#jake au#enhypen fanfic#enhypen fanfiction#enhypen angst#enhypen smut#jake hard thoughts#jake hard hours#kpop fluff#kpop angst#kpop smut#sim jaehyun x reader
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do ale/amor deal with any jealously issues?
specifically with it being amors first real wlw relationship
also if alexia’s past with Jenni is in this world does amor cope with that very well
I feel like when amor goes to England camp alexia isn’t jealous she’s just clingy because she misses amor but she does get a little stand offish when everyone is speaking in rapid English and using slang and she’s like wait what is going on, or when the girls tease amor about people from her past because they grew up together
but amor is like you can’t be jealous I only ever hooked up with those girls I only love you, but Alexia has an ex who she was with for a longggg time and amor could spiral and try and compare the two. Also the same issue when alexia and Jenni meet up and speak rapid Spanish and Amor is standing like what are you talking about!
Ok so lemme split this up, yeh?
Jealousy surrounding Alexia-Jenni relationship
There was a little bit at the beginning
Not so much in the sense of like ‘omg what if Ale still likes Jenni’ type jealousy because it is painfully obvious that Ale loves Amor so so so much
But more ‘omg what if Ale realises she wants someone who’s got experience in relationships/wlw relationships’ but that was quickly shut down with just how in love Ale is
It took Amor a minute to figure out Jenni and Alexia’s friendship but she’s chill with it all - she was more confused rather than unhappy about it
Amor knows that Ale would rather die than do anything remotely disrespectful and she knows she doesn’t have to worry about that at all
Amor is actually pretty good at Spanish now so Ale and Jenni chatting shit doesn’t really bother her, she can keep up fairly easily - it’s when Ale forgets Amor is there and starts yapping in Catalan around her friends and family that Amor is like babes stop
Jealousy surrounding National Camps
They both hate that they didn’t meet sooner in life but they can’t really change that
There is a little bit of confusion around the languages sometimes and they both feel a little left out at times but the other realises really quickly and fixes it asap
After tournaments both their accents get thicker and it takes them a minute to figure out words sometimes. They’re both like huh? when they come back from a tournament and have strong accents again and use slang without thinking
They don’t really get jealous over the friendships and stuff in the camps themselves - both know nothing would ever happen and they’ve all been friends for years/grown up together
#fic: beautiful girl#woso community#woso#woso x reader#woso fanfics#woso imagine#woso blurbs#woso oneshot#woso one shot#alexia putellas fanfic#alexia putellas x reader#alexia putellas smut#alexia putellas imagine#alexia x reader#alexia putellas#barca femeni x reader#barca femeni#barça femeni x reader#barça femeni#fc barcelona#barcelona femeni x reader#barcelona femeni#barcelona women#barcelona x reader#barcelona women x reader
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They see a slumped, defeated looking Owen and a pensive Simon on one of the tables.
“Now that’s not the mood for a fancy train ride. Cheer up, strange creatures!”
“No can do, for the future only brings ruin. Forked paths. Uncertain fate. Such an herculean feat of Atlas proportions”
“We’re thinking”
“Are you?”
“They’re bummed out because they have to choose a career for university”
“Is that what’s worrying you? Career prospects?”
“It’s more than that! I took a year off to ~find myself~ but uh. I mostly played videogames and got a cool haircut”
“And now I have to actually do the damn thing, and I still haven’t found out what I want to do!”
“It’s alright Owen, the university life is not for everyone.”
“No no, I know that! But I need to know what is it that I want to do for the rest of my life!”
“That does sound like a Herculean feat of Atlas proportions”
“Well, what is it that you like to do?”
“Uh. Listen to Medieval versions of popular music?”
“…As like. A hobbie”
“Don’t worry, a lot of people don’t end up working as the thing they studied. I was a security guard for a good while!”
“Security! That’s it!”
“A security expert? That’s a noble job”
“The guy is nowhere to be found, and people found he sold all the stuff he stole so he must be loaded, right?”
