#life updates ig??
fenori · 29 days
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aaA i finished my internship + big exam and now i am licensed medical lab scientist !! a goal ive had since graduatin college ^_T
in a lil while ill be working hospital graveyard shift WHEEZ but with this am hoping ill be able to work more on personal n cool projects on the side😳
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wish me luck, maggots, I'm going to preach good omens to irl humans.
Tomorrow I have, well, some kind of college thing... an explore the college event? Dunno what it is, exactly. A morning spent at the college where they'll discuss the courses and I'll need to interact with other students.
Also, parents are supposed to come, but mine are going to be away with work. And my brother said I needed to dye my hair black before going (with the Crowley red faded, it's now a bright ginger, kind of Bildad-coloured). He did not say this with kindness.
I'm not going to do any such thing, because fuck it. If the college can't accommodate me (not about the hair, but about my being queer and my mental health) then I'd rather know sooner, not later be caught off guard like I was the previous college.
I take the Good Omens book with me.
I dress as gay as I know how to. If I have to wear my bi flag as a scarf, so be it.
It won't come to that, don't worry. I tend to look gay as a default.
I carry the Good Omens book in my hands at all times.
I wait till someone asks me about it, as people tend to do at such events.
I move on to my next victim. During this process, Good Omens being the story that it is, I will make many queerphobic people very, very uncomfortable.
Good. I will tell many people I like their shoelaces. Let's see how that one goes.
Now at this point I will have made conversation with several people, but worst comes to worst, I can always just find some English students. Apparently they all, as a collective species, adore Neil Gaiman. Excellent.
If even that plan of interaction fails, and all is doomed, I will sit on a chair, look gay and mysterious, and open Tumblr and talk to you maggots instead.
A flawless plan, methinks.
Am I terrified? Absolutely, yes, and I am traumatised by my previous experiences at college.
However, I have decided to put things into perspective, and go forth not as me, Asmi, but as the Good Omens Mascot, and preach Good Omens to everyone, and then get the fuck out of there. This is a lot more manageable.
...anyway, so, yes. Wish me luck. Wahoo?
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abyss-if · 2 months
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susurru · 5 months
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大哥 Da Ge
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epicfranb · 5 months
I think of the quiet days ethubs are hanging out, just sitting there on the bridge and listening to the birds chirping and the leaves rustling underneath and they're just silent. Bdubs is making some bracelet, taking upwards of 5 minutes on deciding which bead goes where, and Etho lies on his lap, eyes closed, humming something while stroking Bdubs wherever he can reach, and Bdubs ruffles Etho's hair sometimes and they giggle about it. Sometimes they say something, like Bdubs asking for a second opinion on the color choice, or Etho pointing out a cloud's funny shape, but it never breaks the silence. It's as natural as the river gurgling underneath or the bunnies and squirrels squeaking in the forest, it's just a part of life. Soon, a big cloud that lended them its shade floats away, and they squint and decide to move under the shadows of the trees. Etho says he has to go actually but just before he gets on his horse, he leans down a little bit for Bdubs to kiss him, which he knew was coming, and they linger a little bit as though they're not gonna see each other again in ages even though they meet every day. When Bdubs watches Etho ride his horse away from his base, Etho doesn't even turn around to wave at him, and they both know it's because they'll see each other again in just a few hours
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snackugaki · 1 year
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do you survive an apocalypse because you’re shaped like a dorito chip?
or does surviving an apocalypse shape you into a dorito chip?
something to ponder
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noahschnappinfs · 12 days
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Noah’s new ig story
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mushtoons · 3 months
wanting to get into vulturecore but found a crow skull and tried to clean it only to feel like its spirit was watching us and i was being super disrespectful so we gave him a burial and left sunflower seeds as offerings for forgiveness
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lucentclan · 23 days
lucentclan is a year old tomorrow 🥲 doesnt feel like it's been that long at all, ty to everyone whos still around! I will probably do smth to celebrate but mostly focused on updates when i get the chance to work on them and answering asks!
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
hey hahaha, i just want to drop by to say that i just graduated! yay!! so im in my unemployed era but i have a lot of plans this month of june.
don't worry, i'm working on a new series rn and i might drop a few scenarios before i disappear again. <3
i hope you all have nice day! <3
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corpsentry · 2 months
just updated tumblr mobile for the first time in two years and mein gotte everything is so large. i am also now able to view polls for the first time in my life and it is stressing me out. i can only look at one thing at a time and there are now more than five
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bbfeelings · 1 year
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It’s kiss day in Japan or something
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liesmultixxx · 3 months
maybe this year is gonna be my year.
maybe 19 is my lucky number.
maybe this year, someone will care about me.
maybe i’m gonna be loved.
maybe i’ll learn to love myself.
maybe i won’t feel like a burden.
maybe my life hasn’t fully started yet.
happy birthday to me.
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feralcorpses · 5 months
Little rant abt Grian in my au below ^^
Also I’ve been trying a new way too like texture my art, it’s literally only a small change but just a heads up ya know?
(Sorry for making the beginning ‘A’s’ capitalized in Avian it’s just so I can see it better) ((My reading is kinda odd ok and my eyes go blurry way too easily so the ‘A’s’ are like a weird bookmark for me ok-))
In my au the term Avian is like a loose term for all bird like creatures (so feathers, wings, bird legs, etc) some of the basic terms to spilt the Avian’s up are omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores (little dino coded silly’s) omnivores make up majority of avians with carnivore Avians being rarest. Then there’s also more specific terms to do with wing patterns, birth area, actual species and cultures that I haven’t decided on names and some ideas for just yet but will eventually.
Now some silly facts about Avians, shiny obsessed with jewelry, craftsman ship, just anything shiny and steal-able. Avians nest a lot but not for things like mating or whatever, it’s actually comforting and relaxing for them to have some sort of nest esc things they might put some of their stuff they collected within the nest. Their just trinket obsessed silly’s. Now not every Avian does this constantly or even does it all it really depends on species and personal preferences.
Grian is one who loves this and frequently takes friends clothes to add onto to his nest to protect his little trinkets.
Now GIVE him your shiny jewelry or crystals. (not an option btw/j)
Poor guy even had his hands “reaching” out for them.
(Click for better quality)
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Btw the reference I used says to give credit and I was wondering if the picture in the corner is good cause I’m pretty sure their on tik tok but I don’t have tik tok cause let’s be honest I have enough distractions but this means I can’t rlly check. I did find it on pinterest and looked around a little on pinterest and the credits usually just said piss.net on tik tok so I presume that’s what it is. (great user btw piss.net 💀 honestly is pretty funny for no reason though.)
I really need to stop posting at like 1-5 am man-
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shyhandart · 5 months
omg ur art came on my dash and the way u draw horsies makes me feel so warm and fuzzy on the in 😭😭 absolutely adore ur work ^^
AAAAA thank youuuu <333
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anormaleddaskblog · 5 months
[Update ooc]
((Hello, I have been receiving and reading all your asks! I have been giving myself a break from art for a lil bit
I plan to answer them soon, but idk exactly when :P
Sorry for that! Just been tired))
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