However, anyone hoping for another budget airline route into Latvia will be disappointed to learn that the facility is intended for "the prompt reception of incoming foreign soldiers in Latvia."
Colonel Dzintars Roga, commander of the NATO force integration unit, representatives of the NATO Security Investment Program, the State Border Guard, the Customs Administration of the State Revenue Service and the building company SIA "Archers" also took part in the opening of the passenger terminal.
"The new passenger terminal will enable the efficient mobility of allied forces in accordance with NATO standards. Latvia makes significant investments to support the presence of allied forces in the region, implementing the development of military infrastructure and performing other duties of the host country," said the Ministry of Defense(..)
P.S. Good news! At least some minimal measures to ward off Russian aggression are slowly being taken by NATO...
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balticapocalypse · 2 years
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🍁LIELVĀRDE • The epic totems of LIELVĀRDE shine in the gold gifted by nature. Lielvārde is a town in Ogre Municipality in the Vidzeme region of Latvia, on the right bank of the Daugava river, 52 km southeast of Riga. The area was a contact zone between the Finnic Livonians and the Balts, and many prehistoric artifacts have been uncovered there. A Baltic hill-fort named Lennewarden being taken in fief by Albert of Buxhoeveden in 1201 is mentioned in the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia. This site is called Dievukalns (Hill of the Gods) in Latvian. A stone castle was constructed by the Riga diocese in 1229; its ruins are still accessible today. #latvia #latvija #lielvārde #hillforts #totem #sacredgrove #balticpaganism (at Lielvārdes Pilsdrupas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjgfDSqvPEh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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upeszupa · 10 months
Nina Simone Non Stop Radio vilciens Lielvārde---> Rīga
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bb-latvija · 11 months
Vairākos Aizkraukles vilciena reisos no 1.novembra elektrozonā vilciena biļetes kļūst dārgākas, liecina informācija "Pasažieru vilciens" (PV) oficiālajā mājaslapā. PV skaidro, ka cenu piemaksa noteikta, lai uzlabotu pasažieru komfortu nokļūšanai tālākos galamērķos un veicinātu Pierīgas pasažierus vairāk izmantot elektrovilcienus. No 2023.gada 1.novembra būs jāveic piemaksa biļetēm dīzeļvilcieniem maršrutos dzelzceļa posmā Rīga - Lielvārde. Piemaksa viena eiro apmērā noteikta šādiem reisim - Nr.802 Rīga (7.31) - Daugavpils, Nr.808 Rīga (13.01) - Daugavpils, Nr.818 Rīga (18.01) - Daugavpils, Nr.824 Rīga (21.01) - Daugavpils, Nr.804 Rīga (8.01) - Gulbene, Nr.812 Rīga (11.31) - Gulbene, Nr.822 Rīga (19.01) - Madona - Gulbene, Nr.806 Rīga (9.31) - Zilupe, Nr.816 Rīga (17.01) - Zilupe, Nr.814 Rīga (15.31) - Krustpils. Tāpat piemaksa viena eiro apmērā noteikta reisiem - Nr.823 Daugavpils - Rīga (7.00), Nr.821 Madona - Rīga (7.30), Nr.815 Zilupe - Rīga (8.00), Nr.819 Gulbene - Madona - Rīga (10.00), Nr.817 Daugavpils - Rīga (11.00), Nr.801 Daugavpils - Rīga (16.30), Nr.811 Gulbene - Rīga (19.00), Nr.813 Krustpils - Rīga (20.00), Nr.807 Daugavpils - Rīga (21.00), Nr.803 Gulbene - Rīga (21.24). Savukārt piemaksa kopā 1,70 eiro apmērā biļetēm vienam braucienam ir noteikta reisiem - Nr.704 Rīga (16.31) - Krāslava - Indra, Nr.702 Rīga (12.01) - Rēzekne II, Nr.703 indra - Krāslava - Rīga (9.00), Nr.701 Rēzekne II - Rīga (18.00). PV informē, ka, pērkot dienu un abonementu biļetes šiem reisiem, piemaksa jau ir iekļauta biļetes cenā, un ar to drīkst braukt gan dīzeļvilcienos, gan elektrovilcienos. Vienlaikus PV uzsver, ka biļetēm, kas tiks iegādātas maršrutiem četrās, piecās zonās un ārpus zonām vai maršrutiem D, E zonā un ārpus zonām, cena šajos reisos paliek līdzšinējā. Tarifu izmaiņas pamato Sabiedriskā transporta padomes 2023.gada 29.septembrī pieņemtais lēmums. Jau ziņots, ka "Pasažieru vilciena" apgrozījums 2023.gada pirmajā pusgadā bija 23,405 miljoni eiro, kas ir par 10,2% vairāk nekā attiecīgajā periodā 2022.gadā, bet kompānijas peļņa pieauga par 3% - līdz 442 733 eiro. "Pasažieru vilciens" ir izveidots 2001.gadā, nodalot iekšzemes pasažieru pārvadājumus no "Latvijas dzelzceļa" veiktajām funkcijām. Iepriekš "Pasažieru vilciens" 100% bija "Latvijas dzelzceļa" meitasuzņēmums, taču 2008.gada oktobrī tas tika pārveidots par valsts uzņēmumu.
