#life insurance in Concord
Tips To Buy Renters Insurance In Concord, Matthews, Charlotte, Gastonia, NC, And Fort Mill, SC
The American dream may be to own a home in a preferred location in the nation, but not all dreams come true. Indeed, the statistics state that more than 30% of Americans live in rented homes at present. Rue, renting a property can be cost-effective for students and young people employed in their first jobs. They are not burdened with paying property taxes or renovating the home. Nor can they be faulted for not repairing the damaged structure. Paying the rent every month takes care of their responsibility. Sadly, renting comes with a flip side too. They cannot expect the landlord's insurance to cover their possessions when they are damaged or lost due to a covered peril. Purchasing renters insurance in Concord, Matthews, Charlotte, Gastonia, NC, and Fort Mill, SC, can help renters save money during difficult times.
It is pretty surprising to find the renters insurance policies to be affordable. Young students and individuals earning a limited salary find the insurance premium a little steep despite the pluses. A renter may go through the policy details and try to reduce the cost as much as possible. The following tips may come in handy to buy a low-cost renter's insurance plan:
· Coverage- The insurance company will cover individual possessions of the renter in the event of a mishap, theft, or natural disaster. It is common knowledge that an individual possesses at least $ 35,000 or worth of possessions at any given time. True, the insurance cost will not equal the sum, but the renter can always check the belongings and decide on the coverage extent needed. Drawing up an inventory of self-owned property is a good way to estimate the worth. Additionally, a renter must keep the need for liability coverage in mind. Inadvertent injuries to a visitor, guest, or neighbor may give rise to liability claims and even a lawsuit. The insurance will take care of the liability costs, too.
· Exclusions- Admittedly, renters insurance will not include every aspect of a person's life. It is most important to ask about the exclusions and be prepared to pay for them if required. Being aware of what is covered and what is not can be intensely helpful during times of need. It is essential to inquire about coverage of possessions destroyed by earthquakes, fire, and/or flooding. Most renter's coverage will not include such coverage. There may be an option to buy additional coverage. It is advisable to pay extra when the rented home is located in an area prone to flooding or earthquakes
· Bundling- Bundling the renter's insurance along with other types of policies may help substantially lower insurance costs. Checking individual rates and then asking about discounts for bundled policies can help one decide on the best. One can easily save 10% to 20% of insurance costs by opting for bundling various policies purchased from a single carrier
Buying life insurance in Concord, Matthews, Charlotte, Gastonia, NC, and Fort Mill, SC, is the best way to safeguard the family's finances after one is gone. The dependents will not lack money even when they do not earn a living.
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“your grandpa sucked”.
an interesting sentiment, at the time, from amethar.
of course he thought that. jadain was a famous coward, and amethar a self-proclaimed war guy.
but it is, of course, deeper.
acts of aggression are used to bring “neutral” nations into the fold of war. assassinating the queen of candia on the glucian road was exactly that.
the FDA is attempting to pull the strings behind this war and this world. they’re in the basement of the Great Pyramid of Food. maybe they’re planning to make the concord exist. we don’t yet know.
if that’s the case, every nation needed to be part of the war. hold outs aren’t acceptable, because how can you later unite under one banner without everyone?
it was planned. deliberate. to expand the war. to insure the specific result at the end of it.
amethar watched his sisters argue with his parents, asking them to join the war. he saw the cowardice in his father then.
he saw the event that made candia enter the fold and it’s effects on him.
he survived as his sisters, one by one, perished in the war.
became the unfallen. yet again. and again. and again.
amethar has had 20 years to work through the assassination of his mother. to consider how it could have stopped so many other terrible moments in his life from happening if his father had just acted sooner, at the beginning of the war.
and it can be boiled into one statement. from a man who lost everything and had all the time to think of why.
“your grandpa sucked.”
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magadauthan · 7 months
There was a lot of (justified) fandom fussing about the changes to Meryl's character in Tristamp. She's junior to a grumpy old drunk, where before she was the HBIC. She's as wet behind the ears as it gets and very naïve to the realities of the NML outback. She doesn't have any derringers. She's even shorter. And where is Milly wtf.
We all know by now that Tristamp is a reinterpretation and kinda-sorta a prequel to the main storyline, so some of those concerns have been addressed.
Meryl is the Everyman of the series and represents the viewer, and we grow alongside her as she learns about what props up her sheltered previous life in November. She's a cub reporter, so the expository monologuing that takes place when she and Roberto are around can be partially excused. She's finding out about the world, and gumption is all she has to run on. And sass. Lots of sass.
