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chialebeauf · 2 years ago
English translation lower
Tu que siás arderosa e nusa Tu qu'as sus leis ancas tei ponhs Tu qu'as una votz de cleron Uei sòna sòna a plens parmons Ò bòna musa.
Siás la musa dei paurei gus Ta cara es negra de fumada Teis uelhs senton la fusilhada Siás una flor de barricada Siás la Venús.
Dei mòrts de fam siás la mestressa, D'aquelei qu'an ges de camiá Lei sensa pan, lei sensa liech Lei gus que van sensa soliers An tei careças.
Mai leis autrei ti fan rotar, Lei gròs cacans 'mbé sei familhas Leis enemics de la paurilha Car ton nom tu, ò santa filha Es Libertat.
Ò Libertat coma siás bela Teis uelhs brilhan coma d'ulhauç E croses, liures de tot mau, Tei braç fòrts coma de destraus Sus tei mamèlas.
Mai puei, perfés diés de mòts raucs Tu pus doça que leis estelas E nos treboles ò ma bela Quand baisam clinant lei parpèlas Tei pès descauç.
Tu que siás poderosa e ruda Tu que luses dins lei raions Tu qu'as una vòtz de cleron Uei sòna sòna a plens parmons L'ora es venguda.
In english, roughly:
You who are ardent and naked You with your fists on your hips You with your voice like a trumpet Today chant, chant at the top of your lungs O good muse
You are the muse of the beggars Your face black with smoke Your eyes smelling of gunfire You are a flower on a barricade You are the Venus.
Of the starving you are the mistress Of those who are shirtless The beggars who go shoeless The breadless, the bedless Have your caresses
But the others make you burp The big rich ones and their families The enemies of the poor For your name, you, oh holy girl Is Libertat.
O Libertat, how beautiful you are Your eyes shine like lightning And you cross, free of all evil, Your arms strong as axes On your breasts.
But then you say hoarse words, You, softer than the stars And you trouble us, my beautiful When we kiss, closing our eyelids Your naked feet.
You, powerful and rough You who shine in the rays You with your voice as a trumpet Today chant, chant at the top of your lungs The time has come.
Written in the late 19th century in memory of the short-lived Commune of Marseille in 1871 (in french)
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philoursmars · 2 years ago
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Nouveau retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 55500 photos (et des brouettes).  Plus trop loin du présent....  
Le Musée d’Histoire
- Pomone en proue - XVIIIe
- Pierre de Libertat 1600
- ���Le Cours de Marseille pendant la Peste", Rigaud d'après Serre
- ancre du Grand Saint-Antoine, le navire qui amena la Peste à Marseille en 1720
- chambre de studio en poirier de l'atelier Nadar - début XXe s.
- maquette du Pont Transbordeur
- Fortuné Lavastre - maquette en bois de Marseille pendant les insurrections de 1848
- Fortuné Lavastre - maquette en bois de Marseille pendant les insurrections de 1848
- François Ferry-Duclaux - maquette de Marseille en 1824, en liège
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triunfo-di-sablika · 9 months ago
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Na Santa Krus 17 ougustus 1795 e luchadonan pa liberashon pretu a hasi e ritual di bebe aw'i huramentu, preparando nan mes spiritualmente pe guera kontra forsanan kolonial ulandes. Awe e tereno di Sta Krus un tesoro di herensia kultural di Korsou a keda bende ku un komediante.
Museo Tula a laga esaki pasa bou nan warda. Tur e Tulado di boka a laga e akto di koutiviero kapitalista makambafika pasa. Prome minister Pisas no sa mes kon ta bisa o skibi sklabitut, libertat pretu. Ni unda e ku su gobiernu ku parlamentu mester saka kurashi pa defende Korsou
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sschmendrick · 4 months ago
I started writing you an ask @saecookie but it sucks too much that I can't put links in them so I'm writing it here so you can listen to the songs easily.
