#like 'oh yea me and supes go way back'
All the Justice League members are a little lonely on the inside. And I think they deserve to find some solace in each other's friendship, y'know? They deserve to have that kind of friendship, where it's like "we're all lonely and real fucked up and no one truly understands our lifestyle and the shit we go through, but hey, let's be lonely together". It's that comradery where after they beat the big bad and almost get killed doing so, they sit quietly on the rubble for a moment and just hold hands.
And of course they also go out and have fun together like any group of friends should do. They get drinks together. They goof off and mess around. They tell stupid jokes and leave messes in each other's houses. The steal bites off each other's plates, and buy compensation snacks. Their inside jokes are indecipherable, and they lean on each other when they laugh too hard.
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j-elaine-hyde · 4 years
The Bean Chronicles - Before Bean Part 2
Chris Evans / Reader / Henry Cavill
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“Babe I’m so excited for tonight. I have the best surprise ever set up.” Chris stood in the doorway to your closet watching you get ready.
“How’s this?” You walked out in your favorite black Louboutins, dark blue skinny jeans, and a red flowy gauzy tank top.
“You look gorgeous babe!” He stood there staring, mouth dropped open, bright blue eyes wide.
“Do I get to know where the hell we’re going and who we’re going with? You know you can’t spring a blind date on me without letting me do research El Capitan.” Ash stood there, hands on her hips, mouth twisted with anger.
“Calm down Ash. Trust me: you’ll be thanking me later.”
“Babe... seriously... where are we going?” You stood there, arms folded across your chest as Ash did the same right next to you.
“Baby... Ash... the two of you are going to have an awesome night. So put on your happy faces and let’s go.”
The SUV was waiting outside. Ash climbed into the third row as Chris helped you into the backseat. You weren’t exactly sure where you were going or who his mystery friend was going to be.
“So who’s coming tonight?” You casually asked, trying to sneak it under the radar and play it off.
“One of my best friends. He’s great. I know you’ll like him. And I’m 100% sure that Ashley will like him. It’s going to be great. My best girl, my best friend, and Ashley.”
“Gee. Thanks CHRIS.” Ash retorted from the backseat. “I’m just gonna google Chris Evans best friends.”
“Ashley... give me your phone. Don’t ruin the surprise. Please. Seriously.” You held your hand out behind your head.
“Bitch you trippin. I’m not giving you my phone. But I won’t google it and ruin the surprise. Just answer me one thing. Is he hot?”
“Oh yea! Definitely. He’s better looking than I am for sure.”
“That’s not possible...” you leaned in and gave him a quick kiss.
You were playing on your phone when Ash started texting you.
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You had just sent the last text as you pulled onto the tarmac of a private airport. The SUV rolled to a stop in front of a G6.
“Babe? Chris? Where are we going?” You looked at him with nervous excitement.
“Baby.... it’s a surprise. Here, take this. You’re gonna be fine.” He handed you a Xanax and a bottle of water.
You smiled and rolled your eyes, “Thank you. You’re the best.” You gave him a quick kiss before swallowing the little blue green pill that would help you cope with the flight. Saying you were a nervous flyer was an understatement.
“I got you baby.... No worries. Let’s go! I’m so excited!”
You shot Ash a look as you slid out of the car. Chris took your hand and practically pulled you onto the plane.
“Yo Supe, you here?” Chris hollered as he climbed the stairs of the plane. He was clearly the most excited person on the planet today.
“Hey Cap. You ready for the best day of your life?!” His friend responded, making you stop dead in your tracks. You knew that voice. It was him.
“Baby? Babe?” You heard Chris as he realized you weren’t behind him.
You spun around to shoot Ashley a terrified look as she began to climb the stairs.
“What?!” She panicked.
“Baby! Come on. I need you to meet my best friend.”
You swallowed hard as Chris dragged you onto the plane.
“Supe. This is y/n. The love of my life. Baby, this is Henry, my best friend.”
“Oh shit....” Henry exclaimed as soon as he saw you. “Nice to meet you Y/n. I’ve heard nothing but good things.”
You reached out and shook his hand. “Likewise.”
“Oh shit!” Ashley exclaimed as she saw Henry.
