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halcyon79 · 10 months ago
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Bungie should have released this as a statue.
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aboutbeverages · 1 year ago
Where’s this wizard going?  Lightblade Wizard just sinks out of existence. 
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twothirdsgenius · 1 year ago
baby’s first conqueror gild
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ahungeringknife · 1 year ago
365: June 12-13
@seventhscorpio Will Dornuk ever get his himbo boyfriend? Read and find out!
Gup followed Alak Hul away from the temple deeper into the city throne world. He didn’t make eye contact with anyone like Alak Hul had since taught him so they didn’t feel invited to come speak with them. Gup appreciated why Alak Hul’s helmet had no visible eye holes. He could not be engaged in conversation if he never looked at anyone. Maybe he’d talk to Ghostie about fabricating a helmet that worked around his horns that did the same.
The Proving Grounds was a large open air gymnasium style of structure with white paving stones along the ground and surrounded by a building held up by beautiful white pillars. The floor was cleaned daily but that couldn’t cover the blood and gore of the Proving Grounds or let you ignore the pile of corpses to one side. Unlike the Training Grounds the Proving Grounds were where you could die. You proved you were worth your sword. Worth the time of your training. Not every fight ended in death or even maiming but many did.
Gup just stood beside Alak Hul, scanning the area. He really hoped Dornuk wasn’t here in case he embarrassed himself, or worse, got himself killed. He winced seeing the acolyte across the way, watching another pair of acolytes engage in their own fighting. As usual he was writing something down.
After a few minutes a match was arranged for Gup by Alak Hul and another higher ranked knight’s squire. Just looking at them Gup knew they were older than Gup and probably had way more experience. He didn’t let his unease show.
They weren’t the only fight going on in the Proving Grounds and Gup was glad not to be the center of complete attention for once. He really regretted his morph sometimes. The fight taking the most attention was a pair of knights a ways off who were engaged in a fist fight and not a sword fight. Their bellows drew everyone’s attention.
Gup put them out of his mind facing the other squire. They pulled out a cleaver of a sword. “What’s he expect to do with that thing?” the other big knight asked Alak Hul when Gup took out his own. His uncle Leon had given him this sword. Typically Titans used it so it was a great sword but unlike the cleaver the other knight held it was shiny and clean, the blade coming to a sharp point and a shining edge.
“He took it from a Guardian. Do not doubt,” Alak Hul grunted. Gup supposed that wasn’t untrue. It was from a Guardian. Just not a dead one.
Gup bowed just enough to be respectful to his combatant who did the same, not really lowering his head to expose the back of his neck but a dip of the shoulders. Gup was confused when he lumbered forward and took a swing at him so slowly it felt like he was moving in slow motion. Gup easily side stepped and swung in an arc that was aimed at their knee.
After a few moments of back and forth Gup realized this squire wasn’t a very good fighter. Either because Gup’s training was better or he was just bad. It wasn’t like he’d started sword training as a knight. His mom had had him learning to shoot a gun and use a sword a few years ago and Guardians had an insane rate of learning. He’d learned Hive forms with Alak Hul but they were all power moves. Where was the finesse?
Their swords crossed and Gup looked into the squire’s eyes. He didn’t know why Gup was able to stand up so well against him. Gup made a fist with his free hand and smashed it into the squire’s face sending him stumbling back. Gup moved forward with some quick foot work and slashed him across the front and then the arm. The sword ripped through the chitin but only just barely made him start to bleed.
The squire roared at him and struck at Gup again but it was so slow and telegraphed. How the fuck had this species conquered millions of worlds when their fighting style was so open? His uncle would have giving him a smack on the arm if he left his chest that open.
He plunged the tip of the sword into that opening and pushed hard, unfooting them and slamming the squire down into the stone on his back. Gup looked down at him so confused. It shouldn’t have been that easy surely? But when he looked over at Alak Hul and the other knight he was right. The other knight was furious and Alak Hul looked unimaginably smug even in his helmet. The knight had underestimated Gup’s ability. Shit Gup had underestimated his ability!
“Go on then,” Alak Hul said with mirth.
And do what? Gup looked at the squire and they both knew. Kill him. Except Gup couldn’t. He’d never killed anyone and his mom would flip out if she came back to get him and found out he’d made his first real kill when she wasn’t around. He also didn’t want to. He wasn’t a real Hive. He didn’t want to kill others. Not really. He just wanted to hang out with Alak Hul and his friends around the Temple of the Navigator.
“Xolkûn, do it,” Alak Hul said again, now annoyed.
Gup pulled his sword out of the squire’s chest. “No.”
“Xolkûn,” Alak Hul growled.
“Let him live with the shame of losing to someone like me. A fate worse than death,” Gup said. He looked at the squire. “You lost to someone who’s only had this morph three months. Your knight must not be a very good teacher and you an even worse squire.” Alak Hul laughed at that. Good. A victory that didn’t involve killing! Perfect.
The knight was furious and wouldn’t even look at his squire as he stood to go stand by his side, hand to his chest where Gup had stabbed him.
Alak Hul made him fight a few other knights at the Proving Grounds. Some proved a bit more difficult but they all just… broadcast their movements. Wide swings, leaving their centers open, didn’t stand to the side to attack. Gup knew why Hive were dangerous to Guardians but fighting them like this it had to be a numbers game. There were more knights that could hack away at you than a Guardian could fight on their own. But one on one? It was almost embarrassing how much better trained Gup was from Guardians than by the Hive.
Gup used his own chitin to wipe fresh blood off his sword. “Are we done yet?” he asked Alak Hul after almost a dozen fights. He had acquired a few superficial scars to his chitin but it hadn’t even made him bleed. His mom was going to fret over them so bad when he got home though. “I’ve yet to have a real challenge. This is boring,” he played up acting unaffected and full of himself. Really he just didn’t want this to escalate into some older knights who could and would kill him. Or he be put into a position where he be actually forced to kill.
