#like 100 years ago when i made this account lol
kira-kui-n · 2 years
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Hiii, i don't have a hamster, but i have a Chipmunk, he's name is Richard 😄 but i usually call him "Homyak" (Hamster but in Russian"
SO CUTE OMG !!! i love him. give him a hug from me
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cosmicdream222 · 6 months
Manifesting money out of thin air ✨
My bestie and I have been persisting in the affs “I get paid to exist” and “I am spoiled & treated like a queen” because we don’t wanna work for shit anymore 😭 Yesterday she told me she was hanging out at the local bar and a random guy gave her money to play a gambling game (it’s legal where she is) and said he would split any winnings with her. She ended up winning over $600 so after splitting with him, went home with $300 cash. I was like “damn!!! I want someone to randomly give me cash too!!”
Anyway last night around 11:11, I was getting ready for bed, listening to some subs and texting my bestie when I got a new email with the subject “[generic man’s name] sent you $100 for dinner”. I was like wtf is this some scam email? It was from Cash App, but I usually get text notifications from them.
I looked at the email info and it was sent to my old social media name - when I was going through my influencer era 2021-2022, I had an army of simps who wanted to send me tips & gifts when I was livestreaming on TikTok, so I made a separate account so my real name wouldn’t be disclosed. All the attention got too much back then and I ended up abandoning all my old social media accounts over a year ago, and I’ve ignored it all since (I don’t even have TT or IG apps on my phone anymore)
I logged in to my old Cash account and sure enough, $100 bucks from a complete stranger. I marked it with a heart, and a few minutes later received another $50 with a note to check one of my old accounts on Reddit.
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So yeah, he DMed saying had found my old accounts and just decided that I deserved to be spoiled & treated like a queen. Not him repeating my affs 😭 Yes I have pretty privilege lol but it was a completely unexpected surprise - I haven’t received any payments on that Cash account since December 2022, and even when I was active I never received so much at once, for absolutely no reason!
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cyb3r-s1lly · 18 days
I need to get this off my chest omg sorry I chose you to vent to.. feel free to delete this ask or not reply at all but I'm in a tough spot in my life when it comes to shipping stuff..
like I've spent years online virtue signaling about how I hate proship stuff when deep down I knew I liked it LOL so now I've surrounded myself with people I can't relax in front of..
Its such a strain to be somebody I know I'm not. I've thought about remaking and not following back any of my mutuals and just start over but I'd miss them.. This also applies to my irl friends unfortunately.
I'm not even that freaky I just 😭 I miss 2012 when so many people openly shipped incest and no one gave single a fuck!!!
I 100% understand this feeling. It's taken me a long time to actually feel comfortable with where I stand after years of pretending to be an anti so that I could feel more safe. I actually used to actively follow proship callout blogs a few years ago, something I regret deeply as it just pushed me further down that rabbit hole. This account is actually my first ever dip into the proship community. I've been on here for a bit now and no one knows but my boyfriend who is also proship, and no one else will find out because I know it wouldn't go well. You know what though, that's completely fine. You don't have to start over, it is very possible to be in this community on the down low if you are careful to remain as anonymous as is safe for you. Now that I'm in here I've met so many like minded people and made separate connections while still keeping the friendships I have with people who might not understand. It's all up to you, but I'm sure you would be accepted with open arms.
Also dw my asks are always open to anyone, same with my messages. Feel free to come back any time!
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so-much-longing · 7 months
Project Sekai Fanfiction Headcanons
Who needs human biology?? lol. Have some headcanons my partner and I made for the PJSK characters:
An - reads magical girl mangas, but not much fanfiction.
Kohane - reads shojou mangas, but not much fanfiction.
Akito - reads x reader oneshots, but the good-quality ones from that author who abandoned their account 2 years ago.
Toya - reads x reader oneshots, but the low-quality wattpad ones. He asked Akito what ABO was once and he nearly threw Toya's phone.
Mizuki - reads smut for fun. Tries to find the dirtiest, nastiest stuff and then just reads it for funsies :)
Kanade - writes yuri fics. They are so horrendously tragic and sad and almost always end painfully. People are sobbing in the comments (she doesn't know why).
Mafuyu - writes smut for fun. I headcanon her as Asexual so she's not personally into it but she finds it fun. She asked Mizuki to beta read for her once but Mizuki's 'advice' was to write "awooga" on every sentence she thought was good.
Ena - writes and reads in equal portions but when she writes she is projecting onto the characters so hard it may as well be a traumadump.
Tsukasa - reads angst and ugly sobs every time. He tends to only skim tags instead of reading them all so he accidentally read a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat fic once or twice. He hates them so much but he can't stop until he finishes the story, no matter what. It never ends well.
Emu - reads Dead Dove: Do Not Eat fics on purpose. For fun. Hurt no comfort is her favourite tag right next to Major Character death. Kicks her feet while she reads (having a great time).
Nene - mostly reads chatfics and Found Family fics. She's found them comforting for years. Mostly reads when she's sad.
Rui - this dude is a LIBRARY. He is such a well-rounded reader that you can ask for anything and he's got recommendations, even for fandoms he doesn't read. Nobody's quite sure how he does it. He has, at minimum, 100 tabs open on his phone and 150 tabs open on his computer.
Minori - used to read any and every fic with Haruka in it, but always got flustered halfway through and couldn't finish them. She stopped reading them when she met her in person.
Haruka - has started reading any and every fic with Minori in it, but always gets flustered halfway through and can't finish them.
Airi - reads fics about herself to egosurf half the time. The other half of the time she's reading ABO fics for fun (she does the little personality quizzes too). It's her guilty pleasure.
Shizuku - doesn't know what fanfiction is.
Shiho - reads mostly yuri. Prefers fluff over angst but she'll take what she can get.
Ichika - reads some GL, but way more platonic fics. She tried writing fics of her own at some point but never did anything with them because she didn't like how they turned out (she still has them, though. They're hidden in her room).
Saki - reads exclusively BL and yaoi. Will talk to you about it if you mention anything even slightly related.
Honami - vaguely knows what fanfiction is, but doesn't really read it. She tried reading some fics about a couple of celebrities she liked, but was a bit weirded out and left it alone since then. She has nothing against people who do read fics, though.
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not-poignant · 6 months
Hello! Wanted to ask about Ream. You said that you set your tiers a long time ago, and with current horrors of Patreon and such will you add some tiers to Ream so that once-a-month payers on Patreon could find a tier with same price on Ream and would be comfortable moving? Thanks!
Hi anon!
So this is something I've been thinking over for months actually.
At first I was like 'yes of course' and then a very good friend sat me down and I realised that...actually maybe not.
Here's the reason (tl;dr I haven't increased my income in 10 years and actually cost of living has gone up in that period of time and I need to eat too):
Those prices haven't changed in a decade. I haven't had a 'wage increase' on that front in a decade. You can't change tier prices once they're made, they're locked in place forever (until you delete or retire the tier).
Not only that, but I offer about...3-4 times as much as I used to.
In the end, I increased my prices on Ream (a semi-midway point between charging once and charging twice) because of inflation and cost of living.
