theloulouge · 1 year
Life Lens - Entry 17
A Guide to Avoid Half-Assery Life’s too short for half-ass things. It’s like trying to build a sandcastle with one hand while scrolling through social media with the other – a recipe for disaster. So, let’s raise a toast to saying no to half-ass stories, half-ass effort, half-ass love, and half-ass people being half-ass there. First up, half-ass stories. You know the ones – the plot’s as thin…
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revenconcepts · 2 years
Watch this video and learn how to fill your life with meaning! 
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sueclancy · 3 years
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Today's #sketchbook page - thinking about #trees with love #ecology #lifewithmeaning #brushpen #ink #inkdrawings (at Vancouver, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQOwhlfJ0Yu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rainbowreikiwalter · 4 years
Want support for your path towards Enlightenment and Spiritual Realisation?
Experienced Spiritual Master teaches you the 101...
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gunterhausarts · 5 years
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Varnish Day! 👌🥳👏👏 I love this big bear baby, his name is Loiosh! Swipe to see him checking out his new portrait. He is the biggest #germanshepherd I have EVER laid eyes on. To me, he is a a Great Dane, w/ high emphasis on the “great.” So smart, if he were a human, he wouldn’t just be in Mensa, he’d be leading it. Thank you for the sweet family Member who so thoughtful gifted this present to his Mum and Dad; shortly after, it was found that dear Loi has Hermangioma - series of vascular tumors. He receives treatment but surgery proved too risky to complete because of vital vascular entanglement. I cannot emphasize how important this work is to me! Painting someone’s pet is a beacon of hope, happiness, joy and a symbol of the eternity in our hearts they will always take up residence in. ❤️ Forever. #Lifeissuchablessing #varnishday #oilpaintings #petportraits #soulsurge #lifewithmeaning #thegiftofgiving #iamsogratefulforthislife #love #themoreyougivethemorryouhave #gunterhaus #paintingwithpurpose #artislife #205collaborative @205collaborative #triad #trinity #dog #artistforhire #i❤️animals (at 205 Collaborative) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3fko1Yj6yl/?igshid=hjw11r9zp1vd
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yoda1117 · 6 years
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My office may be in disarray, but at least I have tea. And it’s all good in life. #tea #japanesetea #oolongtea #teaoflife #lifewithtea #teaforlife #life #simplethingsinlife #drinktea #behealthywithtea #tealife #lifewithmeaning (at Centreville, Virginia)
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fresh-insights · 7 years
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Life is not so much about what I do for a living, it’s much more about the way I approach my living/life. Personal and professional alignment are vital to me. They are, to me, #oneandthesame ———— #lifealignment #valuesmatter #whatmatters #multipotentialite #liveandleadwithheart #leadwithyourheart #startwithkindness #startwithunderstanding #learnforlife #continuousdevelopment #continuouslearning #lifeisanadventure #learnfromeverything #learnfromeveryone #selfdevelopment #carveyourownpath #lifewithmeaning #lifewithpurpose #womenentrepreneurs #inspirationeverywhere
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life-of-lisa-mejias · 7 years
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I've been struggling with the words for today.... It's been 3 years since my Dad passed. It's not just another day, but it's not a day unlike any other... For me, personally, it's a day of reflection. People deal with things in their own way, right or wrong, it's not up to us to judge. If there's anything the last 3 years have taught me, it's that life is too damn short! It's too damn short to be unhappy; it's too damn short to be stuck; it's too damn SHORT. Period. LIVE while you're alive! ENJOY this great gift of life! Be GRATEFUL for what you have. DREAM big. Chase ADVENTURE! Live with NO REGRETS. #missmydad #lovehimsomuch #lifewithmeaning #bepurposeful #lifeistooshort #yolo #grateful #noregrets #livelifetothefullest (at Calais, Maine)
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iamjennrene · 8 years
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A beautiful seed pods I've been carrying around. I'm in a "seeding stage". #lifewithmeaning #abouttoseedsomethingforreal
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peterestevez · 8 years
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#values #soul #lifewithmeaning #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #quotestoliveby #dailyquotes #followmyquotes #inspire #iloveyou #instagram #inspiration #yolo✌️ #tumblr #twitter #facebook #flickr #blueskybiofuels #mexico #tijuana #sdc #california #polanco #peteroestevez #PeterOEstévez #peteroestévez #EGOMEX #EnergyGasOil #EnergyGasOilMexico #houston
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yoda1117 · 8 years
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Today. Yesterday. Tomorrow. Each day to its own. #LifeWithMeaning (at VENUTEC)
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viendamaria · 9 years
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Interesting buildings in #senggigi #lombok inspired the follow up to yesterday's post, writing about what 'signs' from the Universe look like; and how to use them to manifest anything you want. Go to ViendaMaria.com now, to read {link in profile}. #ManifestMore #manifestingdreams #followyourheart #trustinlife #desires #ask #receive #cocreate #gypset #worldwanders #workanywhere #lifewelltraveled #lifewithmeaning (at Senggigi, Lombok, Indonesia)
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maryangeleen · 11 years
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As you lie in bed, ask yourself, "What did I accomplish today?" #lifewithmeaning #checkandbalance
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