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What a lot of people don’t know about me is that I’m a lifetime ambassador for Makers Mark and every year they send out Christmas gifts to the ambassadors and this year ..... it’s a limited edition set of playing cards

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Here is @integritybeauty graphic for the @iammizceo "Ain't No Plan B!!" I am truly honored to be a co-author along with 16 other writers from across the country who shared their journeys as entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, public figures, recording artists and women of God following God's purpose! We will have our Book Release and Signing during my Birthday Weekend Oct 10-12, 2019 in Indiana! Go to www.mizceo.com! Pre-sales for the Book and eBook from me start right NOW by emailing [email protected] your request! #aintnoplanb #Mizceo0717 #mizceoconference19 #indiana #womenconference #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurialconference #IntegrityBeauty #lifetimeambassador #QueenDiva #DivasDiamonds #inspiring #encouraging #empowering (at Harlem USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jfeZIg_dQ/?igshid=fjxjsn3qjkqh
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When in chi town you have to Experience the local favorites! #chitown #chitri #lifetimeambassador #teamvillage #cantstopwontstop #geekygirlsrule #gumbygirl #azgirl (at Lou Malnati's)
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Here is the final cover for the @iammizceo "Ain't No Plan B!!" @integritybeauty is a co-author along with 16 other writers from across the country who shared their journeys as entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, public figures, recording artists and women of God following God's purpose! There will be a Book Release and Signing during Pastor Sonja Elise's Birthday Weekend Oct 10-12, 2019 in Indiana! Go to www.mizceo.com! #aintnoplanb #Mizceo0717 #mizceoconference19 #indiana #womenconference #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurialconference #IntegrityBeauty #lifetimeambassador #QueenDiva #DivasDiamonds #inspiring #encouraging #empowering (at Harlem USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2b_986g48j/?igshid=1htpegqx651ud
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In celebration of 15th Anniversary both with Divine Voices World Ministries (A music & encouragement ministry) and @DivineVoicesMedia (A Christian Woman Owned Business)... “I’m excited to announce my participation as a Contributing Author for the highly anticipated book, @mizceo0717 Ain’t No Plan B! This book will highlight women in business who are sharing in all transparency their failures as well as their successes. They take you on a journey to let you let you know that quitting is not an option, that they will continue despite of life’s punches, and that they have made up in their minds, it Ain’t No Plan B!.....how to pre-order coming soon!!”~Queen Diva #entrepreneurs #women #womeninbusiness #blackentrepreneur #divinevoicesmedia #divinevoicesworldminitries #mzceoentrepreneurialconference2019 #indiana #october #blackgirlmagic✨ #aintnoplanb #queendiva #pastorsonjaelise #integritybeauty #lifetimeambassador #authorlife #author #authorsoninstagram # (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0zqCfigczS/?igshid=51wh1cbl5nfq
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@shawna.speaks is a Speaker, Bestselling Author & Life Coach, will discuss her book "Queen With Her Damaged Crown" and how she was led to write this book, the importance of sharing her story as well as how becoming a certified Life Coach with Powerhouse Life Coach Guru Tony Gaskins has changed her life to help others. She is also a minister at The Love Fellowship Tabernacle under the spiritual guidance of Bishop Hezekiah Walker in Brooklyn, NY. You do not want to miss this broadcast! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/divas_diamonds/2019/05/13/shawna-speaks-will-discuss-her-book-queen-with-her-damaged-crown #DivasDiamonds #ShawnaSpeaks #divinevoicesmedia #author #lifecoach #podcasteroftheyear #speaker #minister #queen #damagedcrown #brooklyn #tonygaskinsjr #lovefellowshipchurch #DivineVoicesWorldMinistries #QueenDiva #PastorSonjaElise #IntegrityBeauty #lifetimeambassador (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYi7dLBKT7/?igshid=1pal2oyy0i2hu
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Happy Mother's Day to my Mom @oncedblessed whom I love and admire greatly for her strength, perseverance and resilience as a single mom to me and younger brother @frestylin91 I love and appreciate you and your wisdom daily! Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Proverbs 31:28 #HappyMothersDay. #momstyle #momsrock #mommyandme #mommy #IntegrityBeauty #lifetimeambassador #PastorSonjaElise #twinning #mymom #DivasDiamonds #DivineVoicesMedia #DivineVoicesWorldMinistries (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxXF-L2h_18/?igshid=1khit4rivb663
