#liebe geht durch den Magen!
lorenzlund · 2 years
Thomas liebt Tiitten, Pos und Humor! „Wetten dass?? Heute am Samstagabend im Fernsehen kommt es zur Neuauflage dieser sehr beliebten Sendereihe mit ihm! Als Tommy wird vor allem der Engländer bezeichnet, Tom heisst sein Pendant oder ist der Mann aus den USA! Genauso aber gibt es auch den Deutschen mit Thomas als Vornamen!
Mike Krüger &!Thomas Gottschalk in „Die Supernasen“ (Kino aus Deutschland der 70er):
„Mache dir die Nazis untertan!“
Make Nasen your Sub!!
“Make one man your daily sub“
Sub-Er-men (Comicfigur aus den USA)
Thomas Gottschalk lebte und wohnte auch schon vorübergehend als Rentner zurückgezogen in den USA, bis heute hält er sich weiter viel in ihr auf!
Clark pennt! (Schön Penn; dear John, schlaf weiter ... wie der Fool oder ein Dummkopf in den Bergen!)
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„War mit Mike in der Schweiz zum Abnehmen“ (gestrige BILD, am selben Abend gab es dann die Neuauflage von WETTEN DASS mit Gottschalk.)
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Der Mann nach dem begangenen Ehebetrug muss er die Frau vorher um Verzeihung bitten, will er zu ihr zurückkehren, oder auch er hat nichts bereut!
Denn wir lassen niemand allein!! (die Frauen)
Das Friedensabkommen zu oder in Camp David, u.a. mit noch Jimmy Carter. und German camps (the Lager).
David (König Israels) und Pat Garett (Us-Marshal).
David Garett, heutiger Stargeiger
Leif Garrett (Musikstar der 70er, trat viel auch in Deutschland auf, war damals kein wirklich geringener Star wie David Garrett heute!)
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a sick Er
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Wetten dass?
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Und nun wehrt euch versuchsweise auch dagegen!!
Ich liebe Ass!
Weil Ass simply besser schmeckt!! (Burgerking)
Der Würger unter Königs!
Sac of Oldies! *sack(s) of altz. Sex. mac-on-alts. Würg-er-King. Hans Küng.
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Kaffersahne. Ein Sahnestück. Sane (sehr prominenter Fussballer, spielt auch für die Nationalelf Deutschlands)
potoll!! (-ski)
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0ktoberkind · 1 year
Am nächsten Tag ging ich vormittags zum Nishiki Market. Prinzipiell ist das eine lange überdachte Streetfood-Passage. Angrenzend gibt es Shops für Bekleidung, Souvenirs und Allerlei.
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Ich war auf der Suche nach Taiyaki, einer Süßspeise mit Teig ausgebacken und einer Anko-Füllung (Anko ist eine süße rote Bohnenpaste). Hier in Form eines Fisches. Sie gibt es auch mit Vanillefüllung.
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flavivirai · 11 months
Love can be the little things. For example: we ordered take out tonight, and I just offhandedly said I don't want a particular sauce with my food, and my precious boyfriend just said: I know. I mean, I never TOLD him that I'm not that fond of that sauce, just never ordered it. But he knew. My oftentimes rather oblivious boyfriend knew.
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send me “if i were dating you” anons
I'd make you food. I like making people food.
Food is a love language I speak fluently. Having someone cook for me is something I highly appreciate. Especially if it’s a surprise and it’s something I like but never cook myself 🥰
send me “if i were dating you” anons (bonus points off anon + explain why)
0 notes
kurishiri · 30 days
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95k bonus . . . Liebe geht durch den Magen
— ꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ notice ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
— ꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ warning ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ none; it’s really just vogel being silly! hope you’re ready for the dari, nica, and ring galore, hehe.
Kate: A tea party with all of the members of Vogel…?
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Victor: Mhm, it seems like all of them have taken an interest in you. So they asked for a chance to speak with you.
Kate: Well, seeing as I’m the only one who isn’t Cursed, I guess it makes sense they would hold an interest.
Victor: Indeed. …How would you like to answer? It’s completely up to you.
V: …However, both parties hold their own secrets.
V: And we do often take care of them, seeing as they are diplomatic guests.
V: Should there be anything making you anxious, or you feel even slightly you don’t want to do this, or anything of the sort, then you are always free to turn them dow—
Kate: …Victor. I will attend the tea party.
Victor: Wait, really? Are you sure?
Kate: Since they have come here to deepen relations between the organizations, turning down an opportunity like this wouldn’t leave a good impression, I’d imagine.
K: And besides, I would like to be of some use to you and Crown, for extending such hospitality to me.
When I expressed my honest feelings, Victor’s expression softened in turn.
Victor: I’m grateful for your honesty. Well then, it’s about time I give them a response.
V: Ahh, but… I’ll have Roger listen in from nearby, so if something happens you can just give a shout, okay?
V: No matter the time and place, I’ll come running.
After Victor’s words resonated in my heart, several days passed——
Darius: Thank you for accepting our invitation, miss fairytale keeper.
D: Did you perhaps prepare everything on this table?
Lined up on the table was filled to the brim with snacks, causing Darius to blink.
Kate: Victor and I prepared them. We were hoping it would be nice if you could eat these…
K: And that we can be on more friendly terms as we’re chatting like this.
Ring: You want to be on more friendly terms with the ones who might kill you? I don’t see the point?
Kate: …Gh.
Nica: Riiing, now don’t go saying gruesome things like that. You’ll bother the Spatzi.
N: So sorry about that? Ring is a Jungfrau [1] who tends to get a bit more nervous around cute girls.
Wearing an amiable smile as he faced me, Nika lifted the heavy air around us.
Kate: Jung…?
Ring: Y-you don’t have to ask what it is! …And also, it’s not like I’m nervous.
R: But, I won’t deny… that you are… cute…
He was simply cautious around me; it was not as though he was really doing me any harm for now.
…Even so, though, I myself had become ever so slightly anxious.
(The members of Vogel are also Cursed, if I recall, right…)
(If they had such intentions, they could easily take my life.)
The fear that I had first felt when I started working for Crown started to paint over my heart, when…
Darius: …Are you nervous, by any chance?
Donning a childlike innocence, Darius looked into my face.
Kate: Ah… umm…
Darius: Well, well… if we did possess a strong ability much like Sir Rex…
D: I wouldn’t blame you for feeling powerless even while simply conversing.
D: But you can relax around us. My ability will not kill you.
D: ——In fact, there is absolutely no way it will. Okay?
Nica: Oh, me and my brother’s abilities aren’t really harmful too.
N: That said, it can probably make you feel really good and maybe make you feel a bit fuzzy, but that’s actually a good thing, isn’t it?
Kate: R-right…
(Just what ability does that entail…?)
Although I still held my doubts, I knew that their abilities didn’t pose a danger to my life, which ebbed my fear.
Darius: Now then, now that you know we mean you no harm, how about we partake in these?
With Darius’ encouragement, Ring quickly reached out to a cake in front of him.
Ring: Mm…! This is really good.
Taking large bites, the cake was gone before I knew it, and Ring then reached out for another snack.
Nica: Geez, Ring, why are you just taking whatever’s in front of you? Pick the ones that especially look good.
While saying so, Nica reached for a baked pastry diagonal of him.
Nica: I recognize this shape. Isn’t this from the high-class bakery near the castle?
Kate: I’m surprised you know of it! That shop——
Nica: Mn… hm? It’s good, but did it really come from that shop?
Kate: Well, what I wanted to say was that shop’s pastry shapes were the inspiration for these homemade sweets.
That said, this time, Victor and I did make our rounds around a variety of bakeries, and put this together.
And I tried to make homemade pastries here at the castle that were freshly made or were hard to obtain.
Nica: They’re ‘homemade’? So they’re basically cheap foods, in which case I don’t want any.
Kate: Eh—
Nica: Here, Ring, say ‘ahh.’
Nica pushed his half eaten pastry into Ring’s mouth.
