#lien releases
ariela-wagner-me · 6 months
What Are the Top 5 Lien Release Traps I Need to Watch Out For
A lien release is legally significant. Look at a sample lien waiver, understand how change orders work, how to avoid conditional release language, and how lien releases don't just release lien rights
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Good question:
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In the United States, many jails and prisons can and will charge you money for every single night that you spend imprisoned, for the entire duration of your incarceration, as if you were being billed for staying at a hotel. Even if you are incarcerated for years. Adding up to tens of thousands of dollars. What happens when you’re released?
In response to this:
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You’re getting charged, like, ten dollars every time you even submit a request form to possibly be seen by a doctor or dentist.
You’re getting charged maybe five dollars for ten minutes on the phone.
Any time a friend or family tries to send you like five dollars so that you can buy some toothpaste or lotion, or maybe a snack from the commissary since you’re diabetic and the “meals” have left you malnourished, maybe half of that money gets taken as a “service fee” by the corporate contractor that the prison uses to manage your pre-paid debit card. So you’re already losing money every day just by being there.
What happens if you can’t pay?
In some places, after serving just a couple of years for drugs charges, almost 20 years after being released, the state can still hunt you down for over $80,000 that you “owe” as if it were a per-night room-and-board accommodations charge, like this recent highly-publicized case in Connecticut:
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Two decades after her release from prison, [TB] feels she is still being punished. When her mother died two years ago, the state of Connecticut put a lien on the Stamford home she and her siblings inherited. It said she owed $83,762 to cover the cost of her 2 1/2 year imprisonment for drug crimes. [...] “I’m about to be homeless,” said [TB], 58, who in March [2022] became the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging the state law that charges prisoners $249 a day for the cost of their incarceration. [...] All but two states have so-called “pay-to-stay” laws that make prisoners pay for their time behind bars [...]. Critics say it’s an unfair second penalty that hinders rehabilitation by putting former inmates in debt for life. Efforts have been underway in some places to scale back or eliminate such policies. Two states — Illinois and New Hampshire — have repealed their laws since 2019. [...] Pay-to-stay laws were put into place in many areas during the tough-on-crime era of the 1980s and ’90s, said Brittany Friedman, an assistant professor of sociology at University of Southern California who is leading a study of the practice. [...] Connecticut used to collect prison debt by attaching an automatic lien to every inmate, claiming half of any financial windfall they might receive for up to 20 years after they are released from prison [...].
Text by: Pat Eaton-Robb. “At $249 per day, prison stays leave ex-inmates deep in debt.” AP News / The Associated Press. 27 August 2022.
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Look at this:
To help her son, Cindy started depositing between $50 to $100 a week into Matthew’s account, money he could use to buy food from the prison commissary, such as packaged ramen noodles, cookies, or peanut butter and jelly to make sandwiches. Cindy said sending that money wasn’t necessarily an expense she could afford. “No one can,” she said. So far in the past month, she estimates she sent Matthew close to $300. But in reality, he only received half of that amount. The balance goes straight to the prison to pay off the $1,000 in “rent” that the prison charged Matthew for his prior incarceration. [...] A PA Post examination of six county budgets (Crawford, Dauphin, Lebanon, Lehigh, Venango and Indiana) showed that those counties’ prisons have collected more than $15 million from inmates — almost half is for daily room and board fees that are meant to cover at least a portion of the costs with housing and food. Prisoners who don’t work are still expected to pay. If they don’t, their bills are sent to collections agencies, which can report the debts to credit bureaus. [...] Between 2014 and 2017, the Indiana County Prison — which has an average inmate population of 87 people — collected nearly $3 million from its prisoners. In the past five years, Lebanon’s jail collected just over $2 million in housing and processing fees.
Text by: Joseph Darius Jaafari. “Paying rent to your jailers: Inmates are billed millions of dollars for their stays in Pa. prisons.” WHYY (PBS). 10 December 2019. Originally published at PA Post.
