#lian jiao tu
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mugoki · 1 year ago
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Dislyte ✨
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02kt · 2 years ago
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i love she x100000
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cheesesteak675 · 2 years ago
Liann :D
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sentient-stove · 1 year ago
Hello, if you dont mind me asking who is the pink haired girl in your profile picture and who the artist is since i would like to follow them. Thank you.
The girl in my pfp (and tumblr header art) is the character Lian from the mobile game Dislyte. It’s specifically the album art that you can unlock when Lian’s Divinate is fully activated.
Unfortunately I do not know who the original artist is despite many hours of searching the Internet for them. My current theory is that they’re an in house artist hired specifically by Dislyte to draw the album covers for the game’s characters.
Below the read more is Lian’s full cover if you want it for personal use, but I do recommend checking out the game to see more album covers as they are all quite detailed and skillfully drawn.
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supernovaae · 11 months ago
List of all 144 Espers in Dislyte (alphabetized)
Abigail (Frigga)
Adrina (Chantico)
Ahmed (Geb)
Ain (Ptah)
Alexa (Aphrodite)
Alice (Gullveig)
Alolin (Pazuzu)
Anesidora (Pandora)
Anna (Persphone)
Arcana (Hermes)
Archibald (Mictlantecutli)
Asenath (Nefertem)
Ashley (Heimdall)
Aurelius (Ullr)
Bai Liuli (White Snake)
Bardon (Baldr)
Berenice (Bastet)
Biondina (Poseidon)
Bonnie (Eris)
Brewster (Garmr)
Brynn (Valkyrie)
Camille (Hati)
Cang Ji (Cang Jie)
Catherine (Hela)
Cecilia (Isis)
Celine (Siren)
Chalmers (Idun)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Chloe (Medea)
Chu Yao (Tai Yi)
Clara (Hera)
Daniel (Charon)
David (Jason)
Daylon (Sobek)
Dhalia (Calypso)
Djoser (Atum)
Donar (Thor)
Drew (Anubis)
Eira (Freya)
Elaine (Nyx)
Elliot (Thoth)
Embla (Ymir)
Emma (Jade Rabbit)
Ethan (Pan)
Everett (Tyr)
Fabrice (Freyr)
Falken (Horus)
Farrah | Aminah (Tiamat | Abzu)
Fatum Sisters (Nornir)
Feng Nuxi (Nuwa)
Feng Xun (Fu Xi)
Freddy (Fenrir)
Fu Shi (Suan Ni)
Fumitsuki (Kaguya-hime)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Gaius (Zeus)
Ginny (Hestia)
Hailey (Hephaestus)
Hall (Hodur)
Helena (Helen)
Heng Yue (Chang’e)
Hilda (Hypnos)
Hyde (Hades)
Ife (Meretseger)
Ikki (Tsukuyomi)
Intisar (Kauket)
Jacob (Jormungand)
Javid (Shamash)
Jeanne (Gerd)
Jiang Jiuli (Chiyou)
Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Jin Qiu (Ru SHou)
Jin Yuyao (Queen Mother)
Jin-Hee (Dokkaebi)
Kara (Serket)
Kaylee (Anuket)
Koharu (Ame No Uzume)
Laura (Neith)
Lauren (Heket)
Layla (Medjed)
Leon (Vali)
Leora (Athena)
Lewis (Ares)
Li Ao (Tao Tie)
Li Guang (Vermilion Bird)
Li Ling (Nezha)
Liam (Xolotl)
Lian (Jiao Tu)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Long Mian (Ao Bing)
Lucas (Apollo)
Luo Yan (Yanluo Wang)
Lu Yi (Dayi)
Lynn (Hathor)
Mateo (Prometheus)
Mavis (Mictecacihuatl)
Mei (Kaya-no-Hime)
Melanie (Medusa)
Meredith (Scylla)
Mona (Artemis)
Narmer (Ra)
Nick (Magni)
Nicole (Nephthys)
Norah (The Muses)
Odette (Skadi)
Ollie (Osiris)
Ophelia (Thanatos)
Parmi (Ninsun)
Pritzker (Mimir)
Q (Eros)
