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telepathyia · 1 year ago
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minor edit from an untranslated alt/tp manga. credits for bringing the scanlation alive goes to over here! check out their site, they're dedicated to archiving all of the classic games.
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telesthisia · 4 years ago
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so... how about that cute, heartwarming reunion between these two? @lightoflegend
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lightmaiiden · 6 years ago
Her search for him had been relatively short, but it was always easy to find him. In her hands, she held a bear with a neat green bow tied around its neck. Much to her dismay, she did not have the time to properly wrap his gift due to a meeting that had gone on far too long then she had liked but she supposes that this much will suffice: what truly mattered was that she managed to garner up some courage to give him a gift this year as opposed to missing out on the holiday cheer. “Ahem, I know that this is not much but I am afraid that I am not confident in my confection making skills to give you the chocolates that you deserve. You have given m- us so much time and time again, I wish I could reward you better. Oh, regardless, Happy Valentine’s Link! I do hope you enjoy this little guy. Try to give it a name!” 
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A short pause as she tries to summon valor once more. “One more thing. There is a small festival in Castle Town today. I... was hoping to attend it this year. Would you like to accompany me?” 
@lightoflegend / hi <3 
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songstressofages · 6 years ago
So different yet exactly the same {Closed starter for lightoflegend}
  Picking herself up from another rough-and-tumble skydive through space and time, Nayru held her breath and braced herself for the sight of her next destination...    and paused, confusion settling over her thoughts to muffle out any trace of hope. It was the smell that nearly did her in; the sweet smell of the forests of her homeland cascading through her senses to render her in awe. Was it over..? Was she actually home after so many twists and turns in her journey?
  The thought came abruptly, and she was glad for it, for she would hate to waste her time entertaining the thought of a fantasy come to life. No, she was not home; it felt far too different to be considered home, and yet on the surface the two points in space and time were exactly the same. It was Lybranna, but it was not her Lybranna.
.. But it was better than nothing.
Who knew who she would run into; what parallel soul would happen across her then and.. what of herself? With a soft sigh and a quick dusting of her dress she straightened her posture and, harp in-hand, headed towards the village.
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huntressthewizard · 6 years ago
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🍃🏹➳ “Oh!” The half-Deku didn’t waste time bounding up to the hero and grasping his hand. “Hey, you’re the fella that’s been going around helping people around here, right? My boss said to give you this, and to keep up the good work.” 
     Releasing the boy’s hand, he would notice that she had left a small trinket, some kind of ring. Emerald inlet and silver, one could feel the magic imbued within the gemstone.
        “It’s supposed to shoot out a small bolt of lightning, like a taser. You can also show that ring to any of our caravans, and they’ll give you a discount on supplies.”
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hyrulefate · 6 years ago
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          ❛    you look a lot like me.     weird,     huh?    ❜    beside him,     navi agrees how strange it indeed is.     no    ————    neither is the right word to describe this...    resemblance between the two.     it both surprises    &    unsettles link.
@lightoflegend  ♥’d
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lorulesavior-a · 6 years ago
“My kingdom... was quite pitiful when compared to Hyrule, wasn’t it? However, I am certain that it will change for the better soon.” Apocalyptic landscape previously soused in hopelessness and despair now changes towards a future that promised of prosperity though at a rather gradual pace. The skies were painted blue and while the fissures and cracks have yet to fade away the grass and trees regained that lush and vivid green color. Once upon a time, hope was scarce, fragile. Like white petals of a flower being plucked and carried away by the winds, so to did the winds carry away faith from her people. Yet she still clung onto that flower, saving the petals while she swore to sow hope back into her lands. Through the help of both the princess and the hero, she managed to achieve that goal. Now, Hilda waits for her land to bloom and flourish. 
“I must say, I am rather surprised to see you visit my L.orule once more, Link. What drew you to L.orule?”
That’s not to say that she was upset by his arrival. Far from it. Though guilt will forever be laced in her heart, gratitude would overpower said guilt.
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“... though, you seem rather different than before. Unless mine eyes deceive me.” 
@lightoflegend / here you goooooo <3 
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greenebay-moved · 6 years ago
˚.☀︎ ☁︎ | the sound of a BLADE exiting the body of the monster sounded similar to the body of any other living thing–––- including man. Not that this young man would ever know what that sounded like in person. But one could conclude. As the blade left the FLESH of the Moblin it’s oddly colored blood sprayed out as the monster fell. 
Yet more came from behind it. 
Colby grimaced in annoyance–––- this was too much! Too many for one MAN to handle. He cursed himself for being a fool and straying to close to the monsters campsite. Having to make a choice he stepped back; blade pointed to the gang of pig-like ABOMINATIONS to god. Fight or flight–––!
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The man who flees; lives another day. but he will be a COWARD for the rest of his life.  He turned and fled. As fast as his feet could carry him he ran down the path; blood covered sword still in hand– and fear in his eyes. The SQUEALS and snorts of the monsters followed him closely; pitchforks and staffs clanking together as they pursued. Then he saw it––––
A man who carried a sword on his holster. A LIGHT of hope. 
❝ HELP ––– !!  I can’t fight them alone !! ❞ The rookie knight had no idea who this man was but, with a sword, he could delay his DEATH by another day.
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rcguna-archived · 6 years ago
random headcanon meme || [ Open ]
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
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That depends on what kind of storm we’re talking about. Were it not for his amnesia you best believe he’d have a fear of them, so there’s at least one benefit to not remembering your childhood.
