#light academia pronouns
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mechanicalmechanism · 2 years ago
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Neopronoun Suggestions 〜 Light Academia , Art , Sculpture & History ✦
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An Antique Antiques Antiqueself ◟ Acade Academia Acades Academias Academiaself ◟Arch Archive Archives Archiveself ◟ Arc Arch Archis Architectself / Architectureself ◟Art Arts Artself ◟ Art Arti Artis Articleself ◟ Arti Fact Artis Artifactself ◟ Art Artist Artists Artistself ◟ Baro Baroque Baros Baroqueself ◟ Beas Beaus Beas Beautyself ◟ Bis Bisque Bisques Bisqueself ◟ Book Books Bookself ◟ Can Vas Canvas' Canvas Canvaself ◟ Cer Ceramic Cers Ceramics Ceramicself ◟ Char Arc Chars Charcoalself ◟ Clas Classic Clas's Classics Classicself ◟ Clay Clays Clayself ◟ Cof Coffee Cofs Coffees Coffeeself ◟ Co Collect Collects Collectionself ◟ Col Color Cols Colorself ◟ Con Cept Cons Concepts Conceptself ◟ Crea Cream Creams Creamself ◟ Cur Curate Curates Curateself ◟ Dra Drama Dramas Dramaself ◟ Fea Feather Feas Feathers Featherself ◟ Fig Figur Figs Figures Figureself ◟ Fil Films Filmself ◟ Gal Gallery Gallerys Galleryself ◟ Glaze Glazes Glazeself ◟His History Historys Historyself ◟ Hon Honey Hons Honeys Honeyself ◟ Hue Hues Hueself ◟ Hy Hypo Hypos Hypothesis' Hypothesisself ◟ Ill Illus Ills Illustrates Illustrateself ◟ Ink Inks Inkself ◟ Ki Kiln Kis Kilns Kilnself ◟ Le Letter Les Letters Letterself ◟ Li Library Lis Libraryself ◟ Li Lig Ligs Ligatures Ligatureself ◟ Lit Literas Literatureself ◟ Mar Marble Mars Marbles Marbleself ◟ Mur Mural Murals Muralself ◟ Muse Muses Museself ◟ Muse Museun Muses Museumself ◟ No Note Nos Notes Noteself ◟ Paint Paints Paintself ◟ Paint Brush Paints Paintbrushself / Brushself ◟ Paint Painting Paintings Paintingself ◟ Para Dox Paras Paradoxself ◟ Pen Pens Penself ◟ Pho Photo Phos Photoself ◟ Pi Pigment Pigments Pigmentself ◟ Cel Porcel Porcels Porcelains Porcelainself ◟ Por Trait Pors Traits Portraitself ◟ Poe Poet Poets Poetself ◟ Qui Quill Quills Quillself ◟ Rea Read Reas Readself ◟ Ren Renai Rens Renaissances Renaissanceself ◟ Rev Revolt Revs Revolutionself ◟ Sculp Sculptor Sculpts Sculptorself ◟ Sculp Sculpt Sculpts Sculptureself ◟ Sketch Sketchs Sketchself ◟ Speci Specimen Specimens Specimenself ◟ Stai Stain Stains Stainself ◟ Sta Stamp Stamps Stampself ◟ Stu Dy Dys Studys Studyself ◟ Surr Surreal Surreals Surrealismself ◟ Tea Teas Teaself ◟ Theo Theory Theos Theorys Theoryself ◟ Thes Thesis Thesis' Thesisself ◟ Wheel Wheels Wheelself ◟ 🏺 🏺s 🏺self ◟ 🖼️ 🖼️s 🖼️self ◟ ⌛︎ ⌛︎s ⌛︎self ◟ ✒︎ ✒︎s ✒︎ self ◟ 📜 📜s 📜self ◟ ⌛ ⌛s ⌛self ◟ 🏛️ 🏛️s 🏛️self ◟ ☕ ☕s ☕self ◟ ✒️ ✒️s ✒️self ◟ 🕯️ 🕯️s 🕯️self
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pupsmailbox · 9 months ago
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NAMES︰ adeline. agatha. alastair. alex. alexander. alexandria. alisa. amber. ambrose. ambrosia. amorette. andrew. annabel. annabeth. annalise. anya. arden. artemis. arthur. ash. ashford. aspen. athena. atlas. atreus. augustus. avery. beatrix. blair. blake. blythe. bram. bronwyn. caspian. charles. charlotte. christopher. circe. claude. coraline. crimson. damian. damien. damon. daphne. darcy. demeter. diana. dorian. durant. ebony. eden. edgar. eleanor. elenor. elizabeth. elvira. emberl. enid. eris. everett. fantine. felix. fern. genevieve. george. grey. griffin. haven. hazel. hecate. henry. hester. holmes. hyde. inkesse. inkette. inkie. inky. isolde. ivie. ivy. james. jane. journalle. julian. julius. juno. kane. killian. lenore. lilith. lorelei. luna. magnus. malachi. mallory. maude. meredith. naomi. narissa. nicodem. nightesse. nightwing. nimue. noire. noiresse. noirette. odessa. odette. oliver. ophelia. orion. percy. persephone. peyton. phineas. phoebe. quill. quille. quinn. raven. ravenesse. ravenette. ravenne. remus. romero. rory. rosalind. rose. rowan. rowena. rufus. salem. scriptesse. sebastian. stoker. sylvain. tanith. theo. theodore. theodosia. trista. tristan. victor. victoria. vincent. virgil. wilhelmine. willow. wynona. xanthe. zoltan.
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PRONOUNS︰ acade/academia. amber/amber. an/antique. arch/architectself. arch/archive. art/art. art/artist. arti/article. arti/fact. artifact/artifact. baro/baroque. bea/beauty. bis/bisque. book/book. bookworm/bookworm. calligraphy/calligraphy. can/vas. candle/candle. cer/ceramic. char/charcoal. chess/chess. clas/classic. clay/clay. clock/clock. co/collect. coco/coco. cocoa/cocoa. cof/coffee. coffee/coffee. col/color. coll/collection. collage/collage. con/cept. crea/cream. crow/crow. cur/curate. dra/drama. dust/dust. essay/essay. fea/feather. feather/feather. fig/figure. fil/film. flicker/flicker. gal/gallery. glaze/glaze. globe/globe. gold/gold. hazel/hazel. his/history. history/history. hon/honey. hue/hue. hypo/hypothesis. illus/illustrate. ink/ink. journal/journal. ki/kiln. knowledge/knowledge. le/letter. learn/learn. letter/letter. li/library. lig/ligature. lit/literature. mar/marble. mur/mural. murder/murder. muse/muse. muse/museum. night/night. no/note. novel/novel. page/page. paint/brush. paint/paint. paint/painting. paper/paper. para/dox. pen/pen. pho/photo. pi/pigment. piano/piano. poe/poet. poem/poem. por/trait. porcel/porcelain. print/print. qui/quill. quill/quill. raven/raven. rea/read. read/read. ren/renaissance. rev/revolution. scrapbook/scrapbook. script/scripts. scroll/scroll. sculp/sculptor. sculp/sculpture. sketch/sketch. speci/specimen. spine/spine. sta/stamp. stai/stain. stamp/stamp. statue/statue. story/story. stu/dy. study/studie. study/study. surreal/surrealism. tea/tea. theo/theory. theory/theory. thes/thesis. time/time. tweed/tweed. violin/violin. wheel/wheel.��⌛. ⌛︎. ☕. ✒︎. ✒️. 🏛️. 🏺. 📜. 🕯️. 🖼️.
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hellish-npts · 5 months ago
Multi ID Pack
Pt: Multi ID Pack /end pt
[ Celestial aesthetic, light academia + feminine / neutral vibe ]
Names: Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Cielo, Coeus, Comet, Gefjon, Hailey, Haley, Halley, Hestia, Luna, Metis, Mimir, Mnemosyne, Neith, Nova, Saros, Sia, Sky, Snotra, Star, Starr, Steorra, Thoth, Void, Vör, Zenith
Pronouns: academia/academias, cel/celestial, celestial/celestials, classic/classics, cream/creams, dim/dims, galaxy/galaxys, light/lights, luna/lunas, moon/moons, poet/poets, poetry/poetrys, positive/positives, star/stars, sun/suns, void/voids, warm/warms, ✒️/✒️s, 🎓/🎓s, 📚/📚s, 🕊️/🕊️s, 🖋️/🖋️s, 📜/📜s
Titles: prn that loves to read / write / create, prn who collects / hoards books, prn who does calligraphy, prn who frequents museums / libraries, prn who reads by candle light, prn who reads classic literature, prn with perfect handwriting, the academic, the calligrapher, the poet, the writer
Genders: Catscholaea, 📜emojic, Nerdygenius, Shygenius, Comfygenius, Novismalia, Literaturembodiment, Loslibroic, Literaturicesse, Royalliteraturic, Poetic System, Aetherine, Aurethesia, Panfingender
Other ids: Learnslexicstelic, Bookroleic, Academiaroleic, Archivist Occuden, Nerd Archetrope, Bibliosexual, Library Structure, Curiosity Eiment, Task handler
Text in bold is Names, Pronouns, Titles, Genders, and Other ids
Requested by Anon
Tagging @id-pack-archive
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queenmouseyy · 1 year ago
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is an AU where the smiling critters take a more anthro form and work on an orphanage inspired by "The Promised Neverland" 1 arc.
I do not have a written plot but I have some info about the AU!
- Their symbols are acessories given by CatNap, but they aren't simple acessories! They sometimes can let out a smoke that makes them go hysterical and violent. They also can shine and change colors (Shine when they are having huge fellings, lose color when they feel empty, and shine a red light when they are going hysterical)
- The Orphanage is owned by DogDay Family, and currently owned by DogDay himself, but everyone knows that CatNap is the one in charge.
- DogDay family was very angst CatNap work on the orphanage, DogDay lied that CatNap was fired bc of it.
- There is other workers on the Orphanage, but the smilling critters one are the people who takes part of the dark part of the orphanage where experiments happen.
Name: Hoppy Hopscotch
Pronouns: She/Them
Sexuality: Lesbian Demi-Girl
Personality: Very energetic and athletic!
Aesthetic: TomBoy
Job: Help kids exercise
Inspo: Rainbow Dash (MLP)
Name: Bobby BearHug
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual Cis Girl
Personality: Sweet and Gentle!