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Good Morning PINK Diamonds!! This morning @integritybeauty walks for NAMIWalks NYC at 9 am EST!! She just need $20 dollars to reach her goal for #TEAMIntegrityBeauty for NAMIWalks NYC for today Saturday, May 11, 2019!!! If anyone in the Greater NYC area would like to walk with her at 9 am EST just donate and she will inbox you the directions to meet her to walk!! If you cannot walk please donate to this amazing cause that means so very much to me!! Peace & Love! If you would like to donate and/or walk please just click this link!-->https://www.namiwalks.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=243723&fbclid=IwAR2YnaVGnQYxG_boPbwT0Z-ZAtdjdWW0z9TmgUA0yEFcLRXxvj0PsHSrI6M <---NOW! #nami #namiwalksnyc #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #yourmind #nyc #donate #donatenow #thankyouforyoursupport #thankyou #integritybeauty #lifetimeambassador #PastorSonjaElise #DivasDiamonds #divinevoicesmedia #DivineVoicesWorldMinistries #love (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxUZm-FhcPZ/?igshid=1vsqat3xqkyr6
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Happy Thanksgiving, PINK Diamonds Worldwide!! I pray you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! If you are not, I pray you becoming thankful that you are so very blessed to see another Thanksgiving Day and I want to encourage you to be thankful in your lack as you did in your abundance, when you are among company and when you are alone. Thankfulness pleases God! So be thankful right where you are and in whatever circumstance and know it is only temporary! Peace and abundant love be unto you any yours! You are loved! #ThankfulThursday. #Bethankful #ThankfulnessPleasesGod #divasdiamondsconferencenyc19 #divinevoicesmedia #divasdiamonds #SoulDivasNightOutPresents #nyc #PastorSonjaElise #queendiva #queendivamusic #singer #songstress #songwriter #author #teacher #mentorship #mentor #lifetimeambassador #IntegrityBeauty #lifecoach #careercoach #producer #executiveproducer #musicdirector #podcaster #radiopersonality #tvpersonality #vocalcoach #vocaldirector #recordingartist #broadwaystar #cabaretstar (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqfq3X9h9bV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mz055bv8drnm
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Did you know @divasdiamonds 1st Gospel single "This Day" is #5 Reverbnation New York Gospel Chart? Check it out! www.reverbnation.com/PastorSonjaElise #divinevoicesmedia #divinevoicesmusicgrouprecordingartist #pastorsonjaelise #queendivamusic #gospelsinger #gospelmusic #gospel #ibwoe #lifetimeambassador (at Divine Voices Media)
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@divasdiamonds for 4-9-18 Time waits for no one... #lifequotes #careerquotes #lovequotes #inspiringquotes #empoweringquotes #encouragingquotes #divasdiamonds #divinevoicesmedia #queendiva #pastorsonjaelise #LifetimeAmbassador #IBWOE #timewaitsfornoone (at New York, New York)
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Available now to download @divasdiamonds 1st Gospel single "This Day: An Accapella Prayer" Written by the late Edwin Hawkins for Edwin Hawkins Music and Vocals produced by @divasdiamonds for @divinevoicesmedia (Downloads $2.50) (CDs coming soon) www.PayPal.me/SonjaElise at and check out her website for more products at www.queendivamusic.com/store/ #ThisDay #edwinhawkins #divasdiamonds #divinevoicesmedia #edwinhawkins #divinevoicesmusicgrouprecordingartist #debutgospelsingle #accapellaprayer #global #lifetimeambassador #ibwoe #pastorsonjaelise #queendiva #queendivamusicworldwide www.reverbnation.com/PastorSonjaElise. (at Divine Voices Media)
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@divasdiamonds for 4-6-18 Success is not measured by...#careerquotes #lifequotes #relationshipquotes #lovequotes #inspiringquotes #empoweringquotes #encouragingquotes #love #success #moneydoesnotdefineyou #youaresuccessful #yourworthisnotbasedonyoursalary #pastorsonjaelise #divasdiamonds #divinevoicesmedia #LifetimeAmbassador #IBWOE (at New York, New York)
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@divasdiamonds for 4-3-18 Spring forward towards success relentlessly! You have to believe in your success and see it before anyone else! Don't stop pursuing your dreams until they come true! Do everything in your power to prepare, proceed and succeed in all that you do! There is always somebody somewhere who can help you accomplish your success. All you have to do is ask and be ready! Peace & Love! #lifegoals #lifequotes #lovequotes #inspiringquotes #empoweringquotes #lifecoach #careercoach #careergoals #love #relationshipcoach #relationshipgoals #queendiva #pastorsonjaelise #divasdiamonds #divinevoicesmedia #LifetimeAmbassador #IBWOE #springforwardtowardsssuccess (at New York, New York)
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You are stronger than the foolishness that surrounds you! #stayfocused #inspiringquotes #empoweringquotes #encouragingquotes #lifequotes #lovequotes #careercoach #lifecoach #pastorsonjaelise #queendiva #IntegrityBeauty #LifetimeAmbassador (at New York, New York)
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@divasdiamonds for 3-30-18 Shine on Resplendently, P.I.N.K.-Possibilities I Now Know Diamonds! Never dull your inner light for anyone! You were created to be blessing. Did you know that? No matter what people say or the circumstances you arrived or the environment you grew up! You were created to be a blessing to others and blessed. So shine your light and know it was meant to illuminate so that all that see you smile when they see you. Be Great! Illuminate! Peace & Love! #divasdiamonds #divinevoicesmedia #inspiringquotes #empoweringquotes #encouragingquotes #lifequotes #lovequotes #careercoach #lifecoach #pastorsonjaelise #queendiva #IntegrityBeauty #LifetimeAmbassador #ShineOnResplendently (at Divine Voices Media)
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