#lifting this from khloe k
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open to: anyone. info: jada guidry, 40s, trauma surgeon. any connection could work — coworker, exes, fwb, bff. go wild.
"you're interrupting my me-time. so what do you want now? more money? a check? a car? my soul?"
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Week 8: Digital Health - Body Modification and Cosmetic Surgery on Social Media
Today's blog post is on Digital Health Campaigns, focusing in on body modification and cosmetic surgery on visual social media. While last week's post was about how the positive influence of Instagram and bettering the environment with slow fashion, this week is all about the negative impact social media can have on body image.
The most popular visual social media platform we all know and love, is Instagram. If you're an avid Instagram user like myself, you would know all about the 'ideal' body image that is plastered on most users feeds or explore pages. It looks something like this…
Image source: all taken directly from Instagram profiles (@tammyhembrow, @kimkardashian, @kyliejenner)
This 'ideal' body image on Instagram is an unrealistic take on an hourglass figure (as pictured above), as well as complete face makeovers through the use of rhinoplasties, lifts and fillers. The immense pressure felt by users, specifically young girls, to achieve this has led to a major increase in cosmetic surgery. As a visual social platform, "Instagram in particular is naturally suited to plastic surgery" (Dorfman et al. 2018, p.332) as individual seek to achieve the same look celebrities and influencers promote. There has been a major increase in cosmetic surgeries around the globe due to the rise of visual social media and the aesthetic template being projected: Forbes (2019) reported that "breast lifts had risen 57.5% from 2013-2018," and there's no denying social media played a "significant role in driving such changes." With this, pornification has become normalised in western societies, displaying sexuality to reflect the aesthetics of commercial pornography (Tyler & Quek 2016). The sexualisation of female bodies on Instagram is very apparent, as female influencers are able to "build their brand and maintain the attention of a public audience through the replication of 'porn chic' poses and gestures" (Mavroudis 2020); it all truly comes back to the old saying…sex sells. This promotion of the 'ideal' body through body modification and cosmetic surgeries is truly worrying, as the pressure placed on individuals to look like these influencers in order to be accepted and loved are immense.
Image source: Dorfman et al. 2018
On the other side of using cosmetic surgery to achieve the 'ideal' Instagram body, health campaigns on the social platform also tie into this. Where cosmetic surgery is not an entirely negative thing, health campaigns that promote 'easier' ways to achieve these body 'goals' are also quite a risk on Instagram. Influencers such as Khloe and Kim Kardashian are avid promoters of products that promote weight loss and shapewear that endorse body positivity. Khloe has been known to promote weight loss products such as 'Flat Tummy Tea,' 'Boom Bod' and 'Fit Tea' and Kim with 'waist trainers' and her new shapewear line 'Skims' are all promoting healthier and easier ways to lose weight and supposedly achieve hourglass figures, but are these really safe? Most of these products have been known to be unsafe and many have been called for the social media advertisements to be regulated, as the product that is being promoted is nothing more than a laxative disguised in aesthetically pleasing packaging. Here's what actress, activist and 'feminist-in-progress' Jameela Jamil had to say about the Instagram Health Campaign 'Flat Tummy Tea'…
Image source: https://www.thedrum.com/news/2019/05/09/only-4-people-trust-what-influencers-say-online
To conclude, social media's influence should never be underestimated. Body modification and cosmetic surgery is only on the rise due to the major impact of body image ideals seen on social platforms such as Instagram. With cosmetic surgery and health campaigns being two avenues marketed on social platforms as ways to achieve the 'perfect' body seen on influencers, the dangers of both to an individuals mental and physical health should be regulated.
Chandler, S 2019, 'Instagram’s Filter Ban Isn’t Enough To Stop Rise In Cosmetic Surgery,' Forbes, 23 October, viewed 8 May 2020, <https://www.forbes.com/sites/simonchandler/2019/10/23/instagrams-filter-ban-isnt-enough-to-stop-rise-in-cosmetic-surgery/#4eacccef532c>
Dorfman, R. G., Vaca, E. E., Mahmood, E., Fine, N. A. & Schierle, C. F 2018, 'Plastic Surgery-Related Hashtag Utilization on Instagram: Implications for Education and Marketing’, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 332-334.
Mavroudis, J 2020, 'Public Health Campaigns and Social Media Influence,' MDA20009 Digital Communities, Learning materials via Canvas, Swinburne University of Technology, 6 May, viewed 8 May 2020.
Tyler, M & Quek, K 2016, 'Conceptualizing pornographication: A Lack of Clarity and Problems for Feminist Analysis,' Sexualization, Media, & Society, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1‐ 14.
