#life is strange x reader imagines
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*~.It’s so comforting to know I can stay up till 2 am reading the most toe curling, filthy, plotless smut in a warm bed on thanksgiving break. This is what the holidays are all about. *~.
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ruewrote · 9 months
𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑜𝑟 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢.
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PAIRING: drunk!warrengraham x gn!reader WARNINGS: none GENRE: fluff SONG INSPIRATION: can we dance by the vamps WORD COUNT: 639
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you wish you didn't have such a big soft spot for him.
this is how warren had you sat in your car outside of nathan prescott's house party, as soon as you heard his slurred speech over the phone you straightened up in your bed, pausing the show you had previously been watching.
the call didn't last long after you heard his initial question, to come and pick him up. with that you were already slipping out of your bed into your slippers, grabbing your keys as you headed for your car.
your thumbs tapped against your steering wheel to the quiet music that filled the car. waiting for warren's dumbass to get in so you could finally leave.
the whole front garden was littered with abandoned red solo cups, rubbing your clammy hands against your silk pyjamas not bothering to change before you left, it wasn't like you were getting out anyways.
finally, seeing him drunkenly stumble out of the front door before greeting other people, them giving him a firm slap on the back making him stumble forward with a laugh.
sighing in relief just knowing that he was okay made you feel better. as soon as he opened the door you could smell the stench of vodka, it getting stronger as he slipped into your passenger seat.
"heeeyyyy," reaching over the console and pulling you into a hug, your face pressed into his neck. even with the overwhelming smell of alcohol with you this close you could smell him.
"okay, okay let's get you home, loser." you announced as you went to move away, but his arms just tightened 'round your waist bringing himself even closer to you.
"nooo i'm so comfy here!" the small action making your cheeks feel hot.
"hm well that's too bad, i was gonna promise cuddles at the dorm when we get back, but i guess you don't want that. no?" you sighed dramatically.
you didn't think that someone could move as fast as he did until he jumped away from you, him accidentally bumping his head into the window making him whine and rub where he was hit.
"oh my god, let's get you back before you decide to find another way to accidentally injure yourself."
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"one more step! yep. there you goo!" you whispered shout.
gently pushing warren onto his bed then going to grab him some water, "help i can't get my shoe off!" you hear him call from the other side of the room.
you rushed over to his side to help, not wanting to risk him waking up the remainder of people who were actually still in their dorms. placing the glass of water on his nightstand.
"you gotta be quiet, i'm not supposed to be in here remember dude!"
"don't call me dude," he pouted, as you finally got his shoe off his foot.
"sorry, bro." you laughed as he groaned.
his complaints soon quietened down once you crawled up his bed, sliding under the covers beside him.
"hi," you giggled at the look on his face, it being between looking tired and drunk.
"you're so pretty."
the three words replayed loudly in your mind, staying quiet trying to remind yourself that he's just under the influence. that he doesn't really mean it, but you couldn't quite believe that with the way he was looking at you right now.
hooded eyes, flushed cheeks, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip. a nervous habit you had picked up over the past couple of years.
when he received no response he looked down, but back up again when he felt you brush the hair that fell infront of his eyes out of the way.
"you're pretty too."
it didn't take the two of you long to fall asleep with you wrapped up in each others arms.
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short one but justice for warren fics!! more to come soon :)
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silvvermst · 4 months
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SYNOPSIS :: a drunk Warren somehow ends up in front of your dorm roon
NOTE :: made this while I was at work, got this inspo from an edit on tiktok !! btw, this is a gn! reader yeyyy
TYPE :: fluff / implied smut
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A phone call snapped you from your focus on the computer, your fingers typing abruptly stopped. You took off your earphones and swiftly grabbed the phone from the other table.
“Yes, hello?” You pressed the phone between your ear and shoulder. While you focused back on your PC.
“Heeey, friend. Why you calling?” Although the owner of the voice slurred his words, it was booming loudly from the speaker that you had no choice but to wince.
You mouthed an, ‘Oh my God’ with a roll of your eyes.
“Helloooo, is that you my friend? My wizard friend, Dumblebee?” Again, the loudness of his voice remains the same.
“Fucking hell, Warren, you know that I'm grinding tonight!” You said with a huff, slowly losing focus from not just the loudness of his voice but his background with party songs.
“Oh, hi! Can, can you, uh, my broom is not working. So, please pick up.” An annoyed expression was now sitting comfortably on your face. Even from miles away you can imagine the harsh smell from the liqour.
“No, I'm not taking care of your drunk ass.” You huff by this time your character in the game already died, flashing red with a text saying ‘Game Over’. “Ugh, now, I'm dead.”
“What?! NO! You can't be dead!” He screams on his phone that makes you grimace and the phone slips from your shoulder and ears, letting it drop on the floor. From a short distance, you can faintly hear his voice.
“I swear to God, I'll kill you when I pick you up.” you muttered under your breath before picking up the phone from the floor. “Stay right where you are, I'll bring you home.”
Then, you ended the call. You grabbed the hoodie he left on your bed and put it on, secretly loving the way it fits perfectly on your body. You locked your dorm room and headed to the parking lot, with the keys jingling on your finger as you tucked your phone in your pockets.
As you were about to start the engine, a call buzzed through your phone. Warren's name appears on the called ID. “I told you I'm picking you up. Stay where you are.”
“Uh, hey, you must be Warren’s friend.” A feminine voice filled your ears as you turned the engine on.
“Yeah, who, who's this?” You stammered unintentionally, but somehow your voice breaks, either from embarrassment or uneasiness whether Warren is even present in the situation.
“This is Max, I, we, found Warren outside of the club.” Oh, she's the girl Warren's been talking about for a month. “We'll take him home.” She pauses since Warren's voice starts to interrupt her.
“Is that my Dumblebee?” You sighed.
“Alright, then, you guys take good care of him.” You fiddled with the keys and turned the engine off. The other caller ends it, then you finally let out a big sigh you've been keeping ever since you've heard Max's voice fill the car from Warren's phone. Does that mean they went to the party together? Or he finally invited her? Asked her out? Was that their first date?
“Fuuuuck!” You slammed the car door close, your hands finding warmth inside of the pocket of his hoodie. “Shouldn’t have called me if you already had someone taking care of you! Fucking…hell.”
You went back to your dorm with a grudge, slumping back down on your office chair. The game you were playing earlier was still on and how the light from the computers lights up your dimmed room. Playing this shitty game is the only thing that can stop your mind from thinking about whether Warren made it out alive and is safe. But of course, the more you play, the more time passes and your worry only gets worse. To the point you let your character get killed and the screen fades with a ‘Game Over’, and immediately grabs your phone that sits on top of your bed since you threw it away earlier.
“The least that girl could do was update me on whether Warren made it home safe.” You said under your breath, feeling irritated yet upset since you know you don't have the right to it, you were just his friend, not a partner. “But still! I can still get worried, God be damned.”
You input his number and it starts ringing and ringing, at first you thought there was something wrong with your speakers that it seems like it has an echo. “Wait, what the fuck?” The only difference was that the echo comes from a distance.
More likely from the other side of the door that you immediately connected the dots. You rush to your front door upon opening it, Warren's back was lying against your door upon opening his back smashes harshly against the floor that he let out grunts of pain.
“Fuck! Warren? What the, what are you?” Your questions that were running through your mind seemed to fade away when you saw the discomfort on his face. “Alright, wake up. Let's get you to my bed.”
Your arms wrapped around his waist as you used yourself as his crutch, stumbling down to your bed. You let go of his weight when you were near your bed, and you watched as his head hit the pillows that he made a sound from.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Warren?” You sighed, not even caring if he's going to answer since he doesn't look conscious.
“Mhm…” He lets out that it made you step closer.
“What did you say?”
“You promised to pick me up.” He said in the most childish tone, like a kid that didn't get a gift from their birthday.
“Well, I'm sorry, your highness.” You said sarcastically while you rolled your eyes. “I would have if not for your little girlfriend.”
“Max is my friend.” You couldn't help but make an annoyed face, as you walked away from him and went to close the door.
“And I'm your friend, there's an obvious difference between how you treat me and her.” You whispered.
“I heard that.” How the fuck?!
“Now, aren't you a superhero with a lame power? Tell me, do you hear the birds chirping too?” You bite back, even yourself was surprised to have a petty fight with a drunkard.
He tries to sit up but fails miserably, as it seems the bed was swallowing him up. “Can you please come here? I really can't feel my legs.”
“Mhn, are you sobering up?” He didn't answer, instead opening his arms and legs wide like a starfish. “Nope, still drunk as fuck.”
“I missed you, we didn't see each other for like,” He pauses with a confused expression planted on his face. “For like, uh, four days?”
“It was just two days, Warren. Two. Days.” You emphasized the last two words, and turned to your heels walking towards your small kitchen counter. Brewing hot water on an electric kettle.
“I missed playing with you, studying with you, watching with you, reading your stories.” He says in his starfish position, still. Although, he didn't say he missed you but you were glad enough that he missed doing things with you.
“Me too.” A short reply that led him to keep talking that you almost zoned out.
“So yeah, that's how I got stuck at the party. Can you believe it?! Those fuckers! Now, I have to buy new tires.” He exclaimed, your bed was already a mess since one of your pillows was on the floor and your comforter was touching the floor.
“Don’t worry we'll get your car fixed. I know a vulcanizing shop, we can get a new tire.” The shriek of the kettle began and he screamed. Literally, screamed.
“What was that?!”
“Calm your tits, I'm preparing you some tea.” You pulled the plug and prepared a blue mug, his mug, which is a mug that he alone only uses. You filled the mug and dropped a tea bag on it.
“Mhm, tea. I like it with milk.”
“With milk, I know.” The both of you said in unison.
You could hear him thrash around your bed as there were shuffling and whining coming from him. He gets so fussy when he's drunk.
“Is it done?” He asks, his head resting against his hand as he turns his body to look at you from the kitchen counter. “You look good in my hoodie.”
Realization hits hard when you remembered you didn't take it off after you came back, as your blush appears quickly on your cheeks and feel its heat travel to your ears and down to your spine that makes your ears ring. “It was cold and your hoodie was the only thing I have right now.” You said quietly, thank fucking hell your back was on him because he can easily see the redness of your cheeks. But you didn't notice that he already got up from your bed.
“Mhm, should I just give you all of my clothes? You seemed to look better on them than on me.” He whispered beside you, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Shit! Warren! When did you get there? I thought you couldn't feel your legs!” It was too late, he already saw your face. So instead, you wrapped your hand on the handle of the mug and pushed it gently to him. “Get yourself sober and I'll take you home.”
You walked away, almost running from him. As your eyes darted around the room, you plopped down on your swivel chair. Though, you can hear him take some sips of his tea and hear a hiss from burning his tongue. “Are you making fun of me?”
You couldn't help but giggle at him, “Sorry, sorry, you sounded like an idiot.”
“Nuh uh, my GPA is higher than yours. Therefore, your argument deems to be irrelevant.” You can hear him start to walk, but not near you. He settled down on your bed once again. “I can see you rolling your eyes.”
“Whatever, finish your tea… you're crazy for ending up here” You mulled over the thought of it and couldn't help but ask him. “Why were you even here in the first place?”
“You said you'll pick me up.” He repeated his answer from the same previous question you asked him. “I told them to drop me here. So you'll get to take me home.”