Alak Hul laughed. “Yes, Xolkûn, I believe you have proven yourself and sated your blade.”
Oh thank the Light. Gup gladly sheathed his sword.
Now that the fighting was over Gup hoped they’d go back to the Temple. That seemed to be the plan before several knights and acolytes came up to talk with him. Oh this shit again. He knew enough about Hive double speak to realize within a brief exchange they were flirting with him. In the weird way the Hive did. He wished he was small enough still to climb onto Alak Hul’s shoulders and just say, ‘lets get out of here’. But he hadn’t been that small in a long while.
Eventually he escaped all the conversations that all went more or less the same and he wasn’t sure if they wanted to fuck him or cut his chest open and bathe their hands in his organs. He really just wanted to go hang out with Dornuk, if he was still around. He left the conversations and looked around for his friend.
He found him sitting on a bench inside the covered walkway, furiously typing at his tablet. And furious as in he was mad. Oh what was he mad about now?
“Hey,” he said, coming to Dornuk.
“Finally extracted yourself from your adoring fans?” Dornuk said, grumpy.
“Trust me I would love if they never talked to me again,” Gup said, positioning himself so he was sort of hidden behind one of the support pillars. “You see any of my fights?”
“What’d you think?”
“I think you made a fool of many knights and they will remember the shame you visited upon them.”
“I just didn’t want to kill them.”
“I figured.”
“You think Alak Hul would be mad if I told him?”
“You alright?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Dornuk asked sharply.
“You just seem… upset.”
“I’m not,” Dornuk looked away stubbornly.
“Okay. We’re done here. Did you want to come back to the Temple with us?”
“I’m busy,” Dornuk said sharply.
Gup deflated. “Okay. You don’t have to be so mean about it,” he whined.
“… Perhaps when I finish I will meet you there,” Dornuk allowed.
“Xolkûn!” Alak Hul called him, making him start.
“Now what?” he groaned looking out from behind the pillar. Alak Hul wasn’t looking for him but was looking at him. Spotted instantly. Dang. “Come by. My mom’s favorite band released a new album. We can listen to it,” he said nicely to Dornuk, hopefully to make him less irritated. He was always so grumpy and Gup just wanted to hang out with his friend but he didn’t like to when Dornuk was in a bad mood. And he was seemingly always in a bad mood recently. At least if they left the Temple or the Keep.
“Sure. If I have time,” Dornuk allowed, sounding less wound up even now.
“Great,” and he ducked out from the pillar and went to Alak Hul.
Thankfully it was just Alak Hul telling him they were leaving. Thank the Light! Gup just wanted to go back to the Temple and hide in Sivra’s rose bushes until his mom or Dornuk showed up.
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taraandtarot · 11 months ago
Ahahaha, wow! Is it warm, like, everywhere??
Is it hot? I mean, he's hot, I MEAN!!
I am totally fine, why are you asking???
@jeremiahofphilo @xavier-starlight
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xayspancakeee · 6 months ago
you got that right.
my husband is a ferocious, hot and dependable deepspace hunter.
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oh boy when my fictional man hears about what you did you are all done for
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skilledmeowjesty · 8 months ago
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I think my spouse will do great cosplaying Xavier just because of how they handle a staff
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almostlookedhuman · 1 year ago
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dearieshima · 4 months ago
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷feat. xavier is determined to get your virginity before leaving philos.
His hands gripped your thighs hard enough to bruise, holding you open for his relentless assault. "Look at how deep I am," he panted, watching as he pistoned in and out of your tightness. "Look how well we fit together."
c.w spoilers to xavier's myth, dubcon, groping, scummy!xavier, coercion/manipulation, cherry popping, handjob, fingering, licking fingers after jizzing on them, jealousy, 4k+ words, halfway proofread
On the night of Xavier’s Gladius ceremony, he returned to the palace with a newly discovered understanding. Amidst the celebration, he pulled his father, the king, aside for a private conversation. He presented an irregular protocore to his father, its life force still pulsating in his hand.
“Shouldn't the protocore warrant a formal inspection?” Xavier asked, voice laced with suspicion.
“The lightblade deemed you worthy,” his father replied dismissively, his fingers absently tracing the protocore.
Xavier pressed, “Is there no need for formalities? Or are you unwilling? A heart was once in this protocore–am I mistaken?”
A flicker of tension tightened the king's jaw as he pocketed the protocore. “...I knew you'd catch on.”
The king immediately caught Xavier off, witnessing the disgust in his son’s eyes. “However, it is a necessary duty of the crown prince. It is also the king's responsibility.”
Xavier's mouth widened, and for a minute he stood there in silence. He then turned sharply, storming out without looking back, ignoring his father’s calls. His decision was already made.
He strode into the crowded hall, hoping to shake off his father’s gaze when he spotted you. His eyes darkened.
You were laughing at a joke some man had made, holding a flute of champagne. The dress you wore barely skimmed your knees, and Xavier noticed the man's eyes were fixed and imaginative, longing to see it up to your stomach.
You were a lamb among a den of wolves. If he left too soon, the pack would descend upon your fresh meat. He couldn't leave Philos without sinking his teeth into you first, marking you as his territory to warn others until his return.
He maneuvered toward you, brushing off congratulatory pats and embraces along the way. At one point, Jeremiah slung an arm around his shoulders, only to be harshly shrugged off, as Xavier’s focus remained locked on you. Jeremiah noticed his gaze and, not wanting to interfere, took a long sip of champagne and slipped away.
When Xavier finally reached you, he wrapped a hand firmly around your arm, his eyes flashing a silent warning to the other man.
“Come with me.”
"Hm? Why?”
Xavier's jaw clenched, his frustration mounting. Did you not notice how the other man had been ogling you?
