#like . its okay to have your own personality ❤️ you dont have to act hard youre literally a homestuck fan .
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gokupowers · 2 years ago
feel like modern Dave writers/kins forget he's hussies self insert and written to be totally fucking lame in canon bc hussie was a 25 year old loser living in his parents basement making anti SJW rage comics at the time . dave strider is an awesome character but he is genuinely so fucking embarrassingly lame and a loser and it's a beautiful thing & we need to remember our roots #makedavelameagain
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zombieefish · 4 months ago
okay so there is one specific piece of advice he gives which i have a problem with. heres the quote:
“Fall in love and stay in love. Explode. Don’t intellectualize. Get passionate about ideas. Cram your head full of images. Stay in the library. Stay off the internet and all that crap. Read all the great books. Read all the great poetry. See all the great films. Fill your life with metaphors. And then explode.”
which, that advice is MARVELOUS. that is grade A advice right there. however, i have a problem with the “stay off the internet” thing…the internet is my HOME. i physically cannot stay off of the internet no matter how much i try. id set a goal, and then go right back. the internet is where all my friends are, i cant leave!
but the internet is also home for a lot of my ideas, or the source for a majority of them. now, i understand he probably meant social media. however, there are so many good medias to explore!!! without the internet, there wouldnt be the object show community! there wouldnt be any object shows at all! if youre not brainrotting yourself and slowly wearing away and eliminating your brai. cells, the internet can be a good place to get and share ideas, as well as inspiration…
also, he said to fall in love and stay in love? im aroace…/j staying and being in love is a hard thing to do, not something we can really have control over. /j again (i get what he means and hes right)
i dont have a library. i cannot go to a library. unless you want me to go for a one hour drive, the school library is only open on mondays, and they dont send us any longer anyhow. so im going to have to rely on yhe internet for ebooks, or buying books, or going to barnes and noble. which im not particularly against…i love barnes and noble ❤️❤️❤️
i cant really understand what he means by “dont intellectualize”. dont get smart with it??? what??? in my humble opinion, i think any piece of media is GREAT when it has references or easter eggs or far-fetched implications or any of that stuff!!! it shows that you really care about what you do, and its even an opportunity to learn sometimes…
but in the end, thats just me. i mean this guys was born in the 1920s and died in 2012, i dont really know what i could have expected. also this isnt an attack on ray bradbury, i love him, and hes a great author. and i also love this specific piece of advice that he gives…i like how hes encouraging people to find inspiration, and to get started on things. you dont need permission. uou dont need permission to expand your interests and literacy. and you know what?? poetry is cool. books are really cool. films are cool. and inspiring. so im glad that he got that message out there
writing this while eating digestives there's probably spellingmkstakes
the internet can be a wonderful place, you're right!! making friends on here is something that people enjoy doing, and gives some people the sense of joy, talking to these people
it also comes with so many forms of media, circulating all around the world — so many shows, so many pieces and bits that make up a full puzzle, and some strive to complete their own puzzle when they get on here.. the internet has so many wonderful things that have been made on here, and a good amount of supportive people to go along with it
fall in love and stay in love is quite straightforward on his part.. when you fall in love, it's like an overwhelming thrush of feelings, and you sometimes feel blinded by these feelings, asking yourself what's next, and why are you acting like this. i think that it's hard to stay in love, especially with the way people generally treat relationships currently — seeing it as more of a thing you do for the thrill rather than the tender experience of love from another person, having the chance to develop into something stronger
but you can always fall out of love.. it doesn't have to be that you always love one person forever, because it alternates for everyone.. some may stay with their first, others are still embarking on that journey of finding that person who they ultimately click with
buying books is great! when you have a book, reading it at a slower pace helps you take the general idea in — adding to your whole world of ideas.. trapping all the information in and nerding out about books and other things is something people should do more
books ARE cool, films are cool.. all these things are cool, and even if someone tells you it's lame, that's them. you taking the time to enjoy these things makes you even cooler, and it's good to have that perspective of where things that are considered 'nerdy' are seen as cool
but that's just me ꒰ · ◡ · ꒱
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my-castles-crumbling · 9 months ago
cas! omg hi
I just found out that one of my class teachers is leaving the school at the end of this semester and idk how I feel about it
because on one side I'll definitely miss him because he's pretty important to me but I also feel really guilty for my first thought being that my other class teacher (my favourite and the teacher that I'm very unhealthily attached to) was going to have a difficult time with my class after that because they don't really respect her
Also, she is a pretty emotional person and I know that the way the class is acting gets to her and every time she's upset I just want to help her, i want to fix things I want to make it better but I can't because I'll put myself out on the line for more bullying and I don't want that and she doesn't either, ik that.
but i still feel like I'm supposed to do that, like I'm supposed to make things easier for her or else I feel really bad about it. ik that that comes from the way I was raised and from my parents but that doesn't help me in fixing this, it's just become really hard and I thought I'd reach out before it got worse
also, I found out a couple months ago that my dad probably smokes. like, I found cigarettes in his apartment (my parents are divorced) and I don't know 100% still, but I've just completely repressed that because he always used to be so against drugs and everything and ik that he's had a hard time since the divorce but its so annoying that he's stuck in his self-pity like three years after the goddamn divorce like get over your fucking self I'm just so angry at him and it feels like he's betrayed me by doing that and the problem is, I'm exactly like him and everything my mother criticized about him and the things that led to their divorce, I do too and I hate myself for it.
I do actually try and be better than him but it's either out of fear of hurting someone and them leaving me or because of anger that I just don't want to be like him, not out of wanting to be a good person, and it's all just so fucking complicated and I dont know.
Also, as you can probably tell I have a lot of issues with my father, I always have had but it's insane now because it was always me liking my mother more than him because she tried to fix things and he was immature and took everything personally, but now that my mums been kinda transphobic to me since I can out to her im scared because I've actually started liking him again but at the same time I hate him with everything in me and i just don't know what to do or how to act.
sorry for the vent I needed to get that out, as always have a good day and put yourself over helping us when you need it. ❤️
(doing this off anon, idk why just feeling like it)
Hi hon!
First off, as a teacher, it’s not your job to defend your teachers. It’s so sweet of you, but your job is to listen to your teachers and get an education. If you want to cheer your teacher up because you feel like she’s struggling, you could write a note to her! I adore getting notes from my students and I save all of them.
In sorry to hear your other teacher is leaving. It’s always sad to say goodbye to a teacher, especially a good one. If you want, you could write a note to him as well!
As far as your dad and mom, I think one thing I’ve learned about having divorced parents is that it’s okay to have your own opinions of them. You’re not betraying your mom by finding good in your dad, and vice versa. It’s also okay to see pieces of them in yourself, because you can take those pieces and turn them into good things. The fact that you recognize you want to be better already means you ARE better.
I’m proud of you, and I’m sorry you’re dealing with all of this! Sending love!
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