#like 15 years after they started. the rest were rly hit and miss
biobliterator · 6 years
It's 5ammmm gonna listen to some music I used to like when I was edgy
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pvtteralbvs · 5 years
❝ But before I go, remember one thing, promise me one thing: be brave when you’re afraid. ❞ ALBUS POTTER looks a lot like that muggle, CHANCE PERDOMO, right? Only 20 years old, that SLYTHERIN alumnus works as an EMPLOYEE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL MAGICAL COOPERATION and is sided with the ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. HE identifies as CIS MAN and is a HALFBLOOD [ ADOPTED ]. [ PLOT ARC 30, PROPHECY 15, THE MEDIATOR. ]
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DEATH TW. so albus was adopted by the potters when he was only one. his birth parents, a halfblood couple from london, were murdered in their home one night when al was just a baby; the result of a past affair gone wrong. whether he was left alive because he was merely a child or because the murderer didn’t realize he was asleep upstairs remains unclear, but he was the only one still alive when the team of aurors arrived, among them harry potter. unfortunately, albus had no other living relatives that could take him in, and his situation hitting close to home for harry, he and ginny made the decision to adopt him. END DEATH TW. 
so yeah, al grew up with the potters from a young age, and is just so, so grateful to have been adopted by them. while he has sometimes wondered what his birth parents were like and what his life would have looked like had they lived — really, who wouldn’t? — al loves the life he’s been given and wouldn’t change it for the world. he’s never once had to doubt the love of his family — it’s clear in their every action — and the same can be said for al. he loves them more than anything in the world, and really would do anything for them. 
when it came time for al to go to hogwarts, he was quite nervous about his sorting, but quickly found that slytherin really was the right fit for him. he’s ambitious, resourceful and holds a great deal of self-preservation, and his house helped him hone his skills and develop them. 
he was always a really hard-working student and often one of the top in his classes, so that plus his helpful and friendly nature made him a good fit for prefect in his fifth year, and he eventually became head student in his last year which he was rly proud of hjfsgdj
growing up, al was quite an observant child and quickly became interested in politics and the way the world worked. somewhat cynical, he couldn’t help but notice the flaws in the system more so than the things they got right, and felt that he had to do something to make the world a little bit better than it was when he entered it; just do whatever he could. his family have been subjected to countless powerpoint presentations about things he would improve and correct because he is a certified nerd™ hfjkdhkj (still thinks of himself as a Bad Boy™ but that’s just wrong)
would play the sims a lot as a kid to show how he would build a society fjhsdk 
his goal is to one day become minister for magic so he can work on improving life in wizarding uk for its citizens, and he’s currently working as an employee in the department of international magical cooperation. he landed an internship there after he graduated hogwarts, after which they hired him. he really wants to learn as much as he can before he fully pursues his dream, especially in terms of politics, which is why he started his ministry career here. so yeah minister is the longtime goal but i mean he’s gotta try to survive this war first! we’ll see if he succeeds. 
speaking of which… al joined the order pretty much as soon as he was able to, partly because he fully believes in what they stand for, but also because he kind of felt like he had to, coming from the family he does? frankly, the war has terrified him from the start, and he wasn’t sure what he could really contribute to the order; he doesn’t consider himself brave and a big part of him would rather run away than join a battle, but he would never go through with it ( he wouldn’t be able to live with it tbh ). i think it comes down to a fundamental misunderstanding of what bravery means; it doesn’t mean that you feel no fear, just that you try to do what’s right despite it, so like — al is brave, as he fights for the order and what he considers to be right, he just struggles to identify it in himself. he can see it so easily in his friends and family, but when he looks at himself he just considers himself a coward which tbh… isn’t even true? we love insecurity in war verses! besides that he’s pretty confident tho but that’s like. his Big Insecurity you feel 
DEATH TW, PARENTAL DEATH TW. harry’s death just ruined al. he keeps replaying the last moments in his mind, wanting to go back and stay with him and fight, do something to help, not just run away. he blames himself, even though he knows deep down it’s not his fault. since the start of the war, al has been terrified of losing someone he loves, but he never really thought it would be his dad - he didn’t really think anyone could get him down. he was harry potter, and he’d already survived so much, so surely he would survive this war too. finding out that he didn’t almost made al lose hope - if his dad didn’t make it, what chance did the rest of them have?