Raven (Odin)
Ren Si (Black Tortoise)
Sachiko (Hare of Inaba)
Sally (Sif)
Sander (Set)
Sienna (Gaia)
Stewart (Dionysus)
Su Jue (Daji)
Tang Xuan (Sun Wukong)
Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque)
Taylor (Hercules)
Tevor (Sphinx)
Tiye (Nut)
Toland (Tezcatlipoca)
Triki (Loki)
Uday (Sopdet)
Unas (Shu)
Unky Chai (Yue Lao)
Valeria (QUetzalcoatl)
Wu You (Dijiang)
Xiao Yin (Azure Dragon)
Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei)
Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Bai)
Xuan Pin (Jiutian Xuannu)
Yalina (Mamitu)
Yamato (Izanagi)
Ye Suhua (Shao Siming)
Yu Ran (Bai Ze)
Yu Xu (Jing Wei)
Yun Chuan (Yang Jian)
Yuuhime (Izanami)
Zelmer (Sekhmet)
Zhong Nan (Zhong Kui)
Zora (Amunet)
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chaoticgoodrandom · 7 months ago
I'll be building all of them eventually (may not be max level etc but still usable) but I would like to know who I should focus on first to win more/harder battles -> can farm faster/more efficiently
if you wanna tell me who I should wish for, that would be much appreciated as well! I have Clara already (I will definitely be maxing her), but are there any other espers who you think are good to have? like they make the game more fun/ give great QOL etc
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ilikedyourablogithere · 1 year ago
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eyenaku · 2 years ago
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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chinesetong-china · 5 years ago
Learn Chinese in Chinese stories|Chinese legends|Nuwa mended the sky
Human always like to live by water. The Yellow River Basin in China also gave birth to the earliest Chinese culture, and China's floods seem to be quite frequent, the  five thousand years of Chinese history also was a history of water control.
In the Chinese legend, the water God Gonggong fought with the fire God Zhurong, Gonggong damaged the Buzhou mountains which supported the sky and earth, the water came out of the sky river, flooding the world. This was the first great flood. Finally, the human creator Nu WA made a multicolored divine stones out of hot fire
and mended the sky.
Pan gu kai tian hou
After Pangu created the world
 You yi zuo ju da de shan zhi cheng zhe tian he di
There was a huge mountain that supported the sky and the earth
 Ta de ming zi jiao bu zhou shan
It was called ‘Buzhou’ mountains
 Nv wa niang niang chuan zao de ren lei jiu sheng huo zai bu zhou shan xia de tu di shang
The human beings created by Nu WA live on the land beneath the Buzhou mountain
 Ta men xing fu de sheng huo zhe
They lived happily
 Ke shi you yi tian
Yet one day
 Tian shang de huo shen Zhurong he shui shen Gonggong da le qi lai
The God of fire Zhurong and God of water Gonggong fought in the sky
 ‘Bu zhou shan nai cheng tian shi zhu,ruo zao sun huai hou guo bu kan she xiang
Buzhou montains are the stones to support the sky ,consequence is unimaginable if it damaged’
 ‘Wo yao rang suo you ren dou zhi dao wo shui shen gong gong de li hai
I will let everyone know how sharp I am
 Bu zhou shan tan ta ,tian he de shui liu le xia lai
Buzhou montains collapsed ,and the water in the Sky’ river came down
 Wei le zheng jiu sheng ling wan wu
To save the people and other creatures
 Nv wa jue ding xiu bu tian dong
