ashenprofessor · 1 year
Nuns among us
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generalzelgius · 1 year
𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅?
touch me with tender truth
you crave being known and held. you just want the warmth and pressure of another body against your own. sometimes, late at night when you're alone in your bed, your skin aches with the lack of touch. you've tried touching yourself, and it isn't the same. one time someone gripped your shoulder and squeezed it in passing, and you thought about it for weeks after - the ghost pressure of their hand lingering. don't you deserve it? consistent physical love and caring? i think so, i think you do. but i also have to ask - do you fear it even as you want? after all, if you get it then it might also be taken away. i hope that if you fear it, you push through past that fear. that you ask for the touch you desire and deserve. i hope that you get touched with love and kindness, wrapped up in warm arms and rocked from side to side until the tension and pain falls away layer by layer and only you are left.
tagged by: @aaternum ( tysm !!! )
tagging: @hiiraethus, @abyssleapt, @lightofcreation, @darksails, @seawrought, @liightbringr, @vairuler, @annjiru, @unforestalledreturn
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roddy-prime · 5 years
“Oh little prime, you’ve had so much put on you. Come, why don’t you rest for a moment?” - lightofcreation
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tellius-masterlist · 8 years
//Heron-King-Lorazieh, LightOfCreation and Skys-Shadow are all sideblogs to this one! No longer PARTICULARLY active, but still available upon request if anyone was looking for Lorazieh, Lehran or Naesala. Mun goes by "Tei" or "Lu."
They’ve all been added, and no worries about activity level! - Soren-mun
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songofserenes · 9 years
He chuckled. “When you reach my age, Princess, everyone is “little.” I still call your father “Little Lorazieh.”“
Oh, Goddess, he’d lived far too long.
“They suit you, my dear. You’ll have to choose a very pretty one for your wedding when the time comes.”
Ah, weddings. That thought was sometimes pleasant and sometimes a heavy burden. Before everything fell into ruin, she had been last in line. Her elder sisters would all be married first, that was the proper way to do things. She had been fourth in line for nuptials and commitments, and Leanne had rather liked it that way. It gave her the freedom to take her sweet time in figuring out marriage and romance.
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But now she was the only princess left, and the only female Heron in the world. The need to marry and have children was a heavy one, and it dragged on her shoulders, even when her brothers and father tried to insist that she needn’t worry over it. She knew she still HAD to. To keep the Heron population alive at all, or even a memory, she had to have children--
“...Rhaid i mi gyfaddef, nid wyf yn gwybod os byddaf yn dyfeisio bwa o'r fath yn fuan neu beidio. Dydw i ddim eto fy ganrif ar hugain, ond nid oes unrhyw chwiorydd ger fy mron anymore. Dywedwch wrthyf, pa flodau yn eich barn chi fyddai'n gwneud i torch priodas da?” (I must admit, I do not know if I shall be devising such a bow soon or not. I’m not yet to my first century, but there are no sisters before me anymore. Tell me, what flowers do you think would make for a good wedding wreath?)
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fxdelitas · 9 years
Send me “/)///v///(\” to see how my muse would talk about yours, to another person.
From a hidden note, lodged between holy scriptures and worn leather notebooks.
Father Koel,
We may have a situation on our hands. It’s not particularly one I’d be too worried about, but as you’ve told me over and over, any news is still news.
The Prime Minister of Tellius has decided to pay our capitol a visit, for reasons I have no way of fathoming. It’s not every day a dignitary whose time nor trade routes crosses with ours pays a visit to our small and humble realm. Regardless of any unspoken attachment I am currently ignorant to, the Outrealms are still too great a distance to be covered for anyone’s sake. 
Travelling to another continent without a map or heading of their destination is a challenge in itself, let alone to learn the common tongue, and speak it with enough flair and command to put most people to shame. 
He came for a reason. Great boundaries are never crossed without an equivalent amount of sentiment, and because of which, I dread to leave it unchecked.
In short, I worry about his presence here, Revered Father. I shall keep my eyes open for you, for I know it would worry you the same.
Yours,Little Songbird.
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generalzelgius · 1 year
the almost kiss
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you're unsure about things, always hesitating. why is that? maybe there's something to lose for you, but maybe (just maybe) the risk is worth it. you're the moment when the main characters lean in, lips parted and almost touching. but it's not the actual kiss everyone loves, it's the anticipation. when they look into each other's eyes before their lids flutter close. and there's a lot of frustration when things are interrupted. trust me though, you're a lot more memorable than the actual kiss. you're nervous, but at the end of the day all you want is to be loved.
tagged by: no one, i stole it :' ) tagging: @hiiraethus, @abyssleapt, @lightofcreation, @darksails, @seawrought, @bonescribes (kurama), @heartwilled (leanne), @nobilismare (nailah), @annjiru, @unforestalledreturn
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[text] Did you have to text me at 3 AM? --Lehran
[text] Weirdly, the pizza shop owner texted me back too. Good customer service.
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serenesprince-blog · 10 years
"That much is true. I never…never intended those terrible things to happen. It…the…the tragedy in Serenes…"
It felt like a shallow excuse, but nonetheless, it was the only explanation he had.