One major difference for her character arc is her personal tragedy. '98 Meryl and Trimax Meryl are office ladies who either got assigned the Vash detail or applied for it; Tristamp Meryl chose her story, as far as we know. '98 Meryl doesn't go through a major trauma other than what happens with Legato, and in Trimax, Vash is the trauma when he inadvertently downloads his memories into her.
Tristamp Meryl can't hold on to Tonis, and she loses her innocence in that moment when all her book learning and good intentions can't save him from losing his arm and falling. From then on, she has to live with the guilt, the same way Vash lives with his guilt over everyone who's suffered from associating with him and his own good intentions gone wrong (Rollo). Her burden is her own; she's not bearing it on behalf of Vash.
As the series moves on, she's told many times to stop, to back off, to go home, and she bears that additional burden when Roberto ultimately sacrifices himself for her persistence. Meryl tells Roberto he can leave, but he's no fool; she'll get wiped out in no time. He's not going to leave her out there by herself, and Vash and Wolfwood aren't going to look after her. That's not their job; it's his job. Meryl wants the scoop, in the classic teacher's pet overachiever paradigm. Roberto is there because his bosses said he had to keep her from getting herself killed in the process. He gets killed instead.
All of this is to say that Tristamp Meryl and her motivations have gone off in a very different direction than either of her progenitors, in ways that will keep her central to the plot. Which is a good thing - one criticism of Trimax is that the insurance girls disappear for long periods of time (not for nothing, but Livio and Elendira had a metaphorical peeing contest for an entire tankoubon.)
Zazie's interest in Meryl was another new wrinkle. Zazie is the voice of the planet, and it stands to reason that they felt more concordance with Nai. He styles himself as the speaker for the hivemind of Plants, which they understand on an instinctive level, and unlike the interloper humans, his mission statement is to eschew the rapacious consumption shown by the human trash. Sounds like a good deal, right? That's until Nai shows his hand and demonstrates that he does not give one single shit about anything but his agenda, and he doesn't mind wiping out the Wams along with the humans. It's the first time we see Zazie get worried. Maybe they made a bad bet.
They know Meryl-as-reporter and that her role is to speak to humans, which is what they're used to with Nai. She and they know the truth about JuLai and what Vash was trying to do. So, they pick Meryl as their new liaison with humankind, warning her that the bet has to pay off this time.
And Meryl of all people knows that trying isn't enough.
Her character design reflects her tragedy. She's wearing sunglasses, which may be a style choice but can also represent that she has something to hide. She's gone from wanting to be respectable to ditching her assignment and sneaking off to JuLai to pay her respects. She gets threats from her superiors about getting busted down to insurance duty for insubordination. She chooses to earn those derringers. Meryl Stryfe is the rebel who champions the weirdos, and she didn't do it for Vash; she did it for herself.
With all that in mind, it will be interesting to see how her relationship with Vash is different this time. I'd argue that they aren't close in Tristamp.
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orbitingtheson · 1 year
18 June 2248
Why does the Concord need to be up in my business? I live shipboard, and freelance as a prospector. It's nice. I have all the solitude I want, I get to choose my neighborhood and my views, and other people or at least their proxies are just a VR couch away when I want to have company. And I mostly get to run my ship how I want. Except the Concord has been pinging me for a couple weeks now about my paint job. I get the safety and traffic control regulations. Sure. Whatever. If I screw that stuff up I could be putting people that aren't me in danger. But paint? Seriously? I'm half tempted to go upwell to the edge of the belt to get out of Concord space, but I don't know if I could even afford the private insurance I'd need for that. Why do they care so much that I changed my color scheme a bit? Why are they even looking? - Dripping with fury
As for why they're looking, the Concord started off as an asteroid survey program to protect Earth from potential impactors. They look at everything.
As for why they care, the only regulation I can find is that they need to verify you actually made the change yourself rather than it being equipment failure or, I suppose, piracy. Just let your system confirm that it's actually you and they'll update their databases and you can move on with your life.
There's also an archaic obscenity regulation that shows up on a quick search, but that was repealed a century ago.
