#like 'how dare you be frustrated that the game is unfair'
this is like, kind of petty but it annoys me a bit when people say okuni got hate for no reason bc im relatively certain people only really got annoyed with her AFTER it became pretty clear that theyd gone and put 3 male npcs (and at the time it looked like there might have been 4) in her event in a year that had only had 3 male units released. people had already been getting angry with the previous event and jacques it really wasnt anything to do with her personally so much as it was pushback over the incredibly one sided catering to only one demographic that played the game. like yeah, not all of the ways that was then expressed was appropriate but when talking about it after the fact its kind of annoying to act like her criticism happened in a complete vacuum with no external factors
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ode2rin · 1 year
it has become an awful pattern of habit how much itoshi sae always shows up at your doorstep only when he wants to. 
“don’t go out with oliver.”
and here he was again, like a recurring relapse that happens every single time you thought you’re doing better. the kind that hits when you think you're finally making progress, that momentary flicker of doing better before it all crumbles.
and you were. you’re doing good, doing better, but god, does it hurt like hell when he pulls stunts like this.
it was a relentless tug-of-war, a game he played so unfairly, leaving you with no rules, no defenses. you were damn sick of it. 
“really?” the word escaped as a scoff, a blend of disbelief and irritation coating your voice. “you're showing up to my place at this hour just to say that?” 
a drawn-out exhale left sae's lips at your reaction, the scent of alcohol accompanying it—a scent foreign to the sae you'd known. was he drinking? itoshi sae doesn’t drink – or at least the sae you knew would never let a single drop of alcohol taint his flesh. 
“just don’t. he’ll hurt you.”
a bitter laugh escaped you, “you're one to talk about hurting people, aren't you?”
if you didn't know better, you'd mistake the look he shot you for something resembling an apology mixed with regret. but no, you knew that those eyes can never hold such, not for you, not for anyone.
“news flash, itoshi. you don’t have the right to decide who i can or cannot go out with.” 
“don’t i?” 
his challenge lingered in the air, a question not constrained by words but driven by conflicting wills, a daring meeting of gazes that had been evaded until now.
you're so fucking unfair, itoshi sae.
“leave,” you spat, your grip on the doorknob tightened, fingers almost digging into the cool metal. 
“don’t i, y/n? do i not have a right to you?”
“please, sae. just go,” you murmured, eyes squeezed shut, a trace of tears threatening to break free.
“— because you have all damn rights to me that it fucking terrifies me.” 
and there it was.
the vulnerability he so fiercely and stubbornly concealed, laid bare for you to witness. it slipped out like an admission, raw and unguarded.
sae's insides churned as your gaze bore into him, the intensity of it feeling like a searing heat that left him exposed, his thoughts laid bare. it was as if you were looking at him as if he had grown a second head, an incredulity mirrored in his own disbelief at what he had just blurted.
but it’s the truth, a truth etched not in alcohol-induced haze but in the sobering clarity that you, ever loving you, terrified him. 
“you– you terrify me," his words stumbled out, like he was admitting a secret he never meant to reveal. “you’re the first thought that comes to my mind, and the last one before i sleep. i feel you everywhere, your presence, your absence — it terrifies me, y/n.” 
he ran a hand through his hair, a gesture of frustration that echoed the inner chaos he couldn't quite contain. the sting of alcohol just added to the jumble of thoughts, like mixing a cocktail of emotions he wasn't prepared to deal with. 
sae had never been great with handling drinks, and here he was, wearing his heart on his sleeve, a little more vulnerable than he’d intended. 
after all, a body so foreign to alcohol can only handle so much.
and it's ironic how that also applies to sae's acceptance of your love – like a liquor he's not used to, but still very much would like a taste.
he knew he had absolutely no right to show up here; he had no right to stop you from going out with another man; he had no right to claim a part of you, not after he shattered your heart because he was afraid of his own.
he knew that, but itoshi sae is selfish. he wanted you, terrifyingly so. he hoped — prayed, even—no one will ever have you the same way he does. 
and he meant that in the most selfish way possible. because, time and time again, itoshi sae was selfish, even more so when it came to loving you.
“it terrifies me,” he carried on, a touch firmer this time, his gaze unyielding as it held yours, “how much you consume me, and it frightens me even more how much i would let you.”
“then just let me, you stupid asshole.” 
the words burst out of you, a declaration that felt like a leap of faith. your arms instinctively reached out, embracing him as if to underscore your determination. you had caught his confession like a lifeline, and now it was your turn to throw your heart into the mix.
“and you have all the damn rights to me too,” you murmured against his lips.
the truth is, he doesn't deserve you, not in the slightest. but god, you want him to— so bad. and after hearing what he said, you knew he wanted the same thing too.
you wrap your arms tighter around him, and it's like fitting together two missing pieces. you missed this, missed him. no amount of trying will ever relieve the longing. because truth be told, hearts aren't great at playing hide and seek; that much can be seen from the way you’re both holding on to each other.
“i'll love you slowly, until it's not scary, until you get used to it,” you whispered, forehead pressed against his.
in the quiet space between your whispered words, sae felt the world shift beneath his feet. 
love with you wasn't meant to be frightening. love with you wasn't meant to be all-consuming.
love with you, he realized, only needed to be exactly like this— your fingers against his nape, a smile curving your lips, and the assurance in your gaze that promised better times ahead.
“i’ll get used to it.” maybe the words came off wobbly, but he couldn’t care any less now; it was a promise.
“you better.” you let out a chuckle, genuine this time, and it took just one chuckle for sae to realize that everything will be just fine. 
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you pull his attention, sensing his wakefulness from the lingering kisses he peppers on your skin. the same man who laid bare his heart to you was sprawled within your sheets, his breathing gentle against your neck.
though his lips stay sealed, the comforting squeeze of your hand relays that he was listening.
“where did you hear that i’m going out with oliver?”
a brief pause, followed by a scoff. way to ruin a moment, sae’s inner voice grumbles at the timing of your question. why bring up another guy's name now, especially when he's shirtless and right above you? the nerve.
“doesn’t matter.” he dismisses your question. 
yet, there's something oddly satisfying about riling up the usually composed sae, it’s one of your life’s greatest pleasures. and so, you press on, unable to resist the urge to tease. 
“come on, now. i want to know what made my cold and grumpy sae to show up at my door at 2 am, professing that i terrify him,” you pushed, meeting his irritated glare with an arched brow. “— and don’t give me that look. those were your words, not mine!”
tch. he clicks his tongue, fully aware you won't let him live down his confession. “got it from shidou. he told me right before asking me to drink with him.”
as those words escape sae’s lips, you burst into laughter, leaving him to wonder if he broke you with last night's late-night affection.
“what’s so funny?” he raises an eyebrow at your sudden outburst.
“shidou tricked you into drinking with him, love. i turned down oliver without a second thought. we didn't even get close to going on a date,” you playfully reveal, your grin growing. “i kind of mentioned that to shidou. we share gossip occasionally, you know.”
sae froze at what you said, and he didn’t need no damn mirror to see that he was turning red from the embarrassment and realization that he had been lured to drink.
“i’ll kill him.”
“and i’ll thank him.” may shidou get all the dopamine he so cunningly desires. 
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note. i also don't know what this is so don't look at me now :P i'm throwing tomatoes at myself
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svp3rrn0va · 3 months
Wicked Games (NSFW)
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow & f!MC
Summary: MC recently ended a serious relationship with Garreth Weasley and she's in the anger stage. All she wants is to make him jealous. She approaches her friend Sebastian who she knows will be willing to help her with that. They succeed, but Sebastian gets a bit too carried away, but MC doesn't seem to mind...
Warnings: 18+, aged-up characters, explicit sexual content, creampie, revenge
Word Count: 4,083
For the last week, you found yourself lying awake at night wondering when Garreth would change his mind. You had been together for 8 months, and although one might argue that isn't much time, it felt like an eternity for you.
Your relationship with Garreth was the first that you felt was truly serious, and your feelings certainly reflected that. You had fallen in love -- or at least you thought you did. Whether or not you did, though, it didn't matter. You were still heartbroken.
But you were done with the tears. Especially because you knew Garreth hadn't shed any. He was the one who called it off, after all, and for no good reason. But you felt it coming for a while. He was becoming distant. You would ask if everything was alright, and he'd tell you it was, but you knew better.
Not a day has passed since he ended it that you've sat wondering what you did wrong, or what's wrong with you that suddenly made him disinterested. You didn't want that to happen, because no girl should diminish her self-worth over what a stupid boy thinks.
After all these negative thoughts, you wanted to get revenge on Garreth. How dare he make you feel this way about yourself? You didn't want to hurt him physically, of course, but he had hurt you mentally. Why not return the favor, or get a rise out of him at the very least?
There was only one thing you could think of doing to get back at him.
Make him jealous.
That's where Sebastian comes in. You've known Sebastian for years and considered him one of your best friends. He'd do anything for you. Sebastian's known around the castle for being extremely handsome, and you knew Garreth was threatened by him, but he'd never admit it.
Whenever Sebastian won in Crossed Wands, or made a good beater play in Quidditch, Garreth was always the first to scoff and ask 'So what?' while everyone else applauded and congratulated him. There was no competition, but clearly, Garreth took all of Sebastian's triumphs as personal attacks.
It was no surprise that Sebastian turned up mere minutes after you sent an owl telling him to meet you in the Undercroft.
"What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked with concern etched across his face.
"I'm fine, well, I will be," you replied, sitting on the floor against one of the pillars. "I need to ask you for a favor."
"Of course, anything," he said, sitting across from you on the floor.
"I want you to help me make Garreth jealous." Sebastian laughed and you frowned. "I'm serious."
"Why do you want to do that?"
"Because I'm mad and hate him," you replied, crossing your arms.
"You don't hate him, you're just hurting right now, which is understandable."
"Sebastian I've been hating myself for days now because of him. It's unfair that I have to feel like this while he's not bothered at all."
Sebastian sighed and frowned.
"I know. I'm sorry. But are you sure you want to do this? What's the point? I think this will help you realize you're better off without him. You should work on moving on instead of getting revenge."
You knew Sebastian meant well, but you were getting frustrated at him being difficult for once. He normally didn't question you on things you wanted, and you didn't know why this time was different. You and him were both very stubborn and couldn't be swayed once you had your mind set on things, and this was one of those things.
"Sebastian, please..."
You blinked quickly at him, trying to give him puppy dog eyes. He watched you for a moment, and you grinned when you finally heard him sigh.
"Alright, if this will make you happy, I'll do it."
"Thank you, Seb."
You knew he would be easy to crack since you've spent a lot of time crying to him recently. He knew how upset you've been and he hated seeing you that way, so he was willing to do anything to make you feel better.
"How are you planning to do this?" He asked.
"There's a Slytherin-Gryffindor party on Saturday after the Quidditch game, regardless of who wins."
"Oh, right, forgot about that."
"I assume Garreth will be there since he never misses a party. Let's just go together and look like we're flirting with each other in front of him."
Sebastian nodded. "Alright. Sounds simple enough."
It was Saturday and the match just ended. As usual, Slytherin won. You threw Sebastian a thumbs-up as you skipped over to him. He returned an exhausted smile as he panted, sweat dripping from his hair. He always looked so handsome that way.
"I need a shower," he said once you reached him.
"That's fine, I can wait for you. He would definitely notice us turning up at the same time, anyway."
You waited outside the showers, watching the hippogriffs flying far off in the sky, lost in thought until Sebastian tapped you on the shoulder, all dressed up and ready to go.
He looked really good. He was wearing an all-black outfit. A black button-up shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. The wet hair enhanced the look as well. He looked classy.
"That's a good outfit," You say, eyeing him up and down.
"Thank you. Is it too formal? I don't want to be overdressed," he chuckled shyly.
"Not at all. It's a party, dress however you like."
"Good. I figured if I'm all dressed up it could irritate Garreth even more, assuming he's just going without his robe."
You smirked. "Well, I appreciate you going all out for me, considering you were unsure about all this."
"If I'm helping you then I want to do it to the best of my ability."
You squeezed his arm lovingly as we went down to the dungeons where the party was being held.
Once you arrived and entered the common room, almost instantly you made eye contact with Garreth, and his smile faded as soon as he noticed you standing next to Sebastian. He quickly turned to talk to his friends and pretended he was unbothered.
"Looks like it's working already," You said to Sebastian.
"Good. I'll go get us some drinks. Go find a spot near him."
You nodded and you split up. You slowly made your way towards him, acting aloof as if you weren't putting much thought into where you were wandering. You sat a few feet away from him on the sofa, and he was standing near the fireplace with his friends.
You tried to watch him from the corner of your eye to be discreet. You could see that he noticed you, which was good. You wanted to be in his direct line of sight. Thankfully he didn't move, which you worried that he would.
Sebastian returned with 2 glasses of fire whiskey moments later.
"I'm glad you found somewhere comfortable," he said, sitting beside you on the sofa.
You laughed, loud enough to get Garreth's attention. Sebastian gave you a strange look and began to laugh himself, since what he said wasn't funny at all.
"What are you doing?"
"Putting on the act, of course," You mumbled, squeezing his arm with a bright smile.
You kept your gaze on Sebastian, trying not to be too obvious. Sebastian took a few glances at Garreth, however.
"He looks annoyed," he said.
"That's great."
You grabbed the fire whiskey and took a couple large sips, wanting to get a buzz on so this would be even easier. Sebastian followed suit, taking some sips of his own drink. He winced as the alcohol burned his throat on the way down.
The night went on and you and Sebastian remained planted on the sofa, and Garreth by the fireplace. He kept glaring in your direction every time you laughed or spoke a bit too loud. He was clearly distracted in his conversation.
You both had finished your fire whiskey and you weren't drunk, but you were definitely buzzed at this point. You took some more daring approaches as the buzz grew, such as touching Sebastian's chin and ruffling his hair.
It seemed Sebastian was getting more daring, too, as he placed a hand on your thigh. Your heart skipped a beat for a second, but you quickly brushed it off and took a quick glance over at Garreth, making it look like you just happened to spot him by accident. His face was nearly as red as his hair.