Chris looked back at her with a grin. “You’re welcome.”
“Yea... great.”
You had fallen asleep curled up against Chris. He woke you up as you were about to land.
“Baby... we’re almost there... wake up.” He kissed the top of your head.
The next thing you knew Chris was putting you in the car.
Chris turned towards Ashley and Henry. “Ash! Come here. Listen...” he was whispering. “We’re on our way to Fenway. I’m going to propose on the field during the game. 7th inning stretch. I’m going to tell her we’re going down to take our pic with Wally, but I’m actually proposing.”
“Oh shit! No way! She’s gonna freak out. That place is such a big deal to her.... you know she has season tickets, right? Behind home plate. I mean it’s a big deal to you too I guess...That’s awesome dude....”
“You sure? You think she’ll like it?” He was genuinely nervous.
“100%. She’ll freak out. Then she’ll super freak out.”
“She’ll say yes though.... right?”
“She loves you so much dude. She will definitely say yes.”
You woke up as the car was speeding down the road. You immediately knew where you were.
“Babe... Chris... are we in Boston?!” A huge smile was spreading across your face, your eyes wide, filled with excitement.
“Baby.... tell me we’re going to Fenway.”
“We’re going to Fenway.”
You screamed with excitement.
“I’m so exited baby.... oh my god. This is the best surprise ever. I love you Chris.... thank you... you’re amazing.” You crawled into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You’re so sweet baby... I love you so much.” You quickly glanced to the back seat noticing Henry staring at you.
“I love you more baby.” Chris said as he nuzzled his nose on yours and kissed you.
You were so excited to be at Fenway Park with the love of your life that you hardly had time to even notice Henry staring at you. You had intentionally distanced yourself and avoided him like the plague. Always having your back, Ashley placed herself between Chris and Henry, making sure both of them were between the two of you.
It was the bottom of the sixth when Chris turned to you. “Baby... I have a super awesome surprise. We’ve gotta get up.”
You looked up at him from your seat, narrowing your eyes. You hated being the center of attention, and refused to do the seventh inning stretch games on the field, you were terrified that’s what he had planned.
Chris took your hand and led you to the stairs going down onto the field. You jerked back on it staring at him. “Chris.... no. Please.”
“Y/n... baby? We’re just going down to wave to the crowd and take a picture with Wally. I’m not making you run bases.” He smiled warmly and kissed your hand.
“Promise?!” You laughed nervously as the teams filed into the dugouts. Wally jogged out to the pitcher’s mound as the announcer’s voice echoed over the speakers.
“And now! Taking the field is Boston’s favorite son... you might know him as Captain America.... Chris Evans.... Chris and Wally are joined by the beautiful Y/F/L/N.” You smiled and leaned in, Chris’s arm around you as Wally stood on your other side, the three of you waving to the crowd and smiling. Wally pulled you to face the other side before stepping away and pointing behind you.
You quickly spun around to see Chris down on one knee holding out an open ring box with a gigantic diamond engagement ring. “Baby... Y/n.... will you marry me?”
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Your jaw dropped, your hands flew to your face, your eyes immediately brimming with happy tears. You screamed ‘YES!’ and nodded. Chris stood up, lifting you up into the air before pulling you in for a kiss.
“So you’ll marry me, huh?” He laughed. “I love you baby.” He set you back on your feet as he took your left hand in his. He slid the giant diamond onto your finger as you grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him. He wrapped one arm around your waist and with the other he punched the air like Judd Nelson at the end of the Breakfast Club. The crowd went wild. It was one giant roar.
That was one of the three pictures posted on the front page of the Boston Globe the next day and every tabloid site in the world.
The rest of the night was a blur. There were celebratory beers and then champagne at dinner. You had never seen Chris so happy, the smile never fading from his face. It wasn’t until you were done with dinner that you had an awkward moment alone with Henry.
“I’ve been trying to get you alone all evening...” he said softly. “I had to leave town for work... and only just got back yesterday. I’m incredibly sorry I went awol. There won’t be a day goes by that I don’t curse the day you met my best friend. That should have been me putting that ring on your finger. But Chris is a lucky man.”
Ashley came out of nowhere only hearing the latter part of what Henry was saying.