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How I lost 60 Pounds!! 10 EASY TIPS TO LOSE WEIGHT THAT ACTUALLY WORKS!! hey guys welcome back to my channel so today I'm gonna be sharing with you guys how I lost 60 pounds this is one of the like the most common questions I get asked in real life like from people that I know and it's just like weird how I've never actually like made a video about fitness and healthy eating and my weight loss story because it's something that I'm really proud of I guess I'm kind of scared because I envisioned this moment like when I started you know and it's like now I'm finally where I want it to be it's gonna be really hard to kind of wrap everything that I've learned in one video so if you guys have any questions or any videos you want to see for me like please comment down below because I have a couple ideas on some videos that I want to make for you guys but like if you want anything specific like just alright you have any questions just please ask I will reply or if I get a lot of questions I'm gonna just make like a Q&A for weight loss or something okay so let's get into the tips so that you guys can start losing weight - I'm wearing a - top just for all you people that think I'm naked just just so you know honestly like I'm kind of being a hypocrite now because I chose eat a chocolate bar like not even ten minutes ago the first tip I have for you guys is drink water that is the most important step if you don't change your eating habits and you just start drinking water and not drinking like pop and juice and everything oh my god you lose so much weight your body actually like confuses thirst for hunger so sometimes if I notice like I'm randomly hungry even though I just eat like a ton of food like I'll drink like a big glass of water am I like hunger will go away like because I was just really thirsty like when I started drinking water and stops drinking pop I noticed I just felt really good I never realized how thirsty I felt all the time and how I never felt refreshed is because I never drank water like when you drink coke and juice like it just makes you so thirsty when you drink your calories like that is the most fattening part of your diet and juice believe it or not juice actually contains the same amount of sugar as coke like when you eat fruit like if you had an apple like it's healthy for you to eat that one Apple in one sitting but if like you eat six like there's probably six or seven apples in that one cup of juice like it's just too much whenever I got a craving to drink something else other than water I would just like put lemons or limes I would drink a lot of green tea honestly any teas good as long as like there's no sugar and milk added I only drink one sugary drink a day and that's my coffee in the morning because I love my french vanilla coffees and I'll never give that up but for the rest of the day like all I drink is water another good thing too about water is if like you drink a full glass of water before your meals and when you wake up in the morning it actually boosts your metabolism hot water reduces your appetite so if you drink hot water or tea before or after your meal it's gonna like make you not eat as much which goes onto my second tip actually eat until you're satisfied because it actually takes your body I think like 20 minutes to let your brain know that you're full and it was weird at first like I still wanted to eat more but when I got to that point I would drink a big cup of green tea and so then like while I was drinking the tea it was reducing my appetite and then by the time I was finished the tea like I wasn't hungry anymore like if you eat until you're full you're actually gonna be overeating and stretching out your stomach okay so step number three is to swap out your white bread white pasta white rice for whole-grain and I know it's kind of shitty I've girl I loved or boy I loved my white bread I actually I don't fuck with white bread anymore I haven't eaten white bread in so long except for what I'm eating pizza so I just googled why it's bad because I know it's good for you to switch but I just don't really know like the scientific reason behind it wholemeal flour is made from whole wheat grains while white flour is made only from the central part of the grain so I guess they use two different flours well I never actually knew that huh reason why you eat like whole grain is because your body's going to take a lot longer to digest it which makes you full longer next tip is to start eating on a smaller plate honestly this just tricks your brains but if you start eating on a smaller plate you're actually gonna take less food and avoid overeating next step is eat spicy food like I actually never did this until recently because I just don't fuck with spicy food but now I do but spicy food contains throughout what it's called capsaicin which boosts your metabolism and actually reduces hunger so for all of these spicy food lovers out there eat more chili eat jalapenos all of that and it will make you lose weight okay the next tip is if you don't buy it you're not gonna eat it I don't buy chocolates I don't buy white bread I just don't buy food that I know like I shouldn't be eating like I just literally have my whole kitchen it's just all healthy food because I know if I buy it I'm gonna eat it my grandparents actually brought me a huge chocolate bar from England like huge and I was so tempted I ate it in two days literally it was like this big like it was two pounds of chocolate and I ate the whole damn thing like how can you go on living if you know there's like a huge chocolate bar in your cupboard it's just buy healthy food when you go out if you you're craving chocolate go out buy yourself a chocolate bar and then come home eat it but I mean don't buy things that you're gonna eat later like ice cream like it's honestly so tempting and if you just don't have it like you ain't gonna eat it like you're gonna have to go out of your house to go eat it and honestly it's so much work you're just gonna eat the healthy shit in your in your kitchen okay so next step is to keep pictures of what you want to look like or your past self like on your phone wallpaper pictures on your desktop like just kind of keep reminding yourself of your goal and where you want to be actually like Kat some pictures of Victoria's Secret models on my phone and I'd look them when I would feel like discouraged you're like unmotivated I don't look like a Victoria's Secret model now like my body type just isn't like theirs but I mean like it really motivated me once I got to like the weight that I am now I was just so proud of my body and like how much I achieved like I didn't care that I didn't look like them like I was just using them as motivation so I was like oh my god they're so confident like they're so beautiful like that's what I want to look like la la blah my camera is about to die next step is weigh yourself once a week don't weigh yourself every day because you're gonna get discouraged so your weight like kind of goes up and down throughout the day one day you might be like losing weight the next day you might have gained like four pounds like honestly just weigh yourself once a week like in the morning before you eat or drink anything with no clothes on like I always chose Wednesday's because that was just the middle of the week because honestly like