yeahiwasintheshit · 10 months
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thank you everyone for following me on my salo journey last night lol
like i said last night after i watched it... its gross and disgusting and meant to be shocking and in your face, but is not just exploitation. PPP is a great film maker, and was actually trying to make a point. unfortunately for him, he pissed off the wrong people with the film and got his ass assassinated for it.
with the internet now, weve all probably and most likely brushed up against the grossest and nastiest parts, so a film like this might not be as shocking today as it was in fucking 1975. i could just imagine this film landing like an atom bomb then.
theres a bunch of supplemental docs on the criterion disc which im gonna watch later, if i find anything interesting, ill report later lol
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powerbook145 · 2 months
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Upon closer inspection…
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@lifesgrandparade is this guy in the green hat enjoying the O’s game? And what’s with that kid?
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hughbot · 3 months
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Last week, Baltimore's only psychedelic cowboy blog (@lifesgrandparade ) brought up Heathcliff so I decided to get out my meager Heathcliff collection and take a look.
Heathcliff was created and (mostly) drawn by George Gately. His last name was Gallagher but he dropped it from appearing on his work because his brother was also a cartoonist and he wanted to avoid confusion. The first book I have is from the 70's and you can kind of see the strip's absurdist bent now and then.
The comic books were published by Marvel and they were created by a full team of writers and artists.
When I was a kid I read Heathcliff in the newspapers but my favorite iteration was the cartoon. I was really in to the Cadillac Cats, a group of strays that lived in a junkyard. They had a car that transformed and it lived in my head rent free when I was a kid. Somehow I still know the words to the theme song.
(I'm pretty sure a bot with the username "thegreatpussini" followed me on here once)
Recently Heathcliff has had a resurgence on here (and I guess other social media sites?) due to the current Heathcliff artist, Peter Gallagher's penchant for absurdity and new breakout characters like Jimmy the frog.
I highly recommend this video, Gallagher discusses his creative process in detail.
So yeah, I like Heathcliff just as much as Garfield but I like the Cadillac Cats most of all.
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stenka-razin · 5 months
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@lifesgrandparade I think once they made a cartoon it became an unkillable monster. A ghost haunting cinemas to bring it all back. But yeah, I stand by my Bustless life. I remember rewatching it as an adult for the first time and just deflating. And this was back when there were still only two movies. There are now FIVE!?!?!?
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xanadontit · 9 months
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Paging @pelicanhypeman and @lifesgrandparade
My favorite comment: Sell high buy low. This person understands economics
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gowns · 1 year
13, 18, 25!
sci fi movie: ummm not really my genre... but i looked it up and some of my favorites technically qualify, like "science of sleep," EEAAO... "brazil" which, i'll be honest, i don't know if i can ever rewatch it but it did leave an impact on me when i saw it in college. @lifesgrandparade also reminded me of "a matter of life and death" which i enjoyed!
animation: i'll rec one that not a lot of people have seen, "rock and rule"
the animation makes me uncomfortable (very sensual) but i am also into it tbh.
favorite box office flop: elaine may's filmography 💜
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yeahiwasintheshit · 1 year
7 14 28
7) a film from the year your mom was born
i went thru the whole wiki page of films released in 1952 and the one and only film that im sure ive watched before was 'singin' in the rain'. and i havent seen the whole thing since high school film class lol so i barely remember the movie. but there is that iconic dance scene with gene kelley and donald oconnor which is fantastic and worth a recommendation just on that dance
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14) a film whose main genre is Fantasy
hmmm. there are a bunch. wizard of oz. princess bride. willy wonka. but i know theres a crazy old fantasy movie from the 60s that we both like. fellini satyricon.