"Alright, Sebastian, he looks mad enough. I think we're go-"
You were cut off by Sebastian planting his lips on yours.
What the fuck?
You lightly pushed him off and stared at him in shock. But all of a sudden, your mind was fuzzy. You nearly forgot why you were at the party with Sebastian in the first place. You didn't even care about wanting to make Garreth jealous anymore.
"Oh, I'm so sorry... I don't know what came ov-"
You pulled him in for more, and he instantly melted into you. As soon as Sebastian kissed you the first time, that's all you wanted. His lips on yours. Your intentions were completely derailed, but you didn't care. This was amazing.
After a minute, you pulled away from Sebastian once again. When you looked over to the fireplace, Garreth was gone. He must've stormed off after the kiss.
You looked back at Sebastian, who stared at you with the same look of shock as you'd given him before. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, you grabbed his wrist and led him all the way to the Undercroft in silence.
"Look, I already told you, I'm really sorry," he pleaded as soon as the door shut behind you.
"Are you drunk?" You asked him.
"No. I'm buzzed, but I'm sober. Are you drunk?"
There was a moment of silence.
"Why did you kiss me?" You asked suddenly.
"I don't know... I was trying to say I didn't know what came over me," he began to pace back and forth.
"I mean -- you didn't need to. He was already fuming just from us touching each other."
"Why are you interrogating me? You kissed me the second time."
You froze. He was right. You didn't even know if Garreth left after the first or second kiss.
"I-- I don't-"
"I kissed you because I wanted to," he mumbled.
"You what?"
"I wanted to."
He stopped pacing and turned to face you, taking a deep breath.
"I'm not drunk by any means, but maybe the alcohol made me a bit more brave. I wanted to kiss you. I've wanted to kiss you for years. Why do you think I always agree to do things for you, do things with you? Because I want every excuse to spend time with you. I was destroyed when you got with Garreth, and I was even more destroyed when I saw how heartbroken he made you. Each time you came and cried to me about how awful you felt, all I wanted to do was hold you, but I couldn't. I couldn't tell you how I felt while you were going through that. You told me how you must be ugly for him to lose interest so suddenly, or how you're not important enough. Truly, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and you are worth the world. I wanted to fucking kill Garreth when I saw how devastated you were. He made a mistake hurting you. I kissed you because I wanted to. Because I needed to. Because I love you."
In an instant, your world changed. You remembered so many things at once. It explained why you wanted to kiss him back. You remembered the feeling in your stomach every time you would see him. You remembered the feeling in your stomach every time he would leave. You remembered the feeling in your stomach when you'd get into an argument and were unsure if he would ever forgive you.
You especially remembered the feeling in your stomach when he got a little too friendly with Nellie Oggspire. You realized that was the reason you even got with Garreth in the first place. You were trying to avoid your feelings for Sebastian. That day you made your first move on Garreth when you had no interest in him before that.
No one else made you feel the way Sebastian did... and for some reason, you tried repressing those feelings. Maybe out of fear that you would lose him? He was the only person who could truly make you laugh, and he was the only person who was willing to listen to everything you were going through.
"Can- can you say something?" Sebastian asked quietly.
"I- I love you, too."
"You do?"
You nodded. "I do. I love you, Sebastian. I always have."
In seconds, Sebastian closed the distance between you both, crashing his lips onto you once again. You instantly felt weak in the knees and you grabbed onto the fabric of his shirt to keep yourself from falling over.
You were already attracted to him, but the taste of the fire whiskey on his lips made him even more intoxicating, and you wanted to taste it even more. He seemed to have read your mind as he slipped his tongue into your mouth at the slightest part of your lips.
You moaned into his mouth and he leaned down a bit, placing his hands on the back of your knees. You knew what he wanted you to do and you obliged, jumping up to wrap your legs around his waist. He held onto you and brought you over to a desk you both used to study in the Undercroft.
He propped you up so you were sitting on the desk and he stood between your legs as he began to unbutton your blouse.
"Do you want to do this?" He asked.
The unmistakable throbbing in your core confirmed that you wanted nothing else but this. You nodded.
He continued to unbutton your blouse and gently placed it on the desk beside you once it was removed. He looked at your half-naked torso with a lick of his lips and softly traced his fingers down your arms, giving you goosebumps.
You turned around to give him access to the buttons on your corset, breathing a sigh of relief once it was fully unbuttoned. He slowly removed the corset as well, leaving your upper body fully exposed to him.
"Fucking beautiful, look at you," he growled.
You blushed at his praise.
Sebastian stepped closer to you, leaning down and taking one of your nipples into his mouth. You gasped and arched your back towards him, gripping his hair in your fists. He sucked and licked on your nipple until it was hard before moving on to the next one.
He hadn't even been inside you yet and you couldn't deny that he was pleasuring you much better than Garreth ever had. You were absolutely desperate for him at this point. You spread your legs even further to let him know you were ready.
Sebastian got the memo, as he took his mouth off your breast and began to pull down your skirt. You wiggled your hips so it was easier for him to slide it off.
He stepped forward again to kiss you some more as he pressed his fingers against your clit, still covered by your underwear, but the pressure was enough to cause you to yelp and shake. The sound made him grin against your lips.
"Sensitive..." he whispered.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders to keep yourself upright as he began to rub circles on your clit, relishing in the feeling of the soaking wet fabric, knowing just how ready you were for him.
"How does that feel, honey? Does that feel good?" He asked, with his tone so deep his voice alone could've made you finish. You nodded, unable to form words as you threw your head back in pleasure.
"I'm glad. I want to taste you now, is that alright?"
You whimpered at the thought of his tongue on your pussy, and you craved it. "Yes, please, Seb..."
He smiled at you and began to pull down your underwear, and your clit pulsed in anticipation.
Your underwear joined the rest of your clothes in their spot on the desk, and Sebastian gently pushed your legs further apart, getting a good look at your sweet spot.
"I'm going to make you feel really good. I'll make you forget about Weasley," he said, running his hand down your thigh.
You almost went unconscious at how hot the sight of him getting on his knees in front of you was.
You fell back against the desk as soon as you felt Sebastian's tongue run across your slit. "Oh, fuck," you squeaked.
He chuckled deeply before flicking it once against your clit, and your legs flexed in response. He wrapped his arms around your thighs before going in, rapidly flicking his tongue against your nub, not worrying about how much he began to salivate.
You cried out his name and tugged on his hair, trying to pry him off due to how deep his tongue was pressed onto your clit and how sensitive it already was, but he wouldn't budge. In fact, he went in even more.
It felt so fucking good you practically couldn't breathe, and you couldn't sit up for longer than 5 seconds before falling back onto the desk again.
Sebastian shook his head back and forth like a madman, wanting to taste you like he hadn't eaten in days. You wanted to watch him as he ate you out, but your head was spinning in pure ecstasy. He knew just where to put his tongue, and Garreth was never good at eating you out. Sebastian knew exactly what he was doing.
You felt your orgasm coming already since your clit was so sensitive and needy. Sebastian knew it was coming as you closed your legs around his head, and he dug his fingers deeper into the skin of your thighs. It was over when he closed his lips around your nub and gently pulled on it. Instantly your pussy began to pulsate and you felt your juices spilling out onto the desk.
"Fuck me, Sebastian!" You cried.
Sebastian licked up every last drop of your juices, even tracing his finger on whatever dripped on the desk and sucking that off, too. Seeing his chin shine in the light from your cum was the hottest thing you'd ever seen.
You spotted the raging boner in his trousers once he stood up and it made your mouth water. He wanted you so badly, and you him. You cupped his bulge and looked up at him, licking your lips.
"Please," you whine.
Sebastian shook his head.
"No, honey," he said softly, placing a finger to your chin. "This night is all about you. I want to please you tonight."
Fuck. He's perfect.
You bit your lip at him as you nodded in compliance, and that subtle act seemed to send him into a frenzy. He dove forward, biting and sucking at your neck as he ground against you. You reached up and began to unbutton his shirt but you only got the top few unbuttoned when he stopped you.
"No. That takes too long," he growled.
You froze for a moment until he started fumbling with his belt, and you realized he was just so desperate to be inside you that he didn't want to waste time undressing, and it had you throbbing all over again.
He removed his belt and unclasped the button of his trousers, pulling them down just enough along with his underwear for him to be exposed to you. You dripped at the sight of his beautiful cock, fully erect and stunningly girthy. He was going to stretch you out perfectly.
The tip of his penis was dark and shiny. You wanted to lick and suck on it like candy, but he didn't care about the foreplay on him. He just wanted to fuck you senseless, but you knew you'd have plenty of time to suck him off in the future. At this point you wanted him to do anything he wanted to you.
He gave his shaft a few more pumps as he stepped closer to you. Just by looking you could tell he likely wouldn't last long, as he was visibly pulsing and pre-cum was already dripping from the hole.
You hissed as he teased your slit by rubbing himself on it, and he leaned in to give you a soft, tender kiss.
"I love you," he whispered.
Before you even had time to reply, your words were cut off with a long groan as he pushed himself into you. Your vision went blurry as his thick cock stretched you out in all the best ways. You grabbed onto his sleeves so tightly you nearly ripped them.
Sebastian began his slow thrusts in and out of you, and he pressed his forehead against yours, wanting to look into your eyes as he entered you as deeply as he could.
His thrusts were slow but aggressive, and you could feel his balls slapping against your skin every time he pushed in. You were somewhat glad he kept his shirt on, as this shirt made him look very broad and manly, and you loved to see him in it as he fucked you.
"You're so warm, you feel so good," he moaned.
He leaned down, pressing his head into your neck and you leaned further back against the desk. His thrusts began to speed up and you clenched your legs around his waist, wanting to feel him as much as you could.
Sebastian wrapped one arm around your back to stabilize you and planted a few more kisses to the crook of your neck. You shivered as he pressed his tongue against your flesh.
He groaned at how tightly your walls pressed around his length from you clenching around his waist. The wetness and warmth sent him over the edge and he knew he wouldn't be able to manage for much longer.
"I'm getting close, my love," he panted.
"Fuck me, Seb. Fill me up," you replied.
He became ravenous at those words, beginning to pound into you so quickly you could've gone numb from the waist down. You cried out as he fucked you senselessly, and he pressed his lips onto your nipple once again.
He licked circles around your nipple, and your body jerked upward as he gently pressed his teeth onto it. He moaned when you made a soft, animalistic grunt in response. Once he pulled away and caught sight of the way your tits bounced from him pounding into you, it was enough for him.
"Oh, baby, I'm gonna- fuck!"
You gasped and shook as you felt him throb inside of you, spilling everything he could into your pussy. The twitching of his cock along with the warmth filling your hole was enough to send you as well, and you wailed as your walls began to clench around him.
You fell back against the desk and he leaned over you. The two of you sat still for a moment, him still inside you, and you both panted until you came back to your senses. He gave you another loving kiss before pulling himself out.
"Oh Merlin," he chuckled. "I think I'll need another shower."
"I might need one, too," you replied.
He began to straighten himself out, rebuttoning the top of his shirt and pulling his trousers back up. Concern spread across his face when he noticed your serious expression.
"You alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine. But, am I awful for doing this so quickly?"
Sebastian sighed and came back over to you, cupping your face in his hands.
"You're not. You did nothing wrong, my love. He led you on for months before breaking up with you. He missed out. It's my turn to give you the love that you deserve. You hear me?"
You smiled and nodded at him, and he gave you another peck on the lips.
"I just hope he doesn't give me a hard time," you mumbled.
"He won't. Not anymore," he replied. "Or else he'll have to deal with me."
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redroomreflections · 4 months
Not Easily Broken Chapter 1
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Natasha and Reader go through a tragic divorce
Masterlist | General Masterlist
Note: Yes, it's getting finished besties.
W/c: 2.2k
“Emma has ballet classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights,” Natasha breathes nursing her mug steaming with whatever tea flavor she’s decided to drink this month. She avoids your gaze letting her eyes focus on the steam rising steadily from the cup. She sips waiting for you to answer.
“Okay,” You sigh rubbing your sweaty palms against the leg of your jeans. “I can take Wednesdays with Ryan if you can do Thursday nights with Emma and then we trade Tuesdays?” You suggest looking over to the woman on the other side of the counter.
“No, I have training with Steve on Thursday nights,��� She declines.
“Since when?” You ask your eyebrow raised.
“Since forever.” She answers simply. “Besides you are much better at interacting with the other dance moms. Emma will want you there too.” She reminds you.
“Okay,” You say again. “What about carpool? How is that going to work if we’re in separate places? Do we keep them every other night? Switch off on weekends?”
“No, Emma’s finally gotten through her sleep regression we can’t change that now.” Natasha shakes her head. She decides she doesn’t want the tea anymore turning her back to empty it into the sink. She leans against it heavily with her arms folded gazing out of the casement window.
“Nat, we’ve been at this for an hour already,”
She turns to glare at you and if looks could kill you’d be dead.
It’s dark here in the kitchen beside the light illuminating from the stove. You’re both tired and utterly destroyed but you need to do this. You don’t want to put your children in court. Custody battles could get ugly and you want this to go right. Looking at Natasha and the frustrated expression she sports you can tell she’s tired of this too. You glance over to your bags packed and waiting for you to take them. For you to leave. You both agreed you wouldn’t stay during the night anymore only keeping up appearances for the children until you’re ready to tell them. Until Natasha is ready. She notices your looks clenching the edge of the counter.
“Have somewhere to be?”She raises a brow.
“What? No.” You roll your eyes. “I’m just wondering if we’re getting anywhere with this. If we’re doing the right thing.”
“If we’re doing the right thing?” She asks incredulously. “Only one of us has made this decision. Only one of us is working to break up this family.”
“Nat,” You warn. You really didn’t want to go there with her tonight. You can feel the splitting headache at the base of your neck. There’s tension there and you reach up with your right hand to massage the spot. You can practically feel the knots under your fingers.
