#light trucks for sale NZ
gibbonscommercial · 1 year
Power And Performance: Unlock The Potential Of Trucks For Sale
"Unleash the power: find your perfect light trucks for sale nz and conquer the road ahead." Trucks are some of the most powerful and durable vehicles on the market. They're capable of hauling large loads, and they can last for years without needing repairs. 
These qualities make them a good choice for any number of jobs, including construction work and moving cargo across state lines.
 In this blog post, key features that you should look for when buying your next truck:
Power and Performance
You can find light trucks for sale nzwith a variety of engine sizes, ranging from small to large. The size of your truck will determine its performance and fuel economy, so it's important to choose the right one for your needs. In addition to different engine types, some trucks come with automatic or manual transmissions and others offer various levels of horsepower and torque.
You may also want to consider how much power you need in your truck. If you're hauling heavy loads or driving often on steep hills, then investing in a powerful vehicle will help get things done more efficiently than if you were driving an entry-level model.
Durability and Reliability
Trucks for sale are built tough. They can handle heavy loads, and they last a long time. They're durable and reliable, too a great choice if you want to get the most out of your trucking business. The right truck is up to the task of transporting cargo across the country or even overseas. 
However, it's important to keep in mind that not all trucks are the same. Some are built to haul heavy loads others are better suited for light hauling. Some have low cabs and short wheelbases, while others have high cabs and long wheelbases. 
The right truck can help you do your job more efficiently, but it's important not to get stuck with a vehicle that isn't right for your business.
Fuel Economy
Trucks for sale can be fuel efficient. This means you can save money on gas and help the environment at the same time.Trucks are often more fuel efficient than cars, because they're bigger and heavier, which makes them better at carrying heavy loads. 
Trucks also have larger engines than most cars do .and larger engines tend to be more powerful (and therefore more expensive). Trucks use their power efficiently when they drive on flat roads or highways instead of smaller roads with lots of hills and curves in them.
Ground Clearance
Ground clearance is the distance from the ground to the underside of your truck's body. It's measured in inches and can be calculated by subtracting the height of the tire from its wheelbase, or simply eyeballing it.
 The higher your vehicles ground clearance, the more likely it will be able to handle rough terrain without getting stuck or damaging any components underneath its body.
Trucks for sale can be powerful, reliable, fuel efficient, and capable of handling any job.
Trucks for sale can be powerful, reliable, fuel efficient and capable of handling any job. Trucks are used for a variety of purposes including:
The city - to move people and products around town.
The country - to transport goods from one place to another.
Trucks are durable and reliable vehicles that are affordable for everyone. They are also easy to maintain because they don't require many specialised parts like cars do.
In conclusion, we hope that you have found the article regarding light trucks for sale nz to be informative and helpful. We know how important it is for you to find the right truck for your business needs, and we want our readership to feel confident in their purchase decisions. Hope that this blog will provide you ides regarding truck for sale.
Source URL: https://gibbonscommercial.blogspot.com/2023/06/power-and-performance-unlock-potential.html
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
super random q but do you think louis is ever coming back to asia? 😭 lol honestly his team fucked up big time and a lot of the fans are (rightfully) pissed off nfndidks but i think it also had a lot to do with the countries they chose?
i remember the initial announcement was him going to countries he didnt visit during Itwt, which is nice and all i guess but i'm not sure they thought that through... clearly there weren't enough fans in those countries fo then after cancelling those he announce ONE SINGULAR show in jakarta... which, logically, makes sense since it's one of his top cities on spotify. and yet the turnout was terrible skndjdsk
i'm sure a lot of it had to do with fans still holding a grudge (honestly same) and being scared of cancellation again, but i was thinking maybe he should've chosen a different city? manila for instance had to have their Itwt show upsized from a 2k capacity venue to a 12k one if i'm not mistaken?
Hey lovely anon, and welcome to the show! (Late night VIP access for you - I’m only awake because god some of these bands take fucking forever to load out, so apologies if this is a bit scrambled!)
Yeaaaahhhh it’s definitely part of his team’s fault, but could also likely be the promoter’s. I think it was Live Nation for this one. At LN AUNZ they really try everything they can to not cancel shows, and just downsize (usually discreetly only to ticket holders, but sometimes posted on socials), and it comes down to ticket sales, but also supplier issues is a major one too.
I’m honestly not too across Asia’s music scene at the moment, it’s just not a territory I’m deep in, but maybe there were other major acts touring at the same time and therefore caused supplier issues too? Usually ticket sales are the main factor but you’ve got everything from trucking, backline, crew, sound, lights, accomodation, staging, tour manager fees, staffing, flights, venue rental, catering, LED etc. vs the guaranteed fee, so there’s a lot more to consider.
Promoters, like any business, obviously wanna lose as little money as possible, and so they do look at all avenues before having to propose a cancellation to the team because it makes them look bad. They obviously want Louis to choose them next time because they make money, so they don’t just cop out if they have low ticket sales, they try to make it work but sometimes it just��� doesn’t.
I’m not sure what kind of deal it was - happy to go into different types of deals sometime with y’all if you’re interested - but depending on budgets and the type of deal, it could’ve just been a lot of artist costs and it would’ve costed louis more money to go there than the payoff would’ve been.
I understand it’s frustrating, 100%, AUNZ, particularly NZ, don’t get half the bands the rest of the world get, because it’s expensive and it’s a gamble. Unless the promoter is willing to put no caps in the tour offer and just gamble with fees because they’re sure of ticket sales and budgets, well, they won’t. And it is a gamble for louis to go to countries he’s not been to before while he’s still establishing a bigger turnout there.
He’s the kind of guy that wants to tour all over the world and see everyone no matter the size of the venue, and it’s ridiculous because with his net worth he can afford to lose some money lol, but his manager and team just… don’t get paid that way. They don’t do their job so they don’t get commission. Idk what kind of contract they have with him, but I doubt he’s gonna give them a free handout if he can’t even make enough money to cover half that shit mentioned above through ticket sales. It’s just not how a business runs. It’s not how management works.
I really hope yourself and the folks up there don’t hold a grudge against him, because it’s so often out of the artist’s control (again, sounds stupid but it is the way this works), and I’ve seen artists offer to pay for a show with like 6% ticket sales because they just wanna make that 6% happy. But it’s not feasible and their management think it’s a waste of time if it’s not successful. I disagree, but, that’s the way the cookie crumbles with the big dogs. And I’m sure he’d love to tour more cities and be with fans everywhere.
With how much of a gamble it is going to cities he’s not been to before, I imagine even with demographic studies, the promoter’s offer would’ve stated for louis to pay for most of the expenses I stated above, so the promoter doesn’t lose money because it’s a risk. The more risky the tour sales are, the more is deemed an artist cost. It’s just… business.
Anyway, ticket sales for all artists are really struggling these days because of this damn economy and “cost of living”. Fans aren’t often buying tickets til the last minute, like you said, for fear of cancellation. Particularly after covid, it’s really hit the music industry hard. Refunds are great, fine, sure, but if you’re spending a chunk of your pay to see an artist and it doesn’t happen, you lose a bit of faith in buying tickets for them/other artists the next time they come to your city.
In Australia, we have a website called Tixel, founded in Melbourne a few years ago. Changed the absolute game. Now folks aren’t buying off Ticketmaster marketplace or official ticketing outlet resales, and are using Tixel instead.