I know that everyone reading this is impacted by that too, and that might mean some people can't subscribe to Ream (or can't subscribe on the same tier) for a few dollars more because it's just too much, but I am now drastically undercharging compared to so many other authors on the market who do subscription.
Where I charge $5 USD for base early access, most charge between $10-20. I settled on $9 USD on Ream. Some authors have tiers of like... $100-200 per month, and I couldn't ever dream of doing that. But this is my career, and it's the money I use to pay for food, bills, etc. I don't make a minimum wage with the hours I work, and the idea of just hitting the country's average yearly income feels like a distant dream.
Granted, some of that could be down to my marketing options (like maybe I'd make more if I took all my writing offline and made people pay for all of it, but I don't want to do that, I like the model I do now, but it's dependent on those who can comfortably afford to support it... supporting it - if they want!!)
When I set up Ream, and set up the new tiers, I set them up with how much the cost of living has changed in a decade and how much other authors are charging on the whole. And I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I have 10 years behind me, I'm offering 3-4 times as much as I used to and am only charging about 50-80% more, cost of living has changed, and since I don't rely on book royalties (I love Perth Shifters but royalties work out to about $30 every 3 months), subscription is where the changes need to happen.
I'm not super happy about that, like, obviously I don't want people to feel hard done by, but all I can do is remind myself - and remind you and others anon - that unlike 99% of other authors in subscription, almost all of my writing becomes freely available if folks just have patience. That's something I know for a fact some other authors think I'm stupid for doing, lol, but I prefer doing it this way because it feels fandom and community friendly in a different way.
So even if folks can't afford a few dollars more to subscribe on Ream (you can become a follower though and still get email notifications - no one needs to pay to follow me on Ream, that's completely free), you just need to be patient. Like I get it, that few dollars is the difference sometimes between a bill getting paid and not getting paid - I feel and live that myself. I'm so angry at the Patreon situation, because honestly, if my account goes tomorrow and I get banned there, I may have to quit writing if Ream can't pick up fast. I cannot work for like... 50c an hour.
And I need to make some posts about this on Patreon obviously, but the stress of it is so overwhelming, because it's like staring down the barrel of a potentially career-ending policy decision.
Anyway, re: tier prices, the one exception to not changing / offering half-priced or lower-priced tiers is the merch tier, where I have thought about approaching Ream with getting an ongoing discount code, since I calculated sending merch on the merch tier at the $25 USD rate with the awareness that some people would be paying twice as much, and the leap there is the most significant one. That's a place where I'm willing to compromise if I can work that out, and Ream is typically very accommodating.
Folks who can't afford it still get access to nearly everything eventually - and not in a year, but like...in a few months, or even just a handful of weeks.
Folks who don't think my writing is worth a modest increase can choose to bow out whenever they want (or sign up to a lower tier and still get access to nearly everything eventually)!
I am grateful to any and all folks who choose to support my writing whether it's financially or not, and I do get that like, sometimes the budget just does not allow for an increase of any kind. Or maybe you only signed up this year and don't believe in paying more than what you do already, and so it doesn't matter that my prices have been the same for a decade. Most artists / creators / writers have put up their book prices / art prices / etc. Ream is the first time I've ever done it.
Anyway on the matter of the merch tier, I'll talk to Ream about organising some kind of perma-discount and offering it specifically in that tier. For the rest, I'll keep thinking about it, and maybe talk to Ream to see what they suggest too.
Anyway, I'm just... I am sorry anon, in a perfect world, I would have been able to incrementally increase my tier prices all along with a lot of warning in advance. And I'm also like, extremely and intensely hoping that I can just stay on Patreon, but that seems less and less likely with their new policy changes. I'm not uprooting, I will keep posting on Patreon until the lights metaphorically go out. It's just, they could kick me in an hour and I'd have no recourse and there'd be no point in appealing. Or they could kick me in 5 years, or 10.
In some ways this isn't a problem until Patreon makes it a problem for all of us, but yeah, that's where I'm at. A friend basically reminded me that it's okay for me to value my writing and my 10 years of experience and my track record and my stories a bit more, and I took their advice to heart, and then have felt terribly guilty ever since, lol. I'll keep thinking about my options here, and what I can do, because I obviously don't want to leave a lot of people behind, either.
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meion · 5 months
i need to bitch about my HOA or im going to freakig lose it
this isn't even what prompted this post, but last week we were informed each unit is being charged $10k for roof repairs, due in full July 1st... I now understand special assessment fees are necessary sometimes, but they are offering NO payment plan options which feels insane. The response given by the HOA on that was "umm sorry u can call the city to see if they have any financial aid options" -_-
Also back in december they admitted to losing 300k in reserve funds cause a board member let their account go inactive lol
im over the shock of that by now ig, but whats REALLY pissing me off requires some background sorry this is long
i posted about this some in the past, but since I moved here I've had repeated issues with a neighbor parking in my spot. I would say it's a bit more egregious than normal, cause i need a wheelchair (stored in garage) to get around outside of my home, so i'm literally trapped if his car is there. Several times I've not been able to leave for errands when I need, or I return home and i can't get my wheelchair back in
here's an old diagram i made to visualize it better:
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it took a bit to find out who the owner of the car was, but this guy has been FULLY informed of how this impacts me, multiple times by written note and in person. Doesn't give a shit, he just stops for a little bit then starts doing it again. HOA won't do anything because they take too long to respond and the car is gone by then. This has been happening on-and-off for over 3 years
A few months ago I just started putting a traffic cone in my spot, and that surprisingly stopped him. i can finally stop worrying about it n_n
so anyway last night i got a violation notice for 'improperly stored belongings'. they sent me a little picture of the cone in my driveway. i went fucking ballistic lol its so hard to get me that mad. i hope they eat shit. ok i have to write a civil email to them now contesting the violation
Some additional bizarre fucking details about the parking situation i can't make sense of:
The car that parks there regularly changes, maybe every few months? This leads me to be like... oh i'm not 100% its him this time, maybe it's not fair to tow them? (it is him every time)
A police officer came once, they didn't help ofc lol but they ran the plates and told me the car was registered to a senior woman? (neighbor is like a 30 something dude)
Since I put the cone in, my gf has observed this guy parking in other neighbor's spots and also BACKING OUT OF A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NEIGHBOR'S GARAGE (how???)
