blastkat · 2 years
Lightwater multivitamin moisturizer is completely scentless. It's a rich moisturizer that's easily absorbed into my skin. My skin has a healthy glow after use. I absolutely love the travel friendly, recyclable dispensers. I feel good about this skincare knowing it's as good for me as it is for the environment. Product includes postage paid envelope to return empty product containers for recycling. The motivational sticker reminds me to be the best version of myself.
*clean beauty
*fragrance free
*preservative free
*microbiome friendly
*cruelty free
*responsible and sustainable
*75% less packaging
*nourishes your skin and communities
*hyaluronic acid
*rice extracts
*pine tree extracts
*green tea extracts
*Product gifted but the love is all mine
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timdodds · 2 years
Professor Millett's talk now on Surrey Archaeological Society YouTube channel
Professor Millett’s talk now on Surrey Archaeological Society YouTube channel
The previous article is my summary of Professor Martin Millett’s talk to the Roman studies Group of Surrey Archaeological Society. His talk is now available on the Society’s YouTube Channel HERE.
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i love the Pandemonium event story i wish school trips were real
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What's the roughest rollercoaster you've ever been on?
Mine would definitely be The Ultimate at Lightwater Valley which now no longer exists. Think there might be a reason British Rail doesn't contribute to coaster manufacturing very often.
It was fucking brutal. It bashed me about those turns and did not take any prisoners. I can't remember exactly cause it was like 5/6 years ago now, but I do remember being in a certain amount of pain immediately after getting off, but the day after? Jfc, I ached all over and literally couldn't lift my head up if I was lying in bed without it hurting.
I'd say never again, but nobody can ride it ever again. Eat shit, you glorified train.
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runaway-mine-train · 3 months
runaway mine train is better than the ultimate (lightwater valley [dead coaster])
This ask was how I found out just now that they closed the Ultimate. I had fond memories of that ride. So uhh thanks I guess.
Also yeah Runaway Mine Train's better. Seeing as it isn't closed and all.
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physicahealthuk · 10 months
Physiotherapy services lightwater
Discover optimal wellness at Physica Health, offering a range of services in Camberley, Bagshot, Sunningdale, and beyond. From sports massage, shockwave therapy, and physiotherapy to pregnancy massage, pilates, and elite sport physiotherapy, our expert team ensures personalized care. Experience top-notch services at our clinics, promoting recovery, strength, and well-being. Book your session now for physiotherapy in Windlesham, Lightwater, and Chobham. Trust Physica Health, your dedicated sports injury clinic in Camberley.
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cetaceous · 11 months
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The Open-Pool Australian Lightwater Reactor (OPAL) Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, Sydney, Australia The reactor is only used to produce medical radioisotopes. image credits: ANSTO
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neovanesa · 2 months
Stuff from my old guild DFGF (Darkest Faerie Game Fans): Information Station
I had a page called the "Information Station" where I wanted to post absolutely everything about Neopets: The Darkest Faerie.
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[The page is still up here, until this account gets purged, anyway.]
I had screenshots (that are all broken images now), information about items & how much I recommended to carry for each act, character bios, a section called "boring lists" containing trivia, reviews of the game, and a walkthrough (that only includes Act 1, as I never got around to writing out Acts 2-4).
Here is some stuff I wrote (circa age 10)
About the main characters
Tormund: Tormund Ellis, one of the main characters of this game, is a farmboy born in Meri Acres.He has a heart of pure gold, and he has a little sister named Lucy.He hopes to one day be a knight of Meridell.His hope comes true one faithful day his father asked him to deliver a package. Roberta Roberta, neice of King Hagan and King Skarl, is a diplomat in the Brightvale Castle.Longing to be a sorceress, she meets with the Faerie Queen in Faerieland for a meeting about the dark clouds over Meridell.It is when she escapes Faerieland and falls out of the sky that she meets with Tormund. The Darkest Faerie The Darkest Faerie used to be one of the twelve heroes of Altador.She was thought to be the most powerful, because Kelland (another hero of Altador) suggested she would be immortal, because she was a faerie.But power got into her head and made plans to erase the memory of Altadorians so she can be known as the only founder. She had to destroy the other heroes in the process, but if it wasn't for Jerdana (hero of Altador) she would have been ruling Neopia right now.She was banished as a statue beneath the maraquan sea as a result.
