sindar-princeling · 6 months
Put you on my 3/15 gratitude list! I try to make one every day, and you deserve to be on it for all the work you did to bring us the lotr newsletter, including in the format it is in now. I had a great time devouring the Battle of the Pelennor Fields in one sitting, and it’s all thanks to you. Just… wow. Thank you.
Thank you SO MUCH ❤️❤️ I have great fun with the newsletter of course, but getting messages like this make it feel even MORE worth it. And I'm very happy you stayed after the format change ❤️❤️❤️
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evilwriter37 · 3 months
A text from @lifblogs
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It’s me. I’m the he/him auntie. My nephew is a cat.
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ashleybenlove · 9 months
I would be so interested in seeing the ripping out piercings whump with Astrid. Excellent character choice for it!
I kinda love the mental image of like Snotlout seeing her bloody ear lobe and just... throwing up? I feel like he'd be especially upset to see that.
NGL, now I want it to happen to all of them lol. (Tuff definitely has ear piercings in HTTYD3 iirc, too!).
I mean IDK if its realistic for 100% of the Dragon Riders to have ear piercings (though, yes, I am aware that people have piercings on VARIOUS parts of their bodies but for discussion's sake we're focused on the ear since it's probably the most common piercing to have?) but it'd be fun if all of them have it happen to them lol.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 1 month
Happy Birthday! Your writing accomplishments this year have been AMAZING, and I really admire you. I hope you have a fantastic day.
Thank you very much! 😊😊
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envydean · 2 months
Do you use Beanstack to track reading at all? You seem to fly through books, so I thought it’d be fun to be friends on there if you do use it.
I only really use Goodreads to track, I tried storygraph but couldn't get on with it (but I've heard it's better now than it was) I'll have to check out Beanstack and see what it's ll about 😁
I tend to have several books on the go for different situations: an audiobook for the car (currently Twin Crowns), an ebook for when I get time at work to read a bit but cant get a whole book out (I've got the kindle app on my phone) (currently reading the short story Cut and Thirst by Margaret Atwood) and then a book book for whenever I get a chance to read it (Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland) and then also a book club book (brave new world by adolus Huxley) 😅 and I also like to read graphic novels which don't take long to read
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 3 months
I'm here for the Cousins Double As Boyfriends AU.
The Cousins Double As BoyFriends AU is a Httyd Modern AU in which I basically ship (Trans!)Hiccup and Snotlout while they're also cousins. I have a few finished one-shots already on my Ao3, but there's more that I want to write for it.
I don't have a snippet to share at this moment, but I am planning on the next one to be a Snotlout whump fic.
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ailesswhumptober · 1 year
I planned a story for all 31 days, and I’m so excited! Thank you for doing this.
oh hell yeah, that's awesome! sending you energy and thank you, for joining us
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i-eat-worlds · 1 year
For the writer's ask: 1, 8, 13, 19, 22, 33, and 67!
Thanks for the asks! ❤️ 1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
One shots, by far. I tend to write convective one shots in a certain fandom, but they can stand on their own. 8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story? I’m a climax person, so middle-end, though inciting events are also fun.
13. What’s a common writing tip that you always follow.
“Show don’t tell” if you consciously think about which details you want to show, it really helps you put intention into your writing.
19. What is your most used tag on A03?
Hurt/Comfort. I know. Shhhh
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (Style, pov, genre, tropes)
I really don’t write fiction outside of third person past tense. I’ll probably stay away from A/B/O. Just not my thing.
33. Do you want to be published someday? prehaps. Sounds exhausting to get there tho
67. Do you prefer prompts of challenges, or independent ideas?
I don’t mind the odd prompt, but I’m to me for a long term challenge. I write when I feel like it, because it makes me happy. Sometimes a prompt will stick in my brain and I’ll write it, but I normally just do what I want lol. I appease everyone irl all the time, so theirs none left for y’all.
ask game
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1, 2, 3, 10, 12, and 16 for the TOA asks!
Trollhunters, 3Below or Wizards?: Oooh, that's a hard one. I have to say Trollhunters since it is the one i re-watch the most.
Fave protagonist?: Jim. Hands down. Jim Lake Jr. is one of my absolute favorites of all time. I adore him!
Favorite non-human character?: hmmm. . . It's say it's a tie between Callista/Daya and Blinky. I would have loved a little more Daya/Jim friendship in wizards. There was just sometime about their interactions that just . . . i don't know, it hit all the right points for me. she's also such a fascinating character on her own. And Blinky? Blinky is awesome! I love his whole character arc and relationship with Jim and Arrggh. I love how he's a kindly Bookworm mentor type but he's also a bit terrifying in a way. He's just so cool!
Favorite side character?: TOBY! Toby is the best! He's funny and brave and supportive and kind and just all around awesome! (Wait. Does Toby count as a side character or a main??? Ah, well. I'm going to stick with this answer)
Which would you be: troll, alien/akiridion, wizard?: Probably, I'd prefer to be a wizard, because i don't vibe with some points of troll culture and i like the sun. But it might be fun to be living stone. (Or, option 4: Changling Wizard!)
Favorite villains in TOA?: Angor Rot. He is terrifying and awesome.
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darthbecky726 · 1 year
May your pillow cool off swiftly.
thank you!! I have a silk pillowcase so it shouldn't take long 😴 I hope your pillow is the desirable temperature when you go to sleep 💛💛
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Is it a coincidence that the Moon God is named Elessa and Girad’s horse is named Eless?
*Gollum voice*: "You will see..."
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sindar-princeling · 5 months
Hey! Thought you’d appreciate this as much as I did, but I was in the hospital recently (just some background info for this), and there was an old woman doing registration that night. We got on the subject of Tolkien! She told me how she used to read all the time, and that The Lord of the Rings has always been her favorite. I mentioned the appendices and she got excited to check them out, even though I had said some of it was difficult for me to understand since I’m not a linguist. I mentioned the lotr newsletter and she was thrilled by the whole idea, and she told me that when she got home she’d pick up a book for even just a few minutes because of talking to me. It was a wonderful experience.
Ohhh that sounds so delightful!! The best kind of random interaction :')
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evilwriter37 · 4 months
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@lifblogs knows how to party!
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
I know what it's like to be Hiccup because I too am friends with a set of weird as fuck twins.
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evilartist37 · 1 year
How was I not following you before? Anyway, how much would it cost for you to do the hair challenge with my character Kiyana? No is also an option.
Between $150-$200 probably. It would depend on if you want the base model rendered or not (but I like doing it that way). I'm leaning towards $200 just because of how much work goes into it. I'd like to give Kiyana a try!
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envydean · 5 months
How is Benji doing?
He's doing better. Still 100% chaotic 😂 entered his "terrible twos" (which is apparently anywhere between 6 months and 2 years for kitties)
He turns 10 months old in 2 days time, time has flown by and I've had him for almost 6 months now 🥹
Still 100% cute of course
Still likes to climb my curtains, but he knows it's wrong 🙄
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