“And! I get to have a cool costume!”
“You think it’s cool…?”
("He thinks it's cool?!")
“Owen that’s how you get in jail. And at least a few broken bones. A person needs to be borderline crazy to believe they can pull off the stuff Dominion did”
“Because he was like no other, truly. Amazing, mysterious, charming…”
“A complete lunatic”
“less than three”
“wh- Did you say the heart emoji out loud?”
“Well, if I can’t be Twominion then what do you think I should be, Mr. B- Oliver Beebo?”
Hmm… Something that Owen would enjoy…
“I think you’d do it well”
“Well, that does sound fun, but uh, isn’t that a bit… low on employment?”
“That is true, but. Does it really matter for your type?”
“My type?”
“Rich people."
"You have connections. Your parents have connections. No matter how low-end a career path might be, you’ll get to do anything because of your family’s name”
“Ollie, you’re not wrong but I don’t think that’s what the kid wants to hear right now…”
“Why not? It means he’s free to do whatever he wants. Look at Nadia”
“She’s studying film. In a country with barely any movie productions. Less so known ones aside from some closed circles. On a private University.”
“Yet she’ll be able to do all the movies she wants and be successful because the Margulis name is strong”
“…Excuse you. Are you implying I’m not able to be successful on my own?”
“Ah, you certainly have talent Nadia, I wouldn’t say anything against that”
“But that talent can be found in millions of people. People who might be even more talented. But we’ll never know because they won’t be able to reach the place it has been given to you on talent alone”
“You will. Because you have money. Because you were born with money.”
“C’mon Beeb, only I’m allowed to fight the child”
Simon thinks for a second
“…Marine Biology”
“Although mom always gets weird when I say it. I think she might hate fishes”
“Bu- But you are good at cooking yeah? Didn’t you love cooking?”
“I am good at it but… The cooking scene isn’t very nice…”
“And I refuse to cook Lobster! It’s terrible and cruel!”
“Well, what if you become a vet! And specialize in fish! Or become the owner of an aquarium!”
“That just seems like a roundabout way to get to marine biology”
“You could have your own restaurant! Fish free!”
“I think it’s fine."
"If you like it and you think you can make it, then go ahead. Biology is hard though, think about that”
“I’m pretty good at it”
He seems relieved.
While he can’t speak for the others, his blonde roots and white shirt made his eyes look… almost green.
Eugene never got to study what he loved. He’ll make sure Simon does.
#children time#i wanted one of the options to be 'french' but i resisted the urge#detective beebo overnight train
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moonlit moments - choi beomgyu

pairing ☆ beomgyu x f. reader
word count ☆ 3.1k
warnings ☆ bestfriends!, switch beomgyu!, camping!, reader drowns but is okay!, tent sex!, overstimulation!, riding!, beomgyu has a dirty mouth!, reader on on birth control!, (be safe guys), very cute!!
guys this is my first time writing non-dom stuff. i tried my best. hope u enjoy!!
"i am so excited!" you say from the back seat. sitting in the middle, you lean up between the passenger and drivers seat.
"i know you are y/n. you've only said it 10 times already." beomgyu pats your head with a smile.
soobin is driving you two and yeonjun is driving taehyun and kai.
you have been waiting for this trip since the beginning of the school year.
you all got together and planned this after finals, you were all going to go camping in the mountains.
you remember telling them that you were going to camp alone, in your own tent.
"i am going to buy my own tent!" you smiled widely.
"y/n? are you sure? it's gonna be kind of spooky up there." soobin asks.
"i am a big girl soobin," you cross your arms and lean back in your chair, "i can handle myself. plus, you all will be next to me."
"suit yourself." soobin retreats as he shrugs.
that night you went home and ordered yourself a pink tent with a pink sleeping bag.
you also made a list of things you might need, such as a light, a portable charger, etc.
although it was months away, you were too excited to not make these lists.
now that is actually happening, you can't help but repeatly tell the two guys how excited you are.