there's other factors like if you're drinking a lot of salt like your body might retain more water which might make you gain more weight so don't feel discouraged just weigh yourself once a week and you'll notice you know you're on track next step do cardio and weight lifts honestly ladies this is for you building muscle is gonna make your metabolism higher when you're resting and when you're losing weight especially if you're losing a lot of weight trust exercising and trying to like tone your body is going to reduce like the next step is whenever like I'm not motivated to work out like I'll always think is Khloe Kardashian working out is Beyonce working out Victoria's Secret model working out and the answer is probably yes and snapchat always confirms it though I'm always just like k if they can struggle if they can look bombers fuck I'm gonna struggle too and just do it don't ever think of it as like an isolated hobby because there's a shit ton on other people working out and struggling at the same motherfucking time as you so that's that always motivates me okay so the most important step is don't die yet guys change your lifestyle because trust me once you get going you're never gonna want to go back I eat healthy and I got exercise and I feel so good that I just would never want to go back to like how I was before like the reason why models and athletes look the way they do compared to like normal everyday people is because their lifestyles so different like from ours like they eat different they exercise a shit-ton and like that's why their bodies look the way they do so like if you want your body to look a certain way like you need to change your lifestyle because your body is a symptom of what your habits are so if you choose to eat really unhealthy and not exercise your body's gonna look like that and it's like a slow change that happens so if you start eating healthy and exercising trust me even if it takes like a year it is gonna change your body's gonna look so good I didn't do all these stupid Instagram types like detox to fit me T's waist trainers like I don't give a fuck what anyone says it will not work in the long run yes it might make you slimmer but it's not healthy and it's not gonna stay off trainers might make you look smaller because it's a corset but I mean why don't you just fucking get a smaller waist instead of just trying to fake a smaller waist so don't buy into all this hype it's actually like ridiculous how greedy people are for money feel like people should just be sharing healthy ideas so we can all be healthy together instead of trying to like fucking laxative teas and shit I'm gonna tell you guys right now I never paid a penny to anyone I don't even go to the gym I exercise and ship I didn't pay gym membership I was broke as fuck weight loss isn't a quick fix it took me a full year to like lose 60 pounds the whole point of me making this video is I want to change someone's perspective on dieting and healthy eating because honestly guys if I can do it and I love my food I love my chocolate you can do it I think it's something that's really important to me because I've been there I know how it feels like to feel like so unattractive and feel like you don't have any control over your body well let me tell you today you do and if you follow these tips I promise you you will start seeing motherfucking results and you can say bye-bye to all those bitches who maybe talked behind your back who make you feel like shit and you'll feel better about yourself and gain confidence I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope it's kind of opened your mind up on how I've lost weight and how you can lose weight and honestly I've just started working out again because I'm kind of lazy with that shit so if you start today me and you are doing it together boo because I need to get on my a-game when it comes to working out so thank you so much for watching guys again please leave any comments down below if you want to see anything else and I'll see you guys very soon bye
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How Ayesha Curry, Khloe Kardashian and Extra Celebs Hearth Again at Mommy Shamers
Movie star mothers will not be right here in your essential feedback on their parenting abilities. From Jessie James Decker to Khloe Kardashian, stars are clapping again on the criticism they obtain on social media. This week, Ayesha Curry clapped again at a troll who left a hateful comment about her kid’s look. On Tuesday, Might 21, Ayesha shared a household picture on Instagram, during which she’s holding 10-month-old son Canon W. Jack Curry. Within the feedback of the image, one social media person wrote, “Are you pregnant once more?” “completely not LOL,” Ayesha replied. “My 30 lb son is simply breaking my again in each picture.” However then one other social media person determined to go away a essential remark about her son, which didn’t sit properly with Ayesha. “If that child is 30lbs he is received some critical well being points occurring,” the Instagram person wrote. After seeing this remark, the creator fired again, “excuse you? No. Simply no.” And Ayesha, Jessie and Khloe aren’t alone, let’s check out extra celebs who’ve clapped again at mommy shamers! Instagram / Khloe Kardashian Khloe Kardashian The Good American co-founder, who’s mother to True Thompson, is so over the hateful commentary on her parenting abilities. In an interview with E! Information’ Zanna Roberts Rassi, Khloe Kardashian defined that she acquired criticism for going to a charity occasion with out her daughter. “I used to be at a charity occasion final weekend and I am actually making an attempt to lift cash for most cancers analysis and I am getting annihilated for being someplace on a Sunday,” Khloe instructed Rassi. “I am like, ‘She’s along with her dad, you a–hole. Like, what would you like me to do?'” Instagram Jana Kramer After sharing a video of her daughter having a mood tantrum on the dinner desk, Jana Kramer acquired essential feedback on social media. The singer and actress then took to her Instagram Story to fire back, saying, “You do not know, you do not reside on this home, you do not know what is going on on. Please do not inform me why my kid’s appearing that means. Thanks.” Instagram Ayesha Curry Ayesha Curry just isn’t right here in your essential feedback about her household. After posting a household picture to social media, one Instagram person commented, “Are you pregnant once more?” In response, Ayesha wrote again, “completely not LOL. My 30 lb son is simply breaking my again in each picture.” “If that child is 30lbs he is received some critical well being points occurring,” one other Instagram person wrote. After seeing this remark, Ayesha clapped back, “excuse you? No. Simply no.” Article continues beneath BACKGRID; Instagram Candice Swanepoel Mommy shamers went after this Victoria’s Secret mannequin when she was noticed absorbing the solar’s rays simply weeks after giving start to her second son Ariel. In a message shared to her Instagram tales, the South African stated, “That is me 12 days after having my son. In case you have one thing dangerous to say about it… Verify your self. Society may be so merciless to 1 one other. Magnificence requirements are typically inconceivable for girls lately. I’m not ashamed to point out my post-partum tummy, I’m proud truly. I carried my son for 9 