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mainsselection · 2 years
Roaring kitty
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According to Daily Mail, Gill is “a married father-of-one who lives in a three-bed home in Wilmington, Massachusetts.” He previously lived in New Hampshire, according to online records. Gill’s videos on YouTube indicate he’s a married father to wife Caroline Gill. What are your thoughts on GME? Aside from the analysis: what do you think of the new presentation style? Resources mentioned in the video: GameStop investor presentation May… As of August 2020 I'm bullish on the stock. The Big Short SQUEEZE from $5 to $50? Could GameStop stock (GME) explode higher? Value investing! In this video I share a new style of my analysis on GameStop (GME, $4.61, $299M market cap). Gill Is a Married Father Who Shares His ‘Approach to Investing’ in Videos He told the Wall Street Journal that he started investing in GameStop in 2019, when it went for $5 a share.ģ. As of August 2020 I’m bullish on the stock. The Reddit user’s page contains references to, and photos of, YouTuber Roaring Kitty.Įven five months ago, he wrote, “In this video I share a new style of my analysis on GameStop (GME, $4.61, $299M market cap). I support these retail investors, their ability to make a statement.”Īlthough Gill explains his stock choices on YouTube, he did add, “I don’t provide personal investment advice or stock recommendations during the stream.”ĭaily Mail reported that Gill posted a screenshot showing he had turned a $745,991 investment into a more than $47 million windfall. He told The Wall Street Journal, “I didn’t expect this,” and added, “This story is so much bigger than me. Gill Was Bullish on GameStop, Driving the CrazeĪccording to Reuters, “Gill repeatedly made the bull case for the beleaguered bricks-and-mortar retailer and shared images of his trading account profit on the stock.” The Roaring Kitty LLC was incorporated in Concord, New Hampshire, and dissolved almost a year later, online records show.Ģ.
Debris is dedicated to producing financial software and independent research from which individual investors and institutional investors alike may profit.” A website for Debris Publishing describes it as, “an independent financial publishing firm. He was also an investment operations officer at LexShares.
“Empower your employees to move forward in their financial futures with a series of immersive workshops that benefit every individual,” that website says.Īn old LinkedIn page for Gill said he was director of financial wellness education at MassMutual and president of Debris Publishing Inc. He worked as a Chartered Financial Analyst, according to Reuters. His name comes up on Google associated with MassMutual’s In Good Company website. The Wall Street Journal reported that Gill “until recently worked in marketing for Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.” Live stream launch: /watch?v=UNqqeXJxaf8&list=PLlsPosngRnZ0CzndWE6sJjAQp-XS0uIMY&index=4&t=0s Investment style: /watch?v=1zi7XVudxME&list=PLlsPosngRnZ0CzndWE6sJjAQp-XS0uIMY&index=5&t=0s Tools: /watch?v=n2kti6l_uuE&list=PLlsPosngRnZ0CzndWE6sJjAQp-XS0uIMY&index=7&t=0s Kitties: /watch?v=uiO1ITRcjeA&list=PLlsPosngRnZ0g_8n94bwznPbuApuguQuh&index=2&t=0s My investment style involves continually tracking thousands of stocks using a variety of… Īccording to Reuters, Gill is a 34-year-old “financial advisor from Massachusetts” who previously worked for MassMutual insurance. First stream kicks off Monday August 3rd at 7pm. Roaring Kitty – Introduction The Roaring Kitty channel revolves around educational live streams where I share my daily routine of tracking stocks and performing investment research. Gill Worked as a Financial Advisor in Massachusetts The Securities and Exchange Commission is taking notice. Users are threatening a class action suit as Robinhood barred trading on GameStop. His name is indeed listed as the registered agent for Roaring Kitty LLC. Using public records, Reuters and Daily Mail first identified Gill as the YouTuber Roaring Kitty using LLC records. Wizard,” is being praised in some corners for bringing large hedge funds to their knees. Daily Mail and the Wall Street Journal say Gill is also the Reddit user DeepF***ingValue who posts on Reddit’s WallStreetBets forum. Keith Patrick Gill, aka Roaring Kitty, is a YouTube and Reddit influencer who helped spark the wild GameStop craze, driving up its stock prices and upending the market, according to his LLC.Īccording to Reuters, Keith Gill and Reddit user DeepF***ingValue, “helped attract a flood of retail cash” into GameStop, sending hedge funds that didn’t appreciate the company into a tailspin and the stock market into tumult.