About the places
Tor's farm:(Ellis Family Farm)This farm is the home of Tormund.This is just one of the farms that grow all of Meridell's food and harvest.It's the beginning of Act One, and later in Act Three you have to save it. Similar Places to visit:Shadowglen Woods,Farm Road Shops(if any):None Meridell:Meridell is ruled by King Skarl the 1.He is the brave king with umm..an eating habit.Meridell has many,many brave knights throughout its history,including Jeran. Shops(if any):Food Shop,Weaponary,Armoury,Motery,and a sly yellow kacheek that sells you maps. Similar Places to visit:Meridell Castle,Castle Courtyard,Meridell Sewers, Ancient Sewer Cogham:(mmm..ham)Cogham is a small mining village right by the mountains. They constantly have been invadeded by the ixi raiders, which live within the Cogham Steppes. They found only defeating their boss would stop them. Shops(if any):Food,Weaponary,Armoury,Curio Similar Places to visit:Cogham Steppes,Drackon Ridge Illusen's Glade:Making her home deep in The Lightwater Forest,Illusen has lived and aided Meridell whenever and however she can.She is rivals with The Werelup King,next to Jhoursa,of course. Shops(if any):The Neggery Similar Places to visit:Meridell Plains Faerieland:The kingdom of faeries.What more can I say?It is ruled by Queen Fyora. You get the picture. Similar Places to visit:Meridell Shops(if any):Food,Potion Brightvale:Ruled by King Hagan the Wise, this kingdom thrives on its books.It's very famous fr their stained glass windows. Shops(if any):Food,Armoury,Motery,Petpet,Maps,Curio,Postion Similar Places to visit:Meridell,Brightvale Outskirts,Brightvale Castle Bogshot Village(taken from "Swamp Tales",Brightvale Library): Long home to the desperate and slightly crazy,Boshot is known as a whole,are nice. Shops(if any):Curio,Food,Apothecary,Bridge Builder,Wepaonary Altador:Much like the REAL world,Rome(back in the ancient times) Similar Places to visit:Park District,Bazzaar District,Colliuesm District, Money District,Faerieland Shops(if any):Food,Curio,Wepaonary,Armoury,Postionary,Motery
Secret Moves
Here is a list of secret moves in the game not mentioned: Cartwheel:With Roberta,hold L2 and push the left analog stick sideways Then,press X while running.Hurray!You did a cartwheel! Complex Jump Attack landing with a spin attack:Quite hard.First,with Tor, do a jump attack,but spin in the air(spin with the left analog stick).Then,while landing, spin another 360 or so and then attack.It takes practice. Jump on the bed:With Tor or Roberta, find the nearest bed(in act three you can do Brightvale Castle)Go onto the bed, and hold L2.Then go a little foward, and press X.It doesn't look like much,but hey,it's something. Backward Flip:With Roberta,hold L2 and go backwards with the analog stick. Then jump. Eyeview of a petpet:This is very simple.Let your left analog stck go up, and the right one go down.Vise versa for the eyeview of a crokabek.
Mysteries & Answers
I have done research on the latest screenshots and reviews, and I have found many myserties, and many answers. The information here may shock you, or answer most of your glitch questions. Mystery&Answer #1: How can Tormund and Roberta have the latest upgrades when battling the black knight, when the total cost of all of them is nearly ###np? Answer:This one got me confused.But follows is a quote from abby-cheat.com:Unlimited Neopoints: First, you go to Bogshot. When go to the place with lilypads, find the thing that looks like a dam & jump on it then jump on the land in front of it. Next, cross the lilypads in the direction you are facing then go across the bridge to where the bubbles are. Jump into the sinkhole then walk untill you find the first sludgie. Kill it, and repeat the process as many times as needed. Note:You need great agility to do this and you have to climb out of the sinkhole then go back in the SAME place to do it again. Submitted by: scorcher9910 So, you have to make unlimited neopoints in order to buy all of those upgrades early. Mystery #2:I see in the trailler, it shows Roberta jumping over purple electric lines.When and how do you do that? Answer:I know that Roberta is doing a cartwheel, which you hold L2 and jump sideways to do.But I don't know when you do that.My theory is that when you help save Brightvale (this DOES happen, just deliver all Market Town packages) and you go under the castle of some sort.If someone knows how to save Brightvale, please neomail me. UPDATE:van_ang_smartie101 has just saved Brightvale, and she says she never saw purple electric lines.So then maybe it's a glitch? Myserty #3 In the screenshots of some fan sites, it shows Tormund and Roberta with diffrent upgrades, ones that aren't even in the game!Where do you buy them? Answer:I really don't know.Possible glitch, or when TNT was making screenshots, they probably chose random upgrades.