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Pay-to-stay, the practice of charging people to pay for their own jail or prison confinement, is being enforced unfairly by using criminal, civil and administrative law, according to a new Rutgers University-New Brunswick led study. The study [...] finds that charging pay-to-stay fees is triggered by criminal justice contact but possible due to the co-opting of civil and administrative institutions, like social service agencies and state treasuries that oversee benefits, which are outside the realm of criminal justice. “A person can be charged $20 to $80 a day for their incarceration,” said author Brittany Friedman, an assistant professor of sociology and a faculty affiliate of Rutgers' criminal justice program. “That per diem rate can lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees when a person gets out of prison. To recoup fees, states use civil means such as lawsuits and wage garnishment against currently and formerly incarcerated people, and regularly use administrative means such as seizing employment pensions, tax refunds and public benefits to satisfy the debt.” [...] Civil penalties are enacted on family members if the defendant cannot pay and in states such as Florida, Nevada and Idaho can occur even after the original defendant is deceased. [...]
Text by: Megan Schumann. “States Unfairly Burdening Incarcerated People With “Pay-to-Stay” Fees.” Rutgers press release. 20 November 2020.
So, to pay for your own imprisonment, states can:
-- hunt you down for decades (track you down 20 years later, charge you tens of thousands of dollars, and take your house away)
-- put a lien on your vehicle, house
-- garnish your paycheck/wages
-- seize your tax refund
-- send collections agencies after you
-- take your public assistance benefits
-- sue you in civil court
-- take money from your family even after you’re dead
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
$7.25 $1231
Apply today Sign up for text alerts to see drive-thru pantries in your area Join us after services for a homemade meal and prayer support Limited to single mothers, the elderly, and the unemployed Sign up for a backpack plan: food assistance for low income families If you are in need of a hot meal join our waiting list Include your email for notifications if your cart is funded Your application will be reviewed in 7-10 business days Weekly shared meals on Tuesday at 2:30pm Those with current government ID and a local address are welcome What documents you need to sign up for SNAP benefits LEARN: click this link for tips on nutrition LEARN: where to find coupons online LEARN: penny-pinching tips at the grocery store LEARN: how to start a saving plan LEARN: part-time jobs that will work with your schedule r/personalfinace r/povertyfinance r/randomactsofpizza r/beermoney First time Donor? What you need to know First weekly visit: $40 Second weekly visit: $70 How to treat a hemotoma at home Can meditation lower your resting heart rate? Five foods high in iron Three signs that you might be dehydrated Securing a loan is easy and fast Available to consumers at all levels of credit To help cover life's little emergencies Your title is returned when the lien is released Get approved in minutes Apply today
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siremasterlawrence · 2 months
Hijacked: Biker Gang
Ben took for a ride on his motorcycle to get a private moment away with me before my career kicks in and he lands in a sort of an odd area. It is beautiful because of the lushes green grass growing stronger in the moment of it all and he sets up his picnic he prepared for me.He sets the towel on the floor quickly filling up the entire canvas area of it with piles of food as he looks up at and and invites me to sit with him.He takes my hand in his as he leans down to me placing his lips on my hand and slowly kissing toward my neck and sucks it deep and with so much passion.I laugh a bit shoving him up as I admire him as the guy that I transformed from the utter beginning to serve me in the longterm and I snap my finger. I watch as his eyes roll back into both of his eye sockets closing in on him and his head drops to his chin as he is open to serve me only. I crawl up growing closer to me as my ears are press onto his ears as I blow air into them and he squirms a bit feeling ticklish in everything. I slip my lips to the side kissing his cheeks sliding down to his neck as he is moaning out of control and I knew I hand him once more. I wake him up as he gives me another kiss and we begin to make out like crazy and we know it all changes at this moment.
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“Who the hell are you? Why are you on my land asshole?” This strange man came with a biker jacket.
“Oh Sorry! Let me explain if you would look at me please.” I state.
“Speak up! Hurry it up!” He says annoyed.
“You can trust me”
“I don’t know but”
“You already do”
“Stare into my eyes “
“You want obey “
“I do”
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“I am your Master”
“Sir Yes Sir”
“Will you serve me?”