Ring: Mn… this is also really good…
When he was eating it, Nica said it was ‘good,’ but maybe he’s actually not good with homemade pastries…?
Darius: Hey, miss fairytale keeper, this is Baumkuchen [2], isn’t it?
This time, Darius called out to me while pulling on my sleeve.
Kate: That’s right. We figured since you’re here, we could prepare some German pastries… or that’s what Victor said.
Darius: Ho-oh…
Darius used a knife to lightly cut a slice before he carried it to my mouth.
Darius: Here, have a bite?
Kate: Mn… mmm, it’s really fluffy and delicious!
Darius: I’m glad to hear. Then it’s my turn.
With layers of the Baumkuchen spilling, Darius brought it to his mouth.
Darius: Mm, it’s delicious. …But, I take it it’s not something made in most of England. So where did you get this?
Kate: Actually, while I was racking my head on how to make Baumkuchen…
K: Victor made a gadget that could make it.
In order to make a delicious Baumkuchen by the tea party, I practiced baking it day in and day out.
…I feel that I can keep the fact that for some time the castle’s snacks consisted of nothing but Baumkuchen to myself.
Darius: He made a whole gadget just for this? Hmm… he’s quite strange, I’d say.
Kate: I can’t argue with that… but I’m sure it’s just that he was happy.
K: Happy that you guys, who are also Cursed, have come to England——or rather, to Crown.
Darius: …The pleasure is ours. I’m delighted at how warmly we’re treated here.
D: I do like the Baumkuchen, so do make it again sometime.
Kate: Alright!
I was so glad he liked it that I gave an immediate answer, but…
(Making it is quite time consuming and requires skill… but I’ll try my best.)
Nica: This topic’s all well and good, but what I really want to hear about the Spatzi [3] herself.
N: You know, like what fragrances you like, or which types of guys you fancy, that kind of thing… what about you, Ring?
Ring: Mngh…!? U-uhm…
R: ………M-maybe, like, which color of the sky she most likes?
Nica: The sophistication’s lacking, I see.
Ring: And what’s the problem with that?
Darius: I do agree with Nika here though. I would also like to get to know you better.
D: But simply asking would be a bore, so how about we play a guessing game?
Nica: So, Ratespiel? Now we’re talking.
Darius: Let’s make it so each person can make a single guess, and until then, we can continue asking questions…
D: Come play with us, why don’t you, miss fairytale keeper?
D: If possible… I would prefer you choose a topic that pertains to yourself.
Kate: Alright, then…
K: Out of the foods on this table, which one is my most favorite?
Darius: Hehe, that’s quite a charming topic? Then let’s start.
Nica: Sounds good to me, though I’d like to propose another twist.
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N: The first person to guess the correct answer will be able to ask the Spatzi out on a date. Well, how about it?
Ring: A date…!? [surprised]
Darius: You do make a good point. A competition does call for a prize of sorts… well, miss fairytale keeper? Are you fine with this?
Kate: U-um, I think a date may be a bit——
When I tried to speak up, though, the three of them looked at me, causing my breath to catch in my throat.
Ring was looking at me with a guarded look, as though he were a guard dog who could tear my neck apart with a single order.
Nica was looking at me with a scrutinizing look, as though he was thinking about how to play with a toy.
And Darius was wearing an amiable smile, but his eyes alone were sharp, like that of a predator aiming for its prey——
With the three of them looking at me in their own way, I couldn’t bring myself to disagree, feeling myself surrounded by a heavy air.
Darius: ‘I think a date may be a bit’ what was that now?
Kate: …Nope, never mind. That works for me.
Overwhelmed by the pressure, I could only nod, and Darius returned the gesture with an angelic smile.
Like a signal, the tense atmosphere became more lax.
Darius: Thank you. Then, let the game start.
With that, the tea party proceeded such that Darius, Nika, and Ring asked me questions.
While the discussion occasionally went off track, this peaceful time continued to pass by——
Ring: I got it!
The one who had his answer ready first was Ring.
Darius: A friendly reminder that you only have one chance. If you miss the mark, that will be the end… are you sure you would like to answer?
Ring: Don’t worry, I’m sure of this.
R: The answer is——that fruit before your eyes!
Kate: …Miss.
Ring: Wh…!? I-I see… so it was wrong…
Ring looked a bit despondent at my answer, and though he looked like a guard dog before, in an instant, he looked more like an abandoned puppy,
and I had to desperately fight the urge to say ‘actually, it’s a hit.’
Nica: …Hey, Ring. Mind if I say how you got to your answer?
Ring: ‘How I got to my answer’?
Nica: When you were about to grab that fruit, the Spatzi said ‘go ahead’ to you with a smile and put it on your plate,
N: and so you held a positive association with that fruit, leading you to your answer?
Ring: N-now that you mention it… that might’ve been the case… it was completely unconscious…
Darius: Ahaha, you’re so adorably honest, Ring.
Nica: Well then, it’s about time I guess too. The correct answer is… this chocolate.
N: It’s a bit on the mini side, and it looks cute too, and not to mention the packaging is also intricate. It practically oozes the traits a girl would like.
Kate: Miss.
Nica: Oops, too bad.
As opposed to Ring, who seemed down upon getting his guess wrong, Nika didn’t show any signs of caring, even if he did.
It was as though he knew from the beginning his answer was wrong.
Darius: I would prefer you make a serious guess, or this game will really end up in a bore.
Nica: But I thought long and hard about what girls would like and picked based on that?
N: Besides, this is where a subordinate hands the torch to the master.
Nika gave a smug wink, and Darius shrugged his shoulders in response.
Darius: It seems I bear a great responsibility now. If I’m unable to answer correctly, I’m afraid the little miss fairytale keeper——
D: And Crown as well would be disappointed in me.
Kate: Don’t worry, I won’t be disappointed even if you don’t answer correctly. It’s just a game, after all.
Darius: Hmm, so you believe I won’t get the answer right, is that it?
Kate: That…
(If I’m being completely honest, yes, I did think that.)
(Because the answer to this question is… a bit special.)
Darius: Hehe, seeing you have such low expectations of me makes me want to try my utmost hardest.
D: Alright, I have my answer.
D: I see you were trying not to eat this chocolate cake, right?
D: Because you like it, you saved it for last, I take it. So, my answer is that chocolate cake.
I was about to reply with an immediate ‘miss,’ when he opened his mouth before me.
Darius: …is what a normal person would say, but that would be incorrect.
Kate: Eh…
Darius: The answer to your question is——-
D: ‘Everything here on the table.’
Kate: …That’s a hit.
Ring: A-all of it…!? Is that answer even possible?
Nica: Well, we never established that the said thing had to just be a single thing, so yeah, it’s fully possible.
N: But even so, way to bend the rules there, Spatzi. I didn’t think you had it in you.
N: …You really are an interesting one, aren’t you.
Darius: I did think it was a strange answer, but considering the little miss fairytale keeper’s character, it wasn’t too difficult.
D: Perhaps you thought something like, ‘If I’m preparing something for guests, I would choose the things I believe are the most delicious’… am I right?
Kate: It is as you say…
While consulting with Victor, I chose all of the pastries here.
So, that’s why if I were to choose my most favorite among these, the answer would naturally be ‘everything.’
Kate: It was a bit of an underhanded answer, so I didn’t think you would get it.
Darius: Hehe, but I did. Oh, but, I don’t think it’s underhanded.
D: After all, I take it you thought up of such an answer so that you didn’t have to assign winners and losers, yes?
Kate: Yes, there was also that. Since it was such a fun tea party, I didn’t want to label anyone as winners and losers…
Darius: To see you try to put us on an equal footing without assigning a winner…
D: You truly are sweet to the point it’s cloying… and kind as well.
Ring: B-by the way… will Darius ask her out? O-on a date, that is…!
Darius: Ahh, that nearly slipped my mind. Well, miss fairytale keeper, will you go out on a date with me next time?
Kate: …I will.
I didn’t have much reason to turn him down, and now that I got to talk with them like this, I started to become more interested in the members of Vogel.