“Don’t call me that,” She practically spits.
“Fine, fine.” You sigh again. “I’ll take whatever day you want. Just send me their schedules and I’ll try to keep up with it.”
“There’s no try, y/n.” Natasha scoffs. “Either you’re there or you’re not. It’s not so easy to just hop in and out of your children’s lives when you want.” She returns to a defensive stance looking at you challengingly. “Then again I forgot who raised you.”
How dare she? Your jaw clenches slightly as you try to rein in your emotions. Your father was a deadbeat dad who only spent time taking advantage of your love for too long. He would come and go as he pleased only bothering to spend time with you when he wanted to look like the father of the year. You were nothing like him. Nothing like him! As you look into those forest green eyes you can see the dare there. She wants you to say something back.
“I’m not playing into your games,” You shake your head. “There’s never a moment where I haven’t loved our children less than the day they were born. I would never.”
“And yet you’re spending more and more time at the office,” She tilts her head. “Your paperwork sees more of you than they do.”
“Natasha, that’s unfair.” You ball your fists on your side. “You know things at work have been hectic. They know that. I-I try to be there as much as I can. Besides, I distinctly remember you being gone for months at a time for missions when they were young. I don’t see you getting any awards either.”
“Hmm,” She hums. “Seems we both have something in common then.”
“What is this really about, Natasha?” You ask. “Because there’s not much left for us to say or for us to do.” You stand walking over to your bags. You slip your cell phone inside of the carry-on and turn back to her.
“Right, run away like the coward you are.” She mutters.
“What?” You’re taking steps closer to her this time. You don’t realize how close you are until she’s pressed against the counter. Your breaths are practically intermingled and this is the closest you’ve been in months you realize. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” Natasha says nonchalantly. “It’s just you have a tendency to run away from your problems. You run when times get hard.”
“And you don’t?”
“Like I said we have a lot in common,” She stands a bit taller. “You don’t have to do this. Any of this I mean. If it gets hard for you. I can take Ryan and Emma and I’ll figure something out with their schedules. I’ll tell them something about you having to work or I don’t know. Just don’t play with their hearts.”
“Dammit, Natasha,” Your hand raises and you don’t miss the way she flinches. You’re not going to hit her. You would never. At that moment you feel like an idiot as you back away from her. “Jesus.” You breathe. “Nat, we can’t keep doing this. Pretending that we love each other. I mean in the beginning, things were so loving and so passionate. I’ve loved every minute of our life together but it’s just…. I…” you stumble to find your words.
“Who says I’m pretending?” She frowns.
“It’s not enough anymore for us to be holding on by a thread,” You drop your hands back to your sides. “It’s not enough for us to be two people in love anymore. That’s not how a marriage works.”
“Is that it? Or I am not enough?” She’s vulnerable at this moment looking at you. Her voice cracks just slightly and you feel your heartbreaking. You’re not heartless and you’re not a monster. You never wanted to make her feel this way. “Did you find someone else?” She asks suddenly.
“I’m not a cheater.” You reply. How could she possibly think she wasn’t enough? Natasha was everything. She’s always been everything. Your everything. Sometimes things don’t work out the way they’re supposed to. That’s why you’re here and after 9 years of marriage and two children, you aren’t taking this lightly. You’ve sat on this for the better part of a year and you decided a divorce was better. You fought more in the past year. Spent more time apart. Kept yourself out of the house more and more. Anything to put some space between the two of you.
“You know that’s really hard to believe when you haven’t been present for a very long time,” Natasha says.
“What? Just because I’ve been away more doesn’t mean I would cheat?”Where would she ever get this idea?
“We haven’t had sex in almost two years,” Natasha points out. Damn! Has it really been that long? Surely you’ve been intimate more recently than that. There was that time a few months ago when you had her against the sink in one of the bathrooms at Tony and Pepper’s anniversary party. No. You’d gotten interrupted and forgotten all about it. “So if you’re not getting it from me you’re getting it from someone else. Just tell me instead of giving me the bullshit excuses you have been. Is it Cara from accounting? She’s sweet. Nice body. Lisa from HR? I bet she eats pussy well enough. ”
“Natasha, I am not a cheater.” Your voice raises and she immediately shushes you. If you wake the children this is going to turn into an even tougher conversation. In a hushed tone, “I can promise you, Natasha I have never cheated on you.”
“So tell me what it is,” Her tone is almost petulant and childlike. She’s frustrated and hurt. The next thing is for her to lash out and you’d much rather leave before she gets to that.
“Nat, I can’t because there’s not just one simple reason,” You try to force your mind to focus on the conversation in front of you. “We aren’t who we used to be. We fight more than we love. That’s not how a marriage should be. It’s not good for the kids and it’s not good for us.”
“And you made this decision all on your own,” Natasha’s voice wavers. Before you can speak again there’s a small voice coming from behind her.
You both turn to see sleepy green eyes looking up at you.
Four-year-old Emma (four and a half according to her) looks between the both of you as she tries to figure out the situation in this room. She’s holding her favorite blue blanket, the one she’s had since she was a newborn, to her chest. She looks so small in her nightgown with her red hair messy as she trails over to Natasha. Her blanket drags against the ground as she walks. She raises her arms to be picked up and Natasha obliges her.
“What are you doing up, printsessa?” Natasha raises the girl onto her hip caressing her back and head as she rocks her gently.
“I heard yelling,” She pouts looking over to you through her thick lashes. She looks exactly like Natasha despite you having carried her. It’s something you both joked about after choosing her donor. Ryan looks more like you. He’s seven and apparently a much deeper sleeper. “Mommy, are you going somewhere?” Emma asks pointing her chubby fingers over to your door.
“Yeah,” You answer her.
“For how long this time?” She shoots another question.
You look to Natasha for help on how to answer but she simply looks away burying her face in Emma’s hair.
“For a little bit, Babygirl.” You try.
“But I don’t want you to go.” Emma’s pout deepens. “You have to stay and eat breakfast with me, and Mama, and Ryan.”
“Not this time, I can’t.” You say.
“Oh,” She looks down before looking up at you. “Well, when you get back can we have a sleepover in your and Mama’s bed? We haven’t done one of those in a long, long time?” Her voice is hopeful and you can tell she’s fighting her sleep again.
“I’m sorry,” You whisper. You can’t bring yourself to lie to her. You don’t want to be like him. Giving her false hope.
“Tell you what, Printsessa, you and Ryan can sleep with me tomorrow night.” Natasha bounces her on her hip. Emma’s eyes light up at the promise. You’re so grateful she’s taken the lead. She’s had to frequently these days. “Now you can sleep with me tonight too. Go upstairs and get warm and I’ll come and tuck you in.” She releases Emma from her hold and the girl slides down from her body. She begins to run to the stairs before stopping in her tracks. She turns to run and you kneel to catch her in your arms. She wraps her arms around your neck landing a wet kiss on your cheek.
“I love you, Mommy. Come back soon,” It’s a thing you and Natasha used to say whenever she was away on missions. Hearing your daughter utter those words brings tears to your eyes. In your peripheral, you can see Natasha is just as emotional as she wipes the tears away quickly before Emma can see.
“I will,” You manage to get out as you hold her in your arms for a few seconds. Finally, you let go and she takes off running presumably for your bedroom. You stay kneeling before rising to your full height. You reach out to Natasha to comfort her, you’re not really sure why, but you’re expecting her to pull away. She doesn’t. She allows you to pull her into your arms and she buries her face into your neck. You hold her as a sob rack her body. You dare a kiss to the side of her head and she pulls away from you as if she’s been burned.
She wraps her arms around herself defensively. She looks so small at this moment. With her black leggings and her oversized sweater.
“I’m broken, and I’m tired and it’s your fault so please leave.” She doesn’t wait for you to say anything else as she turns to follow the same path your daughter has taken. She trusts you enough to lock the door. As you look around the home you’ve built you can’t help but feel guilty. Everything you’ve built was crumbling and you can’t help but feel it’s all your fault.
----> next part
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jxsterr · 8 months
ghhghgb pre calamity zelink but zelda grows a quiet rebellious streak after her father forbids her from engaging with sheikah technology and link volunteers as her ‘grew up as a regular village boy so of course he’s a terrible influence’ sidekick so they sneak around and do all sorts of things kids their age do because they yearn to feel at least a little bit normal despite all the pressure on their shoulders. also because i’m still hung up on why the hell his royal cap was in her room
i’m a slowburn truther but hear me out
i’m talking about link soothing an upset and understandably frustrated zelda as she rants about how unfair being forbidden to engage in something she enjoys by suggesting they simply just sneak out and enjoy it anyway. by telling her that he knows the patrolling routines well enough from being around the other guards so often that he can evade them. that he’d take the brunt of it if they were ever caught and watches how stars burst in her eyes at the prospect. he tells her that if rhoam is willing to void her of any sort of hobbies, any kind of relief from the stresses of her duty that they will simply make it themselves
so they learn to sneak around. he takes her out late at night to marvel and prod at the inactive guardians, jotting down notes and making sketches of the mechanisms as he keeps watch for her. she sneaks into the guards quarters to see him whenever she’s been too caught up in prayers and duties for him to be around. he sneaks into her bedroom to sprawl out on her bed while she dishes the castle gossip idly or drags him into her study and miserably details her struggles at growing a silent princess herself. they essentially become each other’s source of respite
but you know what i eat up the most?? them having the thought that. damn. they’ll never get to experience what a lot of kids their age get to because of their positions and responsibilities. they’ll never get to experience proper physical affection from another person, or steal wine from the kitchens and deal with the consequences of being a little too overzealous with it, or even experience what it’s like to be kissed. they’re just two kids desperate to feel normal just for a little while
so they’re like fuck it. the world could genuinely end tomorrow so why not start ticking off the list. they’re two people stuck in a shitty situation against their own volition who’ve grown close because of it and trust each other with their lives. why not help each other live a little
so they do it. they let tentative fingers tangle themselves whenever they dare stand near, cuddle on zelda’s bed after a long day until they fall asleep by accident and have to figure out a gameplan to get him the hell out without being suspicious about it, steal a bottle of wine to take turns drinking from on the battlement between her room and her study and cough at how damn strong it is because they didn’t realise you had to sip it, and exchange lingering kisses behind the safety of her bedroom door because why not. they lose even when they’re playing good, so why not take a little bit of control of their lives and do something for them when the calamity could appear at literally any point. they may as well live every day like their last when there’s so much to lose and nothing to gain.
it doesn’t even matter if they catch feelings from any of it anyway because they can figure it out if they even get past ganon. nothing is for certain when her cursed powers refuse to answer her so what the hell does it matter. so what if it starts with kisses that only occur occasionally when they’ve stolen wine again and their hearts can’t seem to stay off their sleeves for long enough to realise just how close zelda is sat next to him. so what if they use it once while completely sober to reassure the other in a last ditch attempt to calm them down and it just kinda sticks. so what if it becomes a game of how many they can sneak in small fleeting moments where every second counts and they only just about avoid getting caught. it’s a little bit of fun and goddess knows they need something good for once
they’ll figure out what all of this means after everything—and that’s if there’s still anything to come back to
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lamemaster · 1 year
Subject of Faith
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Pairing: Sauron x Human reader
Summary: It was not the cockiness of omnipotence, but a longing that lined your words. And Sauron knew that longing, for Ainur and Men shared it.
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"Would you rather put all your faith in someone you can't see?"
"Like the music can't be seen and fragrance can't be held, faith is not a matter of seeing, it is subject to believing." Your answer frustrated Sauron.
A mere human dare talk back to him? A guard of the king of Numenor. A lowly guard whose entire life would be blink of an eye from Sauron.
Yet, Sauron could not stop speaking. Every passing second he poked at every aspect of your existence to find a weak spot. Anything that would quench his curiosity about you.
A distant part of his conscious warned him to restrain. To not reveal his plan and to play the part of a gullible repentant. He truly tried but failed.
You were nothing. A poor human who stood outside his cell for hours. A monotonous and taxing job. But no matter how hard Sauron tried he failed to find a crack.
"Don't you desire for an immortal life, likes of which is given to the elves?" He questioned you, settling back into the now familiar game of unravelling your mind. "How nice would it be to not leave your dear ones, to be with them forever and to not suffer the pain of old age."
You do not turn to face him. Your back does not relax at his honeyed words but you do answer him. You always do. You treat him with the fairness of any other being. Answering his questions while continuing your job. "Maybe it would be easy to accept the bliss of immortality and wish for a life I have never lived. However, how unfair would it be to dishonor a gift given by my creator. How can I a mere mortal know of his plans for me? I can only submit to the one who has given me the chance to see this world and hope for another mercy or another miracle to be revealed." Your voice rings loud in the desolate prison. "Furthermore, I really look forward to seeing my grandparents in whatever fate awaits me," the slight joy in your voice stuns Sauron.
It is not the cockiness of omnipotence but a longing that lines your words. And Sauron knows of that longing. Ainur and Men share it. A lingering remembrance of their true home. Elves, whose fate remains tied to Arda know little of it. A constant tug to overturn the world looking for that one place that promises some relief from the constant restlessness.
The same restlessness grows in Sauron's heart. After eons he finds himself thinking of not Utumno or Valinor but the Timeless Halls where he first came to be.
He resented you for doing that to him. He had heard imploring words of silver-tongued elven lords and forgiving speeches of the Valar who resided beyond seas, but none had bugged him like the simple words of the human who stood guarding him.
And so, the chained Maia rested his head on the cold unrelenting wall behind him. "I hope to see you the day you die. When death will look you in the eyes, I hope you manage to remain as sure as your sound right now."
Months later when Tar Mairon, the closest advisor of the king, finds himself in the same prison. His hands dipped in the warmth of your blood.
You lay on the cold ground that had once been the spot from where you answered his questions with your back facing him. In the past, he rarely saw your face but now as he looks at the peaceful look on your face he knows it to be you.
There is indeed no bitterness or fear in your death. It is acceptance that greets Sauron. Even in death you stay true to your words. Sauron marvels at the stubborn human who refuses to bow to him in life and death.