Not related to parking, but the neighbor frequently has people come to his door at weird hours (3-4 am) and knock HARD for like 10 minutes straight. i gotta assume hes dealing drugs or something. i don't care but the knocking is annoying if im in the front room lol
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sakuracoloring · 3 months
Cami's Commentary #6 - Random
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「ようこそ!」 。。。
Good morning/afternoon/night to whoever may be reading this! It's late but I feel like writing stuff, so here we go :)
JLPT: I did the JLPT/日本語能力試験 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) on Sunday for the N5 level for the first time :D Honestly, I feel like I went well (my main concerns were my phone ringing out of the blue, even though I had turned it off nicely and it was in silent mode, and not being able to hear the audio part, but thankfully everything went well) and I really hope to pass. If I do, I'll probably start studying for N4 as soon as possible (though I don't think I'll be prepared enough to do the December test already), but let's see how it goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've never been so excited during a test before lol
MOVIESSSSS: I surprisingly woke up early today and chose to not be a lazy bum who watches youtube shorts on her bed for like 2 hours, so I decided to watch some movies! (yippeeee) :D I started out by watching Little Darlings, which I really liked. The story was pretty interesting, the main leads had believable acting (which is hella important), and shaggy hair Matt Dillon my beloved was there (which is even more important). Kinda unrelated but I feel like his shaggy hair era is a bit forgotten :( Idk, I just find more about his Outsiders era and nowadays on here and pinterest, so that's kinda the impression I get from the fandom/fanbase (Idk if I should call it that). Anyways, it was funny and emotional at the right times (and Randy was adorable), so I'd give it an 8/10. I then watched Juno, which has been on my watchlist for a pretty long time, and I loved it :3 It was better than I expected (though I did not expect to see Dwight's actor and Spiderman's J. J. Jameson's actor there lol), and the ending scene made me squeal as if I were watching a cute cat video. Solid 10/10. Finally, I watched Liar's Moon. It was pretty good ngl, (Matt looked so handsome wtf) but the whole possible incest plot twist thing was hella weird, so I'd give it a 7.5/10. Feel free to give me any movie suggestions :) (especially if Matt Dillon is in it lol)
The Outsiders on roblox: Idk if any of y'all play roblox, but I do (been using the same account from 7 years ago lol, it holds many memories) and I thought of searching ''the outsiders'' on it to see if there were any games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and so there's these two(?) games, but only one of them is mainly played by roleplayers n stuff. So a few weeks ago, I remember going there and always seeing the same two Ponyboy and Johnny roleplayers (I even remember talking to a girl who wasn't roleplaying and she was pissed that people shipped the greasers together lol), and like, they were ALWAYS on there. I'd log in at 7am, then like 9pm of THE SAME DAY and they'd be there. I also tested this on multiple days. And just them yk, not even a Dally or TwoBit to be there too, and even now when I don't see them that often in game, I always ask myself ''are they gonna be there?'' lol Also, I've also played the Cherry Valance obby (not bad), and the beginning of the obby mentions it's based on the Darry obby, which I haven't been able to find, so if anyone has the link, please lmk :3
I have to sleep rn (doctor's appointment tomorrow), so that'll be it for today. Thank you so much for making it this far into my written yap session :) I really appreciate your attention <3
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See you next time! ☆
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alwaysonlineau · 11 months
hi! welcome to the always online au!
for anyone who was into the hype of parkner back in late 2019/the early quarantine days, this might be a little bit familiar to you. basically, this is a social media au for marvel that i created when getting into parkner and thompsborn and when one of the main wlw ships was mj/shuri. it consisted of screenshots of (obviously fake) social media accounts (mainly twitter) of some of the marvel characters and it was mostly shitposting with a tiny hint of a plot. however, because of the mental health kick that came with quarantine, i ended up deleting the account while in a depression drop.
it’s been over 3 years and i honestly miss making this au, as it was just fun and gave me something to do, and a few days ago i realized that i still have the apps i used when i originally made this au and all of the fake tweets and messages were still on them, so… well.
basically, i decided to bring it back!
so, if you don’t remember or never saw this au when it was originally happening, you might have some questions! under the cut is a very basic q&a:
what is the always online au about?
nothing! also everything! like i said, it was entirely a shitpost account that very vaguely had a plot, but it was 100% just something i did in my free time for fun!
it’s essentially me throwing my sense of humor in a box with ships and characters that i like and then violently shaking it until something that i find funny comes out and then i would post it !!
ships and characters? which ones?
like i mentioned above, i made this during like the late 2019-2020 era of parkner hype, so, obviously, it was mainly parkner (peter parker/harley keener) BUT it also features many other marvel ships! i am going to be changing the ships up a bit to better match my current preferences. i’ll include a list of ships below this paragraph, but first, this is also going to include PLENTY of platonic/familial dynamics as well! so if you love stucky, sorry they aren’t dating in this but they are obviously besties, and there’s irondad, stuff like that, okay? i’ll try to include it all!
parkner (peter parker/harley keener)
ironhusbands (tony stark/james rhodes)
gwemj (gwen stacy/michelle jones)
peppermay (pepper potts/may parker)
sambucky (sam wilson/bucky barnes)
thompsborn (harry osborn/flash thompson)
nedbetty (ned leeds/betty brant)
thorbruce (thor/bruce banner)
and more that i will add to this list as i figure them out! suggestions are more than welcome!
characters include everyone in the above mentioned ships (obviously lol) as well as any and all marvel/mcu characters that feel relevant to include! such as:
happy hogan
the guardians of the galaxy
matt, foggy and karen from daredevil
funny accounts for villains
norman osborn (ew)
loki (and maybe mobius? maybe include that ship too? i haven’t watched loki season 2 yet so we’ll see i guess lmao)
and more! again, i am open to suggestions!
if anyone has ideas for characters, ships, or dynamics to include, feel free to message me or send an ask!!
how often should i expect updates?
that one is kind of tricky, because i am an adult with a full time job who is also balancing hobbies and family and everything all at the same time. this is something that i’ll try to work on during my free time, and when i did this before it wasn’t hard to make updates once i figured out what i wanted to do for them, but still, my free time kind of depends on the day and the week.
i’m not going to commit to a strict schedule, but i don’t work weekends so my goal is to update every weekend! if i miss a weekend, i’ll try to get it posted during the week, and if i have a week with extra free time, i’ll do some additional posts as well.
i’ll do my best to be regular with it!!
anything else i should know?
yes! this is an ongoing creative project that i’m doing for fun, and i want it to be fun for anyone and everyone who may come across it! that means i want it to be interactive!! this is something i did before, as well.
for instance, when i was running this au in 2019/2020, someone sent an ask wanting to see harley finding out about the vulture after him and peter start dating, so i answered the ask with this:
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obviously this au isn’t picking up from where the old one left off, so those tweets are not considered canon to the current always online au, BUT that’s just an example! i want people to feel free to send in asks and questions for the characters or for situations, and i will do my best to make it fit into the canon of the au!!
i think that’s it?
if anyone has any additional questions, comments, or concerns they would like me to address, feel free to send them in! i’m going to try to get the first update of this au posted today (october 17, 2023) but no promises! if not today, it WILL be up tomorrow!
once the official au is being posted, i’m also going to create a pinned post that links to this one as well as all the au updates and anything else necessary to include (like the tagging system i’m going to create and things like that) so that will be posted shortly after the first update is out! for now, thank you for reading!
i hope to see you guys always online ;)
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ladymdc · 8 days
*writer interview*
Thanks for the tag @bardic-inspo. I appreciate it ♥️
I’ll tag @dismalzelenka, @ellstersmash, @championofdogs, @yuusaris, & @rose-de-noire — no pressure & feel free to ignore me!
When did you start writing?