Aesthetic: LoveCore
Job: Teach kids about friendships and how to treat others
Inspo: Cupid (MH and EAH)
Name: Picky Piggy
Pronouns: Any
Sexuality: Bisexual Genderfluid
Personality: hard-working and brave
Aesthetic: Farm
Job: Teach kids about eating healthy
Inspo: AppleJack (MLP)
Name: CraftyCorn
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Non-Binary (they aren't sure what they are attracted to it yet)
Personality: Shy and kind
Aesthetic: Cottagecore
Job: Make crafts and arts with the kids
Inspo: Fluttershy (MLP)
Name: Bubba Bubbaphant
Pronous: He/Him
Sexuality: Cis Man AroAce
Personality: Smart and serious
Aesthetic: Brown Academia
Job: Teach kids about math and history
Inspo: Twilight (MLP)
Name: Kickin Chicken
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Cis boy Pansexual
Personality: Showoff and bold
Aesthetic: Spprts
Job: Help kids exercise
Aesthetic: Sports
Inspo: RainbowDash
Name: DogDay
Pronouns: He/Them
Sexuality: Trans-man Bisexual
Personality: Happy and
Aesthetic: "Golden Retriver Boy"
Job: Help kids start the day and look out for them
Inspo: Shima Sousuke (Skip and Loafer)
Name: CatNap
Pronous: He/Them
Sexuality: Cis boy Het Demi-Sexual
Personality: Quiet and Michiveous
Aesthetic: "Alt-Goth"
Job: Help kids sleep and look out for them
Inspo: Cheshire Cat
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tales-from-elysivm · 11 months ago
I saw your bakugou with sibling reader! I loved it and would like to ask for a continuation
Maybe when the reader gets their quirk? And how would the family and others react if it does turn out to be more powerful than his
★。/ plus ultra: echo burst! \。★
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pairing: bakugo x gn!sibling!reader (part two!)
(here's a link to part one if you haven't read it yet!)
fandom: boku no hero academia
word count: 5.4k
tw: none! purely some platonic, wholesome fluff. of course, a bit of cussing from bakugo, and some canon typical violence, unedited because i’m too tired for that-  (very little violence, only implied/mentioned, little baby y/n bakugo doesn’t need that–)
notes: this is my first fic sequel! on my old blog, i had a sequel planned out and requested of bakugo’s sibling ending up quirkless, so if anyone wants to see a secondary sequel about a quirkless!sibling as well, let me know! but of course, they/them pronouns for little sibling bakugo, and please enjoy! thank you again for requesting this fic anon!
! be sure to like and reblog if you enjoyed !
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‘don’t touch that y/n.’
katsuki bakugo reluctantly holds onto the tiny, chubby hand of his little sibling, dragging them haphazardly through a crowded market aisle. despite being late to your appointment at the doctor, you had begged him to take you to get ice cream afterwards. your appointment had gone well, and mitsuki had demanded he do anything you wanted today.
he decides to let you loose in a merchandise store just off the side of the street. it’s the same one where you had gotten your all might onesie, and your favourite lunch boxes. he wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same place deku got all his merch too.
looking around at the merch, he can’t help but think of your appointment, though it hadn’t really bothered him at all before now.
things were great. your joints in your little toe showed you would get your quirk at some point, it would develop, which would no doubt relieve his mother - she had long ago begun doubting whether you would end up quirkless, and the idea had concerned her until she had almost driven herself mad. but, according to him, you were fine. a quirk would come to you eventually, it just had to develop, and he told bakugo that things would be fine with a hearty smile on his round face.
it had made him think - he would only admit that it was briefly - what it would be. your quirk. would it be explosive like his own or would it be defensive or weaker? despite thinking of this too, he didn’t really have the heart - and he had one, deep down, for you - to think of his sibling any differently.
‘katsuki!’ you come running up to him, a round bandaid on your bare arm from the blood test you undertook. you cried a little, but toughed it up, your eyes still slightly red. in your arms is a soft midnight plush, and you hold it out to him with the biggest grin he’s probably ever seen. ‘can i get a midnight?’
he looks at it for a moment. he doesn’t even bother asking how much it might be before he deflates at the doe-eyed look you give your big brother. you walk him to the counter and hold his hand while he pays for your new plushee. one you definitely didn’t need.
with midnight plush in hand, you let him lead you out of the store.
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bakugo isn’t stupid, he knows the city isn’t safe when it gets darker. he knows that villains lie on almost every corner, and that he can’t always predict when or where they might strike. he had let you drag him anywhere, and stupidly he followed. because what kind of brother would he be if he denied you? that’s how he ends up halfway across the city and carrying you home while you doze off on his shoulder. your midnight plush pressed tightly between your backs. but something passes overhead, a dark shape in the sky. a shop alarm rings out through the blackness of the street. the night lights flicker on. 
it’ll only take him about fifteen minutes to get you home. but even he can feel the slightest thrill of fear that sets in. a prickling on his skin. 
then a bin in the alley rattles and knocks over. from the quick flash he can see, it’s not one of the villains he’s seen before, or at least no one important enough to remember. his grip tightens around your legs, hoisting you higher on his back before he continues his walk home, his steps quickening despite himself.
your head lolls on his shoulder, your face pressed into his shirt.
‘kat? what’s wrong?’ he doesn’t answer you, only slides you onto the concrete quickly and hides you behind an alcove in the storefront. he makes sure you’re hidden by the foliage hanging overhead. ‘katsuki?’
‘stay here, ok?’ he tells you quietly, ruffling your hair a little bit to calm the panicked glaze in your eyes. it doesn’t work. his parents were always better at this stuff. ‘don’t make a sound.’
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you’ve watched katsuki fight before. you’ve seen villain attacks that he got caught up with on the news, as a u.a student it’s almost expected. but this is different. you had never seen it in person. never felt the heat radiating off his explosions, seen the buildings behind this villain crumble on impact, never felt the ringing of your ears when it finally bursts. no, this is different. katsuki has only been hit once or twice, dodging the villains knives that seem to almost miraculously float around him, flying in any direction he pleases. it scares you, just how close it feels now. you don’t think you like it very much at all.
but then katsuki dodges one of those flying knives, and on his cheek a shallow wound oozes a trickle of blood. he wipes it away nonchalantly, like this happens all the time. you had never seen something like this, he was always patched up by the time he came home to see you. but this is terrifying. 
without a thought, you leap forward from the alcove, little legs pounding the pavement as you plant yourself in the space between katsuki and the villain. your little arms outstretched to protect your brother, your midnight plush clutched in your fists. fat tears roll down your round cheeks and your lip trembles.  the villain laughs at you, you think. and katsuki yells at you to reach cover again. maybe he barks out some threat, hoping it would scare you enough to run away. but it doesn’t. instead, you let yourself be curled into his arms and you hold midnight like a beacon. your crying erupts into earth-shattering screams.
a shockwave bursts from your fingers, the force pulsating in your skin and travelling up your arms. it hurts a little bit, makes your arms shake. your knees feel weak as you hold it, the bubble growing until it pins the villain against the alley wall. it crumbles under his weight, pushing his form against the brick. even if you wanted to you wouldn’t be able to let it go. 
‘y/n, it’s okay, it’s okay,’ katsuki soothes with a hand on your head, shielding your gaze from the villain as he finally falls limp to the floor. not quite dead, not yet at least. ‘let’s go home, yeah?’
you nod up at him, and the shockwave droops, it fades, becoming a small bubble around you and your brother, encasing you in safety as you play with the tips of midnight’s hair. 
katsuki doesn’t quite understand it immediately, but it clicks for him as he reaches the front step of your home, looking down at your sleeping form cradled in his arms, he realises just how powerful your quirk could be. your cheeks are red and splotchy from your crying before, and yet you look almost peaceful.
he moves aside your hair, and looks down at your face.
despite knowing you would always be an amazing hero, now he knew for sure. now he could probably brag that his little sibling was going to surpass even all might. 
maybe, he wouldn’t mind you surpassing him either, if you kept smiling like you had.
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court-jobi · 6 months ago
You're It For Me
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Pairing: Bakugou x reader (biker!prohero reader, afab pronouns used)
Words: 4K
Rating: T+
Warnings: Pro-hero Bakugou/Pro-hero Reader, canon-typical aftermath, love confessions, light hurt/comfort, protective Bakugou is protective, bedsharing-not spicy (yet)
Bakugou fears very little in this life- because he knows with you by his side, even fighting the worst of the worst villains is easier when you're on the other end of the line in his headset. But never one to let things go unsaid, he makes sure to cup the side of your face and tell you the greatest promise short of 'I love you' that he can before storming out for the mission: "You're it for me. Got that?" You have to swear it back every time, so he believes it. It's both a promise and a lifeline- especially when he hears the worst possible communique: that the team's lost visual of you.
A/N: my ao3 loves have encouraged this pairing to be something of a series, so maybe that's what this will become!
For my My Hero Academia Masterlist, check it out here!
Read on AO3
Beeping right into his left eardrum signals an incoming update through Bakugou’s earpiece, pinpointing the alert straight to the source over the raucous cheers of his thankful public. He’d taken on the ‘A’ grouping of villains, while you pursued ‘B’ as they made an escape from the scene. The ‘A’ punks were the ‘muscle’, but Dynamight was far stronger than any of them had anticipated. 
‘Pissy extras, you weren’t worth my time’, he’d touted when his good ole buddy Cellophane wrapped em up tight in a nice, neat bow. 
Bakugou might have celebrated this win a bit more with the crowd surrounding him, having caught the villain and was prepared to call it a day alongside Sero, ticking off another win tally in traditional, mega-blasty action… if not for the update coming through on his comms:
"We lost sight of Joyride- crash site at the industrial pylons at 6-5-2 and 6-5-7- Tightrope is-- confirmed; eliminated. Repeat, requesting visual of Joyride-"
Bakugou's soul drops to his gut. 
There was a crash and you were missing. Sero hears the same update and looks to Bakugou gravely- knowing full well who you are to him. Not just a teammate, but more, in every way.
Turning quickly from the gathering of people, Bakugou takes a one-armed leap from the side of the building and blasts off a slight cushion to his fall, then jogs towards the incoming transport with Jeanist's interns calling out for him to report back. He doesn't listen to any word of thanks as he marches to the transport. He's fueled by pure anxiety behind masked eyes, rage bubbling hot in his breath. He listens to his radio, and prays.
"--still no sight of- wait, wait! Joyride spotted! We have visual! Status? She alive? Affirmative, she's coming up over the edge- (laughs) I can't believe it, she chucked that eight-wheeler straight into it!"
Bakugou swallows, throat tight despite the relief.
"Ok Dynamight, off to rende with Joy–?-"
Poor intern shutting right up and driving away, Bakugou shucks off his pauldrons and vambraces against his discipline that he should really keep em on until fully off duty, but with his protective instincts still in overdrive, he knows he's producing more than enough sweat should he be caught by surprise at this point in the aftermath. He's not going to need the extra firepower where he's going.
