#liberty’s cod campaign
walder-138 · 4 months
Hey Pooks! ♥️ Here for the funny ask game for any of your OCs!
🚗 - “who are they on a road trip?”
🧃- “do they drink apple juice? (That’s not a metaphor for anything i just mean normal Apple juice)”
🫵 - “IF you met them IRL what would you do? what do they say to you?”
🏛️- “they’ve suddenly become President of the moon. What do they do?”
Heyo pookie bear! It’s nice to see you again!!!!
(🚗) Oz is the driver. Hands down, no doubts about it. He would double check to make sure everyone has gone to the bathroom, and he will NOT stop the car until they get to a rest stop. He doesn’t wanna hear about how tired or hungry or how much you need to piss, he will not stop the car once he gets to the highway.
If you have snacks, you best believe Oz’s gonna do that hand-bowl thing at you. Chances are he did pay for it, AND he’s paying for gas, and he’s driving the car… yeah, give him a handful or two. Or three. Or four. Or all of it. Would also ask for a sip of your drink, then precede to drink half of it.
Abbey is the substitute driver and overpacks for the road-trip. It’s like she expects that the car will crash, someone to get shot, a bridge to collapse, and the police to start chasing them. She shoves so much shit into the car for an 8-hour trip that they can barely fit any people in it. Abbey would definitely the most responsible person in the car, and would make sure the driver rests when necessary.
You would never get bored in a car ride with Abbey. She’s got everything. If you complained, she’d hand you a kaleidoscope. If you were hungry, she’d give you a bag of chips. Abbey will play rock paper scissors with you. She wants everyone to have a good trip, and somebody being in a mood’s gonna fuck that up.
Annika starts genuinely tweaking after about an hour on the road. After the realization hits that she’s gonna have to stay still for 8 hours, the moment she starts acting up. Annika would torture everyone in the car for no reason other than boredom. The driver would kick her out or put her in the trunk.
You better hope you aren’t sitting next to her or she’s gonna put a wad of chewing gum in your hair. Better yet, get her a book or to distract her for about 15 minutes as you pray to whatever God/s you believe in that she falls asleep.
Oz: “I’m not fucking five years old.”
Abbey: “I love apple juice.”
Annika: “Am I allowed ferment it?”
“No? Well fuck you too then.” (yes)
Okay, if I saw a motherfucker that looked like him and was named Oswald walking down the pavement, I’d deadass cross the street. I don’t care how many cars are coming, I’d do anything to get as far away from him as possible. Even if we didn’t know each other, I’d still walk away from him. Oz is too unsettling.
“So ya like to play God, huh? Fuck around with mine, and everyone else’s lives? I can’t believe I let sum goddamned teenager drive my life like this. Well, guess it’s time for me to cut your story short. Was gonna have a boring ending anyway.” 😳 (I’m so dead) (the shit I put him through) (I think he had it worse than the other two)
I’d get along pretty well with Abbey. She’s nice, and tries to give everyone a chance. Even if I’m the reason for every bad thing in her life. I’d go on awhile, thinking that she doesn’t know who I am, until she’d grab me by the shoulders and stare into my eyes.
“You treat us as if we’re not real. As if we’re just figments of your imagination. Yet here I am now, skin, blood, and bones. I’m still here, you have not, and will not change. Our suffering is entertainment for you, and you call yourself a good person? You say you love us? If this is your love, then I’m happy I don’t know you well enough to see your hate.” (she grew up in a cult, so knows how to make people existential .) (she wouldn’t hurt me, but she will keep me up at night.) (She doesn’t like hurting people, but she doesn’t like being a doormat) (She’s usually such a sweetheart why-)
Same thing with Oz, I’d cross the street if I saw Annika. I could tell there was something off about her from that look in her eyes. That barely noticeable tremor and the thousand yard stare. Annika is a erratic, unstable, and unpredictable individual, I’d probably call 911 on her ass.
“You should have given me a redeeming quality. Something that I’ll see in your eyes that will make me not want to kill you, or some other peachy bullshit like that. You’re a writer, you should have consider these things! Dumbass!”
(🏛️) (💀)
Oz would immediately invest in anti aircraft weaponry as he knows the United States would be after his ass in about 2 days.
Abbey would probably end up selling the moon for money.
Annika would burrow underneath the surface of the moon as she believes somebody is going to try and assassinate her.
Thank you again for the ask!
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Im about to hit you with the most diabolical ask.
"I know you better than you know yourself." for Keith and Jodie 👀
August, 1984
Jodie had just managed to put Ashley to bed, after the poor eleven month old had woken up screaming. It didn't take long for her to calm, as Jodie came rushing in, eyes still adjusting to wakefulness, and her arms were outstretched to scoop up the baby into a hug.
But now, while Jodie stared at the wall-mounted clock in the living room, she wondered if she would ever be able to fall back into restful sleep. The clock read 03:00AM and she was wide awake, ears pricked for any small sound from her daughter, just in case she needed to run back in to comfort her again.
Then, something strange happened. Something that had Jodie growing tense, as that sickly feeling of dread pooled in the bottom of her stomach.
The phone was ringing.
It could have been anything. It could have been Frank, as he was on a mission. But, then her mind would jump straight to the worst; what if she had lost him.
The phone rang three times before she plucked it up and placed it against her left ear. There was silence on the end, if only for a second, and then a voice caused her blood to run cold with ice.
"Hello, little lady."
Her face was a grimace, the bridge of her nose creasing with disgust.
His voice continued, "bet you thought you'd heard the last of me, didn't you? Sorry to disappoint."
In response, her voice was low, clipped, and dripping with hatred, "who the fuck do you think you are?"
He tutted on the other side and she could just imagine the look he was giving her and it made her blood boil, "c'mon now, little lady, that's no way to speak to a dear friend, is it? I remember we were so close."
A chuckle sounded and she remained quiet.
"Heard you've found yourself someone new," he said, heaving a sigh, "sounds like you downgraded, if I'm honest."
"You and honest don't go in the same sentence, Wells," she replied, fighting internally about whether she should slam the phone straight back into the receiver, ending the call.
But, she didn't.
"You're hurting my feelings, little lady," he said, "don't let your little girl hear, you don't want her growing up with an attitude."
"What do you want?" Jodie snapped, her grip growing tighter on the phone. Her knuckles were turning white.
"Ooooh," he drawled out, a smile in his static tones, "I want you."
Tears were forming in her eyes, as she stared at the same spot on the wall, unblinkingly. The building emotions in her chest were like fire, burning white hot and the flames were licking at her skin. She wanted nothing more than to reach through the phone and tear out his throat.
"Come to me, Nadežda," he said, "and maybe I won't hurt your family."
Through a shaking voice, Jodie was barely able to recognise the name she once had and fought to keep her tone level, "and if I don't?"
"You will," he breathed, "I know you better than you know yourself."
Then, the line went dead.