that said, when al found out about the resurrection, he was horrified. he missed his dad more than anything, but in al’s mind, there are things you simply don’t mess with, and death is top of that list. it goes against every natural law and the fact that his sister and the other knights managed to do it made him nauseous. he’s angry at lily for her actions, but more than anything he’s mad at himself - he should have made more efforts to reach out to her and support her in her grief, even though they’re in different locations. if he had been a better brother, maybe he could have helped her through it and known about the plans in advance so he could stop it
not only is he horrified that they pulled harry back from death, when he was finally at peace, but the loss of his godfather in doing so was a punch to the stomach and more grief than he knows how to handle. losing neville was something none of them saw coming; losing the only other father figure he has, and knowing that the longbottoms are now suffering as much as he and his family is, is something he never imagined or wished would happen. all the grief he’s been feeling have returned tenfold and he doesn’t really know how to handle it
because of his belief of how wrong the resurrection was ( and as part of his plot arc ), al is trying to convince the order not to restore harry’s memories. he knows some might find it strange or even cold for him to take that stance when he can have his dad back, but the thought of them having snatched harry from peace wrecks him. he feels like the least they can do for him now is allow him to live the rest of his life out in peace, away from the horrors of the war. what he doesn’t admit is that part of the reason he’s so against bringing harry’s memories back is because if his dad returns to fighting in the war, there’s a chance they can lose him again, and al doesn’t think he can survive that loss a second time 
nr 1 ginny weasley defence squad over here. losing harry made al realize how much he’s taken his parents for granted? not in terms of like — ignoring them or not appreciating them enough throughout his life, because he always has, but he never imagined he would lose them? he always thought they would be there? but now harry is gone but also back but also not really and it’s a mess and neville is gone too and it’s just ginny left and al is absolutely terrified, he is so scared something will happen to her too, or to one of his siblings. he doesn’t share that with anyone, really, especially his mum, she has enough on her plate, but he wishes he could just take her, lily, and james away somewhere safe so he could look out for them  because he cannot stand the thought of losing them. he just can’t and he’s so afraid. END DEATH TW, PARENTAL DEATH TW.
okay in terms of prophecies al’s one says that he ‘is destined to achieve true greatness. however, it will come at the price of what they hold most dear. they will be tested in ways they cannot imagine, and if they do not persevere through it, everything will be doomed.’ so that definitely starts out good but then sounds terrible! al honestly wishes he didn’t hear it and he’s trying to forget it but it’s hard. achieving greatness sounds good and all, especially for someone who has been dreaming of helping make the world a better place as minister since he was a kid, but at the cost of losing what he holds most dear? no fucking thank you. he’s absolutely terrified it means he might lose more family members, because they’re the ones he cares about most in the world, and he just can’t go through that again. he can’t. he wishes it won’t come true but also the warning that if he doesn’t persevere through it they’re all fucked isn’t very reassuring so altogether he’s Not Pleased!
anyways when describing characters as different types of lights, jane said al was a guiding lighthouse, looking out for the people in the night, and that really is the best description of him i can imagine tbh 
but yeah, to sum him up, he’s got that Potter Sass™ and can be a hypocritical pain sometimes, but he’s quite friendly and charismatic and he’s got a good head on his shoulders and right now he is Suffering™ because of the war and what it’s doing to his family 
i think his patronus might be a thestral but i need to muse more on it and also what sort of codename that could give that isn’t like…. death related gfhjsdgfk idt they need that, so i hope it’s okay i add that later!! 
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maldduni · 5 years
I want to hear more about Emry, how did you create them?
Hi nonny! OK so Emry is my only original story. Pretty much all of my characters are original (Ophelia has origins in a Marvel character but isn’t exactly the same so) because I really like coming up with characters. I usually use not so original stories cause I daydream about whatever I’m obsessed with at the time.
Anyways, I don’t remember much about Emry’s creation itself, tbh. Her story is inspired by It and a part in the later Hunger Games books. I know I came up with her way too late at night and immediately wrote down the plot of the story on the notes app of my phone, which I’ve done before but she’s the only one of my originals who’s really become a para.
Also this is a horror story, so if that doesn’t float your boat you may wanna stop reading? Then again this is just a description and I don’t think it’s that creepy so read at your discretion.