(…And going out together with them seems pretty fun too.)
Nica: Okay, then, when you’re done with your date with Dari, let me know, okay? We can plan a date of our own then.
Kate: Eh—
Nica: The prize for the game was the right to ask you out on a date, but there’s no need to hinge something like that on a game, right?
N: Besides, if the answer to the question is ‘everything on the table,’ that would technically make my answer right, too, yeah?
Kate: I… guess so…?
Nica: And you caught my interest too anyway…
N: …Ah, that’s right. Since we’re talking about this, why don’t you invite the Spatzi on a date too, Ring?
Ring: O-on a date…!? I… I’ll pass.
R: …But when you go on your date with Nica and Darius, I’ll tag along behind you guys.
Nica: Wait, why though?
Ring: If she’s around, you’ll let your guards down and lose sight of your surroundings, right?
R: So I’ll cover those bases during your date.
Nica: Ehh…
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Darius: Hehe, thank you, Ring.
D: …Hey, miss fairytale keeper. I must say that half a day isn’t nearly enough.
D: Why don’t we take our sweet time chatting on our date, the two of us?
A smile played on Darius’ lips, and I couldn’t look away from his honey-colored eyes.
Just then, I remembered Victor’s words from before I went out.
—— Flashback ——
Victor: Ahh, that’s right, Kate. There’s one thing I should say.
V: If you wish to return to your normal everyday life after this month passes… you mustn’t let your heart get stolen by them.
—— End flashback ——
(It’ll be alright… I think I was able to enjoy this time today when I tried talking to them.)
(This feeling won’t blossom into love. Surely…)
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will vs darius jude vs nica alfons vs ring
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[0] according to our handy google translate, the title of this story, Liebe geht durch den Magen, translates to “love goes through the stomach.” I assume this may reference or be the equivalent to a similar English saying, “the way to one’s heart is through their stomach.”
[1] “virgin” in German nhdkshfds
[2] and here we have a quote from Wikipedia: Baumkuchen is a kind of spit cake from German cuisine. It is also a popular dessert in Japan. The characteristic rings that appear in its slices resemble tree rings, and give the cake its German name, Baumkuchen, which literally translates to “tree cake” or “log cake”.
[3] originally, I had Rotkehlchen, which is like the literal translation for “robin” as far as I know. Spatzi means “sparrow,” but can be used as a term of endearment in the same way the Crown members call Kate “robin” out of endearment. In his collection story event, he mentions that the word he used is German for robin, but it could be localized to something like “it is a German-equivalent term of endearment for robin.” Thanks to @.citrusmornings for providing this link!
END NOTES: did you enjoy this story? because i know i did, haha. i really enjoy all the vogel characters so far; they all have interesting personalities, and they bounce off each other in a fun way as well.
honestly, i’m still trying to sort of get an idea of how i want to sort of translate and write these characters. overall, though, i tried to give darius a more innocent air, with some hints of his nobility, while also having a strong sort of presence. and i tried to capture nica’s sort of casual and flippant (but also clever and sharp) air, which contrasts with how ring gets shy and flustered pretty easily.
i’d love to hear your thoughts!
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full masterlist 🕊️
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archiveikemen · 1 month
"Come Play With Us, Miss Fairytale Keeper" Story Event
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
A pure white evil descended upon England — Vogel makes a chance encounter with Crown. 
You were brought onto the stage and pressured to choose between two people from opposite parties. 
— Facing off with each other are a self-righteous man and a cruel man. 
William: Kate, will you allow me to do as I please with you if I win?
Darius: If you become mine, Miss Fairytale Keeper, I might just whisk you back to Germany with me right away. 
— Facing off with each other are a merciless man and a frivolous man. 
Nica: Let’s have a contest, Jude Jazza.
Jude: Fine, I’ll play with you since you said so. 
— Facing off with each other are an insolent man and an innocent man.
Alfons: You’ll choose me if things go smoothly, won't you? I’ll make you feel plenty of pleasure today too.
Ring: As a member of Vogel, I can’t afford to make a fool of myself here. 
Ring: I’m the one Kate will choose. 
A special story “Liebe geht durch den Magen¹” featuring all three members of Vogel is available as a love point accumulation milestone reward. 
¹ I don’t know the German language at all; but according to Google, this phrase means “love goes through the stomach” or more commonly known as “the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach”.
Kate: A tea party with me and everyone from Vogel…? 
Victor: Yeah. They seem to be interested in you and requested a chance to chat with you. 
You were given an invitation from Vogel for a tea party to deepen our friendship, which you accepted and headed to after getting ready with Victor. 
Darius: Like Nica said, I want to know more about you too, Miss Fairytale Keeper.
Darius: However, simply asking questions directly would be boring, so why don't we play a game?
Darius: Each person gets only one chance to an answer. Until they receive an answer, they're allowed to keep asking Miss Fairytale Keeper questions…
Darius: Play with us, Miss Fairytale Keeper. 
A guessing game was proposed while you were chatting and eating confectionery. 
— And the winner earns the right to ask you out on a date!? 
Ring: I don't deny that… you’re cute… but…
Nica: … This robin has a surprisingly interesting side to her. 
Darius: You're… overly soft hearted and kind. 
Which of the three members of Vogel with different personalities, interests, and preferences will be the one the ask you out on a date…?
Between white and black… which evil will you descend into? 
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cgsf · 2 years
Men's Hockey (RPF) fanfiction recs:
Leon Draisaitl/Matthew Tkachuk [Part 1]
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"thanksgiving" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 9,122 | Matthew's been parked for less than five minutes when his passenger door opens and a tall, broad guy drops into the seat, illuminated just enough by the cabin light for Matthew to take in his heavy brow, and the sharp line of his nose, the stubbled shadow of his jaw. "Wow, you're handsome," Matthew says, as the door clicks shut, and then, "Wow, you're Leon Draisaitl."
"better than before" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 16,850 | "Huh," Matthew said, just a huff of sound like he was absorbing it. "You are so fucking into me." Leon could practically hear him smirking, the smug twist of his mouth. "What was your first clue?"
"hand in hand with best laid plans" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 5,351 | Matthew's standing in the middle of a row of gate seats when Leon sees him. Leon's instinct is to immediately step out of sight so Matthew won't see him, but that seems like an asshole thing to do, and embarrassing to admit to someone after the fact, so he walks over instead, backpack on and duffle over his shoulder. "What happened to you?" Matthew startles visibly, and when he turns to look at Leon he looks as exhausted as Leon feels. "Oh," he says, blandly. "They lost all my shit."
"all your jagged syntaxes" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 5,305 | Matthew hasn't had a real crush on someone since he was seventeen. He'd gotten over that fast enough. He'll get over this too.
"aligner, rapprocher" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 16,618 | "This would be easier on a bed," Leon says, right up against Matthew's jaw before he sucks a kiss to the underside of it. "Also, I wouldn't have to see it." Leon only jolts a little, Matthew between his legs where he's got a hip hitched up against the table. They turn their heads together, Matthew already laughing. Leon shrugs. "I didn't think you'd have made it back yet." Connor mmhmms a little judgmentally.
"a good thing you wanted to be true" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 21,047 | Leon knows about Matthew Tkachuk. Everyone knows about Matthew Tkachuk.
"what does daylight look like" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 8,465 | "Bet he'd love to know all the ways his beloved Tkachuk lets me defile him." "Definitely more surprised than an Oilers fan." "I think all of Alberta would be pretty surprised by the things we do to each other."
"collide the spaces that divide us" 🔒 (E) by bropunzeling | 43,848 | Leon rolls the passenger window down and leans over. “You look like shit,” he says, because it’s true. Matthew looks like he spent the entire flight throwing up, face pale and the enormous purple bags forming under his eyes visible even with the mask in place. He’s sweating as he tosses his bag into the backseat, a weird sheen on his forehead that makes something in Leon's gut twist. “No fucking shit,” Matthew snaps back, sliding into the passenger seat and pulling off his mask with a wince. “I’ve been puking from Las Vegas to London.”