“If you wish “
“I am your God”
“My everything “
“You can feel it in your body”
“Erupting your soul”
“Consuming him”
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Tom the leader of the biker cannot be able to help himself falling to the ground because he is under my spell. I love you my mouth forms his words to see his cock suddenly shoot upward pointing at me. I point to it as he freaks out covering it as he fell to his floor, he can no longer deny his one destruction.
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The next thing I am aware of a second biker is driving up unsure of what he is seeing a sen came after me. He jumps upward at me he leaps into the air taking me in his hands as we drop and he began to fight me in the longterm. Tom and Ben jump into action in a stunt grabbing me as he pins me to the wall and then he threw this guy to the side. “Will you do as I say focus on me, and tell me your name bitch. Do not attempt, resist and fight me because I am in your head and I rule over you.”
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“I am Austin”
“You are breaking you “
“You have no idea”
“Why are you doing this?”
“The two of you get work”
“Let me go!”
“Fuck you”
“Strip it off”
“Play with him”
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“Make it squirm”
“I own you “
“Accept it”
“You will address me as Master”
“Yes Master”
“Answer me Sir Yes Sir”
“Embrace it”
“Enjoying it?”
“Oh God!”
“I’m yours”
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The biker speed into the highway as they are riding, making crazy sounds as they are howling lien crazy and I am in love. All three of them can’t help but have a happy smile that is crossing his face as they feel it on hot making his face cool. The motorcyclesroar like an insane wild animal demanding to be mine as they park and I hop off my bike. We enter Toms house to find a young sexy as fuck guy named Tyler staring me down to my soul and I snap my finger as Tom approaches him and knocks him out.
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“Excellent guy! Good job”
“Hold him down”
“Help me”
“Let me go”
“Release me”
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“Shut your mouth”
“You love me”
“No! I …”
“Sat it”
“I love you “
“I bet it is everything to you “
“I am your life “
“Yes Master”
The end
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follow-up-news · 17 hours
Less than a week after NBC News detailed how the hospital system Atrium Health of North Carolina aggressively pursued former patients’ medical debts, placing liens on their homes to collect on hospital bills, the nonprofit company announced it would cancel those obligations and forgive the unpaid debts associated with them. Some 11,500 liens on people's homes in North Carolina and five other states will be released, Atrium’s parent company, Advocate Health, said with some dating back 20 years or more. Advocate Health said it is changing its policy now as “the next logical step” following a 2022 decision to stop filing lawsuits and property liens to collect on patients’ medical debts. The company declined NBC News’ request for an interview about the shift.
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julie-sufan · 1 month
The In-Depth Look at Julie-Su Part 6: Knuckles #16-23
Issue #16 is a one shot. Here Knuckles is upset after finding out that his mom plans to marry her new boyfriend. He runs off not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.
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First (But definitely not the last) time that Julie kisses Knuckles. Then they share a nice quiet moment together.
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Issue #17 & 18 features yet another past echidna guardian with a ton of backstory. He meets Julie-Su who is riding an absurdly evil looking horse type of creature.
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Love that she's giving him attitude even when in the thrones of death.
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In issue #18 she stops by Lara-Le's house (Knuckles's Mom) for some tea and cookies and to hear about of Tobor's (The echidna with the unique eyes) backstory.
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Another moment I like. Here we see Julie-Su going from being in complete denial about wanting a relationship with Knuckles to hugging him on the exact same page. Kind of reminds me of Michiru from Fruit of Grisaia who would also fail at trying to be a tsundere type.
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Second kiss scene.
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Issues 19-21 barely has Julie in it and centers around the Royal Acorn Family. It really feels like a plot that should have been in the main Sonic comic series but for some reason ended up here.
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Issue 20 features the first full appearance of Elias who would later show up in the Sonic comic.
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After this point Julie gets knocked out for pretty much the rest of the arc.
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Next arc 22-24 is going to be a bit tricky to talk about without getting political because it features politics. Please keep in mind that this arc was written way back in 1999.