"the next time you say that, you're going into yeonjun's car y/n." soobin says tiredly.
"someone is grumpy." you say to attempt to whisper to gyu.
"i am right here." soobin grumbles.
you turn to him, "do you want me to drive? you seem tired."
"can i trust you?" he says as his eyes stay locked on the road.
"of course. just pull over at the next rest stop. beomgyu, text kai."
beomgyu pulls out his phone and you catch a glance at his lockscreen.
it's you two, when you first met.
you both met as freshmen in high school.
you were the new kid and beomgyu invited you to join his group project.
you came after the project started so you didn't know who would let you join or not.
thankfully for you, two giggly boys asked you join them.
since they looked nice you accepted.
since then, you have been inseparable.
even deciding to go to the same college. and now here you are, heading into your senior year.
you can't help but smile at the memory.
the picture is you on his back as he carries you around the carnival that you begged to go to.
you had just gotten off a ride and you were getting sick. so beomgyu decided to carry you to the car. you're head is barried in his neck and he is smiling widely at the camera.
the guys always swore that you and beomgyu would get together before high school ended but it never happened.
you weren't disapointed about it since, you didn't want to ruin your friendship.
the closest you both got was a makeout when you were both drunk.
once soobin pulled into the rest area, you jumped out of the car. you're bladder was screaming at you. asking for a release and quick.
"where are you going y/n?" beomgyu quicky jumps out after you.
"i have to pee." you call back as you run into the rest stop.
beomgyu quickly follows you.
"i am going to wait for you out here." he says loudly into the bathroom.
you smile at his over protective personality.
it's always been like this. if you were going somewhere alone, he would call after you and offer to come with.
you quickly use the bathroom and wash your hands.
once you're out, beomgyu is by your side. walking back to the car with you.
"you know, i'm a big girl right?"
"i know," he sighs, "you can never be too safe y/n. i dont ever want to lose you."
you can feel the red spreading across your face at his words.
"i dont ever want to lose you either, gyu."
once you get back to the car, soobin is already fast asleep in the back seat. snoring loudly.
"i guess, he was really tired." you giggle to beomgyu as you both get into soobin's car.
"i guess. are you okay to drive? not tired right?"
"i am too excited to be tired right now." you laugh as you start up the car.
once you get to the parking lot, you are starting to regret your choice of sleeping alone.
nothing but woods are around you. it's a five minute walk to where you will be camping and it's only trees.
you expected there to be even a few people staying in the same place.
but no, there is nothing but trees for miles.
"are we almost there?" beomgyu calls.
seemingly tired from the long walk.
"almost." soobin doesn't look up from the large map in his hands.
you all walk for about five minutes before finding a clearing.
it is a piece of land surround by trees. it didn't help you ease up at all.
if anything, it made you more nervous.
"are you okay y/n?" kai breaks you out of your scary thoughts.
"are you having second thoughts?" beomgyu asks.
you shake your head with a nervous laugh.
"nooo! i was just admiring the.... trees?" you bluff.
"the tree's y/n?" soobin gives you a confused look.
"yeah, they are so large!" you laugh.
"well, pick your spot and get to work! unless you want to sleep on the hard ground tonight." soobin intructs, waving to the empty space.
"okay dad." you roll your eyes.
it only takes you 30 minutes to set up your baby pink tent.
"about time y/n." taehyun laughs.
you stick out your tongue at him.
"you can't say anything taehyun. you sat and watched soobin set up your tent."
to save money, the guys decided to share tents. soobin and taehyun in one, and kai, beomgyu, and yeonjun in the other one.
"hey, he offered." taehyun shugs and sips on his drink. he is sat around the makeshift fire pit in his camping chair.
before you could think of a come back, kai interrupts.
"according to the map, there is a lake that way," he points to a trail that is different from the one walked, "anyone wanna go?"
you immediately shout out, "i'll beat you there!"
he takes off running and you quickly follow bhind.