months in there, I believe I’ve earned the appropriate to have a bit of tummy.” She completed her assertion by reminding her followers, “Girls, we’re all on this collectively, be variety to one another.” Instagram Kourtney Kardashian Whereas on an action-packed vacation in Italy, this scorching mama needed to take a break from her sunbathing to right an Instagram person who questioned the place the Disick kids have been. “My son was taking the picture, and the opposite two have been sitting a desk throughout from me. Thanks a lot in your concern,” the 39-year-old clapped back. Actually, the seaside getaway was in honor of her daughter Penelope‘s 6th birthday. The proud mama instructed her Instagram followers, “My little birthday ladybug makes my coronary heart extremely full every single day. So in awe of her.” Instagram Chrissy Teigen In yet one more mommy-shaming saga, the mother-of-two was criticized for not taking enough care of her son Miles, with one Instagram person commenting, “He does not look to (sic) proud of the solar in his eyes.” And, sassy as ever, Teigen replied, “He instructed me he loves it.” The drama does not finish there. The 32-year-old was later accused of being a foul instance to her daughter Luna when she pretended to steal from a Sephora retailer, which prompted the cookbook creator to make a disclaimer: “EDIT: DO NOT EVER STEAL OR PRETEND TO STEAL YOUR FRIEND’S @THEOUAI TESTERS IN FRONT OF EMPLOYEES. ONE, BECAUSE IT’S WRONG, BUT TWO, IT WILL STARTLE EXTREMELY ANNOYING PEOPLE INTO BEING EXTREMELY OFFENDED ON THE ‘GRAM.” Article continues beneath Evan Agostini/Invision/A Brittany Aldean Whereas on trip within the Bahamas, Jason Aldean and his spouse got here underneath hearth for leaving their child at residence, simply months after his start. So the brand new mother took this as a possibility to teach the haters, saying on Instagram, “Only a phrase of knowledge for all of the parent shamers… holidays are okay for brand spanking new dad and mom to take. Typically after being pregnant for nearly a yr, cooped up in a home for weeks at a time, you want a bit of sunshine and grownup time.” “When you do not agree with one thing, please… do me a favor and unfollow me. You’ll not be missed,” Brittany stated. Instagram Kendra Wilkinson In an emotional publish, the 32-year-old defended her actions—like playing video games drunk—within the weeks following her divorce from husband Hank Baskett. She instructed her Instagram followers, “I bust my ass off as a human being. I work, pay payments, handle 2 children and love them to the fullest plus making an attempt to handle myself via all of it is a 24/7 job. I do not know what the f–k a few of u haters assume u know however you higher get your heads checked as a result of your assumptions based mostly on photos and clips of exhibits make u straight up delusional.” “I drink to have a good time solely and I take pleasure in my mates. At some point I will get the credit score I deserve for all of the exhausting work I do however til’ then I will preserve doing me,” the star completed. Instagram Christina El Moussa Most just lately, the Flip or Flop star was criticized for a photograph of her toddler standing by the pool. The Instagram person claimed she was not accusing the star of being a foul mom, saying, “Nobody is a hater, however as a mom it’s scary to have a toddler being that near a pool!” The designer, who has come underneath mommy-fire earlier than, rapidly clapped again, “OMG 1. It is a seashore entry if he fell in it is solely a foot excessive, he could be okay 2. It is not his first time in or across the pool, however thanks in your “concern” aka judgment 3. AND most significantly I’m proper there and might be to him in Three seconds SMH at this …..!!!!” Article continues beneath Khloe Kardashian/Instagram Kim Kardashian After the truth star posted about North West‘s first swimming lesson again in December 2013, a Twitter troll snarked on the E! star, writing it was good to see mom and daughter collectively “for a change.” Kim tweeted proper again, “U sound so ignorant. Bc I do not tweet or instagram my each transfer w my daughter means I’m not along with her 247? We share what we would like. Or is it bc I’m going assist my fiance at each present & I publish pix? When the child goes down Four mattress or a nap, dad and mom are allowed 2 work & assist one another, perhaps even have enjoyable too.” Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP Kristin Cavallari In 2016, the previous actuality star took warmth on social media from individuals who thought her sons looked too thin in an image she posted of them of their swim vehicles. “Yep, I starve my kids. Simply blocked the most individuals I’ve ever blocked in my total life. Completely happy 4th hahaha,” she tweeted; the previous Laguna Seaside star adopted later with, “I really like that persons are sending me articles in regards to the risks of being a vegan. Perhaps ship it to somebody that is truly vegan.” Chrissy Teigen/Instagram Chrissy Teigen After coping with tons of mommy shaming, John Legend’s woman love, who had at one level switched her Twitter feed to non-public, preemptively addressed mommy-shaming points when she posted a video in 2016 of Luna with the caption, “We miss you, papa!! Cannot wait so that you can come residence! (Sure she has rosy eczema cheeks, sure we’re taking good care of it, no it isn’t a gluten allergy, no it isn’t our make-up, no it isn’t from our fragrance, sure she’s only a child).” Article continues beneath Hilary Duff/Instagram Hilary Duff The actress/singer someway stirred up controversy when she posted a photograph smooching her son Luca, which many took situation with. She finally replied “For anybody commenting {that a} kiss on the lips with my four-year-old is ‘inappropriate’ go forward and click on a fast unfollow along with your warped minds and judgment.” kolini pictures Amanda Stanton “I do not usually like to handle the trolls/mother shamers … however it’s so uncontrolled!” the Bachelor in Paradise star started within the message posted to her Instagram Story in June. “I might prefer to take a second to make clear initially that my children DO have a father that’s a part of their life. They spend time with him too. So if you happen to see a photograph of me with out my children one weekend and remark one thing like ‘mom of the yr’ or ‘wow should not she be along with her children?’ Effectively, there is a VERY good probability that I can not be with them as a result of they’re with their dad.” Stanton and her ex-husband of three years, Nick Buonfiglio, share daughters Charlie and Kinsley. Instagram Sarah Stage Whereas pregnant along with her second little one, the Six Pack Mother hit again at “ignorant” physique shamers, who took issue along with her match being pregnant kind. In August, the social media star, who was 7-months-pregnant, wrote, “Our our bodies are actually unbelievable & I really feel blessed to have the ability to develop one other wholesome child within me! I select to remain constructive & I symbolize anybody who has handled doubters, trolls & bullies. It feels nice to show ignorant individuals mistaken & even higher to know that every one you must do is imagine in your self and belief your individual instincts.” Article continues beneath Instagram Jessie James Decker “You already know, it’s form of exhausting typically since you really feel like you must filter what you publish in some methods,” Jessie revealed to E! Information in August. “I will by no means publish an image of my children of their automobile seats anymore as a result of I will get schooled on how I am not doing it accurately or it turns into this argument.” She continued, “I am not going to publish photos of them within the backseat consuming their snacks. It is not value it anymore—you ruined it!” Michael Loccisano/Getty Photos Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi The party-loving Jersey Shore alum and mom of two took to Instagram earlier this yr to fireside again at individuals who criticized her parenting, a day earlier than Mom’s Day. “So pleased with my little woman! ,” she wrote, alongside a photograph of her carrying her little woman inside a gymnasium, the place the kid had taken half in a children’ dance recital. “(As an alternative of not posting my children for the individuals who respect and admire their images , I’ll flip off the feedback part. I do not want a–holes telling me easy methods to elevate my little one and decide them. I am a rattling good mother and know what I am doing. Effectively more often than not.),” Snooki continued. Instagram Kim Kardashian “So I took a photograph of Saint and he was sitting ahead and they also say for his age, he must be rear-facing,” Kim stated in a video posted on her app in August. She’d been criticized on-line for the seat’s place. “However what individuals did not know is that Saint is now the load and the peak requirement to sit down forward-facing.” “Saint truly weighs greater than North,” Kim stated about her and Kanye’s eldest little one, 4-year-old daughter North West. “If that’s plausible, he does, and it’s wild,” she added. Article continues beneath Rochelle Brodin/Getty Photos for Haute Dwelling Jada Pinkett Smith Again in 2012, the actress was criticized for letting her daughter Willow Smith lower her hair and she or he took the chance to show individuals about feminine empowerment. “The query why I’d LET Willow lower her hair. First the LET should be challenged,” the actress wrote on Fb. “It is a world the place ladies, women are always reminded that they do not belong to themselves; that their our bodies will not be their very own, nor their energy or self dedication.” “I made a promise to endow my little woman with the facility to at all times know that her physique, spirit and her thoughts are HER area,” she added. “Willow lower her hair as a result of her magnificence, her worth, her value just isn’t measured by the size of her hair. It is also a press release that claims that even little women have the RIGHT to personal themselves and shouldn’t be a slave to even their mom’s deepest insecurities, hopes and wishes.” Rick Diamond/Bravo/NBCU Picture Financial institution by way of Getty Photos Kim Zolciak-Biermann “My candy, sensible, motivated princess @arianabiermann she has the most important [heart] and is much more lovely on the within and also you LOW LIFE assholes who’ve the audacity to make your impolite feedback, ‘she lastly misplaced weight’ ‘she lastly got here into her personal’ WTF is mistaken with you!” the Do not Be Tardy star wrote when individuals commented negatively abut her daughter Ariana‘s weight in 2015. “You’re the drawback with society. What possesses you to sit down behind a pc and write a adverse remark?!!!! are you able to think about if you happen to took the time to write down one thing constructive or nothing in any respect how great this world could be!!! You permit my child alone she is a toddler!!!! Bought it!!!” Do not miss E! Information each weeknight at 7, solely on E! https://www.eonline.com/information/1043921/how-ayesha-curry-khloe-kardashian-and-more-celebs-fire-back-at-mommy-shamers?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-topstories&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_topstories The post How Ayesha Curry, Khloe Kardashian and Extra Celebs Hearth Again at Mommy Shamers appeared first on Kartia Velino. https://kartiavelino.com/how-ayesha-curry-khloe-kardashian-and-more-celebs-fire-back-at-mommy-shamers/
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Khloe Kardashian Instagram: Kylie Jenner sister in surgery confession
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=14661 Khloe Kardashian Instagram: Kylie Jenner sister in surgery confession - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=14661 But surprisingly, there's one part of Khloe Kardashian's bod that hasn't been touched by the surgeon's scalpel just yet.Khloe, 34 – who welcomed daughter True Thompson in April – has revealed that she considers getting a nose job "everyday".The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star was replying to a fan who was suspicious of her latest snap on Khloe Kardashian's Instagram."Did she get her nose done or just really fleeky contouring?" they asked beneath the post.Khloe honestly replied: "One day I think I'll get one because I think about it everyday. INSTAGRAM/KHLOEKARDASHIAN SURGERY CONFESSION: Khloe said she thinks about getting her nose done 'everyday' Khloe Kardashian's sexiest pics Khloe Kardashian shows off her sexy kurves in these smoking hot pictures. 1 / 71 Khloe with a K Khloe Kardashian goes topless in a pool for her latest portraits INSTAGRAM/KHLOEKARDASHIAN BOOTY CONSPIRACY: Khloe has admitted to having Botox, lip and facial fillers “One day I think I'll get one because I think about it everyday” Khloe Kardashian "But I'm scared so for now it's all about contour."The Good American designer has openly admitted to having Botox, lip and facial fillers.However, there's always been speculation surrounding her world-famous derriere. The next generation Kardashian clan See the next generation Kardashian clan as they grow up. 1 / 32 INSTAGRAM/KHLOEKARDASHIAN ADORABLE: Khloe welcomed daughter True in April Khloe has proclaimed that her bootylicious behind is as a result of hard work in the gym, while others suspect she might have had a Brazilian bum lift or butt implants.Back in 2014, Khloe denied having had bum implants on Twitter, she tweeted: "Sorry to disappoint. I've always had an a**."I know it's more fun to believe it's not real, kind of a compliment since I kill myself in the gym." The sexiest pictures of Kourtney Kardashian Kourtney Kardashian isn't one to shy away from flaunting her body. We look at her hottest pics! 1 / 94 INSTAGRAM/KOURTNEYKARDASH BREAST PLEASE: Kourtney had her boobs done years ago She's not the only Kardashian who is fond of some cosmetic tweaking though, sister Kourtney Kardashian, 39, has admitted to having breast implants.Meanwhile, Kylie Jenner, 20, started getting lip fillers aged just 17.However, Kylie – who welcomed baby Stormi Webster in February – recently confirmed that she has removed her lip filler and is championing a more natural look. Related articles Source link
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A Christmas Heartbreak
It was Christmas Day so I finally made it back in town. Ok, I didn’t wait that long to come back… Chris just doesn’t know that. I had my best friend who works at my daughter’s daycare help me out. Had it not been for her; I wouldn’t have been able to sneak Nayah out for lunch three times a week to see and spend some quality time with her. I have a feeling that won’t be enough though; and that I’ll lose custody.