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
A Lot Was Riding on This Wind Farm. Then Giant Shards Washed Up in Nantucket. (Wall Street Journal)
This summer was supposed to be a breakout season for the faltering offshore wind business in the U.S. Instead it may be defined by an ill-timed break. 
A large project off the coast of Massachusetts, called Vineyard Wind, remains at a standstill following an accident that dropped a massive turbine blade into the ocean last month and washed chunks of debris onto Nantucket beaches.
The blade broke at the height of summer and at a pivotal moment for the U.S. offshore wind industry, which has struggled with rising costs, political opposition and a wave of canceled and renegotiated contracts. Efforts to launch the sector in the U.S. are considered key to President Biden’s climate aspirations but would be especially vulnerable if former President Donald Trump returns to office.
Of the many clean-energy incentives and policies approved by Congress or the Biden administration in recent years, offshore wind projects and electric vehicles have been singled out repeatedly by Trump with particular ire.
“We are going to make sure that ends on day one,” Trump said at a campaign event in May, talking about an offshore wind project in New Jersey. “I will write it out in an executive order.”
The project offshore Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard is among the largest planned wind farms in U.S. waters, with the capacity to deliver electricity to around 400,000 homes and businesses in Massachusetts. It was the first U.S. commercial offshore wind installation to start delivering grid power earlier this year and has more than a third of its turbines in place.
As chunks of debris washed ashore in Nantucket in mid-July, beaches closed for a day. The federal Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement halted construction of additional turbines along with power generation from the installed turbines. The agency said it had launched its own investigation into the incident. More debris later washed up on Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod beaches.
Turbine maker GE Vernova has blamed “insufficient bonding,” or glue, as the reason for the break. It said it was a manufacturing problem and there is no underlying design flaw that would affect other installed blades. The blade had been recently installed and the turbine was undergoing reliability tests.
The company hired an engineering firm to look at potential environmental impacts.
Offshore wind turbines are massive. The broken blade was around 351 feet long, taller than the Statue of Liberty.
Manufacturing giant turbine blades is both a high-tech and hands-on process. GE Vernova takes ultrasound images of each blade it makes, a few centimeters at a time, and now is combing through images of around 150 offshore blades.
A check of those images should have caught the problem with the blade at Vineyard Wind, but didn’t, Strazik said. GE Vernova this week said it also plans inspections of installed blades with remote-operated robots.
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hollytanaka · 11 months
I finished the MWIII campaign and here are my thoughts 💭
Obviously, MAJOR SPOILERS below. Remember to filter #mwiii spoilers if you want to avoid them from me.
The Structure & Ending
I finished the campaign in one sitting, which I usually never do with games. So, my initial complaint that it felt short might be because I literally rushed my playthrough of it. But if others felt the same, l'd love to know!
The ending felt incomplete. I feel like it's basic/traditional writing knowledge that you don't end the story on the climax unless it's like a major cliffhanger. This was not a cliffhanger. We ended it after Soap being killed in cold blood by Makarov, and we see the rest of the 141 mourning and spreading his ashes. The only way I could be nice about this, is if we just describe the story not as a triumphant story of military victory and defeating evil but as a tragedy. A story that ends in failure (a la Ghosts [2013]). But the rational part of my brain says, no, this was just the writers cutting the story in half so that they can bank on a Modern Warfare 4 in the future—and use MP seasons and co-op/raids to tell the rest of the story.
Still, I'm glad we're actually moving along with the Makarov story and what was actually the story for MW2. The reboot timeline is so slow and slow delayed because of adding Farah's backstory and Los Vaqueros. We're finally getting to the good stuff from Modern Warfare, that classic story that everyone loves. So, that's a plus.
Los Vaqueros & El Sin Nombre's Absence
My major complaint about MWII (2022) was that for a game that bases itself on a lot of real-life geopolitical conflicts, the inclusion of Valeria's storyline as a female narco boss in relation to Hassan, an Iranian villain, didn't really make sense (and this is from me, someone who has multiple degrees studying Latin America). So I'm glad Valeria and her cronies did not re-appear in this campaign. They just do not fit.
I liked Los Vaqueros in MWII, but I think the writers were right not to include them either—at least for this installment—just because they would've had to juggle too many things at once. Already, we have to juggle a lot with Farah's forces and Shadows being our allies. Having to deal with additional characters would've made the game lose its pointed focus. I wouldn't be surprised though if for "modern Warfare 4" both groups make a comeback.
It's just funny how much fans and Activision were hyping up Valeria so much, including in MWIII's live-action trailer, just for her to not make even one appearance.
Open-Combat Missions
Not gonna lie these missions stressed me the fuck out. I could NOT stay in stealth no matter what. But I think that's somwhat good, since a lot of grouchy fans who follow COD complain that every campaign is essentially the same—just move up, aim, and shoot—with just a slightly different plotline about either some Russian or some Arab villain. And I think we can commend COD now for try to shake up the campaign a little, even if I'm not a fan of Warzone (lol) and OCMs are essentially Warzone-ified campaign missions.
But mixing traditional campaign missions with these Open Combat Missions felt like a bad idea. I get that they're trying to gradually gauge our reaction to them by slowly introducing it. But it also felt disorienting switching between just following directions in one mission to in another having total liberty to do whatever by scavenging for guns or certain field-upgrades.
Either make them mainly all OCMs or all traditional.
Makarov as a Villain & Soap's Death
Yuli's work as an actor is totally praise-worthy! It's hard to step into the shoes of Makarov after the notoriety the OG Makarov gained in the original games. I think he isn't as cartoonish and weak as some of the other COD villains have been so far in the reboot—a complaint I once again have of how the narco villains were written in MWII. He actually generates fear and intimidation and we can see his power and resources—unlike villains like Hassan and whoever the generic Russian general was in MW2019. They were not memorable at all. If MW4 gets developed, it'll be great to see Yuli work with that character more.
Now, Soap. I AM HEARTBROKEN as well as PISSED. I'm pissed because we got to see Soap in the OG games grow & develop so much. Hence why so many veteran COD fans love Soap, perhaps more so than Ghost even though the latter has gotten more popular recently. We saw him going from just entering under Price's wing to becoming a Captain; and that growth of him as a character made his death so much more painful. It warranted Price yelling out in horror and shock when he realized Soap was dead before his eyes in the OG MW3. Even the background music to his OG death has become so iconic too.
We only got introduced to reboot!Soap last year with the release of MWII. We did not get to see him in the campaign in MW2019. He's still a very new character and the writers did NOT develop him properly enough in my opinion to warrant a tragic death/killing scene. I think that's part of why his death here hurts so much for me. Because it was also a killing of his potential as a character. And it sucks that Neil won't get to work with this character more in a MW4 storyline unless they do more memory/flashback scenes.
Hell, Farah gets more development and more screentime than Soap and the rest of the 141 task force aside from Price. I understand she's a main character now, but it sucks that first in MW2019 we sidelined Price as a character (in my opinion) for Farah's storyline. Now, Farah is taking up a lot more of the agency and space in the story once again at the expense of other characters taking less charge. This is honestly just me having a hard time accepting this new dynamic with Urzikstan with the rest of TF141 that the writers have been trying to cement with the rebooted series.