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Asset Protection: Save Property with Homeowners Insurance in Kannapolis and Concord, NC
Owning a home comes with many responsibilities and risks. One of the most important ways to protect this investment is through homeowners insurance. Homeowners insurance in Kannapolis and Concord, North Carolina, provides the necessary protection against many different threats so that owners can maintain the value and safety of their houses. People who live in these areas need to know what it covers and why it benefits them. ​ Full House Coverage Homeowners insurance in Kannapolis and Concord, NC, offers full home coverage, which extends to a wide range of risks. Such hazards include hurricanes, storms, or floods (natural disasters), fire, theft, vandalism, etc. Such an insurance policy ensures that the financial burden of repairing or rebuilding homes after these events does not rest on house owners alone. This kind of peace lets people enjoy what they have without thinking about what might happen next.
Financial Security and Stability The main advantage of homeowner's insurance is its provision for financial security. If there is covered loss, this type of policy helps cover repair or replacement costs, thereby preventing large out-of-pocket expenses. On top of ensuring that stability within one's financial life as a householder is maintained at all times, it also quickens the recovery process after any incident has taken place.
Liability Protection Nobody knows when accidents may occur, but once they happen within someone else's premises, legal action can be taken against such person(s). The liability coverage included in homeowners' policies protects individuals from paying huge sums as compensation due to accidents or injuries happening on their property—even if sued successfully. Homeowner liability coverage at Kannapolis and Concord provides medical bill payment for injured persons besides footing lawyers' fees during litigation where necessary, so no individual gets bankrupted by unexpected occurrences.
Personal Property Coverage Under this type of policy, personal belongings found inside one's residence are covered, too. Such items could be furniture, electronics, and clothes, among others, which may have great value. When they get lost through theft, damaged by fire, or any other insured event, the company will pay for their replacement cost. Without such protection, many people would be left with nothing after losing everything they own, thus making them bankrupt and miserable.
Loss of Use Whenever a house becomes uninhabitable following the occurrence of an insured event, homeowners' insurance caters to additional living expenses (ALE). Temporary housing can be quite expensive especially if it lasts longer than expected so having this kind of cover helps in dealing with such unexpected situations without much struggle. Other necessary costs like meals should also not worry anyone because everything is taken care of until homes are put back in good shape under normal circumstances. Therefore, it ensures that no individual lacks basic needs during difficult times.
Car Insurance in Kannapolis and Concord, NC While protecting the home is essential, safeguarding vehicles also matters a lot. Car insurance in Concord and Kannapolis, North Carolina, provides protection against accidents, theft, and physical damage caused by collision or any other means to cars belonging to residents there. Having such coverage relieves car owners from thinking too much about what might happen next since they know that everything has been catered for already, just in case anything goes wrong unexpectedly.
One must consider homeowner's insurance in Concord, NC, and Kannapolis to protect homes and personal belongings. This policy offers all-rounded protection against various risks that may lead to financial insecurity and liability coverage or Additional Living Expenses (ALE), among others, therefore enabling homeowners to maintain their house value and safety. Additionally, car insurance is essential in this region to complete a sound property insurance plan covering assets and protecting them from loss or damage. Therefore, if a homeowner looks forward to safeguarding their investments for future years, they must invest rightly in good insurance policies.
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hariyhub07 · 5 months
Breathe New Life Into: Bathroom Remodeling in Concord
Breathing new life into your bathroom through remodeling in Concord can significantly enhance the comfort, functionality, and aesthetic appeal of your home. A well-designed and renovated bathroom not only improves daily living but also adds value to your property. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the process of bathroom remodeling in Concord, exploring key considerations, design tips, and essential steps to help you achieve your dream bathroom transformation.
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Understanding the Importance of Bathroom Remodeling
The bathroom is one of the most frequently used spaces in any home, serving as a sanctuary for relaxation, rejuvenation, and personal care. A well-designed bathroom contributes to the overall comfort and enjoyment of your home, while an outdated or inefficient bathroom can detract from its value and appeal. Bathroom remodeling presents an opportunity to address functional issues, update outdated features, and create a space that reflects your style and preferences.
Assessing Your Needs and Goals
Before embarking on a bathroom remodeling project, take some time to assess your needs, goals, and priorities for the space. Consider factors such as the size of your family, your lifestyle, and any specific requirements you have for the bathroom. Determine whether you're looking to improve functionality, update aesthetics, or increase storage space. By clarifying your objectives upfront, you can better communicate your vision to your contractor and ensure that the end result meets your expectations.
Setting a Realistic Budget
Establishing a realistic budget is essential for any remodeling project, including bathroom renovations in Concord. Determine how much you're willing to invest in the project and prioritize your spending accordingly. Consider factors such as the scope of work, materials, labor costs, and any unexpected expenses that may arise during the project. It's also a good idea to set aside a contingency fund to account for any unforeseen circumstances or changes to the project scope.