Nuwa decided to mend the sky
 Xiu bu tian dong zhi you yi ge ban fa
These is only one way to mend the sky
 Bi xu shou ji tian di jian de bao shi
Must collect precious stones in the universe
 Yong zhi re zhi huo lian cheng wu cai shen shi
Make a multicolored divine stone out of hot fire
 Zhi you wu cai shen shi cai neng bu tian
Only the multicolored divine stone can mend the sky
 Tian dong zhong yu xiu bu hao le
Finally the sky was mended
 Bu zhou shan que quan bu tan ta le
All the Buzhou mountains collapsed
 Tian di shi qu zhi cheng
The sky and earth lose support
 Suo you sheng ming dou wu fa zai zhe pian tu di sheng cun
All creatures can’t live on the land
 Ke shi nv wa yi jing mei you li liang qu zheng jiu ta men le
But Nuwa had no power to save them
 Wo de zhe si tiao tui ke yi zhi cheng tian he di
My four legs can support the sky and the earth
 Ke shi na xie ren lei zong shi chao chao nao nao de
But those humans are always noisy
 Zhen de zhi de qu jiu ta men ma
Is it really worth saving them
Ta men yong yuan dou shi wo de hai zi
They will always be my children
 Qiu qiu nin bang bang ta men
Please help them
 Wo zhi dao le
I see
 Qi shi wo hai shi xi huan an jing yi dian
I still like to be quiet
 Zhong yu shen ao ye ye yong ta si tiao tui de li liang
Finally the huge legendary turtle used it’ four legs
Chong xin cheng qi le tian he di
Support the sky and earth again
 Zai nan jie shu le
The disaster finally ended
 Ren lei ye kai shi le man chang de yu shui xiang chu de guo cheng
Humans has begun a long history to get along with the water
水 water
火 fire
神 god
Shuǐ shén水神water god   ;huǒ shén火神fire god
 Huáng hé
黄河  The yellow river
 Huáng hé dài yǒu dà liàng huáng tǔ gāo yuán chōng jí xià lái de ní shā ,hé shuǐ chéng xiàn huáng sè ,yīn cǐ jiào huáng hé
 The Yellow River has a large amount of alluvial sediment from the Loess Plateau, and the river water is yellow, so it is called the Yellow River.
 Huáng hé liú jīng de zhōng bù píng yuán dì qū shì huá xià wén míng zhǔ yào fā yuán dì ,yīn cǐ huáng hé yòu bèi chēng wéi mǔ qīn hé
 The Yellow River flows through the central plain area, which is the main birthplace of Chinese civilization,so the Yellow River is also known as the Mother River
 Cháng jiāng
长江 the Yangtze River
 Zhè shì zhōng guó zuì cháng de hé liú ,yīn cǐ  jiào cháng jiāng
Yangtze river is the longest river in China, so it is called the Chang jiang ( literally mean long river ).
 Zài cháng jiāng shàng jiàn yǒu sān xiá shuǐ lì gōng chéng
Three Gorges Project was on the Yangtze River
 Zhōng guó de dì xíng cóng xī wǎng dōng ,àn sān gè jiē tī cóng gāo dào dī
From west to east ,the topography of China is from high to low by three steps
 Yóu yú zhōng guó de dì xíng tè zhēng ,dà duō shù hé liú cóng xī xiàng dōng liú xiàng hǎi yáng
由于中国的地形特征, 大多数河流从西向东流向海洋
Due to topographical features, most rivers flow east or east into the ocean
 ér zhōng guó dà duō shù rén kǒu yě dōu jū zhù zài dōng bù bǐ jiào fù yù de píng yuán dì qū
Most of Chinese people also lives in the richer plains of the east
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writinggeisha · 6 years ago
Ah Cy…lovely
Ah Kum…good as gold
Ah Lam…peace
Ai…love, affection
Annchi…angelic peace
Bai…crystal clear
Baozhai…precious hairpin
Bi…green jade
Bingqing…clear as ice
Biyu…jasper; semi-precious stone
Caihong…a rainbow in the sky