Screeching to a slowed approach, Bakugou can't wait the extra second to allow the van to come to a complete stop before he's chucking the door open and jumping past the cordoned off emergency vehicles assisting passersby. He shouts only briefly for 'making way', and people listen to the man on a mission. Calls of thanks fall to his deaf ears- by choice, this time.
From around the corner, he turns assessing the damage surrounding the crash site below. He spots Uravity already helping, and is grateful for her expertise while still set on recovering you.
There ahead -his angel in a leather jacket trudging up the off ramp with weary steps- is the sight he thanks every god in the heavens for. 
Bakugou stays his swearing out of sheer gratitude to not see copious amounts of blood draining your face; that sheen on you is just sweat as you’ve chucked your helmet off to breathe better. One look at you and it’s like no other day; you just look understandably tired and in want of a shower more than life. Your expression isn’t pained– just your usual distaste for incline treks by show of your flat, annoyed brows and mouth breathing. That look coming from a top 20 Pro Hero known for her stylish grace is funny- if only under different circumstances.
There's a crack in his voice as he shouts your callsign, but he's not ashamed of it; not with the punch of fear ripping the sound from him. He sets off in a run– straight to you.
You look up at the alarmed call. Dynamight is hurtling towards you, and you're just as relieved to see a sight for sore eyes. Seems the shock of what you just did catches up as you find renewed haste in leaving the smokey scene behind you. You pick yourself up into a jog with a delirious smile forcing its way onto your face.
In a span of a few seconds, Bakugou shoves up his protective face mask, catching your bounding self up into his arms, hugging you tight for two full, shaking breaths before pulling you into a fire-loaded, protective kiss.
Smokelines are smudged across his cheeks and burning tears lay built up at his lash line as he heaves grateful breaths in and out through his nose against your cheek. This kiss is tense, but needed. Without an ounce of regret, he keeps you painfully close. You held no less affection from him, your hands immediately grabbing for purchase on his nape, sweat-licked and all. You gasp for a breath with a laugh before he smashes his mouth across yours with tongue, messy and relieved and angry that something has scared him so bad.
Releasing your lips from his, he bumps his forehead to yours for a solemn few seconds to rein himself in.
He husks, "You good-?"
"Not hurt?"
"You swear."
You nod with your eyes still closed, breathing a quick answer before being given another couple hard kisses on your cheek. You're hugged tight again, swayed as he takes a couple traipsing steps with you in his arms. A heart-wrenching, gutteral sigh rasps from him, leaving you reeling as he holds you in sight of who knows how many. The fact that you're not alone in this moment is only a fleeting thought as your residual adrenaline causes you to shake- probably the reason why Bakugou is set on keeping a tight hold on you.
"I'm ok, Katsuki. M'okay-" you answer shakily, barely a whisper. You're convincing yourself under the guise of assuring him. It works, in a way.
"Thank fuck," he answers to your neck.
He’d done his part- you heard so on the coms once you found your dislodged helmet after you made a timed dismount off the bike before it careened you both off the exit ramp. It was then that you reactivated the jostled ‘live’ signal from your helmet and typed back the status code that you were alive. The mic had broken, or else you would have reported so yourself. 
But the fact remains, you haven’t told anyone reporting on the scene what you’ve seen- what you’ve done. You did stop the villain’s crew from taking what they’d stolen, but you’d effectively ended anyone else’s chances of recovering the files with the demolition site you’d essentially forced them into. The valued records didn’t fall in the wrong hands, certainly, and it’s an ultimate grace that no other civilian lives were lost, but you do think about how grim the scene looks at the bottom of the ramp. 
There’s no earthly way anyone could have survived that firefest. For some reason, the gravity of that fight grips you now. You’d almost joined them had you not thought hast enough.
"He's.. he's dead. Tightrope and them, the uh- runner. I hit 'em."
"Good. F’he wasn’t, I was gonna kill him myself."
You chuckle, despite the subject matter. Tired breaths still heave from you, coupled with the gentle relief of Bakugou’s supporting arms around you– bare arms you now notice are cannonless, as they set you fully down on your own.
You realize there's a few reporting drones coming in at your back when Katsuki’s dominant hand lifts off of you to bat one away with a harmless smack on a lens; luckily Bakugou is already ushering you back to the van, keeping you ahead of him with a careful palm to your shoulder. He lets you lead towards shelter and a thorough once-over from the medic team for the shock. More grateful civilians cheer praises on both of you, especially your name since it was evidently shared by many as the saving agent of the day. 
Unlike your chilly counterpart, you did offer a wave and a reassuring, proud grin for those onlookers, but Bakugou knows your true feelings better as you grit through your teeth,
“Oh, yes please, photos. What I’d kill for a bath right now…”
After a ride back to the agency, you start to breathe normally again. On the bus where you’re  strapped up with a bp cuff monitoring your status, your care is complete with your hand in Bakugou's as he stands above you. He hovers even more after you hit the showers, dress down comfortably, and receive one of the highest compliments from your agency lead on your quick actions and limited infrastructure casualties. Finally, true ease in your tummy relaxes as you get a pass on submitting your report while in your current state until morning, and as you are given a lift back to the apartment complex-- of course, with Bakugou in tow.
It's the early morning hours when you are able to go lay down, the smallest change in the sky after the night’s darkest hour giving way to a persistent sun. It does little to threaten your desire to sleep though, with your protective boyfriend playing bodyguard keeping a hand on you at all times then offering to stay 'until you fall asleep'. 
You feel the safest you have in months that morning… 
When he follows your soft ask for him to see you safely upstairs, carries out his nighttime routine alongside yours, he does nothing more forward than wrap his entire body as close to you as possible. He kisses you goodnight with care and softness and just an edge of heat.
"You fucking scared me." Bakugou whispers into the quiet space you've created.
"I thought nothing scares you."
He huffs, but it's a sad, wet sound. "Tch, like hell it doesn't."
You're both quiet for a while after that, just relishing in your joint safety, touching each other to soothe the chills from within, soaking in his light presses to your forehead until he lays a kiss longer than the others–
"I love you so damn much," Bakugou rasps all in one go, "I love you."
 It's the first time he's said it, outright.
You'd thought you'd scream and kick your feet if he ever got around to saying what you already believed to be true. All you want instead is to absolutely melt into his skin and sob.
Bakugou called out to you at the start of all this in full, armored glory- nearly every bit of skin covered up in his winter suit while the dead of summer sun bears down. For this crazy mission, he’s been preparing all afternoon, ready to bring his all to the fight ahead. 
One word and you whip around before he yanks you into speaking range. He grounds you with a hand to your shoulder keeping you still- expecting him to say ‘be careful’, maybe even an extra ‘watch for those crackhead speed demons out there’. 
But with his commanding, brash voice on, you weren't sure what he'd say to you- not when he’s looking at you like that. 
"You-- y'better not pull anything stupid now," he stares you down with complete earnest, choosing words carefully because he figured you might be listened to on the team’s headsets.
Yet never one to let things go unsaid, he cupped the side of your neck for the next bit-
"You're it for me. Got that?"
Your azure-blazed helmet hid most of your face, so you smiled with your eyes so he could see that you agreed. You heard him loud and clear, and got his meaning entirely. 
You placed your hand in an 'i love you' sign on his chest before another call over the radio gave directions and pulled you both apart to look for the flare.
"-Got it,” you resolved while only giving him a second before you crafted a biped transitbike in record time with your quirk-  "Go kick some fuckin’ ass!" 
Heart zinging with motivation, you sped away- leaving Bakugou to cackle at your rare cursing and blowing his own way skyward and into his element.
Tipping your head up, you can barely find words with him looking at you like this. It’s the look from this morning all over again: a tight, straight-set scowl dead set on keeping himself from crying, hand sifted itself into your hair like you're going to be ripped from him in an instant, and soft eyes that are begging- a look you never thought you'd see from him.
You don't have it in you to tease him, or even be your trademark soft and demure to contrast his hard and offensive shell. No, you feel like doting on him when he's like this, because you know you’re the only one who sees him this way. This vulnerable, laid beside you with a weighted blanket on him to soothe his anxiety, too.  
So you promise your whole existence to him instead: a genuine word without fear of an audience.
"I love you, too. You’re it for me."
You sink in and out of sleep while he holds you like this. Though gratefully, he's out like a light after the last few kisses he laid on your head when you said it back-- like his spirit could finally rest knowing you believed the same.
You keep waking up in the night unsettled by some restless instincts left over from the night before. 
After twisting again and turning your neck to bleakly look at the light coming in, you heard his drowsy inhale bring out a grumbly moan,
"Go t'sleep."
'It's bright,' you say through your exhaustion, but it's evident that you're far too awake by your tone.
At this, you heave in surprise as Bakugou completely flips you onto the other side of him, tilting you with a palm until you turn the other way (towards the bathroom) and lie completely in his shadow. You check his face to see if he's upset at your waking him, but his eyes remain shut by sleep and are solely focused on blindly making sure you're completely locked in and comfortable in his arms, still.
It's thoughtful and strikes you sweetly, tucked back in his embrace again. You feel completely secure with his warmth flooding you at your back.
Again, he simply whispers,
"mmm sleep f'me, 'ngel... I've gotcha."
A phone buzzes just minutes later, his. It's Kirishima- and like moth and flame they are for each other, Bakugou answers, tipping only onto his back so he’s barely moving from you. You still sleep through lightly and you hear him talking, but not each and every word fully.
Bakugou swiped up to answer the call, but didn’t deign a chipper welcome necessary.
"......hey uhhh Bakugou?"
"Are you still sleeping?"
"It's after 2pm, man! Thought you were dead to the world~"
"I am. Whaddya need."
"Well, just wanted to check on you man. I saw the fight last night, and I've tried calling Little Miss, too but she's not answerin’."
"Had the same night. She's 'sleep too."
"Eh, I shoulda figured. Looked like it took it out of you."
"Tch, wasn’t that hard."
Kirishima played into his mischievous lilt on his end of the line, 
"mmmm sure bout that? That uh, kiss, didn't look like ‘nothing’."
...Kirishima wasn't there. How would he have known you kissed?...
Bakugou wakes a little more. "Huh."
Kirishima burrs the speaker a little on the other line. Must be from him laughing through his nose knowing Bakugou's severe dislike for that sort of attention.
"I mean, I get it. I'd probably be the same after watching my girl go down like that, but-- hate to break it to ya, but it's everywhere, Kats."
"-Whaddya mean."