"beomgyu, please grab my towel. it's in my tent, in my bag." you yell back as you chased after kai.
"okay!" he yells back.
you keep running, to catch kai, and when you finally do you pull him back.
"hey that's cheating." he laughs.
"yeah, u sure know alot about cheating mr. "i'm not hiding any uno cards."" you snort.
"hey, that was only one time!"
you continue to run before slowing down.
it's gorgeous. a body of water with a waterfall across for where you stand.
you see kai dash by you and hear him yell, "i won!"
but you're too focused on the beauty of wilderness to care.
"it's so pretty." you say to kai.
just then he takes the time to admire the beauty of his surroundings.
"this is so cute." he looks at the waterfall.
"let's swim." you take off your shorts and shirt to reveal your baby pink two piece.
you didn't mind being around them in a bathing suit since once they walked in on you changing.
nothing really happened, you just covered yourself and scolded them on knocking.
now, you could care less. you see them all as your brothers, and know that they see you as their sister.
you walk into the warm blue water and continue until it is shoulder high.
you know that the guys would want to go futher since they are all giants but you went as far as you think was a good idea.
you're not the best swimmer and don't want to drown with just kai here. more hands and eyes means the less of a chance you'd drown and die.
you turn around and watch the water from the waterfall fall. wishing you could go to it. to stand under it.
before you know it, there is a boy throwing you over his shoulder.
"kai! kai! kai, you know i can't swim that well," you panic as he walks deeper into the water, "what are you doing?"
"you're fine y/n. I wouldn't let you drown. beomgyu would kill me." he laughs.
once we get close to the waterfall, he lets you down. but out of reflex (and general scaredness) you wrap youself around the boy.
he flexes up and attempts to pry me off of him.
"take me back kai," you nearly sob, "i don't like this."
just as he is about to turn around you hear a voice call you from land.
"what the fuck are you doing?" beomgyu fums.
you quickly let go of kai, only to slip under the water.
you start to panic as you slowly fall.
you attempt to swim up but no matter what you do, you feel yourself continue to go under.
that's until you feel two large hands pull you up.
you spit out the water in your mouth and begin to sob.
you have no idea who has got you but you hug onto them tight.
"it's okay, y/n. i got you." you hear beomgyu soothe you as he rubs your wet hair.
"i was so scared." you cry into his shoulder.
"i know y/n. i know."
once you feel safe, you pull back to look at beomgyu. he has his shirt and pants still on.
"beomgyu! why are you still in your outside clothes? what about your swimming trunks?"
"you were going to drown y/n." he sighs, "like i said earlier, i never want to lose you. i would do anything to keep you safe."
you blush and hide your face in his neck.
"can we get out of the water now?" you hug onto him.
"whatever you want." he holds on to you.
as you walk out of the water you hear multiple voices speaking.
"i am so so so sorry y/n. i didn't think that would happen." kai profuessly apolzies.
"you're okay kai, i jumped from you." you give him a small smile.
"we can go home if you want." soobin tries to comfort you.
"no, no," you shake your head, "we have been planning this since freshman year."
"i am okay guys," you reach the shore and beomgyu puts you down, "you guys can continue swimming. i need a moment."
they are give you small smiles and hope that you feel better.
beomgyu walks with you, picking up your towel that he dropped when he jumped in.
"don't you wanna swim too?" you look over to the boy.
"no, i need to make sure you're okay." he replies back.
instead of aruging back, you accept his presence as you walk back to th camp site.
later that night, as you're laying in your tent, you can't help but think about how you felt during the incident.
the feeling of helplessness and fear. you feel it running through you veins.
that's when you hear a sound outside of your tent.
you gather yourself and grab the nearest thing to you, which happens to be a flashlight.
you hear the unzipping of your tent and brace yourself. your flight or fight mode is in full effect.
that's when you hear his voice, "are you okay?" beomgyu asks.
"not really." you huff out in relief.
he zips up the tent and sits on the edge of your sleeping bag.
you both sit there quietly until you speak up.