It features a importance first appearance of Julie-Su's half sister Lien-Da working with the Dark Legion to smash stuff up. No matter what you're views are I like to think that people would come together against the anti-flat screen party.
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Did some quick research and found this from howstuffworks. Flat screen tvs used to be called HDTVs when they were first released around 1998.
"Those sets came from manufacturers like Panasonic and Sony, and had a different appearance -- they were wider than standard televisions. That's because the new HDTV standard also included a new aspect ratio. The standard aspect ratio was 4:3, the new ratio was 16:9. They also came with a hefty price tag -- the first sets on the American market cost $7,000 or more."
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Lien-Da has never looked more sinister. You can really tell that the artist (Jim Valentino) enjoyed drawing the Dark Legion and it's various members.
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Nice Chaotix group shot. This upcoming full page scene I'm going to let speak for itself and that's all I'll say on it.
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Hope you enjoy seeing Julie hang upside down because that's what she spends the most of issue 24 doing.
Next up: More hanging around and the Dating arc.
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saintsinthecity · 1 year
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[ID in alt text]
hello and welcome to my killjoys stage adaptation ted talk, brought to you by That One Mutual Who Doesn’t Play About Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys. i’m not including my whole presentation (that i didn’t actually get to present) because most of it is not of interest here - there’s not as much about the technical aspects which is what i want to focus on - but i am showing you my title slide because it slays. this will contain spoilers for the comics. 
I. theatre configuration & the set
no way are we putting this show on in a proscenium theatre. i am not going to make you sit there, in the nosebleeds, watching this story play out. my ideal theatre configuration for this show would be a mostly static set (not as many scene changes) with audience seating integrated throughout - think mimi lien’s great comet set design. you’re IN the set baby. 
there would be two levels; the zones would be on the bottom level, along with the audience seating. scenes that take place in battery city would be on the upper level. (the budget for this show is 800 million dollars so this is of course possible.)
seating would be arranged in the round or using a thrust configuration, placing seating on three sides of a main playing area. this area could be used for placing scenery that is not a place the killjoys often come back to, or just as empty desert. areas such as the nest, dr. d’s hut, and the ruins of the destroya would be around the perimeter/among the seating. it would be colorful and messy, and would really immerse the audience in the vibrancy of the comics. on the upper level(s) would be a far more sterile environment for battery city and B.L.I’s headquarters. putting this environment on a higher level would force audience members to look up to watch them, emphasizing the oppressiveness of B.L.I and the way they prioritize themselves above the killjoys and people in the zones. this concept would work better with a thrust configuration, though, because if it were in the round they may have to turn all the way around to watch a scene on an upper level behind them.
i’m not a set designer but building sets is my main focus when it comes to theatre so the set is definitely what i think about the most and i do want to create at least a rough sketch of how i see this set in my head someday. 
II. structure
before we get into the rest of the technical elements i wanted to talk about the structure of the play itself, because it kind of requires an idea of what the set would look like and how that would contribute to the structure. in the comics, the focus usually doesn’t stay on one character, group, or setting for more than a few pages. this is why i want a static set, so that there doesn’t need to be a scene change every thirty seconds. instead, audience members simply need to shift their attention to a different area of the theatre.
there are six issues of this series. the first three issues would make up the first act, and the last three the second. each issue would be one scene, though there would be shifts in focus/setting within each scene. this allows for a bit of flow and overlap between these shifts, especially in instances where they alternate very quickly, or one character speaking is meant to overlap with another comic scene.
III. lighting
while most of the setting is established by the set, lighting would definitely play into it as well, specifically by sticking to sterile, fluorescent lights for B.L.I and warmer lighting for the zones. colorful lighting could definitely also be used for the zones to reflect the lifestyle of the killjoys, and create contrast from the environment in battery city. lighting would also be an essential part of the climax, when the girl’s bomb goes off and she releases the souls trapped in the electricity of battery city. 