All because it’s been so many months since I’ve been in her life according to Chris and it’s true! I just felt so damn guilty for that night with him that I practically ran away. Nayah was too important to me to completely run though. Tamar finding out what went down between Chris and I on the other hand made me stay away. I doubt my family and best friend’s testimony in court will help me keep her anyway.
I’d look horrible because I hid my daughter from his father until just months ago and right after he finds out, I disappear. Almost as if I was pissed that he knew if not ashamed. No one saying how good of a mom I am will prove I’m fit to be in her life now. Unless Chris has the heart I know he does and stops that from happening; me losing her of course. The thing is, I’m scared to find that out… I was pulling up to Chris’ house and to my surprise, there was a camera crew there. For what, I had no idea, but that can’t change if I don’t go inside…
What could possibly happen when I walk through the door though is what’s tempting me to back out. I’m so damn scary I can’t even knock on the door to see my baby girl and give her the Christmas gifts I got her. I’m practically seconds away from backing out too but this petty shit has gone on long enough. I don’t need to be scary; I’m a grown ass woman! If Tamar finds out, she finds out. If she doesn’t, even better! I just don’t want the drama! Especially on Christmas so let’s just get this over with sooner than later shall we?
Tamar and I were doing well and going strong. So was ‘Braxton Family Values.’ Most of the ratings were coming from me joining the cast of the show Tay agreed to do with her family. Once we went public, the media hasn’t left us alone constantly putting out stories about the status of our relationship. As always, they didn’t care if it was true or not, and I’m just glad there were no negative things to put in print. Not any that were true anyway! I thank God for that since they don’t, and never will know, about what happened with Jasmine before she just up and disappeared on my ass leaving our daughter with me.
It was Christmas and my mom was here with my aunt Christine and sister Lytrell so I’m not even gonna think about that shit! I thought it’d be perfect since Tay and I were becoming more serious each day that she’d meet my family for the first time on camera. This time it wasn’t for the new hit reality show with her family though; it was focusing more on Tamar and I. The name of the show: 'Tamar and Chris.’ It made sense to make a spin-off than a whole new show; making our show WE TV’s 'Khloe and Lamar’ as 'Braxton Family Values’ is the WE equivalent to ’Keeping Up With The Kardashians.’
Not saying the shows I’m a part of are as popular; it’s just the easiest comparison. The only difference is that Toni Braxton got offered a show because of her talent as well as the chance to let the world meet her family. Kim… Well do I really need to finish that statement? Why offer someone a reality show after the world sees her sex tape with Ray J? To redeem herself? Well she’s done a damn good job at that if she did not one but TWO ’Playboy’ shoots in the first two seasons of the show!
Sorry I just think E! was stupid as fuck for that one! Especially if she almost got Kourtney caught in a similar scandal on the first season’s finale; not the best choice they can make. Is the show good though? Yeah… What I’ve seen of it anyway! I only watch it when Tay is and I saw those particular episodes; not all of them. One thing that’s certain though is how damn sexy that Kim K is; gottdamn! Anyway, enough Kardashian talk; I love my baby Tamar, both my babies. The cameras just filmed my fam meeting Tay for the first time and Nayah of course was playing with the toys she just opened.
My fam showed up right after we finished opening presents by the way. All to catch Tamar off guard so the whole show isn’t scripted and there’s some real reality in there. I’m sure there’s less of that when the show is more popular since it has a decent amount of ratings though so for now, I’ll deal with it and improvise along the way. I already had the best way to end the first season of our show; proposing to Tamar.
The camera crew knows when I plan on doing it and how so they’ll be there to capture the moment. All I need now is to ask her father for his permission and when I get it, if I get lucky, then I’ll tell my mom and ask Tay’s big sis Toni to help with the ring and take it from there. I don’t want too many family and friends knowing otherwise they’d ruin the surprise. Just when I’m taken out of my thoughts by getting my mom’s approval on Tamar being a keeper, the doorbell rang.
The only thing I could think of was that I was about to get my own surprise from Tay since no one including the producers were expecting anyone else. It was hard to read her face to see if she was hiding the fact she was surprising me so I just went to the door and opened it instantly regretting the shit. It was… Jasmine! Showing up on today of all days! I understand why she returned for Christmas but knowing what we did will most likely get out with Nayah’s mom being here had me pissed. The last thing I want is to hurt Tamar and the fact we’re filming today for the first time will make it worse!