One day...one day he promises, you will meet again. That day he might force you to kneel or he might end up joining you. That day was too far but it would come after trials that awaited him.
In a twisted fate, he hopes in some salvation you await him. And when he finds you, he hopes to hear your voice and ask you questions that you reply to without a fail.
He will find you when he can't offer you the hoax of immortality or feed you falsehood of greed. You don't need that. You won't accept that.
So, Sauron awaits for his song's end. Maybe his end will guide him to you or some peaceful oblivion.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Sneak Peek!
a Steve Rogers x Avenger!Reader excerpt
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Summary: Steve reaches his breaking point when you return to the field after severe injuries.
Warnings for a touch of the spice and a vicious/hot argument. WC ~550 *This work is not in final edits yet. All mistakes are my own.
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“You’re not my superior officer, and if you think for one second I did anything wrong out there, go ahead and report me. From where I’m standing, I did the work, got cleared for duty, helped out the team, and stopped you from being shot in the head.”
“Fine," Steve shouts, arms crossed over his chest, "but quit acting like a selfish coward.”
“A what?”
“You heard me.”
“If you’re gonna throw a hissy fit every time I get a scratch—“
“THREE BULLETS IS NOT A SCRATCH.” He tries—he visibly, painfully tries—to keep his cool one last time. “You weren’t ready,” he concludes, judge, jury, and executioner all poured into one star-spangled package.
“Say’s who?” You’re stepping closer, getting in his face because this is bullshit and unfair. “Last time I checked, you’re not a doctor, and you should be thanking me for saving your ass—“
“It’s not your job to save me.”
“We have the same job, Steve! We are both perfectly capable of—“
“I know that,” he barks.
“Do you? Because you don’t seem to think I can’t handle myself." You push weakly at his chest like it's a game. "Maybe you need to walk it off, buddy.”
Oh shit. You’ve done it now.
“Walk it off?! WALK IT OFF?!”
Steve charges like a bull seeing red, crowding you against the far wall, a derisive finger pointed at your heart.
“You were injured. You didn’t make contact. You went dark for days, and you could have died. Alone. Out there. Who knows how long it would have taken us to find you. No—“ he cups your chin in a tight pinch “—you want to talk about a job? It’s protocol to check in. It’s common courtesy to let me know you’re alive, and it’s goddamn rude to ignore your own safety.”
There’s a deep line of frustration carved between his brows. His nostrils flair as he waits, daring you to refute him.
“Well, isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black.”
“Excuse me?”
Steve lets go of you, smacked away by your cutting tone.
“Oh, whatever, Rogers,” you taunt, rolling your eyes. “Play martyr all you want, but we both know you don’t have the authority to bench me.”
“Like hell I don’t,” he growls, grabbing your wrists and throwing your arms above your head. He weaves your hands through the cargo net behind you. The loops are tight and complicated in seconds, he’s so fast.
You can’t wriggle away.
Steve roughly throws the zipper of your uniform down, letting the jacket hang open to show nothing but your sports bra.
“Let’s see how you like feeling paralyzed—“ he dexterously undoes your belt “—exposed—“ your pants and underwear are yanked down to your ankles “—and afraid.”
His last word thickens the air on the jet. 
How can this man launch you into unbridled lust in the space of two syllables? Who. Fucking. Cares. How.
Steve’s fingertips teasingly glide over the swell of your breasts, brush down your belly, and tick their way in a casual walk between your legs.
“Maybe I should leave you wondering how it’ll all play out, leave you wondering if I’ll ever touch you again, wondering if…”
“Yes,” you breathe.
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a/n: Tentatively planning to have this done to post on Sunday since the original was a 'Sweet Sunday' ask. Per usual, don't quote me on that, but I got a huge chunk done today which was likely the hardest part. Thank you to all those who sent messages of support! I won't let you down 🫡
[Main Masterlist; Old Dog, New Tricks; Ko-Fi]
Tags: @supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp
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pixies-and-poets · 9 months
In which I dare to rant about Paper Mario
So there's this discourse going around twitter right now about Paper Mario being an AU and Paper Mario not being the "real" Mario and if ANY of the PM games happened in "the real Mario world" or have parallels, do the characters exist outside of the Paper World, etc etc
And all I can think is like, damn, how unfortunate is it that Intelligent Systems deciding to use a charming and timeless art style back on the N64 led to this. The idea to use 2D sprites on 3D backgrounds to create a storybook feel eventually spiraled into the series' ENTIRE IDENTITY. Gameplay does not unite the whole Paper Mario series, depth of story does not, shared characters do not, only the art style and the idea of 2D vs 3D.
And it's a shame because the first PM was a lovely fairy tale that clearly followed in the footsteps of SMRPG as an extrapolation of what the Mushroom Kingdom could be, and how Mario's world works. It was also my first Mario RPG and had tremendous influence on me. Friendly Koopas and Goombas, the Star Spirits, wishes. It was called Mario Story in Japan and the paper aspect mattered nothing to the actual narrative. And then TTYD got a little cheekier with the paper abilities (with them being a fourth-wall-wobbling joke tacked on to what was clearly supposed to still be a Mario Story). And then SPM, much as I love it, bases its entire hook around 2D/3D in a way that's hard to reconcile with Mario's "normal" existence. And by Sticker Star they just said screw it, reboot it, everyone is 100% aware they are made of paper and that's like the series' whole deal now. And it has stayed there ever since.
For the last three games, you can say maybe there's a "real" Bobby out there or a "real" Captain T. Ode but it's impossible for their plots to take place in a world divorced from the craft universe unless we substitute in a lot of body horror and viscera (and even then, what of the Things? Etc). And that's ok for these games, they work within their own context and can be fun for what they are. But it's now got people thinking the first three games fold into this same AU. And you can blame Paper Jam for this but the PM series did it to itself. PJ just clearly spelled out the dual reality that Sticker Star and its follow-ups obviously necessitated. And now the whole series has retroactively been wrapped up into this Paper Universe.
Look, I know "Mario lore" doesn't actually matter, and most RPG characters never show up again even in their own series, and as long as you enjoy each game in a vacuum that's what matters. But it's frustrating that we've reached a point where PM characters have to be the odd ones out who may or may not "actually exist" or have actually met the "real Mario". Mallow is definitely real, Cackletta is definitely real but Chuck Quizmo- WHOA SLAM THE BRAKES, IDK ABOUT THAT ONE CHIEF. Thankfully most people don't give a shit about this drudgery and it won't stop people from drawing Vivian and Geno interacting, because it's just fun and good.
But my point is, I don't think the people working on the first PM (and TTYD) really could have foreseen the series evolving into what it is today, and it's unfair to wipe out their lovely narratives and relegate them to some kind of side universe not worthy of The Real Super Mario(tm) [especially because, taken in sum total of characters and vignettes, TTYD is the greatest Mario narrative there has ever been IMO]. SPM, so strange in both its style and its entire concept, is in some kind of weird limbo where I don't even really care what people think of it anymore, just let me enjoy my game that makes me cry every time in peace lmao
I can't think of another example of a series where an arbitrary stylistic gimmick (not a gameplay or story gimmick but a STYLISTIC gimmick) consumes it and becomes its entire thematic identity. Can you? It's Flanderization on the scale of a franchise, not just a character. Closest is perhaps the Yoshi series, where Yoshi's Island had a childlike crayon look to stand out on the SNES and fit the theme of Baby Mario, which got expanded to Yoshi's Story being a storybook and now we have craft themed Yoshi games. But it's still not entirely the same thing because the gameplay has remained somewhat consistent, if getting rather easier.
Anyway peace and love I just want Johnny Jones and Cortez to hang out
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Is it just me or are some of the more intense Imaudna folk…kind of mirroring Imogen’s over-defensiveness of Liliana? Or at least uncritically accepting Imogen’s assessment of her, without acknowledging her “bias”? (as we are now apparently calling the characters’ family - so K-pop of us)
I’m not saying she’s a terrible mother - she’s literary moving heaven and earth for Imogen [and herself] - but she’s helping bring about what could be an apocalyptic event, on the off-chance that it could relieve them of their powers.
And I get why people wanna ignore that in favor of Imogen reuniting with her Mom and building a relationship with her. But it’s frustrating when you remember that some of the people her Mom has fucked over include Kiki and the Ashari (not just Orym) and that she’s working with a guy that allowed Trent’s abuse of Caleb, who Beau has spent years working to take down, and we still don’t know what’s happened to those two.
Again - shades of gray, and we all love villains and complicated, messy women. But it’s quite the slice of cognitive dissonance to see fandom *really* pile on Fearne’s parents for abandoning her (especially when it was only six years as far as they knew), but even after she’s party to nearly murdering Kiki, we shouldn’t be assuming the worst of Liliana?
(Just read this back and…I don’t think some these Imaudna fans are actually Marisha fans)
I don't think it's mirroring Imogen, per se. Or rather, I think this is all part of the larger trend I've touched upon for some time: there are a segment of shippers with absolutely no empathy for or generosity towards anything that interferes with the ship. Ideally, they'd like to also support Imogen and Laudna as individuals; but even then the ship comes before the characters. As you said, they're not really Marisha - or Laudna - or for that matter Imogen or Laura fans. They're fans of them playing characters who are in a relationship together.
When Imogen was upset with Laudna for breaking the gnarlrock, there was a pretty prevalent attitude of "but it wasn't LAUDNA's fault, so why is Imogen upset, that's unfair" even though the rock is still broken and it happened when it was in Laudna's possession and, frankly, had Imogen not given the rock to Laudna, she'd still have it. In retrospect this has gotten even more wild, because since then, they've leaned very far into the negative effects Imogen experiences as a result of her powers as an argument as to why she's allowed to do whatever she wants, but at the time if you pointed out Imogen found relief from the rock and is justified in having an emotional response, you were met with screams of HOW DARE YOU BE MEAN TO LAUDNA. This hypocrisy is of course tied into the lack of empathy, because said lack of empathy rests on granting infinite grace to those who support or even merely recognize the ship, no matter their other actions (eg: Otohan), and dismissing the feelings of anyone else.
When Laudna died, it was a pretty common attitude among Imogen and Laudna shippers (I would say Laudna fans, but quite honestly almost every post grieving her was just as much about the ship as the character) that Orym would have been happy to have remained dead because he was a widower. This is a horrifying mentality to have - people's partners do die young, and most people choose to continue living - and was also notably untrue based on Liam's statements both in and out of game. You'll notice that "Orym doesn't want to die and felt like this was a massive failure" on 4SD never took off, but "Orym can't be objective" on 4SD has been blown to ludicrous proportions that show a stunning lack of understanding of like...basic human emotions and their role in decision-making. Because there's no consistency except The Ship.
When the party went to Whitestone, and Percy was in fact played as someone with very complicated and layered feelings about death and dying, and who was not going to change his developed principles for a stranger, he was lambasted. The fact that Delilah Briarwood is just as responsible for his trauma - repeatedly so, she was the architect of both his family's murder and the reason why Vecna achieved godhood, she's literally why his brother-in-law is dead, the Briarwoods have been responsible for two of Vex's deaths - was completely ignored. The fact that Vex and Pike were not spiting him in the end, but rather developed a mutually acceptable plan that permitted Laudna's resurrection with a contingency plan to kill her if Delilah returned led to some pretty harsh criticism of them as well.
FCG was pretty popular among the shippers for quite some time because he wanted everyone to get along and wanted Imogen and Laudna to make up after the gnarlrock fight (note: this is also true of Ashton and Orym, both of whom as discussed have since fallen from grace because they continued to exist as characters with their own thoughts and motivation) and had a lot in common with Imogen. However, a series of things occurred that led to their fall from grace among the shippers. The first was that FCG's coin is why Orym was resurrected instead of Laudna. The second is that Shared Dream was not, in fact, intended only to let Laudna go into Imogen's dreams, but rather allowed anyone in the party to go. The third is that FCG started to find a purpose beyond "help others no matter what," particularly after realizing they had a soul and were in fact a person, and specifically began exploring religion. Religion is unpopular with Imodna shippers particularly after 3x49 and Imogen's consideration of the Vanguard, but there's also definitely a mix of obvious ex-fundamentalists who never unpacked their feelings and instead just want all their fiction to validate their new beliefs. The fourth is that FCG/FRIDA "stole" the first canon relationship spot (which also confirmed that FCG was, in fact, shippable rather than some kind of robot eunuch with nothing better to do than push Imogen and Laudna together). And so you get some really fucked statements. Like, when I say I've seen "I hope someone makes that robot eat their stupid coin" that's not exaggeration; it's pretty much verbatim. That's not a post that a person who makes any attempt to understand experiences other than their own can make in earnest, but it does make sense from the perspective of someone who has decided Imogen and Laudna's relationship is the heart of the show and is angered that five other main PCs exist and have their own interests.
Ashton occupies a truly fascinating space, in that they're oddly popular, in part because their scenes with Laudna are genuinely unmissably fantastic scenes for Laudna. It's one of the only places where Laudna takes off the mask (though she's started to with Orym too). He also overlaps with a lot of what makes Imogen popular, except it's canon where Imogen's is subtext, or it's obviously more severe (Imogen's mom left? Ashton's an orphan. Imogen's had a few headaches? Ashton has chronic pain). So they hated when he pointed out he'd been abandoned by his friends in a way Laudna hadn't (also because Ashton and Laudna's conversation in 3x49 was just far more honest than Imogen and Laudna's, and because Laudna sought them out), but they like him when he's supportive of Laudna. They're constantly on the thinnest of ice because of this and because they're a genuinely compelling character, but because of that, might get in the way of what said shippers want, namely, a hundred episodes of Imogen and Laudna sipping tea at Zhudanna's and having a lovely time.