"When I went to the Forest during the Massacre, I…I tried to calm the Medallion. But there was such chaos around me, so much fear…the magic overcame even me. My own heart was thrown out of balance…I lost sight of everything. When I finally began to come to my senses, I…it was too late to stop what had already been started. Eventually, it…"
He sighed.
"I would beg you not to tell your father this next bit, Reyson. Eventually it became an elaborate suicide attempt…one that was, once again, foiled in the end. So, to answer the question simply, I never intended to betray anyone."
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"...I feel you have told me one of the most important secrets of yourself. For that, I will not tell another soul, let alone just my father. It is up to you if you wish to tell my sister and brother, but I myself will not repeat this to them."
He would give Lehran a second chance if the other needed it. After all, Reyson too had been given chances he hadn't expected, and from Beorc out of anyone. Lehran had not been the only one to change because of the Serenes Massacre, and blaming him for changing his views on Beorc because of such a thing was by no means something Reyson had in mind. Those people had been thoughtless, attacking those who would not even lift the smallest of weapons. They were far too delicate to have murdered anyone, much less someone of such great power. Those murderers hadn't even put a thought to it, looking only to vent their rage on anyone they could. Their Apostle would have been every bit disappointed in her people for their careless mistake.
"I, too, once changed because of the loss of my family. I cannot say I blame you for the actions you took out of that pain. Years ago, during the last war, I had no idea Ike and his company were fighting to rescue me... and I had almost destroyed them and my pursuers. I labeled them as humans, giving no regard to them as individuals. Had Tibarn not stopped me, or rather, persuaded me to stop, Ike and many others I now care about would have been killed, and at my own discretion. Though I did not act back then, the thought was still fresh in my mind, and the intention was every bit there. I... may have ended up like you if I did not have Tibarn. Though I believe you had gone too far with the idea of destroying every other Laguz, you and I are not that different."
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generalzelgius · 2 years
once you're stripped clean, what's at your core?
animal intuition
loyalty is the saint you pray to. if you ever were stabbed in the back by your beloved, you'd probably apologize. to your enemies, you're fierce. to your allies, even fiercer. you cultivate a thick inner circle built on promises and devotion, fit only for the best of the best. it's impossible for most to even begin to dissect the type of person you are, owing to your unbreakable emotional walls and confusing philosophies. dream careers? body guard, movie star, unwitting pawn. don't let people get the best of that loyalty.
tagged by: @octouso ( thank you !!! )
tagging: @bonescribes ( kurama / simon ), @annjiru, @unforestalledreturn, @nobilismare ( nailah ), @lightofcreation ( i'm giving you content cause i'm curious on the result lol )
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generalzelgius · 7 years
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            ❛   I... I killed him.   ❜   At this point, Zelgius had exhausted himself of all energy & nearly all of his emotions   ;   what remained was an eerie sort of calm mingled with melancholy. The knight lets out a deep sigh, emeralds hiding behind closed lids.   ❛   It was a mistake. It was not my intention to kill him.   ❜   To rob children of their father. The knight takes a seat in his master’s private quarters, eyelids opening so emeralds could stare at the destruction he wreaked upon his own body in punishment. Bruised & battered hands, wounds decorating his face, and others left unseen.   ❛   Greil was a good man. I respected him. He did not deserve such a pitiful death.   ❜
@lightofcreation ❤’d for a starter !
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generalzelgius · 9 years
█ █ █ ; ♞ ( MASTER ):
“How can the life I lived before you possibly be your fault?” Lehran asked, gently placing his hand on Zelgius’s. He was not surprised that his general wouldn’t make eye contact.
“I will not deny that…that losing you was hard on me. But I will deny that all my pain has been your causing. Having you back…having you back is a great mercy on me. I was beginning to think that this “love” business could never end happily for me…that everyone I cared for would be taken from me…I am blessed that that’s not the case.”
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      “ You place too much of your love onto me, Master, I am certainly undeserving of it. ” Although, knowing that he was of great importance to the man thawed his icy heart. He felt the warm soft hand touch his callous one and this was enough for him to make eye contact. He stayed completely still though, feeling incredibly guilty of the pain he had brought upon his beloved. “ I... I hope that you can forgive me, anyway. ”
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generalzelgius · 9 years
“In the beginning I was so terrified of losing you that I didn’t want to fall for you. I still live with that fear, but you give me the strength to overcome it and give you all the love I have.” --Lehran (hello let's have a puddle of mush)
SFW Romance Sentence Meme | accepting
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      “ No — you… you should not say things like that. ” It is a light chastise, the man becoming too overwhelmed with emotions to carry his words with any sort of strength or command. Eyelids shut so that he may avoid any type of eye contact. His lips tremble as his hands reach at the wall for support. “ It is my fault though, I realize that. I have caused you immense pain and distress, master, as I almost did not survive that last battle… ” Old habits are still hard to break for him; calling him Master had been equal to breathing air. “ But… I never realized that your feelings for me were… beyond any normal ones. If so… I would have been more careful. Forgive me. ” He has done wrong and this wounds him.
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