"slip under the tongue into translation" 🔒 (M) by lighthousetowers | 32,257 | Later, Brady will say it starts as a joke. And later, Matthew will tell him that in German, that would probably be something like es sollte nur ein Scherz sein. Or maybe, nur ein Spaß. He’d have to ask to make sure that’s right. But where’s the fun in that?
"comment for engagement" 🔒 (M) by RippingOffZeppelin | 27,971 | Matthew is made to start a YouTube channel after getting too much bad press to reconnect with the fans and show off the fun side of his hockey. It ends up being an eventful year.
"liebe geht durch den magen" 🔒 (T) by lighthousetowers | 6,211 | All Leon wanted were some easy recipes, and instead he got this guy, this – Matthew Tkachuk, alias tkachukycheese, YouTube channel owner by bi-weekly afternoon and dietician who works a lot with school classes by normal profession.
"how's it taste" 🔒 (E) by bropunzeling | 3,001 | Leon knows how All-Star weekends are supposed to go. You show up, you resent being somewhere cold and miserable instead of warm and full of fruity cocktails, you do stupid trick shots and try to traumatize the league’s best goalies, you get drunk off your ass, you go home. He’s done it once already; nothing this year should be a surprise. Tkachuk is a surprise.
"Sea Change" 🔒 (E) by andthreequarts | 33,596 | “Wait, is that what’s happening here?” Matthew pushes forward, gets close. “Is that why you were being weird?” “Shut up,” Draisaitl growls, backing up. “Oh no,” Matthew laughs. “This is the funniest thing I’ve heard all week. Leon Draisaitl, an alpha’s alpha. Who would have guessed it, you’re into an omega with barely any scent?”
"your best american girl" 🔒 (E) by cinqmars | 4,675 | “I’m from Cologne,” Leon says, flatly. “Like perfume? Is that why you always smell so good?” Tkachuk asks, eyelashes fluttering, and - woah. What the fuck? “Um,” Leon says, very intelligently. The silence drags on, steadily becoming more uncomfortable. “Just - never mind,” Tkachuk mutters.
"head above water" 🔒 (E) by yourblues | 91,131 | In his defense, Draisaitl is distracting. He’s shirtless, and sweaty, and Matthew can see the tan line at the waistband of his Puma shorts. Matthew’s fucked guys who like him less than Draisaitl does. It’s kind of fun. Who knows if Draisaitl would be good in bed, but he’d for sure look good with his clothes off. File that under things not to say out loud.
"we could be reckless" 🔒 (E) by winglavender | 12,277 | They get into a scrap in the sixth Battle of Alberta. Leon expects it to end there. It doesn't.
"end to my runnin'" 🔒 (E) by Kerfluffle | 10,268 | “You gonna blow me in that thousand dollar suit?” Matthew asks curiously. “That’s kind of hot.”
"Growing Into Someone" 🔒 (E) by blaahaj | 49,528 | Matthew had been resigned to waiting out the lockout in Calgary or St. Louis, but when he heard the offer from Cologne he thought it would be nice to get away from the NHL for a bit. He didn't think about Draisaitl until he'd already signed with the team.
"keep me up until the body disagrees" 🔒 (M) by blaahaj | 3,375 | It's hard to get away from it all in the Edmonton bubble. But Matthew has a bag of weed gummies he paid way too much for, the door to the roof of the JW Marriott is unlocked, and sometimes it's easier to be alone when someone else is with you.
"Muscle Memory" 🔒 (M) by blaahaj | 25,053 | It is, apparently, October 27th, 2023. Since Matthew only remembers up to about November 2019, this is a problem.
"asking nicely" 🔒 (E) by blaahaj | 6,892 | They were on the third club by the time Matthew noticed Draisaitl. Matthew was heading to the bar, legs aching in the best way and head spinning with whateverthefuck was in the shots Oshie kept passing out like the World’s Drunkest Santa; Draisaitl was bopping along at the edge of the dance floor, dorky and almost cute with a drink in his hand. Like he had a personality besides the grumpy-bear setting Matthew always got.
"Emergency Contact" 🔒 (T) by blaahaj | 1,847 | “You good, man?” “I just knocked my boyfriend’s tooth out. I’m fucking great. Thanks.”
"running interference" 🔒 (E) by letterstothemoon | 19,014 | Leon knew better than to let Tkachuk’s shitty little sneer get to him. He was a professional, for Christ’s sake, and he was capable of controlling his emotions, no matter how much any one douchebag might try to rile him up— “Eat shit, Tkachuk,” he snarled, then crunched the rat bastard into the boards. Well. Maybe that could’ve gone better.
"already given up on myself twice (third time's the charm)" 🔒 (M) by andthreequarts | 6,321 | "Look," McDavid says. "Brandon Manning's an asshole. You're an asshole too. But I know he didn’t break my collarbone on purpose and I believe you, when you say you didn't hurt Scheifele on purpose either.”
"nothing safe is worth the drive" 🔒 (E) by puckthisshift | 10,712 | So what if Tkachuk missed his plane because he was too busy getting fucked? Just because Leon was doing the fucking doesn’t mean he owes the guy anything.
"(not a) fishbowl love story" 🔒 (T) by lighthousetowers | 9,286 | When someone mentioned “media access,” Leon had envisioned the typical pre-game-post-game spiel, maybe some glimpses-into-bubble-life clips. He definitely hadn’t thought of some kind of The-Office-style reality TV.
"if you handed over your body" 🔒 (M) by photovoltaic | 2,712 | If Leon thinks about it in terms of post-game review, here is how he would describe the play: Tkachuk had him against the boards, and Leon tried to shrug him off, and when that didn’t work because the little shit is persistent he had to get creative, and this is how he ended up in the box. Except that the boards were actually the undoubtedly filthy tiled wall of a bar bathroom in Las Vegas.
"all i hear is whistles" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 3,483 | "I don't think you were listening to Yamo's speech enough." "Are you telling me to fuck the mechanical bull?" Nursey flicks Leon's chin. "I'm telling you to try something new.
"over the moon, under the sun" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 12,907 | "But I think it was wearing me down more than I realized, and I think, I don't know, if somehow this had happened when I was still up there, it probably wouldn't have been like this, you know? I couldn't have been good to you. I didn't even know how to be good to myself." Leon tucks his face into the curve of Matthew's shoulder. "You're frighteningly self-aware."
"whatever promises I made" 🔒 (E) by puckthisshift | 359,941 | Matthew Tkachuk meets his fiance for the very first time the day after their engagement is officially announced. Having to get married as some kind of twisted favor so Matthew will get drafted to the Oilers… It’s not a great start to the marriage. But is that really the only reason? Who’s doing who a favor here?
"settle down in the Sunshine State" 🔒 (E) by puckthisshift | 14,666 | It’s 2025. Pending UFA Leon Draisaitl gets traded to the Florida Panthers on a rainy Monday morning. Matthew’s pretty sure it’s the end of his time with the Panthers.
"back to where we lasted" 🔒 (E) by ohtempora | 34,384 | Leon watches the press conference from a front-row seat, has the dubious honor of listening to Matthew fucking Tkachuk talk about how excited he is to play on Leon's fucking team. A reporter stands up, the lights reflecting off his glasses when he holds his phone up to get Matthew on the record. "How does it feel, Matthew, to come home?"
"brushback" 🔒 (E) by ohtempora | 3,639 | The first pitch is low and outside. The second one hits him right on the thigh, 90 miles an hour, hard enough to hurt. Leon sucks air in through his teeth, shaking it off, and takes his base. Matthew is at first. Of course he is.
"glide in a swan dive" 🔒 (E) by ohtempora | 2,015 | Matthew might not be over his rookie crush on Johnny Gaudreau, but Leon—quite reasonably, he thinks—is not yet over that.
"You are so gorgeous, it makes me so mad" 🔒 (T) by puckthisshift | 10,135 | Grad student Matthew Tkachuk’s pathetic crush on the first out NHL player is well-known in the Tkachuk family. Leon Draisaitl has no idea why baby Tkachuk thinks that Leon would need to know that his brother would want to get railed by Leon.