"i can't stop thinking about it. the way i felt." you feel youself start to tear up.
beomgyu moves to the middle of your sleeping bag, facing you.
although it is dark, you can make out his face. his beautiful nose, eyes full of life, and the frown on his lips.
"i am sorry y/n," he looks into your eyes, "i should of been there quicker."
"no gyu, don't blame yourself."
"i mean, i have no idea what i would do without you y/n. you dont know how much you mean to me."
he brings his hand up to your face and slowly strokes your cheek.
"gyu, wha are you-." you didn't get the chance to finish.
beomgyu's lips were on yours.
once you overcame the shock, you close your eyes. feeling more at peace. forgetting what happened earlier in the day.
he takes his hand from your face and reaches behind you, placing his hand on the small of your back.
you turn you head to deepen the kiss, opening your lips a little to allow him access.
he slides his tongue in in a swift motion.
you moan lightly at the action.
"i've dreamed about this for so long." he confesses as he pulls back silghtly.
you smile on his lips.
"have you now?" you tease him.
he smiles, "yes, for a long time."
he crashes his lips back onto yours, slowly moving to lay you down.
you uncross your legs and send them straight.
beomgyu is still kissing you as you fall back and hit your pillow.
"is this okay?" he looks down at you with his big pretty brown eyes.
"yes, please going gyu."
he doesn't miss a beat to start kissing you again.
when he slides his tongue across your lips, asking for entrance, you groan out.
you can feel beomgyu's cock grinding onto you. causing you to moan out more.
you pull back with a needy moan, "i need you right now."
he doesn't miss a beat as he flips you.
"please ride me y/n." he pleads.
you know you can't control yourself when it comes to him so you slip your hand down to his cock.
"fuck y/n."
"do you have a condom?" you lean down and whisper into his ear.
"i didn't even think about that. i dont, fuck. i'm so sorry y/n."
"gyu, i'm on birth control." you pull back and continue to palm him through his pajama pants.
"i bet you feel so good y/n. i need it so bad, please, please, please fuck me."
you pull down his pajamas pants bring his underwear with it.
he helps you out of your pajamas and underwear.
he runs his hands down the curve of your body. taking in every minute, wanting to remember every second of it.
he knows he'll be fucked after this, he'll want to do it all over again.
you hover above his hard length, slowly lowering yourself onto him.
"you feel better than i ever imagined, fuck."
you sit there stunned at the pure size of him.
"fuck gyu, you're so big." you try to keep quiet. fearing that you'll wake your friends.
"c'mon, you can take it."
"mhm," you start to slowly ride him.
"you can do better than that baby." he grips you hips, guiding you to go faster.
you struggle to stay quiet as his cock hits all the spot that you can't reach.
"gy-u-u, it's too much." you whine as he keeps guiding you.
"you just feel so good princess. please don't stop."
you bite your lip so hard it draws blood.
you watch as his brown eyes roll to the back of his head.
"you feel so fucking good y/n." he groans as he graps your hips harder.
he was surely gonna leave marks.
you attempt to speed up, although you can barely handle it.
"fuck gyu, you're so deep. if you go any deeper you'll be in my stomach." you throw your head back.
"mhmm, you look so pretty riding me. such a good girl taking all my dick." he purrs.
you grip his abs through his shirt as you continue letting him abuse your cunt.
"gyu-gyu-gyu oh my fuck, i'm gonna come."
"me too baby. keep going just like that." he looks up at you before throwing his head back.
you listen as you both chase your highes, getting slopper by the second.
"beom-beomgyu, i'm gonna fucking scream." you warn him.
he flips you both over so he is on top.
"you gotta stay quiet my princess. you don't want then to hear us. i want to be the only one who hears you."
he places his hand on top of your mouth as he thrusts into you.
"fuck, i love fucking you. nothing will compare now."
you moan into his hand, your cunt pulsating around his dick.
it only takes you a couple more thrusts before that feeling in your stomach explodes.
you let out a stranged cry as he continues ramming into you.