In sum, it does feel like some of the grouchy COD fans who were saying off before release that this was going to be a glorified DLC were right in hindsight. It's clear they put a lot of work into the geography, the missions/game-play, and I genuinely enjoyed playing it. And of course, the VAs put a lot of work into their craft. But plotwise it does feel like they gave us only a partial campaign with a very abrupt ending... but I also liked it anyway and had fun. And that’s what matters :-)))
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bylightofdawn · 11 months
I am now 100+ hours into Cyberpunk and I've been avoiding starting the point of no return mission with Hanako for what feels like WEEKS at this point. I've finished all Fixer missions. I'm now to the point of clearing all the NCP scanner missions which is like HUNDREDS of encounters it feels like I've prolly cleared 3/4's of the map at this point.
Why do I do this to myself? I did the same thing with Borderlands 3 my first playthrough. I get this inexplicable urge to do a completionist run and do all the missions available, complete all the DLC etc. I bought Phantom Liberty as well. So now I have all of THAT to complete. I think I can see myself potentially playing this game through the new year.
I also think I want to do a male V playthrough next. NGL one thing I've had a issue with in the game is the rampant misogyny. Hearing characters who I genuinely enjoy like Kerry casually calling women sluts and bitches etc on top of ever other enemy calling me a bitch etc kinda grates on my nerves hardcore at times. I do think sometimes the B word is okay to trot out just like the C word. And maybe that's just me internalizing misogyny myself but eh, everyone has a scale of what they deem to be acceptable behavior and not everyone will be on that same scale or see eye to eye about it. But lawd can you come up with something fresh and new? Couple that with the rampant objectification of women and the frankly unnecessary amount of predatory things that happen to women in this game it's just...a lot.
I've never played another CDPR game so I have NO idea if this is universal across the board but my gut tells me it prolly is and that's kinda...icky.
I will take back what I said earlier I am enjoying the game. I still detest car driving and refuse to do car driving missions. This sucks because I want to do the one for whats her face at Afterlife but....the idea of car RACING??? I would rather throw myself on broken glass and roll around.
Also COD MW3 campaign apparently came out today? I'm not spending 70 bucks on that game but I am DESPERATE to know if Soap makes it through this game considering what happened in the old canon. If they gave us this glorious Scottish himbo and then takes him away from us I will be so upset. Also yes I know he’s not a himbo but if everyone and their mother gets to babygirl Ghost then let me have my fun. Same for Ghost. But I STG I don't think I've seen Soap in ANY of the promo stuff for MW3. Maybe I've just missed it, ngl I haven't been overly invested since I've made the decision I won't buy the game. Maybe if it goes on some stupid steep discount, I might pick it up but I never even finished MW2. I'm just in it for the Ghost/Soap and Alejandro/Rudy content and not much else.
Am I predictable as the fucking sun rising in the east? You bet your ass. Do I feel even an ounce of shame about it? N O P E.
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gunnrblze · 1 month
Hello! So, I can proudly say that it's (partly) because of you that I've been pushed into the hellhole that is the COD Ghosts fandom (I am the Letter P in Russ anon haha). Now, I wanted to play the game, but I've seen some comments on steam that it's not safe to do so. Does that apply even in just the campaign portion? I know I can just watch on YT, but experiencing the media firsthand is one of the ways I get to be more connected with it, so yes.
(Also, I enjoy your HCs and ramblings a lot. I've taken the liberty to scroll through your page—which I hope you don't mind!—and it was fun to read.)
- P
Ahhh hello P anon! I’m glad you’re apart of the little hello hole lol. And i’m so happy you enjoy my blog and all the silly stuff i post (◍•ᴗ•◍)
As for if it’s safe or not, I’m not too sure what you mean. If you’ve ever played shooter games like COD, you’re prob aware that there is the general guns and blood and violence and what not, if that’s what you’re talking about? If you wanna expand on what you mean maybe i could answer better cause I’m not sure if I’m hitting the mark here lollll.
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weatherlify1 · 2 years
Call Of Duty Ghosts Wii U Iso Download
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This is a decrypted version of Call of Duty Ghosts that can be installed on the Wii U. Skip to main content. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. An illustration of a magnifying glass. An illustration of a magnifying glass. An. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Call of Duty Ghosts - Full Version All Dlc - دانلود بازی.
Call of Duty: Ghosts delivers over 20 NEW Kill Streaks such as Juggernaut Maniac, the Helo Scout, the Vulture and the ODIN Strike. Players can even bring in guard dog Riley, from the single-player campaign, to protect and also to attack enemies. There are also over 30 NEW weapons, including an entirely new weapon class: Marksman Rifles. Jun 21, 2022 · Call of duty Ghosts key generator.Call of Duty: Ghosts.Modern warfare 3 cd key generator.Call of Duty: Ghosts PC patch - Guru3D.Call of Duty: Ghosts Steam CD Key | G2PLAY.NET.Call of Duty Ghost CD-Key Generator.Call of Duty Ghost free serial number key download.Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Key Generator Download.Call OF Duty Ghosts Keygen Download.Call Of Duty 1 Serial Key Code - newler.Call of d. Co-Op gameplay information about Call of Duty: Ghosts on Nintendo Wii U. Find co-op news, reviews, and more info about this game. Co-Op takes place in a mode called Squads. There are a variety of.
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Ghosts is set in a whole new world to the original Call of Duty as well as being slightly in the future. For a change it is the South American nations who pose the threat and gamers must strive to take down the evil forces of South America, who have made their money from dominating the oil markets and are now intent on dominating the world. The Wii is a console manufactured by Nintendo. In the Call of Duty community, it is noted for its versions of the games being inferior. There are several reasons for this, most notably the lack of power in comparison to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC, which result in decreased visuals and some gameplay mechanics being removed, and the Wii not having as large of a focus on internet. Junichi Masuda no longer the Managing Director at Game Freak, has Fellow role.
Call of Duty: Ghosts System Requirements - Game-Debate.
Call Of Duty Ghosts PC Game Setup Free Download 2018 Overview Call of Duty®: Ghosts is an extraordinary step forward for one of the largest entertainment franchises of all-time. This new chapter in the Call of Duty® franchise features a new dynamic where players are on the side of a crippled nation fighting not for freedom, or liberty, but simply to survive. As far as Wii U-specific features are concerned, Activision wouldn't say much, except that Call of Duty: Ghosts will use both the Wii-mote and the Wii U gamepad.Last years, COD release, Black Ops.
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User Score. 3.6. Generally unfavorable reviews based on 268 Ratings. Your Score. 0. Summary: This new chapter in the Call of Duty franchise features a fresh dynamic where players are on the side of a crippled nation fighting not for freedom, or liberty, but simply to survive. 10 years after a devastating mass event, the nation's borders and the. CEMU Website: Cemuhook: New Graphic Packs. This hardware should achieve 60FPS. 8 GB will also be needed to achieve the Call of Duty: Ghosts rec specs and get 60FPS. We suggest a 10 year old PC to play smoothly. FPS System Benchmark.