"I can't help myself, I can't break the spell" 🔒 (E) by puckthisshift | 30,981 | Matthew gets into a fight with Draisaitl within hours of Draisaitl’s arrival in Beijing. Somehow the fight doesn’t end the way he expects it to. But it’s not like he minds getting his hands on Draisaitl in a completely different way. No feelings, just sex. That’s just what he needs on his way to the gold medal.
"if I pushed you to the edge" 🔒 (E) by puckthisshift | 9,808 | Just because it’s been a few years of casual hookups doesn’t mean they’re friendly. Just because Tkachuk also has a key to Leon’s place doesn’t mean that they’re anything to each other. It’s convenience, nothing more.
"you're kinda sexy but you're not really special" 🔒 (E) by puckthisshift | 198,588 | Matty’s thrilled to be in college in Edmonton. It’s far enough away from St. Louis that he can live his own life and fuck all the boys he wants. Apparently it’s still not far enough away for him to get away from his Dad’s reputation. This fucking Draisaitl guy hates everything Tkachuk, and Matty most of all. And since Matty’s a self-proclaimed slut, why not have sex with him? At least that way he’s getting something out of this.
"Matthew Tkachuk Friendship Tour, The B-Sides, Part 1" (E) by brinicles | 7,564 | "Good game," Matthew says amicably as a looming curl of grey hoodie and track shorts shoulders past him, the tips of his hair still dark with water. "Go fuck a cactus," Leon spits as he disappears down the hall. Well, he's angry, Matthew absorbs as he loops back the way he came.
"today it's easy" 🔒 (NR) by iceguy | 2,867 | Leon has a beard.
"accoutrements" 🔒 (NR) by stridents | 5,003 | “I just don’t think this is smart,” Connor says, so soft Leon almost doesn’t catch it. “I’m not telling you not to do it, I’m just. I can’t see this ending well.”
"snow and dirty rain" 🔒 (E) by adeleblaircassiedanser | 5,037 | It wasn't that surprising, back when Matthew noticed the initial fixation developing; Draisaitl was objectively more storybook handsome than should really be allowed in an NHL player, and Matthew is shallow.
"Need A Little Sweetness (In My Life)" (M) by puckinghell | 7,120 | Matty grins. “Well, I’ll come back. One day I’ll get you to make me one.” “The day I make you one is the day I spit in it,” Leon snides, before he can think better of it. Connor’s foot connects with his calf hard enough that Leon yelps. Matty just laughs. “You’re hot enough that that’s not really the threat you seem to think it is, Leon.”
"the land between our bodies" 🔒 (E) by yourblues | 9,968 | The thing about Tkachuk, annoying as he was, is that they were in the same boat before. Second-best player on a team that should be better. But then he got the fuck out of Alberta to go sit on the beach every day — to start over in a place where the walls weren’t closing in around him — and maybe he’s happy there, so Leon should be happy for him. Or at least he shouldn’t feel the urge to reach into the guy’s sunny new life and fuck it up a little.
"tighten up" 🔒 (E) by bropunzeling | 3,213 | Leon follows him home after the game. That wasn't the original plan.
"gather your broken lessons and move" 🔒 (E) by rumandwhine | 30,455 | “God, we’re over thirty,” Connor groaned, breaking the tension and ending the stand-off, “you’d think we’d be better at this.” “What,” Leon drawled sarcastically, “about my falling into bed with Matthew Tkachuk – again – after blowing my life up the first time, implied that I’m not great at this?”
"but please (don't) bite" 🔒 (M) by anonymous | 52,716 | Leon Draisaitl is unprotected! I repeat, Leon Draisaitl, the first to rack up hundred points in this 2020-2021 season (first again, may I add), is not protected in the upcoming NHL Expansion Draft according to the Protection Lists revealed last night by NHL. How did this happen, you may ask. Honestly, who knows. Isn’t there a no-move clause in his sweet 68-million-dollar contract with the Oilers, you may ask. Yes, starting in July 2022. No help there, buddy.
"i got a bad idea" 🔒 (E) by canoodles | 5,540 | You fuck a guy once at an All-Star Game and he suddenly decides you’re friends now or something. Leon’s life is so hard.
"nutcracker and the rat king" 🔒 (M) by ohtempora | 1,135 | Matthew texts him without explanation two weeks before the Oilers come to Calgary. No hello, not that he was expecting one. No explanation, not that he was expecting one. Just a link to Reddit and this u?
"retrograde" 🔒 (M) by ohtempora | 1,564 | “You like it here?” Leon asks. “Yeah,” Matthew says. He looks at Fort Lauderdale, lit up below them. “It's warm. It's different. I can wear sandals whenever I want.” “Important,” Leon says, dry, but something in his voice says he gets what Matthew’s trying to say.
"same as it was" 🔒 (E) by ohtempora | 6,110 | The thing is. The thing is, neither of their teams are doing great, and Leon’s trying so hard. He’s got yet another year of scrabbling for every inch they can gain in the standings. Matthew’s behind him on the points list, but barely. Everyone is entitled to a vice.
"Can you suture my wounds?" 🔒 (NR) by justhockey | 16,543 | Matthew never wants to talk about why he quit hockey and disappeared, or why he’s not home with his family, or why his hands shake every time his dad’s name lights up his phone.
"Saving the Best for Last" 🔒 (E) by puckingtrash | 100,085 | Leon Draisaitl is not expecting to find love again at forty-three. His playing career is long over, he’s divorced, he’s got a bum hip, his only real asset is about half of a floundering German hockey team. Hell, even his hair isn’t what it used to be.
"i like the way the story ends" (M) by fraudulentzodiacs | 1,276 | “I can’t believe this is how you want to come out.” Leon grumbles, staring at Matty from across his hotel room. Matthew just smirks and holds his hand out, making grabby hands toward Leon.
"okay, yeah, you caught me" 🔒 (T) by anonymous | 6,034 | "Did the doctor send you?" Matthew asks then, his words slightly slurred, the finger with the oximeter attached to it pointing weakly at Leon. "Because, you’re like, hot. Are you a model?" he asks, and gasps softly, eyes wide, "Am I friends with a model?"
"Oil to a Flame" 🔒 (E) by Vivienne_Grey | 47,970 | A simple wager between two rivals was all it was meant to be. Matthew should have known from the beginning that nothing would ever be simple when it came to him and Leon Draisaitl.
"Old Flames Burn Brighter" 🔒 (E) by cisumox | 25,015 | "Do you think I did it on purpose?” Matt wants to know the answer, maybe more than anything else he’s here to do. It doesn’t change anything about the past. He still wants to know. Leon sighs just loudly enough that Matt can hear it across the space between them. “Welcome to Berlin, Matt.”
"found arms to fall right into" 🔒 (M) by anonymous | 6,341 | "I thought you had a… date," Brady says slowly and squints his eyes at Draisaitl. But Marns never showed up and Matthew doesn’t know how to admit to his baby brother that he’s a sad sack of shit who has to go out alone and drink his stress away, so he grabs Draisaitl’s hand instead and says, very firmly: "Yes."
"Might As Well" 🔒 (E) by puckingtrash | 4,940 | In a city like New York, with its sea of anonymity, where hockey is just one of many sports and no one gives a shit about some guy on some team up in Canada, Leon can let himself indulge a little. There’s a club in Greenwich that he goes to sometimes to let off steam—it used to be whenever he was in town, which was generally for their East Coast road trip if they had a day off in NYC and maybe in the offseason if he happened to be passing through the area.
"A Reunion, a Beginning, and the Thief of Awkward Silences." (M) by puckedup | 3,317 | It's November 12th and Leon figures out what he's been missing.