“I have something I need to show you. It's urgent.”
Without waiting for a response, he guided you out of the ballroom, his hand gripping your arm firmly. He guided you out of the ballroom and steered you through the corridor of the palace, his steps determined and purposeful. His hand remained on your arm, his grip firm and possessive. When you reached his room, he ushered you inside.
You perched on his bed, still holding your champagne, swinging your legs. “So?” you asked, a playful smile on your lips as you twirled the drink in your hands. “What’s so urgent?”
Xavier shut the door with a soft click, then slowly turned to face you, a strange expression on his face. He reached over, took the flute from your hand, and placed it on his dresser. “Don’t drink that.”
You frowned, almost pouting. “Hey!”
He ignored your protest, “he could’ve slipped something into it.”
He strode to the window, pausing. “Besides, I want you clear-headed for what I’m about to show you, that's so urgent.” He pulled open the curtains, revealing a brilliant, star-studded sky. The sight drew you to your feet, and you stepped over, awestruck.
Xavier stood close behind you to make space. His chest brushed against your back as he rested his chin on your head, his warm breath fanning over your hair.
“There’s one more thing I want to show you,” he whispered, voice low in your ear. He pointed upward, guiding your gaze. “See? Just above the dipper—that’s the star of our planet.”
A smile tugged at your lips as you spotted the tiny glimmer in the sky, remembering your talks about eloping there. You’d joked about it, but seeing it now made your heart ache with a longing. “It’s beautiful…”
Xavier chuckled, the low sound making your skin tingle. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer until your body was pressed flush against his.
Your breath caught, your heart thudding wildly. “X-Xavier…”
He held you tighter, his hand splaying across your waist. "You should be more careful," he murmured. "Don't you realize how many men in there were looking at you the same way I was?”
“The way you…?”
“—Like a piece of meat.” He was unaware he was contradicting himself. “You're too naive and innocent, and they were preying on it. If I hadn't taken you away..."
He leaned down, his lips just inches away from yours. He hesitated, as though he might ask permission, a question lingering in his darkening gaze. It died as he closed the distance, his lips capturing yours in a gentle yet assertive kiss. He drew you closer, his tongue exploring with confident ease.
He was desperate; you could feel it in the way his body pressed against yours, in the way he kissed you as if he was starved for you.
You melted into the kiss, your hands lifting to cradle his face.
Encouraged by your response, he gently lowered you back onto the bed, his forehead resting against yours as he followed you down. His body pressed against yours, and you could feel the deep, unspoken yearning in his touch.
“Xavier—” Your protest was cut off as he deepened the kiss, his lips capturing your voice, drowning any resistance as he poured himself into the moment.
You was a bit tipsy, the alcohol lowering your inhibitions, making you pliant beneath his touch. Xavier's lips trailed from your mouth to your neck, leaving a blazing path of desire on your flushed skin. He pushed you down, straddling your hips as he drank in the sight of you splayed out before him.
Your clothes were rumpled, your hair tousled, your cheeks stained with a becoming flush. Xavier swallowed hard, his pulse racing as he finally had you right where he wanted you. This was what he'd been fantasizing about, dreaming of, for so long. And now, with you soft and willing beneath him, he couldn't hold back any longer.
His hands roamed your curves, slipping beneath your clothing to caress the silky skin beneath. He needed to feel you, all of you, with no barriers between you both. His fingers found the zipper of your dress and tugged it down but you pushed his chest, knocking him out of his delusion.
He blinked, as if surprised you would do that.
"What's the matter?" He murmured, his voice gruff. His fingers toyed with the hem of your dress, pushing it up, revealing more of your skin.
"X-Xavier..." You repeated, flushed. You scooted further into the bed, away from him until your back pressed against the headboard.
He followed, his hand slowly trailing back up your thigh, sending shivers through your body. "It's okay," he whispered, his voice coaxing. "No one has to know. It can be our little secret." His fingers reached the hem of your dress, slowly inching it up.
“N-No…” you stammered, reaching down to hold your skirt in place. “I… I don’t…”
Xavier’s face fell, his fingers curling into the fabric, his expression a mix of confusion and hurt. “You don’t want this?” he asked, voice low. “I though…–You were kissing me.”
“You kissed me back, you let me…” he continued, his voice trailing off as he looked away, shoulders slumping. “Why did you let me, just to pull away?”
You bit your lip, feeling a pang of guilt. “I… I didn’t mean to lead you on. I thought… it was just a kiss. Then it got too fast…”
"Too fast? Why was it too fast?" He glanced up, his brows knitted in frustration. "We've known each other for a while. We're alone. Why are you acting so shy all of a sudden?”
"I, I don't know..." I whimpered. "I don't... I don't know... Xavier, I…”
"You don't know, you don't know," he repeated. "You've been teasing me all this time, sending me mixed signals. And now, when I'm finally giving you what you want, you're pushing me away?”
You opened your mouth but closed it again, struggling to find the right words. “Xavier, it’s not… I just… You’re a prince…”
His lips pressed together, eyes dimming, reminded of the title he hated. "I'm a prince, so what?" His voice was soft, almost resigned. "Do you think that means I can't have you? That I don't have any feelings? That I can't desire you like any man would?”
“It’s not that… you're just…” you stammered, cheeks heating. “You’re meant for someone else, Xavier…”
"Someone else? Who are you to decide that? I don't want someone else, I want you. I've always wanted you." His expression softened, though his frustration was clear. He traced circles with his thumb on your foot. "Don't you want me?”
You bit your lip, finally looking up at him. “I… I like you, Xavier. More than… than I probably should.”
“Then why push me away?” he asked, voice thick with disappointment. “If you like me… then let me have you.”
“I… I don’t know, Xavier…”
He sighed. "You don't know again. Why don't you know?”