You noticed he hasn't slurred his speech so much, maybe since the conversation went on and on it made him sober enough.
“You’re an idiot, you really are. It's just, sometimes I don't even get you. We've been friends for a while. I mean, maybe for a while, but you're hard to read. And the stupid comments you're making earlier, you make it sound like I stole your clothes.” Your frustration from earlier was already filling you up that you didn't notice he set the half empty mug in your nightstand and walked towards you.
Warren saw how your shoulder blades motion as your hands waves around while you're explaining, but when you get like this you always turn your back on him. He hates it the most, when you finally say your true feelings to him but you're talking to air instead of facing him. He wants to see your face, your expressions, that cute crunch that forms between your eyebrows, or how you bite your lower lip when you hesitate but in the end spills whatever you're thinking anyway. He couldn't read you the way he wanted to, and so he approached you, placing a firm hand on your swivel chair and turned you around.
“Do you want me to stay or not?” His voice was soft but his expression was stoic. The drunkenness he felt earlier dissipates, he could clearly see your face and your mouth formed an ‘o’. Then, once again the blood on your body travels back to your cheeks staining it with red.
You were like a gaping fish when you met him face to face, trapping you on the chair as his hands held on the armrest. “Well?” He urges on. “Does your silence means ‘yes’?”
Thoughts were rushing through your mind, what the fuck is he exactly insinuating?! First, he goes to that fucking drive-in with a girl. The next he hangs out with Brooke. Now, he's trapping you in this chair with no idea why the fuck is he even upset! If anyone is upset, it should be you!
“I just thought Max will take you home, how was I supposed to know you'll get this childish?!” You huffed, crossing your arms and leaning your back to the chair. “There are already a lot of people taking care of you, why should I include myself in? We're just friends.”
His shoulders slacken. “Then, fine. I'll get going, then.” He grunted, pulling himself away from you. Swaying from side to side as if his drunkenness came back. “Poor me, alone and drunk , I hope I won't run into some muggers.”
You sighed and looked at the ceiling. “Just pray that I won't kill you tonight. At least, get sober before we head out because I'm not dragging your sleepy ass when you pass out.”
“Okie dokie! Don't worry, I'm all sober now.” He responds with a smile on his face before launching himself on your bed.
“But you just said you're drunk?!” You threw your hands up in frustration.
“Did I say that? Oh, well.” His jolly attitude continues as he hugs your pillow and comforter. Is he actually faking his sobriety right now?
You got up from your chair and walked to him, “Alright, stop lounging around and let's get going”
He was quiet for a second but he didn't get off the bed, “I’m sorry for earlier, Chloe told me those lines usually work.” Instead he was busying himself with fiddling the stitching of your pillows.
“It’s fine.” You sighed, stood in front of him and he started to look at you with that gaze. “Wait, what do you mean by ‘usually work’?”
Warren looks at you straight in the eyes, the type of stare that pulls you in as if there was a whole constellation inside his irises. He eventually looked away, pushing himself up from your bed until he was standing in front of you, his shadow created by the low light of the lamp covering you.
“What?” You ask, realizing how dumb you sound, like a deer in headlights.
“You really are naïve, as Chloe said.”
“Nothing. I'm gonna get going.” He turned his back on you and headed to your door. Of course, you followed after him. When he opened the door, he stepped out in the doorframe, making the door remained open since he was still standing on its way, not budging.
“Now, what?” You asked, your phone in your pocket buzzing. “Wait, let me get this first.”
As you were about to pull out your phone, he asked you. “Truth or dare?”
“The fuck are you talking about.” You brows furrowed, confusion written all over you that you start to look like a question mark.
“Truth or dare? If you don't answer or do the dare, you'll do my homework for a month.” He repeated, his hands fidgeting to the point he started to scratch his nape. “Come on, don't make me look like an idiot.”
“You already are, dumbass. And it's dare, but make sure I don't get into trouble.” You took your phone and saw the caller ID and declined the call.
“Kissmerightnow.” He says, although his words came out too fast. But you weren't an idiot to not understand it. Then, his cheeks blushed with red as dark as cherries.
You were speechless to say the least, by how he's acting now made you believe for a second he's actually serious. But you know better that there's no way, surely he's just pulling a joke that Chloe, maybe, taught him.
So, you took his hand and planted a ghost kiss. Your lips barely brushed against his knuckles, but he could feel your hot breath that made his blush even darker and you noticed the twitch of his hand.
“There, asshole. Are you happy now? Let's get going.” You say but you were as flushed as him.
“Now, you ask me.” He pouts like a fucking child, you don't know whether you can stop yourself from pinching his cheek if he doesn't stop this cuteness.
“Fuuuck! Fine! Truth or dare?” You impatiently said, your hands resting on your hips.
“Dare.” You laughed at how determined he looks.
“Then, kiss me on the lips.” You say with a smug grin on your face.
He looked at you, again with that fucking stare, “Are you serious?”
“I’m dead serious, unless you want to ace all of my homeworks this month—”
You didn't finish your sentence because his own lips shut you up, his hands on your plump, red cheeks. His soft lips brush against yours, his eyes are scrunched close while his ear turns red that's similar to the color of his cheeks.
Your arms were limped on your sides, as you felt his body heat wrapped around you. You didn't realized that you were kissing him back, but he made a squeak when he felt your tongue glide on his lower lip. He patted your shoulder, stopping the kiss and took deep breaths that you kept while the two of you basked in each other's kisses.
The both of you were silent, but finally, you finally understood the look he gave you too many times. He was hitting on you in the first place, you were just too dumb to notice. Your eyes finally understood him, as well as he understands you.
The silence was deafening which is why you pulled him to you by his collar and closed the door behind you. Wishing no one saw the both of you making out in the hallway.
Although, a certain brunette with blue hair peered at the window.
“I really thought he'd chicken out, man. I mean, he was begging us to pick him home instead.” The blue haired bragged. “And in the end he makes us stop by at their dormitory. That guy is so fucking in love with them.”
“I know, but I guess we did a great job making him drunk first, huh?” Max says, though she wasn't really up to the challenge. She thought there was a better way to confess instead of drinking a lot of liquor to muster up Warren's courage. “Let's just not mention the fact that we put holes in his tires.”
“I doubt he'll get angry, I'm sureeeee he's enjoying a lot tonight.” She said with a grin, and Max just laughed and pulled her by the hand away from the window.
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heavenlytouches · 14 days
Pedro Pascal- morning person
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GN reader
<3 (SFW)
Lazy morning with Pedro Pascal
PARTNER! Pedro Pascal <3
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Pedro Pascal
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The warm sun spills through the curtains, casting a golden hue across the room, wrapping you and Pedro in a cozy cocoon of morning light. You lie nestled in the sheets, feeling the softness of the fabric against your cheeks. The gentle hum of the outside world feels miles away, and in this moment, it’s just you and him.
You take a deep inhale, savoring the sweet scent of your hair mingling with the lingering traces of his cologne. It's an intoxicating mix that makes you feel safe, cherished.
As you turn slightly, you find Pedro's face only inches away — his features softened by sleep, the corner of his mouth curved into that familiar, playful smile that always awakens butterflies in your stomach.
"Morning, sleepyhead."
He murmurs, his voice a warm melody that makes your heart skip. His words tease, but they spark a grin on your face. You feel his big hand gently ruffling your hair, a familiar gesture that sends warmth radiating through you.
“Five more minutes...”
You reply, your voice muffled as you bury deeper into the pillow and press your forehead against his. You love how the mornings stretch lazily like this, with nothing but the sound of his breaths and the way his body envelops you in warmth.
Pedro chuckles, the sound rich and intimate, reverberating through the space.
“You don't want to get up? You know I can be very persuasive.”
You smirk but don’t rise to his bait. Instead, you nestle even closer, tucking your body against the solidness of him. He laughs again, a hearty sound that sends a cascade of light butterflies dancing in your stomach. His arms tighten around you, drawing you in like gravity, and you can’t help but smile at the gentle teasing that is woven into the fabric of your morning routine.
“Okay, okay, then just stay here with me..”
He concedes, though you can feel the playful twinkle in his eyes even with your head tucked under his chin.
“I guess I can spare a few more minutes for my star.”
You can’t help but giggle at your own words.
“Star? I prefer beloved pillow.”
Pedro pokes you lightly in the ribs, the touch igniting another bout of laughter. His fingers linger, tracing idle patterns on your arm, a gesture that feels intimate in all the best ways.
“Beloved pillow? You give yourself more credit than you deserve.”
You teased, smiling up at him. His soft features and his messy hair were angelic in the morning sunlight.
“Maybe,” he giggles, “but at least I’m a cozy pillow. It’s quite a prestigious role.”
He chuckles, and the timbre of his voice vibrates through you, warming every corner of your heart.
“I agree. A very prestigious role, indeed. I could get used to waking up like this every day.”
You smile and gently move even closer in his arms, the warmth almost suffocating.
The softness of his voice makes your heart swell. You know it's true. The world outside may be bustling, full of flashing cameras and the demanding attention that comes with his fame, but in this moment, it's just you and him — cocooned in your shared sanctuary of warmth and love.
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The sun climbs higher, filling the room with more radiant light, but you don’t mind the warmth. In fact, you close your eyes, drifting further into the comfort of him.
He smells like home; a hint of warmth, laughter, and comfort all mixed together. You can feel the light whiskers of sleep still clinging to him, and you relish how tangible everything feels in this innocent bubble.
He says softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“What if we just… stayed here forever? Just you and me?���
You smile against him, feeling giddy at the thought.
“I could get behind that plan.”
“You’re my escape.”
He continues, gently stroking your hair as if to calm the storm of the world outside.
“I need moments like this, where life can just be soft and cuddly.”
Soft and cuddly — those words resonate deeply with you. They encapsulate everything you cherish about your relationship. Your bond wasn’t just built on the glamorous life that surrounded him or the flashing lights; it was festooned with moments like this. Wrapped in sheets, devoid of expectations, just the two of you basking in each other’s warmth.
As the minutes stretch on, you gently nudge his arm.
“But… the world outside is waiting for you, there's work to be done..”
You remind him, though you truly don’t want to think about it.
“Let it wait.” he says, pulling you closer. “For now, you’re all I need.”
His words settle into your heart, and you know you’d give anything to stay wrapped around him like this a little longer. So you let the world fade away, surrendering to the bliss of the morning. Cuddled close together, time slips effortlessly into eternity, and in this cocoon of love, it feels like you really could stay forever.
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This one is a bit shorter because I'm working on another request, sorry babes TwT I hope you liked it anyway <3
Don’t forget, requests are always open and I can write for any character you’d like!
I love you guys so much <33
El <3
(all images were made by: El via canva & paint)
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emarttt · 1 year
Never bother the Diaz brothers…
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(Just love how Daniel casually makes rocks flight to frighten some assholes here, he’s just like a little gremlins LMAO)
I’m so proud of this, not gonna lie-
~how I love them~
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beforeimdeceased · 11 months
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ellie williams, newest student at blackwell academy? 🪵🦋🌪️ (moodboard)
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2dmenenthusiast · 9 months
"I love you."
(Ryan Lucan x Gn!Reader)
Hey heeyyyy um disclaimer this one is DEPRESSING. I wrote this every time I felt a lil sad so like, I am basically pouring my soul out to yall lmaooo but I hope some of you find comfort in this fic if you relate at all, and remember that you are loved :)
Reblogs and feedback is always encouraged and appreciated!