Following Imogen considering joining the Vanguard, Orym fell out of vogue despite his previous interactions with Imogen, because he very justifiably pointed out, as I've said, that the Ruby Vanguard killed his husband and his father-in-law (whom he saw as a father figure himself), and used a toxin that ensured they couldn't be brought back. I've talked about this a ton and so I'm not going to rehash every aspect, but the fact remains that while I like Imogen's choice to do this - conflict is fun! It makes sense for her character! - it's an incredibly insensitive thing to say. (It blows Ashton's statement about loneliness out of the water, for sure; incidentally, Ashton pointing out the more general hey girl they murder everyone who disagrees did NOT sit well with the hey let's harass everyone who disagrees crowd.) And when you mix it in with the god stuff discussed regarding FCG, Orym has become the periannath non grata of choice to the point of a similar response to the gnarlrock fight - if you sympathize with him, they see it as an attack not just on Imogen but on Laudna, for...not talking about Laudna as well. This has only gotten worse with Orym firmly committing to destroying the Vanguard, to the point that there are, generously speaking, misunderstandings or misrememberings of the text, and less generously speaking, outright lies. A notable one is that Laudna begins to tap into Delilah before Orym nods (Marisha's mention of the purplish hue is at 2:52:02 in episode 3x63; Orym's nod is at 3:01:42, a solid 9+ minutes later); he supports her decision, but he is not responsible for it.
Then there's the guests. Deanna was obviously made to ask Imogen about Laudna. She's here to ask them if they're married. She's here to encourage Imogen to follow her heart. She's definitely not here to have her own active and interesting love life and personal feelings about the gods (that conflict with Imogen's) and history and perspective. Oh she's...she's calling out Imogen's nonstop use of psychic powers? She's having a three-way with Chetney and Fearne? FRIDA is hooking up with FCG and admitted their anger about the gods was mostly due to projecting their personal anger about feeling powerless and having been awoken without their consent? Uhhhhhh Deni$e was obviously made to to ask Laudna about Imogen. She's definitely not here to be a connection to Dariax and have her own active and interesting love life and personal feelings about the gods. Wait, no, maybe Bor'Dor will ask about it? Uhhhhhh *flips coin but not in an FCG way* Laudna will *rolls dice* mentor Prism and this will...make this ship happen? Oh, won't these people with their own distinct personalities and motivations who keep having conversations with Orym and Ashton and each other stop doing that and just presume that a specific one of the four other people in Bells Hells they've never met and probably don't remember the names of is married to Laudna? Won't someone stop playing their character as a fully fleshed out person whose life is entirely unaffected by Laudna and Imogen's respective love lives? Oh and then Bor'Dor did ask about the relationship, and it was because it was a weakness and he was trying to infiltrate.
Quite literally? It goes as far as the gods! Why didn't they save Laudna? To which I'd say sure, let's explore what happens if they did! Let's follow this thread! Do they just save Laudna and maybe her family and no one else? Why Laudna? Does she get saved at the expense of some other dark-haired girl in Whitestone? Or perhaps they save everyone. Perhaps the De Rolos remain in power, and Campaign 1 doesn't fucking happen I guess, and Laudna grows up, and she lives out the rest of her life in Whitestone, and she's a woman in her 50s now - maybe even married, perhaps with children - and has never been to Marquet and wouldn't know or care about some random 20-something with purple hair. Like, what are you driving at here? Maybe the gods let Laudna die because that was the only way to bring her to Imogen. Ever think of that? (alternately: how do you know they didn't? What if Laudna's undead state has to do with Vecna? You didn't specify if it was the Primes or the Betrayers, or how she gets saved; she's still living after a hanging, which some might consider a miraculous gift. What if it was the Dawnfather acting through the Sun Tree? Can you describe what you want the gods to have done and where that puts us in 843 PD or do you just say shit hoping no one will ever poke at it?) When do the gods intervene? Do they make sure nothing bad ever happens to anyone? Are mortals just dolls the gods move around with no free will?
So anyway. I don't think these feelings about Liliana are based on mirroring Imogen's thought process. I do not think there is a level of consideration that Imogen and Laudna have motivations (motivations mean they can be something other than perfect flawless victims who found each other). It is simply "Imogen wants this, Laudna will validate anything she does, and so it's correct." The party line for anything else "fuck your trauma, fuck your dead family and dead loves, fuck your own hopes and dreams and goals: you exist only to fawn over two random-ass women. It doesn't matter if they are strangers to you. It doesn't matter if you've only met one of them. It doesn't matter how they act towards you. It doesn't matter if you're one of them, if you step out of line. This is your sole purpose, and if you fail, you're not a person to me." There's absolutely no thought put into the implications of anything they say beyond "it supports the ship, or, if not, it perpetuates the blameless, perfect and thus boring frozen state of the characters."
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roxannarambles · 1 year
teal mask fixit-fic on the fly part 4
(Current story so far: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3)
The festival had been great fun so far, once you'd all managed to ditch Carmine. It was like any good festival should be; lots of bad fried food; lots of games that were rigged against the player but were cheap enough to try again and again and eventually earn silly prizes; and plenty of opportunity to just generally horse around and not worry about classes or other, weightier matters in life, at least for the evening. Arven was absolutely affronted by the fair food, clamining it to be a culinary crime, so you and Nemona made a point of buying the greasiest and worst snacks and treats so you could to eat them in front of him. Penny had worked out how they'd rigged one of the games--a basketball toss that Arven was annoyed he couldn't win-- and helped him win the next round. (Turns out the ball was intentionally over-inflated and the hoop was higher than regulation). Even Kieran seemed to eventually warm up to everyone and enjoy himself, showing you all one of his favorites of the festival, an informal contest that festival-goers had acting out the heoric feats of the Loyal Three while wearing their masks. After all that messing about, you all just wandered for a bit, enjoying the atmosphere and all the costumes.
Then Carmine caught up to the group again.
She was pretty annoyed, claiming you'd all ditched her; Kieran was quick to tell her that you'd all simply lost her in the crowds, and everyone backed him up on that point. She seemed unconvinced but dropped it, in favor of issuing a challenge to the Paldean students: She claimed none could beat her score at some game called Ogre Ousting and dared one of you to try.
It didn't surprise you at all that Nemona's eyes took on a competitive gleam and she stepped up to the plate to defend Naranja's honor.
"Sure, I'll give it a go!"
Carmine laughed in her face, saying,
"You? Oh, perfect. This should be fun to watch."
There was a heavy tone of sarcasm underlying her words, but Nemona just smiled at her, saying,
"Thanks! So, what are the rules?"
You listened as Carmine explained the game to her in as condescending a way as possible. It was starting to really grind your gears. This girl being snotty to you, you could handle that, but watching her treating Nemona that way was too much. When they'd finished talking and everyone started to walk to the seating that was meant for people observing the games, you reached out and grabbed Nemona's arm.
"Hold on a sec."
She looked at you curiously. You pulled a pokeball from your pocket and handed it to her.
"Here. Why don't you use Koraidon? Give that girl a taste of Paldean pride. I bet they've never had to contend with a pokemon like this before with their little berry game, would be fun to see their reactions."
Nemona's eyes widened a little, but then she shook her head, handing you the ball back.
"No, Koraidon is way faster than any Stantler. I don't want to have any unfair advantages!"
You frowned.
"I heard her explain the rules. Players are allowed to use any ride pokemon they want. It's not cheating."
"I know it's not cheating. But it still wouldn't be very sporting of me."
You sighed, frustrated. You adored Nemona's purehearted respect for competition, but for once it was making things difficult.
"Nemona, that girl isn't as nice as she seems. She was totally disrespecting you and, and . . . she doesn't deserve to be treated that nice, she deserves to be taken down a peg! Plus, she already has an unfair advantage over you. She's played this silly game her whole life, she knows it way better then you do."
Nemona smiled at you softly.
"I know. Thank you for looking out for me, Jules. But I did get the idea she doesn't like me all that much. I'm getting a lot better at noticing that kinda stuff. And I know she already has an advantage over me. But you don't have to worry. Win or lose, I'm gonna do my best and I'll make Paldea proud!"
You gazed at Nemona a moment, her eyes bright and determined.
Then you smiled and let out a sigh.
". . . okay, okay. You know I have complete faith in you, I know you'll do amazing regardless."
Nemona grinned.
"Damn right I will."
You laughed and the two of you went to join the others.
However, once Nemona was set up with the rental Stantler, she realized Carmine wasn't getting ready for the game.
"No, no, I'm not playing. I'm just watching. You have to beat my record, remember? I've already set the record." Carmine told her. Nemona considered that a moment.
"Well, that's boring!" she said.
"Why don't we make it a little more exciting for our friends to watch? We should both play the game at the same time. You have to defend your title right here, right now. Sound good?"
Carmine glared at her, protesting,
"That isn't fair! I shouldn't have to meet my record again, that's not how records work!"
Nemona cast her a curious look.
"You don't want to? I think it could be fun. Or are you worried you can't beat me?"
You smirked as Carmine's face flushed in anger and she growled,
"I could beat some clueless Paldean bug-catcher any time, day or night, with my hands tied behind my back!"
Nemona beamed at her.
"Great! So we're on?"
"Oh we're ON all right. Get your Stantler, I'll set up the second course."
It didn't take too long for them to prepare, and soon both girls were atop their Stantlers, in their respective positions, ready to roll. You and the others were seated in the bleachers, watching expectantly.
The referee called,
"On your marks . . . get set . . . GO!"
The two players were off like rockets, blasting through rows and rows of balloons.
"You can do it, Carmine!" Kieran called out tentatively to his sister.
"KICK HER ASS, NEMONA!" you shouted through cupped hands, startling Kieran. He seemed to think a moment and then stammered,
"Oh, I-I'm-- I'm sorry, I'm rooting for Carmine, but you know, I still like you all too, I just, um . . ."
You laughed and reassured him,
"It's fine. I don't mind, I get it."
"I'm rooting for Carmine too," Arven told Kieran. You shot Arven a glare.
"What? Kieran can but I can't?"
"Carmine's his sister, that just makes him a good brother. You however are being a traitor."
Arven huffed an annoyed noise.
"I am completely impartial," Penny declared, leaning back in her seat. Arven said,
"That just means you don't want to tick anyone off."
"Yeah? And how is that bad?"
"Shhhh, quiet guys, they're coming by to drop the berries off!"
Both girls had returned to the tables to drop off the berries they already had, their buckets laden heavy with the fruits. Then they were off again to gather more. You all spent the time trying to count the berries and estimate who was in the lead, as well as argue over tactics of blasting through the balloons and protecting the tables from Skwovets. The time limit was rapidly drawing to a close, and both girls seemed to be progressing at a very even pace. It was honestly imposible to tell who had the lead.
When the game was called, you all rushed down to the field to watch the referee tally the berry totals. It would come down to the final counts. Nemona stood there, stained in berry juice and beaming, looking tired but proud. You gave her a hug, not minding the berry juice and gushing,
"You did awesome, Nemona! It was your first time but you were running that course like you'd done it dozens of times already!"
She laughed,
"Thanks, Jules. It was really fun! A real adrenaline rush."
When you began to pull away from the hug, she paused to whisper to you,
"Y'wanna know my secret?"
You nodded eagerly. She murmured,
"While they were setting the second course up, I mighta spent the extra time wandering the course and studying it a bit. Thought it wouldn't hurt to be a bit prepared." She winked.
You gave her a proud smile.
"That's mi tesoro, always usin' her head."
"Y-you looked great out there, Carmine. I think you might have even beaten your old record," Kieran told his sister. She didn't acknowledge him, instead just standing there with a tense expression, watching like a hawk as the referee counted the berries one by one.
"He's right, you looked really in the zone out there, I was impressed!" Nemona told her sincerely. Carmine waved a hand and hissed,
"Quiet, I'm counting!"
Everyone fell into an awkward sort of silence as Carmine watched the referee finish tallying the berries. When he'd finally got through them all, he announced in a loud voice;
"Aaaaaand the winner of the Ogre Ousting for tonight . . . at a whopping 20,000 berries . . . isssss . . . ."
The dramatic pause apparently went on for too long, as Carmine snapped,
"Gah! Just tell us already!"
The man gestured to both girls.
"It's a dead tie! You both win!"
"WHAT?! That can't be right! Count it again!"
"I already counted it three times," the man said sternly,
"I take my job very seriously."
"Ugh, this is-- this is ridiculous," Carmine spat, clearly disgusted. Carefully, Nemona said,
"Don't feel bad, Carmine. I mean, we both won, you don't have to feel bad--"
Carmine snapped,
"We didn't both win! Two people winning means nobody won! We still have no clue who's better!"
Nemona frowned.
"Well, we know we're both really amazing at it? I think a tie is kinda neat--"
"Wait, I've got it!" Carmine interrupted, pulling some pokeballs from her fanny pack.
"If we can't settle this with Ogre Ousting, we'll just settle this with a pokemon battle!"
She looked at Nemona expectantly, full of confidance and defiance, as if incredibly pleased with her idea and eager to see Nemona's response.
Nemona was quiet a moment, and then a smile settled onto her pretty features. It was not one of her usual smiles; it was something much more subtle, something almost dangerous.
"A pokemon battle, huh?"
Nemona tossed you a glance and you could hardly hold back your grin and bite back your words, but decided it would be more fun to keep quiet. Nemona's eyes sparkled with mirth. Carmine glanced between you and Nemona, looking faintly confused. Nemona answered her lightly,
"I guess I could try it out! Promise you won't go easy on me, though. I don't wanna feel like I'm getting an undeserved victory or anything."
Carmine snorted.
"I can definitely promise you I won't go easy."
You looked to Arven and Penny, smirking. Arven said hesitantly,
"Carmine, you miiiight wanna reconsi--"
"Hush, Arven, let them fight," you say to him mildly, putting a hand on his mouth to silence him. He swatted you away.
"Yeah, this could be fun to watch," Penny said, grinning.
Penny was right, the battle was incredibly fun to watch, but not in the way Carmine had been hoping.