Tixel is a platform where you can sell your ticket to another person with very little fees taken. You can’t list your ticket for over 10% of the price you bought it for, you have to upload/scan your ticket into the system and it verifies its legitimacy, and then you can put it on sale for whatever price you like (with upwards of 10% of og price, or lower if you need to just get rid of it). It’s fantastic, stops scammers because they can’t upsell the ticket by 200% like on ViaGoGo, and all tickets are proved to be legitimate. I’ve waited last minute to a show, to see if I’m free/if it’s going ahead if it’s super far in advance to buy tickets on Tixel, because I know if I buy tickets the day of/a few days before, that there’s like a 1% chance they’ll cancel. Shit happens, sure, but by that time, you’ll know it’s going ahead.
Because of the concerns of buying tickets when they’re released, promoters and management teams can’t guarantee there will be a turnout and whether they will be able to gain a profit/at the very least break even, because it’s just too risky and of course suppliers want money well in advance. But if a band does a show, and it sells out last minute, great, cool, but you can’t bank on that. It’s changed the ticketing game and really fucked with artists, their teams, and promoters, because you can’t rely on the numbers early on.
There have been a few major festivals here that have cancelled, due to “unforeseen circumstances” usually (which is mostly a way to hide the fact it’s ticket sales), and it’s like… a week after tickets go on sale. This happened to a festival I bought tickets to the day of release, and a lot of folks I know were waiting for their next payday or until tickets were on resale closer to the time. It’s such a shame, and hurts a lot of people in the industry financially. It’s not just the big dogs who have a fuck ton of money, it’s the crewing on the ground, the caterers, the venues, suppliers etc. who get hurt the most. It’s devastating down here, at the moment.
You can bank on certain artists selling tickets everywhere, but unfortunately it wasn’t strong enough for Louis.
He couldn’t skip out on Asia all together, no way. He needed to do at least 1 show to cross that territory and fulfil the global deal that he may have with LN (not 100% on if it’s a global deal or co-pro but yeah, either way), because it would’ve looked shit if he didn’t and probably negotiated his touring deal and cost him more money to cancel. Idk, there’s so many moving parts to touring that it’s hard to give you a solid answer, anon, but I’m sure he’ll be back. They’ll focus on Asia to really crack it, I think. We’ll see how competent/how much his team cares, and what promoters are willing to offer to get him back. Deals change throughout the initial offer up until very close to the tour, so, yeah. Hopefully there’s more money from the promoter backing him next time.
It’s shitty, but the money they saved goes towards the next leg of the tour to cover higher artist costs. This can include nicer accomm, better flights, better catering, better LED/Lights/Sound for confirmed shows, depending on the deal. So it’s stretching yourself a bit thinner for more shows that will cost you money, or putting some more money into those shows to make it better. It’s a weird balancing act. And yeah. It’s a multitude of things, not just his popularity.
Anyway, hope this helps a bit! Let me know if any q’s xx <3
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windsor000 · 2 years
Ideas On Selecting The Best Sliding Door At Your Business: Industrial Garage Doors
Business carport entryways should have the option to take much more beating than private entryways. Generally speaking there will be high traffic traveling through these entryways, trucks and different kinds of gear entering and leaving or a mix of both. These entryways additionally need to follow neighborhood codes and will require hard core security locks.
Business entryways for carports are produced using unexpected materials in comparison to what you would track down on straightforward private carports. They can either be produced using moving steel, steel diseases or high-grade aluminum.
Aluminum entryways can be tracked down in numerous vehicle sales centers or at your neighborhood fire station. They are ideal for organizations that might need to have a window in the carport entryway or need something light that permits in more light than a steel entryway. They are likewise speedy and simple to open, which is precisely exact thing is required at a showroom or fire station.
Picking the right business carport entryways
The following are a couple of things that you'll have to consider while buying a carport entryway for your business.
Does it should be robotized?
You'll have to decide if the entryways should be robotized or not. This will really rely on how frequently the entryways should be opened and closed. More modest organizations in some cases just require a business carport entryway that can be physically moved up while bigger organizations might require a completely mechanized framework set up. With a computerized carport framework you'll have to have a carport entryway that can endure a great deal of purpose.
Analyzing your spending plan versus security
While you'll pay something else for a high-check steel entryway for your business, it will merit the additional cash spent is not many are worried by any stretch of the imagination about keeping up with high security. These two elements should be weighed cautiously since a lightweight carport entryway without a great deal of safety highlights can be very simple to break into.
Consider your choices cautiously while you're analyzing business carport entryways. Look hard and long at the sort of vehicles that will be utilizing the carport to assist with deciding if you want a thick steel entryway that can endure a ton of knocks and injuries or whether a lightweight aluminum entryway is actually everything necessary.
For More Info:-
Commercial Garage Doors Nz
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elitetrailers · 2 years
Trailers For Sale: Select One That Is Right For You
When you buy a trailers for sale Auckland NZ for your boat, motorhome, camper or other recreational vehicle, it's important to think about how you'll use it.
This will help you decide on the right size and style of trailer for your needs. Here are some tips to get started:
Tips to Select The Best Trailers
Think about who'll be using the trailer.
The first thing to consider when you're thinking about purchasing a trailer is who's going to be using it. Do you have a young child who needs a safe place to ride their bike? An elderly relative who could use some help moving heavy items around the house?
 If so, consider how long they've had experience with trailers and what kind of physical limitations they might have. You don't want to invest in a trailer that's too difficult for someone else to operate!
If your loved one doesn't have much experience driving a small vehicle like this, then keep this in mind when making your choice. For example: if my grandfather were shopping for himself (instead of me buying him something), I would definitely go with something easy for him—maybe even something with automatic doors or power steering built-in so that he doesn't have any trouble getting started right away.
Consider safety issues.
When buying a trailer, you will have to consider how many people will be using the trailer and where they plan to ride.
Also, check that the trailer has brakes and lights. If someone is going to tow their bike with them while they are riding it, they need to make sure that there is a tow hitch on the back of their motorcycle.
Finally, check that the trailer is in good condition before purchasing it.
Determine what you'll be doing with your trailer.
Once you've decided on a type of trailer, it's time to figure out what kind of hauling you'll be doing with your trailer. If your trailer will be used for hauling cargo or other nonliving objects (like construction materials), then trailers with flatbeds are the best choice.
Flatbeds allow for easy loading and unloading without having to worry about the items getting dirty or damaged by harsh weather conditions.
If your trailer will be used primarily for hauling livestock, then a livestock trailer might be more appropriate. Depending on how many animals you want to transport at once and how far they need to travel, there are different types of livestock trailers available:
Stock - Stock trailers can carry up to 10 head of cattle but aren't designed for long trips
Livestock - This is a larger version designed specifically for long-distance driving; however, these larger trucks cannot accommodate as many animals as stock models
Horse - These units have an interior height of 11 feet 6 inches so horses can stand comfortably inside
The first step to buying trailers for sale Auckland NZ is doing research. Find out what you need the trailer for, how much you can afford to spend, and what kind of trailer will best serve your needs. You'll also want to find out how much maintenance is required for each type of trailer.
After you've taken all of these considerations into account, it's time to start shopping around. You should be able to find a trailer that will fit your needs at an affordable price point!
Source: https://trailers-for-sale-nz.blogspot.com/2022/12/tips-to-select-the-best-trailer.html
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myautowallpaper · 3 years
Get 33 Popular Electric cars for sale nz info
Electric vehicles are here, now. Some of the more common phev vehicles on new zealand roads include the mitsubishi outlander, hyundai ioniq, kia niro and toyota prius.
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We started with mitsubishi’s quirky little imiev.
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Electric cars for sale nz. You will be able to contact your dealer directly and arrange to view the vehicle or even set up a test drive. Learn what the government is doing to increase the number of evs on our roads www.electricvehicles.govt.nz. Why new zealand is well suited to electric vehicles.