Early 20s. I didn’t really have access to fandom spaces until I was out of my childhood home & in college. But I quickly realized I could write/share all these things floating around in my head that various games/shows inspired in me.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I don’t really think so? I will read about anything, & I will try to write about anything as long as it sparks. A lot of the time those things overlap, but I do lean into grief, love & forgiveness a lot as a writer/reader.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
No emulation or comparisons here. The most I get told is that I’m good being concise & saying a lot with very little (gut punch sentences/scenes etc)— which is flattering & what I strive for since it is my style/*how* I like to write.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I literally do not have one lol. I am so busy I do 90% of my writing in gdocs on my phone wherever I happen to be & when I have some time. The other 10% is when I’m at work & can discreetly pop it up in a tab & write on & off throughout the day in between tasks.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Fallow when I need to fallow.
Every time I ignore it, I block & burnout. I didn’t want to fallow earlier this year since I just got into my current passion project, but after 3 months of other hobbies & rest, coming back to it has been great. I love my story & think I’m alright at this writing thing again.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I have noticed I tend to lean into themes of self-loathing (sometimes anxiety), the related trauma, & how that effects the way they move through life & build relationships— & if that isn’t showing my whole ass, idk what is.
I also really enjoy the whole sociopath/something monstrous & their one (1) person, who loves & understands them, that they love & cherish trope— but hey, I wrote Rhack for 3 years, that one was bound to stick around.
What is your reason for writing?
It’s a part of me. I’m not sure how that happened, but that’s the easiest way to explain. Like years ago, I had a reasonably popular writer (“friend”) steal my ideas & gaslight/mess with my stats/comments (fake accounts) & I honestly didn’t think I could recover from that when it all came to a head. It took a while to get to a place where that part of me felt whole again, & I could write… but I don’t think it would have hurt so much if it was just the “something to do” it had started off as.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I’ve never been one to inspire interaction, or I don’t feel like I am, so anything feels nice. I try to not let it get to me. The above nonsense did a number on me with stats = quality for a while, so I try to update & forget about it for a few days. Then it feels less bad going into an empty inbox because I did the thing! I updated & made progress on my story!
Plus, I’m a quiet reader too/busy & I forget a lot, so I get it. I just hope what I share resonates/sparks joy with those following along, & I call it good.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I’m just someone out there doing my best & sometimes that doesn’t even feel like enough, so I’m probably just like everyone else lol. I hope I seem approachable. That’s my intention, at least.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Worldbuilding, story/plot, & conciseness. I love trying to say a lot with very little & why I gravitate toward drabble exercises (100 word stories) every so often.
How do you feel about your own writing?
It varies. Sometimes I think I’m alright at this & happy with my little digital library. Some of my older works make me cringe regularly, but I leave them up because they show me how much I’ve grown & how many stories/words it took to get where I am.
Right now I’m in a pretty good place, but that took some time. Like I loved my last fandom, but I definitely needed a break from antis & the pressure I was exerting on myself. Where I’m at now, no one knows me. I’m a drop in a very big ocean so I feel like I’m just doing my thing, which has been an adjustment, but not every fandom needs to be a place I get involved & make friends. Loving on my current passion project has been a good reminder on why I started writing in the first place, & even if I have bad days where I think I’m too slow or not good enough, focusing on me & what this part of me needs has been good/healing.
When you write, are you influenced by what others enjoy might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
What I write is either a gift or self-indulgent, sometimes both. I can’t write for stats or attention. I don’t know how people do that, but no judgement either. Sometimes I think I hold it too close, & wish I could, but alas. Seems like I’m built to just pour my heart into everything I create (or all my pent of hornt depending on the work ;asldkfj) & that’s it ♥️
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silenthillmutual · 6 months
my buddy @doomednarrative tagged me in a fic writer's ask game so ^_^ let's do this!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
on my current account i have 154. being unemployed and hypomanic during lockdown will do that to you.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
895,907. i can't tell if that's a normal distribution for my fic count or not.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
at the moment: silent hill, bloodborne, and pathologic. most of what i have up there is for pathologic. i've got other fandoms up there though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
eight, thirty-one - 1899 kudos (danganronpa)
to quote mika, age 35, of beirut, lebanon: "where have all the good (gay) guys gone?" - 1066 kudos (danganronpa)
(they long to be) close to you - 1021 kudos (mob psycho 100)
all jotaro wants for christmas is kakyoin (and he screws that up) - 810 kudos (jojo's bizarre adventure)
anticlimax - 796 kudos (danganronpa)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i've responded to most comments i've gotten, though it's always months late because i tend to read the e-mail first thing in the morning, head to work, and completely forget to respond. responding feels more personal. i know i'd be more likely to comment on someone's fics if i knew they appreciated it, so i try to make the effort, even if i struggle to know what to say.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
god this is old as hell but probably life in technicolor/the end of all things. they're life is strange style aus for one punch man and genos dies at the end of one of them, and at the end of the other the city is destroyed. the fics are connected, but i won't say how.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
so tired, so tired, my heart and i (pathologic) is probably the sappiest i've ever written a fic so i'm guessing that one!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
occasionally. i got transmisogynist hate for when you finally get inovlved, face to face for writing chihiro as a trans girl, and it made me stop writing for danganronpa altogether. i got a guest user on some burakhovsky nsfw i posted (idr which one) who said "jesus christ, tag your trans shit". and someone who went off on me years ago called vita in motu (pathologic) "borderline mpreg" and they very much meant it derogatorily. so if i seem a lil paranoid about interacting w people there's a reason why lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
i do! i actually write more smut than i post because i am not showing everyone my oc/canon smut. like some friends will be able to see it but i'm not brave enough to show the whole world that. also a lot of au smut recently that has no context and i'm not posting it to ao3 without context.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
i did moreso in the past than currently. we're not gonna talk about the craziest one though<3 love and light
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nah. i've had people write fic very inspired by stuff i've written but not copy-and-paste stolen, to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
people have asked but as far as i know it never happened. always thought it would be cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes!! w my buddy dj :) also published rps in the past that i shaped up into fics.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
mulder/scully is The Ship Of All Time to me. the blueprint.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh there's a few!!
a rebel without a case rewrite that i started because i wanted to fix what i saw as timing issues in the film.
an akira/mob psycho 100... crossover? au? both? i had some real ideas for that one but it's not going anywhere
a silent hill au for mob psycho 100 that apprently someone was interested in enough to try and make their own while referencing mine. it was an audience participation fic and i'm honestly upset that i lost steam on this one because it was a lot of fun!
a magnus archives statement from artemy burakh. the idea behind that one was that he saw daniil die, and then be replaced by another actor... but artemy's the only one who noticed the different actor.
literally dozens of pathologic fics that i have started like you have no idea just how much i have started for that stupid game.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'm not sure! my partner says i do vagueness well, and the unease that comes with that. i think i do decent at introspection in general
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action for sure. i tend to do better with thought than with action, so i can write really long scenes where absolutely nothing hapens. kind of an issue!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't really do it because i only know like...extremely basic german and i feel it'd be a disservice to other languages to just google translate. i will occasionally describe characters using sign, but again... not knowing it, i don't feel comfortable just saying shit, you know?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i wrote something like fanfic as a like, eight year old? for a book series i can no longer remember. but for first published fanfic it was either bones or soul eater. those fics might still be out there, who knows!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i don't really have one! i'm still really proud of o tempora, o mores (pathologic), vita in motu (pathologic), and my mind has changed my body's frame (bloodborne) <- less sure of that one bc not much feedback but y'know!
who shall i tag.... @stvlti, @brodyliciousbooty, @loudmound, @go-go-devil, @shogoakuji and anyone else who writes, consider yourself tagged :P !