"Because I'm scared, Xav…”
"You're scared?" he echoed, his eyes softening. "Scared of what? Me?” Perhaps you've heard the rumors of him frightening away any students who showed interest in you; his father who showed an interest in your heart.
"N-No, that's not true," you pouted, fumbling nervously with your fingers. "I... I've never done it... This before... I…”
"So... you're scared because it's your first time?"
You nodded, feeling your cheeks heat. “Yes…”
He remained silent for a moment, his fingers lightly caressing your hand. "I didn't know," he whispered, though it was a lie. In truth, he was well aware. It was he who had kept you pure, watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity to claim your innocence for himself. He would never allow another man to take what rightfully belonged to him.
“But Xavier… I’m not sure I’m ready…”
His body tensed again at your refusal. He wanted you, and he was determined to ease your hesitation.
"Why not?" he asked, his voice warm and reassuring. "You like me, I like you. You don’t want anyone else, and neither do I. Wouldn't it feel right to do it with someone who’s been by your side your whole life, someone you love and could trust, instead of a stranger?"
He held your gaze, "those other men... they wouldn't take care of you like I would. They wouldn't be gentle–they wouldn't take their time with you. They'd just use you, Y/N.”
In your silence, Xavier took it as a small victory. Seeing you listening to him, processing his words, gave him hope that he was getting through to you, that you were listening to his reasoning. He pushed forward, continuing in a low, husky tone.
"They wouldn't treasure you like I would. They wouldn't make love to you the way I would. They wouldn't want to... to protect you, and cherish you, like I do.”
He could see the hesitation in your eyes, feel nervousness in your body as his fingers continued their path up your thigh, caressing your skin softly. He leaned in closer, his face mere inches from yours, his voice a low plea.
"Please... let me show you what it could be like... with me.”
Xavier's lips slowly melded into yours, breaking the final barrier of your resolve. His tongue brushed softly against your lips, testing, seeking entry as he drew you deeper into the kiss, making it clear he wanted all of you. When your mouth opened, he slipped in without hesitation, claiming the moment entirely. He explored each part of your mouth, tasting and savoring, leaving no doubt of his intent. His body pressed against yours, his weight grounding you, pinning you with a warmth that left you breathless.
His hands roamed your body, caressing your skin. He gripped your hips, pulling you closer to him, as if trying to merge your bodies into one.
He could feel your body trembling beneath his touch, the way your hands clung to his shoulders, trying to anchor yourself. He reveled in your response, the way you whimpered and mewled in his mouth, the way your body reacted to his every touch.
The heat of his mouth seared your skin as he trailed kisses down your neck, each one more intense than the last. Your head lolled back, giving him better access as he nipped and sucked, marking you as his. The sting of his teeth on your sensitive flesh sent jolts of pleasure straight to your core.
His hands roamed your body with a desperate urgency, as if he couldn't get enough of you. They slid under your shirt, caressing the smooth skin of your stomach before cupping your breasts. You gasped as he rolled your nipples between his fingers.
"G-Gentle…" you whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Sorry," he murmured, his voice rough. "I'll make it up to you."
His hands roamed your curves, one cupping your breast through the silky material. With a swift tug, he pulled the dress and your bra down, freeing your breasts from their confines. They spilled out, immediately pebbling without the warmth of your bra.
His eyes darkened with lust as he drank in the sight of you. He wrapped his arms around your lower back, pulling you flush against him as he dipped his head to capture a nipple between his lips. He suckled greedily, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud.
His other hand came up to massage your neglected breast, kneading the soft flesh. He switched between your peaks, lavishing each one with attention until you were writhing against him, desperate for more.
Xavier released your breast with a wet pop, a string of saliva connecting his lips to your nipple. He trailed kisses up your chest, between your breasts, along your collarbone, before capturing your lips in a searing kiss. His tongue delved into your mouth, stroking against yours as he deepened the kiss.
One hand tangled in your hair, angling your head to give him better access. The other slid down your side, over the curve of your hip, before dipping between your thighs. He cupped your mound, his fingers rubbing slow circles over your clothed sex, inciting a hiss from you.
"You're so wet already," he smiled, his voice a low murmur.
He hooked his fingers into the sides of your panties, slowly dragging them down your legs. You lifted your hips to assist him, the cool air infiltrating from the open window hitting your heated skin. “X-Xavier…”
He smiled as he saw how wet you were. He spread your legs apart and ran his hand along your inner thigh, spreading them wider. "So pretty," he whispered, his eyes locked on your glistening pussy. He reached out and rubbed his thumb over your clit, making you jump.
“Relax," he whispered, his voice gentle. His touch became firmer, his thumb slowly rubbing circles over your hot, swollen nub. He watched your face intently, memorizing every gasp, every flush of your cheeks, every dilation of your pupils. "Have you touched yourself before?"
You nodded.
"Show me," he demanded, his voice low. He wanted to see what you liked, what you didn't. He wanted to know everything. He brought his other hand up to play with your breasts, pinching and rolling your peaks as he continued to toy with your core.
You peered up at him incredulously. "Xavier…–!"
"Please," he whispered. "I want to know. I want to know what you like, what feels good. Show me, please." His touch was hentley, coaxing.
Slowly, tentatively, your hand drifted downward, brushing over the soft curls at the apex of your thighs. Xavier's breath hitched as you parted your folds, revealing the glistening pink flesh beneath. "That's it," he encouraged, his gaze locked on your movements.
Your thighs clamped shut around your plunging fingers, but Xavier forcefully pried them apart. "Keep them spread," he instructed.
You let out a desperate whine, groping your breast as you frantically pumped your fingers in and out of your dripping slit.
"Shh," he soothed, his eyes never leaving your hand. "Add another finger. Stretch yourself for me."
"I-I can't..." you protested weakly.
