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Tamponger på köpet
Just nu får du 3 st tamponger på köpet när du köper Libresse. Bra va! 🙂
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Libresse wings are menace because when it leaves the cotton and latches onto skin, it is like a waxing moment with every step one takes 😫 And some say libresse wingless are a menace... HOW? THE OUTRAGE.
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(via Libresse plagiarizes cartoonist Gemma Correll in international ad campaign | Boing Boing)
Libresse needs to pay Gemma - they got plenty of money
#Libresse plagiarizes#Gemma Correll#art#stealing art rather than paying#when you're a multi-billion company
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Welk middel gebruik jij het meest bij menstruatie?
1. Standaard Maandverband (denk libresse bijv, etc, je gooit het gelijk weg na 1 x gebruik)
2. Tampons
3. Een combo van maandverband en tampon tegelijk
4. Een menstrual cup
5. Uitwasbaar maandverband
6. Speciale menstruatieproof slips/ondergoed
7. Freebleeding all the way. FREEEDOMMM!! (Ik denk aan braveheart terwijl ik dit tiep idk)
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Magdalena Eriksson on taboo in the sports world: "Working for many"
It is 2023 and we are still working to remove the stigma and taboo around talking about periods, Magdalena Eriksson tells a group of 15-year-olds one afternoon.
A stigma she herself did not wish existed when she grew up as a young soccer player.
It is during a training session in the middle of June that Sickla IF's 15-year-old girls are visited by Magdalena Eriksson. The Swedish national team player, who plays for Bayern Munich every day, grew up in a time where periods were somewhat embarrassing and therefore not discussed. Something she wants today's young girls not to have to go through.
- We must dare to talk about this. We must educate girls and coaches in how the menstrual cycle can affect girls' sports performance, says the 29-year-old.
The subject has been on the table for a few years, but despite that, Eriksson believes that we are "far from finished".
- Clubs and associations must start taking responsibility. You have to understand as an association that you have a big responsibility in training your coaches.
The Sickla team's coach Olle Linder, who is surprised that there is not much talk about the subject, felt that the training initially had a "closed atmosphere".
- Even if a famous woman comes here and says the word period, the girls still think it's shitty. It just shows that it is important to dare to talk more about it, says Linder.
Magdalena Eriksson's experiences of talking about periods changed when she came to Chelsea. The English team has been at the forefront by adapting training to the players' menstrual cycle for a few years now.
This is thanks to the team's coach Emma Hayes.
- I was 24 years old when Hayes made me understand how all these things are connected. When we started talking about Chelsea, we were very unique. We were probably among the first to start talking about periods and sports performance.
The national team star believes that the topic is still taboo, even though you can see that more and more national team players have raised the issue and more teams have embraced the topic.
- It's probably old habits and customs that live on in our culture. Menstruation is also taboo in many cultures.
Research shows: Many people stop playing sports
By collaborating with Libresse's initiative Befriend your body, the national team star wants to participate in the fight for increased self-esteem as well as breaking taboos and normalizing menstruation for young girls in the sports world.
Through several different surveys, the initiators of the project have been able to see that many girls stop playing sports when they are around 15 years old.
- It is important to become friends with your body, accept it and hopefully love it so that you can continue playing sports, says Oda Mustorp, brand manager at Libresse and one of the initiators of the project.
The goal, according to Oda Mustorp, is to be "the big sister who guides how to get to know your body and can maximize training during the four phases of the menstrual cycle".
More and more club teams and national teams have also chosen to replace their white shorts with other colors, so that the players don't have to worry about bleeding through. It is something that 29-year-old Magdalena Eriksson sees as the simplest solution of all.
- Changing from white shorts should not be a problem. Many have thought it was difficult but did not dare to say anything, and now they have finally done it.
Something else that more and more club teams and elite athletes have begun to understand is how injuries are connected to the menstrual cycle.
- We have had serious injuries in women's football that can even be linked to the menstrual cycle. We need more research so we know how to both train and treat women, says the national team star and continues:
- We need to make society better for girls to live in.
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I'm sure someone who studied marketing can explain why they do it but when you stop what I'm watching/listening/doing just to show me an ad for your product, i make sure to avoid said product specifically, especially if it's something you need in your daily life.
For example, libresse pads, they used to stop every youtube video every five minutes or so-- will never buy a libresse product and i never have.
You are wasting my time, I can't focus because of you, and you are loud and obnoxious so...why would I ever give you money...? I'm sure it's working on some moron out there, but I feel like there's less and less of those now.