Plot Walkthrough
This plot walkthrough is NOT going to explain quests and bosses.It will just be important stuff.If you follow this correctly, Act Three will be a breeze! Act One: In the start, you play a yellow lupe by the name of Tormund.He is a farmboy who lives in Meri Acres.Do all the chores.They're extremly simple.Then, get the quest from Tor's dad to deliver the package, and walk to Meridell.Before you go out, find all of the reasures on Tor's farm.They say it's a long road, but sooner in Act Three, you'll be going from Werelupe Woods all the way to Tor's farm.Go through the road, but do all the quests by Tormund's neighbours.By the end of your quest spree, you should have minimum 100 neopoints, two baguss, thre red juppies, three purple juppies, one potion of power, one light mote, one earth mote, one four leaf clover, and a treasure quest for Shadowglen Woods. Now, don't go to Meridell just yet.Go to Farmer Addison's farm (the place where you did that spyder quest) and start cutting the plants.You'll start seeing some juppies Collect them.Cut all three juppie gardens, and wait for them to grow back by cutting grass. Do this unti you have around 50 red and purple juppies.Now you can go to Meridell. Do all the side quests on the road, and remember to save.Once in Meridell, deliver the package right away.When you need to get a shield, don't waste your nepoints on it.Instead, do the whole tournament (the red tent).You should have alot of neopoints, plus a free shield.Go to the Army Recruiment Center and get to the point where you need your parents' permission and you went back to your farm.Lucy's in Shadowglen.Go to Shadowglen, and remember to kill everything.When you see a whole bunch of vines like a wall or something, cut them with your sword and get the free stuff in there.You should get some ergyfruit, unguent of curings and some chokoatoes/juppies.Beat the boss, then you should be back on Tor's farm. Go back to Meridell, and with all the neopoints you have, buy the upgrades and one or two of every item/fruit you don't have, but DON'T buy the motes.You'll find another Motery near Cogham. Once in the Motery, buy the lava (definitetly) and other motes you don't have.Get the nova mote from the shop keeper, and then head down to be a squire.Do the chores and side quests.Once you get a mission to Cogham, go to Cogham and start. Go into the Cogham, and start running towards the mountains.Kill all the ixi raiders, and try to collect pechpas and other things.Beat the boss.Once back, you should do all the side quests and buy a few pechpas if you haven't already. Go shopping for a bit, but don't spend too many neopoints. Act Two: coming soon..possibly today.. Act Three: coming soon..possibly today.. Act Four: coming soon..possibly today..
Boring Lists
This is long list,so unless you don't get bored easily I suggest copying this is into a wordpad and read it section by section.
List of petpets:
Noil-Heals your health-Eats red juppies
Mewclops-heals your magic-Eats chokatoes
Doglefox-Makes your atack stronger-Eats red juppies
Gallion-Make your defense stronger-Eats red juppies
Turmac-Makes your stronger,more powerful in defense,heals your health and magic-Drains you out of your red juppies
List of neopet speices found in the game:
List of Guides:
Act Info/TCG
Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Walkthrough for Playstation 2 Version 1.0 (Last Updated 01/09/2006) By Judy Bosley
http://www.neopets-thedarkestfaerie.com/ (The Official Darkest Faerie Game Website)
List of Bosses:
Juppie Plant Monster*
Ixi Raider Chiefman*
Werelup King
Dark Faerie Sisters
Gelert Assasin
Black knight
The Darkest Faerie
*=Face Twice
Poularity Stuff Most popular pet found in the game:Draik Most bosses in one act:Act Three Smallest Act:Act Two Most commonly shown enemy:Gelert Assasin
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paranatura-verse · 3 months
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Name: Wit'wil Age: 79 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Species: Doggerlandian (Deep Dweller) Place of Origin: Norwegian Trench, North Sea
Wit'wil is one of the Deep Dwellers, a tribe of doggerlandians who live in the deepest and darkest parts of the North Sea. Unlike their asocial relatives who live closer to the surface (what they call "Lightwaters"), the Deep Dwellers live in a close-knit community. Wit'wil is the chief of the village, who worship the god K'no Agu-gnoss. Headstrong, but devoted to her village and her patron deity, Wit'wil took over as chief from her mother, baiting her elder sisters into being caught by fishing boats to ensure her succession. Despite this ruthlessness exhibited toward her family, she is considered a popular leader.