Chan juan…the moon; graceful; ladylike
Chang…free; uninhibited
Changying…flourishing and lustrous
Chao-xing…morning star
Chen the…morning
Chenguang…morning light
Chu Hua…chrysanthemum
Chunhua…spring flower
Chuntao…spring peach
Chyou…sweet autumn
Cuifen…emerald fragrance
Da Chun…long spring
Da-Xia…long summer
Dai-tai…leading a boy in hopes
Daiyu…black jade
Dandan…cinnabar red
Diu…one who is down to earth and is a practical person
Dongmei…winter plum
Ehuang…beautiful; august
Eu-fùnh…playful phoenix
Eu-meh…especially beautiful
Fang…fragrant; sweet-smelling
Genji…who is most valuable as gold
Gho…responsible and inspirational
Guan-yin…goddess of mercy
Heng…constant; steady; persistent
Honf…sign of good luck
Hop…agreeable; consistent
Howin…a loyal swallow
Hualing…flourishing herb
Hui ying…bright; intelligent
Huian…obliging and quiet
Huian…kind peace
Huifang…kind and fragrant
Huifen…wise and fragrant
Huilang…wise jade tinkling
Huiliang…kind and good
Huiqing…kind and affectionate
Huizhong…wise and loyal
Hwei-ru…wise and intelligent
Jia li…good and beautiful
Jiahui…nice person
Jiao…dainty or lovely
Jiayi…household fitting
Jiaying…household flourishing
Jilpa…a teacher of life
Jing…crystal; sparkling
Jing…small bird
Jingfei…still fragrance
Jinghua…situation splendid
Jinghua…leek flowers
Kuai hua…mallow blossom
Lanfen…orchid fragrance
Lanying…indigo lustrousness
Lanying…blue glitter or blue quartz
Lì húa…beautiful pear blossom
Li mei…beautiful plum blossom
Li ming…beautiful and bright
Li na…beautiful and graceful
Li qin…beautiful stringed musical instrument
Li rong…beautiful lotus
Li wei…beautiful rose
Lian…the graceful willow
Lien… lotus
Liena…a woman as beautiful as a lotus flower
Lifen…beautiful fragrance
Lihua…beautiful and flourishing
Lijuan…beautiful and graceful
Liling…beautiful jade tinkle
Liling…white jasmine tinkling
LiMei…beautiful plum flower
LiMing … who is pretty and bright
Lin…beautiful jade
Ling…compassion and understanding
Linqin…beautiful zither
Liqiu…beautiful autumn
Lixue…pretty and pure as snow
Luli…dewy jasmine
Méh-è…beautiful posture
Méh-fùnh…pretty or beautiful phoenix
Mei…beautiful plum
Mei Lien…beautiful lotus
Mei Xiang…beautiful fragrance
Mei Xing…beautiful star
Mei Zhen…beautiful pearl
Mei-yin…very beautiful or beauty.
Meifen plum…fragrance
Meifeng…beautiful wind
Meihui…beautiful wisdom
Meilin…plum tree
Meiling…beautiful and delicate
Meirong…beautiful countenance
Meixiang…plum fragrance
Meixiu…beautiful grace
Meiying…beautiful flower
Meizhen…beautiful pearl
Mey…gorgeous or pretty or stunning.
Ming Yue…bright moon
Ming-huá…tomorrow’s flower
Mingmei…bright and beautiful girl
Mingxia…bright glow through the clouds at dawn
Mingxia…clear halo
Mingyu…bright jade
Mingzhu…bright pearl
Mu lan…magnolia blossom
Mu tan…tree peony blossom
Na…elegant or smooth
Ngo-Kwang…beautiful; august
Ninghong…tranquil red
Niu…a girl
Nuwa…mother goddess
Nuying…female flower
Pangfua…clouds in the shape of flower
Peijing…admiring luxuriance
Peizhi…admiring iris
Qi…fine jade
Qiànrú…nice smile
Qiaohui…skillful and wise
Qiaolian…skillful always
Qing…dark blue
Qing…yuan clear spring
Qingge…clear pavilion
Qingling…lucky years
Qingyuan…a clear spring or deep water
Qingzhao…clear illumination/understanding
Qinyang…sunshine of my heart
Qiuyue…autumn moon
Renxiang…benevolent fragrance
Rong…beautiful; elegant