"hmm, i'm so close," he whispers into your ear, "please let me keep going, baby."
you give a slight nod and he continues his rampage on your swollen folds.
"so-so close." he says as he finally releases all of his come into you.
you can feel him twitch in you as he collapses on top of your mouth.
you both heave out.
"that was so amazing y/n. oh my god, ive wanted to do that first so long." he rolls off to to lay on his side.
"well... it doesn't have to be the last." you smile.
he brings you close and eventually you fall asleep to his heartbeat.
"guys." you hear from outside your tent.
you roll over and slowly open you eyes. sunlight pouring into your tent.
"where is beomgyu?" you hear soobin say.
"i don't know, the last time i saw him was last night and he wasn't here when i got up."
your eyes widen as you realize the situation you have found yourself in.
"gyu." you whisper as you shake him up.
he groans out, "please, can we sleep some more?"
"we should ask y/n." you hear them walk up to your tent, knocking on it like it is a door.
"are you awake?" yeonjun calls out.
"yeah! one second please." you call out, causing beomgyu to shoot straight up.
"okay, beomgyu is missing. have you seen him?"
you look at beomgyu with wide eyes.
"i'm in here," he says proudly, "i didn't want y/n to get eaten by a bear or something." he comes up with a half assed excuse.
you roll your eyes and giggle to yourself.
"well come out, it's breakfast time."
"we'll be there in a minute." you call to them.
as they walk away you can hear yeonjun tell someone, "i told you this would happen. where is my 50 bucks?"
you giggle and look at beomgyu with his big brown eyes.
you give him a quick peck before getting up and getting around.
"come on. a girls gotta eat. especially after last night." you wink at him.
#kpop smut#kpop#tomorrow x together#kpop x reader#txt smut#soobin#taehyun#kai#hueningkai#yeonjun#choi beomgyu#beomgyu#beomgyu hard hours#beomgyu smut#beomgyu x reader#txt hard hours
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I have a habit of imagining ways that act 5 could have gone differently, and in doing that I ended up coming up with this AU. Basically, Siffrin is a ghost, and he and Mal du Pays are following the party and occasionally helping them out from behind the scenes as they deal with the aftermath.
During the fight against Mal du Pays in act 5, the rest of the party doesn’t make it in time, and Siffrin gives up on his wish and kind of just. Dies. For real this time. Mal du Pays takes form, and then it finishes off the King itself and runs off right before the party arrives to see what’s left. It ends up encountering Siffrin who is now a ghost, and starts following them around, so I guess they’ll be watching the rest of the party together now.
Mal du Pays is… More tame in this AU? Still a little shit, but not as much now that it actually took form. It’ll say some stuff that Siffrin would definitely not take well, but it’s not necessarily being intentionally malicious, it’s just in its nature as a Sadness. Like how a cat doesn’t shred furniture to be mean, it’s just a cat. Still sucks though. Since “homesickness” is the feeling at its core, it often becomes fixated on anything potentially related to “home”, and since family was also like “home” to Siffrin but still felt impossible to keep, this resulted in Mal’s interest in the rest of the party and its unwillingness to attack them and only them… and also its clinginess. The damned thing will not go away.
Siffrin is still very much coming down from the act 5 shitstorm at the start. They didn’t learn to talk about their problems, and they’re still under the impression that their family hates them. And on top of that, he’s actually genuinely dead now! He can see through himself, he always seems to glow a little, and he has to concentrate just to pick something up. Eventually some of these problems will improve, either through practice or by observing his family, but it’s definitely a lot to recover from and adjust to… And it’ll take awhile since he’s also gotta keep the Sadness he created from attacking strangers and deal with the stuff it pulls on him.