Rainstorm? Fine. Thunderstorm? More fine. Typhoons and wind storms? An absolute pain. You can treat your fields as wonderfully as possible. You can keep your plants as healthy as you try. You can personally stand out there and scream at the sky, but none of that matters when rocks and debris get slapped everywhere. When some of your nicest plants get the bad end of a branch you can’t help but be horribly frustrated.
But it’s only for his plants that Raguna actually fears for the weather. Personally he doesn’t mind it. If you take wind out of the equation it saves a good deal of his morning chores since he doesn’t have to worry about letting out the animals or watering crops. He’ll relax under an awning he’s built by his field, maybe read a book if he doesn’t want to distract himself being elsewhere.
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venofire-moved · 6 years ago
♥ + lightoflegend
Send me a “♥ + a Url” my muse will have to answer about their:
Relationship Status: “Associate which I hope will be a comfort to me.” 
Feelings toward them: “He’s very.. pleasant. Comforting, even.”
Fantasies about them: “I haven’t any.” 
Trait they like: “Thus far I very much appreciate his kindness, as well as the fact that his presence is quite soothing.” 
Trait they dislike: “He looked down upon me! He talked to me as if I was some idiot that had accidentally wandered into the damn ruins!” 
Favorite thing to do to bug them: “I don’t know, I haven’t yet tried.” 
Favorite thing to do to cheer them up: “Was he upset?”
Nightmare they had involving them: “It’s no nightmare, it’s reality.”
Dream they had involving them: “I haven’t had one.” 
Desire from them right at this moment: “Please keep me safe.” 
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telepathyia · 1 year ago
@lightoflegend said: “An ocarina to take you wherever you want to go?? Who needs that when you have me!”
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"Ahah! Certainly, I am very fortunate to have you by my side! Yet it wounds me how you've yet to whisk me off my feet to these places." His enthusiasm was infectious as per always, and she couldn't help but smile fondly. She also couldn't helpt but lightly tease him.
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telesthisia · 4 years ago
Just an early morning reminder b4 I head to work that when any of my Zeldas are big mad you... can’t take them seriously bc how cute they are which results in them being even bigger mad tbh. I will guarantee you that alttp zel does the little pouty pout thing. Legend my old mains partner had the right idea drawing angry zel being absolutely cute
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lightmaiiden · 6 years ago
Divinity reborn, such thoughts would come to flood their mind ‘pon setting their sights on the princess garbed in the holy dress with golden regalia complimenting the outfit. It was the very same dress that her ancestors had worn for generations. The white fabric sways with the chilling winds. She shivers, the weather merciless with it’s biting cold yet this was all she could wear according to customs. 
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Myths and religious rites were the foundation that her kingdom was built on, traditions dictate for her to perform her duties as the decedent of the spirit maiden, making her vows to the gods with each shrine she would visit. She knew that this pilgrimage to appease and pray to the spirits of light was a perilous one. But it was one that she had to embark on. Usually, she had to do it alone but her hero... Link... had insisted otherwise and practically begged to be alongside her perhaps worried for her well-being. She could not blame him. Due to Agahnim’s short-term reign, the fields of H..yrule was a treacherous place. Blights of darkness never waned away, still existing, waiting. Waiting for whatever victim may come across it to corrupt them.
Out of the fear of the enemy capturing her at her most vulnerable, Z.elda decided that it would be wise to allow him to travel alongside her.
With arms crossed as she tries to conserve as much warmth as she possibly could, her gaze would flicker to his expecting eyes and she nods. 
“Let’s go.” 
@lightoflegend | plotted starter | closed. 
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fearless2ndmate · 6 years ago
Nonchalantly hands him the Book of Mudora. "This maaaay or may not contain some ancient swear words.. You didn't get it from me though!"
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You hope you can read this Hylian language!
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cutlassie · 6 years ago
((The dash was filled with blogs sending appreciation posts, so here’s a list I made of the blogs I follow, and you should probably check them out too! ‘Cause they’re awesome:
@lycanastrophe, @kokiriswordsavior, @toonlink-suggestion, @whydidisaypokepoke, @tazmily-family, @mismxtchedmuses, @thedemonkingganon, @ignisetscientia, @gegegenotairin, @brokenexalt, @sheisaxbelle, @seizedestiny, @darkwiiinged, @whitewiinged, @uhtcexru, @a-rich-friendship, @wildchildlonk, @princexcharmless, @adventurouswind, @smashwoomy, @supersplash-smash, @glorysmash, @lylxt, @liningpxeces, @lightoflegend--
And much, much more to list down. Though the message still stands: they’re awesome. X3))
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atlas-on-the-pyre-blog · 6 years ago
Which character trope are you?
The Mentor
A more experienced advisor or confidante to a young, inexperienced character, particularly to a hero. You are seen as an old soul by your peers and you have a natural quirk of wanting to take care of others. You seem to be the most mature of your friends and you love giving them advice. You seem to have a lot of experience with trouble and the woes of the world, but you know how to handle what life throws at you.
Tagged by: @fieldsofmelody
Tagging: @vitorofthescaleless @diemondsichel @hunter-baldwin @rosmcrinus @cadcnce @fishermcn @gascoiigne @occultmarked @yellowfingcr @lightoflegend (HA HA TAGGED YOU BACK FUCKER)
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