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Alongside a cinematic single-player campaign, Call of Duty: Ghosts brings new modes and a greater level of customisation to online multiplayer. Favourites such as Team Deathmatch, Domination and Free-For-All are joined by several new multiplayer match types that'll sort the cadets from the corporals. Nov 21, 2013 · Much of Ghosts' hitms from its own meaningng of humility. Infinity Ward has throughugh a large job reining in the excesses of precedingg Call of Duty campaigns, replacing the dissolutionon Eiffel Tower and runaway Tube trains of Modern Warfare 3 with a a smaller amountaller amount heavy-handed manageomploys spectacle--and there's refusalfusal scarcity of toere--as more of a complement to its.
Call of Duty: Ghosts | Wii U games | Games | Nintendo.
In Call of Duty: Ghosts you don't just create a class, you create a soldier. Choose the head, body type, head-gear and equipment, and you can even create a female soldier for the first time. With over 20,000 possible combinations, you can create the soldier you've always wanted. And each soldier you create will also have his or her own load outs. Homebrew on Wii U; Download Cemu; About; WiiU Title Key DB Cemu Wii U Emulator Game Key Database... Call of Duty: Ghosts: EUR: 0005000e10156100. After 8 hours while I was at work it was only 30%. Turned off Xbox, reset router and the other 70% was done in 90mins. I didn't think to say I had this happen before. I stopped the download then went to download again on the games page. Worked for me when it happened. GT/PSN:BigKhoJones.
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Nintendo Wii U.
Good. Call of Duty: Ghosts is everything that Call of Duty titles have been in the past: fast-paced action and the usual competitive multiplayer with a few twists thrown in. Single-player is interesting to a point, if a little too short this time around, multiplayer will keep players coming back for more, but does little to push the series. Call of Duty: Ghosts delivers over 20 NEW Kill Streaks in Call of Duty: Ghosts - such as Juggernaut Maniac, the Helo Scout, the Vulture and the ODIN Strike. Players can even bring in guard dog Riley, from the single-player campaign, to protect and also to attack enemies. There are also over 30 NEW weapons, including an entirely new weapon class. The first ever mod menu for Call Of Duty: Ghosts! This amazing free mod menu for CoD:G will give you hours of fun Call of Duty: Ghosts Mod Menu v2 Download (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 Compatible!)... Wii U Pro. Xbox 360 mod usb download Is the latest recent provider for the hp officejet j failing confederacy Latest cheat codes for modding.
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Call of Duty: Ghosts Review (Wii U) - Nintendo Life.
Call of Duty: Ghosts full game download; Digital Hardened Pack (Player Pattern, Card and Background) Team Leader Pack (MP Ghosts... this was the final Call of Duty game released on the Wii U. A mantling bug allows the player to equip most weapons in their left hand, causing the gun to float, iron sights to be unused, and sniper scopes to not.
Call of Duty: Ghosts PS3 ISO (NTSC-US) - Gamez-Land is the.
To get your free Call of Duty: Black Ops II eShop download code, carefully follow the steps below. Call of Duty Black Ops Wii Iso takes player deep behind enemy lines into the world of deniable operations as a member of an elite special forces unit engaging in covert warfare, classified operations, and explosive conflicts across the globe. Call of Duty: Ghosts is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision in November 2013. The Nintendo Wii U version of the game was developed by Treyarch. The game takes place in a near future, following the nuclear destruction of the Middle East. The oil-producing states in South America form the Federation of the Americas as a response to the. Apr 01, 2020 · โหลดเกมส์ Call of Duty Ghosts – Complete Edition เกมลำดับที่ 10 ในแฟรนไชส์ของ Call of Duty สุดยอดเกมส์แนวยิง PC เกมส์สงคราม เนื้อเรื่องจะอยู่ในช่วง 10-15 ปีต่อจากนี้ ในขณะที่เกิด.
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sinrau · 4 years
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President Donald Trump leaves the White House briefing room (screengrab)
Susan B. Anthony was arrested in 1872 when she voted – a move that violated the men-only law in place at the time. Now, President Donald Trump says he is going to clear her name because “she was never pardoned.”
The most controversial and morally corrupt president in American history is pardoning a woman he might otherwise have referred to as “nasty,” but it’s because “she got a pardon for a lot of other women and she didn’t put her name on the list.”
Trump signed the proclamation on the morning of August 18, 2020 with his wife, First Lady Melania Trump, by his side.
“It was a monumental victory for equality for justice, and a monumental victory for America,” he said.
Further trying to secure some part of the 2020 vote, Trump announced last week a bill that would create a monument in Washington to honor suffragists like Anthony – and pay tribute to the 19th amendment.
Trump paraded his pardon before embarking on a Tuesday tour of Yuma, Arizona and Cedar Rapids, Iowa to combat this week’s inspiring Democratic National Convention.
And now for some real talk.
They’re missing Hillary Clinton right in the center of the picture, but otherwise…yes.
Posted by Sarah Toce on Friday, August 18, 2017
But sure. Let’s talk about [^pardon](https://twitter.com/hashtag/pardon?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) of Susan B. Anthony. https://t.co/nTkqPuzkdA
— Susan votes
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(@ElastigirlVotes) August 18, 2020
100 years ago today the [^19thAmendment](https://twitter.com/hashtag/19thAmendment?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) was ratified, finally giving women their right to vote.
This [^November3rd](https://twitter.com/hashtag/November3rd?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw), women will lead the way in removing [^Trump](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Trump?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) from office. Then in January, we’ll have the first woman VP of the U.S.
Progress has been slow, but it continues [^77Days](https://twitter.com/hashtag/77Days?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) https://t.co/EgIa9RAU65
— Iche_me! (@iche_me) August 18, 2020
When you accept a pardon you have to admit guilt.
I’m doubtful Susan B. Anthony would have accepted the pardon on those terms.
Again, [^Trump](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Trump?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) doesn’t care about a woman’s consent. pic.twitter.com/TBdL8xWxRv
— Cape Cod Joanna (@GypsyHeartPoet) August 18, 2020
Trump’s announcement that he’s pardoning Susan B. Anthony is met with laughter pic.twitter.com/ycIFtFtQOQ
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 18, 2020
This is great and all. Question how do you have time for this when you have so many “friends” still to pardon?[^pardon](https://twitter.com/hashtag/pardon?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) [^TrumpThreatensAmerica](https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpThreatensAmerica?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) https://t.co/UNB3ZY9dT4
— DD214 (@DD214Veteran) August 18, 2020
On Tuesday, in response to the bipartisan Senate report detailing Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, Federal Election Commission chairwoman Ellen Weintraub warned that the revelations mandate action to safeguard the integrity of the vote.