Rong…honor, glory
Rou…gentle, mild
Rùfen…nice fragrance
Ruiling…auspicious jade tinkling
Ruolan…like an orchid
Ruomei…like a plum
Shaoqing…young blue
Sheu-fùh…elegant phoenix
Shihong…the world is red
Shu fang…kind; gentle and sweet
Shuang…frank; open-hearted
Shuchun…fair; pure
Shui…one who is like a water
Song…pine tree
Suyin…plain and unadorned sound
Tao…peach; symbol of long life
Ting…slim and graceful
Tu…jade element in earth cycle
Tung-Mei…winter plums
Ushi…the ox
Wan…gentle; gracious; beautiful; lovely
Wei…valuable; precious
Weici…preserving love
Wenling…tinkling sound of refined jade
Wenquian…refined matter
Xia…rosy clouds
Xia…glow of the sunrise or sunset
Xia…the summer lotus; pure and elegant
Xiao chen…early morning; dawn
Xiao hong … rainbow
Xiaodan…little dawn
Xiaofan…little and ordinary
Xiaohui…little wisdom
Xiaohui…morning sunlight
Xiaojing…morning luxuriance
Xiaoli…morning jasmine
Xiaolian…little lotus
Xiaoling…morning tinkle
Xiaoqing…little blue
Xiaosheng…little birth
Xiaotong…morning redness
Xiaozhi…little iris
Xifeng…western phoenix
Xin qian…happy and beautiful
Xingjuan…arising grace
Xiu…fine; beautiful
Xiu Mei…beautiful plum
Xiulan…beautiful orchid
Xiurang…elegant countenance
Xiurong…beautiful glory
Xiuying…beautiful flower
Xueman…snowy grace
Yan…swallow bird; gorgeous
Yanmei…Beijing plum
Yanmei…flattering and seductive
Yanyu…Beijing jade
Yenay…she who loves
Yet Kwai…beautiful as a rose
Yi jie…happy and pure
Yi min…happy and smart
Yi ze…happy and shiny like a pearl
Ying…clever or eagle
Yingtai…flower terrace
Yu…jade or rain
Yu-jun…from Chongching
Yuanjun…Yuan River ruler
Yubi…jade emerald
Yue wan…happy and gentle
Yue ying…happy and smart; kind
Yue you…happy and friendly
Yuèhai…beautiful moon
Yuèqín…moon-shaped lute
Yunru…charming seeming
Yusheng…jade birth
Yüying…jade flower
Zhaohui…clear wisdom
Zhilan…iris orchid
Zhu… bamboo
Zi…graceful; beautiful
Zongying…taking heroes/flowers as a model
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02kt · 2 years ago
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supernovaae · 11 months ago
List of all 80 Espers still in the running for Hottest Esper (05/01/24 | Alphabetized)
Abigail (Frigga)
Adrina (Chantico)
Ahmed (Geb)
Alice (Gullveig)
Anna (Persphone)
Archibald (Mictlantecutli)
Asenath (Nefertem)
Ashley (Heimdall)
Brewster (Garmr)
Camille (Hati)
Catherine (Hela)
Cecilia (Isis)
Chloe (Medea)
Chu Yao (Tai Yi)
Clara (Hera)
Drew (Anubis)
Eira (Freya)
Elaine (Nyx)
Embla (Ymir)
Ethan (Pan)
Everett (Tyr)
Farrah | Aminah (Tiamat | Abzu)
Fatum Sisters (Nornir)
Feng Nuxi (Nuwa)
Feng Xun (Fu Xi)
Fu Shi (Suan Ni)
Fumitsuki (Kaguya-hime)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Gaius (Zeus)
Ginny (Hestia)
Hailey (Hephaestus)
Heng Yue (Chang’e)
Hilda (Hypnos)
Hyde (Hades)
Ife (Meretseger)
Ikki (Tsukuyomi)
Intisar (Kauket)
Javid (Shamash)
Jiang Jiuli (Chiyou)
Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Jin Qiu (Ru SHou)
Jin Yuyao (Queen Mother)
Leora (Athena)
Li Guang (Vermilion Bird)
Li Ling (Nezha)
Liam (Xolotl)
Lian (Jiao Tu)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Long Mian (Ao Bing)
Lucas (Apollo)
Mateo (Prometheus)
Mavis (Mictecacihuatl)
Nicole (Nephthys)
Norah (The Muses)
Ollie (Osiris)
Ophelia (Thanatos)
Parmi (Ninsun)
Raven (Odin)
Sachiko (Hare of Inaba)
Sally (Sif)
Sander (Set)
Sienna (Gaia)