“The better man won. Come on girl... Chris is looking for you.”
You nodded at Ashley and walked away without a word. Ashley spun around and pointed her finger at Henry.
“Don’t you ever say that kind of shit to her again. You fucked up. You lost out. Be happy for them, or get the fuck out. Don’t fuck this up for her. You don’t deserve her.”
“I know. I won’t. I love Chris too much, he’s the better man.” He pushed off the wall and walked passed Ashley and out the front door.
— 2 Months later in LA —
You walked into Chris’ office to see him hanging a framed copy of the Boston Globe’s cover of your proposal. He took a step back and admired it as you slid your arms around his waist.
“Looks great babe.” You smiled.
“Right?! How badass is that?” He turned to face you, pulling your left hand to his lips. “How’s my gorgeous fiancée today?”
“Happy. I’m not exactly feeling that great... but I’ll be fine. How’s my future husband doing?”
“What’s wrong baby?” He leaned back searching your face.
“I just feel kind of hot. Kind of queasy.” Chris placed his hand on your forehead.
“You don’t feel hot babe... you look hot though....” he smiled and patted your ass.
“Why are you two always so lovey dovey? Yeesh. Get a room.” Ashley stood in the doorway eating a bowl of food.
“Ash you’re in our house.... so technically we are in a room....” Chris laughed.
“What’s that smell?!” You plugged your nose. “Oh god... what is that?”
“Pumpkin curry?” Ashley stared at you with confusion.
You gagged and ran out of the room bolting for the closest bathroom. You hurled the entire contents of your stomach into the toilet before sitting back on your heels hugging the cold porcelain.
Chris stared at Ashley with a confused look. “She loves pumpkin curry...” They looked at each other with wide eyes before running after you.
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sothischickshe · 4 years
Did you already write (fanfic or original stuff) before joining the GG fandom? :)
So the answer for me, which I think is true of quite a few of the authors in the gg fandom, is... Kinda but not really?
I've always loved reading and I've also pretty much always loved writing, but my writing always felt very much like dabbling to me? And contrary to basically every piece of advice ever, writing has always been something that I've picked up and put back down and then picked up again. So there have been times in my life where I've been really into it, and then not really written for years.
In terms of things I've written - a friend and I cowrote an entire mad series when we were kids. When I was 15 or so I churned out a bunch of short stories in a whirl then closed the notebook and put it away. Mm I've done nano a couple of times and always meant to go back and edit the end results but never did. There's one elaborate original story I've come back to a few times but never worked through a lot of, and I think I've got different drafts of it saved on various ailing pieces of technology.
I've got a lot of friends who are writers and/or have studied creative writing so I've ended up doing writing workshops and having a lot of free writing fun, or just stealing their assignments and doing my own version, or writing them a story in exchange for one due to being yelled into it.
I had written (but like dabbly v first drafty) a couple of fanfics for other fandoms, and i even started a gg one before the end of s2 (rip) but idk they felt flat to me and I had no inclination to polish them and I never considered publishing them?
Something just... Shifted one day? And I was like... Yea I know how I want to write this thing actually?? And then I did and I was like yea im happy enough with it to post it actually?? And then I did!
I think I'm probably more of an experienced non fiction writer in a way?? Not that I'm supes experienced at that but like articles and reviews and academic nonsense!
Oh and based on my notebooks sometimes when I'm really drunk I write bad poetry about socks, idek how long that's been going on for!! I do have one song writing credit to my name, that's from when i was like 6 though
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First reaction after watching Justice League
Incoherent ramblings about how great the film was. It is long and it includes spoilers. 
So I just came out of Justice League and HOLY FUCKING COW! It was everything I hoped and dreamed of. I went in there to see Superman come back, be Superman and kick ass and I got that and so much more.
There were just so many cool moments! Like the horseback stunts of the Amazons at the beginning (and yes, the bikini armor is horrendous, idk whose idea was it but that costume designer should be BANNED from future female superhero projects).