Words: 3k
Summary: feeling lonely and cooped up in your apartment, you call Ryan in the middle of the night to help quiet the racing thoughts in your head.
Warnings: talks of depression, self-hate, anxiety, just a whole lotta sad, Ryan loves you so much
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Your head lolled to the side as you checked the time again.
A groan left you, bringing your hands up and dragging your palms over your face. Exhaustion tugged at your eyelids, urging you to close them and doze off. But every time you tried, you just couldn’t. And you had tried everything. Counting sheep, drinking tea, watching some relaxing videos. Nothing seemed to work. Throwing the blankets off you, your bare feet touched the cold wood floor as you padded over to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. You quickly felt bile rise up in your throat and choked the water down, spluttering out a cough and spitting into the sink. God, you felt like shit.
It had been like this for the past couple days. You’d stay cooped up in your small apartment, never going out unless it was for work, and you’d lay in bed, feeling like absolute shit for just laying around, but feeling too tired to do anything else. Tired, yes, considering the fact that you could barely catch more than three hours of sleep these past couple nights.
Tears of frustration sprung and you quickly wiped at your eyes, mentally scolding yourself for how silly you were being. Christ, some days you just felt like you were suffocating, like everything happening around you was just too much to deal with. And there were moments where you wished you could just sink into the floor, and never be seen or heard from again.
But not tonight.
The loneliness you felt was overwhelming, desperately wanting to reach out and talk to one of your friends, but feeling too ashamed to burden them with your frantic thoughts and shifting emotions. You knew they were worried about you. They would place their reassuring hands on your shoulder and give you that look, that single expression that always asked the same thing.
Are you okay?
And you’d give them that simple halfhearted smile, lips twitching up in a small effort to lie to them.
I’m okay.
With trembling hands, you searched for your phone on your bed and scrolled through your limited contacts, lip pulled between your teeth as you contemplated who to reach out to. You were hyper aware of the sound of your own heartbeat, and you tentatively pressed on Ryan’s name, thumbs hovering over the phone's keyboard. It felt like minutes had passed as you contemplated what to say, frantically typing a sentence before quickly deleting it, and typing up another one. You deleted it again, and again, and again. Nothing sounded right, and you were too worried about sounding desperate or clingy.
You eventually gave up and threw the phone on the bed with a frustrated sigh, crossing your arms over your chest and pacing back and forth.
He’s probably sleeping anyway.
But you couldn’t stop staring at your phone, the thing practically screaming at you to pick it back up. Your thoughts fought with one another, everything threatening to come spilling out all at once. Before you could scream out your frustration, you snatched your phone back up and jammed your thumb on the call button. You heard it ring, once, twice, and hung up before the third.
Fuck, what am I doing?
You pressed the call button again.
You hung up.
“This is stupid. God, this is so fucking stupid!”
Taking a deep breath, you called him again, frantically tapping your foot and bringing the phone up to your ear.
Please pick up. Or don’t pick up. Either is fine. Fuck, do I want him to pick up? This is stupid, this is fucking stupid, I’m fucking stupid—
“Uh, hey?”
Your eyes widened at the sound of Ryan’s groggy voice, not believing that he actually answered, and you struggled to find your voice.
“You there—?”
“Hey! Um— sorry, I just… Did I wake you?”
There was a moment of silence on his end, and you knew that you had.
“No! No, I was just uh, reading. You know, nature stuff.”
You couldn’t help but grin at the thought of Ryan staying up this late just to read about plants and animals, as if he didn’t already know everything about them.
“Wow, sounds riveting.”
He chuckled, and the sound had your chest feeling warm. Neither of you said anything for a moment, not sure how to continue a conversation at almost three-thirty in the morning. You almost hung up, too embarrassed to admit why you called when you heard him clear his throat.
“Uh, is there a reason you called so late? Is everything okay?”
You spluttered for a moment, hand rubbing the back of your neck as heat uncomfortably crawled over your skin. “Y-Yeah! Yeah, everything’s fine. Just uh… you know.” You cringed at your awkward behavior, pressing the edge of the phone against your forehead. “Sorry, I— this was dumb, I shouldn’t have called. I’ll let you get back to sleep.”
“Wait, wait. Hold on.”
You sighed, sitting on the edge of your bed and playing with a loose thread on your blanket as you waited for him to continue. Great, now he was definitely going to know that something’s wrong.
“Hey, you know you can talk to me, right? Whatever’s bugging you, you can tell me.”
You and Ryan had been dating for the past five months, and while you undeniably felt more comfortable around him than you ever had another person, you had never let him see this side of you. This version of you where your brain was constantly on overdrive, overthinking every little thing, your breath always catching in your throat from the overwhelming anxiety that built up in the pit of your stomach. You felt like you were standing on the outside, looking down at yourself. And you loathed it. And while you wanted to confide in him, you felt like you couldn’t. Ryan was a constant positive in your life, and you didn’t want to muddy it up by letting your gloomy thoughts and feelings interfere.
But god, you were so tired. While you could usually power through it, the weight of the loneliness and frustration you felt was almost crushing, and your hand curled into a fist at your side as your jaw clenched painfully, the tears from earlier resurfacing.
“Um, c-can I see you? It’s okay if you don’t want to, I know it’s really late and you probably just wanna sleep. But I just- I didn’t know who else to call, a-and I know I’m probably just being stupid and—”
“Hey, you’re not stupid, okay? I’ll be over in a little bit.”
Your eyes slightly widened. “Really? Like I said, you really don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I want to. I want to see you.”
You bit down on your bottom lip, softly sniffling as you quickly wiped at your eyes, and you hoped that Ryan didn’t catch onto the fact that you were crying. “Okay.”
“Okay. I’ll see you in ten, alright?”
You hummed into the phone before hanging up, shoulders slumping as you placed your hand against your forehead.
It’s fine. Everythings fine.
Rifling through your drawers, you took out a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a loose fitted shirt, throwing Ryan’s flannel that he left at your place over it, and catching a small whiff of his scent. The familiar smell of the outdoors and amber was almost comforting, and you found yourself pressing your cheek into your shoulder to get a better smell. 
Ten minutes couldn’t have gone by fast enough, and you were racing down the steps of your apartment as soon as you saw the headlights of Ryan’s truck in front of your building, not wanting to spend another second without his presence. He was in the process of unbuckling his seatbelt when you threw open the door and hopped inside, slightly surprised at how frantic you were.
“Oh, I was gonna come up. I thought—”
“No. No, I just— I need to get out of there,” you muttered, slowly looking over at him and witnessing as he carefully examined you, a mix of confusion and concern in his gaze. “Can we just drive around for a little bit?”
He paused before nodding, putting his seatbelt back on and pulling out of the parking lot. The silence that settled between you wasn’t as awkward as you felt it would’ve been, but it still left you unsettled, your fingers fidgeting as you wracked your brain for something to say. As you opened your mouth to finally speak, your thoughts were cut off when Ryan reached over and lightly tugged at the sleeve of his flannel, sending you a small smile.
“You know, I was wondering where this went.” His hand slid down your arm, intertwining his fingers with yours and giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
You flustered at his touch, head leaning back as your body slumped down in the seat. “Hey, I didn’t steal it this time. You left it. As well as one of your shirts, and your toothbrush. I think I have some of your underwear in my laundry basket.”
“Oh, come on. Like there isn’t an entire drawer I cleaned out specifically for your things back at my place.”
“Wow, a whole drawer? You really know how to spoil someone, Lucan.”
He just glared at you while you sent a large grin his way. His hand moved to your thigh, pitching the area under your knee that had you squealing and shifting away from him, frantically slapping his arm.
“Hey— Ow! You’re gonna make me crash,” he laughed, no longer pinching your flesh, but his hand remained, thumb stroking back and forth over your thigh.
You hummed, leaning towards Ryan and resting against the center console, eyes trained on his face. There was always something about him that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. His voice, his touch. Hell, Steph told you once that you looked like some lovesick fool when she caught you mindlessly staring at him. How couldn’t you, though?
Ryan cast a quick glance at you, lightly squeezing your thigh. “Whatchya lookin’ at, hm?”
You smiled. ”You.”
“Oh, yeah? Is my face that interesting?”
“Mhm. You’re pretty.”
His eyes widened a fraction as his face visibly flushed, and you couldn't help but laugh as he awkwardly cleared his throat, hand squeezing the wheel.
“I, uh… Glad you think so.”
“Oh, I know so.”
He scoffed and shook his head, your hand fondly resting over his. It was moments like this that you were grateful for. Where you could forget your burdens, even if for only a second. Ryan’s presence was always a fast-acting cure for when you felt like this. Numb and rotten. Like you wanted to crawl out of your own skin because every sensation feels so fucking wrong and uncomfortable. But it was tolerable with him at your side.
The silence in the truck was almost deafening, the ringing in your ears getting increasingly louder as the seconds went by. You were anxious to turn on the radio, flicking the knob and—
Oh, you’re shitting me.
“For the love of god, please tell me I’m not actually hearing this right now,” you said, voice on the verge of laughter as your hand dragged over your eyes.
You could hear Ryan sigh over the melodic chirping coming from the radio, and he reached over to shut it off. “You remember what I do for a living, right?”
“Oh, I can guarantee with almost a hundred percent certainty that you were not listening to that for your job,” you laughed, throwing your head back against the seat.
“And so what if I wasn’t, huh?”
Your laughter died down into quiet giggles, and you leaned over the center console to press a quick kiss to Ryan’s scruffy cheek. “Well, I think it’s cute. Even if it is a bit dorky.”
He swiftly grabbed your hand when you pulled away, tangling your fingers and bringing the back of your hand to his lips. The action sent a tingling down from your fingertips, through your arm, and right into your chest. It was almost overwhelming how he made you feel sometimes. He touched you so gently, looked at you like you were the only person in the world. And you loved him with every breath you were worth.
Closing your eyes, you leaned your head back and listened to Ryan fiddle with the radio until he tuned in to a local station, a gentle melody you think you might’ve heard twice before overtaking the silence in the truck. You could hear him humming along after a moment, the deepness of his voice reverberating in your ears and sending pleasant waves washing over you. You didn’t need him to say anything or try to reassure you with positive words or gestures. He didn’t have to spend his time expressing his love for you in any physical or emotional ways, despite his overbearing want to. No, his presence next to you was comfort enough. To just know that he was within arms reach, his touch and his comfort readily available, that was more than enough.
Your eyes cracked open, and the headlights illuminated a lone road you’ve been on many times before.The overwhelming want to go somewhere different was ever present in your mind. Familiarity was always something you could cherish. The same street signs, the same buildings, the same people waving at you as you walked the same path to work. And you couldn’t deny that Haven has always and will always be your home. But, you desired change. Craved it in the most desperate way. 
You longed for different sights, the unfamiliarity of a brand new space. You wanted to learn the names of new streets, be able to barely make out the faces of people you’ve just met. Go to a recently opened cafe and try to pick out what your regular favorite would be. The mundanity of it all seemed unreachable almost. Like a life somewhere else would be forever unattainable and would remain as remnants of a dream in your clouded mind.