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lindszeppelin · 1 year
Okay here are my thoughts on what just recently dropped. I will not subject anyone on my timeline to reading it if you don’t want, so I’m not tagging anything and I’m putting it behind a read more so you can scroll on. But since people want to keep gaslighting us about what’s going on, then I’m gonna stand up for Austin and speak my mind.
So, photos of Austin and Kaia in Paris dropped early this morning. People are claiming they were from today. The earliest known account that posted those pics on Instagram were from 9 hours ago at 2am my time. France is 6 hours ahead, which would have made that morning time around 8am when the sun is up. Clearly these pap pics were not taken in the morning hours and they are not from today. You can’t refute the weather and the sun not being up lol.
But diving deeper. Let’s start with this. Kaia posted to her story a few days ago a vid of her backstage at a Ben Harper concert. Clearly it was not from that night because from what I recall, she posted that story early in the morning. Looking at Ben Harpers current tour dates, he was in Germany on the 1st and Paris in the 3rd.
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So from this it would make the most sense she was at the show in Germany. Since everyone was up in arms about her being there like it was 100% fact.
And speaking about Germany, let’s dive into that little nugget. People are suggesting that based off of some Instagram location feature that if you look at Austin’s Instagram, it says he was in Germany. I’m debunking this one right now as not being a valid piece of evidence to throw at the wall. Because if this were accurate, then why does it say that Kaia is still in the US when clearly she’s in Europe?
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If people are saying this is 100% accurate then why does it still say she’s in the US when she’s not? Looks like that piece of the puzzle has been written out from the narrative, I wonder why.
Moving on from that and getting back to these recent pictures, Kaia appears to be brunette. We can all see this. It’s not magic and it’s not rocket science, we can all clearly see that she is not blonde. Let me explain something to you guys, as a professional hairdresser that has worked in the industry for years. She dyed her hair all over honey blonde back in the 18th. She posted a selfie to her story yesterday still looking very much so honey blonde. When you bleach hair, it will not darken, the brassy undertones get revealed. When you bleach hair, you always tone your clients hair to the desired undertone of blonde they wanna be. As Kaia is a natural brunette, like level 5, her hair would have yellowish-orange undertones. Her hairstylist then toned her hair with a honey golden gloss. Toner is Demi permanent and usually will start to show signs of fading after a few weeks, and by fading I mean that those yellow-orange brassy pigments of the hair shaft will start to show itself again. Therefore, at that point you’d need to touch up with another toner at the salon.
In these pictures, her hair is brown. It’s not blonde. It’s not brassy. It’s not bleached except for her ends, which is the old hairstyle she used to rock while she was growing out her bleach job from the pandemic times. You cannot refute something as factual as science and chemistry when it comes to hairdressing. You wanna say that she just slapped some brown dye over her hair? That’s not how that works. A corrective coloring service takes a lot of time. Going from blonde to brown is a delicate process and it often times takes more than one session to get the desired effect. This is her natural hair color in these picture. This does not have the flat appearance that boxed dye gives, and does not reflect a Demi permanent brown put over bleach blonde hair. This is her natural brown hair.
This honey blonde looks the exact same tone, and it is not dark nor is it brassy. The lighting may deceive your eyes, but my trained hairdresser eyes can tell you it is the same blonde tone. Also, her baby hairs are not the same between the blonde pics and the brunette pics.
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I will not have people acting a fool and saying she dyed her hair back to brown. People can have impulses and dye their hair and then do it all over again, but her hair in these paris pictures is not peofessional demi permanent color (because no sane hairdresser would use permanent. its more damaging) and this is not box color.
Now, let's talk about the timeline here. People are suggesting these pictures came from today, wednesday the 5th. I already debunked that earlier on with the weather. But let me give you guys some more concrete proof that you cannot refute.
A fan FROM paris, who lives there, saw these pictures and commented that the Gucci store they were walking infront of said that the Gucci store was coming soon. As someone who is familiar with the area, she commented that store had already opened in the winter time...in 2022...in December. and with a simple google search she is right.
I blocked out her name and other users for privacy. pappiaustin doesn't really need the privacy as she puts herself out there lol.
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and here is the proof. this is just one article of many i saw that spoke about it. apparently it was massive news in France. This specific shop is the same one where apparently Kaia and Austin were suposedly near, the Costes Restaurant on Saint Honore.
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I think i made my point that these pictures are NOT from today. So if that Gucci store wasn't even opened until December 20th 2022, then lets go with the theory these pictures of them are from that time.
Austin had wrapped Bikeriders early December. He was back in LA for the runway show at The Wiltern on the 8th. And then he wasn't seen again since he flew to NYC for SNL around December 13th.
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So that gives us a window of a few days to work with when they could have flown from LA to Paris. It wouldn't be that far of a stretch considering I also heard a rumor that Lisa from Blackpink and Peter, a guy who works for Celene (i think hes the creative director) was also supposedly with Austin and Kaia around these Paris pics, although there are no pics to even confirm that anyway.
So this timeframe makes sense to me. If we wanna run with the notion that some members of Celene were supposed to be at this dinner with Austin and Kaia in Paris then it makes sense since they were just at his fashion show on the 8th of December. And it was around this time that Austin would have shaved his facial hair for SNL. So it checks out to me.
Here are some of the pics in question for those that have not seen them.
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Now I wanna add one last tidbit before I end this post. Because i've made myself and these points very clear. Remember, Kaia posted that selfie of her showing off her celene necklace yesterday. then these pap pictures came out. This is not the first time that Kaia has posted selfies like this before a batch of pap pics get released to make it seem like everything is copacetic.
remember back in may, when Austin had some bikeriders tattoos on his arms as they were seen walking the dog. people were confused why he had the tats on, as he was supposed to be in New York for something that we still cannot confirm with 100% certainty what that business was for. but people were saying those dog walking pictures were not recent at all, mostly for the simple fact that his tattoos were gone very quickly the next time he was papped after these pictures were dropped.
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So she has now a history of doing this not once but twice. we have to take people for who they are when they show us their patterns. and this is clearly her pattern.
IN CONCLUSION: they are not in paris, they were but back in december 2022, kaia seems to be in germany, and austin still is nowhere to be seen officially from any real source. last we saw was that flight attendant picture from a lufthansa flight but i said my peace on that.
please use your brains. and do not keep drinking the kool aid. do your own research.
PS. I ALSO wanted to post THIS, from a kaia news account, that clearly has some kind of information to prove that austin is NOT interested in marrying kaia. so to all you idiots that were saying austin proposed to kaia in germany, blah blah blah, no.