Choosing the Right Contractor
Selecting the right contractor is crucial to the success of your bathroom remodeling project. Research local contractors in Concord, read reviews, and ask for recommendations from friends, family, and neighbors. Look for contractors who specialize in bathroom renovations and have experience working on projects similar to yours. Verify that each contractor is properly licensed, insured, and has a proven track record of delivering quality workmanship.
Designing Your Dream Bathroom
Designing your dream bathroom involves considering various factors, including layout, fixtures, finishes, and lighting. Start by creating a wishlist of features and amenities you'd like to include in your new bathroom, such as a walk-in shower, double vanity, or freestanding bathtub. Consider the overall style and aesthetic you want to achieve, whether it's modern, traditional, or transitional. Work with your contractor and a design professional, such as an interior designer or architect, to develop a cohesive design plan that maximizes space, functionality, and visual appeal.
Selecting Fixtures and Finishes
Choosing the right fixtures and finishes is essential for creating a cohesive and stylish bathroom design. Consider factors such as durability, ease of maintenance, and compatibility with your design aesthetic when selecting fixtures such as faucets, showerheads, and toilets. Pay attention to finishes such as tile, flooring, countertops, and cabinetry, ensuring that they complement each other and create a harmonious look in the space. Don't forget to consider practical features such as storage solutions, lighting, and ventilation to enhance the functionality and comfort of your bathroom.
Managing the Construction Process
Once the design plan is finalized, your contractor will begin managing the construction process, coordinating subcontractors, and overseeing day-to-day operations. They will ensure that work progresses according to schedule, that materials are ordered and delivered on time, and that any unexpected challenges are addressed promptly. Throughout the construction process, maintain open communication with your contractor and address any questions or concerns that arise.
Completing the Project and Ensuring Satisfaction
As your bathroom remodeling project nears completion, your contractor will conduct a final walkthrough to ensure that all work has been completed to your satisfaction. They will address any remaining punch list items, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure that your new bathroom is clean, safe, and ready for use. Take the time to review the final results with your contractor and provide feedback on their performance. If you're satisfied with the work, consider leaving a positive review or testimonial to help other homeowners make informed decisions.
Conclusion: Transforming Your Bathroom with Confidence
In conclusion, bathroom remodeling in Concord offers homeowners an opportunity to breathe new life into their homes and create a space that meets their needs and reflects their style. By assessing your needs, setting a realistic budget, choosing the right contractor, and designing a cohesive and stylish space, you can achieve your dream bathroom transformation with confidence and peace of mind. With the right planning, execution, and attention to detail, you can create a bathroom that enhances the comfort, functionality, and value of your home for years to come.
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kieron141-blog · 7 months
Essential Considerations for Concord Florida moving out state movers
Leaving Nebraska can feel like a overwhelming project, but with the right tips and checklist in place, you can make the process smoother and more arranged. Whether you're transferring for a task or beginning a brand-new chapter in your life, appropriate planning is essential to making sure a effective move. 1. Start ASAP: Start your preparations as soon as possible to enable adequate time for all the essential tasks. 2. Produce a list: A quick list of anything that requires to be done prior to, throughout, and after the move. This will assist you to keep focused and guarantee key pieces of the project are not neglected. 3. Research study your brand-new state: Acquaint yourself with the guidelines, laws, and requirements of your new state concerning housing, energies, transport, etc 4. Work with professional movers: Think about employing experienced movers who focus on long-distance relocations. Get numerous quotes and check out evaluations to find reputable professionals who can manage your specific requirements. 5. Declutter before packaging: Take this opportunity to declutter your personal belongings by eliminating products you no longer need or usage. This will decrease the overall volume of products being moved and save you money and time. 6. Pack strategically: Label boxes clearly according to their contents and location rooms in your brand-new home. Load fragile products with additional care using proper padding materials. 7. Alert essential parties: Inform appropriate celebrations about your change of address, consisting of banks, energy business, insurance coverage suppliers, schools if appropriate, and federal government companies. 8. Organize crucial documents: Keep necessary files such as recognition papers, medical records, monetary declarations securely arranged throughout the moving process for simple access when required. 9. Schedule utilities transfer or cancellation: Contact utility business at both ends to arrange disconnection at your present home and connection at your new home on moving day or shortly after. 10. Take care of yourself throughout the move: Moving can be physically demanding and mentally draining; remember to take breaks when required and prioritize self-care to stay stimulated and focused throughout the process. By following these top 10 suggestions, you'll be well-prepared for your out-of-state move, guaranteeing a smoother shift and a positive start to your brand-new chapter.