Su Jue (Daji)
Tang Xuan (Sun Wukong)
Tevor (Sphinx)
Tiye (Nut)
Toland (Tezcatlipoca)
Triki (Loki)
Uday (Sopdet)
Unas (Shu)
Valeria (Quetzalcoatl)
Wu You (Dijiang)
Xiao Yin (Azure Dragon)
Xuan Pin (Jiutian Xuannu)
Yamato (Izanagi)
Yu Ran (Bai Ze)
Yu Xu (Jing Wei)
Yun Chuan (Yang Jian)
Yuuhime (Izanami)
Zora (Amunet)
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hiddenalready · 6 years ago
Chu Qing Hua
素胚勾勒出青花筆鋒濃轉淡 su pei gou le chu qing hua bi feng nong zhuan dan The brush outlines a beautiful pattern, brush strokes becoming lighter 瓶身描繪的牡丹一如妳初妝 ping shen miao hui de mu dan yi ru ni chu zhuang The peony on the bottle, simplest beauty, just like you 冉冉檀香透過窗心事我了然 ran ran tan xiang tou gou chuang xin shi wo liao ran Whiffs of incense smoke bring your troubles to my heart 宣紙上走筆至此擱一半 xuan zhi shang zou bi zhi ci ge yi ban I pause halfway while painting 釉色渲染仕女圖韻味被私藏 you se xuan ran shi nv tu yun wei bei si cang The glazing of the lady's portrait hides her charm 而妳嫣然的一笑如含苞待放 er ni yan ran de yi xiao ru han bao dai fang Your smile, to me, like a budding flower 妳的美一縷飄散 去到我去不了的地方 ni de mei yi lv piao san / qu dao wo qu bu liao de di fang But your beauty dissipates like smoke, to a place I can never reach #天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 (1) tian qing se deng yan yu / er wo zai deng ni The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather, like how I wait for you 炊煙裊裊昇起 隔江千萬里 chui yan niao niao sheng qi / ge jiang qian wan li From a thousand miles away, I gaze at the curling chimney smoke 在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸 zai ping di shu han li fang qian zhao de piao yi The calligraphy beneath the bottle, elegance of the Han Dynasty 就當我為遇見妳伏筆 jiu dang wo wei yu jian ni fu bi Our meeting I foreshadowed *天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 (1) tian qing se deng yan yu / er wo zai deng ni The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather, like how I wait for you 月色被打撈起 暈開了結局 yue se bei da lao qi / yun kai liao jie ju The moonlight smudged away the remnants of our ending 如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗 妳眼帶笑意 ru zhuan shi de qing hua ci zi gu zi mei li / ni yan dai xiao yi Like legendary porcelain obsessed with itself, your eyes full of laughter 色白花青的錦鯉躍然於碗底 se bai hua qing de jin li yue ran yu wan di Those blue carp seem to come alive on the white bowl 臨��宋體落款時卻惦記著妳 (2) lin mo song ti luo kan shi que dian ji zhe ni While I am imitating the Song inscription I'm thinking of you 妳隱藏在窯燒裡千年的秘密 ni yin cang zai yao shao li qian nian de mi mi The eon of secrets you buried in the kiln 極細膩猶如繡花針落地 ji xi ni you ru xiu hua zhen luo di It's exquisiteness like an embroidery needle 簾外芭蕉惹驟雨門環惹銅綠 (3) lian wai ba jiao re zhou yu men huan re tong lv The banana tree outside brought the sudden downpour, and in turn the copper rust on the door handle 而我路過那江南小鎮惹了妳 (3) er wo lu guo na jiang nan xiao zhen re le ni My passing by Jiangnan brings me to you 在潑墨山水畫(4) 裡 妳從墨色深處被隱去(5) zai po mo shan shui hua li / ni cong mo se shen chu bei yin qu Yet you fade away into the deep abyss of the Chinese painting
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pcyeona-blog · 8 years ago