Everything with Aquaman that happened in that village was cool especially the whole drink and look pretty strut into the spray of water. His relationship to the ocean (and all water in general) is awesome and I wanna see more of that in Aquaman. I feel really good about that movie now. I also adored the scene where he takes down the parademon through the building? Yea it was in the trailer but it was so much cooler in context. Also I adored the first time he saw Bruce in costume. I also thought that the lasso of truth scene was funny? Yea it is a bit problematic but I see it as a character study of the person Arthur is now, at the beginning of his hero's journey.
I liked the scene with Mera? Yea it was not the best, but I like the potential it has and I trust James Wan to take it to an interesting place.
I adored Diana. I liked how she saved everyone, I loved how she fought Steppenwolf, I loved her fist fight sequence and how she was just fast enough to dodge all those bullets, adored how she could relate to Cyborg, and also all of her badass moments. Like when she sliced through Steppenwolf's axe? It was a great callback to him taunting her with his axe being soaked in the blood of her sisters. I loved how she stepped up to lead when Batman decided to be a bloody idiot and I especially adored it when she smashed her shield with her bracelets instead of merely smashing them together. And how she, unlike Bruce actually noticed that Cyborg was spying on them. I loved how she downplayed how dangerous she can be simply because she did not want to hurt anyone (yet) so there was no need to show it off? At the same time I also liked that since she went into that self-prescribed exile she was still unsure of the full extent of her powers so she relied more on her Amazon training then on those (this is also an explanation to why her fight with Supes was so unbalanced, well, in addition to how she didn’t actually want to hurt him (like she could as she was at the moment)). I am sorry Diana, you are my second favourite, but Superman is first.  Also, every time she uses her lasso is so cool? My fav of that has to be the one during the ending when she ties up robbers with it to make them confess everything. And she went up to talk with the children! She is awesome and I will probably rave about her some more later on.
Also the bit about her getting so angry about Bruce’s taunts about Steve that she just shoved him was great. I am so happy that Diana was allowed to get angry in this film and was not just there to smile prettily. But it was nice to see that too of course. To see her come back after her self imposed isolation while she mourned Steve. 
Next is, because yes he is the main attraction and I just can't hold it in any more, SUPERMAN! Yes! This and some more please! I loved how he just smacked the JL around, his comment to Bruce about Bruce not letting him neither live nor die, I loved his scene with Lois when she ran ap to him (whoever put in the line about Supes smelling ood should be crucified by the way) and I loved how he saved the JL's asses during the big finale. I loved how he just carried the whole house??? And how he froze the axe? And that he had a race with Barry?? And his smile when the children interviewed him? The only thing that bothered me was how he came back in with the line to WW "is he still bothering you?" bc it was such a jock boyfriend line?? (Yea, there are some questionable line choices in this film). Also, how he helped Cyborg pull the motherbox apart and they shared a laugh after it? Superman laughs in this one and it looks so good in him like it was just meant to be (because it was). Loved it.
And now onto Bruce. He has such a crush on both Diana and Clark??? I love it but I am not quite sure if that is what they were going for here. But that look on his face when Superman joins in on the final showdown? Also he is like a really decent mentor for Barry, like he makes sure to get him out of trouble and he has faith in him being able to step up to being a hero? Never knocks him for being inexperienced and not knowing how to fight. And you can bet your ass that the recommendation came from him. He also seems to have found his dormant sense of humour? His repeat joke about Aquaman being able to talk with fish is great. Like at first I thought that he was trying to insult him but he really believed that he can? But he also still has his asshollery on esp. in that scene with Diana where he talks about Steve (he compares Diana loosing Steve to him loosing Superman, this ship sails itself, at least from his side). His suicide plan was... Meh. It really feels like he is just tired and just started believing again and feels like the only thing he has left to give is creating the League and giving his life??
And on that note, he was ready to die in the fight against Superman as well. Which is wow. I liked how they brought back the "do you bleed" line and put a twist on it. I liked how after the battle Bruce was like, yea something is definitely bleeding. I know that some people don't think that Batman should be jokey, but I think that you kinda need to be able to joke to be able to cope with this shit for as long as he did. 20 fucking years! Holy cow.) 