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Craig & Preston Insurance Agency is a reliable and trusted insurance provider with over 20 years of experience in the industry. We offer a wide range of insurance products to meet the needs of individuals and businesses, including auto, home, life, and commercial insurance. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to providing personalized service and finding suitable coverage options for our clients.
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memoriae-lectoris · 7 months
The hardcore evo-psycho brigade insists that males never invest in babies of whom they have the slightest doubt of paternity. (...) The evidence brays otherwise.
Among a number of traditional societies of lowland South America, people believe in “partible paternity”—the idea that a child can have more than one biological father. They believe that a child is a sort of spermic quilt, and that the multiple ejaculates of different men make for better and sturdier children than the discharge of one fellow alone can. In such cultures, married women often take a lover or three during pregnancy, and all of those lovers are considered fathers to the baby, with concordant responsibilities to show up with at least the occasional speared fish.
Among the Ache foragers in eastern Paraguay, for example, the majority of women count on their consorts to help protect and provide meat for their offspring. In interviews with 17 Ache women, anthropologists Kim Hill and Hillard Kaplan found that each of their 66 children was attributed to an average of 2.1 possible progenitors. The Ache go so far as to recognize three different categories of fatherhood: one refers to the man to whom a woman is married when her child is born; the second, to the man or men she had extramarital relations with just before or during her pregnancy; and the third, to the man whom the woman believes actually inseminated her.
A similar state of affairs holds for the Bari people of Venezuela and Colombia, foragers and simple horticulturists who plant manioc and supplement their starchy diet with fish and game. More than two thirds of Bari women engage in extramarital sex during pregnancy, and their children benefit significantly from the practice. None of this is done clandestinely. When a woman is giving birth, she tells the midwife who her lovers were, and the midwife goes out afterward to announce to each of the men, “Congratulations. You have a child.”
The men are expected to help their partible offspring in hard times, and usually they do. Bari children with two or more fathers to their name have an 80 percent chance of surviving past the age of fifteen. For those with just a primary father, the survival rate is 64 percent.
“We can hypothesize about the origins of partible paternity,” says Stephen Beckerman, an anthropologist at Pennsylvania State University who has studied the Bari. “It’s possible that females took control of the etiology, that it’s working mainly to their benefit, and that men have no choice. But the truth is, the men don’t seem to mind. They don’t object. They’re not demonstrably jealous. So you can speculate that partible paternity works for men as a kind of life insurance, a series of bets against the odds. A man allows other men to have sex with his wife. He bets that he will be the father of most if not all of his children. But if he should die, some other man will have a residual obligation to care for some of those children. If you look at it that way, you can see how partible paternity might be adaptive for both the women and the men.”
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michaelcosio · 7 months
Suspect in S.F. cop's 1988 slaying is deported
By Jaxon Van Derbeken
Feb 2, 2009
A woman considered the prime suspect in the 1988 slaying of an off-duty San Francisco vice officer in a Walnut Creek parking lot has been deported to her native Scotland - yet another setback to investigators who say they still hope to bring a case against her.
Walnut Creek police said in June that Catherine Kuntz, 44, had been involved in the shooting of Officer Lester Garnier, 30, who was killed as he sat in his car in a mall parking lot.
However, the evidence police cited - a partial fingerprint belonging to Kuntz that was found on a window of Garnier's Corvette - was not enough to persuade Contra Costa County prosecutors to charge her.
Police went public with the find in hopes that someone would come forward with other evidence in the killing, which has long frustrated investigators in both Walnut Creek and San Francisco.
Kuntz is a former prostitute who was living in Concord when Garnier was killed. Police have repeatedly interviewed her, and she has denied having anything to do with the officer's slaying.
For much of the past year, Kuntz had been in prison in Florida, where she was first convicted of cocaine possession and then failed a drug test. In December, after Kuntz agreed to one final interview with Walnut Creek police, federal authorities deported her to Scotland. Police say they still lack the evidence to persuade prosecutors to file charges.
Garnier's death has been a mystery since the moment his body was found slumped over the wheel of his Corvette early July 11, 1988, in a parking lot at 1295 S. Main St. in Walnut Creek. Police believe he was shot late the previous night, but beyond that they had little to go on.