Only if she found out so for now, I’ll have to try my best to hide how nervous I am and act like it’s all good. All while making sure my baby mama doesn’t mention what happened that made her disappear in the first place. Tamar isn’t gonna like this shit and I want to try and handle it before she sees Jas and it ruins everything! With that said, I invite her in knowing the cameras are rolling and put a huge fake smile on my face. It was a real good one too; you couldn’t even tell it was fake and I’d know since I could see myself in one of the cameras. “Hey everyone look who decided to stop by since she wanted to see Nayah today!” Like I predicted, my mom and aunt Christine rushed in here since they were waiting to meet her and give her a piece of their mind for hiding my daughter from me.
I knew they wouldn’t say any of that now though so they’ll just play nice until the camera stops rolling. Same for Tay and knowing how she don’t play, that just might not be that easy. Let’s just hope this doesn’t go as bad as I expect it to get, on or off camera, or worse. That’s just way more than I could handle right now and I don’t want to lose Tamar on Christmas Day of all days because of one mistake that I know will devastate her! I just today and I’ll take all the time I need to find a way to finally confess tomorrow.
I’m not quite sure if I’ll actually tell Tamar though; hell it’s a possibility I’d tell her after New Year’s. I can’t focus on that right now though, Tay looks like she’s about to kill the both of us! Why she wants to kill me I don’t understand since this one wasn’t on me; I didn’t invite Jasmine. This was just as unexpected to me as it was to her. I couldn’t help but feel more guilty though; this shit is eating me alive! I can’t tell Tay yet though; it’ll have to wait. Hopefully not telling her doesn’t come around and bite me in the ass! Even if I have a gut feeling it most likely will…
The nerve of this bitch showing up NOW, months later, leaving her daughter behind in the process had me LIVID! I’ll admit that I don’t know her well enough to call her out her name but I mean damn! As a woman who lost her chance at being a mother by having miscarriages and having the best mom in the world who had been there for me no matter what…
How could she just disappear like that?! That’s why I was beyond pissed and I had no idea how to control myself! There were cameras everywhere though because we were filming not to mention the four most important ladies in Chris’ life not including me were here. That would be his mom, aunt, sister, and little Nayah. That sweet little girl… How could a mother leave their child like that? What the hell could make them?!
Was she in danger? Did she get pregnant again? Who did she… No… She wouldn’t; Chris wouldn’t! Right?! It’s not like I could confront them about it right now so I’ll just have to wait until we’re done filming. Hopefully the first day doing that doesn’t become the last… It took a few hours to finish; for now as we’re recording again when my sisters show up so we can start dinner. Chris’ house is bigger and I’m meeting more of his family then while he meets the rest of mine.
I was actually excited but now, I can’t help but want to cry thinking my boyfriend cheated on me. It’d hurt less if it was someone random because he was vulnerable while I needed my space after finding out about Nylah. The fact it possibly fuckin happened with her mother though; the only woman I could ever consider my competition… Hurts more than I can describe. More than Vince hurt me. I know it’s crazy that I don’t consider Rihanna competition because it’s possible that when that restraining order is lifted, something can happen between them.
Between now and then, I was hoping for marriage and kids to stop that from happening though. If it didn’t then it’s simple; he wouldn’t go see her without me and it’s the same for talking on the phone. Texting just wouldn’t be an option and he already has pictures blocked on his phone from unknown numbers. Sure Rihanna won’t be an unknown, but if Chris is married with kids she won’t bother to even think of sexting him. I find it disgusting and pointless too; for everyone! Why? The result is the same; if the relationship ends on a bad note then out of spite, those photos will get out.
Same for if the relationship ends on a good note; only they’ll do it out of jealousy and anger not wanting their ex with someone else. Me staying in my thoughts is the result of avoiding the truth out and getting rid of that last bit of hope I have for Chris and I. There’s a chance that I’m wrong though, like when I thought he got Rihanna pregnant…. What a coincidence; the first day of filming it looks like will always be a disaster. It doesn’t matter if I’m wrong or right if shit like this is gonna happen each and every time. I’m just gonna get this shit over with.
“Mama J, can Chris, Jasmine and I have the room before you, Lytrell and Aunt Christine have a few words with her? Please?” I felt I needed to stop them from going off on her first and we’re really close so I know she’ll understand. Especially when I gave her the respect in asking. “Sure. Come on Nayah, mommy and daddy need to have a grown up conversation with Tamar.” With that, Mama J grabbed her little hand and led her up the stairs, her sister and daughter following.
It stayed silent for a moment too; no one said a thing. Okay; it looks like I’ll have to… “So… Where the hell have you been Jasmine? That’s one. Two, how in the hell could you leave your daughter that long to go there? And finally, three, what could even make you leave like that?” There, I asked. I’m just hoping they don’t lie or if they do; it’s a damn good one so I don’t see through the and know it’s a lie. Jasmine beat Chris to the punch in saying anything so this shit better be good!
“I do model you know. And it just so happened a pretty face got me an opportunity to star in a movie. I’d tell you which one if I were still in it. At the last second though, the last day of filming to be exact, Chris’ most recent ex, the one who’s trying to trap him with a baby that should be due any day now, stole the role from me. They should begin the movie from the beginning sometime next year. Can’t start filming right after she has a baby can they?”
I’m not sure if I believe her though; even if the shit is possible. It just seems too… Cliche…. A lot of models make their way into the acting business since they’re already comfortable in front of a camera. Not saying it’s not true but something is telling me not to believe it. That something is why she felt she couldn’t tell Chris when she made it where she had to go to film the movie and tell him when she was coming back let alone check up on Nayah while she was gone. What’s the reason behind that?