To give a little context (not exactly needed) : I was listening to some Calexico songs earlier. I reaaally recommend giving them a listen, they incorporate a lot of spanish influences and sing in spanish sometimes and they have really cool songs (I can give a few titles if needed but honestly all their albums are great and can be listened to the whole way through with great enjoyment). In my youtube recommended on the side I see a song in spanish, cool same vibe I guess, so I click on it and it was NOT WORLD MUSIC but some good ol' spanish metal. Then I switch to another suggestion (Aeon Enigma - Order of the Crystal Rose) but the last song got me thinking. Most power metal songs are in english, even when the bands are from all over in Europe. However, some songs have lyrics in the mother tongue of the band or sometimes full songs (I am reminded of bands like Powerwolf (german) or Moonspell (portuguese, not power metal though)), and recently I went to the metal exhibition in Paris (Diabolus in Musica) which was awesome but especially had a room dedicated to french metal. It was awesome and seeing all the pictures and posters for concerts was amazing. So I wondered if there was any french power metal bands (there MUST be, even not super popular ones) and the first thing I found was a reddit page with people's suggestion (the best way to find new stuff, through word of mouth). The op of the post was asking for french power metal because they had listened to Bête du Gévaudan by Powerwolf (again, a german band but they sing the whole song in french and their pronounciation is GREAT!!)(yes the original is in english but that's still so freaking cool).
So before we get into french bands, let's first listen to this german one singing in french :
The thing is with this genre they usually sing in english, but there are a few french speaking ones ! (and more ;) )
I really liked L'épée des Dieux by Herzel. This one is not too far from the beginnings of metal, big hard rock vibes. C'est pas trop dépaysant. I love the change in rhythms between the verses and choruses.
There were a few that were good but didn't make my head explode (which is fair I'm no metric for how good a song is). Le bal des ombres by Manigance was pretty nice and Darktribe has a song called Voici l'Homme that has choruses in french (they usually sing in english) that's cool too.
But then, I found that really got me listening to the whole album in one sitting. They are called boisson divine and they don't sing in french but in gascon !! All their albums are on bandcamp and they provide lyrics in gascon, in french and in english ! I sat down for an hour and listened to La Halha. I truly recommend it. They have really cool sounding songs (I think they have an accordion ? could be a synth), they have a good mix of powerful songs, a nice balance between instrumental and singing moments, and they even have a few ballads :D
I'm going to look at more french power metal bands now ! If I can come knocking at your door with more music recommendations tell me :D
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kikotapasando · 26 days ago
YU DI KORSOU KU A FAYESE DEN TIROTEO NA HULANDA: Pistolero di fiesta di Rotterdam Karibense ainda ta fugitivo: E sospechoso (43) di e kaso di tiramentu di Rilles (42) a keda den libertat
Pistolero di fiesta di Rotterdam Karibense ainda ta fugitivo: E sospechoso (43) di e kaso di tiramentu di Rilles (42) a keda den libertat Rotterdam – E pistolero ku a tira un persona mata durante un evenemento Karibense den Sunrise Hall Center di Rotterdam ainda ta fugitivo. Polis a laga e habitante di Amsterdam di 43 aña den libertad kende a keda detené mesora djadumingu mainta. “E no ta wòrdu…
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rhianna · 1 year ago
De Libertat: a historical & genealogical review, comprising an account of the submission of the city of Marseilles, in 1596, to the authority of Henry of Navarre: and the lineage of the family de Libertat, from the XIVth to the XVIIIth century. Comp. from historical manuscripts and other authentic records.
Cite thisExport citation fileMain AuthorLiberty, A. Lasenby (Arthur Lasenby), 1843-1917.Language(s)French PublishedLondon, T. Pettitt & co., 1888. SubjectsLibertat family. Marseille (France) >  Marseille (France) / History NoteIntroduction signed: A. Lasenby Liberty. Physical Description4 p. l., 85 p. front., 2 illus., fold. map, fold. geneal. tab. 29cm.