Gun never found
One witness reported seeing a woman get out of the Corvette around the time the shots were apparently fired. Garnier was struck by two slugs from a .380 semiautomatic pistol, possibly his own weapon, but the gun was never found.
The investigation itself has also been filled with intrigue. Walnut Creek police led the initial probe and guarded information from San Francisco police, apparently on the theory that other San Francisco officers might have had something to do with Garnier's killing. Police even tested 10 San Francisco officers' guns, but results came back negative, and no other evidence has emerged to point to Garnier's former colleagues.
In 2002, a partial fingerprint that had been lifted from the Corvette was determined to belong to Kuntz, but that discovery presented investigators with a whole set of new questions.
Kuntz, the ex-wife of a Navy petty officer, had a history of drug abuse and prostitution arrests. She had never been arrested in San Francisco, however, and police have never been able to establish that she and Garnier were acquainted.
In 1991, after moving to Florida, Kuntz was accused of attempting to murder her husband after a teenage girl told police Kuntz had promised her $15,000 in life insurance money if she would shoot him. The girl was convicted, but Kuntz was acquitted after her husband testified in her defense.
Hal Jewett, the head Contra Costa County homicide prosecutor, said he had reviewed the case against Kuntz in the Garnier killing on several occasions and concluded each time that there wasn't enough evidence to bring her to trial.
2 more suspects?
Jewett said police "conducted an extremely thorough and tireless investigation and developed substantial evidence identifying Catherine Kuntz as a suspect."
"Unfortunately," Jewett said, "their investigation also uncovered significant questions involving at least two other parties."
He declined to go into details, but added that "while it is clear that Ms. Kuntz was in the general area of the killing, that fact does not establish her as the shooter.
"That is the critical area in the investigation - not whether she was present, but whether she shot the officer," Jewett said. "There is some evidence that it may have been somebody else. There is also evidence suggesting it was her. … We have to have proof establishing our case beyond a reasonable doubt, and we simply do not."
Kuntz had lived in this country since the early 1980s, but never became a U.S. citizen. She was deported because she had been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude, according to officials with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.
"We don't have the discretion to hold aliens for another agency," said Nicole Navas, spokeswoman for ICE in Miami. "We're mandated to carry out the immigration judge's ruling."
Prosecution trickier
Jewett said Kuntz still could be brought back to the United States to face charges if more evidence materializes, but that "as a practical matter, it becomes more difficult."
Walnut Creek police Sgt. Lanny Edwards, the lead investigator in the Garnier killing, said Kuntz's deportation adds to the complexity of the case but does not doom it.
"I would rather she be here," Edwards said, noting that her deportation "limits the number of future conversations we can have with her."
He said that despite Jewett's reference to two other suspects, Kuntz remains investigators' prime target.
"We say that with the caveat," Edwards said, "that we will follow up on any leads, and we are not taking a blind eye to somebody else."
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starsaligning1010 · 8 months
Tri Cities Auto Glass Service
Best Mobile Auto Glass Tri Cities Service
Your car's windshield is more than just a barrier against the elements. It plays a pivotal role in your safety upon the road. A cracked windshield might seem subsequently a youth inconvenience, but its implications can be far-reaching. Let's consider why addressing this event promptly is of utmost importance.
Usual Causes of Windshield Cracks
back we dive into the importance of replacement, concord how windshields commonly get damaged is crucial. Whether it's a stone kicked occurring by the vehicle in tummy of you, extreme temperature changes, or play up from structural issues, a cracked windshield is often an inevitable outcome.
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Tri Cities It?s The Law
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breakingpronews · 8 months
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dankusner · 9 months
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President Joe Biden touches Johnson’s casket while paying his respects to the longtime lawmaker during a brief appearance at Concord Church in Dallas. Johnson played a key role in Biden’s 2020 presidential primary victory in Texas.
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‘Unnecessary’ death
At one point during the funeral, Johnson’s friend and lawyer, Les Weisbrod, brought up the controversy surrounding her death. Her family intends to sue Baylor Scott & White Health System, alleging that negligent care at the hospital’s rehabilitation center led to her death. A statement from Baylor Scott & White said representatives are committed to working with the family and their counsel.
���I never expected Eddie Bernice Johnson to be one of my medical malpractice cases,” Weisbrod said at the funeral. “It is important for the world to know that Eddie Bernice Johnson opposed the law that devalued human life. No human being that dies from medical negligence in the state of Texas should have to suffer further with a $250,000 cap on that life.”