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the-nomadicone · 3 years
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Apaches // United States Army
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Lielvārde // 2017
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andrejsartclub · 4 years
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2020.11.5. Daugavas krasts Lielvārdē Daugava river in Lielvārde, Latvija. acrylic/canvas, 50x100 cm
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uupiic · 4 years
I ordered 4 masks. When I did, I had no idea just how pink/orange one of them was going to be.
There are two black ones for work, one fancy and Lielvārdes josta -style for public and then there’s one for when you feel like being a beacon of sin.
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You can wear it two hours a day - twilight in the morning and twilight in the evening - so you are visible and not get hit by an idiot in a BMW. Wear it for the rest of the day only if you want everybody to see you from a kilometer away.
Just kidding, I love it. They are a perfect fit, I just gotta solve the problem with glasses, so I’m probably getting my first pair of contact lenses next week.
(got them from a local business, mayra.lv; it helps keep money where it’s needed right now + aliexpress, ebay etc. masks will, in best case, arrive in Latvia when the shit’s already over)
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A-10 Thunderbolts are supporting military training from Lielvārde Aviation Base, June 2018
Latvijas armija
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balticapocalypse · 2 years
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#lāčplēsis #latvia #balticlegends #nationalepic 
https://www.instagram.com/p/CgcsTo8vf82/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI= Lāčplēsis is an epic poem by Andrejs Pumpurs, a Latvian poet, who wrote it between 1872–1887 based on local legends. Lāčplēsis is regarded as the Latvian national epic. The poem recounts the life of the legendary hero Lāčplēsis, chosen by the gods to become a hero of his people. His name means "Bear-slayer", because as a young man, living as the adopted son of the Lord of Lielvārde, he kills a bear by ripping its jaws apart with his hands. At the castle of Lord Aizkrauklis, he spies on the activities of the witch Spīdala, who is under the control of the Devil, and the holy man Kangars, who is in reality a traitor plotting with crusaders to replace the old gods with Christianity. Spīdala tries to drown Lāčplēsis by throwing him into the whirlpool of Staburags in the Daugava, but he is rescued by the goddess Staburadze and taken to her underwater crystal castle. There Lāčplēsis meets and falls in love with the maiden Laimdota. Shortly afterwards, Lāčplēsis becomes friends with another hero, Koknesis ("Wood-bearer"), and they study together at the Castle of Burtnieks, Laimdota's father. Kangars provokes a war with the Estonians, and Lāčplēsis sets out to fight the giant Kalapuisis (Estonian: Kalevipoeg (the "Kalapuisis" name is derived from kalapoiss), probably refers to the hero of the Estonian epic poem Kalevipoeg), to win the hand of Laimdota. He defeats the giant, and the two make peace and decide to join forces to fight their common enemy, the German missionaries, led by the priest Dietrich (Dītrihs). Lāčplēsis performs another heroic deed by spending the night in a sunken castle, breaking the curse and allowing the castle to rise into the air again. Laimdota and Lāčplēsis are engaged. In the following episodes, Laimdota reads from the old books about the Creation and ancient Latvian teachings. Laimdota and Koknesis are kidnapped and imprisoned in Germany. Spīdala convinces Lāčplēsis that Laimdota and Koknesis are lovers. Lāčplēsis returns home to Lielvārde, then sets sail for Germany. His ship becomes lost in the Northern Sea, and he is welcomed by the daughter of the North Wind. In the meantime, Dietrich and the Livonian prince Caupo of Turaida meet with the Pope in Rome to plan the Christianization of Latvia. Lāčplēsis begins his dangerous journey home from the Northern Sea. He fights monsters with three, six, and nine heads on the Enchanted Island. Finally, he encounters Spīdala on the island, and frees her from her contract with the Devil. Lāčplēsis is reunited with Laimdota and Koknesis, who escaped from Germany but were then trapped on the Enchanted Island. Koknesis declares his love for Spīdala, and the four friends return to Latvia. A double wedding is celebrated during the Jāņi (Midsummer festivities), but the heroes soon set off to fight the German crusaders. After several battles, the Germans are pushed back, and their leader, Bishop Albert, brings reinforcements from Germany, including the Black Knight. At Dietrich's bidding, Kangars finds out the secret of Lāčplēsis' strength