Today’s blockbuster bipartisan Senate Intel report shows we need a full govt effort to close campaign finance loopholes that can be exploited by Russia and other malign foreign actors targeting our elections. I’ve warned of this risk for years. 77 days to the election. Let’s go. pic.twitter.com/eDkMnC3Cdb
Night two of the 2020 virtual Democratic National Committee Convention will feature speeches from two former presidents.
Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are two of the speakers set to address the nation.
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will speak from in front of the Statue of Liberty. Former Secretary of State John Kerry is also on the lineup.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) will be given 60 seconds in a controversial decision.
Progressives have continued to criticize the Democratic National Convention for another night of Republicans dominating the convention.
On Tuesday, the satirical publication The Onion published a hard-hitting piece headlined, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Upgraded To Full DNC Speaking Slot After Announcing Support For Iraq War.”
That joke came only hours before the DNC announced that Iraq War accomplice Colin Powell would be addressing the convention — and would be given more time than the 60 seconds given to AOC.
Trump’s pardon of Susan B. Anthony met with laughter on 100th anniversary of 19th Amendment #web #website #copied #toread #highlight #link #news #read #blog #wordpresspost #posts #breaking news# #Sinrau #Nothiah #Sinrau29 #read #wordpress
0 notes
Old Glories: A Salute to Antique U.S. Flags, and Where to Find One
Jeff Bridgman American Antiques
Growing up outside Philadelphia, the “Cradle of Liberty,” I couldn’t avoid the trappings of Yankee patriotism. The flag-waving fervor reached numbing levels in 1976, when banners paraded, bunting draped and star-spangled tchotchkes proliferated: mugs, key chains, T-shirts, bikinis.
An unlikely trigger, the revival of 1969’s “Easy Rider,” made the teen me see the red, white and blue with more appreciative eyes. I loved the look of Peter Fonda on his custom chopper, Old Glory painted on the gas tank, his helmet and leather jacket mirroring the motif, too.
The actor’s Stars and Stripes display—cool and attitudinal, symbolic of individuality more than of patriotism—hooked me. I see now that my new allegiance to the flag had much in common with the Founding Fathers’ motives. What were they but rebels—their cause, independence?
“Consider that if the revolution had failed, all the guys who signed the Declaration of Independence would have been hung,” said Steve Winters, whose Historical Americana Company, in Atlanta, deals in antique flags.
I hadn’t thought of displaying one in my home until I visited the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, my adopted hometown. I saw framed and encased specimens—and in particular a battle-worn, faded version from D-Day, so beautiful and full of character as to qualify as art.
  Early American flags
Studying the market, I found that early-American flags have become sought-after Americana. In May, a 13-star campaign flag from James Buchanan’s 1856 candidacy (center of grid) set an auction record when it sold for $275,000 to Jeff Bridgman American Antiques, in York County, Pa.
Modest finds remain, however. A 48-star version, from 1959, before Hawaii and Alaska gained statehood, can be had unframed for $10 to $150, Mr. Winters said.
Sail and tent makers likely fabricated early flags, which flew from ships and forts, said Jeff Bridgman. “Private use really didn’t begin until the Civil War,” he said. “Then homemade examples first appeared in a significant number.” Not until 1912 did the federal government standardize the design, which explains varieties like two flags shown here (top left and top right) that distinctively arrange 31 stars, reflecting California’s 1850 admission as the country’s 31st state.
Materials and configurations reflect events of their day. Although many flags are made of wool, silk or cotton, the 30 Xs that stand in for stars on a WWI-era example (middle left) appear to be made of medical tape. It was fashioned, said Mr. Bridgman, by Belgians welcoming U.S. soldiers into the previously Germany-occupied city of Virton.
Customers prefer specimens that show age and usage, said C. Garrett Bonsell, owner of Bonsell/Americana, in Hillsdale, Ill. This makes flags an anomaly; with most other collectibles, “mint condition” increases value. “People want it clear, even upon first glance, that the flag is old and unusual,” he said. Mr. Winters noted that when early hand-printed examples age, the red turns shades of orange, the blue fades and the white mellows to tan or cream. “They take on a surreal look and have wonderful, glowing chromatic colors,” he said.
Kate Schelter, a New York stylist and author of “Classic Style,” scours estate sales for vintage American banners. One hangs in the staircase of her cedar-shingled Cape Cod home. “It makes a wonderful focal point,” she said. Flags sit well, too, in interior designer Miles Redd’s bold rooms, which often pop with primary hues. “They’re incredibly distinguished and graphic,” he said.
Despite a deepened respect for early American flags, I still don’t possess one. Yet this Fourth of July, my fashion-designer wife plans to sell pocket squares she made from a roll of 1950s-era, 48-star mini-banners she found at an estate sale. I will stuff one in my sports jacket’s pocket and cruise to the levee fireworks on my scooter, not motorcycle, come Independence Day. Born to be mild.
The post Old Glories: A Salute to Antique U.S. Flags, and Where to Find One appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from http://www.realtor.com/news/trends/old-glories-a-salute-to-antique-u-s-flags-and-where-to-find-one/
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timomaraus · 6 years
August 16, 2018
CNN Sarah Sanders’’linguistic sleight of hand’ on Omarosa’s non-disclosure agreement (Editor’s Note: So ‘linguistic sleight of hand’ is the new term of art, is it?)
CNN Where in the world are Paul Manafort’s sock? (Editor’s Note: “Dammit, I left me socks in my other cell!”)
CNN Every teacher in this school district was gifted $100 for school supplies by an anonymous donor (Editor’s Note: That’s a great story and all but can we talk for just a second about why our schools are so underfunded that teachers have to buy their own school supplies?)
CNN The secret to a healthy ties with the press (Editor’s Note: I don’t know the entire secret, but I’m pretty sure it starts with headlines that are grammatically correct.)
CNN GOP senator: Brennan is a ‘butthead’ who doesn’t need security clearance (Editor’s Note: In the annals—or perhaps anals—of great American discourse, I believe it was Patrick Henry who said, “Give me liberty, or give me buttheads.” And of course, who can forget Lincoln’s “Four score and 20 buttheads ago,” or JFK’s “Ask not what your butthead can do for you.” It’s good to see that our rich history of stirring oratory continues with today’s elected officials.)
CNN Man returns home after 36 years in jail, but mystery remains over disappearance (Editor’s Note. Well…he was in jail.)
NBC News 14-year-old boy is ‘proud’ of campaign despite loss running for governor of Vermont (Editor’s Note: Well, his political career is over.)
NBC News 90 million Americans use mobile pay apps—but are they safe? (Editor’s Note: Well, sure. As long as the ruble remains a reasonably stable currency.)
NBC News ‘I felt sorry for him’: How humans can be manipulated by a robot’s emotional plea (Editor’s Note: Look, it’s not a matter of if we wave a white flag of surrender to the robot overlords, only a matter of when.)
NBC News Shark Brutally Attacks NY Man Standing in Water Off Cape Cod (Editor’s Note: Where is Robert Shaw when you need him?)