The rest of the party is still dealing with the aftermath, and have no clue they’re being watched (yet). Loop sort of joins the group in Siffrin’s place, and there’s a lot of 2hats-related issues from that (the whole situation is complicated, they didn’t even want to be there but stardust had to go and die and… oh. Maybe they still have a place among them as someone else? Cue the spiral of internal conflict). Lots of pain and suffering to go around, but I promise it’s not all just misery!! There’s some shenanigans, comfort, and even some fluff mixed in there! I swear! In fact there’s a pretty good amount of shenanigans. An actor joins the stage crew… Chaos may ensue hehehe


#ghost duet au#isat au#in stars and time au#in stars and time#isat#isat siffrin#siffrin isat#isat mal du pays#mal du pays isat#mal du pays#siffrin#isat spoilers#something about a picture#this took me two weeks agh#oh yeah this is my 50 follower special btw#thank you wah
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Because... why not?
So as I go through my old sim stuff and debate whether or not I'm going to start all over from scratch... I discovered there were some things in my own creations folders that I never shared (similar to the simbishy set I shared the other day). I'm not entirely sure why I didn't share them, but it was probably just because I made them for a specific reason within my game and didn't think any one else would be interested.
In hindsight, that seems silly. If no one downloads them, oh well, but if even one person out there is interested in having them, then it's better to share, so this is me doing that.
So full disclosure, this all came right out of my game before my old computer blew up, so all my recolors are merged because that's part of how I kept my downloads. I don't have individual recolors to offer because of that, but all the recolors that were made by the creators (at least at the time) are in the merged files.
I also don't know if anyone has converted these since I went MIA, so if someone else has already shared their conversions of these things, apologies! With that said, on to the downloads!

These are a couple of ceiling lights that are not at all ceiling lights from a set by Severinka @ TSR. I don't remember if I made these before I learned how to make lights actually light up or if it was impossible or if I just wanted them as sculptures, but these are nonfunctioning and can be found in the deco category.
Download Severinka's (Non-Functioning) Ceiling Lamps

These are conversions of the cakes from the (absolutely amazing!) @soloriya's Laila Desserts set. These are deco only and can be found in deco > miscellaneous. All recolors are included in the merged files.
Download Soloriya's Laila Cakes

These are conversions from @soloriya's Himari sets 1 & 2. They're just deco, but extremely cute deco. All recolors are included in the merged files.
Download Soloriya's Himari Deco

Once again, credit goes to @soloriya. These meshes are from her Noah Bedroom set. There are no recolors, but everything is functional. The animations for the dressers (both tall and short) are off, but changing that was and is beyond my skillset.
Download Soloriya's Noah Bedroom

And last but not least, I have 30 recolors of the edited N65 Festive tablecloth. The (unmerged) meshes (master and slave) are included with thanks, but my recolors are merged into a single file. Here is a preview of the thirty recolors:
Download the N65 Festive Tablecloth Recolors
I created the above patterns myself, but if anyone else would like to have them either to make recolors for the tablecloth that aren't merged or for any other projects, I also uploaded a zip of just the patterns. Please note that they will appear upside down because that's the way they have to be to be right side up for the tablecloth, but you can rotate them as you like.
Download the Tablecloth Resources
Hopefully there's someone out there that will find some of this useful. With all that said, I've been out of this game for a hot minute now and have no idea what's all been converted or not in my lengthy absence. If anyone out there wants to point me towards certain sets to convert or has requests from the games themselves (I have all current sims 4 eps, game packs, stuff packs, and kits), feel free to send me a request via ask. If you'd like me to convert something from a sims 4 creator, please make sure they allow conversions in their policies first.
Happy Friday!
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I really want to underline some truth:
I am a better activist and a more energetic and enthusiastic participant in the issues I care about now that I've stopped believing the guilt trippers and have involved myself in activism on my own terms.
I get to decide what I do and do not care deeply about. That's not another person's place to tell me what I think and feel -- especially if it's a complete stranger. I know myself better than they know me.