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ufasher · 2 years
PART 1: i want to take you into the sunlight
the still waters of the lake are quieter than the waves of the beaches back home. there’s only the slightest distant trickle of a tributary, the occasional splash of fish biting bugs off of the surface of the water. somewhere out of sight, some waterfowl sings to her chicks. a bullfrog bellows. it’s quieter than home, but somehow asher still finds comfort in it.
he’s always liked being by the water. back in his grandfather’s manor, his every step had been so controlled, his entire existence all but entirely erased due to his grandfather’s shame. his mother tried to love him enough to make up for it, but even she could not answer all of his questions: will i be allowed to go to the party? when will i be sent off to the academy? which of the knights will help train me? when he started to learn that the answers were no, never, and no one, he wanted to scream his frustration, to cry like he was still a child and yell into the heavens how unfair it all was. but grandfather wouldn’t like that; he didn’t like when asher made too much noise. so he found quieter ways to release his anger. sometimes just standing on the beach, bare toes in the sand and a salty wind blasting his face was enough to take him away from his problems. sometimes he needed a bit of a physical action to distract him from the mental and emotional turmoil.
skipping rocks is a game for children. but it’s also asher’s way to calm down. finding the right stone takes a bit of patience, but he has a pocket full of flat, round rocks and al the time in the world to find more if he needs them. he winds one up, flicking his wrist as he sends it across the surface of the water. one, two, three... it sinks. he swears; he knows he can do better. he grabs the next, familiarizing himself with its weight in his palm before he flings this one as well. it skips for four times. better.
finn’s not much of a conversationalist. that’s alright, no one is perfect, but after so many years of solitude, sometimes asher just wants some verbal company. he’s not going to push finn to be something he’s not, so he’ll find what he needs elsewhere. perhaps it was a mistake to strike up a conversation with the first man who paid him any mind in a particularly seedy little bar, but asher isn’t helpless. he’s a grown man, an adult, and despite always being on the smaller, more slender side he managed to look out for himself for a whole year, didn’t he? but no, that’s not really why he got mad at finn for pulling him away from the conversation, for claiming that he just didn’t want asher getting involved with people who are ‘only going to screw you over.’ no, if asher is being honest with himself, it’s not even finn that he’s mad at, but someone else. 
content warning: abuse. 
for a moment, it wasn’t his traveling companion who was interrupting his conversation, but a gnarled old hand that grabs harshly at his elbow, shaking him until his teeth rattle and demanding to know why the boy thought it’d be a good idea to go behind his back? it’s the way his grandfather would box his ears, give him the belt, or just land an effective backhand on the boy’s face when he so dared to step out of line, to try to interact with the world the old man desperately tried to hide him from. asher would weep back then, trying to suck his tears back in when the man would threaten to give him something really worth crying over. his mother never knew. how could he break her heart like that, knowing that she loved her father just as much as she loved her son? when she questioned bumps and bruises, he’d just laugh it off; he’d tell her he fell from a tree in the garden while climbing it, or fell down the stairs trying to jump as many as possible, or was startled by the mean goose in the garden and ran into something running away from him.
end content warning
but that’s not finn. and it’s probably not fair to project that onto him, but asher can’t help but feel anger. he’s lost everything, his mother, his home, his new baby brother who he may never get to know, but he thought he gained his freedom. feeling that snatched from his grasp, if only really just the tiniest tug... he doesn’t like it. so he throws another stone, cursing aloud when it sinks on only the second skip.
asher is looking for a new stone, the last in his pockets finally thrown into the lake, when he turns and sees finn there. he doesn’t know what to say, still hot and hurt from their last interaction. but finn, surprisingly, speaks first:
“i’m sorry, i’m not very good at having friends anymore. i didn’t mean to upset you. it’s not your fault. i just have a lot of shit i need to work through. it’s not really about you at all, really…i don’t know. i’m not very good at explaining things anymore, either.”
the boy picks up another stone silently, throwing it into the lake and watching it skip, one, two, three, four... sunk. he sighs. finn is trying. he should at least acknowledge him. "i'm not good at having friends either, finn. i had one the whole time i was a child— other than my mother. but you're really good at hurting people, finn." he throws another rock; this one sinks immediately, no skips. asher grunts his frustration. "if you don't want me to follow you, you can just say it. i'll go somewhere else."
finn is quiet. asher is ready for him to say the word, to finally tell him to buzz off and they can go their separate ways. it makes him sad, thinking he’ll be on his own again. but maybe that’s okay, maybe it’s better that way... he’s in the middle of convincing himself not to cry about the inevitability of solitude when finn speaks again, saying words that asher doesn’t expect:
“i used to be good at it…back. before. i went to lotus academy and i had a lot of friends even if i fought the kids from gleerium sometimes…i was charming, i think. but i think i was always kinda self centered…and i still am. it’s just…i don’t know. i don’t have a good excuse. i hurt people a lot. i know. and it’s…kinda hard to fix. i’m just. also in pain all the time, i think. it’s like i don’t have room for anybody else’s. like i said…it’s not a good excuse. it’s just how it is.” finn is quiet for another moment, but not so long that asher can respond. he asks, “how much do you know about me, asher?”
how much does he know about finn? not much. he was sent to kill him, not to get to know him. asher didn’t really follow those orders too well, but he’s pretty sure he was never going to get paid for that job anyway. he knows a little bit about how he acts, enough that he could track him down and still follow him around pretty easily. he knows that finn can dance. he knows that he was likely a noble at one point, having been familiar with lotus academy and the festival. otherwise? "i don't know anything, finn. just what you've told me."
“okay. my name. is kim finnian von lucinier. do you know who the luciniers are?”
of course asher knows who the etlian margraves were. he might have been sheltered, but he read. letters he stole from his grandfather’s desk regarding news from the other cities, books in the manor’s library, whatever he could get his hands on. the luciniers had even visited eryvine once, years ago, when asher was just a child. he recalls his one playmate from then, a happy memory he’s never been able to forget. running through the halls, play fighting in the courtyard with fallen twigs for swords. asher would have even called finnian his best friend, albeit his only childhood friend... wait—
realization hits him like a runaway carriage. he drops the stone he was about to skip at the same time he drops his jaw, turning to face finn fully as recognition dawns on his features for the first time. it was a long time, but suddenly he feels so stupid for not having realized it before. but he doubts himself. is the finn in front of him really the same finn he had known so many years ago? he asks: “do you remember the eryvine family?”
finn seems to consider it, as if raking through his mind for old memories. surely the son of the late margrave met so many more people than asher ever did. he can’t even say that he’d be offended if finn didn’t remember him. but he does, albeit slowly. “uhhh…the name is familiar, at least. i had to learn the names of a lot of nobles but. eryvine… is that you?” 
he thinks that he won’t be hurt by finn not remembering him, but it stings nonetheless. finnian might never know how important he was to young asher, how he never forgot what it was like to have a playmate, a friend, how despite not being allowed out of the manor (or into certain rooms), he didn’t feel nearly as trapped when there was someone in there with him. finnian had left that same day, but asher would be stuck in the manor, alone, for years to come. he throws another rock, this one skipping only twice, and scowls at that water. he nods his affirmative to finn’s question.
“i knew you. i don’t really remember…how, but i remember your name. we were young, right?”
“we were around five, six. my grandfather didn’t like introducing me to other nobles but you and i played in the garden anyway.” his next stone gets a couple of good skips. “you were my only friend. i can’t believe i never recognized you…”
“yeah, i remember now.” finn actually laughs. the sound is so foreign to asher’s ears that he has to turn and look at him again just to make sure that it’s actually coming from the man. “i don’t know how i didn’t realize either. i remember your freckles. you’d think i would’ve made the connection…”
a hand rises to his own cheeks unconsciously, tracing the marks he knows are on his face. this is what finn remembered? asher’s mother always did say that he had his father’s affinity for adventure and the sun; nothing she did could ever convince him to come back inside as long as he could help it. at least outdoors he could pretend he was free like the birds who nested in the tree he liked to climb. “i didn’t even really give you a fake name,” he can find the situation humorous, a second connection years later that they didn’t even realize until traveling alongside one another for months, “half the continent probably knows me as ‘fisk’ at this point.”
“we’re both stupid.” finn lays down on the ground, on the soft grass not far from the shore. asher watches. “i don’t know if you know…what exactly the luciniers do…or, did, but. i’m the reason etlia lost the war.”
asher can only frown. he knows very well what the luciniers did; they guarded the border. he read about them, the reports of the war. he knows that the only reason that an able-bodied young man like him wasn’t sent off to die was because his grandfather was already conspiring with gleerium, the stronger nation. sending his kin to fight against them would not have been a show of good faith. “the reason we lost the war is because we were a tiny nation fighting a losing battle from the start. i didn’t even fight. i should have. but my grandfather…” he trails off, unwilling or unable to tell finn everything that happened in that house. he throws another stone. “we lost the war the moment gleerium set their sights on us. we were outnumbered and overpowered from the start. that’s not your fault.” 
“if you fought you would've died.” finn’s probably right. so many men died in those battles and asher isn’t under any delusions that he would have come out of it a hero even if he did fight. “i don't think you get it.” the other man gets even quieter “my father spent his entire life protecting etlia's borders, and he did well at it. he succeeded. then he got ill, and he taught me enough to be able to take over for him, and as soon as i did...i lost everything he worked for within days. i didn't even get to speak to him after our last battle before he died. part of me hopes he died not knowing we lost, but i don't think that's true.”
“your father was not fighting the same armies you were. you could have done everything right and gleerium still would have won. that’s why my grandfather sided them too, he knew the inevitable.” asher realizes belatedly that he’s getting a little passionate. he lowers his voice, softens his tone: “i’m sorry about your father. i always heard that he was a good man.”
finn doesn’t seem to agree. he digs in his metaphorical heels, his face hard for asher to read but his tone betraying his pain, his guilt. “you don't know that. if i was stronger, and a better leader, and paid more attention...there were so many ways to prevent it, or to at least make it better than it was. people said i killed him. because i wanted his power. poison. maybe part of me did want his power, but i just wanted to learn from him. he was a good man. a better man than me.”
“one man doesn’t win a war. so one man can’t lose a war either.” he looks at finn, really takes a good look at him. he sees a broken man. one who gave up the fight but tortures himself every day because of it. he sees a man who people once looked up to, who was once a leader among his peers. he sees the shell of that, what’s left. pain, guilt, trauma. asher knows he’ll never understand the intimate horrors of war that he’s never experienced. but he knows what happens, and what happened. he read every report he could get his hands on, he’s talked to so many people since leaving home. surely... surely he can say something that will give hope back to kim finnian von lucinier. he finds that he wants to at least try. he takes a seat next to the other man, hoping to provide some sort of camaraderie. “the only thing you could have done to save a couple more lives would be to surrender immediately. and gleerium still might’ve gone on their victory tour to pummel us into submission anyway. people talk. my mom married a pirate and had me, and my grandfather hid me from society because of the shame of my existence. can you imagine everything that people have said about me? everything that went wrong in eryvine was my doing. did you hear that i burned an entire harvest’s worth of grain? it was probably me cutting the supplies to the army that we lost the war,” his tone had become rather light, but it turns serious again for a moment: “i didn’t burn anything. i never left the manor.”
“i saw so many people die. friends. knights that trained with me and knights that took care of me when i was young. all died under my command. i could've done better. i needed to do better. i don't know how to get anyone to understand what this feels like. i don't know if anyone ever will, and that's...” finn doesn’t finish the thought. asher can only guess what he would say, but he refrains. if finn wants him to know, he’ll tell him. maybe not now, but someday. “sometimes i envy people like you. i know you had your own hardships, but some days...i think i would give anything if it meant i never had to see all the bloodshed that i did.”
“finn, you couldn’t have. you had so much responsibility, but… no one could have done any better,” 
asher doesn’t know how to make the other man believe it. he’s read every book of strategy. from ancient classics to stories from contemporary men, he can’t find evidence in any one of the texts that etlia ever really had a fighting chance. the lasted so long on their own by luck, by being on the edge of the central part of gleerium and living on the borrowed time it took to get men and supplies up to the front lines. they were always going to fall. it’s just finn’s bad luck it all happened when it did.  “i’m sorry. you lost… so much. i can’t understand what that feels like, but… it’s not your fault. i just… want you to believe that someday.”
he offers a hand for finn to hold, if he wants. “im a good listener, too.”
a slight pause falls in between them as asher finds the words he’s searching for, but they come eventually. “i’m sorry. i wanted to fight. i loved etlia. but my grandfather’s bargain with gleerium… i should have run away sooner.”
finn doesn’t take his hand, but he does thank him. asher relaxes his outstretched palm, but leaves it there for the taking in case he changes his mind. “it's alright. sounded like you didn't really know any better. that's not your fault. and like i said, you probably would've died. it's probably better that you didn't fight.”
“i knew better. i just couldn’t do anything.” how wrong is it of him to feel guilt that he didn’t fight and die in a war that everyone else his age marched off to? how ungrateful must he be that he wishes, if even for a moment, that his life had been one of the many sacrifices made to protect their homeland. asher can’t think about it too long, it’d drive him insane. instead, he turns his thoughts to finn: “i think you’re a good man too, finnian. just so you know.”
the quiet that falls between them is so much longer this time. asher can’t begin to imagine what’s going through finn’s mind. he tries, but he feels some sort of guilt about it. no, finn’s thoughts should be private. if he doesn’t believe that he’s a good man... well, asher will just have to work to convince him of that someday. because he is. he may fight, and drink, and act like a ruffian, but there’s more to him than that. asher could sense it when they first met, a sort of gentleness buried deep under a hard shell. he’s pretty sure it’s there, that he gets glimpses of it when finn seems to get annoyed with him. even when he snapped at him for talking to shady characters, asher can understand it may come from a place of caring rather than control. it’s funny, he’s not even mad about that now. he almost forgot all about it.
finn sits up. “if i went back. to etlia. or what used to be etlia...would you come with me?”
asher doesn’t hesitate to respond: “i’d follow you anywhere.”
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finelinevogue · 2 years
for a love island blurb, let’s now see a jealous Harry 🤭
anon: pleasee i need jealous love island harry I NEEEED also im loving the series
how about a conversation between them about the luca kiss hm??
“Y/N can I talk to you?” Harry asked.