IV. costumes
taking from a medium that is already visual, we already have pretty specific outfits for all of the characters. however, i don’t think exact replicas of the costumes would be necessary for a couple of reasons. first of all, it allows pretty much no room for the costume designer to interpret or play around. also, it’s not like we’re always getting a full body rendering of the characters and what they’re wearing, so it would be difficult to make really accurate recreations. the final reason is that we simply do not have the budget to do page-accurate recreations because we need it for something bigger:
V. motherfuckin puppets baby
one thing about me is that i love a good puppet. i also love theatre and i love puppets in theatre. there are two puppets that would be used in this show.
first, we have the girl’s cat. i know real dogs are sometimes used on stage, like in legally blonde, but i don’t know if that’s ever done for cats. i think it would be more difficult. so, my solution is a puppet. it’s also revealed towards of the end of the comics that her cat is actually a nuclear detection device created by B.L.I. so, using a puppet would enforce the idea that it’s not a “real” cat. 
the other puppet is one of the aspects of this production that excites me the most: the destroya. this thing would be an absolute unit, something along the lines and scale of, if not even bigger than, the king kong broadway puppet. the construction and movement of it would likely depend on the theatre itself, but i imagine it similar to the king kong puppet in that it has people on the ground moving it as well as what looks like rigging equipment up to a grid. 
VI. sound
kind of like the established style of the costumes, we have an established style of sound design for this show - danger days. i wouldn’t want to use any full songs - i don’t want this to be a musical - but parts of songs could definitely be used. for example, when blue wakes the destroya, i am absolutely using the intro to the song “destroya.” can you imagine sitting there watching this huge puppet robot come back alive while those drums and guitar play. i would fucking die (but maybe i’m biased because that’s one of my favorite songs on danger days). 
since dr. death defying is a character in the show, and his broadcast from “look alive, sunshine” is used in the show, it would probably have to be re-recorded by the actor playing dr. d to make it clear that it’s the same character. this could also be done to his broadcast in “jet-star and the kobra kid/traffic report,” maybe for intermission or something, just for fun. 
thanks to the mad gear and the missile kid ep we also have an idea of what music sounds like within the universe itself, which could definitely help with sound design. 
VII. theme
since this project was for a directing class we did have to have an idea of what theme(s) we would focus on with our concepts for these shows as if we were directing them. there are a lot of themes throughout this story but the ones i would focus on would be identity and purpose. these ideas are communicated by so many of the characters in this story - the girl’s main conflict about whether or not she was “special” enough to lose their lives defending her, and korse deciding to put himself and his relationship over his position in B.L.I, for example.
inspiration for the theme definitely also comes from lyrics from danger days, specifically the bridge of “bulletproof heart” - “And though I know how much you hate this / Are you gonna be the one to save us / From the black and hopeless feeling / Will you meet 'em when the end comes reeling?”
IX. why on stage?
we already have comics to tell this story, and i know everyone and their mother is tired of stage adaptations instead of new works - so why put it on stage? admittedly, a lot of my reasoning is that i am a theatre kid who loves live theatre and really, REALLY loves danger days, so i wanted to combine them for this project (the last thing i worked on before completing my degree lol). but i also have several other reasons - i want to be able to immerse the audience in the world of the killjoys, putting them in the zones and having the action unfold all around them. the world of these comic books is just so fucking cool that i think it deserves to be really brought to life in some way. putting this on stage could also bring the story to wider audiences, since there may be people who don’t like to read comic books who can now experience it in another medium.
this may sound a little cheesy, but the feeling of driving through the desert listening to danger days - i want to take that and make it a hundred times bigger.
ok that’s all! thanks for reading :) i know it’s not all-encompassing regarding all the characters and plotlines and whatnot but these were mainly what i focused on when working on this project. gerard way if you ever want to branch out into live theater adaptations of your comics PLEASE hit me up i have. so many thoughts
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longwindedbore · 11 days
I didn’t have any of this on my 2024 Bingo Card
[1] Darth Cheney and I are voting for the same Presidential Candidate.
[2] Then I learn that back in 2019 Seth McFarlane in “Family Guy” accurately predicted Trump’s ‘empire’ at no more than $700M and all of it tied up in debt (could have saved me days to come to the same conclusions working through the details in Judge Engoron’s decision on the Motion for Summary Judgment.