Notifications have flooded his phone when he cracks open an eye to really look at it, but he opens the most recent from Kirishima, texted by the redhead’s insistence for Bakugou to take a look.
There are stills of said clip of him running up to you and kissing you– one particular shot looks gorgeously cinematic because someone with a photo-optic quirk had clearly followed him, probably from that drone he almost broke. Screenshots Kirishima has collected (proof of ‘true manliness’, he claims) all bear headlines of how this was the most unexpected hero pairing of the season: how "Joynamight" is stealing the hearts of swooning civilians everywhere- and likely the shutdown of the entire hero rumor mill surrounding the explosive hero standing at No. 5. The dating scene has allegedly erupted into chaos over the news.
Bakugou stared at the photo of him holding you. One camera turned more at his shoulders by the way he'd stepped, so in this photo, he could see you more clearly- holding on as just about any loved one would hug their better half, but so beautifully content and safe in your face- if a little emotional yourself.
A blank hum is all Bakugou offered. Soft. Seemingly disinterested if it wasn't for the proud smirk.
Kirishima snickered on the other end of the line. "You sucker."
"Yeah, yeah."
"...dytell er yet?"
"Not there... But.. couldn't not, yknow."
"... Dont scream about it, mtired."
Kiri audibly gasped, then at least honored Bakugou's request for distance from the phone, whooping and hollering off speakerphone, uplifted at the news. His carrying on made even a sleep-laden Bakugou happy, even if he lay there rolling his eyes for his friend to be done.
You finally stirred beside him, turning over with a stretch and seeking him out. He quickly received you, kissing your forehead again, then tipping back to the phone. "I'll call you back later, Eij."
"Mmm who's that," you moaned.
Bakugou rubbed your back to rouse you the rest of the way. "Your big red dog."
You chortled at Kirishima's new moniker. "Whas’hewant."
Bakugou debated letting you stay in your bubble, but figured ripping the bandaid might be best. 
"Just called to give us a head's up."
You looked up to him, "About what?"
Bakugou only smirked, tilting his phone to you. To focus on the light, you woke up fully, eyes widening to just how bad they did -indeed- immortalize your private moment on the scene.Those grimey, windswept headshots you’d feared at the medtend were the least of your photogenic worries now.
But-- like his own reaction-- you couldn't keep from smiling.
"Ohhhh~" you sighed, then deeper, "Ohhhhh we are in deep shit."
Bakugou snuggled in– smug as all getout, "Yeah, we are."
"Wait, lemme see-- oh my God, Kats... Oh Katsuki, this-.."
"Yeah yeah, give it back-"
"Nooo I need that one! Send it to me!"
"It's likely blown yours up too, dummy! Get your own!"
Memory of your reentry home failed you, so you had to ask him where your phone ended up because you didn't have a clue. He’d put it on the charger for you, of course. Then, sitting side by side, you both were reviewing the more urgent notes from your respective social media managers with deep, secretive chuckles. 
These photos were a romantic’s dream, but a PR jumpscare. Had to be addressed in some way or it would never end, truly.
"What’d yours say?"
You fixed your wonky part with a little fluff to your hair, settling your initial overwhelm of nerves: " ‘Go on something lowkey- Present Mic’s show or a podcast off the mainstream, say ‘friendship is magic’, maybe tease it if I want to, and move on.’ I dunno- that seems like a lot of public speaking and scheduling out the wazoo. You?"
"She's just yapping. Didn't read it all." Bakugou barely cared about his social media presence since his manager did most of the publishing, save for Bakugou sharing some highlights of his select, predictable group of hero team ups. Besides that, he just focused on paying them well enough to cover his bullshit if he ever let his temper flare. Besides, now he was waiting on what you'd say, "So what're you gonna do?"
You debated, smirking like a devil the whole time as you realized what could be the fastest way to get your take out in the open, 
"... I wanna share the photographer's post. Not this J’akku Press spread."
This earned a smirk for you, "Yeah?"
"...yeah?" you returned a shy look- wondering if you were crazy.
"I will, if you will."
Bakugou’s soft, sleepy loyalty is one you fear will disappear after you both get started with your day. When Dynamight reports back in, you can only hope that he’d still feel the same way today as he did yesterday- though you imagine managing the tabloid fodder a post like this can make will be less than pleasant for him. He’s so private most of the time, and when he’s not digitally absent, he’s loud. This hesitation must have shown on your face– because he takes your hand for a second and kisses it to stop your spiral.
"I meant what I said. You’re it- you’re mine. Whether we tell the world or not. Up to you."
You bite your lip again, and doubled down. You shift to snuggle with your back cradled on his chest, building the shared post:
"Aftermath: Joyride emerges from crash scene unscathed, reunited with Dynamight in a rare tender moment for today's top tier heroes." Joyride_fm: see edit: Lucky, lucky girl. Sorry for scaring you, m'love❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 #rideordie
Bakugou snickers, kissing your shoulder closest to him. "Do it, I'll repost that one."
He, however, did not let you read as he added his response thread, making you wonder what kind of a novel he was going to be sharing because of how long he was taking... 
Instead, you just curled into his side and peppered him in a few distracting kisses on his chest. He’d come bolting to you last night, a core memory you’d be fantasizing about for a long time. Just watching the way his chest is rising and falling here in bed so calmly when you know just hours ago it was heaving like you’d been lost at sea, you are so gone on him. When he nudged his shoulder for you to check his draft, you damn near cried:
"Aftermath: Joyride emerges from crash scene unscathed, reunited with Dynamight in a rare tender moment for today's top tier heroes." THE_Dynamight_SoV: Hero work is not for the weak. We train, we fight, and we do everything we can to make our world a safer one, to whatever end. This woman is one of many selfless, ball-busting, indomitable heroes that I'm not only proud to do this work with, but one I can't see myself living without. You're looking at the face of a man who's holding his priorities right there in 4k. So yeah. If you see one of us like this after a battle, know it's because heroes get scared too– for good fucking reason. Better not make this a habit, dummy. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 #rideandDONTdie
"Oh my God~~" your tears and misty sniffles had you caving into his shoulder, "my tweet was so STUPID!!"
Katsuki bragged with proud cackles as you cried it out, sending the post out for the Internet to bawl over before you could dare edit your post, and turned his phone right back to silent.
You got snotty and overly emotional at how sweet he was with his statement, but were comforted by his hands smoothing over you until you calmed.
"Love you,” you settled into the peace he held you in.
"Love you, dummy."
When you got up for the afternoon run back to the office to finish your reports with fresh eyes, you entered the building as normal. There’s no hint in how either of you carry yourselves that say you all just spend the last twelve hours like koalas draped over each other. The only sign of such affections was your use of an Allmight tervis you're nursing your coffee with –clearly his– which your good ole partner in electric crime, Chargebolt, clocked from the end of the hallway:
"JOYNAMIGHT 2024!!!!"
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fanged-fanfics · 12 days ago
Hello! I was here during the previous lmk era and I love your fics! Would it be okay with you if I requested a ButterRoll cookie and GN! reader fic? Basically how they meet and what causes ButterRoll cookie to look at the reader in a more romantic light over the span of their months working together. I also must say I'm super impressed with how often you post, it feels like an angel sends me a letter from heaven every time I see a notification of a new post from you lol. I wish you the best and once more plead you not to burn yourself out. (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
☆ A New Kind of Experiment — Butter Roll Cookie x GN Reader Fic ☆
Genre: Fluff || they/them pronouns for reader || No warnings needed
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──────.𖥔 ݁ ˖˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ──────
Back in your academia days, you had two main Cookies you called your friends— Butter Roll Cookie and Espresso Cookie. Espresso was a hard worker, and Butter Roll kept things light and fun– you were a grounded force between them, making sure neither went too far in the wrong direction. That is, until Butter Roll Cookie mysteriously disappeared after he got expelled. You and Espresso had no idea what had happened, it was like he disappeared into air. Nevertheless, you put your life into your work, determined to finish what you three had started.
You couldn't pinpoint what exactly happened along the way— when your dreams had turned to dust, and hopes belittled to ashes— but you had been in the care of the Cookies of Darkness for quite a while now, several years after graduating. You'd been beyond surprised to see Butter Roll there, and the two of you became close coworkers in no time. It felt just like how it used to be, right back to his usual jokes and jabs. His unyielding optimism kept you encouraged to keep working as a scientist under his guide. Whilst you were cleaning up another failed experiment, Butter Roll was already preparing more raw dough.
You glanced over, seeing his giant whisk placed to the side. His gloved arm was punching in the dough, making sure it was malleable enough. "That's the fifth we've been doing today" you spoke up. "I know! Isn't it amazing?" Butter Roll asked, looking to you with a joyful shine in his golden eyes. "It is, and there's no one better to conduct these than you" You responded. A short pause hung in the air before you added, "But with how relentless these have been, maybe we're overloading the mixer?". "Hmmm... that could impact the dough, making it too runny to formulate properly" Butter Roll mumbled. He stood up, using his free arm to cup his chin.
You stepped up behind him, fixing his red goggles atop his forehead "Besides, you could stand to take a break". "Come now, you know I can work for much longer than this" the director chuckled. "That may be true, but you've also been working this hard for the past week. We need our director in his best shape" you responded. Butter Roll gave you a wide smile that made his eyes upturn in gratitude. He stepped back from the table, sitting in a nearby chair "Alright, you've convinced me!"
You began cleaning up the materials, getting the raw ingredients all wiped up. You were just about the only one who could make Butter Roll rest like this when it came down to it, if any of his usual subordinates tried he'd just insist that he had more to do. You've always been right by his side, picking him up when he needed it and making work flow as smooth as possible. He watched you clean, seeing your efficiency firsthand impressed him once again. "Shouldn't you be resting too?" He teased. "I haven't been working nearly as hard as you" you responded. "Oh, but you have! Your mind has been hard at work, thinking of all the new concoctions we could try!" Butter Roll countered "And you haven't been feeding it enough! Come, come, we must fix it!"
You almost protested, but Butter Roll was already right behind you, lightly taking your arm. He looked to you for permission, and you dropped your rag while sighing with a little smile "If you insist". Butter Roll led you to a side door attached to the hallway by the laboratory, opening it to reveal a small bedroom. He clicked the light on for you while you walked in to sit on the mattress. Butter Roll went to sit beside you, leaning his head into your lap. "Finally feeling tired, sir?" You asked, petting your hand through his long hair. He smiled, tilting his head into your touch "Not quite, but I can't resist this time with you"
You kept gently scratching his scalp, watching as the tension completely left him. He had his eyes closed, mulling over your proximity. This, above all, is what he came to love about you. The way you kept him so grounded, a comforting reminder of where he came from, and a loyal companion who wanted to see where he was going. Though he's always happy to work for others, his chest feels warm when seeing how deeply you care for his own wellbeing. This, he knows, is why you're such good partners. And he plans to keep you for as long as he can.