"Kiss Me Babe, It's Christmas Time" 🔒 (E) by andthenextday | 10,398 | “Did you two call each other beforehand?” Yamo asks, laughing. “Is this like an Elf Fight Club?” Leon ignores him, keeps glaring at Tkachuk. It’s three days before Christmas Eve, they’ve all got one more game before the holiday break and it’s fucking wild that Tkachuk doesn’t have better shit to do than drive three hours to crash an Oilers’ Christmas party. But now that Leon’s really thinking about it, that’s absolutely something he’d go out of his way to do.
"die Blümchenkrone" 🔒 (E) by soupbowlfulofsins | 4,151 | They have been touching all night. But feeling Matt’s thigh pressed against his own is new and strange. Not uncomfortable, but it puts him on edge. He doesn’t move away, though, even surrounded by other players. It’s not the kind of place he’d expect to hook up. Worst of all, he’s fucking into it.
"wanna be felled by you, held by you" 🔒 (T) by softzindagi | 1,796 | Leon is quiet, letting Matty’s words hang between them. They listen to the other breathe and it’s good, having some semblance of that they’re together. He knows Leon is concerned, has been since he got hit and Leon had to watch him wobble off the ice like that on his TV screen. Matty hasn’t felt better since.
"stay by my side and never let go" 🔒 (E) by softzindagi | 2,549 | It's Leon's last night in the bubble, and Matty comes to comfort. [deleted]
"like a tidal wave (i'll make a mess)" 🔒 (E) by nolanpatty | 2,123 | “Maybe,” Leon says, digging his heels into the ground, “If you’d learn not to play dirty just to get a win, you’d actually be where you wanted to be.”
"oh my lover, my love" 🔒 (G) by jamiemoriartys | 17,934 | “You went to Peru to drink tea?” “Yes.” “Psychedelic tea!” someone yells from the background, and the line rustles like Mitch’s phone is pressed against his clothing for a hot second. Matthew thinks it’s Auston. “Was that Auston?” he asks as soon as the line clears. Mitch makes a noise that’s somewhere between upset and incredulous, and he goes, “Hey, you’re the one who went to Peru to do drugs with Draisaitl, don’t try to change the subject.” “Davo’s a fucking gossip, man.”
"all I want for Christmas is you" 🔒 (T) by Mere_Sprite1847 | 799 | For the prompt: Character A is humming Christmas songs all the time and Character B is annoyed but then Character A catches Character B humming one later.
"i’ve been asking about you too" 🔒 (T) by getpucked | 3,060 | “He talks about you a lot,” Connor says, knowing he wouldn’t have to specify who ‘he’ is. “You act so different,” he begins, handling the puck with perfect precision and shooting it in the middle of the net from half ice, just to limit distractions. Matt knows better than to think he’s showing off. “Around him, off the ice. Like he makes you anxious.”
"shitty how you waste love (how i waste love)"🔒 (T) by anonymous | 16,820 | “Leo,” Connor sounds exasperated. “You’re not going to take Matthew out to a date as a bet.” “Don’t worry, Davo, Matty won’t go out with him, no fuckin’ way,” Matts grins into his beer, elbows taking too much space on the table, and Leon has to fight the urge to push them, paint the rest of his light shirt with beer, too. But he just grits his teeth together. “Fuckin’ watch me.”
"land locked blues" 🔒 (M) by injuriouscalm | 3,717 | Leon wonders if Matthew wants him to leave. If this was Calgary, he would leave. If this was Edmonton, Matthew would do whatever he wants. Leon would let him. He wonders just how much Matthew’s really changed, beyond the new tan and the new team and the new house and the soft smile instead of saying anything back.
"winter" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 4,782 | The thing about being in the leadership core is that when a game gets delayed by a massive snowstorm for "the safety of the fans" and someone in PR starts a sentence with, "You know what would be fun," Leon's not allowed to run away. Leon would really like to be able to run away.
"(But I Still Want That) Your Savage Love"🔒 (E) by crookedsilence | 8,140 | If pressed, Leon could probably give the exact breakdown of sex with Tkachuk. It’s become a routine, and he hates it. But he doesn’t hate Tkachuk.
"all taking and no giving" 🔒 (E) by daisysusan | 3,129 | In the small room behind that one, Leon finds Matthew Tkachuk leaning against the wall. He’s got a towel draped around his shoulders, half-covering the ripped up neck of his shirt, his cheeks are still pink from exertion, and he’s grinning. Leon wants to slam him against the wall and kiss him until he whimpers.
"sweet like honey" 🔒 (T) by loreli | 3,630 | “Hey, twenty-nine. Lookin’ good.” Matthew Tkachuk’s got a new chirping tactic. It’s surprisingly effective.
"Snapshots" 🔒 (E) by puckingtrash | 11,158 | Matthew's summers are always busy, traveling from one end of the world to the other for photo shoots. This one's in Cologne, hardly the most exotic location, but there's a castle so that's cool and also a very hot, though rather grumpy, guy whose picture he's supposed take. Too bad the guy looks like he'd rather be anywhere but here.
"give me the face - serve you the body" 🔒 (E) by isozyme | 5,352 | “You wanna go tonight?” Matthew asks lowly, so the media doesn’t hear. Draisaitl gives him a flat stare that means what. “Rematch,” Matthew elaborates. “One on one. Mano a mano. You win and I won’t touch a hair on Mickey-D’s precious head next game.” “If you win?” Matthew laughs and slaps Draisaitl on the shoulder like they’re friends. “We both know I’m not gonna win, buddy.”
"the words i speak are wildfires and weeds" 🔒 (M) by Lekonib | 4,680 | “I don’t tell you how to play your game, don’t try to tell me how to play mine.” Matthew says. He’s also taken a step away. Leans back against the chain link mesh of the storage cage, apparently unbothered by the soot and dirt that’s probably built up there. “Just because I pissed him off doesn’t mean he has to start punching the back of my head. I’m fine, by the way, thanks so much for asking.” His voice is casual again but it sounds more forced than it did at the beginning of all this.
"ring of fire" 🔒 (NR) by injuriouscalm | 687 | “Matthew,” Leon says again. Again. Soft. Like he thinks Matthew’s there on the other end of the line. White noise, the rest of the world’s hum from here. White noise like the carbonated background of anything outside of your name being spoken aloud. The voicemail ends. Real silence, then. Flat and vacuum-sealed shut.
"they are separate things (pretty pretty pretty things)" 🔒 (E) by notevenaflyersfan | 7,904 | Every time Leon thinks about Matthew Tkachuk over the course of one year, and the consequences.
"Teach me to be shy" 🔒 (NR) by anonymous | 6,240 | He bites his tongue, keeps all the words he wants to say trapped behind his teeth. And when Leon hugs him goodbye, if Matthew squeezes a little tighter and holds on a little longer than he probably should, well. Leon doesn’t say anything about it.
"home by now" 🔒 (E) by daisysusan | 102,331 | The first big piece of NHL news in the summer of 2026 is that the St. Louis Blues trade for Leon Draisaitl. The second big piece of NHL news in the summer of 2026 is that Calgary Flames captain Matthew Tkachuk hits the free agent market.
"cut" 🔒 (T) by daisysusan | 2,094 | Leon doesn’t realize until the handshake line that Matthew’s bleeding from the face.
"I’m under control (till you’re in front of me)" 🔒 (NR) by justhockey | 9,752 | It starts kind of backwards, to be honest. But then again, nothing involving Matthew Tkachuk is ever normal, so he’s not sure why he’s surprised.
"the kids are alright" 🔒 (M) by lighthousetowers | 65,465 | In which Matthew Tkachuk is an elementary school teacher, Leon is tired of everyone around him getting married and producing offspring, and PR truly does facilitate public relations. Emphasis on the relations.
"how lovely are thy branches" 🔒 (M) by quadratics | 5,271 | “What is it about my family that makes us so damn irresistible to you Germans?”
"wrong when it's right" 🔒 (E) by daisysusan | 5,682 | Leon is drunk. Which—glancing around the locker room—plenty of guys aren’t sober, and for that matter Matthew isn’t either, but Leon is among the drunkest. Maybe the drunkest. Not sloppy, really, but it’s obvious in his loose movements and the way he smiles. And to think, Matthew thought he was going to forget how much he knew about Leon’s body.