The holden volt ($85,000 at launch in 2012), now discontinued, was the first erev to be sold new in nz. New zealand is well placed to benefit from electric vehicles because more than 80% of electricity is generated from renewable sources and there is enough supply for widespread adoption of evs. 35,266km, automatic, electric, 650cc ask us about finance & insurance 2016 bmw x5 x drive 40e m sport
Electric for sale in new zealand. Are you looking for used hybrid and electric cars for sale in auckland? Coventry cars provides a wide range of vehicles to suit most needs.
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tinytourist · 4 years
Thankful 4 Welly
In an attempt to celebrate Thanksgiving, be it a week late, the Americans met up in Wellington. Wednesday night was the Wellington’s office holiday party which Greg and I just caught the end of.
On Thursday, Greg, Evan, and I joined Porter to work out of the office. It was not my most productive day. Around 11 we joined in on a trivia session, and then we played with the office’s tough rugby team. For lunch I met up with Mary, who used to work in the SF office with me. We ate on the waterfront and traded stories about what it was like being ex-pats in NZ during this wild year.
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I had to work late since I did nothing in the morning. When I finished up, I walked back along the boardwalk and met up with the rest of the group for sushi in Te Aro. Afterwards, we went to Heyday where we got flights of gin and beer. The vibes of the brewery reminded me of the US. I felt like we could’ve been in Denver as we sat at picnic tables listening to classics, the space illuminated by string lights. We ended the night with a few rounds of spicy uno back at Porter’s.
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We all took Friday off to explore Wellington and be together. The first place we went was Zealandia which is a huge wildlife sanctuary in the center of Wellington. We spent several hours there walking through the trees and birdwatching. The main finds of the day were the tuis, kākās, shags, quail, and ducklings. We also got to see tuatara which are reptiles that are endemic to NZ and descendants of dinosaurs.
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Porter peeled off to go help Anna with dinner while the rest of us continued on to the botanical gardens. We spotted a dope playground and rushed to try it out. Evan was being grumpy and made fun of us for wanting to play until he saw how much fun we were having. Reluctantly, he joined us and partook in the activities. We continued through and ended up in the rose garden. From there, we walked back towards town.
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We stopped in Midnight Espresso for a little snack and coffee to reenergise us for the night ahead. I was really into the vibe of this café. They had quality fresh juices, a wide variety of vegetarian snacks, and good coffee. It was just what I needed.
After that we freshened up and met at Porter’s for a big Thanksgiving dinner. Anna cooked up a comforting spread of Mac n’ Cheese, stuffing, twice baked potatoes, garlic bread, duck, and more. You could tell that the food was good because several of us were forced to take cat naps after dinner. To end the night and work off some of the calories, Greg, Porter, and I hiked up Mount Vic to see the stars and look out at the city.
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The next morning we met at Porter’s to have a leftovers brunch before walking to Oriental Bay to enjoy the beach. We sat down on benches facing the water and were immediately pelted with sand being swept off the beach from big gusts of wind. Finally, we were experiencing the classic Welly weather.
We hid for cover in Te Papa, NZ’s national museum, where we learned more about kiwi birds and saw giant lifelike sculptures of soldiers. We grabbed a cup of coffee at the café before beginning our beer crawl. Mary met up with us at the second of four bars. We enjoyed trying a variety of local brews and vibed with the hip Welly scene. Evan even bought a shirt to rep his fav brewery, Garage Project.
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The next day we met up at the farmer’s market, where we admired all the fresh fruits and veggies for sale. There was also a block of diverse food trucks to get lunch from. We did several laps through before choosing the best options. I ended up getting a juice and splitting a bao bun, potato swirl, and fried noods with Al. It was a swell way to end our time in Welly.
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impala-dreamer · 7 years
Christmas by Dashboard Light
SPN FanFic
~Stranded by the side of the road, Dean and Y/N still find a way to enjoy Christmas Eve~
Dean x Reader, mentions of others
1,266 Words
Warnings: Please be warned that this is nothing but Fluffiness that ends with implications of future Sexy Times. 
A/N: This was a ‘drabble’ for my Give ‘Em a Merry Christmas List, that just kept going… anyway, I think it’s adorable, and I hope you enjoy it. 
Feedback is GOLD ~ My Masterlist ~ Christmas 2017 Fic Corral
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A loud pop sounded from the rear of the car, and Dean lifted his foot from the gas as the Impala began to shimmy on the icy road.
“Son of a bitch.” His mumbled curse was low, but loud enough to pull Y/N from her dream.
She sucked in a deep breath and cringed as her temple slammed against the window, knocking her fully awake.
“I’m up! I’m up!” She exclaimed, startled by the shaking of the car beneath her. She blinked into the darkness and saw Dean’s annoyed expression. “Something wrong?”
“Blew a tire,” he said plainly and pulled off the empty road onto a patch of dying grass.
“Well, shit.” Y/N sat up and rubbed a grain of sleep from the corner of her eye. “Where are we?”
“Still about an hour from home.”
Y/N yawned and stretched her arms in front of her. “We have a spare, right?”
Dean threw the gear into park and tipped his head her way, offering an overly dramatic “who do you think you’re talking to?” face.
Y/N threw her hands up in silent surrender and gave him an apologetic smile. With a wink, Dean opened his door and stepped out into the brisk night.
“Back in a jiff.”
The jiff turned into more than two shakes of a lamb’s tail, and from there became a small eternity. Finally, Y/N rolled down her window to see what was up.
“You OK?”
Dean lifted his head from the trunk. “Uh…”
Slowly, Dean made his way up to the front of the car. He set his hands on the cold metal surrounding her open window and leaned down to meet Y/N’s eye. “Problem,” he said.
Y/N lifted a single, curious eyebrow. “You don’t have a spare?”
“Oh, no…” Dean laughed and then set his face into a serious frown. “We just don’t have two,” he sighed.
Y/N’s jaw dropped. “What? We blew two tires? At the same time?”
Dean nodded. “Yep.”
“How’s that even possible?”
Dean bit his bottom lip in thought and then shrugged. “It’s a Christmas Miracle.”
Of course Sam was out of town. He had gone up to visit Jody for a few days, due back the next morning hopefully bringing some Homemade Mills Christmas Dinner with him. Dean and Y/N had been invited too, but opted to stay behind for some quiet time alone.
As they by the side of the road on Christmas Eve waiting for a tow truck that wasn’t likely to show, they were both beginning to regret their decision.
“I bet she made pie,” Dean said wistfully as he stared out his window.
“Mashed potatoes,” Y/N whispered, not really in reply.
“Hmm?” Dean cocked his head in her direction.
Y/N let out a sad, dreamy sigh. “All I want for Christmas is real, homemade, mashed potatoes from scratch. I betcha Jody makes them with real cream.”
Dean sniggered, rubbing his index finger across his upper lip as he watched Y/N’s mouth water. “Is that really all you want for Christmas?”
Y/N nodded, and then turned her eyes to see the twinkle in his. Dean leaned over slowly, his lips curled in a smile, his left hand reaching towards her.
“Uh…whatcha doing?”
Dean licked his lips and smirked, still on approach. “I’m gonna give you your present.”
“Dude…” Y/N held up a hand in defense as she backed away into the corner by her door. “I’m not having sex with you right now. It’s freezing.”
Dean laughed so hard and unexpectedly, the car shook and his hand fell to her thigh. “No,” he shook his head. “I meant your actual gift.”
Dean rolled his eyes as he popped open the glove box and pulled out a small, wrinkled green gift bag.
“Wow, it’s wrapped and everything,” Y/N commented with a laugh as Dean dropped the gift in her lap.
“Only the best for my girl.” He sat back, turning into the corner and tossing his right leg up onto the seat so he could face her.