[3] Now Melanie and I are in agreement that the gunfire incident on July 13 is suspect
“Now, the silence around it feels heavy. I can’t help but wonder why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech? There is definitely more to this story. And we need to uncover the truth,” Melania Trump says. The 20-year-old shooter was able to fire off multiple rounds from a nearby rooftop before he was killed by law enforcement officers.
In the “Family Guy” episode referenced Peter’s accusation that “you’re cash-poor” prompts a fist fight with the Mango Mussolini.
At one point Melania hands Peter a golf club and the promise of a sex if he gets rid of Trump.
Melania may be hoping for a ‘Peter with a golf club’ criminal investigation accelerate her and Barron’s futures post-Trump?
So Melania may also be thinking but not saying that what a GREAT COINCIDENCE it was that
[a] the shooter had an ultra-right internet footprint
[b] just when Trump was facing a ultra-right anti-Trump-as-candidate uproar in the RNC in two days by the anti- abortion crowd over Trump’s waffling.
[c] the BS photo op of six Secret Service Agents allowing the defiant fist in the air exposing Trump’s head and chest to potential accomplices.
[d] an ultra-conaervative shooter worked the miracle of getting ultra-conservatives to shut up and seeth in private at the RNC (Cancel Culture!)
That’s one scenario.
On the other hand Dark Money may be worried that Trump has the six Opus Dei SCOTUS judges on his enemies list for turning down his plea not to release his taxes to New York State.
Weisselberg flipping, criminal conviction of Trump Payroll Co on 17 counts of tax evasion, the bank fraud Civil case, the Felony convictions (for falsifying financial documents NOT for paying hush money). Probably the $100M IRS tax lien on Trump Chicago gisxa result of info shared by Leticia James.
An ultra-conservative kid who worked for big hedge fund spraying bullets overhead [**] may have been meant as a warning not to mess with SCOTUS.
I don’t see any scenario in which the Democrats see an advantage in Trump as a martyr - the Dems raise too much money from being the only other choice in thd 67th or 68th ‘most important election of your lifetime.’
As long as Trump’s alive inspiring MAGAs will energize voting the local theocratic patriarchal narcissus out of local and state offices 2026 &. 2028.
Obviously by the time the RNC Harris was already in as the new candidate. Assassinating Trump would have killed the pure joy of his being gobsmacked by the old switcheroo right after the RNC. Joy anticipated from Dark Brandon on down.
Whatever the scenario those Secret Service agents are too well trained in what to do. Whatever that was thatthe world saw on July 13 had to be a deliberate violation of massive amounts of protocols.
In every scenario but the lone gunman vs the Keystone Kops there will be an ongoing murder investigation.
Someone is going to flip because it’s life without parole.
There may already be a sealed grand jury indictment. One of which lists Co-Conspirator #1?
Such an indictment may remain sealed until after the Election for the same reasons the Court acceded to postponing Trump’s Felony sentencing.
I have an unsealed indictment on my 2024 Card.
[**] Within a one or two second window of time while being caught in the Butler police/SS counter sniper crossfire the kid fired a seven shot burst.
He would have had it already set for a burst rather than targetting Trump.
Experts have trouble with bursts
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deco27-unofficial · 3 months
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I'm working on switching to a new Miku tuning over the course of this year. Songs I released so far are like this:
Rookie - New: 50 Old: 50
Aitai-liens - New: 60 Old: 40
Hao - New: 90 Old: 20
The next song is - New: 90 Old: 10
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ariela-wagner-me · 6 months
This webinar is hosted by SunRay Construction Solutions and Alex Barthet, Principal, The Barthet Firm. In this webinar, construction professionals in Florida can find out what are some of the key lien and release traps and what are the measures that should be taken to avoid these traps. Check our upcoming free informative webinars on Lien Laws: https://www.sunraynotice.com/webinars
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Wonder if the lack of Arjuna voice line updates has more to do with scheduling than neglect. I notice Nobunaga Shimazaki’s project list is considerably longer for both 2022 and 2023 than usual and a lot of them are for straight up main or major recurring characters, and three are for movies. Not to mention the events promoting those projects.
