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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years ago
...bir insanın bütün değeri, kendini aşabilme, kendi dışında olma, başkasında ve başkası ile var olabilme yeteneğinde yatıyordu.
Gülünesi Aşklar, Milan Kundera
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themondebooks · 4 years ago
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#QOTD Do you think book covers should signify what the book is about? 📚 📚 I think yes. I know it's not possible to give a complete idea about the book with a single picture. But it is possible to convey many things with an apt cover. The reason why this question came to my mind is because of the covers of Shatter Me series. I loved all of the covers. But even now I have no idea what the eye signifies. This has been nagging me ever since I read the series. So if anyone knows the importance of the eye please let me know. I would love to hear your thoughts. 📚 📚 #mondebooks #yareads #booknerdigans #passionatereader #fantasyreads #bookcover #bookcoverdesign #bookcovers #bookart #artofreading #lifewithbooks #currenttop10books #goodreadswithaview #heathensandhowlers #fortheloveofreading #notjustaprettybook #igreads (at Doha Festival City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR9LTX2hwJG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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itsmeprinceraj · 4 years ago
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. . BOOK:- Indraprastha AUTHOR:- HARSHWARDHAN GENRE:- Fiction Rating:- 4 . . This is the story of valour On the land of Pandavas there was once a ruler named Martand this is his story of how he fulfilled his duty for his motherland. The silver chest which is the most awaited item of the century had finally arrived in the camps of Ghulam-e-Khidmatgars, by Alauddin the captain of Khidmatgars appointed by the commander. Bhakt Khan the commander of Khidmatgars whom everyone in his tribe calls Abu and is very rude and strict, he is a foreigner and for the last 25 years, he had made his way to Gondwana Lands capturing vaishyas with the help of his army and now he is planning something sinister for Gondwana people. After the fall of Somajeya, no one in Aryan Empire was safe and now the silver chest is found by Commander Indraprastha is at stake what will happen next. Aryans of Gondwana have come forth to save the land of Gondwana from unworthy commander bhakt Khan who is invading the lands and terrorism it with his large army and the Prince Martand of Hastinapur is revolting against him now with the knowledge of silver chest which commander wants what will happen now for that you will have to grab the book. The cover of the book is very catchy and feels like a thrilling story it would have but when I read the book it didn't give me such a thrilling experience which I expected it to be, the suspense of the story kept me hooked in it I felt boring sometimes but the ending had some energy in it and has left lots of questions which will be answered in the next part of the book. ..... #harshwardhan #indraprastha #fictionbooks #bookstagrammers #lifewithbooks #bookislife📚 #readers #readerslife📚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRqAlgarQWj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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xcytatowox-blog · 7 years ago
"Starałam się dzisiaj być lepszym człowiekiem, ale świat nie współpracuje."
Kasie West - Chłopak na zastępstwo
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ishadash92 · 5 years ago
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#worldbookday #worldbookday2020 #nocaptionneeded #readingismyfavorite #ruskinbond #wishestoall #readmorebooks #lifewithbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B_U89AqhFKM/?igshid=1e2jaryj2a4oe
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littlefishlove0703 · 5 years ago
Lảm nhảm
Lảm nhảm lải nhải thì bất kì thứ gì mình cũng có thể liên tưởng đến người ấy. Còn “người ấy” là ai thì chắc Hưng biết.
Hưng said, đôi khi yêu đơn phương lại làm mình mạnh mẽ hơn. *Đang gõ đến đây thì thấy 1 thông báo từ facebook, “Hưng đã yêu cầu tham gia LifeWithBook - Hội những người thích đọc sách”, mình đành aprove vội không thì bị người khác duyệt tranh :v. Đúng là nhắc đến Tào Tháo, Tào Tháo xuất hiện*
Khi đọc sách mình thường liên tưởng, ngấm từng câu từng chữ như là cuốn sách viết ra để dành cho mình. Mình nhớ lại những câu nói chẳng mấy hay ho với anh; những hành động, suy nghĩ cũng chẳng mấy hay ho với anh... 
Anh sẽ tốt mà -_-
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adisjournal · 7 years ago
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The new beginning... This is going to be an #introduction to THE #Murakami for me. Very first pick from the longgg series of work by this legendary author. Thanks @shreya_chatterjee For suggesting me thus title. . . . . . . #CoffeeCatClicks #newbook #TBR #bookstagram #boostagrammer #bookishmorning #booksinmylife #lifewithbooks #lifeofbibliophile #booktime #booklove #booklover #bookncoffee #bookishmug from @tbb_box #earbuds from @skullcandy and specks frok @fastrackworld (at Model Colony)
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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years ago
Aramızdaki temel fark ne, biliyor musun? Sen insanlara baktığın zaman üniformalar, bayraklar ve din görüyorsun!” “Peki, sen ne görüyorsun bakalım?” “İnsan, sadece insan. Seven, acı çeken, acıkan, üşüyen, korkan bir insan.
Serenad - Zülfü Livaneli
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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years ago
İnsan kaçırdığı şeyi yeniden yakalayamazdı.
Gülünesi Aşklar, Milan Kundera
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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years ago
Acılı bir ruh, yabancı bir diyarda yakınlarından biriyle karşılaşan bir yabancı gibi, kendine benzeyen, aynı duyarlığı paylaşan bir başkasıyla birleşince huzura kavuşur. Hüzün kalpleri sevinçten ve neşeden daha çok birleştirip yakınlaştırır. Aşk, gözyaşlarıyla yıkandığında, saftır, güzeldir ve sonsuzdur!
Kırık Kanatlar, Halil Cibran
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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years ago
Eğer dünya üzerinde 'İyi' yoksa onu icat etmek gerekir.
Kadınlar, Eduardo Galeano
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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years ago
Bu dünyada sana kötülük yapmak isteyen insanlar çıkacak karşına, ama unutma ki iyilik yapmak isteyenler de çıkacak. Kimi insanın yüreği karanlık, kimininki aydınlıktır. Geceyle gündüz gibi! Dünyanın kötülerle dolu olduğunu düşünüp küsme, herkesin iyi olduğunu düşünüp hayal kırıklığına uğrama!
Serenad - Zülfü Livaneli
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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years ago
İnsan, ölüp giden bedeninden fazla bir şeydir, çünkü önemli olan insanın yapıtlarıdır, insanın başkalarına bıraktıklarıdır.
Gülünesi Aşklar, Milan Kundera
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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years ago
Cahillik hiçliğin beşiği, hiçlik de kaygısızlığın yatağıdır, denir ya... Bu, yeryüzünde ancak ölü bedenler için doğrudur. Cahillik, gerçek ve sağlam bir duyarlıkla birlikte olduğunda, ölümden de acı olur.
Kırık Kanatlar, Halil Cibran
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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years ago
Düşünme hakkını koru. Yanılarak düşünmek hiç düşünmemekten iyidir.
Kadınlar, Eduardo Galeano
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buluttanhayatlr · 5 years ago
İnsan yalnızca farkına vardığı şeylerden sorumlu olsaydı, alıklar her türlü hatadan peşin peşin arınmış olurlardı. Ancak, azizim Fleischman, insan bilmekle yükümlüdür. İnsan bilgisizliğinden sorumludur. Bilgisizlik bir hatadır. İşte bu nedenle hatanızı hiçbir şey bağışlatamaz.
Gülünesi Aşklar, Milan Kundera
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