Y/N smiled down at the present, running her fingers over the shiny bag. “I uh, I got you something too, but it’s kinda silly. And not really wrapped.”
Dean smiled kindly and stretched his arm over the back of the seat. “It’s OK, Y/N/N. This isn’t exactly gold,” he said, nodding at the gift.
With a shrug, Y/N pulled out a brown shopping bag from the backpack at her feet and handed it over. “Merry Christmas, Dean. You go first,” she said, hiding her face between her hands.
Dean laughed at her shyness and opened the bag. It rattled a bit and his eyebrows raised in curiosity. “What the heck?” Dean reached in and pulled out two industrial sized bottles of pills, and a fork. His laugh was adorable although slightly confused. “Thank you?”
Y/N leaned over and pointed at each item as she explained her choices. “Excedrin for the hangovers and Aleve for the backaches.”
“I don’t get backaches,” he scoffed.
“Yeah, OK, Grandpa. And that’s not your shoulder cracking every morning as you roll out of bed. Gotcha.”
“OK, OK, thank you,” he chuckled. “What’s with the fork?” He picked it up carefully, as if it might explode on contact.
Y/N took it from him and held it between both hands. “Watch.” Slowly, she pulled at both ends, and a long arm extended from the middle until the simple fork had lengthened by at least two feet. “Tada! Now you can steal my fries from anywhere.”
Dean’s mouth and eyes were wide with delight, and he snatched the magical utensil from her fingers, looking it over with joy evident on his freckled face. “This is… wow. Awesome.”
“Thought you’d enjoy that.”
“Now open yours,” he said, closing the fork and putting his gifts back into the bag.
Y/N carefully opened her present and let out an delighted gasp. “Fuzzy socks!”
“Purple fuzzy socks,” Dean corrected. “I know you get cold at night, so I thought…and you secretly love purple so…” His hand rubbed against the back of his neck as his cheeks blushed in slight embarrassment.
“They’re perfect, Dean. I love them.”
He looked up and smiled proudly. “Oh, and none of those grip things on the bottom. I know you like to slide down the hall Risky Business style.”
“Dean…” Her voice dropped from excited to serious, catching him off guard.
Y/N let the socks fall down into the footwell as she leaned over, quickly closing the space between them to thank him properly. Dean’s hand slid up her back as they kissed in the dark, his fingers tangling gently in her hair.
When she let him go, they were both breathless and warm. She sat back on her knees and ran her hand slowly down his flannel covered chest. With her lip between her teeth and her eyes full of lust, Y/N let her fingers travel down to the buckle of his belt.
“I thought you weren’t gonna have sex with me,” he said with a smirk as her fingers toyed with the leather strap. “It’s freezing,” he mocked.
A smile curled her lip, and Y/N popped the brass button on his jeans. “I think maybe I can warm us both up.”
Dean swallowed hard, feeling the zipper slide down over him. “Oh, I’m feeling pretty warm already.”
Y/N kissed him once more as her hand slipped into his jeans. “Oh, just…wait.”
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The Dean’s List:
@babyismyspiritanimal @blackfandomtrashandproud @blue-eyed-devil  @brihughes4 @boxywrites @bringmesomepie56 @colagirl5 @ericaprice2008 @fangirl-brat @girliciousdreams @jealousbitxh @jojo-nz @juniorhuntersam @kathaswings @lavieenlex @lostsoulsworlds @love-me-some-pie21 @melodyhiddleston @nerdwholikesword @niamandthings @oreosatmidnight @paleogamrgrl @pilaxia @polina-93 @salvachester @samikitten @shamelesslydean @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman @spontaneousam @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @thehardcoveraddict  @torn-and-frayed @valerieshubin @waiting-to-find-myshadows @wanderlustnightwanderer @winchasterdean @winchesterdemon67 @winchester-writes @xxhorrorkingxx @zanthiasplace
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rdagade · 3 years
Global Electronic weighing scale Market
Global Electronic weighing scale market size was valued US$ XX Mn in 2019 and the total revenue is expected to grow at 6.0% through 2020 to 2027, reaching US$ XX Mn.
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The report study has analyzed the revenue impact of COVID -19 pandemic on the sales revenue of market leaders, market followers and market disrupters in the report and same is reflected in our analysis.
An electronic weighing scales are measuring instruments that used to measure the weight or mass of an object. These scales are used in wide-ranging industrial as well as commercial products and applications. The rising need for determining the accurate weight of an object is driving the growth of electronic weighing scales market globally. The global Electronic weighing scale market is driven by the growing industrial automation and rapid deployment of electronic weighing scales in the retail and jewelry outlets. Growing dependence on the electronic weighing scales in various application areas supermarkets, kitchens, hospitals, pharmacies, laboratories, are also projected to impelling the market growth in the forecast period. However, the high cost of these machines than the traditional weighing scales are restraining the market growth at the global level.
Based on the type, the table top scales segment has led the electronic weighing scale market in 2019 and is estimated to generate more than US$ XX Mn market revenue by 2027, with a CAGR of XX%. Table top scales are light in weight, easy to operate, cost-effective, rugged, and compact electronic weighing scales. These scales are mostly used in laboratories, pharmacies, cafes, kitchens, and retail applications.
Based on the end-use vertical, the industrial sector dominated the electronic weighing scales market and is estimated to generate the largest revenue of US$ XX Mn in 2019. owing to their wide use in export and import of different material and measuring of items such as corrosive liquids and gases that require high accuracy during the production process. The electronic weighing scales have become a fixture in daily use within the industrial environment. Rugged industrial crane scales, platform scales, and pallet truck scales are the most prominent electronic scales used for industrial applications.
Geographically, the Electronic weighing scale market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America held the prominent market share of XX% in 2019 and is expected to reach US$ Mn by the end of 2027, with a CAGR of XX%. Thanks to the increasing automation across different industry verticals that demand the use of automated electronic measuring devices for testing and measurement. Also, the presence of a large number of market players in the region and accessibility of skillful technical expertise boost the demand for the electronic weighing scale in the region. However, the market in Asia Pacific is expected to grow at a high CAGR of XX% during the forecast period owing to the easy availability of low-cost raw material, which promotes the mass production of low-cost electronic scales. China, Japan, India, and Australia are the leading contributors to the regional market growth due to the wide adoption of electronic gem scales in the countries. The rising investments in research and development activities for the introduction of the advanced electronic weighing scale is predicted to accelerate the growth of this region in the near future.
A report covers the recent development in market for the global Electronic weighing scale market e.g., Adam Equipment, launched an NRCS approved PT platform scales. The platform scales are capable of offering a durable weighing solution for various applications in the industrial settings, like warehouses, shipyards, receiving and shipping docks, distribution centers, and recycling facilities.
The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of the Global Electronic weighing scale Market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers and new entrants. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors of the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers. The report also helps in understanding Global Electronic weighing scale Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and project the Global Electronic weighing scale Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by Application, price, financial position, Product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Electronic weighing scale Market make the report investor’s guide.
For more information visit@ https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-electronic-weighing-scale-market/64356/
Scope of the Global Electronic weighing scale Market: Inquire before buying
Global Electronic weighing scale Market, by Type:
• Table top scale
• Platform scale
• Precision scale
• Pocket scale
• Others
Global Electronic weighing scale Market, by End-User Vertical:
• Industrial
• Veterinary
• Scientific/laboratory
• Jewelry
• Food & beverages
• Health & fitness
• Education/research
• Others
Global Electronic weighing scale Market, by Region:
• Asia Pacific
• North America
• Europe
• Latin America
• Middle East Africa
Global Electronic weighing scale Market, Major Players:
• Contech Instruments Limited
• A&D Company Limited
• The Essae Group
• Tanita Corporation
• Adam Equipment Co. Ltd.