"Edmonton 10" 🔒 (E) by Helenish | 3,485 | Stupid, stupid to fuck a guy on another team, a guy you were supposed to hate, stupid to fuck a guy as elite and recognizable as Leon, just shit for brains dumbfuck stupid, Matthew told himself a hundred times.
"(come on, come on, come on) get through it" 🔒 (E) by Anonymous | 8,909 | Matthew knows what Leon wants. That much has always been true. Has been true since the first time Leon curled his fingers into Matthew's hair and said, look at me. It’s the specific nuances of how he wants, where Matthew gets tripped up. Sometimes Matthew can’t tell whether Leon wants Matthew to look at him or whether he just wants to make Matthew look.
"time to spark it" 🔒 (E) by ohtempora | 3,039 | "Leon." Matthew says. He can't remember wanting someone like this before, never in his life, like without them he'd explode. Leon is six-plus feet of warm skin and Matthew wants to ruin him. "Leon," he says again. "I promise I'll still hate you in the morning."
"weightless under sun" (E) by keyshui | 7,752 | Matthew was taught in childhood that gender is a boundary never to be crossed. And then he puts on eyeliner.
"For The Glory" 🔒 (T) by HollowMachines | 6,843 | “The Panthers won the cup! The Panthers have won the Stanley Cup!” Matthew’s on his knees, hands out wide as he slides across the ice, sweaty, exhausted, still staring up at the scoreboard. They did it. They fucking did it. They won the cup.
"only fools rush" 🔒 (E) in by bropunzeling | 94,867 | All of a sudden Matthew has to stop talking because this isn't just a joke. He's saying vows. The kind that are supposed to be, well, sacred. Meaningful, or something, if he were doing this right. He’s not doing this right, though. He’s doing this with Leon fucking Draisaitl, in Las Vegas at midnight, all in order to win a six pack and, hopefully, suck the guy’s dick.
"fangs of wanting" 🔒 (M) by iceguy | 1,454 | Matt’s down a tooth and Leon had nothing to do with it.
"dumb conversations, we lose track of time" 🔒 (T) by Authumnder | 2,533 | matthew_tkachuk: Rip I was always into you / drat_29: ? worst confession ever / matthew_tkachuk: You are not dead ? / matthew_tkachuk: I lied / matthew_tkachuk: You are nothing to me
"some kind of joke" 🔒 (E) by isozyme | 5,028 | Officially, the post-game player exchange is a chance for the two teams to meet briefly after the game and communicate about any issues between them that arose on the ice. The public line is that it’s supposed to help get any feathers that were ruffled during the game unruffled via respectful dialogue. Talk it out, clear the air, sit together and chew the fat. Inter-team conflict management at its finest and most appropriate. In Matthew’s experience, sometimes the guy does just want to chat and look at his phone until about the right amount of time has passed. But mostly not.
"took it as a taunt" (E) by keyshui | 8,788 | “And what do I get if I win?” Draisaitl looks dangerous, sharp and confident and cocky in nothing but his skates, under armor, and pads. “Loser has to wear a WAG jacket to the winner’s play-off games.” Matthew can’t deny the appeal of seeing Leon Draisaitl in Calgary red and yellow with Matthew’s name written across his shoulders in thick letters. It makes his mouth go dry, and he licks his lips, watches the way Draisaitl tracks the movement.
"bleed just to know you’re alive" (E) by keyshui | 5,053 | Leon and Matthew are both self-destructive men.
"Mulligan" 🔒 (E) by puckingtrash | 8,559 | mulligan - (n.) A second chance, usually after the first chance was missed due to bad luck or a blunder.
"preference" 🔒 (E) by daisysusan | 42,974 | Tapping someone for the winner's room once is just hockey. Twice, that's just a coincidence. But this thing with Draisaitl might be turning into a pattern for Matthew.
"take your claws (dig them into the concrete)" 🔒 (E) by AndThenBurnTheAshes | 7,200 | Sometimes he doesn't want to be Matthew Tkachuk, rat bastard, the league's most hated, out in front of the house where his parents are sleeping.
That's a 100 links.
208 notes · View notes
„Du hast mich besser gemacht. Ich wünschte ich könnt dir sagen wie viel du mir bedeutest, aber Worte wären zu schwach. Liebe geht durch den Magen deshalb wollte ich dich fragen, ob du Schmerztabletten hast. Worte sind leiser als Taten also vielleicht sollt ich's wagen.“
- Azur (Blumen)
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leothil · 3 months
do you have any hockey fic recs? i’m itching for something to read
Oh absolutely! Fair warning though, they'll all be mattdrai (Leon Draisaitl/Matthew Tkachuk) fics since that's the kick I've been on for more than a year now. But if you want to check out more pairings, the authors of these fics are a good place to start! And, of course, the fics I don't mention from these authors that feature the same pairing too, because I simply can't list every single fic they've written that I love.
I'd also like to state for the record that @trippedandfell was the one who got me into reading hrpf while @onward--upward provided lots of recs for me, so for a wider selection of pairings they might be a good source <3
head above water by yourblues (@msmargaretmurry) that kicks off in an alternate summer of 2022 where Matthew is having a no good very bad time inside his own head. The crushing weight of your own expectations etc. Scenes from the fic written in another pov are found in the fic series, and I highly recommend reading those as well after finishing the main fic!
the land between our bodies also by yourblues, where Leon is the one having a no good very bad time after Matthew's trade to Florida. Surely calling him won't lead to anything bad.
The Next Next One also also by yourblues. And I lied, this is a Dylan Strome/Connor McDavid fic, but it grabs me by the throat like nothing else.
preference by daisysusan (@hopetorun), a winner's room fic that had me gnawing at the back of my chair.
wait a year also by daisysusan, and ok I lied again, this is a Quinn Hughes/Brady Tkachuk fic, in which once, in their teens, Brady said he'd marry Quinn if neither of them were married by 30, and Quinn doesn't dare to believe he was being serious.
linger by @bropunzeling, an omegaverse fic following them from the infamous ASG in 2020 to summer 2023. A/B/O is not my usual cup of tea, but this hit all the right buttons!
contact high also by bropunzeling, a sex pollen fic that had me go yes... hahaha... yes!
only fools rush in also also by bropunzeling, in which Matthew and Leon make a drunk bet during the 2022 All-Star game and suddenly find themselves married. An all-time fave!
Muscle Memory by @blaahaj, where it's the future year of 2023 (this is written late 2020), but Matthew got a bad enough concussion to make him forget almost everything past november 2019. Absolutely delicious amnesia fic!
Growing Into Someone also by blaahaj, where Leon and Matthew both play in Kölner Haie during an NHL lockout.
liebe geht durch den magen by lighthousetowers (@blankvcrs), where Matthew is a recipe/cooking youtuber that Leon starts watching. Incredibly funny!
slip under the tongue into translation also by lighthousetowers, in which Matthew decides to learn German during the 2020 lockdown to better be able to antagonize Leon on the ice. A lot of Leon's internal thoughts about living your life in a different language than your emotional language resonates very heavily with me.
the kids are alright also also by lighthousetowers, where Matthew is an elementary school teacher and his class gets a visit from the Oilers.
broken glass by dilangley, with born werewolf Matthew and bitten werewolf Leon, and the cultural differences that inescapably arise. Not a/b/o. It's incredible how much lore and personal history has been fit into 13.7k words!
The hockey but make it football series from RippingOffZeppelin. Both mattdrai and mceichel. I know nothing about american football, but I've been mesmerized by this series! I believe part four is the one that was actually written first, and I think that's the one I read first too, but imo you can read them in either the series-chronological order or published-chronological order!
comment for engagement also by RippingOffZeppelin, in which Matthew is made to start a youtube channel to improve his own optics on the Flames after he's gotten some bad press. It becomes very popular, and leads Matthew into some interesting situations!
long ago that current caught us by puckthisshift where werewolf!Leon can hear a siren call to him in Florida.