You nodded nervously whilst being surrounded by the other girls at the kitchen counter. People were snacking on crisps, whilst you were stood there with your water trying to forget about what had happened this evening.
Harry walked to the round sun bed that was tucked away under a palm tree. It was difficult to face him, knowing that another man had kissed you but you couldn’t help but just feel guilty.
He climbed onto the bed and you had to crawl, considering your heels would’ve punctured a hole in the sofa material.
Harry laid back against the cushions and out one of his hand behind his head, whilst the other stretched out to the side of him. His body language looked closed off and you weren’t sure whether this could be the end of you both. You felt so vulnerable, but you didn’t know whether you’d make it worse with your words.
Once you were sat next to him, sitting up and legs bent into your chest, you started to cry.
Your hands covered your mouth as tiny sobs tried to escape. It felt unfair to be crying, but that’s just how emotional you were and the thought of how bad you must’ve let Harry feel was making you mind spin crazy.
“Hey, woah, woah. What’s with the tears? Hey, c’mere you.” Harry spoke softly, with a tone of concern, before stretching out his arm to the side and pulling you into him.
You curled into his side and kept your knees to your chest, whilst your hands remained covering your face. The tears kept falling whilst Harry’s arms wrapped around your body and rubbed your skin gently.
“I-I’m s-sorry.” You sobbed, your heart physically hurting in your chest.
“What for, hmm?” He said softly, keeping his mouth close to your face so that the moment didn’t feel too exposed.
“Kissing Luca. God I cant believe I did this.” You remained crying, not having the confidence to see him. “I’m sorry H.”
Harry held you for a few more moments, letting you have your cry. He, of course, wanted to console you immediately but he needed you to calm down first. You were his main priority and getting you to regain a good breathe came above anything else.
“Can I see y’pretty face now?” Harry spoke softly, helping with how calm you were now becoming.
Your breathe had returned to normal and your tears had stopped. Luckily for you the mascara you were wearing was waterproof, so it didn’t damage your makeup too bad. It was even luckier for you that your makeup was light, because, as Harry likes to say, you are too “naturally pretty” to cover up your face with makeup.
“S-sorry.” You hiccuped, sitting up from laying on him. He kept you close with his hands still on your body, but he allowed you to sit up so he could talk directly to you.
“First off, stop apologising to me. I don’t need an apology from you, okay lovie? You haven’t done anything wrong— no, Y/N, stop. Look at me. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Bu-but the kiss—”
“Was in a game! It was a game of dares, Y/N/N. That’s it. Nothing more. Sure, i’m pissed at Luca for putting you in an uncomfortable position and making you upset, but that doesn’t mean i’m angry or frustrated with you. I just like you too much to see another guy kissing you.”
You nodded your head, fully understanding. “That’s what I felt like with you and Gemma.”
“Well then I guess we’re both jealous saps for each other, hey?” Harry said and it made you chuckle.
“Now c’mere. I want a cuddle.”
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
Uh! All Night(Nightly Sessions headcanons)
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Word count: 1,849 Pairings: Naruto Uzumaki x Reader, Sasuke Uchiha x Reader, Shikamaru Nara x Reader Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, very light dub-con, creampies, the usual smutty suspects on this blog. Summary/Content: Headcanons on how Naruto, Sasuke and Shikamaru would fuck you all night long and leave you sleep deprived. A/N: So this is part one of a series that I've been thinking about all day! I hope you all enjoy! I tag @beneathstarryskies as she helped me think of some very sexy headcanons! Part two will include Madara, Izuna, Kakashi and Jiraiya, and part three will be for the Dragon Ball fans ;)
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Naruto started seeing you very casually. Things didn’t escalate quickly and instead the two of you decided it was best if it stayed casual
One night, Naruto invites you over to hang out and maybe hook up. What you don’t know is that you are in for some very intense fun.
“Hey there, y/n. Glad you came over, dattebayo!” Naruto greets you as he smiles real wide. He looks you up and down when he notices your sexy little outfit.
He leads you into the bedroom where the making out starts very quickly. Naruto has his hands all over you while you start to straddle him.
“You’re so sexy,” you whisper as you bite on his bottom lip. Naruto is rock hard already and he’s just thrusting up against you. You can hear little whines coming from him.
“You like that?” you ask, grinding right back. Naruto’s head falls back as you start to dry hump him.
His hands tangle in your hair as he continues to kiss you, leaving you aroused and breathless. You never thought you’d be feeling so good with Naruto, but he learned very quickly.
“Get on the bed,” he demands as you both get up. You do as he says, and Naruto eyes you. He looks like a predator about to catch his prey.
Naruto climbs on top of you, his hands are pulling at your clothes to get you naked as fast as he fucking can. He can’t wait to be balls deep inside of you.
“I’m so fucking hard, dattebayo. I need your pussy!” Naruto kisses a trail down your body as he struggles to remove his own jacket and shirt. Once he’s exposed to you, you trace all of his scars.
“I want you to take me, Naruto.” You plead as he finally spreads your legs. He leans in to kiss your clit, making you shiver.
“You taste good,” Naruto moans as he swirls his tongue over your clit, making you buck up against his face.
Naruto spends a long time between your thighs, making you cum over and over. He’s very good at giving head, and that’s mostly because you taught him how to eat you out.
Finally, he looks over at the clock and sees that it is getting late. Something clicks in his head. He wants to fuck you all fucking night. He wants to make you sleep deprived.
“Are you fucking ready for this?” Naruto asks as he takes his cock out of his underwear. It’s leaking precum and he starts to pump himself in his hand.
“Puh-please! Naruto!” You’re whining and you can’t help but want him so badly. He’s been making you cum so much that you just need his cock.
He slides deep inside of you, struggling to compose himself. He feels your pussy fluttering around him and it makes him want to pound himself into you.
“Your pussy is always so damn tight, dattebayo. Fuck, you’ll make me cum so fucking quickly,” Naruto says as he starts up his slow pace.
For hours, the man just fucks you in every position imaginable. He has you bent over his desk which makes you squirt all over him. In the shower is good too, because he can just clean you both off while he continues to pump you full of cum.
There are few breaks, but every now and then Naruto pulls out and goes to get you both some water so you can continue fucking.
When morning comes, Naruto pulls out for the final time and pulls you close to him. You both share a sweet kiss as the sun is rising. You are so tired, but so damn satisfied.
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You and Sasuke have a very secretive relationship. Nobody really knows about it and he loves it that way.
Most of the time, if you’re seen in public with him, he just ignores you and acts cold, but in private...whoa boy.
Sasuke loves fucking you for as long as he can. It’s one of his favorite things in life. The way you just take his cock is divine.
He invites you over one night to his place, and you make your way over without anyone spotting you.
You knock on his door with the secret knock, and instantly, Sasuke is pulling you inside.
The room is dim and he’s shirtless. It would seem that he’s been preparing for tonight after all. You squeeze your thighs as you watch his muscles ripple.
“Glad you made it,” he says shortly. You just smirk at him as you slowly approach him. You wrap your arms around his neck and start kissing him.
It doesn’t take long for Sasuke to deepen the kiss and to press himself against you. You can tell he’s been waiting all day for this.
“You better not tease me, or things will be so bad for you.” Sasuke mutters as he sucks on your bottom lip. You shake your head, not daring to defy him.
He leads you onto the bed and starts to remove your clothing. He loves soaking in every inch of your body. You look so delicious to him.
He mounts you, making sure to straddle your hips as he begins kissing your tits. He cups them in his hands, squeezing them together and sucks on one of the nipples.
“Oh fuck yes, Sasuke!” you moan as he begins to suck on your nipples. His mouth goes back and forth between your two breasts, making sure to stop and leave bites between them.
You’re whimpering as his fingers trail down your abdomen, stopping just short of where your panties are. He’s watching your reaction as he teases you, which you find unfair.
“Quit teasing me, Sasuke!” You whine as he slowly peels off your panties. You clamp your thighs together tightly as soon as he looks at your glistening pussy.
“Don’t make this worse for yourself,” Sasuke says as he leans in to smell your arousal. He’s rock hard and he doesn’t know how long he can handle not being balls deep inside of you.
His hand goes to your mouth to try and shut you up a little while his free hand spreads your legs. You’re a little insecure but you know you don’t need to be.
“You have a gorgeous little pussy, and I’m going to spend all fucking night pumping it full of cum.” You moan at his words. “You like that, you little cumslut?”
Sasuke leans in to begin devouring your dripping cunt. You’re instantly bucking up against him, which makes Sasuke hold you down and continue his ministrations.
He quickly brings you to the edge, only to pull away and watch you sigh in frustration. He loves edging you so good. This is when he undresses himself and slides his cock deep into your wet cunt.
Sasuke fucks you for hours, keeping you right on the edge for what seems like hours. It makes you cry and whine and beg for his cock, but he loves the patheticness of the situation.
His favorite position tonight is cowgirl and he guides your hips to fuck you hard. He pumps your pretty little pussy full of so much cum it’s always leaking out.
When you think you’re done when the sun comes up, Sasuke surprises you by sliding deep inside of you while you’re lying on your side. “We’re not done yet!”
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You and Shikamaru have had crushes on each other since you were younger, so it was only naturally that it turned into something new when you were both grown up.
He loves claiming you as his, though you aren’t one to give up the fight. You’re both feisty and try to outsmart one another.
Shikamaru loves to have sex with you, but you play coy a lot which frustrates him.
One night, he invites you over under the guise of just having a few drinks and maybe playing some shogi.
It’s pretty obvious once you get there and the lighting is dimmed and there are rose petals everywhere.
“How romantic, Shika,” You tease slightly, and he just blushes.
“C’mon, I do like you, you know.” Shikamaru says as he hands you a glass of wine.
One glass turns into two, which quickly turns into your third and you are feeling very frisky. The game of shogi is long forgotten.
“C’mere beautiful,” Shikamaru slurs as he beckons you over. You slink over to him, straddling him and kissing him passionately.
His tongue is in your mouth in seconds while you’re grinding him. Shikamaru is very hard already and he just wants to fuck you hard.
“I’m going to fuck you all night, princess.” Shikamaru mutters against your neck as he bites down. You can feel your panties dripping at this.
He grabs onto you and you wrap your legs around his waist as he brings you to his bedroom. Thankfully, you were both alone tonight.
He throws you onto the bed unceremoniously, watching you prop yourself up on your elbows.
Shikamaru is quick to continue kissing you and he starts to undress you, leaving no patch of skin unkissed. He loves licking and kissing a path from your neck to your tits.
“Such amazing tits,” he groans as he squeezes them together to suck on the nipples. You’re already a moaning mess beneath him.
It doesn’t take him long before he’s pulling off your panties and spreading your legs to take a good look at that glistening slick. It’s so inviting to him.
Shikamaru spends lots of time making you cum, but he knows it’s not the main act. The main part of tonight is going to be fucking you all throughout the night and not letting you sleep a wink.
Once he’s undressed along with you and he’s made you cum at least three times, Shikamaru is sliding into your fluttering pussy.
“Fuck, you have the tightest pussy ever!” He’s moaning as he’s pumping into you. It feels so fucking amazing.
His pace changes drastically as he fucks you for hours, never letting up. He needs to edge himself a lot so as not to cum right away.
There aren’t many breaks, but Shikamaru loves to stop every once and while to have a cigarette.
One time, he leads your pretty face to his crotch while he smokes and he guides your lips around his cock.
“Fuck yes, princess. Just like that.” You start to suck him off while he continues to smoke.
His hands tangle in your hair as he gets closer, and he just keeps shoving your face down as he makes you choke on his thick cock.
“Ahhh fuck yes!” Shikamaru moans as he takes another drag from his ciggy. You’re deepthroating him now, just loving the sounds coming from him.
He ashes his cigarette and pushes you onto the bed once more. Once he starts to fuck you hard, he can’t hold back and pumps that pussy full of cum.
If you think you’re done, think again. He’s lighting up another cigarette and having you suck his cock clean.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
How the Brothers Would Try to Corrupt MC w/ Their Sin
I have a headcanon that it's part of demonic nature to try and corrupt humans. Though I think it would be unlikely that the brothers would try to intentionally corrupt MC post-pact, it's still like second nature to them. That means they may try to unintentionally, uh… infect their soul with sin and drag them down into eternal damnation! They don't mean it, but be careful MCs of the world.
One of the hardest things to do can be to make others take pride in themselves… but Lucifer is always ready for a challenge.
The name of the game is praise. The human mind can be easy to manipulate so with enough praise even the most stubborn human will start to believe a drop of their own hype.
Building up pride is a steady thing... He'll usually pick a strength or talent of the MC to give high praise. Perhaps they sing beautifully or they're rather clever, don't worry. He'd let them know.
Light sprinkles of praise steadily increase their self-esteem, which may seem nice and almost healthy at first, but in truth he's laying a trap… He knows how effective his words can be and he's just waiting for them to go to the MC's head.
You think then he would be done right? Oh no. That's not the fun part. What's fun is to then offend that pride he's spent so long building.
He thinks it's cute, really. A small comment here or a little condensation there and they'll get so mad. It's just so amusing!
Of course, he can't take what he dishes, so they'll need to watch out. But don't worry he loves them, even if they're just a little too fun to play with…
Since when does the Avatar of Greed give gifts?
Really, that should be the MC's first red flag. Mammon isn't known for generosity, so when he's spending what little money he can hold onto on them, it's time to raise some eyebrows.
It may seem nice, almost sweet, when he manages to track down a rare vintage of wine for them or take them out to a ritzy restaurant for the night but unfortunately it's all just part of the plan…
Nobody has tastes higher than Mammon. He can't afford them most of the time, which leads to compromises, but given all the Grim in the world he'd be living in the lap of luxury - which is exactly the kind of lifestyle he wants the MC to crave too.
Anyone, no matter how modest, can give into temptation. How easy would it be to taste the sweetest wine or enjoy the most wonderful trip then want to do it again? It may seem innocent at first, but piling on the finer things can soon have the MC craving for them when they pass.