0 notes
Old Glories: A Salute to Antique U.S. Flags, and Where to Find One
Jeff Bridgman American Antiques
Growing up outside Philadelphia, the “Cradle of Liberty,” I couldn’t avoid the trappings of Yankee patriotism. The flag-waving fervor reached numbing levels in 1976, when banners paraded, bunting draped and star-spangled tchotchkes proliferated: mugs, key chains, T-shirts, bikinis.
An unlikely trigger, the revival of 1969’s “Easy Rider,” made the teen me see the red, white and blue with more appreciative eyes. I loved the look of Peter Fonda on his custom chopper, Old Glory painted on the gas tank, his helmet and leather jacket mirroring the motif, too.
The actor’s Stars and Stripes display—cool and attitudinal, symbolic of individuality more than of patriotism—hooked me. I see now that my new allegiance to the flag had much in common with the Founding Fathers’ motives. What were they but rebels—their cause, independence?
“Consider that if the revolution had failed, all the guys who signed the Declaration of Independence would have been hung,” said Steve Winters, whose Historical Americana Company, in Atlanta, deals in antique flags.
I hadn’t thought of displaying one in my home until I visited the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, my adopted hometown. I saw framed and encased specimens—and in particular a battle-worn, faded version from D-Day, so beautiful and full of character as to qualify as art.
Early American flags
Studying the market, I found that early-American flags have become sought-after Americana. In May, a 13-star campaign flag from James Buchanan’s 1856 candidacy (center of grid) set an auction record when it sold for $275,000 to Jeff Bridgman American Antiques, in York County, Pa.
Modest finds remain, however. A 48-star version, from 1959, before Hawaii and Alaska gained statehood, can be had unframed for $10 to $150, Mr. Winters said.
Sail and tent makers likely fabricated early flags, which flew from ships and forts, said Jeff Bridgman. “Private use really didn’t begin until the Civil War,” he said. “Then homemade examples first appeared in a significant number.” Not until 1912 did the federal government standardize the design, which explains varieties like two flags shown here (top left and top right) that distinctively arrange 31 stars, reflecting California’s 1850 admission as the country’s 31st state.
Materials and configurations reflect events of their day. Although many flags are made of wool, silk or cotton, the 30 Xs that stand in for stars on a WWI-era example (middle left) appear to be made of medical tape. It was fashioned, said Mr. Bridgman, by Belgians welcoming U.S. soldiers into the previously Germany-occupied city of Virton.
Customers prefer specimens that show age and usage, said C. Garrett Bonsell, owner of Bonsell/Americana, in Hillsdale, Ill. This makes flags an anomaly; with most other collectibles, “mint condition” increases value. “People want it clear, even upon first glance, that the flag is old and unusual,” he said. Mr. Winters noted that when early hand-printed examples age, the red turns shades of orange, the blue fades and the white mellows to tan or cream. “They take on a surreal look and have wonderful, glowing chromatic colors,” he said.
Kate Schelter, a New York stylist and author of “Classic Style,” scours estate sales for vintage American banners. One hangs in the staircase of her cedar-shingled Cape Cod home. “It makes a wonderful focal point,” she said. Flags sit well, too, in interior designer Miles Redd’s bold rooms, which often pop with primary hues. “They’re incredibly distinguished and graphic,” he said.
Despite a deepened respect for early American flags, I still don’t possess one. Yet this Fourth of July, my fashion-designer wife plans to sell pocket squares she made from a roll of 1950s-era, 48-star mini-banners she found at an estate sale. I will stuff one in my sports jacket’s pocket and cruise to the levee fireworks on my scooter, not motorcycle, come Independence Day. Born to be mild.
The post Old Glories: A Salute to Antique U.S. Flags, and Where to Find One appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2uCMzJV
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realtor10036 · 7 years
Old Glories: A Salute to Antique U.S. Flags, and Where to Find One
Jeff Bridgman American Antiques
Growing up outside Philadelphia, the “Cradle of Liberty,” I couldn’t avoid the trappings of Yankee patriotism. The flag-waving fervor reached numbing levels in 1976, when banners paraded, bunting draped and star-spangled tchotchkes proliferated: mugs, key chains, T-shirts, bikinis.
An unlikely trigger, the revival of 1969’s “Easy Rider,” made the teen me see the red, white and blue with more appreciative eyes. I loved the look of Peter Fonda on his custom chopper, Old Glory painted on the gas tank, his helmet and leather jacket mirroring the motif, too.
The actor’s Stars and Stripes display—cool and attitudinal, symbolic of individuality more than of patriotism—hooked me. I see now that my new allegiance to the flag had much in common with the Founding Fathers’ motives. What were they but rebels—their cause, independence?
“Consider that if the revolution had failed, all the guys who signed the Declaration of Independence would have been hung,” said Steve Winters, whose Historical Americana Company, in Atlanta, deals in antique flags.
I hadn’t thought of displaying one in my home until I visited the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, my adopted hometown. I saw framed and encased specimens—and in particular a battle-worn, faded version from D-Day, so beautiful and full of character as to qualify as art.
Early American flags
Studying the market, I found that early-American flags have become sought-after Americana. In May, a 13-star campaign flag from James Buchanan’s 1856 candidacy (center of grid) set an auction record when it sold for $275,000 to Jeff Bridgman American Antiques, in York County, Pa.
Modest finds remain, however. A 48-star version, from 1959, before Hawaii and Alaska gained statehood, can be had unframed for $10 to $150, Mr. Winters said.
Sail and tent makers likely fabricated early flags, which flew from ships and forts, said Jeff Bridgman. “Private use really didn’t begin until the Civil War,” he said. “Then homemade examples first appeared in a significant number.” Not until 1912 did the federal government standardize the design, which explains varieties like two flags shown here (top left and top right) that distinctively arrange 31 stars, reflecting California’s 1850 admission as the country’s 31st state.
Materials and configurations reflect events of their day. Although many flags are made of wool, silk or cotton, the 30 Xs that stand in for stars on a WWI-era example (middle left) appear to be made of medical tape. It was fashioned, said Mr. Bridgman, by Belgians welcoming U.S. soldiers into the previously Germany-occupied city of Virton.
Customers prefer specimens that show age and usage, said C. Garrett Bonsell, owner of Bonsell/Americana, in Hillsdale, Ill. This makes flags an anomaly; with most other collectibles, “mint condition” increases value. “People want it clear, even upon first glance, that the flag is old and unusual,” he said. Mr. Winters noted that when early hand-printed examples age, the red turns shades of orange, the blue fades and the white mellows to tan or cream. “They take on a surreal look and have wonderful, glowing chromatic colors,” he said.
Kate Schelter, a New York stylist and author of “Classic Style,” scours estate sales for vintage American banners. One hangs in the staircase of her cedar-shingled Cape Cod home. “It makes a wonderful focal point,” she said. Flags sit well, too, in interior designer Miles Redd’s bold rooms, which often pop with primary hues. “They’re incredibly distinguished and graphic,” he said.