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irisintheafterglow · 10 months ago
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hello everyone! as stated a few days ago, i will be participating in the fundraising initiative led by @ficsforgaza! for more information or if you would like to join, please visit their blog :) if you see something that interests you, i implore you to donate to one of the fundraisers! thank you!
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step 1: please donate to a vetted fundraiser and screenshot your proof of donation with any private information crossed out.
step 2: send me an ask with your proof of donation and which work in progress (listed below) you would like to sponsor! there are about three wips per fandom, so read through and pick one that sounds most exciting to you! and that's it! i'll be updating this post every 3-4 days with wc and donation updates. once a fic is fully sponsored, it will be posted within a week! the rate is $1 per 100 words.
example ask: hi iris! i'd like to sponsor _____, here is my proof of donation to [vetted fundraiser]. thank you! *include screenshot proof of donation*
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total amount raised: ~ $70.18 USD
last updated: 06/28/24
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"but i love you like you need me to" - dabi/todoroki touya x reader
summary: it wasn't often that dabi got nightmares; but, when he did, he always ended up outside of your door. tags: angst/comfort with happy ending, tolerable acquaintance to lovers, he falls first (but won't admit it) current wc: 0 / 1,500+ donated wc: 0 progress: 0 / 1,500+
"i can tell when somebody still wants me" - ex!bakugo x reader
summary: alcohol, feelings, and unfinished business. what could go wrong? tags: exes to lovers, miscommunication, parties and bars, angst/comfort current wc: 128 / 2,000+ donated wc: 0 progress: 128 / 2,000+
"is it that sweet? (i guess so)" - prohero!kirishima x reader
summary: as the owner of the only 24-hour coffee shop in the city, you get your fair share of regulars. baking and cleaning the espresso machine was routine, but preventing a crime was not on your to-do list. tags: strangers to lovers, meet ugly, wrong place right time, mild angst/fluff current wc: 0 / 2,000+ donated wc: 0 progress: 0 / 2,000+
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"lights, camera, bitch, smile!" - rockstar!gojo x popstar!reader
summary: it's your first time headlining the biggest music festival in the country, and your guitarist is nowhere to be found. good thing your other headliner (and billboard chart rival) can play guitar, right? right? tags: implied fem!reader but gn pronouns used, rivals to lovers, he falls first, meet ugly, mild angst/fluff current wc: 1,985 / 2,500 donated wc: 1,400 progress: (1400 donated + 1330 written w/o donation) = 2730
"big iron" - cowboy!geto x reader
summary: he's not the first to go after the crystal-eyed bandit, but something tells you that this one will keep his promise to buy you a drink when the hunting is done. tags: western!au, implied fem!reader but gn pronouns used, strangers to lovers current wc: 2,478 / 1,500 donated wc: 500 progress: 2,478 / 1,500
"green chimney's" - nanami kento x jazz pianist!reader
summary: he felt a little out of his element, with a small bundle of flowers sitting in his lap and brooding in the dark corner of the jazz bar. yet, you play that song he likes again, and nothing else matters. tags: strangers to lovers, first meeting, banter-driven fluff current wc: 100 / 1,500 donated wc: 1400 (FULLY SPONSORED!) progress: 100 / 1,500
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"the alchemy" - kuroo tetsurou x reader
summary: when your boyfriend and captain of the basketball team breaks up with you, you decide to get revenge. how? fake date the volleyball team captain, of course! **four part series** tags: fake dating trope, friends to lovers, mild angst and mostly fluff current wc: 74 / 8,000+ donated wc: 1,500 progress: 574 written w/o donation + 1500 donated = 2,074/ 8,000+
"to tell you is too scary (so i'll just say something else)" - sakusa kiyoomi x reader
summary: nightmares don't usually translate to reality, but you call your childhood best friend for the first time in years. just to be safe. tags: angst/comfort, childhood friends to lovers (??), dialogue-driven, he hates everyone but you current wc: 1,000 / 1,000 donated wc: 1000 (FULLY SPONSORED AS OF 5/30) progress: 1,000 / 1,000
"you'll be the match, i'll be the fuse (boom!)" - streamer!sakusa x reader
summary: your boyfriend's chat reaches their sub goal, which means you have to beat minecraft for him. tags: established relationship, streamer!au, crack and fluff current wc: 0 / 1,000+ donated wc: 0 progress: 0 / 1,000+
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"stowaway" - opla!zoro x reader
summary: on a passenger ship bound for a neighboring island cluster, you discover someone lurking in the cargo hold. you just wanted to steal a can of peaches, but now both of you have to sneak out without being seen. tags: meet ugly, strangers to lovers (??), crack and fluff current wc: 0 / 1,000+ donated wc: 0 progress: 0 / 1,000+
"expo and exes" - opla!sanji x reader (cooking show!au)
summary: you're forced to work with the one contestant that irritates you the most. hopefully, he doesn't get you both eliminated. tags: exes to rivals to lovers, crack and fluff with some mild angst, he falls first current wc: 29 / 1,500+ donated wc: 0 progress: 29 / 1,500+
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thank you for reading through, and please do consider donating to help the people of palestine! boosts are appreciated and anything helps :) if you have any questions, please let me know!
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papenathys · 11 months ago
Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy being the original quartet of coquette / dark academia / cottagecore / light academia aesthetics will never not be funny to me. Like I know they would each have insane Tumblr game. Meanwhile, Laurie would be haunting the old money-Greek classics-Iliad yaoi tags and posting bait photography in thrifted sweaters, corduroy pants and black nail polish captioned "how I look with she/they pronouns in bio"
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mairon-goth-minion · 5 months ago
(idk what to put here)
-don’t ask for money, I can’t donate, money asks will be deleted-
-not a goth irl the username is misleading muahaha-
-just to put it out there I don’t actually identify as a baguette-
Name: Evan (Baguette)
Pronouns: vibin’ with he/him (baguette/baguettes/baguettesel)
Fav music genres: pop, rock, metal, indie, alt rock, punk
Fav music genres (what 2024 spotify wrapped says): Academic Wrestling Modern Rock, Light Academia Movie Tunes Soundtrack, Viking Tavern Bard
Fav color: uhhhh I guess green / black / silver / blue / purple
Fav author: Tolkien (and ao3 writers because that shit is AWESOME)
Joined: I think around September 20th 2024
Likes: reading, writing, scrolling on Tumblr, procrastinating, my cat, watching TV, playing video games
Dislikes: spiders, working, being bored
Sexuality: idk probably bi or pan
Blog for when I hit post limit or whatever: @mairon-goth-minion2
💍 I’m married guys (my darling bitch, husband is crime, undercooked baguette and sickly victorian child (affectionate) @l1ve-l4ugh-lov3craft )
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Btw I’m a spam-liker XD
previous events:
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mtchee · 30 days ago
Can you do one where mirio togata and his AFAB s/o are both doing IT for the very first time and with each other . No pressure 🫶
Slowly, Baby - [Mirio Togata] AFAB! GN | MDNI | 18+
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Mirio and [name]'s first time being intimate~
requested by: anonymous
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, gender neutral pronouns, afab! bodied, fluffy smut but smut nonetheless, implied virgin [name] & mirio, he is so gorgeous oml, everyone is 18+, I have yet to watch or read the end of bnha, mdni, nsfw, swearing, use of terms tit, breast, clit, hole, maybe one day i'll write non-cringe smut im so sorry
| masterlist | boku no hero academia collection |
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"You're so tense, baby," Mirio murmurs softly against your lips. An observation, never a judgement on his end. The low light of your shared bedroom leaves alluring shadows in the dips and planes of his figure--shoulders broad and imposing, torso warm and firm.
And yet he handles you with such care, such benign gentleness for someone of his stature, had you not known how he is.
Mirio is nothing if he is not a protector.
"Sorry," comes your hushed response, almost hurried as you clutch at the fabric of his t-shirt.
His hands comes to rest on yours, large fingers easing your tight grip as he ever so barely parts from you, breath fanning across your skin. You can practically hear the smile in his voice.
"Don't be sorry," he huffs, "it's okay to be nervous. You let me know if it gets too much, yeah?" His voice low, intimate, almost a whisper even though there was no one else in the room but you, "tell me if you wanna stop, at any time, okay?"
"'Kay," you omit softly, eyes drawn to the deep contours of his collarbone, too shy to look elsewhere. He chuckles at you, chest rumbling with light mirth, and you too can't help but crack a smile.
Mirio presses a comforting kiss to your forehead, moving down and peppering his lips across your skin. From your temple to your cheek, to your ear and down your neck, you can't help but tilt your head to make room for him, sighing quietly at the sensation.
He melts your body against his with staggering ease, knowing just how to get you all pliant.
You always have a hard time saying it, admitting it to him only ever once, but you're truly smitten by him. Moulding to his touch, clinging to his every word--you never have to tell him how affected you are by him, he sees it all, and he knows. But sometimes, he likes to tease.
"Do you like this, baby?" He grins against your neck, feeling you huff against him, threatening to pull away in your fluster.
"Miri..." You whine, and he chuckles once again. He murmurs half-hearted apologies against your skin, featherlight kisses dancing across your throat.
"Stupid," You puff, and he snickers at you, "you'll regret that. I'll make you."
"Oh yeah?" The playful lilt in his tone has you scowling.
"Mmm, yeah," he breathes softly, gazing at you adoringly in the dim light, "I know you will."
Your heart stutters at that, and you swallow around the anxious-excited lump in your throat. How dare he, you have half a mind to think to yourself, the other distratced by the way he handles you against his body; when did Mirio get so suave?
Reaching up to pull him into a kiss, you can feel the heat from his cheeks warming your palms, and you smile against his lips. He lets out a shaky sigh through his nose, equal parts flustered and endeared, and then you remember that just as he affects you, you absolutely melt him.
A blur of passionate kissing and sensual touches eventually leads to you splayed on across your shared bed, the covers bunching up beneath you as Mirio chases you up to the head.
With you lain comfortably atop your pillows, your hunk of a man hovering over you excitedly, he pulls away with a heavy sigh, resting his forehead against yours and blushing when you let out a protesting whine. He bumps his nose against yours affectionately, giving you another kiss and giggling sheepishly when your teeth clash by accident.
Ah, yes--there he is, your not quite casanova.
He bumbles nervously for a moment, the weight of the event suddenly hitting him. He kneels above you, resting on his shins as he cautiously tugs at your top.