You felt trapped. Your tiny apartment was your safe space and your prison, this town you loved so dearly something you could never escape from. You were stagnant— stuck. With life moving at a snail's pace, and going by all too quickly at the same time. Yet, you remained. This place remained. This same, complacent existence.
“Have you ever thought of leaving Haven, Ryan?” Your voice sounded almost unfamiliar to you, so used to just sitting in idle silence.
He huffed out a breath, glancing at you and shrugging. “Can’t say I’ve put much thought into it. Why? In the mood for a little road trip?”
You know he meant it as a joke, maybe he thought you were joking. But, he had no clue the weight of reality his words held. Because yes, you would leave Haven right now if he wanted to. You’d tell him to stop the truck only when it ran out of gas so you both could get far away. But you knew Ryan would never agree to that. 
This was his home. 
The place he grew up, where all his fondest and saddest memories were shared.
He would never leave them behind.
“Hey.” He squeezed your hand. “Where do you keep going, hm? What’s goin’ on in that head of yours?”
“A lot, I guess. Feels like someone else is in there screaming at me right now.”
A pregnant pause, and then—
“Anything I can do to quiet it?”
Your bottom lip sucked between your teeth, biting down hard until the skin tingled as your eyes burned with tears. Fingers curling around Ryan’s hand, your nails lightly dug into his skin in some lame attempt to ground yourself, to keep yourself from vomiting your guts out in his truck. A silent tear rolled down your cheek, and you felt the car shift whilst he pulled over.
“Hey, hey.”
There were hands on your face, gently tugging to get you to look at the man beside you. He was gentle, far more than you deserved as his thumbs wiped away the wetness on your skin, and you wanted nothing more than to hide away. You pulled out of his grip and leaned forward, burying your head into his neck and sliding your arms around his waist under his flannel coat. His warmth seeped into your clothes and settled deep in your bones, your tears wetting his shirt and his hands rubbing up and down your back.
You could spend hours like this, crying your soul out in the front of his truck as he held you. It was painfully blissful, like the hurt didn’t matter because he was here to ease it.
“Tell me what to do. Tell me how to make it better.”
You shook your head, arms tightening around him as your heart lodged itself in your throat. He was so fucking nice. So caring and considerate. It made you want to scream, because when was the last time someone made you feel like this? Made you feel so overwhelmingly valued and loved? He had given himself so selflessly to you, and you were ready to throw yourself at his feet in return.
“Just this. This is enough.” you muttered, and he pressed his lips into your hair.
“I love you, you know?”
You did know. How could you not with the countless ways he constantly showed it?
“You deserve to be loved.”
A quiet whimper escaped your throat, and you only burrowed further into him,  arms tightening around his middle.
“You sound so sure of that,” you said, voice weak and shaky. Fuck, you felt so pathetic.
He muttered your name, gently pushing you back so he could hold your face and brush his thumbs over your tear stained cheeks. You leaned into his warmth, and a part of you wondered if this was real. If he was real. You were almost sure if you pinched yourself, you would wake up in your cold bed, and reality would be so much worse than your blissful dreams where Ryan Lucan was the center of them all.
If it was a dream, you never wanted to wake up.
“I’ve never met someone who gives so much of themselves without needing anything in return. You are the most caring, selfless, amazing person I’ve ever met. And I care so much about you.”
The praise and reassuring words were so unfamiliar, you almost didn’t believe it. But this was Ryan, and he would never lie to you. So, maybe he was just a bit delusional.
“I don’t know if any of that is true,” you said around a wet chuckle, trying to get your tears under control.
Ryan shook his head. “It’s facts. Don’t ever doubt how much you mean to me.”
You took a breath, pulling your face out of his hands so you could wipe at your eyes. Somehow, he always knew what to say to make you feel better, even if it only lasted for a moment. The comfort was welcome. Needed. Craved. And Ryan’s love for you, something he swore to you more times than you can remember, was enough to mend how broken you felt. Most days, you felt like you were being cut in half, and he was here to help put you back together. Like he was your other half to make you feel whole again.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” you said, a sad smile playing on your lips.
“Ryan shook his head. “Pretty sure you have that backwards.”
You chuckled, and the warmth of his hand enveloped your own.
“I love you.”
Your thoughts are quiet, and you look up at him with misty eyes.
“I love you, too.”
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risswirly · 1 month
Hi hi!! I read your first two works and they are incredible!!! I need some more fics of my pookie warren to fuel my soul. (There isn't nearly enough..) anyways I would like to make a suggestion/request. Could you write one where you're Warren's best friend and you both always make 'jokes' about being in love with each other and being soulmates but you both think the other one is actually joking so they don't confess out of fear but there's so much tension and one day, (you decide who) someone can't take it anymore and do something about the tension and it leads to confessions and wanting to make up for lost time? Thank you for reading and I can't wait to read more of your stuff <3
You Know Me
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SYNOPSIS: After constantly joking about being in love, keeping your feelings for your best friend a secret only becomes harder and harder GENRE: fluff NOTE: I loved writing this request!! Hopefully I was able to do it justice (^_^) WORD COUNT: 2.2k
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The halls bustle with chatter and laughter as students excitedly leave school for the weekend. You exit your last-period classroom and make your way to your locker, a smile creeping onto your face when you spot him scrolling on his phone waiting for you. You stifle your grin as you approach him.
He glances up at you and pockets his cell, "Well, it's about time you showed up" he teases, rolling his eyes jokingly. You open your locker and return your books, sorting through the various sheets and notes stuffed into the pages from earlier classes, "Oh calm down, it hasn't even been 5 minutes,  Mr Taylor was giving us extra homework" You explain grouchily glancing back up at him, amused by his impatience. You shut your locker door and the two of you begin to walk towards the school's exit. "You know if I was anyone else they probably wouldn't have waited for you" he states matter-of-factly. You scoff, "What? Do you want to be rewarded with a kiss or something?" You tease, making kissing faces towards him as he chuckles. "Yeah, maybe I would" he jokes back, mimicking your smooching face.
These kinds of jokes had become the norm for you and Warren, saying you were in love, joking about being in a relationship, it was banter you made on the daily. The two of you had practically been inseparable since becoming friends at the start of high school. It didn't matter how you felt or what you were doing, Warren was just someone you were always happy to be around. You understood each other better than anyone else and felt comfortable discussing any topic or feeling. 
Well, with one exception, of course, the pitiful crush you'd had on him for years. Even after many attempts to move on and convince yourself those feelings didn't exist the ache in your heart always lingered. Every joke was a confession hidden in plain sight. Every lingering gaze was a cry for something more. But, in the end, it was all just a joke to him. No matter how much you wished it was real you remind yourself that he saw you as nothing more than a friend. So because of that, you stayed silent, swallowed your pride, played along and kept your feelings secret, pretending your heart didn't yearn for him every day.
The two of you walk across the campus towards the dorm building, agreeing to do homework in your room today since you'd gone to Warren's yesterday. As you walk, you rant about a bad class you'd had earlier while Warren listens, laughing and occasionally commenting. Eventually, you make it to the girl's dormitories, he has no trouble navigating your door since he spends about as much time in your room as his own. 
He opens the door for you, holding it as he waits for you to enter before him. You raise your eyebrows with a smirk "Wooow, a true gentleman. My family would love you" You comment with a chuckle, you feel a slight pang in your heart as you realise the truth your statement holds. It's true, if he ever made the trip to visit your family your mum would absolutely adore him and you can already picture him and your sibling being good friends. You quickly shake the thought from your head as you enter the room, reminding yourself again that it was never going to happen. 
He closes your door behind him "Speaking of, my grandma wants to know how you are, she was asking me earlier when I was waiting at your locker." He says as he drops his bag to the floor beginning to take out his homework. "No way! Tell her I'm doing great and that I'll come over again soon" Your face lights up at the mention of Warren's grandma who you had met a few times when you'd gone into town to visit his family. "Warn me beforehand, last time you came over she didn't stop asking me why we weren't dating for like, a week." He grumbles and you giggle lightly at his dismay. 
After you both settle down a bit you begin to do some work. As you reluctantly write your English essay, Warren makes a start on a chemistry quiz. Around an hour passes by and the two of you do a decent job at not getting distracted with the exception of some light chatter.
Warren huffs quietly as he struggles on the last question, prompting you to glance up at him without moving your head. You notice his hair hanging slightly in front of his face, your eyes trailing over the curves in his features, even the way he furrowed his brows in confusion seemed effortlessly perfect. You feel a pang in your heart as you fight the urge to reach out to him. You snap out of your trance, quickly averting your eyes away again. God damn it, longing glances and admiring the details of his face was not a part of keeping your feelings secret. Even after gluing your eyes back to your notebook, you feel the burden of desire weigh heavy in your heart.
After a few moments, you hear Warren sound an "ohhhhh" of realisation as he deciphers the equation. You chuckle lightly at his reaction, "What was the solution?" You ask despite your lack of chemistry knowledge. He smiles to himself pleased before answering, "I completely miscounted the number of bonds, which is why the additional electron pair was making no sense!" He continues to rabble on about his prior mistake and how the work should have been done, but that's not what you really cared about. You watch endearingly as his eyes light up with excitement while he explains the chemistry, and the proud smile that grows on his face as he gains confidence in his knowledge. He suddenly stops himself, "You have no clue what I'm saying do you?" He takes his eyes off his work and smirks back at you bashfully. You smile back playfully and shake your head. "Then why did you even ask?" he laughs back confused. You take a quick moment to think about it, "You look cute when you geek out" you reply in all honesty with a shrug. "Just admit you're in love with me" He teases back. "There's no point in admitting it if you already know" you say as he laughs.
He rolls his eyes with a scoff, however as you watch his face you see his playful demeanour dissolve. His smile slowly fades and his eyelids grow heavy as a million thoughts and emotions rush through his head.  He clenches his jaw, "Um, I should probably go actually" he mumbles, hurriedly gathering his things. His change in behaviour catches you off guard "What? I-" You quickly stop what you're doing and look back at him concerned and confused. As he stands to go you follow him, quickly picking yourself up off your carpet. "Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry, I only called you a geek as a joke" You explain desperately, worry setting in as you apologise. You grab ahold of the hem of his shirt in a moment of panic before he reaches the door and he stops in his tracks, back still turned to you. He takes a shaky breath, "I just... can't do it anymore" He says quietly, his voice laced with hurt and dejection. 
You let go of his shirt and your arm drops limply to your side. "Can't do what?" You ask slowly, voice barely above a whisper, the air around you drenched in tension. He finally turns to face you, eyes filled with sorrow and desperation. "I can't keep pretending (y/n). All this joking and teasing, saying things like we're in love? I can't keep acting like it isn't real to me." he confesses as you stand frozen wide-eyed in shock. Your breath hitches in your throat as your heart begins to pound in your ears "Warren-" you manage to choke taking a step toward him but he stops you. "(y/n) wait, please. I've waited years to tell you this. I just... I just want to get this off my chest okay?" He smiles at you pleadingly before continuing. " Every time we joke about being together or meeting each other's families or going on dates, every single time, I get this unbearable ache in my heart knowing it isn't real. Knowing it doesn't mean the same thing to you as it does to me." He places a hand on his chest gripping the fabric of his shirt.
He takes a deep breath and runs his finger through his hair, "But I can't keep lying to you.. and I can't keep lying to myself either. I, I'm sorry I ruined it... that's all I had to say" he gives you an apologetic smile, eyes filled with sorrow and regret. 