The basic plot is this: Emry is a teenager whose life has been haunted both by madness and death. Her best friend died when she was 7, her psychiatrist died when she was 12, and her dad died when she was 15. Right before her psychiatrist died, she had diagnosed her with schizophrenia (I don’t know a lot about schizophrenia so I’m sorry if any of this is innacurate or offensive (please let me know!) if I was writing a story on it I would’ve researched a lot more but since this is in my head I didn’t). She experiences a lot of paranoia and hallucinations, both visual and auditory. This was only exacerbated by the fact that she believed every time someone she was close to died, she would hear a whispery voice calling her name before hand. This happened with her friend, her doctor, and her dad, but people just told her it was part of her mental illness.
Before her dad died her mom and dad had actually been filing for a divorce. They got into a huge argument over her and her dad walked out to go for a drive to clear his head and ended up crashing his car. She blames herself for a lot of things and that’s a huge one of them. She basically blamed herself for their entire divorce too cause she viewed herself as a problem child but they had already had problems, it would’ve probably happened either way.
Anyways, this is rly long so ima shorten the rest a bit. The story is framed like a movie because she’s actually a character one of my other paras (who’s an actress) plays. The movie starts with a bunch of kids visiting this old women who’s one of their grandmothers and sneaking up into the attic to look at all the stuff up there. There’s where they find an old dirty journal and the writing of the journal dictates the main story.
The main story is that it’s the summer before Emry’s senior year and her mom wanted to have some mother daughter bonding time (also cause Emry doesn’t have any friends and has been in her room basically all summer) so she decided they’re going on a cruise trip to somewhere north and Emry reluctantly goes with her. On the third night of the trip Emry is awake on her phone in bed when she hears a sound. She grabs this short metal pole she had snuck in her suitcase cause you know, paranoia, and goes to check on her mom but she can’t find her and the door to the communal hallway is open. She goes searching for her and ends up finding a bunch of kids instead, all of which are younger than her to some degree and all of which are also missing their parents. They kind of assert her as leader even though she doesn’t want to be and they go looking for their parents, though they soon find out there’s a monster on the ship. They keep hearing it call Emry’s name and Emry thinks it’s a hallucination even though everyone keeps telling her they hear it too. She’s been told so long that it’s fake she’s not ready to believe it’s real. Also that might mean her mom is about to die.
They go through the ship looking for their parents, eventually Emry agrees that the monster is real, just because it chased them down a hallway and that means that they kind of saw it. Emry is still having a hard time deciding what’s real and what’s not though cause the high stress situation is giving her hallucinations so they end up with a system where she asks “real or not real?” and the kids answer her, hence the title. This doesn’t always work cause sometimes she’s too quick to react and once she almost hits one of the kids with her pole cause she thought she saw a monster there, but everyone’s pretty much ok.
They’re trying to get to the deck now to send an sos or a flare or something. They find a door but it’s locked. Something reminds her of titanic, however, and she remembers that scene where they use the bench to ram open the door. So they do that and they get on the deck and head to the control room to send an SOS except the control room has a big window and door directly to the deck and as they’re trying to send the signal, Emry sees her mom on the opposite edge of the boat. It’s a hallucination, but Emry doesn’t realize that as she rushes forward to grab her and almost slips off, ending up holding onto the edge and dangling off. She’s able to start climbing back up but just then the monster appears in the door of the control room, trapping the kids there. Emry by now has worked out that the monster has some sort of fixation on her so she calls out to it and, in order to get it away from the kids, falls off th e edge of the deck and into the water.
It runs after her and on its way back up holding her, the kids are ready and use the pipe to smash its head in basically. They call for an SOS, rescue comes, some of their parents are found locked in the boiler rooms, some of their parents bodies were found around the ship, all except Emry’s mom. The kids who are orphaned get adopted by the remaining parents, including Emry, until her moms body is found in a fishing net a couple weeks later. Emry sort of breaks and ends up needing to live in a mental hospital, but all of the families stay close to her their entire lives and the kids who are reading this end up actually having known Emry as basically an aunt except they had to visit her in a mental hospital. She was the oldest so she died a little while ago of old age, but they still remembered her. Just as they’re reaching the end of the story, their grandmother comes in and shoos them off. When they ask if it’s real she says no, that Aunt Emry was mentally ill and that she wrote down some of her hallucinations especially as she got older. But after they leave the grandmother takes the journal to her room and sets it in a drawer beneath some socks and just as she leaves and closes the door, behind the bedroom door, the camera focuses on the rusted metal pole from the ship all those years ago.