"Together?" He offers gently, and you comply. As you shuffle to take of your shirt, he pulls his own over his head, tossing it somewhere off the bed. You take the liberty of taking off your undergarment as well, and, with your eyes adjusted to the light darkness, you watch as his head very obviously follows where you throw it--like a dog would a bone--and you snicker.
"You're funny." You inform when he bends back over you, shielding you beneath him.
He huffs a laugh, caught, "It's a talent."
A soft sigh escapes you when he returns to his worship of your skin, this time moving lower towards your chest. Bashfully, you trail a hand from his hair to trace the moving divots in his back, prominent muscles flexing at your featherlight touch. The other rests securely on his shoulder, simultaneously grounding you and tethering you to him while you indulge yourself in your boyfriend's physique.
You gnaw at your lower lip, enraptured by him before a wet softness on your tit startles you out of your revery. At your gasp, he breathes a laugh against your chest, lavishing your breast in sloppy affection. The other is engulfed in his big, warm hand, his calloused fingertips tweaking at your nip and sending shivers down your spine.
"Shit, Miri," You breathe slowly, heart racing while your body starts to burn from his touch. He hums in acknowledgement around your nipple, the sensation zipping straight to your core, and you squeak. Mirio feels you abruptly clench your thighs under him, and he hums again, this time in glee of his findings.
He moves his mouth to your other breast, lathering it in the same attention, and leaving you feeling just as light headed with his sucks and tonguing and nips. You scratch lightly down the muscular plane of his back, from the base of his neck to as far as you can reach, and he moans.
You fluster at the sound, breath hitching in your throat. Again, you want him to make that sound again. When you repeat the motion, he does, and it has you throbbing.
You take a moment to swallow your pride, mind hazed by arousal and the innate need to return the feeling he bestows upon you, "God, Mirio," you let out a shuddered breath, "you..-you sound so good."
You're almost surprised when he quietly cusses against you, clearly taken by the looming throes of passion. When he pushes himself up, he's almost panting.
"Can I taste you, baby?" He urges in a hushed whisper, pleading, "can I touch you some more? God, I-I need it, [name]. I gotta taste you, wanna feel you on my tongue--please? Will you let me?" He sweetens the deal by pressing his flushed, wet lips across your tummy, big blue begging eyes latched onto your face in earnest.
God, how could you say no to that face?
With a quiet nod and a whisper of consent, he beams from the space between your legs.
Eager, he shuffles down and slips his thick fingers into the waist band of your underwear, tugging it down past your thighs and sitting up to reverently bend each leg and help you out of them.
He kisses your calves when he does so, and your core tingles in delight at the adoring sensation.
Mirio lays on his front, propping one of your knees over a broad shoulder to give him more room to taste you. His breath pans across your plush skin, and you become alarmingly aware of where he is.
You can feel yourself clenching before he's even touched you, and you swallow a humiliated whine at the prospect of him knowing.
Self conscious, you squeeze him between your thighs and he chuckles. He runs a warm hand up your leg and squeezes your hip, "you're okay, just wanna taste, yeah?"
You take in a sharp breath and nod, heart thundering as he draws closer to your core. The moment his lips touch you, you panic--embarrassment flooding you.
As though reading your mind, his grip turns into an iron latch on your hips, forcibly stilling you as you jerk and try to squirm up the bed. He draws a wet stripe up your slit, tasting your arousal, and he groans.
Within moments, your soaking his chin and gripping the pillow under you to stay in control of yourself. He's clumsy, evidence of his inexperience, but excited; tonguing your slit and swallowing your juices, eating almost more for his pleasure than for yours.
With a jagged gasp, you reach a hand down to him, caressing his temple and shakily guiding him to where it feels good the most. Mirio takes your cue and licks around, eyeing you until you jolt again when he swipes over your clit. In an instant, he latches on, sucking and drooling and licking at it.
It's hard to breathe--lightning pleasure striking you.
He lets go of your hip, using a hand to ease a thick finger into you as he kisses around your thighs. You tense at the feeling, "feels weird..." and you can feel yourself clenching, body adjusting to the intrusion.
Your fingers never felt like this, though yours are smaller in comparison. Or maybe it's because it's him? The foreign sensation of another's touch shocking your senses.
Then he starts licking you again, finger curling upwards and thrusting softly--and you almost shout.
He makes you cum twice.
One, to help ease in more of his fingers, and another, to prepare you for something else.
After peppering your lower half in kisses and crawling back up to meet you with a goofy, lovedrunk grin, he quietly shushes you and bats your hand away when you reach down to please him.
"Next time, baby," your heart flutters at the promise of it. Mirio's cheeks dimple in company of his bashful smile, "I don't know if I'll be able to last."
He reaches over to the bedside table, tearing a square sachet attractively with his teeth and slipping on a condom before he notches his tip against your clit. You lift your hips to help angle him in.
It takes a few awkward bumps and a tension breaking snicker between you both before he starts nudging into you, and you take in a sharp breath in anticipation of the stretch.
"Ooh, Miri," you wince, and he quickly pasues, lathering you in attention.
"Am I too much? S-Should I pull out?"
You exhale slowly, blinking as you bring your hazy mind into focus.
"No! No," a soft sigh leaves your lips as your body adjusts to his size, "just... keep going slow, mkay?"
He continues at your assurance, watching and listening to you carefully for anymore signs of discomfort. Mirio swallows a whine in his throat, adams apple bobbing with the effort, at the feeling of your hot, fleshy walls struggling to swallow him all.
Despite your mild struggle, a small puddle leaks into the sheets beneath you.
Within moments, Mirio's hips are pressed flush against yours, soon after beginning to gently rock into you before progressing into deep thrusts.
He hovers over you, shielding you with his large form while your legs tighten around his trim waist. He babbles almost mindlessly to you, expressions of love and praise falling from his lips as he pushes his girth in and out.
A filthy plap, plap, plap accompanies the sound of both of your puffed breaths and wanton moans.
You could almost feel embarrassed at the noise if your thoughts were not already turned to mush.
The feeling of his throbbing cock squelching in your depths leaves you heaving for breath. God, he just fills you up.
Getting to this point had taken time, and a lot of effort and patience on both ends for him to be able to easily thrust into you--fuck, it was all worth it.
"Ngh..! Mmh, a-ah, ah..!"
Hands clutching at his shoulders and clawing his back, fingers digging into the dips of his muscles as he pants and moans into your neck; stars speckle your sight when the tingly coil tightening in your belly snaps.
You had anticipated your climax, having felt it build and build and build--but it floods through you nonetheless, like a rope splintering before it rips.
Mirio feels your body tensing, furthermore, he can feel your slick hole clenching and unclenching, twitching rapidly before it clamps down on him--sucking him in a wet, plush chasm that hurdles him towards his own end.
"I-I'm--Nhg~..! A-Ah..!"
You whine softly, weakly pushing at a broad shoulder, "M-Miri..."
"Ooh~...O-Oh," He groans before tenderly pulling out and rolling off of you, having nearly lost his strength while he got lost in you, "sorry... Are you okay?"
"Mhm," You hum softly, dreary and in bliss. Missing the weight of him despite having pushed him off, you use the last of your energy to heave one of his beefy arms over you, snuggling into him in all your nakedness.
A yawn escapes you, feeling oddly fatigued, "...'nd you?"
"Me?" He blinks, "oh, y-yeah, yeah! I'm great. So--so great." His hair is messy and his face is flushed. You snicker, paying no mind to the heat creeping up your neck as you lay by him.
"...feel good."
"Yeah, baby?" Mirio breathes a laugh, kissing your head while he tightens his arm around you, bringing you closer. "Should probably get cleaned up, lovely."
You shake your head against him, "not yet... 'm not ready yet."
He hums softly, "Okay. Later then," his own eyes begin to feel heavy, but he can't find himself to take them off of you. "I love you~..."
And he can feel you smile against his skin, "I love you too, Miri..."
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uhzuku · 2 years ago
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— 𝐝𝐨𝐯𝐞 ; 𝐤. 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Y/N keeps kissing him, their hands traveling up and down the length of his body; the muscles are strong and the scars are many, but he’s still the most beautiful creature they’ve ever laid eyes on — an impatient creature.
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: my hero academia | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: keigo takami/gn!reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜:3.17k.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: gn!reader, a/b/o dynamics, omega hawks, alpha reader, no he/she pronouns for reader but they have a dick, hawks has a pussy bc omega, anal creampie, fake dating ( mating? yeah ), malesub, breeding kink, lovemaking, handholding, begging, crying, choking, spitting, light angst, canon divergence, spoilers for s6 of bnha.
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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“When the time comes, you’ll need to trust them — it’ll sound crazy, and you’ll be angry and offended at first, but promise me you’ll do it, Keigo.”
Hawks hadn’t known what this… version of himself had meant when he’d been slung through universes ( and wasn’t that a wild fucking thought? ) by a kid accidentally using their quirk on him after being scared two years after his debut. There weren’t many differences, only that she was older and mated and… well... female, but regardless Hawks had stuck with her for the two days he’d been lost. She had been him, after all, and he’d never lead himself astray. She’d made sure to not let him see any important parts of history from her time back to the time he was from, including telling her mate to sleep elsewhere for the time he was stuck there; Hawks had felt oddly guilty hearing the person rumble questions through the phone before quietly agreeing and hanging up, then even more so when the female version of himself admitted that stuff like this had happened before but they’d promised not to keep one another out of it, so her mate was mad at her now. 
He’d never found out if they’d made up; part of Hawks always worried about it. 
It had been a few years since then; Hawks had, five years ago, found out who she’d meant when she’d made him promise to trust ‘them’ once the war was over and he realized that the chance of his wings never being the same was higher than his chances for full recovery. The alpha that she’d vaguely mentioned had pulled him into a supply closet when he’d been on his way to a meeting with what remained of the HPSC, and they’d begged him to “Please, please don’t fight,” and that what they needed to ask of him was important. He’d worked with them before and they’d never shown any hint at being untrustworthy, so he had hesitantly stopped struggling, and they’d asked him to let them scent and mark him; he’d been furious when they’d asked, had yelled and reared a hand back to hit them — but then he remembered what he’d been told all those years before, and he’d frozen. After that, despite the panicked signals going off in his mind, Hawks had let it happen. They’d gone into the meeting, and then he’d been informed that he would be put through a mandatory breeding program. ‘“Your genes are too precious to waste!”’ one official had said, trying to soothe him as he fought against it. The alpha that had come in with him stood quietly in the corner, waiting for the roar to die down, and once everyone was silent with the officials looking victorious and Hawks cradling his head in his hands, they stepped forward and informed the Commission workers that their little plan wouldn’t bear fruit considering the two of them were already at the end of their courting period and would soon mate. 