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 9 months
I don't typically lurk around here and I don't like being unable to ask as an anon but your wedding thingy with trans!Flash made me happy because I saw it as one of those things where people remarry despite already married (idk what it's called, I'm a child of divorce just like patrick bateman) and that PeterFlash did it maybe because Flash had gotten more comfortable.
oh whoops i think i disabled anonymous asks a while ago but i don't remember why... i'll turn that back on lol
I'm glad you like it! I liked drawing it!
I assume you're talking about vow renewal, which is definitely a cute idea! Flash is definitely more comfortable with herself when they get married, and Peter's support and love is a big part of that, so that's true, but it's not a vow renewal in this case—they're like 26 ish when they get married, after several years of dating and, occasionally, drama lol
I know most people other than like... kita... don't necessarily have all the context for this so I'm going to post a summarized timeline of what happens between Peter and Flash first starting to date and them getting married and how Flash's transition goes during that:
A rough idea of the timeline is that at age 19 (in 2006-2007), Peter and Flash date for a couple of months then break up when Flash first starts to realize some gender things and doesn't handle it well and Flash goes even further back in the closet for a while after that out of fear/shame/etc.
Peter and Flash start to sort of date again by being friends with benefits in 2008, a year later, but Flash is still in a lot of denial at this point and it's still a casual relationship for a bit.
It's also around this time that Flash meets Andi, who is like 10 years old in 2008, and who I decided to make also trans. Andi is very bold and ready to go, which over the following few years is part of how Flash learns some self-acceptance and how Peter gets some more tact lmao
Peter and Flash get back together more officially around age 20-21 (in 2009), and date seriously for several years while Flash begins to come back out of the closet a little. Peter starts thinking about proposing as early as 2011, while he's working on his Master's degree, on account of the whole "gay marriage legalized in NY" thing, but he keeps talking himself out of it for a variety of reasons including Flash's upbringing. He's neurotic!
Anyway in 2012 some things happen (involving the Jackal) that leave Peter in a really bad place mental health-wise, so any plans he may have been formulating get postponed yet again while he recovers, but in late 2013, Peter finally proposes to Flash. Literally a "YOLO" kind of moment.
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Throughout all of this Flash has been able to gradually come to terms with things and you can see that in the hair timeline in the way Flash's hair grows out again—(though some minor details about this are off since it's not 100% up to date)
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By the time Peter proposes in the fall of 2013 Flash is already most of the way there and the proposal/engagement functions as a catalyst for Flash to commit to who she is, so Peter makes her a wedding dress and she starts coming out to friends and some family in the months leading up to the wedding, which happens in spring 2014.
eventually she'll go on HRT as well but not right away.
and that is the context of Flash's gender and the wedding lol
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necronatural · 10 months
you might not remember but DVD commentary on the Tangible things series? Any part you've got thoughts abt still. I recall thinking it was good characterised NSFW writing (rare) and in the early days before the ORV tag took off on AO3 (cursed)
Oof, a while ago
I wrote it before the Demon King of Salvation reveal, I think around the time he was roadtripping with Han Sooyoung while Yu Junghyeok was being tortured about how Kim Dokja has ~changed~ him and made him want to save others which was so overwrought it was a true inspiration. dude is blasting Dirty Car while his bias is falling in love with him offscreen
The biggest inspirations in the novel for it were I think 1) how invested Kim Dokja was in Yu Junghyeok's personal life when confronting him in the theater 2) Kim Dokja shipping Yu Junghyeok and 3) Yu Junghyeok responding to Kim Dokja having similar motivations to himself with frankly comedic and uncalled-for coldness that made him sound like a jilted lover. idk how that reads in the webtoon but god that shit was so funny. King of projection
Heart in Your Throat was just expanding on all the ideas that didn't fit in Great Escapes, just naturally expanding on concepts introduced. I was also really curious about writing porn and this was my first attempt really dabbling in it.
Heavy Silence I want to write SEX. Also influenced by the roadtrip, I really liked the idea of Scenario Casefic. All of this was me working myself up to write sex. I spent the entire fic absolutely mortified. I couldn't edit it until like 2 months later. LOL. It was complimented a lot for its accuracy, and they're right, because I studied for my First Sex with a...I think Livejournal? God who knows. A personal account from a gay man on what he knows about sex. Stuff like how anal is not something that feels good right away, the common duration of a coupling and the effects of ejaculation, stuff like that. I tried hunting that post down a few months ago but couldn't find it so RIP.... Writing this one was a real shock to my system but I ended up figuring out a lot of stuff I enjoy like enthusiastic consent, consent testing, pure pleasure, banter, loss of emotional regulation, etc. Laying the foundations for my deranged horny dante fic truly
I don't think the characterization isn't like, amazing? But I've absolutely never been the type to just ship characters based on romantic archetypes. Without the kneejerk "omg these guys fit my ideal dynamic" or "omg this is my fav character type" instinct, it is actually quite simple to think back on character traits and why they have them and try to extrapolate on those for the new situation.
...Which is something that the ORV fic just doesn't really gel with. Kim Dokja can't be fully 100% confident in his completely wrong opinion [based on insufficient contradictions to his 15-year special interest] and desperately avoidant of interpersonal connections, he has to be stupid oblivious about everything to a degree seen only in Shen Qingqiu. Yu Junghyeok can't be a doom-spiraling overly independent pessimistic buzzkill, he has to be a surly bad boy. Because yaoi boys on Lezhin comics act that way. lol
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abovetherainandroses · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Storm here! 🌩 Tysm for the tag @27-royal-teas! <3 I haven't done a tumblr meme thing in forever! And I don't really have any friends on this blog so I don't have anyone to tag, but if you're a writer who follows me, consider yourself tagged! (And also come be my friend)
This got long! I talk too much! Answers are below the cut!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
So I have two accounts lol, because for some reason I decided to make a separate RPF account even though I have other embarrassing things on main account anyway?? Anyway, I currently have 100 fics on my main and 5 on my RPF account.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Across both accounts, 379,693 words for an average of 3.6k per fic. Longfic? I don't know her.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I usually write for one fandom at a time, but I will revisit/cycle through fandoms. Currently it's Fall Out Boy. Previously, I was writing some MCU stuff (mostly Spider-Man). Also wrote a handful of Good Omens stuff back when S1 came out. I have the most fics posted for Haikyuu (volleyball manga/anime) lol.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oops I only have 5 fics so far on my RPF account and I'm still debating whether I want this account directly linked to my main.
But I will take this opportunity to tell anyone who needs it not to put too much stock into kudos!! Kudos count relies on a lot of factors, but a big two are fandom/ship size and when you post the fic relative to the height of the fandom's activity. (Getting in early with a fic right after a new movie/season/etc. comes out so you're one of the first fics for the New Thing can be huge too.)
External validation is obviously very nice but if you rely too much on it, you're not gonna have a good time.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Comments make my entire life and I always want to respond to them, but I inevitably fall off because the brain energy isn't there, and I keep putting it off, and putting it off, and putting it off, and then it feels too late. But seeing as I only have 5 fics on my RPF account, I recently went and responded to everything, even if it was years late. In the past few weeks I've actually gotten responses to some comments I left on fics like 3 years ago so it inspired me, haha.