After a moment of silence, you sigh "Are you done now?" you ask calmly. He pauses and blinks back at you for a second, confused at your reaction "Um.. yeah I guess so?" He stammers bewildered. Your eyes soften and you smile at him warmly. "Good." is all you say as you take a step closer to him, the proximity between you now limited. 
His eyes quickly scan your expression as you softly cup either side of his face. His confusion melts into longing as you gently pull him closer towards you, his hands hover hesitantly over your body unsure of what to do with them. Your breaths tangle with each other as your hearts beat rapidly, uncertain yet so sure at the same time. You let your lips linger close to his, giving him room to back out if this isn't what he wants. But he knows what he wants, and he knows he's never wanted anything more in his life than this, and he takes the plunge.
His eyes flutter shut and he leans in and closes that remaining gap between you, gently pressing his lips into yours. It's light and hesitant but after a moment he pulls back slightly and takes a deep breath. "Fuck" he mutters to himself before diving back in. As your lips collide again you feel a sense of hunger wash over you as you finally act upon the feelings you had hidden for so long. He kisses you more desperately this time, as if he's kissing you with the passion and tension that has built up over the years of yearning and unspoken feelings. His hands find the small of your back, pressing your body to his as you stand on your toes. 
Electricity and warmth shoot through your entire body as his fingers trail up your back, pulling you into his tight embrace, wanting more of you as he gains confidence. Your arms wrap around his neck and your lips move in perfect rhythm and it feels like your heart explodes when you feel him smile softly as you kiss him tenderly. You make your way over to your bed, pulling him on top of you as you lay down. The world around fades away into nothing as your senses become consumed by the passion of the long overdue moment. 
He pulls away breathlessly, your heart practically beating out of your chest. "you have no idea how long I've wanted this" He pants softly still holding you tightly not wanting to let you go now that he has you. You smile back at him, unable to speak but you undoubtedly trust he knows you feel the same. He gently places a kiss on your forehead, "I think I would be happy if I could just kiss you forever" He chuckles, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You look up at him and bite your lip nervously, "Does... this make us like.. official now?" You ask.
He pulls away, breaking your hug prompting you both to sit upright, a horrified look plastered on his face, "Fuck no! There's no way I'm going to let my miserable breakdown be how I finally ask you to be my girlfriend. I am going to give you the romantic, thought-out, grand gesture you deserve."  He says firmly almost looking offended you'd suggest such a thing. He takes ahold of your hands, "Just.. give me some time to plan it, okay?" he admits sheepishly. His pleading face makes you crack a smile "I've waited this long haven't I?" you chuckle. He gazes at you tenderly, his worried expression dissolving away, "What did I do to deserve you?" He asks before showering you with quick pecks all over your face and neck sending you into a fit of laughter as you lay back down. 
he tenderly plants a lingering kiss on your lips again before pulling away slightly. You gently push his hair out of his face taking a deep breath, "We wasted so much time" you whisper, a tinge of sadness in your tone. He caresses your cheek softly with his thumb "We have so much time to make up for it" He whispers back, smiling at you lovingly. 
You smile too knowing he's right, because looking into his eyes you see a world of opportunity and everything you've ever wanted. 
Looking into yours, he sees the world.
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tapesfrom1980 · 2 years
can u do dating sean headcanons? and if u could keep it gender neutral-ish i would appreciate thank u <33
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dating sean diaz would include..
-either frenemies to lovers or he just thought you were hot and you rejected him multiple times till you gave in a longgg time later and he never gave up <3
-definitely a bestfriends type of relationship, he’s very comfortable with you and he knows he can make jokes with you without worrying about hurting you
-he’s lowkey awkward at first just because he hasn’t really had real?? experience with relationships before but he’s so excited to finally have you he goes all out if he can
-he’ll get you concert tickets for one of your favorite artists and be like “just because I love you 😘”
-sometimes it’ll be estebans money too and if he gets caught he’ll yell at sean but make sure to say “it’s not your fault though y/n you did nothing wrong” and go back to scolding
-he didn’t know when to drop the L bomb since he’s never felt that way with someone and didn’t know when it was the right time to say it
-he eventually said it mid-argument and there was a lot of making out after that
-getting sketches of yourself that he drew basically everyday
-he draws you at the most random times, bummy looking or not
-his favorite is the one he did while you danced around his room to your favorite song
-he always draws you as an absolute angel and has some hung up
-even just in his school notebooks his doodling always goes to your face so a lot of his homework or quizzes have your face in some corner with little hearts around it
-daniel tries drawing you too, and you take some home with you even if it’s just you with a deformed blue face and wonky yellow eyes
-being ABSOLUTE besties with daniel
-sean tries to act like he hates sharing your attention but you know he likes that you love daniel as much as he does
-sometimes you’ll come early to the diaz house just to hang out with daniel
-“y/n? how long have you been here why didn’t you wake me up?”
-“daniel called me to help him with his new batman lego set”
-he sometimes joins in your guys’s dates and sean tries kicking him out everytime
-being super close with esteban too
-he’s happy sean found someone who’s good for him and pushes him to be a better person
-gossiping with him while he’s working on a car
-usually it’s when sean is busy or you’re just annoyed at him
-“oh y/n, whatd he do now?”
-sometimes even while sean is in the room
-“i’m still here guys”
-weekly movie dates!!! drive ins or sneaking into the theater (sean says 15 bucks just to watch a movie is outrageous)
-getting him to listen to your favorite artists/bands
-sometimes he’ll pretend to hate it if it’s a genre he’d never listen to but you can see him trying not to drum his fingers or bop his head
-dragging him to every school event
-matching halloween costumes always
-if he wants to do a character you don’t know you’ll still match him for his sake vice versa
-if you have a pet he’ll probably try his hardest to befriend it even if he’s lowkey scared at first
-he’ll get jokingly jealous about you and your pet saying how you don’t give HIM that much love
-speaking of jealousy, he’s def the jealous type
-he’ll try to hide it but then say something petty to you or the person making him jealous
-“that wasn’t even that funny 😐”
-“you guys should go to that restaurant you’ve been talking so much about together”
-“sean 😒”
-as both of sean’s bestfriends you guys are really close too
-“he will never get between us y/n.✊”
-lyla joking about how she has to third wheel even tho she’s absolutely happy you guys are together
-sean and lyla fighting over you
-“i don’t care if you and y/n are dating. i’m still the favorite. right y/n??? right??”
-making sure to include her at some point on valentine’s day too even if she pretends to hate it
-arcade dates & picnics <3
-sleepovers!!!!!!! always so much fun
-sometimes you’ll just lay in bed listening to music and it’s one of the most special moments together
-you were with them minutes before that had happened, but you went to go pick up your guys’s food from the deli near the house
-you came back to esteban on the floor, the crashed cop car, and no sean and daniel
-you were so in shock nothing came out your mouth for a while
-once your brain processed what was happening you yelled around the house for sean and daniel
-you screamed and screamed till the other cops got to the scene
-even then you kept calling for the boys
-you didn’t know what to do with yourself you’d just seen your boyfriends dad dead on the floor and your boyfriend and his little brother missing
-when the cops explained what happened you were so disgusted about how the situation was handled and how sean had been blamed
-you knew sean and daniel, you knew sean and you knew the story was mixed up and the diaz boys were blamed obviously due to racism
-you never gave up looking for them, you went into the woods and everything
-you were looked down upon, even by your own parents, because it looked like you were supporting a “criminal”
-when sean finally called, you were so happy you bawled the entire time
-you were so so relieved he and daniel were alright
-you understood why he couldn’t tell you where they were or why he wouldn’t be able to call again
-he also didn’t tell you their location because he knew you’d try coming to them, he really did know your love for them both
-with one last goodbye and i love you, that was the last time you talked to sean
if you ran with them
-sean 100% didn’t want you to come with them
-you were in the house when it happened but you rushed outside, but the cop didn’t see you
-he knew that if you went with them you couldn’t come back without being taken in to custody as you were now an accomplice to them, things would never be the same and he couldn’t ask you to do that for him and daniel
-“y/n please, stay here” he was already in tears and his voice was cracking but you refused
-instead, you took your bag with more supplies and stuff that was already in visible view that you knew would be helpful for whatever situation you guys were going to be in
-“i don’t know why you’d think i’d leave you sean”
-you also knew even with the rush of adrenaline you were having what you were giving up
-you were giving up your family, your friends, and a normal life
-but you had been with sean for a long time and you knew you were never gonna leave him to fend for him and daniel in who knows where
-you never complained, even with the bad circumstances
-you helped the boys ration supplies and find shelter in the woods
-sean felt so much better with you there, so did daniel
-they both felt guilty for being glad you came with them
-they knew you left a whole life behind and felt like they took that from you, even if it wasn’t their fault
-but it was your choice and you didn’t regret it even in the worst moments, and you always reminded them both of that, no matter what the ending was
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I’ve been getting into life is strange and I was always curious. What if Mark Jefferson had a daughter and they moved because his wife just left him a note and ran off. His anger comes out and destroys the apartment. He manipulates his kid when this happens, wanting to maintain the little control he has. They move to Arcadia Bay and his kid adjusts well considering. Then he takes Nathan under his wing to help get his hobby going. Then he finds out that Nathan has been taking photos of his daughter when she’s not looking…….serial killer side of him comes out and makes it very clear to Nathan his daughter is off limits from their little hobby.
omg I really love the last sentence of this
I mean- I love all of this, but-
I know that it would be better if I would write an oneshot of this, but the last time when I did the same thing with a promised oneshot, the work was... pretty bad-
I hope you don't mind it! ^^"
Btw I'm happy about you're planning to join to the LiS community, or at least you're curious/interested about it! Unfortunately in my social group there aren't really people who knows the fandom, so I'm always happy about new fans! ^^
And sorry bc I didn't answer this inbox, I just wanted to get done with the Welcome Home headcanons :")
Anyway, in these hcs I will be a bit negative about Mark, but I still love him -//w//-
(I'm actually planning to write more x readers about him-)
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff and definitely not fluff, dad moments, Mark is not the greatest father, there's also my thoughts in this, pls forgive him, this is not x reader, (bad) father-daughter realtionship, no pronouns used, but the reader is female, spelling mistakes, mention of kidnapping, mention of the Dark Room
Fandom: Life is Strange (1)
Charcter(s): Mark Jefferson, Mark's daughter|You| (Y/N) | The Reader, Nathan Prescott (mentioned), Warren Graham (mentioned), Max Caulfield (mentioned), Rachel Amber (mentioned)
Ship(s): Warren Graham x Reader (ex.), Nathan Prescott x Reader (ex.), Max Caulfield x Reader (ex.)
Type: Headcanons
𝐈𝐟 (𝐘/𝐍) 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫… (𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐜𝐬)
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𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: Hayloft by Mother Mother
(A.n: 'Cause this is the next on my playlist and I love it so much lol)
“My daddy's got a gun
You better run”
Oki, let's start with some sweet ones:
• If he's not tired, then prepare for breakfast in bed
• "Did you sleep good, hon?"
• morning kisses 🥺❤
• while you cry on him, he would gently caress you
• "Shh, it's okay, sweetheart."