Hearing that had had Hawks looking at them in shock, but they just kept talking with the now red-faced officials  as it all started making sense in his mind: the scenting, the urgency, the bites — Y/N had been tipped off. Y/N was helping him. A soft smile made its way to his face as they had just crossed their arms and allowed the officials to screech and wail before ending the argument with a simple, “Well, we can always take it up with the International Mating Center; Gods know that they’d be more than eager to publicly work on a case of this magnitude.” 
That had been the end of it; no one wanted to fight against the IMC, it was practically suicide. Hawks had left the meeting room with Y/N, and that had been it — they’d told him that he could do whatever he wanted now since the Commission wouldn’t be on his back over the next few years before his contract ended as long as it seemed like they were together, and Hawks had been fine with that. They’d moved into a giant apartment together to keep up appearances, and it was big enough for them to both have their own spaces; they’d more or less been socially glorified roommates. 
Of course at some point Hawks did feel trapped by the entire arrangement, and it had led to many one-sided arguments from him to Y/N, who always just… took it ( something that filled Hawks with guilt no matter how he looked at it; they always were so patient and soft with him no matter how hot-tempered and sharp he got ). Hawks had stormed out of the apartment or locked himself in his room more nights than he could remember, always after his own space so his anger could quell… but as the heat cooled, the emotions were always the same: guilt, first and foremost, over yelling at Y/N when they’d been so fucking good to him and had done so much, and then sadness over the fact that he still didn’t know how to be a good fucking person and treated people that clearly cared about him like shit. Eventually all these feelings exploded in the worst way on one of Y/N’s work nights, Hawks screaming at them to ‘for once show some kind of emotion!’, and when they’d not he’d locked himself away. Y/N had had to leave Hawks alone in the house while they went out, and Hawks had been so angry for hours. He was still angry even when he got the call, annoyed because the person calling wouldn’t stop no matter how long he ignored them, but it morphed into something more akin to terror when the person on the other end came through clearly. 
“This is the pro hero Hawks, correct? I’m Dr. Kimura Taishiro from Fukuoka General Hospital; hospital staff has been trying to reach you for the last hour and a half — your mate, pro hero L/N, has been injured on the field. It’s severe, and we aren’t sure if it will end up being fatal, so we advise that you hurry here to their side as quickly as possible just in case the worst should come to pass.”
Hawks had never moved faster in his life. 
He’d reached them in under half an hour, finding his place at their side and just falling apart. They were so bruised and cut up and burned — they’d gone through hell, they’d needed him,  and he’d been pouting in his room like a child. 
The last thing he’d done was yell at them. 
He wound up staying there for weeks, unmoving and set in his vigil. He bathed them and tended to their hair and smothered them in his scent. “Please,” he’d whispered, and more than once, “I — I need you to come back to me…” His hand was more often than not tightly clasping theirs, his nose constantly nudging against their scent gland, and tears frequently sparkling in his eyes. He cried most nights, angry at himself for the last time they spoke involving him in anger, and for how he’d taken them for granted. He cared for them more than he realized, and now the chance of them dying was crushing; he missed them. It takes three months, but eventually they woke — and the first thing they’d seen was not a nurse or doctor, not a Commission worker, and not Hawks. 
What they saw was Keigo.
He was asleep, his head in his arms and tears sparkling in his lashes and his hand held in theirs. His palms were warm, and the sight of him slightly eased the pain that came with breathing in and out. A soft smile twists their lips, and they wince as they reach their free hand to brush his hair from his eyes; it had grown so much in the time they’d been asleep, and the length suited him well. 
The movement had woken him, and he blinked awake slowly, his golden eyes lazily glancing around the room until they lock on Y/N’s. He tensed up, his eyes widened, and then he leapt at them, tucking his head into their neck. It was painful for Y/N, but the feeling of hot tears against the skin of their shoulder had them pushing through it. Keigo had pulled back, his eyes shining with tears as he said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry-! I’ll never yell at you again, I’m sorry!”, and then he’d kissed them like he’d never get another chance to in his life. 
His taste was sweet and good, and his lips were so soft and hot — just as they were now.  “Want you to fuck me,“ Keigo whimpers, his lips pressed against  yours, “Please, please  fuck me — want your cock so bad!” It’s been five years since their first kiss, and their real mating anniversary was next week — but that didn’t stop them from fucking like beasts every other day whenever sq the mood struck. 
Y/N keeps kissing him, their hands traveling up and down the length of his body; the muscles are strong and the scars are many, but he’s still the most beautiful creature they’ve ever laid eyes on — an impatient creature. 
“Mmm… fuck my throat?” Keigo whimpers pleadingly, making Y/N’s breathing stutter against his mouth and their nails dig into his waist for a second. Keigo continues, his arms thrown around Y/N’s shoulders as he straddles them while the two kiss. “I know you love that, I know I’m good at it — will you? Alpha, please-!”
“What, Kei’? You want me to fuck your throat like it’s your whore cunt?” Y/N growls, grabbing him by the neck and lightly squeezing it on either side; Keigo’s eyes roll back, his mouth falling open and tongue lolling out a little. 
“Y-Yes,” he moans, his words slurred as he says, “Wanna milk your cock with my throat — please fuck me!”
“You need to make up your mind, angel,” Y/N chuckles softly, “Do you want me to fuck your ass or your throat?”
“Bo-oth!” he wails, squeezing his eyes shut. Tears sparkle in their corners, and Y/N swallows hard and moves him so his cunt is being ground against their thigh by their own sheer force. Soft moans fall from Keigo’s lips, his breathing and heart rate quickening as his clit swells and presses against the muscle of their leg. Incoherent babbling falls from his lips, babbling that easily shift to nothing but moans and whines paired with Keigo grabbing at his alpha. 
“Use your words, honey,” Y/N reminds him gently, pressing down especially hard so his clit would clip across their knee, and Keigo wails as the twinge of heat in his belly expands into a crackling fire. 
“Mmmmm… F-Fill me up with your cock, Alpha, I need it! W-Wanna feel your balls slap against my a-ass!” Keigo moans, sounding more and more like a fucking whore by the second as he takes movement upon himself and begins humoing Y/N’s thigh like a bitch in heat. “I can take it! I promise — and I’ve been a good boy!”
Y/N watches him on his path to coming undone, their eyes glittering darkly from lust as the soft wings on his back, newly regrown after this year’s molting flutter in quick bursts as the pleasure builds. “What do we say?” Y/N purrs softly, their own heart beginning to race, and Hawks moans lower and lets his head fall forward to rest against his mate’s shoulder. 
“Please. Please fuck me, Alpha,” he begs, and Hawks yelps as they gently push him off their lap and turn him around. He presents for them without being given the command, slightly spreading his legs and arching his back so his ass is high in the air while carelessly crossing his arms ever so slightly. Waggling his ass in hopes of tempting them, he inhales quickly when he feels them tap their cock against it, and he begins to tremble giddily; he’d been a slut for their cock for years now, and he couldn’t wait to be filled so completely that he could barely stand the thickness. The taps turn to full slaps and he whines, burying his face in his arms and forcing his ass back further into their crotch. “N-Need it, give it — force your cock in me, I can take you!”
They study him, eyes dark and hungry, and then their hands are on his hips; their grip is tight and near-bruising, and it makes him let out a whine that evolves into a long moan when they lift their right hand from his him to press their cockhead against the entrance to his cunt, gently applying pressure. The slight force behind it makes him tremble, and he lets out a loud gasped cry as the tip pops in, his eyes wide and pupils blown and wings splayed out from the feeling that was always so surprising despite how frequently they fucked. Y/N gently presses their hips forward, sinking more of their cock into his tight, slick heat, their eyes squeezed shut as his inner tie gently massages their knot; neither have swollen, but the areas are so sensitive regardless, and shocks of pleasure always ring true when they slip into their mate like this.  
Keigo lets out stuttered whimpers, his breathing quickened as his mate moves to bottom out inside him, and his tongue darts out to wet his lips as Y/N’s hips meet his ass and their cock is buried inside him to the root. His mate pulls out slowly, mindful of his sensitive insides, and his wings flutter excitedly while he swallows the spit that had accumulated in his mouth; a startled screech is torn from his lips as Y/N rolls their hips hard back into him, bottoming out again all at once so deeply that their tip kisses the opening to his cervix. His eyes are wide and his own golden eyes have darkened to a deep amber, and their frantic pace begins. 
The bedframe slams loudly against the wall, echoing through the next rooms over and ringing easily in the mating pair’s ears. Keigo’s feathers stand on end and practically vibrate as his alpha’s cock fills his insides, which conform perfectly to the length they belonged to. He squeezes around them, his breathing getting heavier at the snarl that follows, then lets out a wail at the loss of their cock when they pull out and move to push him over. 
“On your fucking back,” they growl, and he swallows hard and does as told. Before he’s even completely laid back they’re back on top of him and forcing themselves inside, making him shriek and throw his arms around them as their cock hammers at soft, sensitive places deep inside that only they had ever touched before. His body sings for them in ways Keigo had never known he was capable of doing before he’d met them, and tears roll down his cheeks from the pleasure he was filled with. 
“O-Oh God — oh f-fuck — oh ple-ease-!” he wails, his toes starting to curl as his body raced towards the edge that was his impending orgasm. Y/N roughly takes him by the chin  with one hand mid thrust, forcing him to look at them dead in the eyes. Theirs are black with lust, and their intent is more than clear; Keigo swallows hard, fighting back a whimper then letting out a surprised cry when Y/N forces his mouth open wide. His eyes widen almost comically when they take the opportunity to spit two big, thick globs of their saliva inside it twice, almost as if to claim the man beneath them. Blinking furiously, he swallows the mixture of his and their saliva that had gathered in his mouth and breathes heavily while making eye contact despite being dazed, the whines falling from his lips making their eyes flash with lust heavy enough that, against their better judgment and the nature of their rendezvous, they lock their lips together as they’re buried deep inside of him. 
They kiss hard, tongues almost fighting to trade maws as stars shine in his eyes while his golden gaze goes hazy, and he laughs drunkenly against their mouth as their lips slap wetly together before Y/N suddenly pulls away, a thick thread of saliva connecting their mouths. It breaks as they pull back and all the way out of Keigo’s slick cunt, the strand of spit between them falling into his chest and making the skin glisten as they bury themself back inside all at once, yanking a shocked scream from his throat. The kiss drunk look in his eyes disappears as their cock slams against his prostate and he keens; they slap him across the face aggressively, but that just makes him call out for them. “I — I — I — A-Alpha-!”