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artsinet · 2 years ago
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Llibertat (1988) - Antoni Tàpies
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riotcult · 5 years ago
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Emma Goldman Politics Voting Voters Anarchy Quote T-Shirt
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chiarasolems · 3 years ago
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Sono fermamente per la LIBERTÀ: libertà di scelta, libertà di pensiero, libertà in ogni senso!!! LA LIBERTÀ E IL RISPETTO NON POSSONO NON ANDARE DI PARI PASSO... La libertà non può non essere accompagnata da un'alta forma di rispetto verso se stessi e verso chi ha idee diverse dalle nostre, si rischia di fare e farsi tanto tanto male. Se così non fosse, allora non si tratta più di libertà, bensì di qualcos'altro che sicuramente non sa di buono ed è molto triste perché troppo spesso si cerca di rifarsi su chi è più fragile per portarlo verso il proprio concetto di pseudo libertà. Attenzione a non fare confusione! Viva la libertà (vera)!!! @chiarasolems Di tanto in tanto mi piace molto usare questo font perché è sempre stato il preferito mio e di Matteo 💙 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · #freedom #libertad #libertarian #liberty #libertadores #amor #libertario #libertalia #libertable #libertação #libertaria #venezuela #libertados #conservative #libertat #libertá #libertador #libertar #libertà #trump #politics #libertas #liberta #libertarians #libertadfinanciera #jesus #libertàfinanziaria #instagram #respiraquestalibertà #liberal (presso MondoSole anoressia bulimia binge disturbi alimentari (dipendenze)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZl4ym3oais/?utm_medium=tumblr
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graffitiartmagazine · 4 years ago
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Freeing Pablo Hazel by @cinta_vidal . #cintavidal @pablohaseloficial #justice #justicia #spain #barcelona #libertat #liberdad #murales #muralart #graffiti #republic (à Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLkB3Jzp95B/?igshid=1nfrf2pnvjss8
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lanambarreto · 4 years ago
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#libertat (em Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZkYEIHh-z/?igshid=1cl8owbf4oc7o
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elpaisdellop · 7 years ago
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Manifestació 11 de novembre: Clam multitudinari a Barcelona per l'alliberament dels consellers cessats i els Jordis
Milers de persones -750.000 segons la Guàrdia Urbana- omplen 3 quilòmetres del carrer Marina de la capital catalana seguint la crida de l'ANC i Òmnium. Els crits de «Llibertat» sonen amb força i acompanyen una marxa que han encapçalat els familiars dels polítics presos
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radicalgraff · 8 years ago
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‘Free anarchist prisoners!’
Barcelona, August 2017
There were many actions around the world during this weeks Global Week For Anarchist Prisoners
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kikotapasando · 3 months ago
E Lansamentu di “Kòrsou, Kuna di Libertat: Honrando Manuel Carlos Piar ”
E Lansamentu di “Kòrsou, Kuna di Libertat: Honrando Manuel Carlos Piar ” Willemstad, 20 di novèmber 2024 Nos ta kontentu di por anunsiá e lansamentu di un entrevista di video ekstraordinario ku Drs. Richenel Ansano, un antropólogo kultural renombrá, eksplorando e ròl profundo i supestima ku Kòrsou a hunga den e movementunan di liberashon Karibense i mundial. Titulá “Honrando Manuel Carlos Piar,”…
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lamiradacatalana-blog · 5 years ago
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#lamiradacatalana #catalunya #cataluña #catalonia #assemblea #libertat #tsunamidemocràtic https://www.instagram.com/p/B58BhF9hNSQ/?igshid=1flu0e5i3brf6
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philoursmars · 2 years ago
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Retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 53880 photos (nouveau compte approximatif !)
2014. Marseille au printemps. Le Musée d’Histoire de Marseille.
- église funéraire de la rue Malaval, V-VIe s.
- statue de Pierre de Libertat -1600 
- casque ottoman
-  école d'Antoine Ronzen  : “Prédication de Marie-Madeleine” -  1517 (1er tableau de Marseille)
- mortier XVIe s.
- drague romaine  n°2 - Massilia,  I-IIe s.apr. J-C.
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