#like AUs were such a huge thing when I skidaddled from it
rubberduckyrye · 5 years
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I sketched out my Errordance (Errortale + Dancetale) son because he is one of those two muses from the Undertale “multiverse” fandom that I miss so much, Hhhhhhhhhhhhh--
... Ironically, the other muse I miss from the Undertale fandom (though not the multiverse part technically) is my girl Chara, who is also a break dancer. Go figure!
I really wish I could figure out how to update him! His name is BlackLight btw, but really everyone calls him “Light” so his name might as well just be Light. I don’t know if I ever posted a doodle of him here but........... well here he is.......
I don’t know what to do with you, boy!!!! I’ve tried many times to “update” him but the “Error Sans” aspect of his backstory is like, so crucial to his character that removing it from him just feels wrong. With Irene it was easy to update her because her backstory was removed from her canon, but with Light his story is so reliant on the Errortale canon that everything I try to replace it with just feels like a cheap knock off or unfulfilling. Guh.
(BTW he does, indeed, have the Errortale glitches, but I typically count those as “Effects” and I do effects last when I draw so rip)
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hyukorkook · 7 years
A/N  hey guys this is writer aish I’ve decided to keep all my scenarios and au’s on this blog so my main @yeol2bean can only be for my fangirl stuff and reblogging stuff. so in celebration of JJ project’s comeback, here’s boyfriend!jaebum you can find the rest of my boyfriend series here
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The kind of frustrating boyfriend who’d never accept his feelings or acknowledge them in front of you, for fear of letting himself be loved.
Jaebum’s biggest issue in the ordeal of finding and staying in love, is just himself. Everytime he finds himself around someone that he actually wants to spoil and spend his life with, he always forces himself to consider his career or all the troublesome things that could lead to a happy ending. His default setting is pessimism. But it’s really impossible to do that around you
You find yourself backstage at one of got7’s concerts. Your friend was an intern at a management company that helped out during events and honestly you were just there to drop off some juice and food for her and her coworkers. You had heard a lot of tales about how the backstage of a concert looked and felt like and you knew it was no easy feat. But you hadn’t expected your friend to barrel at you when you saw her and drag you to the waiting room because one makeup intern hadn’t showed up and there were 7 minutes left to the stage and one of the got7 members had just woken up and there was no one to do makeup for him because everyone was going crazy.
You held her hand and tried to assure her that it really wasn’t your place and you didn’t wanna mess with the idols and get yourself (or worse – her) kicked out because of some mistake. But in her words, “it’s like code red right now and me talking to you just might get me kicked out y/n PLEASE SAVE MY LIFE” ofcourse a friend in need must be helped so you find yourself with a huge (alarming) makeup set and in front of a sleeping jaebum
You tried to get some instructions from the girl working on youngjae next to you, trying your best to understand everything in whisper yells, trying not to wake up jaebum or anyone sleeping behind him. Jinyoung occasionally looks up and eventually passes his manager’s phone with a picture of their last stage with jaebum’s makeup as a guide. You whisper a quick thank you and get working but the minute your fingers touch his skin, jb jerks awake and holds your wrist tightly and dazedly asks
“who the hell are you?”
Though rolling your eyes is a very good option, you don’t have time for that. So you tug your wrist out, murmur a quick ‘the makeup girl’ and keep working on his face. Every few minutes, his eyes keep darting around him, still suspicious. He even tries to ask youngjae for help but youngjae is too busy belting out songs and warming up his throat and eventually jb resigns back into his seat and people are yelling @ you to finish this quick because THE MC IS ON THE STAGE ALREADY GUYS
You can see that every minute makes jb even more nervous so while you’re adding the last bit of mineral powder to set his makeup in place and surveying his hair, you hold onto his wrist. His eyes dart back to you, absolutely shit terrified and he looks at you warily. But you manage to smile at him and go “you can’t go wrong when you look like this ok? Im putting my bets on you.” And while he’s perplexed as hell, you boop his nose and walk out to find your friend
Jinyoung obviously smirks to himself behind the script to his new drama
By the time you’re out, your friend is in the clear and the concert begins and you say your goodbyes and promise her you’ll meet her later for gossip and coffee or something
And nobody mentions anything of that evening except that one time your friend asked how you managed to be in such close proximity with jb and didn’t scream because she knew you were a fan and you were like ‘listen I was tyna d e a l but also the poor boy was so nervous I really couldn’t scream and scare him even more. He looked like a cat dreading a bath’
But is that the end of it???? No because jb just can’t forget this cool and chic girl who walked into his life (aka dressing room) and did his makeup, gave him a smooth af pep talk and walked out just as suavely. But ofcourse he’s got a team to lead and performances to perform and concerts to do and like he can’t possibly ask his manager to track down someone amirite so he keeps mum
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But jinyoung cannot handle how passive aggressive jaebum has become because everytime he sees a new female staff at a GOT7ing shoot or a photoshoot or around the office, he does a double take and creepily stares at them from afar because he keeps expecting you to show up again out of the blue. So jinyoung takes it upon himself finally and he pops up by your friend at their next music bank stage like ‘hey who’s that friend of yours that keeps giving you juice and stuff?’ and your friend is so flustERED AF because jinyoung the prince is talking to her but she gets her shit together soon enough like why she’s just a mom friend why do you wanna know
And jinyoung being the absolute savage he is, SPILLS.