Now, some serious stuff:
• He wouldn't be the greatest father tho, I think
• still, I think he would be protective about his daughter
• 'cause of his hobby and about boys in general lol
• Seriously I think he would feel safer if you would chose girls instead
• but it's your choice ofc
• He will definitely talk about his job and of photography ofc
• If his daughter not interested, then he won't push it
• ofc, he will be a bit bitter
• but he understands it
• Although, he will mention or talk about it just a bit sometimes
• But if you are interested in photography
• be prepared that photography will be you two's first or at least second topic
• he's a real teacher, so you won't have problem to learn from him
• Actually I think he would be happy about that there's something that you both can talk about
• (at least the suspense will be less from you, and it helps him to keep you away from his crazy hobby)
• Don't mention Mom.
• You will see him less more, when you are old enough to be left alone
• He comes home late, and he does this more often
• "Dad?" you asked unsurely when he picked up the phone. You were worried, so you choose to give him call. Is teaching lasts this long? "Where are you?"
"Oh... Daddy's working right now, sweetheart. I promise, I will be home soon, okay?"
And he kept saying this after hours and hours.
• Get used to that you will be alone for a long time
• He will ask you teasingly about if you like someone
• but the real reason is that he wants to know who he has to deal with
• his reactions depends on the person
• If the person is Nathan (who is his... well, let's say partner of those insane things), he will be definitely more protective and will keep an eye on both of you for a long time
• deadly and serious threats ahead, if he still won't leave you alone
• he will be potective because he knows Nathan very well and the crimes that himself he commited, and other side bc he's a father and he wants to keep his beautiful daughter safe
• But if the person would be for example Max, he would be more relaxed
• (He would even think trough her kidnapping. There's a chance that he won't hurt her. Even if it's hard for him to conntrol his sick addiction)
• He still tests her if she's good enough for you, but he will be more easier on her
• OR let's say the person is Warren-
• "The geek?"
• He doesn't know that much about him
• and bc of this he will definitely test him
• I mean he doesn't mind that you're with smart boys
• but you know, he has to make sure
• Now, I think we're almost there at the end of these hcs-
• You sat in the can uncomfortably. You tried to make yourself comfortable, but it didn't help.
"So, was the test okay?" you heard you father next beside you.
You nodded, even if you knew that he doesn't see you 'cause he's focusing on the road.
"Dad?" You spoke unsurely, don't know how to say out loud your thoughts.
"Yes, sweetie?" He glanced at you with a kind smile on his face, but it dissapeared when he saw how stressed you were. "What's wrong, honey?"
You tried to swallow the nervousness, but it was worthless and didn't help at all.
"So, you know those Rachel Amber missing posters? They're almost everywhere."
Mark could feel how his heart skipped a beat. Now he started to feel nervous as well.
"Yes, dear?" Focus on the road. Focus on the road. Focus on the road. Focus on the road.
"Did you know her?"
He let out a small sigh. He didn't want that his daughter notice that he's nervous. He tried to act calmly.
"No, sweetheart." he spoke as he hid away the frustration in his voice.
"Okay." you said quietly. You sounded convinced.
He carefully glanced at you again.
"Are you scared?"
There was a couple of seconds until you answered.
"Maybe... I don't wanna imagine what terrible things those people did to her. But my mind keep distracting me, even if I don't want to think about it."
You could feel the gentle touch of his warm hands.
"Don't worry, hon. I'll keep you safe."
And with that you were convinced that your dad is there and you're more than safe with him.
• Why would he be a bad father?
I think his psychotic hobby would be more important to him than his own daughter. He would be definitely overprotective about you, but also he wouldn't be there for you. Like there's no movie night, cause again, he has things to do in the Dark Room.
Yes, he would care about his daughter, he would also be a good listener, but you rarely meet him. He wouldn't be there for you when you need him.
I don't think he would hurt his daughter physically, but don't test him. He's enough stressed about his victims.
And he would pay too much attention about keeping you safe.
From his hobby, from Nathan, from everything.
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candyfloss5000 · 10 months
Worth the pain
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Nathan Prescott x gender neutral reader
(Poorly punctuated and not proof read)
Summary: your life and Nathan's are both fucked up in different ways, but somehow your mangled and spiralling lives have intertwined. You're closer than you've ever imagined anyone could be, but you can't face the feelings that linger around you both, because you can't face loving someone again just for them to leave you to pick up the peices afterwards.
"Bite The Hand" is the song that inspired me to write this.
Fuck Black-shitting-well academy. The only things it's brought you is more things to tell your imaginary therapist. Like fuck you were going to see a real one. You did that along time ago and the only thing it achieved was people pitying you. You don't need strangers fucking pity for your fucked up life, you already know it's messed up beyond repair, you don't need a fucking therapist to tell you that. Everyone you've spoke about your past to has either given you a disgusted look, or fake pity.
You just want to scream out everything in your mind to someone who won't give you any expression, almost like a blank wall that you can just yell and scream and cry at. That's what Nathan Prescott has become for you and sometimes, you've been that for him as well. You can just talk and talk and talk at him and he'll just sit there, seemingly not paying attention but mentally noting every word you've said. He'll only speak when you request him to, but most of the time he doesn't say anything at all. And you return the favour by letting him vent to you and listen to all his words.
Now, you're both silently laying on Nathan's bed in his dorm, your legs up agaisnt the cushions as you lay the wrong way on the bed. You just stare at the white ceiling, passing a cigarette between each other. You forgot to buy a pack and it's Nathan's last one, so you compromised. You've remained in silence, since you entered his room ages ago, waiting for either one of you to say something.
Nathan hands you the cigarette, after he took a long drag, before breaking the some what comforting silence, "Do you ever think about..." His pause causes you to turn your head to look at him, but he's still staring up at the ceiling. "Getting the fuck outta here? Just fucking off and forgetting about all this shit?"
"Every second of every day." You reply to him, as you pass him the cigarette back.
"But there's always that nagging in the back of your head to just put up with everyone's shit." Nathan speaks for them both and you turn your head to face the ceiling again. Uncontrollable dread sits in your soul, as you try to convince yourself that your past isn't repeating itself yet again. "And it always seems to out weigh the idea of finally being free." He adds to his previous sentence. "I'm gonna get the fuck outta here one day, you know?"
Your anxious mind can't help but pick up on the fact that he said "I'm" and not "we". Has he already decided that you are only a fragment of his life? You should've known better. You told yourself when you went to Blackwell not to get attached to anyone. They'd only leave like every fucker else, you had told yourself. First, it was your mother leaving you for some drugdealing asshole, then it was your childhood friend picking some over girl for you, then your older siblings moved out far away (they still don't try to contact you), which only added to your father's alcoholism. There's always someone else that's the first choice. You gave up trying to get everybody to like you a long time ago.
During your mind's spiralling anxious thoughts, you don't even notice the tear that runs down the side of your face, until a soft hand wipes it away. The physical contact brings you back to reality and you turn your head to face Nathan, who's already looking at you. The cigarette sits in an ashtray that's ontop of his bed. Your eyes stare into his ocean blue ones and you only just realise how close you are, your faces are only a breath away from one another.
"Tell me what's going on up there." He places his hand on the side of your face and slightly taps your forehead to emphasise his words, before tucking the hair that had fallen infront of your face behind your era.
You silently study his face, his blonde soft hair, his angel eyes and your eyes finally land on his red lips. You desperately want to take the leap and kiss him until your lungs begin to burn from the lack of air. You want to hide yourself in his arms, where you're safley locked away from the world. You want him to hold you so delicately, as if you'd break like glass.
You tear your eyes away from his plush lips and sigh as you can't bring yourself to look at him anymore. "I can't keep doing this." You pathetically mutter under your breath, hating the way more salty tears push their way into your eyes.
"Doing what?" Nathan's voice has dropped to a whisper as you looks at you.
"This! I can't keep loving people who leave! I can't let more kindling be added to this burning feeling inside me!" Your voice raises, but you're not angry. You're just so tired and fucking emotionally drained. You try to ignore the never ending stream of tears that flow from your eyes. "It hurts too much and I can't do it anymore!" You subconsciously grasp his shirt, as if that's enough to stop him from disappearing.
Nathan says your name, as quite as a whisper and you just stare into his eyes. The hand on your cheek moves to lightly grasp the back of your scalp and Nathan moves forward to place his forehead agaisnt your own, in an attempt to ground you to the present. "I'm not going anywhere without you. I don't fucking care if it means we travel the entire fucking world, I'm not letting you go." He vows, with such a sincere look in his eyes, a look you've never seen anyone give you before.
Silence falls once again and you're still so close to the point where you can feel each other's breath on your faces. Neither of you can help but glance down at each other's lips. Slowly but surely, your bodies move impossibly closer and your lips dance over one another.
His touch burns and stabs into your soul, but you can't convince yourself to let him go. Nathan's here and he's staying. He's worth the pain.
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clouisluvr · 2 years
part two to dating sean diaz headcannons maybe??
hi beautiful people❤️ i hope you’re all doing well, im sorry about how long this has taken it’s definitely overdue🫠 im gonna try and keep slowly making my way through requests so bare with me! hope you guys enjoy this <3 also please cutely pretend to not see any potential typos LMAOO
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incoming summoning of all sean diaz lovers …
- sean is the type of boyfriend to buy you so many squishmallows but be pretend jealous at how many hugs you give them😭 jokingly says you probably love the squishmallows more than you love him but will still always buy you more when you see them together at costco trips
- a slow kiss enthusiast! sean prefers a more sensual and intimate make out sesh rather than a fast and rushed one, definitely has his hand cupped on your cheek, with the other resting on your thigh as his thumb gently rubs the skin there. will stop for a second to make deep eye contact with you and tell him he loves you before leaning back in😵‍💫 (i Fear i need him expeditiously..)
- if u have/want piercings he’d totally get them with you! cute matching septum/nose piercings methinks
- one of yalls fave things to do would be chatting shit ab bad tv LMAOO. like yall are always tuned into love island, too hot to handle etc. you both pretend it’s Insufferable but really you love hatewatching it (unfortunately daniel cannot watch with yall, esteban tells him its too inappropriate😭)
- MARIO KART MATCHES ALWAAYSS!!! after friday sleepovers yall will spend saturday mornings after breakfast playing! sean gives meeee… luigi or link main vibes? i think hes pretty good at it tbh, lowkey competitive but will happily throw the match the second you pout ab losing (unless ur an s tier mario kart player in which case yall will race against each other all day LMAO) oh and Ofc daniel plays with you guys but i think daniel would be absolutely HORRIBLEE at mario kart, everyone just lets him think hes good LMAOO
- in my last sean post i said that he prefers small displays of affection in public but in private he’s a lot more comfortable with touching you. nonstop cuddles, kisses every part of you he can see. loves for you to straddle or lay on top of him, will rest his hands on your hips or small of your back. likes for you to be kinda laid on top of him as yall laze around for a while, he basically uses you as a weighted blanket. sean loves doing nothing with you - sometimes just being quiet in your presence is perfect for him. unfortunately for sean its rare that he gets to be as affectionate as he wants with you because daniels alwaayss hovering around yall, and if not daniel, its esteban making sure his bedroom doors not closed😭
- esteban definitely works extremely hard and slightly struggles to make ends meet but would still wanna spoil sean and daniel -so any family trip he manages to save up for you are absolutely invited! sean would happily be a slightly cringe couple at disneyland with matching mickey ears, (not the kind of couples that cling to each other in the line for rides though LMAO). and every time daniels too short for a ride, sean will always always tease him and you have to give him a lil whack on the shoulder and then comfort daniel. when esteban (eventually) takes sean and daniel to see puerto lobos, he invites you along. you’re considered a part of the diaz family so esteban wants to share where he comes from with you and his sons :’) lots of long beach days with sean and daniel there!!! sean probably gets a lot of art inspiration from seeing you by the beach, probably having a playful water fight with daniel. he thinks you’re in your element when you’re being totally carefree. your joy is radiant for sean and inspires some of his greatest artworks :’)
- i think sean would need some reassurance from his partner. karen being an absentee mother has most likely given sean some abandonment issues so he’ll tend to feel anxious and insecure from time to time. genuine love and patience from his partner will help sean continue to open up and feel more secure in his relationship with you
- arguments with sean would be … a bit terrifying ill be real! the man is scary when he’s mad, i think he’d try his best to keep his emotions under control but frustrations get the better of us sometimes and he may end up saying something hurtful💔 he instantly feels guilty and apologises profusely but also understands saying ‘im sorry’ isnt always enough to take away the hurt caused. if you give him the silent treatment for a bit, i imagine he’d actually turn to daniel for advice! i think daniel would actually give weirdly helpful advice LMAO. he’d probably tell sean to start the conversation off by giving you something you like, like a choc-o-crisp. it sounds stupid at first but sean would probably attempt to bake you something (and fail horrendously) but seeing the effort he puts in to try and make things right is the perfect first step to resolving the argument :’) sean would definitely value communication in a relationship and wouldn’t want you to hold back about any potential problems!!