I honestly hope that’s the case!
I’ve been really disappointed with fgo’s myroom liens for a while now anyway (starting with charlemagne-he doesn’t have lines for *anyone* from extella link sans astolfo who’s also his paladin and he literally calls altera his sister there) but the paper moon release was just crushingly disappointing to me bc karna and kirei were the only servants, as far as I know, to have any new specific voicelines for any of the servants introduced in the chapter; so I’m just really disappointed because out of the two of Mahabharata servants arjuna and bhima were super close, yknow?
I will say that I don’t personally actually think it was a snub against arjuna specifically though bc this is the same game that didn’t give siegfried updated lines for krimeheild, his actual wife, when she released, they’re just straight up being stupid about this right now for whatever reason so it may be a scheduling issue, or nobunaga was busy, or something, it’s just that it ended up looking bad when it panned out in the end.
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meandmybigmouth · 4 months
Many people released from prisons and jails have a substantial amount of debt to repay
 many people released from prison have a large amount of debt to repay, including court costs, supervision fees, victim restitution, and child support. The amount of debt depends on how long someone is incarcerated and what the debt is for. Some businesses, such as Comcast and Sprint, forgive debts for people who have recently been released. However, some things stay on a person's record forever, including student loans and IRS liens, and are subject to collection activities.
California Prison Officials Aim to Raise Hourly Minimum Wage for Incarcerated Workers — to at Least 16 Cents
The plan calls for doubling the minimum wage — from its current rate of just 8 cents an hour to 16 cents. Incarcerated people with the highest skill levels or in lead positions would earn as much as 74 cents an hour, up from 37 cents.
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howlingday · 1 year
Can you also do the 2nd Baby with a Gun vid please?
I didn't even know there was a 2nd one!
Sure thing!
Clover: (Sirens wailing, Steps out the car) What's the situation?
Ironwood: At least fourteen hostages. Civilians.
Clover: Any demands?
Ironwood: Nothing yet, but that's why you're here. Get up there, find out what those bastards want, and get those hostages out!
Clover: You can count on me, sir! There's nothing I can't handle.
Clover: I can't handle this.
Adrian: (Sitting in the middle of the floor, Holding a gun)
Clover: (Comms) It's a baby with a gun, over. (Comms chatter) IT'S A BABY! WITH! A GUN! OVER!
Clover: I will give you... 46 lien for the gun.
Adrian: (Click)
Clover: Or you can just take it, because it's a mugging now! That's fine!
Clover: (Chuckling) It's a baby with a gun!
Clover: (Distressed) It's a baby with a gun!
Clover: (Stating) It's a baby with a gun!
Clover: (Sobbing) It's a baby with a gun!
Clover: ...It's a baby with a gun.
Clover: (Grabs the gun) GIVE! ME! THAT! GUN! ARGH! (Releases) HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG?!
Clover: (Writing) Dear Red Man, I have been a very good boy this year, but I didn't ask for this!
Clover: AAAH! I'm fine.
Clover: AAAH! I'm not fine.
Clover: You know what? I'm just gonna put this here. (Sets portrait over Adrian) There, that's much- No, no, it's not. It's weird, and creepy, and AI-generated.
Clover: What's that behind your ear~? It's ANOTHER GUN?A WHO IS GIVING YOU THESE?!
Clover: Uh-oh~! Smells like someone went poopie~!
Clover: It was me. I'm very scared.
Clover: Ha! Is that even a real gun? Are you even a real baby?
Clover: ...Oh my god, am I real?
Clover: Ugh... I need a drink.
Adrians: (Hands flask)
Clover: (Takes) Thanks! (Drinks, Spits) What is this; breast milk?!
Clover: You know what I hate? YOU!
Clover: (Comms) Take the shot.
Clover: (Chuckling) Just kidding.
Clover: (Comms) Not kidding. Take the shot, TAKE THE SHOT!
Clover: You know what? I've got age, height, experience, weight, and Atlas training! What do you have?!