Then all Mammon needs is to make little promises, "If I make it big this time, then we'll go to France!" or, "If I win this next hand then I'll buy ya another glass." 
So how many times will the MC give Mammon a pass, then? Will they stop questioning how he comes up with his cash? Will they let him gamble just that "little bit" longer? Will they even join him...?
If they keep getting that taste of luxury, then maybe it's not so bad… right?
You think the easiest way to get the MC jealous would be to flirt with other people since that's how most people go about it but, uh… 
This is Levi we're talking about. Casual flirting is pretty much out of the question.
So what is a demon to do to get their hapless human jealous? The answer is, be patient.
No one's perfect, humans especially! They'll slip up eventually… 
Maybe someone from back home just got a new car or they're sending out marriage invites. 
Maybe they have a friend who's better than them at school or sports or there's just someone who has something they want: Money, talent, looks, followers, friends, you name it. When they see it, he can feel that envy creeping in…
From there, all he has to do is feed it. Let the world poke at their little insecurities for him while he plays the supportive boyfriend!
"Did Mammon really get the promotion? I thought it would have been you! That's so unfair..."
"Satan beat your scores again? What is this, the third time? Doesn't that suck?"
Small little comments… but all with a goal to fill the MC with toxicity...
"Are Asmo videos still doing better than yours? I think I know how to drop his numbers... if you want."
And soon enough, anyone can be an enemy. Everyone has it better than them… so they push the world away in order to feel better. And they become so toxic, the world rejects them in turn...
Except, of course, for their loving boyfriend, Levi.
If you want to keep someone mad, it's best if you're not the actual one doing it.
I know, it sounds counterintuitive, but turning yourself into the enemy risks the target cutting you out. Satan knows this, so he'll never enrage the MC directly...
But indirectly? There's a start.
Everybody has little pet peevs. Tiny things that aren't important, but dig under the skin nonetheless.
Breadcrumbs in the butter, gum-smacking, toe-tapping, tones of voice, or just little annoying inconveniences that can sour one's day...
Satan is well-versed in these tiny annoyances, he'd dare say they're in his domain. And, perspective that he is, he'll know what frustrates the MC soon enough.
Then it's just a matter of execution.
Maybe he jacks with their toothpaste tube or "conveniently" forgets where they put their books... Or they keep mysteriously finding fingerprints on their game disks or seemingly can't keep their room organized to save their life!
It may just seem like the world hates them... but really it's just their demonic lover.
These tiny details and little mishaps will just build and build like cracks in their foundation until it all breaks and comes crashing down… and he'll be right there egging on every moment of it!
You would think that Asmo would have the easiest time tempting the MC into his sin, but that's not so.
Sure, most traditional definitions of Lust begin and end at carnal desire, but what about those MCs who maybe aren't so drawn to the sins of the flesh? Fear not! Because the keyword for Asmo is desire.
Really, Asmo is happy if the MC's mind is full of nothing but him. He wants them to desire him, to love him obviously, but to the point of obsession. His heated kisses and sensual whispers are only means to that end, which can change whenever he needs.
The MC will have their life bombarded by their beautiful demon. It's not an unwelcome smothering, he's among the best boyfriends they could ever hope to have, which is exactly why he’s so effective!
He wants them to need him at every moment. Soon it will feel weird to go places alone without their demon… Certain things they could do themselves, like their hair or getting dressed, they'll want him to do instead.
Of course, if he's able then he'll certainly seduce them as well and at every chance he gets! From the House to RAD and even in the throne room - he's shameless!... But that's the fun, isn't it?
Oh Beel… He's probably the most dangerous one of them all. Not because he's so demonic, but because he's so sweet!
When Beel makes food for the MC or orders them an extra side, he does so with love. He just wants them to be full! ...or so he thinks.
Beel's demonic instincts creep up on even him, he's just not one to really question what or why he does things sometimes. He'll know he has the urge to see the MC eat or just be indulgent… but he won’t know why.
You could actually say it works to his advantage. Whenever he offers the MC another turkey leg or a few more bites of cake, his tenderhearted insistence is often so sweet that they'll just go along with it and try to keep eating… even if they're already full.
Now, the human body can only take so much food at once, but over time it can adapt to changing habits.
Eventually, the MC will find their appetite expanding to catch up… They'll stop feeling full as easily as they used to and soon the bigger portions that Beel gives them will be all but a necessity!
Of course, the worst case scenario is that this doesn't happen at all and they do serious harm to their health by always pushing past their limits… but there's no guarantee Beel's solution won't just be more food anyway.
Belphie is the only brother who will knowingly (and gleefully) try to make the MC as sinful as he is!
It's all for selfish reasons. If the MC is slothful, then they'll want to go out less and (probably) spend time with him more. Win-win if you're Belphie.
Since he's well aware of what he's doing, he's pretty damn effective at it. No other brother will be as committed to meddling with the MC as he is.
He'll convince them to cancel plans or sabotage their alarms so they oversleep. He'll suddenly be unable to sleep without them while his naps seemingly get longer and longer… And if they have something to do, he'll be the voice in their ear saying it can wait!
Really, at any opportunity he can get Belphie will try to drag them down or slow their progress with the sweet, sweet promise of relaxation or a good time...
Sure, it may sound nice at the time - great even! - but it won't take long for their promises to break or deadlines to pile up… Sure, the MC could try to catch up but wouldn't that be too much work? Wouldn't they rather rest instead? Why even worry about it?
It's a seductive line of thought and Belphie sells it well, it'd take only the most motivated MC to resist his charms but like that'd stop him. If he wants the MC for himself, he'll happily put their life on hold to do so. Just go with it... yeah?
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Hullo! I just read the Ticklish MC headcanons and absolutely loved it! I was wondering, can you do the brothers'/dateables' MC refusing to be within 2 or 3 meters near them for an entire week after they tickled them? Oh, MC left a book in his room? Please place it in front of the door. Nope, MC will not sit next to him at the dining table, who knows what sort of torture they'll force MC to go through! Thank you!!!
Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it! Sure thing.
This just seems so funny to me, and I am sorry but we got to have a sassy!MC for this one, otherwise I think they would be too nice to enforce it.
I am sorry that some of these are shorter than others. I really tried to make them all the same length, but some of scenarios I thought of were just simpler to explain than others.
Brothers Masterlist | Dateables Masterlist
Brothers Reaction to a Ticklish MC Refusing to be Near Them
💙 Lucifer -
He had poked MC 1 too many times while they were sitting on his lap while he was working. So Lucifer lost his lap MC privileges.
"My little Dove, how about you come over here while I work?"
That usually means "Sit on my lap please" but not today. Mc dragged a chair over and sat in front of Lucifer's desk.
He held his arm open for a little too long before looking up.
Cue annoyed eye twitch.
Fine if MC doesn't want his love, he won't give them any.
He tries to ignore MC when they talk as punishment, but that means that they eventually stop sitting in his office which he cannot have.
He kabedons MC in the hallway of House of Lamentations one day.
"I have had enough of being ignored. Come to my office immediately so we can work this out."
💛 Mammon -
MC is done with Mammon's unfair tickle attacks.
"Let's watch a movie MC!"
Ok, but MC is sitting on his single arm chair, not the love seat they usually snuggle on with him.
They have been doing this all week, walking away and ignoring him and Mammon wants it to end.
Mammon pouts and walks over to the arm chair and tries to plop down on them, but they get away and move again.
He keeps pouting and starts asking MC what is wrong.
"You can't just ignore your first man outta no where!"
MC explains that they don't like being tickled all the time.
Mammon understands and promises never to do it again...
But he wants to hear MC laugh and gently brushes their sides making them squeal.
He is going to have to learn the hard way.
🧡 Leviathan -
Leviathan's tickle cheating days are over.
Leviathan sits on a little futon while MC chose to sit in his gaming chair.
He left it alone, because maybe they just think it is comfy, but then he notices that they keep moving away from him whenever he get close.
The whole week they do this whenever the two of them play games.
"You know you don't have to stay here if you don't want to... I can tell that you hate being around me. You won't even get near me!"
This boy forgets about his evil tickles and thinks MC thinks he is a gross Otaku and they just realized it now.
MC then has to reassure him that they do care about him, but they are punishing him.
It is a long back and forth of MC telling Levi it isn't about him as a person, and Levi being sad that MC would punish him in the first place.
"I promise I will stop, just please don't ignore me like that again"
He is crying as he speaks.
MC is also crying.
It is all a very emotional moment.
Instead of tickle cheating. MC now sits in Levi's lap while they play two player games so they can snuggle. (Levi loves this, but is super awkward and embarrassed the whole time)
💚 Satan -
MC doesn't want to play Satan's little game when they always lose!
So when Satan asked them to sit next to him at a Council meeting, MC switched places with Belphie.
Well maybe they just wanted to talk to Beel... but then they keep doing it for every council meeting!
Satan was appalled. How dare MC not oblige his little game?
"I thought you always sit next to me at meetings MC?"
MC then lays it out to him. They don't enjoy being distracted and embarrassed the whole meeting and him just smirking.
He mentions that they could poke him back, but they finally state that he isn't even ticklish so why try.
"Actually I am ticklish. How about to make it fair, you meet me in the library tonight and I will personally show you every place I am ticklish."
MC definitely goes and now the game is really on!
💖 Asmodeus -
Asmo will not give MC a break with the tickle fights, and they are done.
One day Asmo, MC and Mammon are walking through the mall. MC can see by the look in Asmo's eyes, what he is about to do.
He then lunges forward trying to grasp MC in a tickle fight, only to have them step behind Mammon.
For a whole week MC puts someone between them and Asmo and he is starting to get frustrated.
They won't even let him have a hug for goodness sake!
"MC! I need to squish your adorable face!"
He waits out and watches MC go into their room to study by themselves.
He quietly sneaks in before pouncing on them in a hug.
"I get it if you don't want to be tickled, but please stop ignoring me! I would die if you stopped hugging me!"
The pair cuddle to make up for the traumatic week Asmo has endured.
❤ Beelzebub -
Keeps accidently tickling MC and MC has had enough.
This was all really a miscommunication.
MC still keeps some distance from Beel and he follows like a lost puppy.
"What did I do wrong, MC?"
They tell him about how they don't want to be tickled.
"OK. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."
Beel really just wants to make MC happy so he won't even try to tickle them after that.
💜 Belphegor -
MC just wants a peaceful sleep with out Belphie attacking their sides.
Now when Belphie asks MC to nap with him, MC sleeps in Beels bed and makes him sleep in his own.
He is not happy with no cuddles.
He tries to wait until they go to sleep to sneak up and cuddle them, but they are always awake and get away from him.
This goes on for a week before he speaks up.
"MC, why are you doing this?"
He is very frustrated. MC explains that they are done with his sleeping tickle attacks.
"Well I can't help it if I am asleep."
Then MC says that they will just stop taking naps with him all together and he gives in.
"Okay, okay. I will let you sleep."
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 3 years
Is there anything Harry could ever say or do that would make Sirius cry? If so, would Harry immediately be like “Oh shit, I fucked up” and how would Remus react?
please let it be known that i am tipsy tumbling right now and nothing i say can be used against me.
here's the deal. the way parent's argue with their kid(s) is not the same way they argue with their partners/their best friends.
so like. yes, i can imagine that some day's and some words that harry says makes sirius so frustrated he cries (like yeah, I've cried when my kid turns into a hurricane but one--never in front of him and two--i know better than trying to wade through a conversation through THOSE FEELS). but like, what's remus gonna do? storm into his CHILD'S room and say "HEY YOU OWE SIRIUS AN APOLOGY RIGHT NOW, THAT WAS REALLY UNKIND OF YOU AND HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT AND HOW DARE YOU YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHIT."
nahhhh. (lol, im sorry anon, i'm not the person to give you the drama a la Grey's Anatomy. I'm the one who's going to give you rational boring characters whoops.)
Here's how this would go:
"I WISH YOU HAD JUST LEFT ME AT THE DURSLEYS! I HATE YOU!" Harry shouted and the words seemed to light up in neon in the hallway. A big sign that told Sirius, hey look, you're not good enough! what a fucking joke! in bold letters, a buzz in the air.
Sirius let out a breath, "Alright." He held his hands up in surrender to his teenager whose chest was rising and falling, jaw set, looking murderously at Sirius. "Alright," Sirius repeated, unsure of what to say and where to go. "Alright."
The third time. And Sirius finished walking down the hall, his shoulder unintentionally knocking into Remus's as he did so.
It had felt right in the moment. To spit the worst thing he could think of out at his godfather. Because, in the moment, it was unfair that Harry had to spend the weekend catching up on summer school work instead of going to a Quidditch game with The Weasleys. It was unfair that he had to clean his room too. And the bathroom. And the library that he had left a mess thinking he had all the time in the world. Because the Dursley's never cared. Harry just had to pretend he didn't exist and his room could be as messy as he wanted and he never had to do a single assignment. It was bullshit that Sirius and Remus cared so much and bullshit that they had taken away the Quidditch tickets just like that. No discussion, no nothing.
It had felt right. Until Sirius walked away. And then it felt like shit. Stinking, rotten, stomach ache-inducing shit.
"I think...it might be wise for you to spend some time in your room," Remus said evenly, "Calm down some."
"I'm finished arguing with you, Harry James. We are finished arguing with you about this, and any matters relating to this."
Harry dropped his head at the use of his middle name, anxiously picking at his hands. Suddenly the shouting didn't feel so good, but he couldn't move from where he stood. He knew he should go to his room, but he couldn't, thinking about Sirius's retreating back and the words he really didn't mean.
"Is the hallway your new room?" Remus asked. His voice was firm, but it wasn't angry.
"Might be..."
"Then I will leave you." Remus's hand gently lifted Harry's head so he was no longer looking at the floor and was forced to meet his eyes, "You can hate us. But we always love you. We will be in our room if you need us, or...maybe the hallway. I dunno where Sirius ended up."
"Room hallway..."
Remus nodded, and dropped his hand from Harry's chin. "Yes?"
"Yeah...Got it..."
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