He nodded his head as he slowly pushed one of his alongside yours, stretching you deliciously wide. "Yes you can," he breathed. His digit trailed down to join yours, stroking that spongy sweet spot deep inside. Your pussy clenched and fluttered around the stretch.
"Right there?" he asked, his voice low. He crooked his fingers inside of you, pressing against that spot over and over again. He watched your face contort in pleasure, your mouth falling open as you gasped. "Come for me.”
Your back arched off the bed as ecstasy crashed over you in waves, your inner walls clenching around his fingers as you reached your peak.
His dark eyes were transfixed, watching with rapt attention as his hand worked you through your release, prolonging your pleasure until you collapsed back against the sheets, spent and trembling. Slowly, he withdrew your slick finger from your dripping core and brought them to his lips. His tongue darted out, curling around your fingers as it lapped your essence, his eyes fluttering shut in bliss.
He leaned down and kissed you hard, his tongue sliding into your mouth so you could taste yourself on him. His hands flung to his pants and began to unfasten his belt with eagerness.
As his pants fell away, your eyes widened at the sight of his impressive manhood standing at full attention. The swollen head glistened with pearlescent drops of precum, the color a striking contrast to the milky smoothness of his skin. Prominent veins ran along the underside, pulsing with his heartbeat. He was magnificent, a work of art sculpted by stars itself.
"Sit up.”
You complied, your movements languid as you propped yourself up on your knees. Your breasts swayed enticingly with the motion, nipples pebbled and begging for attention. His eyes roamed over your body hungrily, drinking in every curve and valley.
He took your hand and guided it to his throbbing member, wrapping your fingers around his impressive girth. "Touch me," he breathed, "like this.” He showed you, moving your hand up and down his length.
As your fingers closed around him, he let out a low groan, his hips thrusting forward slightly. "Just like that," he encouraged.
You swallowed hard, a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through you. "Is this okay?" You asked softly, his length growing even harder in your grip.
"Squeeze a little tighter," he instructed, his voice strained with pleasure.
Focusing intently, you squeezed just as he asked, marveling at the way his shaft pulsed in your palm. Your eyes were glued to where your hand met his flesh, watching in fascination as you pumped him, his swollen head disappearing and reappearing with each stroke.
He hissed through his teeth, his head falling back. "Just like that," he praised. His hips jerked forward, his body tensing. "Harder," he groaned. He brought your other hand up to play with his balls, showing you how to gently roll and squeeze them.
He gripped your wrist, his breathing growing ragged. "Keep...keep doing that," he hissed. He thrust into your hands, his movements growing jerky. "I'm… I'm going to..." He broke off, his whole body convulsing as he came in your hands.
He threw his head back, tendons straining in his neck as he gulped. Releasing your hand, he gripped his own thighs, fingers digging into the firm flesh.
You gazed at your palm, glistening with his copious release. Mimicking his earlier actions, you brought your hand to your lips, tongue swirling around your fingers to lap up every drop of his thick, salty essence.
His eyes were riveted on your display. With a sigh, he asked you to lay back once more. Seizing your hips, he yanked you towards him, his face flushed and debauched, mouth agape. He reached out and gently spread your thighs, stepping between them, the swollen head of his cock nudged against your slick entrance.
“Condoms…!” You cried out, “Xavier, what about–”
"Shh, don't worry about that now," he said. "I'll pull out, I promise.”
His hungry gaze raked over your quivering form, committing every dip and swell to memory. "Don't look so nervous," he crooned. “I'm right here.”
"Be gentle..." You breathed. “Please.”
He smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. You were adorable. "I'll be gentle.”
His fingers delved between your thighs, parting your slick folds to reveal your glistening entrance. He groaned at the sight. "So pretty.”
He then rubbed his thick head against your wetness, coating himself with your fluids. He pressed against your hole, his hips slowly pushing forward. He watched your face, his own contorted in concentration. "Breathe in," he instructed softly.
And before you actually could, he thrusted in.
Tears streamed down your face as he gradually pushed deeper into your tight heat. He paused, allowing you a moment to acclimate to his impressive girth stretching you open. His fingers tenderly caressed your cheek, wiping away the salty drops. "You're doing so well," he praised softly. "Just a little more." With one powerful thrust, he hilted himself fully inside you, breaking through your barrier.
A sharp cry escaped your lips at the sudden sting of pain mixed with overwhelming fullness. Your nails dug into the sheets as you gripped them for dear life. "Wait... ngh... I can't..." you whimpered, trembling beneath him.
Xavier captured your mouth in a searing kiss, swallowing your cries. "Shh, you're okay. I'm all the way inside now," he murmured against your lips. He held still, letting you adjust to the intense new sensations as your body stretched to accommodate him. "Open your eyes. Focus on me and you'll forget the pain."
He began to set at a slow, rhythmic pace, his hips gently rocking against yours. He grunted each time he bottomed out inside you. "Look at me," he commanded gruffly. "Open your eyes and look at me." He reached out and gently tilted your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
Your body clenched around him, the initial sting of pain gradually melting away into waves of pleasure. A breathy moan escaped your lips as you felt yourself surrender to the newer sensations.
Xavier's face tightened, and his head fell forward between his shoulders. "God, when you do that…" he hissed through gritted teeth. He continued to pump his hips, his rhythm growing faster. "Wrap your legs around my waist," he instructed hoarsely. "I'm gonna go a little faster."
You complied and wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, pulling him closer. When he mentioned he was going to pick up the pace, you weren't prepared for the relentless pounding that followed.
Bracing himself on his hands, he began to ruthlessly slam into you over and over again. Leaning down, he claimed your mouth in a rough, dominating kiss, muffling your desperate moans. His hips moved like a machine, driving into you with animalistic cruelty.
"G-Gentle...! Mgh–! P-Please!" you whimpered against his lips.