- you’d become a bit of a motif in seans artwork! he’d unintentionally draw some of your features or favourite interests in the background of his art, it becomes a sort of signature. you’re his muse!
- couples costumes for halloween are a must. for oct 2022 yall would show up to parties (and trick or treating with daniel) as miles morales and spider gwen!!
- i think the diaz family have a family game night every now and then that you obviously attend! they don’t hold back with you though, they will stack uno cards against you like crazy if you’re about to win😭 and daniel most definitely cheats at monopoly and takes extra money from the bank, to which sean always complains🤭
- during yours and seans early days of dating, he’d probably go out of his way to keep you from meeting his dad and daniel. not because hes ashamed of them.. more so he knows how embarrassing they can get and he doesn’t want you to think he’s weird. he’ll explain this to esteban after inevitably being badgered to bring you over for dinner one night, to which his dad will tell him that if you’re really right for sean and genuinely like him, you’ll accept his family too. besiiidees how ‘embarrassing’ can they really get? well .. i think your first time meeting seans family would be a bit disastrous. sean would insist on cooking dinner, i think he’d attempt lasagna but would leave it in the oven too long. as you arrive, daniel is probably in the midst of attempting another zombie costume project whilst sean and esteban freak out over the burnt lasagna now setting the smoke alarm off. once you arrive and knock on the door the muffled chaos from inside goes SILENT followed by the sound of some rushed movements and whispers. sean lets you in with a slightly panicked smile and despite the smell of smoke wafting into your nose, the ear piercing ringing of the smoke alarm harshly hitting your ears and the sight of his little brother drenched in what you hope is fake blood, you smile back at him and lean in to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek and all of seans worries about you coming over are instantly soothed.
- seans the type of boyfriend to be totally down with a pamper session. he’ll happily let you play aesthetician with him, applying multiple face masks, plucking his brows, waxing his legs, shaving his face, doing his makeup etc. sean seems like the type to have relatively clear and healthy skin but he’s left glowing after yalls little spa sessions!
- lyla ADORES you. you guys are probably incredibly close friends (actually i think lyla most likely introduced you and sean) you and sean are aware of lyla’s fear of her and sean not being friends one day, so you both make an effort to not leave her out of things. you guys definitely go to concerts and new movies together and make a bunch of amazing memories.
- sean has a polaroid of you in the back of his phone case❤️ his lockscreens reserved for his dad and daniel!
- absolutely adores you borrowing his tshirts or hoodies… he loves seeing you in his clothes but more so loves how they always smell like you after you wear them. if you’re bigger than sean he’d love borrowing any cute graphic tees or hoodies you had too.
- i think sean would spend christmas eve with your family and you’d spend christmas day with his! sean would paint you the most beautiful portrait of a candid photo of you, alongside a personalised photo necklace (these are so so cool - you can place a customised photo inside of the necklace, and you see it once you look inside the heart pendant!!) it’s probably of a picture that esteban took of the two of you during your holiday in puerto lobos. its one of the most beautiful meaningful gifts he could have gotten you, and you wear the necklace every day.
- i think when sean falls for someone he doesnt fall fast but once he does fall, he falls VERYY deeply in love. you bring him so much happiness and he loves expressing that through big and small gestures. randomly surprising you with flowers during the week, suddenly being overwhelmed with a wave of songs that remind him of you prompting him to make you a mixtape, writing you love letters, absentmindedly finding himself doodling you on a post it note mid class and handing it to you. sean loves you with all his being and shows it to you every day.
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ruewrote · 6 months
𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑤/ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛 𝑔𝑟𝑎ℎ𝑎𝑚 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠.
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– keeps your favourite snacks on him whenever you guys hang out
– makes mixtapes for you
– doodles on the page of your notebook as he keeps you company as you study
– even with anxiety of his own, he orders/speaks for you
– not one week goes by where you don’t have a sneaky sleepover
– finds you the smallest but most useful trinkets
– traces small patterns over your hip when you’re cuddling and can’t seem to fall asleep
– doing all nighters on the weekends just to play video games together
– warren constantly fawning over you
– watches & loves all of the romcoms you watch
– late night drives that end up with the two of you making out in the backseat
– whenever you guys hug, he’d always wait until you let go first. always wanting that extra couple minutes of being close to you
– stealing his graphic t-shirts
– kisses you at any opportunity he gets
– both frequent regulars at the two whales diner (most known for going together)
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© ruewrote 2024.
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silvvermst · 3 months
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SYNOPSIS :: you saw your ex once again in a party thrown by the vortex club
NOTE :: all characters are 18 and above
TYPE :: fluff / a tinge of sexual tension
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Maybe it's the strong mix of the cocktail that Courtney brewed up to this party, but somehow it turned into a liquid courage. Because you can see him shiver under your gaze hiding from a bunch of friends he made when you parted ways. As much as how toxic it may sound, you hated the fact that you’re not beside him anymore and these… strangers are now hanging with him. He shouldn’t be here, everyone can tell with one look that a guy with an angelic place doesn’t suit to be in a place filled with hard liquor, drugs, and the faint smell of sex in the corner. The scent of this place is not fit for an angel like him because in your mind, the only perfume he should wear is yours, You like it that way. Who the fuck even invited him in this party. Well, probaby Dina, just to piss you off since you ditched her last week.
You swirled the red solo cup in your hand, rethinking your life choices and shit. Keeping a clear mind, which is already futile since the flashing lights inside the club were hitting your eyes in different places that just made you frown and sunken lower on the fluffy couch with one of your friends passed out, drunk. Therefore, you took another gulp from the cup whether to take your mind off of that brown haired boy, or maybe it just made memories of you, together overflowing your brain.
Though, maybe the final straw was when a girl approached him, her touch lingering on his arms, hair, face. Fuuuuck, you rolled your eyes from the obvious cheap flirting that girl can muster. You might just stand up from the couch and show it how to properly make that guy drop to his knees, since, well, you already know what buttons to push and make him beg for it.
You couldn’t help but scoff at the fact that you can see him blush and a shy smile begins to appear in his face. Though, when he felt your stare on him he caught your eyes filled with envy. His flushed face turns into a surprise as he stares back at you, but that girl really has to wave her hands in front of him, making his eye contact with you break.
“You know, if you were so pissy about it just approach him.”
“No fucking way. I don’t chase.” You bite back from Prescott’s snappy tone.
“Yeah, but from just your look you might chase away that girl all over Graham.” He took your red solo cup and sat down next to you while he sipped down the liquor on the cup.
“I don’t fucking care about them. I mind my own business, unlike you.” You didn’t even complain about him taking your drink, maybe it’s better that he takes it because if you get more drunk later you might take that girl’s hair with your fists.
“Well, you can continue to be a jealous bitch, because one way or another…” He paused for dramatic effect as usual. “There are a lot of girls here who want to approach him, I mean, everyone can tell he’s a fresh face. Anyone would be happy to try something new.”
You grumbled from his statement, scooting closer to Nathan and pressing your head against his shoulders as you watch Warren interact with the same girl.
“Why did the both of you even break up?” He asks, though his attention was in his flip phone.
Right, it was late at night when you both had an argument. It was something stupid, it wasn’t even worth fighting about, but you couldn’t help but cause chaos. Pushing him away from you was the right thing to do, is what you say to yourself every time you type his number on your cell and stare at it for hours deciding whether to call him back or not.
“Jesus, can you stop with the questions? Not helping, Nate.” You huffed, pushing your face further on his arm. Blocking the air of the club and inhaling his cologne instead.
“Yeah, whatever. I’m just making you realize your dumb mistakes.” He smirked, because now, the girl that was all over Warren walked away in annoyance. “You never know, he might be in the same position.”
By the time you were practically cuddling with Nathan, Warren’s mood immediately turned sour. From his scrunched up eyebrows and annoyed eyes, what was worse is that Nathan was taunting him with a smirk. Aleina, the girl he met earlier, already walked out when you were taking too much of his attention, unintentionally. If you hated the girl, then he fucking loathes the fact Nathan’s arm was around you.
The dimmed light of the club and the loud music only adds fuel when Nathan invites you to the dance floor. Of course you accepted, he was just trying to make you feel better. But for Warren, it comes off different because now he gets to stare at you and the way you dance with another guy.
“Look at Graham.” You were surprised you even heard Nathan through the loudspeakers the DJ has been blasting. But you did, and the moment your eyes saw him, his features softened. The soft smile gracing his face was definitely not helping you from relapsing.
Then, he broke eye contact once again. He was saying something to one of his friends before he stood up from the stool and walked away to the restrooms.
“I need to go.” You tiptoed and said it next to Nathan’s ear so he can clearly hear.
“Fucking finally, I thought I have to drag you.” Was the last thing you heard from him before you got off the dance floor and followed Warren.
This part of the club wasn’t much dimmed unlike in the bar with the dance floor, and the music from it grew quiet through the hallway. With no sight of him, you walked through the hallways until a door was open ajar.
“What are you doing here?” His voice echoed when he opened the door of the bathroom, the drunkenness in your system seemed to fade away just from his voice.
“Should be the one asking that, what the fuck are you doing here?” Your tone was much harsher than you intended, maybe it was the alcohol talking.
“So, what? I can’t attend parties now?” His voice was much lower showing that he wouldn’t put down a fight against you.
“Don’t start, Graham.”
“I’m not starting anything, you’re the one who followed me here.” He’s right, why the fuck did you even followed him here. But, you crossed your arms and huffed trying to think of an excuse to save yourself from embarrassment.
“Oh, shut the fuck up. I own this club, remember?”
“You mean, your dad owns this.” He gagged you with that, and the worst part is when he tilts his head and smiles.
“Fucking hate you so much, you’re just so irritating. You are soooo fucking childish!” Your patience was on thin ice, his smile was just pushing it much, much worse. If he continues with that attitude, you might just push him against the wall and bite his lower lip.