Another slap; his face is stinging furiously now and is a maraschino cherry red that matches his ass cheeks. He can barely take it; it all felt so fucking good. He wanted to go slow sometimes, yeah, but fuck if he didn’t enjoy being absolutely wrecked. 
The coil in his stomach starts to tighten up as his climax approaches, and he whimpers and grabs at whatever bit of body he can reach within reason, grasping desperately at his alpha. 
“What do you need?” they rumble lowly, conscious of his comfort even when pounding him like a common whore, and he whines needily. 
“Wan’ — Wan’ y’to cum with me!” he wails, “I’m g-gonna cum, please cum with me, I want it s-so bad!”
He’s sobbing now, tears rushing down his cheeks like those who mourn,, and his alpha brings one hand up to cup his slap-stung cheeks as their knot swells. A soft smile curls the corners of their mouth up, and they press their forehead against Keigo’s and grind their cock deep inside. “Cum for me, dove,” they purr softly, and Keigo lets out a shrill scream as he tightens up around them and his tie locks around their swollen knot. 
They growl above him, their forehead sliding from his to press against his shoulder, and his nails dig into their scareed back desperately as his entire body spasms beneath them. 
“Please, please, please,” he whispers in a soft mantra, gasping for air that was not withheld from him, before finally going limp, relaxing into the mattress and soaking up the rich scent of his mate and sex and himself and home that filled his senses so perfectly. Y/N lowers themself down to carefully lay on top of him, their weight a comforting pressure. 
“I love you,” he whispers weakly, nuzzling his nose against their scent gland and taking long, deep inhales of their scent. His alpha chuckles, and he preens as they squeeze him tight one good time. 
“I love you too, Kei’.”
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𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @omeganronpa.
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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thecutestgrotto · 1 year ago
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lastoneout · 1 year ago
New Pinned/Intro Post!
Hi, I'm Loo(or Alex), I'm a disabled queer artist and writer as well as a furry vtuber who streams four days a week on twitch(mostly Minecraft but also Soulsborne games and a variety of other stuff).
You may know me from The Tuna Post, in which several thousand of you came together to "force" me to buy damn near 30 American Dollars worth of imported fancy canned tuna to eat and review live on stream. If you're here for it, said live review can be found on twitch and on my youtube channel. TL;DR: 10/10 would recommend.
I currently can't work, so if you like what I've got going on here and want to help me out, I take donations over on my ko-fi <3 Aside from that, follows on twitch help a lot, even if you never end up watching!
(Also, I sell my twitch emotes as stickers on redbubble!)
As a general heads up I am heavily introverted and have ADHD, and between those and my disabilities eating up my energy I often take a while to respond to messages/tags/reblogs/DMs and sometimes forget entirely. This isn't anything against you, and I'm working on it, but just something to keep in mind if you plan on interacting with me a lot.
You are welcome to put screenshots of my text posts on other sites/in your little tiktoks and youtube shorts, but I have rules.
(Note, this does not apply to my art. If I find you reposting my art I will do everything in my power to destroy you.)
Above all else, I would simply appreciate it if you asked first. I am almost always okay with this sort of thing if people are actually willing to reach out and ask permission.
Do not crop out, censor, or otherwise remove my username from the post.
If it's on a site I have an account on, I would love to be tagged in it. I'm a small creator, the boost would really help. Links are in my caard!
Do not edit the post or purposefully leave parts out, you must repost it in it's entirety with the words I actually used. The first post of mine that got big enough to get reposted ended up having an entire paragraph that summarized my point cut off, and that's just rude. (Exception: If you ask first we can talk about editing the post to remove swears and such.)
No AI. If you use AI for any part of the video I do not give you permission to use my content in any way.
Do you take commissions?
Not at the moment, but hopefully in the future!
What do you use for art?
Wacom Intuos tablet + Clip Studio Paint on the PC, though these days I mostly use CSP on a Samsung Galaxy Tab s6 since I can use it in bed on my low spoons days.
What do you want to go to school for?
Digital Art and American Sign Language!
You talk about being sick all the time/having health problems, what's wrong with you?
Too many things to list <3 but the most notable ones are chronic migraines, hEDS, and ADHD.
I'm ace, bisexual, bigender, and butch. I'm also polyam but currently in a very happy monogamous relationship and don't have plans to change that. My pronouns are she/they, and while I would prefer to not have people use he/him with me you are highly encouraged to use masculine forms of address(sir, guy, dude, king, man, my guy, grandpa, dad, etc.) whenever appropriate. My assigned sex/gender at birth is none of your business.
Who's Yotsuba?
Yotsuba is an adorable little gremlin and the main character of my favorite manga, Yotsuba &!, and you should go read it right now seriously it's amazing go read it go read it GO READ IT-
What's "ask to tag"?
The tumblr equivalent of "author chose not to use archive warnings", I put it on anything that seems like it could use a trigger warning but where no one has specifically asked me to tag for that trigger yet. Things I currently (try to) tag for: flashing lights/eyestrain, insects, suicide, fatphobia/diet culture/disordered eating, my hero academia, gore/body horror, current events, us politics, politics, covid, cats, and anything nsfw goes under nsft.
I can't promise to be 100% consistent with these tho, between the ADHD and the migraines I am very forgetful, so slip ups are bound to happen.
Loo? Like the bathroom??
LOO is short for LastOneOut, I'm american and forgot people call it that, you can write it as Lou or just call me Alex if it makes you feel better.
LookingForLoo?? Like looking for the bathroom??
On websites where LastOneOut is taken I'm LookingForLoo because I'm literally looking for LOO, LastOneOut. I thought it was clever T_T
I have a nsfw alt @looafterdark (18+ only I swear to god I keep a loaded gun pointed at the follow list) and a writing inspo blog @last-scrapbook. I also once ran a couple of character ask blogs, though I don't plan on starting them up again, and I was the mod behind @pokeprofshowdown.
Who's Eugene/Ophelia/Sasha?
My ocs from an original story I'm working on. I get brainrot and post about them a lot. You are ALWAYS allowed to ask me about them!
What's your fursona/can I make art of you?
I'm a dog, kinda like a papillion but not really, and yes you may. My ref sheet is here.
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Can I repost your funny text posts to twitter/insta/reddit?
Sure, all I ask is that you include the entire post and leave my username visible. You can also tag me if you want, I'm lookingforloo on twitter, insta, and reddit <3
Can I repost your art/writing?
Absolutely not.
Can I plug your art or writing into an AI program?
Absolutely not under any fucking circumstances.
Can I use your art in an amv/fandom board/as a cover for my playlist or fic/ect.?
Depends, DM me first.
Can I write fic/make fanart based on your fics/art/HCs/AUs?
Absolutely <3
Can I write fic/make fanart based on your OCs?
Art yes, fics no.
What's your stance on the discourse?
There is no amount of posting online about contentious topics that could ever match the sheer power of simply going out into your community and finding a project that helps other people that you can dedicate your time and energy to. Also wear a mask, vote(if you can), and listen to marginalized people when they speak about their experiences.
How old are you?
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polysprachig · 7 months ago
✨Langblr & Studyblr Re-Introduction✨
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Hello everyone! I looked at my blog the other day and realised that all my basic info is well out-of-date, seeing as I was last active in the langblr in 2014-2018. Anyways...
about me
Maria, 32, all pronouns welcome
I've lived/studied or worked in: 🇺🇸🇩🇪🇬🇷🇧🇾🇮🇪
my background is in Germanistik & Creative Writing; CELTA-certified; & I work as an independent foreign language consultant/teacher in English and German
right now I'm working towards getting into literary translation & audio recording (literary reading/performance)
Mains/Everyday English (native), German, French, Irish, Greek (passive bilingual->active since 2018/19)
Others/Select Usage Italian, Old English, Middle English, Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, some Latin (esp. Medieval)
Conlang Ätchgö
There are other others but let's just leave it at that for now.
blog goals
share my polyglot journal notes and studies from the last 5 years, both to review/follow-up on them and because I think it could be interesting to other learners
interact with people on the language learning process itself & share study tips
meet people to discuss shared interests in our shared languages (art, music, philosophy, literature, theatre, culture—kind of dark/light academia-coded, I know, and I live for it)
treat posting as a hobby, not an obligation (i.e. I tend to take hobbies and mentally turn them into chores)
things I may post about here
language and linguistics stuff, esp. mutual intelligibility/historical linguistics/poetics, literature, my translation studies et. al., IWTV meta/memes/aesthetic and my blorbos (because I can't not), writing tips/memes, Chaucer, Byron and the rest
apart from language/cultures/literature I like
good coffee/espresso, cooking, stargazing, travelling, journal writing & fanfiction
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somehhuuuhh · 5 months ago
Uhhhhh meet my oc/au!!! Pt.2
This is just a way to keep track of my oc's and au's!! And for you to know about them too!
You know the oc that I use for my DTIYS :D
Okay okay don't freak out but....I made a new design for her
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Idk I just like it might because i give her longer bunny ears and just looks so cute AHHHHHHH
Old design
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Couldn't find the reference I did for her old design so this will do for now
Important facts
She's based on a salt lamp that was in my room
She isn't a protector or a destroyer she's just chills around
Her job is just to make people not be afraid of the dark (ik crazy)
She can go to dreams but only for fun (and yes she can bring someone along)
She just have salt everywhere on her body but not on her face (well except her cheeks)
Tbh she just acts like og sans just a little different
Her eyes are always close (except when she's using a lot of magic
Name: Rocky (salt lamp sans)
Age: ?
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual/ acesexual
Personality: she is just lazy, chill, and likes to be a smartass
Likes: pillows, sleeping, stuff animals, sweet dreams
Dislikes: loud noises, yelling, bright light, flashing lights
She can people go to sleep by blowing sleeping salt on their face which they can produce from their hands
Her cheeks can produce salt that can turn into a soil and make it whatever she wants
She can make things float when she touches it (kinda like in my hero academia that girl name ochako)
She can glow in the dark and so can her scarf
She can teleport
She doesn't have gaster blasters
She can doge really good
Weapons: Is her scarf. She can make her scarf rough as stone or soft as a pillow and can glow in the dark.
Weaknesses: If she is in a dream and someone wakes up, she wants to wait until that person goes back to sleep, spicy food it burns her tongue, tight clothes
Height: 6’0
If she's any other body parts she like to wear hands so the salt won't mix in
Likes to make puns
Like to knit
Doesn't really like violence
Her blood is colored purple
She only opens her eyes if she is using too much energy
Some doodles!!!
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Just some silly doodle
Extra!!! :v
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Um she doesn't like when her hood is down so don't try
Okay that's all for now I'll edit it later just in case if I want to add anymore
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