So jinyoung and your friend get into a secret (unnecessarily elaborate) mission to bring about a natural meeting between the two of you and jinyoung basically drags jb to a café you were supposed to meet your friend at, late in the evening. It’s a weekday and most of the crowd has gone home for dinner and the café is nearly closing and you are sending the last of your emails and finishing up work (maybe updating tumblr idk) and jinyoung and jb walk in and you don’t notice them because who cares your friend will find you but jaebum just yells “MAKEUP GIRL” and you legit wanna put your head down like guys it’s been a long day don’t @ me (a/n this is me in real life guys) but you look up anyway to see JB STALKING TOWARDS YOU LIKE A PANTHER AND HE JUST
“what do you mean place your bets on me? You just walked off like that?? What was I supposed to think??
You are quite shook at this point and you’re just watching jb glare at you confused and sit back because he’s also confused about why he’s behaving like this, next to a very smug jinyoung and your friend who carefully slinks into your booth and you’re just looking from one person to another and you’re super low on human strength to communicate so you just make out a bare ‘wait what?’ before jinyoung and your friend decide to SKIDADDLE and leave the two of you to maybe  get something to eat? Drink? Make it a date? Idk you guys go crazy!
Jaebum, who by now has finally realized that you are very lost, offers to buy you food and you refuse out of habit and he just shakes his head and gets up and offhandedly mutters over his shoulder ‘if you don’t come along I’ll just order whatever for you’ so you fucking get off your arse and follow him like a lost puppy.
When your order is all settled and the barista gets to work you just turn to him and ask him what the hell is he doing here and wow why is this so comfortable? You just spoke to him like he was some sot of long term friend you hadn’t seen in a while? And he chuckles under his breath because you said all of that out loud and he replies, ‘honestly I don’t know what’s happening to me either but I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again’
And wow im jaebum we did not know you could flirt so well and he just shrugs like well I didn’t know either.
You guys get to talking and exchange numbers and meet up often for casual food dates blah blah you guys know the drill but that’s not even the fun part
Jb is CONVINCED that he’ll never get a normal life of just being a boyfriend with you, out in the sun, enjoying the day and you’re like CHALLENGE ACCEPTED and you take it upon yourself to plan dates with him where you can take him out but he won’t be stalked by fans or anything and that is. Hard
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So you come up with the weirdest date ideas and you have to pull a lot of strings to make that happen like the time you asked one of your lawyer friends if he could help you sneak onto the terrace of his building so jaebum and you could have a picnic and look at the skyline from there and jb is just like ‘how did you manage to do this??? I can see everyone but no one can see me??’
And on days when there is a baseball match or like graduation in schools, you decide THIS IS THE DAY and you take him to spots that are frequented by high school kids like lets say a famous café strip or some quaint little beach drive and nobody there really cares about him because the kids are at their graduation and he’s so shook because this was such a brilliant idea why did he never think of this
One time you guys took a late night bus to a small coastal town and spent the day in the most remote places that were only frequented by locals and the fisherwomen cooed over how you and jaebum looked so cute walking by the sea, holding hands and trying to take care of each other and jb is so happy because even adults that aren’t related to him, approve of you
But as your relationship progresses you realise that jb is just a very simple man like his idea day is just perform for his fans, have a successful practice day, maybe get inspired and write some lyrics and make progress on the album, and come home + strip to his shorts + make dinner with you
He’s so domestic, he loves making dinner with you. He doesn’t care if you’re good or if you’re making Korean food or whatever. He says that just cutting vegetables in the same space as you, without any words and just jazz playing in the background makes him calm. On really bad days, he looks forward to this time and if he is too tired he’ll sit on the kitchen counter with a carrot or a cucumber and just watch you cook and listen to you talk about your day because he doesn’t have the energy to talk but he thinks listening to what each other has to say is the most important part of a relationship
Such a random hand holder like you won’t even see it coming. He would love it if your hands are smaller than his and everytime you hold hands his brain just explodes with ‘OHMYGOD THEIR HANDS ARE SO SMALL AND CUTE MUST PROTECT ASDFGHJKL”
Nsfw time. Jaebum is bed is a force to be reckoned with because this man is feral, let me tell you a definite strong dom with the most simple but sensual kinks like he just loves neck biting and tracing your collarbone with his lips. Absolutely adores tummy kisses and will put in all his efforts to kiss every inch of your skin but hopes for nothing in return
Will worship the very earth you walk upon if you change things up a little and press kisses to the inside of his elbows and behind his ears and trace your tongue over the outline of his bellybutton and will fucking lose it if you graze your nails down to his navel and he’s just like smh just let me do you already
Not very patient.  Not very quiet. Always moans like he’s seething in anger but he’s just legit trying to keep himself in check from BITING INTO YOUR SKIN and like taking you from here to Neverland wow
A sucker for forehead kisses, especially in the mornings when he’s barely awake but he can feel every inch of your skin next to him
Jb is such a warm pessimistic angtsy sweetheart he deserves all the love guys.
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