EXO – Walk On Memories (기억을 걷는 밤) 'The War' ROMANIZATION eoneu nal bich-eulo nege dah-eun mogsoli ib majchudeus mollae neoleul kkaeun sogsag-im-e salmyeosi yeollideon kkum-eul dam-eun ne nunbich nal gidalin deus-i neon miso jieossji Yeah neoui gyeot-e sappunhi anj-a insal geonne aleumdawossdeon geu ttaelo dol-agalyeo hae eoneusae huimihaejyeo ganeun gieog-eul ttala oneul bam neol delyeogalge hayahge bichnan byeoldeul-i gadeug ssod-ajin seolleneun i gil-eul hamkke geol-eoga ne nundongja-e seonmyeonghi bichin jamdeun i sesang-i nuntteugi jeon-e amudo mollae Do it do it do it do it do it do it bamsae geol-eobwa Do it do it do it do it do it do it balgeol-eum dahneun gosmada hwanhi pyeolchyeojin geu gil ttala neowa geodgo sip-eun aleumdaun bam neol geuliwohamyeo bonaen sigan-ui teoneol jina dasi naege neoege dol-agal gihoel jungeoya yeojeonhi neon gieog sog geudaelo salangseuleon mogsoli saebyeog gat-eun ne nunbichdo neoui jag-eun sondeung-e saljjag ibmajchum hae saeloun yeohaeng-eul dasi sijaghalyeo hae meolli seonmyeonghi deullyeooneun seon-yul-eul ttala oneul bam neol delyeogalge hayahge bichnan byeoldeul-i gadeug ssod-ajin seolleneun i gil-eul hamkke geol-eoga ne nundongja-e seonmyeonghi bichin jamdeun i sesang-i nuntteugi jeon-e amudo mollae Do it do it do it do it do it do it bamsae geol-eobwa Do it do it do it do it do it do it balgeol-eum dahneun gosmada hwanhi pyeolchyeojin geu gil ttala neowa geodgo sip-eun aleumdaun bam jeomjeom gakkawojineun i gil kkeut-e aju olaen gidoga dah-eun geuttae kkumkkwoon naeil-i uli ap-e hwanhage balg-aol teni nunbusin geumbich haes-sal-i gadeug ssod-ajyeo hwanhage bichnan neo aleumdawoseo nae nundongja-e seonmyeonghi dam-a jamdeun i sesang-i nuntteugi jeon-e ije nun-eul tteo Do it do it do it do it do it do it ij-ji mal-ajwo Do it do it do it do it do it do it eonjenga neoui yeop-eseo balgeol-eum majchwo geu gil ttala hamkke geodgo sip-eun aleumdaun bam PINYIN ye mu xia na wei guang ti wo qing qing sa xiang ni fang fu yi wen qian qian xi ni de chun jiang ni huan xing na yi yan chen feng de mei meng qing qing de kai qi ni wei wei de yi xiao duo zou wo de hu xi Yeah jing jing de zai ni shen bian pei ni liao dao ru shui meng jing ban de fen wei rang wo hao xiang zai hui wei yan zhe lu gan wang mo hu xiao lian shi shei zai hu zhao jin ye wo jue dui bu fang diao gen zhe wo man bu zai mu ye ting liu de di fang xing guang zhui man bu dao ni xue bai ru hua jiao jie de lei guang ni ai de jue jiang chen chen shui de shi jie su xing qian ao xiang wei yi de mi mi Do it do it do it do it do it do it shen me dou you ni Do it do it do it do it do it do it xiang he ni yi lu dou ji nian yi shuang shuang yin ji wu xian yan xu ke xia yan tu hui yi zui zui mei de ye xiang ni hen jiu zhong yu chuan yue shi jian fei dao ni shen chu chong xin gei wo yi ge ji hui neng gou zai ba ni bao zhu zai jian mian ji yi zhong mei li nv hai ke ai tiao pi de yu diao he ni chen xi ban de guang cai peng qi hai zi ban xiao xiao shou bei qing qing yi wen wei yi de xin yuan shi he ni ta shang xin lv cheng miao zhun le gu fang zi shang de shen ying ke hua shang ji hao jin ye wo jue dui bu fang diao gen zhe wo man bu zai mu ye ting liu de di fang xing guang zhui man bu dao ni xue bai ru hua jiao jie de lei guang ni ai de jue jiang chen chen shui de shi jie su xing qian ao xiang wei yi de mi mi Do it do it do it do it do it do it shen me dou you ni Do it do it do it do it do it do it xiang he ni yi lu dou ji nian yi shuang shuang yin ji wu