I myself am not always good at leaving comments (continuous goal to get better at it), so I really appreciate the people who take the time to leave kind comments for me and I want to express that appreciation.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually write angsty fic... I'm too softhearted. That said, I have made a few forays into angst, but Your Mileage May Vary on which one is the angstiest. Is it the major character death? Is it the one where they're soulmates with the last words they'll say to each other written on their skin, and in the end it's not death that separates them, but their own inability to have a functional relationship with each other?
Or is it the one I didn't even think was super angsty and tagged "bittersweet ending" but then it made a bunch of people cry? I'm still like "...my bad" about that one lmao.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Fluff is my lifeblood and almost all of my fics have a happy ending. I couldn't tell you which was the happiest, haha. Again, I'm incredibly softhearted, and also a big sap. I cannot deny this!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thinking very hard... I have been posting fic for............. several years so it is possible I am forgetting something but nothing comes to mind! I have always felt too relatively unknown for haters, which is just fine by me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
"What kind" lol. What does that even mean. Listen, my kink is holding hands during sex and being ❤️ in love ❤️ (I mentioned I'm a softhearted sap, right??)
Sometimes I might explore some light kink but nothing too hardcore imo.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Again, I've been writing/posting fic for several years, so I could be forgetting something, but I don't remember ever writing a true crossover. Though in my personal definition of fandom terms, crossover = characters from fandom A meet characters from fandom B. I have written a few fusion AUs in my time (characters from fandom A existing in the world of fandom B), which you could say falls under the crossover umbrella. For example, I've written Kingdom Hearts characters in a Pacific Rim AU and Haikyuu characters in Dragon Age AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Though I did once see (this was a SUPER long time ago) someone repost my fic on tumblr the same day I posted it on FFN, even though I also posted the full text of the fic on tumblr myself. They credited my FFN account, at least, but like. Hey. Don't do that.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I've had some fics translated into various languages! It's definitely an honor that people want to share some of my stuff in other languages and take the time to do that translation work. I try to ask people keep translations on AO3 but it hasn't always succeeded so there are some translations of my works floating around on foreign language fic sites... Ah well.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I successfully co-wrote one (1) fic with one of my friends years ago. I've tried a few other times to co-write fics (including with the same person) but none of them ever finished... Co-writing fic is hard! Idk how to do it effectively. I've done a handful of fic/art collabs with my wife though!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don't know that I have a single all-time favorite ship, but Peterick is definitely the current fave. I........ adore them. So much.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Listen, I am a hoarder of WIPs and a clinger to delusions that they will one day be finished. But okay, one of my peterick WIPs from 2016-2017 that I really liked but highly doubt I'll ever finish is a no-band, dating show AU where Pete is the eligible bachelor on a queer offshoot of the Bachelor/Bachelorette and Patrick (through machinations by Joe) ends up as a contestant on the show. Patrick is camera shy and does not want to be there, but he made a deal with Joe to stay til he was eliminated. Pete, who just went through a public and messy divorce with Ashlee, does not want to be there, but he was guilt-tripped into using his moderate fame to help bring viewership to the underfunded little queer show.
Pete finds out Patrick never wanted to be there in the first place and offers to eliminate Patrick. I will copy/paste the next bit from my gdoc:
"[...] pete’s like what if…i didn’t eliminate you and we just stayed friends and hung out and stuff and patrick finds himself agreeing bc pete’s a really nice dude and they have a lot of interests in common
But then Patrick keeps sticking around through the weeks and Patrick and Pete fall in love and both end up having separate private crises because they agreed to be friends. Patrick sees Pete spending time with other candidates and clearly being attracted to them and it sucks because now Patrick is in love with Pete and Pete isn’t considering him at all. Meanwhile Pete is having a good time with the other candidates and sure there’s lust there and even some like but he can’t stop thinking about how perfect Patrick is for him except for oh wait Patrick doesn’t even want to BE here and Pete was the one who convinced him to stay and now he’s fucking in love with him."
Blah blah blah, stuff happens, Pete eliminates Patrick in the last few weeks then when he has to make the choice between the final two candidates, calls Patrick and confesses to him instead, blah blah blah, happy ending.
Anyway. I wrote 11k of that fic and I was about 1/3 of the way through. It will never be finished. But now I've told you all about it and that's good enough, right?
16. What are your writing strengths?
Internal narration and emotions. Tightly focused fics that span 1-3 scenes. Spelling and grammar.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Longfic or fic with several scenes that take place over an extended stretch of time. Related to that, coming up with external plot events rather than just internal conflict HAHA. Describing the setting/environment so the characters don't just exist in a nebulous empty space.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
As with most of my preferences re: fic, it depends on the execution. It can feel clunky and maybe even cringey, or it can feel natural and realistic. Just be intentional about how you're using it. Also, it always helps if you know a fluent speaker who can review it for you but understandably you may not always have someone like that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Warrior... cats...
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is impossible to answer hahahaha. Certainly if we look at my main AO3. But if we're looking at my grand total of 5 (as of yet) RPF fics, I can say that I'm still quite fond of get us right (quitters never win), a fob AU fic where everything is the same but they all have minor superpowers, featuring empath!Patrick and telepath!Pete.
Aaaaand we are done! If you got this far, I am giving you cookies.
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
8 shows to get to know me
thanks for the tag @jwilliambyers !! <3 sorry it took a little while for me to reply heheh but now that i’m back from my tumblr break let me answer!!
1) supernatural. i feel like this one is pretty obvious LOL this show…….. permanently changed my brain chemistry- for better or for worse who can truly tell,,, but seriously, i had SUCH an attachment to this show as a 13/14/15 year old and at the time it was like,, the only important thing in my life lmao. it was the best show in the world and i lived and breathed spn for many of my teenage years…. and even though now i do recognize that it’s not the best i still love rewatching spn, it brings me a sort of comfort that’s hard to explain! and when i was struggling with things as a young teenager, spn was what i always turned to to make me feel better :’) plus,,, it was my introduction to tumblr fandoms lmao so. you’ve all got spn to thank for this account i guess!!!
2) derry girls. i finally watched this show a few weeks ago and i binged it all in just a few days because everything about it was AMAZING!!! i loved all the characters so much and i loved how this show really embraced its silliness. i feel like we don’t have enough “silly” shows and derry girls is just the perfect example of an amazing silly show!!! i highly recommend it to everyone!!
3) how to get away with murder. this show was SO GOOD and so so intense,, like i was stressed out every single episode lmao. but in a good way! i loved all (well, most) of the characters and this show does such a good job of getting you very attached to certain characters……. and then breaking your heart bc of them :’) the amount of times i cried aahh!!! also, all the plot twists are super well done in my opinion!! such an insane show i was literally watching like 😨😨😨 90% of the time lmao. also, queer rep!!!!