Adrian: (Points)
Clover: ...A gun. Yeah, that beats all of those things.
Clover: What do you want from me? I'll do anything!
Adrian: (Smiles)
Clover: No! No, you can't-! You can't do this! No! NOOOOOOO
Clover: (Running outside) HE'S A MONSTER! A MONSTER! GET IN THERE! GO!
Harriet: Sir, nothing in this office!
Marrow: Nothing here, either!
Baby with a gun, Baby with a gun
Vine: I've found the hostages!
Elm: I've found-! Oh Brothers...
Baby with a gun, Baby with a gun
Ironwood: What?! What is it-?!
Clover: (Bound, Gagged, Whimpering)
Baby with a gun, Baby with a gun
Ironwood: ...By the Brothers...
Clover: (In his cruiser, Removes mask)
Adrian: (Holds up detonator)
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novankenn · 7 months
A Side kept hidden... (1)
( Table of Contents )
She giggled in an unhinged way as she walked through the splatters and puddles of blood that decorated the textured tiles that made the floor of the combat arena. Her long evening gown dragging along the floor smearing any blood she moved through.
She ignored the loser. A young man who if she could recall was a promising local MMA fighter. No her focus was on the sole still living participant of the fight. The equally young deer faunus woman sat propped against the wall of the combat ring. Her face brutalized to the point that one of her eyes had swollen shut.
She coughed bloody foam, speckling her swollen lips. She had one hand pressed against her side, and it was obvious she was having issues breathing properly. But it was the snapped off antler, evidence of her heritage that caused the approaching woman the most glee.
It had been such a delightful end to the almost one-side fight when she gored her opponent... breaking off her right antler in the process. That was the fateful doom of her opponent who ended up bleeding out.
"You did so very well." the woman replied in a nearly breathless voice. "What is your name sweety?"
"D... De.... Deery." the young faunus woman choked out.
"Such an exquisite fight." Deery flinched as the women knelt down before her, one of her well manicured hands fondling her own breast. "So exciting and invigorating. You did well."
"So you have earned the prize. Medical attention, relocation to the kingdom of your choice and 2000 lien a month for the rest of your life."
"You... you..." Deery choked and coughed as she tried to speak. "Made... me... me... kill..."
"No you made that choice." the woman replied, her sick, malicious and twisted grin never leaving her face. "You fought and survived. You made the choice to stay alive..."
"Now... now. You need medical assistance, and have rightly won so where would you like to live?"
Deery was in too much agony, and too shocked at what she had done to answer right away. So her eyes shot open in fear as suddenly the woman's hand snapped out and tightened about her throat.
"I don't have all night, my dear." the woman giggled as she slowly squeezed, while reaching out and fondling one of Deery's breasts through her blood soaked shirt.
Deery weakly struggled. Vainly attempting to free herself from the crushing grip. Darkness started to gather about the peripheral of her sight, heightening her panic.
"V... V... Vacuo!" She finally gasped out, and as suddenly as the woman began to strangle her, she released her... though never taking her hand from Deery's chest.
"Excellent." the woman chirped. "Let's get you fixed up... shall we?"
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Priscilla had a lien on Graceland from April 1977 to October 1983 and tried to take Graceland if Elvis didn't pay her more money? Is this true
I saw the following comment on Facebook. It ie the release of lien/Trust deed Priscilla had on Graceland from April 1977 till Oct 1983 ,because she had sued Elvis in 1977 .She tried to take Graceland if he didn't pay her more .
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ohcorny · 2 years
The audacity that it's been so long since anyone asked about the titmouse characters as magicians. What would the colours & familiars be for chique, lien, maybe cam, and as a bonus max & mortis?
dude you have no idea how disappointed i was when i released shadow in the shelves and the anon who asked me about familiars never showed up. i did it in ADVANCED of the book coming out >:(
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cam has a rat, adler has a leech (which is technically non-viable but i don't have to care). chique's is a weasel, lien's is an ivory ball python. max has a chinchilla, and mortis has a goliath birdwing butterfly
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