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kasgaleria · 7 months
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Kecskés Péter PHOTISMOS K.A.S. Galéria, 2024.02.16. - 03.03.
Megnyitó: 2024. február 16., péntek 18 óra A kiállítást megnyitja: Kovács Gergely művészettörténész
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A kiállításon két elektrografikus sorozat és két 4K-s videó látható. A kiállítás címe (Photismos) utal a megvilágosodásra, illuminációra és a misztikus megismerés imaginális stációira. A címadó sorozat a New Yorkban készült előző anyag folytatása; a digitális fotók rétegzett alkalmazásán keresztül egyszerre jelenik meg egy futurisztikus látvány és egy fényművészeti jellegű megfogalmazásmód. A másik sorozat az egyik videóból kiemelt képek feldolgozásából áll; itt a természeti környezet dominál, melyben a víz, a tükröződés, a napfény és a kontrasztos árnyékok fényjátékká szerveződnek. A mű (LightWater-WaterLight) utal a különböző archaikus divinációs technikákra is és a beavatás/keresztelés szimbolizmusára. A második videó, melynek címe megegyezik az első sorozattal, legújabb videóművem, egy 2023-ban készült performance rekreációja a kamera előtt, melyben egy arc absztrahálódik a különleges megvilágításnak és rétegzettségnek köszönhetően. Photismos című videómban a mozgóképes absztrakció határmezsgyéjén mozogva az arc/személy elvonatkoztatásán keresztül egy újfajta, vizionárius képi minőség létrehozására törekedtem. Mindkét videóra vonatkozik, hogy olyan részletgazdag, festői, fényfestészeti potenciállal rendelkeznek, melyek még további felfedezésre várnak. ”Paradise is a Person.” Kecskés Péter
A kiállítás megtekinthető: 2024. március 3-ig.
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timdodds · 2 years
Zoom talk on an archaeological site in Lightwater by Professor Martin Millett
Zoom talk on an archaeological site in Lightwater by Professor Martin Millett
On Tuesday 10th January from 19:30 Professor Martin Millett is talking, via Zoom, on a archaeological site in Lightwater dug by Geoff Cole for Surrey Heath Archaeology and Heritage Trust back in the 1980s. When we moved to Lightwater back in 1986 we saw the dig taking place, though I have to say there was no much to see. T the time the site was found to have good evidence for ironworking, still…
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ferdihound · 3 months
i wanna make a fuckass gimmick account of lightwater valley because im petty of what they done to the park
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minitravellers · 5 months
Why we keep going back to Lightwater Valley Family Adventure Park
If you are a regular Mini Travellers reader you may have seen our blog posts previously about Lightwater. Valley Family Adventure Park. When the children were much younger we went along to find out Is Lightwater Valley good for Kids Under 6? Spoiler alert, it is! We also enjoyed reviewing the wonderful Alice in Winterland light trail a few years ago. But, those occasions aside we’ve also been…
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Revolution - Bobbejaanland
F.L.Y - Phantasialand
Taron - Phantasialand
Furius Baco - PortAventura
Big Loop - Heide Park
The Ultimate - Lightwater Valley
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physicahealthuk · 14 days
Back Pain Camberley
Discover optimal wellness at Physica Health, offering a range of services in Camberley, Bagshot, Sunningdale, and beyond. From sports massage, shockwave therapy, and physiotherapy to pregnancy massage, pilates, and elite sport physiotherapy, our expert team ensures personalized care. Experience top-notch services at our clinics, promoting recovery, strength, and well-being. Book your session now for physiotherapy in Windlesham, Lightwater, and Chobham. Trust Physica Health, your dedicated sports injury clinic in Camberley.
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