• Avery Weigh Tronix Ltd.
• Aczet Pvt. Ltd.
• Atrax Group NZ
• Arlyn Scales
• Cardinal Scale Manufacturing Company
• D Brash & Sons Ltd.
• Doran Scales, Inc.
• Fairbanks Scales
• Mettler-Toledo, LLC
• Rice Lake Weighing Systems
• Weightron Bilancia
• Shinko Denshi Co., Ltd
• Illinois Tools Works, Inc. 
• Shimadzu Corporation
• Sartorius AG
• BONSO Electronics International, Inc.
This report submitted by Maximize market Research Company
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gibbonscommercial · 1 year
Why Used Trucks For Sale Offer Better Value For Money?
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If you want to buy a used truck, you need to know that the existing models are very different from those that were made in the past. This is because they have undergone several changes and improvements over time. 
As such, if you are looking for best second hand trucks for sale nz, it makes sense that you only consider used ones. These vehicles cost less than new ones and also offer better value for money in many ways. Here's why:
Lower Depreciation 
When a vehicle is purchased, its value depreciates over time. This is known as depreciation and it's a natural part of owning a car. 
It happens to all vehicles, whether they're new or old, but the rate at which this happens varies greatly between the two types of trucks: second hand trucks for sale usually lose less of their value than new ones do.
The reason for this has nothing to do with their quality or reliability; rather it has everything to do with supply and demand. 
When there are more people looking at light trucks for sale nz than there are used trucks available on the market (because so many have already been sold), then competition forces prices down until you get close enough to your target price that buying becomes worthwhile again!
Lower Purchase Price
If you're looking to purchase a truck and have a budget in mind, then it's important to know that there are many benefits associated with buying used trucks instead of new ones. One of the biggest advantages is the fact that they cost less money. 
Their lower price tag means you can get more for your money and negotiate for better deals on the vehicle itself or with financing options.
Also, if something does happen with your vehicle (for example: if it breaks down), then having bought it second-hand means there won't be as much stress involved with getting repairs done because there won't be as much invested in having them fixed up again!
Lower Insurance Premiums 
Insurance companies charge less for used trucks. This is especially true if you buy a truck with a smaller engine or one that's been driven by an older driver, who is statistically safer than younger ones. 
The other reason why insurance companies can offer better rates for older cars has to do with the fact that they cost less to repair when they are damaged in accidents.
This means that if you're looking at buying a used vehicle, it may be possible for you to get cheaper car insurance by purchasing a truck rather than another type of vehicle (such as an SUV).
Better Negotiation Opportunities 
Buying light trucks for sale nz is a great way to save money, but it's also an opportunity to negotiate a better deal. When you buy new, you have no leverage and the dealership has all the power. 
They know that if they don't give you what you want, there will be another customer waiting in line who will take whatever price they offer him or her.
But when buying used trucks for sale, things are different: You're not locked into any particular vehicle because there are so many options available online at any given time; therefore, your bargaining position is stronger than ever! With this newfound power comes responsibility though.
If you're looking for a new truck, it's worth considering a used model. second hand trucks for sale can offer better value for money than new ones because they have lower depreciation, lower purchase prices and lower insurance premiums. 
You'll also have more bargaining power when negotiating with dealers if you're buying used instead of new because there aren't any additional costs associated with selling off the vehicles themselves (like taxes).
0 notes
jellyontheroad · 7 years
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Awakening with the dawn we are passing through some hill country covered in scrub and bush. Human tracks criss cross the hills and the odd human habitation is scattered randomly around. Little straw huts and little patches of cultivation eek out a meagre living for the inhabitants. An occasional monkey is seen in a tree, but so far nothing in the way of big animals. Villages come and go, everyone waving. Its a tranquil scene outside with people going about their daily business. We stop on a high plateau where everyone is wearing jumpers and jackets, its cool up here and the train is emptying out its passengers. Hawkers walk along under the windows shouting in to tell you about their wares for sale. Again its amazing whats on sale, machetes, sandals, belts, fried bread, oranges, key-rings, tea etc. On the platform large sacks of produce have both been unloaded and new loads taken on.
Zambian border is coming up and the Tanzanian immigration guys have been on the train and stamped our exit visa,s. The train moves on a little and the Zambian immigration guys come on and we pay $50 each for the entry visa. You cannot buy the dual visa called the Kaza for both Zambia and Zimbabwe at the minor land borders. Its late at night now and we move on into the night. Innocent the accountant is buying rice and bananas to use up his TZ shillings and take home presents for his family. He cannot take shillings out of country. Big laughs with the American girls who had been given old Zambian currency by friend and they thought it would pay for their whole time in Zambia. It is now illegal and you can be imprisoned for presenting them at a bank! We all took a note for a keep sake, ours is 15,000 Kwacha. Our train is keeping reasonable time and apart from a 2 hour delay midway we are keeping good time. We did not book ahead for accommodation knowing the train could be up to a day late. Luckily we had been talking to a woman called Jean who had embarked at Mbeya with her two children. Her husband is Swiss and he traded in cocoa beans to the chocolate makers of the world, like Lindt. She offered to give us a lift to Lusaka provided the train arrived before 16.00hrs that day. We would have to get off at Mkushi, one stop before our scheduled stop at Kapiri Mposhi. We had also hooked up with some other travellers, from Holland, Denmark and NZ on the train. By the time we reached Mkushi it was 15.45 and our lift with Jean was confirmed. Jean had also offered us accommodation at her house for the night and a lift to the bus station in the morning. A very kind gesture indeed, which we gladly accepted. On arrival at Mkushi Jean had organised two taxis to take us to the lodge where she had parked her car, a month before. We packed the car up with luggage and left about half an hour later. Jean was quite concerned about driving at night, saying that they call the road the death road locally. Buses were not allowed to travel at night after 8pm, neither were trucks unless they had a special licence. It was going to take about four hours of driving to get to Lusaka. The roads were in good condition, apart from a stretch in the middle which was a bit potholed. Police checks were at regular intervals as were checks for trucks carrying minerals who had to pay a tax. Toll stations also charged 20 Kwacha ($2) now. Some crazy drivers passed at huge speeds, the limit here is 120km/hr. Along the way we passed huge cropping farms with overhead irrigation schemes much akin to NZ ones. They were growing wheat. Most of the large farms were owned by white investors and a lot had come from Zimbabwe when Mugabe basically took their land from them. Jean said this had been a bonus for Zambia as their expertise had improved Zambian agricultural output. Women manned little stalls selling fresh produce of tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers etc. huge bags of charcoal lay in piles at the side of the road. Most people use charcoal for cooking and the local forests are suffering badly due to it. Even at night they man their little stalls, kindling fires to shelter beside so they can guard their wares. We progressed along the road until darkness descended and Jean became a little more apprehensive. Quite rightly so as we were soon to find out. Trucks had now parked up at truck parks along the way, basically they just pulled off the road into a field. The Zambian under 20 youth football team bus passed us by in the dark, would they have a team tomorrow? Less than an hour from Jeans home a car overtook at breakneck speed on a blind hill. Jean commented that he was probably drunk as he passed. I thought quietly that he would probably cause an accident. Coming over the top of the hill he had done just that, crashing head on with an oncoming minibus full of passengers. We came into a scene of carnage, the minibus on its side on our side of the road, a road full of glass and the offending car rolling on its side on the opposite side of the road with its lights turning off as it came to a standstill. People were running from surrounding shops and shouting. We could see the minibus was packed with people. We guessed some of the front passengers may be dead. Jean decided not to stop as there was little we could do. Other cars had stopped to help anyway. Jean said they would be lucky if a government ambulance might arrive. The injured would probably be transported by local cars to nearby clinics. It was a sobering scene that we missed by seconds and testament to the roads well earned name, the death road. Arriving at Jeans house we were greeted by her two very happy dogs. Inside Jean had a lovely little cottage and she gave up her very comfortable bed to us. Jeans maid had prepared us Ugali, chicken and vegetables for our arrival. As per tradition, this is eaten by hand, your right hand only. The left hand is for the toilet cleaning. A few beers and a bath later we departed for a good nights sleep.