But you weren’t able to continue your whining when he grabbed you by the shoulder and pulled you inside of the bathroom with him, slamming the door and locking it.
“Hey, Tori’s looking for you, dumbass!” Nathan’s voice echoed throughout the hallway outside of the bathroom.
Warren couldn’t even process why he pulled you in, he just wasn’t able to hand you over to Nathan because there was just no goddamn way he would. If he could, he just wants to hide you forever, if you let him.
His footsteps stopped right in front of the bathroom door, it was silent before there was a rattle on the locked doorknob that sent shivers down your spine, as your back was pressed against the door.
“Well, if Warren fucking Graham’s there with you, make sure to return her before midnight, Cinderella got a fuckin’ curfew.” Nathan snickered before he walked away.
When you both felt the coast was clear, he stepped away from you. It was evident to the both of you how his blush travelled down to his pale collarbones, while yours was dusting the tips of your ears. The silence between the two of you was excruciatingly painful, you bit down on your tongue to stop you from talking. Somehow the vents in the bathroom turned hot, as your breathing staggered.
“I should get going.” Finally, he was able to say a few words without stuttering, because how can he not when he smelled the perfume he bought for you. After all these months you were still wearing it. It was something that used to drive him crazy for you, this time it might just put him into an asylum if he was stuck with you in here much longer. He breathed in, though it was a bad idea because now his senses were filled by you, as he ran a hand on his hair trying to remain his composure.
Max was right, he should’ve stayed away from this party. It was bad fucking idea to go with Chloe.
You took a step to the side, waiting for him to take a step to leave you here alone. Though, at the back of your head you were wishing he wouldn’t. “Go, get out of here.”
He looked back at you, examining your features, from the curls in your hair, the black dress he so fucking loves, heels that he worked hard for months just to give it to you for your birthday, because he knows how much you love branded heels.
Nathan was right, I should’ve thrown all his gifts away. It was a bad fucking idea to wear these tonight.
“You look good.” It slipped out from his mouth. Fuck.
“Me? Seriously, take a look at yourself. You finally followed my advice to change your whole wardrobe.” You stared at him, a windbreaker over a grey hoodie with white sneakers. He seriously looks so different after these couple of months.
He smiled, a sincere one. As much as he missed your storms, he missed the calm before it. Your snappy tone with loving words was something only you can stir inside of him, he just misses everything about you. And being stuck inside with you makes it worse.
When the silence took too long, you decided to break it. “Well, are you gonna get going or not?”
Warren mustered up the courage to take a step towards the door, upon opening it the music started to seep inside the bathroom and that damning perfume just made him slam the door shut.
“Are you going to hit me if I kiss you?” He asks in a desperate tone, trapping you with his arms.
“Fuck, no.” You welcomed his warmth with open arms, letting yourself be wrapped by him. His hot kisses were so much better than the things you imagined at night when you miss his touch. While his hands were cupping your cheeks, you hugged him tighter.
“Miss you, so much.” He whispered between kisses, pushing you against the wall. It seems the closeness between you wasn’t enough, he wanted to make sure there was no gap between you. God, he misses your lips and the red, cherry lipstick that smudges the side of his mouth, he loves it more if you decorate his skin with your kiss marks. “Do you know how pretty you are? So gorgeous.”
You forgot how vocal he is when you two started making out that it made your body on fire as the blush continues to spread from your cheeks. “Warren, we…”
“Fuck, please.” He whined, if you miss him, just think about the nights when he physically had to stop himself from showing up to your dorm room and push you on your bed. He wants this, no, he actually needs this. Once he feels your touch again, he doesn’t want to go back to those months where he couldn’t have it.
Who are you to hold him back, you’d be a hypocrite if you say you didn’t need this as much as he does. Rational thoughts went out of the fucking window when he took the lead. The thin straps on your dress fell through your shoulders, and your hair was already a mess from tonight. He was awestruck. Well, who wouldn’t?
Although, your hands were on his shoulder giving little to no strength at actually stopping him from kissing your ears to your neck. And fuck, his hands just holds you in place by your waist but it inches towards the zipper of your dress. “I said, kissing, Warren. There is no way we’re going to fuck in a bathroom.”
“But I thought you liked it when we did it before.” His response was fast, which made your cheeks flare up more from what he was doing earlier.
“That’s not the point. Anyone can walk past here and hear us.” You reasoned out, maybe all the rational thoughts didn’t really leave your system. While he did take a minute to reconsider, he obliged to your request.
He stops for a second, seeing a set of dark, red bites littered all over your neck to your shoulders. “I told you before, I can handle your storms. I always have been, I want to handle you.” He kisses your shoulder, up to your neck, sucking that one spot.
“Fuck, Warren.” It was all you were able to say, tongue-tied from the feeling of his kisses. “If we go back to the things that we used to be, you’ll… fuck, can your mouth stop leaving hickeys all over me?”
“Mhm, don’t wanna. You can keep talking, can’t you?” He pulled away from you for a second to guide you towards the marbled sink. “Up, up.”
His whispers seem to put you under a spell since you were doing everything he says. Between your legs he stood in front of you, while his arms were on the counter instantly trapping you. “This is not fair.”
“Yeah? Well, that’s what I felt when you left.” He pouts, but he takes your hand and plants a soft kiss on your knuckles. “You left without a word, angel.”
Sonovabitch, he knows how to use his pretty face. “I… Warren, you know how I am. You’d be tired from my constant outbursts, or how I can be too possessive with you? What if I’m suffocating you within this relationship?”
“Who says I can’t handle your outbursts?” He plants a kiss on your wrist, then he intertwined your hands together. “I like it when you get possessive, but you really have nothing to worry about.” He says as he looks into your eyes, sincerity dripping from his voice that puts an ease in your heart. “And, being in a relationship with you is what made me able to breathe through this hellish world.” He closes the gap between you, and sweetly guides your face towards his. A kiss on the tip of your nose, forehead, and finally your lips that he missed so much.
You immediately melt through the kiss, his warm palms warms your cold ones as his kiss gets deeper, you start to feel the effects of the alcohol. But he quickly ended the kiss, and pulled away from you, “But, I want to know…if you still want to be in this relationship? Please, tell me I’m not the only one who's desperate here.” He begs, you can tell from his voice as he rests his forehead on your shoulder, afraid of the answer he burrows his head and calms himself with your scent. In his mind, the only perfume he should wear is yours. He likes it that way.
Your hand went through his brown locks, petting and softly combing it. “I wouldn’t have followed you here if trying to get back with you wasn’t on my mind, silly.” You cupped his cheeks and made him look at you.
“Are you sure?” His glassy eyes were filled with tears that were threatening to fall. “You won’t leave again, right? Because, I’d, I would be working so hard to change your mind, and reassure you that you are perfect for me. Your imperfections are the things that made you perfect. And, well, lastly, I’m not gonna be very happy about it if you did disappear again.”
“I won’t do it, ever, again. I’m sorry, I left without saying anything. And thank you for giving me a chance.” You kissed his puffy cheeks. “I won’t promise anything, but I want to prove to you that I’d stay as long as you let me.” You touched his forehead with yours, though, this sweet moment would’ve been nice if not for that interrupting cow.
“Heeeyy, lovebirds! I wanna make sure you’re not fucking in there, but Cinderella’s dad is fucking pissed. You seriously gotta go home.” Nathan’s voice echoed outside of the bathroom once again, slightly banging on the door.
You could hear Warren sigh and pull away, but he gave you a quick peck on the lips. “Let’s go?”
You nodded and with his help you hopped off the sink, the banging continued but the moment you opened the door a smirking Prescott was right outside of the door. “Oohh, well, aren’t you guys disgusting. Now, you, we need you to go home because I’m pretty sure me and Victoria would be the ones who’ll get scolded for you since we used your club for the party.”
“Ok, I get it.” You gruntled, fixing your dress and hair.
He turns to face Warren. “Wipe your face, Graham, you look like you just ate a lipstick.” He quickly wiped it with his handkerchief as the color of his cheeks had the same shade of your lipstick that was smudged on the side of lips.
You took a step forward and before you walked away you turned to your heels to face him. “Call me, my number is the same.” You whispered to his ear, while he removed his windbreaker and handed it to you.
“Here. See you tomorrow, I’ll be waiting for you at our spot.” He whispered back before he kissed your cheeks.
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Just A Project | I
Nathan Prescott x Reader
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Warnings: none i dont think
Words: 492
    I sat at my desk in Mr. Jefferson's class. He's rambling on about The Daguerreian Process or something. I zone out for a bit until I hear the words 'partnered project' leave his mouth. I look up now fully attentive. God, I hate working with partners. "Now, this project will count for 40% of your grade. Yes, yes you heard me correctly. And because you guys are my favorite class, I've given you all the luxury of not having to stress over who your partner is going to be, as I have chosen them for you already." The entire class lets out a groan of annoyance. "I know, no need to thank me."
    I start to shrink in my seat. Hopefully I get partnered with someone decent like Kate- "Daniel and Kate." Mr. Jefferson interrupts my thoughts as he starts calling out the list of pairs. Okay well, there is still hope for me yet. I can still get paired with Alyssa- "Alyssa and Victoria." Shit. Now I feel bad for Alyssa- "Nathan and Y/N." And suddenly I'm starting to feel a whole lot worse for myself.
    My eyes flicker over to Nathan for a moment to gauge his reaction. He throws his head back with the loudest groan, yet Jefferson ignores him. Ditto Nathan, ditto. As Mr. Jefferson continues to call out the pairs I start to stress. Of course I get paired with the pissiest trust fund baby that is Nathan Prescott. "Alright now that you all have your partners," Jefferson starts. "you'll work on this all week, in and outside of class. I want you to create a portfolio of types. Both of you need to be both the photographer and the model. Of course you'll also need two scenery shots, meaning working together to find the perfect visuals to capture through your own lenses. I expect excellent work from every single one of you. Alright, I'm done. Class dismissed."
    Everyone shoots up from their seats scattering off to do whatever. I was slow to pack up my things, and noticed Nathan speaking to Mr. Jefferson as I was leaving. "Y/N!" Jefferson called my name. I turned around. "Sir?" I walked towards the two. "The two of you are to work collectively on this project... am I understood?" Jefferson looks between us, it's clear that he is asking this to Nathan, but I answer anyway. "Of course." I say shyly. Nathan's eyes burning my skin. "Got it, sir." Nathan says with his jaw clenched, eyes still on me.
    He exhales "Meet me in my dorm after your last class." He started to leave, bumping his shoulder into mine as he walked past. "Don't be late." He says walking out of the room. I avoid Jefferson's stare, embarrassed. "I paired the two of you up for a reason." I scrunched up my face in confusion. "See you Monday, Y/N." He turns back to his desk, and I walk away. Finally.
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hexedwritings · 9 days
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I write for female characters.
My requests are always open.
I don't write extereme smuts and for underage characters.
I write for Arcane, Last of us & Life is strange 1.
Tumblr dividers are not mine.
Vi arcane who is injured (suggestive)
Vi arcane and overstimulating the reader
Vi arcane and making out when the phone rings
Vi arcane during soft sex (birthday special)
Jinx arcane and making out when high
Jinx arcane and first time sex
Caitlyn arcane overstimulating the reader
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