4) gilmore girls. okay. i am both a gilmore girls lover AND a gilmore girls hater. there are certain parts of this show that i absolutely adore and that make it such a comfort show for me, but other parts (and characters…) that annoyed me so much that it actually made me stop watching the show for the while lmao. but overall i do really like gilmore girls, it’s both a comfort show and a hatewatching show to me hehehe. the vibes of season 1 in stars hollow is unmatched though!!!
5) great pretender. i think great pretender is probably my favourite anime! i love a good found family heist story so this really just hit all the marks for me hehehe and in case you couldn’t tell,,, im a very character-driven person with my media, so if there are good characters in a show, there is a 99% chance that i will just love that show regardless of the plot lmao. i love laurent and makoto and abby and cynthia so much ;-; i also just loved all the twists and turns that this anime took, it’s unlike any other anime i’ve watched and agh!!!!! it’s incredible :’)
6) mob psycho 100. mp100 is like the perfect mix of shounen with action and fighting and stuff (and all the fight scenes are AMAZING like the animation ???? it’s so good oh my god and im not even the biggest shounen fan) with like. just slice of life and it’s so perfect :’) it’s so fun to watch, but it’s such a well written and exciting story and of course. AMAZING CHARACTERS!!!!!
7) haikyuu. haikyuu was one of the first animes i ever watched back in like 2014! so again, it has a very special place in my heart :’) i never thought i could care this much about a volleyball team but i do!! also, the rewatchability of haikyuu is UNMATCHED,, i think i’ve rewatched season 2 at least 10 times because it just brings me so much joy!! and again, i don’t know if i’ve watched a show with characters i care as much about as the haikyuu characters!! each and every one of them are so well-written like it’s insane to me- they’re all so good i can’t even pick a favourite!! also fun fact: haikyuu is the fandom that i’ve written the most fanfiction for! i’ve never posted any of it, but i’ve got a LOT of little haikyuu drabbles and one shots and planned-out fics in my google docs lmao- more than all my reddie fics actually! maybe i’ll post some if anyone is interested :’)
8) our flag means death. last but certainly not least,, ofmd is such a special show to me!!! i always had a little interest in pirates growing up, so when i first heard about 1. this new pirate show and 2. this new QUEER pirate show, i knew that i had to watch it!!!! and im so glad that i did because it is spectacular :’) again i feel like this is a show that embraced its silliness, but also the serious moments and plot points were so well written and such an amazing contrast to the silliness. i love this show so much and i’m so excited for season 2!!!
thank you again anita for this tag!!! im going to tag @edskasbpraks @lemonleafloser @scrunchi @reddieswift and @transkasp and anyone else who wants to do it !!!! no pressure though :)
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covfefeships · 4 months
Thank you so much @timeofjuly! Answering some of these was like taking a trip through memory lane.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 6 currently published on AO3. I probably had a few more from my FF account that I just never ported over.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
198,093!! That's such a wild number to see, especially when I think that emergence day parade is JUST NOW hitting the halfway mark and it's still got about 70-80k to go.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Undertale, and I have one work for Hannibal that I intend on picking up again. I am supremely tempted to start writing for Fallout. I used to write a lot on ROTG and Once Upon a Time, but now I just pick at Battle of the coffee shops occasionally.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Emergence day parade
Battle of the coffee shops
To Sleep or Not To Sleep
The Once Great King
These Masks We Wear
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to comments. I feel like if someone is taking the time to leave a comment on my fic I owe it to them to respond back, even if it's just to say thank you. Sometimes I'll miss responding back, but that doesn't mean I appreciate the comment any less! I will say recently I am super behind on responding to comments. I have stepped away from online stuff a lot in the last two weeks, and just haven't made it around to some of the more recent comments. I have seen them all thought and I appreciate them so, so much!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Battle of the coffee shops 100%, the fic is still unfinished as of right now, but I do eventually want to come back and finish it so I won't say too much. I've had the ending scene in my head for years and by far is the angstiest ending I've ever planned.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
To sleep or not to sleep. I wrote this fic back when I was in high school and the ending is just very sweet.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
The only really negative comment I remember receiving was on fan fiction.net, but even then it was never anything ever crazy Most notably I remember someone leaving a nasty comment on the typos in one of my fics (which To be fair was absolutely riddled with typos because I was like 12 and very little idea about grammar and formatting lol, but they were pretty mean about it.)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've just recently dipped my toes into smut writing with The Emergence Day Parade and As is tradition, (and eventually These Masks We Wear) and I find it very fun to write. I'm not sure 'what kind' of smut I write - Probably more dominance focused stuff.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I think I might have written an InuYasha crossover at some point, but it's been so long I really don't remember. If I do a crossover it's probably going to be something more like taking the idea from one piece of media and using the characters from another piece of media.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No I haven't, I think the only way I'd ever co-write with someone would just be if it was like a fic series of one-shots or something.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
This is hard! I feel like there's always ships that I'm like obsessed with but forget when I jump onto a new fandom. That doesn't mean I don't like that ship anymore I just have usually fallen out of the fandom.
If I had to name just one, it would probably be Albert Wesker and Claire Redfield. There's not many fics on them, but the ones that are there are all A-tier.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's a once upon a time fanfic I started years ago,
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterisation, I think. And even though I mostly gravitate towards writing angsty stuff, I think humour and comedic timing is a strength of mine too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Physical description and settings, 100%. I don't really picture anything in my head when I write, which means all that physical description doesn't make its way onto the page, and when it does, I'm just going off vibes. Particularly with setting - I have zero idea what the locations in any of my fics look like lol. Like, the house in RtC? No clue. Zero.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Sometime it works, sometimes it doesn't. I particularly like when the character says things in another language that foreshadow things to come.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Maybe Nighmare on Elm Street?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This is a really hard question! There was a Once Upon a Time fic I would write on every now and then, but I don't believe I ever published any of it, It's just one that always stuck with me because it was so fun to write.
It's a Once Upon a Time AU - The kingdom Belle's father commands is given a request from a more powerful, much larger kingdom requesting the Belle be brought as a wife for their sorcerer.
Belle escapes her kingdom, stealing a set of armor from her castle and forging a note of knighthood with her father's seal on it. She steals away to the larger kingdom and ends up joining their army as a knight.
She quickly assimilates into her new role, able to hide her appearance through armor, but after a fateful encounter with the kingdom's sorcerer, who can sense that this knight is being deceitful, he demands that Belle be transferred to become his assistant outside of training hours so the he can keep an eye on them.
It's rocky at first, Belle trying to both not be killed by Rumple who appears just as insane as he is sadistic, and to keep her true identity hidden. - Unfortunately for Belle it all comes to a head after an accident when she adamantly gets in the way of Rumple shooting Robinhood's pregnant wife, her helmet is knocked away and Rumple finds out the truth.
He's furious, of course, that he'd been duped this whole time, and that the woman who was supposed to become his wife had been hiding under his nose the whole time, but realizes he can use this to his advantage - He has plans himself to overthrow the kingdom, and someone like Belle will prove more than useful.
No pressure, but I'm tagging @rhodophoria , though anyone who'd like to can answer these, there's a whole bunch of writers here on Tumblr that I'd love to hear the answers to these questions from!
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