But Xavier was lost in his own pleasure, ignoring your pleas as he continued his merciless assault on your body. "You can handle it," he huffed. Gripping your hips, he adjusted your position, allowing him to plunge even deeper inside you. "You're too tight… I'll be gentle after I'm finished breaking you in."
"X-Xavier…! Xav–Ngh!"
He reached between your legs and grabbed your wrists, pulling them above your head as he continued to ravage you. His face was a mask of intense concentration as he continued to thrust into you, his hips moving like a piston. "You're so loud," he hissed, his voice thick with passion.
"Xavier! Xavier!"
His thrusts slowed to a torturous crawl, allowing you a moment to catch your breath before he hoisted your legs up onto his broad shoulders and folded you nearly in half. The new angle allowed him to plunge even deeper, the thick head of his cock kissing your cervix with each powerful stroke. Your back arched off the bed as your arms wrapped around his neck, nails digging into his sweat-slicked skin. A strangled moan tore from your throat.
His hands gripped your thighs hard enough to bruise, holding you open for his relentless assault. "Look at how deep I am," he panted, watching as he pistoned in and out of your tightness. "Look how well we fit together."
"It's too much… please... please..." You babbled, your voice hitching with every thrust to your cervix. "Xavier... it hurts…!"
"It's supposed to," he grunted. "It feels good, though, right? Just bear it a little more. I'm almost done." He let your legs drop, pushing your knees to your chest as he pounded into you.
Your nails raked down his back, leaving long, ten crimson trails in their wake. Xavier grunted in pain, his face contorting as he thrust into you harder. "Mark me all you want," he huffed. "I'll mark you right back." He buried his face in your neck and bit down hard, sucking on your skin as he continued to thrust into you.
"Ahh! Yes! Fuck!" you cried out, your words dissolving into incoherent babble. "You prom–eh…! you promised…!”
Xavier's eyes were closed, his face buried in your neck as he fucked you without a care in the world. The sound of his hips slapping against yours echoed in the room, mixing with your screams and pleas. "God… fuck, fuck," he chanted to himself, his voice muffled against your skin.
"You're so meannnn," you whimpered, drawing out the word as a sob caught in your throat.
Xavier's eyes flashed, dark and feral, as he lifted his head. "I'm mean?" he growled, voice dripping with mock hurt. His fingers dug into your hips as he pulled you flush against him. "You're the one getting off on this, aren't you? I can feel how wet you are." To punctuate his point, he reached between your legs and rubbed your clit roughly, making you gasp and arch into his touch.
He gripped your chin firmly, forcing your gaze to meet his intense stare. "Look at me," he commanded, voice low and dominant. "I want to see those eyes glazed when I make you come undone. When I claim every inch of you as mine.”
Xavier groaned, his thrusts becoming even more brutal. "You're gonna make such a pretty mess."
The words were like a match to gasoline, igniting the inferno raging inside you. With a keening cry, you shattered, your walls clamping down and bursting as ecstasy consumed you.
Xavier's eyes widened as he felt your walls clench around him, your orgasm triggering his own. "Ah! Yes…–yes!" he cried, his hips stuttering. With a final, brutal thrust, he buried himself deep inside you and came, his hot seed spurting against your cervix.
Xavier let out a low groan, his body trembling as he filled you. His grip on your thighs loosened, his hand caressing the marked skin gently. As he came down from his high, Xavier's pace slowed, his hips rolling forward in shallow thrusts as he milked the last of his release into you.
Your eyes fluttered shut, the world fading away until only the pulsing pleasure remained. With a final shuddering gasp, you surrendered to the overwhelming sensations, your consciousness slipping away.
His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you went limp beneath him. He peppered your face with gentle kisses, his touch at odds with the rough way he'd just taken you. "Shh, sleep now," he murmured softly, "You did so well.”
As much as he didn’t want to leave, he gently began to slip out of bed, his body trembling, spent. He pulled the blankets up around you, making sure you were wrapped warmly before crossing the room to close the window. Quietly, he turned to his closet, carefully reaching for his lightseeker uniform and slipping it on, moving with a gentle but determined grace.
He searched for his sword, finally spotting the star-tasseled handle hidden under the bed. Just as he reached for it, he felt a soft weight on his head, your hand, draped sleepily over him.
He froze, worried he might've woken you–worried he would have to explain he wasn't abandoning, but saving you–, but then you let out a soft, contented snore, and he couldn’t help but smile. Slowly, he lifted your hand, pressing a tender kiss to the back before leaning down to brush his lips across your forehead, damp with extertion.
“I’ll be back soon,” he whispered, voice barely more than a breath. “I love you.”
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Showing this to my uncle right before I behead him so that it’s the last image in his mind.
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what the fuck
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manikas-whims · 3 months ago
LADS men react to: “there’s a bug 😰”
how they'll react to you being scared of a bug 🤭
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- the minute he hears your scream, he teleports to the kitchen, pushes you behind him for safety and materializes his lightblade. no questions asked 😭
- he’s the type to immediately swat the bug away..his teleportation and speed doesn't allow the bugs to any opportunity for escape..
- it's you who has to stop him and tell him to just let the little guy out through the window 😆
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- the moment he runs in only to find you screaming your lungs out over a tiny bug, he rolls his eyes and smiles at you for being so scared over some so smol bug when you face wanderers twice your size
- adopts the bug as his own, gives it weird medicine names *coughs we all remember clopidogrel, the squirrel* and even feeds it 🤭
- you have to remind him that he can't take in every little critter as his pet 😭
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- Screams in reaction to your own scream, then calms down a moment later and narrows his eyes at you for being so dramatic over a bug of all things
- catches the bug and approaches you with an evil smile..you realize his intentions and start stepping back and full on dashing around the house “nooo! keep it away from me!!”