I get to decide what is too much for me. I set my own boundaries and priorities. Other people might not agree with me, but they can die mad. I'm not their soldier to recruit, and what I do with my time and energy is my business, not theirs.
I know my body and my limitations better than anyone else. The people who truly love me and support me trust me to manage my ups and downs and do not assign a moral status to me when I take care of my needs first. Especially over time, they know that I will be back and ready to help out as soon as I'm able to. When I'm less able to participate, the people who love and support me take care of me and make sure I know they're there for me.
I am no longer doing activism in any real way online. At most, I try to provide some education and some emotional/mental health support. If you look at my Tumblr, you won't see even half of what I deeply care about. Part of that is a growing sense of internet safety, and another part of that is that there is very little I can do online that's going to make a difference. Another part of that is when you post stuff as a reaction or out of a sense of obligation, you're more likely to spread misinformation, especially if you don't take time to verify the information (which can be genuinely difficult if you don't know how to do that). I fell into that trap a fair amount when I was so guilt ridden that I was terrified to be seen as a Bad Person.
Which brings me to this major point: there will always be people who are quick to judge you and quick to make you out as a Bad Person no matter what you do. In someone's mind, you are probably already a Bad Person. Does that actually make you a Bad Person? Does someone else's definition of good and bad line up with yours, and does it matter? Have you considered that the person calling you a bad person might be a bad person by your standards? Who has the right to strictly define morality in the first place? Regardless of the answers to those questions, you don't have to let other people define you. And the guilt trippers are doing substantially more harm to the cause than people who are trying to rest for their emotional and mental health. I don't think that makes them bad people, but it does make them bad at community building, which is a fundamental necessity for activism.
My advice, if you really want to be a good activist, is to kill the part of your brain that tells you you aren't good enough and don't deserve rest until you are. No one can do it all. No one is a perfect activist or a perfect person. You need to have a clear idea of what your priorities are and what your capabilities are. You need to seek community and, as OP originally stated, joy. It's not just you who needs something to fight for or who needs breaks, your community needs it too. If you overwork and constantly retraumatize yourself, you will eventually hit burnout and you will not be able to help at all for much much longer than if you had just taken a break or made time for the good things in life when you first needed to. You also run the risk of creating a culture where no one else feels like they deserve rest and eventually burn themselves out, too. Then where does the movement go when all its activists are too stressed and tired and having a crisis of morality to do the work? The movement goes to die, is where. Sure, being angry is valid and important, but if that's all that's keeping you here, you're going to find that anger is not sustainable and will eventually give way to extreme depression when you realize that anger alone does not fix the many problems of the world. Your anger and guilt will kill a movement so much harder than indulging in a little positivity and rest from time to time.
Oh, and me? Now that I've gotten out of guilt trippy and frankly abusive online activist spaces, I am so much better at doing activism that matters. I organize a queer art group. I attend meetings to discuss problems and try to find solutions. I have more energy to educate myself and others. I can do more direct action. All of this is stuff that I literally had no space for while I was suffering from the burnout those online spaces caused that I now have space for because I decentralized social media in my life and especially in my activism.
Please. For your own sake and for the sake of the causes you care about: take a break. Have a rest. Do something fun. This is me telling you directly that the people guilt tripping you are being inappropriate & rude at best and literally abusive at worst. It is okay to forget them and live your life in ways that serve both yourself and others. They have no power to send you to Hell, I promise.
Sorry about the rant I'm just SO sick of this "we have to be on all the time never look away if you aren't upset about politics and traumatizing yourself watching people die on Twitter you're wrong and complicit and evil" like I know things are fucked and we need to stay angry but we can do that while also taking a minute to crack open a cold one with the boys or have gay sex or get tipsy at the line dance, we HAVE to have joy to remember why the fuck we're refusing to give up in the first place. Fight like hell for your loved ones and then also go home with them to smoke weed and drink sweet tea and make biscuits covered in honey and butter please, please don't deprive yourself of joy, you're allowed to be happy BEFORE the work is done. You're allowed to be happy.
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