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auto-news · 4 years
Automotive Fuse Box Market: Competitive Landscape and Recent Industry Development Analysis 2018-2028
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused supply and manufacturing disruptions in the automotive sector creating uncertainties in every aspect. The change in customer behavior in terms of mobility preferences during this crisis is changing the automotive landscape.
This pandemic situation has shut down many production lines owing to the trade restrictions and closed borders, creating a shortage in required parts and limiting the distribution of supplies. Different enforced measures including the closing of workspaces and dismissal of short-time workers have created a depression in the growth rate of the automotive industry.
The growing fear of recession is estimated to decrease overall sales and revenue. A limited supply of parts coupled with a reduced workforce has forced the leading OEMs to shut down their production. A significant drop in demand has restricted the cash inflow which is highly important in payment of salaries to the workforce. With growing uncertainties around the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry leaders are taking measures to adapt to the situation.
Global Automotive Fuse Box Market: Introduction
The automotive fuse box is extensively used in automobiles, such as trucks, buses, and passenger cars to protect electrical circuits and wiring harnesses supplying electrical power to operate lights, heating, radios, air conditioning, windshield wipers, windows, and controls. The market for automotive fuse box is expected to grow in the coming years as many electronic features are included in automobiles. Moreover, the automotive fuse box inside the vehicle is the only part that connects to every electric feature including the lights, the engine, the transmission, and other auxiliary components. The automotive fuse box, comprising a board with a bunch of fuses seems to be simple in design, but it is definitely critical for the smooth running of an automobile. Importantly, all the electrical circuits in the automobile consist of fuses to protect them from a short circuit or overload, which are located in two or three automotive fuse boxes.
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Subsequently, the aim of the study is to analyze the most recent trends and dynamics in the global automotive fuse box market.
Global Automotive Fuse Box Market: Dynamics
Simultaneous disruptions in the global automotive industry have surged the demand for automotive fuse box across the globe. Current projections suggest that the sale of automotive fuse box will continue on their upward trajectory against the backdrop of increasing sales of vehicles across the globe. The increasing prevalence of electronic solutions in the automotive industry is playing an important role as bolstered by the rise of electric vehicles and driverless cars.
Additionally, slowing economy and declining automobile sales will directly impact the pace of the global automotive fuse box market, as the sale of automotive is flattening in many regions such as Europe and Japan. Consequently, automotive fuse box manufacturers face the prospect of ever-intensifying competition. Apart from this, the global automotive fuse box market is mainly a consolidated type of market.
Global Automotive Fuse Box Market: Segments
The global automotive fuse box market can be segmented on the basis of vehicle type, sales channel, installation, and region.
On the basis of vehicle type, the global automotive fuse box market can be segmented as:
Passenger Cars
Commercial Vehicles
Electric & Hybrid
Buses & Coaches
Heavy Trucks and Trailers
On the basis of sales channel, the global automotive fuse box market can be segmented as:
On the basis of installation, the global automotive fuse box market can be segmented as:
Passenger’s Side
Driver’s Side
For in-depth competitive analysis, Check Pre-Book here  https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/checkout/26029
Global Automotive Fuse Box Market: Regional Outlook
In the coming years, the growth of electric vehicles is expected to accelerate the automotive fuse box market growth in the ASEAN and other SEAP countries. India, with low penetration of EVs and consumer acceptance is expected to witness sluggish growth in the global automotive fuse box market. Moreover, Japan to witness a moderate growth and plunging share in the global automotive fuse box market owing to flattening automotive sales. Vehicle parc and rebound of automotive sales will push the demand for automotive fuse box market in the aftermarket segment.
China has emerged as the prominent region in terms of electric vehicle production and consumption. On the supply side, China’s government has made it a priority to create favorable conditions for the EVs which will propel the demand for automotive fuse boxes in the near term. Europe has also been expanding its investments for fuel-efficient and greener vehicles. Higher demand is foreseen for the automotive fuse box in Northern Europe due to EV purchase subsidies. Additionally, Japan with a keen interest in EVs to augment the sales of automotive fuse boxes.
Global Automotive Fuse Box Market: Key Participants
List of some of the prominent market participants in the global automotive fuse box market discerned across the value chain include:
Littelfuse, Inc.
Apolo Industrial Corporation
Blue Sea Systems
Hella NZ
Pacific Engineering Corporation
The research report – Automotive Fuse Box presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. The study on Automotive Fuse Box market also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to Automotive Fuse Box market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.
Read all Automotive Market Insights here https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/category/automotive-and-transportation.asp
Reasons to Purchase this Report:
Accuracy and Quality Our reports strive to offer superior quality reports based on authentic and accurate findings. Customer Satisfaction We aim to ensure that our client’s research needs are met with customized, top-of-the-line solutions. Unmatched Expertise Our analysts and consultants are among the best in their field and promise to deliver excellent market intelligence. 360-degree Analysis We leave no stone unturned to give clients an exhaustive coverage of the industry.
Persistence Market Research’s proactive approach identifies early innovation opportunities for clients in the global automotive sector. Our insights on next-generation automotive technologies such as connected cars, automotive emissions control, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), autonomous cars, electric and hybrid vehicles, and augmented reality dashboards ensure clients stay at the forefront of innovation.
Our competencies go beyond regular market research to deliver tailored solutions in an industry marked with increasing environment regulations, evolving consumer preferences, and a shifting landscape of emerging markets.
Report Highlights:
Shifting Industry dynamics
In-depth market segmentation
Historical, current and projected industry size Recent industry trends
Key Competition landscape
Strategies of key players and product offerings
Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth
A neutral perspective towards market performance
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apurvafmi-blog · 6 years
Global Automotive Fuse Box Market: Introduction
The automotive fuse box is extensively used in automobiles, such as trucks, buses, and passenger cars to protect electrical circuits and wiring harnesses supplying electrical power to operate lights, heating, radios, air conditioning, windshield wipers, windows, and controls. The market for automotive fuse box is expected to grow in the coming years as many electronic features are included in automobiles. Moreover, the automotive fuse box inside the vehicle is the only part that connects to every electric feature including the lights, the engine, the transmission, and other auxiliary components. The automotive fuse box, comprising a board with a bunch of fuses seems to be simple in design, but it is definitely critical for the smooth running of an automobile. Importantly, all the electrical circuits in the automobile consist of fuses to protect them from a short circuit or overload, which are located in two or three automotive fuse boxes.
Subsequently, the aim of the study is to analyze the most recent trends and dynamics in the global automotive fuse box market.
Global Automotive Fuse Box Market: Dynamics
Simultaneous disruptions in the global automotive industry have surged the demand for automotive fuse box across the globe. Current projections suggest that the sale of automotive fuse box will continue on their upward trajectory against the backdrop of increasing sales of vehicles across the globe. The increasing prevalence of electronic solutions in the automotive industry is playing an important role as bolstered by the rise of electric vehicles and driverless cars.
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Additionally, slowing economy and declining automobile sales will directly impact the pace of the global automotive fuse box market, as the sale of automotive is flattening in many regions such as Europe and Japan. Consequently, automotive fuse box manufacturers face the prospect of ever-intensifying competition. Apart from this, the global automotive fuse box market is mainly a consolidated type of market.