- keeps it around and wonders if he can somehow make use of the bug to make new, unique colors 😭
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- he frowns and raises a brow, judging you for being so frightened of a bug cause you're literally the same person who recklessly entered N109 zone and paraded freely in the Onychinus’s Leader’s home
- tries to make you approach the bug and get accustomed to it, to make you realize that it's not scary at all but completely fails 😭
- in the end, he sighs, shakes his head at you, picks the bug with his energy evol and gently let's it out of the window
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*dividers are my own; credit me if you use ♡
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slipperylittleturtle · 1 month ago
new xavier tidbits from the linkon new year event that makes me happy:
xavier is a scrapbooker. he has an album full of ticket stubs, probably spanning decades. it's my new headcanon that he keeps little journals with tickets, pressed flowers, photos, etc. so he can keep his memories of all the lives he's lived on earth tucked away safely. so he doesn't have to keep everything in his head but also won't forget all the people who touched his life.
xavier has a dedicated study in his apartment. we don't have a visual of it yet, so for now, i assume it's the desk space i decorate for him. mc and xav are comfortable enough at this point that she exists in that space freely, looking through his things. he has even more bookshelves in there, full of trinkets and memories.
xavier and mc are not at all hiding their relationship, even from the hunters association. they finish their shift and proceed to hold hands and go on a date, all while other hunters are still on duty, stationed throughout the festival.
xavier uses his light lightblade for domestic tasks, like lantern making. it is adorable and completely over the top unnecessary.
xavier is experimenting with one-pot meals. since this event takes place well after 21 days, it's really sweet to see him cooking. maybe the ingredients are unknown and questionable, but mc lets him do his thing. she helps and supports him since it's clearly important to him.
xavier is a tease in the cutest way. he gives mc chances to initiate intimacy and romance. he makes his intentions and desires clear but backs out enough for mc to choose if she wants to engage or not. and they are comfortable enough with each other that it isn't taken as rejection at all, just teasing and playfulness.
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cathedralofaudra · 13 days ago
LADS men finding out you SH
Part 1 - Xavier
Tags: self-harm, angst, hurt/comfort (Kinda), fluff & angst, breaking and entering, no use of Y/N
!!By clicking ahead you are consenting to viewing media with disturbing topics!!
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It was after a mission, taking down a rogue Wanderer that had entered the city. Wiping sweat off your brow, you straighten, stretching your arms above your head. Your back creaks as you turn to your partner, who's straight-faced as always. Xavier looks over to you, flicking Wanderer ash off his Lightblade.
"Are you alright?" Xavier asks, stepping closer to you.
With a deep sigh, you swing your arms back to your sides. "That was annoying." You say, turning your head to cough into your shoulder.
Xavier shrugs, looking in the direction of the street. "Let's go back."
You nod, bending over to pick up the Wanderer's Protocore. Your sleeves ride up slightly, scabs from your nightly activities catch on the fabric. You rise, handing Xavier the Protocore.
Looking down at your hand, Xavier catches sight of the dried blood on your wrist. His eyes widen, his brows furrowing. He pushes away the Protocore, taking your arm in his hand. His grip is light yet firm, rsaising your arm closer to his eyes.
Your breath catches, stones settling in your stomach. "Xavier, I..."
You trail off, pulling your arm from his grip and turning away. You rush off down the street, back to the Hunter's Association to drop off the Protocore. Immediately after, you head to your apartment.
Dusk settles over the city as you walk to your apartment. Hands shoved into the pockets of your coat, you decide to take the stairs up to your floor. There's less of a chance of running into Xavier that way. You rush into your apartment, directly to your bathroom to shower.
You stand under the hot water, your muscles aching from work and your wrists sore from the sleeves of your uniform rubbing against your cuts. The water runs pink as the crusted blood peels off your skin, clearing the view of the cuts.
Deep cuts and scars line your arms, some healed, some fresh. Years of self-mutilation had dulled the feeling of pain in your wrists. You scrub at your wrists mindlessly, blood beading in the valleys you created in your skin. The water has turned cold by the time you step out of the shower, wrapping yourself in a towel.
You dry off and dress in a large hoodie and some sleep shorts, settling on your sofa with a cup of tea. You clutch your Alien Kid plushie to your chest, thinking back to Xavier.
He was never supposed to find out. Nobody was, even your therapist. You press your cheek into the arm of the sofa, laying across it with your knees to your chest. You zone out, absently stroking circles on the side of the plushie.
The sound of crashing wakes you from your reverie. You sit up, whipping your head around to find theb source of the noise. You slowly stand, creeping toward your bathroom. Peeking into the doorframe, your heart stops.
Xavier is crouched, rummaging around under your sink. You watch him search with guilt weighing on your chest.
"This would be easier if you told me where you hide them." He states, his voice low. His tone makes you shiver and look away, stern yet careful as he addresses you. Xavier pointedly keeps his gaze away from you, rummaging through the junk under your sink.
Your voice is lower than a whisper when your speak, but you know he hears it. "When did you... Why are you here, Xavier?"
He scoffs, finally looking at you. His eyes are red and watery as he stares up at you. "I refuse to ignore your pain," He starts, seething, "How long were you planning on hiding this from me?"
Your voice catches in your throat. You turn, unable to hold the weight of his gaze. He stands, taking your shoulders in his hands and forcing you to look at him. He raises his hands to your face, a stray tear falling as he presses his forehead to yours.
"Why?" Xavier whispers, his voice thick with tears. His bright blue eyes bore into yours, and you feel your heart break a little.
You struggle to find an answer, your own tears blurring your vision. All you can manage is a weak, "I don't know."
Xavier shakes his head, pulling you into his chest. He teleports the two of you to your bedroom, falling back onto your bed with you in his arms. He curls around you, tears wetting your hair as he tucks your head under his chin.
"I love you, I'll never let you suffer alone." He whispers, pressing his lips to your head. He keeps repeating it until you fall asleep or believe him, whichever comes first.