And now that I circled back to that fight for a bit, let me just say how cool I think it was that the whole thing started bc the power of the motherbox that created Cyborg recognized the threat that Superman posed? Loved it. The coolest part definitely was when Superman fought Barry in the .... speedforce-y thingy? (I know it was not INSIDE the speedforce, but how the hell do I describe that slow-mo-y, time stoppy thingy that illustrate Barry’s powers? Speedforce-y thingy it is)
Now back to Bruce. I love how he apologized (or at least tried to) to Diana for what he said about Steve and for poking at that wound. I love how he offered Diana that after that she can .... pretty much be Batwoman if she wants to be. Me thinks someone is rushing a bit ahead.  
I also adored Bruce’s comment of “now she’s glad” when Diana said that she too is happy that Superman could be there for the fight. Yea, those two had a really good argument about whether they should bring him back or not. 
Also, Lois being the “big guns” when it came to stopping Superman was just great. IDK how much time passed between Supes dying and coming back but I totally believe that Lois just didn’t care about reporting while she was mourning. To me their relationship is just... Like two people who are destined to be together and love each other a LOT but are still so new that they don’t have this “old married couple” level of comfort near each other. It is equal parts fascinating and awkward to watch mostly because I cannot decide if it is intentional or not. I felt that the writing was at its most awkward there. 
Also, let’s just talk a bit about that Lois being “thirsty” joke at the beginning. What the fuck is even up with that??? Clark, were you telling your Mum about your sex life or what??? I honestly don’t know how I feel about that even though I know that I should definitely swing towards “it’s bad and degrading”. Like there are only two possible explanations for that: Martha Kent is only pretending to like Lois or Clark was talking about stuff he was not supposed to with his Mum. Also maybe the “you smell good” line was meant to be a call back for that??? IDK, it did not fit. But the most awkward thing was how Lois switched from Clark trying to describe his death to how she has let him down. I am kinda inbetween, oh she just doesn’t want to remember that he ever died and oh, she wants to make it about her??? But to be honest, how do you talk with someone who just came back from the dead??? I would probably end up apologizing for “letting them down” with how I lived while they were gone as well. As I mentioned, this relationship has some growing pains. It will get there (or at least I hope so)
And now before I move onto the last two members of the League let me just say this last (hopefully) bit about Superman: I LOVED his red cape. It popped so well, and it looked so good?? I also adored the part where he changed into his Superman outfit at the end like with the iconic pulling the shirt open? I was kinda hoping that he was walking towards a phone booth but I guess not. Still was great. He is great.  Also also, it was great to see how when he returned to being him how different he was with Barry and how he joked calling him slowpoke and all (which, let’s be honest, he probably was bc for Superman to be able to catch up to the Flash when they went for the civilians, yea Barry is definitely still not used to his speed and therefore cannot reach max speeds yet). I loved how he teased him in their mid-credits race. Well, before it really, we didn’t get to see the race itself. Shame.
Now onto Barry. He was really played as socially awkward kid who dedicated so much of his time to trying to get his dad out of prison that he just forgot to live and never really was socialized well? I liked it. I saw some people comment on the weird way he runs, and yea it is weird, but I think it is part of the fact that he is still inexperienced with his powers. I felt like he was trying to mimic at parts how athletes run but failed miserably? I am sure it will get better now that his life will include some actual running (I don’t think he was doing much of that before)
He was getting a really nice mini-hero’s journey in the film, like the first person he ever saved was shown here, how he realized that now he can actually save people and just got the hang of it instantly. He got into his first fight here, which I would count as Superman, because with the parademons he wasn’t really in the fight, he just helped WW reach her sword. (but correct me if I am wrong). And that showed bc he just kept dodging and side stepping when he fought Superman and even with the parademons he tripped? So yea, definitely inexperienced but on the right track. 
And his powers look so cool? I just love how the blue lightning just lit up everything when he was using it? And when he triggered the motherbox it was so cool. I also feel like that all these super fast people just gave Snyder a really good excuse to use his slow-mo effects. It didn’t bother me, as a matter of fact I loved it whenever they just twirled the camera around these mostly frozen images. 