Global Automotive Fuse Box Market: Segments
The global automotive fuse box market can be segmented on the basis of vehicle type, sales channel, installation, and region.
On the basis of vehicle type, the global automotive fuse box market can be segmented as:
Passenger Cars
Commercial Vehicles
Electric & Hybrid
Buses & Coaches
Heavy Trucks and Trailers
On the basis of sales channel, the global automotive fuse box market can be segmented as:
On the basis of installation, the global automotive fuse box market can be segmented as:
Passenger’s Side
Driver’s Side
Global Automotive Fuse Box Market: Regional Outlook
In the coming years, the growth of electric vehicles is expected to accelerate the automotive fuse box market growth in the ASEAN and other SEAP countries. India, with low penetration of EVs and consumer acceptance is expected to witness sluggish growth in the global automotive fuse box market. Moreover, Japan to witness a moderate growth and plunging share in the global automotive fuse box market owing to flattening automotive sales. Vehicle parc and rebound of automotive sales will push the demand for automotive fuse box market in the aftermarket segment.
China has emerged as the prominent region in terms of electric vehicle production and consumption. On the supply side, China’s government has made it a priority to create favorable conditions for the EVs which will propel the demand for automotive fuse boxes in the near term. Europe has also been expanding its investments for fuel-efficient and greener vehicles. Higher demand is foreseen for the automotive fuse box in Northern Europe due to EV purchase subsidies. Additionally, Japan with a keen interest in EVs to augment the sales of automotive fuse boxes.
Request Report TOC@ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/26029
Global Automotive Fuse Box Market: Key Participants
List of some of the prominent market participants in the global automotive fuse box market discerned across the value chain include:
Littelfuse, Inc.
Apolo Industrial Corporation
Blue Sea Systems
Hella NZ
Pacific Engineering Corporation
0 notes
trademycampervan · 7 years
$8,400 Mazda E2500 Campervan Located in Auckland
Mazda E2500 (1999, 333xxx km) Certified self-contained, long wheel-base. $8400 Available now in Auckland. Contact: Pascal ten Have +hidden8441
We're moving to Australia so we're selling our beloved campervan, Rocinante! It's a reliable, well-maintained car (we’re only the second pair of backpackers to own it) and a fantastic home-on-the-road in both summer and winter. Thanks to the extra long wheelbase and storage-oriented layout you can cook & chill indoors when you need to hide from rain, cold or sandflies. And - best feature ever- it's got a built-in oven! So you can make delicious dishes, bake some homemade brownies or just shove some pies in when you don’t feel like cooking. It’s fully self-contained till November 2020, so you can stay on those free SC sites. And we'll be including everything you need for comfortable travel, including a handy folding bike! Full list of gear and tech specs below.  Facts about the van: 1999 Mazda E2500 Long Wheel Base. (This means you can sit and cook inside) 3 seats 333xxx km Fuel type: Diesel (efficient motor that runs 800km on a tank) Transmission: Manual WOF until 29/3/2018 REGO until 1/3/2018 Maintenance Self-Contained certified until 18/11/2020 Last Service 27/9/2017 New back tyres, new heavy duty light truck accu and cam belt at 314.000km Radiator serviced and cooling flushed and replaced at 317.000km New glow plugs at 320.000km New second-hand front tyres, wheel alignment and wipers at 327.000km We're the 2nd backpacker-owners so everything is new and built by us and the previous owners. Equipment: Gas oven and two burners with refillable 4.5kg gas bottle (top up at any petrol station with LPG sign) 240volt 75 Watt converter to charge laptops etc. 3x USB charger Panasonic radio with 3.5mm jack-plug entry 25L fresh water tank, sink with 25L grey water tank Portaloo toilet Real mattress with duvet, blanket and two pillows Easy to install awning (rain shelter) Built-in table and two benches 2 camping chairs and foldout table 7 storage boxes A lot of kitchen equipment and herbs for cooking and baking Good road atlas Bodyboard Fishing rod And a sweet bonus: for extra mobility in the city, we’re adding in a folding bike with helmet and lock, ideal for the quick dash to the grocery store! Interested? contact Pascal ten Have via phone or WhatsApp on +hidden8441. The van is available in Auckland from December 22nd.
Buy this Mazda E2500 Campervan for only $8,400 Contact the owner or find out more info HERE - > http://trademycampervan.co.nz/buy-a-Campervan/in-Auckland/Mazda-E2500/for-sale/1618/ Located in Auckland Buy and sell Campervans with http://trademycampervan.co.nz #Campervan #Auckland #Mazda #E2500 #NewZealand #NZ #Backpackers #Backpacking #Summer2015 #Travel #NorthIsland #SouthIsland #Camping #Glamping #NZMCA #newzealand #summer #kiwi #hobbit #LOTR #buy #sell
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mamosefan · 7 years
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tandamalaika · 7 years
When we pulled up anchor in Huahine and set out for Fare, I sat on the stern and watched Tanda Malaika on the reef in the distance. My home was there and we were leaving her behind. My heart ached so much and I couldn’t hold back the tears that flowed, and when Danny joined me to watch her too, I leaned into him for strength and cried even more.
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It was time to refocus and pull myself together. The work wasn’t over yet, adrenalin was still driving us – though it had slowed down considerably. We still had to unload all the salvaged goods and organize them at Marc’s home in Fare. Geniet Lewe is usually in absolute immaculate shape, and she was still covered in our stuff. I’m sure her water line must have been 4” below what it usually was.
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David has spent hours on his computer preparing an organized spreadsheet of everything we have to sell. We also had a large amount to donate to the people in Fare, including enough books to double their current library! Jude especially loves books, and had an amazing personal library of some of the best books ever written, and it broke her heart to give them up. When she heard that that Fare Library wanted her books, it put a big smile on her face with watery eyes.
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Emma sat up at the helm with David as we motored, and I loved hearing them chat and laugh the entire way there.
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My sciatica had continued to worsen over the many salvaging days, so I lay down in my berth with the hatch wide open. I was going to miss the movement of the ocean beneath us, the salt spray on my skin and the constant breeze in my hair. I fell asleep and woke to the sound of the creatures prepping the boat for docking up on deck. We were in Fare. Marc had arranged for us to use one of his trucks to haul everything to his home, so once again the work began.
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Janet told me in no uncertain terms (in her feisty nurse voice) that I was not to lift anything, so I tried very hard to obey and stayed on Geniet Lewe and helped organize what was donations and what was to go to Marc’s for sale. We watched as everything we owned laying all around us in bags and on the truck. It was so humbling to think that we were starting completely over. Again.
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Mycah found a funky pair of glasses on Makara, and decided to goof around in them – making us all laugh.
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While loading some of the last things into the truck, Mycah accidentally pushed on the fire extinguisher and it sprayed right into Emma’s face. Luckily she had her glasses on, so nothing got into her eyes, but she was covered in a white powder. We all got a good laugh out of it! She quickly went and washed her face once she stopped laughing.
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We divided into two groups – some going to Marc’s place to organize while other stayed on Makara and Geniet Lewe to pack everything we were taking with us. The airlines allow us 23 kg per check in bag and 7 kg for carry ons, and we knew there was no way we were going to make that, so we kept packing more duffles all weighing 23 kg. Our sweet friends, Barry and Kim on Jadean, brought a bunch of duffles over for us since most of ours had been ruined in the wreck, and we were so amazed at their thoughtfulness. We hadn’t asked for any but they were in tune with our needs and were so kind. Barry also offered to take some of the higher priced electronic items on his boat to try sell as he sailed around. Greg on Beach Flea took our water maker and some scuba gear to sell to a friend for us. Such incredibly amazing people. I looked to the stern of the boat and saw a beautiful rainbow arching up into the clouds and heading over the beginning of the reef that stretched several miles around Huahine. The same reef that Tanda Malaika lay on.