By the time you wake up, he hasn't moved.
A/N: Here's my first fic for Love & Deepspace. I know it's sad, but I'm using this as an outlet. I've been getting really depressed lately and feel like I could relapse at any point, so I'm channeling that here.
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Why are you asking me this, half brother? You know well that I’m disinterested in everyone I’ve met in that regard, especially my own family.
I ask: Would you love me, in spite of the twisting horns that grow upon my head?
Would you love me, in spite of the piercing fangs from my maw?
Would you love me, in spite of the harsh claws at the tip of my fingers?
Would you love me, in spite of the blood that mars these hands?
Must I be something other than myself to be worthy of your love?
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ahungeringknife · 1 year ago
365: June 11
This time featuring @eyesupguardians's Sivra, who's also a character in the D&Destiny game I DM. Gup is Sivra's 'little buddy' in the game too it's very cute.
At first it had been very flattering to get the sort of attention Gup wasn’t used to from members of the Lucent Brood. But after a few months Gup was over it. Everyone knew by now he was Alak Hul’s squire and favored by the Witch Queen besides and he was very clearly not Lucent Brood or any other fragmented known swarm. So he stuck out against the dark chitin of Savathun’s swarm and the ash white Lucent swarm with his dusty almost indigo gray.
Sivra found him sulking in the gardens surrounding the Temple of the Navigator. “There you are. Alak Hul is looking for you,” she said when she found him hiding behind some hedges.
“I know. I’m hiding,” he said petulantly.
“Why? Alak Hul is ready to go to your first Proving Grounds.”
He rolled his eyes where she couldn’t see. “I don’t want to go.”
She came around and with no effort at all grabbed his arm and lifted him up to his feet, making him give an undignified squeak. “You will do the Temple proud,” was all she said and he looked away, pulling his arm out of her grasp to fold them.
“I don’t want to,” he said again.
She cocked her head at him. “Why not? It is an important time in a young Knight’s journey to make an appearance at the Proving Grounds.”
“They stare at me, Sivra. I don’t like it,” he said, sounding whiny but it was true!
The Lucent Knight looked at him. “Why?”
“You know.”
“Why does it bother you then?”
“I just don’t like it. All my life my mom’s tried to hide me, keep me out of sight. It just… doesn’t sit well in me,” he said.
“It would make Alak Hul happy if he could show you at the Proving Grounds.”
“Ugggh. I know,” he groaned. Alak Hul had not had a squire in an age before his first death and Gup’s existence was quite… exciting for everyone. Both those involved and those not. “I’d have never gone through with my morph if it meant I was bothered so much.”
“Who bothers you?” He didn’t blame her for not knowing. Sivra spent almost all her time here at the Temple, tending to the gardens here. She had for almost a decade now.
“Wizards. Some knights too.”
“Oh. Courting.”
“You don’t have to be quite so up front about it you know,” he whined.
She was thoughtful a moment. “Wizards usually respect when they’ve been beat. At least in such things. There is no honor in taking someone else’s mate when they will always might be a knife in your back.”
“I don’t see how that helps me, Sivra,” he huffed.
“I don’t either!” she said cheerfully. “But perhaps one of them will entice you and that will make the others leave you alone.”
Gup grimaced. “Yeah. Sure.”
“Xolkûn!” and he nearly jumped out of his own chitin at Alak Hul’s thunderous roar from the steps of the Temple.
“By the Light he scares me every time he does that,” Gup said, hand to his chest. Sivra giggled.
“I did say he was looking for you,” Sivra said mildly. He whined wordlessly at her. “The sooner you go the sooner it will be over,” she said and directed him towards the stairs. “I’m sure your friend Dornuk will be there too. Savathun is interested in your progress so always sends him.”
That sounded even worse! What if he made an absolute fool of himself. He always was a bit of a fool in Dornuk’s eyes but that was fine. They always just laughed about it. But at the Proving Ground? Being a fool there could have his hand, or worse, his life. He was sure Alak Hul would step in before that happened. His mom had threatened both Savathun and Alak Hul with no uncertain violence they’d never seen if any real harm came to Gup if she okay’d Gup to be Alak Hul’s squire. And he believed it! You did not mess with Guardians! Even his mom, and she was so small.
He was sure Dornuk would find something to say about his form anyway. He’d been so… grumpy lately. Gup didn’t even know why. Just ever since he’d taken his morph he’d been so grumpy. Not all the time. But it seemed like Gup could never do anything right around him lately. Which sucked! Dornuk was like his best friend. Second Hive friend at the very least. He still wasn’t sure Hive had ‘best friends’.
“Xolkûn, look alive,” Alak Hul yelled from the temple.
“You’re going to make him upset if you don’t go,” Sivra said.
“I know,” Gup sighed and finally extracted himself from the garden.
“Where were you?” Alak Hul asked when Gup showed himself, standing at the bottom of the stairs. Gup just shrugged. Wasn’t worth getting into it. “You are prepared?” Gup shrugged again. “That isn’t an answer, Xolkûn.”
“I’ll die or I won’t.”
“You will not,” Alak Hul said sternly.
“We’re going, yes?”
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taraandtarot · 11 months ago
Tara, what if, say, I really liked someone... But I can never tell what he's thinking, and I don't want to make the wrong move, and what if this ruins our work relationship because how could we hunt Wanderers together if I make things awkward, and-
... Ahem! Hypothetically, of course!
Ooooh, that's a toughie!
Maybe you need to bring up to him, just in an 'as-a-friend' way, that you want to know more about his feelings.
Because that's what friends do! They share things with each other, yeah??
But you're like, one of the most intuitive people I know! Other than me, hehe.~
So I think you need to trust your gut on this.
Aaaand if this hypothetical someone also happens to be a really sleepy fellow Hunter (hint hint)...
Then I don't think you'll have trouble at all!~
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