xian yan xu ke xia yan tu hui yi zui zui mei di ye gan jue liang tiao xian zheng zai man man jiao hui qi dao le duo shao sui yue yi ge shun jian zeng meng jian de ming tian kuai neng shi xian shan yao zhe jiang lin zai yan qian qian zhe ni yi lu de yang guang ying zhao zai shen shang sa luo jin se guang mang ni de ai zhan fang (ni he wo de ai zhan fang Yeah) chun jie de mu yang yin zai wo xin shang chen chen shui de shi jie su xing qian ao xiang (fei xiang ) zheng kai ni shuang yan Do it do it do it do it do it do it qian wan bie yi wang Do it do it do it do it do it do it jiang he ni meng wai zai xiang jian lian cheng yi ke xin yan xu hui yi zou wan na tiao xiao jing zui zui mei de ye KOREAN 어느 날 빛으로 네게 닿은 목소리 입 맞추듯 몰래 너를 깨운 속삭임에 살며시 열리던 꿈을 담은 네 눈빛 날 기다린 듯이 넌 미소 지었지 Yeah 너의 곁에 사뿐히 앉아 인살 건네 아름다웠던 그 때로 돌아가려 해 어느새 희미해져 가는 기억을 따라 오늘 밤 널 데려갈게 하얗게 빛난 별들이 가득 쏟아진 설레는 이 길을 함께 걸어가 네 눈동자에 선명히 비친 잠든 이 세상이 눈뜨기 전에 아무도 몰래 Do it do it do it do it do it do it 밤새 걸어봐 Do it do it do it do it do it do it 발걸음 닿는 곳마다 환히 펼쳐진 그 길 따라 너와 걷고 싶은 아름다운 밤 널 그리워하며 보낸 시간의 터널 지나 다시 내게 너에게 돌아갈 기횔 준거야 여전히 넌 기억 속 그대로 사랑스런 목소리 새벽 같은 네 눈빛도 너의 작은 손등에 살��� 입맞춤 해 새로운 여행을 다시 시작하려 해 멀리 선명히 들려오는 선율을 따라 오늘 밤 널 데려갈게 하얗게 빛난 별들이 가득 쏟아진 설레는 이 길을 함께 걸어가 네 눈동자에 선명히 비친 잠든 이 세상이 눈뜨기 전에 아무도 몰래 Do it do it do it do it do it do it 밤새 걸어봐 Do it do it do it do it do it do it 발걸음 닿는 곳마다 환히 펼쳐진 그 길 따라 너와 걷고 싶은 아름다운 밤 점점 가까워지는 이 길 끝에 아주 오랜 기도가 닿은 그때 꿈꿔온 내일이 우리 앞에 환하게 밝아올 테니 눈부신 금빛 햇살이 가득 쏟아져 환하게 빛난 너 아름다워서 내 눈동자에 선명히 담아 잠든 이 세상이 눈뜨기 전에 이제 눈을 떠 Do it do it do it do it do it do it 잊지 말아줘 Do it do it do it do it do it do it 언젠가 너의 옆에서 발걸음 맞춰 그 길 따라 함께 걷고 싶은 아름다운 밤 ENGLISH TRANSLATION One day the voice touching you with light Like a kiss, a secret whisper that awakens you Your eyes with a dream that opened gently You smile as you wait for me. Sit down by your side and give him a killer. I was going back to that time when I was beautiful. Following the fading memory I’ll take you to you tonight. Pouring stars filled with white stars Walking along this road together It’s clear in your eyes Before the world that was asleep Do not let anyone do it Walk all night Do it do it do it do it do it Everywhere you walk I want to walk with you along the way A beautiful night I miss you and pass the tunnel of time I gave it back to you again. Still in your memory A lovely voice Your eyes look like dawn Kiss your little little one. I want to start a new trip again. Follow a melodious melody I’ll take you to you tonight. Pouring stars filled with white stars Walking along this road together It’s clear in your eyes Before the world that was asleep Do not let anyone do it Walk all night Do it do it do it do it do it Everywhere you walk I want to walk with you along the way A beautiful night At the end of this road getting closer When a very long prayer arrives Our dream is tomorrow before us I’ll brighten up. Dazzling golden sunshine pours You shine brightly. Take it clear in my eyes Before the world that was asleep Now I open my eyes Do it do it do it do it do it Do not forget it Do it do it do it do it One day, step on your side. I want to walk along the way A beautiful night
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02kt · 2 years ago
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02kt · 2 years ago
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