Now, the last member of the league I haven’t talked about yet is Cyborg and I was a bit worried. The design didn’t win me over in the first place, he looked really serious, unlike in the Teen Titans cartoon, and I was not sure if I will like it. But I did because he faced with the dilemma of becoming more and more robotic and not really knowing at first how to retain his humanity and I am really happy that Diana helped him come out of that bubble he put up around himself bc that might have just saved him. Also, how he and Barry kinda became buds by the end? I really liked the graverobbing scene as well. 
Now as for the other awesome stuff with Cyborg... I loved how he evolved at this rapid pace where new and new abilities manifested each day as he was being transformed. I liked how he got surprised by them when something new popped up. But the best part definitely was the hacking. Still, I think his best scene was with his father when he said something alongside the lines of how funny it is that his father thought that when he said that the people in the lab are not yet ready to see the monster his father thought he was referring to himself. That was a powerful scene. 
What awesomeness I still need to throw in here is Alfred. He is so sassy and so done with Bruce being single. I loved how he told Bruce when B said maybe Alfred could have called up Diana to ask if she wants to join the team that “ yea, I could have flown to Paris with a piece of paper saying ‘do you want to be my teammate? check yes or no’” savage. He is so bitter over B being single, like how usually mothers are portrayed when they really want to have grandchildren already?? I loved it. 
What else I also loved was how finally there were colours that popped? I already mentioned Superman’s cape, but his costume was brighter and bluer as well, Flash’s red costume really popped as well, Diana got a red cape as well in one scene and the lasso really emitted a bright light as well. Also, some scenes like the final battle where Diana cuts the axe and the air is full with these snowflake like particles are breathtakingly beautiful. Some others... yea, those flowers were really obviously CG. 
There was also this small cameo of a Green Lantern which got me excited that maybe we will have a Green Lantern (I am hoping for either John Stewart or Jessica Cruz, pretty please)  And in the end credits we see that Jesse Eisenberg’s Luthor is on the loose again, which I love bc I liked his Luthor in BvS (yes I know that it is not accurate to comic books but screw it, it worked for me. 
Now as for the stuff that might have bothered other people but barely if even registered with me: the jokes. yea, some were weak or I am not even sure if they were jokes (like Flash falling on Diana is like... was that a joke or just a portrayal of how clumsy Flash is still with his powers, his social awkwardness and his hero-crush all mashed together??? IDK). But overall, I liked them. I liked that I had moments of levity where I could laugh and have FUN. Because we still had the dramatic moments as well (and yes, they were better dramatic moments than anything Thor Ragnarök had. You wanna see too many jokes killing the drama? watch that.) 
The digitally removed mustache. I did not notice it all that much?? Like there were some moments where I was like... are you sure your face is supposed to look like that? But none of those moments pulled me out of the film. Diana’s clothing was like that as well. I heard some people say that she was wearing more revealing clothing now as Diana but I was not really watching for that so I really can’t tell if it is true. What I can tell, and what bothered me is that there is a scene where her skirt as WW flies up and you can see the bottom curve of her ass really clearly and.... That bit should have been taken out and they should have done a retake. There is something like good taste people. 
Steppenwolf being a kinda weak villain was like that as well. Him talking to the motherbox and calling it Mother was weird but in the good way. Made me just say, okay so this guy really is crazy. Also, he was kinda a two dimensional villain whose main goal was: amass power to become a new god (I guess) and really I was happy that we spent the time on the heroes instead of him. Evil guy tries to destroy the whole world. Got it. I don’t need more. Not from this film yet. (though now that I think about it... evil alien invasion lead buy a guy with a horned helmet that wants everyone to bow before him and has a cube... I think I saw this one before. Still works though). 
I LOVED the implication that he won’t be able to fight how his parademons in the end and that they will eat him alive. See, if I would have cared for him I would have felt bad about him or at least him being kinda permanently written out but this way? Bone appetite, parademons. 
I bet I could say even more, though this post is already definitely long and incoherent enough, so i will just leave with this: I ADORED this film, it will probably will be the first film I will pay to see in theatre twice. IDK what repeat viewing will do to the film but so long as I have Superman to look forward to I will be fine.  Overall, IDK if it is a better film than Thor:Ragnarök or not, but I definitely enjoyed and maybe even liked it better. I left the theathre feeling better after this film than I did after Thor Ragnarök, a film I will talk about as well. 
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