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Having to deal with a period and advertisement for menstrual products on top of it is a heinous fucking crime. 20 second unskippable ads of women skating and jumping around like baboons while they preach libresse winged pads? I have a gun
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my life is nothing but pain and misery (<- had to buy libresse pads)
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Elämänkaaripohdintaa, osa 2
Alapää- ja runkkaustalk taas klipin takana.
Tyttömäiset vaatteet kammoksuttivat minua, samoin rintaliivit tai bikinimalliset uikkarit. Kokouikkarin pystyin perustelemaan itselleni sillä, että esim. Aku Ankka ja Muumipeikko käyttivät myös sellaisia. Rintojen kasvaminen oli minulle kova paikka, ja esimerkiksi ajatus rintsikoiden käyttämisestä hävetti minua. Aloin suosia löysiä vaatteita, ala-asteella alkanut poikien hiphop-trendi oli minulle pelastus sillä sain syyn käyttää isoja huppareita ja lököhousuja. Hiukset halusin leikata malliin ”Olli Lindholm”, kun olin 12-vuotias.
Kun aloin saada itse valita vaatteitani, menin välittömästi isän vaatekaapille. Vanhemmatkin huomasivat tämän, ja tuntuu että varsinkin isä jopa ilahtui siitä. Isä alkoi lahjoittaa mulle miesten farkkuja ja kauluspaitoja ja jopa jotenkin bondailla mun kanssa vaatteista. Muistan, että mulla oli ala-asteen vikoilla luokilla aivan kristallinselvää, että haluan näyttää mieheltä. Sain neuvoteltua äitin kanssa itselleni "poikatukan" (vaikka alkup. vaatimus oli vielä pari senttiä lyhyempi). Olin todella voitonriemuinen ja helpottunut kun mun tissit ei kasvaneet kovin isoiksi, että sain ne jotenkuten pidettyä piilossa.
Tisseistä puheenollen, ahdistuin muutenkin murrosiässä siitä kropan muuttumisesta. Pelkäsin, että mua ei nähtäisi enää omana itsenäni. Menkkojen alkaminen oli tietenkin ihan vitun hirveetä (eiks tosin kaikista ole), ja kaikki libresse-vihkoissa varoitellut "lantion levenemiset" yms tuntuivat tosi epämiellyttäviltä ja vierailta. Toivoin niin paljon, että mun kroppa olisi saanut pysyä muumi-muodossa.
Sittemmin mukaan tulivat seksuaaliset tuntemukset, joita kanavoin mm. Jude Lawiin. Yritin runkata katsomalla Juden kuvaa ja ajatella millaista hänen kanssaan olisi. Joka kerta fantasia kääntyi muotoon ”haluan olla Jude Law ja panna tuntematonta naista”, ja sille sitten vedin käteen. Yritin vuosia tällä kuviolla perustella itselleni, että pystyn kyllä kiihottumaan seksuaalisesti julkkismiehestä, että oikeastihan fantasioin itsestäni male gazen kohteena, eikä kyseessä suinkaan ole man-crush tai gender envy.
Kun esiteininä löysin runkkaamisen ilot, ei sitten paljon muu enää kiinnostanutkaan. Runkkasin ihan helvetisti ja melkein kompulsiivisesti, ja aina aikuisten naisten tissejä ja pilluja ja niille asioiden tekemistä ajatellen. Samalla tajusin myös ekaa kertaa, että mulla on...jotain...jalkojen välissä. En ollut koskaan ennen uskaltanut katsoa saati edes koskea itseäni jalkoväliin, ja jostain syystä mulla oli tosi pitkään sellainen kuvitelma että mulla ei yksinkertaisesti ole siellä mitään muuta kuin pissa- ja persereikä. En tiedä sitten, mitä mä olin kuvitellut peseväni kaikki ne vuodet. En runkkaamisen aloitettuanikaan vielä useampaan vuoteen uskaltanut katsoa toosaa esim. peilillä, enkä muutenkaan halunnut ottaa yhtään selvää että mitä mulla siellä oikein tapahtuu tai on. Mulle riitti ihan hyvin, että siinä aika etuosastolla on joku epämääräinen kohta, joka tuntuu hyvältä. Varsinkin vaginan mahdollisuus omassa kropassa tuntui tosi pelottavalta asialta, enkä halunnut tietää sellaisen pohjattoman kuilun olemassaolosta. Vaikka runkkasin kotilääkäri-kirjojen pillupiirrustuksille, en jotenkin yhtään vetänyt niistä yhtäläisyyksiä siihen että mulla saattaisi olla ihan samannäköinen laitos omassa jalkovälissä.
