elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 211-Leaf-fall
It’s a mixed moon for the Clan.  On the plus side, Creekstar (65) and Wildcave (94) have had their kit!  A powerful fire-blessed little girl they named Patchkit (0), after Gladepatch, Creekstar’s dad.  Creekstar is a little ashamed to feel relief that her daughter isn’t dark-cursed.  Wildcave is just so excited to be a dad that he’s vibrating. Now that she’s not pregnant anymore, Creekstar has been enjoying some moonlit strolls.  Chiku (145) covers for her.  Creekstar is also quite protective over Patchkit and promises to always look out for her.  Queenyspeckle (87) still doesn’t think Creekstar is a good leader and prays that he doesn’t have to go on patrol with her.  With Creekstar in the nursery, Primcrest (53) has to take on a lot more responsibility.  It’s stressful.  And she misses having her father and mate to help support her.  Lightheather (28) got bitten by a snake and died.  Silverspots (29) is shocked to be the last survivor of his once thriving family.  It feels weird to be without kin in the Clan. 
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alternative-snake · 1 year
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woo yeah shout out to maggotwish!!!! my fucking clangen leader got kidnapped so he lost all of his lives at once but hey!!! maggotwish got a promotion!!
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 208-Greenleaf
Whelp, that streak of good luck ended.  The greenleaf rains hit hard, and, being underground, the camp is prone to flooding.  ElementClan also doesn’t have many water-blessed cats (only Cilantro-69-and Silverpsots-26), so they are at a serious disadvantage if their were to cave flood.  Which, of course, it did.  Lightheather (25) was the first one to sound the alarm that the waters were rising.  In the aftermath, he can’t help but wonder if tragedy would have been prevented had he had acted sooner.  The nursery, where Cypressbadger (74), Cilantro, and the kits were hanging out, was hit hard.  Lotuskit (4) and Rubblekit (4) didn’t know how to swim.  Cypressbadger was able to get Rubblekit out, but, when she went back to try and help Cilantro and Lotuskit, she found that Cilantro had hit her head on a treebranch, sinking to the bottom of the cavern with Lotuskit in tow.  Cypressbadger tried to save them, but was unable to and drowned as well.  Fry (114) helped Chiku (142) to safety. He regretted that he never had the chance to confess his feelings before he succumbed to the waves.  Timberarch (125) tried to help Tornflake (35) and Glowquake (44), both of whom were injured, to safety, but the waves took all three of them. After the floodwaters recede, Chiku lies next to Fry’s body as the Clan sits vigil for him.  His world has ended with Fry’s.  Chiku never considered the possibility that he would one day be without Fry and wishes that they had had more time together. Primcrest (50) and Wildcave (91) are devastated by the loss of their father.  Primcrest wails when she sees Fry’s body, laying still and cold.  If she were more talented with her water magic, could she have saved him?  Once the vigil ends, Primcrest curls tightly in her nest, her throat raw from crying.   For Wildcave, Fry was his last tie to his life before the Clan.  Losing him feels like losing a tail, or a limb, or his shadow.  Wildcave relied on Fry, trusted him, and contemplating moving on from the loss seems impossible.  He and Primcrest hold each other close, taking comfort in their sibling bond.  Primcrest also lost Glowquake, which tears at her.  Primcrest takes comfort in Rubblekit.  Despite they’re rocky start, he reminds her a lot of Cragpaw. Then there’s Frecklestone (35), who lost her only surviving family member.  And little Rubblekit, who lost his mom. He doesn’t really understand what happened, so Creekstar (62) tries to explain it to him.  It’s hard.  She can’t help but blame herself for how the Clan is faring.  How could she do better?  The Clan has known so much loss.  Will it never end?  
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 204-Newleaf
Cypressbadger (70) has had her kit!  He’s a little wind-blessed kit named Rubblekit (0).  Cypressbadger isn’t telling anyone who the other parent is and no one is claiming him.  Interesting. Although there are rumors that Cypressbadger has recently been seen with a cat from RaccoonClan.  Maybe Rubblekit’s half-clan?  Cragpaw (7) still has greencough and is getting frustrated.  He’s the son of the deputy-he should be stronger than this!  Fry (111) checks in on him, wanting to make sure his grandkit is alright.  He’s not alright and loudly informs Fry of that fact.  Primcrest (46), while also not happy that her kit has greencough, is glad she got out of the nursery before Rubblekit arrived.  She thinks he’s annoying.  Her kit was never that annoying, right?  Her mate, on the other hand, has an entirely different view of Rubblekit.  Glowquake (40) is excited to have a cousin and wants to spend more time with Rubblekit.  Tornflake (31) and Lightheather (21) continue to grow closer to each other.  They have a great time heckling a neighboring Clan at the gathering and Lightheather feels giddy about getting sent on the same patrol as Tornflake.  Hmm.  Maybe Primcrest is trying to set the two up?  Despite initial worries, Queenyspeckle (80) is proving to have none of the thirst for power and control that Yuccawillow did.  He’s just glad to help out and does his Clanmates’ chores with a smile on his face.  Another kittypet has joined the Clan, a powerless tom who takes the name of Vaxxstreak (90).  He seems nervous about being in the Clan, but he agrees to join because of the medical treatment the Healers can offer.