and treacherously reveals it to the Germans: Lāčplēsis' mother was a she-bear, and his superhuman strength resides in his bear ears. The German knights come to Lielvārde offering to make peace. Lāčplēsis organizes a friendly tournament, during which he is goaded into fighting the Black Knight. The knight cuts off Lāčplēsis' ears. Lāčplēsis, still, having not yet completely lost his strength, explodes in anger and lifts the Knight, to throw him in the river from a cliff. But the two combatants fall into Daugava river, because the Knight, when thrown, grabs Lāčplēsis, and they both disappear into the water. In the same moment Laimdota's life ends. Canto I The council of the gods – Lāčplēsis' destiny revealed Canto II The first heroic deed of Lāčplēsis – Lāčplēsis sets out to Burtnieki castle – Meeting with Spīdala – In the Devil's pit – In Staburadze's palace – Return and meeting with Koknesis Canto III The conspiracy of Kangars and Spīdala – War with the Estonians – The sunken castle – The Creation – The Latvians tricked by the Christians Canto IV Kaupa in Rome – Koknesis and Laimdota in Germany – Lāčplēsis in the northern sea – Lāčplēsis' return Canto V On the bewitched island – Meeting with Spīdala – Homecoming – Lāčplēsis, Laimdota and Koknesis reunited Canto VI Midsummer festival – Battle begins – Lāčplēsis' wedding – Death of Lāčplēsis Contemporary background Edit From the time of the Northern Crusades in the early 13th century, most of the land in Courland was owned by nobles descended from the German invaders. In 1863, the Russian authorities issued laws to enable Latvians, who formed the bulk of the population, to acquire the farms which they held, and special banks were founded to help them. By this means, some occupants bought their farms, but the great mass of the population remained landless, and lived as hired laborers, occupying a low position in the social scale. This was the situation prevailing at the time of writing - thus, the strongly negative presentation of these German invaders had clear contemporary implications for the writer's own time.
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bb-latvija · 1 year
Latvijai tuvākajos divos gados NATO Baltijas gaisa patrulēšanas misija izmaksās ap sešiem miljoniem eiro. Aizsardzības ministrijas (AM) sagatavotais valdības lēmuma projekts paredz NATO Baltijas gaisa patrulēšanas misijas laikā 2024. un 2025.gadā segt faktiskos uzturēšanas izdevumus ne vairāk kā sešu miljonu eiro apmērā no AM budžeta, kas būs kā pēcapmaksa NATO dalībvalstīm par sniegtajiem atbalsta pakalpojumiem. Šogad maijā kļuva zināms, ka Baltijas valstu gaisa telpā patrulējošās NATO lidmašīnas uz laiku izvietos Lielvārdes bāzē. Igaunijas Emari bāzē plānots remonts, tāpēc jau nākamgad Vācija veiks patrulēšanas misiju no Lielvārdes bāzes. Igaunijas aizsardzības ministrs Hanno Pevkurs žurnālistiem norādījis, ka Emari bāze tiek izmantota desmit gadus patruļām Baltija valstu gaisa telpā un tagad bāzei nepieciešama renovācija. Darbus plānots sākt nākamgad pavasarī, bet renovācijai būs nepieciešami aptuveni seši līdz astoņi mēneši. Lai gan līdz šim Lielvārdes Gaisa spēku bāze nav izmantota konkrēti NATO gaisa patrulēšanas misijas uzņemšanai, tā atbilst visiem NATO standartiem. Lielvārdē jau līdz šim regulāri tiek uzņemti visdažādāko veidu NATO sabiedroto valstu gaisa kuģi, vai tie būtu helikopteri, lielizmēra kravas lidmašīnas vai piektās paaudzes kaujas lidmašīnas, aģentūru LETA informēja Latvijas AM. Maijā Baltijas aizsardzības ministri vienojušies ievērojami palielināt uzņemošās valsts atbalstu tiem NATO sabiedrotajiem, kuri veic gaisa telpas patrulēšanu Baltijas valstu debesīs. Šī apņemšanās nostiprināta, parakstot jaunu kopīgu vienošanos par izmaksu sadalījumu NATO gaisa telpas patrulēšanas uzņemšanai. NATO dalībvalstis Latvijas, Lietuvas un Igaunijas gaisa telpas patrulēšanu rotācijas kārtībā veic no 2004.gada marta, kad Baltijas valstis tika uzņemtas aliansē. Kopš 2004.gada patrulēšana notiek no Šauļu aviobāzes Lietuvā, bet kopš 2014.gada atbalsta misija tiek veikta arī no Emari bāzes Igaunijā.
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the-nomadicone · 3 years
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Apaches // United States Army
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shmigdzerajs · 3 years
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Lielvārdes tumšais 5,6% Grauzdēta rupjmaizes garša. Pēcgarša pārsteidzoši ūdeņaina. Protams kā lielvārdnieks nav diez ko lēts, bet pa retam var ieķert. Kopējais vērtējums 8/10
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(..) The building includes a large RBS-70 simulator hall for operator training and skills maintenance, individual and collective equipment storage, equipment care and drying rooms, training classrooms and work rooms.  
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