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zaunwelt · 10 months
Brötchen Grittibänz
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Max und Moritz bevor sie zur Strafe gefressen werden
Bekanntlich geht die Liebe durch den Magen
Am 6. Dezember ist jeweils ihr Tag. Zopfmehl, Salz, Zucker und Hefe in einer Schüssel mischen. Butter und Milch zugeben und kräftig von Hand kneten. Zugedeckt drei Stunden aufgehen lassen. Ja, dann nach Lust und Laune formen und verzieren. Die Grittibänz, so heißen die Hefeteig-Männchen freuen sich. Aufgepasst, nicht wie bei Wilhelm Busch in den süssen Teig fallen.
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martyrbat · 2 years
PLEASE summarize hannibal or spn. dealer's choice
hannibal is the proof that therapy isnt for everyone.... ok so the basic quick run-through? theres a cannibal named hannibal because his mommy hated him and hes weird about god. theres also a guy named will who's also weird about god and has random bursts of homosexuality and psychosis. which okay fits. what is god but the voyeur of misery that is of his own doing?
hannibal breaks the apa 10.5 code often. he doesnt actually fuck will but the cannibalism is about gay sex and desires and the longing to devour what you love and in return be consumed equally back. its also about god sometimes.
will goes through a divorce arc and loses the dogs and his pregnant wife is a lesbian. he proceeds to look more and more like a wet dog that got kicked. he calls hannibal ‘doc-tah lector’ a lot and probably in bed. he also kills a man or maybe a few. he cries and gets blood on him and it's very pathetic (but fuckable!!!) but yeah hes just a very moist man. tears, blood, cum, sweat. who knows.
eventually will goes “nooooo this isnt like you what are you doing :((” to hannibal while having really big pug eyes. hannibal stabs him because will betrayed him. the penetration is well worth the long foreplay of the seasons that built up to it. they hold each other in a tender embrace and are in love. will gets charged with manslaughter and/or dies??? its a perfect love story.
random trivia!! >:3
‘Liebe geht durch den Magen’ but literal...
when i told my ex about my psychosis he compared me to will and said i was like him (‘guilable but dangerous’) so thats 👍👍
that being said — id fuck will.
there's a blood eagle?
a lot of shots from silence of the lambs but with will taking hannibals place instead!!
peepaw hannibal is a dilf but is also grandma coded
carrying on this ^^ hes british but i give him a southern old lady accent in my head
someone had cancer
there was mold growing on the set because of the soggy blood <333
hannibal and will raise a teenager together?
if this was made in 2023 then hannibal would probably be a therapist will found on betterhelp
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Welcome back to...
Lesson 3
Today we'll talk about love. Phrases, endearments, etc.
- Liebling (love)
- Schatz/Schatzi/Schätzchen (basically treasure and various minimizations)
- Herz/Herzchen/Herzilein (heart and its minimizations)
- Liebes (also often used by grandparents for their grandchildren)
- Häschen/Hasilein (it's basically bunny in a cute form)
There are more, but these are some common ones.
So the most important one would be "Ich liebe dich" (I love you), HOWEVER, I know that in English, 'I love you' is used for lovers, family members and friends. In Germany, we don't usually say "Ich liebe dich" to family or friends. When we talk to these people, it's "Ich hab' dich lieb". "Ich liebe dich" is reserved for your partner/love.
- Wo die Liebe hinfällt... (Where the love drops down): We say it when we see an unusual pair. When we are surprised by two people getting together, we say that love is the cause.
- Liebe macht blind (Love makes us blind)
- Liebe geht durch den Magen (Love goes trough the stomach): Basically... food is love. Dates often happen in restaurants or your loved one will cook a nice dinner for you.
- Alte Liebe rostet nicht (Old love doesn't rust): Once in love, always in love. Some people will always stay together.
- Von Luft und Liebe leben (Living from air and love): Often said when people are in love for the first time and think they don't need anything but love to live.
- Pech im Spiel, Glück in der Liebe (Bad luck at games, luck at love): If you lose in a casino... fear not! There's hope for your love life!
That's it for today.
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mutantenfisch · 1 year
What's your favorite non-romantic friendship trope?
oooh i love this question! Hmm i have a few favourites that work for friendship as well as romantic relationships. Bringing each other gifts casually (no matter if a second mug of coffee or some home-made sandwiches to share on break) is one fave. I mean, Liebe geht durch den Magen und das gilt für alle geliebten Menschen! Having insider jokes or pet names for each other. Like Michi and Frau Stockl, from Rosenheim Cops (yes i like this show unironically even though i am not a fan of Bavarian dialect dominance in German tv. Michi and Frau Stockl are my blorbos from that show and i love their relationship and hope they never get together) Casual intimacy is also so so good? I want friend characters to hug and gently touch each other, with no sexual connotations attached. Let the guy friends hug and comfort each other in emotionally demanding situations without needing for them to kiss. Let the girls braid each others' hair without them being dating. Let a guy and a gal dance funkily and laugh together at a party without them ending up in bed in the next scene. Or if they end up in bed that they keep their clothes on and just both sleep in the same bed because it's more comfy than the floor or couch.
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kurishiri · 1 month
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CROWN VS VOGEL ཻུ۪۪♡.⚜🕊️ come play with us, miss fairytale keeper ˗ˏˋ masterlist ´ˎ˗
This is a chance meeting between Crown and Vogel, the pure white evil that had arrived in England.
Dragged onto the stage, you must make a choice between two people in conflict.
Between black and white… which evil will you fall into?
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this is a story versus event — basically, an event where two guys sorta duke it out for you, or your love. or both.
the pairings are: william🌹 vs darius🪽, jude⌛️ vs nika🍒, and alfons🪞 vs ring💍
as always, ♡ / ↻ / 💬 are very much encouraged!
⊹˚₊‧───────────‧₊˚⊹ masterlist . . .
୭ ˚. WILL VS DARIUS ᵎᵎ 🌹🪽
☒ chapter 1 [@.kurishiri]
☒ chapter 2 [@.kurishiri]
☒ william 🌹┊ darius 🪽 [@.kurishiri]
☒ epilogue: william 🌹┊ darius 🪽 [@.kurishiri]
୭ ˚. JUDE VS NICA ᵎᵎ ⌛️🍒
☒ chapter 1 [@.judesmoonbeauty]
☒ chapter 2 [@.judesmoonbeauty]
☒ jude ⌛️┊ nica 🍒 [@.judesmoonbeauty]
☒ epilogue: jude ⌛️ ┊ nica 🍒 [@.judesmoonbeauty]
୭ ˚. ALFONS VS RING ᵎᵎ 🪞💍
☒ chapter 1 [@.archiveikemen]
☒ chapter 2 [@.archiveikemen]
☒ alfons 🪞┊ ring 💍 [🪞: @.kurishiri, 💍: @.archiveikemen]
☒ epilogue: alfons 🪞┊ ring 💍 [@.kurishiri]
୭ ˚. 95K BONUS STORY ᵎᵎ 🕊️
☒ Liebe geht durch den Magen
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˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚ cv, shigematsu chiharu, kakihara tetsuya, tanabe kousuke ┊ darius. nica. ring. ╱ 𐙚 interested in vogel? @char_cards @cast_impression
other translations may be linked here with credit. feel free to let me know if i missed anything!
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naturugarten · 2 years
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Auch die ersten #Brautgeschenkspinnen 🕷️🎁 streifen wieder durch den #Garten. Der Name stammt daher, dass der 🤵🏻 der 👰🏻 zur Paarung ein eingesponnenes Insekt mitbringt. Liebe geht durch den Magen. #Spinne #Listspinne #Spider #Naturgarten #mygarden
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paskariu · 2 years
today has been nice.
i managed to get a good chunk of junk out of my room AND i finally for the first time in my life managed a decent vegetable rice. i think this is the first time i’ve ever enthusiastically ate anything i’ve cooked because i swear on my orchids i am a not decent cook but things are starting to look up!
Liebe geht durch den Magen oder so.
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