Despite a deepened respect for early American flags, I still don’t possess one. Yet this Fourth of July, my fashion-designer wife plans to sell pocket squares she made from a roll of 1950s-era, 48-star mini-banners she found at an estate sale. I will stuff one in my sports jacket’s pocket and cruise to the levee fireworks on my scooter, not motorcycle, come Independence Day. Born to be mild.
The post Old Glories: A Salute to Antique U.S. Flags, and Where to Find One appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2uCMzJV
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realestate63141 · 7 years
Old Glories: A Salute to Antique U.S. Flags, and Where to Find One
Jeff Bridgman American Antiques
Growing up outside Philadelphia, the “Cradle of Liberty,” I couldn’t avoid the trappings of Yankee patriotism. The flag-waving fervor reached numbing levels in 1976, when banners paraded, bunting draped and star-spangled tchotchkes proliferated: mugs, key chains, T-shirts, bikinis.
An unlikely trigger, the revival of 1969’s “Easy Rider,” made the teen me see the red, white and blue with more appreciative eyes. I loved the look of Peter Fonda on his custom chopper, Old Glory painted on the gas tank, his helmet and leather jacket mirroring the motif, too.
The actor’s Stars and Stripes display—cool and attitudinal, symbolic of individuality more than of patriotism—hooked me. I see now that my new allegiance to the flag had much in common with the Founding Fathers’ motives. What were they but rebels—their cause, independence?
“Consider that if the revolution had failed, all the guys who signed the Declaration of Independence would have been hung,” said Steve Winters, whose Historical Americana Company, in Atlanta, deals in antique flags.
I hadn’t thought of displaying one in my home until I visited the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, my adopted hometown. I saw framed and encased specimens—and in particular a battle-worn, faded version from D-Day, so beautiful and full of character as to qualify as art.
Early American flags
Studying the market, I found that early-American flags have become sought-after Americana. In May, a 13-star campaign flag from James Buchanan’s 1856 candidacy (center of grid) set an auction record when it sold for $275,000 to Jeff Bridgman American Antiques, in York County, Pa.
Modest finds remain, however. A 48-star version, from 1959, before Hawaii and Alaska gained statehood, can be had unframed for $10 to $150, Mr. Winters said.
Sail and tent makers likely fabricated early flags, which flew from ships and forts, said Jeff Bridgman. “Private use really didn’t begin until the Civil War,” he said. “Then homemade examples first appeared in a significant number.” Not until 1912 did the federal government standardize the design, which explains varieties like two flags shown here (top left and top right) that distinctively arrange 31 stars, reflecting California’s 1850 admission as the country’s 31st state.
Materials and configurations reflect events of their day. Although many flags are made of wool, silk or cotton, the 30 Xs that stand in for stars on a WWI-era example (middle left) appear to be made of medical tape. It was fashioned, said Mr. Bridgman, by Belgians welcoming U.S. soldiers into the previously Germany-occupied city of Virton.
Customers prefer specimens that show age and usage, said C. Garrett Bonsell, owner of Bonsell/Americana, in Hillsdale, Ill. This makes flags an anomaly; with most other collectibles, “mint condition” increases value. “People want it clear, even upon first glance, that the flag is old and unusual,” he said. Mr. Winters noted that when early hand-printed examples age, the red turns shades of orange, the blue fades and the white mellows to tan or cream. “They take on a surreal look and have wonderful, glowing chromatic colors,” he said.
Kate Schelter, a New York stylist and author of “Classic Style,” scours estate sales for vintage American banners. One hangs in the staircase of her cedar-shingled Cape Cod home. “It makes a wonderful focal point,” she said. Flags sit well, too, in interior designer Miles Redd’s bold rooms, which often pop with primary hues. “They’re incredibly distinguished and graphic,” he said.
Despite a deepened respect for early American flags, I still don’t possess one. Yet this Fourth of July, my fashion-designer wife plans to sell pocket squares she made from a roll of 1950s-era, 48-star mini-banners she found at an estate sale. I will stuff one in my sports jacket’s pocket and cruise to the levee fireworks on my scooter, not motorcycle, come Independence Day. Born to be mild.
The post Old Glories: A Salute to Antique U.S. Flags, and Where to Find One appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2uCMzJV
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capecoddaily · 7 years
Deck: Raising funds for the Nursing and Allied Health ProgramTowns: BarnstableTopic: EducationHub Category: EducationAuthor: CapeCodToday StaffTeaser: Raising funds for the Nursing and Allied Health Program…Main Image: Main Image Credit: Bill Bogdanovich (CEO of Broad Reach Healthcare / Liberty Commons) and Dr. Eric Weber (Hyannis-based internist) will co-chair Cape Cod Community College Foundation's campaign to raise funds for the Nursing and…
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 8 years
call of duty ghosts ps4
call of duty ghosts ps4
COD Ghosts cheats & more for PlayStation 4 (PS4)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Call of Duty: Ghosts cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 4 (PS4). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PlayStation 4 cheats we have available for Call of Duty: Ghosts.