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28) a film that is a part of a franchise with more than 5 sequels/remakes/reboots
this one broke my brain trying to think of something good, cause the first one i thought of, of course was star wars, but who recommends star wars lol. i will never recommend any harry potter shit cause i never watched not even a single entire one of them or any marvel crap. so i think im gonna recommend the psycho franchise. the first of course is a classic. the 2nd is actually a decent movie with meg tilly and vera miles. i dont think i saw the 3rd one, but i do remember watching the 4th one when i was a kid cause my brain short circuited to see henry "ET" thomas running around in his underwear. lol i dont recommend the widely shit upon vince vaughn remake tho lol
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philcatelinet · 2 years
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I posted 1,361 times in 2022
43 posts created (3%)
1,318 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 28 of my posts in 2022
#hell yes - 1 post
#not great bob - 1 post
#sweden can have some eugenics ig - 1 post
#*coronavirus - 1 post
#*death - 1 post
#us and no - 1 post
#i grew up in the 80s and just missed nuclear war duck and cover drills - 1 post
#smbc - 1 post
#hiveworks - 1 post
#comic - 1 post
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#sorry if this is a spoiler but the book has been out for years and the show aired 10 years ago
My Top Posts in 2022:
I had to share my impressions of the New York Philharmonic in the newly renovated David Geffen Hall. For reference: our seats were on the orchestra level, row EE, in the center rear of the hall just under the first tier. For further reference: I’ve been a season-ticket subscriber to the NY Philharmonic since 2007. They have performed in the same hall since 1964 but it just underwent a renovation that fixed its notoriously bad acoustics, moved the stage forward by 30 feet so the audience is closer, and updated all the facilities. Tonight’s concert was Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 22 and Bruckner’s Symphony No. 7, two of my favorite pieces by two of my favorite composers.
I love the sound of the renovated hall. I’ve never FELT the Philharmonic’s sound like I did tonight. The basses and cellos, and all the strings, had a depth to their sound. I could hear the articulations more than ever. All of the instruments could be heard more clearly than before. I thought the delicacy of the Mozart piano concerto came out and that the piano was almost too soft compared to the orchestra. Maybe the piano was too loud before? Or the orchestra was straining to be heard over the piano? I thought the concerto was lovely nevertheless.
Bruckner’s Symphony No. 7 was incredible. I was hanging on every note. The brass sounded clear as bells. It helped that all of the brass were in the center of the stage, behind the winds, (and directly in front of where we were sitting in the center rear of the hall) instead of off to the side and way in the back like they used to be. I could feel those gorgeous brass chorales in the second movement. And the cymbal crash and timpani roll at the climax of the second movement was like an explosion of sound! There were other little things that I hadn’t noticed all the times I’d heard the piece before, like harmonies in the winds, or the first horn doubling the cellos in the opening, or some sharp menacing notes from the basses in the finale.
I almost feel cheated for all the years that I heard this orchestra in the old hall. I didn’t know what I was missing! I can’t wait to go back and hear them play there again. We have tickets to 3 more concerts this season and I might have to go by myself once or twice.
6 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
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See the full post
7 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
FreshDirect misdelivered someone else’s order to our building and now there’s fresh produce and two cases of Lacroix sitting in the hallway. I feel bad about food waste but we don’t have that much room in our refrigerator for more produce. And would taking the food be stealing, like taking someone’s package?
On the other hand FreshDirect is not going to come back and pick up this order and redeliver it. So it’s going to sit in the hallway for a couple of days and then one of us will put it in the trash.
8 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
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We’ve gone all black for concert dress! I’m taking this look to our orchestra concert just off Times Square tonight.
8 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I made one of my favorite dinners: Cook’s Illustrated’s chicken parmesan, and I added some pepperoni because why the hell not? And some sautéed green beans for our health, and a Sicilian red blend.
9 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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powerbook145 · 4 months
…I don’t understand the problem here Genus I is the best version?
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riverofmolecules · 4 years
@lifesgrandparade replied to your post “i forgot how horribly obnoxious tumblr fandom is. i tag posts because...”
Yeah actually that is why I don't tag much
it’s like, isn’t it enough of a joke that fandoms make people hate the movie or tv show? why would you make sure that was still true
but i know i like going through my tags to look up gifs or try to find clips i knew i reblogged or laugh at my own jokes
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stenka-razin · 8 months
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@lifesgrandparade I do love the possibility of Disney straight up retconning 2.5 films immediately. Rey is still on the Falcon. Harrison Ford is on board extremely distressed to still be doing Star Wars. His Grandson's college bill visibly in the shot.
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talix18 · 5 years
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Ironic Halloween costume
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abloodymess · 6 years
lifesgrandparade replied to your photo: If you are looking for a violent sci-fi movie that...
iiiiii kinda liked this movie and it kinda pissed me off, so I guess it was great?
I have 3 out of 5. I am a sucker for films about identity and reality. What I dug was, you don’t really see movies like this released wide anymore. This could have been easily dumped to Netflix and forgotten, but it is actually cinematic. 
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brostateexam · 4 years
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gowns · 4 years
Congratulations @gowns
thanks doug <3
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yeahiwasintheshit · 1 year
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