Weisbrod called on Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas lawmakers to change the law to increase the damages victims can receive in malpractice cases.
Kirk Johnson also alluded to the lawsuit, calling his mother’s death “untimely and unnecessary,” but added that “God knows best.”
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EBJ’s family agrees to deal
Baylor Scott & White to name scholarship for congresswoman
The family of the late U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson and Baylor Scott & White have reached a deal over allegations that the hospital chain and rehab center were at fault for the congresswoman’s death in December, an attorney for the family said Thursday.
Six months ago, the family said it intended to sue Baylor Scott & White Health System and Baylor Scott & White Institute for Rehabilitation, alleging that negligent care at the hospital’s rehabilitation center led to Johnson’s death. Kirk Johnson, the son of the congresswoman, and family attorney Les Weisbrod announced a resolution Thursday between the family and the medical facilities.
“We are at peace,” said Kirk Johnson, choking back tears. “We have to accept God’s will, but her initiatives, her interests will continue to live.”
Johnson, a trailblazing Black woman who spent decades as North Texas’ most powerful Democrat and who was the first registered nurse elected to Congress, died of a bone infection in her lumbar spine.
She was 89.
The resolution includes renaming a scholarship program that allows the hospital system to sponsor employees seeking an advanced degree in nursing after Johnson and the creation of a not-for-profit foundation run by her family that will champion causes that she advocated for. The Eddie Bernice Johnson Lives Foundation will support organizations that promote women’s rights, stable families, education and peace initiatives.
Baylor Scott & White suggested to the family’s lawyers the renaming of the scholarship and the formation of a charitable foundation, Weisbrod said.
The family and lawyers would not discuss the details of the resolution, including financial commitments from the hospital.
Baylor Scott & White made an undisclosed initial contribution to the foundation, Weisbrod said.
“It’s an excellent resolution considering the caps that are in place in the state of Texas, and it’s the resolution that will allow the family to do good in the congresswoman’s name,” Weisbrod said at a news conference.
The Texas cap outlines that in most malpractice cases, a person can win no more than $250,000 against Texas physicians for their pain and suffering, per a 20-year-old state law and constitutional amendment backed by insurers and medical groups.
It leads to Texans looking to sue over medical malpractice being turned away by trial lawyers because the allegations are too costly to litigate compared with how much can be won in court.
During the news conference, Weisbrod held up a copy of a January Dallas Morning News article with the headline, “The price of a life: Congresswoman’s death is drawing attention to Texas malpractice cap.”
“One of the important things here is that sometimes the court of public opinion can be more powerful than the court of law, particularly when we’re dealing with these unfair caps on damages in medical malpractice death cases, ” Weisbrod said.
Views on rule
The rule has been called a way to shield doctors from baseless lawsuits and exorbitant verdicts and to keep them from leaving the state, but malpractice attorneys say the ceiling short-changes victims and defers accountability.
Johnson, often called EBJ, underwent extensive back surgery in September to correct degenerative conditions that would have made the longtime congresswoman unable to walk, Weisbrod said.
Johnson’s surgeon recommended that she go to Baylor Scott & White Institute for Rehabilitation after the operation for , physical therapy and redressing her wound to prevent infections.
Before an appointment Kirk Johnson had made to meet his mother’s caseworker at the rehabilitation center, his mother called him saying she needed help and no one responded when she repeatedly pressed a call button.
According to the family and their lawyers, EBJ was lying in her own feces and urine.
The family’s lawyers estimated that EBJ was alone for about an hour before she received medical care.
Medical records
In medical records, Johnson’s orthopedic surgeon wrote she “was found in bed sitting in her own feces, which was not being cleaned up.”
Days later, the doctor wrote, she began having “copious purulent drainage” — a sign of an infection — from the surgical incision.
The family had said the hospital’s neglect caused the infection and Johnson’s subsequent death.
In the upcoming legislative session, Weisbrod said he and the family plan to work across party lines to raise the caps to $500,000 to keep up with inflation.
Weisbrod said he’s been assured by the hospital that policies and procedures are now in place to prevent the neglect originally alleged.
“We have got to continue working so that those caps are changed, so that every Texan could get a more favorable result for the loss of their loved one and not just those that are related to a congresswoman,” Weisbrod said.
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myastronastrologysign · 10 months
Which color are the gemstone emerald and gemstone rings?
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