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Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game
Check Xbox One cheats for this game
Official Title: Call of Duty: Ghosts
Also Known As: Ghosts: Call of Duty
Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter
Developer: Infinity Ward
Publisher: Activision
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: November 5, 2013
Currently we have no tips for Call of Duty: Ghosts yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Call of Duty: Ghosts yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Call of Duty: Ghosts yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Call of Duty: Ghosts yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Call of Duty: Ghosts yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Trophy List
All or Nothing – Gather the troops (Complete “All or Nothing” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Any Means necessary (secret) – Get 50 kills with the electric fence and fire traps in a single game. – Bronze
Atlas Falls – Distract the Federation Fleet. (Complete “Atlas Falls” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Audiophile – Collect all 18 Rorke files. – Bronze
Birds of Prey – Capture Rorke (Complete “Birds of Prey” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Blimey O’Riley – Pounce on 10 enemies whilst controlling Riley – Bronze
Brave New World – Rendez-vous in Fort Santa Monica. (Complete “Brave New World” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Burn Baby Burn – Destroy 80 Fuel containers. – Bronze
Cabin Fever (secret) – Made it to the cabin. – Bronze
Carbon Faceprint – Catch Photocopier with your face – Bronze
City Dweller (secret) – Made it to the city. – Bronze
Clockwork – Hack the system (Complete “Clockwork” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Cog in the machine – Kill 5 enemies without being detected before infiltrating Black Zone. – Bronze
Completionist (secret) – Complete all challenges and escape. – Bronze
David & Goliath – Take down the LCS on the first go. – Bronze
Deep Freeze – Drop 8 vehicles into ice holes. – Bronze
End of the Line – Storm the factory (Complete “End of the Line” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
End of your rope – Cut a grappling hook rope with enemy on it. – Bronze
Federated – Earn all available Trophies for Call of Duty Ghosts – Platinum
Federation Day – Gather intel on Rorke. (Complete “Federation Day” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Fly-by-wire – Take out helicopters with remote missile 3/3. – Bronze
Ghost Stories – Escape. (Complete “Ghost Stories” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Go Ugly Early – A-10 strafe 50 enemies – Bronze
Grindin’ – Completing the console section on first attempt. – Bronze
Homecoming – Defend LA. (Complete “Homecoming” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Into the Deep – Destroy the enemy ship (Complete “Into The Deep” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
It Came from Below! – Kill 6 enemies with the knife while underwater in “Legends Never Die”. – Bronze
Jack-pot – Destroy 21 slot machines. – Bronze
Jungle Ghosts – Finish the mission without breaking stealth. – Bronze
Legends Never Die – Hunt down Almagro. (Complete “Legends Never Die” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Liberty Wall – Take down both attack helicopters. – Bronze
LOKI – Commandeer the enemy space station. (Complete “Loki” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Made it Out Alive (secret) – Escape 1st time. – Bronze
No Man Left (secret) – Escape with all four players. – Bronze
No Man’s Land – Make it to San Diego. (Complete “No Man’s Land” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Piece of cake – Storm the common room and kill everyone without taking damage on veteran. – Gold
Safeguard – Complete round 20 in safeguard. – Bronze
Severed Ties – Destroy the Federation’s satellite array (Complete “Severed Ties” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Sin City – Plan your next move (Complete “Sin City” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
Sleeping Beauty – Kill the sleeping guy in face down rappel section – Bronze
Spatial Awareness – Kill your first enemy in the Call of Duty Ghosts campaign. – Bronze
Sprinter (secret) – Reach the exfil chopper with 1 minute and 30 seconds or more remaining on the clock. – Bronze
Struck Down – Find Ajax. (Complete “Struck Down” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
The Ghost Killer – Confront Rorke (Complete “The Ghost Killer” on any difficulty.) – Gold
The Hunted – Make it out alive (Complete “The Hunted” on any difficulty.) – Bronze
They look like ants – Destroy all enemy ground targets and kill no allies with the rods. – Bronze
Throttled Escape (secret) – Escape using a relic. – Gold
Tickets please – Shoot the grapple guys off the side of the train. – Bronze
Trash Picker (secret) – Scavenge 40 items in a single game. – Bronze
Waste not – Every shot with the remote sniper hits a person or vehicle. – Bronze
You’ve earned it – Earn the mask. Finish the campaign on Veteran. – Gold
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 8 years
call of duty ghosts pc
call of duty ghosts pc
COD Ghosts cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Call of Duty: Ghosts cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Check Xbox 360 cheats for this game
Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game
Check Xbox One cheats for this game
Check PlayStation 4 cheats for this game
Official Title: Call of Duty: Ghosts Also Known As: Ghosts: Call of Duty
Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter Developer: Infinity Ward Publisher: Activision ESRB Rating: Mature Release Date: November 5, 2013
Currently we have no tips for Call of Duty: Ghosts yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Call of Duty: Ghosts yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Call of Duty: Ghosts yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Call of Duty: Ghosts yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Call of Duty: Ghosts yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Onslaught DLC Achievements
Egg-stra XP! – Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then destroy a hive in the Onslaught DLC package. – 20
Nightfall Completionist – Complete all challenges and kill the Breeder in Nightfall. – 30
Pea Shooter – Kill a Rhino with only a pistol in Nightfall. – 20
Phantom Exterminator – Kill 5 Phantoms in one game. – 20
Pushing Ahead – Gain access to the Compound area in Nightfall. – 20
Speed Slayer – Kill the Breeder in less than 5 minutes in Nightfall. – 20
Survived Nightfall – Kill the Breeder for the first time in Nightfall. – 20
Throttled Survival – Kill the Breeder while using a Relic in Nightfall. – 30
Turnabout is Fair Play – Kill 50 Cryptids with the Venom-X weapon in Nightfall. – 20
Undiscovered Truths – Found all intels. – 30
Weapon Facility – Gain access to the Facility in Nightfall. – 20
Steam Achievements
All or nothing – Gather the troops. (Complete “All or Nothing” on any difficulty.)
Atlas Falls – Distract the Federation Fleet. (Complete “Atlas Falls” on any difficulty.)
Audiophile – Collect all 18 Rorke files.
Birds of Prey – Capture Rorke (Complete “Birds of Prey” on any difficulty.)
Blimey O’Riley – Pounce on 10 enemies whilst controlling Riley.
Brave New World – Rendez-vous in Fort Santa Monica. (Complete “Brave New World” on any difficulty.)
Burn Baby Burn – Destroy 80 fuel containers.
Carbon Faceprint – Catch the photocopier with your face.
Clockwork – Hack the system (Complete “Clockwork” on any difficulty.)
Cog in the machine – Kill 5 enemies without being detected before infiltrating Black Zone.
David & Goliath – Take down the LCS on the first go.
Deep Freeze – Drop 8 vehicles into ice holes.
End of the Line – Storm the factory (Complete “End of the Line” on any difficulty.)
End of your rope – Cut a grappling hook rope with an enemy on it.
Federation Day – Gather intel on Rorke. (Complete “Federation Day” on any difficulty.)
Fly-by-wire – Take out 3 out of 3 helicopters with the remote missile.
Ghost Stories – Escape. (Complete “Ghost Stories” on any difficulty.)
Go Ugly Early – A-10 strafe 50 enemies.
Grindin’ – Blow the pressure valves on your first attempt.
Homecoming – Defend LA. (Complete “Homecoming” on any difficulty.)
Into the Deep – Destroy the enemy ship (Complete “Into The Deep” on any difficulty.)
It Came from Below! – Kill 6 enemies with the knife while underwater in “Legends Never Die”.
Jack-pot – Destroy 21 slot machines.
Jungle Ghosts – Finish the mission without breaking stealth.
Legends Never Die – Hunt down Almagro. (Complete “Legends Never Die” on any difficulty.)
Liberty Wall – Take down both attack helicopters in Brave New World.
Loki – Commandeer the enemy space station. (Complete “Loki” on any difficulty.)
No Man’s Land – Make it to San Diego. (Complete “No Man’s Land” on any difficulty.)
Piece of cake – Storm the common room and kill everyone without taking damage on Veteran.
Severed Ties – Destroy the Federation’s satellite array. (Complete “Severed Ties” on any difficulty.)
Sin City – Plan your next move. (Complete “Sin City” on any difficulty.)
Sleeping Beauty – Kill sleeping enemy in face down rappel section
Spatial Awareness – Kill your first enemy in the Call of Duty® Ghosts campaign.
Struck Down – Find Ajax. (Complete “Struck Down” on any difficulty.)
The Ghost Killer – Confront Rorke (Complete “The Ghost Killer” on any difficulty.)
The Hunted – Make it out alive (Complete “The Hunted” on any difficulty.)
They look like ants – Destroy all enemy ground targets and kill no allies with the rods.
Tickets please – Shoot the grapple guys off the side of the train.
Waste Not – Every shot with the remote sniper kills a person or vehicle.
You’ve earned it – Earn the mask. Finish the campaign on Veteran.
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