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When evening came we were invited over to the beach for a cruisers BBQ, and once again our hearts were filled with so much love and gratitude for the sailing community. A large group of sailing couples and families brought food and we all sat on the beach in the firelight talking and laughing. Once in a while someone would approach me and with teary eyes they would express their heartache for our situation, saying that they had had so many close calls and it could so easily have been them in the same situation. So much love was felt there, as we talked with sailing couples we’d only ever met once before in a port far away, some we’d never met and others that we felt like we’d known forever but had only known since our accident. It made no difference because we were all family and they felt our pain because they loved their homes like we love Tanda Malaika. The following day the entire process continued with sorting, organizing and packing. Danny and I were going to book flights from Raitea to New Zealand but it worked out better if we booked them from Bora Bora to New Zealand, and David told us they’d be happy to sail us to Bora Bora. While in town I stopped by the doctors office and he prescribed me some Gabapentin for the long flights. Our plan is still to move to Bali where we can live cheaply and be close to where Danny can fly from so we can hunker down and save up for another boat. We have to go to the Indonesian Embassy in NZ to apply for visas, so the plan was to fly from Bora Bora to Papaette, spend the night with our dear friend, Dina’s parents, then the following day fly to NZ and spend however long it takes there to get our visas. I have a childhood friend from South Africa living in Aukland, so we will stay with her and her family. I haven’t seen her since I was about 14, I think, and am so excited to see her! After hours of packing and organizing, Marc, who had volunteered all his time and hospitality so far, invited us for a BBQ at his home. Before arriving in Huahine, we didn’t know Marc from Adam. All his help had been offered from the goodness of his heart. He said that he helps people in hope that if ever he were in a bind, people would help him. He wanted me to be sure and add his information to the blog so any sailors interested in boat parts from Tanda Malaika would contact him: Marc Garnier. Phone number 87785905 and email huahinenautic At dinner time, those of us working on the boats, climbed in the dinghies and headed over to Marc’s home. I looked around taking in how beautiful it was outside.
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The sun was setting and the boats in the anchorage looked so beautiful.
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We tied up to our dinghy which was already there from when Danny had come over, and walked back to where he was working with everyone who was organizing and pricing everything.
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Everyone was so tired and hot and sick of the work, but continued on. Mycah, who had arrived with me, saw the fatigue and took over immediately – getting everything back into order once again along with Dave at the list and Danny pricing things. Janet, Erika and the rest of our crew were working hard and finally they were able to say, it’s done!
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We joined Marc and his beautiful wife, Valerie, who had prepared an amazing meal for us, and sat our tired bodies down to eat.
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They had prepared BBQ fish, chicken and steak, pasta, rice and poisson cru. We ate till we were filled to the brim them finally said our goodbyes, expressed our gratitude and left for Geniet Lewe.
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The following morning at first light we said good bye to dearest Erika on Makara and set sail for Bora Bora. Janet had me start on the Gabapentin and I was feeling like a zombie the entire day and don’t remember much of the sail – other than it felt so soothing…so much like home. When we anchored in Bora Bora I drug myself upstairs, looked out at the other boat at anchor and there beautiful surroundings and like a big baby, burst into tears. We were supposed to sail here on Tanda Malaika. Was this awful feeling of loss ever going to end? I wanted my home back. My Tanda Malaika. Janet took me in her arms and spoke to me softly. She told me that I had been working so hard since the night everything happened and that it was perfectly normal to grieve at this point. That I needed to allow myself the time and to have a good cry because I had every reason to. She helped me back down to my room where I sobbed into my pillow till I fell asleep. When I awoke the creatures were getting ready to go for a swim over to harass our friends on Pandora. All our luggage was on the stern and ready for the morning. We had 15 pieces of luggage aside from Danny’s 3 guitars for check in. Jude and Mycah’s guitars were in soft cases so they had to be carry ons.
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In the morning when we placed all our luggage on the carts at he ferry that would take us to the airport we looked ridiculous, considering most people flying out were leaving from being on vacation. People must have thought we’d done a lot of shopping!
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It wasn’t easy saying goodbye to David, Janet and Genie Lewe. They had been so good to us. They were Angels. So patient and understanding as their boat went from being perfectly clean to being a storage shed for a family of castaways. They had doctored our physical wounds as well as our emotional ones, drying our tears and always offering wise and encouraging words. We love them SO MUCH!
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We gave them huge hugs with tears running down our cheeks, and they still offered words of love and advice – just the ones we needed to hear.
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David and Janet from Geniet Lewe and Neal and Heather from Pandora waved to us as we left. Notice that David was in his sweet Kiwi Dave hat!!!
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As we left into the Bora Bora terminal, we decided that if anyone asked what the name of our band was since we had 5 guitars, we would say “Danny and the Creatures.”
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We promised ourselves that the next time we are in Bora Bora it would be on our next boat, and it would not be in the too distant future.
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We would definitely catch up to our wonderful friends and sail with them until we are old and grey and unable to stand any more.
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If ever you find yourself asking if Angels are real, we can tell you, that they are with out doubt…we know because through all this, Angels have been among us.
Angels among us When we pulled up anchor in Huahine and set out for Fare, I sat on the stern and watched Tanda Malaika on the reef in the distance.
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gibbonscommercial · 2 years
How to Choose the Right a Second-Hand Truck for You
Trucking is one of the most important and essential businesses in the world. And one of the things that make trucking so great is the wide variety of trucks available on the market. But how do you decide which truck is right for you? The answer lies in understanding the different types of trucks and choosing the one that best suits your needs. In this blog, we'll outline the different types of second hand trucks for sale NZ available on the market and provide a checklist to help you choose the right one for you. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be able to buy a truck with confidence and peace of mind!
Types of second hand trucks
When it comes to second hand trucks for sale NZ, there are a variety of different types available. It's important to choose the one that's right for your needs, as the type of truck you choose will depend on what you're looking for. Here are some of the most common types of second-hand trucks: 
Cargo truck
Pickup truck
Heavy-duty truck
Delivery truck
Mini truck
Horse trailer
Camper trailer
Motorhome conversion
Rural truck
City truck
School bus
Commercial truck
Work truck
Once you've chosen the type of truck that's right for you, it's important to make sure it's in good condition - it should have no cracked windows or damage to the bodywork once you've checked the truck out and are satisfied with its condition.
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Checklist for buying a secondhand truck
Buying a light truck for sale NZ can be a great investment, but it's important to do your research first. Make sure to check the vehicle's registration, safety ratings, and history. Additionally, compare prices and specs of different models to find the best fit for your needs. 
Once you've found the perfect truck, be sure to test drive it before you buy it. This way, you'll be sure that it's in good condition and meets your expectations. Thanks for taking the time to read this article - I hope it helps you make the right decision when it comes to buying a secondhand truck.
How to select the best second hand truck for your needs?
When it comes to choosing the right light trucks for sale NZ for you, it's important to consider your needs and goals. Do you need a small or large truck? What type of vehicle do you want? Do you want an SUV, truck, van, or car? 
Once you've decided on the basics, it's time to start looking at the condition of the truck. Is it in good condition, or does it need work? Be aware of the vehicle type and the size you're looking for. Once you've narrowed it down, it's time to start bargaining!
Buying second hand trucks for sale NZ can be an exciting and exciting prospect, but it's important to take the time to research the different types of trucks available and make an informed decision. By following the checklist provided and consulting with a professional, you can ensure that you purchase the best second hand truck for your needs. Thanks for reading!
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