I didn’t even get to ask that question; Chris beat me to it. “If that’s all it was, why couldn’t you tell me? What kind of person says they’re sorry for hiding a child from their other parent then gets back at them because they’re pissed they have to be involved now or they don’t want them involved after all?" He sees what I see! Good; I still feel like they’re hiding something; like they’re using this excuse to keep me from the truth. I’m not worried about it though; they not leavin until I know what really happened mmkay? This shit ain’t cute either; having to be in this damn position but it is what it is. I’ll just deal with it.
"I know; I never had the time! I filmed most of they day then slept. I didn’t have much time to talk on the phone during halo and make up when like I said this was last minute so I had to use that time to learn all my lines for the day. I never did either hence why I ended up on set until we finished all our day. By then I was way too exhausted so like I said before I didn’t call anyone or make the time.” That makes sense I guess… Now I’m starting to be convinced but as a parent, you make time so I still wasn’t buying it.
“So you just made no time to be there for your daughter? That’s hard to believe,” I manage to say. I thought that thought stayed in my head but I guess not. “Look, if you think I’m lying just say it! I can prove I’m not though! Besides while I didn’t have nor make time to reach out to anyone, others reached out to me. My best friend for example who works at Nayah’s daycare. That’s how I saw her without being there in person. I also sent stuff for her to my friend’s address.”
Now she’s trying to hard to pull off this lie even if the words coming out her mouth are true! “Bullshit! The best friend part is true, I can tell, but you weren’t in any damn movie! Just admit it! What made you really fucking leave?!” She chuckled darkly before giving her response; good! Now that my plan to piss her off worked she’ll finally tell me if she and Chris fucked like I think they did! I don’t want to know but I need to because I can’t go on thinking that and not getting the truth.
“You want the truth?’ You got it! The day I left Nayah with Chris, I gave him a note explaining why I left. The reason? Three days before that I made a move on him out of weakness because I never got over him and we did something we both regret. Me more than him because I think you two are good together and I let my feelings take over my mind acting on them. There’s your truth!” I just stood there and nodded. “Took you long enough to admit it! Thanks for ruining my Christmas AND new show by the way! It was picked up and we started filming so I can’t back out now! He’s the father of your child anyway so you can have him. It’ll give you a chance to feel what I’m feeling right now.”
After that I just looked at Chris who couldn’t say one thing knowing he fucked up and I calmly walked out of the house then into my car and drove off. Not even when I got home did I cry; I don’t have time to. It’s Christmas and I have to get ready to go back over there for dinner. Only I’m not playing like we’re still together off camera. I wish I could ON camera but it’s too late for that considering how stupid I look. I should’ve known better damn it! He let me fall for all of his bull shit though; and I went along with it. Anyway, the season is ending with is breaking up that’s for sure; I’m telling the producers once I get back over there.
For now, I just need some me time to keep the tears away and/or from going back to that house to kill them both. I’m too grown for that shit though and I went through too much with Vince to let that shit phase me. Maybe since he’s calling me I should hearing what he has to say. If I like it, maybe I’ll give him another chance. Not today though or this month even. That doesn’t mean I can’t be petty so I will answer this call. Where it leads is the least of my worries anyway; same for Chris’ feelings. At this point fuck him! He can go to hell for all I care; he broke my heart on Christmas so Vince can be the ultimate payback. I’ll get through today and worry about that tomorrow though…
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Post has been published on http://gooeos.com/kim-kardashian-wants-children-surgery/
Kim Kardashian wants to have more children to do surgery
Of course the presence of 2 babies in the family Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. namely, North West and Saint West, even more complete happiness amid Kim's family and husband.
But as reported by Metro, they said it was ready to have another baby. It Kim expressed in the video teaser for the episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians next. "I want my children to have a brother anymore," Kim kardashian said.
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Not only that, Kim also told E! She and Yeezy already planning to provide a sibling for the North and Saint. "I'll try to add one more child," I'm Kim K at the E! which took place on Sunday.
In fact, before Kim Kardashian had revealed that She had received warnings from doctors that she gave birth for the third time.
Because according to the doctor, the third birth for Kim Kardashian is less secure. Not without reason, the 36-year-old woman did have a serious problem in parts of the womb. In fact, in the 2nd pregnancy, Kim had threatened to lift the uterus.
Not that the presence of the North West and Saint West did not the complete family of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. "I have to do this (operation) in order to improve my womb because I'm planning to add one more child.
Would not that be fun?" Kim said while enjoying dinner with his mother and brother in the show Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
However, they are a completely different reaction in the hope Kim. Instead of giving support, The Kardashians others were increasingly concerned with health conditions that always force me to have more children.
Khloe Kardashian was finally asked what kind of operation that will be undertaken Kim.
Kim was immediately answered, "I have to do surgery on my belly to fix this hole. They have to clean it and definitely will leave their mark. My pregnancy would be high risk, but I can get pregnant again."
Aware of the dangers he would face, Kim also emphasized, "Adding more children definitely need to fight. I've gone through many difficulties during childbirth, doctors did not even feel safe. At least, this operation is the last resort I can do."
In addition, Kim Kardashian has been reminded by his mother, Kris Jenne, on the show American Show. At the time, Kris says that Kim Kardashian could be bleeding to death when she gave birth to a child for the third time.
The desire Kim also made other family members such as Khloe Kardashian worried about her sister if forced herself to give birth to a third child.
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