I’m sorry that was so long! I hope you liked it tho, I just really like my characters. If you wanna know any more about her or any other character, please ask! I also have songs for Emry and a character description and stuff but this is already way too long. <3
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calpicowater · 7 years
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Day 102/365: April 12th 2017 | Last Day of School + PositiviDAY
Today was so fun! Woke up at the ungodly hour of 8:40 with about 6.5 hours of sleep. Got ready and headed to the Quad to set up for PositiviDay. Started off by carrying 10 chairs from CAB to Quad and I hit the back of my leg really hard so I’m expecting another bruise (RIP MY LEGS). After gathering chairs, we began making balloons and honestly I only one made balloon and helped Jing tie off her balloon before people started to arrive so I had to guard the bouncy castle/obstacle course HAHAAHA. Sam came really early so we didn’t take a photo together but I’m glad she had fun at the obstacle course and the rest of the event!! Anyway, I did photobooth with Erica for the first hour and it was so fun LMAO!! We literally just scream at each other 80% of the time lmao we’re both so loud???? It’s great. Charmy and Raymond came to visit too woot woot~ we took some weird photobooth pics together HAHA. I wanted to take normal photos too but Raymond kept cutting off our legs AHAHAHAHA *insert Charmy yelling “U HAD ONE JOB”*. It was really cool to talk to strangers and take photobooth pictures for them!! AHAHAHA one person saw me and told me that my eyeshadow looked really nice!!! I was so happy :’) They were wearing pink/red eyeshadow too LOLOL pink/red eyeshadow twins~ >:D
After the first hour, I had to do table for the bouncy castle so I basically just told everyone to sign the waiver forms before they went inside. I was lonely so I made Alex sit with me even though he was supposed to be “roaming” LMAO!! Kristin and Vivian both came by during this time as well and made my day n_n !! After the second hour ended, I went back to the photobooth station (LJHDSF me: is totally meant for the photographer life tbvh) but during this hour, the weather turned SUPER COLD because the sun was being blocked by clouds and the wind was SO strong and cold. Everyone kept going into group huddles because WE WERE SO COLD!!!!! At one point, I was literally praying at the sun to come out with Rigel hfkjsdgkjg it was so ridiculous wtf AHAHHA !! Eventually, I went inside CAB to warm up and Erica gave me half of her Vietnamese sandwich (THANK YOU!!!!!!) and I ate that while chatting with Erica and JoAnn ^_^. We went back out and ate cupcakes + cookies (with our name on it)! Then, I went on the obstacle course with Erica and both of us failed so bad like LMFAO we were both so slow???? And I was supposed to let Erica win but I ended up sort of winning??? LMFAO anyway we both got STUCK at one point, it was so ridiculous because JoAnn literally had to go in to save Erica because I couldn’t do it JHSJFHJFSJF RIP!!!!! We’re so ridiculous omgsjdkahg we were just screaming and laughing in there for like a solid 6 minutes LOL what is life....
When it was time for the group photo, I gave my camera to the person who was taking the photo but they didn’t take it with my camera :-( they did apologize so it’s totally fine but I’m still disappointed LOL just a little... Oh well~ After the photo, I went to class for like 15-20 minutes because I was 17 minutes late hkjsahgksg my clinical psych prof still made me laugh for the last time... this school year was awesome because she has consistently provided every single MWF with humour that I’d never thought that I needed! It was lovely to have her as my prof for two different classes. I’ll miss her jokes so much (and apparently VICKY will miss her too LOL)!
After school, I went home and rested for ~2 hours before heading to Nofrills for my last grocery shopping trip of the school year. I came back home, rested for around one hour before cleaning the entire apartment with my roommates. I was in charge of the kitchen with Alice and we were scrubbing the stove for a solid 20 minutes. Took out a SHIT TON of garbage with Jane + Alice and called it a day. THE APARTMENT IS SO EXTREMELY CLEAN NOW!!! What a crazy, fun and productive day --- but it was good ^_^ I was really happy!!!! (Even interacting with my roommates wasn’t painful ;;)
Only 2 more weeks until I am officially done with 3rd year. 75% done with uni... wow...
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