Muistan että oon ollut tukevasti lukioiässä, kun oon ekaa kertaa uskaltautunut sinne oikein asioikseni katsomaan (AL kertoi saaneensa lahjaksi epilaattorin, jossa oli myös karvatrimmeri "bikinirajoille"). Kun sitten inspiroiduin lopulta tiiraamaan omaa toosaani, niin pääsin sinuiksi asian kanssa. Lähinnä kai tunne oli, "että ahaa tuollainen, noh noilla mennään". Eipä mulla oo siitä juuri dysforiaa ollutkaan elämäni aikana. Toisaalta en oo kokenut että mun sukuelimet olisi erityisesti naisen elimet, vaan minun omani - sellaiset jotka mulla nyt sattuu olemaan. Ehkä siinä oli puolensakin, että sain kaikessa rauhassa vetää käteen kaikki ne vuodet ilman oman alapääni aktiivista sukupuolittamista.
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WEEK 3: This Is How You Connect Practice with Society.
A lot of time, brands and artists use different forms of art to create a product that helps convey a motive or message on issues that they want to bring awareness and attention to. This kind of action happens when we apply our creative practices to our projects and relate them to societal issues.
In 2016, Núria López developed "Blind Words" as her senior project, which involved creating a modular font combining typographic strokes with raised braille dots.
Shepard Fairey is an excellent illustration of how creative work can be linked to society. He's an artist who uses his art and campaigns to show his backing for important causes like equality and global warming, among others.
With the emergence of AI, agencies are using it to make campaigns like The WorldWide Fund for Nature’s Annual #WorldWideOutnature that help support local communities in protecting their natural resources, promote sustainability in markets and policies, and safeguard species and habitats.
Another brand that applies creative practices to social issues is Bodyform’s ‘Womb Stories’ campaign from 2020. Their aim is to bring more attention to women's infertility, first periods, and menopausal hot flushes and how these can affect our mental and physical health.
To me, I think that as artists, we can choose what we want to express in our projects. While art can be about beauty, it becomes more meaningful when it includes a story, message, or purposes. This can create a stronger emotional bond between the artist or brand and their audience.
Words Count: 250
Research References:
THE FUTURE IS EQUAL, OBEYGIANT, https://obeygiant.com/exhibitions/, March 15 2022.
OBAMA HOPE, OBEYGIANT, https://obeygiant.com/obama-hope/, 2008.
Top AI-Generated Advertising Campaigns from Famous Brands, Parita Pandya, https://digitalagencynetwork.com/top-ai-generated-advertising-campaigns-from-famous-brands/, DAN, 8 August 2023.
Campaign Spotlight: Bodyform & Libresse stops the taboo surrounding periods, vulvas, wombs, and miscarriages with #wombstories, adobo magazine, https://www.adobomagazine.com/campaign-spotlight/campaign-spotlight-bodyform-libresse-stops-the-taboo-surrounding-periods-vulvas-wombs-and-miscarriages-with-wombstories/, July 2, 2020.
10 brand campaigns that took a stand on social issues, Nikki Gilliland, https://econsultancy.com/brand-campaigns-that-took-a-stand-on-social-issues/, Econsultancy,February 18th 2021,
EyeOnDesign, Beyond Braille: A Look at 3 New Typographic Systems for Blind People, https://eyeondesign.aiga.org/beyond-braille-a-look-at-new-typographic-systems-for-the-blind/.
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Essity's products include Libero diapers and Zewa toilet paper Swedish consumer goods maker Essity has completed the sale of its business in Russia, the company ...
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Buzzstore with the hookup.
Absolutely love their appearance, texture, quality, fit on my underwear and touch. I love their products whether sanitary pads, liners just about everything... one thing I must say Libresse knows how to make a girl feel good. Once you done its the packaging, its discreet. It sticks on all ends, once wrapped one feels comfortable when disposing the product. I would recommend Libresse to all women to try
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Visual experiments
Prompted by my research, I started experimenting with photography and colour to create some visuals similar to the Libresse and Urban Plant Growers websites. I mainly was just experimenting with how the fonts, colours and tag lines I had come up with worked together visually. I initially tried this out with a different name, root, which has connotations of growth from small to big, but ended up using nook.
I started with blue to see if it worked, but ended up using greens to link to the tag line I used ‘Make city life a little greener.’ The green filter over the image clearly relates to this message, reinforcing this key value from the brief.
I also tried to find an image that expressed positivity and empowerment - I felt this image encapsulated this, as well as relating to the target audience and concept by presenting a small space.
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