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 203-Leaf-bare
Cragpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Lightheather (20)!  And he immediately comes down with greencough.  Joy. Meanwhile, Lightheather’s (30) paw-walking display seems to have endeared him to Tornflake, who brushes against him while correcting his stance and looks away with a purr.  Xhosa (71) is getting used to clan life and has proven herself to be quite the hunter.  Even Fry (110) compliments her, which means a lot coming from a senior warrior.  In preparation for her kits, Cypressbadger (69) is trying to harness her motherly instincts and reminds Silverspots (21) to grab something to eat.  Silverspots is getting really tired of his Clanmates’ inability to communicate and is thinking of teaching them communication skills.  Would it even help though?  Creekstar (57) proves that she’s an attentive leader by bringing Cypressbadger her favorite food in the nursery.  Rumors fly.  Could Creekstar be the other parent of Cypressbadger’s kits?  How would Wildcave (86) feel about that?  
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 202-Leaf-bare
It may have been too soon to thank StarClan for an uneventful leaf-bare.  Poolbounce (38) was bitten by a snake and died.  Timberarch (119) joining the Clan could not have come a moment too soon.  This leaves Glowquake (38) as the only surviving member of his siblings.  And Silverspots (20) and Lightheather (19) without their father.  They’ve known so much loss in their young lives, first their birth parents, then their siblings, and now this.  At least they still have each other.  Chiku (136) has also decided to retire to the elder’s den.  He’s been feeling his age.  And Fry (109) has been feeling old too.  Maybe he’ll follow Chiku to the elder’s den at some point.  Cypressbadger (68) has announced that she’s expecting kits.  But who could the other parent be. . ..Cypressbadger is already ready to be done being pregnant.  Even the smallest things can completely set her off and she sends gusts of winds whirling around the cavern. Wildcave (85) is still obsessed with Cragkit (5).  He knows that the young cat will be an apprentice soon and wants to savor his time with the innocent little kit.  Speaking of Cragkit, he’s excited to get out of the nursery.  Primcrest (44) is less eager for that and promises to always look out for her son.  And she’s been rolling around a little too playfully with Glowquake.  Cragkit could have gone without seeing that, but maybe he’ll have little siblings soon?  The newcomers to the Clan are not a fan of Lightheather.  Queenyspeckle (78) prays that he’s not on patrol with him tomorrow and Safariaster (109) gives him bitter herbs on purpose.   Lightheather decides to see what life is like for Tornflake (29) and tries walking on his forelimbs for a bit.  Hmm.  He might have to try that again.  He may have been boosting himself a little with wind, but he kind of enjoyed it.
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 201-Leaf-bare
The Clan is grateful for an uneventful leaf-bare.  It allows relationships, both romantic and platonic, to bloom.  Chiku (135) is getting to know Queenyspeckle (77) better and is sharing tongues with him.  Lightheather (18) also really respects Chiku and is following him around.  Chiku is less enthused with having gained a stalker.  The Clan is getting impatient around Fry (108) and Chiku’s relationship.  Primcrest (43) especially.  She just wants her dad to date again.  Come on!  Fry has also decided to see if Silverspots (19) thinks Chiku likes him (spoiler alert, he does).  Xhosa (69) doesn’t quite understand all the inside jokes in the Clan.  Creekstar (55) makes a joke about kits flooding the camp and Xhosa doesn’t get it.  Queenyspeckle advises her to just laugh, even if she doesn’t get it.  It helps their clanmates feel more comfortable around them.  It’s hard on Primcrest being a mother and a deputy.  She feels overworked, but is glad that she has Glowquake (37) to support her.  A new Healer joins the Clan and takes the name of Timberarch (118).  Creekstar is always willing to welcome new Healers, especially with their recent losses.
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elementclangen · 3 months
Lightheather and Queenyspeckle's Sprites
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Lightheather; Wind-blessed tom with a power level of 4 (very low); Strange and a masterful storyteller
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Queenyspeckle; Age 71 moons; Star-blessed tom with a power level of 27 (low); Compassionate, prophecy interpreter, and very clever
Queenyspeckle was previously a loner but was led to the Clan by a cat with stars in their fur
We have been getting a lot of cats who were led to the Clan by StarClan lately.
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 195-Greenleaf
Sadly, Halfnoise (36) could not beat the redcough and passed away.  Wildcave (78) mourns the loss of his last kit.  However, he doesn’t mourn the other cat who died this moon. Peakspots (164) was found dead out in the territory.  While many of his Clanmates loved the elder, Wildcave did not.  He always distrusted Peakspots after the Clan learned of Yuccawillow’s treachery.  Instead of expressing sympathy and grief, Wildcave curses his fallen clanmate to the Dark Forest where he belongs.  In other news, Silverpaw (13) and Lightpaw (12) have both been given their full names.  Although some Clan members have doubts about Silverpaw’s abilities, Creekstar (49) decides that he’s ready and gives him the name of Silverspots in honor of his initiative.  Lightpaw is now Lightheather, honoring his intelligence.  Primcrest (37) has also announced that she is expecting kits, which brings hope of new life to the Clan.  Also, a former loner named Queenyspeckle (71) joins the Clan.  He is star-blessed and claims that starry-furred cats guided him to the Clan.   Some cats, such as Creekstar, Primcrest, Fry (102), and Wildcave, are hesitant to trust him after what Yuccawillow did.  Will he also prove to be a corrupted star-blessed cat?  Despite still being sick, Freedusk (74) is fitting into the Clan well.  He’s befriended both Creekstar and Primcrest.  They hope that he survives the redcough.  Sadly, the Clan is not done with loss.  While on a patrol with Wildcave, Brightfern (37) is attacked by a wolverine and killed.  Wildcave strikes back at the wolverine with his fire magic but it’s too late for him to save his little sister.
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elementclangen · 3 months
Timberarch's Elder Sprite and Cragpaw's Sprite
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Timberarch; Healer; Earth-blessed tom with a power level of 50 (medium); Adventerous, renowned hunter, and a den builder
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Cragpaw; Wind-blessed tom with a power level of 16 (very low); Nervous and a picky nest builder
Mentor: Lightheather
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